Bi-Weekly Report - City of Vallejo
Bi-Weekly Report - City of Vallejo
City Manager’s Bi-Weekly Report Volume 4, Issue 3 | December 11, 2015 Daniel E. Keen, City Manager Hot Topics Vallejo Post Office Closes Escrow In This Issue The City has reached a major milestone with the United States Postal Service (USPS) Main Post Office, currently located at 485 Santa Clara Street. The City closed escrow on the purchase of the property at 485 Santa Clara Street to enable construction of the second phase of the Vallejo Station Parking Structure. Regional Measure 2 funds were the primary funding source for the future Vallejo Parking Structure. Due to the significance of these transit related projects, regional transportation funds were made available to purchase the land, and the relocation of the Vallejo Main Post Office; including, purchase of an alternative site and construction of their new state-of-the-art facility. The USPS has terminated their Lease Purchase Option on the land, and has awarded a contract for the design and construction of their new Vallejo Main Post Office, to be located at 2635 Napa Street. The new facility will contain their central carrier annex, as well as a retail component – similar to the facility at 485 Santa Clara Street. Although the new location is centrally located, the City and the USPS will work together to find an alternate downtown location for retail operations to continue to serve the downtown customers. The USPS is tentatively scheduled to open its new facility next year. Vallejo Police Department Releases Video on Community Engagement The Vallejo Police Department released a new short length video which reflects upon contemporary policing and community relationships. VPD worked with Dolphin Graphics Inc. to create this documentary style video over several months, highlighting the many local events, venues and community gatherings where police are re-engaging with the community. Dolphin Graphics recording crews worked with full autonomy to freely record, edit and produce the video without any influence or input from the police department. The video is available online, and more information can be found at VPD’s website. 1 Hot Topics Personnel Community Developing Vallejo Beautifying Vallejo Program & Project Updates Futures List Events Communicate With Us Water System Rate Study Update The Public Works Department will be presenting an update on the water rate study to City Council at the upcoming Council meeting on December 15. A final recommendation on water rate changes will be given to City Council in February 2016. Public Works staff will be hosting several meetings and open houses to explain the current water distribution system and its challenges to citizens in late December through the end of February. Any groups (15 or more) who would like a representative to come speak may email a request to [email protected]. To date, there are several public meetings scheduled throughout Vallejo listed at Return to Top Vallejo Fire Department’s Toys for Tots Drive in Full Swing The Fleming Hill Water Treatment Plant will also offer one-hour tours to interested residents on January 7, 2016 and February 4, 2016 at 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 2 p.m. Individuals wishing to attend must RSVP at 707-648-4307 at least two days prior to the tour. More information is available at Personnel New Hire Dina Tasini, Planning Manager On November 30, Dina joined the City of Vallejo as the new Planning Manager, bringing over 25 years of planning and community development experience in both the public and private sectors. Dina has been involved in downtown specific plans, drafting of General Plans, military base closure projects, housing element updates, historic preservation, and commercial revitalization. Dina most recently served as the Planning Manager for the City of Martinez. She previously served as the Deputy Director of Community and Economic Development for Martinez. Dina also worked for a number of years as a contractor planner working on projects in Vallejo, Martinez, Oakland, Alameda and Albany. Dina attended the University of California at San Diego, where she focused on urban studies and planning. In 1985, she received her Master’s in Urban Planning at the University of California at Los Angeles. Recognition Baljinder Gill, Office Administrative Intern The Building Division would like to recognize Baljinder Gill for her efforts in converting building permit’s physical archive to digital format and her hard work in furthering the Building Division’s technology goals. In June 2015, Baljinder began working with the Records Man2 Each year, Vallejo’ Fire Department (VFD) partners with