May 15, 2016 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
May 15, 2016 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Congratulations on 35 Years of Priesthood Rev. Msgr. John E. Hart Ordained May 9, 1981 May God Bless You As You Continue to Serve His Church Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 91 Maple Avenue, Morristown, New Jersey 07960 973973-539539-2141, Fax— Fax—973973-984984-0632 Visit our Website: Email: [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John E. Hart Parochial Vicar: Rev. Przemyslaw Nowak Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Martin F. Rauscher In Residence: Rev. Dennis J. Crowley In Residence: Rev. Samuel Monaco In Residence: Rev. Geno Sylva Deacons: Brian Beyerl, John Brandi, Michael Hanly, Elliott Stein Trustees: Dan Poling 973-451-1617, Kathleen Hyland 973-539-2860 Parish Coordinator—Linda Macios Secretary—Liz Rotunno Comptroller—Robyn Morris Parish Office Hours Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Parish Registration: Call 973-539-2141 or visit the parish website at Assumption School: 973-538-0590; Sr. Merris Larkin, S.C. Principal Religious Education: 973-267-5638, Fax 973-267-4223 Email: [email protected] Linda Macios: Director Sharon Bertram: Coordinator Grades 6, 7, and 8 Lisa Sullivan: Confirmation—973-267-8519 Tara Speer: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Sue Paradise: Secretary The Religious Education program meets on Sundays, OctoberMarch. Kindergarten through 5th grade classes meet 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; 6th through 8th classes meet immediately following the 5:30 p.m. Sunday Youth Mass. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd classes meet September–April on Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Confirmation groups meet once or twice per month on Sunday evenings. Music Ministry—973-539-2141, extension 19 Claudia Nardi: Director, Karen Chiappini: Organist Adult Choir, Youth Ministry Choir, Children’s Choir Holy Rood Cemetery—973-539-7501 Website: Diana Loughman: Cemetery Director Emerson Brito: Caretaker Caleb Dunn: Caretaker Church Sexton—Doug Reisch Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday—4:15 to 5:00 p.m. or by appointment Marriage: Arrangements should be made with a priest or deacon by registered parishioners at least one year in advance of the marriage date. Marriage arrangements should be made PRIOR to reserving reception facility. Baptisms: Contact Liz Rotunno in the Parish Office to arrange your child's Baptism. For first-time parents, attendance at a Baptismal Preparation class is required. Prep classes are held on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the Church. Visitation of the Sick and Elderly: Please keep us informed so that we may be attentive to those who are ill at home or in the hospital. Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Communion on Sundays. Ministries Africa Surgery Altar Linens Altar Servers Bereavement Bethany Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Centering Prayer Children’s Worship CYO Basketball Deaf Interpreter Deaf Ministry Divorced Catholics Endowment for Poor Eucharistic Min. Family Promise Finance Committee Food Pantry Gardening Giving Tree Good Samaritan Home School Assoc. Holistic Health Homeless Solutions JustFaith Knights of Columbus Moms and Tots Nursing Homes Pre-Cana RCIA Readers Respect Life Tom Johnson Mike Cherello Fr. John Hart Marion Lapchak Linda Macios Dave Lage John Lago Fr. Ken Lasch Linda Cannilla Kevin Bopp Kathleen Skaf Barbara Zurlo Deacon Elliott Stein Claudia Nardi Hope Zenker Mary Dougherty Dorothy Flynn Claudia Nardi Lynnie Tecza Brian Morgan Pat Moore Debbie DeAngelis Michele Cameron Ralph Ferrara Kerry Mowry Joseph Lee Henriette Kahn Joan Kramer Ken and Rosa Rose Fr. John Hart Andrea Bozzi Anne Marie and Leonard Crann Senior Citizens Joan Kramer Janet Dedrick Soup Kitchen Annaliese Rush Ushers Anthony Romano Welcome and Hospitality Moira Clarkin Women's Cornerstone Denise Imperiale Vocations Deacon John Brandi Young Professionals Fr. Przemek Youth Ministry Lisa Sullivan 973-292-3320 973-267-6825 973-539-2141 973-285-1976 973-539-2141 201-919-7259 609-213-1790 973-538-2653 973540-1683 917-861-2876 862-432-6004 973 337-7591 VP 973-539-2141 973-539-2141 973-401-1010 