The Power of the Spirit - Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross


The Power of the Spirit - Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross
C h u r c h o f t h e H o ly C r o s s
Sharing the
Power of
God’s Love
j u ly / A u g u s t 2 0 1 6
Tanzania Mission Trip
Rector’s Message
Wish your
Deziree Arnaiz
Conor Burgess
John Carstens
Abby Haines
Stephen Hayes
Peter Jones
Zoe Mazur
Meghan McGinley
Scott Mendenhall
Matthew Milburn
Manfred Sandy
Francis Schaeffer
If your name is
missing here, please
contact the office at
703.698.6991 or office@
Greetings and Peace Holy Cross Friends,
As we come to the close of summer and look
forward to all of the new and exciting opportunities in the fall, I hope you have taken some
time to rest and recreate. While we have had
rich experiences this summer at Holy Cross, I
will miss the slower pace of our days. Summer
affords us space to reflect upon our experiences and give them perspective, in light of
our spiritual journey.
Looking back over the summer, it has been
such a gift to be a part of many facets of this
community. Vacation Bible School was a great
success, and fun was had by all as we sang
and crafted and played together. Our youth
embarked upon a mission to Dungannon to
help our local neighbors, and nine pilgrims
went to Tanzania to serve with our brothers
and sisters in Africa. We had fellowship around
the grill in our own backyard, and our vestry
held a retreat to discuss action plans from the
listening sessions.
As September has arrived, our formation leaders are planning for the year with exciting new
programs, and we are changing up some of
our youth Sunday school ideas to encourage
more integration of youth into the life of the
parish. Jaime Leonard, our intern for family
ministries and formation, will be with us for
this program year and will be a great addition
to our staff.
Having just returned from Tanzania, I am still
processing the adventure and hope to share
with you in the coming months some insights
gathered there. What stands out most to me is
how important forging relationships in the name
of Christ is to our Christian calling. More important than the tasks we perform are the bonds
we form that spread God’s love. As we continue to explore our direction as a parish, I hope
loving relationships that invite and serve our
neighbors near and far will still be our priority.
Before the rush of the new program year starts,
I encourage you to take some time to reflect on
the ways you might prioritize your spiritual life.
I have included a short excerpt adapted from
Ann Morrow Lindbergh’s book Gift from the
Sea (see box on the next page).
May God bless each of us with wisdom and
discernment as we return home and enter into
an exciting program year. Let our choices be
ones that deepen our spiritual journey and
inspire us to enrich one another and spread
God’s amazing love.
In Peace,
Vestry Nominations
Church of the Holy Cross
In September, members of the congregation are asked to consider making a commitment to vestry service and, if they feel called, to submit their names to Senior Warden
Ron Parnell or Junior Warden Kate Achelpohl. Two of the four vacancies on vestry may be
filled by self-nominations. Vestry service is a three-year commitment, with a third of the
vestry changing each year. If you have questions about vestry, please talk to one of the
• July/August 2016
“I am packing to leave my island. What
have I for my efforts, for my ruminations
on the beach? What answers or solutions
have I found for my life? I have a few
shells in my pocket, a few clues, only a
few. One cannot collect all the beautiful
shells on the beach. One can collect only
a few, and they are more beautiful if they
are few.
Grill and Chill
The final Grill and Chill of the summer was
held on a warm evening in August. A group
gathered for burgers and chips and lively conversation. Watch for First Friday events in the
coming months.
I realize (my life) lacks this quality of
significance and therefore of beauty
because there is so little empty space.
There are so few empty hours in the day
or empty rooms in my life in which to
stand alone and find myself; too many
activities, and people, and things. Here
there is time to be quiet, to work without
pressure, time to think. At home, when
I meet my friends in those cubby holed
hours, time is so precious we feel we
must cram every instant with conversation. We cannot afford the luxury of
When I go back will I be submerged not
only by distractions but by too many
opportunities? I will have to substitute a
conscious selectivity based on another
set of values I have become more aware
of here. These are signposts toward
another way of living: simplicity of
living, balance of physical, intellectual
and spiritual life, space for significance
and beauty, and time for solitude and
sharing. Closeness to nature strengthens
understanding and faith in the intermittency of life: life of the spirit, creative
life and the life of human relationships.
Little by little one’s holiday vision fades.
I must remember to see with island eyes.
The shells will remind me.”
