to our Canoe Trip Booklet


to our Canoe Trip Booklet
The Saskatchewan Service Corps created the scouting northern canoe program in
Saskatchewan in 1963. The idea was to round out the scouting outdoor program. Since
then, we have been improving and finding new routes for safety and enjoyment of the
parties. Brief descriptions of the best routes are listed below. They are listed in order of
experience and difficulty.
1. Stanley Mission to Nistowiak Falls
Skill Level: Easy
Length of Trip: 30 kilometers
Time Required to Complete Trip: 2 to 3 days
Number of Portages: 2
Starting Point: Stanley Mission (230 km north of Prince Albert).
Ending Point: Stanley Mission
Ø Stanley Mission, an old fur trading centre and original first Anglican
Church in Saskatchewan, as well as one of the oldest buildings is
Indian rock paintings.
Excellent swimming and fishing areas.
Scenery is very beautiful.
Nistowiak Falls, over 70 feet cataract and on of the largest waterfalls in
An excellent trip for all ages of scouting, a roller portage makes both portages
very easy and accessible. There are a large number of excellent campsites as
well as wonderful fishing and swimming, along the route. This route makes a
great weekend trip, and a good start for beginner canoeists, more experienced
canoeists may find this trip tedious.
Ø Do not drink water in vicinity of Stanley Mission.
Ø Watch for winds on large lakes.
Ø Take care around Frog Narrows (fast water), stay close to either side of the
Ø Keep Saskatchewan “Green”- extreme care with fires.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Canoe Trip Brochure: N/A
2. Grandmother’s Bay Loop
Skill Level: Easy
Length of Trip: 35 kilometers
Time Required to Complete Trip: 2 to 3 days
Number of Portages: 3
Starting Point: Missinipe town site (315 km North of Prince Albert).
Ending Point: Missinipe town site
Indian rock paintings.
Excellent Fishing and campsites.
Very Scenic surroundings.
Otter Rapids.
This is a good route to take for a weekend trip, a stepping-stone to many different
trips. Gives the canoeists everything the Churchill River System has to offer.
Alternate start/end points at Otter rapids.
Ø Care should be taken on all portages.
Ø Caution should be taken around all rapids.
Ø Keep Saskatchewan “Green”- extreme care with fires.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Canoe Trip Brochure: #30
3. Lynx to Mackay
Skill Level: Easy
Length of Trip: 21 kilometers
Time Required to Complete Trip: 2 to 3 days
Number of Portages: 7
Starting Point: Lynx Lake picnic site (283 km north of Prince Albert).
Ending Point: Mackay Lake Provincial Recreational Camp Site.
Incredible fishing.
Numerous campsites along the route.
Mekewap Lake is annually stocked with rainbow trout.
Refreshing swimming.
Scenic rock cliffs and countryside.
Good learning experience for beginners.
All small lake travels, where wildlife is abundant. Wind is not much of a problem,
and is a great weekend trip. Also can be made in reverse, although some
endurance is needed for the numerous portages.
Care must be taken for portaging.
Cannot leave vehicles unattended at Lynx Lake.
Bugs are usually bad in the spring to early summer.
Some portages are rugged.
Keep Saskatchewan “Green”-extreme care with fires.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Canoe Trip Brochure: #20
4. Missinipe to Stanley Mission Via Nistowiak Falls
Skill Level: Moderate
Length of Trip: 65 kilometers
Time Required to Complete Trip: 4 to 5 days
Number of Portages: 4
Starting Point: Missinipe (315 km North of Prince Albert).
Ending Point: Stanle y Mission (230 km north of Prince Albert).
Ø Nistowiak Falls, over 70 feet cataract and on of the largest waterfalls in
Ø Robertson and Twin Falls.
Ø Stanley Mission Church, an old fur trading centre and original first
Anglican Church in Saskatchewan, as well as one of the oldest buildings is
Ø Indian rock paintings.
Ø Good campsites.
Ø Abandoned mine site.
