November 2013 - Siskiyou Velo
November 2013 - Siskiyou Velo
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As our Club year narrows to final days, so does our Board of Directors. We started the year with 12 and are now down to nine. The officers met recently to develop an annual 2014 budget to present to the Board for approval. A slot in this budget is the MLC which we have plans to redesign—maybe give it a new name. The task at hand is one of manpower—who’s going to make it happen? At present, Board members take the lead as planning goes on. Ride Leaders are the ones who make the club what it is. How many Ride Leaders do we have? Close to 40 so far this year. These are the ones who make the Club what it is. These are the ones who put themselves out to not only plan a ride but choose ways to make it interesting and fun. The Board has plans to acknowledge their dedication by issuing them coffee credit cards redeemable at their favorite cafes. They can receive their card at our December Annual Meeting. You may recall a recent item about an early morning bicycle commuter who got a ticket riding into Ashland on N. Main St. in the vicinity of Manzanita St. His violation: ORS 811.440—failing to ride in the bike lane. The fellow bought the video from the police department to use it at his court hearing. It’s an account of the incident as captured on the officer’s car or motorcycle camera. You may find it fascinating to watch and hear the exchange between officer and cyclist. You may also realize that you don’t want to end up in this cyclist’s place. See id=476890565698978&story_fbid=572663276121706 . SISKIYOU VELO CLUB NEWSLETTER November 2013 SISKIYOU VELO ANNUAL CYCLING CELEBRATION & ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, Dec. 8, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Pioneer Hall, 73 Winburn Way, Ashland DANCE to live music from local musicians GREAT MINDS UNPLUGGED, featuring acoustic pop music from the 70's, 80’s, 90's...diggin’ and dancin' to fun versions of old favorites. DRINK EAT Wine, beer, sodas and mixers provided. Bring your own spirits if that’s what moves you. Chips and dips provided. Bring your favorite hors d’oeuvre or dessert treat to share. Plates, napkins and utensils provided. ELECT the Velo Club Board of Directors for 2014 (10 minutes). THANK our ride leaders. CELEBRATE the season with friends and fellow cyclists. NO CHARGE Want to help set up or clean up? Email Gordy at [email protected] NEXT MEMBERSHIP MEETING NOVEMBER 13 7 pm PHOENIX LIBRARY VIKI BROWN’S NEW ENGLAND TOUR BILL HEIMANN: GETTING HOME AFTER A BREAKDOWN Frank, Linda and Boomer Correia share a tandem ride with the Velo Melo s on Oct. 26. Siskiyou Velo Newsletter November 2013 BRISK riders at the Applegate Dam Page 2 ALERT ALERT ASHLAND ROAD DIET COMMENT PERIOD CLOSES OCT. 31 If you have been waiting to comment on the City of Ashland’s North Main Road Diet, time is running out. Please navigate to NavID=13461#peak_democracy and share your opinion. Below are quotes from the Club’s letter to the City advocating retention of the three-lane cross-section. “The new cross-section has proven to be an unequivocal success. While there are refinements that should be made, the addition of cycling facilities and the improvement of the pedestrian environment has dramatically changed N. Main from a mono-modal facility into a multi-modal one. In fact, the addition of cycling facilities to N. Main has allowed it to become the main street for all modes of travel, not just motor vehicles. “The addition of N. Main to the City’s bicycle facilities network is critical to creating an efficient system of interconnected streets and paths. With it, a person can travel by bike from the north to the south of the City, and vice versa, on roads that are suitable for cycling. “ TRAFFIC SAFETY 101 OCTOBER 19 COURSE Brilliant sunshine and blue skies welcomed students to the Club’s second in a series of three Traffic Safety 101 courses planned for 2013. The quick paced and intensive curriculum combined facts, figures, instructor demonstrations, student practice, and an approximate five mile on-the-road bicycle drive. Students praised the course for its content; in particular, the opportunity to practice bike handling and avoidance skills under the supervision of League of American Bicyclists trained instructors, and the on-theroad in-traffic driving experience. Students Sunny Anderson* Jackson Bangs* Wayne Thompson, Ken Kelley* Mike LeTourneau* Lara McCormick*, Katie Broom Sue Hutchison Barbara Thompson* Nathan Broom* * those receiving Traffic Safety 101 Certificates The November 23rd Siskiyou Velo Traffic Safety 101 course is full. Registered students will receive confirmation and related information by email in the coming weeks. If members would like to be placed on the Club’s education/training waiting list they can do so at Slo Mos enjoy the sunshine at Pony Espresso on Oct. 26 Siskiyou Velo Newsletter November 2013 Page 3 NEXT VELO CLUB BOARD MEETING November 6 7:00 pm Talent Fire Station Here lies the body of George O'Day. He died maintaining his right of way. He was right, dead right as he rode along, But he is just as dead as if he were wrong. !! NOTICE !! The Wednesday BRISK Ride Will start at 11:00 a.m. beginning November 6 OCTOBER RIDE LEADERS Ken Kelley Gary Shaff Dennis Cramer CLIPLESS ? Jean O’Donnell Have you wondered why pedals are called “clipless” when you actually clip your cleats into