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9 July 2010 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 TRADE MARKS JOURNAL TRADESINGAPORE MARKS JOURNAL SINGAPORE PATENTS PATENTS TRADE TRADE MARKS MARKS DESIGNS DESIGNS PLANT VARIETIES © 2010 Intellectual Property Office of Singapore. All rights reserved. Reproduction or modification of any portion of this Journal without the permission of IPOS is prohibited. Intellectual Property Office of Singapore 51 Bras Basah Road #04-01, Plaza By The Park Singapore 189554 Tel: (65) 63398616 Fax: (65) 63390252 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 TRADE MARKS JOURNAL Published in accordance with Rule 86A of the Trade Marks Rules. Contents Page 1. General Information i 2. Practice Directions iii 3. Notices and Information (A) General xii (B) Collective and Certification Marks xxxiii (C) Forms xxxiv (D) eTrademarks xxxviii (E) International Applications and Registrations under the Madrid Protocol (F) Classification of Goods and Services xl xlvi (G) Circulars Related to Proceeding Before The Hearings And Mediation Division 4. Applications Published for Opposition Purposes (Trade Marks Act, Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.) 5. lxiv 1 International Registrations filed under the Madrid Protocol Published for Opposition Purposes (Trade Marks Act, Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.) 6. 135 Changes in Published Applications Errata 200 Application Published but not Proceeding under Trade Marks Act (Cap.332, 1999 Ed.) 201 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Information Contained in This Journal The Registry of Trade Marks does not guarantee the accuracy of its publications, data records or advice nor accept any responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences. Permission to reproduce extracts from this Journal must be obtained from the Registrar of Trade Marks. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. i GENERAL INFORMATION References to “section” and “rule” in these notes are references to that section of the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.) and that rule of the Trade Marks Rules, unless otherwise stated. Trade Marks Journal This Journal is published by the Registry of Trade Marks in accordance with the direction of the Registrar under rule 86A. Request for past issues published more than three months ago will have to be made in writing and is charged at $12 per issue. It will be reproduced in CD-ROMs and it is to be collected at the following address: Registry of Trade Marks Intellectual Property Office of Singapore 51 Bras Basah Road #04-01 Plaza By The Park Singapore 189 554 This Journal is published every Friday and on other days when necessary. Official working hours of the Registry The official working hours of the Registry are as follows: Monday to Friday : 0830 hours to 1730 hours Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays : Closed Payment at the counter should be made during the following time period: Monday to Friday : 0830 hours to 1700 hours Enquiries For enquiries relating to official notices and other information appearing in the Journal, please contact the Registry at the following telephone number: 6339-8616 Information on trade marks is available at the Registry’s web site at: Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. ii Making Payment IPOS accepts: 1. Payment by cheque (crossed), money order and bank draft (in Singapore Dollars and drawn on banks operating in Singapore). These should be addressed to the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore. 2. Payment by NETS, GIRO, CashCard, eNets Debit (Internet Banking), eNets Credit (Credit Card). Information on the payment modes is available at the Registry’s web site ( Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. iii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2009 HOURS OF BUSINESS AND EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the hours of business of the Registry and the days which are to be treated as excluded days: This Practice Direction will come into effect on 1st day of June, 2009. A. Hours Of Business Subject to rules 79(4) and 79(6A) of the Trade Marks Rules, the hours of business of the Registry shall be 8.30 am to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday, except on a day which is an excluded day. B. Excluded Days (1) All Sundays, public holidays and such other days as the Registrar may specify, shall be excluded days for all purposes under the Act and the Rules. (2) All Saturdays shall be excluded days for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 14th day of May, 2009 LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. iv IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2008 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: (a) 26th December 2008 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date; and (b) 2nd January 2009 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 25th day of April 2008. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. v IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2007 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: (a) 24th December 2007 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date; and (b) 31st December 2007 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 14th day of December 2007. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. vi IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2006 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: 28th January 2006 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 17th day of January 2006. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. vii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 2 OF 2006 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: 23rd October 2006 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 16th day of October 2006. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. viii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 3 OF 2006 HOURS OF BUSINESS AND EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the hours of business of the Registry and the days which are to be treated as excluded days. This Practice Direction will come into effect on 15 December 2006. A. Hours Of Business Subject to rules 79(4) and 79(6A) of the Trade Marks Rules, the hours of business of the Registry shall be as follows: (a) 8.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday, except on a day which is an excluded day; and (b) 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on any Saturday which is not an excluded day. B. Excluded Days (1) All Sundays, public holidays and such other days as the Registrar may specify, shall be excluded days for all purposes under the Act and the Rules. (2) Subject to B(1), all Saturdays shall be excluded days for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 15th day of November 2006. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. ix IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2005 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: (a) 24th December 2005 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date; and (b) 31st December 2005 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 19th day of December 2005. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. x IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 2 OF 2005 REGISTRATION AS ACCOUNT HOLDER TO E-FILE AND PAY BY GIRO This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Rule 78B(1) of the Trade Marks Rules, to specify the procedure for applying to the Registrar to be registered as an account holder. This Practice Direction will come into effect on 1 January 2006. Any person who wishes to use eTrademarks to effect a transaction and make payment by GIRO must register with the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) as an Account Holder. Approval is at the sole discretion of IPOS. Upon approval, an eTrademarks account will be created in the name of the person and the person will receive a User ID and Password. To register, access IPOS address at and download the eTrademarks Account Holder Registration Form. The person may appoint an Administrator to administer and manage his eTrademarks Account through the eTrademarks "Maintenance of Authorised Representatives" service. The responsibilities of the Administrator are as follows: • • • appointment of one or more Representatives to access eTrademarks and make payment by GIRO on behalf of the Account Holder; updating of the particulars of the Representatives; and removal of any Representative's rights to access eTrademarks and make payment by GIRO on behalf of the Account Holder. These responsibilities are to be conducted through the eTrademarks "Maintenance of Authorised Representatives" service. Please note that all Authorized Representatives must be CPF account holders with SingPass. The Authorized Representatives are required to sign in using their SingPass to ensure security for GIRO deductions for the online transactions. If the person does not have a GIRO account with IPOS, please complete the GIRO Application Form and submit it to IPOS. The completed eTrademarks Account Holder Registration Form and GIRO Application Form should be mailed or couriered to the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore with the address 51 Bras Basah Road #0401 Plaza By The Park Singapore 189554 and attentioned to Mrs Ang-Ong Bee Lian. Fax submissions are not acceptable. Dated this 30th day of December 2005. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xi IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 2 OF 2004 HOURS OF BUSINESS AND EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the hours of business of the Registry and the days which are to be treated as excluded days. This Practice Direction will come into effect on 1 July 2004. Hours Of Business (1) The hours of business of the Registry shall be as follows: (b) 8.