Weapons of Mass (Murder) Destruction James Alan Fox and Monica
Weapons of Mass (Murder) Destruction James Alan Fox and Monica
Weapons of Mass (Murder) Destruction James Alan Fox and Monica J. DeLateur* I. INTRODUCTION Some of the most prominent and powerful news stories in recent years have involved rampage shootings in America, especially those in public places.' From the January 2011 shooting in Tucson, Arizona that claimed the lives of six people and wounded several others, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, 2 to the July 2012 midnight rampage at a Colorado movie theatre,3 the December 2012 mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school that resulted in the deaths of twenty young children and six staff members,4 and the September 2013 shooting spree at a Washington D.C. navy yard,5 these and other multiple-victim rampages have sparked heated debate in political circles on the streets of America and on the media airwaves about gun control.6 Despite the attention given them, mass shootings, defined as homicide incidents in which at least four victims-not counting the assailant or assailants-are killed by gunfire, actually represent a rather small percentage * James Alan Fox is the Lipman Family Professor of Criminology, Law and Public Policy at Northeastern University. Monica J. DeLateur is a doctoral student in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice and law student at Northeastern University. 1. See Polls Ranks Top 10 News Stories of 2012, USA TODAY, Dec. 20, 2012, http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2012/12/20/year-top-news/1783303/ (citing the AP annual survey of journalists that found mass shootings was considered the top news topic of 2012, eclipsing both the presidential election and Hurricane Sandy). 2. Marc Lacey & David M. Herszenhom, In Attack's Wake, PoliticalRepercussions, N.Y. TIMES, Jan. 8, 2011, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/09/us/politics/09giffords.html?pagewanted=all. 3. Michael Pearson, Gunman Turns 'Batman' Screening into Real-life 'Horror Film', CNN (July 20, 2012), http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/20/us/colorado-theater-shooting/. 4. Sandy Hook Shooting: What Happened?, CNN, http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2012/12/us/sandy-hook-timeline/ (last visited Jan. 30, 2014). 5. Rebekah Metzler, D.C. Navy Yard Shooting Kills At Least 13, US NEWS (Sept. 16, http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/09/16/dc-navy-yard-shooting-kills-at2013), least- 13. 6. Stephanie Condon, Obama Urges Congress to Act in Wake of Mass Shooting, CBS NEWS (Sept. 17, 2013), http://www.cbsnews.com/news/obama-urges-congress-to-actin-wake-of-mass-shooting/. 313 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 314 [Vol. 40:313 (about 1%) of America's gun homicides and are hardly representative of the larger problem.7 Nevertheless, these rare but profound episodes of extreme violence have forced many Americans to reassess their positions on gun availability and gun restrictions.8 Mass shootings, especially those occurring in public places, have pushed the limits of public anxiety to the breaking point.9 With the help of saturated media coverage, Americans have witnessed massacres in schoolyards and shopping malls, trains and planes, post offices, and fast food establishments, causing many to wonder, "is nowhere safe"? 10 In the wake of virtually every large-scale mass shooting, significant debate surfaces about the role of firearms in facilitating a bloodbath." For this reason, in this article we focus specifically on the role of guns in mass shootings and the impact on both legislation and public opinion. The overwhelming majority of mass killers use a gun, if not several, to carry out their murderous assaults. Indeed, it is difficult to perpetrate a methodical slaughter of a large number of victims at one time with other weapons, such as a knife or a club. 12 Typically, mass killers are enthralled with guns and own large collections of handguns and rifles, including military-style assault weapons, and have marksmanship skills to match. 13 In July 2012, for example, twenty-six-year-old James Eagan Holmes, dressed head-to-toe in protective gear, reportedly set off two tear gas grenades and then started spraying a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado with gunfire from an AR-15 assault rifle, a 12-gauge shotgun, and two .40caliber handguns.1 4 In just a matter of minutes, twelve people were killed and dozens more wounded before Holmes surrendered to the police.' 5 When the authorities searched Holmes' apartment, they discovered evidence of his long-term planning.1 6 He had purchased thousands of rounds 7. JAMES ALAN Fox & JACK LEVIN, EXTREME KILLING: UNDERSTANDING SERIAL AND MASS MURDER 288-89 (3d ed. forthcoming Apr. 2014). 8. Josh Blackman, No, the Number of Mass Shootings Has Not Tripled Since 2008, JOSH BLACKMAN'S BLOG (Jan. 9, 2014), http://joshblackman.com/blog/2014/01/09/no-the- number-of-mass-shootings-has-not-tripled-since-2008/. 9. Annie Linskey, Mass Shootings Fuel Fear, Account for Fraction of Murders, BLOOMBERG POLITICS (Sept. 16, 2013), http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-09-17/massshootings-fuel-fear-account-for-fraction-of-murders.html. 10. Id. 11. See 25 Deadliest Mass Shootings in U.S. History Fast Facts, CNN, http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/16/us/20-deadliest-mass-shootings-in-u-s-history-fast-facts/ (last visited Jan. 31, 2014). 12. Fox & LEVIN, supra note 7, at 281. 13. Id. 14. Pearson, supra note 3. 15. See id. 16. See James Holmes, Aurora Shooting Suspect, Purchased6,000 Rounds of Ammu- WEAPONS OF MASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 2014] 315 of ammunition over the Internet.17 As details surfaced about this deeply disturbed man who had recently failed out of graduate school, many observers questioned how and why it should be so easy for someone on the fringe of sanity to acquire such deadly weapons. 1 8 Firearms, and high-powered ones in particular, are the weapons most often used in rampage-style killing sprees.19 Guns are preferred by mass murderers not only because they are especially lethal in comparison to other weapons, enabling them to slaughter large numbers of victims in a short period of time, but, unlike bombs and explosives, they allow for selectivity in targets.20 As shown in Table 1, among the two-dozen mass murders in the United States with at least ten victims slain, three-quarters involved a firearm. Table 1: U.S. Mass Murder Incidents with 10+ Victims Killed Nam(s) Timothy 1.McVeigh Julio Gonzalez Andrew Kehoc Jack Gilbert Graham David Burke Scung&Hui Cho Adam Peter Lanza Humberto de la Tone George Jo Hennard James Oliver Huberty Charles Whitman Ronald Gene Simmons Patrick Sherrill Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold George Banks Howard Unruh Jiverly Wong Nidal Malik Nisan Willie Mak, Benjamin Ng & Tony Ng Aaron Alexis James Esgan Holmes Mark 0. Barton James Ruppert Michael Kenneth McLendon h d VA_ J aMICS ames on ouc war Victims 168 87 45 44 43 32 27 (26+1) 25 23 21 16 (14+2) 16 (14+2) 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 (9 4-3) II 10 10 (8+ 2) Year 1995 1990 1927 1955 1987 2007 2012 1982 1991 1984 1966 1987 1986 1999 1982 1949 2009 2009 1983 2013 2012 1999 1975 2009 1990 crunary iocanon Federal building Night Club School Airplane Airplane College School Hotel Restaurant Restaurant College Home Post office School Home City street Immigration center Military base Night Club Navy base Movie theater Office building Home Home Office buildint Place Oklahoma City, OK New York. NY Bath, MI Denver, CO Cayucos, CA Blacksburg, VA Newtown, CT Los Angeles, CA Killeen, TX San Ysidro, CA Austin, TX Dover, AR Edmond. OK Littleton, CO Wilkes-Barre, PA Camden, NJ Binghamton, NY Fort Hood, TX Scattle, WA Washington, DC Aurora. CO Atlanta. GA Hamilton. OH Geneva, AL Incksonvlle F j k_ PLi (July POST HUFFINGTON Online, nition http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/20/james-holmes-aurorashooting_n 1691191.html. 17. Id. 18. Id. 19. Fox & LEVIN, supra note 7, at 283. Fox & LEVIN, supra note 7, at 281. 20. 21, weaponisl Bomb Fire Bomb Airplane Airplane Gun Gun Fire Gun Gun Gun Gun/Knife Gun Gun Gun Gun Gun Gun Gun Gun Gun Gun Gun Gun Gun 2012), CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 316 [Vol. 40:313 In November 1991, for example, Gang Lu, a twenty-eight-year-old graduate student at the University of Iowa, methodically shot and killed five people-those he specifically held responsible for denying him a coveted dissertation prize. 2 1 The determined gunman described in a letter to the media how his gun helped to right the terrible wrongs that he felt had been done to him: "Private guns make every person equal, no matter what/who he/she is." 22 For Gang Lu, the gun was a necessary instrument to achieve his desired outcome, and it was likely the only weapon that would do. 23 Gang Lu's plan was not to kill just anyone but exclusively those who were his intended targets for payback.2 4 A firearm was his only logical choice.2 5 It also facilitated his final goal, that of suicide.26 Many Americans argue that murders, including mass shootings, often occur in large part because of easy access to lethal weapons. 27 It is noteworthy, however, that gun homicides have actually decreased in recent years, despite the fact that public opinion holds otherwise. 28 The rate of gun homicide in America in 2011, for example, was about half the level of 1991 (from 6.5 per 100,000 population in 1991 down to 3.2 per 100,000 in 2011).29 Yet, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 56% of Americans think that the rate of gun crime is higher than twenty years ago, and only 12% believe that the rate is lower. 30 Clearly, public opinion is heavily driven by extreme cases, especially mass shootings involving large death tolls.3 1 A few high profile shooting sprees can easily eclipse the statistical facts in the collective consciousness of the nation. 32 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Id. at 282. Id. at 283. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. D'Vera Cohen et al., Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware, PEW RESEARCH CENTER 2 (May 7, 2013), http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/files/2013/05/firearms_final-05-2013.pdf. 29. WILLIAM J. KROUSE, GuN CONTROL LEGISLATION 10 (2012), available at https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL32842.pdf. 30. Cohen et al., supranote 28, at 2. 