Parcels Sortation with Conveyors
Parcels Sortation with Conveyors
Parcels Sortation with Conveyors Safety compliance and supporting documentation Ken House Tel: 07713653072 – email: [email protected] 02/05/16 This is a synopsis of the safety documentation applicable to the deployment of conveyors to be used with parcel sortation. Due to the size of this file I have only placed the main documents in this synopsis. It is a requirement of the SAC1 and Risk Assessment that site assessments must be completed prior to any new equipment being deployed, supported by local risk assessments and consultation with local CWU representatives. The documents within this pack are electronic copies, all master documents with signatures are held by the originators on site. Should you need to review these please contact Edinburgh MC – [email protected] Continuous Improvement Lead. Mail preperation frame safety documentation within this document. Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment (WECSA) ……………….…………1 Safety Assessment SAC1………………………………………………………………………………….2 Safe Systems of Work………………………………………………………………………………………3 Ergonomic Screening ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Ergonomics Review (Edinburgh) ……………………………………………………………………..5 Ergonomics Review (Manchester) ……………………………………………………………………6 Operating Manual ……………..……………………………………………………………………………..7 Technical Drawings…………………………………………………………………………………………..8 Layout……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9 Job Element Sheets …………………………………………………………………………………….10 ANNEX: 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Additional supporting document (not included in this report) Terms of reference (TOR)……………………………………………………………………………………..11 Joint working review……………………………………………………………………………………………..12 Industrial engineering report………………………………………………………………………………..13 1 WORK EQUIPMENT CHANGE SAFETY ASSESSMENT Section 1 Work Equipment Title Work Equipment Group Work Equipment Intended Use Explanation of change Deployment Date Project Manager (contact details) CHANGE SAFETY ASSESSMENT CONVEYORS BY Beumer RM 5M CONVEYOR SYSTEM To convey mail items for sortation into Alps and Hoods To alleviate the manual handling experience whilst doing the sortation operation Trial Begins July 2014 Martyn Dundas NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY (name) Work equipment area of use Section 2 UNIT (name) NORTH Edinburgh MC PROHIBITED CHANGE ACTIVITY Will the change impact on any of the following: Work Equipment Guarding (Primarily machinery guarding) Computers or VDU’s, including all software & hardware Electrical Systems and any power supplies Machinery Controls Address Interpretation Systems Safety Systems such as interlocks, emergency stops, signs Machines under warranty Introducing substances to machinery hazardous to health Lifts and lifting equipment inc mechanical handling equipment Road vehicles Section 3 Work Equipment Photograph Yes/No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO (Yes) If ‘Yes’ STOP do not progress. Only complete the modification with the authorisation of the Subject Matter Expert (SME) Advice on identifying SME’s is available in the guidance document to this process (No) If ‘No’ Progress to Step 3 CHANGE - JUSTIFICATION Description of change activity and improvement opportunity To enable operators to comfortably sort flats and letters into different perstop trays. This will remove the likelihood of any manual handling injury whilst performing this process. Monitoring Period used to justify the need for Change? From: To: Yes/No Target Benefit? Achieved Y/N? Safety? YES Nil injuries from manual handling Legal? YES SSOW in conjunction with HASAW Benefits from the 1974 Work Equipment Financial? YES Efficiency improvement Change Activity Quality? YES Sortation process won’t have as many errors Performance? YES Modern approach to performing the task to a high standard Equipment Availability? NO Other? (Describe) NO During a trial the benefits of any change must be monitored for 90 days. This will prove the effectiveness of the change so it can be horizontally expanded outside the initiating unit or show if the change needs to be reversed. Is the change reversible? (It must be possible to YES Explain: The conveyors can be removed from the unit return the work equipment to its original state) Section 4 CHANGE - ACTIVITY What change activity is involved? New Work Equipment, whether purchased, hired, or leased, even on a temporary basis Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment Yes/No YES Template Owner: S. White (Yes) Version: 4.0 (No) Date: Nov 2012 2 Modification to Work Equipment even on a temporary basis (As defined in the guidance document) Replacement of a component where the replacement isn’t like-for-like Change of use for the Work Equipment NO Significant change of workplace layout due to relocation of fixed Work Equipment or mechanised equipment Change of environmental in which the equipment is designed to operate NO Section 5 NO NO If any option is ‘Yes’ progress with the Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment If all options are ‘No’ there is no need to progress with the Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment NO CHANGE - SIGNIFICANCE Indicate all that apply and complete all relevant assessments Yes? If Yes Which is new or the change impacts on the safety systems, YES Step 6 (1) Applies controls, powered elements or it’s sufficiently close to the powered Powered Work elements/moving parts to constitute a significant risk. Equipment Which is not new and the change does not impact on the safety NO Step 6 (3) Applies systems, controls, powered elements or it isn’t sufficiently close to the powered elements/moving parts to constitute a significant risk. Non-Powered Which is new or the change impacts on the safety systems, NO Step 6 (2) Applies Work Equipment controls, moving parts or it’s sufficiently close to the moving parts with moving to constitute a significant risk. parts Exclusion, Which is not new and the change does not impact on the safety NO Step 6 (4) Applies (see Note**) systems, controls, moving parts or it isn’t sufficiently close to the moving parts to constitute a significant risk. Non-Powered Work Equipment with no moving parts Inclusion (see Note**) NO Step 6 (5) Applies Lifts & Lifting Work Equipment (LOLER assessments are likely for some of the above) NO Step 6 (6) Applies Prohibited Changed contact SME Ergonomic Task Activities (Ergonomic task activities are likely to apply in most cases) YES Step 6 (7) Applies Note** Work equipment, where the only moving parts are wheels used to move that work equipment from one static location to another and where those wheels are then locked in place. Section 6 Change Significance 1 Powered Work Equipment which is new or the change impacts on the safety systems, controls, powered elements/moving parts or it’s sufficiently close to the powered elements to constitute a significant risk. Non-Powered Work Equipment with moving parts which is new or the change impacts on the safety systems, controls, moving parts or it’s sufficiently close to the moving parts to constitute a significant risk. Exclusion, see Note** NOTE: PUWER Assessment: Before making this modification is the machine/work equipment of standard configuration &/or up to current specification 3 Powered Work Equipment which is not new and the change does not impact on the safety systems, controls, powered elements/moving parts or it isn’t sufficiently close to the powered elements to constitute a significant risk. 4 Non-Powered Work Equipment with moving parts which is not new and the change does CHANGE – ASSESSMENT TYPE Assessment Required PUWER Assessment. 2 Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment Yes / No YES Screening Assessment To determine if a PUWER By Whom Complete Appendix (Nationally) Head of Engineering Safety (Geographical/Functional/Local) Geographical/Functional Director Safety Appoints an assessor (Nationally) Head of Logistics & Facilities Management Safety (Geographical/Functional/Local) Geographical/Functional Director Safety Appoints an assessor If ‘No’ STOP until such time as the machine or work equipment has been brought up to current specification Project Manager or Operational Line Manager Template Owner: S. White Version: 4.0 2 If ‘Yes’ Progress 1 Date: Nov 2012 3 5 not impact on the safety systems, controls, moving parts or it isn’t sufficiently close to the moving parts to constitute a significant risk. Exclusion, see Note ** Non-Powered Work Equipment with no moving parts (New or existing) Inclusion, see Note ** Section 6 cont. 6 Lifts and Lifting Work Equipment 7 Work Equipment used to manually lift, carry, transport or hold loads or that needs to be manually handle assessment and/or Ergonomic assessment is required If in doubt how to proceed seek advice from the local Safety Team CHANGE – ASSESSMENT TYPE Lift Operations & Lifting Equipment Assessment Ergonomic Screening Assessment Section 7 Head of Logistics & Facilities Management Safety appoints a Technical Assessor or Safety Advisor Project Manager, Operational Line Manager or Technical Assessor or Safety Advisor 3 4 CHANGE – IMPACT The intention is that each item of work equipment will have a Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment to assess if it is intrinsically safe to use within Operations & Modernisation and a SAC1 (or equivalent) to determine the level of risk that exists from hazards encountered while using the work equipment in task activities in operations. Yes/No (Yes) (No) What impact does the change have on the SAC1? Is the Work Equipment new and will operator task activities YES Produce a SAC1 to There is no need be affected by the introduction of the work equipment? assess task activities to produce a SAC1 If the Change is to existing Work Equipment is there the NO Amend the existing There is no need potential for the Change to impact on any task activities SAC1 or create one to review the associated with the use of the work equipment? if none exists SAC1 List the SAC1 impacted on by the change: We have 6 separate conveyors, all made to the same 1) SAC1 covering operational use of Work Equipment specification, that will be used to help with the (where equipment is introduced as a stand alone item) smooth sortation of flats and letters and parcels into 2) Project SAC1 (when work equipment is introduced as the correct containers. part of a wider project related to a new procedure) Section 8 LIST ANY INPUT RECEIVED AND FROM WHO STAKEHOLDERS Names and contact details (Where applicable) Unit Manager (Unit Level Work Equipment Change) Safety Lead Geographical Director Safety (GDS) Head of Logistics & Facilities Management Safety National Asset Team (introduction of or change to assets) Head of Engineering Safety Subject Matter Expert (SME) PUWER Assessor LOLER Assessor Ergonomic Assessor Other (specify) Other (specify) LIST STAKEHOLDERS SUPPLYING INPUT &/or BEING CONSULTED (For National, Geographical & Unit Paul Laidler Kenny Mckean Steve Greaves Del Roffey Scott Sutherland NOT NEEDED Corinne Parsons 03/07/14 Names and contact details (Where applicable) Date consulted &/or input received Alex Sayers 03/07/14 Level Work Equipment Change) UNITE (National) UNITE (Local or Geographical) Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment Date input received Template Owner: S. White Version: 4.0 Date: Nov 2012 4 CWU (National) CWU (Local of Geographical) (Ops &/or Engineering) Mark Hugall / Ian Robson Other (specify) Section 9 WORK EQUIPMENT CHANGE SAFETY ASSESSMENT I can confirm that I have the appropriate level of competency, in terms of knowledge and experience of completing other assessments, to allow me to sign off this Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment. I can confirm that on completion of the assessment and associated specialist assessments that provided all outstanding actions are completed and no significant risks are identified and still outstanding that this work equipment is fit for purpose and the intended use to