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday, except on a day which is an excluded day; and (b) 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on any Saturday which is not an excluded day. (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), for the purposes of carrying out of any transaction referred to in rule 78A(2) by means of the electronic online system, the Registry shall be taken to be open every day at all hours, except on any day which is an excluded day for the purposes of carrying out of transactions by means of the electronic online system. Excluded Days (1) All Sundays, public holidays and such other days as the Registrar may specify, shall be excluded days for all purposes under the Act and the Rules. Dated this 1st day of July 2004. CHIAM LU LIN ACTING REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xii NOTICES AND INFORMATION PERTAINING TO TRADE MARK APPLICATION AND REGISTRATION PROCEDURES A) GENERAL Pre-2004 Circulars Amendment to Specification Presently, whenever the Registrar raises an objection to the specification of goods or services, the agent representing the applicant would write to the Registrar with a proposed amendment to the specification. Only if the Registrar agrees to the proposed amendment will the agent file Form TM 27 to effect the amendment. The processing of such letters by the Registrar slows down the registration process considerably. To shorten the registration process, agents should file Form TM 27 to effect the amendment straightaway instead of writing to the Registrar for her confirmation. If agents are relying on precedents in support of the amendment, they should enclose such precedents with the Form TM 27. Certificates of Registration The Trade Marks Act 1998 was revised on 30 December 1999 and accorded the same chapter number as the repealed Trade Marks Act, that is, chapter 332. To facilitate the Registry’s operations, for both applications made under the repealed Trade Marks Act and applications made under the Trade Marks Act 1998 which have been accepted for registration and are not subject to opposition proceedings, the Registrar will issue certificates of registration which are headed: SINGAPORE TRADE MARKS ACT (CHAPTER 332) CERTIFICATE ISSUED UNDER SECTION 15(5) Description of Device on Form TM 4 The purpose of the description of device on Form TM 4 is to assist the Registrar in conducting a search for conflicting marks. The description need not be too detailed; a general description is sufficient. Disclaimers of Chinese Characters and Foreign Characters A disclaimer relating to Chinese characters is published in the Journal as follows: Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the Chinese character(s) of which the hanyu pinyin is "_________". For characters other than Chinese characters (for example, Japanese characters), the disclaimer reads: Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the ___________ character(s) of which the transliteration is "__________". Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xiii Examination Practice With Respect to Colours in Marks To avoid any confusion, this notice documents the Registrar's practice in relation to the examination of : (i) trade marks consisting solely of colours; and (ii) trade marks consisting of colours as a component or as an element in combination with other elements or components. Such examination practice has been effected by the Registrar in relation to both national applications and international registrations designating Singapore. (i) Trade Marks Consisting Solely of Colours Where the trade mark consists solely of colours, the Registrar will need to be satisfied that the colours per se are capable of distinguishing the applicant's goods or services from those dealt with by others. As it will be necessary to determine the precise scope of such a claim, it will be necessary for the applicant to provide a description of the claim in the application form. For the purpose of an illustration, if the trade mark sought for registration is the colour "neon pink" and the colour is applied to the packaging of the goods, an appropriate description would be: "The trade mark is the colour neon pink as applied to an aspect of packaging of the goods as claimed as shown in the representation of the mark on the application form". Such a description will enable the Registrar to examine the mark as filed. (ii) Trade Marks Consisting of Colours As a Component of the Mark Where the trade mark consists of colours in combination with other elements such as a letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, shape, aspect of packaging, the trade mark will be examined as a whole. If the trade mark as a whole is capable of distinguishing the applicant's goods or services from those dealt with by others, the trade mark will be registered as filed, that is, in the colours as filed. The Registrar does not require a colour limitation in such a case. The Registrar will also not seek to clarify whether the colour(s) as an element of the mark constitute a distinctive feature of the mark or not as the mark will be examined as a whole and registration rights will be conferred on the mark as a whole. Mark Numbers Preceded by the Letter "L" Search reports obtained from the Registry and examination letters issued by the Registrar may contain references to marks with numbers preceded by the letter "L" instead of the letter "T". These are marks which have been recorded with the Registrar for purposes of rule 13. The prefix "T" refers to marks which are the subject matter of trade mark applications or registrations. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xiv (Multiple Classes, this circular was removed on 3 July 2009) Representation of Marks Marks published in the Journal and reflected on the certificates of registration appear exactly as represented on the application forms. Applicants and agents are reminded to provide clear representations of marks on the application forms. The marks should also be of reasonably large size (but not larger than A4) to ensure that all the features are clearly shown. Series Clause For applications for registration published in the Gazette on or after 15 January 1999 for opposition purposes, the series clause should read as follows: "Application for a series of _____ (number) marks." Service of Documents in Opposition, Revocation, Invalidation and Rectification Proceedings When filing notices of opposition, counter-statements and applications for revocation, invalidation or rectification with the Registrar, a copy of the same must be served on the relevant party or parties concerned. Please refer to Rules 29, 30, 31, 32, 56, 57, 58, 65, 66 and 66A of the Trade Marks Rules as amended by the Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2000. The requirement of service of evidence on the relevant party or parties concerned remains unchanged. Please refer to Rules 32, 33, 34, 56, 59 and 66A. It would be greatly appreciated if trade marks agents filing the aforesaid documents with the Registrar could indicate in their covering letters that they have served the necessary on the relevant party or parties concerned in compliance with the Rules. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xv Validity of Priority Claims Under Section 10 of the Trade Marks Act 1999, a person may claim a right of priority for the registration of a trade mark from the date on which a corresponding application was filed in a "Convention country" ("Convention application") if the application for the registration of the trade mark is filed within 6 months after the date on which the Convention application is made. A "Convention country" refers to a country or territory, other than Singapore, which is a party to the Paris Convention or a member of the World Trade Organisation. For the purpose of assessing the validity of a priority claim, IPOS will assess whether the "Convention application" was filed in a relevant country which has already become a Convention country as at the date of the filing of the Convention application in the Convention country. For example, Trademark application filed in country A on 3 Oct 2001. Country A became a member of the Paris Convention or WTO on 2 Jan 2002. Trademark application filed in SG = 3 Feb 2002 (claims priority of earlier application in country A). Question: Is the claim to priority (application filed in country A) in the Singapore application valid? Answer: No 2004 Circulars (Application to Register a Change in Ownership (TM 22), Circular No. 13/2004, dated 18 June 2004. This circular is replaced by Circular No. 3/2008, dated 1 February 2008) (Application to Register a Licensee (TM 37), Circular No. 13/2004, dated 18 June 2004. This circular is replaced by Circular No. 24/2007, dated 29 June 2007) (Marks published for opposition purposes, Circular No. 16/2004, dated 2 July 2004. This circular is replaced by Circular No. 8/2009, dated 3 July 2009). Applications for registration of sound marks (Circular No. 25/2004, dated 17 December 2004) To assist the Registrar in the examination of applications for registration of sound marks, the Registrar may request the applicant to submit 2 copies of a CD-ROM recording of the sound mark sought for registration. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xvi 2005 Circulars (Translation of Non-English words, Circular No. 4/2005, dated 30 March 2005. This circular is replaced by Circular No. 17/2007, dated 7 May 2007) Amendment of Typographical Errors in Class Numbers in Form TM 4 (Circular No. 21/2005, dated 21 October 2005) An amendment of the class number in Form TM 4 may be amended by lodging Form TM 27 with fee for each amended class of goods / services, but only if (i) a re-search in the new amended class revealed no prior conflicting marks; (ii) all of the items in the specification did not fall under the class as filed but in one other class; and (iii) that mistake was obvious to a third party inspecting the Register. Three examples have been provided for illustrative purposes. Example 1: An application was filed in Class 5 in respect of "clothing, hats and shoes". An amendment of the class number from "5" to "25" would be allowed. Example 2: An application was filed in Class 5 in respect of "all goods in this class". An amendment of the class number from "5" to "25" would not be allowed because it would not be obvious to a third party inspecting the Register that the correct class intended to be claimed was Class 25 and not Class 5. It was possible that the applicant intended to claim all goods in Class 5. Example 3: An application was filed in Class 5 in respect of "clothing, hats and pesticides". An amendment of the class number from "5" to "25" would not be allowed, even with the deletion of the item, "pesticides" because it would not be obvious to a third party inspecting the Register that the correct class intended to be claimed was Class 25 and not Class 5. Since "pesticides" was correctly claimed in Class 5, it was possible that the applicant intended to claim "pesticides" in Class 5 but had incorrectly classified "clothing and hats" in Class 5 as well. It would be necessary for the applicant to file a fresh application in Class 25 in respect of "clothing and hats". Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xvii Trade Marks Act (Chapter 332) (2005 Revised Edition) (Circular No. 24/2005, dated 16 December 2005) Pursuant to Order Under Section 11(3) of the Revised Edition of the Laws Act (Chapter 275) [S 467/2005], the Trade Marks Act (2005 Revised Edition) came into operation on 31 July 2005. The following provisions in the 1999 Revised Edition of the Trade Marks Act have been renumbered by the Law Revision Commissioners in the 2005 Revised Edition: 1999 Ed. 8—(1) to (3) (3A) (3B) (3C) (4) (5) (6) (6A) (7) 2005 Ed. 8—(1) to (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 10—(1) to (6) (6A) (7) (8) 10—(1) to (6) (7) (8) (9) 15—(1) and (2) 15—(1) and (2) (3) (Deleted by Act 20/2004) (4) (Deleted by Act 20/2004) (5) — — (3) 19—(1), (2) and (3) (3A) (3B) (4) (5) (6) 19—(1), (2) and (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 22—(1) to (4) (5) (Deleted by Act 28/2000) (6) (7) (8) 22—(1) to (4) — (5) (6) (7) Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xviii 23—(1) to (6) 23—(1) to (6) (6A) (6B) (7) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) 34—(1) and (2) (2A) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 34—(1) and (6) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 39—(1) to (4) (4A) (5) (6) 39—(1) to (4) (5) (6) (7) 42—(1) to (5) (5A) (5B) (6) 42—(1) to (5) (6) (7) (8) 45—(1) to (5) (6) (Deleted by Act 20/2004) 45—(1) to (5) — (7) (8) (9) (6) (7) (8) (10) (11) (9) (10) Statutes (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Act 2005 (Act No. 42 of 2005) (Circular No. 25/2005, dated 23 December 2005) Section 21 of the Statutes (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Act 2005 which amends the Trade Marks Act will come into operation on 1 January 2006. A summary of some of the amendments to the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 2005 Ed.) are: Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xix (a) Convention country The definition of “Convention country” in section 2(1) is amended to provide that except in section 10 and paragraph 13 of the Third Schedule (claiming priority) “Convention country” includes Singapore. (b) Examination of application for registration An application for registration will be treated as withdrawn if the applicant fails to respond to the Registrar’s queries or objections regarding the registrability of the trade mark within the period specified by the Registrar for doing so. The Rules, which are being amended to come into operation on 1 January 2006, will deal with restoration of applications which are treated as withdrawn and the conditions for such restoration. (c) Collective marks An application for registration of a collective mark will be treated as withdrawn if the applicant fails to file the regulations governing the use of the mark, pay the prescribed fee for lodging the regulations, or respond to the Registrar’s queries or objections regarding the registrability of the trade mark, within the period specified by the Registrar for doing so. The Rules, which are being amended to come into operation on 1 January 2006, will deal with restoration of applications which are treated as withdrawn and the conditions for such restoration. (d) Certification marks An application for registration of a certification mark will be treated as withdrawn if the applicant fails to file the regulations governing the use of the mark, pay the prescribed fee for lodging the regulations, or respond to the Registrar’s queries or objections regarding the registrability of the trade mark, within the period specified by the Registrar for doing so. The Rules, which are being amended to come into operation on 1 January 2006, will deal with restoration of applications which are treated as withdrawn and the conditions for such restoration. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xx Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2005 Notification (Circular No. 27/2005, dated 30 December 2005) Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2005 Notification (Circular No. 27/2005, dated 30 December 2005) The above Notifications were gazetted on 28 December 2005 and it declared that the Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2005 and Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2005 would come into operation on 1 January 2006. Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2005 The following is a summary of some of the amendments in Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2005 which will come into force on 1 January 2006: (a) Rule 7 : Service of documents Non-fee bearing documents (except documents pertaining to hearings) may be sent to the Registry by facsimile transmission. However, each facsimile transmitted document must be legible and the responsibility for ensuring legibility rests with the sender. (b) Rule 9 : Address for service An address for service indicated on Form TM 19 and Form TM 24 is effective only for renewal maters and does not become the proprietor’s address for service for all other matters pertaining to that trade mark. (c) Rule 21 : Deficiencies in application The amendment clarifies the actions that will be taken by the Registry if minimum filing requirements are not met. (d) Rules 32, 33, 34 : Extension of time to file evidence by way of a statutory declaration in opposition/revocation/invalidation/rectification proceedings The second and subsequent requests for extension of time to file evidence by way of a statutory declaration in opposition/revocation/invalidation/rectification proceedings have to be made on Form TM 50, for which a fee will be imposed. (e) Rule 50 : Notice of renewal The Registrar’s notice to the proprietor informing him of the date of expiry of the trade mark registration will be sent to the proprietor’s address for service for renewal purposes, that is, the address for service indicated on Form TM 19 or Form TM 24, if one has been lodged, or if none, to the proprietor’s address for service. (f) Rule 77B : Restoration of applications treated as withdrawn Applications which are treated as withdrawn under the Act or Rules by reason that the applicant has failed to do any act on time may be restored by filing Form TM 40 with fee within three months from the date of the Registrar’s notice informing the applicant of that fact. (g) Removal of Forms TM 9, TM 14, TM 15 and TM 16 Forms TM 9, TM 14, TM 15 and TM 16 have been removed and Forms TM 4, TM 11, TM 12 and TM 13 respectively will be used in their place. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxi Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2005 The following is a summary of some of the amendments in the Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2005 which will come into force on 1 January 2006: (a) Rule 5 : Specification of Goods/Services The amendment clarifies that the Registrar is entitled to raise an objection against vague terms in the specification of goods / services of an International Registration designating Singapore. (b) Rule 28 : Notification to International Bureau The amendment clarifies that in relation to an international application, the Registry will notify the International Bureau where the basic application is treated as withdrawn and is not restored in accordance with the Trade Marks Rules. Amendment of Trade Mark Forms Some trade mark forms have been revised and the revised forms are to be used from 1 January 2006. A separate edition of the Trade Marks Journal containing a consolidation of forms to be used in proceedings before the Registrar will be available online at from 30 December 2005. The changes made to the forms are as follows: (a) All forms have been amended to incorporate information on the estimated time needed to complete the form. (b) Amendments have also been made to Forms TM 1, TM 4, TM 11, TM 12, TM 13, TM 19, TM 22, TM 24, TM 37 and MP 1. (c) Form TM 4, TM 11, TM 12 and TM 13 will now be used in place of Forms TM 9, TM 14, TM 15 and TM 16 respectively. (d) The Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2005 also introduce: I. Form TM 40 for restoration of an application treated as withdrawn. The fee for this form is $130; and II Form TM 50 for second and subsequent requests for extension of time to file evidence by way of a statutory declaration in opposition/revocation/invalidation proceedings. The fee for this form is $100 in respect of each trade mark. 2006 Circular The State of Incorporation (Circular No. 30/2006, dated 27 October 2006) Please note with respect to companies incorporated in the United States of America, the state of incorporation must be indicated on all trade marks forms. This is because companies incorporated in different states of America are separate and distinct legal entities. If the state of incorporation of a United States of America company is not indicated on Form TM 4, a Form TM 26 will be required for the insertion of the state of incorporation. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxii 2007 Circulars Trade Marks (Amendment) Act 2007 (Act No. 3/2007) (Circular No. 7/2007, dated 14 February 2007) The Trade Marks (Amendment) Act 2007 has been passed by Parliament on 22 January 2007 and has received Presidential assent on 1 February 2007. Some of the key amendments include: Provision for multiple class registration Registration for trademarks is presently based on single classes. The amendments will now allow for a multi-class registration. A multi-class registration allows for one single application in multiple classes of goods and services to lead to one registration. Upon registration, the registration is maintained as one, resulting in the need to renew only once for the renewal to be effective for all the classes of goods and services registered. Division of an application for registration To complement a multiple-class system, it is now possible to divide a trademark application into two or more applications. A trademark applicant may divide up his application into two or more applications so that those classes of goods or services that do not face opposition or objection can proceed to registration first. Division will therefore expedite trademark registration where appropriate. Relief Measures for Procedural Oversight The Act also provides for relief measures to alleviate procedural mistakes by trademark applicants, notably missed time limits. The relief measures provide the avenue for a trademark applicant to maintain the rights in an application that has been filed, even when time limits have been missed. Registration of Licence of Pending Trademarks The amendments will now allow for registration of licences relating to pending trademarks. Prior to the amendments, only licences relating to registered trademarks can be recorded on the register. The Trade Marks (Amendment) Act 2007 will come into operation on a date to be notified. A copy of the Trade Marks (Amendment) Act 2007 can be purchased at SNP Corporation Ltd ( Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxiii Cautionary Notice on Unsolicited Mail about Unofficial Registration Services (Circular No. 13/2007, dated 11 April 2007) It has been brought to our attention that trade mark proprietors and/or agents whose trade marks have been published in recent IPOS Trade Marks eJournals are receiving letters from companies for payments for unofficial registration services. These companies use names, abbreviations or emblems that appear to be “official” and send out letters which resemble invoices to trade mark proprietors and/or agents with details of the proprietor, the trade mark, class(es) of goods or services, etc. These companies will offer to register marks in registers or publications for a fee, and in return, claim they will send the respondent a copy of the publication. Please treat such letters as unsolicited mails. These companies are neither related to nor connected with IPOS. There is no obligation to pay for such services as they are not official services. The only office constituted under Singapore laws that provides registration services for trade marks in Singapore is our office, the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS). Upon receiving such letter or invoice, if you are in any doubt, please consult your trade mark agent, your lawyer, or email us for clarification. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxiv Amendments to the Trade Marks Act, the Trade Marks Rules and the Trade Marks (International Registration) Rules (Circular No. 17/2007, dated 7 May 2007) The Trade Marks (Amendment) Act 2007, the Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2007 and the Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2007 have been gazetted and will come into force on 2 July 2007. The (Amendment) Act and (Amendment) Rules can be purchased at SNP Corporation Ltd ( Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2007 The following is a summary of some of the amendments in Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2007: (a) Rule 17 : Division of applications for registration An application for registration may be divided, at the request of the applicant, into 2 or more separate applications for registration. The request for division is to be made on Form TM 8 and a fee of $280 is chargeable for each new divisional application created. (b) Rule 22 : Amendment of application Form TM 27 (Request to change the details of an application for registration) will no longer be used. In its place are Forms TM 27A and TM 27B. Form TM 27A is chargeable on a per class basis while Form TM 27B is chargeable on a per trade mark basis. Form TM 27A is to be used for amendments pertaining to the class number, the specification of goods or services to which the application for registration relates, or the particulars of any claim to a right of priority included in the application for registration. Form TM 27B is to be used for any other amendment not involving the above. (c) Rule 56 : Application to alter registered trade mark The proprietor of a registered trade mark may apply to the Registrar on Form TM 27B for alteration of the registered mark. Form TM 35, the form which is currently used, will no longer be used as from 2 July 2007. (d) Rule 57 : Rectification of an error or omission in the register An application to the Registrar for the rectification of an error or omission in the register may be made by the proprietor of a registered trade mark or by any other person. Where the application is made by the proprietor of a registered trade mark, the amendment shall be made on – (a) Form TM 27A, where the amendment pertains to the class number, the specification of goods or services to which the registration relates, or the particulars of any claim to a right of priority; (b) Form TM 27B, for any other amendment not involving the above. Where the application for rectification is made by any other person, the application shall be made on Form TM 28. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxv (f) Rule 77B : Reinstatement of application, right or thing Subject to certain exceptions, an applicant, proprietor or other interested person who has missed a time limit for action before the Registry, may apply on Form TM 40 to have his rights reinstated, if: 1) the request for reinstatement is made within 6 months from the date of expiration of the time limit; 2) the omitted act is completed together with the request; and 3) the failure to comply with the time limit is unintentional. Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2005 The Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2007 has been amended to make it clear that division does not apply to international registrations designating Singapore. Amendment of Trade Mark Forms Some trade mark forms have been revised and the revised forms are to be used from 2 July 2007. A separate edition of the Trade Marks Journal containing a consolidation of all Trade Mark forms will be available for sale from 29 June 2007. The changes made to the forms are as follows: (a) All forms have been amended to indicate whether the fee for that particular form is payable on a per class, per trade mark or per form basis. The fee structure is as shown in the table below. Per form basis TM 26 MP 3 Per trade mark basis TM 1 TM 7 TM 10 TM 20 TM 22 TM 27 B TM 29 TM 30 TM 31 TM 33 TM 34 TM 37 TM 38 TM 39 TM 40 TM 42 TM 46 Per class basis TM 4 TM 11 TM 12 TM 13 TM 19 TM 21 TM 24 TM 27 A TM 28 TM 32 TM 44 TM 45 TM 50 MP 1 MP 2 (b) Where fees are payable on a per class basis, such as renewal forms and opposition forms, the class numbers affected by the request, are to be indicated on the form. (c) Amendments have been made to all forms, with the exception of Form TM 23. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxvi (d) Forms TM 18 and TM 35 have been removed. (e) Forms TM 8, TM 27A and TM 27B are new. Translation of Non-English words (Circular No. 17/2007, dated 7 May 2007) For purposes of rule 20(2), where the mark consists of non-English words, it is not necessary to file with the Registrar a certified translation by a qualified translator. A copy of relevant extracts from relevant dictionaries showing the meaning of each word and the words as a whole in English will be sufficient. However, it will be necessary to indicate on the application form that the mark consists of non-English word/words. A failure to include such an indication on the application form will have to be rectified by the filing of amendment via Form TM 27 with the requisite fee. The applicant should forward to the Registrar the requisite translation and/or the transliteration together with a copy of relevant extracts from dictionaries or relevant certification as soon as possible. As regards the indication on the application form, it is necessary to submit an accurate and complete translation and/or transliteration of the non-English words in the mark. Two examples are provided below as illustration. Example 1: An application was filed for the mark consisting of three Chinese Characters which is the phonetic equivalent of the Applicant’s company name. The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Fei Li Shi" which has no meaning and it is the phonetic equivalent of the Applicant’s company name "Philips". An appropriate indication in the Application form may read as: 9 If the mark contains or consists of word(s) not being English word(s), provide the derivation of the word(s). If it is invented, state so. If it can be translated, fill in Part 10 below. The Chinese characters of which the mark consists is derived from the Applicant's company name i.e. it is the phonetic equivalent of "Philips" 10 If the mark contains or consists of non-English word(s), and/or non-Roman character(s), provide the English translation and/or transliteration as follows: Representation of the words(s)/ characters 㧆ゟ Language of word(s)/character(s) Chinese Translation of each word(s)/ character(s) and the word(s)/ character(s) taken together as a whole Translation of the Chinese characters as a whole: no meaning. It is the phonetic equivalent of the Applicant's company name "Philips". Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxvii (Enclosed dictionary exact/ Certified translation/ supporting document of the same) Transliteration of character(s) Transliteration of the Chinese characters: "Fei Li Shi". Example 2: An application was filed for the mark consisting of two Chinese Characters and the word “SINGER” (which is part of the Company name). Company : THE SINGER COMPANY LIMITED The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Sheng Jia" which has no meaning. An appropriate indication in the application form may read as: 9 If the mark contains or consists of word(s) not being English word(s), provide the derivation of the word(s). If it is invented, state so. If it can be translated, fill in Part 10 below. ࢱᆊ" appearing in the mark is used to denote a brand name of The Chinese characters" Singer's product. 10 If the mark contains or consists of non-English word(s), and/or non-Roman character(s), provide the English translation and/or transliteration as follows: Representation of the words(s)/ characters ࢱᆊ Language of word(s)/character(s) Chinese Translation of each word(s)/ character(s) and the word(s)/ character(s) taken together as a whole Translation of the Characters as a whole: no meaning. Transliteration of character(s) Sheng Jia (Enclosed dictionary exact/ Certified translation/ supporting document showing meaning of each of the Chinese characters and characters taken as whole) Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxviii Application to Register a Licensee (TM 37) (Circular No. 24/2007, dated 29 June 2007) (i) Processing Of An Application To Register A Licensee (TM 37) An application to register a licence (Form TM 37) filed on or after 2/7/2007, will be processed by the Registry even though the status of the mark is still pending registration. However where the application to register a licence (Form TM 37) was filed before 2/7/2007, it will be processed only after the mark has been registered. (ii) Licence Commencement Date The licence commencement date (i.e. the date entered in Part 5 of TM 37) should not predate the date from which the proprietor’s rights in the mark accrue. For a trade mark application filed before 1/7/2004, the earliest licence commencement date is the trade mark application date or the priority date, if any. For a trade mark application filed on or after 1/7/2004, the earliest licence commencement date is the trade mark application date. (iii) Exclusive Licence Periods Do Not Overlap Where there are 2 exclusive licences or more, the licence periods involving the same goods or services should not overlap. (iv) Licensed Goods/Services Application/Registration Should Not Be Wider Than Trade Mark The list of licensed goods or services (Annex of TM 37) should not be wider than those under the trade mark application/registration. Deficiencies in applications for registration : amendments after filing (Circular No. 28/2007, dated 27 July 2007) The Registrar has been conducting formalities check on all applications for registration to ensure that they contain all formal requirements under the Trade Marks Act. Where the application does not comply with the requirements which are essential for a filing date to be accorded, the filing date will not be accorded until all the deficiencies have been rectified. In such cases, the application will be accorded the earliest date on which all essential requirements for filing date are complied with. There is no need for the correction to be accompanied by the relevant amendment form. The essential requirements for filing date are spelt out in section 5(2) and (3) of the Trade Marks Act. In respect of other deficiencies or irregularities that do not affect the filing date, amendments must be effected through the lodgement of the relevant trade mark forms, such as Form TM 27A, Form TM 27B and Form TM 26. This practice pertains only to new applications filed with effect from 01 August 2007. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxix The Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Act (Circular No. 40/2007, dated 5 December 2007) The Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Act was passed in Parliament on 12 November 2007. Under the Act, the following emblems may not be used in Singapore, unless approval is given by the Ministry of Health: • Red Cross emblem • Red Crescent emblem • Red Crystal emblem • Red Lion and Sun emblem Red Cross emblem Red Crescent emblem Red Lion and Sun emblem Red Crystal emblem With the commencement of the Act, the Registrar will object to trade mark applications consisting of or containing these emblems or emblems closely resembling them, under Section 7(5) of the Trade Marks Act, unless consent from the Ministry of Health is furnished. This is so even for applications lodged before the effective date of the Act. Proprietors of registered trade marks containing or consisting of such emblems, or emblems closely resembling them, should note that in spite of their registration, they have one year from 12 November 2007 to cease using the emblems. 2008 Circulars Image of e-filed mark (Circular No. 11/2008, dated 4 July 2008) IPOS has encountered certain electronic trade mark applications which have images of marks that have jagged and blurred edges in our database and the images of the mark will not appear as clear as intended by the applicants in the trade mark journal and certificate of registration. The reason for the blurred image of marks is that applicants attach images of the marks with a lot of background or blank space. To ensure that such images are not too small for viewing purposes, IPOS has to make adjustment to the marks which then result in blurred images. In order to ensure that the image of mark is accurately captured by IPOS, applicants should crop the mark with little background or blank space and save the image as approximately 480 x 480 pixel. This will remove the need for IPOS to make adjustment to the image in the publication and the registration certificate and the applicant can then obtain clear and accurate image of the mark. (Translation Clause, Circular No. 12/2008, dated 11 July 2008. This circular was removed on 1 August 2008) Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxx Return of assignment deeds and other registrable transaction documents (Circular No. 14/2008, dated 26 September 2008) The Registry will stop its practice of returning deeds of assignment and other documents lodged in support of applications for transfer of ownership and recordal of other registrable transactions. However, should the applicant wish for the return of such documents, he may make his request known at the time of lodgement of the recordal application on a covering letter accompanying the application to that effect. The letter shall provide contact details so that the Registry may make the necessary arrangements for the return of the documents. This practice will affect all applications lodged on or after 1 October 2008. Launch of e-Communications Portal on 1 December 2008 (Circular No. 17/2008, dated 28 November 2008) Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2008; Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2008 (Circular No. 17/2008, dated 28 November 2008) IPOS will launch the e-Communications Portal on 1 December 2008. The eCommunications Portal is an electronic online system developed by IPOS for the main purpose of facilitating the sending, receipt and exchange of all correspondence, relating to trademark applications and prosecutions, between IPOS and registered account holders. The following firms and companies will be taking part in the pilot scheme that is scheduled for the initial period of 6 months. DREW AND NAPIER LLC DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP WONG & LEOW LLC AMICA LAW LLC LLOYD WISE ALBAN TAY MAHTANI & DE SILVA ONE LEGAL LLC PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE LTD HAQ & SELVAM NAMAZIE & CO TITO ISAAC & CO LLP PHILIPS ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE PTE LTD SAMUEL SEOW LAW CORPORATION The Trade Marks Rules have been amended to give effect to the sending, receipt and exchange of correspondence via the e-Communications Portal. In particular, the changes in the Rules will:(a) provide for service of documents by the Registrar as well as by applicants by electronic communication through the e-Communications Portal; (b) provide for the sending of a true and complete image of the original paper document by electronic communication through the e-Communications Portal for documents that are required to be signed, made on oath or affirmed or are required to be attested; (c) provide for the extension of deadlines that fall on excluded days in spite of the availability of the e-Communications