Parish Newsletter - June, 2015


Parish Newsletter - June, 2015
A Monthly Communication from
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Serving the Episcopal Community of Angleton Since 1897
June, 2015
Sunday Worship
8:30 AM Holy Eucharist I
9:30 AM Christian Education
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist II
Sunday School
Mission Statement
“We are an Episcopal
Community, called to be a
loving refuge in Jesus Christ,
welcoming and serving all.”
Children - nurturing the
children of Holy Comforter
and the community, through
parish ministries and HCES
Action – serving one another
and those in need, in Angleton
and the world
Relationships – cultivating
vibrant relationships among
ourselves and the larger
community, welcoming and
affirming all in Jesus’ Name
Episcopal Worship –
growing spiritually through
liturgy, prayer and Sacraments
Fr. Travis and Barbara Marin
presented a check in the amount of
to the Saint Thomas Center
representing 10%+ of
the proceeds
our annual fish fry!
We appreciate the assistance given to
those in need by the Center.
Wedding Plans
Church Music News
As a gift to the newlyweds, the
Church is giving Christopher four
additional Sundays with pay in
recognition of his outstanding work
and devotion to our Church.
Cynthia Bauder and our Minister of
Music, Christopher Holman, will be
wed on June 4 in Spokane,
Washington in the rose and lilac
gardens of the E.G. Roberts mansion.
Following that, they will spend three
weeks in Vienna, Salzburg, and the
Austrian countryside.
If you were in Church at the early
Christmass Eve service, Cynthia was
our guest soloist!
Additional Plans
Other projects for them this summer
include a concert of Cynthia and
Christopher singing Baroque duets at
St. Philip Presbyterian Church in
Houston on July 12 at 6pm, and then
Christopher will be directing music
and Cynthia singing a lead role for Le
Château de la Voix Summer Festival's
production of La pùrpura de la rosa,
the first opera composed in the New
World (premiered in Lima, Peru in
1701), August 1 and 2 in Urbana,
For further information on
Christopher, he is not only our
organist, but also countertenor,
and choral conductor currently
pursuing a Master of Music degree in
organ performance and literature at
the Moores School of Music in
Houston, Texas. A native of Urbana,
Illinois, he received Bachelor of
Music degrees in organ and vocal
performance from the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As an
organist, he has performed
throughout North America, won
prizes at the Albert Schweitzer,
Quimby Regional Young Organists’,
and Young Baroque Artists
Competitions, and has appeared as a
solo and continuo keyboardist for the
Bach Society Houston, Concerto
Urbano, the American Guild of
Organists, and the Baroque Artists of
Champaign-Urbana. As a singer, he
has performed with Tafelmusik,
Spire Chamber Ensemble, and
various chamber ensembles. As a
conductor, he founded the Urbana
Bach Cantatas Project, a professional
choir and period
instrument ensemble, and is the
music director of Le Château de la
Voix Summer Vocal Arts Festival in
Urbana, Illinois.
Batter Up! Astros/Episcopal Night Friday, June 12
Join other Episcopalians as the Astros take on the
Seattle Mariners at Minute Maid Park on Friday, June 12 at
7:10 p.m., fireworks included.
The Episcopal Health Foundation will be highlighted
during a pre-game ceremony followed by the Rev. Simón
Bautista, Canon Missioner for Latino Ministries and
Outreach at Christ Church Cathedral, throwing out the first
Pre-game hotdogs served at Christ Church Cathedral
so come early and bring the family. Free parking at Cathedral
garage on San Jacinto while available.
Tickets - $19 each
Contact Donna Trusty for
[email protected]
Holy Comforter and Parish House Historical Tidbit…
A fun tidbit of Holy Comforter history was discovered
at our first ever HC Rummage sale.
Two of our very own members purchased a fabulous
vintage 1900’
1900’s traveling trunk at an estate sale. Excitedly
they brought it to the rummage sale where we all oohed and
ahhed over it.
Well, as it turned out, inside this great trunk was a
label naming Mrs. Luther Ray Patterson as the owner.
