the official journal of the jaguar drivers` club hunter region inc.


the official journal of the jaguar drivers` club hunter region inc.
Volume 30 Number 7
July 2012
 Moonlight Cinema
News from Jaguar
June Mid Week Run
National Rally Part 2
John Floyd at Morgan Park
Observation Run
The HUB July 2012
Box 604 Newcastle NSW. 2300
(The Clubs‘ first meeting was held on the 31st of May 1983)
Club Committee and meetings
President‘s Report
Secretary‘s Report
Notice, Birthdays and Welcome
Social Secretary‘s Report
From the Editor
Moonlight Cinema
News From Jaguar
June Mid Week Run
2012 National Rally Part 2
2012 Observation Run
A Bit of Culture
Club Calendar
One of John‘s Toys
Jaguar and Dassault
Shannon‘s Country Classic
Flyer—Aberdeen Highland Games
Flyer—Christmas in July
Flyer—July Mid Week Run
Flyer—JDCHR Display Day
Flyer—Display Day Dinner
Flyer—August Mid Week Run
Classified Cats
Library & Tools
Club Regalia
Let‘s Have a Laugh
SC Parts
Jaguar Australia
English Auto Parts
Noel Clark Services
Jag Independent Services
Triggs Motors
Thomas Jaguar
Concours Restorations
SNG Barratt
Lumley Special Vehicles
Ken & Caroline Moore‘s Mark V with other
members‘ Jaguars at Finnan Park, Grahamstown Dam, during the June Mid Week Run
Contributions for the HUB will be accepted by
the Editor up to the 3rd Saturday of the month
preceding the month of publication
1. To promote and foster the Jaguar/Daimler Marque and
the sport of automobilism generally in all its branches.
2. To encourage restoration, preservation and use of all
Jaguar motor vehicles and those Daimler vehicles built
by Jaguar Cars during and after 1960.
3. To promote friendship between members of the club
socially, in competition and on the road.
4. To promote and engender social activities, exhibitions
and club activities.
5. To provide technical assistance and a reference source
for its members.
In regard to products, services and/or procedures which
are either advertised, mentioned in the editorial content of
this magazine, members should determine for themselves the reliability and/or suitability for their own particular requirements. Advertisers must ensure at all times that
the products and/or services represented are suitable for
the intended use and for the nominated vehicles. Their
representatives, outlets or agents must be similarly directed to sell, fit or offer products or services that are
suited to the intended use.
The Jaguar Drivers Club Hunter Region Inc. cannot accept responsibility for any product of service statements
made herein, and the opinions or comments from any
contributor are not necessarily those of the Club, its Committee, its Members or its Editor.
At all times when driven on the road, the member must
carry a financial JDCHR Club membership card (or the
vehicle is unregistered) and the current magazine showing the event to which the vehicle is being driven.
The Club‘s by-laws also require that a member must attend at least three Club events in a Club-registered vehicle per financial year, to maintain his entitlement to club
plated registration.
HUB Advertising Rates
Inside front cover (Colour)
Inside rear cover (Colour)
Outside rear cover (Colour)
Inside magazine non cover
Inside magazine non cover
The HUB July 2012
full page
full page
full page
full page
half page
$650 pa
$550 pa
$650 pa
$200 pa
$120 pa
4959 1382
0425 248 275
Ian Hissey J.P.
[email protected]
Vice President
Allan Starrett J.P
4957 6006
[email protected]
Robynne Lilly
4966 5909
[email protected]
Alan Calcutt
4997 9726
[email protected]
Events Coordinator Don Anderson
6573 2084
[email protected]
Social Secretary
Bill Whitby
4964 4071
[email protected]
Phil McLeod
4961 2032
0405 339 376
[email protected]
Points Secretary
Graeme Gardiner
4988 6650
Plates Registrar
Peter Dwyer
4958 4596
[email protected]
Pauline Hopkin
4959 4600
[email protected]
John McAlpine
[email protected]
ACJC Delegate
Ian Hissey
Andrew Haigh
4959 8840
[email protected]
CMC Delegate
Andrew Pointing
9399 5533
[email protected]
[email protected]
4959 1382
0425 248 275
Display Day Grand
John McAlpine
[email protected]
The Clubs‘ first meeting was held on the 31st of May 1983
Last Tuesday of each month - 7:30pm (no meeting in December),
Except two Upper Hunter meetings - 7:30pm SINGLETON,
on the last Friday in March and the last Friday in October
NEXT MEETING : Tuesday 31st July 2012 at 7.30pm
Payments to the Club can be made by direct credit to the Club‘s bank account as follows:
Account Name:
Jaguar Drivers Club Hunter Region Inc.
Account Number: 268977
BSB Number:
Please add a tag so we know who has paid the amount and what it‘s for.
The HUB July 2012
ur events are proving as popular as ever, with members enjoying some
new activities in June - a nostalgic trip to the Drive-In for a movie, albeit
after BBQ tea ending up in the small theatrette inside, to watch The Italian Job. Something different from the norm.
Don‘s Observation Run was again a wonderful drive
through picturesque countryside, over good Jaguar
roads, with plenty of scenic sights to take in - thank you
Don for all your efforts, they are appreciated by all our
Last month I mentioned Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust
60th anniversary celebrations of the disc brake being fitted to a C Type, and driven in the Mille Miglia by Stirling Moss and Norman Dewis. JDHT entered
a six car team and Stirling & Norman repeated Jaguar
history in Mille Miglia 2012.
Following the parade lap by Moss and Dewis, C-type
XKC 005 joined the other five JDHT Racing entries to
take the start of the event. The additional five Jaguar
Heritage Racing entries includes two more C-types (XKC
018, first owned by Juan Manual Fangio, and XKC 045),
a Mk VII saloon, and both roadster and fixed-head examples of the XK 120.
Just as they did in 1952, Moss & Dewis started this year‘s Mille Miglia from beside rather than on
start ramp, as sixty years ago Moss was concerned about the danger of grounding the C-type.
Sixty years after tackling the 1952 Mille Miglia in a C-type equipped prototype disc-brake system,
Sir Stirling Moss and his co-driver, Norman Dewis,
recreated history by driving the 2012 event, now the
world‘s most prestigious regularity rally. Today,
Moss & Dewis are the oldest surviving Mille Miglia
driver/co-driver pairing. Once again, the pair were
behind the wheel of a Jaguar C-type, this car being
chassis XKC 005, the very car which, later in 1952,
Sir Stirling Moss drove to victory in a sports car race
in Reims, thereby recording the first ever competition
win for a disc-braked car.
This month is our big event of the year, the JDCHR All British Display Day, now recognised as a
premier event in the Hunter by all car clubs that attend. Thank you members who volunteered to
help Grand Marshal John McAlpine on the day. We will organise a meeting on site the weekend
before to go over the layout, what each marshal will do to make the event run smoothly again this
year, for all to enjoy the many marque cars on display. Polish up your Jags and bring them along.
We look forward to seeing everyone at future Club outings, and our Club meeting,
safe and enjoyable driving.
The HUB July 2012
Welcome: Ian welcomed members to the June General meeting
Present: 32 members
New members/visitors: Nil
Apologies: John Moremon, Graeme & Mary Cox, Kelly McInnes, Dale Franke, Denis Shanahan
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Robynne moved that the May General minutes printed in the Hub
be accepted as true. Seconded Pauline Hopkin
Business Arising: Nil
Correspondence In:
Invitation to Annual Camellia Show Tomago House 14/15 th July
New Membership Applications—Tony Bayliss of Wamberal, Matt Whitehouse of Palmdale.
Robynne moved that the Correspondence be accepted Seconded Alan Calcutt
Treasurer: Alan handed out his report to members and explained the income and expenditure
over the month and also Alan moved that his report be accepted Seconded Peter Dwyer
Social Secretary: Bill discussed the events planned and those in the calendar and handed out a
sheet with a list of upcoming events for members to fill in their names if they are planning to attend. August Mid Week Run will be to Wakefield Park.
Regalia: Pauline has regalia with her tonight for any who were interested in purchasing.
Librarian: John has some books with him.
General Business: John gave an update on the clubs attending the JDCHR All British Display
Day. Phil McLeod advised members of the dinner after the Display Day at the Newcastle Yacht
Club and asked members who were planning to attend. Peter suggested the club purchase Jaguar
Daimler Heritage Trust CD for workshop manual for Mark IV, V, VII, VIII and IX and he had heard
of a suction oil change. He was asked to put the prices to committee for approval.
