RMR Porsche - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club
RMR Porsche - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club
A UGUST 2006 V OLUME 48 • N UMBER E IGHT T HE P UBLICATION FOR P ORSCHE C LUB E NTHUSIASTS Neither Rain, nor Sleet, nor Snow (well it really didn’t sleet nor snow) Can Keep the Ladies Off the Track. See More on Page 11 ROCKY M O U N TA I N REGION PORSCHE CLUB 47TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR OF AMERICA 2 August 2006 l RMR Porsche PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE OIL CHANGE At RMR, as the days shorten with summer ending, so too does the time left for this season’s many volunteers on committees, at events and on RMR’s managing Board of Directors. RMR is organized and guided by its members to continue the 45+ years of club experience and also to bring in the fresh oil of new members every fall with our elections, committee appointments and event chairperson selections. We have done a great job of it in the past, so join me now as we plan the future for RMR to select or quite possibly become the people who will guide us next year and beyond. Here is how it works. First, the RMR By-Laws provide for a Nominating Committee to be appointed by the Board consisting of the President, PastPresident and one or more participating members. Any RMR member interested in a board position should contact one of the Committee members to find out more about the position requirements and to volunteer. The Committee reaches out to members to gather suggestions for names to consider. The Committee also talks to current board members to see if they want to continue or would prefer to step down or change positions (yours truly is in the latter group). Second, the Committee considers the best interests of the club and its members and makes its recommendation of candidates to the membership. Of course, other nominations are accepted from the floor at the membership meeting in November when the election of Board members is held. The Nominating Committee consists of Andy Forberg, Jim Everson, Bob Speights, Kathy Fricke and Tamela Cash. Please contact any of the committee people with your RMR Board suggestions for 2007. The Board Positions are: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership, Newsletter Editor and Past President. Past President is a non-voting Board position filled by the outgoing President (again, yours truly). All positions with the excep- because most committees need several members to accomplish their tasks, there will be openings for interested new people for sure. The committee positions include: Challenge Series, Club Race Liaison, Colorado Motorsports Council Representative, CAMA Representative, Goodie Store and Door Prizes, Equipment, Chief Driving Instructor, Membership Programs, Safety, Pre-Tech, Registration, Timing, Webmeister, Historian, Insurance and Promotion. Let the incoming President know of your interest in committees. The Event Chairs are filled by volunteers and recruitment as the Vice Presidents plan the season schedule. Event Chairs plan and organize our many events with the help of the two VPs. We have tours, rallys, socials, concours, charities, autocrosses, driver education events and a club race. Also, the PCA Parade is approaching and the volunteering has already started for that national event to be held in Colorado in 2009. Dave Speights and Susan Bucknam, the current VPs, are already recruiting for the 2007 season and would be very pleased to hear from you. tion of membership and newsletter editor are limited to two years. The various RMR tasks are divided among the board members and descriptions are available from the Nominating Committee or by asking a current board member. The Committee Positions are filled by the incoming President and approved by the Board. Like the Board members, some committee members will want to continue, and others prefer to step down. Moreover, Well, that’s RMR organization 101 for you. Obviously, it takes a lot of people working year after year, new ideas and a solid foundation. They would say it is worth the effort because our members keep coming back year after year, and new members find a place to enjoy Porsches and people too. Experience and change are the oil that keeps the club running smoothly. Andy Forberg, President 3 August 2006 l RMR Porsche I NSIDE THIS I SSUE B OARD President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 2 Ladies’ Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 11 Membership Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 4 Fossils, Felons, Food, & Fun . . . . . . . . . .page 16 Editor’s Musing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 5 Boulder Car Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 16 Event Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 5 Membership Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 17 Pre-Tech Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 5 The Drivers Lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 18 Super DE & Club Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 6 Concours Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 21 Rush to Rushmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 7 Member Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 22 OF D IRECTORS President Andy Forberg [email protected] (H) 303-399-3357 Secretary Cecil Morris [email protected] (303) 399-2482 First Vice President Susan Bucknam [email protected] (H) (303) 237-3140 (C) (303) 803-5683 Membership Tamela Cash [email protected] (H) 303-554-7464 Second Vice President David Speights [email protected] (H) 970-225-2201 Newsletter Rex Heck RMR.Newsletter @WeBeGone.com (H) 303-841-8124 Gmund West 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 8 Treasurer John Mackin [email protected] (303) 665-9579 Past President Jim Everson [email protected] (H) 303-779-4211 (W) 303-605-1563 RMR R ESOURCES These members may be contacted for information regarding the maintenance and modification of your Porsche. They are specialists with detailed information about specific Porsche cars. A DVERTISING I NFORMATION Cover Photo: Rick Goncalves Commercial Advertising Rates N EWSLETTER ON THE W EB To see the RMR Newsletter on the Web go to www.rmrporscheclub.com and click on the Newsletter button. C ONTACT U S Circulation, Change of Address. and Missed Issues: Tamela Cash at [email protected] Editorial Content and Articles: Rex Heck at [email protected] Full page: Monthly placement in 12 issues $158/month B&W, $220/month color 1/2 page: Monthly placement in 12 issues $85/month B&W, $170/month color 1/4 page: Monthly placement in 12 issues $48.00/month B&W, $105/month color Bus. Card:Monthly placement in 12 issues $25.00/month B&W, $75/month color 356 Tom Scott 303-819-0101 924 Dan Semborski 303-420-2708 911 Alan Fritze 303-697-8101 [email protected] & John Haley 303-798-2177 [email protected] 928 Mike Hemingway 303-979-4882 mikeandgennie@ qwest.net Member Ads 912 Dan Rose 303-450-8222 desiraerose@ earthlink.net Advertising is free for RMR/PCA members. Ads must be all text and less than 150 words. Deadline for classified ad submission is the 10th. Ads run for two months. Send your ad to [email protected]. 