Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi
Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi
Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 INVITATION TO BID Project: Visitor’s Bleachers Replacement Cloverleaf High School Football Stadium Cloverleaf Local School District 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Owner: Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Issue: April 17, 2015 1. INVITATION - The Owner interested parties to provide a bid to provide labor and materials as required for the performance of the work for the above referenced project. Refer to this invitation and the project documents for the full scope of work to be performed. All bids shall be submitted in person or by mail to the Board of Education, Cloverleaf Local School District, c/o Jim Hudson, Treasurer. Bids shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Visitor’s Bleacher Replacement Project, Cloverleaf Local School District” and shall include the Bidder’s name and address on the exterior of the envelope. 2. BIDS DUE - Bids shall be received no later than 9:00am on Monday, April 27, 2015 at the Treasurer’s Office. Bids received after the deadline will not be accepted. Bids will be immediately opened publicly. Bids shall be submitted on the attached Bid Form and all bids will be reviewed for completeness of the submission. Incomplete bids will be not be accepted. All complete bids will be read aloud immediately thereafter. 3. BIDDING DOCUMENTS - Bidding Documents are on file and may be obtained from the Office of the Treasurer during normal business hours (330-302-0307) or at http:/ 4. PREBID MEETING - There is a prebid meeting is scheduled for this project at 9:00 am on Monday, April 20, 2015. Bidders shall register with the Board of Education Office upon arrival and all bidders will be escorted to the construction site for the meeting. a. 5. Bidders may make site visits on other days between the hours of 7:00am and 4:00 pm. Bidders must make an appointment in advance and must check in with the Board of Education offices upon arrival . Bidders shall schedule visits through Jay Niederhofer, Director of Buildings and Grounds, Cloverleaf Local School District. (330-302-0352) [email protected]. BONDS - Each Bid shall be accompanied by a BID GUARANTY meeting the requirements of Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code. The Bidder shall provide an executed BID GUARANTY BOND for the full amount of the project in conformance with the conditions of Page 1 of 3 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 ORC 153.54 (B) or shall provide a certified check, cashier’s check, or letter of credit pursuant to ORC Chapter 1305 and in conformance with ORC153.54(C) in the amount equal to ten percent(10%) of the bid tendered as a guarantee that the bidder will, if award is made to the bidder, will enter into a Contract with the Owner in accordance with the requirements of ORC 153.54. The bond shall be based upon the total possible scope of work, including all alternates for the construction. 6. a. Bid Guaranties filed by bidders in conformance with these requirements shall be returned to unsuccessful bidders immediately after the Contract for the project is executed. b. The Bid Guaranty of the successful bidder shall be returned immediate upon receipt of the bidder’s bond for the performance of the work in accordance with ORC 153.57. PROPOSAL - Proposals for the above described work must be made on the Bid Form furnished as a part of this Invitation to Bid. a. Each bidder is required to provide a bid for all the work. Any bidder failing to provide a bid for each portion of the project as noted on the bid form will have their bid identified as incomplete and rejected. b. Bidder shall note that they are required to comply with all applicable regulations of Chapter 1926, Safety and Health Regulations for Construction of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the US Department of Labor. c. Bidder shall note that they are required to comply with all applicable regulations of Chapter 33, Safeguards During Construction of the Ohio Building Code including, but not limited to sections 3303- Demolition, 3306-Protection of Pedestrians, 3307Protection of Adjoining Property, and 3308-Temporary Use of Streets, Alleys and Public Property. d. Bidder shall note that they are required to comply with all applicable regulations of ORC 153.59 and as defined in section 4112.01 regarding discrimination in the hiring and employment of any individual on account of race, religion, sex, disability, national origin, or ancestry. e. Bidder shall include Manufacturer’s literature and details on proposed bleacher system providing information on construction details and materials. f. Bidder shall include Manufacturer’s Project References with list of successfully completed continuous, elevated, angle-frame bleacher projects, including project name and location, and type and quantity of bleachers furnished. g. Bidder shall include Installer’s Project References with list of successfully completed Page 2 of 3 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 continuous, elevated, angle-frame bleacher projects, including project name and location, and type and quantity of bleachers installed. 7. The estimate cost for the performance of the Base Bid Work is $ 450,000.00. The award of the Contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder shall be in accordance with ORC 153.12 with respect to the limitations of ORC 9.47, 153.012., and 4123.01 thru 4123.94. 8. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX: Bidder shall note that if they are the awarded the contract for this work, they will be required to comply with and shall execute the enclosed "Personal Property Tax Verification Affidavit" in accordance with Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 5719.042. 9. TAXES - The Owner is exempt from payment of Ohio State Retail Sales Tax. Bidder shall assemble his bid to reflect the Owner’s exemption from retails sales taxes, but shall include the cost of other applicable taxes and insurance as they may affect this project. 10. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in bidding. 11. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after the closing time of receipt of bids. Bid Documents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Invitation to Bid Personal Property Tax Verification Affidavit Bid Form Specifications & General Requirements, Pages 1 - 28 Schematic Site Plan Schematic Enlarged Plan Existing Conditions Photos Sheet Page 3 of 3 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 BID FORM BIDS DUE: Bids shall be received no later than 9:00 am on Monday, April 27, 2015 DELIVER BIDS TO: Board of Education Cloverleaf Local School District c/o Jim Hudson, Treasurer 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 FROM: (Bidders nam e and address) The undersigned having carefully examined the Bidding Documents and all Addenda for the following project: Visitor’s Bleachers Replacement Cloverleaf High School Football Stadium Cloverleaf Local School District 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 as prepared by Cloverleaf Local School District, and having examined the site and the existing conditions affecting and governing the Work of said project, hereby propose to furnish all services, labor, materials and equipment to fully complete all Work as described and shown on the bidding documents and described in any addendum. The Bidder agrees in submitting a bid, the work can be completed in accordance with the project schedule as outlined in the Project Specifications and General Requirements. The Bidder has prepare this bid accordingly and agrees to deliver the project to Substantial Completion in accordance with the schedule. The Bidder has based this bid, anticipating normal weather conditions during the period of construction. The undersigned agrees, if awarded a Contract, to start work immediately after the award of Contract, and to complete all the Work in accordance with the established project , initiating work no later than May 15th , 2015 with the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Addenda - We have received and incorporated the following Addenda, BASE BID - FOR WORK AS SPECIFIED ABOVE Base Bid DOLLARS $ . Page 1 of 2 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 ALTERNATE BIDS - INDICATE ADD/DEDUCT Alternate A1 Provide an additional 400 net seats for a total net capacity of 2,000 seats. Add - Subtract DOLLARS Alternate A2 +/- $ . Provide for powder coated colored riser planks. Add - Subtract DOLLARS +/- $ . Alternate A2a Provide for powder coated colored riser planks for Alternate A1. Add - Subtract DOLLARS Alternate A3 +/- $ . Provide for powder coated colored seat planks. Add - Subtract DOLLARS +/- $ . Alternate A3a Provide for powder coated colored seat planks for Alternate A1. Add - Subtract DOLLARS Alternate A4 +/- $ . Increase the size of the Press Box from the Base Bid size of nominal 8' x 16' to 8' x 24' Add - Subtract DOLLARS +/- $ . Bidder agrees that this Bid may not be withdrawn for period of sixty (60) days. Signature Date Title Official Address Page 2 of 2 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX VERIFICATION AFFIDAVIT Now comes the successful bidder, upon a competitive bid for the project known