March 21/22 2015
March 21/22 2015
22 March 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent CHURCH OF THE ON SAUGATUCK THE MOTHER CHURCH OF WESTPORT • Celebrating 139 Years 1876-2015 • Phone: (203) 227-5161 98 Riverside Avenue • Westport, Connecticut 06880 CLERGY Fr. Thomas P. Thorne, Pastor Fr. Lawrence A. Larson, Parochial Vicar Dn. David P. Clark, Deacon EMERGENCY 1-203-249-4383 (203) 227-5161 PARISH STAFF Michelle P. Hankey, Pastoral Administrator ([email protected]) John P. Kondub, Finance Administrator ([email protected]) Christopher Mulliken, Volunteer Property Manager Lee McGuire, Secretary (Monday & Tuesday) Marilyn Price - Volunteer Receptionist (Wednesday - am) Nancy Wright - Secretary (Wednesday pm, Thursday & Friday) Dennis Stypinski, Custodian Gerard Barreau, Part-time Custodian RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Office: (203) 226-5448 Cell: (203) 939-8910 Catherine J. Romano, Director Nhur Klasky, Rel. Ed. Assistant (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) Ann Perce, Rel. Ed. Assistant (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) Joseph Malaterra, Rel. Ed. Board Chair YOUTH MINISTRY (203) 222-8486 Michele Modugno, Youth Minister (Grade 6 - 12) Michael O’Loughlin, High School Youth Ministry Board Chair BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS Fr. Lawrence A. Larson First Sunday of the month at 1:30pm R C I A (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Marilyn Moran, Parish Director Dolores Bacharach, RCIA Catechist (203) 286-6939 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm (closed 12:00pm - 1:00pm) Fax: (203) 227-1206 LAY MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION Theresa M. Perry, Trustee Thomas P. Leyden, Trustee Edward J. Capasse, Esq., Trustee Emeritus FINANCE COUNCIL Nancy Axthelm, Chair (203) 227-6569 Maria Onorato, Esq., Vice-Chair Joseph Cardello Michael O’Loughlin PARISH COUNCIL Maureen Belford, Chair Joseph Malaterra, Vice-Chair Ronnie Estony, Secretary Helen C. Thiemann, Chair Emeritus SACRED MUSIC MINISTRY Frank Matto, Director & Organist (203) 335-0894 ([email protected]) Donna Gambino, Flutist Aidan Andrews, Cantor Jim Andrews, Bassist (Sunday 9:00am & 5:00pm) MASS SCHEDULE Mon. – Sat. 7:30 am Saturday 5:00 pm Vigil Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am (Family Mass), 10:30 am (Choir Mass), 12:00 noon, 5:00 pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00pm – 4:30pm WEDDING COORDINATOR Michelle P. Hankey (203) 227-5161 FUNERAL COORDINATOR Catherine J. Romano (203) 226-5448 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday 8:00am - 5:00pm Wednesday 8:00am - Thursday 7:25am Third Thurs. 7:00pm - 8:00pm New Members: We welcome all new parishioners and those who wish to return to the Church or to learn more of what we Catholic Christians believe. Visit our web site Page 2 In Loving Memory/Honor The Sanctuary candle burns in loving memory of Bill Delano The candles at the Tabernacle burn in loving memory of Scott Harris The candles at the Altar burn in loving memory of Luigi and Mary Izzo Pray for our men and women currently serving our country Sgt. Randy Ackerman, US Army L.Cpl. Durry Becker, USMC Matthew Bradstock, US Army Tony Cuseo, USMC Ryan J. David, USN 2nd Lt. Alex Deep, US Army Sgt. Christopher Dietl, US Army Pvt. Auriane de Sousa, US Army Brodie Galloway, US Army Col. Gerald E. Galloway, US Army Sgt. Kimberly Gendreau, US Army Sgt. Trevor Gilbertie, US Army Sgt. Matthew Harwedel, USMC Sgt. Joseph Kelly, USMC 2nd Lt. Karl Kuechenmeister Cpl. Michael Linnen, USMC Sgt. Andre Mercado-Divoff P.F.C., Brad Myers, US Army Spec., Jonathan Morris, US Army LT Jonathan R. Nelson, USN LTJG Ryan T. Nelson, USN Sgt. Colin Santacroce, US Army Maj. Devin A. Smiley, USMC Sgt. Zachary B. Taylor, USAF Patrick Tazella, US Army Capt. James Tesauro, US Army Cpl. Calvin Robert Wauchope, USMC L.Cpl. Patrick Zingaro, USMC Please pray for all those who have been wounded or have sacrificed their lives for the cause of peace. Please pray for our sick Catherine Alter Mary Ann Andronaco Noelle Anastasia Joan Bailey Bob Barker Ryan Brewster Kathy Bridges Mary Bulakites Victoria Callas Sr. Lucy Caporaso Joseph Cardello, Sr. Bill Chadwell Aida Ciferri Tonino Covatta Andrea Charboneau Connie & Howard Danner Nicholas DeMatteo Matt Dudzik Colette Dunham Gail Eichinger David Ellison Dr. Harry Engel