A New Paradigm for Engineering
A New Paradigm for Engineering
Clean & Plasma Coating 분야 선두업체로써, Total Solution제공을 통해 A New Paradigm for Engineering 무결점 명품을 만들어 갑니다. Clean & Clear Innovation System 517-19, Samcheonbyeongma-ro, Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 445-911 Korea TEL. +82-31-366-3390 FAX. +82-31-366-3394 (주) 싸이노스 연혁 Milestone 미래를 선도하는 초일류 기업 반도체 부품세정의 No.1기업 세계를 향상 CINOS의 도전입니다. 2013 We, CINOS, are leading semiconductor parts cleaning & coating industry in South Korea and seek to become a corporation that is leading a global 일본 도시바 社 세정부분 NDA 체결 ASM 社 Cleaning Qualified Vendor 등록 semiconductor refurbishment business. 10 발안 제 3공장 완공 (예정) 08 중국 시안 공장 완공 (예정) 05 TEL 社 Cleaning Qualified Vendor 등록 04 High Density Y203 Coated Ceramic Window Precision Cleaning 개발 03 중국 시안 공장 착공 2012 Cho Chul Hyung President 안녕하십니까. CINOS는 2002년 창사이래 끊임없는 연구활동과 도전정신으로 Cleaning기술혁신에 노력하였으며 고도화된 반도체부품 정밀세정 및 재생 기술을 바탕으로 국내 Major 반도체 제조회사 및 설비업체에 세정 & 코팅 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 품질을 최우선으로 하는 품질 경영 방침과 같이 당사는 최고의 품질을 최단납기로 고객에 공급할 수 있도록 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 2007년 완공된 신공장은 최신설비 도입 및 작업동선의 과학적 설계, 반도체 공정간 오염으로 인한 반도체 수율 저하의 원인을 최소화 하기 위해 설계된 곳으로 고객에 대한 최고품질의 서비스를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 자부합니다. 또한 2012년도 경기도일자리 우수기업, 유망중 소기업으로 선정 국내 청년 실업 해소와 중소기업의 균형 발전에 적극 노력하여 지역사회 발전에도 이바지 하고 있습니다. 앞으로도 고객과 함께하는 (주)싸이노스가 되기위해 최선을 다하겠습니다. 지속적인 관심과 격려를 부탁드립니다. 2010 Resistered as Cleaning Qualified Vendor for ASM Development of CVD Sic Ring Perfect Precison Cleaning 12 09 07 04 03 경기도 유망중소기업 선정 경기도 일자리 우수기업 선정 Awarded Excellent prospects Company in Gyeonggi area Awarded Excellence Recruitment Company in Gyenggi Area 삼성전자 중국 시안 공장 세정 코팅 부문 유치 확정 Qualified as Sole Vendor for Samsung at Xian China METAL 공정 ARC Spray 공정 신기술 개발 (Hemi-Coating) Developed New Arc Spray Coating (Hemi-Coating) New Coating 개발 (SY_YAG) 및 양산 적용 Developed New Coating (SY_YAG) and Started to Apply for SY_YAG 06 한양대학교 산학 연구 체결 03 SEMES 社 Coating Qual_양산 진행 Cleaning & Coating SCM Model of Samsung Qualified as Professional Shower Head Cleaning Company by SEC R&D Contracted with Hanyang University Contracted with SEMES Eng. for Part Cleaning & Coating 참앤씨 社 설비_세정 / 코팅 양산 진행 Contracted with Cham Eng. for Part Cleaning & Coating Atto 社 설비_세정 부분 양산 진행 Contracted with Atto for Part Cleaning & Coating IPS 社 설비_세정 / 코팅 양산 진행 Contracted with IPS for Part Cleaning & Coating 2009 06 LAM ESC 4xx Series Precision Cleaning 기술 개발 02 삼성 LED 사업부 신규 세정 양산 적용 Developed new Technology for LAM ESC 4xx Series Cleaning Qualified Samsung LED parts Cleaning 15-L NEW Y2O3 Coating 개발 및 양산 Developed & Produced for 15L New Y2O3 Coating 2008 LAM 社 를 통한 하이닉스 세정 Qual 삼성 NRD 연구소 CU 공정 Cleaning 기술개발 Hynix Cleaning qualification for LAM Developed Clenaing Technology (CU process) for Samsung NRD LAB LAM 社 ESC Series Cleaning 기술 제휴 Technology Partnership with LAM Research (ESC Series Cleaning) Plasma Spray Coating Qual Qualified Plasma Spray Coating 2007 08 07 06 01 12 ㈜싸이노스엔지니어링에서 ㈜싸이노스로 상호변경 08 ISO 14001 인증 04 6시그마 활동(BB:2/GB:10)인증 2006 07 유망 중소기업 선정 기술혁신형 중소기업 (INNO-BIZ) 인정 2005 