914 Dale Tuety 303-670-1279 [email protected] 10% discount for annual contracts paid in advance. E-mail Michael Elliott at [email protected] for information. 944 Richard Winnick 303-4295213rewinnick@CS .com Boxster Graeme Weston-Lewis 970-622-9972 [email protected] 4 August 2006 l RMR Porsche MEMBERSHIP MESSAGES Welcome to new and returning members! I can’t believe how quickly this summer is going by. I’d like to encourage everyone to come out to our Club Race in September. This is our only wheel-to-wheel race in Colorado – for those of us who don’t club race yet, this is a great event to watch and see what it’s all about or just to watch some good racing. This event requires LOTS of volunteers – corner working, pit & grid, help with the social events and prizes. If you’re not driving in the DE portion of the event, you may even get a free room! Watch your newsletter for information, or contact me and I’ll get you in touch with the right person. Feel free to call me at (303))554-7464 or email [email protected] with any questions, problems, or suggestions. Tamela N EW M EMBERS Mike Forster & Violet Pimentel 9755 W 81st Ave Arvada, CO 80005 H – (303)422-6456 1964 356SC, 1996 993 Scott & Sune Henderson 2524 S Kearney St Denver, CO 80222 H – (303)692-8110 W – (303)300-1600 [email protected] 2003 C4 Cabriolet Eric Lindberg 1280 S Milwaukee St Denver, CO 80210 H – (303)777-1688 W – (303)321-6600 [email protected] 2005 997 white Gary & Karen Shondeck 342 Meadowlark Trail Gunnison, CO 81230 H – (970)641-6487 W – (970)641-4700 [email protected] 2006 Cayman olive Peter & Chris Weilmuenster 2610 E 132nd Ave Thornton, CO 80241 H – (303)255-9030 W – (303)868-9032 [email protected] 1993 968 black Chris & Stacy Tuckwell 5580 S Marshall St Littleton, CO 80123 H – (303)797-8456 W – (720366-6480 [email protected] 1986 944T red Gary Williams 6781 E Eagle Pl Highland Ranch, CO 80130 H - (303)471-1794 W - (303)758-4600 [email protected] 1981 911 burgundy Bruce & Marci Waddle 1645 Stardance Cr Longmont, CO 80501 H – (303)772-8178 W – (303)717-7617 [email protected] 2003 Boxster silver 5 August 2006 l RMR Porsche EVENT CALENDAR August 2006 Wednesday Thursday Saturday/Sunday Sunday/Friday Thursday/Sunday 8/2 8/3 8/5-6 8/6-11 8/24-27 Pre Tech for Pueblo RMR Membership Meeting AMR Pueblo DE (CS) Porsche Parade AMR Rush to Rushmore September 2006 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fri/Sat/Sun Saturday/Sunday Wednesday 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/15-17 9/23-24 9/27 RMR Board Meeting Pre-Tech for Super DE RMR Membership Meeting RMR Super DE and Club Race AMR Fall Tour (CS) Pre-Tech for La Junta October 2006 Tuesday Thursday Saturday/Sunday Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday 10/3 10/5 10/7-8 10/14 10/15 10/29 10/30 RMR Board Meeting RMR Membership Meeting RMR La Junta DE (CS) RMR Fall Tour RMR/AMR Joint Board Meeting RMR Trick or Cross Autocross (CS) RMR Board Meeting Note: (CS) Challenge Series Event For the most up to date event schedule, check out our online calendar at www.rmrporscheclub.com or www.pca.org/alp. 2006 C OMMITTEES Challenge Series Greg Curtiss 303-699-9360 [email protected] Tech Inspection Greg Johnson 303-789-2545 [email protected] CMC Representative Jerry Schouten 303-777-3942 303-762-8806 Timing Bob Speights 970-282-3495 [email protected] Door Prizes Bob Sutherland 303-795-0471 [email protected] Jerry Medina 303-795-1651 [email protected] Equipment Chris Sully 303- 369-9052 [email protected] It has been a busy summer as you can see from the articles this month. There have been events for everyone. Just in this issue there are stories about the Concurs, Gmund and Ladies’ Day. And it doen’t slow down. By the time you read this, the Aspen event will be over, and we will be getting ready for Pueblo, Parade and Rushmore in August. And don’t forget the Grand Prix of Denver. Champ car racing in our own back yard. Also there is the Boulder Car Show, Concours and Block Party on August 27. Lots of fun cars and good eats. Email [email protected] for information. Safety Graeme Weston-Lewis 970-622-9972 [email protected] After three years, I have decided to retire as newsletter editor. The president’s article describes the process for selection of board members (including newsletter editor). Take a look, and if you are interested, contact me or one of the other board members. I have enjoyed the job, but now it is time to give someone else a turn at the fun. Rex Heck, Editor Zone 9 Representative Dale Thero 303-832-4181 x117 720-344-0265 [email protected] Instructors Randy Hoch 303-445-1500 [email protected] Then in September there is the Club Race and Super DE in Pueblo followed two weeks later by the Intermountain Region DE/Club Race. Go to http://vista.pca.org/int for details on the Intermountain event. Webmeister Scott Rogers 970-690-8343 [email protected] Programs Rick Goncalves 303-697-1960 [email protected] Historian Andrea Rossiter 303-333-4223 [email protected] T HE E DITOR ’ S M USINGS Club Race Liaison Mike Quigley 303-322-2666 [email protected] CAMA Representative Walt Fricke 303-499-6540 [email protected] P RE -T ECH S CHEDULE This year pre-tech for each DE will be at a different site. People in Denver will have two choices. Check the event article for times and locations other areas. August 2nd (Pueblo) Prestige Imports Eisenbud’s September 6th (Super DE) Stevinson Imports Eurosport Automotive September 27th (La Junta) Storz Garage Eurosport Ltd 6 August 2006 l RMR Porsche EUROSPORT AUTOMOTIVE PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN & DOMESTIC REPAIR David Marshall Telephone: (303) 423-3715 Fax: 303-423-3697 5615 Lamar Street Arvada, CO 80002 RMR/PCA MEMBER S IGN - UP IS OPEN FOR THE SUPER DE P UEBLO M OTORSPORTS P ARK S EPT . 