which it will be put within the Business, and that the user of the work equipment or persons who may be affected by its use have been safeguarded from any risks Project Manager or Operational Line Manager Name Martyn Dundas Date Signature 03/07/14 (Not valid unless signed) Project Managers should: • Sign the Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment in all case and retain a copy of it and all appendices • Forward copies as appropriate: Local Projects - The Unit Manager Geographical Projects - The Geographical Director Safety National Projects - Head of Logistics & Facilities Management Safety (Non-Powered Equipment) - Head of Engineering Safety (Powered Equipment) - SME (For change specific to areas of Prohibited Change) PROCESS CONCURRENCE NATIONAL DEPLOYMENTS & CHANGE involving PUWER & LOLER Name Date Signature Head of Logistics & FM Safety (Non-Powered) OR Name Date Signature Head of Engineering Safety (Powered) GEOGRAPHICAL or FUNCTIONAL or UNIT DEPLOYMENTS & CHANGE involving PUWER & LOLER (Powered & Non Powered) Name Date Signature Geographical Director Safety PROHIBITED CHANGE ACTIVITY or SME DEPLOYMENTS & CHANGE involving PUWER & LOLER & / OR Name Date Signature Subject Matter Expert (SME) POWERED WORK EQUIPMENT & LIFT WORK EQUIPMENT DEPLOYMENTS & CHANGE Name Date Signature Assets Supply Chain Manager (Where it is applicable the Process Concurrence is not valid unless signed by at least one of the above) WORK EQUIPMENT CHANGE SAFETY ASSESSMENT APPENDICIES 1. Work Equipment Screening Assessment Work Equipment Screening Assessmen 2. PUWER Assessment (NonPowered Equipment) For Non Powered Equipment Technical Assessors or Safety Advisor should use this PUWER Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment 2. PUWER Assessment (Powered Equipment) 3. LOLER Assessment Template Owner: S. White For Powered Equipment Technical Assessors should use the PUWER Assessment Tool provided by Engineering LOLER Assessment v1.2 Version: 4.0 Date: Nov 2012 5 Assessment PUWER Assessment v1.6 4. Ergonomic Screening Assessment Ergonomic Screening Assessment v1.2 (All assessments must be signed and attached where they are required ) Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment Template Owner: S. White Version: 4.0 Date: Nov 2012 SAFETY ASSESSMENT & CONCURRENCE (SAC1) Project/Programme/Product Title Project/Programme/Product Description Proposed Schedule, Timescales Project Lead (Contact Details) Cut and Tip Conveyors Installation and use of Incline and/or Horizontal Conveyors Deployment Start: 22 April 2015 Deployment Finish: 26 June 2015 (est) Additional timescales on a case by case basis Murray Cook (Business Case Owner) 07702 678200 NATIONAL (SMS 8.1) SAC1 Level Deliver, install, use and maintain c100 conveyor systems into 22 mail centres. To provide further systems on an on-going case by case basis REGIONAL (SMS 8.2) UNIT (SMS 8.3) X LIST SAFETY INPUT(s) REQUIRED (indicate if applies) GROUP SAFETY RISK IMPROVEMENT MANAGER NATIONALLY APPOINTED SAFETY LEAD PROGRAMMES DIRECTOR/MANAGER (as applicable) SENIOR SAFETY PROFESIONNAL PROJECT SAFETY LEAD PROGRAMMES MANAGER SAFETY ADVISOR PROJECT MANAGER (If different from Project Lead) SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT - Conveyors PROPERTY & FACILITIES (SAFETY TEAM) ENGINEERING (SAFETY TEAM) LOGISTICS (SAFETY TEAM) – (VEHICLES) ASSETS (SAFETY TEAM) ERGONOMIST STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION Is consultation necessary with the CWU SAC1 Template: Task or Work Equipment Photograph Y/N Y Y/N CATEGORY Y N Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3 8.2 or 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.1 & 8.2 & 8.3 8.1 As appropriate As appropriate As appropriate As appropriate As appropriate STAGE 8.1 Consultation conducted and agreed with Terry Pullinger through National Steering Group. Via Francis Template Owner: S. White NAME & CONTACT DETAILS Joanna Hosking Warren Cabot Ray Pipe 07703 404378 Craig Dowe 07587 657236 Del Roffey/Pete McGowan NOTE: This equipment has been ergonomically assessed prior to national deployment NAME & CONTACT DETAILS Terry Pullinger Version: 4.3 Date: July 2013 Williams/Mur ray Cook Is consultation necessary with Unite CMA Y Is consultation necessary with any other stakeholder? N LIST ADVICE OBTAINED Martyn Bunn [email protected] Y/N STAGE N N N N N As appropriate As appropriate As appropriate As appropriate As appropriate HEALTH & SAFETY EXECUTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER FIRE AUTHORITY OTHER? OTHER? NAME & CONTACT DETAILS CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN & MANAGEMENT Does CDM apply to the project? If ‘Yes’ is the project notifiable to the HSE? LIST REQUIRED SAFETY INPUT Strategic CDM Co-ordinator Local CDM Co-ordinator SAC1 Template: Version: 4.2 YES / NO No No Y/N STAGE As appropriate As appropriate NAME & CONTACT DETAILS N/A N/A Template Owner: S. White Date: July 2013 STEP 1 INITIAL RISK ASSESSMENT Unit staff / Contractors, employees, visitors and customers People Affected Contractors Template Owner: S. White Musculoskeletal injuries Poor manual handling Operating the SAC1 Template: Vehicle & pedestrian collisions Various injuries as a result of the tasks being undertaken for the project. Building & Electrical Works. Working with tools, Working at height Incorrect use of tools Poor manual handling Moves via FLT & Pallet Truck Associated Risk Identified Hazards Conveyor Movement Task or Work Equipment Conveyor enabling works and installation. Version: 4.2 4 Moderate Adequately controlled Outcome See Matrix Tolerable Date: July 2013 8 3 3 Total 4 4 Severity Risk Assessment Likelihood RoMEC – Provided WELLs 1 document defining generic procedure of undertaking works. Site survey visits undertaken prior to commencing any works to ascertain local specific considerations, Conveyor installer (Beumer) – Risk Assessment and Method Statements (RAMS) provided and issued to nominated person at each site. 1 Only Beumer permitted to remove conveyors from delivery vehicles and move into final position within each mail centre. RAMS documents provided by Beumer. Project team have copies of persons trained to use FLTs. All conveyors have wheels to avoid use of lifting equipment and manual handling tasks when moving conveyors within Mail Centre and into final position. Wheels will be removed prior to fixing conveyors to floor Current manual handling 2 Existing Control(s) List below tasks or work equipment involved & the hazards associated with them & those people affected, list all existing controls & rate the level of risk. Use separate assessment sections for each task or work equipment & add more assessment sections and expanding as needed. If any risks are tolerable or above, move to Step 2 Risk Control. Musculoskeletal, striking, Defective Machine, Maintaining the Maintenance Maintenance Engineers Employees and managers Contractors/ RoMEC Automation Template Owner: S. White Musculoskeletal, striking, drawn in and cuts injuries Maintenance procedures Maintaining the conveyor SAC1 Template: Musculoskeletal, striking, drawn in and cuts injuries Defective Machine, moving parts, sharp edges or jagged metal edges Operating the conveyor conveyor – to process bundles of letters and parcels. Version: 4.2 Manual Handling SSOW All conveyors have audited predelivery checks at factory. All conveyors have commissioning checks and further checks made as part of formal handover. All conveyors electrically tested prior to first use, nip guard gaps checked, all guards are checked for security, safety and monitoring devices are checked (E/Stops). SME has undertaken Machinery Directive compliance checks as part of Regulation 10 and 11 of PUWER98. Operating instructions have been provided and operator training session(s) will be provided at each installation site. Named and trained details will be provided. Local PUWER assessor to undertake and complete PUWER assessment at each installation. Guidance will be available from the SME Maintenance procedures have been provided and contained within the Maintenance Manual. A technical training course will be provided at each site All conveyors have audited pre- training but does not include this conveyor. 2 1 2 4 4 4 Moderate Tolerable (due to final PUWER assessmen t activity) Moderate Date: July 2013 8 4 8 Movement of our vehicles in the yard where the contractors are working to unload the conveyors Movement of machines through the workplace from the platform Yard Safety SAC1 Template: Workplace Safety moving parts, sharp edges or jagged metal edges conveyor Contractors, employees, visitors and customers Contractors Engineers Template Owner: S. White Crushing and striking against injuries Vehicle collisions with people ME lifting equipment drawn in and cuts injuries Version: 4.2 delivery checks at factory. All conveyors have commissioning checks and further checks made as part of formal handover. All conveyors electrically tested prior to first use, nip guard gaps checked, all guards are checked for security, safety and monitoring devices are checked (E/Stops). SME has undertaken Machinery Directive compliance checks as part of Regulation 10 and 11 of PUWER98. Operating instructions have been provided and operator training session(s) will be provided at each installation site. Named and trained details will be provided. Local PUWER assessor to undertake and complete PUWER assessment at each installation. Guidance will be available from the SME Risk Assessment and Method Statements will be provided by the contractor prior to each delivery. Enquiries will be made for any special requirements Conveyors are moved on casters within each site to eliminate use of manual handling equipment. Workplace Risk Assessment – WTLL to make staff aware of the installation. 3 1 4 4 Moderate Tolerable Date: July 2013 12 4 (due to final PUWER assessmen t activity) Erection of temporary fencing in the area where the conveyors will be installed Increased levels of noise in the work area New machines not added to the current Work Equipment Risk Assessment Fire Safety Noise Work Equipment Injuries as a result of the use of the machine Short or long term hearing defects due to the exposure to the noise levels Restricted access, egress entrance and routes or walkways to fire exits Stepping, striking, slip, trips, falls or musculoskeletal injuries Employees and managers Employees and managers Contractors, employees, visitors and customers Contractors RISK CONTROL Fire Risk Assessment. Premises Fire Evacuation Plans (PFEP) Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP) From the manufacturers details the noise measured at the operator positions on the incline and horizontal conveyors is 44dB when in normal running, During the start sounder and when an emergency stop is depressed the noise measurement at operator positions has been measured at 76dB. Although by design the conveyors are relatively quiete it is unknown if this will have a cumulative effect in it’s final installed location Work Equipment Risk Assessment Site induction into the work area and removal from site if standards are breached 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 1 9 9 12 4 Moderate Moderate Moderate Tolerable SAC1 Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 4.2 Date: July 2013 List all tasks or work equipment rated in Step 1 as tolerable or above. Identify & record the additional control measures necessary to ensure risks are removed or reduced to an acceptable level. On the assumption these risk controls will be introduced complete the risk assessment assessing their impact on the risk rating. Where any additional controls are proposed but cannot be immediately implemented add them at Step 5. Where necessary obtain advice from the Safety Lead to the project. Use separate assessment sections for STEP 2 Contractors who are unfamiliar with RMG individual site safety policy Contractor control Moderate Moderate Outcome See Step1 Moderate SAC1 Template: 2. Maintaining the conveyor Task or Work Equipment 1. Operating the Conveyor Template Owner: S. White Initial training will be provided by the contractor prior to first use. For on-going training create a training package to ensure all maintainers are competent to maintain and use the conveyor. Provide , using operational and technical training manuals. 