Extremely Metal-Poor Stars in the Milky Way Galaxy
Extremely Metal-Poor Stars in the Milky Way Galaxy
Extremely Metal-Poor Stars in the Milky Way Galaxy Wako Aoki National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Extremely Metal-Poor (EMP) Stars in the Milky Way Galaxy Lowest metallicity stars ([Fe/H]~<-5) ● Survey of EMP stars and statistics ● Binary fraction ● Lithium in EMP stars ● Neutron-capture elements ● UMP/HMP stars Lowest metallicity stars in the Milky Way UMP/HMP stars 10 years from the discovery of HE0107-5240 ([Fe/H]=-5.3) The first “Hyper MetalPoor” (HMP) star Christlieb et al. (2002) [Fe/H]=-4.0 Beers & Christlieb (2005, ARAA) [Fe/H]=-5.3 UMP/HMP stars Search for metal-deficient stars in the Galaxy Norris 2005 HE1327-2326 Bond (1981) “Where is Population III” HK survey Discovery of HE0107-5240 ([Fe/H]=-5.3) UMP/HMP stars nd The 2 HMP star HE1327-2326 Frebel et al. (2005) Solar EMP very weak Fe lines →[Fe/H]=-5.4 detection of CH molecular bands →excess of carbon HMP UMP/HMP stars Carbon-enhancement in HMP stars The two HMP stars show large excesses of C, (N) and O … low-mass star formation from C and O-rich cloud? Aoki et al. (2006) HE0557-4840 (Norris et al. 2007) UMP/HMP stars Discovery of the [Fe/H]~-5 star with normal C abundance SDSS J1029+1729 Caffau et al. (2011, 2012) [Fe/H]=-4.7 (1D LTE analysis) → Ultra-Metal-Poor (UMP) star R~10,000 R~40,000 UMP/HMP stars Normal C abundance of the UMP star SDSS J1029+1729 SDSS J1029+1729 UMP/HMP stars UMP/HMP stars found in the past decade Object V [Fe/H] (1D-LTE) [C/Fe] Teff type HE0107-5240 15.2 -5.3 4.0 5100 Giant HE1327-2326 13.5 -5.6 4.2 6180 MSTO* HE0557-4840 15.5 -4.8 1.6 4900 SDSS J1029+1729 g= 16.9 -4.7 <0.9 * MSTO: main-sequence turn-off Giant 5810 MSTO* UMP/HMP stars Absorption lines in HMP/UMP stars Fe I 3860A Mg I 5183A HE1327-2326 Main-sequence (6000K/log g=4.0) [Fe/H]=-5 [Fe/H]=-6 [Mg/H]=-5 [Mg/H]=-6 Giant (5000K/log g=2.0) [Fe/H]=-5 [Fe/H]=-6 [Mg/H]=-5 [Mg/H]=-6 EMP searchers Searches for EMP stars and statistics EMP searchers EMP stars as constraints on low-mass star formation in the early Galaxy Questions on EMP stars: -Where were EMP stars formed? -Are they second generations of stars? -Are they oldest stars in the Galaxy? ... Statistics is required: metallicity distribution function (MDF) is a key observable. EMP searchers What are required for observational studies of EMP stars? EMP stars are extremely rare in the solar neighbourhood. ● →wide-field & deep survey is required Spectral lines are weak (depending on temperature). ● →high resolution spectroscopy is required. EMP searchers Large-scale surveys of metal-poor stars ● ● HK survey Beers et al. (1985, 1992, …) e.g. BPS CS22892-052 Hamburg/ESO survey Christlieb et al. (2001, …) e.g. HE1327-2326 A plate image of objective prism spectra (courtesy T.C. Beers) EMP searchers Search for metal-poor stars by Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) The 2.5m telescope at Apache Point Observatory SDSS spectroscopy: R~1800 Covering 3900-9000A 14<V<20 ●Metallicity estimate from Ca II HK lines ●Standard stars in SDSS-I ●New surveys in SDSS-II (SEGUE)→240,000 stars ● High-resolution follow-up spectroscopy with Subaru/HDS Snap-shot spectroscopy ●R=36,000 ●4030-6800A ●S/N~25-30 ●~150 objects with V<16.5 cf. SDSS J1029+1729 (Caffau et al.) has V~16.7 [Fe/H]=-2.6 Turn-off star [Fe/H]=-3.7 Turn-off star Example: Mg triplet around 5170A → High S/N spectra with R=60,000 for ~15 selected stars have been obtained. [Fe/H]=-3.5 giant Metallicity ([Fe/H]) from Subaru spectra and comparison with SDSS estimates The current version of SSPP derives metallicity that agrees with the estimate from high resolution spectroscopy (no systematic