Annual report of Volunteer center in Ústí nad Labem for year 2012


Annual report of Volunteer center in Ústí nad Labem for year 2012
Mission of the Volunteer center in Ústí nad Labem
Annual report of Volunteer center in Ústí nad Labem for year 2012
The Summary of content of
Our center
Mission Volunteer center
Introduction by the President of the Board of the Association
Křesadlo 2012 (award for volunteers)
The Council of volunteer centers Northwest
The Panel of humanitarian organizations of the city of Ústí nad Labem
20 years together - education without violence against children
The European Voluntary Service
Volunteers are helping
The volunteer program of The Regional health
The volunteer service in Museum and Library
Volunteers and Ústecký ½ marathon
Management accreditation of volunteer service III.
Volunteers DANCE SHOCK
„Changes things around us“
Children´s and Young volunteers
Social services for families with children
the "Pět P" program, "Kompas" program and field social work
The Course strong parent-child strong
Tourist Group "Puštíci"
Germany-Czech Climbing Camp for Kids 2012
Keys for life
Ackonwledgement and Economy
Thanks for donations
Economy in 2012
Auditor and the distribution of funds
Identification and contact information
Civic Association Volunteer Center creates and provides professional background for volunteers and
promotes volunteering as a natural part of life.
Introduction by the President of the Board of the Association
Volunteer Center has been in existence for 13 years. Each year, surprise us with something new. This
time it was the involvement of 50 volunteers to World Championship in STREET DANCE and DISCO
DANCE, but also a partnership project "changes things around us", which enabled the sharing of good
practice with other regions and organizations. We observe a growing interest of volunteers of all ages
about the culture.
In 2012, our registered and actively participated 104 new volunteers, including 81 women and 23
men. It turned out that 33 volunteers about volunteering learned from their friends and 22 received
information from the website of North Bohemian Research Library. The youngest new volunteers in
2012 was 15 years; contrary oldest novice in the age of 72 years. Within the meetings we have gained
the cooperation of 16 students of the University of J. E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem.
Thank you to all the volunteers, colleagues and supporters for their kind cooperation and we look
forward to the challenges of 2013.
Křesadlo 2012 („The Tinderbox“)
Dobrovolnické centrum, o.s., Ústi nad Labem – předseda
Award for ordinary people who do extraordinary things
Slunečnice, o.s., Děčín
Mateřské centrum Karlovy Vary – DC Vlaštovka
Farní charita Cheb – Dobrovolnické centrum Cheb
Městský ústav sociálních služeb Jirkov
RADKA, o.s., Kadaň
Střípky, o.s., Sokolov
Diakonie ČCE – Středisko sociální pomoci Most
Dobrovolnicky program Krajské zdravotní, a.s. – odštěpné závody Děčín, Most a Ústi nad
ADRA Česká Lípa – Dobrovolnické centrum
Křesadlo should symbolized sparks of humanity and sense to giving this award is not only value the
volunteers but at the same time spread the idea of volunteering service into deepest public
awareness. In the eleventh year was awarded six prestigious awards.
Ceremony was held in 21st of March in the Museum of the City of Ústí nad Labem on the premises of
the Imperial Hall. Evening was hosted by Onřej Vodný – broadcaster of radio Evropa 2. Culture
program was enriched by choir of Jirkov´s senior ladies and performance of cannisterapie.
Regional evaluation Commission of Křesadlo 2012 had selected from 19, received nominations
from Ústecký region, six awarded
Miroslav Neumaier – Planetárium a Hvězdárna Teplice
Veronika Pagačova – Dobrovolnicke centrum, o. s.
Viera Havličkova – Ústecky Arcus – občanske sdruženi onkologickych pacientů
Kuželkáři – Domov pro osoby se zdravotním postižením Všebořice
Jan Paleček – Rodiče a děti Kadaně, o. s.
