April-May 2013 - The Soul
April-May 2013 - The Soul
edge SOUL-ESTEEM April / May, 2013 ™ The Soul-Esteem™ Center ... for Practical Spirituality A publication of The Soul-Esteem™ Center • 314.ASK.SOUL (275-7685) Coming Home By Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks I personally think that one of the greatest things about a vacation is coming home. I love a change of scenery, a break in routine, the feeling of “getting away from it all,” and the opportunity to do new and different things for a time. But as I arrive home, even though there is so much to catch up on and so much to do, I see “home” with a new appreciation. I notice things I had forgotten were there. I admire the place where I have left my mark, spent my quiet times, my busy times and my most intimate times. The feeling of coming home is a deep and precious experience for me. For some, returning from vacation isn’t the blissful feeling I just described. The thought of coming home means different things to different people, and for some it might speak to the feeling of returning to a person, place or experience which has value at the level of one’s soul. That’s how many people feel when they come back to their spiritual home after being away for a time. On April 21, 2013, The Soul-Esteem Center will celebrate its 16th anniversary as the spiritual home for so many. It will also be “Bring a Friend Sunday,” so we look forward to welcoming many new faces to come worship with us, pray with us, and perhaps begin a new phase of their spiritual journey with us. During this span of 16 years, I have heard countless times the words “I feel as though I’m coming home” when I greet someone walking into our sanctuary on Sunday morning. I hear these words not only from someone new to The SEC, but from those who have been away for a time and finally come home. If you have enjoyed your experience with The SEC in the past, but for some reason haven’t been back in awhile, please come home. Bring your eagerness to grow and expand, your desire to spend time with like minds, your longing for that feeling of coming home. You will In This Issue: be welcomed with open arms. Thank you to those who have so lovingly and loyally supported the spiritual home we have built together and have witnessed with me an idea made manifest and continuing to blossom. May all of us walk in the door and experience the feeling of coming home every time we cross the threshold and sit together in the incredible group energy of God’s Presence making Itself known, felt, experienced and shared … together. With Love and Blessings of Peace, Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks is the Spiritual Director and Founder of The Soul-Esteem Center, now in its sixteenth year. She is a speaker, teacher, spiritual counselor and author of SOUL-ESTEEM: The Power of Spiritual Confidence (Available in The SEC Bookstore). Quote Note: There is One Mind, One Infinite Intelligence, from which everything emanates and within which everything lives and moves and has its being. It is also That which lives within you and within all that is. And That which lives within you pulsates to an all-pervasive “tone,” or frequency which unites everything. It has been described as the Great Hum, or the One Song. When you tune in to your soul you will see beyond the surface of the physical world and you will hear the whisper of the Great Hum as it emanates from every plant, every animal, every human being, and from your own inner being. Lay aside your doubts and fears. Surrender into your spiritual nature and life will become a wonderful journey—a soul journey— filled with joy and a sense of incredible awe. — Phylis Clay Sparks (from Soul-Esteem: The Power of Spiritual Confidence) Articles What’s Happening Coming Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 6, 7 Inspiration My Soul-Esteem Journey . . . . . . . . . 2 Youth and Teen Lessons. . . . . . . . . . . 5 Quote Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Youth Interest Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ongoing Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 An Uplifting Affirmation for You . . . . 3 List of Classes, Seminars . . . . . . . . . 6 Sunday Messages and Music . . . . . 