2004 2003 of art facilities provide critical cleaning, high purity surface preparation, quartz fabrication and plasma coating. we are trying 2002 to focus on service excellence and fast turnaround time to ensure that our customers meet their deadlines and help our customers achieve success and reduce costs and extend parts life and maintenance cycles. NDA Contract with TOSHIBA Japan companies and precision manufacturers. We specialize in precision cleaning and coating for Semiconductor parts. Our state Initiated Contruction of Facilities at Xian China CINOS, Founded in 2002 and headquartered in Hwa-Sung City, South Korea, partners with world leading semiconductor Resistered as Cleaning Qualified Vendor for TEL Development of High Density Y203 Coated Ceramic Window Precision Cleaning 02 CVD Sic Ring Perfect Precison Cleaning 개발 10 Cleaning & Coating SCM Model of Samsung 2011 SEC 全 부서 Shower head Cleaning 전문 업체 선정 3rd Facility Construction at Ba-Ran (Expected) China Branch Facility Construction (Expected) Changed CI From CINO ENG. To CINOS Certified ISO 14001 Certified 6 Sigma Activity (BB:2/GB:10) Awarded Excellent prospects Company in Gyeonggi area Cetified as INNO-BIZ by SMB Administration 03 10 06 05 03 01 ERP 전산화 SYSTEM 도입 (시행 : 05년 4월~) Set up the ERP System 300MM 제품 양산 세정 적용 300MM 12,13L 세정 제품 QUAL Lauched Mass Production of 300MM 12,13L Cleaning Parts Qualified 300MM 12,13L Cleaning Parts AL2O3, Y2O3 COATING QUAL Qualified AL2O3, Y2O3 Coating 부설연구소 설립 AL ARC SPRAY COATING QUAL Established New Research Center, Qualified Al Arc Spray Coating 호서대 산학 협력연구 체결 R&D Contracted with Hoseo University 11 07 04 03 01 벤처기업 인증 (중소기업청) ISO 9001 인증 Certified Excellence Venture Company Certified ISO 9001 우량 중소기업 인증 Qualified as Outstanding Company QSI 협력업체 등록 Resitered As Official Cooperative Firm by QSI 삼성전기㈜ 협력업체 등록 Resitered As Official Cleaning Supplier by SEC 12 09 04 02 삼성전자 세정제품 QUAL 제 1공장 준공 (9.17) Quailified Cleaning Product by SEC Completed 1st Facility Construction at Pal-tan Area 우량 중소기업 선정 Selected as a outstanding Company by Government 회사설립 Established "CINOS" We sincerely hope your business is doing well and I look forward to working with you in the near future. 주요고객 Major Customer 2 A New Paradigm for Engineering 3 세정 Our Cleaning 세정품의 종류 Cleaning Application Product ERP SYSTEM을 통한 체계적인 부품 Life Time 이력관리 전문화된 세정 Process의 전산 시스템 도입 통한 세정재현성 관리 Metal Type · 공정 Gas Type 유기물 Type · 입사정 Type 등 미세 오염물 제거 Metal Type · Process Gas Type Organic Type · Particle Type Controlling Micro Contamination 오염제어 Contamination Control 부품 흐름 관리 Life Cycle Management ETCH METAL Anodizing Cleaning Quartz Cleaning Ceramic+ Y₂0₃ Coating Cleaning PVD W kit Cleaning CVD DIFFUSION Ceramic Dome(Epoxy) Cleaning Vaporizer Cleaning Shower Head Cleaning LFC Cleaning Organized and Professional Management of Part Life Time Records through ERP System Precision Cleaning To eliminate by-product on parts without any damages Surface Treatment, ARC Spray 작업 등 부품 사용 시간 증가 및 CIS, DIS 등 특허기술을 통한 HOLE 내부 Contamination 제어 Increase Parts Durability During Surface Treatment, ARC Spray, Controlling Internal Hole Contamination