them? The answer gets back to toe clips, those strappy cages that hold your shoes in place. Toe clips were high fashion until cleats came along. Either type makes your pedaling more efficient as they enable you to get power from the full range of a pedal stroke. ML Moore Judy Kerr Ray Forsyth Gary Foll Wil Thompson Fred Stapenhorst Siskiyou Velo Newsletter A switch to clipless can be scary at first and may well bring on a fall or two—usually when you bring your bike to a stop and forget to unclip. But as soon as you get the hang of it and feel that quick turn to disengage and easy clip-in, you may wonder why you didn’t get them long ago. pg November 2013 Page 4 How long have you lived in the Rogue Valley, and where did you come from? My husband, Ron, and I moved to Ashland from Marin County in the Bay Area 7 years ago. Elizabeth Zell has been very involved in the leadership of the Velo Club until recently. She has ridden across the country many times and is one of the strongest women riders in the Valley. How long have you been a SVC member? We joined the SVC right away. We had been active in a bike club in Marin and Santa Rosa, so we were seeking out a local club. Right away we volunteered to head the MLC. It was a great way to meet fellow cyclists and get to know all the beautiful back roads. Tell us about your first bike. My first bike was a Nishiki that I bought about 30 years ago. My daughter took it to New York with her and used it for commuting to work, until one too many trucks ran into it while it was chained up on the sidewalk. How has your cycling developed since that first bike? After road biking for a number of years, I switched to mountain biking. I then got into bike touring and went back to road biking. For eight years, before I retired, I bike commuted to work. I have also done many centuries and a few double centuries. I like to think that I've become a more efficient rider over the years. I do try to work on my cycling skills. I find I learn a lot from being in a group of cyclists and talking to other riders. How often do you get on your bike, and what is an average ride for you? I ride almost daily. I average between 150 and 200 miles per week. I would say that 50 miles is about an average ride for me. What (kind of bike) do you ride, and what do you like best about it? Describe its personality. My current road bike is a Landshark. I just got a new one this year. I named it "Jora". It's a bold bike and looks like a party. Ron and I also have a Landshark tandem. My touring bike is a Waterford. How many miles do you ride in a year? I think I'll have about 9000 miles this year. Part of that is our bike touring. My husband and I love to do self supported bike touring. We did a number of tours in Oregon this year. What is your favorite ride in the Rogue Valley? . I have many favorites, but probably the Lakes Loop is the number one. I love leaving Ashland and getting up into the trees and lakes. It's a whole different environment. Siskiyou Velo Newsletter What is your favorite ride world-wide? Ron and I rode in the Czech Republic. That was quite beautiful with all the forests and lakes. Our most meaningful rides were crossing the US together on our bikes and biking from Canada to Mexico paralleling the Pacific Crest Trail. What do you think is the best thing about riding a bike? There are so many "best" things about riding a bike. I guess I particularly love the fitness factor, meeting other cyclists, and observing our environment in slow motion. What is your most embarrassing experience on (or near) a bike? The most embarrassing thing was way back when I had the Nishiki. At that time we didn't have clipless pedals. We had cages with straps. I came to a busy intersection and forgot to release my foot. I did a "dead cow" in the middle of the intersection and couldn't get myself out. All the cars were stopped and I'm sure the drivers had fun watching me try to extract myself from my bike. What’s still on your cycle bucket list? My bucket list, of course, includes more touring in the US and abroad. November 2013 Page 5 Sarah Paul identified last month’s photo on Lower Grave Creek Road near the Rogue River. This covered bridge has two statewide claims to fame and is about 1/4 mile off a paved road. The person who is the first to identify this photo has the privilege of submitting one next month. SISKIYOU VELO CLUB COMMITTEES ADVOCACY Edgar Hee [email protected] EDUCATION & TRAINING Rees Jones [email protected] COMMUNICATION ML Moore [email protected] Wayne Evitts [email protected] Dennis Cramer [email protected] BRISK Dennis Cramer [email protected] VELOSHIP Jean O’Donnell [email protected] CRANK IT UP Judy Kerr [email protected] MELO VELO Sandra Wetzel [email protected] SLO MO Phil Gagnon [email protected] FELLOWSHIP & EVENTS FUNDRAISING MEMBERSHIP MOUNTAIN LAKES CHALLENGE RIDE COORDINATION Visit us on the Internet: Newsletter contributions accepted until the 15th of the month. Contact the editor at [email protected] for more information. Members are welcome to submit letters, photos, stories, classifieds or other notices of interest to the club. Siskiyou Velo Newsletter November 2013 Page 6 REGISTER YOUR BIKES at or BOARD OF DIRECTORS Phil Gagnon, President Viki Brown, Secretary Gary Shaff, Treasurer Dennis Cramer Wayne Evitts Gordon Gilmore Edgar Hee Rees Jones ML Moore Siskiyou Velo Newsletter November 2013 Page 7
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