27/11/2015 SSOW for operation of conveyor incorporating the recommnedations in the Ergonomic Assessment. PUWER assessment to be conducted on the machine to ensure it meets the requirements of the Machine Directive and associated standards Each site to advise date when completed Each site to advise date when completed 19/02/2015 Completion Date At date of first use and will be ongoing moving forward Ergomic assessment of conveyors with regard to cutting & tipping, handling and sortation of parcels and mail items into containers such as Yorks & Mini-Yorks. Initial training will be provided by the contractor prior to first use using operational and technical manuals. For on-going training create a training package to ensure all employees and managers are competent to use the conveyor. Existing documentation could be used for this if required. Additional Control Measures each task or work equipment & add more assessment sections and expand as necessary. Each site to confirm when completed Each site to confirm when completed Yes Completed Yes? Each site to confirm. Version: 4.2 Local PUWER assessor with guidance from SME Craig Dowe if req’d First use – Contractor (Beumer) Ongoing - ETC Ken House Corinne Parsons First use Contractor (Beumer) Ongoing –WPC By Whom 1 1 3 4 3 4 Total 4 Date: July 2013 Risk Assessment Likelihood Severity 1 4 Adequately Controlled Tolerable Outcome See Matrix Tolerable Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate 4. Workplace Safety 6. Fire Safety 7. Noise 8. Work Equipment SAC1 Template: Moderate 3. Yard Safety Template Owner: S. White Add the new equipment to the work equipment list and assess. Pass asset details on to ADST Previous site specific noise risk assessments should be reviewed to ascertain if following the introduction of the conveyors may tip the balance of exceeding any noise thresholds for that area Review the full fire risk assessment to capture the newly installed machines and the associated fire emergency tests and evacuations. Review the Workplace Risk Assessment to ensure the location of the machines are considered Unloading of the conveyors to be in an area where there are either no or restricted vehicle movements and preferably during the quietest time of the operation. Review the Yard Risk Assessment PEM to add date when completed SHE to advise date when completed Each site to advise date when completed Each site to advise when completed Each site to advise date when completed PEM to advise when done SHE to advise when done Each site to confirm when done Each site to confirm when completed Each site to confirm when completed Version: 4.2 (PEM) SME Craig Dowe (CWU) Safety Rep) (safety rep) Regional SHE adviser Between, project manager, nominated site contact and Contractor (Beumer) Site project lead, Regional SHE adviser (CWU Safety Rep) (safety rep) Site project lead, Regional SHE adviser (CWU Safety Rep) (safety rep)Rep) 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 Date: July 2013 3 4 4 4 Adequately Controlled Adequately Controlled Tolerable Tolerable Tolerable DETAILED RISK ASSESSMENT Outcome See Step 2 Task or Work Equipment SAC1 Template: Outcome See Step 2 Completion Date Completion Date By Whom By Whom Completed Yes? Completed Yes? Template Owner: S. White Version: 4.2 Severity Likelihood Total Total Outcome See Matrix Outcome See Matrix Date: July 2013 Severity Risk Assessment Likelihood Risk Assessment Detailed Redesign Assessment (Fundamental change to the project/process) Hazard & Operability Assessment/Study (HAZOP) Epidemiological Assessment Health effects Assessment/Study/Surveillance Noise Assessments Other Assessment - specify Use the Risk Matrix in SMS 2.1 Risk Management Standard to assess the task or work equipment. Detailed Risk Assessments Detailed Risk Assessments 7 8 9 10 11 12 POSSIBLE DETAILED RISK ASSESSMENTS Work Equipment Change Safety Assessment (Mandatory for all change to work equipment) Ergonomic Assessment CDM Assessment Property & Facilities Structural Assessment (Fundamental change in building structure) Yard risk Assessment Fire Survey and/or Fire risk Assessment Task or Work Equipment 1 2 3 4 5 6 List all tasks or work equipment rated as moderate or above in Step 2 in the Detailed Assessment section below, where the additional controls introduced or intended for introduction in Step 2 cannot control the risks to at least an adequate level. It is essential at this point that the Safety Lead for the project is consulted. With their assistance identify which of the additional detailed risk assessments are required. These assessments should be used to identify and record any specific control measures the technical safety specialist completing the assessment feels are necessary to ensure risks are removed or reduced to an acceptable level. Where possible additional controls should be implemented straight away. Where additional controls are proposed but not yet implemented add them at Step 5. Add more assessment sections and expand as necessary to record your findings. STEP 3 When the additional control measures are identified progress with the risk assessment based on the new information. All those assessed as Adequately Controlled or Tolerable Go to Step 5 Any that are assessed as Moderate or above Go to Step 3 Overall Assessment Use the Risk Matrix in SMS 2.1 Risk Management Standard to assess the task or work equipment in all sections above. STEP 4 RESIDUAL RISKS CONCURRENCE ACTION PLAN YES Template Owner: S. White Version: 4.2 As and when for each installation Review the full fire risk assessment to capture the newly installed machines and the associated fire emergency tests and evacuations. SAC1 Template: As and when for each installation Completion Date As and when for each installation Review the Workplace Risk Assessment to ensure the location of the machines are considered. PUWER assessment to be conducted on the machine to ensure it meets the requirements of the Machine Directive and associated standards CONCURRENCE ACTION NO Completed? Y/N Date: July 2013 Site lead, regional SHE advisor, local safety rep Site lead, regional SHE advisor, local safety rep Local PUWER assessor with guidance from Craig Dowe if reqd By Whom Record from Step 2 ‘Risk Controls’ any outstanding actions that still need to be implemented and any additional risk controls from Step 3 ‘Detailed Risk Assessment’ or Step 4 ‘Residual Risks’ that are outstanding. Responsibility and timescales for completion should also be determined. These are part of the conditions of concurrence. It is important to record any actions in this section that are essential to the project but which cannot be deployed before sign off of this process, as such they will become concurrent actions. STEP 5 b) Abort the Project - Seeking an alternative product/service solution, then start the Safety Assessment & Concurrence process again c) Review steps 1 to 3. Include additional proposals suggested by the Group Safety Risk Improvement Manager (8.1) or the Senior Safety Professional implementing the additional controls identified during the review of the process. Where controls cannot be implemented immediately – go to Step 5 and add to the concurrence actions. a) Abort the Project - Do not progress 2. Safety Lead takes appropriate course of action having escalated the issues: 1. Safety Lead to escalate all risks moderate or above for advice on a way forward to the Group Safety Risk Improvement Manager (8.1) or the most Senior Safety Professional in the Business Unit (ex. Operations & Modernisation), Region, Logistics or Support Function (8.2/3) RESIDUAL RISK ACTIONS FOR RISKS ABOVE MODERATE If there are any residual risks moderate or above after step 3, take the following action: SAFETY RECOMMENDATION If required at each site Site lead, regional SHE advisor, local safety rep SAC1 Template: 3 3 N/A N/A Which Apply** Template Owner: S. White CATEGORY (8.1), CATEGORY (8.2) & CATEGORY (8.3) NATIONALLY APPOINTED SAFETY LEAD SENIOR SAFETY PROFESIONNAL (Where not final signatory) PROJECT SAFETY LEAD SAFETY ADVISOR (Where not final signatory PROJECT MANAGER (If different from Project Lead) SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT – Conveyors PROPERTY & FACILITIES (SAFETY TEAM) CDM CO-ORDINATOR Ray Pipe Craig Dowe NAME Version: 4.2 Ray Pipe Craig Dowe SIGNATURE Date: July 2013 01/05/2015 12/05/2015 DATE By signing below you agree that one of the below statements applies to you, therefore delete the statements that do not apply I am satisfied in relation to the Programme, Project or Product deployment, including in relation to hazards during the operational use of work equipment where applicable that 1. There are no safety risks for my area of responsibility. I am able to recommend it for final safety concurrence. 2. The safety risks for my area of responsibility are adequately controlled or have been reduced to a tolerable risk. I am able to recommend it for final safety concurrence. 3. The safety risks for my area of responsibility have been identified and while the concurrence actions have not yet been deployed, they have been recorded for implementation via the Safety Management Plan or the Safety Assessment Concurrence Questions & Actions document. I am able to recommend it for final concurrence on the understanding these actions are completed before the project is deployed and the handover completed at Unit level. STEP 6 Supporting Documents Associated with this SAC1 1) RoMEC WELL document for electrical power installation 2) Contractor Risk Assessment and Method Statement example documentation for conveyor deliveries and installation 3) Manufacturers design residual risk assessment 4) Operator manual 5) Maintenance manual 6) Draft SSoW awaiting approval 7) Site locations, specification and number of conveyors at each type (as of 01/May/2015) 8) Standard use documents (Ken House to provide) Undertake a Noise test of the area where the machines are located. Review the Noise risk assessment to include the new machines 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A FINAL SAFETY CONCURRENCE Del Roffey SAC1 Template: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME JHosking SIGNATURE NAME Warren Cabot Joanna Hosking NAME Template Owner: S. White Version: 4.2 DATE DATE 18/05/2015 And as Reviewed on 19/11/2015. DATE Date: July 2013 NOTE: For final sign off on Unit Level (8.3) projects refer to the Safety Handover Compliance Certificate RISK MATRIX PROGRAMMES DIRECTOR / MANAGER (as applicable) CATEGORY 2 SAFETY CONCURRENCE (8.2 only) SENIOR SAFETY PROFESIONNAL PROGRAMMES MANAGER CATEGORY 3 SAFETY CONCURRENCE (8.3 only) SAFETY ADVISOR CATEGORY 1 SAFETY CONCURRENCE (8.1 only) GROUP SAFETY RISK IMPROVEMENT MANAGER By signing below you agree that you are satisfied the programme/project/product has received adequate safety considerations and that you are prepared to give final safety concurrence on the understanding that any actions in this document or the Safety Management Plan or the Safety Concurrence Gateway Questions & Actions document are completed before final deployment of and the movement of the programme/project/products and any associated work equipment to business as usual the. STEP 7 ENGINEERING (SAFETY TEAM) MAINTENANCE LOGISTICS (SAFETY TEAM) – (VEHICLES) ASSETS (SAFETY TEAM) ERGONOMIST SAC1 Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 4.2 Date: July 2013 ROYAL MAIL GROUP RISK MANAGEMENT SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK (Appendix 2) This SSOW provides sufficient INFORMATION and INSTRUCTION to allow managers to control safety risks identified during risk assessments. It is used by work area managers to inform and instruct operators, at induction and refresher training events, how a task they are involved in or work equipment they are using can be completed / used safely. A