Boone County 4-H Times - University of Illinois Extension
Boone County 4-H Times - University of Illinois Extension
1\ Boone County 4-H Times 205 Cadillac Court, Suite #3 Belvidere, IL 61008 March/April 2016 2016 International Event Date: Saturday, March 19 Time: Club Set-up 4:30-5:30 p.m. Program 5:30-7:00 p.m. Clean-up 7:00-7:30 p.m. Place: Boone Co. Community Building 111 W. First St., Belvidere All Boone County 4-H members and families are invited, even if your club is not doing a display. We currently have 13 clubs signed up to participate. Note to leaders: Please take your dirty dishes home. Tables will be assigned. Bring extension cords and power bars if needed. Community Service Project at International Night (815) 544-3710 Important Dates for 2016 March 12 March 19 April 6 May 7 May 7 May 7 June 4 July 9 July 16 July 24-31 August 9-14 August 11-21 Spaghetti Supper @ VFW 4-7 p.m. International Night PQA – Extension Office Livestock Clinics @ Fairgrounds Sheep Weigh-In @ Fairgrounds Goat Tattooing @ Fairgrounds Public Presentations @ Extension Office Meeting Room General Projects Day @ Community Building Dog & Cat Show @ Fairgrounds Illinois State Fair Jr. Horse Show Boone County Fair Illinois State Fair PQA We are collecting skeins of yarn for Sgt. P’s Lagphans. There will be a table for collecting yarn at International Night or you can drop donations off at the office. Yarn can be any brand or color of worsted weight 4-ply yarn. The yarn will be used to make lapghans (lap sized afghans) for distribution to Veterans in Boone and Winnebago county and at the V.A. Hospital in Madison. All donations are appreciated! All swine exhibitors must be Youth PQA Plus certified to exhibit swine at the 2016 Boone County 4-H swine show. Deadline for completing this certification is May 1. Face to Face Training – (1 Year Certification) Date: Wednesday, April 6 Time: 5:00 p.m. OR 6:30 p.m. Place: Boone County Extension, Suite 5 R.S.V.P. by April 1 – --or-Online Training & Certification If choosing this option we encourage you to complete the training a.s.a.p. Enrollment Deadline for NEW Members: April 1, 2016 Save the Dates! April 1 is the deadline for all new members to enroll and for members to add or drop projects. 4-H’ers may enroll in projects after the enrollment deadline, but will not be permitted to exhibit at any of the Boone County 4-H Shows. Page 1 Live It Up! is a leadership and personal development conference that is sponsored by Boone, DeKalb and Ogle counties. It will be taking place on Friday and Saturday, November 18-19, 2016. 4-Her’s ages 13-18 from throughout Illinois will be invited. Watch for more details to come soon. March/April 2016 Requirements to Exhibit Market Lamb Weigh-in & Tagging The following requirements must be met to be eligible to exhibit at the Boone County 4-H General Projects Day and/or Boone County 4-H Fair Show: Enrolled in project by deadline. Attendance Policy-- 4-H'ers must attend 2/3 of club meetings after enrollment, with exceptions of excused absences of illness, school or church activity. All Livestock (beef, dairy, goats, sheep, swine, and poultry) Horse, Dog & Cat Exhibitors must complete the online Ethics training prior to May 1st for the first year or who have transferred from other counties. Horse Project Members ONLY -- Equestrian Safety Education Program prior to May 1st. Drill Team members must complete by April 1st. Swine Project Members ONLY -- PQA Training All market lambs must be weighed and tagged on Saturday, May 7 at the Boone County Fairgrounds from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. to be eligible for the 2016 4-H Show. Swine Exhibitors Need Premises Id# Premises Identification numbers will be required for all 4-H Swine Exhibitors for the 2016 Boone County 4-H Show. This is being required by the packing house(s) that process the barrows from the fair; since the show is terminal, the Premises ID number will be required. The Premises ID number will need to be reported when making 4-H Show entries. Beef Committee Potluck Dinner & Meeting Date: Thursday, March 3 Time: 6:30 p.m. Place: Boone County Extension, Suite 5 This will be the annual new member potluck, bring a dish to pass. All beef project members and families are welcome to attend. RSVP required. Family Market Class Nominations During the winter/spring weigh-ins, families (siblings, step-siblings) will be allowed to nominate market animals under the family name. All market animals will have to be declared by the individual exhibitor according to ear tag/ear notch by Livestock Verification dates. Page 2 State Fair Sheep & Meat Goat Weigh-Ins All lambs and meat goats to be exhibited at the Illinois State Fair must be taken to one of the statewide locations for weighing and tattoos. Each lamb will be tattooed; weighed; and recorded on Lamb Nomination Forms. Boone County will serve as a statewide location for weighing and tattooing on Saturday, May 7 from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at the Boone County Fairgrounds. Meat Goat Identification All meats goats that will be shown at the 2016 Boone County 4-H Show must be tattooed on May 7 from 11:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the sheep barn on the fair grounds. If you have any questions, please contact the Extension Office at 815-544-3710. Auction Committee becomes Auction Association NFP, Inc. The members of the Auction Committee have reorganized and renamed the group, as they can no longer have the word “committee” in their name. However, they continue to be dedicated to providing a quality auction where 4-H’ers can sell an animal in the Livestock or Fur and Feather Auction and where buyers can purchase an animal of excellent quality. In addition, the Auction Association NFP, Inc. is looking at several projects to improve the