The french Association des Personnes de Petite Taille and the
The french Association des Personnes de Petite Taille and the
ACCESS PLAN TO BROUSSAIS HOSPITAL The french Association des Personnes de Petite Taille and the Reference Centre of Constitutional Bone Diseases of Necker Hospital Invite you to CO N TACT Danièle Hugues +33 6 76 47 89 22 [email protected] 1 st INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF PEOPLE WITH ACROMELIC DYSPLASIAS 2014 November 29th from 9:15 am to 5:00 pm We thank our partners: Plateforme Maladies Rares Hôpital Broussais – Salle Pétunia 96, rue Didot 75014 Paris PROGRAM OF THE MEETING 9:15 am Reception of the families. 12:00 pm 9:45 am 10:00 am Speech by Joseph Vandendriessche, APPT’s president. Introduction by Danièle Hugues, desktop mission on Medical Research for APPT. 13:30 pm Coffee break. 15:30 pm 11:00 am Workshop dealing with therapeutic education of the patient by Paul Jimenez, assistant manager of Alliance Maladies Rares (Rare Disease Alliance). Time for exchanges. Update on medical research by Carine Legoff, Researcher at Inserm. 16:00 pm 11:30 am Best practices of physiotherapy by Anne Bost-Hellot Physiotherapist. General medical presentation of the different acromelic dysplasias by Professeur Valérie Cormier-Daire. 14:30 pm 10:45 am Buffet lunch on the spot. Conclusion and end of the meeting and sharing while having a drink. Presentation on the different cardiac, pulmonary and ENT complications by Docteur Anne Cavau*. * to be confirmed 1 s t I NT E R N AT IO N A L M E E T I N G O F P EO P L E W ITH ACRO M E LIC DYS PL A S IA S
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