8 soul-esteem EDGE edge SOUL-ESTEEM The Soul-Esteem™ Center Founded in April, 1997, the SEC is an independent spiritual community with a primary focus upon “practical” spirituality. Our intention is to offer as many spiritual tools as possible so that your life becomes a demonstration of the powerful nature of Holy Spirit through you as an individualized expression of God. The SEC perspective is that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience rather than human beings having an occasional spiritual insight. It is also our intention to provide a safe, loving, inclusive and sacred space where we may come together to recharge our spiritual batteries, renew our faith and trust in a God of Love, and develop our spiritual confidence, or “soul-esteem.” Special Thanks Maria Verbeck Ambrilis Graphics, Inc. Design and Layout [email protected] Chris Bryant Editing Board of Directors Jack Bell Rev. Cindy Brinkop Ken Calcaterra, Jr. Ann Getz Gary Heebner Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks Maria Verbeck 105A Progress Parkway Maryland Heights, MO 63043 314.ASK.SOUL EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.soul-esteem.com 2 April / May, 2013 My Soul-Esteem Journey By Rev. Cindy Brinkop M y journey home to The Soul-Esteem Center (SEC) began in 1997. My cousin told me that the Printer’s Union had rented their auditorium to a church he thought might interest me, and gave me Rev. Phylis’ name and number. I picked up newsletters every time they came out and resonated with the message. But it was so far away! And hanging out with a cup of coffee and the Sunday paper was my luxurious indulgence! Sometime before my friend Polly Lemire moved to California, she invited me to attend a service, saying “The woman who started The SEC is very well spoken and inspiring, and I think you would really enjoy it.” So I went with Polly one Sunday, but it was in the middle of boating season! My weekends were spent camping on Hat Island and boating in the Mississippi. I did, however, join the mailing list to keep up with SEC events thinking that I just might go again some day. In 2001, I received a personal Christmas Card from Rev. Phylis. I thought, “If this busy person whom I have never met can take the time to send me a Christmas card, then I can take time to drive 30-minutes for a Sunday service.” On the last Sunday of the year, I made the trek from St. Louis Hills to Maryland Heights! The first thing that struck me was how genuinely happy everyone seemed. Then I went into the auditorium for service which started with one of Chris Bryant’s beautiful hand-crafted prayers, followed by live music. The message came next, then meditation and prayer. It became obvious that the service was meant to uplift and inspire; to make us think and to bring out the Divine Magnificence within each of us. I walked out of there feeling jubilant, knowing that this was the place I had been searching for my entire life. I had finally come home! My life was forever changed by the empowering messages, and I took every class Rev. Phylis offered over the next three years. I planned my life around the services and events. Still camping on the river, I began to get up at first light on Sunday mornings, drive my boat in to the marina, change into my church clothes and drive to The SoulEsteem Center for service. On June 26, 2005, I had the privilege of being ordained as a Minister, became the Youth Minister in 2011, and mostly recently Assistant Senior Minister. After all these years, I still love being at The Soul-Esteem Center every Sunday. There is something special about being with spiritual family on a regular basis that buoys one’s spirit. I can honestly say that becoming a part of The SEC has been the single most important experience in my life, and continues to bless and brighten my life every day. Won’t you please Come Home to The Soul-Esteem Center on April 21st? We will be celebrating our 16th Anniversary that day, and we hope you will join us! It is also Bring-A-Friend Sunday, so invite someone to come along. The service begins at 10:30. Plan to stay for awhile afterwards to connect with people, enjoy some anniversary cake, meet our ministers and mentors, and notice that feeling of “Coming Home.” Rev. Cindy is a member of The SEC Board of Directors and serves as our Youth Minister as well as our Assistant Senior Minister. She officiates at many Weddings and Sacred Services, is involved in speaking, teaching and leads a community meditation group. In her spare time, Rev. Cindy helps her senior neighbors continue to experience laughter, joy and fun in their lives. www.soul-esteem.com Friday, April 5, 2013 Support The SEC and join us for an evening of fun with free snacks, soda, beer, wine, and prizes! Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Trivia starts at 7:00 p.m. Buy a table and bring your friends and family at $20 per person. Call 314-576-5508 to purchase tickets. If you would like to donate a prize or silent auction item, or know a business that might be interested in doing so, please contact Rev. Cindy Brinkop at 314-351-4574 or [email protected]. We are a non-profit organization, so donation values are tax deductible. We also have letters for donors to validate our 501c3 status. All donors will be mentioned in our marketing for this event. Reiki I & II Attunements 5-9:00 p.m. with John Vlasich, RMT, IARP Reiki I Attunement Wed., April 24, 2013 Reiki II Attunement Fri., April 26, 2013 This is the first step toward Reiki energy work. Initiation and sacred ritual are part of the process of reconnection to Spirit which opens the natural energy channels in the body, thus enabling the student to channel Reiki energy. You will receive a certification of attunement. The cost is $150. The Reiki II attunement enables the student to experience a greater ability to channel Reiki energy, to work with emotional issues and send healing to transcend time and distance. You will receive a certification of attunement. The cost is $200. An Uplifting Affirmation for you! (Say this with feeling before your feet hit the floor every day!) In this new now moment, I relax into the calmness and peace of God’s healing Presence. I release any fear or anxiety and turn with awesome reverence to the One Power that brings harmony to my life and to the lives of those around me. From this moment on I remember to always return to that still point within me which is directly connected to the peace, plenty and perfection of Spirit. In gratitude, I radiate my love and peace outward, blessing my world. And so it is. Tom JACOBS Sunday, June 2, 2013 returns to The SEC! At the 10:30 a.m. Service Enjoy this wonderful speaker, composer and performer as he delivers an inspiring Sunday message with music! Tom is a former Benedictine monk, high school teacher and campus minister. He and his wife, Beth, operate a beautiful retreat facility called Timber Creek, just 30-minutes south of Kansas City, MO. Tom also teaches yoga, meditation, and is always uplifting and inspiring! The Soul-Esteem™ Center OKSTORE O B • Meditation Section • Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamps • Eco-friendly Candles of Palm Wax • and much more! 314.ASK.SOUL www.soul-esteem.com 3 Invitation to Children... Hey, Teens! Join our Facebook group— Soul-Esteem Teens! You can send Rev. Meegan Kainady a Friends Request, or you can send an Invitation Request. Get to know our teen group, and then come join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. for our teen discussion group. Bring your questions and concerns and come ready to learn, share, grow and help others do the same! Help us plan the calendar for future teen activities! Youth Interest Meeting! H ave you ever wondered what we do in the Youth Department, or perhaps had a suggestion? Would you consider becoming a Youth Leader (Sunday School Teacher)? The benefits of working with our youth is enormous and includes: • The feeling of making a difference in the world. • Fun and laughter with the kids. • Getting in touch with your inner kiddo! • Deeper connection with The SEC family. Some points of interest as a volunteer with the youth: • Lesson plans and materials provided. • You can simply sit in and observe before you volunteer. • The only commitment we ask is one Sunday per month (this can be customized). • You receive a free CD of the service on your volunteer days. • Training provided. All children are invited to attend Sunday classes at The Soul-Esteem Center during the 10:30 am service. We provide: • Toddler care (ages 0 to 3) • Children’s Gatherings (ages 4-8) • Mids (ages 9-11), and • Teen Gatherings (ages 12+). Our Youth program is a place of unconditional love and acceptance, where children of like-minds can come together to study universal spiritual truth, and its practice in daily life. By Rev. Meegan Kainady, Youth Director • Ongoing support. • Choose your position: Lead, Substitute, or Assistant Teacher. • Choose your age group: 0-3 Toddlers, 4-8 School Age, 9-11 School Age, & Teens 12+. As many of you know, my husband Shawn and I are expecting a new baby girl in June. We are thrilled, and working on getting things in order for her arrival. Preparations include organizing plenty of volunteers to help with the Youth Department during my leave. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please join us for our Youth Interest Meeting directly after service on Sunday, April 7, 2013. We will have current teachers available to answer questions, as well as Rev. Phylis, Rev. Cindy Brinkop (Youth Minister) and myself, to listen to your input which will continue to expand our Youth Group. You are under no obligation by attending, we simply welcome you and look forward to arousing your interest in nurturing our children in body, mind and spirit. Thank you for your interest! Rev. Meegan THE SEC MINISTERS About Our Ministerial Alliance Our staff of professionally trained ordained Ministers offers a wide range of services including weddings, pastoral counseling, guest speaking, and a variety of other services that celebrate people’s lives. You may contact any one of the following ministers directly. Just call The SEC office at (314) ASK-SOUL (275-7685) or visit our website for ministers’ contact information: 4 April Lessons—Taking Flight Our thoughts and feelings work in consciousness to create our reality. This is the creative process. We can heal our bodies and control the conditions of our life through the power of the creative process. For our Teens ... now is the knowing that in the midst of what seems like chaos, God is always unfolding our path before us. Week 1: CONFIDENCE—To have confidence is to have faith that there is a Divine Intelligence with which you are always aligned. When you have confidence you move forward in faith. Week 4: GENEROSITY—“It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” – Kahlil GibranThe spiritual act of giving is an opportunity for us to share the unique gifts we have been blessed with. Week 2: FAITH—We use faith as we would a flashlight entering a dark tunnel. We may not be sure what is at the end but the light keeps us focused on our next step. Having the faith of God is knowing that whatever is at the end of our tunnel, we are always supported – every step of the way. Week 3: DIVINE ORDER—When we look into the natural world we see that there is a Divine Order which exists, even when things look like chaos. Peace in the For our Children ... Week 1: Confidence: You’re Great – No Matter What! Week 2: Faith: Embracing the Unknown Week 3: Divine Order: Peace in the Now. Week 4: Generosity: Generous Me/Creative Me. May Lessons The Greatest God and the Innermost God are one God. Those who sense this inner God can have a personal relationship with It. We can find our own truth by listening to our intuition, the still small voice inside. For our Teens ... Week 1: PERSISTENCE—Being persistent with our intentions and ideas allows us to become a co-creator with God. Week 2: GRACE—Going with the flow helps us to navigate through life’s obstacles with ease and grace creating a more peaceful experience. Living gracefully allows the Infinite Wisdom and Love of Spirit to guide us. Week 3: EXPLORING—We live in a beautiful, vast universe. Exploring the world around us helps us to know more about the magnificence and beauty of God and to gain deeper insight into our own divine being. Week 4: SOARING—When we soar we know who we are. We are confident. We are truly free to fly in the spiritual truth of who we are. For our Children ... Week 1: Persistence Pays Off. Week 2: Grace: Going with the Flow. Week 3: Exploring Spiritual Truth. Week 4: Soaring in Spiritual Truth. Rev. Robert Boschert | Rev. Paul Brauner | Rev. Cindy Brinkop | Rev. Robert Brown Rev. Carroll (Candy) Christie | Rev. Shera Dalin | Rev. Pam Frye | Rev. Jeff Jackson Rev. Meegan Kainady | Rev. Joseph Lahue | Rev. William Lange | Rev. Polly Lemire Rev. Kay Losciuto | Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks 5 Soul-Esteem™ Classes, Seminars & Workshops Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Transformational Leadership Training—Two Opportunity Sessions with Phylis Clay Sparks (Former Dale Carnegie Instructor) and Roger Weinerth (Structural Integration and Body Language Expert) 6 Classes (April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 & May 7, 2013) 6:45-9:45 p.m. with Dr. Stacey A. Maxwell Saturday, April 