AKAGIDAN Information: “Hokubu Undou Kouen” Park, TEL
AKAGIDAN Information: “Hokubu Undou Kouen” Park, TEL
太田インフォルマ‐2015 年 4 月 10 日号(英語版) P1.おおた芝桜まつり P2.国民健康保険の加入・喪失手続きを忘れずに 学生は国民年金の納付特例制度(猶予)があります 4カ月児・1歳6カ月児健診で地産米を贈呈します 外国語版 平成 27 年度健康カレンダーを配布します P3. 無料相談(法律・交通事故) 転入・転居・続柄変更をされる外国籍の方へ 市営住宅の入居者を募集します 県営住宅の入居者を募集します P4.休日当番医・急患のみ診察可能な救急指定病院・平日夜間 急病診療所・休日歯科診療・外国人市民相談窓口 外国語版「太田市医療マップ」が出来ました! 折込チラシ:平成 27 年太田市健康カレンダー 太田警察署からのお知らせ「ルールを守って、 安全運転」 ・「パスポート・在留カードは、みなさんの 身分証明書です。 」・ 「不法就労防止のため情報提供を!」 → ※ ~ ※ AKAGIDAN “Hokubu Undou Kouen” Park Yabuzuka Sta. Golf course Ota Yabuzuka IC 50 Kita Kanto Expressway Jiroenbashi Sta. 39 Ota Kiryu IC 407 Mt. Kanayama Niragawa Sta. Sanmaibashi Sta. Ota Sta. Kizaki Sta. 122 Hosoya Sta. 407 17 354 “Ota-Shi Undou Kouen” Park Ryumai Sta. Information: “Hokubu Undou Kouen” Park, TEL:0276-37-3434 Ota City Hall, Industry and Tourism Division “Sangyou Kankou-Ka,” TEL: 0276-47-1833 Persons who are self-employed, agricultural workers, not employed and not enrolled into the Social Insurance program “Shakai Hoken” through the place of employment are to enroll into the National Health Insurance program. Make sure to not postpone enrolling into the National Health Insurance “Kokumin Kenkou Hoken” program or to cancel in case of enrolling into the Social Insurance “Shakai Hoken”. Otherwise, you may have to pay the total amount of medical examinations or for the National Health Insurance taxation during the period that your situation is not adjusted. Enrolling into the National Health Insurance When retiring or stop working at a company where offers the Social Insurance “Shakai Hoken”, you will need the following documents: 1) Social Insurance Separation Certificate “Shakai Hoken Ridatsu Shoumeisho”. (applies only for those who were enrolled to the Social Insurance through the place of employment) 2) Inkan-seal 3) Document of identification such as; Resident “Zairyu” Card, driver’s license and others. Canceling the National Health Insurance The cancelation of the National Health Insurance is mandatory when you enroll into a health insurance provided by the place of employment or when a family member enrolls you as his/her dependent in the health insurance system provided by his/her place of employment. Required documents: 1) The individual’s health insurance card provided by the place of employment. 2) The National Health Insurance card “kokumin Kenkou Hoken” 3) Inkan-seal 4) Document of identification such as; Resident “Zairyu” Card, driver’s license and others. Location: Ota City Hall, 1F - Counter 16 National Health Insurance Division “Kokumin Hoken-Ka”, TEL: 0276-47-1825 SPECIAL PAYMENT SYSTEM FOR THE NATIONAL PENSION FOR STUDENTS It is mandatory for the students who are 20 years old and above to enroll into the National Pension System “Kokumin Nenkin”. However, if you are a student and your income is less than a certain amount, you may be allowed to postpone the contribution payment by applying for the Special Payment System for the National Pension for students. If your application is approved, you will be enrolled into the system. Therefore, between the period of April of the current year to March of the following year you will be exempted from the contribution payment, in case of continuing attending the same educational institution, you will only need to fill out the application sent through the postal mail by the Japan Pension Service “Nihon Nenkin Kikou”, in order to establish the exemption you will need to apply for it every year. Note that some educational institutions do not apply for this system 1) Only the student’s income will be inspected. 