Parkdale Collegiate Institute - Toronto District School Board
Parkdale Collegiate Institute - Toronto District School Board
Parkdale Collegiate Institute ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: WEBSITE: GRADE RANGE: 209 Jameson Ave, Toronto, ON M6K 2Y3 (416) 393-9000 [email protected] 9 to 12 Let Knowledge Grow From More To More IB Diploma Programme Earn an internationally recognized diploma in a rigorous well-rounded academic program. Students develop critical thinking and research skills in subjects across 6 disciplines. Students will learn about the philosophy of learning, participate in activites with a focus on creativity, action and service and complete a research essay on a topic of their choice. Program Advantages: Two Diplomas - OSSD and IB; standardized curriculum and evaluation; 33 credits, including eleven 4U/M courses; transfer credits for university; higher success rates in university. People describe Parkdale Collegiate as an oasis, nurturing all who discover it. We are very responsive to the needs of our students and their parents. We have programs that students love, including an enhanced PreBaccalaureate program to prepare students for our International Baccalaureate Programme, a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) in Horticulture and Landscaping, and a unique integrated program for grade 9 which allow teachers to have full year contact with students in a semestered school. Our diverse population of over 500 students creates a dynamic community where everyone has opportunities to get to know one another. We are located within easy access to the TTC. PreBaccalaureate Programme Students wishing to take IB enter into a two-year PreBaccalaureate pathway in grades 9 and 10. Students take enriched courses in most subject areas, which cover more material at an accelerated pace. This will speed up the transition to high school and prepare students for the challenges, learning style, assessments, and evaluations of the IB Diploma Programme. Teachers collaborate regularly to develop specific tasks geared towards IB aims and objectives. Program Advantages: 17 credits, including two grade 11 courses by the end of grade 10; exposure to online learning environments; accelerated learning with a highly motivated peer group. More Information about Parkdale Collegiate Institute Information Communication Technology (ICT) Parkdale stays active in the piloting and research of technologies for education. Mobile computing labs, iPads, SMART boards, LightRaise projectors and Google Apps for Education are used to differentiate instruction for rich, engaging lessons and activities. A variety of CMS - Classroom Management Systems are used to support the flipped classroom model of instruction. Literacy All students participate in DEAR - Drop Everything and Read, our twenty minutes of uninterrupted daily reading program. In preparation for the OSSLT, grade 10 students will participate in the DEAP program - Drop Everything and Prepare and all Grade 9 students write a formal, practice test simulating the official OSSLT. Horticulture/Landscaping Our Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program has a focus on Green Industries supported by business, science and Coop courses which is housed in our 1,000 sq.ft. greenhouse. In addition, all students can compete in the Ontario Technical Skills Competition which compliments the SHSM Program. Tutoring & Mentorship Programs Besides working closely with Caring Adult figures to ensure success in school, students are also afforded the opportunity to work with tutors from the University of Toronto in many subjects. Partnerships with local community centres, notably the Saturday Program at the Masaryk-Cowan Centre, offer students the chance to be engaged and involved in their community. Additional Features ● ● ● ● Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) Dual Credits and SWAC at College DECA ASD and Special Education Program ● ● ● ● Mobile Computer Labs Library - Digital Information Hub State of the art Greenhouse Full ESL Program For a list of all programs that are also offered visit Student Life - Where You Belong Our students learn to cooperate and respect one another through participation in extra curricular activities. The Student Council advocates for student-led activities and the development of school policies. It supports the incredible number of clubs springing up whenever students demonstrate an interest. There are many volunteer opportunities including local senior citizens' homes, hospitals, the Daily Bread Food Bank. Our Key Club, ECO Club, Power and GSA clubs are involved in social conscious-raising activities. Be a drama club performer or work on the stage crew at all our assemblies and drama productions. Our Art, Drama and Music programs integrate their talents to produce the annual Arts Week and participation in various festivals. You can choose from one of the largest selections of sports teams. Join soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, hockey, tennis, badminton, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, track and field or cross-country teams. Parkdale has won numerous championships over its 127 year history. You can train and get fit in our fitness course and the Calisthenics Room which is open everyday at lunch time. You can always find something to take part in at PCI! What Sets Us Apart Our integrated Grade 9 English and Learning Strategies courses run the full year in a semestered timetable allowing our students and teachers to develop a strong mentoring relationship. This integrated model fosters the literacy, numeracy, strong work habits and good study skills that are essential for success in high school and beyond. Having one teacher who gets to know you well is an initiative to monitor your progress and promote success. As a school committed to meeting the needs of our community of learners, we offer an inclusive and complete range of programs and pathways. The timetable is structured in a way that allows students to move to the appropriate pathway without disrupting their entire timetable. Grade 9 Students have a choice of electives which include Drama, Visual Arts, Music, Information Technology and unique to Parkdale the Green Industries course where students have access to specialized facilities the Greenhouse and Woodshop. Parent and Community Engagement All members of the learning community contribute to build an inclusive culture that is safe and respectful. This creates an orderly and purposeful learning environment in which everyone is engaged and demonstrates personal and social responsibility. Incoming Grade 9 students have the opportunity to participate in Moving On Up in August and Leadership Camp in September to get to know the school, teachers, classmates and senior students. Our Safe and Caring Schools Committee meets to identify and resolve safety concerns brought forward by staff, students and parents. Safety seminars are presented to students so that they are aware of the expectations in the Code of Behaviour. To support newcomer students and their families, the Settlement Worker provides an in-service and orientation for Newcomer parents. In addition Parkdale has an active School Advisory Council. TDSB - Better Schools. Brighter Futures Imagine a TDSB where all schools share a common core set of characteristics. They are community-driven and focused on teaching and learning. Students and parents have a wide variety of opportunities and there are enough students in every school to increase program choices. Imagine there is a clear focus on achieving student success and every student is engaged, has a voice, access to a caring adult and the opportunity to develop their full potential. Here at the TDSB our focus is on student achievement, parent and community engagement and financial stability. Contact Information SCHOOL NAME: Parkdale Collegiate Institute ADDRESS: 209 Jameson Ave, Toronto, ON M6K 2Y3 TELEPHONE: (416) 393-9000 EMAIL: [email protected]
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