record should be retained to show that this information and instruction has been shared with those employees affected. Task / Work Equipment Description Generic Task / Work Equipment (SSOW Title) Cut & Tip Powered Conveyor SAC1 National Cut & Tip Conveyor V1.3 Associated Risk Assessment SSOW Version No WHAT RISKS ARE CONTROLLED BY THIS SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK (As identified in the task risk assessment or SAC1 process, show the risks identified and the controls that have been introduced. For example, pedestrian/vehicle collisions controlled by the provision of a designated & protected walkway. Identified Risk Operating the conveyor Risk Rating (ref. SMS2.1 Risk Matrix) Tolerable Control Following initial installation and equipment deployment: National project lead to ensure training is provided on site and delivered to the workplace coaches. On-going training to be delivered by a competent Workplace Coach using safe systems detailed in this document. INSTRUCTIONS (How to carry out the task &/or use the work equipment safely - including the Don’t and Do written instructions) Safe System of Work Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 1.3 Date: Feb 2013 Cut and Tip Conveyors This safe system of work must be followed at all times and consolidates advice given in operator training and operations manuals. Any problems should be reported to your line manager immediately. It is the legal responsibility of every employee at work: • to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions • To report defective or faulty equipment immediately. Before use Check workstation for defects and report defects to your line manager. The work area around any machine must be kept tidy. Check that there are no trailing cables All covers and/or guards must be in place and undamaged. You must be familiar with the location and operation of all machine controls. General DO inform your manager of any medical condition which may affect your ability to perform your work, or if you are pregnant. DO follow operating instructions. DO keep hands clear of any moving parts. DO be aware of hypodermic needles, sharp objects and leaking or suspicious packages. DO make sure your path is clear before you lift, carry or push a load. WARNING: Only authorised personnel are allowed to open and access the control panel, power point trip switch panel and disconnect the power lead from the power point. DO NOT attempt to open the control panel cover. DO NOT attempt to access the power point trip switch. DO NOT attempt to disconnect the power lead from the power point. DO NOT plug personal electrical equipment into the blue or red power socket x x Manual Handling: To Bags avoid repetitive actions when tipping mail bags, operators must be rotated at pping regular intervals. Safe System of Work Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 1.3 Date: Feb 2013 Assess the weight of the bag. Inform your manager if bag is overweight. (If considered overweight, cut seal and break down contents without lifting bag.) Use the proper equipment to cut the bag tie (e.g. official scissors). Dispose of the string, label ties and seals in a bin. Use correct lifting and handling methods to lift the bag. Lift bag onto work surface in one movement. When the bag is on the surface, feed mail out of the bag by hand before lifting to fully empty. Lifting should be no higher than shoulder height. Check bag is empty and place in appropriate empty bag storage container. Discard any damaged bags. Avoid lifting and tipping bags in one movement. DO lift full trays from the rear of the workstation using established manual handling techniques. DO fill Yorks using the “Slide and Stack” technique. DO manually lift empty grey Totes. DO NOT over stretch or overstrain arm muscles while tipping a bag. DO NOT leave bags loose on the floor. Incline Conveyor DO operate an emergency stop button in case of emergency DO operate an emergency stop button when attempting to retrieve jammed mail, even if the machine has already stopped. DO secure, completely cover or remove all loose jewellery and loose clothing, and tie back long hair before operating any machine. DO NOT use this equipment unless you have been fully trained. DO NOT attempt to start or interfere in any way with any machine which is under maintenance control or displaying a “machine under maintenance” sign. DO NOT tamper with electrical or mechanical equipment/remove safety covers/guards. DO NOT attempt to insert, extract, touch any component, or attempt to remove any jammed item of mail from a moving part of a machine. DO NOT start the machine until you are sure no one is working on it. DO NOT reset an emergency stop until the fault has been cleared. DO NOT use personal stereos when operating this machine. DO NOT lean, touch, stand, walk, or lie on any conveyor belt. DO NOT make unauthorised or unsafe repairs to the conveyor DO NOT overload conveyor belt or load above side height of conveyor. DO NOT throw strings, label ties, or seals on the floor. Flat Bed Conveyor DO operate an emergency stop button in case of emergency DO operate an emergency stop button when attempting to retrieve jammed mail, even if the machine has already stopped. DO secure, completely cover or remove all loose jewellery and loose clothing, and tie back long hair before operating any machine. DO NOT use this equipment unless you have been fully trained. DO NOT attempt to start or interfere in any way with any machine which is under maintenance control or displaying a “machine under maintenance” sign. DO NOT tamper with electrical or mechanical equipment/remove safety covers/guards. DO NOT attempt to insert, extract, touch any component, or attempt to remove any jammed item of mail from a moving part of a machine. Safe System of Work Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 1.3 Date: Feb 2013 DO DO DO DO DO DO DO NOT start the machine until you are sure no one is working on it. NOT reset an emergency stop until the fault has been cleared. NOT use personal stereos when operating this machine. NOT lean, touch, stand, walk, or lie on any conveyor belt. NOT make unauthorised or unsafe repairs to the conveyor NOT overload conveyor belt or load above side height of conveyor. NOT throw strings, label ties, or seals on the floor. Conveyor Safety Phrase Label DO make sure you are aware of the Safety Phrase label which is has been affixed to the side of the incline conveyor above the main control panel Before use: Mandatory Pre-use Checks Safe System of Work Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 1.3 Date: Feb 2013 P1. Before Use: P1.1 Carry out a visual check of the conveyors general condition. Are there any protruding, sharp, jagged edges? Has the conveyor received any impact damage i.e. are the covers damaged? Is the belt free from damaged and visible wear? Is there visible damage to the emergency stop buttons? P1.1 The equipment must not be used if faults or damage are identified. Report all defects to your line manager immediately. P2. (Machine not running) Emergency Stop button check: P2.1 There are up to eight emergency stop buttons located on the conveyor Head Strike hazard Be aware of the protruding emergency stop buttons when accessing the control panel or picking up mail items from the floor. P2.2 Engage the emergency stops by depressing the buttons. P2.3 Release the emergency stop by turning the button anticlockwise. P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 Machine Operation: P3. Machine Start-up procedure: Control Panel P3.1 Check to ensure the people are clear of the conveyor prior and during the completion of the machine start-up procedure. P3.1 (On the control panel) Turn the control power switch clockwise into the vertical position. Safe System of Work Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 1.3 Date: Feb 2013 P4. Machine Start-up procedure: P4.1 With the red light now illuminated: P4.2 Press the reset button and hold for 5 seconds. P4.3 Amber light now illuminates. P4.4 Press the start button. P4.5 The first Warning sounds with a single beep and Amber light illuminates. P4.6 Continuing to keep start button pressed, second warning alarm sounds, the green light illuminates and the conveyor belt starts. P4.1 P4.2 P4.3 P4.4 P4.5 P4.6 Emergency stop & start-up procedure: P5. Emergency Stop: P5.1 Immediately press the nearest emergency stop button. The conveyor will now stop. P5.1 P6. Emergency stop restart procedure: P6.2 P6.1 P6.3 Before starting this process ensure the reason for the emergency stop has been safely resolved and if needed checked by an engineer or other competent person. P6.1 Release the emergency stop button. Continual alarm sounds. P6.2 Press the reset button and hold for 5 seconds P6.3 Amber light now illuminates P6.4 Press the start button, alarm sounds once. Keeping the start button pressed the alarm sounds twice. P6.5 The green light now illuminates and the conveyor belt starts. P6.4 P6.5 Bag tipping to the conveyor: Safe System of Work Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 1.3 Date: Feb 2013 P7. Loading the Hopper: P7.1 Use correct lifting and handling methods to remove the bag from the York container. Rest the bag on the front of the Hopper When the bag is on the surface, empty or feed mail out of the bag by hand before lifting to fully empty. Lifting should be no higher than shoulder height. Store the empty bag in a suitable receptacle. P7.1 Bag tipping must only be carried out at the front of the incline conveyor. DO NOT tip bags over the sides of the conveyor Warning! Watch out for sharps! DO NOT overload the conveyor belt Flat Bed Conveyor P8. Working with the Conveyor: Position 2. P8.1. Extract the appropriate mail items as they pass on the conveyor and sort to the associated container. P8.1 Warning! watch out for sharps Safe System of Work Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 1.3 Date: Feb 2013 P9. Conveyor Sensor: P9.1. Sensors are located at the end of the conveyor to prevent mail items falling form the belt. As mail items pass the sensors, the belt will automatically stop. The belt will again re-start once the mail item blocking the sensor is removed. P9.1 P9.2. Through local management procedures the sensor can be disabled on the control panel by use of a key switch P9.2 Warning! If sensor is disabled items will travel off the end of the belt. Ensure a suitable mini sleeved York container is in place. P9.3. Where the end of the conveyor has a no “Bump Bar” under no circumstances must a container be placed at the end of the conveyor and the sensor “MUST “be enabled and the key switched to the “ON” position. NO container allowed at end of conveyor! P9.4. Where the end of the conveyor has a “Bump Bar” the sensor can be enabled or disabled through the local management procedure. Container allowed at end of conveyor! GENERAL INFORMATION (Anything specific to the task &/or work equipment) All operators must have received suitable and sufficient manual handling lifting and handling training. Link to 2:15 Manual Handling: Safe System of Work Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 1.3 Date: Feb 2013 COMPETENCY (Beyond the training received from this SSOW list any other training that is required) Training Format (Course/Certificated/Qualification) Following initial installation and equipment deployment: Theory and practical with the equipment. National project lead to ensure training is provided on site and delivered to the workplace coaches. Manual Handling training WTLL based with practical demonstration. