April-May 2012 - The Soul
April-May 2012 - The Soul
SEC edge April-May 2012:Layout 1 2/27/12 8:36 AM Page 1 edge April / May, 2012 SOUL-ESTEEM The Soul-Esteem Center ... for Practical Spirituality Quote Note: A publication of The Soul-Esteem™ Center • 314.ASK.SOUL (275-7685) Creating Healthy Prosperity By Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks The Soul-Esteem Center plans to celebrate our fifteenth anniversary on April 29, 2012, by again welcoming Edwene Gaines, the author of The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, to join us on that wonderful day. Edwene will be our guest speaker at our 10:30 a.m. service, and will conduct an afternoon workshop from 1:30-4:00 p.m. Believe me, you don’t want to miss sharing that day with us. Edwene speaks about prosperity with authority, having overcome poverty to live a lifestyle of wealth. Leading up to her visit and through the month of May, I will focus my Sunday morning messages on the subject of abundance and prosperity. On Sunday, April 15, I will put into motion the 40-Day Prosperity Plan as outlined by John Randolph Price in The Abundance Book. If you want to participate in implementing that plan beyond simply hearing the Sunday messages, I suggest you order the book (includes a CD) from The Soul-Esteem Center Bookstore. If you mention this article we will give you a 10% discount off the book, and you will pay no sales tax. The same offer applies to Edwene’s book, and I will be weaving her principles into my messages as well. This will make you an integral part of this group project — a wonderful opportunity to truly be supported in a larger group consciousness. Beliefs about money are strong influences in every person’s life. In my own book, Soul-Esteem, The Power of Spiritual Confidence, I include a chapter entitled Healthy Prosperity, defined as “a state of being experienced by a person with a healthy prosperity consciousness. A person with such a consciousness is one who is at peace with money and manifests enough of it to meet his or her needs, which include enough to save, invest, share and enjoy.” On Sunday afternoon, May 6, I will lead an afternoon Prosperity Seminar giving us all an opportunity to share our success stories and learn more about manifesting healthy prosperity in our lives. A second Prosperity Seminar is scheduled for June 24. I look forward to joining with you in the intention, the discipline, and group support as we prove God’s Laws of abundance in each of our lives and in the life of The Soul-Esteem Center! Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks is the Spiritual Director and Founder of The Soul-Esteem Center, now in its fifteenth year. She is a speaker, teacher, spiritual counselor and author of SOUL-ESTEEM: The Power of Spiritual Confidence (Available in The SEC Bookstore). Peace comes to us through love, understanding of our fellow men, faith. Peace does not include selfishness nor indifference. Peace is never wrapped at a counter for a price. It is earned by giving of ourselves. Our own earned peace will ignite peace in our family, in our community, city, state, country, and flow over the entire world. If we have not peace within ourselves, it is in vain to seek it from outward sources.” — Francois La Rochefoucauld In This Issue: Inspiration Quote Note ............................... 1 An Abundance Affirmation for You!.................................. 2 What We Believe......................7 Articles Creating Healthy Prosperity ............................. 1 From Our Youth Director................................. 5 What’s Happening List of Classes, Seminars and Descriptions ........... 6 Sunday Messages and Music ........................ 8 SEC edge April-May 2012:Layout 1 2/27/12 8:36 AM Page 2 soul-esteem EDGE edge SOUL-ESTEEM The Soul-Esteem™ Center Founded in April, 1997, the SEC is an independent spiritual community with a primary focus upon “practical” spirituality. Our intention is to offer as many spiritual tools as possible so that your life becomes a demonstration of the powerful nature of Holy Spirit through you as an individualized expression of God. The SEC perspective is that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience rather than human beings having an occasional spiritual insight. It is also our intention to provide a safe, loving, inclusive and sacred space where we may come together to recharge our spiritual batteries, renew our faith and trust in a God of Love, and develop our spiritual confidence, or “soulesteem.” Special Thanks Maria Verbeck Ambrilis Graphics, Inc. Design and Layout [email protected] Chris Bryant Editing Board of Directors Rev. Cindy Brinkop Ann Getz Gary Heebner Diane