The Empire
The Empire
Rive rT Goranitch Chebokov C f o l a a w e s S ans Da Reavaz Goblins Northern Oblas t Pradeshynya Gr ov Crags o f Sh arg un od W Praag Dagnyper o od Yvegka Ki Vitzy Neue Emskrank River S ch a um fl Barwedel River T a Ravenstein Arschel Biberdorf Maselhof Wissenburg Wurstheim Siegenhausen in r Upper Reik te ey Dachbach Dotternbach Volsbach ss l ep De he Fluorn The Cairn Pine Crags Castle Tarrard Grung Gandaz Oak of Ages Cairn Cairn W ood W Karak Ziflin G C d n ra Th me re d n nd Steingart Taal’s Fangs Spalt Hocheleben be orn W Icy s Pas ind ne Karak Hirn Tierhugel Mine Grung Byrn m ss Pa Khazid Grentaz Grung Agrilebaz Necksnappaz Orcs Th i nhe Bre rH el Rive op Steuben Marburg erl od e H Lost Mine of Khazid Aldum il e Misty Woo d South Stir Pfaffbach Regakhof Tangled Woo d Rattenburg House Drakenhof Ruins of Castle Drakenhof Warten Downs k ar M oo r The Red Abbey n i s a t n u o Nachtschlosse l Blue Reach Geographical Features Lost Hold of Karak Varn Forest a l B Swamp & Marsh Buch Rivers and Lakes Coastline Town or City Major Roadway k Fir Cobbled and wide enough for two or more carts Well maintained and travelled e Pass M k c a l B Large City Reserved for the centers of nations and kingdoms, these are economic and military juggernauts. Some of the most famous buildings and people hail from these vast urban centers. If there is service to be had or goods to be bought, it probably can be found here. Manned by large professional army garrisons and huge militias and town guard, rarely are these settlements in any danger from threat save invasion by a huge professional army. Mountains and Hills Roads & Trails Blac Settlements 100,000 - 500,000 households Dorfbach 200 - 99,999 households Large towns are usually positioned on a lucrative trade route or in a spot of great fertile land. They boast many merchants, goods, and services. A wooden wall at minimum surrounds them and many have permanent stone walls protecting them. Their guard units tend to be well equipped and decently trained and range from 300 upwards to 1,000 individuals. Some of the largest settlements in the Old World are of city size. These settlements are economic centers where vast amounts of services, merchants, and goods can usually be found. Professional military regiments as well as huge units of city guard always garrison these urban centers and large defensive fortifications such as stone walls with many towers and artillery tend to protect these settlements. Minor Roadway u o Th er H Riv ass on rS Rive th P Fallberg Hundham Thyrnau Zhufbar n Grenzstadt Kroppenleben es Tee Scharmbeck Silv e lls oors Dwarfsmeet Wusterburg Weilerberg int ers av w H i a i n Eirm Rivenmoor Konradswatch Wide, packed dirt road for one, possibly two carts Moderately maintained and travelled Karak Mingol Sonnefurt W llt Sigmaringen Ri rg Kazad Elgazund Hardenburg er Eigenhof ad Kreutzhofen Hi Dietfurt ht Barro Al ta Mittlenburg Grung Tepskaf Cairn Riv e d Ri River Aulen Montdidier P ass Maylhof Karak Angazhar Bugmans Brewery Gl Ac Fennonhugel ad ar Ro The Au ld R ydi Kulz Toeth Mara Meadow Ruined Castle Fort Bracher Pappenheim Falkenhausen Rotenbach e The Kings Glade w d l i i s s n e y t n u o The Watchtower Brigstadt ffel Sta Althausen a l w fb Zhu Zell r ve At Geschburg F lo al and s Auggen H Marshes Naabeck Agbeiten Waldenhof North Stir M e g d E Legend s d l ter r a W k c ch Rea r e v A g Pa af Fae Fang Island Greenskin Stronghold r ve a Gr e nit nle ls Hil Schramleben Essing c ee ills Brachl oad arf R Ensdorf Heisenberg