15,16,17 Many people are asking, “Just what is a SUPER DE”? Well my track-time-starved friends, it is an opportunity to enjoy the 2.2 mile road course at Pueblo for THREE DAYS of Drivers’ Education. For those who cannot commit that much time, we have made it easy for you. Take your pick – Friday DE ($90.) Saturday DE ($90.) or Sunday DE ($60). The Three-day value pack is priced at $210. or a savings of $30 with which you could buy 10 gallons of gas! You will also be entertained between run groups or corner working duties by the two Club Race groups who will be practicing on Friday and Saturday and racing on Sunday. This also means that race fuel will be available for purchase at the track along with tire support should you need these services. Instructors will be available each day for your continuing education. We do require however, that you have participated in at least one Drivers’ Ed prior to this event. Friday will consist of the normal 6 run groups for 3 on-track sessions each. Expect to be mixed in with Club Racers if you are in one of the more experienced run groups. Saturday we will have 2 run groups for 3 sessions and the same 2 on Sunday for 2 sessions. Saturday night will feature a splendid din- ner prepared by Gosar Sausage Co. of Montrose. Of course if you help out by working corners on Saturday and Sunday AND are participating in the DE both days your dinner will be complimentary. If you are not driving in the DE and come out to work a full day of corners on Saturday OR Sunday, then your dinner is on the house and your hotel room will be subsidized by the Club. In either case your lunch will be provided compliments of our sponsors. This event is likely to cap out – so don’t delay – go online now and signup at http://www.rmrporscheclub.com. See you at the track. 7 August 2006 l RMR Porsche Rush to Rushmore ! August 24th – 27th More information can be found on www.rmrporscheclub.com Highlights You are invited to … N Over 900 miles of scenic driving roads. Come join your Porsche friends and make some new ones during this memorable four-day trip to Mt. Rushmore. We’ll be driving our Porsches along some of America’s most spectacular roads. Itinerary Day 1 – Thursday, August 24th N Pre-Tour breakfast at the Moonlight Diner near DIA. N A scenic 400+ mile drive from Denver to Rapid City, SD N Cocktail reception party Day 2 – Friday, August 25th N Breakfast and driver’s meeting N A guided tour through the Northern Hills of SD N Dinner and “Kool Nights in Deadwood” Hot Rod Festival. Day 3 – Saturday, August 26th N Breakfast and driver’s meeting N A guided tour through the Southern Hills of SD N Awards ceremony in Rapid City Day 4 – Sunday, August 27th N Optional autocross in Rapid City N Leisurely drive home N Beautiful state and national parks... including the Black Hills, the Badlands, Custer, Wind Cave, Devils Tower and Mt. Rushmore. N The “Kool Nights in Deadwood” Hot Rod Festival, The streets will be alive with music, hot rods, casinos and great restaurants. N Clean and comfortable rooms at the Holiday Inn in Rapid City (discounted rates are available for reservations made by July 24th). We’ll also have prizes, games and a special music CD to help you remember your journey. Register as soon as possible because space is limited to 30 cars for this very popular tour event. The registration fee is $40 per car. Register now! Space is limited. More information can be found on the AMR & RMR websites. Register via the MotorsportReg.com website. If you have any questions call Ron or Sheri Martinez @ 719-243-3531 or send an e-mail to: [email protected] 8 August 2006 l RMR Porsche R ECORD B REAKING G MUND W EST 2006 As dawn broke on a picture perfect Sunday June 25th, a constant stream of 250 plus magnificent looking Porsches began to parade in front of the Maybees’ Pfortnerhaus in Henderson Colorado. Of those 250 Porsches over one-hundred were getting ready for the concours, chaired by Kathy Fricke. Gmund West 2006 had record attendance of over 750 Porsche enthusiasts, concourers, sponsors, swap meet sellers, vendors and 100 wonderful volunteers. Need we say more? If you missed the event, we are sorry for it was a great one. The winners of the Concours are as follows: Best of Show Score Mel Shapiro/Tom Conway - 1956 356 Speedster Peoples Choice award: 1 - Bill Jackson/Lynne Bentsen 2 - Mel Shapiro/Tom Conway 3 - Art Rancis Best Period-Style Dress Award 1 - Scotty and Jean Knox 2 – King and Carol Clemons Class #1 – 356’s 1 - Mel Shapiro/Tom Conway 2 - Tom/Mark Kutner 3 - Bill Jackson/Lynne Bentsen Class #2 - Tractors 1 - Joe Mond 2 - Don Chew 3 - Bill Ferguson shown by Bob Rohr Class #3 – 924 / 944 / 928 / 968 1 - Fred/Wendy Clark 2 - Chris/Kathleen Lennon 3 - Phil Robinson Class #4 – 914 (1969-75) 912 / 911 / 930 (1965-1983) 1 - Ron Podboy shown by Klaus Rappenserger 2 - Mark Jekot 3 - Michael Ferguson Class #5 – 911 / 993 (1984-1998) 1 - Don Breithaupt 2.- Alan Benjamin 3 - Ron Tiemann Class #6 – 996 / 997 / Carrera GT 1. Ken/Gail Spoonts 2 - Kent Johnson Class #7 – 986/Boxster / Cayman / Cayenne 1 - Ron Shaw 2 - Bob Sutherland 3 - Bob/Carole Gale Class #8 – All Racecars 1 - Jerry Schouten 2 - Bob Beaton The tractor cross was again a huge success, Graeme Weston-Lewis and Tamela Cash really know how to have fun as well as drive for they were the fastest top drivers of the women and men. Joe Leoni was busy organizing the swap meet and also brought his miniature Porsche that he had made for his grandchild. It was quite a hit with the younger generation. What vehicle at the Gmund West 2006 was a palindrome? (Racecar, of course) this was just one of the 20 questions on the Schlepper Tech Quiz, chaired by Don Chew. Graeme Weston-Lewis took top score. As the curtain falls, the Maybees want to thank the many people that took part in making this event, especially King and Carol Clemons and Tina and George McDonald for their pre-event assistance and organization skills this event never would have been so successful. The many volunteers on Saturday and food servers on Sunday, you were great. Our Featured Artists Mike Jekot and Larry Braun and Vendors: 356 Goodie Store. PCA Goodie Store, PorscheDiesel Tractors, LLC, Blocks Books, Campbell Levy Designs, Round About Signs, and The Beaded Edge. A very special thank you to our Sponsors: Porsche AG Clubs Coordination, RMR/PCA, 356 Registry, RM356 Club, Porsche-Diesel Tractor Registry, SIG – PCA, Prestige Imports, Ed Carroll Motor Co, Stevinson Imports, Auto Weave, Carquip, 9 Magazine, Gosar Ranch Natural Foods, St. Polly Girl beer, our neighbors and many others. As one of our favorite volunteers said, “WOW and Thanks!!! 