McClain Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks William Topp Maria Verbeck 105A Progress Parkway Maryland Heights, MO 63043 314.ASK.SOUL EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.soul-esteem.com 2 April - May, 2012 An Abundance Affirmation for you! From Empowerment by John Randolph Price (Say this with feeling before your feet hit the floor every day!) “Nothing is too good for me to have or experience, so in the name and through the power of my Holy Self I speak the word. I let there be total fulfillment now! I let all the good that God has for me come forth into manifestation here and now. I let the Spirit of God work in and through me to meet every need, solve every problem, and appear as the fulfillment of every desire. My faith in the loving givingness of God is mighty. My All Good does now come forth by the power of my word. It is done. And so it is!” Join The SEC LUNCH BUNCH Starting on March 4, The Soul Esteem Center will make reservations at nearby restaurants so we may have lunch together. Each month we will meet at a different restaurant that will provide separate checks. For the four Sundays in March, we will be having lunch at Sybergs, 2430 Old Dorsett Road, Maryland Heights. We will met for lunch at 12:15 p.m. We hope you will join us! GAINES RETURNS! Edwene The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity Sunday, April 29, 2012 1:30-4:00 p.m. (Love Offering) Edwene is the author of The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, the owner-director of Rock Ridge Retreat Center in Valley Head, Alabama, and an ordained Unity minister. She has committed her life to the “transformation of the abundance consciousness of Planet Earth.” This workshop is about finding your Divine Purpose, forgiveness and worthiness, tithing and giving, and setting clear-cut goals. If you are ready to learn and practice the principles of true prosperity, this workshop will answer your questions and inspire you to act. Edwene will also be speaking at The SEC’s 10:30 am service. SEC edge April-May 2012:Layout 1 2/27/12 8:36 AM Page 3 www.soul-esteem.com THE SEC MINISTERS About Our Ministerial Alliance Our staff of professionally trained ordained Ministers offer a wide range of services including weddings, pastoral counseling, guest speaking, and a variety of other services that celebrate people’s lives. If you would like a Minister to contact you, just call (314) ASK-SOUL (275-7685) and we will put you in touch, or go to our website (www.soul-esteem.com), and under “Need Help” you will find a list of our Ministers’ contact information so you may contact them directly. Following is a list of the SEC Ministers: Rev. Shera Dalin Rev. Pam Frye Rev. Jeff Jackson Rev. Meegan Kainady Rev. Robert Boschert Rev. Joseph Lahue Rev. Paul Brauner Rev. William Lange Rev. Cindy Brinkop Rev. Polly Lemire Rev. Robert Brown Rev. Kay Lusciuto Cinema Sunday Rev. Carroll (Candy) Christie at The SEC Fund-raiser for the SEC Teen Youth Group Holistic Child Care: One Family’s Journey Sunday, May 27, 2012 • 1:30-3:00 p.m. $8.50 Child care provided This film takes an in-depth look at one family and the holistic path they have chosen for raising their 2-year old daughter and the preparation for the birth of their second child. Produced by Alicia Hottle-Sippy, this film features the Meara family who are also a part of The SEC family! The Human Experience Sunday, June 10, 2012 • 1:30 p.m. $8.50 Child care provided The Human Experience is a documentary film produced by Grassroots Films, which tells the story of Jeffrey Azize and his travels as he searches for answers to the question: what does it mean to be human? The film is divided into the three experiences, which take Jeffrey and his friends to New York, to Peru, and to Ghana. Rated PG-13. Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks DENNIS Barry presents Workshopotchky: The End of Overload Sunday, April 1, 2012 1:00-4:00 p.m. Admission: $25 in advance, $30 at the door In this workshop we take a close look at our relationship to “stuff” and why we feel our self-worth is tied up in it. This is an interactive, fun and yes, a challenging experience as we look at how we have been living through and believing the lie that is seen through the Chotchky Paradigm. We can make the leap to knowing our true value and rediscover how to love ourselves as we are, no chotchky required. Sign up ahead of time at The SEC, or call (314) ASK-SOUL (275-7685). Barry will be the guest speaker and musician at the Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m. 3 SEC edge April-May 2012:Layout 1 2/27/12 8:36 AM Page 4 teen happenings Hey, Teens! Invitation to Children... Join our Facebook group, Soul-Esteem