31. See generally id. (connecting the Newtown shooting, news coverage, and the public's interest in and perception of crime). 32. See generally id. ("Mass shootings are a matter of great public interest and concern. They also are a relatively small share of shootings overall. According to a Bureau of Justice Statistics review, homicides that claimed at least three lives accounted for less than 1%of all homicide deaths from 1980 to 2008."). 2014] WEAPONS OF MASS (MURDER)DESTRUCTION 317 II. MASS SHOOTINGS AND GUN LEGISLATION Because of their high-profile nature, mass murders are often exploited for the sake of advancing some political agenda, and this is certainly true when it comes to the role of firearms as a contributing factor. The debate over gun control received the most intense attention in the months immediately following the December 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. 33 Actually, many of the shifts in public opinion and political action have come in the wake of large-scale mass shootings, as gun control proponents insist that the carnage would not be so great were it not for the easy availability of high-powered firearms, especially assault weapons. By playing on public sentiment and sympathy associated with horrific crimes, gun control advocates have pushed legislation at both the state and federal levels. 34 In 1989, for example, Patrick Purdy executed five children and wounded thirty more in a mass shooting at the Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, California. 35 This tragic event resonated throughout the political community to such a degree that even President George H.W. Bush took action. 36 The conservative pro-gun Texan, with strong political ties to the National Rifle Association (NRA), signed a temporary freeze on the importation of foreign-made assault weapons, which did little but advance the interests of domestic manufacturers of firearms by eliminating overseas competition.37 In 1993, California banned particularly deadly models of firearms in response to a massacre, which had claimed the life of eight people at a San Francisco law firm.38 The shooting involved a disgruntled former client who entered the law office wielding a pair of 9mm semiautomatic IntraTec9s, a .45-caliber pistol, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. 39 However, the resulting legislation identified prohibited guns by name and model, not by type.40 This oversight created a loophole which allowed outlawed guns to be easily reintroduced to the California market, after merely changing 33. See generally Gun Debate Draws More Interest than Immigration Policy Debate, & THE PRESS (Apr. 8, 2013), http://www.peoplepress.org/2013/04/08/gun-debate-draws-more-interest-than-immigration-policy-debate/ (stating that the gun control debate ranked higher than other contemporaneous issues, like immigration). Fox & LEVIN, supra note 7, at 153-54. 34. Id. 35. 36. Id. 37. Id. 38. Id. 39. Id. 40. Id. PEW RESEARCH CENTER FOR THE PEOPLE CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 3 18 [Vol. 40:3 13 the design and model number.4 1 In fact, the IntraTec Firearms Company renamed the IntraTec-9 as the IntraTec DC-9, with no significant modifications in the weapon's design, functioning, or lethality.4 2 The San Francisco law firm slaughter was one of a disturbing flurry of high-profile shootings witnessed during the early 1990s, which included Gang Lu's 1991 shooting spree at the University of Iowa and the 1991 massacre of twenty-three customers at Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas. 43 These and other rampages became the catalysts for Congress' passage of the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994,44 more commonly known as the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.4 5 The legislation included a sunset provision for expiration after ten years, unless Congress exercised its power to extend it.4 However in 2004, the political climate in Washington had shifted right, and a minority of elected officials were unable to renew the prohibition. 47 III. SCHOOL SHOOTINGS AND POLITICAL WILL/WON'T Mass shootings, especially those involving schools, have put tremendous pressure on political leaders to identify and implement legislation designed to protect children from active shooters, be they some unhappy student avenging years of bullying or a disgruntled adult seeking payback against all of society by targeting defenseless innocents. 48 The path of political buck-passing stops at the front door of the White House. 49 A late 1990s cluster of school shootings, seven of which involved multiple victims, prompted a proactive response from President Bill Clinton.50 In 1999, one week after the Columbine High School massacre, Clinton pushed for a series of gun control initiatives, which were strongly criticized 41. Id. 42. Id. 43. Id. 44. Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, Pub. L. No. 103-322, 108 Stat. 1796 (repealed 2004). 45. Fox & LEVIN, supra note 7, at 153-54. 46. Id. 47. Id. 48. See generally Eric Madfis, Averting the Unlikely: Fearing, Assessing, and Preventing Threats of Rampage Violence in American Public Schools 20, 70-71 (Aug. 1, 2012) (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Northeastern University) (on file with Northeastern University), available at http://iris.lib.neu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article 101 6&context-socdiss. 49. BRADY See generally PRESIDENT OBAMA'S FIRST YEAR: FAILED LEADERSHIP, LoST LIVES, CENTER TO PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE 2 (2010), http://www.bradycampaign.org/sites/default/files/obama- 1styear-report.pdf. 50. See id. at 19; see generally Madfis, supra note 48, at 11, 14, 32, 79. available at 2014] WEAPONS OF MASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 319 by gun-rights organizations.5 At the political fringe, a group known as Cutting Edge Ministries condemned the Clinton administration for its gun control response. 52 Cutting Edge released a map displaying the major school shootings that had occurred during Clinton's presidency.5 3 Oddly enough, the locations of the handful of school rampages fell almost exactly along two straight lines intersecting at Hope, Arkansas-Bill Clinton's birthplace. 54 Based on this curious coincidence, Cutting Edge alleged that President Clinton was part of "an unholy conspiracy to disarm America." 5 5 Soon after the wave of school shootings of the late 1990s subsided, America voted in one of its most gun friendly presidents.56 The election of George W. Bush quelled the fears and anxiety of the "I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands" crowd.5 7 Under the Bush administration, the NRA and other pro-gun interest groups strengthened their stranglehold over America's political agenda.5 8 Additionally, the Supreme Court upheld the validity of the Second Amendment in multiple challenges to gun bans, facilitated by the shift in political balance brought about by President Bush's appointment of two conservative-leaning justices. 5 9 The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the validity of the Second Amendment in successful challenges of long-standing gun bans in Washington, D.C. and Chicago. 60 President Bush had a rather different position on gun control than did his predecessor, particularly with respect to promoting school safety.61 In the fall of 2006, President Bush's alliance with the gun lobby was severely tested when a string of four school shootings occurred over a period of just 51. See generally PRESIDENT OBAMA'S FIRST YEAR, supra note 49, at 16, 19. 52. See generally School Shootings Have a Pattern that Implicate the President and his Government-Gun Control is the Objective! Black Magick Witchcraft is the Power!, THE CUTTING EDGE, http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/nl344.cfm (last visited Jan. 30, 2014). 53. See id. 54. See id. 55. Fox & LEVIN, supra note 7, at 154. Id. 56. 57. Id. 58. Id. Id. 59. 60. District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 592 (2008) (establishing an individual right to arms); McDonald v. City of Chicago, 130 S. Ct. 3020, 3045 (2010) (holding the right to arms is binding on states pursuant to the Fourteenth Amendment); see generally Elizabeth J. McEvoy, Note, Are Our Schools Doomed? The Effects of the New Second Amendment Jurisprudenceon Gun-FreeSchool States, 3 NE. UNIv. L. J. 329, 330 (2011). 61. Compare, e.g., Mike Allen, Bush Takes On School Shootings, TIME (Oct. 9, 2006), http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1544388,00.html, with, e.g., Alex Altman, Obama Takes a FirstStep on Gun ControlAfter Sandy Hook, TIME, Dec. 19, 2012, http://swampland.time.com/2012/12/19/obama-takes-a-first-step-on-gun-control-aftersandy-hook/. CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 320 [Vol. 40:313 two weeks, including a siege upon an Amish schoolhouse in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania during which ten young girls were shot, five of them fatally. 62 Bush hastily convened an invitation-only White House summit on school violence, excluding from the event anyone considered to be a gun control advocate. 63 President Bush, First Lady Laura Bush, and other members of the hand-picked line-up of speakers made no mention of the common thread among the school-based rampages that had prompted the conference. 64 No matter what the speakers believed about the role of firearms, the topic of gun control was the elephant in the room, conspicuously absent from the discussion.65 The November 2008 election of President Barack Obama was expected to bring a new approach on guns. 66 The Democratic nominee had promoted various gun control measures during his campaign run, which gave the NRA and other gun-rights proponents much reason for concern. 67 However, based on Obama's first term in the White House, the pro-gun rhetoric was hardly consistent with political reality. 68 If anything, Obama was, from the point of view of gun control groups, disappointingly friendly to the gun lobby, so much so that the Brady Center to Prevent Handgun Violence gave him a failing grade on its 2010 report card. 6 9 Even though Obama's first term showed no evidence of a presidential push for gun control, critics from the NRA interpreted this as just a clever ploy. 70 At a 2012 speech to the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC), Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of the NRA, outlined Obama's scheme to ambush the Second Amendment.71 "All that first-term 62. Raymond McCaffrey et al., Five Killed at Pa. Amish School, THE WASHINGTON POST (Oct. 3, 2006), http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2006/10/03/AR2006100300229.html. 63. See Allen, supra note 61. 