2) In case of getting injured during the grace period for the contribution payment, it is possible to receive the basic Disability Pension depending on your situation. For more information: Ota Pension Office, TEL: 0276 - 49-3716 or Medical Welfare and Pension Division “Iryou Nenkin-Ka”, - Ota City Hall, 1F - Counter 12 TEL: 0276 - 47-1941 In order to support the families raising their children and to promote the consumption of the local produces, Ota City is giving away a 5 kilos bag of rice harvested locally to those families who bring their children to conduct the Infant Medical Checkup. Eligible children: Infants who are conducting their 4 months old and 18 months old Infant Medical Checkup. Method of distribution: On the day of the infant medical examination, a coupon will be given to the families to exchange for the 5 kilos bag of rice at the following locations: JA Ota-Shi Kuai Chokubaisho (Iizuka- Cho) or JA Ota-Shi Josai no Mori Chokubaisho (Josai-Cho) For more information, call at any local Health “Hoken” Center. This calendar lists the schedules of services provided by the city’s Health “Hoken” Centers, such as vaccinations for children, seminars and consultation for pregnant women, health examinations for children, and various screenings for adults, etc. The edition translated in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese of the Health Calendar 2015 (Mother & Child and Adult) are expected to be available for distribution in mid-April at the Consultation Corner for Foreign Residents located on the 1F at Ota City Hall and at the local Health “Hoken” Centers. For more information: Ota-Shi Health “Hoken” Center, TEL: 0276-46-5115 Free Consultations (in Japanese) Legal Advice (Note: Service is available only to residents of Ota City.) ・Place: Ota City Hall (3F / Counter 39) Date and time: every Wednesday, 9:30 ~ 12:00. Capacity: 14 persons. ・Place: Nitta Fukushi Sougou Center (“Fukushi Tou” Block) Date and time: April 16 (Thurs.), 10:00 ~ 12:00. Capacity: 6 persons. Services at both places require making an appointment beforehand; you can book an appointment 2 weeks in advance. For appointment & information: Ota City Hall, Residents’ Activity Support Division “Shimin Katsudou Shien-Ka,” TEL:0276- 47-1897 Consultation on Traffic Accidents Place: Gunma Prefectural Government Office (23F) (Address: Maebashi-Shi Ote-Machi 1-1-1) Date and time: Mon. ~ Fri., except holidays, 9:00 ~ 16:00. No prior appointment is necessary; please come by 15:00 as this service ends at 16:00. Information: Gunma Prefectural Government Office, Traffic Accident Consultation Center “Koutsuu Jiko Soudanjo,” TEL: 027-243-2511. In case of the head of the household is from a foreign nationality, It is necessary to provide public documents which indicates the family relationship in order to change of address (moving in or to another address in Ota City) and alteration of family relationship. ☻In case of moving to Japan from abroad (Including those whose family members are already registered in this city). ☻In case of starting living with a family member who resided in another address. ☻In case of having a change of composition of the household by adding someone who were living under a different family group ☻In case of change of marital status. (becoming husband or wife), etc. ※ The public documents refer to documents such as; Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate and others. Also it is necessary