9 August 2006 l RMR Porsche 2006 1975 We are proud of our years of experience serving RMR/PCA Offering Fine Service for Porsches •Repairs •Maintenance •Tuning •Parts •Reasonable Rates •Engine & Suspension Modifications •Pre-Purchase Inspections 1475 Vine Street, Denver (303) 333-1911 The Porsche garage that listens to our customers 10 August 2006 l RMR Porsche ©2006 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. Here's a lease the whole family can get on board with. Just because you are driving an SUV doesn't mean you can't live for the corners. Porsche all-wheel drive. Precise traction and stability management. Ventilated disc brakes with monobloc calipers. An SUV, but decidedly a Porsche when you need one most. Visit us today for a thoroughly exhilarating test drive. This is the program that will take you from zero to the SUV of your dreams. Available for a limited time only. Lease an '06 Cayenne for $499/mo. Prestige Imports 303-238-8101 9201 W Colfax Lakewood/Denver, CO 80206 www.prestigeimports.net Showroom hours Monday - Friday: 8.00AM-7.00PM Saturday: 9.00AM-6.00PM Sunday: Closed ® 36 month closed-end lease. Tax and M/V fees add'l. Lessee resp. for excess wear/tear & 30¢ per mile over 10,000/yr. Subject to primary lenders approval. Total due at signing: $4,834. Purchase option @ lease end: $21,387. Stk#60564, MSRP & $49,815. Valid while supplies/programs last. 11 August 2006 l RMR Porsche H EEL /T OE —L ADIES ’ D AY 2006 It was a dark and stormy day…and the ladies had fun at the track anyway! More than 40 drivers of the female persuasion participated in Ladies’ Day on July 8 at the Colorado State Patrol track in Golden. Drivers and volunteers alike gamely conquered weather that progressed from overcast to monsoon. The rain cut the day a bit short but did not dampen spirits. New drivers attended Chief Driving Instructor Vicki Earnshaw’s class on performance driving basics as the morning drizzle turned into a downpour. Corner workers bravely stood under umbrellas, ensuring that all the novices could get in three runs. Instructors had barely a moment to breathe between students, as they each took care to help drivers felt safe and in control on the wet track. Friends and family sheltered under the large tents we thought would be protecting us from hot sun. And through it all, our friend Mo prepared burgers and brats for lunch and some incredible remoulade for “near-beer 30.” Although the event was called early, about the time trout were spotted swimming by corner 4, the fun continued during the social hour. Each driver was awarded a certificate of achievement for “feats of speed and finesse deserving of praise, chocolate, and a warm bath.” In keeping with the footwear theme, a panel of discerning judges led by President Forberg awarded valuable prizes to winners of the shoe contest. Highlights included Bob Egeland’s high-heeled driving shoes (is he taking orders?) and Tamela Cash’s winning entry in the Street Class. Each driver received a goody bag filled with items from event sponsor Dr. Josh Wyte and other area businesses and organizations. Prizes were donated by Prestige Imports (door prizes), Roberta’s Chocolates (a solid chocolate 911), Detailer’s Paradise (a pair of women’s Piloti driving shoes), Williams Jewelers ($100 gift certificate), and Car Talk (a photo signed by Tom and Ray Magliozzi, inscribed “In Praise of Women Drivers”). The success of the day really demonstrated the RMR “can-do” attitude and we’d like to thank all the wonderful volunteers who made it happen, all the friends who cheered us on, and the drivers who proved that fun at the track isn’t just for sunny days. And a special thanks to our event sponsor: Dr. Josh Wyte, Family & Restorative Dentistry 970-667-1293. Photos: Craig Crease 12 August 2006 l RMR Porsche L ADIES ’ D AY Ladies’ Day Photos: Craig Crease & Rick Goncalves AND G MU August 2006 l RMR Porsche MUND , W HAT A M ONTH 13 14 August 2006 l RMR Porsche Photo: Robert Birney Photo: Robert Birney August 2006 l RMR Porsche 15 16 August 2006 l RMR Porsche F OSSILS , F ELONS , F OOD , & F UN A F ABULOUS F ALL F LING ! The annual RMR dinner tour is rapidly approaching. Your hosts are the Wrights (Janet and Steve) and the Rossiters (Andrea and David). The date is October 14th and once again we will meet at the Wright’s house in Castle Rock for a day of Fossils, Felons, Food and Fun. What does it all mean? Well, you’ll just have to join us to find out! The tour commences at 8:30 AM, and will meander through the Rockies with a few surprises along the way. Also, back by popular demand, the tour will be followed by a dinner and special wine tasting at La Petite Maison in Colorado Springs. This was a big favorite in last year’s Fall Tour. Cost for the tour is only $40 per car. If you would like to join us for dinner and the wine tasting, it is $40 per person. You may do one or both it’s, up to you. Those of you who joined us last year had a great time. Come back and join us again-and tell your friends. On line registration will be available. For additional information contact us at: Janet and Steve Wright Andrea and David Rossiter 3758 Castle Butte Drive Janet and Steve Wright Castle Rock, CO 80109 [email protected] 303-333-4223 303-681-2849 T HE 2006 B OULDER C AR S HOW /C ONCOURS B LOCK P ARTY Sunday, August 27th All proceeds go to benefit the Boulder Mountain Fire Protection District. Schedule: 12-5 PM Concours – $10 5-8 PM Block Party – $25 7 PM Concours Awards Ceremony The Block Party includes Dinner, Drinks, a Live Band and a Taste of NOBO. Dinner Buffet provided by select North