as Visitor’s Bleachers Replacement Cloverleaf High School Football Stadium Cloverleaf Local School District 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 on the day of , 20 sworn deposes and says that he/she/it , and first being duly (was or was not) charged at the time the bid was submitted with any delinquent personal property taxes on the general tax list of personal property of Medina County. (If applicable), the amount due and unpaid delinquent personal property tax $ . Further Affiant Sayeth Naught. (signature) (title) Sworn to before me this day of , 2015. (Notary Public, State Of Ohio) My Commission expires: THIS AFFIDAVIT MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE A CONTRACT MAY BE ENTERED INTO UNDER OHIO REVISED CODE CHAPTER 5719.042 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 Project Specifications & General Requirements Project: Visitor’s Bleachers Replacement Cloverleaf High School Football Stadium Cloverleaf Local School District 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Owner: Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Ohio 44254 Issue: April 17, 2015 General Requirements I. Project Intent & Scope A. The intent of this project is to provide for the removal of the existing visitor’s bleachers in the high school stadium and the construction of new bleachers in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. The basic scope of work for the project shall include, but is not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C. Demolition and disposal of existing bleachers as noted to be removed. Design and construction of new visitor’s bleachers. Work for the bleachers shall include, but are not limited to the following. a. Bleacher design and engineering. b. Construction and permit documents. c. Construction of metal bleacher system. Building permits and associated fees. Special inspections per Ohio Building Code requirements. Foundation design and construction a. Geotechnical engineering as required for the design of foundations. New pavement as noted and replacement/repair of existing pavement damaged as a result of the performance of the work. Rework of existing electrical to service new bleacher & press box. Regrade and seeding of all disturbed areas. Barriers and guards as necessary to protect the public from the construction activities. Design/Build Page 1 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 1. The project Contractor is responsible for the complete design of the bleacher system in accordance with these drawings and specifications including all work necessary, but accessory and/or associated with the project and necessary to complete the project as detailed herein. 2. The Contractor shall secure the services of an Ohio Registered design professional and shall prepared construction documents for submission to the local building department for review and approval. 3. D. a. The Contractor shall submit preliminary design drawings to the Owner for review and approval prior to completion and submission of the documents to the building department. b. Based upon the Owner’s comments, the Contractor shall make adjustments to the preliminary design and shall complete the construction documents for submission to the building department for review and permit. Once the Contractor has received building permit approval and a Notice to Proceed with construction from the Owner, the Contractor shall proceed with the construction of the bleachers in accordance with the approved construction documents. Refer the project time line. Project Time Line - Time is of the essence for the project. The Contractor shall take note of the Project Time Line herein and shall adhere to the time line in the performance of the work of the project. 1. Project Time Line a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 2. April 27, 2015 - Bids Received May 15, 2015 - Contract Awarded May 22, 2015 - Contractor submits preliminary design drawings for review by Owner. Contractor submits Bond, Insurance Certificate, Project Schedule, Subcontractor List. May 29, 2015 - Preconstruction meeting. Owner returns design drawings with comments. June 1, 2015 - Owner issues Notice to Proceed. Contractor to initiate on site construction. August 4, 2015 - Project achieves Substantial Completion. August 15, 2015 - Project Close Out. All construction work is complete and site is open for use by the Owner. Upon entering into the Agreement, the Contractor shall proceed with the design of the Project. The Contractor shall also make preparations for Page 2 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 construction which may include securing subcontractors and initiating material orders. The Contractor shall not proceed with any work including site work or surveying, or have any materials delivered to the site until such time the Owner issues the Notice to Proceed unless separate approval for the work is provided by the Owner. E. The Contractor is responsible for providing all materials, labor, equipment, etc. for the Work as indicated on the drawings and/or as noted in these specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible to review the site to determine the full extent of the work and shall account for all existing site conditions and shall include all work necessary to complete the work of the project unless noted to be performed by others. F. The Contractor must provide for the performance of the work indicated while allowing the Owner to maintain typical daily activities. The Contractor shall coordinate his activities with the Owner and shall schedule activities so as not to interfere with school activities and the associated vehicular traffic. Actual work at the project site shall not proceed until after the end of the current school season. The Owner shall issue a Notice to Proceed, identifying the specific day when work may physically begin on site. A schedule of school activities is available from the administration offices. G. The Contractor shall provide barricades and guards and shall maintain the site in a clean and debris free condition as necessary to provide for the safe use of school facilities by the Owner and occupants. 1. The Contractor shall protect the site with construction fencing as necessary to keep the public out of the area of work. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Owner’s representative and may incorporate portions of the stadium fencing to achieve security. 2. The Contractor shall schedule the closing of drives and parking areas necessary for the performance of the work with the school in advance. H. At the completion of all work, the Contractor shall restore the site to a finished and clean condition, repairing any damage caused as a result of the construction work, including but not limited repair of damaged paving and the finish grading and seeding of lawn areas disturbed by the work. I. The Contractor is responsible for all inspection fees charged by governing authorities in association with the performance of this Work. The Contractor is responsible for all costs as required for special inspections as noted in the specifications or required by the Ohio Building Code and for all construction testing as required by the specifications or Ohio Building Code. Page 3 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 II. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. III. The General Conditions for the contract are contained within the Contract for Construction. A draft copy of the contract is available for review upon request. Additional conditions of the contract are as follows. MISCELLANEOUS DEFINITIONS A. Product - includes materials, systems, and equipment which are produced or manufactured by others for inclusion in the construction of the Work. B. Supplier - includes a firm or organization furnishing or delivering products directly to the job site and because of such delivery fall under the lien laws of the State in which the Work is being performed. C. Request, Approval, Satisfactory - references the request, approval, and or satisfaction of the Architect unless noted otherwise. D. Complete - shall mean all necessary connections, supports, attachments, accessories, etc required for a finished and properly functioning assembly or installation. E. Drawing - shall mean graphic plans and details, both large and small scale furnished by the Architect/Engineer for the purposes of representing the Work to be performed. F. Furnish - shall mean to supply to another party, a product for the purposes of installation. Costs for furnishing shall include delivery and unloading at the site of the Work. G. Install - shall mean to unpackage, assemble, and affix the product into the intended final position. Install shall include providing all miscellaneous hardware and supplies necessary to properly anchor, support, and or secure the product in the appropriate location. To Install includes associated cleanup and disposal of waste materials. H. Connect - shall mean to extend rough-in utilities (water, sanitary, gas, electric, and similar utilities) to the point of product installation and make final connections of products to utilities, providing miscellaneous auxiliary appurtenances necessary for a complete and properly functioning product. I. Provide - shall mean to Furnish, Install, and Connect for a complete and functioning product. J. Substantial Completion - shall mean the project has been completed to the point it Page 4 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 has received a Certificate of Occupancy from the building department and the Owner can use the project for its intended purpose. IV. V. VI. VII. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULING & OWNER’S OPERATION A. Winter conditions are not a part of this contract. The intent is for the work of this project to be performed during the Owner’s summer school break. B. The Contractor shall account for typical weather conditions in preparing the construction schedule. Extension of the construction schedule will not be granted due to normal weather conditions for this area. DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Upon award of the Contract, the Contractor shall proceed immediately with the development of design and construction documents for the project and shall prepare submissions for review and approval. The Owner will issue a “Notice to Proceed” establishing the date upon which the Contractor may begin physically working on the site. B. The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the Work in a timely manner and in accordance with the timeline established herein. Failure on the Contractor’s part to complete the project within the specified time of the Contract shall be deemed a breach of contract and the Contractor shall be responsible to compensate the Owner for any damages the Owner may suffer as a result of the Contractor’s failure to complete the work within the required time. C. Liquidated Damages for the project shall be $500 per day for each after the scheduled date of completion plus any additional damages incurred by the Owner as a direct result of the Contractor to achieve Substantial Completion as scheduled. PAYMENTS A. The Contractor shall refer to the Owner’s Contract and General Conditions for specifics on the “Applications for Payment” process, payment schedules, lien waiver requirements, retainage, etc. B. Prior to the issuance of the final payment, the Contractor shall have completed all the project closeout requirements listed in the General Requirements of this project. CHANGES IN THE WORK A. The Owner, without invalidating the Contract, may order changes in the Work consisting of additions, deletions or modifications. The Contract Sum and the Contract Time shall be adjusted accordingly. All changes in the work shall be Page 5 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 authorized by written Change Order signed by the Owner and Contractor and shall be processed in accordance with the General Conditions of the Contract. VIII. B. The Contract Sum and Contract Time shall be changed only by Change Order. C. The cost or credit to the Owner from a change in the Work shall be determined by mutual agreement. The Contractor may be required to furnish documentation, invoices, material quotes, and similar proof to justify proposed changes in costs. PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY A. While the school will be on their scheduled break during the period of construction, the Owner will continue to operate the facility during construction. The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the Work. The Contractor shall take reasonable precautions for safety of, and shall provide reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury, or loss to: 1. 2. 3. employees of the Owner, students, and other persons who may be using the facilities and may be affected thereby; the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein; other property at the site or adjacent thereto. B. The Contractor shall give notice and comply with applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of public authorities bearing on safety of persons and property and their protection from injury, damage or loss. The Contractor shall promptly remedy damage and loss to property at the site caused in whole or in part by the Contractor, a Subcontractor, a Sub-subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts they may be liable and for which the Contractor is responsible except for damage or loss attributable to acts or omissions of the Owner or by anyone for whose acts they may be liable, and not attributable to the fault or negligence of the Contractor. C. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable ordinances and governing regulations in regards to the performance of construction activities. D. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable regulations of Chapter 1926, Safety and Health Regulations for Construction of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the US Department of Labor. E. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable regulations of Chapter 33, Safeguards During Construction of the Ohio Building Code including, but not limited to sections 3303- Demolition, 3306-Protection of Pedestrians, 3307-Protection of Adjoining Property, and 3308-Temporary Use of Streets, Alleys and Public Property. Page 6 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 IX. X. CONDUCT OF CONTRACTORS A. The Contractor, in the performance of the Work, shall provide for and shall maintain strict separation of his activities from the activities of the school and the surrounding neighborhood. B. The Contractor, Subcontractors, and their employees shall refrain from communications with school officials, staff, children, parents, and neighbors in regards to the activities of the project except to the extent necessary to provide for their immediate safety. All communications regarding the project shall be through the Owner’s Representative. C. The Contractor, Subcontractors, and their employees are subject to the rules and regulations of conduct as established by the Owner for the operation of the school facility. All employees shall be properly and completely dressed. Bare torsos, legs, and feet shall not be allowed. Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or tobacco products is prohibited on school property and this policy is to be strictly enforced. The Contractor, Subcontractors, and their employees shall refrain from the use of noxious and/or vulgar behavior and language. The Contractor shall provide for the prompt removal of any violators from the site. DISCRIMINATION A. XI. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable regulations of ORC 153.59 and as defined in section 4112.01 regarding discrimination in the hiring and employment of any individual on account of race, religion, sex, disability, national origin, or ancestry. INSURANCE A. The Contractor shall purchase from and maintain in a company or companies lawfully authorizes to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located insurance for protection from claims under workers’ or workmen’s compensation acts and other employee benefits acts which are applicable, claims for damages because of bodily injury, including death, and claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, to property which may arise out of or result from the Contractor’s operations under the Contract, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by a Subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them. This insurance shall be written for not less than limits of liability specified in the Contract Documents or required by law, whichever coverage is greater, and shall include contractual liability insurance applicable to the Contractor’s obligation under this contract Certificates of such insurance shall be filed with the Owner prior to the commencement of the Work. Page 7 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 B. The insurance required shall be written for not less than the following limits, or greater if required by law. Cloverleaf Board of Education, and their agents, and employees shall be named as additional insured. 1. Workers Compensation Statutory 2. General & Comprehensive Liability $ 1,000,000 each occurrence $ 2,000,000 Annual Aggregate XII. XIII. C. The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining the Owner’s usual liability insurance. Optionally, the Owner may purchase and maintain other insurance for self protection against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract. The Contractor shall not be responsible for purchasing and maintaining this optional Owners liability insurance unless specifically required by the Contract Documents. D. Unless otherwise provided, the Owner shall purchase and maintain, in a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located, property insurance upon the entire Work at the site to the fully insurable value thereof. This insurance shall be on an all-risk policy and shall include interests of the Owner, the Contractor, Subcontractor and Subsubcontractor in the Work and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and physical loss or damage including, without duplication of coverage, theft, vandalism, and malicious mischief. