Civil War Battle of Glorieta Pass
Civil War Battle of Glorieta Pass
Copyright @ 2009 by Western National Parks Association Published by Western National Parks Association The Battle of Glorieta Civil War Battlefield Trail Guide was financed, in part, by the National Park Service’s Connect Trails to Parks program, part of the National Park Service Centennial, 1916-2016. The net proceeds from WNPA publications support educational and research programs in the national parks. Receive a free Western National Parks Association catalog, featuring hundreds of publications: Email: [email protected] or visit Civil War Battle of Glorieta Pass trail guide Written by Bob Mallin with major contributions by Don Alberts and John Taylor Edited by Dan Stebbins Designed by MW Velgos Design Photography: Front cover: Mountain Howitzer fired at living history event/National Park Service photo; back cover: Efraín M. Padró, saber photographed courtesy of the National Park Service Museum at Pecos National Historical Park; Introduction: Andréa Brooks/WNPA; Marker #1: illustration of Edward Canby from a Civil War-era Harper’s magazine, photo of Henry Sibley/ Library of Congress; Marker #2: photo of riflemen at El Rancho de las Golondrinas Living History Museum, Santa Fe, New Mex./ Shirley Barnes, photo of John Shropshire courtesy of the Nesbitt Memorial Library, Columbus, Texas; Marker #3: Rob Shenk/ Civil War Preservation Trust; Marker #4: Efraín M. Padró; Marker #5: Ben Wittick, courtesy Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), negative #15783; Marker #7 Courtesy of the National Park Service; Marker #8: George H.H. Huey, cannon ball photographed courtesy of the National Park Service museum at Pecos National Historical Park, historic photo, right, Ben Wittick, courtesy Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), negative #42922; Markers #9-10: Efraín M. Padró; Marker #11: Bottom, Efraín M. Padró, (upper right) photo courtesy of the Colorado Historical Society scan #10025590; Marker #12: Pigeon’s Hospital by T. Harmon Parkhurst, courtesy Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), negative #9690; (lower left) Courtesy of the Colorado Historical Society, scan #10028910, (lower right) Courtesy of the Colorado Historical Society, scan # 10028910; Marker #13: (left) Scott Aldridge/ WNPA, (center) Efraín M. Padró, (right) photo courtesy of the National Park Service; Marker #14: Efraín M. Padró The saber used by Union Painting: The Battle of Glorieta Pass by Roy Andersen, courtesy of the National Park Service. Army Corporal John E. Briney during the Battle of Glorieta is in the museum collection at Pecos National Historical Park. Maps: Inside front cover by Deborah Reade; Marker #1: map courtesy of Northeast New Mexico Region Tourism Board Printed by the Government Printing Office Printed in the United States Pecos National Histor ical Park The Confederates attack Union forces at Pigeon’s Ranch on Friday, March 28, 1862 as depicted in a Roy Andersen painting. CIVIL WAR BATTLE OF GLORIETA March 26-28, 1862 Confederate westward plans foiled T he Battle of Glorieta is referred to as “The Gettysburg of the West.” It was here in the spring of 1862, vital Confederate supplies that led to the ultimate Union victory. For the purposes of this trail guide, the fighting along the Santa Fe Trail in New Mexico Territory, that highlighted on this third Union troops thwarted an ambitious Confederate military and final day of the Battle campaign, designed to expand the Confederacy westward. of Glorieta is broken into The Confederates hoped to take control of the mining three sections or phases: riches of Colorado and press on to capture key ports in the Initial, Main and Final. As you travel along the trail, keep in California Territory. mind that in 1862 this area was not nearly as vegetated as Much as the Confederates were never again to invade the north after losing the Battle of Gettysburg, the Southern Rebels never again attempted a significant action in the .58 caliber Minie balls were fired by both Union and Confederate riflemen during the Civil War. it is today; there were fewer trees and shrubs because they were used for fuel, building, and other purposes. With approximately 1,200 soldiers on each side, the far West after