Using Specialized Technologies 특화기술 Specialized Technology 3차원 측정기, Airborne Particle Counter, RGA 등의 정밀 분석을 통한 세정 후 오염물 잔존여부 확인 및 품질 보증 테스트&분석 Test&Analysis Equipped State of Arts Analysis Tools for Increasing the Quality of Product 세정 특화 기술 Specialized Cleaning Technologies Specilized Technology for Chemical Cleaning Specilized Technology for Physical Cleaning Specilized Technology for Controlling Particle 4 Etch Process Development of Removal Chemicals for Oxide, Poly and Metal Membranous Metal Process Development of Removal Chemicals for Cu, W, Ti, TiN, AL, La, Ta, Co, Au, Ag, Ni, Ru Membranous CVD Process Development of Process Membranous Chemicals for BPSG,ACL,ARC, Harp-USG,SiON, TeOS, HDP Diffusion Process Development of Process Membranous Chemicals for Nitrid, HFO, MTO, SiN, ALD, ZrO Implant Process Development of Contaminated Membranous Chemicals for AsH₃, BF₃, PH₃, B₂H6 Photo Process Development of Removal Chemicals for PR CMP Process Development of Removal Chemicals for Slurry LED Process Development of Removal Chemicals for Al, GaN, P, In CIS Automatic Cleaning System for Mirco Porous Gas Hole Part ACS Coolant line Cleaning System for the Inside of Fab MPS Removal Device by using CO₂ Gas for Contaminated parts from Semiconductor process APS Automatic device for surface treament Dry Bead Blaster Elimination of contaminators on surface and process of generating roughness Wet Bead Blaster Process of Elimination of contaminators on surface without Damage Furnace Cleaning Process of Ejecting Gas from part by using heat treament HPWS Removal Device by using High Pressure for Micro P/C on Surface UPW Special process of Pad Wiping for Miro P/C on Surface MBS Elimination of Unstable P/C Factors for ARC Coated Part DIS Automatic Cleaning System for Micro Poruos Gas Hole Part PBRS Particle Removal System for Micro Poruos Gas Hole Part A New Paradigm for Engineering 5 코팅 Our Coating 코팅 핵심 기술 Coating Core Technology Coating Merit Decrease Coating Porosity Decrease Heat Damage ·Coating Particle Source 인자 Down ·Plasma Gas에 의한 Coating Damage Down - 내 Plasma 우수 Y203 Powder Application Capability ·Decrease the source of coating particle ·Damage decrease on coated area by plasma gas - Excellent Plasma resisting CINOS Coating Increase Coating Hardness ● Process Control ·Y₂0₃ Oxidation Temp, Control ·Speed Factor(speed 1, 2, 3, 4) Control ·Nozzle Distance Control ·고온에서 Coating Damage Down -고온의 Chamber 내부에서도 Coating Damage Down ·Damage decrease on coated area at high temp as well as in high temp chamber New Type H/W ● Qualified Powder ● ·Y₂0₃ Composition Control ·Impurities Control ·High Density Powder Shape Charateristic ·Porosity ·Adhesion ·Various Shapes and Materials 코팅 적용품 Coating Application Product Development New Coating Anodizing Ceramic Inner Liner Bottom Edge Ring GDP Top Edge Ring Door Liner Ceramic Window ·Y203, YAG 및 YX Coating 개발 ·Development of new generation coating -YX Coating Coating Mechanism Inserting Coated Powder Melted Powder Coating 6 A New Paradigm for Engineering 7 품질경영시스템 Quaility Control System 가공(관계사) Fabrication(Associated company) 품질경영시스템의 지속적 개선을 통한 고객 만족 Satisfying Our Customer by Improving our Quality Control System 사업 영역 Business Area (주)화영테크놀로지는 부품 가공, 미세 가공, JIG제작, SYSTEM 제작 분야에 끊임없는 기술개발로 성장해 가고 있습니다. Hwa Young Tech Co.,Ltd offers such as Parts Fabrication, Precision Manufacturing, JIG & System for customer's needs. 