An alternate route is available to take, added 12 km to route, by adding route 2.
Many waterfalls and a few sets of rapids. Picture perfect scenes are abundant.
Campsites are easily available. This trip is great for a fast trip for intermediate
Ø Care should be taken while portaging.
Ø Do not drink water in vicinity of Stanley Mission.
Ø Watch for winds on large lakes.
Ø Take care, around Frog Narrows (fast water), stay close to either side of
Ø Good navigating skills are need on Otter Lake.
Ø Keep Saskatchewan “Green”-extreme care with fires.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Canoe Trip Brochure: N/A
5. Stanley Loop
Skill Level: Moderate
Length of Trip: 80 kilometers
Time Required to Complete Trip: 4 to 5 days
Number of Portages: 7
Starting Point: Stanley Mission (230 km north of Prince Albert).
Ending Point: Stanley Mission
Ø Stanley Mission, an old fur trading centre and original first Anglican
Church in Saskatchewan, as well as one of the oldest buildings is
Ø Indian rock paintings.
Ø Scenery is very beautiful.
Ø Nistowiak Falls, over 70 feet cataract and on of the largest waterfalls in
Ø Rapid River.
Great campsites are abundant, incredible views of white water. This route is a
wonderful trip that gives an all around canoeing experience. Including both
large and small lake travel. Care should be taken approaching the rail portage
to a dam.
Do not drink the water in vicinity of Stanley Mission.
Beware of large winds and storms on all large lakes.
Take care on rail portage on Rapid River.
Take care around Frog Narrows (fast water), stay close to either side of the
Ø Keep Saskatchewan “Green”-extreme care with fires.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Canoe Trip Brochure: N/A
6. Wadin Bay to Missinipe
Skill Level: Advanced
Length of Trip: 92 kilometers
Time Required to Complete Trip: 4 to 5 days
Number of Portages: 11 to 15
Starting Point: Gov. Campsite, Wadin Bay (238 km north of Prince Albert).
Ending Point: Missinipe (315 km North of Prince Albert).
Good fishing and swimming.
See a lot of beaver dams and creeks.
Very scenic.
The trip is good for persons with some experience in canoeing.
This trip has a nice selection of campsites; this trip can also be made in
reverse. It is a good trip to improve canoeing and back woods skills for scouts
and older canoeists.
Care should be taken while portaging they are usually rough.
Care must be taken while traveling on large lakes.
Beware of shallow creeks.
Mosquitoes and black flies are bad in early spring and summer.
Keep Saskatchewan “Green”-extreme care with fires.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Canoe Trip Brochure: #6
7. The “Big” Loop
Skill Level: Advanced
Length of Trip: 145 kilometers
Time Required to Complete Trip: 6 days
Number of Portages: 11 to 12
Starting Point: Missinipe (315 km North of Prince Albert).
Ending Point: Missinipe
Ø Excellent fishing and swimming.
Ø Stanley Mission, an old fur trading centre and original first Anglican
Church in Saskatchewan, as well as one of the oldest buildings is
Ø Indian rock paintings.
Ø Scenery is very beautiful.
Ø Nistowiak Falls, over 70 feet cataract and on the largest water falls in
Ø Rapid River.
Ø Otter Rapids.
Ø Twin Falls and Robertson Falls.
Ø A good trip for budding canoeists.
An ideal trip for more experience scout age and older canoeist. This trip offers
a deal of variety of aspects the Churchill River System, through many small
and large lakes. Care should be taken on large lakes due to the winds, and also
with navigating on Otter Lake.
Care should be taken while portaging.
Do not drink water in vicinity of Stanley Mission.
Beware of large winds and storms on the larger lakes.
Take care on rail portage at Rapid River.
Keep Saskatchewan “Green”-extreme care with fires.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Canoe Trip Brochure: N/A
8. Six Portage
Skill Level: Advanced
Length of Trip: 105 kilometers
Time Required to Complete Trip: 5 to 6 days
Number of Portages: 15
Starting Point: Bell’s Bay (258 km north of Prince Albert).