livestock areas of the fairgrounds, which benefit exhibitors and spectators. The Auction Association NFP, Inc. is now a 501C(3). Thank you to Auction Association NFP, Inc. The Extension Office and the members of the Livestock judging team would like to express their thanks to the Auction Association NFP, Inc. for purchasing a subscription to Livestock Judging Elite so that team members have access to judging classes online for practicing. March/April 2016 4-H Records Workshop Date: Monday, March 28 Other Dates: April 4 and May 18 (times listed below) Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Boone County Extension, Suite 5 Record books may not be due until September, but the time to start them is now! 4-H records are a requirement for completing the 4-H year and achieving. Come to the records workshop and find out what you need to complete and how to fill it out. You will also learn how you can take your records to the next level and apply for county awards as well. Please note that the county award application has changed, so all are encouraged to attend a records workshop. The records workshop will be repeated on April 4 and May 18 at 7:00 p.m. Please RSVP to the office at (815) 544-3710 to register. Boone Buds- Cloverbud GroupLooking for new members ages 5-7 Date: Thursday, March 10 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: Capron Lutheran Church We have room in Boone Buds for more members that are age 5-7. For more information about Cloverbuds, contact Donna Manring at 815-2189055. Chicks and Turkeys Any 4-H members interested in ordering Chicks and turkeys should contact Dan Tuttle at (815) 4820006. Livestock Judging Team – Still time to join! The Boone County 4-H Livestock Judging Team is looking for more members! All practices will be held at the Extension Office from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The team is planning to attend the Mt. Carroll Livestock Judging contest, the Joliet Junior College contest, and the Illinois 4-H contest and may add a few others as well. Come join the fun! All 4-H’ers are invited! Practice Dates: March 2, 9, and 16 and April 13 and 27. Congratulations to the team on recently placing 8th at the Beef Expo and for having several individuals placing as well! Innovation Classes @ General Project Day – NEW!!!! This year in selected projects, 4-H members may choose to exhibit in the INNOVATION CLASS which allows members to decide the BEST WAY to show off what they learned in their project. Your exhibit should be creative, such as a video you made, a website you created, a performance you gave, an app you created, something you made, or anything else YOU choose. There are a few rules (of course). This is only open to youth 13 and older in the following projects: child development, computer science, crops, geology, health, interior design, leadership, natural resources, photography, robotics, theatre arts, tractor or video. Remember, your exhibit has to be something DIFFERENT than what fits in the normal class exhibit option. There will be more information in the show book. Page 3 Date: Time: Place: Monday, March 28 6:30 p.m. Boone County Extension, Suite 5 Future Meetings: April 25 and May 23 Visit U of I this summer There are many programs sponsored by the U of I College of ACES this summer. Here are a few. Learn more @ Sign up by March 7. Research Apprentice Program: (June 26– July 31, 2016) High school sophomores and juniors engage in activities to learn about STEM careers involving food, human health, business, technology, and biotechnology. USDA Ag Discovery Program: (July 5 – July 31, 2016) High school sophomores and juniors engage in activities involving animals, plants and the environment with USDA APHIS professionals in veterinary sciences, wildlife management and the environment. March/April 2016 Food Stand EXTRA EVENT Shifts Available “Hands to larger service,” the third “H” of the 4-H pledge, is what awaits Illinois 4-H members interested in taking science to a new level in the 4-H Citizen Scientist program. Thanks to the generous support of Archer Daniels Midland, this program will provide junior and senior high youth interested in environmental science opportunities to extend learning beyond current 4-H project work into the world of hands-on research. Members observe and record information on a given site, collect data from samples taken at their site and contribute their data to the growing field of scientific research related to water quality. The program is open to current 4-H members and volunteers, as we well as youth and adults who aren’t current members but wish to learn how to improve their local environment. All participants will receive specialized training at no cost and receive materials toward the project. Special instructions for 4-H members and volunteers. 4-H members must select "payment by check" and list their organization as their 4-H club & county so that the Illinois 4-H office can pay your registration fee. Also there needs to be at least one adult 4-H volunteer who will be guiding the 4H Citizen Scientist team attending the training with the team. The next training session in our area is on Saturday, May 21 at Highland Community College in Freeport, to attend register by May 15. Food Stand FAIR Shifts Available! Every club will have one shift to work at the 4-H food stand during the Boone County Fair. In addition, we have three shifts available that we need clubs or committees to cover. Sign-up will come on a first come, first served basis. The club will receive payment for working the additional shift. We currently have the following shifts available: Thursday, Aug. 11 9 a.m. -1:30 p.m. (1/2 shift 10 workers $150) Friday, Aug. 12 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. (1/2 Shift 10 workers $150). Friday, Aug. 12 5 p.m.