Angela Farricielli Marge Gabriele Katarina Hale Julie Halka Jane Hawley Logan Howard Angela Izzo Marie James Bernadette Juoan Nancy Kelly Bernadette Kenney Laura Kesling Mary Louise Krone Frank Kropf Mary-Ellen Kuhn Michelle Lombardi Jack Allen Loshuk Cara MacDonald Frank Machi Frances MacIlvain Helen Maggio Nancy Marino Gabriella McCrae Kristina Miller Rhoda Miller Marianne Monopoli Clarissa Moore Jana Moorman Danielle Murrugarra Denise Murtha Reverend Frank Nuss Rennie Nourie Donna Olsen Frank Palmieri Tom Pellicano Kim Preston Bella Price Brian Richards James Rosati Deanne Ryan Sandra Ryan Teresa Sacouto Adrian Sandiford Bill & Charlene Surette Carmela Tornatore Cheri Travis Nicholas Valas Ron & Pat Viesti James Dominick Zwolinski Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday, March 21 Vigil 5:00PM Anthony Wilcox Sunday, March 22 7:30AM Theresa Falasco 9:00AM Rose & Nicholas Saviano 10:30AM The Fumai Family 12:00PM Family of Assumption 5:00PM John Wanat Monday, March 23 7:30AM Ted Kloczko 12:00PM Anthony Wilcox Tuesday, March 24 7:30AM John Wanat 12:00PM Joseph DiLeo Wednesday, March 25 7:30AM Emiro Medina 12:00PM Liz Teed Thursday, March 26 7:30AM Edward “Ned” Maxwell 12:00PM Theresa Falasco Friday, March 27 7:30AM Christina Matyszkiewicz 12:00PM John Wanat Saturday, March 28 7:30AM Frank Donnelly Vigil 5:00PM Maria Chu Sunday, March 29 7:30AM Family of Assumption 9:00AM David Nolan 10:30AM Joseph Cabral 12:00PM Charles Timothy Paul 5:00PM Margerite Miraval Pray For Our Recently Deceased Loretta Frimpter John James Izzo, Sr. Frank Illuzzi Margaret Mary Krone Henry A. Ostrowski Lillian Duquette William J. Delano Horace Lanute May they rest in peace. Page 3 Stewardship Report • • Sunday Offertory $ 9,633.00 Catholic Relief Services & Aid to Church in Central & Eastern Europe $ 1,285.00 God bless you for you charity. Thank you! Fr. Tom Our parish now offers Online Giving, a web-based electronic application that allows you to start, stop and change your contributions at any time. We are providing this service so that you have the option to manage your contributions online, view reports on your contribution history and generate tax statements at each year’s end. This service is safe and secure. Sign up for Online Giving by visiting our parish website at and selecting the Online Giving link. • • If you wish to support the Parish by having your bank mail a check directly, you are welcome to do so. Please have checks payable to Assumption Church. Please remember Assumption Church in your estate planning. If you wish to make a donation of appreciated stock to the Parish, you may do so by crediting UBS DTC # 0221 for further credit to Church of the Assumption, Westport, CT Acct. UN R5454-17. New PLS Fund replaces Roncalli House Fund: The Roncalli Fund is now closed but you are most welcome to designate our new PLS FUND as recipient of your charity. This new fund will help us cover the cost to paint (P) the interior of the Church, to put in place 14 micro spot lights (L) on the 14 Stations of the Cross as well as update/upgrade our Sound System (S). Thank you. FATHER LARRY IS MOVING TO ST. THOMAS, FAIRFIELD Fifth Sunday of Lent This Weekend, March 21 & March 22 (Immediately after all masses) If you wish to be anointed, please come forward and the priest will anoint you. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. James 5:14 Father Larry, who has been our Parochial Vicar (Assistant Pastor) here for about 12 years, will be leaving us on April 15th to become the Parochial Vicar at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Fairfield. We are deeply grateful to Father Larry for his years of faithful, effective and dedicated service to the Parish. On Sunday, April 12th, Father will celebrate the 12:00 noon Mass with us and immediately afterwards we shall have a reception in McGrath Hall to honor him and to bid him farewell. All are welcome. May the Lord continue to bless Fr. Larry for the great priest that he is and for all the good he has done in the name of the Lord. Fr. Tom Page 4 2015 Lenten Schedule Lenten Daily Mass Schedule Monday - Friday: 7:30am and 12:00pm Saturday: 7:30am Sacrament of Reconciliation Tuesdays: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Saturdays: 4:00pm - 4:30pm (No Sacrament of Reconciliation, Holy Saturday, April 4) Sunday Lenten Evening Prayer 6:OOpm Please join us! Evening