64. See id. 65. See generally JAMES ALAN Fox & H. BURSTEIN, VIOLENCE AND SECURITY ON CAMPUS: FROM PRESCHOOL THROUGH COLLEGE (2010). 66. See D'Angelo Gore, Obama 's Gun Ban?, FACTCHECK.ORG (Dec. 8, 2008), http://www.factcheck.org/2008/12/obamas-gun-ban/. 67. See Michael O'Brien, Gun Control Group Gives Obama an 'F',THE HILL (Jan. 19, 2010), http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/76717-gun-control-group-givesobama-an-f. 68. See Frank James, Obama Finding Gun Control Voice, Which Had Gone Quiet In White House, NPR.ORG (Dec. 18, 2012), http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2012/12/18/167562866/obama-finding-gun-controlvoice-which-had-gone-quiet-in-white-house. 69. O'Brien, supra note 67. 70. See Sean Lengell, NRA Official: Obama Wants to Outlaw Guns in 2nd Term, THE WASH. TIMES (Feb. 10, 2012), http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/insidepolitics/2012/feb/10/nra-official-obama-wants-outlaw-guns-2nd-term/. 71. Id. WEAPONS OF MASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 2014] 321 lip service to gun owners," argued LaPierre before a decidedly receptive audience "is just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term"[!] 72 The NRA official was explicit in his grim view of a possible second Obama term: "We see the president's strategy crystal clear: Get re-elected and, with no more elections to worry about, get busy dismantling and destroying our firearms' freedom, erase the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights and excise it from the U.S. Constitution." 73 LaPierre concluded with a note of urgency: "All of what we know is good and right about America, all of it could be lost if Barack Obama is re-elected. It's all or nothing." 74 In a hotly-contested race against Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who vowed to protect the rights of gun owners, Obama appeared unwilling to pursue a gun control platform. 75 During an October 16th, 2012 nationally televised campaign debate at Hofstra University that took place just a few months following the stunning mass shooting at a Colorado movie theater, the candidates were asked by a member of the audience about the possibility of restoring the expired federal assault weapons ban. 7 6 Obama, as well as Romney, danced around the question, presumably for fear of alienating a major block of voters who hold gun rights as a paramount issue.7 7 Shortly after his re-election, Obama did change his posture, but not so much because of any second-term immunity from political fall-out that had been predicted by LaPierre and the NRA. 78 Rather, just a few weeks after celebrating his November victory, Obama's hand was forced when a heavily armed man stormed into a Newtown, Connecticut elementary school and massacred twenty children and six staff members over the course of a few horror-filled minutes. 79 72. 73. 74. Id. Id. Id. 75. See Rachel Weiner, Where Obama and Romney Stand on Gun Control, THE WASHINGTON POST (July 20, 2012), http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/thefix/post/where-obama-and-romney-stand-on-guncontrol/2012/07/20/gJQAwMpNyWblog.html. 76. See President Barack Obama And Former Gov. Mitt Romney ParticipateIn A CandidatesDebate, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York (CNN television broadcast Oct. 16, 2012). 77. See id. 78. See Wayne LaPierre, NRA Exec. Vice President, Speech at the 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference (Feb. 10, 2012), available at http://www.nrapublications.org/index.php/12730/saving-the-future-of-freedom/. 79. James Barron, Children Were All Shot Multiple Times With a Semiautomatic, Officials Say, N.Y. TIMES, Dec. 15, 2012, 322 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT [Vol. 40:313 In the aftermath of the Newtown school shooting-a drama that unfolded as millions watched on their television screens and computer monitorsmedia pundits and political leaders alike decried the expiration of the 1994 federal ban on certain military-style assault weapons. 80 Several members of Congress, with support from the Obama administration, pushed to restore the ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines holding more than ten rounds of ammunition.81 With solid opposition from the NRA, which instead advocated for armed guards at all school entryways, 82 the hurriedly-crafted gun control measures failed to achieve a majority on Capitol Hill." Obama, however, did exercise his Presidential prerogative in issuing twenty-three executive orders directing federal agencies to increase their understanding of the causes of firearm violence and possible interventions. 84 Obama stated that these orders are "to protect our children and our communities from tragic mass shootings like those in Newtown, Aurora, Oak Creek, and Tucson."85 The Newtown shooting also prompted legislative initiatives in a number of states, with mixed success.8 Most notably, Connecticut and Colorado, which had suffered the two most devastating mass shootings of 2012, enacted new legislation limiting the sale and possession of assault weapons as well as high-capacity magazines.87 Despite successful efforts in several other states to fortify their gun laws, more states actually did the reverse by http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/16/nyregion/gunman-kills-20-children-at-school-inconnecticut-28-dead-in-all.html?pagewanted=all&r-0. 80. Olivier Knox, Obama Unveils Sweeping Plan to Battle Gun Violence, YAHOO! NEws (Jan. 16, 2013, 11:59 AM), http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/obama-unveilssweeping-plan-battle-gun-violence-165956859-politics.html. 81. Obama Announces 23 Executive Actions, Asks Congress to Pass Gun Laws, CNN (Jan. 16, 2013, 2:32 PM), http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2013/01/16/obama-to-announce-guncontrol-proposals-shortly/. 82. See ASA HUTCHINSON, REPORT OF THE NATIONAL SCHOOL SHIELD TASK FORCE 1, 5, 6, 12, 15 (2013), availableat http://www.nraschoolshield.com/NSS Final FULL.pdf. 83. Arlette Saenz, Senate Remains at a Standstill Over Gun Legislation, PM), 17, 2013, 4:45 ABCNEWS.COM (Sept. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/09/senate-remains-at-a-standstill-over-gunlegislation/. 84. Knox, supra note 80. 85. Now is the Time To Do Something About Gun Violence, WHITEHOUSE.GOV, http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/preventing-gun-violence (last visited Jan. 26, 2014). 86. See 2013 State Scorecard: Why Gun Laws Matter, LAW CENTER TO PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE (Dec. 9, 2013), http://smartgunlaws.org/2013-state-scorecard-why-gun-lawsmatter/. 87. CONN. GEN. STAT. ANN. § 53-202p-202q (West 2013); COLO. REv. STAT. ANN. §§ 18-12-301, 18-12-303 (West 2013). 2014] WEAPONS OFMASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 323 weakening their statutes or expanding gun owner rights.88 Even in states that managed to pass stricter measures on gun possession or sales, several legislators suffered significant political fallout, including recall votes, for having supported gun control.89 Efforts at the state and federal levels to pass gun control measures reflected a shift in public opinion brought about by the 2012 spike in mass shootings. 90 A Gallup poll completed just a few days after the Newtown school massacre found that a majority of Americans, 58%, favored makin laws pertaining to the sale of firearms more strict, up from 43% in 2011. 9 It is especially striking, as shown in Figure 1, that the December 2012 jump followed a more or less steady two-decade long decline in public preference for gun restrictions. 92 Time will tell whether increased support for tighter gun control is a temporary response to high profile tragedies or a genuine change in public sentiment. 93 Figure 1: Gallup Poll Results Concerning American's Preference for Changes in Gun Laws 100% 20% 1.90 12-91 11-9310.95 9.91 899 701 6-03 545 4-07 2-09 t11 12-12 Date *Moe strict --- Kept asis -o-Leass strict 88. See 2013 State Scorecard,supra note 86. 89. See Jack Healy, Facing a Recall After Supporting Stronger Gun Control Laws in Colorado, N.Y. TIMES (July 28, 2013), http:// www.nytimes.com/2013/07/29/us/facing-arecall-after-supporting-stronger-gun-laws-in-colorado.html. 90. See generally Mark Follman et al., A Guide to Mass Shootings in America, MOTHER JONES (Feb. 27, 2013), http://www.mothejones.com/politics/2012/07/massshootings-map. 91. Lydia Saad, Americans Want Stricter Gun Laws, Still Oppose Ban, GALLUP NEWS SERVICE (Dec. 27, 2012), http://www.gallup.com/poll/159569/americans-stricter-gun-lawsoppose-bans.aspx. 92. Id. 93. See Steve People, Year After Newtown, Gun Control Group Keeps Hope, AP-GFK (Dec. 11, 2013), http://ap-gfkpoll.com/featuredlyear-after-newtown-gun-control-groupskeep-hope. The poll indicated a 6% drop in the percentage of Americans who prefer stricter gun control, but this may just be a correction effect after post-Newtown spike in gun control support. Id. 324 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT [Vol. 40:313 IV. THE ASSAULT WEAPON DEBATE Much of the recent public and political debate about guns focuses squarely on the federal assault weapon ban that expired in 2004.94 Former President Clinton, speaking out in the wake of the Newtown massacre, specifically linked the expiration to what he saw was a surge in mass shootings. 95 There is some evidence that a ban on certain high-powered military-style firearms may have an impact on levels of gun crime generally, or at least cause displacement to less deadly alternatives. 96 But in terms of mass shootings, the 1994 ban does not appear to have produced much in the way of the desired effect.9 7 A comparison of the incidence of mass shootings during the ten-year window when the federal assault weapon ban was in force against the time periods before implementation and after expiration shows that the legislation had virtually no impact, at least in terms of murder in an extreme form. 98 As shown in Table 2 and Figure 2, the average incidence and victimization levels during the federal prohibition were not especially different than in the years before or after the law was in force. 