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND A. The Contractor shall furnish bonds covering faithful performance of the contract and payment of obligations arising thereunder in accordance with the General Conditions of the Contract and the Ohio Revised Code. Bonds may be obtained through the Contractor's usual source approved to operate in the State of Ohio and satisfactory to the Owner, and the cost thereof shall be included in the contract sum. The amount of each bond shall be equal to 100% percent of the Contract Sum. B. The Contractor shall deliver the required bonds to the Owner within three (3) days following the date the agreement is entered into. C. Upon the request of any person or entity appearing to be a potential beneficiary of bonds covering payment of obligations arising under the Contract, the Contractor shall promptly furnish a copy of the bonds or shall permit a copy to be made. CORRECTION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall promptly correct work rejected by the Owner or failing to Page 8 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 conform to the requirements of the Construction Documents, whether observed before or after Completion. Once the Contractor has indicated the work is complete and has mobilized off the site, the Owner, in order to maintain progress on the project and conform with the project time line, may elect to have nonconforming work corrected under separate a contract. All costs incurred by the Owner for correction of nonconforming work shall be deducted from monies owned to the Contractor. XIV. XV. CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS A. The Owner reserves the right to perform construction or operations related to the Project with the Owner’s own forces, and to award separate contracts within connection with other portions of the Project or other construction or operations on the site under conditions of the contract identical or substantially similar to these, including those portions related to insurance and waiver of subrogation. If the Contractor claims that delay or additional cost is involved because of such action by the Owner, the Contractor shall make such claim as provided elsewhere in the Contract Documents. B. The Contractor shall afford the Owner and separate contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and equipment and performance of their activities, and shall connect and coordinate the Contractor’s construction and operations with theirs as required by the Contract Documents. C. Costs caused by delays, improperly timed activities or defective construction shall be borne by the party responsible therefor. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Progress Meetings - Prior to commencing with work under this project, the Contractor shall schedule a project start-up meeting. This meeting shall review project requirements, conditions, and scheduling. The meeting shall include representatives of all subcontractors and the Owner’s designated representative to be determined. During the period of construction, the Owner may require additional progress meetings on a weekly basis. B. Fire Protection 1. The General Contractor shall maintain 20# ABC type fire extinguishers on the job site at all times while work is being performed on the project. Provide a minimum of two (2) extinguishers. located in prominent locations. Provide additional extinguishers when performing hazardous work when required by OSHA and Ohio Fire Code requirements. 2. The General Contractor shall maintain the job site free of waste and debris Page 9 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 and shall provide for the daily removal of combustible materials from the project and from the site. The Contractor shall not burn any debris. 3. Gasoline and other volatile and flammable liquids shall be stored in accordance with Ohio Fire Code requirements and shall not be stored within the building. 4. Smoking shall not be permitted on the job site. C. Temporary Water - Water maybe obtained from existing hose bibs on site as needed. Coordinate use of water for the project with the Owner’s representative. Owner will assume costs of water. D. Temporary Electric - The Contractor shall provide for any necessary electrical power by means of portable generator and shall not be allowed to extended power cords from the building to the area of work to service any temporary electrical requirements. All temporary electrical work performed on site shall conform to applicable NEC and OSHA requirements. E. Temporary Sanitary -The Contractor shall provide temporary toilet facilities during the period of construction. Coordinate the location of temporary toilet facilities with the Architect, but the temporary facilities shall not be located within the front of the facility. The Contractor shall prevent all employees, subcontractors, and subsubcontractors from using the existing toilet facilities within the building. F. Rubbish and Debris - The Contractor shall remove off site all rubbish and debris. The cost of rubbish removal shall be a part of this work. Coordinate the location of the trash dumpster with the Architect. The dumpster shall not be located within the front yard of the facility. G. Cleaning - The Contractor shall provide a daily cleaning of any debris, dust, etc and shall prevent construction debris from leaving the site of work except is appropriate trash facilities. The contractor shall promptly clean up any construction debris that leaves the construction site due to wind or other cause. H. Utility Protection 1. The Contractor shall be responsible to provide for the protection of existing utilities that maybe impacted by the performance of the Work. The location of existing utilities in the area of the work are not necessarily indicated on the drawings and it is the Contractor’s responsibility to provide for the location and marking of any know utilities that maybe impacted during the performance of the Work 2. Prior to performing any excavating operations, the Contractor shall have Page 10 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 existing utilities in the area of the work located and flagged. 3. I. XVI. Damage to any existing utility system shall be reported to the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible to provide for the repair or replacement of any damage to the utility system and infrastructure that is the result of the performance of the Work. The costs for the repair or replacement of any damage to a utility system not known to be in the area shall be addressed in accordance with General Conditions of the Contract. Environmental Protection 1. The Contractor shall provide for the performance of the Work in a manner that is compliant with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding the control and/or abatement of environmental pollutions. This shall be in addition to any work specifically identified elsewhere in these specifications. 2. No Contractor shall pollute water resources or allow for the discharge onto the site of any fuels, oils, bitumens, calcium chloride, acids, or other materials deemed harmful per federal, state, or local regulations. The Contractor shall implement appropriate prevention measures necessary to prevent the discharge of harmful materials. 3. The Contractor shall not allow for the cleaning and discharge of concrete and cement into the storm water system. The Contractor shall provide temporary concrete washout facilities on site during any periods when concrete will be poured on site. 4. The Contractor shall bear all costs for the cleanup and removal of any discharge of pollutants and/or contaminated materials and shall provide for the restoration of the site to original conditions. SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, SAMPLES A. General 1. The Contractor and subcontractors shall submit Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples indicated in the specifications. All submittals shall be done in a prompt fashion. 2. All submittals shall contain the following information: a. b. c. Date Project Title Contractor Page 11 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 d. e. f. g. B. C. D. XVII. Supplier Manufacturer Product Identification Contractor’s approval stamp Shop Drawings 1. Shop drawings for this project shall be prepared and identified specifically for this project. 2. Submit a minimum of two (2) hard copies and electronic copy in PDF format of shop drawings for review and approval. Product Data 1. Submit manufacturer's literature, clearly indicating products, models, performance characteristics, capacities, dimensions, required clearances, piping and wiring diagrams, colors, and finishes. 2. Submit two (2) copies and electronic copy in PDF format of product data with coversheet or transmittal attached clearly indicating project name. Contractor’s Responsibilities 1. Contractor shall review all submittals prior to submission and shall note and approve the submission prior to forwarding to the Architect for review. 2. Contractor shall coordinate submittal requirements with the work of the contract documents. 3. Contractor shall field confirm measurements and construction criteria and verify catalog numbers and conformance with specifications. PROJECT CLOSEOUT A. The Contractor shall submit the following documents with a letter indicating all work is complete and in accordance with the project documents and the project is ready for final inspection. 1. Project Maintenance Manual - Two (2) copies to include copies of all manufacturer's literature on all products and equipment incorporated into the project including manufacturer’s warranty information. Project manuals shall include copies of approved submittals for the project. 