the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program and the Salvation Army to help local families in need enjoy the holidays. All fire stations will serve as collection points for toy donations. We ask that all toys donated are new & unwrapped. Cash and check donations are also accepted, payable to: USMC Toys for Tots. To date, VFD has already received over 1,000 toy donations. Help us reach the goal of 10,000 and make a difference in our community this holiday season! agement Unit which is charged with organizing building permits, plans and construction documents. As of November, Baljinder has helped the Building Division scan 8.56 acres of plans and documents. After scanning, she conducts quality control review and uploads the files to the permit system and recycles the hardcopies. Baljinder averages 40.6 GB of data conversion a month, providing the Building Division with a user-friendly electronic archives for all divisions working in land development. Currently, she is working on workflow analysis and data structure elements for the Building Division’s eFile Cabinet Electronic Document Management System to convert permit records currently on microfiche and microfilm. The Building Division appreciates Baljinder’s efforts and her continued quest for excellence. Derek Crutchfield, Recycling Coordinator Derek was recruited to the Board of Directors of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) Gold Rush Chapter. He is one of 22 directors who will meet six times a year to conduct work on behalf of the Board. The local chapter is active in training resource management professionals and implementing legislation in Sacramento related to local government agencies. Public Works Water Maintenance Staff are Putting to Use their Confined-Space Training Several Public Works employees received special training to perform work in confined spaces that can present hazards and potentially dangerous working conditions. In this photo, a Public Works Maintenance employee is shown working on an air relief valve assembly located on the City’s water supply line from the North Bay Aqueduct. Following safety standards, an attendant is standing just outside the entry. The attendant stays on the surface and documents the level of oxygen in the confined space and assists the worker. The green metal in the picture is the emergency evacuation crane which has a cable attached to a harness worn by the maintenance worker. Also shown in the picture is a black cable, a part of the air monitoring device that gives an alarm when oxygen percentage in the air drops to an unsafe level. More confined-space training is scheduled for December for Fleming Hill Water Treatment staff. 3 Return Returnto toTop Top Employment Opportunities The City is pleased to offer the following opportunities: City Manager’s Office Student Intern Communications Operator I (911) Communications Operator II Police Cadet Police Officer Lateral Police Officer (Entry Level) Housing and Community Development Division The Housing and Community Development Division held a Housing Choice Voucher Program Management training for staff on December 10. Provided by Nan McKay and Associates, a recognized expert in the field of federal housing programs, the training discussed the overall management of the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Topics included: policy development, wait list management, program utilization, and program integrity. A goal of the program is to give staff the confidence that they are administering the program in compliance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations. In addition to City staff, neighboring Housing Authorities and even staff from Oregon and Missouri were invited to participate. Community Be the Match The City is proud to sponsor the “Be the Match” bone marrow donor registry in honor of a tiny hero named Anthony, a four-year-old boy who was recently diagnosed with X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome Type 2 (XLP2), or Duncan’s syndrome. XLP2 is a rare genetic condition where the immune system does not work properly, and occurs in approximately 1 out of 5 million males. Anthony is from Northern California and has family living in Vallejo. The “Be the Match” donor registry will be held on Wednesday, December 16, from 1 to 4 p.m. in City Council Chambers. Like Anthony, thousands of patients are in need of a bone marrow transplant to survive. Joining the Registry takes 10-15 minutes and consists of completing a consent form and taking a mouth swab. Anyone interested in joining must be between the ages of 18 and 44, and in good health. Solano County Woman of the Year The 2016 Women’s History Month Luncheon Committee is now accepting nominations for “Woman of the Year.” The theme, “Working to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring Women in Public Service and Government,” will honor one woman who has helped shape Solano County history and its future through public service and government, influencing public policy, and working to help 4 Return to Top build viable institutions and organizations throughout the County. The honoree will be recognized at the 2016 Annual Women’s History Month Luncheon, sponsored by North Bay Healthcare, in March 2016. Nominations are open to women residing in Solano County who have played an integral role in the development or implementation of projects or events that benefit Solano County in government or public service sectors. County library employees, current elected officials, and members of the Solano County Library Foundation are not eligible for nomination. Nomination forms are available online and are due by January 18, 2016. Completed forms can be sent electronically, or mailed to: Solano County Women’s History Month Committee 601 Kentucky Street Fairfield, CA 94533 For more information about nomination criteria, visit the Solano County Library Foundation website. Vallejo Police Department Dinner With the Chief Event More than 175 citizens gathered at the 2nd Annual "Dinner with the Chief" event held in the Joseph Room at the JFK Library on December 1 at 6:30 p.m. During the event citizens were recognized for their efforts in helping maintain Neighborhood Watch Programs under the direction of Police Assistant Tina Encarnacion. Honorees included Donna Gillies, who was recognized as Neighborhood Watch Captain of the Year. Also recognized were nine employees with the Grounds Maintenance section and two Public Works Maintenance employees for their rapid response to neighborhood quality-of-life issues, and for creating a great working relationship with the Police Department’s Community Services Section. This crew has picked up and disposed over 671,000 pounds of illegally dumped trash in Vallejo. Chief Andrew Bidou also introduced Ken Carbone and Diane Shoemaker of Dolphin Graphics, who created the latest Vallejo Police Department public relations video currently featured on the City’s website, Facebook and YouTube. The Vallejo Police Department thanks all who attended this event to recognize those who are making a difference in Vallejo. 5 Return to Top Local Students Visit Fire Station #25 On November 18, Fire Station 25 opened its doors for students from Elsa Widenmann Elementary School. During their visit, students toured the station and a fire engine, and learned how Vallejo Firefighters operate fire hoses and extinguish fires. Staff also taught the students the importance of functioning smoke detectors and how to “stop, drop and roll.” Vallejo Police Department and World AIDS Day In support of the Solano AIDS Coalition, the City of Vallejo recognized World AIDS Day with activities, music, and red ribbons on the steps of City Hall. Family, friends and representatives of those who have passed away due to the disease, took this time to honor their loved ones. Sergeant Brenton Garrick attended the event and spoke about the importance of education and public awareness of HIV and AIDS. Vallejo Police Department Coffee with the Cops The Vallejo Police Department hosted “Coffee with the Cops” at the St. Vincent’s Memorial Center on December 3. Chief Andrew Bidou greeted parishioners and residents, and discussed the recent holiday patrols, department staffing, information on the recent placement of a sexual predator, as well as the newly debuted PD public relations video. Several officers and staff were on hand to answer questions regarding the department's latest initiatives. The VPD would like to thank the staff of St. Vincent’s Church for helping host this event. Coffee with the Cops is a monthly event held at various locations and times throughout the city. If you would like to host this event in the near future, please contact Sergeant Brenton Garrick at [email protected] with your ideas and suggestions. Public Works puts the Finishing Touches on Downtown in Advance of the Mad Hatter Holiday Festival The Public Works Department was hard at work the first week of December in anticipation of the December 5 Mad Hatter Holiday Festival. Preparations included checking tree lights lining the parade route, pruning trees to accommo6 Return to Top date larger parade floats, placing ”No Parking” signs, and mowing the grass area behind the JFK library. The tree behind City Hall was strung with over 7,000 lights and topped with a starshaped topper illuminated by 2,000 lights. Return to Top Commercial Fisherman Make Berth at Vallejo Municipal Marina Commercial