JULY HAWK-EYE IS HERE FOR YOUR COMMUNITY 1 2013 (561) 392-1600 [email protected] W HAT TO CONSIDER BEFORE A STORM 2 HELPFUL LINKS 2 Hawk-Eye happenings HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS: HAWK-EYE IS READY! ARE YOU? Don’t be left in the dark this Hurricane Season. Homeowners’ #1 regret after a Hurricane is that they didn’t have the protection and supplies needed to get them through after the storm had passed. Hawk-Eye… our Proactive Approach Hawk-Eye Management takes a proactive approach when it comes to hurricane preparation for our Associations and its’ residents. sites within your community after the “all clear” has been given by local authorities to help your community respond to any issues at hand and assure necessary Have peace-of-mind, Hawk-Eye has a watchful eye not only on your physical community but Association records as well. Action Plans are implemented. Our professional managers have assessed each community to make sure a Disaster Plan tailored to the needs of each Association is in place to protect the assets of the community in the event of an impending storm. Following a storm, the Hawk-Eye Management team will assess The Hawk-Eye team has in place alternate locations for temporary offices to serve you, should our main office not be accessible. Hawk-Eye Management has enclosed helpful links to assist you and your family with proper and efficient preparation for the 2013 storm season. Careful preparation is the best way to cope with a storm threat. Hawk-Eye Management and Staff wish you and your family a safe storm season. WEATHER UPDATES STATE & NATIONAL RESOURCES NOAA National Hurricane Center NOAA Hurricane Preparedness www.nhc.noaa.gov www.nhc.noaa.gov/prepare www.weather.com www.fema.gov/hurricanes The Weather Channel FEMA Hurricane Weather Underground FL Division of Emergency Management www.wunderground.com www.floridadisaster.org AccuWeather www.accuweather.com HELPFUL LOCAL RESOURCES PALM BEACH COUNTY www.pbcgov.com/dem/hurricane_preparedness BROWARD COUNTY LOCAL RADIO STATIONS WPTV (NBC) WJNO-AM 1290, WXEL-FM 90.7 LINKS www.broward.org/hurricane/pades/default BEFORE THE STORM WPEC (CBS) WSBR-AM 740, WIRK-FM 103.1 WPBF (ABC) WRMF-FM 97.9 EMERGENCY CONTACTS: AT-A-GLANCE Hawk-Eye recommends you have an effective Disaster Plan! Consider the types of vulnerabilities and damages that could affect your home, your family or your facility. Your home and the surrounding area could be subject to storm surge, flooding and strong winds. Choose a “safe room” within your home. In certain circumstances, the safest areas may not be your home but within your community. A “safe room” should be a location away from any windows. Plan in advance escape Determine what to do with routes from your home and your pets if you need to places to meet family memevacuate, and make sure bers in case of separation. To their registration and vacfind out inforcinations are current. mation for THINGS evacuation Keep all of your TO routes, please documents CONSIDER important call 311. including deeds, identification, and insurIf you decide ance papers and contact that your home is not safe information in a safe and enough to ride out the storm, waterproof location. familiarize yourself with area shelter locations in case you Make sure you have a need to evacuate. NOAA portable weather Check your insurance coverage to make sure it is current and complete. radio and don’t forget to replace the batteries! EMERGENCIES… DIAL 911 EVACUATION INFO… DIAL 311 NON-EMERGENCIES… DIAL 211 Palm Beach County Emergency Management (561) 712-6400 Broward County Emergency Management (954) 831-3900 2013 HURRICANE SEASON NAMES 3901 N Federal Hwy, Ste 202 Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-392-1600 ANDREA BARRY CHANTAL DORIAN ERIN FERNAND GABRIELLE HUMBERTO INGRID JERRY KAREN LORENZO MELISSA NESTOR OLGA PABLO REBEKAH SEBASTIEN TANYA VAN WENDY