Church of the Holy Cross
adapted from Ann Morrow Lindbergh’s
book Gift from the Sea
July/August 2016 •
Vacation Bible School
Fifteen “surfers,” aged four to ten, participated in Vacation Bible School
at Holy Cross during the week of June 27 - July 1. For five mornings,
children and volunteers gathered with staff to explore stories from the
Bible centered on water—the creation story, the story of baby Moses
floating in a basket on a river, the baptism of Jesus, Jesus calming
the storm while on the Sea of Galilee with his friends, and Jesus preparing breakfast on the beach for the disciples after an early morning
fishing trip.
It was a joyful time full of song led by the talented Randy Latimer and
Rector Denise Trogdon. Our valiant volunteers were: Pam Nicholson,
Kate Achelpohl, Becky Stahl, and Sonya Marsden. They kept everyone
engaged in crafts, stories, and games. Ask Rev. Jamie Samilio about
“Snappy the Crab,” the central character in our week long surfing expedition. Friendships were created through laughter, song, and summertime shared. It was a joy.
Jaime Leonard
Church of the Holy Cross
• July/August 2016
Fall is upon us, and with it the promise of
crisper air and brightly colored leaves. Fall is
the season that I think gives us the most vivid
example of what the word transition means.
The season embodies change, and brings with
it the need for us, and all of nature to change
as well. When we change, we also grow in our
understanding of ourselves and the world, and
what we do matters.
Fall is a time of change, and we encourage
you to try something new and engage with us
in ministry in different ways. Denise and I are
happy to talk with anyone about what kind of
ministry might help you to grow. Everyone is a
part of this community that is meant to serve
God and our neighbor, and none of us can do
it alone. As you reflect on your spiritual journey
and how you “spend” the gifts you have been
given by God, consider joining one of the many
ways Holy Cross expresses its mission through
ministry. There are many things you can do
that make a difference to Holy Cross and to the
world. Even if you are time strapped, there are
opportunities to serve the community in single
events or short-run missions.
One of our outreach ministries serve a marginalized population who are transitioning into
housing. Through our partnership with Pathways to Housing, we give formerly homeless
people a starter kit of household items that
are donated by parishioners. We also have
an art program called Art-n-Soul (art-n-soul.
net) where we share food, music, fun, and
fellowship as we create art for those moving
Financial Snapshot
2016 Pledges = 104 units for $335,675
YTD 7/31/16
Actual Budget
$255,376 $254,195
into their new homes. People often ask me if
their paintings really make a difference. I can
tell you that having an inviting atmosphere
to come home to makes a big difference to
people–especially those trying to return to a
life in the mainstream of society. We recently
received a letter from the Director of Development at Pathways, along with a photo we have
permission to post. What we do matters, and I
think you will agree.
Albert had, just the day before, moved into
his new place after 15+ years of living on the
streets. He had his furniture on the way and
had come into the Pathways DC offices to pick
up a Welcome Home Basket, full of donated
items for his kitchen like pots and pans, cutlery,
and cleaning supplies. As he walked along the
hallway to the donation closet, he noticed the
paintings lining the walls. “I can have one of
these, right?”, he
asked Rebecca,
one of his mental
health team members. “I really like
this one.” he remarked, pointing
at a multi-colored
painting with a
tree in the foreground. “That one too,” motioning to the next
painting. “I can put that one in my living room.
This one can go in the bathroom. That one’s
perfect for the kitchen.” Albert’s smile grew
larger with each painting he picked out. By
the time he was done, Albert had a grin a mile
wide and five different paintings to bring back
with him to his home. Rebecca smiled gently.
“Albert, these paintings are for every client of
Pathways, not just you. While you can pick any
one you like, you can only have one.” Albert
frowned. “How am I supposed to pick just one?
I love them all. Are you sure?” Albert put back
three of the paintings and then turned back to
Rebecca. “Fine. But I can’t choose between
these two. Don’t make me choose.” Rebecca
leaned in close to Albert and as she put her finger up to her lips whispered, “Alright. But don’t
tell anyone.” Albert’s mile-wide grin immediately returned. Nodding, he put both paintings
under his arms and as he walked out the door
declared, “I know exactly where in MY house
I’m putting these.”
Clearly for Albert–what we did mattered.
Peace and Blessings,
Bishop Goff
Speaks on
Listen here.
Church of the Holy Cross
From the
Associate Rector
July/August 2016 •
Tanzania Mission Trip
Team members visted patients of the
home health care program, delivering
food and medication.
