Aon/Albert G. Ruben Insurance Servic es, Inc .


Aon/Albert G. Ruben Insurance Servic es, Inc .
Ao n/ Alb e rt G . Rub e n Insura nc e
Se rvic e s, Inc .
Use r G uid e for Rub e n O nline Form s
Rev. 09/30/2011
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Table of Contents
User Profile .........................................................................................................................3
Forgot User Name/Password .........................................................................................8
Change Password ...........................................................................................................9
Declaration Forms
Agency Users, Production Companies .................................10
Create a new Declaration ...........................................................................................11
Rework a Declaration ...................................................................................................16
Cancel a Declaration ...................................................................................................16
Adding an Attachment to a Declaration .................................................................17
Viewing Declaration Attachments .............................................................................20
Completing the Special Coverages Questionnaire ................................................20
Creating a coverage survey .......................................................................................21
Claims ..............................................................................................................................26
Create a New Claim .....................................................................................................26
Adding an Attachment to your claim .......................................................................37
View existing claims .......................................................................................................41
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Welcome to the Ruben Online Forms application! In this document you will find all the
information you need to successfully create your user profile, create and submit a
declaration form with special coverage questionnaires and surveys, as well as submit
First Notice of Claim information for your declaration form.
1. User Profile
When you first log into www., you will see the homepage with the
Login button at the upper right hand corner of the page:
Click on the button and you will be presented with a login screen.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
If you are a first-time
first time to the Ruben Online Forms application, select New User? Register
You will be presented with the User Profile screen. All required fields are indicated by a
red asterisk to the left of the label.
The first section is the User ID Information.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
These are the credentials you will use to log onto the system going forward. You may
choose your own user name and password. Enter an easy-to-remember
remember user name,
between 5 and 30 characters long. Use alphabetical characters only.
Then enter your password. It needs to be between 5 and 15 characters long. In order
to c rea te a stro ng p a ssw o rd , use a c o m b ina tio n o f b o th up p er a nd lo w er case letters,
numbers, and special characters such as %, $ or &.
Enter the p a ssw o rd a g a in in the Co nfirm Pa ssw o rd b o x. The website will inform you if
they do not match, and you will have to re
enter your password until both of them
The website w ill eva lua te the streng th o f the p a ssw o rd yo u ve entered :
The next section contains User Details.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
The last section pertains to the organization you work for.
Select the Type of Company you work for from the drop-down
drop down list.
Next, enter your Co
mpany Name.
Your company address information:
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Fina lly c o m p lete the req uired field What entity are you doing a production fo r? This is
the company (or companies) that has engaged your company to provide some sort of
p ro d uc tio n w o rk. It s im p o rta nt to
t o keep this information up-to-date.
date. If your company
ha s b een hired b y a new c o m p a ny a fter yo u ve a lrea d y c o m p le ted yo ur user p ro file ,
please return here when you log back in and update this field, so we can make sure
you have the appropriate access to all
all the forms you will need.
Onc e yo u ve c o m p leted the fo rm , inc lud ing a ll the req uired field s, yo u m a y c lic k o n the
Reg ister b utto n a t the b o tto m o f the p a g e :
The website will return a Success! m essage.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
The website will notify an Aon Administrator that you have completed your ne
w user
profile. Once the Aon Administrator has reviewed your information, they will approve
your credentials. The website will send you an email confirmation of approval, along
with a copy of this user guide for
for your
The next time you access the website, log in with your user name and password, and
you can begin using Ruben Online Forms!
Forgot User Name/Password
If you forget your user name or password, you can request either or both from the
website login page:
Click on the wording (as highlighted) and you will be taken to the next screen:
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
If you have forgotten your password, you will be prompted to enter your User Name
and click the Reset Password button:
The website will inform you that
that your password has been reset, and that an email is
waiting for you in your inbox.