973-538-9003 973-538-2634 973-539-2141 973-539-2141 973-462-6972 973-539-2141 973-889-8520 973-769-9634 973-538-8268 973-683-1220 973-267-9175 973-539-1350 973-539-4910 973-539-9845 973-539-2141 973-656-9864 973-539-4650 973-539-4910 973-539-7811 973-455-0391 973-267-5433 973-539-4390 908-477-9450 973-539-2141 973-539-2141 973-267-8519 May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday Mass Intentions SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. MONDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. TUESDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. WEDNESDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. THURSDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. FRIDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. May 14 Rose Marie Maschetta Michelina Tozzi Elizabeth J. Feliciani May 15 People of the Parish Special Intentions for Dr. Thomas Emmer Carmen J. Errico Larry Cloutier William and Claire Dunlap Eugene Bajak Alessandro Fazi Kathleen Kelly Woodford May 16 Michael Sottile Evelyn Smith May 17 James Brady Hugh J. Enright May 18 Ellie Newman and Fanny Rifkin Margaret H. Schluter May 19 Alberta Lepre Thomas Norman Hutchinson May 20 Dorothy Buck Walter Patta May 21 Kathleen Nish Cecilia Prehart Mark Cardinali May 22 People of the Parish Marjorie A. Graham Charles Seergy Marie De Rogatis Edward Gilhooly Frank Budiscak Eileen Smith Stanton Jim Healy Gerald Henry Schofield GATHER IN PRAYER • Pray the Rosary weekdays 20 minutes before the 12:05 p.m. Mass. • Pray the Perpetual Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal every Monday immediately following the 12:05 p.m. Mass. • Eucharistic Adoration the first Saturday of each month 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. and the first Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. • Eucharistic Adoration every Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Notre Dame of Mt. Carmel, Cedar Knolls. F irst Reading: Acts 2:1-11 S econd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7,12-13 All three of today’s Scripture readings examine the activities of the Holy Spirit, but from different points of view. The Acts of the Apostles describes the descent of the Holy Spirit using imagery employed in the book of Exodus to depict the descent of God upon Mount Sinai. As a result of this divine manifestation, Jesus' followers are empowered to proclaim the Gospel with vigor and dynamism to all the nations. In our second reading, Paul teaches that each Christian is given different gifts by the Holy Spirit to be used for the betterment of the entire Church. The Spirit also brings a profound unity amid such great diversity of gifts. G ospel: John 20:19-23 This passage from the Gospel of John reveals another consequence of the Spirit’s presence. The Spirit empowers the Church to be a healing and reconciling presence in the world. We invite you to prayerfully reflect on the Readings for the week of May 15 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Jas 3:13-18; Mk 9:14-29 Jas 4:1-10; Mk 9:30-37 Jas 4:13-17; Mk 9:38-40 Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:41-50 Jas 5:9-12; Mk 10:1-12 Jas 5:13-20; Mk 10:13-16 The Most Holy Trinity Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 Assumption Parish PLEASE REMEMBER AND PRAY FOR THE RECOVERY OF: Paul Albanese, Charles Arnolt, Charles Arteglier, Greg, John, and Tom Baxter, Paula Rose Carducci, Jim and Kay Cavanaugh, Ralph Coti, Kenneth Eastman, Albert Garcia, Frank Geraghty, John Geraghty, Marge Hefferon, Cora Huston, John Hyland, Patricia Ioannou, Robert Kamenetz, Kenneth Krause, Susan Krauss, Francis Montemurno, Ruth Necco, Barbara O’Hagan, Mary Reisch, Eileen Scheibner, Rosalie Sottile, Marie Therese Vaz, Julie Winne, Colin Wisniewski, Nancy Arteglier, Ursula Bennett, Deedee Bentley, Kathleen Callahan, Brendan Carey, Marva Jean Corbin, Ronan Davis, Ralph Depp, Baby Emma Wyman, Jack Frost, Joseph Gabriele, Jim Gallo, Marie Garibladi, Willette Greer, Liam Hanly, Margie Herman, Robert Kaps, Eileen Lanfare, Keeya Little, Jim Mongey, Payton O'Brien, Debra Peniston, Donna Polise, James Preston, Victoria Ramirez, Margaret Saengar, Richard Fredrick Smith, Louis Terreri, Savio Vaz, Baby Wilber Ridgley, Caroline Bastek, Msgr. Pat Brown, Idella Kelly, Steven Mortenson, Jane