-9:30 p.m. (Full or 1/2 shift) Please contact the office to sign your club up for one of these shifts. Page 4 Attention club leaders – please sign up for these events by March 31, if we cannot get enough clubs signed up to work we will have to cancel the event. Tim Butchers Scrap Drive Saturday, June 11 7 am–11 am (10-15 workers $250) 11am–3 pm (10-15 workers $250) Mopar Sunday, July 17 7 am – 11 am (10-15 workers $250) County Clovers 11 am –3 pm (10-15 workers $250) ______ Heritage Days June 24-26 Robotics Fall Diddley Saturday, October 8 7 am – 11 am (10-15 workers $200) 10:30 am –2:30 pm (20 workers $350) Beaver Valley Clippers 2pm -6pm (15 workers $250) Sunday, October 9 7 am – 11 am (10-15 workers $200) County Clovers 10:30 am –2:30 pm (20 workers $350) County Progressors 2pm -6pm (15 workers $250) 4-H Robotics Open House Date: Saturday, March 12 Time: 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Place: Belvidere Township Lower Level 8200 Fairgrounds Road, Belvidere Come and see what the 3 levels of robotics teams are up to: Atomic Chimps (Lego) Techno Tamarins (FIRST Technical Challenge) Flaming Monkeys (FIRST Robotics Competition) This event is free, and open to the public! March/April 2016 Dog Obedience Orientation & Sign Up Date: Thursday, April 28 Time: 6:30 p.m. Place: Boone County Extension, Suite 5 All 4-H’ers and their parents are invited to learn more about the 4-H dog program, the equipment needed, meet your instructors and learn the expectations of the program. Dog Obedience is for 4-H members enrolled in the dog project and that are interested in participating in the 9-week obedience training classes. The training classes will be each Thursday evening beginning May 19. Classes will be held at the Boone County Fairgrounds To help keep our 4-H dog obedience program going and to help cover expenses, a $10.00 fee per class will be charged ($10 covers the whole 9-week session). Registration information and forms will be mailed to all 4-H dog project members. If you have any questions about the orientation and sign-up or if you want to add the dog project to your enrollment please contact the office at 815-544-3710. Scholarships Farm Bureau Scholarships The Boone County Farm Bureau® Foundation is offering a total of three scholarships to Boone County graduates or graduating seniors who wish to continue their education. The eligibility requirements are as follows: a member or a dependent member of the Winnebago-Boone Farm Bureau®; a graduate or graduating senior from North Boone, Belvidere North, or Belvidere High School; and plans to pursue a vocation or college education in agriculture. The applicants will be judged in the following four areas: Leadership, Scholarship, Demonstrated Interest, and Essay Content. The applications are available at the WinnebagoBoone Farm Bureau® office, High School Guidance Counselors or online at Completed applications must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2016. Page 5 Boone County 4-H Federation Scholarship The Boone County 4-H Federation will be offering three $1,000.00 scholarships to high school seniors who are current Boone County 4-H and Federation members. Applications and criteria are available at /2412.html. Deadline is April 25. Boone County 4-H Federation Scholarship The Boone County 4-H Federation will be offering four $500.00 scholarships to high school seniors who are current Boone County 4-H members. You DO NOT have to be in Federation to apply for this scholarship. Applications and criteria are available at /2412.html. Deadline is April 25. Boone County 4-H Beef Scholarship The Boone County 4-H Beef Committee will be offering a $250 scholarship to 4-H’ers who have achieved in a beef project and submitted 4-H beef project goal sheets and livestock records for a minimum of 3 years and have completed the beef activity check list. The application and more information is available at 12.html HCE Scholarship The Boone County Association for Home and Community Education will be offering a $1,000.00 scholarship to high school seniors who are current Boone County 4-H members. Applications and criteria are available at Illinois Meat Goat Producers Scholarship The Illinois Meat Goat Producers scholarship program is designed to encourage educational enhancement of young goat breeders by awarding annual scholarships. IMGP has established a $500 scholarship for this program. This program is open to any IMGP active member, or immediate family member of an active IMGP member, who has been involved in raising, breeding or showing goats. Applications are due on May 1, 2016. To download the application, visit the meat goat website at: 20Application.pdf March/April 2016 2016 4-H CAMP Registration for 4-H Camp 2016 is open! 4-H Camp ‘16 is set for June 13-17, 2016 at Camp Benson in Mount Carroll, IL. Sign up today to get your child in on all of the amazing fun! 4-H Camp is a five-day, four-night residential camping experience that is conducted cooperatively by University of Illinois Extension staff in Boone, DeKalb, Jo Daviess, Ogle, Stephenson and Winnebago Counties and the professional staff at Camp Benson. Campers at 4-H Camp will check-in from 6:00-6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 13, 2016 and check-out from 6:00-6:30 p.m. on Friday, June 17, 2016. During camp week, youth will engage in a variety of activities designed to challenge, educate and entertain. Two or three free-choice periods will be offered daily and will include options such as: hiking, riflery, nature study, rock climbing, arts and crafts, archery, kayaking, crate stacking, team building challenges, survival skills, scrapbooking, zip-lining, swimming, dance/cheerleading, and GPS scavenger hunts. Evening activities will be provided by the 4-H camp counselors from the cosponsoring counties and include campfires, a games night, a dance, and a talent show. It’s guaranteed to be a blast! 