[Eileen provide snapshot when available]
If you have forgotten your User Name, you will be prompted to enter your email
address. The website will send you an email with your user name to the address you
provided in your user profile
profile,, when you press the Submit button.
Change Password
You may also change your password at any time by clicking on the wording (as
hig hlig hted ) Cha ng e Pa ssw o rd :
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Fill in all of the informati
o n o n the sc reen, a nd c lic k o n Cha ng e Pa ssw o rd .
2. Declaration Forms
Agency Users, Production Companies
Depending on who you are doing work for, you may be responsible for filling out the
declaration form, which provides Aon/Albert G Ruben details about
about your production.
Onc e yo u ve a uthentic a ted into the system , yo u w ill b e ta ken to the Dec la ra tio n
Dashboard, which looks something like this:
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
You may see one or more entries in the Assured drop down, depending if your
company does productions for one or
or more Assureds.
Create a new Declaration
To c rea te a new Dec la ra tio n, c lic k o n the Dec la ra tion m enu a nd selec t Crea te
Dec la ra tion .
If your company does business with more than one Assured, you will be prompted to
selec t fo r w hic h Assure d yo u d like to
t o create the declaration:
Select one, and the appropriate blank declaration form will open up. If your company
only does business with one Assured, you will be taken straight to the blank declaration
IMPORTANT NOTE: Declaration forms for Assureds may be different, so it is important you
select the correct Assured!
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
At the top, you will see the Assured for which this production is being done, as well as
the company you belong to. This information is non-editable
non editable on this page. If this
information is not accurate, and you no longer work for the Agency/Network/Division as
displayed, you should go immediately to your User Profile and provide your current
company information. It is critical that your User Profile information is kept up
The first
first fields
You You
may overwrite them if you wish to provide different contact information for this
particular production. Again, if the information that is pulled in automatically is no
accurate, please go to your User Profile to update the information.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
All required fields are indicated by a red asterisk * beside the label. You may leave
them blank and save the record at any time, and as many times as you like, as a draft
by clicking on
on the Sa ve a s Dra ft b utto n a t the b otto m o f the sc reen. Ho w ever, w hen
you submit the declaration, all of the required fields must be completed.
When filling o ut the Ad vertiser , Na m e o f Pro d uc tio n Co m p a ny/ Pho to g ra p her o r a ny
other field that has a ma
gnifying glass icon
to see a list from which to choose.
beside it, you should click on the icon
Sample screen:
Clic k o n the Sea rc h b utto n to see a ny re c o rd s tha t b eg in w ith the w o rd Merc e d es :
Clicking on one of the results in the list will fill in the field in the Declaration screen.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
When yo u c lic k o n the m a g nifying g la ss ic o n b esid e Na m e o f Pro d uc tion Co m p a ny
or any company-related,
company related, you will have the option of searching for an existing company
(which we ask you to do first), or entering a new company.
Like the p revio us exa m p le , typ ing in a va lue a nd c lic king the Sea rc h b utto n w ill return
a list of matching values, if they exist:
Clicking on one of them will fill not only the name of the production company in this
example, but also the pr
o d uc tio n c o m p a ny s a d d ress.
If you
you are
are looking
for is not
not in our
d a ta b a se , yo u c a n c ho o se to a d d a new o ne b y c lic king o n New instea d o f
Existing a t the to p o f the Asso c ia tio n Deta ils sc reen.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
The screen will
will refresh and display address fields that you may fill in. Once you are
d o ne , c lic k o n the Assig n b utton. The d a ta no w a p p ea rs o n the Dec la ra tion sc reen:
When your declaration is processed by Aon, this company will be added to the
database and will be available in the future.
If this is a n a g enc y/ a d vertiser d ec la ra tio n, c lic k o n Yes a nd a d d itio na l b ud g et field s
will appear for you to complete. All of the budget items will be automatically totaled
o n the Pro d uc tio n Cost line. Ma rkup w ill b e sub tracted from the budget.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
The Production Company contact information is very important to the declaration.