Boulder restaurants. All events will be held on Boulder View Lane which will be closed in Mall-type fashion for automobile viewing. This event promises to attract many special vehicles and will feature a variety of automobiles including sports cars, specialty SUVs ranging from antiques to early classics to current models. Cars Wanted: Multiple categories of cars will be available for judging. Judging will be administered by nationally certified concours judges and prizes will be awarded to cars in various categories. Cars from local collections will also be on display. If you have a car that you would like to show or have judged for prizes, e-mail us at [email protected] by August 10 to register. Please register early as space will be limited. In addition to the fun of the event, entrants will receive a free detailing seminar. Ticket sales: For advance tickets please email [email protected]. August 2006 l RMR Porsche M EMBERSHIP M EETING The membership meeting in August 3rd will feature a DVD detailing the making of the 1968 movie “Grand Prix”. This was probably the best quality movie ever made about racing, being among the first to feature on car cameras, interesting special effects, and the actors doing their own driving at high speeds. The meeting will be at the Radisson Hotel Denver Stapleton Plaza, 3333 Quebec St, Denver, at 6:30pm. There will be the usual short meeting, door prizes, cash bar and hors d’oeuvres. You’re invited to join Mount Vernon Country Club Social Membership starts at a $500 one-time initiation fee and quarterly dues of $90. Featuring fine and casual dining, live entertainment, pool, tennis, and exercise facilities. Any exhilarating 20 minute drive from downtown Denver, the Club offers the perfect mountain getaway with views of the canyon and city lights below. 24933 Clubhouse Circle • Golden, CO 80401 • 303-526-0616 Fax: 303-526-9618 • Website: www.mountvernoncc.com • E-mail: [email protected] 17 18 August 2006 l RMR Porsche T HE D RIVERS L OUNGE A visit to Dallas, TX for the Motorsport Ranch Club Race By Jesse Wurmbrand The ringing cell phone over the hum of the turbo-diesel pulled me back from my daydream. Barely fifty miles into a nine hundred mile trip to Fort Worth, Texas, the sun was setting on a warm Thursday night. My plan was to put as much of the fourteen hour journey behind me so that I could learn the new track during Friday’s test and tune. Mike Quigley, with the first of many calls, checking on my progress, was just a few miles behind me. We wondered what stories would come out of this race weekend. Having been to enough Club Races, I’ve come to realize that often, the most memorable events take place off the track. Subsequent calls revealed that most of the Colorado racers were heading South, too. Bob, Deb, and Keara Polich along with Joy and Bill Petty had ignored all offers to break up their rolling party of five. Despite an all-night effort, they were now lost and suffering from one of Bob’s requisite trailer tire blow outs. John Skovgaard and Sean Graham, once again stymied in unorthodox attempts to haul two racecars, were making their ways separately. We would also be joined by Alpine Region’s Tom Mitchell who would be making his rookie debut in his GT4S 911. Only the smartest among our ranks were still enjoying the comforts of home. Bobby Dahlstrom and Mike Martin both took advantage of arrive-anddrive situations and were landing Friday, rested, relaxed and clear-headed. One of these races, I must figure out how to fly in! Arriving at the track we established the Colorado Compound consisting of eight F stock cars and Bobby floating around in his GT5. Friendships with the ever-welcoming A new car deserves a fresh 2.2-liter with carbs Texans were rekindled, rivalries reignited, and trash-talking kicked into high gear. Saturday dawned hot and humid as we prepared for a day of practice to be capped off with a fun race in the afternoon. We all struggled to learn the challenging three mile track, its many technical turns and tremendous elevation changes. Only Bill Petty came off the track commenting on the ease with which he was able to master it in his second outing in his new car. As the group from Colorado has grown larger, so too have the odds that we will suffer from mechanical troubles. Pulling back into the compound after the third session, we found Mike Quigley already unbolting his engine. Having lost third gear, he embarked on what would become a heroic transmission change project. Ultimately, with his engine in and out twice that afternoon, he was able to make it back out for qualifying. Leaving Mike under his car, the rest of gridded up for the fun race. Three consecutive race starts followed by a short race. The race turned out to be even shorter than scheduled for three of our group. Bill Petty, Bob Polich, and Sean Graham were forced out with car problems. Bob learning that it’s not the flight but the landing that can damage an SC! Race day on Sunday only continued the trend we had seen earlier: more cars suffering mechanical problems. Mike Martin, driving his new SC very well, succumbed to a broken gearbox. Mike Quigley in what Starting to look a lot like a racecar 19 August 2006 l RMR Porsche was later described by corner workers as a “fireball,” is in the market for a good SC motor. Bobby spent many hours trying to find the correct set up for his carbs at this lower altitude but never seemed happy with the outcome. Lars builds a racecar – Update 4 Not that any of us ever had any doubt that Lars Waldner could maintain the focus, enthusiasm, and the necessary time commitment to build a racecar —-but what follows in his words and pictures shows that he has been through the crucible, crossed over the most wearying and thankless parts of this chore, and emerged with but a few fun details to attend to until at last he can strap in, flip his ignition and fuel pump switches, and roar off to the grid! Lars: After my pressure plate disaster... and sourcing a new one from Dart Safety first - Fuel Safe cell shares space with the oil system on Friday I had a few hours over the weekend to wrench. So, I bolted the new PP up...reinI accomplished what I had set out to do for stalled the throwout bearing and clutch, the weekend. I was able to keep local married the motor and tranny, and