Silvia Kröhanova – Azylovy dům pro ženy a matky s dětmi v tisni Most
News of this year was award of public which vote through regional newspaper´s website where
were decided about themostlikeable volunteer of Ústecký region in year 2012
Olga Platichova – Sociálni agentura, o. s., Ústi nad Labem, 34,5 % hlasů
Jitka Kučerova – Kiwanis klub Ústi nad Labem, 29,3 % hlasů
Patronage of this year took over:
Informační centrum OSN v Praze a Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústi nad Labem.
Sessions in 2012 and main topics:
5th of April in Most – Europe Direct Most – Erasmus for all; European Year for Active Ageing
and intergenerational solidarity; Small Projects Fund Objective 3; Volunteer and Public Service
and cooperation with the labor office; readiness volunteer centers coordinate volunteers
Emergency + excursions in infant homes Ústecký Region,where operate volunteers.
27th of June in Louny – Library of the city of Louny – Volunteering in culture; Student
Volunteer Center; Volunteers at the European Championship Street Dance and Disco dance;
Volunteering in social services.
25th of Septembre in Most – Europe Direct Most - Volunteering as specified representations form of
community development - Jan Panocha; Volunteering in hospitals Ústí nad Labem and Karlovy Vary
General partner was the fifth time the company KNAUF INSULATION, s. r. o., which has long
supported the civic sector in Ústí nad Labem and Teplice.
The Panel of humanitarian organizations of tthe city of Ústí nad Labem
The Council of volunteer centers Northwest region
Mission of council is development of volunteering in Ústecký and Karlovarský region, manage a
network of partner centres of volunteering and organisations which cooperate with volunteers,
inform and motivate the public to volunteer service and systematically enhance the prestige of
volunteering and volunteers in our region.
The goal is to create mutually beneficial information and educational environment for the
development of methods of work in volunteer programs and projects.
Members of The Council of Volunteer centers in Nortwest region in year 2012:
The panel of humanitarian organizations unites organizations and institutions for civic emergency aid
and mass disasters in Ústecký region.
The first impuls of the establishment of the Panel have been the flooding in year 2002. After two
years were realized practice for explosion in Ústí nad Labem (Exploze Ústí 2004), where have been
selected organizations which are engaging in activity of Panel and they also participated in flooding
aid in year 2006.
In November 2007, have restored the meetings of workers of non-profit organizations( Spirála,
Dobrovolnické centrum, Oblastíi charita Ústi nad Labem), humanitarian organizations (ADRA, People
in Need), the Integrated Rescue system (Fire Brigade ,Emergency Medical Service ). Other meeting
was also attended by representatives of authoritiespublic administration (eg Police, Ministry of
Interior) and other non-profit organizations (Red Cross).
THANK partners, implementers of activities aimed at education without violence against children
and all supporters and sponsors.
We managed in year 2012:
• Arrange 5 panel meeting humanitarian organizations; participated eight non-profit organizations,
representatives of 8 government and 2 representatives of the local authorities, one commercial
partner and 2 guests.
• Implement the first conference Něco se děje („Something is happening“) in the Ústí Region in
cooperation with ČEZ company.
• Prepare a SWOT analysis (can be found at:
• PANEL of humanitarian organizations were classified as "other professionals" Crisis Staff of the Ústí
• It was prepare a proposal a visual identity PANEL of humanitarian organizations and issued
Bookmark with info about the Panel of humanitarian organizations.
• Rough terrain Crisis Team and Jana Majzlíková gain merit medal Ústí region for active work.
20 years together - education without violence against children
International cross-border cooperation between German, Polish and Czech organizations involved in
the implementation and popularization programs for education without violence children culminated
in 2012. The cooperation was the realization of Czech-German project of the same name, which
The European Voluntary Service (EVS)
The service is part of the European Union "Youth in Action" program, aimed to support non-formal
educational activities for people aged 18-30 years. The EVS allows participants to join the 2-12
months in volunteer projects in countries EU and in the partner countries. The aim of EVS is to
develop solidarity and tolerance among youngpeople. For those interested in more information on
EVS in volunteering centers:
In February 2012, we welcomed our volunteer from Germany Simon Herzog. For one year, helped in
joint events for children, tutoring English and German, collaborated in international projects and held
a Christmas concert for children in hospital. In October, we submitted a grant application to the
March 2013 to welcome the one year again German volunteer Dominika Fischer from Erfurt.