When your declaration has been approved by Aon/Albert G Ruben, an email will
automatically be sent to the production contact specified here, instructing them to
complete the special coverages questionnaire and any applicable surveys.
Once you are satisfied that the declaration form is complete and accurate, click on
the Sub m it b utto n a t the b ottom o f the p a g e . Ao n/ Alb ert G Rub en w ill a uto m a tic a lly
be notified of your submission and will review your declaration form.
Rework a Declaration
If you or an Aon user d ec id es tha t so m ething o n the d ec la ra tio n fo rm in Sub m it sta tus
needs to be changed, the Aon user can return the declaration form to you by
c ha ng ing the sta tus o f the fo rm to Rew o rk . This is the sa m e a s ha ving the fo rm in
Dra ft sta tus, w hic h w iill
ll allow you to make the required changes. Once they have
b een c o m p leted , yo u c a n c lic k o n the Sub m it b utton o nc e a g a in.
Onc e a d e c la ra tio n fo rm ha s b een Ap p ro ved ho w ever, rew o rking the fo rm is no
longer possible.
Cancel a Declaration
You can request tha t a d ec la ra tio n b e c a nc elled . When yo u p re ss the Ca nc el
button at the bottom of the screen, you will be presented with a dialog box. Please
enter a c o m m ent a nd c lic k o n Sub m it .
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Yo u w ill rec eive a c o nfirm a tio n tha t the d ec la ra tio n is no w in Ca nc elled Pend ing
An Aon representative will review the declaration and either approve or deny the
cancellation request.
Adding an Attachment to a Declaration
On the b otto m o f the d ec la ra tio n sc reen, yo u w ill see a b utto n c a lled Ad d
Atta c hment .
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Clic king o n Ad d Atta c hm ent ta kes yo u to the fo llo w ing sc reen:
Clic k o n the Bro w se b utto n, a nd the File Up lo a d sc re en w ill a p p ea r. Na vig a te to the
file yo u w ish to up lo a d , a nd c lic k o n Op en . The file na m e w ill a p p ea r in the
Attachment screen
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Click on the Category drop
down and select a category which best fits the
attachment you are uploading. Add a description, which is required. Then click on the
Up lo a d to c o m p lete the p ro c ess.
e yo
u ve rec
eived a suc
c ess m
essa g e , yo
u ccan
a n up
lo a d a nother document, or you
can close the screen and return to the declaration screen.
You can tell on the declaration dashboard which attachments have been uploaded
they are indicated by this symbol:
. Attachments which are required but have not
yet been uploaded are indicated by this symbol:
. Finally, not all clients require all
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
types of attachments. If you see this symbol
necessary for the production.
it means that no attachment is
You also have the option to upload other types of documents as needed, which can
b e c a teg o rized a s Other . These w ill a p p ea r in the a tta c hm ents list; ho w ever, they w ill
not appear on the declaration dashboard.
Viewing Declaration Attachments
If your role allows you to view the Declaration records, you can see a list of all the
attachments for a declaration by opening the declaration record, scrolling to the
b o tto m o f the p a g e a nd c lic king o n View Atta c hm ents .
To o p en the a tta c hm ents, c lic k o n Do w nlo a d a nd o p en the a tta c hm ent.
Completing the Special Coverages
Coverages Questionnaire
Once a declaration form has been submitted, the production company can proceed
by answering the Special Coverages Questionnaire.
If the production company contact is the user who has created the declaration form,
they can re-open
re open the decl
aration and click on
IF the production company contact is not the user who has created the declaration
form, they will be taken directly to the Special Coverages screen.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Every c o vera g e m ust b e c o m p leted b y sele c ting either Yes o r No . If yo u d ec line a
coverage now, you may request it later.
Onc e c o m p leted , c lic k o n the Sub m it b utto n.