Portal; Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxxi (d) treat the date of receipt of documents received by IPOS as the day on which the documents are received by IPOS as long as the time of receipt is before the midnight of the day. It is to be noted that applicants must still comply with the requirement to provide an address for service under rule 9. The electronic address of these persons, if they are using the eCommunications Portal to send documents to and receive documents from the Registrar, is not intended to be part of their address for service. However, service of documents by electronic communication through the eCommunications Portal is intended to be valid service notwithstanding that there is an address for service filed in accordance with rule 9. The Trade Marks (International Registration) Rules have also been amended to permit the use of one Form for multiple classes of goods or services for Forms for use in opposition, namely Form TM 11 and Form TM 12. A copy of the Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2008 and the Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendments) Rules 2008 are available for sale at SNP Corporation Ltd. ( Application for Renewal of Registration (Form TM 19) (Circular No. 18/2008, dated 12 December 2008) With effect from 1st January 2009, the Registrar will not be issuing renewal certificates confirming that a mark has been renewed. This is applicable to all applications for renewal of registration (Form TM 19) lodged on or after 1st January 2009. For applications for renewal made online, the renewal will be processed instantaneously and an acknowledgement of the renewal showing the extended expiry date will be displayed for printing. These acknowledgements of renewal will remain available for printing for a period of one month from the renewal application date. In very limited circumstances, such as where there are pending applications affecting the validity of the trade mark, instant renewal will not be possible and the applicant will be notified that the acknowledgement of renewal will be posted in due course. Where the application for renewal is posted or submitted over the counter, the applicant will not be receiving any acknowledgement from the Registry. The onus will be on the applicant to check the expiry date of the mark at within 2 weeks of lodgement of the application for renewal of registration (From TM 19) to confirm that the expiry date has been extended by the Registry. If the expiry date has not been extended, applicants are advised to contact our Renewal Officer at 63302 707 immediately for assistance. This change in practice does not apply to Late Application for Renewal of Registration (Form TM 24) and Application for Restoration and Renewal of Registration Removed from the Register (Form TM 21). To reflect the change in practice in Form TM 19, an information note has been incorporated into the form. This revised form should be used from 1st January 2009. A copy of the revised Form TM 19 will be available for downloading by end of December 2008 at Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxxii 2009 Circulars Trade Marks Work Manual (Circular No. 5/2009, dated 24 April 2009) The Registry of Trade Marks has added six new chapters to the existing Trade Marks Work Manual. The six new chapters cover the following topics: (1) Marks contrary to public policy or morality; (2) Names and representation of famous people, building, etc; (3) Other grounds of refusal; (4) Deceptive marks; (5) Licences; and (6) Slogans. You may access the Trade Marks Work Manual online at: Marks published for opposition purposes (Circular No. 8/2009, dated 3 July 2009) The following types of publication in the Trade Marks Journal are subjected to opposition: Notice of Opposition via Form 1) Application published before registration; TM 11 2) Collective or certification marks published before registration; TM 11 3) Alteration to registered marks; TM 11 4) Amendment to regulations governing use of collective or certification marks; TM 11 5) Application amended after publication TM 11 With respect to items 3)-5), the ground(s) stated in the Notice of Opposition must be confined strictly to the alteration or amendment. The Notice of Opposition must be lodged within 2 months from the date the alteration or amendment is published in the Trade Marks journal. If an extension of time to file the notice of opposition is required, the request must be filed using Form TM 48 within 2 months from the date of publication of the alteration or amendment. The maximum extension of time for filing Notice of Opposition is 4 months from the date of publication of the alteration or amendment. Rules 29(2) to (8) and 31 to 40 apply to these oppositions with the necessary modifications. Costs for attending Case Management Conferences and Pre-Hearing Reviews (Circular No. 10/2009, dated 28 August 2009) In opposition, invalidation and revocation proceedings for trade mark applications or registrations, the Registrar has, as a matter of course, directed parties to attend case management conferences and pre-hearing reviews at the appropriate time for the purpose of achieving a just, expeditious and economical disposal of the matter pursuant to the power conferred on the Registrar in the Trade Marks Rules. The Registrar will treat the costs for attending such case management conferences and pre-hearing reviews in the same vein as for attending interlocutory hearings, which costs may be included as party and party costs under rule 73 of the Trade Marks Rules to be awarded to the successful party at the end of the proceedings. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxxiii B) PERTAINING TO COLLECTIVE AND CERTIFICATION MARKS Pre-2004 Circular Publication of Collective Mark and Certification Mark Applications Collective mark and certificate mark applications are published in the Trade Marks Journal for opposition purposes before protection is granted. They are published in a separate section of the Trade Marks Journal titled "Collective and Certification Marks Applications Published for Opposition Purposes". Pursuant to the First and Second Schedules of the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.), the Regulations governing the use of the collective and Certification Marks are available for inspection at the Registry of Trade Marks. 2004 Circular Regulations Governing the Use of Certification/Collective Marks (Circular No. 7/2004, dated 19 March 2004) The filing with the Registrar of regulations governing the use of certification or collective marks under rule 63 of the Trade Marks Rules must be accompanied by Form TM 10. Regulations filed without Form TM 10 will not be recognised and will be returned. The filing of TM 10 without regulations attached will also be rejected. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxxiv C) PERTAINING TO FORMS Pre-2004 Circular Form TM 26 A request to change the name, address or other particulars (except trading nature) of an applicant for registration, proprietor of a registered trade mark or other interested person, where the change does not affect the representation of the trade mark, should be made on Form TM 26. 2004 Circulars Form TM 26 Notification Letter (Circular No. 8/2004, dated 26 March 2004) Please note that the main purpose of the Notification Letter is to inform as to the fact that the name and/or address of the applicant/proprietor has/have been updated. Thus, the Notification Letter cannot be treated as conclusive as to the status of marks reflected therein. Where there is no reply within the given period to our latest examination report, an application will be updated as abandoned notwithstanding any interim Notification Letter from the Registrar. Form TM 1 [Request to appoint or change an agent or to enter or change an address for service] (Circular No. 18/2004, dated 30 July 2004) One Form TM 1 may be used for multiple trade mark numbers. However, the fee for this form is still charged on a per trade mark number basis unless the request is to alter an agent’s name and/or address for service which does not affect the legal entity of the agent. In such a case, only a single set of fee is payable. Kindly note that it is not necessary to lodge Form TM 1 together with forms such as TM 4, TM 9, TM 11, TM 14, TM 19, TM 22, TM 24, TM 26, TM 28, TM 29, TM 37 and TM 48 as each of these forms contains a section for the indication of an address for service. 2006 Circular Erratum - Form TM 40 (Circular No. 1/2006, dated 13 January 2006) Please note that the title of Form TM 40 should read as "REQUEST FOR RESTORATION OF APPLICATION TREATED AS WITHDRAWN" and Part 2 of the Form should read as "Particulars of applicant/registered proprietor". Please visit IPOS website at to download the corrected Form TM 40. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxxv 2007 Circular Form TM 32 (Circular No. 32/2007, dated 21 September 2007) Part 4 of Form TM 32 which used to read as “Goods or services to be cancelled” has been amended to “Goods or services to remain”. The amendment is to ensure that there is clarity in the residual specification. Please visit IPOS website at to download the amended Form TM 32. The Registrar will reject the old Form TM 32 (V02/01/07) with effect from 1 October 2007. It is also to be noted that Form TM 32 is the appropriate Form to file to effect any amendment to specifications of goods or services of registrations that has the effect of cancelling some goods or services or narrowing down the specifications. For example, Form TM 32 is to be filed to effect an amendment from "books" in Class 16 to "books relating to business management" in Class 16. 