4-H Camp is open to ALL boys and girls, ages 8-14 by June 13, 2016. 4-H membership is not required; however all participants will be expected to comply with the same high behavior standards expected of 4-H’ers. The cost is $260. All camp fees must be paid in full by June 1, 2016. Download a camper application or register on-line at: : and click on the 2016 4-H Camp link. Slots for boys and girls cabins will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Save the date – Boone County Beef Showdown The Boone County 4-H Beef Committee is sponsoring a beef show on July 16 at the Boone County Fairgrounds. Check in will be from 7-9 a.m. Showmanship will be held at 9:30 a.m. and at 10:30 a.m. the heifer show will start and that will be followed by market animal classes. Please contact the office if you are interested in volunteering at the event. Page 6 State fair age change means all 4-H members are eligible Illinois 4-H and the Illinois State Fair Junior Livestock Department have revised the exhibition age so that all 4-H members (youth who were 8 to 18 years of age as of Sept. 1, 2015) can exhibit at the state fair this summer. The Junior Livestock Department has extended its age to 21. Since 4-H age ends at 18, the only way to exhibit at the state fair junior livestock show if you are 19 to 21 is to be an active FFA members as verified by Illinois FFA and in accordance with one of the following program options: Maintain active membership on the roster of their local high school FFA Chapter; Maintain active membership in a collegiate FFA Chapter in a post-secondary institution of higher education in the State of Illinois; or Maintain active membership in an Illinois FFA Alumni Chapter. 4-H members exhibiting in the General Project Show at Illinois State Fair must be selected as a delegate at their county 4-H show. Lockwood Park is looking for volunteers! Lockwood Park Trailside Equestrian Centre and Children’s Farm is looking for volunteers for this upcoming season. March 26th is the Cottontail Trail event, and we are searching for volunteer help that day along with every Saturday and Sunday and Columbus Day Monday in October for our Locktoberfest event. Other volunteer opportunities are also available throughout the season. Volunteer needs include running a game, selling tickets, helping run craft booth, giving tours through our Children’s Farm, maintenance, tractor driving for hay rides, and more. There also are opportunities to work with our horses and ponies, camps, and riding lessons through our H.A.L.T.E.R.S. program. If interested please go to penings-internal and click “Lockwood Park Volunteer” at the bottom of the page to apply or call 815-987-8809. March/April 2016 See robots as you’ve never seen them before All the work, all the planning, all the building comes down to one amazing day … you might even say it’s something to howl about! The Illinois 4-H State Robotics Competition will be April 23 at the Activities and Recreation Center at the University of Illinois in Champaign. The competition is free and is open to all 4-H clubs. Teams must have a minimum of three youth. The challenge this year is a hoot! Robots will be completing the same type of stunts that you’d find during a dog agility contest… that’s right; 4-H has gone to the dogs! All the rules are now posted online @ vent.cfm?e=69961 The Imagine ACES Experience Spend a week on the University of Illinois campus to better understand STEM based majors and careers through lab tours and mini projects. All high school students are eligible. Registration Deadline: March 7! Recommendation letters and transcripts required for application. Natural Sciences: Week One (June 19 - June 25, 2016) Engineering & Technology A career in medicine Veterinary Science and animal health Nutrition and the science of healthy living Biotechnology Developing new food products Environmental Sciences/Ecology/Conservation Social Sciences: Week Two (July 4 – July 9, 2016) Exploring your entrepreneurial urges Professional career opportunities involving children and families Teaching science as a career Your talent in the field of communications and media Finance, Marketing and Management Managing your own business Page 7 4-H Shooting Sports Spring Adult Certification Training The spring training for those adults interested in joining the Certified Instructors of the Illinois 4-H Shooting Sports program will be held May 6-8, 2016. The State Instructors will be conducting the training in Archery, Coordinator, Rifle, Hunting and Outdoor Skills, and Shotgun for those interested in becoming certified. The weekend training will be held at the Memorial 4-H Camp, Monticello, Ill. / All those interested in attending the training must complete a background check. Illinois Farm Bureau Youth Education Committee 4-H Representatives – Two Illinois 4-H members are selected each year to represent Illinois 4-H on the IFB Youth Education Committee. If you’re interested in agriculture, want to network with corporate leaders in the agricultural field, expand your leadership skills, AND represent 4-H, consider applying for this opportunity. The 1-year term runs from June 1, 2016 through May 31, 2017 and includes a trip to Washington, D.C. in late June, 2016). More information and the application are available on the 4-H website: s/leadership_ifbye.cfm. Applications are due to the State 4-H Office no later than May 1, 2016. Illinois 4-H Youth Leadership Team Applications will be available in late April for this statewide leadership group. Youth ages 16-19 as of September 1, 2016 may apply for the Team. The Youth Leadership Team assists at many 4-H events and serve as statewide ambassadors for the 4-H program. They are also responsible for