offset). However, significant scatter remains in EMP stars. Metallicity distribution function of (kinematically selected) halo stars Ryan & Norris (1991) EMP sample was too small Carney et al. (1994) EMP searchers Metallicity Distribution Function (MDF) estimated from Hamburg/ESO survey + medium-resolution (R=2000) spectroscopy Schörck et al. (2009) Li et al. (2010) drop at [Fe/H]=-3.5 Selection bias EMP searchers Comparisons with chemical evolution models Comparison with models including modifications for simple models by Pranzos (2003, 2008) Comparisons with models assuming critical metallicity for low-mass star formation by Salvadori et al. (2007) Li et al. (2010) EMP searchers Comparison of the MDFs of the SDSS/Subaru sample with the HES result (Li et al. 2010) HES Selection bias Tail of MDF in [Fe/H]<-3.6? (or Drop at [Fe/H]=-3.8?) EMP searchers Metallicity Distribution Function estimated from the SDSS/Subaru sample for [Fe/H]<-3 Our estimate of MDF agrees with the HES estimate for [Fe/H]>-3.5, but existence of stars with [Fe/H]<-3.5 in our sample suggests a tail at the lowest metallicity end. ● cf. recent discovery of [Fe/H]=-5 star (SDSS J1029+1729) with no carbon-excess by Caffau et al. (2011) Further calibration is required between high-resolution and medium-resolution spectroscopy. ● EMP searchers Fraction of CEMP stars and their nature 9 of the 25 giants are carbon-rich →fraction of CEMP stars is 36% at [Fe/H]~ -3 cf. Carollo et al. 2011 ● →only 3 of the 9 CEMP giants show excesses of sprocess elements (“CEMP-s”). Dominant source of carbon-excesses at [Fe/H]=-3 may not be AGB stars (but supernovae?). 10 of the 108 main-sequence turn-off stars are carbon-rich. They are highly C-rich and 9 of them are s-process-enhanced. ← “moderately carbon-enhanced” stars have not been detected due to weaker CH features in warm stars ● Binary Binary fraction in EMP stars (based on SDSS/Subaru sample) Binary Methods of binary searches Spectroscopic: radial velocity variations double-lined binary ●High resolution imaging: speckle, interferometry, ... ● Raestegaev (2010) Period → Separation Double-lined spectroscopic binaries in the SDSS/Subaru sample 3 stars are double-lined spectroscopic binaries among 108 turn-off stars ● SDSS J0817+2841 ([Fe/H]=-2.9) SDSS J1108+1747 ([Fe/H]=-3.2) triple-system! Aoki et al. (in prep) Binary Binary Detectability of double-lined spectroscopic binary (1)Radial velocity difference Spectroscopy with R=36000 → line width is ~10km/s … about 50% of binaries with P<1000 days can be detected by single epoch spectroscopy wavelength(A) Detectability of double-lined spectroscopic binary Binary (2)Luminosity ratios S/N~25 spectroscopy → the secondary's line is detected if that is about 1/5 of the primary's line … about 60% of binary pairs of main-sequence turn-off stars can be detected. ○ × Binary Fraction of double-lined spectroscopic binaries among EMP stars 3 binaries are found among 108 turn-off stars (~3%). ● Given the detectability estimated for the sample of turn-off stars, the fraction could be as high as 10%. ● The orbital period of binaries detectable by our observations is shorter than 1000 days. ● Binary Estimate of binary fraction from CEMP-s fraction CEMP-s stars are likely formed by mass transfer from AGB companion, which would be low-mass (1-2Msun?). → CEMP-s stars are binaries of low-mass star pair. ● The fraction of CMEP-s stars are about 10% (or higher) at [Fe/H]~-3. ● The carbon-excesses are significant ([C/Fe]>+2) in most objects. → separation of the binary could be short (P<1000 days? … dependent on the mixing (dilution) in the secondary). ● Binary Binaries with short periods (P<1000 days) are preferable in EMP stars (?) Estimates from