Quinlan, Al Reed, Fr. Paul Krajewski, Lourdes Flores, Antonette Fraioli, Gerry Fraioli, David Kimmel, Kieran Kole, Gerry Hogan, Helen McGahan, Kathy Shay, Andrew McCray, Barbara Doran, Pamela Gardner, Martha Lebron, Simone Saxon, Caryn Seifer, Barbara Dixon, Susan Baime, John Barcliff, George Corbin, Elberita Delbastide, Clara Gotch, Dan Lessnau, Sister Marie Graziano, William Moeller, Saul Wolfe, Robert Kamenetz, Allan Russo, Justin Lee, Debby McKinley, Brenda Hines, Barbara Sullivan, Beth Karmen, Nigel Loeppky, Andrea C. Wright, Elaine Metzger, Frank Keary. Please call the Parish Office at 973-539-2141 with the names of who you would like included in the prayers for the good health of the sick and homebound. All names are left on the prayer list for three months. CAVE QUEST VBS REGISTRATION IS OPEN Registration is almost full for our summer Vacation Bible School, for children in grade PreK4 to grade 3, on the mornings of August 8-12. To register, visit Teen Volunteers for this week is full. To be placed on the waitlist, complete a teen volunteer form on the Parish website. Adult volunteers are still needed. If you have questions about VBS, email Colleen at [email protected]. GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY Need help? Our ministry can assist parishioners with shopping, banking, doctor and dentist appointments, and other errands. Contact our coordinator for May, Jeanette Fredericks, 973-216-2231. Morristown, NJ PLEASE PRAY FOR MEMBERS OF OUR PARISH COMMUNITY AND THEIR LOVED ONES WHO HAVE SERVED, OR ARE SERVING, IN THE ARMED FORCES CW3 Michael Benkosky Green Beret, Special Forces, Airborne Joint Forces; Commander William H. Shipp, Commanding Officer HCS-8, San Diego; Andrew Vasquez US Army; Andy Soucy US Army; Dan Lessnau Former Marine and Veteran of the Viet Nam War; Kevin Felix US Military Colonel; Lt. Tim Fleury, US Navy; Staff Sergeant William J. McSweeney Retired Marine Served Around the World; Matthew Gonabe, Lt. US Navy Pilot Serving in the Persian Gulf; David Ribardo, 1st Lt. US Army Serving in Afghanistan; Capt. Brendan Griswold 82nd Air Borne in Afghanistan; Capt. Patrick Flynn, US Army 1st Infantry, Afghanistan; Sergeant Richard Galluzzo Serving in Afghanistan, Lt. Thomas Keyes Jr.; Bryan Chojnacki, US Army, grandson of Annabel Wannemacher; Capts. Scott and Meghan Harra, US Army in Afghanistan; Captain Timothy Newcomb, US Army Special Forces; Col. Jason M. Barrett, USMC in Iraq and Afghanistan; Capt. James Cassidy, USMC in Afghanistan; Ensign Devon Cassidy, Navy Nurse in California; Penny and Christian Jimenez, Navy Lt. Commanders in Japan; 2nd Lt. Andrew Pineda and Capt. Laurence Pineda, US Air Force, SMSgt. John Bartow, Stratton ANGB NY, Douglas Reisch, 1/325 Infantry, 82nd Airborne Division, Daniel Baron, US Navy, Hawaii, 1LT Schuyler Orecchio, 10th Mountain Division, Afghanistan, Captain James Cassidy, USMC in Washinton, DC, 1st Lt. Devon Cassidy, Navy Nurse in San Diego, CA. 2017 MASS BOOK IS OPEN The Assumption Church 2017 Mass Book is now open. Please come to the Parish Office to schedule your Masses. Parishioners wishing to schedule more than 3 Masses must call for an appointment to meet with the Parish Office staff. To schedule an appointment, please call the office at 973-539-2141. The donation for announced Masses remains $10.00 May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday PENTECOST Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem: " Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans? Then how does each of us hear them in his native language?"(Acts 2: 1-11) Jesus said to them again, “"Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, I send you." And when he said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit."(John 20:19-23) Today we celebrate Pentecost, the Birthday of the Church. We praise God for the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to each of us. Here is a reflection I hope you will enjoy. Max is an eighth-grader at St. Louis Priory School in St. Louis, Missouri. Shortly after the tensions in nearby Ferguson last year, Max asked his mom if he and his brother could drive down to Ferguson to help with the cleanup. She understandably declined to send them into an active riot zone. Still, Max and his brother felt they needed to do something, so they went online and looked up a list of the businesses that had been damaged. They found the name of one of the owners and called her. She hung up on them. So they drove to her house. For three and a half hours, they sat in her living room and listened to her anger. The bottom line: Unless they had $20,000, there wasn't much they could do. So Max went home and started an online petition, and eight days later, they had raised $20,608. And Maria Flores rebuilt her business. When Max and his brother saw injustice, they didn't lash out in anger. They didn't choose a side. They listened - they listened carefully. They reached out with their hearts, they created a partnership - and the answer spoke itself.[ From "Listening in Ferguson: It's not all black and white" by J. Augustine Wetta, O.S.B., America, March 9, 2015.] The real miracle of Pentecost is not what was said but what was heard: the Spirit of God overcomes the barriers of language and perception, opening not only people's minds but their hearts to hear the Gospel of the Risen Christ. That same Spirit of God enables us to listen to the voice of God in the context of God's peace, justice and compassion, enabling us to hear what God actually speaks and not what we want or hope or wish to hear. As on Pentecost, God's Spirit continues to speak in the love of the Beatitudes, in the forgiveness of the prodigal's father, in the generosity of the Good Samaritan, in the hope of the resurrection. The gift of Pentecost faith enables us, as it enabled Max and his brother, to hear the voice of God speaking in the midst of the clamor and busyness, the pain and despair of one another's lives, and now inviting us to embrace the life and love of God. As we celebrate Pentecost we strive to draw closer to Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit as we journey home to our Father. Happy Pentecost! Father John “And I will cause Wonders in the heaven’s above and signs on the earth below.” Assumption Parish BREATHING IN THE SPIRIT The Spirit who Christ gives us is a Spirit of reconciliation. After breathing on the disciples, Jesus tells them that whatever sins they forgive will be forgiven. If we are to follow the Risen Lord, we must be agents of forgiveness to others. Adults: Am I aware of someone I need to forgive? Am I willing to take one step to make reconciliation more possible? Children: Am I sometimes mean to others? Am I willing to treat them better because Jesus asks me to do so? A Family Perspective: Within the family, the domestic Church, we learn how to forgive and we learn to accept forgiveness. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit that enables us to do both. As you gather together as a family, sit quietly for a few minutes, inviting all to reflect upon their need to forgive and to receive forgiveness. If there is a situation or issue within the family that needs attention, spend some time reflecting upon the concern and how your family might address it. Talk together about how Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us in the work of forgiveness and to bring us peace. REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OPENS ONLINE MONDAY, MAY 23 Registration for the 2016-2017 Religious Education school year will open online on May 23, 2016. Visit, and click on the Religious Education link, then on the Sign Up tab, and select the appropriate form from the following choices: • • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd • • Confirmation • • Fridays Faith and Family • • Kindergarten through Eighth Grade • SISTER MERRIS LARKIN GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATION The Assumption Community cordially invites you to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Final Profession of Vows as a Sister of Charity for our own Sister Merris Larkin, on Friday, October 28, 2016, from 7 - 10 p.m. at the Madison Hotel in Morristown. RSVP by June 15, 2016 to Assumption School Golden Jubilee Celebration, 63 MacCulloch Ave, Morristown, NJ. Reservations are $100.00 per person. Please make your checks payable to Assumption HSA. GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATION Name: ____________________________________________ Phone : ___________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________ Morristown, NJ IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SEMINARY SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY LECTURE SERIES Join us on Thursday, May 26 at 7:00 p.m. for the next lecture in the Developing a Heart of Mercy Series presented by Seton Hall Immaculate Conception Seminary. The night’s topic will be “God, the Father of Mercy and Mary, the Mother of Mercy.” Presented by Joseph Rice, Ph.D., the evening promises to be and informative and enlightening experience. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. To register, please contact Theresa Miller at [email protected] or (973) 761-9575, or register online at ASSUMPTION SENIOR GROUP Assumption Seniors had a great meeting on April 26, which was well attended, and all of us enjoyed the program on nutrition presented by Jen, the dietician from the Chatham Shop Rite. A trip to Radio City in July to see the Spring Spectacular is in the plans. Our next meeting is scheduled for May 24, after the 12:05 Mass. The program that day will be on Safety for Seniors presented by a representative of the Morristown Police Force. BECOME A CATECHIST—FALL 2016 With more than 750 children of the parish to serve, we encourage you to please consider becoming a catechist—someone who echoes the faith—for one of our many Religious Education programs. Classes meet on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and after school. Fridays, Faith and Family meets one Friday night per month. We are also seeking volunteers for Service of the Word for Children held at the Sunday 10:00 a.m. and Saturday 5:30 p.m. Masses. Please contact the Religious Education office at [email protected] or call 973-267-5638. SUMMER SPORTS CAMP AT VILLA WALSH Villa Walsh Academy is hosting their 2016 Summer Sports Camp: Session 1: June 27-June 30, Session 2: July 5-July 8. Girls entering grades 4-9 may choose from: track/cross country, basketball, lacrosse, softball, volleyball, tennis, soccer and/or spirit & dance. Introducing two sessions for high school girls, with some experience, entering grades 9-12! Please visit for more information. ETERNAL REST GRANT UNTO THEM, O LORD John Garcia Brother of Al May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD PRZEMYSLAW GAWLIK As you have shared in his time of preparation for the priesthood by your prayers, friendship and support you are cordially invited to attend the First Mass of Fr. Przemyslaw Gawlik on Sunday, May 29 at 12:15 p.m., at Assumption Church. A reception will follow in the Community Room. MASS ATTENDANCE MAY 7 /8 5:30 p.m. 239 7:00 a.m. 131 8:30 a.m. 184 10:00 a.m. 624 12:15 p.m. 368 5:30 p.m. 201 Total: 1,747 CORPUS CHRISTI FOOD COLLECTION FOR THE POOR Due to the unprecedented requests for assistance from Catholic Charities food pantries and in order to fulfill our obligations to the poor, Bishop Serratelli has authorized a Diocesan-wide food collection in all parishes and agencies, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, the weekend of May 28, and 29, 2016. Our parish has been asked to provide cold cereal and pasta. This collection, sponsored and managed by Catholic Charities will directly assist those most in need by supplying Catholic Charities pantries as well as parish pantries. In addition to our parish, the entire Diocese of Paterson will join together in this effort. Cash donations will also be accepted. Please bring your donations of cold cereal and pasta to the church through the weekend of May 29. FINANCIAL BLESSINGS Assumption is a Tithing Parish The collection total for the weekend of May 7/8 was $25,626. The collection for this weekend last year was $22,972. Pastor’s Note: I am deeply moved by your great generosity rooted in your love of the Lord Jesus. Serving the Lord here with you is a pure blessing and an immense joy! JOHN CORR FAMILY RESOURCES PRESENTS: CELESTIAL CONVERSATIONS WORKSHOP Open to all who want to learn how to use transpersonal journaling as a healing tool for their grief. Lo Anne Mayer, author of Celestial Conversations: Healing Relationships After Death, will teach her personal process of prayer, meditation and journaling as a means to release the "unfinished business" held after the death of a loved-one. The workshop will be at: The Paglia Center/Villa Walsh, in Morristown on Saturday, May 21, from 10-4 p.m. The cost