Luther Ray Patterson and his family were Holy
Comforter members and originally lived in the house we now
know as the day school building.
Talk about going full circle!
Pam Massingill
The Vestry voted that all members in good standing (having a current
pledge to the Church for the year) or Church-sponsored organization will not be
charged a rental fee.
A deposit, however, of $275.00 will be required at the time of the rental
for all beginning January 1, 2015, which will be returned if the unit is deemed clean
and in order by the Junior Warden or his designee.
Read through Genesis
during the 30 days of June!
New CHURCH Office
Contact Fr. Travis for
9 – 12
[email protected]
Tuesday - Friday
Holy Comforter Children
Pentecost Sunday
The Order of the Daughters of the King
The Daughters of the King is a religious order of women who are
communicants of the Episcopal Church (PECUSA) and Churches who are in
communion with it or in the historic episcopate. This includes the Anglican,
Lutheran (ELCA) and Roman Catholic churches.
Members undertake a Rule of Life, which includes a life-long
program of prayer, service and evangelism, in particular dedicating ourselves
to daily prayer and service. Our mission is to spread Christ’s Kingdom,
especially among women and girls. We pledge ourselves to make Christ
known by our words and actions and strive to become reflections of Christ’s
love throughout the world.
The HCEC chapter of the DOK prays daily for our parish life, our
clergy and our chapter. We pray for grace for ourselves to follow the Rule of
Life and for our own needs and the needs of others. Each member has
promised to regularly take part in worship, study and work of the parish and
to render aid to the clergy for the spiritual up-building of the parish as long as
she is able.
Each Daughter has promised to participate in regular chapter
meetings, pay her dues promptly, and contribute to the Funds of the Order.
We are never allowed to raise funds by sales or any other means. All we do
are gifts to our parish, community and the world as examples of Christ’s love
for all his children.
VBS 2015
July 13th-17th
9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Saddle up your horses and get on over to
SonWest Roundup!
Out in the wide-open spaces, we’ll discover a colorful old town where all the
excitement of the Wild West awaits! In SonWest, we’ll celebrate all the fun of
being buckaroos—so grab a sarsaparilla and join in the jamboree! There’ll be
food, games, music, crafts—and amazing stories that point you and your family to
Ride with us under the deep blue skies. Feel the breezes rise through the shady
purple canyons as we head out through this bright wilderness—we’re traveling
down the trail through the Old Testament stories of Moses to discover God’s
ultimate plan of salvation in Jesus, because “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and
today and forever” (Hebrews 13.8).
Registration forms are available in at the Church office and will be sent home with
children during Sunday school. Please contact Kelsey Payne with any questions.
We still need volunteers to help with snacks, activities, crafts, lessons, and set
up. There is a job to fit everyone's needs!
June Birthdays
Thomas Long V
SuZan Carpenter
Gregory Hawkins
Father’s Day is Sunday, June 21
24 Allan Dinsmore
27 Ella Long
June Anniversaries
25 Kelly & Andrea Coats
27 Ronnie & Deborah White
30 James & Deborah Northrup
Parish Particulars…
FYI: Vestry Contact Information
Riley Mogford
[email protected]
Allan Dinsmore [email protected]
Ronnie Johnson [email protected]
Tom Long [email protected]
Kirsten Parks [email protected]
Sciobhan Short [email protected]
Kandy Taylor-Hille [email protected]
Eric Herbst [email protected]
Barbara Marin [email protected]
Donna Trusty [email protected]
Hosts for March
The Case of the
Disappearing Organ
The organ has been
moved to its original
position of years gone by
and now the choir is no
longer in front of the Altar.
And, Christopher can
move from the organ to the
piano easily since they are
now together.
If you would like to serve,
Betty Mogford
[email protected]
Daughters of the King
14 Eric, Maureen & Lila
21 Ron & Cindy Briscoe
28 Evette & Brandon Dodge
Pentecost Picnic
Many than((ks to
Barbara Marin &
Andrea Demopulos-Coats
for all their hard work
in making the Church’s birthday
so beautiful and memorable!