20, 2013 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. This is an intense, disciplined and fast-paced experience of practice and participation for those interested in developing their public speaking and presentation abilities. Stretch your comfort zone as you prepare and deliver a 20-minute talk. You will be coached and loved as you learn techniques that will help you become more comfortable with speaking and presenting in front of a group. Class Fee: $375. Limited to the first 10 paid registrations. The Healing Science of PRAYER AND MEDITATION with Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks 4 Thursdays beginning April 11, 2013 7:00-9:30 p.m. Learn a powerful 7-step declarative approach to prayer which gets results! Explore what prayer is, why some are answered and others are not, and the application of universal principles in relationship to prayer. We will focus upon examples in the areas of prosperity, relationships, health and career. Learn about the role of meditation in effective prayer, dispel the myths, and experience a variety of techniques which can help you transcend challenge, vision your desires and lessen the stress in your life. $80 at registration or $25 weekly. $70 for course if paid registration by April 7, 2013. The Four Great Emotions with Rev. Royal Satterlee 4 Tuesdays starting April 16, 2013 Classes to be held at Rev. Satterlee’s home: 983 Claygate Ct., Ballwin, MO 63021 Royal’s home phone: 636-230-3685 7:00-9:30 p.m. This course is about love, fear, rage and wonder, written about in David Seabury’s book, The Four Great Emotions. We all experience these emotions, sometimes all four of them consciously, but many of us have one or two which are predominate in consciousness. It is spiritually healthy to permit all emotions to be well expressed in our lives, and this is accomplished as we understand their individual values and rightful use. $80 at registration or $25 per class if paid weekly. $70 if paid in full by April 14, 2013. 6 April / May, 2013 By understanding how you are perceived by others and developing crucial leadership qualities of success, you can increase your earning potential, transform your career, increase your prosperity, and take command of your life as you learn to live with power and ease! Special introductory fee: $40 Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Deepen your understanding about exceeding your personal and professional goals with ease and joy, and how you can get from where you are to where you want to be! This is an opportunity to develop your team and/or mastermind group to help develop your focus for creativity and harmony, as well as showcasing your individual influence and leadership abilities. Special introductory fee: $40 Numerology with Rhonda Leifheit 4 Wednesdays beginning May 1, 2013 7:00-9:00 p.m. Numerology is an ancient mystical tool which provides clues to your inner nature and outer aspirations. It reveals the core of your character and insights into what motivates your feelings and behaviors. Learn how the numbers in your name and birth date can help you understand your personality, life lessons and soul strengths. We will explore the meaning of karmic numbers and maturity numbers as well as the meaning of family names, adoptive names and other name changes. $80 at registration or $25 per class if paid weekly. $70 if paid in full by April 28! Kirtan with BRADFORD SMITH at The SEC! Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7:00-8:30 p.m. • $10 In The SEC Classroom Brad Smith will guide the group with vocals and harmonium for an experience of Kirtan— singing and chanting to create a spiritual connection. The ultimate Kirtan experience is when everyone is contributing to the creative energy with call and response singing. Come sing from your heart and create a collective, uplifting energy! Summer Picnic At Greensfelder Memorial in Creve Coeur Park Sunday, June 30, 2013 Noon – 4:00 p.m. Music by Mitzi MacDonal and Keltic Reign Bring a dish to share, a playful spirit, and a chair to enjoy the music (when you’re not playing a game or dancing)! The SEC will supply lemonade, paper products and charcoal for a fire to barbecue, and games for the kids. Get ready for some toe-tapping Keltic music! With fiddle, tinwhistle, accordion, mandolin, piano, guitar, and bodhran, Mitzi and her band will treat you to some great tunes and songs from Ireland, Scotland, and