Problem Corner: Discussed a few issues. Bill Whitby S Type is cold on one side and warm on the
other Peter said it would be a flap problem.
The meeting closed at 8:49pm
The HUB July 2012
As noted in the minutes of the May meeting (Page 6-7), The Committee is
seeking input from members about additional resources the Club might purchase for members‘ use on a loan basis. This might include books, manuals,
CD‘s or DVD‘s as additions to our library (maintained by Librarian John McAlpine), or workshop tools and equipment as additions to the
toolkit maintained by Steve Lilly.
Please submit your ideas through President
[email protected] by 15th June.
Our Club website includes a page called “Our Members’ Cars” where a photograph and
brief details are posted, of members’ cars. If you would like to have your car included,
please contact Webmaster Andrew Haigh on 4959 8840 or
Members and Family with birthdays in July are :
Pauline Hopkin (6th); Karen Herald (7th); Michael Shanahan (15th); Tony Herald (17th)
Keith Philp (20th); Darren Burgess (24th); Wendy Crawford (28th)
May your birthdays be filled with good health, laughter and safe driving.
The Club Committee, on behalf of all members, would like to extend a warm welcome to the
following new members:
Tony Bayliss from Wamberal—1966 3.8 S Type
Matt Whitehouse from Palmdale—1969 and 1970 E Types
We hope you enjoy your participation in the Club and we look forward to your company.
The HUB July 2012
his month started off with a cold night at the drive-in at Stockrington on
Saturday the 9th. It was a cold and wet night and Len, the proprietor, had
changed the venue to indoors. We all imagined that it would be on a TV inside the house,
but to our surprise, when we went in he had a mini theatre set up, with a projection room
behind and a large screen in front. There is a report at Page 12.
He showed the ―Italian Job‖; it was the newer version but was very entertaining. And just to get the
night right he firstly ran a couple of ads and cartoons before the main attraction, just to make you
feel that you were at the movies like in the old days.
The following Saturday was the Observation run on the Central Coast. Don Anderson had a very
picturesque route organised finishing at the Avoca Beach Hotel for lunch. On Wednesday the
20th we went on our Mid Week Run. After a slight Daimler issue, we proceeded to Karuah, purchasing a fish & chip lunch by the Karuah River.
There is a busy month coming up. On the 7th is the Aberdeen Highland Games. We are off to an
early start at 6:30 am so we can be there in time for the street parade. Saturday 14th is Christmas
in July at the Gresford pub, please email me at [email protected] if you are coming
along so I can give the cook the number he has to cater for.
Then July 28th is the JDHR ‗All British Display Day‘ on the foreshore followed by a dinner at the
Newcastle Yacht Club. Last year was a great success, we had 183 cars on display over the foreshore and a good attendance by the public, who are asked to judge the People‘s Choice from
amongst the JDCHR cars on display. The dinner afterwards is an official part of the JDCHR day.
Miss this and you will be missing out on very entertaining and friendly evening.
In August on Saturday 11th we will have a run to visit to a Lavender farm near Dungog. The
French lavender they grow flowers all year round and they have lavender products for sale. They
don‘t have any picnic facilities available, so bring your lunch and a thermos and chairs.
On Sunday 19th we have the Eastern Creek Classic where a massive gathering of classic cars is
expected. Sunday 26th is the All British Day at Kings School in Parramatta. We usually get a
good turnout to this day and it is a great day with over a million cars on display (well not quite, but
it seems so, when you try to get around for a good look). In September is the Broke Village Fair
and the Gresford Show & Shine.
I want to organise on Saturday 22nd September, a ‗Whale Watch Cruise‘ at Port Stephens. I have
contacted Moonshadow Cruises and they can offer a discounted rate for us if we book on-line, at
$40.00 per head. We have sent a reciprocal invitation to the Moree Car Club to this run, after
which we could organise breakfast at Hunter Valley Gardens for them on the Sunday. I haven't
received a reply from them yet, so these arrangements are to be confirmed.
At future monthly meetings I will be sending around a list of the upcoming events that we can add
our names to, if attending. These lists will be of assistance to the planning of events, especially
when catering or parking space numbers are required, for particular outings. The lists will be
emailed out regularly to members so any who can‘t get to the meetings can get their names
Bill Whitby
The HUB July 2012
his month the colder weather has seen me doing more reading than is
my usual in the warmer parts of the year. No swimming, walking along
the beach etc (roll on summer!), so a good opportunity to read. That
includes reading what others would refer to as ―proper literature‖, plus
whatever Jaguar reading happens to be lying around—on the coffee table, in my workshop library
(otherwise known as the ―Jagorium‖), or on the internet.
I have a good collection of Jaguar books, some of which I acquired many years ago, long before I
became a Jag owner. I recently had another look at Jaguar XJ, The Complete Companion, by
Nigel Thorley (Bayview Books, 1991), as well as Jaguar, The Engineering Story, by Jeff Daniels
(Haynes Publishing, 2004). These books, apart from making good reading after owning my Jaguars for a while, and being great reference source, remind me again how knowledgeable and prolific some of these authors are, turning out countless publications of substantial volume, while I
struggle every month to fill our little HUB.
That reminds me to mention, in case you‘ve missed it previously, that I need help to fill the HUB
with content. There are a lot of words in 60 pages, more than half of which are new each month.
My gratitude goes to members who have helped in the past. Their contributions show that most
people can write something, and of course anybody can take some digital photographs (better if
you tell me who/what‘s in them). My preference is for material in electronic form (‗word‘ format),
with photos as a separate attachment so I can manipulate them to the optimum file size for inclusion in the magazine.
You‘ll notice that Grilled has disappeared this month, after featuring 30 members over three years.
There are dozens of members still out there with no doubt interesting stories.
I‘m appealing again for contributions for this and other contributions generally, to keep the magazine fresh.
I bought a new book/magazine recently which I happened to see on the
newsagent‘s shelf—Jaguar, The Complete Story, compiled by the publishers
of Octane magazine. It‘s 260 pages of articles about Jaguar, the company,
the cars past, present and future, with excellent photography. Well worth the
$16.95 that might otherwise have been spent on alcohol!
Speaking of Jaguars of the present and future, there is plenty of good news
coming out of Jaguar Land Rover, and a few teasers are on Pages 14,15. This issue also has the
second part (starts Page 20), of Mary Cox‘s story of her recent trip with Graeme to the National
Rally in Perth (thanks Mary), and reports on recent Club events. There‘s some other items like
what lurks in the NSW Art gallery for the car person (Page 29), and a story by Ian Hissey about
member John Floyd having a ball on the racetrack, and making some big changes to his XJS
(Page 32).
I‘ve noticed with pleasure the increasing number of people and cars attending the outings conducted by the Club. The larger numbers travelling together do however, bring about a greater
need than ever before, for every car to carry a two-way radio and a map/GPS. We have had a few
―drop-outs‖ due to people losing contact with the group and not being able to re-join. An avoidable
Until next drive, happy Jaguaring!
Phil McLeod
The HUB July 2012
- a segment featuring Club
members and their cars
As forecast in recent HUBs, there are no more members available for this segment for the time
being. More volunteers needed please—Editor
A few thoughts instead....
It’s not that bad, but....
An Editor knocked at the Pearly Gates, his face was tired and cold;
He stood before the man of fate for admission to the Fold.
"What have you done?" St. Peter asked, ―to gain admission here?"
"I've been an Editor, sir," he said, as he shed a great big tear.
The Pearly Gates swung open wide as St. Peter touched the bell "Come in," he said, "and choose your harp, you've had your
share of hell.‖
What four pet animals does a woman like to have in her house? A Tiger in the bedroom, a
Mink in her closet, a Jaguar in her garage and a Jackass to pay for it all.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a
Politicians and nappies have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
The HUB July 2012
The HUB July 2012
fter a promising head count of ten cars that indicated at the May meeting, that they
would come along to the Moonlight Cinema at Stockrington, it was a disappointing roll-up
of five on the night.
Initially only three couples, Mary & Graeme Cox (X300 V12), Ailsa & Eddie Wright (X300)
and Julianne & Phil McLeod (X Type) turned up ready to have a barbeque dinner before cranking
up the drive-in movie. Fortunately, they were joined later by Andrew & Nicole Haigh who‘s Mark 2
had had a spot of battery trouble, and Bill Whitby & Kelly McInnes (S Type) who had……
Moonlight Cinema is a fully operational small scale drive-in theatre on a private property just west of Minmi, near the F3. It is
owned by Len Grant, who can only be described as a passionate
film and cinema fanatic. Having once worked for Greater Union,
Len just loves screening quality films for groups who want a different cinema experience.