JUNE, 2015
Vestry Synopsis
April 14, 2015
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Holy Comforter Episcopal Parish Vestry was held on April
14, 2015 with the Reverend Travis Smith presiding. The meeting was opened at 6:15 pm with
Members present were Eric Herbst, Tom Long, Barbara Marin, Donna Trusty, Kirsten Parks, and
Sciobhan Short. Also present were Reverend Travis Smith and Pam Massingill, clerk. Absent were
Kandy Taylor- Hille, Ronnie Johnson, Riley Mogford, and Alan Dinsmore.
Formation Father Travis leads with prayer and a short Bible study
Approval of the minutes – Motion was made by Barbara & seconded by Eric to accept the minutes
as written. Motion passed.
Rector’s report – Father Travis -Easter debriefing – all went well.
Children’s ministry – discussion on options for expansion – Motion was made by Donna to allow the
children’s program to utilize the house on Sundays. Sciobhan seconded and the motion passed.
Youth lock-in – Susan Burnam has been hired; Lock in 2 May 2015 with St. Timothy’s (9:30 to 1:30
at St Timothy’s, then all come to HC for remainder of Lock In); start date will be sometime in June,
May have some local churches interested in joining with HC youth group.
Discussion of the Chart- Explanation - Motion made by Eric and seconded by Kirsten, motion
Pentecost proceedings – theme “Fire” celebration planned. Barbara and Andrea will be making
Senior Warden’s Report- Tom Long - (bringing us up to speed on the building inspection)-We have
3 major areas of concern - Plumbing, electrical - panel problems, and HVAC. Ellen has contacted
Mr. Greak about the storage shed leaks.
Junior Warden’s Report – Ronnie Johnson - (all that has been done to the building since last
meeting) no report this month
Fish Fry Report –Barbara Marin - Thanked all for helping, explained where money goes. Follow
up dinner and meeting will be held May 9th.
Financial Report –Tom Long - presented the financial report in Allan’s absence. Motion made by
Barbara and seconded by Eric to accept the financial report as written. Motion passed.
HCES – All going well. Some classes filled for fall. Last minute details being attended to for
upcoming carnival on April 18th. Liaison from Vestry – Barbara Marin, suggested acquiring school
bylaws for reference.
Other business
Episcopal night at NRG Stadium is June 13th at 3:10 pm.
Dossal curtain, choir area (benches, etc) - hold off until further discussion.
With no further business, the meeting was closed at 8:30 pm with prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Massingill – Clerk of the Vestry
Financial Report
General Fund
Tithes and Offerings
Expenses and Outreach
Friends of Holy Comforter Endowment Fund: Balance as of April 30, 2015 - $486,330
Value of mineral properties and other assets is in addition to this amount.
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
227 S. Chenango
P.O. Box 786
Angleton, TX 77516
Return Service Requested
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Sunday Schedule
8:30 AM Holy Eucharist – Rite I
9:30 AM Adult/Youth Christian Education
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist – Rite II
Children’s Sunday School
Infant and Toddler care is provided from
8:15 AM until Noon
Bishop Episcopal Diocese of TX
Head of School
Parish Administrator / Theologian
Minister of Music
Children’s Ministry Director
Newcomer Ministry Coordinator
Contact Information
Parish Office:
Parish Fax:
[email protected]
Web Address
Parish Day School
Extended Day School
Diocesan Center
Fr. Travis
979-849-1260 or 254-644-4268
The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle
The Rev. Fr. Travis Smith
Nancy Standlee
Fr. Preston Weatherly
Christopher Holman
Kelsey Payne
Paula Haenchen
Vestry 2015
Ronnie Johnson
Donna Trusty
Sciobhan Short
Kirsten Parks
Riley Mogford
Barbara Marin
Tom Long IV,
Ronnie Johnson
Pam Massingill
Allan Dinsmore
Tom Long
Kandy Taylor-Hille
Eric Herbst
Sr. Warden
Jr. Warden