the Battle of Glorieta. The battle was fought casualties were high—Union forces suffered 51 killed, 78 over three days between March 26 and March 28, 1862. wounded, and 15 captured. Among the Confederates, 48 Major fighting on the final day was preceded by a lesser were killed, 80 wounded, and 92 captured. The Battle of and indecisive encounter on March 26th. As you follow the Glorieta came more than a year before Gettysburg, and trail markers, use this guide to learn about the events on though not anywhere near the magnitude of Gettysburg in the third and final day of the battle. Relive the advances terms of men engaged in the fight or resultant casualties, and retreats, read of the tactics that failed, and marvel at it convincingly demonstrated that the violence of Civil the daring Union march across Glorieta Mesa to destroy the War battles was not confined to the battlefields of the East. MARKER 1 Battle Background - Texans Move Up the Rio Grande, Colorado Volunteers Move South Forces met at Valverde in February 1862, at Glorieta in March I n the last half of was severely restricted remaining supplies in the 1861, Confederate Briga- by the Union blockade of later Battle of Glorieta dier General Henry Hopkins the Confederacy’s Atlantic would be instrumental in Sibley, a West Point gradu- ports. Sibley’s decision to retreat ate and former major in Col. Edward R. S. Canby, to Texas. the U.S. Army, raised a also a West Point graduate Flushed with the vic- force of Texas volunteers to and Union commander of invade New Mexico Terri- the Department of New tory. His objectives were to Mexico, learned of the capture military supplies invasion plans and con- Canby’s and Sibley’s then, on March 10, Con- from Union forts in New vinced the governors of forces first clashed on Feb. federates took Santa Fe. Mexico and to recruit New New Mexico and Colorado 21st, 1862, near Fort Craig, A little over a week later, Mexicans, Utah Mormons, to organize companies 100 miles south of Albu- Rebel forces began moving and Colorado miners to of volunteers to augment querque. In what is known eastward along the Santa the Confederate cause. his 2,500 Federal troops. as the Battle of Valverde, Fe Trail with the objective The mineral wealth of By early 1862, Canby had Confederates triumphed, of capturing Fort Union, the West, it was thought, a combined 4,000 troops forcing Canby’s forces to northeast of Pecos. On would enrich the Confed- available at Fort Union and withdraw to the safety of March 25th, 1862 Confeder- eracy. And, if the California Fort Craig to confront the the fort. But, in the course ate and Union forces were, ports of San Diego and Los invading, 3,000-man strong of the battle, half of the unbeknown to each other, Angeles could be taken, the Rebel force, which was Confederate supplies were camped on opposite sides South would have access to moving up the Rio Grande destroyed—a crucial event of Glorieta Pass, where the international trade, which attacking Union forts. since the loss of their Santa Fe Trail narrows as it tory at Valverde, Sibley Col. Edward R. S. Canby moved northward, first occupying Albuquerque, Confederate and Union forces were spotted by pickets from both sides on Wednesday, March 26th, artillery duels were fought the next day, and the main troop encounters occurred on Friday, March 28th. Gen. Henry Hopkins Sibley a series of tactical withdrawals, the Union forces winds through a low point forced the Texans to quit in the Sangre de Cristo the Pigeon’s Ranch battle- Mountains. Troops were field they had won and sent ahead by both sides to return to Santa Fe to resup- detect enemy forces. These ply, thanks to a bold march “pickets” would soon dis- over Glorieta Mesa led cover the other’s forces. by Maj. John Chivington. Over the next three Chivington’s men surprised days, Union and Confeder- the Confederate rear guard ate troops were engaged in and destroyed their food artillery duels, sharpshoot- and ammunition supplies ing, and fighting at close at Johnson’s Ranch. range that comprised the Battle of Glorieta. Though Sibley’s Confederate forces pressed Canby’s troops into The map, opposite, shows the path of Union and Confederate forces in late 1861 and early 1862 leading up to the Battle of Glorieta and the