Teens! You can send Meegan Kainady a Friends Request, or you can send an Invitation Request. Get to know our teen group, and then come join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. for our teen discussion group. Bring your questions and concerns and come ready to learn, share, grow and help others do the same! Help us plan the calendar for future teen activities! Upcoming TEEN Events (See Meegan Kainady for times, locations and permission slips.) April 15: (Sunday) Brunch Bunch April 29: (Sunday) Teen Hospitality Sunday May 20: (Sunday) Youth Group Meeting immediately after service — all are welcome! May 27: (Sunday) The Human Experience — Teen sponsored Cinema Sunday Prosperity Seminar & Testimonials with Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks S un d ay, Ma y 6 , 2 01 2 • 1:30-3:30 p.m. Love Offering Join Rev. Phylis as we examine our progress in demonstrating increased prosperity. Take a look at the various levels of human consciousness that may be influencing your thoughts and behavior. Experience a group meditation to enhance and support the prosperity vision for ourselves and each other. Let’s keep the group support and intention going!!! 4 April - May, 2012 All children are invited to attend Sunday classes at The Soul-Esteem Center during the 10:30 am service. We provide: • Toddler care (ages newborn to 3) • Children’s Gatherings (ages 4-7) • Mids (ages 8-12), and • Teen Gatherings (ages 12-18). Our Youth program is a place of unconditional love and acceptance, where children of likeminds can come together to study universal spiritual truth, and its practice in daily life. An Evening with Rev. Phylis Saturday, June 2, 2012 7:00-9:30 p.m. Hosted by Revs. Phylis Sparks and Bill Lange 2170 Hawks Landing Drive Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 Join us for a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, hang out with old friends, enjoy dessert and snacks together, and engage in lively discussion! Please let us know you’re coming by signing up on Sunday, or calling us at (314) ASKSOUL (275-7685). Pick up a flyer at the Information Table with directions on the back. SEC edge April-May 2012:Layout 1 2/27/12 8:36 AM Page 5 From The SEC Youth Director What have you been up to? We have been very busy in the SEC Youth groups. We dedicate each Sunday to lessons about Universal Spiritual Laws and individual empowerment. For example, one Sunday we made lemonade from scratch to illustrate how we can change one thing into another, thereby demonstrating how changing our attitude or perception, or doing something different, can alter a situation. We have also made pancakes to illustrate how mixing ingredients makes one thing, pointing out how our blending with each other and with God makes One Thing. We enjoy each other and have fun every time we get together! Regular youth activities have included stories, puppets, art, and games that convey important ideas in an uplifting and happy manner. Our youth leaders are kind, dedicated people who bring fun and love to each lesson. Outside of Sunday services, we strive to create an even deeper connection with our SEC friends by planning activities like bowling, laser tag, movies, lock-ins, Greg TAMBLYN ...VIBRATING THE FREQUENCY OF FUN WITH MESSAGE, MUSIC AND HUMOR! Analog Brain in a Digital World Sunday, June 3, 2012 1:30-4:00 p.m. Investment: $12 Greg Tamblyn has been dubbed “a contemporary Mark Twain” by well-known author Larry Dossey. He brings his irreverent humor and sideways view of life to every event. He was rated “Best Male Vocalist” in his hometown of Kansas City by The Squire Newspapers, and stories from his life and songwriting have been featured in several recent books. Come join him for an afternoon of fun, surprises, laughter, and the perfect dose of “conscious comic relief” from the workday blues, global anxiety and personal challenges. By Rev. Meegan Kainady community volunteer projects, camping, indoor rock climbing, fundraisers, park days, Brunch Bunch, and much more. We are very excited to be starting a new journey soon. In June we will begin a new curriculum full of fresh lessons, projects, games, and more. Our goal is to maintain a parallel with the lessons in the “big” church, giving families a greater opportunity to continue the dialogue on their own. We invite anyone to come and join with us. Perhaps you’d like to hear the lesson, be a comfort to your child, volunteer as an assistant, or even become a youth leader. We welcome everyone with open arms and look forward to experiencing our new lesson adventures together with the love and support of our SEC family. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel welcome to contact me, Rev. Meegan Kainady, at 636-240-1295 or at [email protected]. The Soul-Esteem™ Center OKSTORE O B • • • • • • • Inspirational Gift Ideas Cutting-edge Books Greeting Cards Audio Books & DVDs Affirmation Card Sets Music CDs and much more! 314.ASK.SOUL www.soul-esteem.com 5 SEC edge April-May 2012:Layout 1 2/27/12 8:36 AM Page 6 S o u l - E s t e e m C l a s s e s , S e m i n a r s & Wo r k s h o p s ™ Choosing Peace (Instead of This!) Prosperity Seminar with Rev. Robert Brown 4 Tuesdays beginning April 3, 2012 7:00-9:00 pm with Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks Sunday, May 6, 2012 1:30 – 3:30 pm Explore the basics of A Course in Miracles, which teaches that Peace is our natural state, and that you can truly be the Peace that you seek, and more fully express the Love that you are, as your birthright. Learn about how the Course came to be, its basic teachings, techniques to make study of the Course’s method simpler and more understandable, and above all, learn how this proven path can change your life if you let it. This class will be meaningful to all persons either new to the Course, or those who have been students for some time. Let’s share the Love together! Fee: $70 at registration or $20 per class if paid weekly. Join Rev. Phylis as she reinforces awareness of the prosperity principles which are the theme of her Sunday messages in April and May. Walk the journey of proving God’s Presence, availability and abundance of all good, based upon inspirations from Edwene Gaines and the 40-Day Prosperity Plan by John Randolph Price. There will be time for sharing, questions, discussion and testimonials. Come be a part of this group support and interaction! A Love Offering will be collected. Ongoing Activities The Fundamentals of Metaphysical Spirituality with Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks 5 Thursdays beginning April 19, 2012 7:00-9:30 pm Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality beyond the physical. From a spiritual perspective, it is about examining the nature of that which we call God, our relationship with God, and the Laws of Life that govern the universe and everything that happens in our experience as human beings. Join Rev. Phylis as she explains the practical use of these principles, the relationship between mind and matter, and how we can empower ourselves by coming into an understanding of spiritual principles and how to apply them so that we may live in harmony, happiness, faith and abundance. Fee: $85 at registration or $20 per class if paid weekly. Soul Treasures: Awaken Your Past Life Gifts with Rhonda Leifheit 4 Wednesdays beginning May 2, 2012 7:00-9:00 pm Reincarnation is the soul’s journey to wholeness. The soul carries the shadow and light of past life wounds and wisdom. This life is an opportunity to overcome obstacles in order to express your inner gifts and blessings. Join Rhonda in using guided imagery to visit the Akashic Records, meet your Karmic Guide(s), learn how your past lives contribute to who you are now, and much more! Fee: $70 at registration or $20 per class if paid weekly. 6 April - May, 2012 ... at The Soul-Esteem™ Center A Course in Miracles Study Group with Rev. Robert Brown Sundays at 9:00 a.m. The Spirit of 12-Steps for Everyone Facilitated by Tim Barnett Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Street Smart Spirituality Discussion Group Led by Michael Babcock Every 2nd Friday 7:00-9:30 p.m. Come join this lively discussion group and share your comments, questions, perspectives and support as the group focuses on vaious topics having to do with a practical use of spirituality as it applies to one’s everyday experience of life. Creating with Spirit... A day to enjoy your craft! First Saturdays (April 7, May 5 and June 2, 2012) Bring your own scrapbooking, paper craft project and supplies, knitting, or other craft to work on in the company of others who share your interest in crafting. Bring your lunch and enjoy each other while doing something creative at the same time! There is no fee— a love offering will be donated to The SEC. Questions? Call Polly at 314-932-7026. SEC edge April-May 2012:Layout 1 2/27/12 8:36 AM Page 7 s What is a Spiritual Mentor? Spiritual Mentors at The Soul-Esteem Center are those who have responded to the call to give, love and serve others. They are trained to offer prayer support, a listening ear, comfort, spiritual coaching and assistance to others in times of need or crisis. Their goal is to lift people out of distress and into peace. A Mentor knows how to “be there” for another person, offering compassion, wisdom and positive reinforcement. An SEC Mentor always holds the space for healing and the vision