Mosaic`s First Nations Supplier Strategy
Mosaic`s First Nations Supplier Strategy
Safe Harbour Statement MOSAIC… Who we are… Global producer of crop nutrients • #1 Phosphate producer in the world • #2 Potash capacity in the world Vertically integrated • Mining, production & distribution Formed in 2004 • New company with significant industry experience World’s Largest Integrated Phosphate Producer Leading Global Potash Producer Potash Production Locations Colonsay Esterhazy K1 Colonsay Shaft Belle Plaine Esterhazy K1 & K2 Shaft Esterhazy K2 Belle Plaine Solution Hersey Solution Carlsbad Carlsbad Shaft Mosaic Facilities Red Muriate of Potash White Muriate of Potash K-Mag ® Hersey Potash Production Capacity Colonsay Esterhazy K1 Million Tonnes Belle Plaine Esterhazy, SK Belle Plaine, SK Colonsay, SK Carlsbad, NM Hersey, MI Annual Capacity 5.3 2.8 1.8 1.7 0.1 11.7 Carlsbad Excluding Toll Production 10.4* * we produce potash at our Esterhazy mine for a third party Esterhazy K2 Hersey Noteworthy Mosaic Facts The Esterhazy operation is the largest potash production facility in the world! The Belle Plaine operation is the pioneer of unique solution mining technology and is the largest potash solution mine in the world! The Saskatchewan operations also produce high quality, industrial products and Mosaic is recognized around the world as a leader in the industrial potash market. The Carlsbad mine also produces K-Mag, a branded specialty fertilizer containing potassium, sulphur and magnesium. Esterhazy Underground Footprint 4,700 km of tunnels Mosaic Esterhazy – the largest underground potash mine complex in the world ! Community Involvement Community Involvement Strategic Message global economic recovery, business continues to improve operating earnings up from last year increased global demand for phosphate and potash Phosphate and Potash sales volumes up, lower phosphate raw material costs secure additional phosphate rock beyond North America advance our potash capacity expansions in Saskatchewan Mosaic is well-positioned, expect continued improvements in financial results as we meet the world’s growing demand for food Strategic Focus Phosphate Strategic Priorities Potash Strategic Priorities Shift in Business Mix (sales tonnes) Potash Expansions Potash Expansions Growth from 10.4 to 16.8 million tonnes Location Estimated Annual Capacity Increase Estimated Completion (tonnes millions) Belle Plaine 2.0 2015 - 2020 Esterhazy 1.8 2013 - 2016 Colonsay 1.3 2011 - 2017 Total 5.1 Potash Expansions EPCM contractor for: Colonsay Expansions Esterhazy Expansions Mosaic is directly involved in all decision-making for EPCM projects Mosaic Engineering EPCM function for Belle Plaine Stage 1 Expansion EPCM contractor for Belle Plaine Stage 2 Expansion Potash Expansions Belle Plaine - Expansion Update Compaction expansion is nearing completion Expansion first half is under construction Expansion second half engineering underway Belle Plaine Expansion Esterhazy Expansions New compaction plant complete K2 & K1 expansions nearing completion New K3 Shafts, nearing the end of FEL3 & Engineering well underway K2 Compaction plant K1 crushing expansion Esterhazy K2 Expansion Esterhazy K2 Expansion Esterhazy Expansion – K3 Site Expansion Challenges Manpower • Construction • Full time new positions • Retirement replacements Equipment delivery & lead times Infrastructure Safety Potash News Mosaic Wins ABEX Award for Expansion Manpower The 2010 ABEX Awards were presented this past Saturday night in Regina and Mosaic took home the trophy for Growth and Expansion. Mosaic Potash Leadership Team Members Brad DeLorey, Darrell Zwarych, Norm Beug and Gerry Couture The award is presented to the business which best exemplifies a commitment to exceptional development and capital investment in the province. Mosaic Positioned for Demand Recovery Spend Perimeter 1 2 .* # ! " # & ) ! .* # - # , #' ( # * # # /0 !+# $% , Vendor expectations Understand Mosaic’s expectations… • You are us…in approach, mentality and actions • You know more than us…help all of us to innovate • Business today requires near flawless execution • Markets always turn, we need to remain focused Engage vendors on critical quality requirements Bolster relationships within and across our network Safety is an inter-company responsibility/mandate Vendor Selection (continued…) Vendor Qualification Business Award Criteria: • • • • • • • • • • • Safety qualification TCO (Total Cost Model) Technical Expertise and knowledge Previous Knowledge Available resources Value Added Services Competitive price and service Legal review Diversified