Len‘s place is set up with a
covered barbeque area,
where we soon settled in
for some pre-theatre nibThe Moonlight bles and then our barbeCinema as it was qued dinner, watched over
by Len‘s enormous dog, a
Border Collie appropriately
named Bear. Security may have been required too, as the
girls got going on a real old style 6-penny poker machine— A couple of mining skips pay
with a handle even, and no buttons! Julianne raised some tribute to the area’s heritage
suspicions of a mis-spent youth, by getting the machine to
pay out in volumes of 5 cent pieces.
It‘s fair to say some of us were a little apprehensive about how cold it might be in midJune sitting in a car in a paddock in rural
Stockrington. But Mother Nature intervened
to save us from freezing! Whilst we were
prepared with blankets and scarves etc for a
cold night in the cars, it turned out that recent heavy rains had made the grassed
drive-in parking area very soggy, so the
threat was that we might get the cars in, but
not out!
Len and his Moonlight Cinema comes with a
Poker machine players—Mary Cox, Julianne
Plan B, though. As well as the drive-in →
McLeod and Ailsa Wright
The HUB July 2012
set-up, he has a fully fitted 30 seat
The cool evening sun sets over
indoor theatre, warm and dry and air
two Jaguars
conditioned! So, at Len's suggestion,
we adjourned to this cosy environment
to watch our movie, the re-made
―Italian Job‖, preceded though, by s
string of colour advertisement slides
from the ―good old days‖, and a
Looney Tunes cartoon (Daffy Duck
and Bugs Bunny), which made us all
feel like kids again. Mary Cox added
her touch of authenticity to the nostalgia with a packet of Jaffas, which she handed around.
It had been a thoroughly enjoyable night, with good company,
lots of laughs and bags of nostalgia. Thanks to Len Grant, to
Bill Whitby for the arrangements and to Mary Cox for the Jaffas.
Phil McLeod
Left: Mary & Graeme
Cox attend the barbeque with Eddie
Wright and Julianne
Julianne’s winnings
Below: Soaking up
the old-time cinema
atmosphere, from
left Graeme & Mary
Cox, Nicole & Andrew Haigh, Ailsa
Wright and Julianne
Above: At the back Andrew &
Nicole Haigh, Kelly McInnes &
Bill Whitby and in front, Eddie &
Ailsa Wright, Graeme & Mary
Cox and Julianne McLeod
The HUB July 2012
s Jaguar owners and members of JDCHR, we all no doubt love to hear good news about our
favourite car brand. I periodically get news from Jaguar Land Rover via emails, which prompts
me to go digging for further information in all sorts of nooks and crannies on the Internet. Recently good news arrived in relation to the annual JD Power Survey in the UK, which compiles
owner satisfaction data for a large number of car brands.
From a Jaguar Land Rover release on 18 June 2012:
―We are delighted to have been named 'Number 1 Manufacturer' by the JD Power Survey 2012. It
is the ultimate survey of what real buyers think about their own cars. 18,000 owners driving over
300 million miles judge their cars on appeal, quality, reliability, ownership costs and dealer service.
We're thrilled to have won and more importantly, we're thrilled that our drivers are the most satisfied
car owners in the country.
After an average of two years ownership, every aspect of driver satisfaction and vehicle ownership
was tested, from performance, design and quality to reliability, cost and economy.
With Jaguar finishing third in 2011, the 2012 result marks the culmination of steady rise in owner
satisfaction. The study was based on evaluations of nearly 18,000 vehicle owners in the United
Kingdom, making it the most comprehensive of its kind.‖
From comes this commentary:
“Best manufacturer JAGUAR:
To be a brand leader, you need more than quality
products. Every year, JD Power proves that you
also need to treat your customers with extreme
There‘s no better example than Jaguar, whose
customers this year rated its dealer network more
highly than any other. They liked Jaguar‘s clean,
comfortable waiting areas, helpful staff and streamlined servicing. XF drivers were particularly glowing
in their praise. Helpful service advisors delivering
top-notch workmanship were especially prized.
However, Jaguar may want to look at ways to bring
its costs down. Dealers have put their labour rates up significantly – and this hasn‘t gone unnoticed
by customers. The fairly high cost of service and repair helped put the brand in the bottom half of
the table, and owners weren‘t satisfied that the charges were wholly fair.
Still, Jaguar‘s hard work in knocking Lexus off the top spot is even more impressive considering
one of Jaguar‘s featured cars, the X-type, isn‘t even made any more.
With an estate XF and the Porsche 911-rivalling C-X16 set to hit showrooms later this year, plus
more metal in the pipeline, the future for Jaguar looks bright – all the more reason for the company
to keep up its customer service.‖
The HUB July 2012
More from Jaguar Land Rover:
―Jaguar announces the forthcoming F-TYPE's engine line
-up, confirming recent rumours that the new sports car
will get a 5.0 litre Supercharged V8 petrol engine. The FTYPE will also be available with a new quad-cam 3.0 litre
V6 petrol engine which is derived from Jaguar's latest 5.0 litre V8 family and shares the same
performance direct fuel injection system.‖
―Jaguar's first ever taxi is based on the latest all-aluminium long wheelbase XJ Supersport
with Sport Pack and Speed Pack options and is the latest addition to the Jaguar fleet at the
Nürburgring Nordschleife engineering test centre. The 'Nürburgring Taxi' produces 510PS
from its 5.0 litre supercharged V8 engine and has been designed so Jaguar's trained drivers
can safely take passengers on very hot laps. Finished in non-standard matt grey paint and
with the exterior Sport Pack, the vehicle is also specified with the Speed Pack, which raises
the electronically limited top speed of this XJ Supersport from 155mph to an incredible
XF Sportbrake goes Cycling
―To coincide with its launch in Geneva, our latest model proves its
sporting credentials by forming a 3year partnership with Sky Pro Cycling.
The versatile XF Sportbrake will give
invaluable support to the team during
the race season, carrying over
£100,000 of cutting-edge cycling
equipment and providing the perfect
environment from which to direct race
operations when on the road.‖
The HUB July 2012
lorious winter weather greeted members who decided to participate in the June MidWeek Run on 20th June. A variety of start points had people converging on the morning
tea spot at Finnan Park, beside Grahamstown Dam, from all directions. Ian & Jan Hissey and Peter Dwyer
Jaguars by the dam
(both in their XJ6 Series 1‘s) started
at Club Macquarie, while Bill Whitby
& Kelly McInnes (S Type) and Phil
McLeod (XJ6 Series 2) met at Fern
Bay and joined the small convoy as
it passed. After as short drive via
Williamtown, they arrived at Finnan
Park to find Harvey Birtwistle (X300
Sport) and Alan & Ruth Calcutt
(Daimler Series 3 V12) already in
place, along with Ken & Caroline Moore in their Mark V. A little later, Paul Barnett arrived in his E
Type Series 2 roadster, and the day‘s complement was complete.
The Mark V was on its first Club outing since
Ken acquired it and completed a number of commissioning improvements, and naturally was an
object of great interest as the first Mark V in the
Club in recent years.
With not too far to travel to the designated lunch
spot at Tea Gardens, morning tea was a leisurely affair, and we took our time. In the meantime a small bus carrying a load of school students pulled in for a pitstop. In due course several teenage boys wandered over to inspect the
Jaguars, and struck up a conversation with the
Ken & Caroline's Mark V undergoes some Editor and Harvey Birtwistle. It was great to see
some interest being shown by these youngsters,
The day’s group is now complete
given the typical preference in their
age group, for hot Japanese fours or
outrageously lowered utes! They were
a nice bunch of kids and restored faith
in the younger generation, if that was
required. In fact, they were from Coffs
Harbour, undertaking an Agriculture
excursion to Tocal College.
When time came to return to the road,
Alan‘s V12 refused to start.
The HUB July 2012
The combined ministrations of the assembled
Jaguar experts did not
convince it to cooperate,
so the NRMA was called.