Ending Point: Otter Rapids (320 km North of Prince Albert, alternate end
route- McKay Lake).
Excellent fishing and swimming.
Exciting part of fur trading route.
Camping is wonderful.
Scenery is fantastic.
Exciting and challenging rapids, Trout, Rock Trout, Great Devil, Little
Devil and Otter Rapids.
Ø This route will challenge the experienced canoeists.
This trip passes by an old Scout Camp on Nemeiben Lake. This is an exciting
trip for those who are intrigued by white water. The crystal clear lakes are
abundant, while most of the trip is incredible small lake travel. On Nipew
Lake an alternate end may be taken to end at McKay Lake, one full day will
be added to the trip. Although portages are ruff, incredibly beautiful small
lake travel is inviting including many diving rocks, and extremely clear water.
Ø Caution should be taken with drink water on smaller lakes.
Ø Beware of all rapids- shoot only after surveillance and under an
experienced person’s coaching.
Ø Care should be taken on portages.
Ø Beware of high winds on all lakes.
Ø Keep Saskatchewan “Green”- extreme care with fires.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Canoe Trip Brochure: #16
9. Besnard to Otter Rapids
Skill Level: Advanced
Length of Trip: 125 kilometers
Time Required to Complete Trip: 5 to 6 days
Number of Portages: 7
Starting Point: Besnard Lake
Ending Point: Otter rapids (320 km North of Prince Albert, alternate end
route- McKay Lake)
Refreshing swimming and good fishing.
Challenging rapids.
Rock cliffs.
Numerous campsites
This route will challenge the experienced canoeists.
This trip will be found delightful by the experienced canoeist. Some care
should be taken while lining Besnard River, along with all other portages.
Wind can become a problem on the larger lakes, so keep an eye on the
weather. There are a wide variety of campsites along this route especially near
all rapids. On Nipew Lake an alternate end may be taken to end at McKay
Lake, one full day will be added to the trip. Although portages are ruff,
incredibly beautiful small lake travel is inviting including many diving rocks,
and extremely clear water.
Ø Be careful with Besnard Rapids.
Ø Beware of all rapids- shoot only after surveillance and under an
experienced person’s coaching.
Ø Care should be taken on portages.
Ø Beware of high winds on all lakes.
Ø Keep Saskatchewan “Green”- extreme care with fires.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Canoe Trip Brochure: N/A
10. Besnard Loop
Skill Level: Challenging
Length of Trip: 158 kilometers (170 km refer to alternate end route)
Time Required to Complete Trip: 6 to 8 days
Number of Portages: 16 (20 refer to alternate end route)
Starting Point: Bell’s Bay
Ending Point: Bell’s Bay (alternate end route-Otter Rapids)
Fantastic fishing.
Challenging rapids.
Scenery is excellent.
Quiet soothing creeks.
Rock cliffs.
Wild rice fields.
This trip includes and exciting part of the fur trading route, it also covers a
distinct different areas on the Churchill River System. This is a great
opportunity to see a variety of wildlife, a chance to visit and old, northern
Scout Camp along the way. This trip is an excellent chance for advanced
canoeists to improve many different skills.
Beware of Besnard Rapids; extreme caution needs to be used at this time.
Watch out for strong winds on large lakes.
Take care around all of he rapids.
Travel may be slow through some rice fields.
Keep Saskatchewan “Green”-extreme care with fires
Refer to the Saskatchewan Canoe Trip Brochure: #18 (17 for alternate
ending route)
For Anglin Lake Scout Camp and canoe equipment booking contact the
Scout Service Center in Saskatoon (306) 244-7698
For Canoe trip information and Guides contact the Saskatchewan
Service Corps at (306) 922-0091 or
Guides subject to Availability, book in advance!!!
Custom Planned Trips By The Saskatchewan Service Corps Are Done
On An Individual Basis.