99 94. See Ashley Killough, Gun Debate Gains Traction as Some Lawmakers Say It's Time To Act, CNN (Dec. 16, 2012, 5:32 PM), http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/12/16/gun-debate-gains-traction-as-somelawmakers-say-its-time-to-act/. 95. See Kristen A. Lee, FormerPresident Bill Clinton Pushes For Stricter Gun Control During Consumer Electronics Show Speech, N.Y. DAILY NEws, Jan. 10, 2013, http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/bill-clinton-pushes-stricter-gun-control-cesspeech-article- 1.1 237283#ixzz2HajS6DH2. CHRISTOPHER S. KOPER ET AL., AN UPDATED ASSESSMENT OF THE FEDERAL 96. ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN: IMPACTS ON GUN MARKETS AND GUN VIOLENCE, 1994-2003, 96-97 (2004), available at http://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/files/serve/?Fileid=b53 Idaeb-a954-41 f8a21c-268cceccb4c4. 97. Id. at 51-52. 98. JEFFREY A. ROTH & CHRISTOPHER S. KOPER, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE, RESEARCH IN BRIEF: IMPACTS OF THE 1994 ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN: 1994-96, 2 (1999), available at https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffilesl/1 73405.pdf. Monthly counts of mass shooting incidents and victims were created using the 99. FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports as well as Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) records for years that were missing from the FBI database. See Supplementary Homicide Report (OMB Form No. 1110-0002), FBI.GOv, http://www.fbi.gov/aboutus/cjis/ucr/nibrs/addendum-for-submitting-cargo-theft-data/shr (last visited Jan. 31, 2014). WEAPONS OFMASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 2014] 325 Table 2: Average Monthly Count of Mass Shooting Incidents and Victims Time Period Prior to AWB During AWB After AWB Incidents 1.4777 1.5537 1.7701 Victims Killed 6.7813 7.0579 8.5287 Figure 2: Effect of the Federal Assault Weapon Ban on Mass Shootings 4035 - 30 - 25 0 15 10 1976 1981 1986 1991 -Incidents 1996 2001 2006 2011 -Vidims For a more precise test of the impact, we regressed the monthly counts of mass shooting cases and victim toll on dummy indicator variables reflecting the time periods before, during, and after the federal assault weapons ban as well as a time trend variable.10 0 As shown in Table 3, the effect of the ban on the number of mass shootings was fairly negligible.' 0 ' On the other hand, the ban's impact on the victim toll appears stronger, partially as a consequence of several especially large-scale episodes before the ban (e.g., twenty-one killed during a 1984 shooting at a McDonald's Restaurant in San Ysidro, California, and twenty-three killed at a Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas, in 1991) as well as after its expiration (e.g., thirty-two killed at Virginia Tech in 2007, and three separate shootings in 2009 each carrying a double-digit death toll).102 100. 101. 102. See supra Table 2. See infra Table 3. Whatever small increase that has occurred in incidence or victimization since the CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 326 [Vol. 40:313 Table 3: Poisson Regression of Mass Shooting Incidents and Victim Toll Constant Time During AWB After AWB b .315 .001 -.064 -.003 Number of Incidents SE(b) Wald p-value .104 9.168 .002 .001 .758 .384 .159 .162 .688 .231 .000 .991 b 1.824 0.001 -0.096 0.011 Number of Victims SE(b) Wald p-value 0.049 1405.0 0.000 0.000 4.942 0.026 0.074 1.669 0.196 0.107 0.011 0.918 Notwithstanding the loud rallying cry about assault weapons heard in the chambers of Congress and on the public airwaves, and despite Obama's call to restrict semi-automatic rifles as part of his plan to reduce gun violence, 103 the overwhelming majority of mass murderers actually use firearms that would not be restricted by an assault weapons ban. 104 According to a database of public-setting rampages compiled by the Mother Jones news organization, assault weapons are not as commonplace in mass shootings as some gun control advocates believe. 05 Specifically, only onequarter of the public mass shootings between 1982 and 2012 were committed using assault weapons. 06 By contrast, nearly half involved semiautomatic handguns and the remaining quarter involved either shotguns or revolvers. 0 7 Moreover, the mass murderers who did kill with an assault weapon could have identified, if necessary, an alternate means of mass casualty, although that would possibly have impacted the death toll. 08 In an analysis of mass shootings from January 2009 through January 2013, Mayors Against Illegal Guns confirmed the limited role of militarystyle assault weapons in mass shootings.109 Only twelve of the fifty-six inmid-1970s may to some extent reflect the modest increase in the U.S. population over this time span. 103. Now Is THE TIME, THE WHITE HOUSE 5 (2013), available at http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/does/whnowisthetime-full.pdf. 104. See generally GRANT DUWE, MASS MURDER IN THE UNITED STATES: A HISTORY (2007). 105. See Mark Follman et al., More Than Half of Mass Shooters Used Assault WeapJONES (Feb. 27, 2013), ons and High-Capacity Magazines, MOTHER http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/02/assault-weapons-high-capacity-magazinesmass-shootings-feinstein. 106. Id. 107. Id. 108. Jason Pye, Study: Assault Weapons Not Used in Most Mass Shootings, Background Checks Largely Ineffective, UNITED LIBERTY (Jan. 15, 2014, 1:20 PM), http://www.unitedliberty.org/articles/16213-study-assault-weapons-not-used-in-most-massshootings-background-checks-largely-ineff. 109. See MAYORS AGAINST ILLEGAL GuNs, MASS SHOOTINGS SINCE JANUARY 20, 2009, at (2013), available at 1 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2013/02/mass-shootings_2009-13_- 2014] WEAPONS OFMASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 327 cidents examined by this gun-control advocacy group involved assault weapons or high-capacity magazines.1 10 Of course, limiting the size of ammunition clips would at least compel a gunman to pause to reload or switch weapons, potentially giving others a brief window of opportunity to escape or even intervene. Obama's gun violence reduction plan includes a prohibition on magazines holding more than ten rounds. 12 However, such an initiative would likely limit access to only newly-produced accessories.113 Unfortunately, there is an ample supply of large-capacity mapazines already in circulation for anyone determined enough to locate one.1 4 Regardless of how compelling the arguments for and against various restrictions, much more research is needed 1 5 to evaluate fully the effects of bans covering specific weapons or ammunition. 116 V. EXPANDED BACKGROUND CHECKS Unlike the fiercely debated issue of banning certain high-powered weapons, most Americans, including a majority of gun owners, appear to support enhanced backgound checks on all gun purchases, including transactions at gun shows. "'Many public officials and private citizens alike insist that we must find a way to keep guns away from our most dangerous element.1 18 In his gun plan, Obama advocates background checks of all gun purchasers, noting that currently 40% of all gun sales are exempt from jan_29 12pml.pdf. Id. 110. 111. See Colleen L. Barry et al., After Newtown - Public Opinion on Gun Policy and Mental Illness, 368 NEW ENG. J. MED. 1077, 1077 (2013); Joel Best, How Should We Classify the Sandy Hook Killings?, REASON.COM (June 16, 2013, 1:00 PM), http://reason.com/archives/2013/06/16/the-politics-of-gun-violence. 112. NOW ISTHE TIME, supra note 103. 113. Robert A. Hahn et al., FirearmsLaws and the Reduction of Violence: A Systematic Review, 28 AM. J. PREVENTIVE MED. 40, 48 (2005). 114. See id. at 49. 115. Id. 116. Id.; see INSTITUTE OF MED., PRIORITIES FOR RESEARCH TO REDUCE THE THREAT OF FIREARM-RELATED VIOLENCE 3 (Alan I. Leshner et al. eds., 2013), available at http://www.iom.edu/-/media/Files/Report%20Files/2013/FirearmViolence/FirearmViolenceRB.pdf (discussing strategies to minimize firearm-related violence and associated burdens). 117. Barry et al., supra note 111, at 1077; see Stephanie Condon, Strong supportfor more gun background checks, poll shows, CBS NEWS (Jan. 31, 2013, 12:24 PM), http://www.cbsnews.com/news/strong-support-for-more-gun-background-checks-pollshows/; Tom Cohn, Gun focus shifts from ban to checks and trafficking, CNN (Feb. 9, 2013, 11:02 AM), http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/08/politics/weapons-ban/. 118. Barry et al., supra note 111; see generallyBest, supra note 111. 328 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT [Vol. 40:313 background checks.1 9 However, many proponents of enhanced screening may be blinded by passion and anger from confronting the practical limitations to achieving that desirable objective.120 Further, this strategy would not in any way address the underlyin social and economic factors that underlie extreme acts of lethal violence. M The move to enhance background checks reflects a shift in focus from guns as instruments of lethal violence over to the gunmen who use them.122 As it happens, most mass murderers do not have criminal records or a history of psychiatric hospitalization.1 23 They would not be disqualified from purchasing their weapons legally. 124 Aurora theater shooter James Holmes, for example, may have alarmed those who knew him or even the psychiatrist who had been treating him, but nothing prevented him from purchasing a large arsenal of guns and ammunition over the Internet.125 A recent examination of fifty-six mass shootings over the four-year time frame from 2009-2012, conducted by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, found no indication that any of the assailants were prohibited by existing federal law from possessing firearms because they had been adjudicated mentally ill, or involuntarily committed for treatment. 126 And in just four of the fiftysix cases was there any evidence that concerns about the mental health of the assailant had been brought to the attention of a medical practitioner or legal authority prior to the shooting spree.127 Leshner also suggests that the 119. Now is THE TIME, supra note 103. 120. Dana Bash & Tom Cohen, 'Enough is enough, ' Feinstein says in proposing new gun ban, CNN (Jan. 26, 2013, 3:18 PM), http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/24/politics/congressgun-control/; Thomas Whalen, POV: 50 Years after Dallas, It's Time for Gun Control, BOSTON UNIVERSITY (Nov. 22, 2013), http://www.bu.edu/today/2013/pov-50-years-afterthe-kennedy-assassination-its-time-for-gun-control/. 