double-lined spectroscopic binaries and CEMP-s → 20% (or more) are short period binaries(!?) Raestegaev (2010) Lithium Lithium in EMP stars Lithium The Lithium problem: The discrepancy between Li abundances in metal-poor stars (Spite plateau value) and prediction of big-bang nucleosynthesis models Asplund et al. (2006) Lithium Depletion and scatter of Li in EMP stars Asplund et al. (2006), Sbordone et al. (2010), Aoki et al. (2009) Lithium in the Cosmos Feb. 27-29, 2012, Paris Lithium Further measurements for EMP stars New measurements for SDSS/Subaru sample based on high S/N follow-up spectroscopy. SDSS data ○Bonifacio et al. (2012) ●Aoki et al. (in prep) Lithium Li measurements for binaries: strong evidence for Li depletion in main-sequence stars Extremely metal-poor ([Fe/H]=-3.6), doublelined spectroscopic binary CS22876-032 Gonzalez-Hernandez et al. (2008) A: 6500K, A(Li)=2.22 B: 5900K, A(Li)=1.75 B A Lithium Li in the very metal-poor ([Fe/H]=-2.5), double-lined spectroscopic binary G166-45 A: 6350K, A(Li)=2.23 +/- 0.06, B: 5830K, A(Li)=2.11+/- 0.05 Aoki et al. (2012) Lithium Li measurements for binaries: strong evidence for Li depletion in main-sequence stars EMP binary CS22876-032 → low Li in the secondary (by 0.4 dex) VMP binary G166-45 → the difference is small (0.1 dex) CMB+SBBN Lithium Further Li depletion in UMP/HMP stars... Bonifacio et al. (2012) n-capture Neutron-capture elements: Abundance scatter and origins of heavy elements n-capture Origins of heavy neutron-capture elements in EMP stars Sr and Ba (singly ionized species Sr II and Ba II) are detectable even in EMP stars ● Sr and Ba are efficiently produced by s-process, but sprocess in AGB stars would not have contributed to EMP stars (except for binary stars). ● Sr: near the 1st abundance peak of neutron capture elements, representing the “weak r-process”? ● Ba: near the 2nd abundance peak of neutron-capture elements, representing the “main r-process”. ● n-capture Trend and scatter in abundance ratios of Sr and Ba from SAGA database (Carbon-enhanced stars are excluded) r-process-enhanced stars Very large scatter in [Sr/Fe] and in [Ba/Fe] in [Fe/H]<-2.5. ●A group of stars show very high [Ba/Fe] at [Fe/H]=-3.. Such stars are not found in the [Sr/Fe] diagram. ● n-capture Trend and scatter in Sr/Ba abundance ratios of from SAGA database “weak r-process” Sr-enhanced (“weak r-process” -enhanced) main r-process A tentative definition of Sr-enhanced stars: [Sr/Ba]> +0.5 → “weak r-process”-enhanced stars n-capture Metallicity distribution of Sr-enhanced stars All stars (non C-rich) Number [Sr/Ba]>+0.5 [Fe/H]=-3.5 [Fe/H] n-capture Distributions of Sr and Ba abundances in metal-poor stars: Summary Scatter in Sr/Ba (←weak-r/main-r) increases with decreasing metallicity ● The fraction of Sr-enhanced stars ([Sr/Ba]>+0.5) is 30-40% at [Fe/H]~-3.0. →the progenitors of EMP stars in this metallicity range (very massive stars?) are the sources of weak r-process ● No Sr-enhanced star is found in [Fe/H]<-3.5. ● →the progenitors of [Fe/H]<-3.5 stars are different from those of [Fe/H]>-3.5 stars? Extremely Metal-Poor Stars in the Milky Way Galaxy Summary 4 HMP/UMP stars have been discovered in the past decade. They already show diversity in chemical compositions. ● New surveys are enlarging the sample of EMP stars, contributing to deriving statistics (e.g.MDF and CEMP fraction). ● Fraction of binary of EMP stars probably having short periods (P<1000 datys?) is 20% or higher. ● The Li abundance trend in EMP stars (compared to VMP stars) is almost established, constraining the solution for the Li problem. ● Origins of n-capture elements in lowest metallicity range ([Fe/H]<-3.5) should be different from those for [Fe/H]~-3. ●