Creating a coverage survey
In the exa m p le a b o ve , Stunts w a s the o nly sp e c ia l c o vera g e selec ted . The user m a y
now complete the next step, which is to complete the Stunts survey. Click on the
Crea te b utto n fo r Stunts .
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
You may save the survey at any time as draft. All required fields must be completed
before you may submit the form.
You also have the option of seeing the survey in a step-by-step
step format. Click on the
Sho w Survey b utto n a t the to p o f the sc reen b efo re yo u b eg in filling o ut the fo rm . The
screen will now look like this:
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Each step will be presented in a new screen, and you can navigate back and forward
thro ug h the sc reens w ith the Ba c k a nd Next b utto ns.
To return to the sc reen w ith a ll o f the step s o n the sa m e p a g e , c lic k o n Sho w All .
Some surveys, including this example, allow you to create multiple entries for a
particular subject. In this case, you can list as many stunts as needed by
by clicking on the
Ad d b utto n you will see another set of fields to complete for each stunt.
Some surveys require you to upload supporting documentation.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
You may upload a copy of the Railroad contractual agreement required in the above
exa m p le b y c lic king on Ad d . When the Atta c hm ent sc reen a p p ea rs, c lic k o n
w se to sho
w the File Up
lo a d sc reen. Na
vig a te to w
here yo
u ha
ve the Ra
ilro a d
contractual agreem
e nt o
n yo
ur c o
m p uter, selec t the file a
nd c lic k o
n Op
en .
Clic k on
o n Attac
Atta c h on
o n the Attac
Atta c hment
hm ent sc reen, and
a nd your
yo ur file will
w ill appear
a p p ea r underneath
und ernea th the
You may delete the attachment by clicking on the icon to the right of the file name, or
you may continue
continue to add additional documents, if multiple documents are required.
When you have completed the survey, either submitting it or saving it as a draft, the
application will close the survey and you will see this screen:
This sho w s tha t I ha ve o ne St
unts survey in d ra ft sta tus. I c a n either d elete it o r ed it it
To return to the m
a in surveys sc re
en, c lic k o
n the Clo
se b
utto n a
att the to
p rig
ht hand
If I nee d to return to the Stunts survey fro m the m a in surveys sc ree n, I c a n c lic k o n
View . I c a
lso see tha
thatt I ha
ve o
ne survey in Dra
ft sta
tus, a
nd zero surveys in
Submitted status.
I can submit multiple surveys for any line of coverage, for example, if I have additional
shooting days or I wish to amend what I had previously submitted.
Submitted surveys
can no longer be edited by any user.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
By c lic king o n the Ad d b utto n next to Covera g es Unselec ted , I c a n a d d them to the
Co vera g es Ad d ed list, a nd p ro c eed b y c o m p leting the surveys a s instruc ted a b o ve.
In the exa m p le b elo w , I ve a d d ed the Ra ilro a d c o vera g e req uest.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
3. Claims
In order to submit a claim, a Declaration
Declaration form must be in either approved, confirmed or
finalized status.
Create a New Claim
From the Declaration dashboard, locate the appropriate Declaration form:
In the third column, und er the Cla im s header
header,, c lic k o n the Crea te link. The
application will open a new Claims record:
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
The top three fields set the context from the Declaration form they are not editable. If
this is not the correct production, c lic k Clo se a t the b o tto m o f the sc reen, return to
the Declaration Dashboard, and locate the correct Declaration form.
The first 4 required fields (required fields are indicated by a red asterisk to the left of the
label) provide necessary contact information
information regarding the claim.
If yo u a re sub m itting a c la im tha t invo lves a uto s in a ny w a y, yo u sho uld selec t Cla im
Invo lving Auto (s) a s the Typ e o f Cla im . Otherw ise , sele c t Other .
Da te o f Lo ss sho uld b e the d a te the c la im o c c urred .
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
If your claim o c c urre d o utsid e the USA, selec t No n US Sta te in the Sta te d ro p d o w n.