121. Don B. Kates & Gary Mauser, Would Banning FirearmsReduce Murder and Suicide?, 30 HARV. J.L. & PUB. POL'Y. 649, 665 (2007). 122. See, e.g., Park Elliott Dietz, Mass, Serial and Sensational Homicides, 62 BULL. N.Y. ACAD. MED. 477, 478 (1986) (exemplifying the focus on the killers and not the weapons). 123. See, e.g., id. (explaining the background of mass murderers). 124. Jane M. Orient, "Gun Violence" as a Public Health Issue: A Physician's Response, 18 J. AM. PHYS. & SURG. 77, 81 (2013). 125. Nicholas Riccardi, James Holmes, Aurora Shooting Suspect, Used Internet For Arsenal, HUFFINGTON POST (July 23, 2012, 7:27 PM), http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/23/james-holmes-weaponsinternet n_1694451.html. 126. See MAYORS AGAINST ILLEGAL GUNS, FELON SEEKS FIREARM, No STRINGS ATTACHED: How DANGEROUS PEOPLE EVADE BACKGROUND CHECKS AND BUY ILLEGAL GuNS ONLINE 9 (2013), available https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/images/FELONSEEKSFIRE ARMREPORT.pdf. 127. See generally id. at 10. at 2014] WEAPONS OF MASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 329 effectiveness of controlling access to guns through background checks is far from clear. 128 Aside from the ability (or inability) of the background check system to prevent dangerous individuals from obtaining a gun, enhanced screening raises concerns over denying qualified Americans the right to purchase a gun.129 For the most part, citizens cannot be denied their Second Amendment rights just because they look strange or act in an odd manner. 130 In fact, as discussed by Leshner, violence risk prediction with respect to mental health is imprecise and poorly understood: "mental health issues that foster a propensity toward violence and risk taking are not well defined and not readily recognized by authorities" in a way that would trigger a prohibition of a sale of a firearm.13 1 Despite the hindsight-assisted secondguessing that is commonplace in the aftermath of mass shootings, a consistent and workable profile of mass shooters does not exist, at least one that is sufficiently limiting to permit such early identification.' 32 The dilemma is that any possible indicator of propensity toward extreme violence is far more prevalent in the general population than in the small cadre of mass murderers.13 3 Moreover, even if reasonably reliable prediction and early identification were possible, no particular interventions are known to be effective.1 34 With this emphasis on background checks, there has been a recent shift in the focus of public opinion from gun availability itself over to the availability and quality of mental health treatment. 135 After high-profile mass shootings, there is often a call to address the needs of the mentally ill. 13 6 The popular belief is that guns don't kill, psychotic people do. Many Americans assume that expanded mental health services can prevent mass shoot- 128. 129. INSTITUTE OF MED., supra note 116. Jane M. Orient, "Gun Violence" as a Public Health Issue: a Physician's Re- sponse, 18 J. AM. PHYSCIANS & SURGEONS 77, 82 (2013). James Alan Fox, Q&A: What the Right and Left Get Wrong About Mass Shoot130. ings, DALLAS NEWS (Sept. 20, 2013), http://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/sundaycommentary/20130920-qa-what-the-right-and-left-get-wrong-about-mass-shootings.ece. 131. INSTITUTE OF MED., supra note 116. JEROME P. BJELOPERA ET AL., CONG. RESEARCH SERV., R43004, PUBLIC MASS 132. SHOOTINGS IN THE UNITED STATES: SELECTED IMPLICATIONS FOR FEDERAL PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY 10 (Mar. 18, 2013), available at www.fas.org/syp/crs/misc/R43004.pdf. 133. Id. at 16. Id. at 21. 134. Ashley Killough, Refraining the Gun Control Debate: Is Mental Health the Next 135. Focus?, CNN (Sept. 20, 2013, 7:39 AM), http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/19/politics/gunsmental-health/. 136. See id. CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 330 [Vol. 40:313 ings. 137 In fact, as part of his plan to lower gun violence, Obama included an initiative to improve mental health services and launch a national "conversation" to increase understanding about mental health services. 138 Moreover, shortly after the Sandy Hook school shooting, Obama stated that we need to "help people struggling with mental health problems get the treatment they need before it's too late."1 39 It would seem that the concern for those afflicted with mental illness is less about their well-being than the well-being of those they might kill.140 According to a September 2013 Gallup poll taken shortly after the Washington D.C. Navy Yard shooting, Americans believe mental illness is to blame for violence, more so than any other factor, including gun availability.14 Similarly, in January 2011, after the shooting in Tucson, Arizona that injured Representative Giffords, the same percentage of Americans believed that the mental health system is to blame for gun violence.142 By contrast, the percentage of Americans who think that easy access to guns is to blame dropped significantly, from 46% in 2011 down to 40% in 2013.143 Enhanced background checks also have their limitations in preventing gun access. If thwarted by gun sales regulations, would-be mass killers can readily identify alternative means of securing the needed weaponry.1 44 Numerous mass shooters have used firearms that have been purchased, borrowed or stolen from a family member or friend.145 For example, twenty- 137. Id. 138. Now IS THE TIME, supra note 103, at 15. 139. President Obama Speaks on Reducing Gun Violence (Apr. 8, 2013), available at http://www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/video/2013/04/08/president-obama-speaksreducing-gun-violence#transcript (emphasis added). 140. James Alan Fox, Mentally Ill Doesn't Mean Murderer, USA TODAY (Sept. 24, 2013), http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2013/09/24/mental-health-navy-yard-auroranewtown-column/2865509/. 141. Lydia Saad, Americans Fault Mental Health System Most for Gun Violence, GALLUP (Sept. 20, 2013), http://www.gallup.com/pol1I64507/americans-fault-mentalhealth-system-gun-violence.aspx. 142. Id. 143. Id.; see also Fox & LEVIN, supra note 7. Whatever the value is for society generally in improving the mental health system, the extent to which this would reach the dangerous few is far from clear. To a great extent, what a mass murderer seeks is fair treatment, not psychiatric treatment. Id. 144. James Alan Fox & Monica J. DeLateur, Mass Shootings in America: Moving Beyond Newtown, 18 HoMICIDE STUD. 125, 135-36 (2013), available at http://dropbox.curry.com/ShowNotesArchive/2013/12/NA-576-2013-1222/Assets/War/20on%20Crazy/Homicide%20Studies-2013.pdf. 145. Mark Follman et al., A Guide to Mass Shootings in America, MOTHER JONES (Feb. 27, 2013, 7:45 AM), http://www.mothejones.com/politics/2012/07/mass-shootingsmap?page=2. WEAPONS OF MASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 2014] 331 year-old Adam Lanza, the Newtown school shooter, though suffering from serious mental health problems, secured his weapons from his mother's collection of handguns and rifles, all of which were purchased legally.146 The Columbine High assailants, although too young to purchase guns legally, were able to convince an older friend to acquire weapons on their behalf147 Furthermore, individuals can obtain firearms without background checks and through unlicensed sellers at guns shows, private sales, or straw purchases.1 48 VI. CONCEALED CARRY Mass shootings have been exploited fairly effectively by gun-rights groups to promote legislation allowing ordinary citizens to carry concealed weapons in public places-so-called "right to carry" (RTC) laws.149 Gun control opponents argue that not only is there an important deterrent effect of having a well-armed citizenry, but if more people had weapons within reach, they could take defensive action against an active shooter and victim counts would be much lower.150 In the wake of high-profile public mass shootings, run sales and applications for concealed weapons licenses often increase. Apparently, few of these alarmed (and now armed) citizens fully consider how people react under such unanticipated and suddenly chaotic situations.' 5 2 The notion that they will whip out their loaded weapon, gun down the assailant, and save scores of innocent lives in the process may be more fantasy than a realistic expectation.153 At the same time, a post-massacre spike in gun sales potentially creates greater peril to the extent that newly armed citizens act irresponsibly. 154 146. See Aswain Suebsaeng et al., What Happened in the Newtown School Shooting, JONES (Dec. 14, 2012, 12:52 PM), http://www.mothejones.com/politics/2012/12/what-happened-newtown-connecticutelementary-school-shooting. 147. Where'd They Get Their Guns?: An Analysis of the FirearmsUsed in High-Profile MOTHER Shootings, 1963-2001, VIOLENCE POLICY CENTER (Apr. 20, 1999), http://www.vpc.org/studies/wgun990420.htm. 148. INSTITUTE OF MED., supra note 116. 149. See Mark Follman, The NRA Myth of Arming the Good Guys, MOTHER JONES (Dec. 28, 2012, 1:11 PM), http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/nra-massshootings-myth. 150. See id. 151. See David Ingram, Gun checks soar 39 percent, set new record: FBI, REUTERS (Jan. 3, 2013), http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/02/us-usa-guns-recordidUSBRE9010HO20130102. 152. See generally id. 153. Follman, supra note 145. 154. Mary Thompson, Why Gun Sales Often Rise After Mass Shootings, CNBC (Dec. CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 332 [Vol. 40:313 Rather than being deterred by the prospect of armed resistance, a determined gunman might even secure additional weapons from those victims who are carrying their own firearms.1 55 For example, thirty-four year-old Aaron Alexis, who killed twelve people at the Washington D.C. Navy Yard in September 2013, had attempted to obtain a semi-automatic rifle in a Lorton, Virginia gun shop, but could not meet the legal requirement that purchasers be residents of the state. 156 As a result, Alexis entered the Navy Yard armed only with an 870 Remington pump-action shotgun that he carried unobtrusively in sections and then assembled in a men's room.15 7 Moving through the building, he apparently obtained a couple of semiautomatic 9mm pistols and ammunition from two of his fallen victims. 