the Speaking for Illinois 4-H trainings and the Illinois 4-H Jr. Leadership Conference. Applications will be due in mid-June and late July, depending upon interview dates. Keep your eyes open for more information! March/April 2016 Understanding IRS regulations Program Participants (including minors) will be required to provide their social security number or foreign national tax ID number prior to receiving a prize, gift or award to ensure proper IRS reporting as required by law. This sensitive information is kept confidential and handled through security protected software (PEAR). Participants will not be eligible for prize, gift or award if social security or foreign national tax ID information is not provided. When we receive more information, we will share what we know. This is not a 4-H or University of Illinois directive; this is a requirement of the Internal Revenue Service. Saddles & Spurs Horse Committee Meeting Date: Monday, March 21 Time: 6:30 p.m. Place: Pizza Hut – Belvidere Next Meeting: April 18 – Boone Co. Restaurant Everyone is welcome to attend. Email ideas or any questions you might have to Kris Hall at [email protected] Horse Safety Clinic Boone County 4-H Open Driving Show Saturday, July 9 @ Boone Co. Fairgrounds Illinois State Fair Junior Horse Show July 24-31 @ Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield Entry Deadline: June 1 Boone County 4-H Fair Shows August 9 – Horse & Pony Show August 10 – Speed Events Boone County 4-H Horse Fun Show Saturday, Sept. 10 @ Boone Co. Fairgrounds Sponsorships for Open Shows The horse committee is asking all of the horse project members and anyone else who is interested to help in their efforts to start securing sponsorships for their annual Open Horse Shows. Remember this is our only fundraiser for your many 4-H horse activities. All class sponsorships are $15 each and the high point awards are $25; Driving show classes are all $10 each. SPONSORS Deadlines: Open Show MAY 13 and Driving Show-May 23 to be listed on the show flyer. Forms are available at the Extension office and online at Horse Project Reminders – Date: Dates to Remember TBD – please watch your email for more information Horse Safety Clinic is required for all first year horse project members and those needing the 5 year renewal. Regional Horse Bowl & Hippology Saturday, Apr. 2 @ Dixon High School, Dixon, IL Drill Team Practices to Begin Monday, Apr. 4 – Driving Drill Team @ Fairgrounds Tuesday, Apr. 5 – Riding Drill Team @ Fairgrounds State 4-H Horse Judging Contest Saturday, Apr. 30 @ Black Hawk College, East, Galva Wrangler Practice Horse Show & Horse Judging Saturday, May 7 @ Boone Co. Fairgrounds Boone County 4-H Open Horse & Pony Show Saturday, June 11 @ Boone Co. Fairgrounds Page 8 Mandatory helmets for ALL classes. Mandatory Clinics – Horse project members must attend at least 2 mandatory clinics each year to be allowed to participate in Horse Project. A one-page report must be turned in for all clinics (except those after drill team). Reports due prior to July 18, 2016. Owner and Lease Agreements are due May 1, 2016 to the Extension office with two photos one of each side of your horse or pony. All horses and ponies are able to show at the Boone County Fair – except Stallions, mules and donkeys. (These are not allowed.) Animals can be grade or registered. All Horse project members have the responsibility of being familiar with the rules that apply in each class. Be sure that the Extension Office has your current email address on file. We will communicate lots of information through Email Blasts. March/April 2016 Science Siesta! Girls + Science = Fun! Have you ever dreamt of spending the night in a museum? No, this isn’t a movie, it’s Science Siesta! Hosted by the University of Illinois Extension, this event for fourth-sixth grade girls will be held twice in 2016. Event dates are: Friday, April 15 to Saturday, April 16 OR Friday, April 22 to Saturday, April 23. Both events will be held at the Discovery Center and Burpee Natural History Museums in Rockford. Watch your email for more information on this awesome program. NEW 2017 Inauguration Citizenship Washington Focus Announced Experience the 2017 Presidential Inauguration up close and personal as part of the NEW 2017 Inauguration Citizenship Washington Focus program! Illinois is hoping to send 12 youth and 2 chaperons to this special week in January, 2017. This program will contain some of the same factions as the summer CWF program, but is shorter in time and will include a full-day of Inauguration events, including an evening dinner cruise and dance. 4-H members will need to be 1418 years of age January 1, 2017 in order to attend. Previous Focus delegates are not eligible to register for this trip. Presently we are planning for the delegation to fly to Washington, D.C. on Tuesday morning, January 17 and return Saturday, January 21. We are working on costs and funding assistance from the Illinois 4-H Foundation. Registration for this event will open March 1 so keep your eyes open for more information! tizenshipwashington.cfm. At this time, we are still planning to offer a summer Citizenship Washington Focus trip in June, 2017. Page 9 Explore life as a college student while you’re still in high school! REGISTER TODAY FOR ILLINI SUMMER ACADEMIES Imagine getting to work alongside university professors while you’re still in HIGH SCHOOL! Imagine getting to hang out on a college campus and spending four days with kids your age from all across Illinois. That’s what happens at Illini Summer Academies, so stop imagining it and just do it! This program offers teens the opportunity to explore the University of Illinois campus and many degree programs and careers. The conference runs from 1:30 p.m. Sunday, June 26 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 