Refl ection of Dominik: 'I was very surprised how well-Organised my work is actually When I came It
Ústí nad Labem 1st of March 2013. I have felt very welcome and well-supported in my hosting
Organization and did not have a lot of trouble finding my way with all the tasks That Come Up During
the weekdays. I am happy that i have the chance to PARTICIPATE in a lot of different Activities and
THUS really gain new experiences That Surely be of a special value for me even later in my life. The
work here is really many-sided and the Opportunities Offered Through Which I Can Also Contribute
my own ideas are Numerous and the Means provided to actually carry out one's Own Activities are
remarkably abundant. "
We sent five Czech volunteers, namely: Jana Králová to Poland, Petra Fialová and Lucie Čápová to
Germany, Tereza Jursová to France a Pavlu Vaisharovou to Slovenia. Volunteers work in areas such as
social and culture and assist in educational activities.
• bringing together organizations and excursions to sites in border areas
Reflection of volunteer Petra:
• meetings at schools in Dresden and Ústí nad Labem
• 1 course supported a strong parent - child strong in Ústí nad Labem
• contributed to the 20 anniversary international conference, this time two days in Ústí nad Labem
• provide and distribute chronicles 20 years of cross-border cooperation
'I am in Dortmund well. I really can not complain about anything. Whether it's work, colleagues,
accommodation or language course. But it is incredible, and at the same time shame how fast it runs
... I work in international exchanges and offer various tours. Three weeks ago, I also accompanied the
group to Prague. I live in an apartment with other two volunteers from Turkey and Romania .. "
The volunteer program of The Regional health
Volunteers in hospital contribute to improving psychosocial conditions of patients. Attend the
hospital for patientswhere they talk to them, they read, they may get a small purchase and if
possible, can go with patients for a coffee or a little walk, and thus help them overcome difficult
moments and meaningful way to spend time with them. Volunteers are engaged either individually
single patient or group, or to engage in one-events. We managed to get involved as well canisterapii,
when the department visits canis trained therapist with your dog. The program involved five
hospitals: Masaryk Hospital, Teplice, Chomutov, Most, Decin. Masarykova nemocnice, Teplice,
Chomutov, Most, Děčín
Prosthetics, Department of Dermatology, Rehabilitation, Department of Anesthesiology and
Resuscitation, nursing beds, Pulmonary Department, Psychiatry, Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric
In 2012 it was 1,863 visits in which volunteers are dedicated to patients 3702 hours. For spending
time and the interest they deserve great thanks..
The volunteer service in Museum and Library
The aim of this project is to help care for the preservation of cultural heritage and assist in cultural
events in the Ústí Region.
PARTNERS three-year project:
Severočeská vědecká knihovna v Ústi nad Labem, p. o. (North Bohemian Research Library in
Ústí nad Labem)
Muzeum města Ústi nad Labem, p. o.( Museum of the City of Ústí nad Labem)
Collegium Bohemicum, o. p. s.
Dobrovolnické centrum, o. s.( Volunteer Center)
During 2012 PROGRAM actively involved 27 volunteers, WHO Involved in the following
• Preparation of thematic activities organized for visitors to the museum and library.
• Realization of readers club in the children's department of the library.
• Delivery service books from North Bohemian Research Library in Ústí nad Labem to disabled
and elderly clients.
• Preparation of programs for children and youth with a museum educator.
• Digitization of photographic materials with the curator of the museum.
• tour guides - orientation of visitors in the museum and library.
• Spreading of promotional material and help to create it.
• Completing magazines and other printed materials.
• Cooperation with the EVS volunteer.