158 Many of the employees at the Navy Yard were carrying authorized firearms, but their presence in large numbers did not discourage the amassing of a large body count. 159 The same restaurant shooting that had prompted calls for the assault weapons ban, inspired one Texas woman who survived the massacre to launch her own campaign to liberalize laws concerning carrying loaded weapons in public places.160 On October 16, 1991, Suzanna Gratia Hupp helplessly watched her mother and father die as George Hennard, Jr. methodically blasted away at a crowd of stunned and defenseless customers in Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas.161 In the midst of the carnage, she had a clear shot at the assailant and reached for her purse to get her gun. 162 However, Hupp soon realized that she didn't have it with her because Texas state law, at the time, prohibited citizens to carry guns concealed inside pocketbooks or clothing in certain public locations, including restaurants. 163 Believing to this day that she or some other customer might have been able to overtake the gunman had licensed gun owners been allowed to have 17, 2012), http://www.cnbc.com/id/100321785. See generally 12 Victims Killed, 8 Wounded in Shooting at D.C Navy Yard, Sus155. pected Gunman Killed, NBC4 (Sept. 17, 2013), http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Confirmed-Shooter-at-Navy-Yard-One-PersonShot-223897891.html. 156. Id. 157. Id. 158. Id. 159. Id. See generally SUZANNA GRATIA HupP, FROM LUBY'S TO THE LEGISLATURE: ONE 160. WOMAN'S FIGHT AGAINST GUN CONTROL (2009). 161. Id. 162. Suzanna Gratia-Hupp On Gun Control, BEFORE IT'S NEWS (Dec. 18, 2012), http://beforeitsnews.com/libertarian/2012/12/suzanna-gratia-hupp-on-gun-control2473962.html. 163. See id. WEAPONS OFMASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 2014]1 333 guns in public places, Hupp became an outspoken and forceful advocate for concealed weapons laws.I6 She suggests that gun-free zones, such as schools and day care centers, are especially attractive to mass murderers because there they can kill people "like fish in a barrel." 65 Commenting on several multiple shootings, including the Virginia Tech rampage, Hupp has argued for expanded right-to-carry laws based on assumptions about the perpetrator's mind-set: Think how just the knowledge that someone-or more than one-may be legally armed and could shoot back would prevent these nut jobs from taking the final step. In the case of these guys who are going for a high body count, yes, it is likely they could kill a few people. But they sure as heck would not get thirty-two before they were taken out of action.166 Hupp is hardly the only gun-rights advocate to suggest a connection between mass murder and citizen disarmament. 167 Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC), a national grassroots organization formed following the April 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, insists that the extent of carnage from that incident would have been considerably less had students (and staff), other than the gunman, been armed and ready to retaliate.16 8 Even more than the opportunity to repel an armed assault with like weaponry, many advocates point to the deterrent value of having students, faculty, and citizens in general equipped with concealed weapons.1 69 Notwithstanding the "told you so" attitude among some gun advocates following the Virginia Tech tragedy, law enforcement and security officials were not comfortable with the notion of a heavily armed campus.' 7 0 Shortly after the Virginia Tech massacre, Dana Schrad, Executive Director of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police, told the ChristianScience Monitor, "I have my own concerns that, had there been a number of people who 164. Id. Suzanna Gratia Hupp Lobbies for WI CCW, N.J. COAL. FOR SELF DEF. (Nov. 3, AM), 9:31 2005, http://www.njcsd.org/site/index.php?option=comcontent&view-article&id= 135:- 10-yearrecord-would-vouch-for-expanded-gun-law-nc&catid4 1:newsitems&Itemid= 1. HUpP,supra note 160, at 111. 166. Id. 167. 168. Id. See Gregory Warchol, Concealed Carry University: Student Attitudes about Fire169. 165. arms on Campus, ACADEMIA.EDU, http://www.academia.edu/4115082/Concealed Carry University Student AttitudesaboutFirearms_on Campus (last visited Mar. 20, 2014). Jared Flesher & Alexandra Marks, Should students be allowed to carry concealed 170. weapons?, THE CHRISTIAN ScI. MONITOR http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0418/p02s02-ussc.html. (Apr. 18, 2007), 334 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT [Vol. 40:3 13 had been in that classroom with guns, [there could have been] additional persons killed just as a result of poor judgment calls."i71 In August 2011, with memories of the 2007 shooting spree still fresh in people's minds, the Virginia Tech police received a phone tip from three teenagers attending a summer program with information about a possible gunman on campus.' 7 2 The campus police acted quickly in line with the guidelines from the U.S. Department of Education that were crafted specifically based on the school's horrific shooting four years earlier.173 A campus-wide alert was sent warning of the potentially dangerous situation. 174 As it turned out, the three young witnesses who reported a man carrying what seemed to be a handgun covered by some type of cloth were badly mistaken.175 After several hours of follow-up investi ation with no indication of danger, the campus police lifted the warning. Of course, by then classes had been cancelled and everyone had gone home. 177 This episode highlights potential problems with the campus concealed carry movement. 178 If concealed weapons were permitted, how many times would a nervous observer report seeing a "man with a gun" (or worse, if this observer is also armed)? How should campus authorities respond to a report of what appeared to be a handgun covered with a cloth? How many times would campuses be closed down and classes interrupted by false alarms? In genuine active shooter situations, moreover, one must wonder how it would be possible for anyone, no matter how accomplished in firearms use, to be able to distinguish the "good guys" dressed in denim and toting backpacks from the "bad guy" dressed in denim and toting a backpack.'79 In addition, there is evidence that even well-trained gun owners, when sud- 171. Id. 172. Virginia Tech Lifts Campus Alert After Gun Scare, CBS NEWS (Aug. 4, 2011, 3:17 PM), http://www.cbsnews.com/news/virginia-tech-lifts-campus-alert-after-gun-scare/. 173. Id. Id. 174. 175. Id. 176. Id. 177. Id. 178. See generally Guns on Campus's Laws for Public Colleges and Universities, ARMED CAMPUSES, http://www.armedcampuses.org/ (last visited Jan. 31, 2014) ("Despite the success of these gun-free policies, an increasingly extreme pro-gun movement in the USA is promoting legislation and litigation to force colleges and universities to allow concealed guns on campus."). 179. See Active Shooter Training, UNIV. OF OKLA. HEALTH ScI. CTR. POLICE DEP'T, http://www.ouhsc.edu/police/CommunityPrograms/ActiveShooterTraining.aspx (last visited Jan. 31, 2014) (stating that active shooter training is key for survival in active shooter situations). 2014] WEAPONS OF MASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 335 denly immersed in a chaotic shooting scene, may not have the special skills needed to respond without making matters worse.180 Despite the potential risks of expanding gun possession on campuses, the SCCC network has in recent years had some modest success in convincing legislators that the body count in episodes like the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre would be reduced if properly licensed and trained students only were allowed to carry guns to class.18 However, in light of the low rate of serious violence on campus and the high prevalence of substance abuse and depression among college students, it would seem ill-advised to encourage gun carrying by anyone other than duly-sworn public safety personnel. Even more dubious is the possible impact of concealed weapons in a cinema or similarly crowded venue. Some have argued that James Holmes's body count at the premiere showing of a Batman movie in July 2012 would have been reduced if members of the audience had been carrying guns. 182 But it is also possible that the anxiety-provoking crisis in a darkened auditorium would have made the killer, who was dressed in costume just like many others in the audience, entirely indistinguishable from his innocent victims. In the aftermath of a mass murder, even law enforcement often cannot distinguish victims from killers.183 Survivors are marched single file from a crime scene, forced to keep their hands over their heads-just in case they turn out to be perpetrators rather than victims. 184 During the first few hours after a mass murder, media representatives frequently report incorrectly the presence of two or more killers operating in concert. 18' Following Aaron Alexis's September 2013 rampage at the Navy Yard in Washington D.C., for example, there were worrisome, yet inaccurate, media reports indicating Ifl Only Had a Gun (ABC television broadcast April 10, 2009). But see Sam Har180. ris, The Riddle of the Gun, SAM HARRIS (Jan 2. 2013), http://www.samharris.org/blog/item/the-riddle-of-the-gun. 181. Over the past few years, several states have debated proposals for permitting concealed carry on campus. Although most failed to gather sufficient support legislatively, bills in Mississippi and Wisconsin did pass, greatly expanding the rights of properly licensed students and faculty to carry weapons on college campuses. Guns on Campus: Overview, (Mar. 2014), OF STATE LEGISLATURES NAT'L CONFERENCE http://www.ncsl.org/research/education/guns-on-campus-overview.aspx. Chris Molina, A Private Sector Solution to a Public Problem, 41 HASTINGS 182. CONsT. L.Q. 421, 433 (2014). 183. James Alan Fox, Gun Controlor Carry Permits Won't Stop Mass Murder, CNN (July 21, 2012, 4:13 PM), http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/20/opinion/fox-mass-murder/. 184. See generally id. 185. Andy Campbell, Aaron Alexis Identified as Alleged Navy Yard Shooter, THE HUFFINGTON POST (Nov. 4, 2013), http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/16/aaron-alexisidentified-navy-yard-shooter n_3935770.html. 336 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT [Vol. 40:313 the possibility that one or two additional gunmen were still on the loose.18 6 As it happened, however, Alexis had acted alone.187 Whether a well-armed citizenry-in schools, on college campuses, or in society more generally--encourages more violence or discourages it, concealed carry remains a hotly debated issue. 