installed expert driver, Jim Buckley, within sight. I them in the car without much fanfare. I finished second to him in all three races but completed the Fuel-Safe cell plumbing and it was difficult to really relish my small vic- same for the oil system. I had to make a fittory with all the problems going on around ting that would hold the brass billet that the compound. Tom Mitchell meanwhile drove well in his rookie effort and earned the Rookie of the Race award for his good work! Nice job Tom! While our showing was less than stellar, I still think a great time was had by all. The Texans of the Maverick Region know how to throw a party! The hospitality was most gracious and nearly non-stop Plenty of hours and dollars reside here with dinner parties every night. The friends we’ve made in Texas are wonderful people and splits the fuel to both banks of fuel rails and several will be joining us in Pueblo for our also holds the pressure gauge. Seats, and own Club Race. I only hope we can return harnesses.....waiting for their turn. A few the welcome they have shown us! photos show that I am at last in the “clean hands” portion of the work! Tracks a-plenty headed to a prairie location near you! After attending the splendid Gmund event at the Maybee’s on June25th, I found myself headed in the direction of the nowdefunct Second Creek track. Why I subjected myself to the forlorn sight that awaited me I do not know. Seeing the weed-infested paddock and track, without any of the familiar amenities in sight – grandstands gone, same for the mobile home meeting room, made me long for the old place. Not because it was the best track any of us had ever driven, but in many of our cases it was the first. Many friendships were formed around DE’s, Wednesday night lapping sessions, and SCCA/RMVR races. Now it’s gone. We are getting used to that fact, but this summer seems so strangely different than those before. The Rocky Mountain region is making do with the few DE dates that we have scheduled. But help is on the way! We all have heard about Miller Motorsports Park in Salt Lake – rumors about a DE for our region are rife. Also, enter Motorsports Park Hastings – nearing completion and another chance to experience a new track. Both of these circuits however, are pretty serious commitments in terms of the drive to get there. Meanwhile, our local CAMA group continues to seek the ideal close-in location for our next track. But last week my email was abuzz with news of not one but two other new track ventures that have apparently received approvals to move forward. That, and a rumble about PPIR being resurrected for amateur use. So, hope abounds. We will have an easy 90 minute trip to Genoa (Colorado not Italy!) – think Limon, to drive the new private-venture road course scheduled to open next summer. Additionally, one could seek membership in the new Motorsport Country Club in Agate, CO which will be located a mere 45 minutes from the Mousetrap. This track will also rent to organizations such as ours for DE/Club Race use. Hang in their my trackjunkie friends, and in the meantime try not to drive past old Second Creek! Mike Quigley Club Race Liaison 20 August 2006 l RMR Porsche E XOTIC T HE 23 ND A NNUAL S PORTS C AR S HOW & C ONCOURS G ETING B IGGER & B ETTER ! Once again, we are indebted to all of you who so willingly helped with one of the more successful concours events ever! This event just keeps getting bigger and better, with more astounding results every year and the Children’s Program of CP of Colorado is forever grateful. This was one of the very best shows that we’ve had so far. There were over 350 cars at the show. IMAGINE – 350 unbelievably beautiful automobiles, with at least that many people responsible for bringing them out for display. We wish to give special kudos to “The Committee”, which is comprised of individuals from the various local car clubs, for their dedication and willingness to volunteer each year – giving back to the community in such a powerful way. Both givers and receivers benefit greatly from your enthusiasm. A very special THANKS is due Jim and Debbie Walters, Co-chairs of the event, without whom the Concours would not have been the success that it was. They are hard working and very dedicated to this cause. THANK YOU BOTH so very much. As this article is written, it is our belief that this is one of the largest grossing Concours yet – raising over $74,000.00 all to benefit the kids with CP. WOW!!! Well, that’s thanks to all of you who participated either by preparing and bringing your fine car, the very special judges, all of the volunteers, and those individuals who came through the gates to appreciate the unbe- D ’E LEGANCE lievable array of very fine automobiles. Another special area of accolades goes to those wonderful corporate sponsors without whom the Concours would not have been the grand success that it was. Please take a moment to review all of the sponsors which are listed in the 2006 Event Program and thank them every chance you get. Last, but definitely not least, the staff of CP of Colorado who work tirelessly with the Committee to ensure the smooth running and success of this show each year. This event could not happen without YOU! Lynn Scott P ORSCHE R ESULTS Favorite Porsche Award Class S1 – 356 A’s All Years Bill Jackson/Lynne Benston – 1949 GMUND Art/Mary Anstine Ryan Hiatt Highest Scores Novice: Michael Brendle 1988 911 Turbo: 247.6 Street: - Dave Velasco – 1987 911 – 271.1 People’s Chocie Award was presented to: #7 BMW 1958 ISETTA 300 1st 1959 “D” Conv. 2nd 1958 356 A Coupe 240.4 236.9 Class S1 – 356 B’s All Years Bob/Lynda Thompson 1st 1963 356-B Coupe 243.1 Class S2 – 911, 912 1965 – 1968 Congratulations! Tom/Carolyn Sullivan 1st 1968 912 Targa Arthur Diehard 2nd 1968 911 L Street Division Class S1 – 356 All Years – Pre A Scotty Knox Art/Mary Anstine 1st 1949 GMUND Coupe 2nd 1953 Pre A Coupe 3rd 1955 Pre A Conv. 232.0 Class S2 – 911 1972 - 1975 Bill Jackson Lynne Benston 242.4 258.2 246.3 246.2 262.9 Mark Dreiling 1st 1975 911 S Coupe 2nd 1974 911 Carrera Cpe 3rd 1974 911 Coupe Harry Mason 4th 1972 911T Coupe 240.4 Matthew Baker Greg Russell 254.0 248.1 21 August 2006 l RMR Porsche Class S3 – 911 1982 – 1985 Mark Jekot Dennis Trapp Greg Cline 1st 1982 911SC Coupe 2nd 1985 911 Coupe 3rd 1985 911 