• Help with installation of exhibitions and language translation during foreign visits.
Volunteers and Ústecký ½ marathon
On 16 September 2012, was a second year of the great running race „Volkswagen Ústecký
1/2Marathon „. The race track was inside the city centre of Ústi nad Labem, going through The
historical factory area of Spolechemie and ran through after Střekov waterfront. The competition is
attended by around 2,500 runners. The winner in the male category was Henry Kiplagat from the
Kenya with a time of 1:01:25; winner in the female category was Moges Betel from the Ethiopia with
a time of 1:11:50. Over 495 volunteers helped during the „Volkswagen Ústecký1/2Marathon „.
Cooperation with volunteers:
Event organizer tempo team prague Ltd. again requested cooperation from Volunteer Center to
cooperation in ensuring running race. Volunteer Center has been entrusted to 100 volunteers to
provide refreshments position and refresher stations on the race track, the start / finish, position flag
bearers and luggage storage for race participants.
In the relay race also involved representatives from volunteers: Tomas Pulchart, Martina Štolfová,
Michael and Andrew Jindrová Thor. They were amazing and finished seventh.
Volunteer center thanks to all the volunteers and Congratulations to all the winners.
Management accreditation of volunteer service III.
Information stands, evening ceremony, dance floor, entering results, surveillance at the entrance of a
small cleaning.
Volunteer Center cooperate with partner organizations in the Ústí region, and it especially in sending
volunteers. The Volunteer Center has with organizations "Cooperation Agreement", signed
"Authorization Coordinator volunteers "with a selected member of the organization, which is directly
dedicated to volunteers of at least one day a week. Designated coordinator is in direct and regular
contact with the coordinator of the Volunteer Center.
Thanks to the following volunteers:
In 2012 it was 5 group training for volunteers; novelty has been tested and start individual training
volunteers and coordinators passed 3 supervisor meeting.
Domov pro seniory Dobětice, p.o.
Domov pro osoby se zdravotním postižením, p.o. (Trmice, Všebořice, Hliňany)
Diakonie ČCE Litoměřice – Chráněné bydleni Klobouk
Městský ústav sociálních služeb Jirkov, p.o.
Kojenecké ústavy Ústeckého kraje, p.o
Dobrovolnické centrum, o.s.
Fokus Labe Ústi nad Labem
Centrum sociálních služeb Děčín, p.o.
Rodinné centrum Slunečník
Dětsky domov a Školní jídelna na Střekově, p.o.
Domov pro seniory Velké Březno, p.o.
YMCA v Ústi nad Labem
Domov pro seniory Podbořany, p.o.
Oblastní charita Ústi nad Labem
Občanské sdruženi Jurta
Domov pro seniory Krásné Březno, p.o.
Dagmar Cetnarová, Karolina Nováková, Michaela Chvátalová, Valerie Kážová, Karin Straková, Gabriela
Betková, Aneta Štrosová, Edita Chmelinová, David Novák, Pavel Šutič, Jaroslava Šimečková, Michal
Slačík, Jiřina Kynclová, Alena Pincová, Dana Štěpánová, Miroslava Andrlová a vedoucí Lenka Černá
Lucie Čápová, Veronika Pagáčová, Andrea Rážová, Renata Duranová, Tomáš Pulchart, Denisa
Martinková, Veronika Harantová, Lucie Stejskalová, Pavla Koukolíčková and leading Michaela
Martina Jílková, Ivana Barková, Kateřina Hájková, Veronika Černá, Jaroslav Frélich, Michaela Pillárová,
Michaela Veselá, Pavla Králová a vedoucí Iveta Strnádková, Hana Tožičková, Vendula Poštová,
Veronika Šimková, Lenka Macháčková, Kristina Petrová,Tereza Horklová, Eleonora Portná, Jakub
Strelka, Martina Hendrychová, Simon Herzog, Tomé and leading Martina Vlková
„Changes things around us“
We are changing things around us is a project that connects citizens and non-profit organizations,
who together contribute to the improvement of daily life.