2. As-Built documents - Provide (1) clean copy of the construction documents Page 12 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 with redline marks of the as-built conditions. 3. Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims (3 copies) 4. Affidavit of Release of Liens (3 copies) 5. Consent of Surety to Final Payment (3 copies) 6. Lien Waivers for all sub-contractors and material suppliers (3 copies. XVIII. ALTERNATES A. The proposed work includes several alternate items. This section identifies each alternate by number and describes basic changes to the work to be incorporated into the work if the alternate is accepted by the Owner and made a part of the Agreement. B. All Bidders are required to read the brief outline description of the alternates scheduled herein. Each contractor and subcontractor shall ascertain the extent to which they may be involved in the alternate and shall include a separate cost for each alternate on the bid form. C. The scheduled description of the alternates is a brief outline of the work and does not necessarily fully itemize or describe the scope of work involved. The Contractor and subcontractors shall determine the full scope of work required to complete the alternates. D. All work executed as part of the work of the alternates shall be performed in accordance with the general description scheduled herein and accordance with the contract documents and specifications where applicable. E. Description of Alternates 1. Alternate A1 - Provide an additional 400 net seats for a total net capacity of 2,000 seats. 2. Alternate A2 - Provide for powder coated colored riser planks. 3. Alternate A2a - Provide for powder coated colored riser planks for Alternate A1. 4. Alternate A3 - Provide for powder coated colored seat planks. 5. Alternate A3a - Provide for powder coated colored seat planks for Alternate A1. Page 13 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 6. Alternate A4 - Increase the size of the Press Box from the Base Bid size of nominal 8' x 16' to 8' x 24', Division II - Site Work I. SITE DEMOLITION A. General 1. Scope of Work - The Contractor is responsible for the demolition of all existing paving and any other miscellaneous structures as may be required for the performance of the balance of work for the project. In general, the demolition work is as outlined below. a. b. c. 2. Removal of existing visitor’s bleachers. Removal of existing bleacher foundations. Removal of existing paving as required in area of work. Safety Precautions - All demolition and material removal operations shall be carefully and safely carried out to accommodate new construction. The Contractor shall be totally responsible for safe procedures, practices, and operations. The Contractor shall provide, locate, and maintain all barricades, danger signs, overhead protection, and all other related safety precautions, necessary to protect all persons and property, either directly related or incidental to the project, from injury or damage from any cause. The Contractor shall be responsible for complying with all applicable OSHA requirements relative to work site safety. a. References: The Contractor shall refer to the latest edition of the AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE, INC. (ANSI) document “Demolition Operations-Safety Requirements” and shall adhere to the applicable requirements of this document on this project. 3. Protection of Existing Structures to Remain - Contractor shall take all precaution necessary to protect adjoining construction in the area of demolition from damage. Existing structures and paving that are to remain and are damaged as a result of the demolition work will be repaired. 4. The Contractor shall provide for the proper disposal of demolition debris in accordance with applicable regulations. 5. Burning of Debris - Fire disposal of debris is not permitted. Page 14 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 B. Products 1. C. II. Provide materials as necessary for the safe demolition of materials to be removed. Execution 1. Inspection - Prior to commencement of demolition and removal, the Contractor shall inspect areas in which work will be performed. The Contractor shall provide for the location and identification of all existing utilities within the area of Work and shall provide for the protection of said utilities. Care shall be taken to not rupture, damage or disturb existing utility lines. Implement appropriate protection measures including, but not limited to barriers, markers, hand operations, protection plates, etc. as necessary to protect existing utilities from demolition and grading operations. 2. Provide for the protection of adjacent structures. Provide temporary construction barriers around the perimeter as necessary to prevent damage to vehicles, paving, stadium structures. Coordinate the installation of demolition activities and temporary barriers with the Owner and schedule work to conform with the Owners requirements for continued operation. 3. Proceed with demolition work as required for the performance of the Work. Dispose of these items in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. 4. Cleanup - Remove and transport debris and rubbish in a manner that will prevent spillage on pavements, streets or adjacent areas. Comply with all local, State, and Federal regulations regarding the safe transportation and disposal of construction debris. Clean up an spillage of debris from pavements, streets, and adjacent areas. LANDSCAPING A. General 1. Scope of Work, unless specifically noted otherwise, shall include but is not limited to all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to provide the following: a. Provide finish grade and seeding of all disturbed areas associated with this work. b. If bleacher foundation consists of individual foundations in lieu of concrete slab, the Contractor shall infill between foundations with 6" Page 15 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 of stone aggregate over weed control fabric. 2. Submittals a. B. The Contractor shall submit product data on all materials to be used in the turf repair. Materials 1. Plant Materials - General - This contractor shall include all materials & installation of all plant material required for this project. All seeding, mulch, and related incidental materials are a part of this contract. 2. Topsoil - Additional topsoil shall be provided by the Contractor. Evaluate soil for use as topsoil in accordance with ASTM D 5268. Topsoil shall contain from 5 to 10 percent organic matter. The pH shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 4972. Topsoil shall be free of sticks, stones, roots, plants, and other debris and objectionable materials. 3. Grass Seed Mixture - Grass seed mix for finished lawn shall be fresh, clean, new crop Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis) and Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenna) blended 75% bluegrass and 25% ryegrass. Apply 6# of specified seed per 1,000 sq. ft. 4. Mulch (seeding) - Mulch shall be free from noxious weeds, mold, and other deleterious materials. 5. a. Straw - Stalks from oats, wheat, rye, barley, or rice. Furnish in air-dry condition and of proper consistency for placing with commercial mulch blowing equipment. Straw shall contain no fertile seed. b. Hay - Air-dry condition and of proper consistency for placing with commercial mulch blowing equipment. Hay shall be sterile, containing no fertile seed. c. Wood Cellulose Fiber Mulch - Use recovered materials of either paper-based (100 percent) or wood-based (100 percent) hydraulic mulch. Processed to contain no growth or germination-inhibiting factors and dyed an appropriate color to facilitate visual metering of materials application. Composition on air-dry weight basis: 9 to 15 percent moisture, pH range from 5.5 to 8.2 . Use with hydraulic application of grass seed and fertilizer. Fertilizer - Granular Fertilizer - synthetic, granular controlled release fertilizer Page 16 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 containing the following minimum percentages, by weight, of plant food nutrients: a. b. c. d. C. 16 percent available nitrogen 25 percent available phosphorus 10 percent available potassium 2 percent sulfur 6. Mulch Net - The mulch net shall be a regular commercial netting manufactured for use as a mulch net with commercial anchoring staples. 7. Aggregate Paving - under bleachers and between foundations shall be #57 crushed limestone. 8. Weed Control Fabric - Dupont Plantex Pro nonwoven fabric, made of 100% continuous polypropylene filaments, thermally bonded, black and UV stabilized. Execution 1. The Contractor shall provide for the fine grade and seeding of disturbed areas at the completion of activities that will disturb the site. Grading and seeding shall be complete no later than Aug. 15, 2015. 2. Backfill areas around new paving with topsoil, compacting the material with a hand tamper or plate compactor flush with finished paving. 3. Fine grade top soil, removing all debris and rocks over 1 ½" in size. Grading shall be raked level and smooth, pitched to drain and blending into existing turf areas. Treat soil with a starter fertilizer (18/24/6) at the rate recommended by manufacturer for new lawns. Seed shall be applied at the rate of six (6) pounds/1,000 sq. ft. All seeding shall be done in moderately dry soil, and when the wind does not exceed 5 mph. Do not over seed the finished lawn. Mulch shall be applied to all seeded areas to provide ½" 1" cover. Protect recently mulched areas with mulch netting. 