is $40. To register or for more information call: 201 787-0961. WE WELCOME INTO THE CHURCH THROUGH THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Gabriella Grace Apelian Sabrina Claire Apelian Daughters of David and Heidi Aidan Louis Brouillette Son of Daniel and Stefani Catherine Jane Coughlin Daughter of Timothy and Nicole Julia Rose Mainardi Daughter of James and Elizabeth CONSIDER E-GIVING WITH FAITH DIRECT Assumption Parish uses Faith Direct as our e-giving platform. Creating a Faith Direct account is simple. You can enroll online or by mail, so you can give to your church in a way that works best for you. Faith Direct provides you the peace of mind knowing you'll be able to support your church every week. Whether you're out of town, unable to attend church due to weather, illness or a family emergency, your gifts will always be received. You will also have the security of knowing that your information is protected, every transaction is secure and that your donations are automatically transferred to your church. To enroll in Faith Direct, visit and create an account using our parish code NJ294. If you would prefer to register by mail, stop in the parish office and we will be happy to provide you with an enrollment form. PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This month, parishes throughout our Diocese are conducting the annual Peter's Pence collection in support of the work of our Holy Father. I ask you to be as generous as possible to this good and worthy cause. Through the Peter's Pence Collection, we stand in solidarity with Catholics all over the world to support the charitable works of our Holy Father. Contributions to this collection support Pope Francis as he reaches out to those suffering the effects of war and violence, natural disasters, and religious persecution. Pope Francis has told us that "mercy is the force that reawakens us to new life and instills in us the courage to look to the future with hope." Please prayerfully consider participating in this collection when it is taken up in your parish. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Arthur J. Serratelli, Bishop of Paterson Assumption Parish VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT THE COMMUNITY SOUP KITCHEN Many Assumption parishioners generously donate their time and talent once a month at the Community Soup Kitchen. This effort is greatly appreciated by the hundreds of guests the Soup Kitchen serves every day of the year. If you would like to join with other volunteers from Assumption once a month to work at the Soup Kitchen, please call Annaliese Rush at 973455-0391. LOOK WHO’S GOING TO POLAND WITH FATHER PRZEMEK! Join Fr. Przemyslaw Nowak, Deacon Brian Beyerl, Karol Corbin-Walker and other Assumption parishioners on a Jubilee Year of Mercy pilgrimage to Poland. The trip will take place from September 1 through September 9, 2016, and the cost per person is $2,999. The trip includes: • Round-trip airfare from Newark or New York 7 nights at centrally located First Class Hotels in Warsaw, Czestochowa, Zakopane, and Krakow • Breakfast and Dinner daily • Transportation by air-conditioned motor coach Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary • • Mass daily & Spiritual activities To learn more about the trip, visit, and click on the link to the pilgrimage. For more information, call 206 Tours at 800206-8687 and ask for Elise, Katherine or Yaritza. LIBRARIAN NEEDED AT ASSUMPTION COLLEGE Assumption College for Sisters, located in Denville, is looking for a Librarian for 1 - 2 hours per week. Applicants should possess a master's degree in Library Science and have computer skills. Responsibilities of this role include: accessioning of new library materials, cross referencing what is in the data base with holdings on the shelves, and, weekly tracking library usage and re-shelving holdings. Interested applicants should forward a cover letter of interest and a resume to Sister Joseph at [email protected]. For further information on the role. please email Sister Joseph at [email protected]. RUN FOR A NUN Sisters of Christian Charity 5K Run/Walk Join us on June 4, 2016 at Loantaka Brook Reservation in Morristown NJ. All proceeds benefit the education costs of those women in Initial Formation. Following the run, stop by the motherhouse for a light lunch. For more information go to RunforaNun Morristown, NJ CATHOLIC FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES FATHER MARTIN GOLF CLASSIC Join us on June 20, at the Knoll Country Club West in Boonton, NJ, for a day of golf for a great cause. Registration forms are available online at, or pick up a copy in the parish office. For information on the tournament, or to make a gift of products or services for the auction/raffle or promotional giveaways please contact: Karina Calabuig at (973) 361-5555, x158, or email [email protected]. 