"It shows that the combination of years of experience of non-profit organizations and individuals
desire for change is really the driving force of the society. Cross-linking to We dedicate more than 13
years and is pleased to see that the effort paid off, "
Jolana Turnerová says , director of the o.s. Spiralis, who unique project controls.
Volunteers DANCE SHOCK
European Championship in the dances held on June 14 to 16 at the Ice Hockey Stadium in Ústí nad
Labem. Dance group Freedom was the organizer of an international dance competition. European
Championship, which was attended by 2,200 dancers from 16 countries of Europe.
For volunteers, this event was a new challenge and a new opportunity to get volunteer experience.
47 volunteers has become an indispensable part of the competition and assist in ensuring.
Up to 400 people who want to maintain the good relations between generations, between
neighbors, who want to also speaking with authority as a partner, help the weak, to beautify their
surroundings, they just may be involved in the project. Experts from nonprofit organizations within
the project „changing things around us“ share their experiences from the volunteering, the family
club, local development and activities in the public space are interested in changing things. The
auspices ofproject „changing things around us“ gave Information Office of the United Nations in the
Czech Republic.
Where you can join the project:
PRAHA – Spiralis (
ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM – Dobrovolnické centrum (
LIBEREC - Náš kraj (
NÁCHODSKO – ČESKÁ SKALICE – Centrum rozvoje Česká Skalice
Social services for families with children (Sociálně aktivizační služby –
SAS mission of the of the Volunteer Centre is to assist in solving problems that negatively affect
the functioning of families and families that are not able to resolve themselves. These are the
families with children aged 7 to 15 years in Ústí nad Labem and the surrounding area. For its
activity, we use individual or group work with children and fieldwork with the whole family. Our
SAS consists of three basic parts: The program Five P, KOMPAS ® The program and Field Work. In
all programs we involve trained volunteers who are here the role of big friends.
Podporu (support)
Prevenci (prevention)
Péči (care)
Pomoc (help - namely children aged 8-15 years who may benefit from a valuable
relationship with another adult.)
Preventive program based on the principles mentor, buddy relationship - one adult trained
volunteers dedicated to unfavorable one child aged 7 to 15 years.
Five P helps children who have it compared to peers in something heavier.
The pair meet together 1x per week for at least 1 year, but often much longer.
The meetings talking, going on trips to the candy store, walk dogs from the shelter, sports,
and also utilize our clubhouse and play board games or something manufactured. to both
parties program helps in personal development.
The program Five P realizes Volunteer Centre 14th year and is accredited by the Ministry of
• We have dedicated to 86 involved users (out of 66 long-term programs and 20 additional
activities), who were in difficult situation.
• We offered activities on the theme of natural beauty and year followed year prevention and
intergenerational cohabitation.
• We organized five public events for children and volunteers who have been networking
opportunities for other relationships.
Let's go together to the zoo (February 3rd)
Night with Andersen (March 30 to 31)
Weekend stays in Zubrnice (June 1 to 3)
Opening of the clubhouse and started in prevention and intergenerational
cohabitation (September 25)
Christmas Party (December 17)
• Within 2 trainings we trained 22 new volunteers.
• We organized three training workshops for volunteers - a group meeting focused on personal
change with Mgr. Morvayová Petrou, Ph.D. (March 6, April 23, May 21)
• In June we organized a farewell to the volunteers before the summer.
• In November, the volunteers went on a 2-day teambuilding event to Zubrnice.
• We actively cooperated with the Department of Social Affairs of city Ústí nad Labem, Ústí
schools,Dům dětí a mládeže v Ústí nad Labem, Zubrnice municipalities and other organizations.
• We established 10 new pairs. A total we provide the necessary service 23 pairs of long-term
• Conducted 7 supervision of volunteers.
• Longtime volunteer Five P, Veronika Pagáčová, was awarded Křesadlo 2012.