to have the documents written in foreign laguanges translated into Japanese. If it were registered in Japan, you can submit a notarized copy of the Acceptance Certificate “Juri Shoumeisho” or the Record Certificate “Kisai Jiko”. For more information: Ota City Hall - Residents’ Affair Division “Shimin-Ka” (1F Counter 11) TEL: 0276-47-1937 FAX: 0276-47-1872 Conditions for eligibility: 1)Persons who are currently residing or working in Ota City and are having difficulty renting a place to live. 2) Families composed of 2 or more people (married couples, father and/or mother with child, etc.) who are working for a certain period of time. 3) There is a limit on maximum income that can be earned. 4)Persons who are not behind on the payments of municipal taxes (including all family members who are moving to the municipal housing.) 5)Provide a guarantor (The guarantor can be a family member.) 6)Persons who can provide the 3 months rent portion security deposit 7)Persons who are not related or involved with any crime organizations “boryokudan” (including family members who are moving in the municipal housing.) Municipal Housing Complex at : Torinogo Minami (Oshima-Cho) ✓3 apartments size 2DK (1F) ✓2 apartments size 3DK (2F) ✓Scheduled to move in on: June 1, 2015 (Monday) ✓Application deadline: until April 20, 2015 (Monday). ✓In case of too many applications, the tenants are decided by public lottery. The application forms are available at Gunma Housing Supply Corporation Ota City Branch (Ota City Hall 9F-counter 92) Information: Gunma Housing Supply Corporation - Ota City Branch, TEL:0276 - 30-2011 Application period: 4 times a year (April, July, October, & January) Conditions for eligibility: ① Families composed of 2 or more people (married couples, father and/or mother with child, etc.) having difficulty renting a place to live. ② Single-person household, elderly person or person with disabilities, and others. Note: In either case, there is a limit on maximum income that can be earned. *A booklet with application details (conditions for qualifying, name of housing, number of vacancies, rent, etc.) and application forms are available at Gunma Housing Supply Corporation, Ota Branch Office (located in Ota City Hall, 9F, Counter 91) and Ota Civil Engineering Office “Ota Doboku Jimusho” (in Gunma Prefectural Ota Branch Office “Godo Chosha,” 2F, located along Route 2 in Ota, near the “Godo Chosha Higashi” intersection). To apply for this month’s drawing (of lottery determining occupancy of housing from July 1, 2015 (Wed.)): Mail the application form and necessary documents to Gunma Housing Supply Corporation for arrival by: April 15 (Wednesday) to the address: 〒371-0025 Maebashi-Shi Kouun-Cho 1-7-12 Gunma-Ken Jutaku Kyokyu Kousya Note: Tenancy applications are accepted at any time for the Toriyama, Hama-Cho, Yaba, and Narizuka Housing Complexes, as they are not limited to the housing offer above. Information: Gunma Housing Supply Corporation “Gunma-Ken Juutaku Kyoukyuu Kousha,” TEL.: 027-223-5811 I.M.: Internal Medicine April 19 (Sun.) April 26 (Sun.) April 29 (Wed.) May 3 (Sun.) May 4 (Mon.) May 5 (Tue.) May 6 (Wed.) May 10 (Sun.) Pediatrics I.M. / Urology / Dermatology Ophthalmology Pediatrics I.M. Orthopedics I.M./ Surgery / Orthopedics I.M./ Pediatrics Dermatology / Plastic Surgery / Pediatrics I.M./ Neurosurgery/ Pediatrics I.M. / Pediatrics Orthopedics I.M. / Urology / Dermatology I.M. / Pediatrics Ophthalmology I.M./ Pediatrics I.M. Dermatology I.M. / Urology / Dermatology Pediatrics