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (This PPE is to be provided & used, as specified, by people undertaking this task &/or using this work equipment) Item Ordering details Comments N/A SAFETY SIGNAGE (The below Safety Signage is to be displayed, as specified, in the workplace where this SSOW applies) Item Ordering details Comments N/A All of the above controls will, if implemented effectively, reduce the safety risks associated with this task &/or work equipment to an ACCEPTABLE level and as such will be ‘Adequately Controlled’. SSOW AUTHORISATION Name Signed Ray Pipe Author Date 07/09/2015 Safety Support (where applicable) I have authorised this SSOW for deployment 11/09/2015 Safety Authorisation: (As defined in Levels of Authority Appendix 4) Peter McGowan On deployment in the Work Area a copy of the SSOW should be retained for reference SSOW LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS SSOW Title Region Unit (Where applicable to individual Unit) Safe System of Work Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 1.3 Date: Feb 2013 (For use where a Unit Manager wants to add local arrangements to a Group or Business Unit SSOW) While the SSOW provides sufficient INFORMATION and INSTRUCTION to allow managers to control safety risks for a specific task &/or item of work equipment it is possible that local circumstances within a Unit could introduce additional risks. Where local risk assessment indicates this to be the case LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS could be prepared help to remove or reduce the additional risks to an acceptable level. This additional INFORMATION and INSTRUCTION must be used within the Unit(s) affected to inform and instruct those employees affected. It should also be used at induction and refresher training events to inform employees how a task they are involved in can be completed safely &/or how work equipment they are using can be used safely. Any training or briefing using the SSOW should be recorded to show where the additional information and instruction has been given. NOTE: Local amendments to a SSOW cannot be less stringent than the national version. LOCALISATION Locally Identified Risk LOCAL SIGN OFF Risk Rating (ref. SMS2.1 Risk Matrix) Control Signature Date Local Author Safety Authorisation: (As defined in Levels of Authority set out in the Standard) 11/09/2015 Peter McGowan Safe System of Work Template: Template Owner: S. White Version: 1.3 Date: Feb 2013 1 Ergonomic Screening Assessment Work Equipment Title Serial Number/identification mark Work Equipment Group Work Equipment Details Incline conveyors Project Manager (contact details) Martyn Dundas (Appendix 4) Work equipment photograph Conveyors NOTE: This is a preliminary assessment which may lead to a more detailed ergonomic assessment depending upon the answers to the following questions. If any of the answers to the questions below are No remedial action or a more detailed assessment will be required. Contact Jane Dillon or Corinne Parsons if you need help to complete the assessment. Reference should be made to the illustrations Fig 1, Fig 2, Fig 3 when answering these questions 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 For this equipment ……. Is the equipment less than 16kg total weight? If yes go to Question 1.2, if no go to Question 1.3 Will suitable handles be provided for lifting and carrying the equipment? If the equipment exceeds 16kg total weight will alternative means of transporting be provided? (wheels for example) Are all visual aids/instructions that form part of the equipment clear and easy to understand? Is the working space where this equipment is likely to be used adequate i.e. unlikely to be congested or cramped? For this equipments intended use (so far as can be ascertained) ……. Will all the lifting tasks be within the HSE guideline figures, (see Fig 1)? Will all the lifting tasks be repeated 7 times/min or less frequently? Will all the forces required to keep a load in motion require little effort (e.g. be less than 7kg)? Will all the forces required to initiate movement easy to exert (e.g less than 15kg)? Will all the pushing forces required be exerted with hands between knuckle and shoulder height? Will all forces or items lifted whilst seated be less than 5kg? Ergonomic Assessment Yes No N/A If No state what remedial action required Detailed assessment required Y/N If No state what remedial action required Detailed assessment required Y/N No N/A Yes Yes Yes No N/A Yes No No remedial required as it is parcels being lifted (not large parcels) Yes Yes Yes N/A Template Owner: S. White Version: 2.0 Date: May 2013 2 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 Will any items to be carried in the hands weigh less than 10kg and need carrying for less than 1 minute at time? Can all lifting and handling tasks be carried out without twisting or bending? Are all tasks completed within the Golden Zone, (AA or A on Fig 3)? Yes Will shorter or taller people find reaching or seeing to complete task elements involving this equipment easy? Are work surface heights appropriate? (e.g. around 700mm for seated work, 950 – 1000mm for standing work; reduced to accommodate items placed on work surface or use of tools. Bag tipping heights below 500 mm) Are all movements likely as part of using this equipment Low or Medium risk 2 on the Muri chart, (see Fig 2, ignore walking) Are all postures on the Muri chart scoring Medium or High held for less than 1 minute at a time or repeated less than 7 times/min, (see Fig 2, Ignore walking)? Can suitable time be allowed in any task using this equipment for rest and recovery? Can suitable seats be provided for all tasks that can be done seated? Where this equipment is used for tasks lasting longer than one hour and cannot be done seated will provision been made to allow sitting down during breaks? Yes Yes No There are two low volume selections which are situated beside and slightly behind the operators. There is no remedy required N Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes ERGONOMIC ASSESSMENT I can confirm that I have the appropriate level of competency, in terms of knowledge and experience of completing other assessments, to allow me to sign off this preliminary Ergonomic assessment. I can confirm that on completion of the assessment and any remedial actions that are identified as necessary and no significant risks are identified and still outstanding then this work equipment is fit for purpose and the intended use to which it will be put within the Business as far as its ergonomic impact is concerned, and that the user of the work equipment or persons who may be affected by its use have been safeguarded from any risks. NOTE: If remedial actions highlighted in the remedial action column indicate that a more detailed Ergonomic assessment report is required then the ergonomists Jane Dillon or Corinne Parsons should be contacted for advice. Work Equipment Title (as per page one) Assessor name (Not valid unless signed) Incline Conveyors Assessment date: 10/11/2015 Martyn Dundas Assessor signature (not valid unless signed) Martyn Dundas The assessors must retain a copy of this Ergonomic assessment and forward a copy to the Project Manager if the assessor and the project manager aren’t one and the same person. Ergonomic Assessment Template Owner: S. White Version: 2.0 Date: May 2013 3 End of ERGONOMIC Assessment Fig 1: HSE Lifting and Handling Guideline Figures Fig 2: Muri Chart Ergonomic Assessment Template Owner: S. White Version: 2.0 Date: May 2013 4 Ergonomic Assessment Template Owner: S. White Version: 2.0 Date: May 2013 5 Fig 3: Golden Zone C 1700 1400 1150 900 Ergonomic Assessment Template Owner: S. White Version: 2.0 Date: May 2013 WCM Parcel conveyors ergonomics assessment 19th February 2015 Corinne Parsons Lead Ergonomist SHE Technical Support, Ergonomics [email protected] 07738 311368 Motorola Finger Scanner Initial Ergonomics Assessment – Version Creation Date: 19/06/14 Royal Mail is a trading name of Royal Mail Group Ltd. Registered number 4138203. Registered in England and Wales. Registered office: 100 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0HQ Contents 1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Assessment .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Home Counties North .......................................................................................................................... 4 Edinburgh ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Assessment of Repetative Work ......................................................................................................... 7 Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Motorola Finger Scanner Initial Ergonomics Assessment – Version Creation Date: 19/06/14 – Page 2 of 9 1.0 Introduction An ergonomics assessment of the parcel conveyors in use at Home Counties North (HCN) and Edinburgh was carried out at the request of Ken House, National Workplace Organisation Deployment Lead, as part of the evaluation of the national WCM parcel conveyor trial. This assessment should be read in conjunction with the Ergonomics Screening assessment which was carried out at the start of the conveyor project. WCM conveyor Ergo Screening Assessmen Three points on the screening assessment were identified as requiring a more detailed ergonomics assessment during the trials:2 2.2 For this equipments intended use (so far as can be ascertained) ……. Will all the lifting tasks be repeated 7 times/min or less frequently? Yes No N N/A If No state what remedial action required Parcel sorting activities for small parcels. Manual handling risk will be low provided throwing distances are minimised and provision is made to walk round with any heavy or difficult parcels Detailed assessment required Y/N Assessment during trial 2.9 Are all tasks completed within the Golden Zone, (AA or A on Fig 3)? N Parcels will be thrown into miniyorks, layouts may vary at different centres but should not exceed 1 deep if across a conveyor or 2 deep elsewhere. Space should be allowed to walk round to place any items that are too flimsy, heavy or awkward to throw easily. Review during trial 2.13 Are all postures on the Muri chart scoring Medium or High held for less than 1 minute at a time or repeated less than 7 times/min, (see Fig 2, Ignore walking)? N Depends on sorting layout. Parcel sorting frequency will be greater than 7times/min, parcels thrown over a distance or difficult parcels to throw will result in arm posture at or above shoulder height Review during trial A visit was made to Edinburgh and HCN Mail Centres to observe the operation during the trials and to discuss the working methods with the operators. Motorola Finger Scanner Initial Ergonomics Assessment – Version Creation Date: 19/06/14 – Page 3 of 9 Assessment The conveyors in use at the two mail centres are similar. Both have the benefit of a low level tipping hopper, rising conveyor and working belt at a good working height for standing work. The belts differ in that the one at HCN is 60cm wide and the one at Edinburgh is 50cm wide. The layouts of containers and working methods differ at the two mail centres. Both have one person tipping into the hopper and two people sorting from the conveyor into miniyorks or full sized Yorks with ALP sleeves. At HCN the staff work on both sides of the conveyor and at Edinburgh the staff work on one side and the containers are positioned on the other. Home Counties North The conveyors are used for all primary parcel traffic except for the large parcels which are sorted in a separate bullring. Both parcel bags and parcels in ALP sleeves are tipped into the hopper. Home Counties North set up There are 8 selections around the end of the conveyor in mini-Yorks which are shared between the two staff working on the belt. In addition there are 3 full sizes Yorks for foreign, second class and a local selection. There is an additional mini-York on each side for mis-sorts Three of the selections on each side and the mis-sorts are within easy reach of the individual on that side. The majority of selections are well outside the golden zone and it is necessary to throw the parcels. For the furthest containers the throwing distance is in Motorola Finger Scanner Initial Ergonomics Assessment – Version Creation Date: 19/06/14 – Page 4 of 9 excess of 2m causing the arms to be raised above the shoulder height to throw at times. This arrangement exceeds the recommendation in the ergonomics screening assessment for mini-yorks to be only one deep if on the opposite side of the