afs Hutten Pfungzig ar ood Ghoul W Dw Dr nle Crooked Eye Orcs rhof Marsh Peak Pass Castle Rivenmoor Nachthafen Pfaffbach Kaunitz Bernloch Meissen t gru rM Heideck Tandern Tears of Isha Halls of Equos nd Sollscross ra im G e re Gr Ave Bylo Gipfel G Castle Ruins Khazid Grimaz Bridge of Birds Dreiflussen Castle Ruins Hirshhugel l y a v lls i H d te n u Ha Bylorhof ld Longingbruck S G Bieswang ad Bylorhof Castle Ruins Heukern Eicheschatten r Jehlfeld Rive r l t a o n o d M rand County Hornsbys Ferry h Zang Karak Norn Cry sta l ch y Wuppertal Owingen Castle Ruins Ruhgsdorf Hausern Deff Grindaz Orcs Castle Ruins Tannfeld S e st Monheim r nd Sl ee Einsamholz Friedendorf Willenfeld Muhlfeld Altern Fore ggel rO ve Vaul’s Anvil Thann Auld Styrela O Cairn L Gerzen Sauerapfel Sorghof G an r l dD u a Durbheim Bernau Leicheburg Grunhugel Averburg Grim Moor Naubonum Birnbaum o ll s hu Eining Colmfahre Elzach tains F e or Durt r o n e Crag Halls of Eindol Moun Council of Beasts Pfeildorf Ro Swartzhafen River Ave r Averheim it s ad Moldberg Ruins Pilsach Mecklenhof Weningen r me Franzen Ave Haigerbach Le Hill hag d oo Armedorf so fW S se W py ult Russbach Streissen Eyrie of the Hawk Lords Waterfall Palace of the Naiad Court Crobok Blauenfalke Mercenary Camp Brandtstadt Va er s tra Helsee Downs Karak Kadrin Mikalsdorf ld Raab Moldberg Ruins n Egling Kelham Braundorf Bleichdorf Rohrhausen Mantel Winkelhausen Zecher Nussbach Hel F en ood Grim W Vanhaldenhof Tempelhof r tey rS Halstadt Gebenbach Legenfeldberg t W Segeldorf ig att Lengenfeld Konigsdorf Ruins of Vanhaldenschlosse er Wood Hung The hlaf Gemusenbad Nuln er Aver Riv fors Bla ck Rive r erw en Ambosstein h ald er River Teufal River Ober Pas s ady yL Hint Eschedorf is s Gr River Harke e Furtzhausen Mattersheim Korzenheim Steindorf Friendly Hearth Inn Jager Tenneck Ro ie r e E Essen la mp Te Dunkelberg Blood Keep Moot Kirchham rM ch inba ver ny rand C uWorden lls Grissenwald Barfsheim ve a hrw ive e t Stirhugelsrest Wahnfurt Ruhfurt Cairn Tree of Woe a n l d r i t S G ot Blutdorf Schattental Ro Stirhugels Flensburg Lachenbad Pfeiffer Julbach Me lk te rS Riv er Bl u Ruins of Mordheim River S tir River Tarshof Ramsau Krauthof Glade of the Lost n F ter Seigfriedhof Abbey of St. Aethelbeert the Vigilant ern Great Forest Lochen orest nwald bi Ri Hi ht t a Pfaffe m stir Od en lec y Za Wittgendorf Na Biberhof Hills Zo oad arf R ls Tower of the Eternal Wood st Stimmigen Misthausen Gr rcal fO Hills of the Dead Castle Wittgendorf Fore d l wa uth So Dw fe ers e nia si Th Cairn rien ne Ob Great Forest d Eisental Burgenhof ld The z Jungbach g rani Naffdorf S River Stir Oberwil Welleborn ern outh e im W er oo ood Dead W Oehling O it R Missen Wurtbad River Teichd Karak Azgaraz Stockhausen Sprinthof Inn Marburg Aeh Bl T ver Ri Berghof The Third Comet n eik Stir ver Ri Brandenburg urith River A Red Face Goblins Radische Rangenhof Mielau Bissendorf Road Dohna t Forest Gostahof Krugenheim Eastern Gersdorf Sydow Ostwald Kemperbad Diesdorf Koch Hahnbrandt Mine Merretheim T d Hugeldal e Gr la Rottfurt Stromdorf Hugedal Mine Unterbaum Nagenhof Tauer Hermsdorf River rest Messingen Megaliths Zahlhaus The Mother Black Buchedorf Grea k Weiler es Fo merie Gris on r ive Schluesslschloss Sanglac Castle Strassenburg Kleindorf Steche Ubersreik Tallerhof Hornlach Kiel Ossino Grunburg Gladisch Dresschler in Elbing rs Buckow River Brunwasser Sabritz Tipping Rum Inn Das Graberfeld Grunwald Lodge Wurfel Claw Peak Silberwurt lp Ko ar Heffengen sh ld Dragon Peak Gutwurst Pr inc ipa Auerswald