29 on the University of Illinois campus. It is open to any youth who will be at least 14 years of age (and not yet 19) by Sept. 1, 2016 (including those not yet in 4-H) and has completed eighth grade by the time of the conference. Check out all the information on our website @ Registration opens March 1. Cost will vary based on the Academy field youth select. Registration closes May 15. Aerospace Engineering Ag Business Agricultural Mechanization Animal Science *NEW IN 2016 Anthropology *NEW IN 2016 Astrobiology *NEW IN 2016 Chemistry Computer Science Creative Writing Digital Fabrication and Informatics Electrical & Computer Engineering Entomology *NEW IN 2016 Human Development & Family Studies Molecular & Cellular Biology Plant Science Veterinary Medicine March/April 2016 2015-2016 Reporters Reporters: Please email reports to Melissa’s e-mail address at [email protected] Editor's Note: Club reports and letters submitted are not edited for spelling, punctuation, or grammar. They are simply printed as submitted. County Clovers – Austin Brockmann December 2015 The County Clovers 4-H Club held their monthly meeting December 21, 2015 at the Spring Township Building. Old business was talked over. All members were thanked for their donation of canned food for the Fall Food Shower. The food was taken to the extension office to be sorted and boxed before going to the Salvation Army. Everyone thought the Hometown Christmas tree looked good! The kids had fun making the ornaments and decorating the tree. The members who did Christmas Cards for the Troops were thanked and advised the military really appreciate getting this mail. New business was discussed. There will be Livestock Judging opportunities and training starting in January, if interested contact the Extension Office. Some dates to save-Super Saturday is February 20 and March 12 is the Spaghetti Supper with proceeds going to the 4-H Food Stand. Older member were encouraged to give a talk or demonstration so the new members could see what they need to do. Austin Brockmann gave a talk on Sheep Lambing & The Problems That Can Occur When Lambing. The meeting was adjourned and a team building activity was done. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be Jan. 18, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. January 2016 The County Clovers 4-H Club held their monthly meeting January 18, 2016 at the Spring Township Building. International Night is March 19 and plans were discussed. This year the club has Canada. Members are to bring any information and recipes for this country to the next meeting. A committee was formed to plan the Shadley bingo night. 4-H Ethics Requirements were discussed. It was explained to the new and first year members that this must be completed, it must be done by May 1st so do it as soon as you can. Beef & Dairy Weigh-Ins are Feb 27. The Grange is sponsoring a Spaghetti Supper on Saturday, March 12, 4-7 p.m. at the VFW in Belvidere and will have a silent auction. The club discussed donating a basket and to bring ideas to the next meeting. Talks were given by Amberlee Fowler on Showing & Raising Steers and Lea Zimmerman on Rabbit Care Page 10 & Breeding. The meeting was adjourned. All members took part in a team building activity and refreshments were served. The next meeting will be Feb. 15, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. February 2016 The County Clovers 4-H Club held their monthly meeting Feb. 15, 2016 at the Spring Township Building. Old business was discussed. International Night plans were being made. The members turned in the information they researched on Canada for the poster board. Four different Canadian food recipes were read and members volunteered for the one they wanted to make. Amberlee Fowler and Lea Zimmerman will make the display board. The Shadley bingo night will be in April. The leaders asked if any members signed up for Super Saturday, a few members advised they will be attending and looking forward to going. A motion was made and passed to spend no more than $30 on the gardening basket for the silent auction at the Spaghetti Supper. Openings for the club to work the food stand was then brought up. The club will have to work another shift during the fair due to having a large number of members. The shifts will be Friday morning in addition to Sunday afternoon. The club also decide to work the food stand at Fall Didley Sun. Oct. 9th 7-11 am. and Mopar, July 17. If anyone wants to help for the Scrap Drive in June to call the Extension Office to let them know. Talks were given by Addie Gunn on Visual Arts – Mod Podge Pictures and Emma VanAcker on Swine AI. Project books were handed out to the members. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served. The next meeting will be March 21, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Wranglers – Maddie Conklin December For the Wranglers December meeting we met at the Mirabel’s house. We shared what we did at Hometown Christmas, and we also discussed the fall food shower. For International night we have Greece for our country and we signed up for the decorating and food committees. Horse Bowl starts Dec. 18. Please come if you are interested in learning a lot about horses! The enrollment forms were due Dec. 15 and for new members it’s not due until April. After the meeting we did a gift exchange that was very fun and exciting! As a reminder, talks and demos need to be done before June. Also Super Saturday is on Feb. 20 if you are coming. Please think about new activities our club could do, and bring a new friend to the club for our new goals this year. Our next meeting was voted to be on January 9 at the GAR (trampoline March/April 2016 park) for our fun meeting. The meeting as of now is at 1:30 pm, but Toni will email with more details. January At the