In the end, Ian & Jan, together with Peter Dwyer
waited with the Calcutts to
see them safely on their
way home, while the remaining cars set off to the
north, having decided to
amend the lunch location
Ruth Calcutt & Bill Whitby
to Karuah riverside, given the passage of
And what a lovely tranquil riverside it now is,
with the Pacific Highway now bypassing the
town. There was no breeze, the sun shone,
the water was calm and the previously frenetic Karuah River bridge greeted only the
occasional vehicle. After take-away fish ‗n‘
chips, we hit the road again to make our various ways home.
Jaguars in Karuah
Another very nice Mid Week
Run with great company, great
cars and lovely weather. A
monthly ―must do‖ activity!
Phil McLeod
The HUB July 2012
Lunch at Karuah—from left:
Moore, Caroline
Moore (hidden),
Paul Barnett
Ken & Caroline
M o o r e ’ s
stately Mark V
stands next to
XJ6 at Karuah
Here I go again, photographing E
Types—Paul Barnett’s Series 2
roadster at Karuah, with a very
alluring glint from its rear
The HUB July 2012
02 4353 2844
4/188 Pacific Hwy Tuggerah NSW 2259
Ph: 02 4353 2844
Fax: 02 4353 2389
Email: [email protected]
The HUB July 2012
In last month‘s HUB, Graeme and Mary took us to Perth on the Indian Pacific, visited the 2012 national Jaguar Rally, and embarked on a tour of south-western Western Australia. Their story
ednesday 2nd May
Up and ready to leave motel at 8.20am, Kris and Gary left earlier so they could have
breakfast in a little café so we drove back to the Hotel so I could take a photo. A lovely
sunny morning sitting in the car with just a slight breeze. The weather has been good
so far. They caught up with us and we departed at 8.50am.
We drove past Wright Road on the Brockman Highway and arrived Augusta at 10.20am. We
headed for the Historic Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse and got photos of it without going right up to it as
it was a bit expensive. We decided to have a coffee though and it was nice sitting in the sun. I took
photos of the Southern Ocean then the Indian Ocean.
On our way again at 11.30am for the drive up Caves Road, the Southern Ocean is very beautiful
and blue. We stopped at the Jewel Cave at 11.45am and Gary did the tour while we waited. We
decided to have lunch while waiting then Gary came out. I think it had a lot of steps and Gary was
puffing a little. We left at 1.45pm.
We drove into Hamblin Bay which was very pretty what we could see then went into where the
steamship Georgette went down. We couldn‘t see anything but the notice did tell us it was near the
rocks. There were a lot of swimmers in the water surfing, so took a few photos.
We then drove onto Margaret River where we had booked
into the resort arriving at 3.00pm. After checking in Gary
drove us all to a Cookies Galore shop where we indulged
in a packet of biscuits which were very tasty then to the
CBD where we parked the car and walked either side of
the road. Then we drove over the River and parked so we
could walk and have a look. A little disappointed, we
thought it would be better than it was. On arriving back to
the Resort we then walked to the Hotel for dinner at
6.30pm before retiring for the night.
Kris, Gary and Graeme showing
Thursday 3rd May
where the Georgette went down
We were ready to
depart at 8.50am and stopped at the Shell to refuel. On our
way north we stopped at Candy Cow only to find it doesn‘t
open till 10.00am and as we were early I could only take
photos. We then went on to the Margaret River Chocolate
Factory which was yummy and decided to have hot chocolate and coffee before leaving.
We then drove to Gabriel Chocolate (which wasn‘t
The HUB July 2012
Mary and the Chocolate Company
the same) and the House of Cards (which turned
out to be a vineyard). We then went on to Dunsborough which was a big town and took photos.
On the way in we went past religious camps i.e.
Baptist, Anglican, Catholic, Legacy and more
which was fascinating. Then on to Abbey and
Broadwater. We arrived at Busselton Jetty at
11.25am and boarded the train to the other end of
jetty when we did a
tour of the under
water observatory
then we caught the
train back and had Gary and Graeme waiting for their train
lunch overlooking
the beach. Afterwards we drove to the Information Centre to find out
about Bunbury. We left at 3.00pm.
We had a great drive to Bunbury arriving at the Lighthouse Resort at
3.50pm. After checking in Kris, Gary and myself drove to the InforMary, Kris and Graeme on mation Centre to get the kilometers to Mandurah and Dwellingup so
we could plan the next couple of days. We then drove around the
the train
town taking in the sights and the size of the town which was huge.
We took lots of photos including the Rose Hotel and the Old Railway Station which is now the bus
stop and the Information Centre. Looking at the sunset was beautiful. The drive was enjoyed and
we returned to the resort where we had dinner at 6.30pm then retired for the night.
Friday 4th May
It was raining early when we packed the
car for our departure around 9.00am. We
drove to the Dolphin Discovery to go on a
cruise but on arrival they had cancelled so
we went in and looked around and of
course had a photo taken with Louie the
Dolphin and they showed us how they
Having Dinner at the Lighthouse Motel
feed an octopus. It was very interesting.
There was a beach out the front where the dolphins come to but even after calling out to ―Flipper‖
they still didn‘t come. It was still raining slightly so we left around 11.00am.
We drove up the Old Coast Road and it rained all the way taking a few photos on the way and
arriving at Mandurah 12.15pm, by now it was pouring so the umbrellas had to come out of the
boot. We parked at the Information Centre and they told us where to go for a motel which was in
the middle of the town. We also booked a cruise that would take us up the canal.
We then drove to the motel and booked in then drove back to the jetty where the cruise
The HUB July 2012
—PART 2 (cont’d)
would leave from, and had lunch. We then boarded the boat at 2.00pm and we were the only ones
on. The guy driving the boat gave us a good commentary and got the dolphins to come close so
we could get a good view of them. There was a little one too. Going further we passed beautiful
homes and the marina which had beautiful boats moored up. We were out for about an hour or
more which was great.
Afterwards we drove back to the motel, then Kris, Gary and myself went for a walk down town to
see where we could have dinner and by now the rain had eased. We decided to eat at the Irish
Pub which was just around the corner then retired for the night. This was to be our last night together.
Saturday 5th May
It poured through the night and into the
morning, I got Graeme to turn the car
around so I could pack without getting wet.
We left at 8.25am.
We were driving towards Pinjarra and onto
Dwellingup when Kris got on the 2 way
and said ―aren‘t we suppose to turn right‖ I
said ―yes, Graeme forgot to turn, that‘s a
pensioner for you‖ he only had eyes for
Waiting for
Perth. So after turning around we were
the train
then on the right road and arrived at the
Hotham Valley Station at 9.10am. As we
were early we decided to go back up the street for a coffee and returned around 10.00am. The
train was leaving at 10.30am and travelled to Etmilyn where we could get off and walk around for
about 20 minutes while the engine turned around and we could get a last photo of the 4 of us. The
train arrived back at the station at 12.20pm.
After leaving the Station we drove back to the café and had lunch. Then around 1.20pm, it was
time to say goodbye to Kris and Gary as they were going on to York for the night and returning to
Perth tomorrow for their trip home on Monday. We enjoyed their company very much and had a
great time.
We drove north and then across on Mundijong Road to the Freeway to Perth where
after going over the Swan River we went to
Kings Park via Frazer Street. The park is
magnificient, looking at the cenotaph and
the views of Perth was awesome. We could
see where we came up the Freeway from
South. No wonder everybody says to make
a visit. We then arrived back at the City Stay
Apartments for our last night in Perth. →
Overlooking Perth from Kings Park
The HUB July 2012
I sent a text to Kris advising them we had arrived and she sent one back to say they got the last
room in York. I started to repack our bags so I could sort clothes for the train and the rest could
stay in the car. We had dinner later and then retired for the night.
Sunday 6th May
All packed ready to leave the motel at 8.10am for the short drive to the Station. There were already cars lined up so the staff didn‘t muck about getting our car ready for the journey home. It
was joined by South Australian and Sydney cars.
We sat around the station till it was time to board at 11.30am departing at 11.55am in overcast
conditions. The trip back over was enjoyable talking to the other Jaguar people who attended the
Monday 7th May
We had to rise early as we were having breakfast at 7.00am. I was busy looking out the window
for ‗roos and any other wild life which were very scarce. We had our breakfast at Rawlina which
was a little place with Tony and Tricia from Tea Gardens which was great to meet so many nice
people. While sitting in the lounge talking with other Jaguar members from Adelaide as well as
other guests, we went over the border at Deakin at 10.55am.