lit y Geissbach erg Ludenhof Geistschild Priory Aussen Zutzen Veldt e h T Zeisholz ar wa Castle Drachenfels Morrshof Hobbelspan Lumber arn ik Halheim s id k H Gr an a ge yb rcr Worlitz as Rheden Hazelhof Taals Bowers er uMeo o Trautenau Lieske ald rm Leaa gk Hu The Old Prince ktw h u D n a r G Voltsara Remer Ble g Ruttenbach T H bl Vitevo M The Child and Hammer pfb Spu Hills lsa Ko c rli O Bechafen Oste Dreetz aa oge n rB Hochloff Re Finsterbad Ho of ts Grossreiche ills Fortenhaf Munkenhof Pr Schlafebild Bogenhafen Helmgart Feast Halls of the Wardance Stone Circle t Forest Fa er N R iv Re wal Festhal Rest Herzhald Ba d F or es t Castle Reiksguard Ruins of Blutroch Bundesmarkt Weissbridge Cairn River B k Weissbruck e Riv Castle Grauenburg Parravon Quenelles Reik Walfen River R ei Rechtlich Ardlich The Wild He ath Teufelfeuer n e r r o River Lothra Ri W Kaldach Autler Hartsklein Delfgruber Cairn Uckrofurt a l n c d e b a l a d c y ls l i H Riv gH ill s na l Torpin Altdorf Dorchen Karwe Skaa Ca ck u r sb eis Werder Grossbad Rottefache Garndorf R ief sc F nst Ripdorf n Lohrafurt Old Forest Roa B Rive r u ie rd Geldrecht Furtild Glukshalt er Reitwein Zeder Sudenheim Temple of Leopold Resvynhaf rT ala be Rugenbuttle Liebstedt Grea r ive Weidemarkt Grubevon Cairn Bek rth Sarno er Lu g uth Gerdouen o R iv Upp e Forest t a e Gr Freital Viernau n Volgen Zavstra Smonya Rotha Brierblatt Kutzleben Urhausen rest o F j i k ro i Sh Kusel Bad Dankeroode The Koppens So Road - Kadrin Schoppendorf Grenze Hills Ru rf Mi dde nh Brasthof rU Ptorsk oy rsk Bachra Bad Tensalza Taals Deep kH uge Sava hafen M Klepzig Zurin B uc Road bec ala Sprotau For es Sumpfrand B er Bec Carroburg Barenfahre as Grundach r Taals Toll Fort Korver t h T r arz ldh Wa Langwiese Ahlenhof Kr ugers Monastary of the Purging Hammer Dorna Fort Helmholtz Vateresche C Hernhausen er Talabec R iv Esselfurt Eilhart M Klarfeld South Quarry Leer Bad Hohne Delfgruber Mine R Ta algrunhaar Harferfahre Suderberg g Frederheim Holstelry Holthusen et Talabheim ge l gi Gerslev iv ear R kB c a l Csenger ver Hills Kor Klaus Homstedts Hut Halethshu Kislev Wurzen Zundap Hergig Dunstigfurt Gruyden Talagaad Braunwurt Skulls Smashaz Orcs d Waldfahrt Heiligen Montfort Roa er ad R ad eim Fort Denkh lb Schattenlas Br New H Ro Kyrnoka Mirka N Middenstag Maginificant Shrines Altdo id r Mi Stockse Untergard Priestlicheim Axe Bite Pass Ru n Muden Wol fs li Dorog N o w H ng Ardkha Irinasgrad Boven Vodf Struhelspan Bridge H dD Gr an d elb rD ive Senden Schilderheim Wendorf Hergig Quarries Ro k ra D Turmgever s ill Belava ol Kamysh Selonian Hills ll Ruined Estate n are Grunackeren r River Egge nh de Mid Mittelmund Dunkelbild Uder Ristedt l Hupstedt Castle Lenkster ver Ri Scheinfeld d F ore st Fort Schippel Riv er La m The Wa stel and ad Ro reux Sacred Ground of Blessed Shallya Monastary Hi Vdovya Svatinevo Vandengart Levudaldorf Fo t Zandt ss Wolfenburg ake rL Giso Bergendorf Wei Kurst v v Fintel wal ate Fort Bergbres Gr an d Road River E isk Gloomfang Forest Goblins sla c r or Moors Breder Drak ge ry ount est er ll Koerin nd Schwarzmakrt Delberz R or Grimminhagen Catacombs Sta Inkodevna Lubrecht ty ali u Winsen Rosche Dassel Ahresdorf Garssen v st Ir Jisara l acip n e Harsum Melbeck t L Caden Krudenwald Esk Wannsingen alt Didem w y ch le e Chzovich Obla yns k Baiyn The Bears Teeth Smallhof nd River K rista Frederichs Village eC d n a l oc Bergsberg Hasselhund s Rutten l itt Grubentreich Hovelhof Dunkelpfad ny aro Kalkaat Halsdorph d l a is sl Zhanyka Western The Dangling