Prayer, Scripture Readings, Hymns, Reflection and Benediction Speaker: March 22 Damian O’Connor, Diocesan Director of Religious Education Communal Penance Service Wednesday, March 25, 7:00pm Stations of the Cross Lenten Friday evenings at 7:00pm (Deacon David Clark) Evening Prayer is an occasion to give thanks for the blessings of the day and for redemption in Christ. Sunday Lenten Evening Prayer 6:00pm March 22 - Damian O’Connor Communal Anointing of the Sick Saturday, March 21 - after the Vigil mass Sunday, March 22 - after all masses Palm Saturday, March 28 Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Egg Hunt to follow Palm Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday Lenten Food Collection 6:30pm - Lenten Play with Frank Runyeon, Actor “Signs: The Gospel of John” Lenten Alms for the Poor may be placed in the basket in the center aisle of the Church throughout Lent at all Masses. These offerings will go directly to the poor. Thank you. Every Sunday during Lent until March 22. All are invited & welcomed! Please join us in the Parish Hall at 6:45pm for delicious homemade soup, salad, bread & dessert. Attention All Lectors! Save the date . . . Lector Refresher Workshop Saturday, April 11th 9:00am - 10:30am More information to follow! Page 5 Holy Week Mass Schedule Palm Sunday Weekend Saturday, March 28 - Vigil 5:00pm Sunday, March 29 - 7:30am, 9:00am (Children read the Passion), 10:30am (Adult Choir), 12:00pm & 5:00 pm Monday of Holy Week, March 30 7:30am, 12:00pm Tuesday of Holy Week, March 31 7:30am, 12:00pm Wednesday of Holy Week, April 1 7:30am, 12:00pm A new one-man play by TV STAR FRANK RUNYEON of General Hospital, Falcon Crest, As the World Turns, Melrose Place and LA Law “Didn’t I tell you . . . if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” Sunday, March 29, 2015 6:30pm Church of the Assumption Dessert reception to follow in parish hall EVERY CHRISTIAN HAS WONDERED WHAT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN LIKE: TO HAVE BEEN THERE, IN GALILEE, AND MET JESUS . . . SIGNS! is an effort to help those in the audience have that encounter. How? By doing exactly what the evangelist John did: by telling the story in the present tense, here and now . . . As lights and characters and setting constantly shift, SIGNS! engages the audience’s imaginations . . . It drives forward with all the dramatic suspense you would expect from great theater, and opens the door to a deeper faith. Triduum Holy Thursday, April 2 7:30pm - Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Adult Choir) Good Friday, April 3 3:00pm Solemn Liturgy (Adult Choir) 7:00pm Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday, April 4 Easter Vigil Mass 8:00pm (Adult Choir) Easter Sunday Mass Schedule Easter Sunday, April 5 THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 7:30am (Church) 9:00am (Church) and 9:00am (Morrissey Hall - Gym) Family Liturgy 10:30am (Church) - Adult Choir and 10:30am (Morrissey Hall - Gym) 12:00pm (Church) No Sunday 5:00pm Mass Page 6 The following parishioners have already participated . . . Thank You! Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Autore Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Teklits Mrs. Nancy M. Axthelm Ms. Helen C. Thiemann Ms. Angela M. Betscha Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Urciuoli Mr. and Mrs. George G. Bory, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Uydess Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Braskamp Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Welsch-Lehmann Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Carl Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Wiele Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Castellano Mr. Hans S. Wiemann Mr. and Mrs. John J. Chacho Mr. Erich J. Wiemann Ms. Celeste L. Champagne Ms. Nancy E. Wright Mrs. Corinne E. Youngling Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Chase Mr. and Mrs. James M. Corgel Ms. Colleen M. Durkin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Fording Mrs. Shirley M. Gendron Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilmore Ms. Mary E. Guzewicz Parish Goal $195,000 (We shall gratefully acknowledge all parishioners as we receive their names. Please be patient as there is time lapse.) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Harding Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hinckley, Jr. Ms. Christine M. Huebner Reverend Robert M. Kinnally Kate and Mike Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Lau Ms. Susanne P. Lebrija Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Lener Mr. and Mrs. William P. Macnamara, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maggio Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Makowka Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Modugno Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Prister Mr. Paul Rohan Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Ryder Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sabbagh Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Schemel Miss Mary G. Stefani Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Sternbach Mr. and Mrs. Bryon E. Stevens We are 15.92% towards our goal As of our latest report, our parish has reached $31,045.00 from 46 donors bringing the parish to 15.92% of its $195,000 goal. Please join our efforts to raise funds for Diocesan services and our parish needs. Thank you! Fr. Tom Members of Assumption’s Knights of Columbus volunteering at the Special Olympics Penguin Plunge Dear Parishioners, Page 7 For many years we've asked you to give to various local organizations who serve the needy in our community. You always overwhelmed us with your generous response. Over the next several weeks, we will be sharing with you some of the thank you notes the recipients of your generosity sent us. This week we are publishing the letter from Evergreen, an organization that helps AIDS families. Evergreen received the Dark Green Angels gifts collected at Christmas time. Enjoy reading this kind letter. The Social Concerns Ministry BRINGING HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND & EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Sr. Catherine’s ministry to the sick and homebound was evidence of Christ’s presence, “Christ hands, no feet but yours.” (S. Therese of Avila). Grateful for Sister’s extraordinary work, Helen Thiemann, Cathy Romano and I realize how essential visiting the sick and bringing the Holy Eucharist to them is and we wish to continue this important ministry. There are two ways to participate: (1) as a minister to the homebound and (2) as a recipient of this service. As a minister to the homebound, you may already be a Eucharistic Minister; this will be an extension of your generous service. However, you need not be a Eucharistic Minister and can be commissioned to simply visit and bring Holy Communion to the homebound and not serve at the Altar. Please call Helen Thiemann at 203-227-6318 or [email protected] for details. Homebound and sick persons in our parish (or family members on their behalf) are encouraged to phone the rectory to request a visit. Their appeal will be answered. Fr. Larry, Dn. David and I also share in this ministry. Fr. Larry and I are always available for the Sacraments of the Sick and Reconciliation. Anyone interested in being a Eucharistic Minister of the Altar, please call Cathy Romano at 203-226-5448 or [email protected] for details. On Sunday, June 7th, the Feast of The Body and Blood of Christ at the 10:30 Mass, I shall commission any new Eucharistic Ministers of the Altar, of the Homebound or both. I shall re-commission and bless all current Eucharistic Ministers. Thank you for considering these parish services. Sincerely, Helen Thiemann, Homebound Visitation Coordinator Cathy Romano, Eucharistic Minister Coordinator Fr. Tom, Pastor Thank You Letter From Evergreen December 31, 2014 Dear Assumption Parishioners, I am still in “awe” and overjoyed with emotions from your gracious generosity. Out of all the years that I have volunteered, I have never received so many phone calls, texts, and emails from families telling me how blessed they were to receive such great gifts. All the families who reached out really touched my heart with their stories. A grandmother called to state that she received a gift card from Wal-Mart with a large amount of money on it and she was now able to go out and buy some new underclothing. She has been in and out of the hospital all year long and she did not have money to buy anything. A single man called and was so emotional because he had been wearing the same pair of shoes for the past 5 years, and with the gift card he received he went out and bought a new pair of shoes. All the