Targa Class S7 – Boxsters 2001 – 2006 260.4 Bob Sutherland 254.2 Jim Florcy 233.3 Chris/Jamey Wening David Velasco Jerry Medina Art Rancis 241.4 236.2 Class S8 - Special Interest Class S3 – 911 1986 – 1989 1st 1987 911 Carrera Cp 2nd 1989 911 Targa 3rd 1987 911 Cab 1st 2001 Roadster 2nd 2006 Coupe 1st 1977 930 Coupe 225.0 271.1 257.9 Novice Division 246.6 Class N3 – 911, 930 1978 – 1989 Class S6 – 924, 928, 944 & 968 All Years 1st 1983 944 Coupe Todd Hamiel 2nd 1986 928 S Coupe Chris/Kathleen Lennon 3rd 1992 968 Cabriolet Al/Lane Thalit 259.7 259.5 248.5 247.6 245.9 1st 1994 Speedster 246.3 Class N6 – 924, 944, 928 & 968 All Years 246.5 Bob Lewis 1st 1999 Convertible 2nd 1997 986 Conv. 3rd 2000 Boxster S Steve Uban 4th 2000 986 S 245.6 Cecil Morris 1st 1988 911 Turbo Cp 2nd 1986 Carerra Coupe Class N4 – 911, 930 1990 – Present Bob Lorimer Class S7 – Boxsters 1997 – 2000 Ron Shaw Michael Brendle Scott DeShetler 247.0 245.8 Dan Koda Julie Brammer Dwayne Hofstetter David Monarchi 1st 1989 928 242.0 2nd 1985 944 3rd 1987 951 Turbo 237.6 221.9 Thanks to all of you who put so much effort into making 2006 one of the best shows ever! Your participation is appreciated more than you will ever realize. Thank You All!!!! 22 August 2006 l RMR Porsche MEMBER ADS Classified ads are free to RMR PCA members. Ads must be for items personally owned by the RMR member. No commercial ads. Ads for non-members are $10 for 1 month. Ads must be 150 words or less. Deadline for classified ad submission is the 10th for the next month’s issue. Unless otherwise notified, ads will run for two issues. Ads may be edited for content and to fit the space available. E-mail your ad to [email protected]. For Sale: 1988 Porsche 911 Carrera Targa. Silver Metallic Exterior/Silver Grey Full Leather Interior. 66,000 miles. Excellent Condition. 5 speed manual transmission with factory installed Shortened Shift Lever. AC converted to new R134, Cruise Control, Custom Audio system with Kenwood Z828 CD/MP3 Receiver, Sirius Satellite Radio Ready, 6 MB Quart speakers, JL Audio 10” subwoofer, Alpine MRU-100M Amplifier. I also have all original stereo equipment (HiFi Sound System, Amplifier System, Blaupunkt Radio with CD player). Forged Alloy Wheels with Anti-Theft Device, Remote Keyless Entry, Power Windows/Locks, Alarm System, “Soft Look” Leather Seats, Leather Steering Wheel with Extended Center, New Kumho Ecsta Supra 712 tires, 3M Clear Bra front and mirrors, new floor mats. Garage Kept. Non Smoker. Certificate of Authenticity. $23,700. Please call David at 303-349-0400 or email [email protected] (jul) For Sale: 2001 Porsche Boxster, Forest Green Metallic with Savannah Beige interior. 31,000 miles. Pristine condition. 2004 Gmund West 2nd place winner and 2005 Concours D’Elegance 4th place winner. Full leather interior, Porsche headrest crest, 18 inch Turbo Wheels, Color Wheel Crests, Cruise, On-board computer, Premium Digital sound, Alarm, Remote CD, New convertible top, Clear Bra, Porsche service maintained, Non smoking, Garaged, Concours condition, photos at http://home.earthlink.net/~lk23/Boxster.jpg, $30,000, Call Rex at 303-549-5810 or email at [email protected](jul) For Sale: 1987 911 Targa. Espresso brown over brown leather interior. 5-speed; 16 inch Fuch wheels. New Michelin tires on rear. Second owner. Have maintenance records. 122k miles. New throw out bearing and updated clutch release fork mechanism. Garaged - driven in fair weather only. Excellent condition! $15900. Call Dan or Cindy at 303-663-9316 or email [email protected]. (jul) For sale: 1978 911 SC Turbo, Cooper brown/leather interior exceedingly clean emissions (test results available). 105K miles. BAE Turbo unit, Rebuilt transmission/clutch, custom air injection system, timing belt tensioner, new wiring harness, recent catalytic converter & 4 wheel align/balance, power sun roof, OEM third brake light, electric tinted windows, power rearview mirrors, front spoiter/turbo tail. Z rated tires, front skid plate,other extras. Totally rust free-the doors still "ping" when closed.$12,500. Michael Soudant 303-665-9803, [email protected] - pictures available on request. (jul) For sale: 1981 911SC euro, silver, 81k miles, whale tail, drilled rotors, K&N filter, two-sets of Fuchs wheels, like-new Yoko street tires, very used Kuhmos, harness bar, harness, strut brace, shop manuals; 16,0000. Contact Bill Emery in Boulder; hm 303-4947119, off 303-492-8591, cell 720-352-3004 (jul) For Sale: 1988 944 turbo , red/black, turbo cup specs,1 bar but engine will do more if one wants to run a GT class. Runs PCA class D since 02. Totally rebuilt engine in 05, driven only one weekend vegas 05 since. New engine(properly,professionaly rebuiltby AJRS) ,oil pump, turbo cup clutch receipts and specs. New radiator,turbo,lindsey club wastegate,fuel pump, injectors,super starter,etc. Nothing left untouched.turbo S/cup trans with cooler. Turbo S/cup front brakes with appropriate brake bias valve, Large second oil cooler. Full cage,2 corbeau seats,net, momo . Charlie arms,monoballs, adj tower mounts,hard trans mount, cup sway bars,composite hood,racing bilsteins with technodyne dual spring set up on all 4 corners, Car has incredible handling, 2770 lbs with all glass in it except front which is lexan, you can strip it, turn up the boost and go to GT. 17 in by 8.5 and 10 Fikse wheels.it is mechanically new,clean very competitive car,You cant buy racing performance in a Porsche race car for this much money, and dont spend double this to build it, this one is built, ready and proven. $22000 obo. Possible package deal with 22 foot hallmark race trailer , need to replace with a trailex or light trailer. Pre buy welcome. Carl Feghali,1-970-260-9655 [email protected] for any questions (jul) STOLEN RACE CAR: My bright yellow Porsche 911 with blue lettering and numbers.. Porsche 911 Race car was stolen while being stored in Northglenn. It was on an open trailer with stainless steel box and 4 rimmed tires on a tire rack. My car had the number "110" number on it at the time. Thiis was Carl Feghali's previous car. Please contact me via e-mail immediately if seen or the Northglenn Police Department. [email protected] For Sale: Set of all-season tires for Cayenne: Pirelli Scorpion Zero 255/55-18; almost like new; $200 for set. Call Bernd at 303-665-1344 