Holy Cross provided the funds for materials and labor for a waiting area at St. James Anglican Hospital, allowing patients to get
out of the sun while awaiting treatment. Local laborers worked
on the roof. The project was completed while the mission team
was there.
Children have their first experience using
playground equipment installed by the
mission team.
Church of the Holy Cross
Students receive part of their mid-morning snack. Through the
Tanzania Porridge Program, Holy Cross parishioners sponsored
267 children who otherwise would not have eaten.
• July/August 2016
Mission Trip
Stephen Hayes and Evan Parker work on
repairs inside a home.
Charlotte Williams (right) takes a quick
break from the circular saw.
Wyatt Achelpohl (left) puts a fresh coat of
paint on a porch.
Matthew Hoskins seals a roof to ensure
leaks don’t damage a home.
Ashton Reinhold, a regular part of the Holy
Cross team, helps move materials.
Church of the Holy Cross
Katie Burke (with ball) enjoys a bowling
break midweek with other missioners.
Addie Hayes helps build sturdy stairs for a
July/August 2016 •
Treble Choir
Rehearsals begin
September 15!
Calling all singers, budding musicians, and
music lovers in grades 1 - 6! On September
15 at 4:45pm we will have our first Treble
Choir rehearsal. Our time will start with the
choristers singing a little bit followed by dinner
in the Parish Hall. Please RSVP to Nick Lodico,
Director of Music Ministries, Nick.Lodico@
Mark your Calendars: Oct. 16
Evensong of the Feast of
St. Michael and All Angels
Choral Concert
October 2 at 5:00 p.m.
Join us for an evening of music. Our Director
of Music Ministries is teaming up with some of
his friends to give a concert of choral music.
Among others, Bernstein’s Simple Song will be
performed. Be on the lookout for more information in the October “Crossings.”
The Choir of Holy Cross will be joined by friends from other parishes to offer a service of Choral
Evensong for the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels. Music will include Parry’s “My Soul, there
is a country” and Stanford’s “And I Saw Another Angel.” Come enjoy this timeless liturgy and
consider inviting a friend to experience the beauty of sacred music in our sacred space.
All Good Gifts
Many thanks to those who sponsored plants to
beautify our yard. While the side garden may
look a little spare now, the experts at Merrifield
Garden Center planned the space to accommodate the eventual size of the various plants.
Due to some changes in the scope of the project and the cost of plants since we developed
Church of the Holy Cross
• July/August 2016
the original plan, some changes were made to
keep things within budget. So if you don’t see
a particular plant you expected, please know
that your contributions were put to good use.
Thank you also to all the volunteers who
stepped up to make sure the gardens are well
tended. If you would like to join the “Lay Weeders” or the “Aqualytes” to help out, please contact Sherri Arnaiz.
o p e r at i o n s
We’ve had a long hot summer but that hasn’t
slowed down anything at Holy Cross. We have
welcomed a new intern Jaime Leonard, who
will be with us through next May. We have continued having various fellowship gatherings,
to include Grill and Chills, OWLS meetings, a
Thank-You luncheon for those who prepare our
meals for fellow parishioners on occasion, the
Parish retreat at Shrine Mont, Youth Mission to
Dungannon, and our mission trip to Tanzania to
name a few of our efforts.
Your Vestry has been meeting to review the
feedback from the listening sessions we held
in the Spring and the recent survey that was
sent out to the congregation. We had an allday retreat at church to start the review and
have had two subsequent meetings, with more
to come, on developing a plan to move forward
in the 2017 program year. We will present the
final plan to the congregation on 30 October.
Budget submission requests have gone out
to the various ministries for the 2017 church
budget. We will continue to move towards a
balanced budget depending on how well our
2017 Stewardship drive succeeds with everyone’s help.The Stewardship drive starts with a
fellowship breakfast on September 25.
four three-year term positions and one one-year
position (because one of
our members left the area
to move out West). September is the open-season
month for Vestry self-nominations. We can accept two
individual self-nominations
for three-year positions on
the Vestry. The remaining
positions will be filled by
willing members identified
from a random drawing of
eligible parishioners.
Holy Cross Clergy
The Rev. Denise Trogdon
The Rev. Jamie Samilio
Associate Rector
In October, we will begin the process of calling members whose names were drawn at
random. The new vestry members will be
identified by November, and begin their terms
in January. Please give prayerful consideration
to whether or not you would like to join in the
important work of your Vestry.