Orthopedics I.M./ Pediatrics / Obstetrician-gynecologist I.M. Ophthalmology Tachibana Shonika Allergy Ka Clinic (Fujiagu-Cho), 0276- 33-7177 Ishikawa Hifu Hinyoukika(Higashihon-Cho), 0276- 25-5966 Harigaya Ganka Iin(Higashihon-Cho), 0276- 22-3642 Minami Yajima Kodomo Clinic(Minamiyajima-Cho), 0276- 60-0415 Kaneko Clinic (Iwasegawa-Cho), 0276- 30-2626 Kitazume Seikeigeka Clinic (Nitta Kizaki-Cho), 0276- 20-8250 Arai Shinryoujo(Arai-Cho), 0276- 46-1850 Hattori Ebisusama Clinic(Iizuka-Cho), 0276- 55-3111 Noguchi Hifuka Iin(Iizuka-Cho), 0276- 60-1211 Watanabe Clinic (Iida-Cho), 0276- 40-1811 Suzuki Iin(Nitta Hayakawa-Cho), 0276- 56-7876 Kayama Seikeigeka Iin (Iida-Cho), 0276- 45-0511 Tsuchiya Clinic(Hosoya-Cho), 0276- 33-7250 Ehara Naika Clinic(Shimokobayashi-Cho), 0276- 60-3130 Harigaya Ganka(Komaigi-Cho), 0276- 47-8101 Shiina Naika Iin (Yabashin-Machi), 0276- 45-8699 Osawa Iin (Nitta Kizaki-Cho), 0276- 56-7369 Taguchi Iin(Komaigi-Cho), 0276- 46-1384 Kawada Clinic (Yura-Cho), 0276- 33-7755 Mayuzumi Kodomo Clinic (Obara-Cho), 0277- 32-6522 Ishida Seikeigeka Iin (Yura-Cho), 0276- 32-6566 Yamaguchi Iin (Dainogo-Cho), 0276- 45-8818 Kobayashi Clinic (Serada-Cho), 0276- 60-7560 Honmachi Shinryoujo (Obara-Cho), 0277- 78-2254 *Note 1: The doctors and dentist above are on duty only for seeing emergency patients. Other patients are asked to seek treatment on weekdays. *Note 2: Emergency medical services are subject to change. Please call the telephone number below for confirmation. Hospital Guidance Telephone Service for Emergency Cases: 0276-45-7799 Designated Emergency Hospitals providing medical services only to emergency patients Ota Kinen Byouin TEL : 0276-55-2200, Motojima Sogo Byouin TEL: 0276-22-7131, Horie Byouin TEL : 0276-38-1215, IMS Ota Chuo Sogo Byouin TEL : 0276-37-2378, Shiroyama Byouin TEL : 0276-46-0311, Kouaikai Dai Ichi Byouin TEL : 0277-78-1555 Weekday Night Emergency Infirmary (I.M. or Pediatrics) Location: Ota-Shi Hoken (Public Health) Center, 1F Address: Iida-cho 818 Consulting Days: Monday ~ Saturday (excluding holidays, year-end and New Year holidays) Hours: 18:45~21:45 Types of services: Internal Medicine or Pediatrics TEL: 0276-60-3099 Dental services on Sundays, Holidays, and year-end/New Year holidays (10:00~13:00) Ota Nitta Shika Ishi Kaikan TEL : 0276-45-7320 MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS MAP IN ENGLISH Every 1st & 3rd Thursday (except holidays), 13:00 ~ 16:00 Location: Ota City Hall (1F) Consultation Corner for Foreign Residents “Gaikokujin Shimin Soudan Madoguchi” (near Counter 5) Information: Ota City Hall, TEL: 0276-47-1111 (general) The Medical Institutions Map of Ota City including the medical institutions equipped with the AED devices (Automated External Defibrillator device) is now available in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese at the Ota City Hall, Consultation Corner for Foreign Residents located on the 1st floor and at the any local Health “Hoken” Centers. For more information: Ota City Hall – Exchange Promotion Division (11F) TEL: 0276-47-1908 ・OTA CITY HALL, Exchange Promotion Division “Kouryuu Suishin-Ka” and ・OTA INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION “Ota-Shi Kokusai Kouryuu Kyoukai” Address: 〒373-8718 Ota-Shi Hama-Cho 2-35 (Ota Shiyakusho) TEL: 0276-47-1908 & 0276-48-1001 FAX: 0276-48-1012 email: [email protected] http://www.city.ota.gunma.jp/005gyosei/0020-007kikaku-kouryu/kokusaikouryu-eng/index.html 太田市交流推進課・太田市国際交流協会(英語版行政情報)
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