fisherman and their vessels are docked at the Vallejo Municipal Marina awaiting the opening of crab season. With a beautiful guest dock measuring 450 feet long, commercial vessels use the area to offload their catch onto transport trucks on Mare Island. However, the crab season has been temporarily postponed. California Department of Fish and Wildlife has delayed the opening of both Dungeness and Rock Crab season because of the health risks associated with high levels of domoic acid in the crab. California lawmakers, scientists, and crabbers have been meeting regularly to discuss the continued delay. Recent crab samples show that the situation is improving, with levels in Half Moon Bay, San Francisco and Morro Bay have tested clean. If the entire region achieves safe levels for two consecutive weeks, the health advisory can be lifted and crab season will begin. Developing Vallejo Vallejo Times-Herald Relocation In late October, the Building Division issued a tenant improvement permit for the Dream Center building located at 420 Virginia Street in anticipation of the Vallejo TimesHerald Newspaper relocating to the site. The 4,776 square foot building previously housed light manufacturing and assembly, and with the newspaper moving in, the project expands the presence of office uses in the Downtown. An application is pending for a use permit to establish a showroom and retail/ wholesale distribution facility for a cabinet display and counter top business at 460 Curtola Parkway, the previous location of the Times-Herald offices. Developing Vallejo Division Webpages Central Permit Center Building Division Economic Development Division Engineering Division Fire Prevention Planning Division 7 Economic Development Division Return to Top Chipotle Opening Completes Development of Northgate Corner Chipotle Mexican Grill held their grand opening on December 1. Located at 1195 Admiral Callaghan Lane, the Mexican food restaurant is in a new 2,200 square foot modern dining space with two outdoor dining patios, providing a combined total of 103 seats. Vallejo Chamber of Commerce Holds Meeting on Mare Island During a soft opening on November 29 and 30, the restaurant served meals to over 600 patrons. Using the slogan, “Food with Integrity,” Chipotle’s menu includes burritos, tacos, burrito bowls and salads with non-genetically modified ingredients. The new eatery has approximately 35 employees, of which 80 percent are Vallejo residents. Re-roofing of Vallejo Parents Nursery School The Greater Vallejo Recreation District (GVRD) and Vallejo Parents Nursery School have negotiated a five year lease with an option to renew for another five years at 500 Amador Street. As part of the lease renewal, GVRD will be re-roofing the building and the City will re-pave the parking lot shared with Children’s Wonderland. Vallejo Parents Nursery School will continue to operate play-based education for children and parents. The re-roofing work has already begun in anticipation of the El Nino rainy season. Spirit of Solano Luncheon West America Bank and the Solano EDC hosted the 20th Annual Spirit of Solano Luncheon on December 3. The event allows local chambers of commerce to highlight honorees who provide outstanding customer service, adaptability, profitability and contributions to the community. Mayor Osby Davis, Councilmember Pippin Dew-Costa, Councilmember Rozzana Verder-Aliga, Community and Economic Development Director Andrea Ouse, Economic Development Manager Kathleen Diohep, and Senior Community Development Analyst Annette Taylor attended the luncheon. Honorees at the luncheon included: Tony and Sherry LaForte of Zio Fraedo’s; members of the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Solano County; Elease Minor of Important Details, Inc.; members of the Solano County Black Chamber of Commerce; Miriam Sammartino of the Law Office of Miriam Sammaratino; and Marilyn Hopkins of Touro University. Lions Club Economic Development Update On Tuesday, December 1, Community & Economic Development Director Andrea Ouse presented at the Vallejo Executive Lions Club meeting. In addition to answering questions, Ouse presented the roles of the various Economic Development Department divisions, and gave a report on economic development activity in Vallejo, including recent investment, major projects, business incentive programs, and initial expectations for 2016. 