18 Kates and Mauser suggest that it would be "simplistic to assume that all times and in all places widespread gun ownership depresses violence by deterring many criminals into nonconfrontation crime." 89 Would potential mass murderers be deterred by the risk that their intended targets may be armed, or would they instead just fortify themselves for a possible shootout? The potential for citizens to mount a counterattack while an assailant stops to reload is but one reason why many gun-rights advocates argue against firearms restrictions, at least for law-abiding, licensed gun owners.190 Specifically, many contend that the establishment of gun-free zones (e.g., schools, churches, courthouses, and other government buildings) makes citizens vulnerable to attacks by armed assailants.' 9 ' Proponents for expanding concealed carry rights argue that having more people armed in public spaces would not only serve as a deterrent but permit citizens to overpower an armed assailant.192 These proponents suggest that mass murderers avoid attacking locations in which they would expect considerable armed resistance, such as a police station or gun club.19 Of course, many mass murders occur in places that are not designated as gunfree zones.'1 4 Generally, the choice of location is based on the nature of the assailant's personal grievance and has little to do with whether resistance will be met.1 95 And while there has not been a mass shooting at a police 186. Id. 187. Id. 188. Molina, supra note 182, at 422. 189. Don B. Kates & Gary Mauser, Would Banning FirearmsReduce Murder and Suicide? A Review ofInternationaland Some Domestic Evidence, 30 HARv. J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 650, 672 (2007). 190. JOHN R. LoTT & WILLIAM M. LANDES, MULTIPLE VICTIM PUBLIC SHOOTINGS 15 (2012), available at http://ssrn.com/abstract-272929. 191. John Lott, Did Colorado shooter single out Cinemark Theater because it banned guns?, Fox NEWS (Sept. 10, 2012), http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/09/10/didcolorado-shooter-single-out-cinemark-theater/print#ixzz2dOlrXblT. David B. Kopel, Pretend "Gun-Free" School Zones: A Deadly Legal Fiction, 42 192. CoNN. L. REv. 515, 540 (2009). 193. Id. 194. John Fund, The Facts about Mass Shootings, NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE (Dec. 16, 2012), http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/33 5739/facts-about-mass-shootings-john-fund. 195. Kopel, supra note 192, at 539. 2014] WEAPONS OF MASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 337 station, several active shooters have specifically targeted cops.1 96 Over a ten-day timeframe in February 2013, for example, former L.A. police officer, Christopher Dorner, selectively attacked police officers and their families.197 The series of shootings resulted in four deaths, including three police officers, and left three other officers wounded.' 98 The subject of a massive multi-agency manhunt, Dorner ended his killing spree with suicide.199 Whatever the deterrent or intervention effects of right-to-carry provisions, critics have expressed concern that a shoot-out between an assailant and citizens armed with concealed weapons could possibly result in injuries to innocent victims caught in the crossfire. 200 Whereas mass killers are often described by witnesses as being noticeably calm and relaxed, the intended victims are taken by surprise and typically respond frantically. Of course, whether or not concealed carry has any impact on the risk of mass murder is an empirical question, and not just a debate involving hypotheticals. Examining the effect of right-to-carry laws in twenty-three states on the incidence and magnitude of multiple-victim homicides from 1977 to 1995, Lott and Landes concluded that such legislation does help to reduce the risk and extent of mass violence. 20 1 However, Duwe, Kovandzic, and Moody, employing a more appropriate statistical model to a time frame expanded through 1999, found the impact of these laws to be negligibleneither encouraging nor discouraging mass shootings. 20 2 VII. ARMED FACULTY AND SCHOOL SECURITY The debate over an armed citizenry has focused specifically on elementary and secondary schools, and the need to protect vulnerable populations of students from armed assailants. Following the December 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, amidst fervent demands 196. Authorities FearCops Being Targeted After at Least 11 Officers Shot in 24 ffours, Fox NEWS (Jan. 25, 2011), http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/01/24/authorities-fear-copstargeted-officers-shot-hours/. 197. Eric Hartley, Christopher Dorners 10 days of terror, LADAILYNEws (Feb. 15, 2013), http://www.dailynews.com/general-news/20130216/christopher-domers-10-days-ofterror. 198. Id. 199. Mike Brunker, DornerDied ofSelf-Inflicted Gunshot Wound to the Head, Authorities Say, NBC NEWs (Feb. 15, 2013), http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/15/16978359-domer-died-of-self-inflictedgunshot-wound-to-the-head-authorities-say?lite. 200. Fox & DeLateur, supra note 144, at 137. 201. Lorr & LANDES, supra note 190 202. Duwe et al., The Impact of Right-To-Carry Concealed Firearm Laws on mass Public Shootings, 6 HOMICIDE STUDIES 271 (2002). 338 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT [Vol. 40:313 for stiffer gun control being heard far and wide, the NRA took a very different approach. 203 The powerful gun-rights group proposed that every school in America-schools of every size, level, and type-be staffed with an armed guard, someone who would be prepared to ward off any dangerous intruder. 204 In subsequent months, lawmakers in as many as six states promoted legislation to arm school teachers and train them to shoot. 205 For instance, a South Dakota law, effective July 1, 2013, created "school sentinels," consisting of teachers, administrators, security guards and even volunteers from the community empowered to carry guns inside of schools to protect the student population. 20 6 And, based on a nationwide poll taken by the Gallup organization, nearly two-thirds of Americans see merit in the idea.20 Supporters of firearms-for-faculty laws maintain that ever since the early 1990s, when the U.S. Congress established schools as gun-free zones, an armed assailant, be it a student-insider or a stranger-intruder, could be assured to face little or no opposition. 2 08 The belief is that arming teachers and administrators might serve as a powerful deterrent to anyone contemplating a Columbine-style school shooting. 2 09 It is hard to imagine, however, that a vengeful student, who is willing to die by police gunfire or by his own hand, would be dissuaded by knowing that the faculty were armed.2 10 The young assailant could even welcome the chance to engage the principal 203. Id.; HUTCHINSON, supra note 82. 204. HUTCHINSON, supra note 82. 205. James Alan Fox, Nevada School Shooting Limits of Security, USATODAY (Oct. 22, 2013), http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2013/10/22/james-alan-fox-nevadamiddle-school-shooting-access-guns/3148421/. 206. Id.; S.D. CODIFIED LAWS § 13-64-1 (2013). 207. See Frank Newport, To Stop Shootings, Americans Focus on Police, Mental Health, GALLUP (Dec. 19, 2012), http://www.gallup.com/poll/159422/stop-shootingsamericans-focus-police-mental-health.aspx. 208. See David Patten, Gun Expert Lott: Let Teachers Carry Arms, Ban Gun-Free Zones to Halt Mass Shootings, NEWSMAX (Dec. 15, 2012), http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Lott-guns-Connecticutshooting/2012/12/15/id/467903; cf M.D. Harmon, "Gun-Free Zones, " Some of the Most Dangerous Places in America, THE MAINE WIRE (July 26, 2012), http://www.themainewire.com/2012/07/m-d-harmon-gun-free-zones-dangerous-placesamerica/ ("'[G]un-free zones' are among the most dangerous places in the country, as only criminals will have firearms there."). 209. See Patten, supra note 208. 210. See, e.g., Russell Goldman et al., Colorado School Shooting Suspect May Have Been Out For Revenge, Police Say, ABC NEWS (Dec. 13, 2013), http://abcnews.go.com/US/colorado-school-shooting-police-suspect-school-seekingrevenge/story?id=21211883. 339 WEAPONS OF MASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 2014] in a shootout in front of his peers, showing them how tough and fearless he - 211 iS. The truth is that thousands of schools already have sworn police officers on site. 2 12 Columbine High School, in fact, had an armed school resource officer on duty the day in 1999 when two alienated adolescents turned their school into a war zone. 2 13 Of course, Columbine was a fairly large campus with nearly 2000 students enrolled, and the officer could not be everywhere at once. 21 It would have taken a small army to patrol the entrances and hallways in a school that large so as to eliminate the risk.2 15 Arming teachers, even with a requirement for firearms training, creates the potential for tragic over-response by anxious school personnel. 16 Every year in the United States, thousands of students are expelled for being in possession of a gun at school (and sometimes just for fear of gangs or bullies). 2 17 What would occur if these students were observed by a faculty member who was also armed and ready to respond with gun fire in order to protect the school population? In addition, what would be the result if an armed teacher were to mistake a cell phone or any shiny object for a gun, especially in a climate where concerns for school shootings are elevated? At the end of the day, school teachers are in the position to be educators, 211. Id. 212. See, e.g., COPS in Schools (CIS), U.S. DEP'T OF JUST., http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/default.asp?Item-54 (last visited Jan. 31, 2014) (Since 1999, "COPS has awarded [funds] to more than 3000 grantees to hire more than 6500 [School Resource Police Officers] . . . ."). 213. Jefferson County Sheriffs Dep't., Narrative Time Line: The Columbine High School Shootings, CNN, http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2000/columbine.cd/Pages/NARRATIVE.Time.Line.htm (last visited Jan. 31, 2014). 