Mutant Eskberg la hB F K Nor Aukrug th S pu r Middle M oun tai ns F Melick Grimpengratz Selmigerholz Jagerhausen Bach iver Niddesdorf Immelscheld Holzbeck or H Lindenheim Leichlinberg Cluster-eye Forest Goblins Leydenhove Middenheim Schoninghagen oad Obelstein Brass Keep Fauschlag est e Emsk O Ferlangen Old s oor rM G tsc Th r in tte Klessen o ro f Salfen Milkavala Gotovny Fleckeby Norderingen Grevenfeld The Black Pit Greenskin Stronghold h Bohsenfels Arenburg Elsterweld Pritzstock R Lehmburg f o t s e r o Beekerhoven rc Krakjunov Sou th L V Sc Marienburg arsh ha den Ma ows d a h S Frote Kammendun p sum Birkeweise st Bi R North dP an Gr Downs Road G Gieten North Road reat d The Blood Fane Bloodfeathers Forest Goblins m B d Schuten Brombeerstrauch Inn uss Gorrsel Rat Rock M her N Hunxe Wouduis Tollstation ei o Silver Hil ls Vasse Brockwater Fauligmere r u a n a r G Jutons Nest Grafenrich Misty Hills ble ast ea tS or po o dC Almshoven L um Ol Ma na an s Road T Salzenmund Roa Marchestoll Bramble Hil ls F rth Fort Solace Forest n r o el No Poi nt d r Middenheim Ereng rad Choika Bolgasgrad t Stedum y n o r a Erencross Toll House O as Reavers er Dempst Riv Oostwold Ockholm Luftberg Kurtwallen Salzmorast Beelen n st en Zhedevka Verborgenbucht er re Loenen Salktalten Gelting Wilhelmskoog ynsk er L a l Harskamp Erengrad Riv Enchanted Hills Norden Kreideklippe st bl Schlaghugel River Bu ur d n Beilen Nordenwatch Les ser To b Diever Dros selspule Bay Ea D Dietershafen Ba The B ligh t River Drakken Ueblingen Stone Circles Heilidorf lz Hargendorf Starivoda o River A arna u Manannsheim y River Sehaukel Arnau Teu felsumpf River S a Hollum Lugre n Odner Krasicyno The Fo oth ill s e rs Man a int Po eth Te Wr eck The Empire c.a. 2520 ob ol s n i a t n e o B d r r e r P s e c in Small Trail Narrow, dirt trail; unusable in inclement weather Poorly maintained and travelled Trade Networks Village 20 - 199 households The smallest settlements with any sort of services, these are usually located within ten miles of a larger settlement such as a town or large town that act as a hub much like villages and towns do for hamlets. Here, trading is possible in moderation and services may be available, usually only comprising of an inn or tavern, a blacksmith and possibly one or two other various artisans. Some sort of town militia is always available here, but these tend to be small ad-hoc regiments of 20 to 90 untrained individuals. Any Towns with a Yellow color are Chartered Free Towns or seetlements that are of a different country than the Empire Other Locations Dwarf Hold WIP This is a settlement owned by the Dwarfs. Location of Interest These locations represent anything not covered by another icon. Tower or Manor Significant Stand-alone structures in the world. Ferry or Harbor Traveling the riverways requires a place for boats to dock and take on and offload passengers and goods. This icon represents a ferry crossing or a river harbor Coaching Inn and Tavern Along the roadways, sometimes the distance between settlements is too great for a single day of travel. Coaching inns are fortified locations where horses and travelers can rest and eat as well as procure some provisions before setting out again in the morning. Tollhouse In addition to taxes, local nobility charge fees to traverse certain areas of their land. Presumably, these tolls are used to maintain said roads and keep Roadwardens on the roads and Riverwardens on the rivers. More often than not, these tolls end up in the pocket of the noble collecting them.