Material Related Design With Tailor Rolled Products
Material Related Design With Tailor Rolled Products
Material Related Design With Tailor Rolled Products Markus Zoernack Mubea, Inc. Benefit of Flexible Rolling Idea: Lightweight parts with load and function-optimized material usage Implementation of Idea / Targets / Benefits: Costs $ $ $ Weight Reduction + Part Integration + Functional Improvement Integration of Mubea Customer’s Benefit Flexible Cold-Rolling Process Flat material with repeated, varying thickness runs and harmonious transition zones An increased number of thickness zones for an optimized TRB solution results in minimal lightweight cost Targets / Benefits: Weight Reduction Part Integration Functional Improvement TRB Application in BIW Load Path Front Crash Transition Zone Constant Thickness Example Longitudinal Member TRB Application in BIW Load Path Side Crash Transition Zone Constant Thickness Example B-Pillar Reinforcement Mubea Tailor Rolled Blanks Technology Main requirements Security of passenger cell Market related requirements Euro-NCAP / IIHS Narrow design of the upper area Benefits with TRB® Ideal load distribution due to harmonic transition zones (no notch effect) Tuning of crash performance by adjusted gauges Cost reduction by part integration Standard B-Pillar IIHS Side Impact* * source: Insurance Institute of Highway Safety Mubea Tailor Rolled Blanks Technology Objective Weight and function optimization Innovation - 1.0 kg Thickness variation along the length of a part Advantages Standard B-Pillar Mubea B-Pillar closing plate: Patch-Reinf.: Reinf.-B-Pillar: m = 2.0 kg m = 1.9 kg m = 5.4 kg closing plate: Reinf.-B-Pillar: total weight: m = 9.3 kg total weight*: Weight reduction of up to 10% Integration of reinforcements lead to decreased efforts for logistics and joining Weight and function optimized body structures TRB® m = 2.0 kg m = 6.3 kg m = 8.3 kg Status weight reduction per vehicle: > 2.0 kg Serial application Mubea Tailor Rolled Blanks Technology Closing Plate DP590 / 1.2 mm 2.0 kg Closing Plate DP590 / 1.2 mm 2.0 kg 2.0 mm 2.5 mm - 1.0 kg 2.9 mm 2.5 mm B-Pillar Reinforcement 22MnB5 / 1.8 mm 5.4 kg Patch 22MnB5 / 2.2 mm 1.9 kg 2.0 mm TRB B-Pillar Reinforcement 22MnB5 / TRB 6.3 kg weight reduction per vehicle: > 2.0 kg 1.45 mm Welding Condition Standard B-Pillar Standard concept Closing Plate Reinf. B-Pillar Section A - A Closing Plate DP590 / 1.2 mm Patch 22MnB5 / 2.2 mm Detail B A-A Detail B 1.2 mm 1.8 mm Reinf. B-Pillar 22MnB5 / 1.8 mm Patch Joining Outer by 3 panel spot welding 0.7 mm Outer Panel Mild Steel / 0.7 mm Joining Outer by 3 panel spot welding 3 panel spot welding condition Spot welding Closing Plate 1.2 mm, Reinf. B-Pillar 1.8 mm and Outer Panel 0.7 mm Welding Condition TRB® B-Pillar TRB® B-Pillar concept Closing Plate 2.0 mm Section A - A Detail B Closing Plate DP590 / 1.2 mm 2.5 mm Detail B 1.2 mm A-A 2.9 mm 2.9 mm 2.5 mm 2.0 mm Reinf. B-Pillar 1.45 mm Joining Outer by 3 panel spot welding Reinf. B-Pillar 22MnB5 / 2.9 mm 0.7 mm Outer Panel Mild Steel / 0.7 mm Joining Outer by 3 panel spot welding 3 panel spot welding condition Spot welding ratio leads to a smaller process window for the up gauged area Mubea Flange Technology (MFT) Objective Weight and function optimization Innovation - 1.5 kg Welded assembly body structure with single-layered flanges in combination with TRB® Advantages MFT Constant B-Pillar Mubea Flange Technology closing plate: Patch-Reinf.: Reinf.-B-Pillar: m = 2.0 kg m = 1.9 kg m = 5.4 kg closing plate: Reinf.