2008 Circular Application to Register a Change in Ownership (TM 22) (Circular No. 3/2008, dated 1 February 2008 ) i)Effective Date when Subsequent Proprietor/Applicant for Registration Took Ownership The effective date when the subsequent proprietor/applicant for registration took over ownership (i.e. the date entered in Part 4 of Form TM 22) should not predate the date from which the proprietor's rights in the mark accrue. For a trade mark application filed before 1 July 2004, the earliest assignment effective date is the trade mark application date or the priority date, if any. For a trade mark application filed on or after 1 July 2004, the earliest assignment effective date is the trade mark application date. ii)Address for Service of Subsequent Proprietor/Applicant for Registration The address for service entered in Part 5 of the Form TM 22 is effective for all proceedings in respect of the trade mark including the subject application for change of ownership. As such, there is no need to lodge Form TM 1 together with Form TM 22 for this purpose. Form TM 1 will be required only if:a. there is a change of agent whilst the TM 22 is being processed; or b. the agent will not be continuing to act for the subsequent proprietor / applicant for registration after TM 22 is recorded. Such Form TM 1 appointing the agent solely for "Assignment" matters (Part 3 of Form TM 1) will not be processed until a subsequent Form TM 1 appointing an agent for "Application for registration / Registration" is received. iii)Correction of Errors in Relation to a Recorded Change of Ownership Once a change in ownership has been recorded according to the request, should the owner need to correct any errors in the recorded details, Form TM 27B is required. Should the assignment(s) need to be re-recorded and re-examined, the relevant Form TM 22 with fees will need to be re-lodged. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxxvi iv)Covering Letter To ensure that the transactions are recorded accurately, please lodge a covering letter stating :a. b. c. the sequence of events; the exact nature of the transaction, and the trade mark numbers involved. When e-filing, a covering letter can be attached via the “covering letter” button for eTM 22 and 27B. 2009 Circulars eCommunications (Circular No. 2/2009, dated 27 February 2009) The Registry has been receiving Trade Mark Forms via the eCommunications portal. Please note that this portal is to facilitate the exchange of correspondences only. All forms should be either eFiled, submitted over the counter or posted to us. Enhancements made to eTM 22 (Application to register a change of ownership) (Circular No. 4/2009, dated 27 March 2009) With immediate effect, users may file up to 50 trade mark numbers in one eTM 22 (Application to register change of ownership) form provided that all the trade mark numbers belong to the same assignor under the same IPOS assigned company code. A link is included in the eForm to a search page allowing applicants to check their company code. Efiling multiple assignment applications (Circular No. 4/2009, dated 27 March 2009) This is to inform users that eTrademarks may be used to efile multiple assignment applications. So long as there exists a prior assignment application which has not yet been recorded by the Registry, when the user attempts to efile a subsequent assignment application, the field under "Current Proprietor's details" is intentionally left blank by the system for the user to enter the correct details. For example in the case of an assignment from A to B (1st TM 22), and then from B to C (2nd TM 22), the user will have to input B's details manually when efiling the second TM 22. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxxvii Form TM 4 - Application to register a trade mark, collective mark or certification mark (Circular No. 9/2009, dated 21 August 2009) Form MP 1 - Request to transform an international registration into national application(s) (Circular No. 9/2009, dated 21 August 2009) With effect from 15/09/2009, an Application to register a trade mark, collective mark or certification mark and a Request to transform an international registration into national application(s) must be made on version V05/01/09 of Form TM4 and MP 1 respectively. The corresponding electronic Form TM 4 available on eTrademarks will also be amended on the same day. The changes are found at Annex A of both forms and pertain to the information to be provided when making a priority claim. Annex A Annex A is amended so that where the priority claim is not in respect of all the goods or services claimed in the class, the applicant is to state the goods or services in respect of which priority is claimed. This amendment is to ensure that there is clarity in the scope of the priority claim. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxxviii D) PERTAINING TO eTRADEMARKS Pre-2004 Circular New Features of IPOS’ eTrademarks Services (1) Generation of Check Digit/Year of Trade Mark Numbers A new eService for the generation of year/check digit of Trade Mark Number is added to IPOS Online Transactions. This eService has two fields for entry. One is for the old TM No format while the other is for the new TM No format. For the old TM No format, both the year and the check digit would be generated. For the new TM No format, the check digit will be generated. This eService is already available. (2) Attachment for Form TM26 The eService for Form TM26 has been enhanced. As filing of Form TM26 usually requires a covering letter to list the TM numbers and sometimes to explain a certain situation, it can only be submitted through the counter. With this enhancement, when a Form TM26 is submitted, it allows for a covering letter to be attached to the said form. This is to facilitate the filing of Form TM26 through eTrademarks. This eService is already available. (3) Filing of mark in colour or greyscale With effect from 1 November 02, eTrademarks will be accepting colour or greyscale attachments for marks filed for Forms TM4 and TM9 in addition to the current black and white. Marks filed in colour or greyscale would be printed in greyscale for the Acknowledgement Letter, Trade Marks Journal and Certificate of Registration. Please note that viewing and printing of the mark images from the Enquiry System would still be in black and white. (4) “Save/Save As” feature The “Save/Save As” feature has been implemented on 4 December 02, from 10am onwards. This feature would be available for Forms TM4 and TM9. Any application that is saved would be kept in IPOS’ system for 3 working days excluding the current day. All saved documents residing in IPOS’ database for more than 3 working days would be removed. (5) Display Mark Image The “Display Mark Image” feature has been implemented on 4 December 02, from 10am onwards. Mark images attached to Forms TM4 and TM9 will be displayed for viewing. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xxxix 2004 Circular Online Trademarks Search and Enquiry System (Circular No. 4/2004, dated 6 February 2004) The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore is pleased to announce that its eTrademarks Search has been made available from 30 January 2004. The following search services have been made available through the system: Search for similar marks; Search for marks belonging to a proprietor; Search for mark detailed information, registered marks, pending marks, certification marks, collective marks, expired marks, cancelled marks, expired marks, withdrawn marks, abandoned marks, expunged marks, refused marks, destroyed marks and article 6ter based on relevant periods. The services will be offered free of charge. To access this service, please log on to the eTrademarks webpage and click on the eTrademarks Search link. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xl E) PERTAINING TO INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS AND REGISTRATIONS UNDER THE MADRID PROTOCOL Pre-2004 Circulars Singapore's Accession to the Madrid Protocol Singapore acceded to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (Madrid Protocol) on 31 July 2000. The Madrid Protocol came into operation in Singapore on 31 October 2000. Publication of International Registration Designating Singapore for Opposition Purposes International registrations designating Singapore under the Madrid Protocol are treated in the same manner as Singapore national applications, and are therefore published in the Trade Marks Journal for opposition purposes before protection is granted. They are published in a separate section of the Trade Marks Journal titled "International Registrations filed under the Madrid Protocol Published for Opposition Purposes under the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.)". Unlike Singapore national applications, they are not published according to the class of goods or services, but are published according to the international registration number. Request for Recording of Changes in the Name and/or Address of the Holder for International Registrations Designating Singapore Such requests must be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) using WIPO's prescribed Form MM9(E). Form TM 26 is not the relevant form to be used. Form MM9(E) is available for downloading at Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xli 2004 Circulars Issuance of Registration Certificates for Protected International Trade Marks (Singapore) (Circular No. 13/2004, dated 18 June 2004) The Registrar has received queries as to whether IPOS issues registration certificates for protected international trade marks (Singapore). Please note that IPOS does NOT issue such certificates. Under the Madrid Protocol, an Office which has examined an international registration in which it is designated and found no grounds for refusal may issue a statement of grant of protection. However, it is not obliged to do so and no legal consequences follow from