We then arrived at Cook at 1.50pm where we were able to get off the train and look around, so we
found the pool and school. It was so dry and dusty. Back on board to leave at 2.30pm and we had
to change our watches. We had dinner with John and Jan.
Tuesday 8th May
We had to rise early as we were getting a packed breakfast delivered to our cabins at 7.00am
before the arrival in Adelaide at 7.20am. On arrival some of the guests caught the bus to do a tour
of the City while we stayed at the station. At 9.00am there was a welcoming of the new guests
coming aboard and an introduction of the staff. The train departed at 10.00am.
About an hour and a half after leaving Adelaide the staff announced we were having brake trouble
in one of the engines so we had to sit for nearly 2 hours while the electrical fault was being repaired by a technician. Finally with a shunt we were off at 2.45pm.
Wednesday 9th May
We are sitting in our cabin with
our bags all packed watching
the scenic trip through the Blue
Mountains. As it is dark when
leaving Sydney it was good to
be able to see in daylight. We
finally arrived at Central Station
at 3.05pm which should have
been 10.00am. Because the
station is small and the train →
The X300 coming off the train in Sydney
The HUB July 2012
—PART 2 (cont’d)
so long they have to take off
some of the carriages first and
we were among the first to get
off, so when we were walking
towards the car we saw John
and Jan still sitting on the train
waiting for it to pull in so we
gave them a big wave.
We got the car at 4.00pm and
drove over the Harbour Bridge
back up the Pacific Highway and
were on the Freeway at 5.00pm
for our last leg of the journey.
We had a great holiday and
enjoyed the trip on the train
even if it was running behind schedule.
Mary and Graeme
 DVD WORKSHOP MANUALS $45.95ea plus $8 Express Post
These run on XP, VISTA, WINDOWS 7 & MAC ONLY when running WINDOWS. Includes
Parts Catalogue as well as Workshop Manual for each vehicle. Does not load onto PC.
JAGUAR XK8 & XKR Sup 1997/2003 Supp
JAGUAR XJ6 Series 3 1979/1987
JAGUAR XJ12 Series 3 1979/1992
JAGUAR XJ6, XJ40 3.2 Litre 1991/1994
JAGUAR XJ6, XJ40 3.6 Litre 1987/1989
JAGUAR XJ6, XJ40 4.0 Litre 1990/1994
JAGUAR XJ12 (XJ81) 6 Litre 1993.25/1994
JAGUAR XJ 6 (X300) 3.2 Litre 1995/1997
JAGUAR XJ6 (X300) 4 Litre 1995/1997
JAGUAR XJR (X300)4 Litre S/charge 95/97
JAGUAR XJ12, X300 6 Litre 1995/1997
JAGUAR XJ8 & XJR Sup 1998/2002 Supp
JAGUAR Mk10, 420G, S-TYPE, 420 1961/70
JAGUAR XK120/140/150/150S 1948/61
JAGUAR Mk1 & 2 incl. 240/340 1956/69
JAGUAR E TYPE Series 1 & 2 1961/1970
JAGUAR E TYPE Series 3 1971/1974
JAGUAR XJS 3.6 Litre 1982/1991
JAGUAR XJS 5.3 Litre 1975/1991
JAGUAR XJS 4 Litre 1991/1995
JAGUAR XJS 6 Litre 1992/1996
JAGUAR XJ6 Series 1 & 2 1968/1979
JAGUAR XJ12 Series 1 & 2 1968/1979
*******Supplies of Workshop Manual, Parts Catalogues written & Computer DVD Relating
to Jaguar and other British Vehicles are available including Land Rover & MG.
CONTACT US on 02 4384 2975 PO BOX 3509, WAMBERAL NSW 2260.
Email: [email protected]. We accept MASTERCARD, VISA CARD, CHEQUE or PAYPAL.
The HUB July 2012
Our Spare Parts Department supplies parts
for all model Jaguars
With years of experience in supplying Jaguar
spare parts, Bob Wiseman will be able to find the
precious part you need.
A new service department and mechanical repairs workshop is now available
Ph: 02 9898 1700
Fax: 02 9898 1711
Please note our new address:
37 Antoine St Rydalmere 2116
Or see us on the web at:
The HUB July 2012
his year‘s Observation Run on Saturday 16th June threw up a few surprises, but not the
type we all expected. As it turned out, there wasn‘t too much competition in the usually
expected questions, but nevertheless some found the navigation challenging, and the
predicted showers came earlier than predicted by the forecasters (surprise, surprise!). All
of which made the safe haven of
the Avoca Beach Hotel with its
open log fire at lunchtime, a
welcome destination for those
that made it.
A fair fleet (considering the poor
weather) of six cars dutifully
made it to the F3 Caltex by
8.30am, and spent a time trying
to keep warm whilst waiting for
organiser Don Anderson to arrive. In the end, it turned out that
Done was a little delayed by a
chronometrical malfunction (his
alarm didn‘t go off). That gave
us time to await Helen‘s arrival, Early arrivals Graeme & Mary Cox, Ian Hissey, Bill Whitby
having driven from Port and Kelly McInnes fight the cold at the F3 Caltex—must get
Stephens in her Series 3 XJ6. the President some long pants!
After mutual sympathies were exchanged for the sleep-in we could have had, we set off down the
freeway, following Don‘s route instructions, headed for morning tea at Empire Bay, a part of the
Central Coast that many had
not even heard of before, let
alone visited. Don had explained that his recent encounter with the flu had prevented him from completing
his mystery questions along
the way, so we settled in to
simply enjoy the drive.
Eagerly awaited morning tea at Empire Bay
The HUB July 2012
Now Empire Bay is probably
lovely on the right day, but on
a bleak, cold and rainy day
with the public toilets overflowing and a saturated carpark, stiff upper lips in the
proper British style, were in
order. Good conversation
with plenty of laughs over
morning tea, meant that it
didn‘t matter.
After the break, Don had
plotted a course over some
very interesting and picturesque roads through
places like Killcare and
Copacabana, including a
great lookout stop at KillJaguars resting in a very wet Empire Bay carpark
care Heights with views
back towards Sydney and
Pittwater. I had certainly never travelled these places before. A circuit of Avoca Beach village had
us back on the road towards Gosford, but not far out of Avoca was our lunch stop, eagerly awaited
by many. The ―rabbits‘ warren‖ maze that is this part of the world, proved too much for some, with
Bill Whitby and Kelly having to be ―talked in‖, and Peter Dwyer recording a DNF.
Lunch was a hail and
hearty affair, after which we
headed our separate ways
home. Given the weather,
it had been an entertaining
and interesting day, and we
thank Don Anderson for his
organisation and leadership.
Phil McLeod
At Killcare Heights Lookout from left: Paul Barnett, Don Anderson, Phil McLeod, Graeme & Mary Cox, Ian & Jan Hissey, Kelly McInnes,
Bill Whitby and Peter Dwyer
Left: Some of the Jaguars
parked overlooking Avoca
Drive at the Avoca Beach
Hotel lunch venue
The HUB July 2012
Classic car repairs and servicing
Special Rates for Club members
All general automotive repairs and servicing
Land Rover and Range Rover repairs a speciality
Talk to Dennis Trigg - he can look after your pride and joy
Phone: B/H (02) 4959 2122
Fax: (02) 4959 5061 A/H: (02) 4959 2034
Email: [email protected]
The HUB July 2012
visit to the Art Gallery in Sydney is not something I normally look forward to with great
relish. Call me a philistine, but I can often only appreciate a small fraction of the artworks
displayed; but nevertheless, these visits take place a couple of times a year as I accompany Julianne, much more an art appreciator than me. She likens it to her own times at
car events where, it has to be said, she‘s there to keep me company rather than to swoon over the
A recent weekend in Sydney provided us with an opportunity to take in the Archibald exhibition,
and in the process, I discovered a car element to some other art elsewhere in the Art Gallery. Perhaps I‘ve been a bit hasty in under-rating the potential of this place!
1. “Harbinger”, oil on linen by James Moad
The reason this work caught my eye is obvious—the
pretty faithful representation of a Jaguar S Type.
From the artist: ―Harbinger is part of an ongoing
exploration of our general disconnect from both the
wellspring of our collective folklore and the natural
world. The wren in the painting is a messenger or
emissary, reminding us of a larger context beyond
our everyday, urban concerns.‖ Nothing about the S
Type, unless it‘s part of his ―everyday urban concerns‖. He must know they all leak oil!