Confederate retreat that followed. MARKER 2 The Battle at Pigeon’s Ranch – Overview of the Third Day of the Battle of Glorieta Friday, March 28th O n the morning of a hostelry cater- outflank the Union line March 28th, the third ing to commercial (to the south, just across and final day of the Battle travelers in the Interstate 25). In response, of Glorieta, both sides 1860s. The ranch’s Col. Slough withdrew to a moved toward each other. surviving build- second defensive position, With about 900 men, Con- ing is over the hill federate Lt. Col. William to your forward Scurry left Johnson’s Ranch right. Early on and travelled east along March 28th, 1862, Union lasted only a few minutes. the Santa Fe Trail. Slough’s and Confederate pickets The Union forces fell Union forces left Camp encountered each other. back to a stronger position right and left of the Union Lewis near Kowslowski’s Scurry and his Conferder- to the north and west of line along the ridge north Stage Stop and proceeded ate soldiers dismounted Windmill Hill after a failed of the ranch and around west along the same trail. and joined the Fourth flanking maneuver. The Artillery Hill. The two forces met where Texas foot-soldiers, advanc- Confederates established a you are today. ing eastward along the similar line, strengthened fighting allowed Lt. Col. You are standing on Union riflemen at El Rancho de las Golondrinas, A Living History Museum in Santa Fe, New Mex. just west of Pigeon’s Ranch, strengthened by four pieces of heavier artillery. His infantry and dismounted cavalrymen formed the A brief pause in the trail. Colonel John P. Slough, by three artillery pieces. The Scurry to reorganize his Artillery Hill. Today, the leader of the First Regiment Union countered with four Confederate forces and old Santa Fe Trail in this of Colorado volunteers, mountain howitzers (See plan an assault on this vicinity is covered by brought up the union’s Markers 7 and 8). This phase new Federal line. At about New Mexico Highway 50. artillery and formed a bat- of battle lasted three hours. 2 p.m., the battle was The highway passes the tle line across the trail. This remains of Pigeon’s Ranch, first contact of the battle The Confederate vanguard was able to renewed. On the Confederate right, Maj. John MARKER 3 Initial Phase of the Battle Morning, March 28th T he Santa Fe Trail was just across and slightly below the present NM-50 alignment. On Maj. John Shropshire March 28th, 1862, at about 11 a.m., the Confeder- Shropshire marched his ate column formed a line men around the Union of battle that included at the site of this marker. line. Shropshire then led three cannons. They were Claflin was soon supported a charge on the wooded opposed by the Union by Colorado volunteers and areas to your right, and forces, consisting of com- U.S. regulars. Both sides was killed. The Confeder- panies of the First Colorado maintained a furious fire of to assault the enemy at ates outflanked the Union and Third U. S. Cavalry and artillery and small arms for Pigeon’s Ranch. forces north of Pigeon’s four, 12-pound mountain almost three hours. Ranch, and the Federal howitzers. Led by Capt. commander ordered his John Ritter, they engaged erate vanguard, Col. Slough Union Maj. John Chiving- men to fall back to a third the Rebels. But the Confed- ordered a withdrawal of ton led a band of Federal defensive line a mile east of erates pushed the Federals the Federals eastward to a troops across Glorieta Mesa Pigeon’s Ranch, ending the back to the near side of the stronger position just west on a daring raid on the main phase of the Battle gully you see before you. of Pigeon’s Ranch. Subse- Confederate supply train at of Glorieta at about 4:30 In the Union center, Outflanked by a Confed- Union troops came down from atop Glorieta Mesa to destroy Confederate supplies at Johnson’s Ranch. Meanwhile, with the Union forces pushed back, quently, Confederate forces Johnson’s Ranch. That raid p.m.