8 On Thursday, November 12, Lennar Mare Island and the Vallejo Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee hosted its annual special meeting at the Mare Island Museum. Lunch was provided by Gracie’s Family BBQ. Tom Sheaff of Lennar elaborated on ongoing clean-up efforts and building rehabilitation projects. City of Vallejo Community & Economic Development Director Andrea Ouse presented Vallejo’s major economic development projects and available business incentives. The meeting was also attended by Economic Development Division staff. Statistics Return to Top Building Division RECORDS PERMITS INITIALIZED ISSUED NOVEMBER 270 207 DAILY AVERAGES 19 15 COUNTER VISITS 419 29 MONTH TOTAL 896 45 PERMIT TYPES PERMITS DAILY AVERAGE RE-ROOF PERMITS 56 3.86 RESIDENTIAL SOLAR PERMITS 52 3.59 Planning Division For the month of November 2015, the Planning Division approved the following permits: Administrative Permits 4 Site Development 2 Sign Permit 2 Minor Use Permit 1 Public Notice 1 Second Unit 1 During the period November 9 through December 4, 2015, the following inquiries were processed by the Planning Division: Building Permit Application/Sign-offs Zoning Questions General Property Inquiries Planning Application Questions Business License Sign-offs Code Enforcement Complaints Miscellaneous Requests 103 52 39 33 30 25 23 During the period November 9 through December 4, 2015, the following public notices were processed: Project Description Project Location Staff/ Commission Decision # of Notices Sent Screening & Landscaping Amendment City-wide Planning Commission 157 460 Curtola Parkway Planning Commission 77 1805 Santa Clara Street Staff 30 New Single-Family Home 1781 Durrow Court Staff 10 Unit Plan – Existing Warehouse Reuse 101 Yolano Drive Staff 7 Cabinet Display Showroom Public Notice – Home Modification 9 Engineering Division During the period of October 1 through November 30, 2015 the following Public Works permit applications were processed: Excavation Encroachment Sidewalk Street Closure Grading Improvement Other Services (i.e. Floodplain certificate) Tree Totals Oct. 31 7 3 3 1 3 Nov. 30 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 50 7 44 Return to Top Beautifying Vallejo In most of the following cases, the City’s team of employees representing the Neighborhood Law Program (NLP), Community Service Section (CSS), along with Code Enforcement, Building, and Fire Prevention Divisions, work together to fight blight and nuisance activity in an effort to restore the beauty of Vallejo and increase the quality-of-life for Vallejo residents, businesses and visitors. Voluntary Compliance 500 Wilson Avenue A proactive inspection revealed an inoperable vehicle, a boat on unpaved surface and trash. A warning notice was issued, the owner was given additional time, and compliance was secured. A proactive inspection addressed trash stored outside and a vehicle with expired registration. A warning notice was issued and compliance was secured. 1626 Illinois Street 10 101 Belvedere Court Staff conducted a proactive inspection for items stored in the front of the property. A warning notice was issued and compliance was secured. Neighborhood Law Program (NLP) 3321 Hazelwood Street In 2013, after the passing of both owners, the property became a major health and safety hazard for the community. On August 24, 2015, NLP attorneys successfully obtained an order appointing a receiver over the property. Through the receivership action, the property has been completely rehabilitated and it will be listed for sale in the near future. 2815 Webb Street Since 2010, the property has been a major health and safety hazard for the community. On August 24, 2015, NLP attorneys successfully obtained an order appointing a receiver over the property. Through the receivership action, the property has been completely rehabilitated and it will be listed for sale in the near future. 11 Return to Top 105 Revere Street A proactive inspection identified appliances and debris in front of the property. A warning notice was issued and compliance was secured by the reinspection date. Public Works Clears Illegal Dumping to Assist Concerned Residents Return to Top After receiving several complaints of trash receptacles left out and piles of home furniture dumped in a complex on the 800 block of Daniels Avenue, the Public Works Recycling Coordinator worked with Code Enforcement to ensure compliance with trash collection and designated pick-up days (per Muni-Code 7.48). Leaving trash and recycling receptacles out throughout the week is not only against the Municipal Code, but directly interferes with the City’s ability to sweep the streets. As a result, fallen leaves in the street can travel to drains, causing blockage and possible flooding. Residents with questions regarding Code Enforcement may call the division office at (707) 648-4469 or visit their webpage. Street Maintenance Employee Stops Citizen from Illegally Dumping The City also received calls from residents regarding furniture and other home goods left