-B-Pillar: m = 2.0 kg m = 5.8kg total weight: m = 9.3 kg total weight*: m = 7.8 kg weight reduction per vehicle: > 3.0 kg Weight reduction of up to 16% Improved connectivity to body structure due to single-layered flange Highly efficient solution due to building closed section (like tubes) while improving performance Status Serial development Concept and Assembly TRB® MFT B-Pillar TRB® MFT Concept TRB® MFT Assembly Section A - A Detail A A A Detail A Laser welding 1.2 mm 2.9 mm New trimming of flange area Joining Closing Plate & Reinf. B-Pillar Continiuous laser welding Continuous laser welding leads to higher stiffness along the length of the B-Pillar New trim line Laser welding Welding Condition TRB® MFT B-Pillar TRB® MFT B-Pillar Closing Plate 2.0 mm Section A - A Detail A Closing Plate DP590 / 1.2 mm 2.5 mm Detail A Laser welding 1.2 mm A-A 2.9 mm 2.5 mm 2.0 mm Reinf. B-Pillar 1.45 mm Joining Outer by 2 panel spot welding 0.7 mm Reinf. B-Pillar 22MnB5 / 2.9 mm 2.9 mm Outer Panel Mild Steel / 0.7 mm Joining Outer by 2 panel spot welding 2 panel spot welding condition Spot welding Closing Plate with 1.2 mm to the Outer Panel with 0.7 mm Mubea B-Pillar Slim Foot Design Objective Weight and function optimization Innovation - 1.6 kg Introducing a slim foot design to get a parallel nesting within the max. coil width of TRB® Advantages Mubea B-Pillar Constant B-Pillar Slim Foot Design TRB® closing plate: Patch-Reinf.: Reinf.-B-Pillar: m = 2.0 kg m = 1.9 kg m = 5.4 kg closing plate: Reinf.-B-Pillar: m = 2.0 kg m = 5.7kg total weight: m = 9.3 kg total weight*: m = 7.7 kg Weight reduction of up to 17% High material utilization Independent thickness run without requiring a symmetry line Status weight reduction per vehicle: > 3.2 kg In serial production soon Mubea B-Pillar Slim Foot Design 2.0 mm Nesting Thickness 2.5 mm 2.9 mm 2.5 mm Material Utilization 63 % 2.0 mm 1.45 mm Length / mm Mubea B-Pillar TRB® 1.6 mm Nesting 1.8 mm Thickness 2.7 mm 2.0 mm 2.2 mm 2.0 mm Material Utilization 69 % 1.6 mm Mubea B-Pillar Slim Foot TRB® Length / mm Mubea B-Pillar Slim Foot Design B-Pillar Slim Foot Design B-Pillar Slim Foot Design Detail A Reinf. Closing B-Pillar Plate Detail A Spot weld Closing Plate and Reinf. B-Pillar Side view with spot welds Closing Plate for joining Outer Panel No spot welds at the high deformation area to prevent initial cracks Mubea B-Pillar Slim Foot Design Closing Plate DP590 / 1.2 mm 2.0 kg B-Pillar Reinforcement 22MnB5 / 1.8 mm 5.4 kg Patch 22MnB5 / 2.2 mm 1.9 kg IIHS Side Crash template Standard B-Pillar concept fulfills the rating “good” for IIHS Side Crash Mubea B-Pillar Slim Foot Design 1.6 mm Closing Plate DP590 / 1.2 mm 2.0 kg 1.8 mm 2.7 mm 2.0 mm 2.2 mm 2.0 mm 1.6 mm B-Pillar Reinforcement 22MnB5 / TRB® 5.7 kg IIHS Side Crash template Mubea B-Pillar Slim Foot TRB® concept fulfills the rating “good” for IIHS Side Crash Mubea B-Pillar Slim Foot Design Global Stiffness Analysis Analysis Baseline Design Slim Foot TRB Design % Difference Global Torsion Stiffness (KN-m/Deg) 23.34 23.05 -1% Global Bending Stiffness (KN/mm) 10.94 10.77 -1.6% Normal Mode Analysis Analysis Baseline Design Slim Foot TRB Design % Difference Torsion Mode(Hz) 32.43 32.45 0% Frontal Lateral Bending Mode(Hz) 34.29 34.31 0% Overall Bending Mode(Hz) 43.81 43.43 -1% Material related design with TRB® Mubea Flange Technology Weight reduction of up to 16% Improved connectivity to body structure Highly efficient solution due to building closed section Increased process window for spot welding due framing Ready for serial production Mubea B-Pillar Slim Foot Design Weight reduction of up to 17% For parallel nesting and increased material utilization Independent thickness run without symmetry conditions No spot welds at the high deformation area In serial production soon Mubea: Supporting supplier of lightweight solutions