(See more information Lt. Ira Claflin’s howitzers occupied the former Union wrested victory from the on Marker 12) were fired from a position positions and prepared advancing Confederates. MARKER 4 MARKER 5 Attack Near Pigeon’s Ranch – Main Phase The Confederate Battle Line – Main Phase Late afternoon, March 28th Mid afternoon, March 28th H ere you see the low adobe corral wall ran Glorieta battlefield as southward from the base of Y ou are now near the position Lt. Col. Scurry saw it dur- Sharpshooter’s Ridge. Artil- ing late afternoon of March lery Hill to your right had during the main phase 28th, 1862. On the left is a three-howitzer battery of fighting. The ditch the Santa Fe Trail, (today’s near its crest and Colorado you see before you was NM-50). Beyond it a large volunteers around its base. used as a shelter by rock formation marks the From this area, Lt. Col. Maj. Shropshire’s men. northern end of the Union Scurry sent Maj. Shropshire Federal forces had estab- line. Some 300 yards in front to attack the Union left lished a strong second of you is Pigeon’s Ranch. around Artillery Hill. Majors defensive line around Sharpshooters Ridge is Charles Pyron and Henry Pigeon’s Ranch, which immediately north of the Raguet were dispatched to Lt. Col. Scurry planned Pigeon’s Ranch building assault the enemy north of to attack. Fourth Texas that still stands today. A the Santa Fe Trail. Sgt. Alfred B. Peticolas The only remaining original building at Pigeon’s Ranch of the Confederate line Pigeon’s Ranch was a popular stopping point along the Santa Fe Trail both before and after the Civil War. This photo was taken in June 1880. lay in this muddy ditch about where I-25 covers it on…” Peticolas and his today. Peticolas later wrote, Fourth Texas comrades on “We laid in the gully on the the Confederate right flank right (for) half an hour and charged the Federals here then were ordered further on Artillery Hill. MARKER 6 MARKER 7 Fierce Fighting in the Center – Main Phase Strong Union Defense – Main Phase Late morning and afternoon, March 28th Late afternoon, March 28 T H his is the center Texans were successful, of the battlefield driving the Federals from ere at the base and lower slopes of which included several Sharpshooter’s Ridge, arroyos, or gullies. Down and forcing a retreat from stationed Companies D this sloping, cultivated Pigeon’s Ranch. Confeder- and K of the First Colorado field, Lt. Col. Scurry led his ate Maj. Raguet was killed Volunteers during the center assault column of in this fighting. About main phase of the battle. approximately 500 Texans. 4:30 p.m., Lt. Col. Scurry From behind the rock for- However, the Union center mounted a successful mations and trees, these at Pigeon’s Ranch was too third charge against a rear Union infantrymen played strong. Capt. John Ritter’s guard of Federals, which a key role in stopping the four 12-pounders and was protecting the Union two fierce Confederate field howitzers, joined by withdrawal. Scurry then attacks against the center Claflin’s three mountain came upon the third Union of the Federal line. Com- howitzers, blew the Con- defensive line a mile east pany D took especially federate charge to a bloody of Pigeon’s Ranch along the heavy casualties in repuls- halt. Scurry retreated, but Santa Fe Trail. ing the strong Texan later returned for a second unsuccessful frontal attack. North of the Santa Fe Trail, however, the Artillery Hill, Col. Slough assaults. A howitzer of the type used by Union forces in the Battle of Glorieta. MARKER 8 The Mountain Howitzer Battery – Main Phase Afternoon, March 28th A fter withdrawing force approaching from the from his position at south. He feared the Tex- Windmill Hill, Lt. Claflin ans would overrun the road took his battery to the new to his rear, so he retreated Federal line on Artillery to a position in the valley Hill, locating it on a nar- behind the low adobe cor- row logging road that ran ral wall and south of the to the top of the hill and Santa Fe Trail. There he curved back to this point. helped to repulse the two Claflin readied his three initial Confederate charges 12-pounder mountain how- at the Union Center. Major itzers, while his supporting Shropshire was killed near Colorado infantry pro- this spot. (See Marker 2) tected him from the lower positions on Artillery Hill. Soon, he saw a Confederate A cannonball found on the Glorieta battlefield is on display in the Pecos National Historical Park Visitor Center. Eighteen years after the battle, George Hibbard and two other unidentified men with rifles stand near where Maj. John