2. Bugatti Type 35, Sculpture in
steel, aluminium, fibreglass, rubber, leather,
automotive lacquer—by James Angus, 2006
This is great—a very real looking Bugatti, except
that it‘s on its side and its shape is distorted as if it‘s
been in a crash (but no scratches to be seen!).
From the commentary: ―This immaculate car from
the 1920s designed for speed, an ultimate symbol
of the modern age and mechanical progress, can no
longer support itself upright and tips over, strangely
drawn out, its circular wheels becoming ellipses....In
part the originality of Bugatti‘s vision can be attributed to his art school training and artistic talent
before he entered into car design. Angus retrieves this immaculately engineered machine and
returns it to being art, through both replication and intervention. Angus proposes alternate perceptual models that are inherent in geometry‘s rigorous spatial logic and mathematical precision, suggesting other ways, at least in sculptural form, in which we may view the world.‖
Yeah, right. Did I admit I was a philistine?
Phil McLeod
The HUB July 2012
Sat-Sun 07-08/07/12 * JDCA Mountain Rally—Entrant or check point
* Aberdeen Highland Games—see Page 45
* Christmas in July, Beatty Hotel Gresford—see Page 46
* July Mid Week Run—see Page 47
* JDCHR Display Day & All British Day and Dinner—see Pages 48,49
* Monthly Meeting, Club Macquarie, 7.30pm
August Mid Week Run—GEAR, Wakefield Park, Goulburn see Page 50
Lavender Farm , Wallarobba
Shannons Eastern Creek Classic
All British Day, Kings School, Parramatta
Monthly Meeting, Club Macquarie, 7.30pm
Broke Village Fair
September Mid Week Run
Gresford Show ‗n‘ Shine
Whale Watching, Port Stephens
Monthly Meeting, Club Macquarie, 7.30pm
* October Mid Week Run
* Paterson Breast Cancer Breakfast
* Monthly Meeting, Singleton
* New Members‘ Breakfast, Hunter Valley Gardens
Denotes Point Score Event
Denotes Club Championship Event
The HUB July 2012
30/06-1/07/11 HSRCA Eastern Creek
21/07/12 ARDC Supersprint, Eastern Creek
G.E.A.R.—Wakefireld Park, Goulburn
Morgan Supersprint, Eastern Creek
Dubbo Swap Meet & Car Show
HSRCA Wakefield Park
Burwood Show ‗n‘ Shine, Burwood Park (Sydney) Ph 9747 2757
ARDC Supersprint, Eastern Creek
Newcastle MG Car Club Hill Climb, King Edward Park
Club Plate Vehicles are eligible to attend these events
These events do not attract Club Points
The HUB July 2012
ember John Floyd has
a passion for Jaguars,
owning a Cherry Black
1992 XJR-S, a 1987
Maroon XJS, a 1977 Sebring Red
racing XJS, and for restoration a
pair of 1970 Red XJ6 SI‘s, a
1971 white Daimler Double
Six, 1972 blue Daimler XJ6
by Ian Hissey
John’s Jaguar Workshop
complete with the visiting kangaroo
John’s XJ6 SI’s waiting transformation
plus 2 XJ6 SI fine English garden sculptures!
Back in May John invited me to join him on his
trip to race his XJS at Morgan Park, just outside
Warwick, QLD. As you know, it doesn‘t take
much to get me to a race meeting (or to race the
car!) so gladly I accepted. We loaded ―Hannibal‖
onto the trailer, packed lots of spares into the tow truck and set off.
Friday was a practice day, so early to the track, unloaded, set up our pit area, checked the car over,
and John went out for his first practice runs. We
made modifications to the car through the day,
and reduced some weight removing the A/C
compressor and donating it for a ship‘s anchor as you are aware, the early compressors were
good for that!
Over the day John improved his lap times by 13
seconds, and 18 seconds over the previous race
meeting, averaging over 100mph per lap.
Back to the motel feeling pretty good with the
day‘s efforts and for a celebratory drink and
meal, with some tall aspirations for the weekend ahead. What‘s that saying - never count your
The HUB July 2012
Saturday dawned bright to match our mood, the car fired up first kick, and all seemed ready for a
perfect day. John formed up on the grid for his event, took off like a scalded cat, was really flying,
then on lap 2, down the straight faster than he had been before, only to arrive at the fastest corner
of the circuit to discover the power steering had gone on holiday!
Exclaiming later, ―It‘s pretty dicey holding the steering wheel of a 2 tonne fire breathing monster, the
corner looming up at over 100mph and the front wheels won‘t turn, leaving you sliding in the seat on
something slippery, while watching if you can miss the tyre wall in front!‖
I inspected the power steering pump, found it wanting, and set off into Warwick looking for a replacement, only to discover on a weekend in a country town, would have been easier to find
wooden rocking horse poop. Plenty of ―we can get it in next week ...‖.
We decided discretion better part and all that, packed up our tent, and spent the weekend watching
the other competitors enjoying themselves and passing hankies to mop up our crocodile tears. →
Nostalgic tourers
The HUB July 2012
John Tupicoff's magnificent Group Na 1954 MkVII
Peter Walsh's Group Sb 1969 E Type
John Weekes’ XJ6
Bob Mackay's 1970 E Type
The E Type right amongst it
John Floyd's 1977 XJS
chased by a GTHO & Mustang
The HUB July 2012
Monday back in Gunnedah, into John‘s Jaguar
workshop, survey the car, and make some
momentous decisions. Time for a big overhaul
of all the major ancillaries!
After lifting her on the hoist, it was out with the
steering rack, out with the master cylinder and
booster, all for overhaul and out with the
power steering pump. Then out with radiator,
expansion tank, engine driven fan, water
pump, water rails, fuel regulators and A/C system (which weighed over 100kg!).
Work in progress
Removal of water pump & ancillaries
Removal of dash & excess wiring
A/C out - all up over 100kg’s!
??? What next ...
The HUB July 2012
Brett Thomas overhauled the rack, booster and master cylinder, while we also made up new water
rails, and I ordered all the new parts - aluminium radiator, Ford fans, twin electric water pumps and
their controllers, silicon hose and elbows, adjustable fuel pressure regulator, gauges and numerous
other items needed for the upgrade.
Over the next 6 weeks I made four 4 day trips up to
John‘s, to help rebuild the XJS into a lighter, more
reliable race car, a marathon effort on John‘s part to
keep going each day, spurred on by endless enthusiasm.
Aluminium radiator going in
Fitment of Ford fans
Twin electric water pumps
CW engine headers & return pipes
Instrument panel going in
Large bore exhaust with
central brake cooling duct outlets
The HUB July 2012
by Ian Hissey
Brett Thomas has moved!
120Maitland Road
NSW 2296
Telephone 02 4961 1185
The HUB July 2012
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Interesting things seen lately...
n Saturday 09th June, John Floyd and myself visited the town of Manilla, just outside
Tamworth, where they hold the Annual Manilla Machinery Fair.
the exhibits came
gliding around the
parade ring a magnificent 1928 Bentley
4 1/2 litre.
Here are some pictures.
by Ian Hissey
The HUB July 2012
have been helping a guy building a hot rod with a Jaguar V12
engine, TH700 gearbox and
Jaguar rear end. Interesting project, here are a few photos of the
car and engine bay.
Note the 3 triple throat Webers on custom
manifold with 3‖ ram tubes to each throttle
by Ian Hissey
The HUB July 2012
hen Nicole Haigh recently sent me an article from a corporate magazine, I misinterpreted it.
I have always associated Dassault with aircraft—they were the manufacturers of the
Mirage fighter used by the RAAF at Williamtown before the F/A 18 came along. So
when the article talked about a strategic partnership between Dassault and Jaguar Land Rover, I
immediately had images of Jaguars fitted
with ejector seats, afterburners and cannons firing through the grille.
I was wrong—again! Turns out there is
another Dassault—specialists in computer controlled manufacturing processes,
and it‘s this company which has teamed
up with Jaguar in making their production
lines more efficient. Here‘s the article, by
Dora Laine, from the Dassault Systemès
―Jaguar Land Rover and Dassault Systémes have signed a strategic partnership that formalizes future cooperation and collaboration between the two companies. Jaguar Land Rover
will deploy Dassault Systemès' Version 6 (116) platform and leverage the full range of its PLM
solutions to enhance innovation n and reduce development time.‖
I had to do research to find out what PLM was. Google came up with ―Periodic Limb Movements‖.