conveyor or two deep if on the same side. As there are two people, one on each side of the conveyor, anything that would be difficult to throw, or for the furthest selections could be sorted by the person on the same side of the conveyor. All selections can readily be walked to with items that are particularly difficult to handle. During the observations occasional parcels missed and landed on the floor. Sorting to closer selections Sorting to more distant selections Edinburgh The conveyor at Edinburgh was 500mm wide and the containers were arranged on the far side of the conveyor. The conveyor was used for Horizon and PPI parcels. Collection parcels were processed separately due to the need to cancel the stamps. There were 11 containers altogether including 5 roads, local selections, Glasgow and foreign selections. For First Class parcels mini-Yorks were used for the roads and the local parcels and full sized Yorks were used for the other selections. For Second Class parcels full sized Yorks were used for all selections. Motorola Finger Scanner Initial Ergonomics Assessment – Version Creation Date: 19/06/14 – Page 5 of 9 First class set up Second class set up The conveyor was easy to sort across due to being relatively narrow. Although the reach is slightly outside the golden zone it was a comfortable distance to sort parcels without the need to throw them. The working method was for two people to work on the belt and for parcels for the selections at the far end of the belt to be left on the conveyor for the second person to sort. It was easy to sort parcels into the full sized sleeves with the front open but it was harder to sort over the top of the closed sleeves as this requires sorting items above shoulder height, increasing the strain on the shoulders and arms. It was easy to reach across the conveyor to sequentially close the containers. This should be the normal practice rather than unnecessarily sorting all parcels over the top of the sleeve as was observed during the visit. The operators using the conveyor at the time of the visit preferred this to their previous method of working. The low level tipping hopper was seen as a particular benefit. The main concern raised was the tendency for parcels to fall off the side, particularly if there was a big batch of slippery poly-wrapped items coming up the conveyor together. The main point at which the parcels fell off was the interface between the rising conveyor and the flat sorting conveyor. A slightly higher side rail at this point may help but should not extend onto the working area as this will get in the way of elbows when sorting. In addition it may be necessary for the individual working at the first position to move parcels that may fall first. Using a wider conveyor may reduce the number of parcels which fall off but this would have the disadvantage of increasing the risk of sorting across the conveyor by placing all selections further outside the golden zone and so is not recommended. Motorola Finger Scanner Initial Ergonomics Assessment – Version Creation Date: 19/06/14 – Page 6 of 9 Parcels surge Parcels fallen off conveyor Several concerns were raised about the conveyor itself:• • • Temperamental to start Tearing of the uplift conveyor belt which was not considered strong enough material Vulnerability of the sensor to damage from parcels and it was suggested that this should have a cage to protect it from damage. Sensor Assessment of Repetative Work The actions carried out for both the HCN and Edinburgh layout were analysed and an assessment of the risk from repetative work was carried out using the Health & Safety Excecutive ART tool. The tool takes into consideration the postures of the hands, wrists, arms, trunk and neck; the repetativeness, task duration and forces. The results are given in the table below for the two layouts. HSE ART tool .pdf Motorola Finger Scanner Initial Ergonomics Assessment – Version Creation Date: 19/06/14 – Page 7 of 9 Risk factor A1 Arm movements A2 Repetition B Force C1 Head/Neck posture C2 Back posture C3 Arm posture C4 Wrist posture C5 Hand/finger grip D1 Breaks (between 1 and 2 hours between breaks) D2 Work pace D3 Other factors Task score D4 Duration multiplier Exposure score full shift Exposure score full shift Psychosocial and other risk indicators HCN Edinburgh Score 3 3 1 2 0 2 1 1 2 Score 3 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 15 1 (all shift) 0.75 (up to 4 hours) 15 11.25 Not identified, site dependant 0 0 11 1 (all shift) 0.75 (up to 4 hours) 11 8.25 Not identified, site dependant The results show that the risk from repetitive work is higher for the HCN layout than for the Edinburgh layout for First Class mail. If carried out for a whole shift the HCN layout would pose a medium risk of injury for repetitive work, Edinburgh would pose a low risk. For the Second Class layout at Edinburgh, with full sized York sleeves, the risk would increase to medium if the sleeves were closed during the whole sorting process. Conclusions • The introduction of a parcel conveyor with a low level tipping hopper, rising conveyor and good working height sorting belt reduces the risk from manual handling compared to tipping parcel bags into a mini-York/ALT or onto a table. • The Edinburgh layout has shorter sorting distances and so poses a lower risk of injury from repetitive work than the HCN layout. Motorola Finger Scanner Initial Ergonomics Assessment – Version Creation Date: 19/06/14 – Page 8 of 9 • Both layouts are designed for two sorters to work together and so risks can be minimised by the individual closest to the selection sorting the parcels rather than throwing them over long distances. • Where full sized Yorks are used the sleeves should be closed as the container fills rather than closing them at the start of the sorting process. This prevents unnecessarily sorting above shoulder height and which increases the risk of injury. Motorola Finger Scanner Initial Ergonomics Assessment – Version Creation Date: 19/06/14 – Page 9 of 9 Tipping from York Sleeve to Parcel Conveyor Ergonomics Assessment 17th April 2016 David Annett Chartered Ergonomist Ergotherapy [email protected] 07957 542341 1 Introduction An ergonomic review of tipping parcels from York Sleeves into an ascending conveyor was requested by Ken House, National Workplace Organisation Deployment Lead. The operation was observed on the early shift at Manchester Mail Centre and took place on 5th April 2016. Operators and managers were interviewed and video was taken for postural analysis. Mark Connolly (Shift Manager) and Mathew Bullen (WCM Champion) were present during the visit. Loading the belt with Parcels from the York Sleeve Background Manual parcel processing is now a large part of the Royal Mail Operation. Many parcels are sorted from York Sleeves into other York Sleeves in a Bullring. The hopper and ascending belt were originally designed for bag tipping, but has been used with York Sleeves for the last 6 months at Manchester. This provides sorters with a continuous stream of parcels presented at a good working height. This work area was assessed by Dr Corinne Parsons in February 2015 at Edinburgh and Home Counties North (HCN) but focussed on the sorting operation, with alternative layouts of containers. In these offices one person was tipping and two people were sorting from the belt. 2 Assessment The operation observed in Manchester was different from the offices in the previous report; as there were four operators sorting from the belt rather than two. This appeared to put more pressure on the person tipping the parcels onto the belt, as they were expected by the managers to get through 15 Yorks an hour in order to cost-in the manpower of the operation. Some of the operators felt they were being put under pressure to work faster than their natural pace in order to meet these goals. The CWU representative Graham Booth felt that staff were being put under undue pressure to achieve these goals. Several operators were observed loading the belts and they were generally able to keep a good posture, minimising bending and twisting. The York Sleeve self-levelling system generally works well to minimise bending, but there will always be times when a heavier item is in the bottom so the base does not raise sufficiently. Operators were generally good at positioning the York close to the hopper and angled such to minimise twisting. The type/size of parcel made a significant difference to the speed of the operation – larger parcels tended to be lifted with 2 hands and can be sorted quite quickly, so it was harder to keep up. With small items, many could be grabbed at a time and they took longer to sort, so it was easier to keep up. A new working method introduced by the WCM champion is to have a second York available with small items, so that they can alternate with a few handfuls of these to slow down the sorters so it is easier to keep up. This appeared to work well with the limited amount of time it was observed. The tipper role was rotated every hour with other tasks in the work area, although some staff liked the task and were not always rotated. Taking the empty York away and fetching a full York gives the tipper a break from the repetitive work, but if they are away from the belt for too long the belt empties and the sorters may be standing waiting for work which can put more stress on the tipper and manager. This can vary depending on the quality of portering. Risks were increased when: • • • • • Operators did not apply the brake of the York so it moved away from them if they leant into the York. Items were thrown longer distances to fill in gaps higher up the belt. (Some operators walked down the side of the belt to do this, but this took up time). The York was not placed close to the belt which could introduce more twisting when loading. Pressure on manager/tipper if the belt was seen to be empty or the closest sorters were standing waiting for work. Staff are not rotated to another task after an hour. 3 Assessment of Repetitive work The actions carried out were analysed and an assessment of the risk from repetative work was carried out using the Health & Safety Excecutive ART tool. The tool takes into consideration the postures of the hands, wrists, arms, trunk and neck; the repetativeness, task duration and forces. The results are given in the table below for Manchester where there are four people sorting. An estimate has also been given for the risk when only 2 people are sorting assuming they will not be required to load the belt as quickly. Hence lower figures for the frequency of arm movements, repetitions and work pace. Risk factor A1 Arm movements A2 Repetition B Force C1 Head/Neck posture C2 Back posture C3 Arm posture C4 Wrist posture C5 Hand/finger grip D1 Breaks (between 1 and 2 hours between breaks) D2 Work pace D3 Other factors Task score D4 Duration multiplier Exposure score full shift Exposure score half shift Psychosocial and other risk indicators 4 people sorting Estimate for 2 people sorting Score 5 6 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Score 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 21 1 (all shift) 0.75 (up to 4 hours) 21 15.75 Under pressure, but site dependant 0 0 15 1 (all shift) 0.75 (up to 4 hours) 15 11.25 Less time pressure? Risk Levels Exposure score Proposed exposure level Action 0–11 Low 12–21 Medium 22 or more High Consider individual circumstances Further investigation required Further investigation required urgently 4 Conclusion If the task of loading the belt from a York Sleeve is undertaken at a steady rate (less than 20 lifts per minute) then it is considered a low risk if undertaken for half shift or (low)medium risk if undertaken for a full shift. This assumes that the York is placed close to the belt to minimise twisting and the York brake is applied. If the task is undertaken at a faster pace – over 20 lifts per minute then it is rated as a medium risk for a half shift and full shift, although the full shift is very close to the high risk category. Psychosocial indicators at Manchester suggested there was pressure on managers and operators to maintain a high work rate to achieve emptying 15 Yorks per hour. Handling rates at Manchester varied between 16-30 lifts per minute, so further investigation is recommended. This could include the following: i. ii. iii. Review other offices using this system to check perceived pressure and handling rates. Consider using fewer sorters to reduce the pressure on the tipper (2 or 3). Review in more detail if having a second York with smaller items, to top up the belt, reduces the handling rates. 