5K RACE FOR RECOVERY The Market Street Mission’s is holding its annual 5K Race for Recovery, on July 4th at 9:00 a.m. This event is a trail run/walk through Lewis Morris Park, located at 270 Mendham Rd, in Morris Township. We would love for everyone to experience freedom from addiction, but until that is possible we plan to run, walk and pray for those who are in recovery. There are three events taking place on July 4th; the race itself (for ages 10 and older), the Kid's Fun Run (for ages 3 – 9), and) our Freedom Run (for those who are out of town.) To register for the race or simply donate to support us, visit the Market Street Mission Website and click on the Market Street 5K Race icon. ALL BOYS IN GRADES K—4 Come build model rockets with the Cub Scouts and learn about your local pack on Friday, May 20th between 6:30-8:30 pm, at 1 Saddle Road in Cedar Knolls. Choose from several dates & locations for launching your rocket. For more info, contact Al Thomas, [email protected], 973-765-9322 x229. Free event but please register at BuildRockets HOLY ROOD CEMETERY MEMORIAL DAY MASS The annual Memorial Day Mass will be held at Holy Rood Cemetery on Monday, May 30 at 9:00 a.m., honoring our loved ones and all those who died for our freedom. A Veteran’s Memorial dedication will begin at 8:00 a.m. Mass will be followed by light refreshments. All are welcome to attend. Please join us for a time of remembrance, prayer and visitation. May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday Congratulations to our First Communicants Who received the Precious Body and Blood of Christ for the first time on May 7, 2016 Peter Babcock William Lovas Ava Ben Madeline Mainardi Sarah Bopp Liam McDonald Ashlin Bowler William Meehan Makiya Broady Jacqueline Miele Caroline Brubaker Vivian Nardolillo Dakota Carr Ma+hew O’Reilly Caroline Condon Adrianna Petrucci Claire Connors Kieran Philbrick James Connors Will Price Elodie Cooney Henry Riedell Eloise Downes Alyssa Rivera Libby Farmer Wya+ Rodgers Julian Fisher Nicholas Rotolo Cara Fipatrick Giselle Scannella Evan Frey Chloe Shirodkar Kevin Geiger Zachary Shirodkar Luke Hade Christina Silva Hayden Hanlon Gavin Wesner Beck Haynes Kaitlin Wincko Madeline Herbes Marley Zeris Rory Lago Assumption Parish Morristown, NJ Internationally Renowned Catholic Singer Songwriter Joe Zambon at Assumption Church Friday, May 20 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Joe was not born a musician. As an infant, he had a rare condition in which his fingers on each hand were webbed together. When doctors asked Joe, then just three years old, why he wanted them separated, he responded, "to play piano". Two surgeries later, he took up piano and never stopped. Growing up on a small family farm, Joe was among the 1100 residents of Iroquois, Ontario, Canada. The rural town provided the space, tranquility and fresh air he needed to develop as an artist. He began by honing his piano skills, then taught himself guitar. Following university, Joe began working in a campus chaplaincy, where he continues today. There he benefits from being surrounded by students who are searching for meaning. As they share their joys and sorrows with him, his empathetic heart overflows into his songwriting. Joe has travelled across Canada, USA, India, Australia and New Zealand, sharing his reflective, soaring folk songs. Following his debut album Coming Home (2005), he released You Are I Am (2008), There and Here (2009) Sleeper, Rise (2012). His latest EP is Brothers and was recorded at his parent's farmhouse with his brother Nick. A spiritual event that deepens the faith of teens and families, uniting us all as we pray for peace in this Jubilee Year of Mercy Priests will be available for confession