This September starts the new program year
with some inventive changes, continued
growth, and new beginnings. May Christ guide
us to do such good works as he would have
us do.
The Vestry selection process is starting for
2017. We have five vacancies to fill this year:
is Disaster
Nick Lodico
Director of Music Ministries
Jaime Leonard
Intern for Family Ministries
and Formation
Maude Hales
Director of
Lori Poli
Finance Manager
Megan Hoskins
Parish Administrator
Les Bennett
Charo Guzman
Ron Parnell Senior Warden
Kate Achelpohl Junior Warden
Richard Adams Learning
Gregg Burgess Operations
Cheryl Elder Community
Patty Gallatin Worship
Tom Lennertz Operations
Mike Nicholson Service
Glynne Reeves-Haines Service
Doug Strait Worship
Claudia Tielking Learning
Addie Hayes Youth
Karen Baker Treasurer
Sherri Arnaiz Register
Visit, a
Fairfax County site, for
an interactive planning
tool for your family and
resources to keep you
Church of the Holy Cross
Warden’s Corner
Diocese of Virginia
The Rt. Rev. Shannon
The Rt. Rev. Susan E. Goff
The Rt. Rev. Edwin F. “Ted”
Gulick Jr.
July/August 2016 •
Mark Your Calendar
wednesdays, Sept. 1 4 , 2 1 , 2 8
Bible Study
10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall
Wednesday, September 1 4
Worship Support Meeting
7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall
T hursday, September 1 5
Treble Choir rehearsal
4:45 p.m.
Sunday, September 1 8
S u nday, september 25
Stewardship Campaign
Kick-off Breakfast
9:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall
Please join us for a community breakfast
hosted by the Stewardship Committee. Take
some time before or after church to eat, visit
with fellow parishioners, and hear about the
goals for the coming year.
RSVP and sign up to bring a dish at www.
fc1-20162017. There will be games, brainstorming. and parent information. Siblings
and friends are welcome. Questions?? Talk
to Kate Golden Hayes 703.732.7110 or
[email protected].
Su nday, October 2
Return to three services
8:00, 9:00, and 11:00 a.m.
Blessing of the Animals
You are invited to bring your dogs, cats,
hamsters, crickets, or other household pets
for a special service of blessing at 9:00 a.m.
We will hold the Holy Eucharist service in the
outdoor chapel (or the parish hall in case of
rain) and offer a special blessing for those
creatures with whom we share our lives.
Formation Sunday
9:00 a.m.
There will be a meet-and-greet for teachers,
parents and students for Sunday School and
the Youth Group. Brochures will be available
outlining the program year for Adult Formation, and you can chat with the facilitators
while you enjoy the offerings of a robust
coffee hour—there should be something for
children and adults alike to feed your body
and inspire your mind.
Teacher Commissioning
10:00 service
Blessing of the Backpacks
Bring your backpack/daypack/briefcase to the
10:00 service for a special blessing to take
with you throughout the year. Parishioners of
all ages are invited to participate.
Cut out the prayer below, slip it into a Zip-Lock bag, and slap it on your shower wall. Each time
you shower, recite the prayer. God will be listening.
Parish Lunch Line
12:00 p.m. in the kitchen
Come make sandwiches for our neighbors in
need. Donations of lunch meat, cheese, and
bread are welcome.
wednesday, September 2 1
Vestry Meeting
7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall
Saturday, Sept. 2 4
Church of the Holy Cross
Art & Soul Painting Party
11 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Parish Hall
Come tap into your inner artist, and create
paintings to support those transitioning out
of homelessness. No painting experience
necessary! Lunch will be provided, so bring
your own beverage and spend some time
painting—Everything you need to create a
painting is provided, including some guidance.
The suggested donation is $25 per person.
For more information on joining us to paint,
please contact Jamie Samilio.
• July/August 2016
Youth Group Kick-off
Calling all 6th through 12th graders! Youth
Group kickoff Potluck Dinner will be on
Sunday, September 25 from 5-7 p.m.
Shower Prayer
Lord, may I be slow to anger
and filled with love.
May I be ready to forgive—
myself and others—
not just once, but as many
times as it takes. Amen.
Church of the Holy Cross + 2455 Gallows Road, Dunn Loring VA 22027 • 703.698.6991