I assumed this would have something to do with drinking beer, so I got even more excited. But
then, I thought that such behaviours had been eliminated from the Jaguar production lines when
Sir John Egan cleaned up the whole mess after the deterioration under Leyland in the 80‘s. It must
mean something else.
Wikipedia then revealed:
―PLM—Product Lifecycle Management—systems help organizations in coping with the increasing complexity and engineering challenges of developing new products for the global
competitive markets. PLM should be distinguished from 'Product life cycle management
(marketing)' (PLCM).....All companies need to manage communications and information with
their customers (CRM-customer relationship management), their suppliers (SCM-supply chain
management), their resources within the enterprise (ERP-enterprise resource planning) and
their planning (SDLC-systems development life cycle).‖
Anyone else sick of acronyms yet? OK, it‘s something to do with the way the production lines will
be more efficiently managed.
More from the Dassault Systemès magazine article:
―Dassault Systemès was chosen by Jaguar Land Rover as its preferred partner in the PLM field following an 18-month evaluation period that included a full analysis of the PMTI (Process, Method,
Tools, Information) environment at Jaguar Land Rover. In addition to supplying existing system →
The HUB July 2012
programs, development engineers from Dassault Systemès' and Jaguar Land Rover will work together
on new processes and solutions that will provide the combination of simplification and specialization
required to create new generations of premium vehicles. The focus on commonality, innovation
and integration will have the dual benefit of significantly increasing efficiencies while reducing cost
by a similar margin.‖
Dassault Systémes
President and CEO
Bernard Charles
(left) and Jaguar
Land Rover CEO Dr.
Ralf Speth (right)
―Jaguar Land Rover Chief Executive Officer, Dr Ralf Speth, said: ‗We look to this association
to bring significant technical and commercial benefits to Jaguar Land Rover. Dassault Systémes will provide the processes and tools we need to more efficiently develop and create
vehicles that exceed our customers' expectations in every respect and deliver the highest
standards of quality.‘‖
Coming on the heels of Jaguar‘s terrific result in the JD Power Survey (see Page 14), these
moves to ensure the brand continues to harness high technology developments in manufacturing
bode well for its future.
Thanks to Nicole Haigh for sending in this
The F Type roadster (above), and the XJ limo
(left)—set to benefit from Jaguar Land
Rover’s strategic alliance with Dassault
The HUB July 2012
an Collett, our member from Tamworth who was featured in ―Grilled‖ in the June HUB, spoke
enthusiastically of his participation in a local motoring group, the Tamworth European and
British Classic Sports Car Enthusiasts. Shortly after providing his piece for the HUB, he
emailed an excellent collection of photographs taken at a local event, the Shannons Country
Classic, held in May this year. It looks like a great show, maybe one that we ought to consider for
the JDCHR calendar in the future. Thanks to Ian for the photos.
The HUB July 2012
The HUB July 2012
The HUB July 2012
06:15 :Rendezvous Club Macquarie
06:30 :Club Macquarie to Maitland 38 klms
07:00 :Maitland to Singleton
45 klms
07:45 Morning Tea
08:15 :Singleton to Aberdeen
60 klms
09:00 : Arrive Aberdeen
Total Distance
143 klms
The Aberdeen Highland Games incorporate a street
parade as well as an increasingly filled week of commemoration in the area, the Games have become one
of the pre-eminent celebrations of Scottish heritage in
It begins with a street parade that features 12 pipe
bands, many clan societies and various floats. The
procession moves from the main street into Jefferson
Park for the opening of the games. The day encompasses pipe band displays, tartan warriors
(strongmen), tug - o - war, egg throwing, kilted dash,
three legged race, highland dress competitions, highland and Scottish country dancing. The day concludes
with a ceilidh in the evening featuring a traditional
Haggis Address, Scottish music and dancing for all.
Throughout the day there will be fun for all the family Highland and Country Dancing, Pipe Band displays,
Strong Man events with the Tartan Warriors to enjoy
as well as tug-of-war, egg tosses, three-legged races,
and the famed Kilted Dash to participate in.
please advise Bill Whitby
By Tuesday 26th June
4964 4071
[email protected]
Come along from Club Macquarie or join us on the way
The HUB July 2012
Saturday 14th July
Club Macquarie
09:15 for a 09:30 start
Club Macquarie to Seahampton
Seahampton to Buchanan
Buchanan to Eat Maitland
Meet at Gas Works Reserve, Brisbane St
Morning Tea (bring thermos & cake)
East Maitland to Morpeth
Morpeth to Largs
Largs to Bolwarra
Bolwarra to Patterson
Paterson to Vacy to Dungog
Dungog to Gresford
Gresford — Beatty Hotel
2 course meal $22/hd
Total distance
Please confirm your attendance to
Bill Whitby by 26th June
02 4964 4071
[email protected]
The HUB July 2012
Date: Wednesday 18th of July
Start: Club Macquarie
Time: 09:45 for a 10:00 start
Club Macquarie to Toronto
Toronto to Freemans Waterhole
Freemans Waterhole to Quorrobolong 20klms
Quorrobolong to Wollombi
Morning Tea
Wollombi to Broke
Broke to Neath
Lunch @ The Neath Hotel
Cnr Cessnock Road & Northumberland St
Total distance
Come along from Club Macquarie or join us on the way
The HUB July 2012
The HUB July 2012
The HUB July 2012
Date: Wednesday 08th of Aug
Start: Caltex Servo F3
Time: 06:00 for an 06:30 start
Caltex Servo F3 to Pheasants Nest
08:30 Morning Tea
09:00 Pheasants Nest to Wakefield
10:30 Arrive Wakefield Park
Lunch facilities on site
15:00 Wakefield Park to Thornleigh
17:00 Afternoon Tea
17:30 Thornleigh to Caltex F3
Total Distance
GEAR promotes preservation of the racing and
sports cars of the golden age of Australian motor
sport, to the end of the era in the early to mid
GEAR organizes non-competitive Drive Days for the
pleasurable use and enjoyment of the cars in a safe,
regulated, affordable and social motoring environment.
This day has nominated Jaguar as marque of the day.
The HUB July 2012
GEAR (Golden Era Auto Racing)
ast year I readily seized an opportunity to accompany Ian Hissey to Wakefield Park circuit
near Goulburn, for a meeting of GEAR—Golden Era Auto Racing. I wrote about this fantastic day in the July 2011 HUB.
My memories of this day as I recorded them in that story have been lasting ones—bitter
cold, sleet, but absolute car tragic‘s heaven. The opportunity to get up close to spectacular racing
cars from the ―Golden Era‖, including our beloved C and D Type Jaguars, and to see them being
pedalled very enthusiastically around the track, is very special.
This scenario is to be repeated on Wednesday 8th August this year, and has been made our Mid
Week Run for August—see the flyer opposite.
Here‘s what the Club itself says on its website :
―MOTOR SPORT WITH A SMILE—From its inception when it was formed out of what had
been known as The Country Gentlemen's Car Club, GEAR has set out to preserve, and
see exercised the older historic racing and racing sports cars.
The emphasis is not so much on driving, than on having a good time on the track with your
mates. The format is run along the lines of a regularity event and the idea is that you drive
with your friends not against them, although if you were to stand on the mound at Wakefield Park and watch an event you would think they are driving for sheep stations, but the
truth is the prize is a bag of lollies.
At the end of the day we all get together for some light refreshments and some good food
and of course tell the most enormous tales of how you almost beat the bloke next to you.
Our current eligibility criterion is for Racing, Sports Racing and Production Sports cars to
early 1960,s. You should contact a committee member to find out if your car is eligible.
GEAR runs 6 meetings a year (check the news page for dates) and also runs The Goulburn Bowl event which commemorates the running of the first Australian GP held at what
was then the showground and now the racecourse.‖
So, the opportunity‘s here again on 8th August—see you there!