children received so much, from coats, bedding sets, trucks, dolls, books, pj’s, etc. By the response from all the parents I can say that there was not one unhappy child. Thank you for helping me keep this organization going. None of this would be possible without your support. Thank you, The Families of Evergreen Page 8 Assumption Church Palm Sunday Food Collection We ask you through prayer and fasting throughout Lent, to fill as many bags of non-perishable food as your means allows. Please return your filled bags to the truck in our parking lot Palm Sunday Weekend, March 28 & 29. Items that are needed: Canned Goods: Tomato sauce, beans, soups, vegetables, fruits, tuna, canned ham. Boxed Foods: Juice, rice, pasta, dry milk, cereal, fruit bars. Other: Jelly, peanut butter, crackers, cookies, coffee, tea, sugar, Easter candy. Please, no glass bottles or perishables. There will be members of Assumption available in the parking lot to help with the collection of food which will be delivered in time for Easter. Sponsor by The Social Concerns Ministry The 2015 Lenten Alms will be shared with: DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY PRE-SCHOOL & RESCUE MISSION Daughters of Charity Pre-school & Rescue Mission offer an accredited daycare pre-school, food pantry, furniture and clothing bank (including diapers). Sister Theresa Tremblay is the Director. The Mission recently experienced a break-in and robbery. MISSIONARIES OF CHARITY The Sisters, members of Mother Theresa of Calcutta’s order, offer after-school programs, homework help, a food pantry and clothing help. A summer program offers tutoring in reading, mathematics and English. The Missionaries are not permitted to ask for monetary help but rely solely on donations. DOROTHY DAY HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY This Soup Kitchen serves 80 to 120 meals per day. There is a shelter for sixteen. Dorothy Day House relies heavily on donations. LOAVES & FISHES This Lenten collection supports the Soup Kitchens of the Bridgeport Diocese. Merton House is the largest soup kitchen in Connecticut. Page 9 Page 10 Serra Club Corner The Diocesan Serra Club-in-Formation will hold their next meeting Wednesday, March 25th, at 7:30PM at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Weston. Newcomers are welcome Contact David Flynn for more information at 917-3279506 or [email protected]. Prayer for Vocations God, our Father, you made each of us to use our gifts in the Body of Christ. We ask that You inspire young people whom you call to priesthood and consecrated life to courageously follow Your will. Send workers into Your great harvest so that the Gospel is preached, the poor are served with love, the suffering are comforted and Your people are strengthened by the sacraments. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Pope Francis Family Life Lenten Outreach From now until the end of Lent, we will be collecting toiletries and individual size snacks for the homeless in Bridgeport. Some suggestions are: Shampoo & Conditioner, Toothpaste & Toothbrush, Dental Floss, Mouthwash, Soap, Deodorant, Band-Aids, Tissues, Lip Balm, Moisturizer, Shaving supplies, Comb/Brush, Gallon Size Ziplocs, New Socks, Q-tips, Hand Sanitizers Individual size snacks such as: Applesauce, Fruit Cups, Chips, Crackers, Pretzels, Cookies, Hot Chocolate Packs, Juice Boxes, Granola & Fruit Bars, Envelopes of Soups, Wrapped Easter Candy Please bring your donations to the designated boxes at the entrances of the church or the bin on the front porch of Roncalli House anytime. The bags will be packed as items come in. They will be delivered to the Soup Lady’s clients in time for Easter. Thank you for your generosity and caring for those in need. High School Youth Group The next High School Youth Group gathering is set for Sunday, March 22 from 3:15PM to 5:00PM in McGrath Hall with Youth Mass at 5:00PM in the church. This time, we will work with 6th & 7th graders to finish stuffing Easter eggs for the Saturday, March 28 Easter Egg Hunt. Also, the youth group members that participated in the “30 Hour Famine” will share their experiences with us too! If you did not bring a bag of Easter candy with you on March 8, please bring a bag of individually wrapped Easter candy on March 22. The High School schedule for Sunday, March 22: • 3:15pm – 5:00pm – Easter egg stuffing in McGrath Hall with 6th & 7th graders • 5:00pm – 6:00pm – Youth Mass in the church Please contact the Youth Ministry Office to let us know that you will be joining us on Sunday, March 22. Just call the Youth Ministry Office at (2 0 3) 2 22 - 84 86 or v ia ema il at: [email protected] Middle School Youth Group Our next Middle School Youth Group gathering is for 6th & 7th graders and it is set for Sunday, March 22 from 3:30PM to 4:45PM in McGrath Hall. We will be stuffing Easter eggs for the parish’s Easter Egg Hunt which is set for Saturday, March 28 this year. Please send in with your middle schooler a bag or two of individually wrapped Easter candy for the eggs. Please no nuts! If your child plans to attend, please contact the Youth Ministry Office by 12 Noon on Sunday, March 22 to let us know he/she will be attending. You can call us at: (203) 222-8486 or s e n d a n e m a i l t o : [email protected] Youth Mass Our next youth mass is set for Sunday, April 26 at 5:00PM! Our youth musicians will rehearse starting at 4:15PM in the church with our music director, Frank Matto. Michele Modugno, Youth Minister Page 11 Knights of Columbus - Council 3688 Meeting Information: The Knights of Columbus meet the first Tuesday of the month at Assumption Church at 7:30pm in McGrath Hall, beneath the church. The next meeting will be held on April 7. For more information, please contact Walter Avitabile at (203) 981-3083 or by email [email protected] New members are always welcome! Next Weekends Priest Mass Schedule Saturday, March 28 Vigil 5:00pm Fr. Tom Sunday, March 29 7:30am Fr. Larry 9:00am Fr. Tom 10:30am Fr. Rob 12:00pm Fr. Rob 5:00pm Fr. Larry — Subject to change — Adoration: There is an opening on Thursday mornings from 4:00am - 5:00am. If you are interested or have any questions please contact Andrea Remlin (203) 227-5477. Hospital & Nursing Home Visitations Due to current privacy rights of patients, the priests do not have any way of knowing if and when parishioners are hospitalized. Therefore, if you wish to be visited by one of our priests while in the hospital, please have a family member notify the parish office and Father Tom or Father Larry will be happy to visit, bring you Holy Communion and share with you the Anointing of the Sacrament of the Sick. Thank you. Assumption Parish Bereavement Group Come, share and heal with others. We meet each Wednesday from 3:30pm- 5:00pm in the Beard Room at the Roncalli House (the parish center at the end of the parking lot.) Helen Thiemann will lead the group. For more information, please call her at (203) 227-6318 or email [email protected] . Blessed are they who mourn . . . they shall be comforted. Devotions Holy Hour, Exposition and Sung Chaplet of Mercy: March thru December every month on the Thursday before the first Friday from 7:15pm to 8:00pm in the Church. Dian J. Mayo (203) 9382113. Miraculous Medal Novena: Wednesdays following the 7:30am Mass. Daily Rosary of Peace - at 7:00am before daily Mass First Saturday Holy Hour: following the 7:30am Mass. Adoration: Monday 8:00am – 5:00pm and Wednesday 8:00am thru Thursday 7:25am (24 hrs.) Please call Andrea Remlin (203) 227-5477 if you would like to take ½ - 1 hour of Adoration. Holy Hour and Exposition: Third Thursday of the month 7:00pm - 8:00pm Baptismal Prep Class Mothers and Fathers who are parents for the first time are required to attend a Pre-Baptism class. Classes are held in the new parish center at 1:30pm once a month. The next Pre-Baptismal Class will be held on Sunday, May 3 in the Roncalli House, Oscar Romero Room. Please call the Parish Office at (203) 227–5161 to register for the class. Please note, Godparents must be practicing, Confirmed Catholics and age 16 and over. Sacramental Information Marriage: Arrangements are to be made a minimum of six months prior to the wedding date. Please call the Parish Office. Baptism: Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements for your child’s Baptism. Baptisms are on Sundays at 1:15pm, one to four children. Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00pm – 4:30pm Communion: We welcome the opportunity to visit our homebound parishioners. Please call the Parish Office. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Rectory prior to surgery or at the onset of an illness. RCIA: The process by which an adult joins our Catholic Faith Community. Contact Marilyn Moran at (203) 286-6939.