outside at a residential complex. Although the complex is responsible for removing the trash, the Public Works Grounds Maintenance crew picked up all of the trash to quickly alleviate the hazard. The crew also took the opportunity to remove some of the leaves that were lining the gutter. The Grounds Maintenance crew has removed over 671,960 pounds of illegal dumping this year alone. You can report illegal dumping on public property using SeeClickFix. Public Works Engineering and SeeClickFix Receive Community Accolade A resident recently provided feedback through Code Enforcement regarding the expedient work of the Engineering Division in removing two burnt houses on Sacramento Street and the use of SeeClickFix to resolve community issues. 12 An unnamed Street Maintenance employee stopped an individual on December 8 from dumping their belongings on Lincoln Road East under the Springs Road overpass. The employee saw the would-be “dumper” remove the belongings from their vehicle and place them on the ground. After securing compliance from the dumper, the employee took a picture of the vehicle and the items, and the dumping was prevented. Program & Project Updates Return to Top Traffic Crew Replaces Stolen Wire The Traffic Maintenance team replaced 3,000 feet of copper wire on Admiral Callaghan Lane the first week of December after the wire was stolen over Thanksgiving weekend. The theft temporarily left several streetlights without power. Caltrans is experiencing similar instances of stolen wire on many freeway ramps in Vallejo. Both agencies believe the thefts are related to the recent spike in prices for recyclable metal. This theft is the first time thieves have stolen wire on such a busy street. Several years ago when recyclable metal hit an all-time high, Public Works Maintenance crews back-filled pull boxes with concrete to prevent theft. In order to deter theft from continuing in the Admiral Callahan area, crews will pour concrete on the recently repaired boxes as well. Public Works Maintenance Sign Inventory Project In mid-November, the Traffic Maintenance section began working with Open Spatial and Amigo Cloud to collect GIS and maintenance information on every single traffic sign in Vallejo. The inventory will include the type of sign, direction it faces, size, type of pole, and its GPS location. Staff have also implemented a rating system to determine the condition of the sign so that a preventative maintenance schedule can be created. The Traffic Maintenance team is using seven pre-programmed tablets to record the information gathered, which will then be used to provide more precise figures when creating budgets and preventative maintenance programs. This information will be updated in real-time by staff in the field when they are making repairs. Comparative cities with similar lane miles that have already conducted a sign inventory have, on average, about 30,000 signs. As of December 3, the Traffic Maintenance section had collected data on over 5,000 signs. 13 Vallejo’s Participatory Budgeting in Harvard’s Innovators Network The City of Vallejo’s Participatory Budgeting program, which was named one of the “Top 10 Programs” in the 2015 Innovations in American Government Awards Program at Harvard University’s Kennedy School, was recently featured on Harvard’s Government Innovators Network. The annual awards from Harvard’s Roy & Lila Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation recognizes and promotes excellence in the public sector and fosters innovative policy solutions to the 21st century challenges of governing. Benicia Road Paving The Street Maintenance section completed a large paving project to repair and raise the elevation of the street on Benicia Road, just north of Columbus Parkway. This section of road has been notorious for flooding. Based on data collected regarding the existing roadway elevations, the roadway was redesigned, and since the paving there has not been any flooding in the area. Measure B Projects City Council Approves 5 Cycle 3 Participatory Budgeting Projects The Vallejo City Council approved five Participatory Budgeting projects that had been recommended by Vallejo voters in the October 24 – November 2 PB vote, setting the stage to begin project implementation. The projects are the outcome of an 8-month process project development phase that resulted in a ballot with 19 project proposals submitted by Vallejo stakeholders. The approved projects are: Afterschool Sports Program - Soccer & Basketball Vallejo Firefighter Youth Academy Waterfront History Arts Park U Help Vallejo Kids Win - Afterschool Tech Program School Roads Repair After further direction from the City Council for specific projects, it is anticipated