Wranglers meeting in January we discussed Super Saturday which is held at the Evangelical Church in Belvidere on Feb. 20. Mail in your registration or bring it to the extension office before February 1 if you are interested. We also talked about placing 3rd in the loose change drive at Hometown Christmas. The committee for the practice horse show and judging clinic met afterward to discuss ideas for prizes. We also met to discuss ideas for the International Night food and display committees. Genna suggested a Greek cookie. Please begin thinking about this and bring your ideas to our next meeting. Horse bowl has begun, and is at the extension office at 6pm on Friday nights. If you know anyone that would be interested please tell them to join, it is fun for all. Be thinking about ideas for the Farm Community Grant this year. We have already discussed painting the pony arena fence, the announcer's stand, or planting flowers. Our next meeting will be on Feb. 13 at 1pm at GAR South Trampoline Park by Cherryvale Mall. The club will pay for all 4-H members to jump for one hour, bring a friend for 7 dollars. Wranglers – Sophia Mirabal On February 13 we had our meeting at a trampoline place in Rockford called G.A.R. Rhiannon lead our group In the American pledge and Sophia lead our group in the 4-H pledge. Alexa and McKenna took the attendance. Frankie gave us are treasures report. We have a new member join are group name mechanize from Winnebago 4-H. For international night we discussion about Greece. Then we talked about super Saturday. My sister and I are so excited for it .The whole group had to decide what we were going to do for the grant. The examples that we came up with were paint the picnic tables and the office or the announcers stand in the horse arena. Then the whole group talked about general projects day in June. Jenna talked about driving drill team on April 4th and riding drill team on April 5th. The next meeting for the wrangler is March 12th Ella and Sophia adjourned the meeting. After the meeting all the kids went to go jump. We got to jump for over one hour. It was very fun. Our next meeting is March 12th. Beaver Valley Clippers – Jack Schnor November 2015 The Beaver Valley Clippers had a meeting at the Poplar Grove Wings and Wheels Museum on Page 11 November 9. Trenton Bahling led a recreational activity. We did a tour. We decided we would make ornaments for the Hometown Christmas tree on December 2 at 6 pm. We collected food for the Fall Food Shower. We will be caroling at Maplecrest on December 8. We will be doing bell ringing for the Salvation Army on December 12 at Shopko. We got France for our International Night Country. Our next meeting will be at the Paul's house on January 11. January 2015 The Beaver Valley Clippers had a meeting at the Paul's house on January 11. Trenton Bahling led a recreational activity. We decided that the meeting in March, will be a Pizza Night. We will be ice skating February 28 from 1:00-4:00 PM at the Belvidere Park District ice arena. Jill Paul will be teaching a class at Super Saturday. Calvin Schnor and Meagan Waibel did special numbers. Calvin played the piano, and Meagan read a poem. The next meeting will be at the Rhode's house on February 8. February 2015 The Beaver Valley Clippers had a meeting on February eighth at the Lyford's house. Trenton led a recreational activity. We will be having a pizza party at our next meeting. We will be ice skating at the Belvidere Park District ice arena on February 28. We talked about what our international night display would be, and what food we will have. We got our project books. Mrs. Lyford talked about a new records system. Zeb Wolfe did a demonstration of an amplifier that he made for his phone. The next meeting will be at the Lyford's on March 14. Visions of Excellence – Jonathan Cechini November 2015 The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Chloe, directly followed by the 4-H pledge that was led by Corbin. We then began the roll call topic which was favorite sport. Our first topic of old business was National 4-H week, Juliana has put up the display and told us about the display. We than talked about Recognition night Chloe was picked as the best secretary this year. Silent auction was canceled therefore no donation was made for our club. We also had clean up duty that day and the Nordman’s took care of that since it was forgotten about until Mrs. Nordman received an email. Julianna then gave her report on the Fall Food Shower and the food boxes will be delivered to the Extension office by the Nordman’s on November 21st. The Voska’s will set up a day to pick up the ham from the Nordman’s to deliver to Rockford Rescue Mission in December. We also held the budget committee and the planning March/April 2016 committee, they both went very smooth and we were satisfied with the results and motioned to agree. We then began our new business, Federation will be held November 23, at the extension office. We agreed this year our checking account will be the same as last year with David and Sue Nordman, as well Corbin Gustafson, as the signatories. We then talked about demos and signed up for what month each member would be doing theirs. We turned in our Enrollment forms and Program Fees, we motioned to write a check to the University of Illinois Extension for $100 for enrollment fees for this year. We decided to not to do a club project this year. We decided to do a community project instead of a health kit. We are to bring our health kit to the next meeting. Our next meeting will be at Jon’s house December 12th, it will be a Secret Santa game night. December 2015 The meeting began with The Pledge of Allegiance led by Jon and The 4-H pledge led by Skylar. We then began with the roll call topic which was “favorite football team”. Onto old