부품가공 (Parts Fabrication) P-D-C-A Cycle Responsibility of Management Customer VOC Continuous Improving Analysis and Estimation Management of Resource Input *Machining Center가공 Machining Center *자동자 부품 가공 Automobile Part *반도체 세정 Jig가공 Semiconductor Clesning Jig Manufacturing Product Satisfaction of Customer Product & Service Output 지그제작 (JIG Prodcting) *NC용 Fixture Fixture for NC *자동차부품용 Fixture Automoblie part *Inspection Jig 미세가공 (Precision Manufacturing) *정밀부품가공 Micro Part Manufacturing *광학기기 등 정밀가공 Optical Device Precision Part Producing 시스템제작 (System Producting) *자동화설비 Automation system *Loader & Unloader System *Conveyor System 주요설비 Manufacturing Equipment Vertical Machining Center Value added Activity <VM1260> <MYNX 650> <NARA 4311> <NSM-A> Information Flow Miling M/C QM (Quality Management) QA QC (Quality Assurance) (Quality Control) ·Quality Planning(품질 기획) ·Quality Test (품질검사) ·QM & EM System Control ·Non-Conformity Control (부적합품 관리) (품질 & 환경경영 시스템 관리, ISO 인증관리) ·SPC (통계적 품질 관리) ·Design Review (개발 품질 관리) ·Clean Room Control(클린룸 환경 관리) ·SOP Control (표준 관리) ·Quality CFT Activity (품질개선 분임조 활동) ·System & Process Audit (시스템 & 공정감사) ·Quality Innovation (품질 혁신) ·Customer Satisfaction (고객만족) 주요 부품 현황 Core Part 부품가공 Parts Fabrication 미세가공 Micro part Manufacturing ·Education & Certification(사내 교육 및 자격인증) ·Supplier Quality Control (공급업체 품질관리) ·Measurement System Control (측정 시스템 관리) ·Product & Work Shop Contamination Control Jig 제작 부품 Jig (제품 및 작업장 오염 관리) 품질인증 Quaility Certification ·ISO 9001 (품질경영시스템) Quality Management System ·ISO 14001 (환경경영시스템) Environmental Management System 8 A New Paradigm for Engineering 시스템 제작 System 9 World Best Technical Leader Europe China USA Japan Singapore Cleaning & Coating Kitting & Assembly Our goal is to be a Total Engineering Company specialized in "Refurbishment Business" Life Cycle Management Part Supply Test & Analysis Repair Service 10 A New Paradigm for Engineering 사업장 위치 Our Facility Location Part Management 제1사업장(경기 화성) Pal-Tan Base Facility 시노스유한공사(중국 서안) Cinos China Address. 경기도 화성시 팔탄면 삼천병마로 517-19 517-19, Samcheonbyeongma-ro, Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 445-911 Korea TEL. +81-31-366-3390 FAX. +81-31-366-3394 Address. 중국 산서성 서안시 개발구 South Fenghui Rord, High-tech Development Zone, Xi' an China 관계사 - ㈜화영테크놀로지(경기 화성) HwaYoung Tech 제2사업장(경기 화성) Hyangnam Base Facility Address. 경기도 화성시 향남읍 구문천리 930-13 930-13, Gumuncheon-ri, Hyangnam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea TEL. +81-31-8014-4595 Address. 경기도 화성시 안녕동 178-118 178-118, Annyeong-dong, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea TEL. +81-31-225-5680 FAX. +81-31-225-5690 신공장(경기 화성) New Hyangnam Base Facility Address. 경기도 화성시 향남읍 구문천리 930-17 930-17, Gumuncheon-ri, Hyangnam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 11
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