5 Pictures Increased risk when throwing items to empty gaps higher up the belt (left). Walking along the belt to drop them higher up takes more time (right). Placing the York too far from the Belt can lead to more twisting of the torso. The conveyor sides are relatively low, so if sometimes items may fall over the side they have to be picked off the floor. Layout for when two Yorks are used, so the operator can alternate between left and right handed. This operator preferred to work from one side. 6 Operator Instructions Operating Instructions for Cut and Tip conveyors Incline Conveyor and 4m Horizontal Conveyor for UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS SURFACE FINISH: TOLERANCES: LINEAR: ANGULAR: NAME DRAWN 1 DEBUR AND BREAK SHARP EDGES FINISH: SIGNATURE DATE DO NOT SCALE DRAWIN TITLE: Table of contents About this document Information about this document Warning signs in this document 3 4 Safety Basic safety instructions Intended use Incorrect use Specialists Dangers Malfunctioning during operation Interfaces to other devices Operating modes 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 Position of Key Components 8 Start up and operation Initial start-up Operation Procedure for accidents or malfunctioning 9 9 9 Operational Procedures 10 Troubleshooting Daily Checks 12 14 Risk assessment Certificate of Conformity 15 16 APPENDIX A – Print out procedures 17 2 Information about the operating instructions Contents - These operating instructions contain important details and information about the various operating phases of the conveyor: • Transport, assembly and start-up • Safe operation, required maintenance, remedy of possible faults • Spare parts, supplementary accessories Product affiliation - The operating instructions describe the finished conveyor at the time of initial delivery. Supplementary to these operating instructions, special contractual agreements and technical documents apply for special conveyor versions and additional appliances. - These operating instructions are an integral part of the conveyor - To ensure trouble-free and safe operation as well as the settlement of any warranty claims, always read these operating instructions first and observe all the information contained herein. - Keep these operating instructions close to the conveyor. - Always give the operating instructions to each subsequent owner or user. Beumer Group UK shall not accept liability for any damages or malfunctioning caused by non-adherence to these operating instructions. - Please contact Beumer Group UK if you have any further questions after reading these operating instructions. BEUMER House, 9 Cartwright Court, Cartwright Way, Bardon Hill LE67 1UE Leicestershire United Kingdom Phone: 01530 4412 97 Fax: 01530 8157 17 E-Mail: [email protected] CONVEYOR IDENTIFICATION Electrical Pass: RM Office: Y/N System: Belt width Horiz. Length LHS RHS Serial no Inc Serial no Horiz Date of Install: Engineer: 3 Warning signs in this document The warning signs in this document provide information about dangers which may arise during conveyor operation. The relevant warning signs are displayed in the "safety" section. There are three types of warning signs: • DANGER • WARNING • CAUTION Signal word DANGER WARNING CAUTION Meaning Consequences of non-adherence warns of an imminent danger warns of a possible danger warns of a possibly dangerous situation death or serious injuries. death or serious injuries are possible. slight injuries are possible. 4 Safety Basic safety instructions The conveyor was state of the art and generally safe to operate at the time of delivery; however dangers may still arise during utilization: • Danger of death or personal injury to operators and others • Adverse effects on the conveyor and other areas Non-adherence to the information in these operating instructions can result in life threatening injuries! - Read these operating instructions carefully and adhere to the information contained herein to ensure safe conveyor operation. Intended use The conveyor is intended for use in mail sort environments and should only be applied to transport goods, such as, parcels or letters. The conveyor is intended for certain application areas only and its defined capacity limits must not be exceeded during operation. Maximum loading is 50kg/m, over loading may cause product to fall off the conveyors Any other use without prior consultation with Beumer Group UK is not recommended. Operating conditions which deviate from those specified require Beumer Group UK to agree that the changes are safe. Users should not carry out alterations or modifications without agreeing such changes with Beumer Group UK. Incorrect use The conveyor is not intended for transporting people. Beumer Group UK or Conveyortek take no responsibility if the conveyor is not used as originally intended. Specialists Specialists are personnel who have the knowledge to read and understand the operating instructions and the ability to carry out work professionally while observing national regulations. 5 Safety Dangers This section provides information about various dangers and damages which may occur when operating the conveyor. - Do not climb on the conveyor during operation. - Only carry out maintenance and repair work once the machine has been de-energized and measures have been taken to ensure that it cannot be started accidentally. - Organise additional safety measures for passageways and to stop people reaching into the moving conveyor. - Protective covers and housings should only be removed by a competent person carry out maintenance work. All covers and housing must be refitted before the system can be handed back for operational use. - Regularly inspect safety equipment. - No unauthorised access into electrical enclosures or guarding. - Loose clothing could get caught in the conveyor. - Jewelry, such as necklaces or bracelets may get caught in the conveyor. - Long hair could also get caught in the conveyor.. - Always remove materials and objects which are not required from the work environment area to avoid trip hazards. Malfunctioning during operation - Regularly inspect the conveyor for visible damage. - Stop the device immediately and ensure that it cannot be started accidentally in the event of: Smoke, unusual noises, trapped or broken goods, defective support stands, side guides or accessory appliances. - A specialist must locate the source and remedy the fault before the conveyor can be used again. Interfaces to other devices Danger zones can arise when integrating the conveyor into a system. These zones will not be described in these operating instructions and must be analyzed during installation and initial start-up of the respective system. After connecting the conveyor to other conveyors or machines, always check for new danger zones prior to initial start-up. Especially at the drive roller where cuts, nips and crushing can occur. 6 Safety Operating modes Normal mode. Operation when installed at the end customer's site as an individual conveyor or as a conveyor in a system. Special mode. All operating modes which are required to guarantee and maintain safe and normal operation and listed below. SPECIAL OPERATING MODEmode Special operating Transport/Storage TRANSPORT/STORAGE Assembly/Initial start-up ASSEMBLY/INITIAL START-UP Cleaning CLEANING Maintenance/Repairs Troubleshooting Fault elimination MAINTENANCE REPAIRS Shut-down TROUBLESHOOTING Disposal FAULT ELIMINATION EXPLANATION Explanation Comment COMMENT Loading and unloading, transport and correct storage LOADING & UNLOADING, TRANSPORT & CORRECT STORAGE Installation at the end customer's and execution of a test runAND EXECUTION OF A TEST INSTALLATION AT END CUSTOMERS Cleaning the outside RUN without removing When de-energized safety equipment CLEANING THE OUTSIDE WITHOUT REMOVING SAFETY WHEN DE-ENERGISED Maintenance and inspection tasks When de-energized Trouble shooting EQUIPMENT during normal operation Eliminating theINSPECTION fault When de-energized MAINTENANCE AND TASKS WHEN DE-ENERGISED Removal from the system When de-energized TROUBLE SHOOTING WHEN DE-ENERGISED Removal from the system and disassembly When de-energiz ELIMINATING THE FAULT WHEN DE-ENERGISED SHUT DOWN REMOVAL OF THE SYSTEM WHEN DE-ENERGISED DISPOSAL REMOVAL FROM THE SYSTEM AND DISSASSEMBLY WHEN DE-ENERGISED The conveyors are fitted with Emergency Stop devices which are monitored to ensure the system comes to a safe stop when activated or if the safety circuit has a fault 7 SENSOR EMERGENCY STOPS BEACON INCLINE MOTORISED DRUM NON OPERATOR SIDE CONTROL CABINET EMERGENCY STOP HORIZONTAL BELT DRIVE MOTOR SENSOR POSITION OF KEY COMPONENTS OPERATOR SIDE EMERGENCY STOPS CONVEYOR SHOWN IS LEFT HAND SIDE OPERATOR WORKING CONTROL CABINET AND BEACON ARE NORMALLY LOCATED ON OPERATOR SIDE 8 Start-up and operation Initial start-up Wear correct PPE The conveyor has been factory tested. The belt adjustment or the belt tension is factory set and does not usually have to be altered. - If goods become trapped isolate the conveyor and only if easy and safe to do so remove the item If not easy to do so then call Engineering Procedure for accidents or malfunctioning - Stop the conveyor system and ensure that the isolator is switched off. - In case of an accident: Use the site accident procedure. - Inform your supervisor. - Only restart the conveyor after it has been deemed safe and released by your supervisor 9 NORMAL OPERATIONAL PROCEEDURE CONTROL CABINET CONTROL CABINET LIGHT BEACON RESET BUTTON START BUTTON RED STOP BUTTON AMBER GREEN SENSOR ON/OFF POWER ON INDICATOR MAIN ISOLATOR Normal Working a) b) c) d) Ensure the main isolator is switched on on the control cabinet. If red lamp with buzzer sounds continuously an emergency stop is depressed Check that the sensor is clear On the control panel press the blue reset button for 5 seconds until a constant amber light shows on the beacon e) Press and hold the start button for 3 seconds, this will show a flashing amber light on the beacon and sound an intermittent buzzer for 3 f) During the sounding of the buzzer and flashing beacon the operator should check that colleagues are clear of the conveyor. Releasing the button will prevent the conveyor from starting g) When the signal ends the conveyor will start automatically and is ready for operational us h) The conveyors will continue to run with a constant green light until the sensor beam is broken, upon which an intermittent amber light will be displayed i) To stop the conveyor press the stop button, the green light will flash to indicate "operator stop". To start again press start button and the conveyor will start again without warning 10 The system will fall into sleep mode if:a) On a green flashing light it is left idle for more than 5 mins and require starting again b) On an amber flashing light or constant green light with no activity for more than 2 hours and will require starting again EMERGENCY STOP In the case of an emergency one of the 4 E stop buttons on the four corners of the incline conveyor or 2 on the horizontal conveyor operator side must be pressed. Doing this will initiate a continuous buzzer as well as a constant red light on the beacon. To re-start use the following procedure:a) Reset the E stop b) On the control panel press the blue reset button until amber light shows c) Press and hold the start button for 3 seconds, this will sound an intermittent buzzer and flashing amber light on the beacon for 3 seconds d) During the sounding of the buzzer and flashing beacon the operator should check that colleagues are clear of the conveyor. Releasing the button will prevent the conveyor from starting e) When the signal ends the conveyor will start automatically and is ready for operational use f) The conveyors will continue to run with a constant green light until the sensor beam is broken, upon which an intermittent amber light will be displayed g) To stop the conveyor press the stop button, the green light will flash to indicate "operator stop". To start again press start button and the conveyor will start again without warning This conveyor should only be used by trained operatives CONVEYORS SHOULD NOT BE OVER LOADED MAXIMUM LOAD 50Kg/M 11 Troubleshooting In case of malfunctioning Operators are only allowed to eliminate faults which are clearly related to an operator error! The danger zones at the conveyor are covered by guards and protective equipment. - Stop the device immediately and ensure that it cannot be started accidentally. - Remove the conveyed material. - Always make sure that nobody can be injured before restarting the conveyor. - Dispose of any leaked gear oil correctly. If necessary, a specialist must replace the geared motor. 