214. Jefferson County Sheriffs Dep't, April 20, 1999: Foreword, CNN, http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2000/columbine.cd/Pages/FOREWARD.htm (last visited Jan. 31, 2014). Cf Jefferson County Sheriff's Dep't, Law Enforcement Agencies and Support 215. Provided, CNN, http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2000/columbine.cd/Pages/LE AGENCIESTEXT.htm (last visited Jan. 31, 2014) (considering that the response to the Columbine shooting required thirty-five different law enforcement agencies). 216. See, e.g., Val Van Brocklin, Arming teachers in schools: An argument against, POLICEONE.COM (Feb. 20, 2013), http://www.policeone.com/active- shooter/articles/6126130-Arming-teachers-in-schools-An-argument-against/ (noting that a licensed elementary teacher with substantial firearms training "was humbled by a firearms training simulator. [She] killed an undercover cop, two innocent bystanders to a bank robbery, and got [herself] repeatedly killed without saving anyone."). 217. National Center For Education Statistics, U.S. DEP'T OF EDUc. (Jan. 31, 2014), http://nces.ed.gov. CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 340 [Vol. 40:313 not executioners. 2 18 For them, marksmanship should remain a matter of A's and B's, not guns and ammunition. If using armed faculty and guards to protect our schools and schoolchildren is the way to go, then what about the playgrounds and athletic fields outside the school buildings? And, what about the fleet of yellow school buses transporting the children home after school? Are we going to arm the bus drivers as well? Notwithstanding the horror associated with school massacres, whether they implicate an angry student seeking payback or a deranged adult looking to hurt society in the most profound way, these are exceptionally rare events. 2 19 Transforming our schools into armed fortresses hardly provides a comfortable and carefree learning environment with its constant reminder that children have targets on their backs. 220 Whatever we do to fortify schools and shield students from harm should be commensurate with the extremely low likelihood of an active shooter striking any particular school. We need to protect our children's sense of innocence as much as their physical safety. VIII. CLOSING SHOTS Many countries look disparagingly on the incidents of mass shootings in the United States. 22 1 They do so critically and incredulously, not understanding why guns are so ingrained in American culture. For example, following the murder of a twenty-two year old Australian in Oklahoma by three "bored" teenagers, Tim Fischer, Australia's former deputy prime minister, urged Australian citizens to boycott travel to the United States. 222 Fischer warned, "I don't believe [the United States's] Second Amendment provides for semiautomatic or automatics in the suburbs. Australians and anybody else should think carefully about traveling to the USA, until [the United States] start[s] to make a move on gun and firearm sensible control."22 3 The rate of firearm-related deaths in the United States is indeed the highest among industrialized countries.22 4 As discussed by Karp, the United States, although constituting under 5% of the world's population, holds 218. Id. Fox & Burstein, supra note 65. 219. 220. Id. Dylan Stableford, Australia's Former Deputy P.M. Urges Boycott of US. over 221. Baseball Player's Killing, Lashes out at NRA, YAHOO! NEWS (Aug. 21, 2013, 9:54 AM), http://news.yahoo.com/australia-usa-nra-oklahoma-murder-135410650.htnl. 222. 223. 224. Id. Id. INSTITUTE OF MED., supra note 116. WEAPONS OF MASS (MURDER) DESTRUCTION 2014]1 341 35-50% of the world's civilian-owned guns. 225 The number of firearms for sale or possessed by U.S. civilians reached 310 million in 2009226 and has grown in recent years.22 7 Gun control advocates often point to other nations as proof that reducing the extent of private gun ownership will lessen the risk of mass murder. 22* Many in the United States look elsewhere and believe the "grass is greener" and the streets are safer. 229 In countries where guns are relatively inaccessible, mass killings are far less likely to occur, even if the motivation for large-scale destruction exists. 230 For example, China's strict gun laws prevent angry would-be mass murderers from securing a firearm and launching a deadly shooting spree. 23 1 China forbids civilians to own guns unless they are approved by law enforcement authorities. 23 2 In April 2010, a knife-wielding man in his forties burst into the Leicheng First Primary School in the city of Leizhou and stabbed eighteen children and a teacher before being subdued by the police. 233 All of the victims were wounded, but none suffered life234 threatening injuries. Although Great Britain has far tighter restrictions on guns than does the United States, 235 mass shootings have occurred in British families, schools, and even public places.236 On June 2, 2010, for example, a down-on-his225. Aaron Karp, Completing the Count: Civilian Firearms, in SMALL ARMS SURVEY 2007: GUNS AND THE CITY 39,46 (2007). 226. WILLIAM J. KROUSE, GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION 10 (2012), available at https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL32842.pdf. See generally Gun Ownership Trends and Demographics, PEW RESEARCH CTR. 227. FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE PRESS (Jul. 27, 2013), http://www.people- press.org/2013/03/12/section-3-gun-ownership-trends-and-demographs/#profile-guns. 228. See Why Own a Gun? Protection is Now Top Reason, PEW RESEARCH CTR. FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE PRESS (Mar. 12, 2013), http://www.people- press.org/2013/02/12/section-1-views-of-stricter-gun-laws/. 229. See Chinese Man Breaks into School Stabbing 18 Students and Teacher, THE TELEGRAPH (Apr. 28, 2010, 11:54 AM), http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/7644838/Chinese-man-breaks-intoschool-stabbing-18-students-and-teacher.html. 230. Fox & LEVIN, supra note 7, at 153. 231. 232. Id. Karp, supra note 225, at 50. 233. THE TELEGRAPH, supra note 229. 234. Id. 235. UNITED NATIONS OFFICE ON DRUGS AND CRIME, GLOBAL STUDY ON HOMICIDE 33 at http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and(2011), available analysis/statistics/Homicide/Globalstudyon homicide_2011 web.pdf. 236. See Ben McConville & Jill Lawless, Gun Control Laws Around The World Spurred By Mass Shootings, THE WORLD POST (Dec. 18, 2012, 6:22 AM), 342 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT [Vol. 40:313 luck cabbie, Derrick Bird, from Cumbria, a small town north of London, used two licensed firearms, a .22 rifle and a shotgun, to kill his brother, his lawyer, and ten others selected largely at random. 237 Although many Brits considered this as a failure of gun control to prevent assailants bent on destruction, and others as justification for tighter restrictions, no set of laws can guarantee that mass shootings will never occur. 238 Were it not for its strict gun laws, England could conceivably experience more episodes than it does. Whatever the effects of restrictions on gun purchasing, on the one hand, and right-to-carry provisions, on the other, it does make logical sense that if society were purged of deadly firearms, the risk of mass murder would be minimized, and Australia is often cited as proof. Following the 1996 Port Arthur shooting rampage, in which twenty-eight year old Martin Bryant gunned down thirty-five people, 239 the Australian government responded swiftly in an attempt to control high-powered weaponry. 240 By virtue of the 1996 National Firearms Agreement, the Australian states and territories banned the importation, manufacture, sale and possession of automatic and semi-automatic firearms. 24 1 In addition, the government launched a massive gun buy-back program that netted over 600,000 of the newlyprohibited weapons. 2 The Australian government also implemented mandatory licensing and registration of all firearms (i.e., those not covered by the ban on automatics and semi-automatics).2 43 Although there is some debate concerning the law's effect on gun crime generally, there have not been any mass shootings in the half-dozen years since the law took ef- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/18/gun-control-laws-around-theworld n_2321894.html. 237. Helen Carter, Derrick Bird talked of suicide before Cumbria shootings, inquest told, THE GUARDIAN (Mar. 2, 2011), http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/mar/02/derrickbird-cumbria-shootings-inquest. 238. James Alan Fox, Gun Control or Carry Permits Won't Stop Mass Murder, CNN (July 21, 2012, 4:13 PM), http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/20/opinion/fox-mass-murder/. 239. Ralph Slovenko, Commentary: Rampage in Tasmania, 25 J. PSYCHIATRY & L. 151, 151 (1997). 240. S. Chapman et al., Australia's 1996 Gun Law Reforms: FasterFalls in Firearm Deaths, Firearm Suicides, and a Decade Without Mass Shootings, 12 INJURY PREVENTION 365, 365 (2006). 241. See AustralasianPolice Ministers' Council Special FirearmsMeeting, CANBERRA (May 10, 1996), available at http://pandora.nla.gov.aulnphwb/20000426130000/http:/www.gun.law.gov.au/Guns/legislation/l1Omayresolut.htm. 242. Chapman et al., supra note 240; Jeanine Baker & Samara McPhedran, Gun Laws and Sudden Death: Did the Australian FirearmsLegislation of 1996 Make a Difference?, 47(3) BRIT. J. CRIMINAL 455, 455 (2007). 243. Chapman et al., supra note 240; Baker & McPhedran, supra note 242. 2014] WEAPONS OF MASS (MURDER)DESTRUCTION 343 fect.244 It is certainly difficult, of course, to compare Australia with the U.S., given that the two nations differ in many respects-demographically, economically, and culturally. 24 5 Whatever the truth about the impact of weapons bans on murder rates in Australia, it is doubtful that such an approach would gain much traction in the United States. Australia does not have a constitutionally protected right to gun ownership-not like the United States where personal freedoms are valued above virtually all else. 24 6 244. See Chapman et al., supra note 240, at 370; Baker & McPhedran, supra note 242, at 456. 245. Don B. Kates & Gary Mauser, Would Banning FirearmsReduce Murder and Suicide?, 30 HARv. J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 649, 676, 687 (2007). The association between the prevalence of private ownership of guns and the rate of firearm death becomes murkier when looking across a wider span of nations. See id. at 673. Abigail Kohn, The Wild West Down Under: ComparingAmerican and Australian 246. Expressions of Gun Enthusiasm, 16 J. ON FIREARMS & PUB. POL'Y 179, 184 (2004).