her homeland, Nova Scotia. www.mitzimacdonald.com Pick up a flyer at The SEC with directions on the back. Make sure you get our E-News each week! www.Soul-Esteem.com, or call ... Sign up to receive our E-News at The SEC, on our website Sunday, April 14, 2013 1:30-5:30 p.m. RYCE Dr. Michael FREE WORKSHOP: WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME ... AGAIN?! Dr. Ryce is the founder and Co-Director of HeartLand, a Self-Healing Sanctuary in the Ozark Mountains, and Director of the Khaburis Manuscript Foundation. Join him for a unique synthesis of science, naturopathic medicine, spiritual psychology and theology, rich with insights from the ancient Aramaic language. Subject will include The Human Energy System, Healing Guilt and Fear, The Cause of Health, and much more! Donations will be accepted. Dr. Ryce will be speaking at the 10:30 a.m. service on Coin of the Realm. (314) 275-7685). Check out our Website at www.Soul-Esteem.com! Ongoing Activities ... at The Soul-Esteem™ Center A Course in Miracles Study Group with Rev. Robert Brown Sundays at 9 a.m. Street Smart Spirituality Discussion Group The Spirit of 12-Steps for Everyone Led by Michael Babcock Fridays April 12 and May 10, 2013 • 7:00-9:30 p.m. Facilitated by Tim Barnett Sundays at 9 a.m. Women’s Group Led by Rev. Candy Christie Fridays April 19, and May 17, 2013 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Meets on the third Friday of every month at The Soul-Esteem Center. The focus is on wholeness, coping skills, encouragement, prayer, support and fun. Following each meeting there will be a social hour at a nearby restaurant. Come join this lively discussion group and share your comments, questions, perspectives and support as the group focuses on various topics having to do with a practical use of spirituality as it applies to one’s everyday experience of life. Creating with Spirit...A day to enjoy your craft! Saturdays April 6 and May 11, 2013 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Bring your own scrapbooking, paper craft project and supplies, knitting, or other craft to work on in the company of others who share your interest in crafting. Bring your lunch and enjoy each other while doing something creative at the same time! There is no fee—a love offering will be donated to The SEC. Questions? Call Polly at 314-932-7026. 7 " *,"/Ê",° The Soul-Esteem™ Center 1°-°Ê*"-/ * -Ì°ÊÕÃ]Ê" *iÀÌÊ °Ê{ÇÈä 105A Progress Parkway Maryland Heights, MO 63043 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED nday … u S d n e i r Bring a F April 21, 2013 Come Celebrate The Soul-Esteem Center’s 16th Anniversary! For every first-time visitor you bring, receive a $10 coupon to spend in The SEC Bookstore!!! Message by Rev. Phylis entitled In Tune With The Infinite, music by Deborah Sharn and Steve Schenkel. Don’t miss this wonderful day of celebration! Sunday Sermon Topics and Guest Musicians (Sermons by Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks unless otherwise noted.) April 7: Word Power Music: Javier Mendoza May 5: Ministers of The SEC on God’s All-Sufficiency Music: Mark Madsen April 14: Coin of the Realm by Dr. Michael Ryce Music: Tim Mead and Brad Smith May 12: The Highest Riches Music: Brad Smith and Tim Mead April 28: Plenty of All Things Music: Georgy Rock and Bob Dill May 26: Coming Into Fullness of Power Music: Danielle Feinstein and Andrew Stock Old Progress Parkway Dorsett Rd. \ Progress Parkway Dorsett Rd. (East of I-270, midway between Westport Plaza Dr. and Dorsett Rd.) Join us as we come together in reverence to God, in a casual and loving atmosphere. We welcome all people. The service includes a spiritual message, prayer, guided meditation, live music, background video and more ... The Spirit of 12-Steps for Everyone at 9:00 a.m.; A Course in Miracles Study Group at 9:00 a.m.; Children and Teen Gatherings and Toddler Care at 10:30 a.m. Edward Jone 270 Old Progress Parkway Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 270 Progress Parkway Spiritual Service 105 Progress Parkway Maryland Heights, MO 63043 s Blvd. The Soul-Esteem™ Center’s May 19: Double Think Music: Deborah Sharn and Steve Schenkel Kimler Dr. THE SOUL-ESTEEM CENTER Par k wa y 105 PROGRESS PARKWAY MARYLAND HEIGHTS 63043 314-ASK-SOUL 270 Pro gre ss April 21: In Tune with the Infinite Music: Deborah Sharn and Steve Schenkel
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