business, the first topic was the Fall Food Shower; Mrs. Nordman has delivered all the food. Next topic, Rockford Rescue Mission hams; Jon and Sam will contact the Mission and set a date to get the hams delivered before the holiday. Our Planning and Budgeting committee have confirmed our final copies and we are set for the New Year. Our final topic in old business is the completion of the health kits. Mrs. Nordman will be shipping them. Now new business, Federation is January 25th at the Extension Office. Julianna has a few ideas for us to participate in Random Act of Kindness. We all discussed several ideas and decided on making scarves and mason jars with trail mix. We will each distribute these items once they are complete. Our next meeting will be January 24 at the Extension Office. members will be going to work at the dinner as well as providing desserts. Our March meeting is to be determined. It was discussed if we need a March meeting due to International Night being the same day. Udder 4-H Club – Emilee Morrow Date: Time: Place: Cost: RSVP: The Udder 4-H Club met on February 14 at Heritage Woods. Our members passed out homemade Valentine’s Day cards and talked with the residents. Our members made cards during our January meeting. After that, we held a brief meeting. We discussed upcoming events. A reminder that Super Saturday will be February 20. The Morrows will be presenting a first aid workshop and four other members have signed up to attend. Also, we will be participating in International Night with a display on Chile. Decisions have not been made as to what we will serve. A dinner/movie night basket will be put together for the Grange’s Spaghetti dinner. Several Page 12 Did you know? More than 26,600 youth were 4-H club members in Illinois 4-H last year, and membership is growing. That’s an 11% growth. We grew in every type of residence… from farm to city. 70% of 4-H club members live on farms and towns under 10,000 population, but membership in cities grew 39% last year. Other Extension Programs Raising Backyard Chickens Right Date: Time: Place: Cost: RSVP: Tuesday, April 5 6:00-8:00 p.m. Boone County Extension, Suite 5 $10.00 By April 4 In this class participants will discuss: Choosing breeds and starting chicks Considerations for designing & building coops and runs Overcoming winter weather and predators Handling & selling eggs in Illinois safely and legally. Register online: D=13734 MarketReady Thursdays –March 10, 17, 24 & 31 5:30-8:30 p.m. Boone County Extension, Suite 5 $50.00 By March 9 MarketReady is a short course for local food farmers who want to start selling to restaurants, retail stores, and institutional food service, and would like to make a plan to succeed in this marketplace. The training is based on best business practices identified by food buyers who use local suppliers, and will help you manage new risks and relationships. Register online: March/April 2016 March 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 6 7 8 14 15 21 3 4 Livestock Judging Practice Beef Comm. Dinner Horse Bowl 9 10 11 16 22 17 23 Sat 5 Horse Bowl 18 12 Robotics Open House Spaghetti Supper 19 Horse Bowl 24 25 29 30 31 3/2—6:30 p.m. Livestock Judging Practice @ Boone County Extension, Suite 5 3/3 — 6:30 p.m. Beef Committee Dinner/ Potluck @ Boone County Extension, Suite 5 3/9—6:30 p.m. Livestock Judging Practice @ Boone County Extension, Suite 5 3/12 1:00 p.m. Robotics Open House @ Belvidere Township Building 3/12 –4:00—7:00 p.m. Spaghetti Supper @ VFW Hall, Belvidere—Tickets available at the door. 3/16—6:30 p.m. Livestock Judging Practice @ Boone County Extension, Suite 5 3/19—International Night @ Community Building Set-up Program Clean-up 26 Horse Bowl 28 International Night Horse Committee 27 Fri 2 Livestock Judging Practice 20 Thu Livestock Judging Practice 13 Schedule of Events 4:30-5:30 p.m. 5:30-7:00 p.m. 7:00-7:30 p.m. 3/21—6:30 p.m. Horse Committee Meeting @ Pizza Hut in Belvidere 3/28—1:00 p.m. Records Workshop @ Boone County Extension, Suite 5 3/28—6:30 p.m. Federation Meeting @ Boone County Extension, Suite 5 ** Horse Bowl and Hippology Practice will be held at Boone County Extension, Suite 5 each Friday at 6:00 p.m. Records Workshop Federation April 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu DDT—Driving Drill Team RDT — Riding Drill Team Fri Sat 1 2 Enrollment Deadline Horse Bowl Competition 5 4 Records 5 Workshop 10 17 DDT Practice RDT Practice 11 12 DDT Practice RDT Practice 18 19 6 7 8 13 14 15 21 22 23 Illinois 4-H Robotics Competition RDT Practice 25 26 27 28 RDT Practice Livestock Judging Practice Dog Orientation Meeting DDT Practice DDT Practice Federation 16 Livestock Judging Practice 20 Horse Committee 24 9 PQA Training 29 30 Schedule of Events . 4/1– 4:30 p.m. Enrollment Forms Due 4/2—Horse Bowl Competition Dixon, Illinois 4/4—7:00 p.m. Records Workshop @ Boone County Extension, Suite 5 4/6—5:00 and 6:30 p.m. PQA @ Boone County Extension Office, Suite 5 4/13—6:30 p.m. Livestock Judging Practice @ Boone County Extension, Suite 5 4/18—6:30 p.m. Horse Committee Meeting @ Boone County Restaurant 4/23—Illinois 4-H Robotics Competition in Champaign, Illinois 4/25—6:30 p.m. Federation Meeting @ Boone County Extension, Suite 5 4/27—6:30 p.m. Livestock Judging Practice @ Boone County Extension, Suite 5 4/28—6:30 p.m. Dog Orientation & Sign-up @ Boone County Extension, Suite 5 *Driving Drill team will meet every Monday, weather permitting, at the fairgrounds 6:00 pm **Drill team will meet every Tuesday, weather permitting at the fairgrounds 6:00 pm If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in these programs, please contact the Boone County Extension office at 815-544-3710. University of Illinois/USDA/Local Extension Councils Cooperating University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.