that City Staff will work with implementing partners to develop contracts in early 2016. The City of Vallejo would like to thank all residents, volunteers and stakeholders for participating in the third cycle of PB. 14 Return to Top Futures List Return to Top The Future Agenda Items lists are used exclusively by City staff as a draft working document for planning and tentative scheduling of agenda related items and does not represent any final dates for placement and presentation to the legislative body (City Council, Housing Authority and/or Successor Agency). The list provided is an abbreviated version including only the most significant policy and action items. The list is subject to change by staff and may not represent all items that eventually will appear on any given final meeting agenda. Follow this link to view the Future’s List. Planning Commission City Clerk’s Office Dawn Abrahamson (707) 648-4527 Mayor & City Council City Boards & Commission City Agendas & Videos Approved Projects At their meeting on November 2, 2015, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to adopt a resolution approving amendments to the Vallejo Municipal Zoning Code regarding nonconforming uses, structures and parcels. The amendments will go next to the City Council for further public hearing. Upcoming Projects Upcoming projects tentatively scheduled to come before the Planning Commission include: Code Text Amendment – Zoning Updates Joint Meeting with GPWG & EVC – General Plan Update Preferred Growth Scenarios Use Permit for a cabinet display showroom at 440 Curtola Parkway Events *Note: Events are subject to change. Please visit the City Calendar located on the City’s Website for the most up-to-date information. General Plan Working Group, Economic Vitality & Planning Commission Joint Special Meeting Monday, December 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the Mare Island Conference Center, 375 G Street Council Special Meeting Tuesday, December 15 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers Vallejo Housing Authority Meeting Tuesday, December 15 at 6:45 p.m. in City Council Chambers City Council Meeting Tuesday, December 15 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers Participatory Budgeting Steering Committee Meeting Tuesday, December 15 at 6:30 p.m. at Kyle’s Temple AME Zion Church, 912 Florida Street 15 Mandatory CDBG/HOME Request for Proposals Briefing Return to Top Wednesday, December 16 at 10:00 a.m. in City Council Chambers Be the Match Marrow Donor Registry Drive for Four-Year-Old Anthony Wednesday, December 16 at 1:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers Mandatory CDBG/HOME Request for Proposals Briefing Wednesday, December 16 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers Oversight Board Special Meeting Thursday, December 17 at 8:30 City Council Chambers Architectural Heritage & Landmarks Commission Meeting Thursday, December 17 at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers Open City Hall Deadline: What are your priorities for community development and housing in Vallejo? Friday, December 18, all day Vallejo Business Owner's Survey Deadline: Economic Development Department Saturday, December 19, all day in Economic Development Department Christmas Eve - City Hall Closed at Noon Thursday, December 24 Christmas - City Hall Closed Friday, December 25, all day Communicate With Us The City of Vallejo is eager to connect with residents, businesses and stakeholders. There are many ways to communicate and connect with City staff. The following describes the number of people signing up to communicate with the City and one another. Growth Nextdoor Facebook Likes City Communications Sign-up October October November 2 Total 317 9,400 333 31 3,622 38 53 43 *Note: The City began using a sign-up sheet in January 2013. 11,760 people receive City Communications via e-mail. 16 2,641 Currently, SEECLICKFIX REPORT Return to Top During the periods of November 10 to December 7, the following issues were reported: Illegal Dumping Graffiti & Tagging Streetlights & Traffic Signals Potholes & Street Maintenance Homeless Encampments/Squatters Water ConservationRelated Abandoned Vehicles 111 40 27 25 9 6 Daniel E. Keen City Manager (707) 648-4576 Michelle Straub Executive Assistant to the City Manager (707) 648-4576 0 City Social Media The City provides updates utilizing a wide range of Social Media: Joanna Altman Administrative Analyst II (707) 648-4362 Will Morat Administrative Analyst II Alyssa Alford Administrative Analyst I Bi-Weekly Archive Contact Us Communications Sign-up Facebook Open City Hall Nextdoor SeeClickFix Twitter LinkedIn 17
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