4. Maintenance (Lawns) - All new lawn areas shall be watered daily as required to keep the ground thoroughly wet until grass seed is well established. Contractor shall maintain the seeded and mulched areas until final acceptance of the work by the Owner. Maintenance shall include the reseeding and remulching of any bare areas. At least three (3) mowings shall be completed before work is accepted by the Owner. Any areas which fail to show a uniform stand of grass shall be reworked, reseeded and remulched with the same seed mixture and mulch as was originally used thereon. Such reseeding shall be repeated until all affected areas are Page 17 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 covered with a satisfactory stand of grass. Keep lawn areas free of all weeds and undesirable grasses. (The Contractor may arrange to have the Owner perform the required maintenance, reimbursing the Owner for costs associated with the maintenance. 5. In areas to receive landscaping stone, remove top soils to a minim depth of 6". Compact remaining subgrade level and smooth. Install weed control fabric in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, securing with staples to the subgrade. Extend landscape stone a minimum of 2' beyond the edges of the bleacher structure. Infill the area with a minimum of 6" #57 limestone. Division III - Concrete I. Cast-in-place Concrete A. General 1. Scope of Work, unless specifically noted otherwise, shall include but is not limited to all supervision, materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary for the construction of cast-in-place concrete foundations as required for the construction of the bleachers and paving as detailed on the schematic site drawings. 2. Design/Build team to determine required foundation structure for bleacher system. 3. Due to the site conditions, a concrete slab on grade is not anticipated to be a viable structural foundation for the bleachers, but the design team can elect to use a slab on grade if appropriate. If a slab on grade is selected, it shall be a min. 5" concrete slab on grade with 6x6,6/6 wwf over aggregate base. 4. Alternate foundation designs appropriate for site conditions include, but are not limited to continuous trenches and caisson style piers. Foundations shall be uniformed formed and finished where exposed above grade. 5. Contractor Qualifications - The Contractor or the Subcontractor shall have been in business for at least five years, and shall be fully experienced in all aspects of concrete design and construction. 6. References - The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only. Refer to the latest editions. Page 18 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 7. B. a. AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE (ACI) (1) 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete (2) 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete (3) 315 - Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement (4) 347 - Guide to Formwork for Concrete b. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) (1) Applicable standards as noted for materials specified. Submittals: The following shall be submitted: a. Mix Designs Data shall be submitted in accordance with this section. b. Bill of Lading for each Ready-Mix Concrete delivery shall be in accordance with ASTM C 94 Products 1. Concrete Materials a. Concrete Aggregates - Fine and coarse aggregates shall conform to ASTM C 33. b. Portland Cement - Cement shall conform to ASTM C 150, Type I, IA, II, or IIA. One brand and type of cement shall be used for formed concrete having exposed-to-view finished surfaces. c. Admixtures d. (1) Air-Entraining Admixtures - Air-entraining admixtures shall conform to ASTM C 260. (2) Pozzolan - Fly ash or other pozzolans used as admixtures shall conform to ASTM C 618, Class C or Class F with 4 percent maximum loss on ignition and 20 percent maximum cement replacement by weight. Water - Clean and from a potable source. 2. Ready-Mix Concrete - Concrete shall be ready-mix concrete and shall conform to ASTM C 94, minimum compressive strength 4000 psi at 28 days. Slump shall be between 1 and 3 inches, according to ASTM C 143. Airentraining admixtures shall conform to ASTM C 260. 3. Reinforcement Material a. Reinforcing Bars- ACI 301 unless otherwise specified. ASTM A 615, Page 19 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 Grade 60. C. b. Mechanical Reinforcing Bar Connectors - ACI 301. Provide 125 percent minimum yield strength of the reinforcement bar. c. Welded Wire Fabric - ASTM A 185 or ASTM A 497. Provide flat sheets of welded wire fabric for slabs and toppings. d. Wire - ASTM A 82 or ASTM A 496. e. Reinforcing Bar Supports - Provide bar ties and supports of coated or non corrodible material. 4. Membrane-Forming Curing Compound: Compound shall be a solvent based, low VOC, styrenated acrylic polymer type conforming to ASTM C 309, Type 1. 5. Isolation/Expansion Joints - Provide isolation joints between concrete pours and in locations as recommended by ACI standards. Joint material shall be 3/8" thick asphalt saturated fiber board conforming to ASTM D1751. Provide material in depths to match depth of slab. Provide joints with removable plastic expansion caps to allow for installation of specified joint filler. 6. Base Aggregate - State of Ohio Specifications #304 limestone only will be allowed. Execution 1. Subgrade Preparation - Prior to the placement of base material, the subgrade shall be compacted and proof rolled in accordance with ODOT #204. The Owner shall be present to witness the proof rolling. Weak or unstable areas shall be repaired prior to proceeding with the work. The means to repair the condition will be determined at the time proof rolling is performed. 2. Aggregate Base - Lay and spread the aggregate base course mixture continuously over prepared sub-bases to achieve a minimum compacted thicknesses of 4". Base shall be spread shall be compacted using vibratory rollers. Compact to required density, to a smooth and uniform surface conforming to the required grades. 3. Form Work - Form work shall be in accordance with ACI 318. a. Preparation of Form Surfaces: Forms shall be true to line and Page 20 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 grade, mortar-tight, and sufficiently rigid to prevent objectionable deformation under load. 4. 5. 6. Reinforcement Fabrication And Installation a. General - Details of reinforcement shall be in accordance with ACI 347, ASTM E 621, ACI 315 and ACI 318, and as specified. b. Fabrication - Reinforcing bars shall be shop fabricated in accordance with ACI 304R, ACI 315, ASTM E 621 and ACI 117. Hooks and bends shall be in accordance with ACI 347, ASTM E 621, ACI 315 and ACI 318. Reinforcement shall be bent cold to shapes as indicated. c. Placing Reinforcement - Reinforcement shall be placed in accordance with ACI 347, ASTM E 621, ACI 315 and ACI 318. For slabs on grade (over earth or over capillary water barrier) and for footing reinforcement, bars or welded wire fabric shall be supported on chairs, spaced at intervals required by size of reinforcement, to keep reinforcement the minimum height specified above the underside of slab or footing. d. Splices in Reinforcement - Bars shall be lapped a minimum of 20" or 30 bar diameters, whichever is greater and tied securely in place to prevent dislodging while the concrete is being poured. Preparations For Concrete Placing a. General - Surfaces against which concrete is to be placed shall be free of debris, loose material, standing water, snow, ice, and other deleterious substances before start of concrete placing. Standing water shall be removed without washing over freshly deposited concrete. b. Formwork - Shall be complete and approved by the Owner. Debris and foreign material shall be removed from interior of forms before start of concrete placing. c. Reinforcement and Other Embedded Items - Reinforcement, joint materials, and other embedded materials shall be secured in position, inspected, and approved before start of concrete placing. Concrete Placing Page 21 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 a. Weather Limitations and Protection - Concrete shall not be placed when the temperature of the atmosphere is below 40 degrees F, 5 degrees C, nor during rain, sleet, or snow, unless protection is provided. Protection shall be provided during cold weather in accordance with ACI 301. b. General Placing Requirements - Concrete placing shall be performed at such a rate that concrete, which is being integrated with fresh concrete is still plastic. Concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practical in its final position to avoid segregation due to rehandling or flowing. Concrete shall not be subjected to procedures, which will cause segregation. Concrete to receive other construction shall be screeded to proper level to avoid excessive skimming or grouting. Concrete which becomes nonplastic and unworkable or does not meet quality control limits as specified or has been contaminated by foreign materials shall not be used. Use of retempered concrete will not be permitted. Rejected concrete shall be removed from the site. c. Concrete on Earth Foundations - Earth (subgrade, base, or subbase courses) surfaces upon which concrete is to be placed shall be clean, damp, and free from debris, frost, ice, and standing or running water. Prior to placement of concrete, the foundation shall be well drained and shall be satisfactorily graded and uniformly compacted. d. Concrete Washout - The Contractor shall conform with OEPA requirements and shall prevent the discharge of concrete washout into the storm water system. The Contractor shall provide temporary concrete washout facilities on site during any periods when concrete is being poured on site and shall provide for the proper removal and disposal of concrete washout. 