• We also carried out additional activities in cooperation with Hestia, os - The program 3G (3rd
generation). The aim of the project was to support intergenerational cohabitation, promoting
solidarity and cohesion among
The most beautiful moment for volunteers (one of many):
"I was pleased that Pete started talking, we understand each other, He gained some confidence
in me, because now I can not stop him in speaking. I helped him discover the magic of the library,
in his free time he go there to read. Míra told me that now I am not just a volunteer, but also
part of his family. "
The "Pět P" (Five P) prograM
Program "Kompas"
= KOM unikace (Communication) + Pa rtnerství (Partnership) + S polupráce (Cooperation)
Přátelství (friendship)
The program KOMPAS ® meets a group of 6 children and 2 adults trained volunteers to 2-3 hours
1x per week for five months. Free time is spent according to their own ideas and interests such as
visiting new places, going on trips, sports, manufacture or deal with educational activities.
Children learn cooperation, tolerance develops communication and gaining new friends.
Volunteers have the opportunity to lead the group and test yourself and your potential.
The program is implemented by the Volunteer Center of the 9th year and is accredited by the
Volunteer Service Act of the Ministry of Interior.
• 15 young people as volunteers were dedicated to 25 children.
• there were 4 KOMPAS groups and a total of 37 meetings held
• Volunteers participated in regular supervision. We met four times.
SAMPLE from questionnaire:
What do you like most in KOMPAS? (from the perspective of a child)
,, Treasure hunt, castle Střekov, sports games, picnics, volunteers and games. "
The Course strong parent-child strong (Silní rodiče – Silné děti® = SRSD)
Motto: Because of how strong, brave and helpful, the parent is, as strong is his child.
Have you noticed any changes in children? (viewed from volunteer)
,, Those children who needed to calm calmed down, children, which in turn needed to encourage
and cheer - flourished before our eyes.
Field social work (Terénní sociální práce TSP)
License agreement with the owner of the Course Kinderschutzbund Deutscher Bundesverband eV the Volunteer Center for the Czech Republic granted in 2016.
1st Evening: Introduction to concepts courses for parents
The program (TSP) is assistance to families with children in their natural environment in solving
problems that affect their lives. Our aim is to help the family either directly or family mediate
other suitable professional service.
2nd Evening: What is really important in the upbringing?
2012 in the TSP:
4th Evening: Self-recognition / ability of expression
In total we spent 18 families during such meetings have helped in solving debt
problems and the poor economic situation of families looking for suitable housing
and employment and accompanied to the authorities, etc.
The TSP there were 12 trained volunteers who have contributed notably to help
prepare children for school.
Conducted 6 supervisory meetings with volunteers.
3rd Evening: Basic psychological needs of the child
5th Evening: Self-recognition / giving and receiving feedback
6th Evening: How I am as an educator? What is my role?
7th Evening: What would you do as a tutor in problem situations?
8th Evening: How I am as an educator - how express your feelings?
9th Evening: Expressing feelings
10th evening: What I am as an educator - how can I use power?
11th Evening: Ability to solve problems
12th Evening: What have we learned?
TUTORS in Ústi nad Labem courses:
Ing. Lenka Venclová and Mgr. Stanislav Karas
FOR THE YEARS 2010 - 2012 IN USTECKY held 12 courses SR-SD ®
Tourist Group "Puštíci"
(Within the cooperation Volunteer Centre
and the House of Children and Youth)
Tourist Nighthawks club includes about 15
children aged 7-18 years who their leaders
during a trip had walked many miles, and in nice weather, but in winter, in rain, in snow or in
mud. In addition to stepping into the hills and the countryside of the Czech Central Mountains
and the Krušné Mountains, the children learned some interesting information about the animal
life, of our city, or various anniversaries. They learn to tolerate each other and help each other. It
turned out that some trips are so popular that they can be repeated every year, such as a trip to
Kalvárie or Christmas party, where the group slept in the tourist base of House Children and
Youth in Vaňov.