workforce Capability to deliver/complete on time Vendor Score Card Vendor & Contractor Selection What it takes to conduct business with us, some award winning criteria… Pre-Qualification forms and complete all pre-qualification requirements Capabilities – can you deliver the work and complete it on time. Do you have available resources & manageable resource loads ISNetworld Registration and compliance, Safety Programs, safety qualifications & safety performance Financial strength & stability, Insurance, WCB standing, Legal review and compliance, references & work history Low cost, competitive pricing. Consolidation, standardization, synergies Technical Expertise and knowledge Local, Regional, Diversified and Representative workforce and Value Added Services Performance targets and measurements – walk the talk! Mosaic Code of Conduct & Business Ethics Requires that all Employees, Agents, Officers and Directors: Comply with ALL applicable laws Not assist third parties in violating any laws Not pay or receive bribes or participate in any other unethical, fraudulent or corrupt practice or business behavior Honor all business obligations; absolute integrity Keep accurate business records, ones that accurately reflect all business transactions Take responsibility for preventing, detecting & reporting violations Avoid any conflicts of interest Certify compliance with the Code annually Mosaic Code of Conduct & Business Ethics (continued…) Take the time to understand our Code (please refer to Mosaic’s website) Conduct business in a manner in adherence with and complimentary to our Code Understand…we will not tolerate situations where supplier’s actions put Mosaic at risk of any Code violations Realize that Mosaic will investigate potentially inappropriate conduct; if this does arise, you will be required to cooperate with us fully in this regard Expectations of Suppliers & Contractor’s… Understand us… you are Mosaic in approach, mentality & action Safety is paramount, it is a company mandate. Operate within all Safety standards In many ways, you know more than us…be innovative and let’s save money Quality and project delivery is critical, it’s our goal Communication and business relationships must be respectful and professional, even those beyond Mosaic Operate within all applicable laws Manage information from Mosaic confidentially Accurately and honestly reflect the situation with immediate notification if an issue arises – “IT IS WHAT IT IS” Maintain credibility and reputations, be an industry leader Contracting Philosophy & Values Be Fair & Consistent… it must be a partnership, not one-sided. Standardize where possible Honesty… “good ethics is good business”. Be concise and easy to understand , thorough with no vagueness Be Competitive… price right and maintain appropriate cost structures Be both Tactical & Strategic… focus on successful project delivery but consider long-term growth and development Brand-Based… vendors must embrace our needs Collaborative… work as one cohesive team Timeliness/Urgency… right information, right away Innovation… continuous improvement and operational excellence Mosaic Procurement Trends We are finalizing our First Nations Procurement and Benefits Strategy which will include for contracting with First Nations controlled (51% First Nations ownership) businesses, business consortia that include First Nations business partners or subcontractors as well as recognizing First Nations content in the award of contracts and other benefits. We recognize that there may be greater opportunities to indirectly create First Nations employment through contractors/suppliers (e.g. Mosaic’s expansions will create 4,500 person years of employment). We believe a new policy will lead to improved approaches to measuring the strengths and weaknesses of suppliers and will assist in mentoring and improving the spend with suppliers. Our strategy is to grow; we understand that we require workers, products, equipment & services from a wide ranging and diversified workforce. Establishing a First Nations Procurement Policy Mosaic recognizes that a First Nations Procurement strategy relies somewhat on dollar value, client development and satisfaction, safety requirements, competitiveness and reciprocal accountability for results. Consistent with sound contracting policies and “best value”, if a business solution can benefit First Nations or if in a geographic area where the majority of the population is of First Nations, Mosaic may implement a First Nations set-aside contracting policy with bidding open only to First Nations suppliers First Nations Procurement