Phil McLeod
The HUB July 2012
Private advertisements will be removed after 3 months unless the
advertiser contacts the Editor and requests an extension. A fee will be charged for advertisements
placed by non-members of JDCHR.
for X300 and XJ40:
* Sagem-Lucas Gems 6 Control Unit x2
(Part No. LNA1410YB/211)
* Lucas Ignition Coil x 2 (Part No. LHE1510AB)
* Relays x 2 (Part No. LNA6706AA)
* Body Processor Unit (Part No. LNA2500AA)
* Tow bar minus tow ball
* Alternator
* Injectors x 6
* XJ Sport full set of dark timber (14 pieces)
* XJ Sport black console lid
for XJ and XJS:
* XJS 3-piece wood for dash
* XJ and XJS Tool kits in boxes $290 each
* Series II XJ header tank $80
* Series II XJ shocks $75 pair
* Series II XJ Lower grille (rare) $120
* Series II XJ Tail light lens (rare and new) $150 pair
* Assorted XJ switches (various)
Series II XJ steering wheel horn base (new) $49
Phone Greg on 0406 348 348 or Email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: ‘96 X300, Ice Blue, 235,000KLMS, good condition, all new Jag overmats, upholstery,
very well maintained, new rotors and pads, brake lines replaced. Club car.
Phone Eddie on 4937 2868 or mobile 041 043 7281
The HUB July 2012
FOR SALE: 1950 Mark V Jaguar. Going when shedded over 23 years ago.
Phone Robyn 4393 1451
FOR SALE: 1982 XJ6, auto, 2 owners, approx. 135000 kms, garaged, cream leather interior, in
good condition, no rust, no rego, $4800.00 ONO. Phone Annette 49872733
FOR SALE: Black and white NSW number plates to suit Jaguar enthusiast with new XF Jaguar
Phone Graham on
0427 869000
The HUB July 2012
SERVICE MANUALS - EARLY UP TO 1986 Jaguar XK8 Range Electrical Guide Figures
Jaguar MK VII,VIII, IX & XK120,140,150
XJS AJ16 Generic Engine Management System
Jaguar Mark VII & XK120
Jaguar Saloons MK1, MK2, 240, 340 2.4,3.4 & Saloon 2.9,3.2,3.6,4.0,6.0 Warranty Codes
JRA Quick Reference Guide
Jaguar MK1, MK2
Six Digit Warranty Code Book Vol 1 A-M
Jaguar MK2 Models 2.4,3.4,3.8
Six Digit Warranty Code Book Vol 2 N-Z
Jaguar 3.8 'E' Type Grand Touring Models
Experience in a Book - Help for the XJS Owner
Jaguar 3.8 MK 10
The XJ6 Jaguar from Bumper to Bumper
Daimler Sovereign (420)
Jaguar Daimler XJ6/XJ & Sovereign Series 1,2 Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs - National Rally
&3 2.8,3.4 & 4.2 6 Cyl
Jaguar Road Tests - Book of reprinted road tests
Jaguar Daimler XJS/XJ12/Sovereign V12
X300 Quick Reference Smash Guide
Jaguar XJ12, Daimler Double Six
Jaguar Environmental Control System - Series II
Jaguar XJS
Jaguar XJS HE Supplement to the Repair and and XJS
Operational Manual
Jaguar Road Tests - Green Folder of reprinted
road tests
Jaguar Series 3
SERVICE MANUALS MODERN 1987 (XJ40) Jaguar XJ6/12 Series 3 brochure (4 Copies)
SU Carburettor Data Sheets - Jaguar Models
AJ16 Engine Service Manual
Powertrain Automatic Transmission Service Jaguar Mark V Models
Jaguar Mark V Models (Second Copy)
ZF Automatic Transmission Service Manual
XJ6 - XJ12 Electrical Diagnostic Manual Vol- Jaguar 2.4 (MK1)
Jaguar XK150 and XK150'S' (Loose sheets no
ume 3
3.2,4.0,6.0 Sedan Predelivery Inspection Man- folder)
Daimler 2.5 Litre V8 Saloon
Jaguar MK2 3.4 & 3.8
V12 Engine Service Manual
XJ6 - XJ12 Electrical Diagnostic Manual Vol- Jaguar MK2 2.4
ume 1
Jaguar 'S' Type
Jaguar XJ6/12 X300
Jaguar 4.2 'E' Type
XK8 Diagnostics and Test Manual, AJ-V8 EnJaguar XJ6
gine, 5HP24 Transmission & XK8 Technical
Jaguar XJ6 Series Two / Daimler Sovereign SeGuide introduction
ries Two
XK8 Workshop Manual
XK8 Predelivery inspection Manual/Repair Phoenix Engineering International Ltd Jaguar E
type Parts Catalogue
Operation Times
XKs Unlimited Parts Catalogue
The HUB July 2012
XJ6 -XJ12 1995MY - Electrical Diagnostic
Manual Vol I & Vol 2
XJ Series 2 and XJS 1972-78 Environmental
Control System Manual
XJS 1995MY AJ16 Generic Engine Management System
ZF Transmissions 1994
AJ16 Engine Service Manual 1994
Powertrain transmissions 1994
Jaguar XJ6 Series 1,2 and 3 Restoration manual – Haynes
Jaguar All the Cars by Nigel Thorley
How to Power Tune Jaguar XK3.4, 3.8 and 4.2
Litre Engines by Des Hammill
Jaguars Across America
Radio Le Mans – the Video
The Great Race Bathurst 1985
Bourke to Bernie Bash 1990
History of Jaguar
V12 Engine 1994
The Jaguar XK in Australia - Elmgreen and Marque of a Legend Jaguar XJ13 Replica
Cam Timing Tool XJ40
XJ6 From Bumper to Bumper - Jim Isbell
Carburettor Vacuum Balancer
Original Jaguar E-Type by Philip Porter
Engine Oil Pressure Tester
Original Jaguar XK by Philip Porter
Front Spring Compressor - XJ
Jaguar XJ-S by Brian Long
Head Removing Tools XJ40
The Jaguar Scrapbook by Philip Porter
Imperial Dial Gauge
Jaguar Mark 1&2 Haynes Great Cars by Nigel
Timing Light
How to Power Tune XK Jaguar Engines 3.4, Valve Spring Compressor
Mandrels for pressing bushes to Rear Radius
3.8 & 4.2 litre by Des Hammill
Experience in a Book. Help for the XJS Owner Arms - IRS
Rear Hub Puller – XJ – Modified to also fit MK2
- Kirby Palm
Timing Chain Tensioner Replacement Tools XJ8
Jaguar Rebirth of a Legend by Ken Clayton
& XK8
Jaguar all the cars by Nigel Thorley
Engine Support Bracket - XJ – Supports Engine
Jaguar XK Engine by Dave Pollard
when removing front end
You & Your XJ40 by Nigel Thorley
You & Your XJS by Nigel Thorley
Jaguar Road Tests – Road & Track
Jaguar S-Type and 420 The complete story by
James Taylor
Jaguar Sports Racing and Works Competition
Cars to 1953 by Andrew Whyte
Jaguar Sports Racing and Works Competition
Cars from 1954 by Andrew Whyte
The Jaguar XKs - a Collector‘s Guide by Paul
Editor’s note: This listing of the Club‘s
library resources and tools will be
printed in full about once per quarter.
Full details can be found on the Club‘s
website at
For more information about Club tools,
please consult the Club‘s Tool Custodian Steve Lilly.
The HUB July 2012
Cap $15
Club Polo Shirt with pocket, large Leaper on back $45—Add your
name for an additional $5 .
Available in men’s & ladies’ styles, S, M, L and XL
Fleece Beanie $15
Club Scarf $15
Fleece Vest
large Leaper on back
with full length front zip $50
Jacket with Screen printed logo $75
Long Sleeved Fleece
large Leaper on back
with full length front zip $75
Rear of Jackets
Your Name embroidered on clothing $5
Leopard Print Scarf
Brown or Grey $10
All shown items are generally held in stock; shirts & jackets to order.
The HUB July 2012
Windscreen Sash $35
Windscreen Sticker $5
Metal Badge $25
Umbrella $30
Hand Towel $12
Cloth Badge $5
2 person picnic set with cooler section $30
Name Badge $12.50
(free on joining)
JDCHR Sticker $5
Stubbie Holders $7
Coffee Mug $12
The HUB July 2012
Club Key Ring $6
Taken from a foreign
student’s English
writing test paper:
"One way to stay in
good health is to
participate in pubic
You‘ll get no argument from
“Ah, not too bad. Nothing here that money
can’t fix!”
“I asked a bikie for a hand, but all he gave me
was a finger!”
For those who have a yearning to own an E Type roadster, but aren’t sure
what it's like: Next big rainstorm, wait till dark, roll down all your windows,
leave off lights & heater & wipers and go for a drive. Stop at every intersection
and throw out a twenty dollar bill. It's not exactly the same, but it's real close....
Oh, how things change!
The HUB July 2012
The HUB July 2012
The HUB July 2012