7. Finishing Of Exterior Slabs - Non-Slip Broom Finish, immediately after completion of trowel finish, surface shall be slightly roughened by brooming with a fiber-bristle brush in a direction transverse to that of main traffic. Provide hand tooled control joints uniformly spaced for walks 10' wide or less. Pavement edges shall be finished with a tooled edge. 8. Joints a. Control Joints in Slabs on Ground - Joints shall be provided with ACI standards. Joints shall be 1/8-inch wide by 1/5 to 1/4 of slab depth and shall be formed by hand tooling or by cutting the concrete with a saw after the concrete has set. Page 22 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 9. b. Isolation/Expansion Joints - Provide isolation joints between concrete pours and in locations as recommended by ACI Standards. c. Sealing Joints in Slabs on Ground - Isolation joints shall be sealed with polyurethane joint sealing compound equal to Eucolastic after concrete curing period. Apply recommended primer and install product per manufacturer’s recommendations. Groove shall be slightly underfilled with joint sealing compound to prevent extrusion of compound. Excess material shall be removed as soon after sealing as possible. Concrete Curing and Protection - Concrete shall be cured in accordance with ACI 308. Curing shall be accomplished by membrane curing. Membrane curing shall be accomplished by applying specified membraneforming curing compound to damp concrete surfaces as soon as forms have been removed and/or any moisture film has disappeared. a. Curing Periods: ACI 301 b. Protection After Curing - Finished concrete surfaces shall be protected from damage by construction operations. Division XIII - Special Construction I. Elevated Aluminum Bleacher System A. GENERAL 1. Scope of Work a. The intent of this project is to provide for an elevated aluminum bleacher system for the visitors side of the high school athletic field. Work Includes but is not limited to providing labor, materials, equipment, engineering, installation, and supervision necessary for a complete project whether specifically identified or not within the Construction Documents, but necessary to complete the Work. b. The work of the bleacher system includes the reworking of the existing press box electrical, reconnecting to the new press box. c. The bleacher system manufacturer shall be responsible to determine the appropriate bleacher structural system based upon the existing site conditions. An elevated Angle Bleacher system fabricated from all aluminum or galvanized steel support framing is acceptable for the project, but may not be adaptable to the existing grade. The Page 23 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 Contractor shall provide a bleacher system that provides for the most economical combination of foundation construction and bleacher construction. d. The system shall meet the following minimum requirements. (1) The system shall be designed to be fully compliant with Ohio Building Code (OBC) requirements for Type A-5 assembly structures. (2) The system shall be designed to be fully compliant with Ohio Building Code requirements, Chapter 10, Means of Egress. (3) The system shall be designed to be fully compliant with Ohio Building Code requirements, Chapter 11, Accessibility (4) The system shall be designed to be fully compliant with Ohio Building Code requirements, Chapter 16, Structural Design. (5) The system shall be designed as with the following features. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) Semi-Closed Decking System ( all openings shall be 4" or less) 2 x 10 clear anodized aluminum plank seating. Aluminum handrails in accordance with the OBC Guard rails consisting of (3) rail aluminum structure with chain link fencing infill. 8' x 16' press box with support structure. (Refer to Alternate A4) Net seating capacity of 1,600 (seating capacity based upon length of bench, allowing 18" per person). (Refer to Alternate A1). Bleachers shall be elevated 56" above the grade of the track. (Note the existing grade pitches down from the track). Bleachers shall be designed to fit between the existing lighting poles (spaced approximately 182' apart). Front walkway shall be a minimum of 72" wide. System shall have end access points (stairs and accessible ramps as required by OBC) and additional exit points as may be required by the OBC. (Provide concrete aprons and walks at access points to bleachers). The system shall be complete with all required Page 24 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 structural, related bearing plates, anchor bolts, bracing, hangers, and miscellaneous metals. (6) 2. B. The system shall be designed to conform with the site limitations as indicated on the site drawings. Alternates - In addition to the base bid work listed under Scope of Work, the Contractor shall account for the following alternates. a. Alternate A1 - Provide an additional 400 net seats for a total net capacity of 2,000 seats. b. Alternate A2 - Provide for powder coated colored riser planks. c. Alternate A2a - Provide for powder coated colored riser planks for Alternate A1. d. Alternate A3 - Provide for powder coated colored seat planks. e. Alternate A3a - Provide for powder coated colored seat planks for Alternate A1. f. Alternate A4 - Increase the size of the Press Box from the Base Bid size of nominal 8' x 16' to 8' x 24' Quality Assurance 1. Manufacturer’s Qualifications - Manufacturer shall be regularly engaged, for past 10 years, in design and manufacture of continuous, elevated, angleframe bleachers of similar type to that specified. 2. Fabrication shall be in accordance with OBC requirements, section 1704.2, inspection of fabricators. 3. Provide certifications and special inspections in accordance with OBC Chapter 17. 4. Installer's Qualifications - Installer shall be factory trained and regularly engaged, for past 5 years, in installation of continuous, elevated, angleframe bleachers of similar type to that specified. The installer shall employ only persons trained and experienced for installation of continuous, elevated, angle-frame bleachers. 5. Welder’s Qualifications: Welders shall be certified within past 12 months for each type of weld required in accordance with OBC Chapter 17. Page 25 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 C. SUBMITTALS 1. Product Data - Submit manufacturer’s product data, including installation instructions. 2. Shop Drawings - Submit manufacturer’s shop drawings, including plans, elevations, sections, and details, indicating location, size, details, and quantity of steel and aluminum components and accessories. a. Indicate locations of exit stairs, ramps, seat locations, decking configurations, and overall general materials to be supplied. b. Shop drawings shall be signed and sealed by a qualified, registered professional engineer, registered in State of Ohio. 3. Samples - Where applicable, submit manufacturer’s color samples for selection. 4. Manufacturer’s Certification - Submit manufacturer’s certification that materials comply with specified requirements and are suitable for intended application. 5. Design Data - Submit manufacturer’s design data, including an analysis to indicate that the structural members shall have sufficient strength to support required loads and ability to resist loads subjected, without exceeding allowable stresses of the materials. Design data shall be signed and sealed by a qualified, registered professional engineer, registered in State of Ohio. D. Warranty - Bleacher system shall be under Manufacturer’s warranty for a period of one year beginning with the Date of Substantial Completion. Bleacher system shall be warranted to be free of defect in materials and workmanship, including defects in system installation. The warranty excludes defects resulting from abnormal use in service, accidental or intentional damage beyond the manufacturer’s control. Warranty does not cover discoloration of mill finished aluminum which is the natural oxidation of aluminum. E. PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS - Prior to the start of bleacher erection on site, the Contractor shall arrange a preinstallation meeting. Attendance of all parties directly affecting work of this section, including Contractor, Owner, installer, and manufacturer’s representative shall be present. Review materials, preparation, installation, adjusting, protection, and coordination with other work. Page 26 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 F. II. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1. Deliver materials to site in manufacturer’s original, unopened containers and packaging, with labels clearly identifying product name and manufacturer. 