Germany-Czech Climbing Camp for Kids 2012
3rd - 10th August 2012, in cooperation with the German organization Deutscher
Kinderschutzbund (DKSB) Radebeul eV organized the first German - Czech climbing camp for kids
in Czech - Saské Švýcarsko.
Camp was attended by 10 children, one head and two volunteers from the Czech side and the
same number also on the German side. Transportation back and forth to ensure the train. the
schedule was focused on experiential learning with an emphasis on the outdoors, climbing,
Group and creative activities aimed at mutual knowledge and understanding between the two
cultures and learn the basic vocabulary in a foreign language.
Implemented activities:
And all Nighthawks have seen and learned? For example, covered by snow the Buková hora,
ruins of the castle Blansko,the Komáří vížka (hill), Milešovka(hill) in uncomfortably hot, the
Vysoká Ostrá (hill). In addition to firsthand see that it does not good to underestimate the size of
snacks and wear an unnecessary burden in the form of pencil box, books or basket for
mushrooms. In the summer, held weekly suburban equivalent of the camp, which participated in
some children outside the club. Here children experienced very adventurous moments and
showed courage not only to brave the trail through the woods at night, but even then the
disturbance of their Sleep - grunting of wild pigs. In addition, the Nighthawks involved in the
project Keys for Life, My Town - Ústí nad Labem. So a little play the role of designers and in
collaboration with visual studio interior design at the School of Art and Design of University Jana
Ecangelisty Purkyně proposed a new form of street furniture including various hiding places and
climbing frames for children. The result was a booklet presented at the opening ceremony.
Games for familiarization
Introduction of national delicacies
A trip to Bastei
learn the basic vocabulary in a foreign language
Rock Climbing
Visit Köninigstein a climbing rope center
Visit of swimming pool
Keys for life
In the period September 2011 to June 2012, we implemented a training program in the field of
Education for volunteering in the project Keys for life.
The aim of the educational program called Kompas gives children the right direction was the informal
education of children and youth volunteerism and awareness of its importance to society and the
individual through a leisure club. Content of joint meetings were organized in order to develop skills
of the participants and their ability to work in a group. Volunteers to children showed new ways of
spending free time. Within the club were volunteers example, a model and friend.
In 2012 it was the following activities:
• Zoo, Night with Andersen, weekend trip, business meetings of Project Team of the Volunteer
• Implementation of the two clubs.
Sponsors, partners and supporters of the Volunteer Centre in Ústí nad
wholeheartedly thank you for your unselfish cooperation in 2012 for the help, support and interest
that we have received from you.
BVM Audit, s. r. o. & Consult
Centrum sociálních služeb Děčin, p. o.
Collegium Bohemicum, o. p. s.
Česká národni agentura MLÁDEŽ
Česko německý fond budoucnosti
Český rozhlas Sever
ČEZ Distribuce, a. s.
Činoherní divadlo města Ústi nad Labem, o. p. s.
Člověk v tísni, o.p.s.
Deníky Bohemia
Deutscher Kinderschutzbund Landesverband
Sachsen e.V.
Dětský domov na Střekově a Severní Terasa
Diakonie ČCE – SKP v Litoměřicích
Domov pro seniory Dobětice, p. o.
Domov pro seniory Podbořany, p. o.
Domov pro seniory Velké Březno, p. o.
Domov pro seniory Krasné Březno, p.o.
Domov pro osoby se zdravotním postižením
Ústi nad Labem, p. o.
Dům dětí a mládeže Ústi nad Labem, p. o.
Euroregion Elbe-Labe
Evropské dobrovolnické centrum CEV
Externí spolupracovníci
Fokus Labe – Sdruženi pro péči o duševně
HESTIA, o. s. – Národni dobrovolnické centrum
Individuální dárci
Kojenecké ústavy Ústeckeho kraje, p. o.
Komitet ochrony praw dziecka
Krajská zdravotní, a.s. s 5 odštěpnými zavody
Lesy ČR, s. p.