or email [email protected]. (jul) For Sale - Race car, 1984 Carrera, a serious, high performance 911 race car, fully sorted and ready to drive. PCA Class GT3S, POC CLASS - / PBOC CLASS R3. This car was built to be a racecar from new by Bob Varella, Foreign Affairs Motorsports, Deerfield Beach, Florida. No expense was spared and the quality of workmanship is admirable and professional. The car is easy and comfortable to drive. It is truly a strong, extremely reliable, low-maintenance race car with a PCA Club Racing log book. The car placed 4th in a class of 14 cars at Pueblo on June 4, 2006, in an RMVR Trans Am Invitational event and has achieved extensive history and several class championships, 1998 to 2002, POC. Price $32,000 and the car could not be duplicated for three times that amount. Goto http://imageevent.com/356consulting/gt3race car;jsessionid=js31as1bn1.zebra_s for a complete write up (the first image on the site) and photos of the car. Contact Greg Gosar, [email protected] or 719-852-2133, or 852-5950, Monte Vista, Colorado (jul) Too Many Wheels! 7 X 16 Fuchs with Good Tires $500/set, 6 & 7 X 15 cookies $250/set and 7 X 15 one piece BBS $250/set. Also, need 3.0 core with FI Gary Smith 505-579-4636 [email protected] (jul) For Sale: 86 Carrera Targa - white w/blue interior. 100k mi, rebuilt Targa top, restitched steering wheel, Blaupunkt in-dash CD w/MP3 input, low miles on rear tires, Looks Great, Runs Great! $20,500 John 303-797-3983 after July 9th or [email protected] (jul) For Sale: 1991 Porsche 944 S2 Parting out. white on black, non M030, complete head, short block, clutch housing, more engine parts, front struts, late offset hubs/spindles with ABS ring, rear suspension, D90 wheels, interior parts, aluminum spare, many parts still available, http://www.tuc1138.com/944parts. Car is 23 August 2006 l RMR Porsche located in the Denver area, 303.887.0418, ask for Chris, or [email protected]. (jul) For Sale: USED Race Tire Sale: Cash and Carry. All are 245/50/15, in Broomfield/Lafayette area, stored inside, all with many more laps in them. (4) Hoosier RS 303, only one heat cycle, as new, $35 each. (4) Hoosier RS 304, 12 heat cycles, $20 each (4) Hoosier RS 304, 13 heat cycles, $20 each (4) Hoosier RS 304, 13 heat cycles, $20 each Alan Benjamin, 303-996-8101, [email protected]. (jul) For Sale: 1989 911 Carrera Cabriolet. White/Tan, 81,000 original miles, Michelin Pilots, all factory std. options, prof. maintained, reblt. engine with all updates, new clutch w. updates, new fr. & rr. brakes/rotors, new top ( AutoWeave) w. new top motors. Rosie never raced it and I am not allowed to drive it. $29,500 obo. Call Rosie / Roland at 303-663-4363 (aug) For Sale: 1972 914 Race Car. This is a well set up, very fast, fun to drive 914, not street legal. It is about 1700 Lbs. Car set up and 2.0 liter motor built by AJRS racing. This is a partial list of upgrades. 86 Carrera front axle, suspension and brakes. Race seat, 2 oil coolers, accusump system, MSD electronic ignition, over head electric cooling fan, roof lowered, windshield laid down, Lexan windshield, Fiber glass hood, roof, trunk lid, fender flares, Bumpers, Weber 44's, Euro headers, Tack with shift light, 2 sets rims and tires, transponder, alternator driven off the half shaft, 19 MM brake master, front brake cooling, Koni coil over shocks on the rear. $15000 For more info and pictures, please contact Dan Gilbert, 970-963-3419 or 970319-8733, [email protected] (aug) For Sale: Set of 7 Anita kitchen canisters, off-white background with blue/grey pattern, hardly used, with cork stoppers. Best offer to good home that wants a piece of RMR/PCA history. Marty 303-447-8720 (aug) Oh Lord Won’t You Buy Me a Porsche Cayenne……but first – I need to sell two other cars: 1999 Honda CR-V EX : $9000.00. Top of the line. Extra custom power moon roof added! Clear Bra Added to nose and mirrors! Hard cover spare tire cover with CR-V graphics added! Silver, keyless remote lock/unlock, 4-cylinder 2.0 liter engine, 115K miles, but runs like new and probably has another 100K -200K in it. 4 speed automatic transmission with grade logic, all wheel drive. Taken care of like it was a Porsche! Great for the teenager starting out. 1999 Volvo S70 AWD: $11,000.00 Silver luxury sedan, 5 – cylinder 2.5 liter turbocharged engine, 105 K miles, automatic transmission and all wheel drive. Very clean – very safe. Clear bra on nose and mirrors, keyless remote lock/unlock, heated seats, Dual zone climate control, heated side mirrors and fog light – all extras. Also cared for like it was a Porsche. Contact [email protected] or call 719/487-2842 (aug) For Sale: 1990 Porsche 911 C2 Targa Guards Red/Black interior - 51,675 miles. All manuals, window sticker, tools, air compressor, original CD radio and working clock. Original MSRP $61,055, AC, power seats - windows, doors locks, mirrors, and alarm sytem. Design 90 cast alloy wheels and 5 spd. Garaged - driven in fair weather only. Excellent condition! $19,000 OBO. For pictures and details contact John at 720351-0967 or e-mail: [email protected] (aug) RMR Porsche Membership Chairperson 1214 South Weldona Lane Superior, CO 80027 RMR PORSCHE (ISSN1061-1746) is published monthly by the Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club of America, 1214 South Weldona Lane, Superior, CO 80027. Periodicals postage paid at Superior, Colorado and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send address changes to RMR Porsche, Membership Chairperson, 1214 S. Weldona Lane, Superior, CO 80027. Subscriptions: Annual rate is $20.00, included in RMR regional dues. Single copy price is $2.00. The opinions and views appearing in RMR PORSCHE are those of the individual writers, and do not necessarily reflect the official opinions of the Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club of America (RMR/PCA), PCA National, or this magazine as an official RMR/PCA publication. Additionally, none of these organizations nor this publication assume any responsibility for the accuracy of material provided by individual writers and contributors. RMR PORSCHE entire contents copyright 2004 by Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club of America, Inc. all rights reserved. Office of Publications, 1214 S. Weldona Lane, Superior, CO 80027. Periodical Postage PAID