2. Store and handle materials in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Materials shall be stored in locations as approved by the Owner. Keep materials in manufacturer’s original, unopened containers and packaging until installation. 3. Do not store materials directly on ground. Protect materials and finish during storage, handling, and installation to prevent damage. PRODUCTS A. MANUFACTURER -The manufacturer of the bleacher system can be any company that conforms to the qualifications standards as noted herein. B. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS C. 1. Bleacher system design shall conform to applicable requirements of the AISC Steel Construction Manual and AA Aluminum Design Manual. 2. Bleacher system design shall conform to applicable codes, including, but not limited to the Ohio Building Code (OBC) and the International Code Council (ICC) 300 Bleachers, Folding and Telescopic Seating, and Grandstands. 3. Bleacher System shall be free standing, integrated system of mutually dependent components capable of withstanding structural loads, thermallyinduced movement, and exposure to normal weather conditions without failure. Design loads shall be in accordance with applicable requirements of the OBC and industry standards for grandstand/bleacher seating. MATERIALS 1. 2. Framework shall be galvanized steel or aluminum, size in accordance with structural requirements. a. Galvanized Steel - ASTM A 36, ASTM A 572 Grade 50, and ASTM A 992. Hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM A 123. b. Aluminum: Aluminum alloy 6061-T6, mill finish. Seat Boards: Extruded aluminum alloy 6063-T6, clear anodized 204R1, AAPage 27 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 M10C22A31, Class II. (See alternate for powder coating) D. 3. Riser Boards: Extruded aluminum alloy 6063-T6; clear anodized 204R1, AA-M10C22A31, Class II. See alternate for powder coating) 4. Tread Boards: Extruded aluminum alloy 6063-T6, mill finish. 5. Guardrail: Aluminum anodized pipe, 1-5/8-inch OD minimum, sized in accordance with design loads. 6. Accessories a. Steel Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A 307, galvanized. Snug tight to conform to RCSC Specification for Structural Joints Using HighStrength Bolts. b. Hold-Down Clip Assembly: Aluminum alloy 6063-T6. c. Form-Fitted End Caps: Aluminum alloy 2024, clear anodized 204R1, AA-M10C22A31, Class II. d. Channel End Caps: Aluminum alloy 6063-T6, clear anodized 204R1, AA-M10C22A31, Class II. PRESS BOX 1. Bleacher system shall include an integral 8' x 16' (refer to Alternate A4) press box conforming to the following. Alternate construction methods may be used provided they conform with applicable code requirements and provide a similar finish and durability. a. Press box shall be supported by the bleacher structure or shall be provided with independent structural support. b. Press box design and construction shall conform with the requirements of the OBC. c. Floor System (1) (2) (3) (4) Min. 26 ga. galvanized steel underpan. Floor decking shall be T&G plywood floor decking attached directly to support structure. Floor structure shall be insulated with minimum R-19 fiberglass. Provide appropriate vapor barrier. Floor Covering: 12” x 12” x 1/8” vinyl composition tile with Page 28 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 coved rubber base. d. e. Wall System (1) Steel stud construction consisting of minimum 3 5/8” x 1 5/8” x 20 ga. galvanized steel studs16” o.c. Provide headers for openings appropriate to opening size. Wall shall be minimum 8' tall to the ceiling. (2) Interior Wall Finish shall be 5/8” vinyl-faced moisture resistant gypsum panels with mounting clips, trim, and accessories. (3) Exterior Wall Finish shall be min. 26 ga. X 1 1/4" steel rib panel with kynar 500 painted over 5/8” APA rated sheathing and 30# felt. (4) Insulate walls with kraft faced R-13 fiberglass. (5) Provide continuous counter top, 18” deep, elevated 30” above floor along the one side of the press box. Provide support brackets on 32” centers. Counter shall be fabricated with aluminum or galvanized steel top and face. Roof and Ceiling System (1) Provide steel joist construction, sized in accordance with structural requirements. (2) Roof decking shall be T&G APA rated roof deck sheathing sized in accordance with structure. (3) Insulation (a) (b) Infill joist cavities with minimum kraft faced R-19 fiberglass. Provide minimum 1 ½" polyisocyanurate insulation board over top of roof sheathing. Provide solid 2 x 4 blocking around perimeter. (4) Soffit & Fascia panels shall be minimum 26 ga. steel and shall be part of the siding system. (5) Roofing shall be minimum 0.060 EPDM rubber, single ply, black membrane, fully adhered to the roof with perimeter Page 29 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 drip. Roof shall pitch minimum 1/4" / 12" and drain to the back of the bleachers. (6) f. Doors (1) (2) g. h. Ceiling shall be 24” x 24” vinyl faced acoustical fiberglass tile (white) suspended in white 15/16" tee grid system. Exterior doors shall be minimum 3’-0” x 6’-8” insulated steel doors and metal clad wood frames. Doors shall be factory finished with out swing function. Provide grade 1 cylinder type, entrance lockset, lever handle, keyed as directed by the Owner. (3) Provide door with heavy duty closer. (4) Provide door with prefinished interior casing. Windows (1) Provide aluminum/vinyl clad wood sliding windows, horizontal style sliders with ½" insulating glass equal to Andersen 200 series #244GW5036 (nominal 5' x 3'-6"). (2) Provide (3) windows continuous along field side of press box. (Provide (4) if alternate A4 is selected). (3) Provide (1) window on back side of press box (4) Provide windows with prefinished interior casing. Electrical -The manufacturer shall provide the press box prewired with electrical conforming to the following. (1) All work shall conform to the National Electric code. (2) Provide 125-amp electrical panel with a minimum of 8 spaces, surface mounted inside building. Coordinate voltage requirements with Owner. (3) Provide 120v duplex outlets at 4' o.c. along the field side above the counter and two duplex outlets at 24" on the opposite side. (4) All wiring to be run in conduit. Page 30 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 E. (5) Provide 2 x 4 recessed fluorescent troffer fixtures with (3) 32w T8 lamps and .125" acrylic diffuser. Provide three fixtures equally space. (Provide (4) fixtures if alternate A4 is selected). (6) Provide data boxes adjacent to each outlet. Extend 3/4" conduit from each data box back to a communications panel (4 x 4 MDO board) adjacent to the electrical box. Extend 2" conduit from communications panel down to grade for extension by others. All data cabling to be by others. EXECUTION 1. 2. 3. EXAMINATION a. Examine areas to receive bleachers. Notify the Owner of conditions that would adversely affect installation or subsequent use. b. Do not begin surface preparation or installation until unacceptable conditions are corrected. PREPARATION a. Install concrete foundations for bleachers in accordance with approved documents. b. Concrete foundations shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements for Cast-in-Place Concrete contained herein. INSTALLATION a. Install bleacher system in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions at locations indicated on the Drawings. b. Install bleachers plumb, level, square, straight, and secure. c. Anchor bleachers securely in place to concrete foundations. d. Inspect completed bleacher installation and make necessary adjustments to ensure proper installation. e. Provide for Special Inspections as required by OBC, Chapter 17. Submit special inspector’s reports to the Owner and building department. Page 31 of 32 Cloverleaf Local Board of Education 8525 Friendsville Road Lodi, Oh 44254 330-302-0307 4. f. Repair minor damages to finish in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and as approved by Owner. g. Remove and replace with new material, damaged components that cannot be successfully repaired, as determined by Owner. PROTECTION - Protect completed bleacher system to ensure that, except for normal weathering, bleachers will be without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. Page 32 of 32 Back side of existing bleachers looking south. Note slope of grade. Foundations to coordinate with grade. Existing bleacher foundations to be removed and disposed of off site. Existing topsoil under new bleachers to be removed and replaced with concrete slab or stone over weed control fabric. Existing press box and structure to be removed as part of the demolition. Protect and maintain electric and data service for new press box. Existing track and asphalt walking paving. Asphalt path to remain. Contractor to protect the running track, fence, and paving from damage during construction. Damage to the asphalt walking path shall be repaired at the completion of work. Visitor’s Bleachers Replacement Cloverleaf High School Football Stadium 8525 Friendsville Road, Lodi, Ohio 44254 One of two in ground electrical junction boxes in the area of construction. Contractor shall maintain electrical utilities and shall coordinate bleacher foundations with existing utility locations.