Plea se b e a s d esc rip tive a s p o ssib le in the Co m p lete Desc rip tio n o f lo ss field .
Clic k o n the Next b utto n to p ro c ee d to the next sc reen. Yo u m a y a lso c lic k o n Sa ve
a s Dra ft a t any time, and as many times as you wish.
If yo u selec ted Cla im invo lving a uto (s) , the next sc reen a p p ea rs:
If yo u selec t No , yo u m a y p ro c eed to the next sc reen. You may also navigate back
to the previous screen (if applicable) at any time. If you selec t Yes , m o re q uestions
will appear for you to fill in:
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Clic k o n Next to p roc eed to the next sc reen.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
If yo u selec t No , yo u m a y p ro c eed to the next sc reen. Yo u m a y a lso na vig a te b a c k
to the previous screen (if applicable) at any time. If yo
yo u selec t Yes , m o re q uestions
will appear for you to fill in:
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Clic k o n Next to p roc eed to the next sc reen.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
If yo u selec t No , yo u m a y p ro c eed to the next sc reen. Yo u m a y a lso na vig a te b a c k
to the previous screen (if applicable) at any time. If
If yo u selec t Yes , m o re q uestions
will appear for you to fill in:
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
If yo u c ho o se Yes fo r the Is the reg istered o w ner o f the vehic le d ifferent tha n the
d river? , a d d itio na l q uestions w ill a p p ea r fo r yo u to fill in.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Continue completing the form:
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Clic k o n Next to p roc eed to the next sc reen.
This is the fina l sc reen. If yo u sele c t Yes , m o re q uestions w ill a p p ea r fo r yo u to fill in:
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
At this p oint, yo
u m a y c lic k o
n Sa ve a s Dra ft if yo
u a re no
nott rea d y to sub m it the c la im ,
or if all the required fields have not been completed. You may navigate back to the
o ther p a g es. Yo u m a y a lso c ho o se to c lic k on Sub m it , w hic h w ill send the fo rm to
Aon personnel for review. The Submit button is loca ted on the la st pa ge of the cla ims
NOTE: Once the first notice of claim has been submitted, you will only be able to view
the claim you will not be able to edit any of the information.
If yo u c lic k o n Sa ve a s Dra ft , yo u w ill b e ta ken to the first p a g e o f the c la im fo rm :
[Eileen insert screenshot
screenshot when available]
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
You have a number of choices at this point:
You may navigate through all of the pages, editing the information as you wish
Yo u m a y d elete the c la im rec o rd b y c lic king o n Delete
You may add an attachment to the claim, such as a police
police report, to the claim
rec o rd b y c lic king o n Ad d Atta c hm ent
If any attachments exist, you may view them from this screen by clicking on
View Atta c hm ent
You may submit the claim record to Aon.
Adding an Attachment to your claim
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
When yo u c lic k o n Ad d Atta c hm
ent , the w
eb site w
ill d isp la y the fo
llo w ing sc reen:
Clic k on
o n the Browse
Bro w se b utton
utto n to na vigate
vig a te to the d oc
o c ument
um ent you
yo u wish
w ish to atta
a tta c h to the
claim. This can be a Word document, a .pdf, a scan of the police report or a picture of
the damage to the ve
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Clic k o n Op en to selec t the d o c um ent. When yo u a re d irec ted b a c k to the first
screen, complete the description field for easy reference:
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Clic k o n Up lo a d , then Clo se .
If you
open open
the claim
form and c lic k o n View
Atta c hm ents .
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
Clic k o n Do w nlo a d to view the a tta c hm ent.
View existing claims
and find
the declaration
form to which
form to
thewhich the
claim is associated.
Ruben Online Forms User Guide
If there is only one claim associated with
with the d ec la ra tion, c lic king o n the num b er 1 w ill
take you directly into the claim record.
If there is more than one claim, click on the number and you will be taken to a list of all
of the claims associated with that declaration.
Click on any of the claim numbers on the far left to open up the claim document.