Objectives Mosaic sees a need to establish realistic and achievable procurement targets, we recognize that procurement is linked to business and the market. Mosaic plans to establish procurement objectives linked to anticipated and potential annual growth. This will take into account the number of First Nations businesses. Targets will include metrics for contracting with First Nations suppliers, existing commitments and the nature of the goods and services to be procured. Measured results will include First Nations bids, contracts awarded and dollar value measured against other performance target areas. Our strategy could be supported by tactical and operational plans, and how we plan to achieve our growth along with our procurement spend. First Nations Procurement we will review our procurement policies and practices to ensure that barriers are removed. we will examine our current approaches and procedures for selecting, developing and managing supplier relationships including our alliance partners we will analyze spend including potential First Nations procurement opportunities we will analyze our approach in communicating potential business opportunities and our First Nations procurement targets. We will identify innovative First Nation supplier development initiatives and strategies we will review how existing practices can be better adapted, strengthened or targeted. Our systems will be updated to reflect market changes and the overall business environment Mosaic will encourage First Nations business registers, identify and report First Nations content in our procurement processes, and we will develop criteria to evaluate proposals and First Nations content. First Nations supplier development • we recognize that the systems we use to identify First Nations business, products and services will need development • we recognize that First Nations businesses may not understand our approach to purchasing goods and services and our supply chain. • Mosaic will implement initiatives to increase First Nations exposure • Develop a Mosaic First Nations supplier data base • pre-qualification to identify qualified First Nations vendors • investigate joint venture opportunities for First Nations and non-First Nations businesses • Assess contracting opportunities for First Nations business development; • Establish of First Nations mentoring initiatives and cultivate vendors in order to increase exposure to Mosaic • Establish and communicate guidelines for the Mosaic First Nations set aside policy. Mosaic’s First Nations Supplier Strategy • Mosaic plans to report annually on expenditures with Saskatchewan suppliers, First Nations, etc. • Mosaic plans to develop an audit and verification procedure to monitor First Nations content. • Mosaic plans to employ a number of strategies to communicate our First Nations Supplier Strategy. • we plan to communicate our successes through newsletters, periodicals and annual reporting • We plan to provide ongoing information on all future & potential procurement opportunities • Mosaic plans to continue its participation in First Nations trade shows, events, trade fairs and initiatives (e.g. Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, Canadian Business summits, Aboriginal Human resources Development Sector Council of Canada Annual Champions Meeting, AHRDA led Conferences, Canadian Association for Native Development Officers Annual AGM, etc.); and Mosaic plans to leverage these communications Local, Regional & Diversified workforce Mosaic has large and diverse requirements – to remain competitive we understand that we require workers, products, equipment & services from a diversified workforce. Mosaic’s procurement policy is to competitively source and this competitive has been expanded to include First Nations businesses We believe in and make efforts to support local economies by sourcing from capable Local, Regional, First Nations & Diversified workforces, contractors and suppliers We are in the process of completing a Mosaic Representative Workforce policy which will include First Nations, visible minorities and other valuable business segments & opportunities Saskatchewan does not have enough people, we realize our growth may depend somewhat upon others. The key is to manage our growth and do what’s right - without compromise Questions, Answers & Contact info… Q&A Les R.W. Anderson Global Manager Purchasing - Projects 2221 Cornwall Street Regina, Saskatchewan Canada S4P 4L8 Phone: 306.523.2851 Cell: 306.550-LESA (5372) Email: [email protected] Record Crop Needed in 2009
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