passes away -athomehere


passes away -athomehere
(Continued from Page One)
John- Franklin McGlocklin was
&or~n~in eastern Iowa July 10, 1859.
In 1882 he moved-to western'Iowa,
where, on February 22, 1885, hei
-was married"10"" Ellena Allvin at
." .
Mr7 McGlocklin owned and operated a farm near Correctionvllle
! ." ^ • ~ until 1895, -when he disposed "of the
farm and moved to town, wher-3 j
Plomeer North Bench-Farmer and (^
engaged in carpentery and con-'-j
work-untlT 1900, when, owing
Real |8tate Dealer Suc<uint>s
^^e^U'decided to come
to the Pacific Northwest.
After" Lingering Illness. V
^~ It was that same year that Mr.
McGlockUn-fir8t~Came to Bonners
1 Ferry. Soon after his arrival here
^ Jils health began>tp improve and ae
^I-^onght-empteyient of any sort in
W*s One of First to Develop Farm
order too g^et
$e a new start in life.. It
13 related thaTaTlone time he work- j
On Local Bench Land."
ed on the road then under construe-'
tion from Porthill to the Idaho-'
"Continental mine.
m^^.wv.^. — , "78.
L*ter Mr. McGlocklin filed on a
away at his home here last.Thurs
homestead on the North Bench,,
"day night following an illness of
where he took up the difficult task
several years' duration.^ -Funeral
of clearing land and making a farm
services were held from the Crouch
oat of what was then a vertible
chapel Saturday afternoon at two
wilderness. "
o'clock. Rev., William • Gornall, local Methodist minister, officiating.
It was not until 1906 that Mr.
McGlocklin had established himself
Interment was in Grandview cerneteryT The pallbearers, all grand- to the point where he could send
for his family, residing until then
sons, of -Mr. McGlocklin, were:
Gilbert, Kenneth, . Wayne, Lyle,
at Correctiouville.
, Robert and Gene McGlqcklin.
Moved to Town In 1916. •
The McGlocklin family resided
' The services were attended by a
•large'crowd, many attending from
• -on the homestead until the spring
of l'91G, when Mr. McGlockliu rentvarious points in the county.
There jrere many beautiful floral
ed the farm and moved to towjt
(Continued on last page)
]TTe~eijgaged"1ri the reaizestate and
insurance 'business, first in partnership with A. 'J. Kent, then with
Jer ryl;JDor^TraB4r4at«fc:tn^tb.ft sam a
line of business for himself. He
retired from active business about
nine .years ago. An. invalid much
ot thei tJrfae since, he was bedfast
for more than a year past
About 1921 the old homestead
n, socTaFthe dec'ea'sed, who farm-.
V*-* * *•• u »» v* « —• — — • * - -
—~ -
son.^Charies >IcMcGlocklin, took it
over, "under lease. Recently the
farm .was sold to the .resettlement
administration, but is at present
still held-by Charles-'McGlocklin
under a lease from t h e governi ment. •
—Besides his widow, Mr, McGlocklin is survivedJby four sons, James,
William, Charles and George, all
residing in or near Bonners Ferry;
two daughters, Mrs. Wiley. Clark,
Tacoma, Wash,, and Mrs. Ed Peterson, Moravia, Idaho; by three
brothers; Trank McGlocklin; Pint,
Mich., Alva McGlocklin,. Hastings,
Mich., and Earl McGlocklin, residing in eastern Iowa, and one .sister,, also" residing ;in eastern Iowa.
There a r e also 18 grandchildren
and nine great grandchildren.
.Mr. McGlocklin : was one of the
most prominent at the piorteers of,!
this district. H6 was : one of the !
i first to .clea'r and develop -a farm
Jout of the heavily wooded N'
Hcacli area, and later, in his "b'uaiiiess dealings l a h e community esablised a
[ dealt U( and, pujil/^ spiritedness.
The, Herald- joins_with the en-:
i t i r e county iii- extending sinc.ero
j cbndolenc.e to the members of the
f a m i l y in their bereavement.