Shropshire, the commanding officer of Company A, 5th Texas Mounted Volunteers of the Confederate Army was shot between the eyes by a Union soldier. MARKER 9 MARKER 10 Sgt. Peticolas’s Adventure – Main Phase Artillery Hill Abandoned – Main Phase Afternoon, March 28 Late afternoon, March 28th H ere Sgt. Alfred B. he looked like a solitary Peticolas became Union soldier. A Federal separated from the Texans officer, Lt. Col. Samuel Tap- sent to attack the south- A fter encountering ates, now on the crest of Sergeant Peticolas, Artillery Hill, fired at the Federal Lt. Col. Tappan Colorado volunteers, who pan, thinking Peticolas one led his men along the log- were withdrawing rapidly ern flank of Artillery Hill. of his own troops, allowed ging road, earlier used by down the narrow road He accidentally walked the young Texas sergeant Claflin’s artillery battery, toward its junction with through a gap in the Fed- to continue his walk along to abandon Artillery Hill the Santa Fe Trail, east of eral line, created when the top of Artillery Hill and and avoid capture. You are Pigeon’s Ranch. One group Claflin’s battery moved. He back safely into the Confed- standing on the trace of of retreating Federals was described as having erate ranks at the base of that logging road at a point stopped here to return the walked “leisurely along the the hill. where scattered Confeder- Texans’ fire. hill towards where their line was, firing at every opportunity down at the enemy.” You are following his path, and Pigeon’s Ranch is below. Peticolas soon walked into a line of Union soldiers on the crest of Artillery Hill. Wearing a captured Federal overcoat, A living history event in Socorro, New Mex., south of Albuquerque, brings to life the Civil War engagements along the Rio Grande in early 1862, which were preludes to the decisive Battle of Glorieta. MARKER 11 Chivington’s Surprise Attack at Johnson’s Ranch – Main Phase Morning and afternoon, March 28th T he decisive tactical the western rim of Glorieta destroyed, and most of the maneuver of the Battle Mesa (seen to your right) mules and horses were of Glorieta was led by Maj. by 2 p.m. Below them, the stampeded up a narrow Chivington (see Marker Texan camp at Johnson’s canyon. Only a few Confed- #3). Five hundred Union Ranch (present day Cañ- erate guards and teamsters soldiers, under Chivington, oncito) lay vulnerable. managed to escape toward priest and Union chaplain separated from Slough’s Chivington sent his men Santa Fe. Stripped of Alexander Grzelachowski. main force early in the down a steep bank from their vital supplies, the That afternoon and eve- morning of March 28, before the mesa top to burn the Confederates decided to ning, soldiers on both sides the fighting began around Confederate supply wagons withdraw to Santa Fe to suffered additional hard- Pigeon’s Ranch. Chiving- and run off the Confeder- regroup and resupply. With ship when a late-winter ton and his men climbed ate mules and horses they the wagons burning and snowstorm dropped nearly atop Glorieta Mesa, south discovered corralled at the exploding, the Union sol- a foot of snow in the area of the Santa Fe Trail, and site. Eighty Confederate diers retraced their route of the pass. Late that night, marched across the mesa to wagons and the sup- over the mesa, this time Chivington and his weary a point at the unprotected plies they contained were guided by former Polish troops finally returned to Maj. John Chivington Confederate rear where Camp Lewis at Kozlowski’s the Rebels stockpiled their Stage Stop. Confederate food, ammunition and other vital supplies. Guided by Lt. Col. Manuel Chaves of the New Mexico Volunteers, the Union soldiers reached The main building at Kozlowski’s Stage Stop where Union forces were camped when Chivington and his men returned from their daring raid forces remained at Pigeon’s Ranch. Thus ended the most successful Union action in the Battle of Glorieta. MARKER 12 Saving Lives at the Union Field Hospital – Final Phase Late afternoon, March 28th A fter withdrawing to a truce was declared to was primitive by spot about a mile east allow both sides to tend to today’s standards, of Pigeon’s Ranch, Slough their wounded and bury but equal to the formed a new defensive their dead. The Federal best