of wholeness for everyone. Our mentors address prayer requests for one week after being received. The team of Spiritual Mentors at The SoulEsteem Center is 30 strong. If you would like a Mentor to contact you, just call (314) ASK-SOUL (275-7685) and we will put you in touch, or go to our website (www.soul-esteem.com) under “Need Help.” What We Believe We Believe in God Almighty; the One Life, the Endless Light, Infinite Intelligence, Creator, Living Spirit and Supreme Soul; That which is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and operates as Love Itself. We Believe that this One Life expresses Itself in and through many dimensions (in God’s house are many mansions) as well as the manifest world, but is greater and grander than all of creation. and beliefs), according to the Law of Attraction. As we align ourselves with the vibration of God Consciousness, we draw to us that which is more like God because we are more like God. We Believe that our We Believe in Spiritual Law or Laws, also created Divine Purpose is to give, love and serve, thereby glorifying God by allowing Creator to flow Its Love, Peace, Plenty and Power into Its creation. Our human purpose is determined by our own free will choice, and is blessed by God’s Grace as long as we operate according to Divine Purpose. by God Mind, all of which serve to maintain and restore balance in the manifest world. We Believe that there are many paths to God and We Believe that Holy Spirit lives within each one of us as our individualized soul which is immortal and eternal, and that we live and move and have our being in God. We Believe in a God of Unconditional Love. Therefore, it is not God who punishes us when we miss the mark or make a mistake, but we ourselves through the Law of Cause and Effect equivalent to “we reap what we sow.” respect all paths without judgment. We Believe in our ability to heal, correct, balance, harmonize and maintain balance in all human conditions, concerns or circumstances through a faith which allows God’s Love to heal and restore without interference. We Believe that we draw to us that which is like Reiki Sessions for YOU! our own consciousness (our own thoughts, feelings Sunday, April 22, 2012 12:30-4:30 p.m. in the Banquet Room at SEC Enjoy a 30 minute Reiki healing session with a Reiki Practitioner plus healing vibration with the Nepalese Bowls by Tim Barnett. This is a wonderful way to celebrate Earth Day by setting the intention of healing both the individual and planet Earth in this group consciousness! Before and after your session you may stay and enjoy the atmosphere as long as you like. All of this for a Love Offering to The SEC 314.ASK.SOUL 7 SEC edge April-May 2012:Layout 1 2/27/12 8:36 AM Page 8 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage PAID St. Louis, MO Permit No. 495 The Soul-Esteem™ Center 105A Progress Parkway Maryland Heights, MO 63043 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED ! e m o Welc Sunday Sermon Topics and Guest Musicians (Sermons by Rev. Sparks unless otherwise noted) April 1: A Chotchky Free Life Music: Barry Dennis by Barry Dennis April 8: Insights and Inspirations by Revs. Cindy Brinkop, Robert Brown, Shera Dalin and Kay Losciuto April 22: The Eternal Fountain of All Good Music: Richard Carr May 13: To One Source Music: Tim Mead and April 29: The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity May 20: Holding Out for a Hero Music: Brian Clarke and by Edwene Gaines Music: Tim Mead and Marc Torlina Brad Smith May 6: April 15: Setting Prosperity into Motion Music: Deborah Sharn Keep the Flow Flowing! Music: Mitzi MacDonald Brad Smith Music: Deborah Sharn by Rev. Cindy Brinkop and Steve Schenkel May 27: Claiming Our Divine Inheritance Music: Cathy Bolton and Michael Levine Dorsett Rd. \ Join us as we come together in reverence to God, in a casual and loving atmosphere. We welcome all people. The service includes a spiritual message, prayer, guided meditation, live music, background video and more ... The Spirit of 12-Steps for everyone at 9:00 a.m.; A Course in Miracles Study Group at 9:00 a.m.; Children and Teen Gatherings and Toddler Care at 10:30 a.m. Edward Jone 270 Old Progress Parkway Progress Parkway Dorsett Rd. (East of I-270, midway between Westport Plaza Dr. and Dorsett Rd.) Progress Parkway Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 270 s Blvd. Spiritual Service 105 Progress Parkway Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Kimler Dr. THE SOUL-ESTEEM CENTER Par k wa y 105 PROGRESS PARKWAY MARYLAND HEIGHTS 63043 314-ASK-SOUL 270 Pro gre ss The Soul-Esteem™ Center’s Old Progress Parkway and Steve Schenkel
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