12 DAILY CHECKS TROUBLESHOOTING WARNINGS LIGHT BEACON LIGHT Interval STATUS SOUNDER Part Entire conveyor YES CONSTANT CONSTANT CONSTANT Belts YES FLASHING Visible cables NO FLASHING NO 3 PULSES E Stops 8 PULSES RESET ESTOP AND FOLLOW START Report if necessary PROCEEDURE Report if necessary General inspection ESTOPvisual DEPRESSED Check screwed connections Monthly Listen for noise SYSTEM IS RUNNING development Report if necessary Daily Check the straight running FAILURE IN SAFETY SYSTEM Check for damage Report if necessary CALL AN ENGINEER Report if necessary Daily SENSOR HAS BEEN COVERED SYSTEM HAS BEEN RESET NO FLASHING ACTION Required work Weekly Monthly YES Rollers CAUSE Task/ Inspection Check for damage General Visual Inspection PRESS AND HOLD START BUTTON NONE REQUIRED REMOVE ITEM BLOCKING SENSOR, WILL START Report ifCONVEYOR necessary STOP BUTTON PRESSED Report if PRESS necessary START BUTTON AFTER PULSES INTERNAL OR SUPPLY FAILURE AFTER PULSES Check for damage Check that they work MOTOR OVERHEAT CALL AN ENGINEER Report if necessary Report if necessary CALL AN ENGINEER Remove if safe to do so Report if necessary Daily Trapped items Daily 13 troubleshooting table DAILY CHECKS Part Interval Task/ Inspection Required work Entire conveyor Weekly Monthly General visual inspection Check screwed connections Report if necessary Report if necessary Rollers Monthly Listen for noise development Report if necessary Belts Daily Check the straight running Check for damage Report if necessary Report if necessary Visible cables Daily Check for damage General Visual Inspection Report if necessary Report if necessary E Stops Daily Check for damage Check that they work Report if necessary Report if necessary Trapped items Daily Remove if safe to do so Report if necessary 14 OPERATOR OPERATOR OPERATOR GENERAL RUNNING GENERAL RUNNING GENERAL RUNNING ENGINEER OPERATOR TIPPING MAIL BAGS GENERAL OPERATOR TIPPING MAIL BAGS CAUGHT IN BELT ACCIDENTAL START UP STATIC SHOCK ELECTRIC SHOCK MOTOR OVERHEATING 4 MANUAL HANDLING INJURIES TAIL DRUM INRUNNING NIP POINT HEAD DRUM INRUNNING NIP POINT OPERATOR OPERATOR CAUGHT IN BELT OPERATOR TIPPING MAIL BAGS CLEARING MAIL PARTS LOOSENING TRANSPORTATION OPERATION TIPPING OVER TRANSPORTATION HAZARD GENERAL PERSON AT RISK PROCESS AREA 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 4 1. IMPROBABLE 3. POSSIBLE 4. PROBABLE RISK RATING: LOW: 1 -10 MEDIUM: 11-15 HIGH:15-25 2.REMOTE RISK RISK = SEVERITY X PROBABILITY PROBABILITY 5. LIKELY BEFORE MOVING FROM SITE TO SITE A GENERAL CHECK OF ALL BOLTS SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT ALL BOLTS USED WITH SPRING WASHERS TO PREVENT LOOSENING MOTOR RATED TO DO MORE BUT HAVE BUILT IN A SAFETY FACTOR CONTROL CABINET CANNOT BE OPENED UNLESS ISOLATED FIRST. SHOULD ONLY BE OPENED BY TRAINED ENGINEERS WHEN TOP SHELF IS REMOVED IT REVEALS A LOWER SHELF THAT STILL COVERS THE TAIL DRUM CONVEYOR LOADED AND RAN WITH 150KGS LOAD BEFORE DISPATCH ONLY EXTERNAL CABLES ARE TO FOOT PEDAL (IF FITTED) AND MAINS FEED INCLINE CONVEYOR IS FULLY EARTHED CONVEYOR IS FITTED WITH TWO LEVELS FOR EMPTYING MAIL BAGS PLC IS PROGRAMMED TO CUT POWER AND SEND WARNING MESSAGES IF MOTOR OVERLOADED INCLINE CONVEYOR IS FULLY EARTHED ALL EXTRANEOUS CONDUCTIVE PARTS ARE ELECTRICALLY BONDED BY NATURE OF THE BUILD TO ENSURE THERE IS NO POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PARTS IF LEFT RUNNING THE PLC WILL SWITCH THE CONVEYOR OFF AFTER A SET TIME PUSH BUTTON VERSION - ONCE STARTED CONVEYOR RUNS CONTINUOUSLY WHEN RUNNING OR READY TO RUN THE GREEN LIGHT IS LIT ON THE LIGHTING STACK Please note this is a design Risk Assessment and should be used in conjunction with a site specific risk assessment COVERS MADE OF CLEAR POLYCARBONATE TO ISOLATE POWER AND LOCK OUT WITH PERSONAL LOCK BEFORE STAR ALLOW A VISUAL INSPECTION BEFORE REMOVING IF LEFT IDLE FOR GREATER THAN 5 MINS THE CONVEYOR NEEDS TO BE RESET AND RESTARTED FOOT PEDAL VERSION - OPERATOR CONTROLS START UP PVC BELT IS ANTISTATIC FABRIC BACKED GRIP FACE BELT EXISTING PROCESS WITHIN ROYAL MAILIS OF A SIMILAR NATURE VIEWED AND REPLICATED THE TAIL DRUM SITS INSIDE CONVEYOR STRUCTURE COMPLETE WITH INTERNAL BEARINGS BELT COMPLETELY COVERS THE TAIL DRUM WHICH IS LOCATED BEHIND TWO COVERS TAIL DRUM IS COMPLETELY ENCLOSED HEAD DRUM IS COMPLETELY ENCLOSED HEAD DRUM IS COMPLETELY ENCLOSED WITH INTERNAL MOTOR AND BEARINGS BELT IS SET AT BOTTOM OF 150MM WELL AND OUT OF GENERAL ACCESS FOR BELT IS COMPLETELY COVERED IN APART FROM PHYSICAL THE MOST PART. THERE IS A VISUAL AND ACOUSTIC WARNING ON START UP WORKING AREA COMPLETE WITH 10 SEC DELAY GENERAL COMMENTS CONVEYOR CAN BE MOVED AROUND BY MEANS OF PALLET PLACED UNDER HORIZONTAL FRAMEWORK ADDITIONAL CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE MOVED BY FORK TRUCK OR PALLET TRUCK AROUND SITE BELT COMPLETELY COVERS THE HEAD DRUM WITH FINGER GUARDS AT EACH SIDE ALL IN RUNNING NIPS ARE BUILT TO EN619 ALL BOLTS & FIXINGS FACTORYCHECKED BEFORE DISPATCH SUPPLIED STRAPPED ON PURPOSE BUILT PALLETS CONTROL MEASURES RISK ASSESMENT DIRT COVERS CAN BE REMOVED FROM UNDERSIDE WITHOUT REVEALLING ANY HAZARDS 6 6 6 8 2 6 6 6 8 6 8 SEV PROB RISK RISK ANALYSIS RISK SEVERITY 1. NO RISK 2. LOW RISK ANALYSIS 3. MEDIUM RISK 4. MAJOR IN JURY 5. HIGH RISK PROBABILITY 1. IMPROBABALE 2. REMOTE RISK 3. POSSIBLE 4. PROBABLE 5. LIKELY SEVERITY 1. MINOR INJURY 2. LOST TIME INCIDENT 3. +3 DAYS OFF 4. MAJOR INJURY FATALITY RISK = SEVERITY X PROBABILITY: RISK RATING LOW 1-10 MEDIUM 11-15 HIGH 15-25 15 CERT. of CONFORMITY 16 START UP PROCEEDURE ONLY NAMED AND TRAINED OPERATORS SHOULD USE THESE CONVEYORS OPERATORS SHOULD FAMILIARISE THEMSELVES WITH THE RM HEALTH AND SAFETY LABEL BEFORE USING 1) TURN ON MAIN ISOLATOR 2) THERE WILL BE AN INITIAL START UP SOUND AND THE POWER INDICATOR LIGHT WILL LIGHT UP 3) ENSURE THAT ALL OPERATORS ARE CLEAR OF MOVING PARTS 4) PRESS AND HOLD THE BLUE RESET BUTTON FOR 5 SECONDS UNTIL THE AMBER LIGHT STAYS ON 5) PRESS AND HOLD THE START BUTTON FOR 3 SECONDS – THE AMBER LIGHT WILL FLASH AND THE SIREN WILL SOUND 6) T HE CONVEYORS WILL START TO MOVE 7) SENSOR – A. IF THE PEC IS SWITCHED OFF THE CONVEYORS WILL RUN CONTINUOUSLY B. IF THE PEC IS SWITCHED ON THE CONVEYORS WILL RUN UNTIL THE SENSOR BEAM IS BLOCKED LIGHT BEACON CONTROL CABINET 17 CONVEYOR START UP TROUBLE SHOOTING LIGHT 1) Power indicator not lit TROUBLESHOOTING WARNINGS - Check isolator on panel is on BEACON LIGHT CAUSE ACTION STATUS SOUNDER - Check that the main supply isolator is on RESET ESTOP AND FOLLOW START ESTOP DEPRESSED CONSTANT YES PROCEEDURE - If both on and no power indicator light call an engineer CONSTANT YES SYSTEM HAS BEEN RESET SYSTEM IS RUNNING 2) Red light NO stays lit and steady audible warning -FLASHING An EstopYES is depressed FAILURE IN SAFETY SYSTEM SENSOR HAS BEEN COVERED NO and start again -FLASHING Reset Estop PRESS AND HOLD START BUTTON NONE REQUIRED CONSTANT FLASHING NO CALL AN ENGINEER REMOVE ITEM BLOCKING SENSOR, CONVEYOR WILL START STOP BUTTON PRESSED PRESS START BUTTON OR SUPPLY 3 PULSES PULSES 3) AmberAFTER light continuesINTERNAL to flash andFAILURE audible warning MOTOR OVERHEAT -8 PULSES SensorAFTER at PULSES end of horizontal is covered - Unblock sensor and start again REFER TO MANUAL FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS 18 CALL AN ENGINEER CALL AN ENGINEER 900 759 8619 Q.A MFG APPV'D CHK'D DRAWN NAME FINISH: SIGNATURE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS SURFACE FINISH: TOLERANCES: LINEAR: ANGULAR: 8619 DATE WEIGHT: MATERIAL: DEBUR AND BREAK SHARP EDGES SCALE:1:25 DWG NO. TITLE: REVISION SHEET 1 OF 1 600x 6000 horiz DO NOT SCALE DRAWING A3 Date: 10/11/2015 Maximum No of operators: 4 Issued by: Ken House Belt length: 5 Meters Tip Minimum No of operators: 2 Issues No: 3 Duplicate 2.6m Defects / Incorrect Stream Op 2 Operator 1 zone to sort. Items not to be sorted to Op 2 zone. Op 1 5m 15.55m Ensure that motor are not covered by sleeves Open/ aside Maximum No of selections: 13 Sheet 1 of 1: Not to scale 1C Parcels Layout with use of Conveyor 5 Meter Belt (Bag Tip) 6.52m Sort 2.6m Tip Date: 10/11/2015 Maximum No of operators: 4 Belt length: 5 Meters Minimum No of operators: 2 Issues No: 3 Duplicate Defects / Incorrect Stream Issued by: Ken House Operator 1 zone to sort. Items not to be sorted to Op 2 zone. Sort 5m 15.55m Ensure that motor are not covered by sleeves Open/ aside Maximum No of selections: 13 Sheet 1 of 1: Not to scale 2C Parcels Layout with use of Conveyor 5 Meter Belt (Bag Tip) 6.52m Sort 2.6m Tip = Duplicate Date: 25/04/2016 Maximum No of operators: 3 Belt length: 5 Meters Minimum No of operators: 2 Issues No: 1 Maximum No of selections: 13 Sheet 1 of 1: Not to scale If storing to work plan sortation is into full sleeves. If work is moving directly to secondary roads when sorted, Sortation should be into mini sleeves. Defects / Incorrect Stream Issued by: Ken House Operator 1 zone to sort. Items not to be sorted to Op 2 zone. Sort 5m 15.55m Ensure that motor are not covered by sleeves Primary Parcels Layout with use of Conveyor 5 Meter Belt (from full Sleeves) 6.52m JOB ELEMENT SHEET INCLINE CONVEYOR CUT AND TIP = CRITICAL STEP SAFETY WARNING = Process Step Key Point Be aware of overweight bags. Max bag weight 11 kg. Report over weight bags to your line manager. Test weight by moving the bag. Remember to use both hands and bend your knees, not your back. Lift the bag onto the hopper ledge. Check the label to ensure you have the correct stream. Re distribute missorted bags. Cut the tie. Place discarded tie and label in correct bin. Tip the bag contents into the hopper. Do not bend down to retrieve debris from hopper. Check bag is empty of all mail. Fold and place bag onto the correct york. Issued by: Compliance… Manning Levels Verified by: JES Ref: Incline Cut and Tip Maximum Minimum 1 1 Version 1:0 Date 21/04/2105 Ken House JOB ELEMENT SHEET CONVEYOR - PARCEL SORTING = CRITICAL STEP SAFETY WARNING = Process Step Key Point Pick up one parcel from the belt. If the item has a bar code scan the item. Ensure that the scanner has registered the item. If the parcels has stamps on them check that they are canceled. Cancel all stamps before sorting to selection. Now look for the onward post code. If no post code place to one side, so post code can be found. DO not guess destination. If the selection is not on your side of the belt, pass to the operator next to you. DO NOT throw across each other Sort the item to the correct selection. Mini sleeve or full sleeve only. If the belt is over 500mm wide, then the Logistics operator should fasten the sleeve. If the red sleeves needs to be fastened this can be done if the belt if it is 500mm wide. Logistics team will then replace with an empty container Allow logistics team to move all full containers. Issued by: Compliance… Manning Levels Verified by: JES Ref: Conveyor Sorting Maximum Minimum 2 1 Version 1:0 Date 18/01/2106 Ken House