in the world line across the Santa Fe force returned to camp at of the time. Sur- Trail, and covered the with- Kozlowski’s Stage Stop. gery often ended drawal of his supply train Directly ahead of you The Confederate field hospital that handled casualties after the fighting at Pigeon’s Ranch as photographed circa 1935. in infection and and ambulance wagons. At was the Union field hospi- death. Amputations were in the fighting at Glorieta, about the same time, the tal, under the leadership routine for arm and leg were evacuated by horse Texans got the devastating of Colorado surgeons John wounds. Alcohol was relied and cart to Fort Union, and news that their supplies Hamilton and Lewis Tolles. upon as a painkiller. Union Confederate casualties were had been destroyed. A Civil War-era medicine soldiers, badly wounded taken to Santa Fe. Two surgeons from Colorado were in charge of the Union Army field hospital during the Battle of Glorieta, Drs. John Hamilton and Lewis Tolles. Hamilton is shown in the front row, second from the left in the photo on the far left. The remaining officers pictured were also members of the Colorado volunteers. MARKER 13 Aftermath of the Battle March 29th-April 15th, 1862 B oth sides initially commander had kept his felt they had won force largely intact. The Battle of Glorieta, having action with Federal troops the Battle of Glorieta. In fighting around Pigeon’s received intelligence that at the village of Peralta, the face-to-face combat, Ranch was a Confederate Canby was moving north south of Albuquerque, on Scurry’s Confederates victory, or at least a draw. from Fort Craig with a large April 15th, 1862, but the consistently kept Slough’s But Chivington’s destruction force, the Confederates Confederates would never Federals on the defensive, of the Confederate supplies left Santa Fe and began again threaten an expan- pushing them back repeat- at Johnson’s Ranch was a lengthy retreat back to sion in the West. edly. However, the Federal decisive for the Federals. Texas. The Confederates “Colorado Volunteers at the Battles of Glorieta, March 26-28, 1862... Erected by the people of Colorado in memory of the brave men who fought here.” Ten days after the fought one more small “In loyal memory of the Texas Mounted Volunteers, Sibley’s Brigade, CSA, who died in service at Glorieta Pass, March 28, 1862.” Monuments to Colorado volunteers, left, and Texas volunteers, center, at Pecos National Historical Park, and a gravestone for Union soldiers killed at Glorieta at the National Cemetery in Santa Fe MARKER 14 The Battle Remembered 1862 through the present day I n 1868, the people of in private hands. During here. The remains were New Mexico erected a the 1980s, however, the reinterred in the Santa monument on the Santa Glorieta Battlefield Preser- Fe National Cemetery. In Fe Plaza honoring those vation Society Inc., assisted 1990, President George H. who fell at the Battle of by regional Civil War re- W. Bush signed an act that Glorieta Pass. Its inscrip- enactors, The Council of formed the Glorieta Unit of tion includes the hopeful America’s Military Past, Pecos National Historical words: “May the Union be and The Conservation Park, thus preserving this Perpetual.” In later years, Fund, worked to preserve site. the Texas Division of The the Glorieta Battlefield. United Daughters of the They stabilized the fragile Confederacy (1939) and Pigeon’s Ranch building, Colorado’s State Histori- staged annual reenact- cal Society (1993) erected ments, and hosted tours. monuments on the battle- They also assisted State of field itself memorializing New Mexico archeologists those who fought and during the 1987 discovery died here. Until recently, of the mass grave of 31 the battlefield was largely Confederate soldiers near An obelisk in Santa Fe Plaza honors those killed in New Mexico during the Civil War and also in the Indian Wars which followed. A granite template at the foot of the monument reads, “To the heros of the Federal Army who fell at the battles of Cañon del Apache and Pigeon’s Rancho (La Glorieta), fought with the Rebels March 28, 1862, and to those who fell at the battle fought with the Rebels at Peralta April 15, 1862.” An estimated 100 men were killed in the three days of fighting at Glorieta.