Městské služby Ústi nad Labem, p. o.
Městské obvody Ústi nad Labem
Městský ústav sociálních služeb Jirkov, p. o.
Ministerstvo vnitra ČR
Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí ČR
Ministerstvo školstvi, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR
Muzeum města Ústi nad Labem
Oblastni charita Ústi nad Labem
Odbor sociálních věcí – OSP, OSPOD
Obec Zubrnice
PANEL humanitárnich organizací města Ústi
nad Labem
PROTEBE live, o.s.
Rodinné centrum Slunečník, o. s.
Rudorfer CZ, s.r.o.
RWE GasNet
Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Severočeská vědecká knihovna Ústi nad Labem
Sitel, spol. s r.o.
SPIRALA, o. s.
Statutárni město Ústi nad Labem
Střední školy v Ústeckem kraji
Škola obnovy venkova, o. p. s.
Taneční skupina FREEDOM
TBG Plzeň Transbeton, s.r.o.
Tempo team prague, s. r. o.
Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně
Úřad prace ČR – Ústi nad Labem
Ústecky kraj
Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna
YMCA v Ústi nad Labem
Zdravé město Ústi nad Labem
soukromé zdroje 13%
prostředky EU 24%
vlastní zdroje a prostředky 11%
samospráva 13%
státní správa 39%
The General Assembly
Phone / fax: 00420 475 216 684
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Mgr. Lenka Černá, Jana Beranová, Mgr. Kamila Staňková, Mgr. Josef Kubát, Mgr. Lucie Jandová,
Marcela Poláčková, Mgr. Jiřina Gasserová, Mgr. Jan Odvárka, Denisa Kudelová, Mgr. Lukáš Vavřina,
Mgr. Gabriela Betková, Ing. Pavel Švihlík, Mgr. Jan Pácha, Mgr. Jana Komínová, Hana Houšková, Ing.
Jan Rýznar.
ID: 70225842
Bank: ČSOB, as, office Ústí nad Labem
The composition of the Board of the Association
Account number: 161336496/0300
Mgr. Lenka Černá - předsedkyně, Mgr. Kamila Staňková - místopředsedkyně, Mgr. Lukáš Vavřina Člen.
MEMBERSHIP Volunteer Centre O.S.:
The composition of the Audit Committee
Ing. Pavel Švihlík - Člen předseda, Ing. Gabriela Betková - členka, Ing. Jan Rýznar - Člen.
Personnel composition in 2012
Mgr. Lenka Černá, Mgr. Michaela Svojanovská, Mgr. Martina Vlková, Ing. Petr Marek, Iveta
Strnádková, Mgr. Jiřina Gasserová, Jaroslava Šimečková, Kateřina Kopecká, Michaela Pillárová.
The external collaborators
Mgr. Ivana Vlčková, Mgr. Petra Morvayová, Ph.D., Mgr. Stanislav Karas, PhDr. Jiří Tošner, Mgr.
Monika Moravcová, Mgr. Petr Konečný, Ing. Lenka Venclová, Mgr. Josef Kočí.
Mgr. Stanislav Řehola
BVM Audit & Consult
Jiřina Mašková
Mgr. Jarmila Čierná
Mgr. Lukáš Svojanovský
Volunteer Center, O.S.
Registration: 3rd 11th 1999 by the Ministry of the Interior, VS/1-1/41 751/99/R
Scope: Ústí nad Labem, Ústi nad Labem and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Registered office and address: Prokopa Diviše 1605/5, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem
KOALICE dobrovolnických iniciativ ČR
Krajská rada humanitárních organizací Ústeckého kraje
Asociace nestátních neziskových organizací Ústeckého kraje
RADA dobrovolnických center regionu Severozápad
PANEL humanitárních organizací Ústeckého kraje
Koordinační skupina za oblast sociálních pomocí a péče o děti, mládež a rodinu
Evropský rok dobrovolnictví 2011