the fact that no such statement is given. Further, such statements will only be issued if it is still within the 18-month time limit from the date of notification of the international registration. Where no such statements are issued, by the end of the 18-month time limit, the international registration will be regarded as protected in Singapore. In the Singapore context, IPOS does issue such statements, as a matter of customer service, if at the time of issuance, it is still within the said period. In cases where a provisional refusal or a provisional refusal based on opposition has been issued, a confirmation or withdrawal of such a provisional refusal in the form of a letter of final decision in accordance with Rule 17(5) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of marks will be sent to the International Bureau, who will in turn transmit a copy to the holder of the international registration. Requests for Recording of Changes in the Ownership of the International Registrations Designating Singapore or where Singapore is the Office of Origin (Circular No. 21/2004, dated 19 November 2004) For international registrations designating Singapore, in accordance with Rule 25 of the Common Regulations, such requests must be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) directly by the holder on WIPO’s official Form MM5(E). Form MM5(E) is available for downloading at Form TM 22 should not be lodged for such recordation of change in ownership. Where Singapore is the Office of Origin, requests for recording of changes in the ownership must also be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) directly by the holder. However, Form TM 22 may be lodged (if appropriate) to record the change in ownership of the basic application or basic registration. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xlii Requests for Recording of Changes in the Name and/or Address of the Holder for International Registrations Designating Singapore or where Singapore is the Office of Origin (this serves to replace an existing pre-2004 circular in the journal) (Circular No. 21/2004, dated 19 November 2004) For international registrations designating Singapore, in accordance with Rule 25 of the Common Regulations, such requests must be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) directly by the holder on WIPO’s official Form MM9(E). Form MM9(E) is available for downloading at Form TM 26 should not be lodged for such recordation of change in name and/or address. Where Singapore is the Office of Origin, requests for recording of changes in the name and/or address of the holder must also be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) directly by the holder. In such a case, TM 26 should be lodged to amend the change in name and/or address of the basic application or basic registration. Requests for Designation Subsequent to the International Registration (Circular No. 21/2004, dated 19 November 2004) In accordance with Rule 24 of the Common Regulations, such requests must be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) directly by the holder on WIPO’s official Form MM4(E). Form MM4(E) is available for downloading at 2005 Circulars (Effect of the Recording of Licenses in the International Register in respect of International Registrations Designating Singapore, Circular No. 21/2005, dated 21 October 2005. This Circular is replaced by Circular No. 1/2010, dated 12 February 2010) 2007 Circular (Modes of Payment to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation for Madrid Protocol Matters, Circular No. 42/2007, dated 28 December 2007. This Circular is replaced by Circular No. 1/2008, dated 11 January 2008) Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xliii 2008 Circulars Modes of Payment to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation for Madrid Protocol Matters (Circular No. 1/2008, dated 11 January 2008) With effect from 1 January 2008, there will be some amendments to the Administrative Instructions for the Application of the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol Relating Thereto ("AI"). The amendments are necessary for the implementation of a more broad-based electronic communications platform for the benefit of users of the Madrid system. The AI can be found here ( and the International Bureau's ("IB") notification of the amendments can be found here ( Please note that under the new Section 19 of the AI, fees payable to the IB must be made i. by debit to a current account with the IB, ii. by payment into the Swiss postal account or to any of the specified bank accounts of the IB, or iii. by credit card, where, in the context of an electronic communication envisaged in Section 11, an electronic interface for online payment has been made available by the IB. The previous modes of payment by cash at the IB and by a banker's cheque would no longer be available. Please note that while Section 19 now provides that in the context of electronic communications, fees due to the IB may be paid by credit card only in relation to specific types of transaction or request in respect of which a dedicated electronic interface has been provided, the IB has advised that this mode of payment by credit card would not be applicable to the filing of international applications. If you are filing an international application through IPOS on and after 2 January 2008, please note that our previous primary mode of payment to the IB via a banker's cheque is no longer available in light of the changes in the AI. Instead, your payment in Swiss Francs to the IB can be made by either options (i) or (ii) as stated above. Current Account If you conduct regular monetary transactions with the IB, you may opt to open a current account with them. Please see for details. Bank Transfer We envisage that the majority of applicants and agents are likely to use bank transfers under (ii) as the preferred mode of payment. Details of WIPO's postal account and bank account are as follows: Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xliv WIPO bank account IBAN No. CH51 0483 5048 7080 8100 0 Credit Suisse, CH-1211 Geneva 70 Swift/BIC: CRESCHZZ80A WIPO postal account IBAN No. CH03 0900 0000 1200 5000 8 Swift/BIC: POFICHBE The above account details are found on page 6 of the Form MM2(E). To confirm that the payment has been made, the applicant must indicate the payment details of the bank's transfer transaction in the appropriate space provided in IB's Form MM2(E) Application for International Registration Governed Exclusively by the Madrid Protocol at the time of filing. You must also provide us with a photocopy of the bank's transaction advice. If you have any queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to call our Customer Service Officer at 6339 8616 or email us at [email protected]. Requests for Recording of a Renewal for International Registrations where Singapore is the Office of Origin (Circular No. 5/2008, dated 22 February 2008) For an international registration where Singapore is the Office of Origin, a request for the recording of a renewal may be made by the holder or his agent upon payment of the relevant fees in Swiss Francs to WIPO via any of the following ways:(a) lodgement of WIPO’s Form MM11(E) or an official letter from the holder indicating the necessary information (number(s) of the international registration(s) concerned and the purpose of the payment); (b) lodgement done online at WIPO Marks E-Renewal System portal; or (c) lodgement of Form MM11(E) or the official letter mentioned under (a) through IPOS, together with a separate fee of S$85 for handling the renewal request. Kindly note that the above renewal is only effective for the international registration. Holders should lodge IPOS Form TM 19 in order to renew the Singapore basic registration, if necessary. With regard to the renewal of an international registration where Singapore is not the Office of Origin, even if Singapore had been designated, such a request must be effected via (a) or (b). It is also possible to do so via the Office of Origin of that international registration provided that that Office of Origin has agreed to collect the renewal fees and forward them to WIPO. We wish to emphasise that IPOS Form TM 19 must not be lodged for the renewal of any international registrations designating Singapore. Only WIPO would be able to process the renewal of that international registration. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xlv E-Payments to the World Intellectual Property Organization (Circular No. 19/2008, dated 26 December 2008) The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has introduced an E-Payment Service at, which allows payment of fees notified in their irregularity letters or other WIPO communications with regard to international applications or registrations. Payments can be made through the WIPO Current Account or by credit card. To make payment through the WIPO Current Account, you will be required to provide the userID and the password generated by them for the current account holders. If you do not have a current account, please read Current Account at WIPO at for details, on how to open, use or close a current account with WIPO, if you are thinking of opening one. If you already have a WIPO current account, but do not have a password, please send an email to WIPO at [email protected], mentioning E-Payment as the subject matter. To make payment by credit card, please follow the steps in the E-Payment Service. American Express, Mastercard and Visa are acceptable to WIPO. Unfortunately at this stage, WIPO is still unable to accept payment via credit card for the filing of international applications. For such applications, the only payment modes are via the WIPO Current Account, or the Swiss postal account or any of the specified bank accounts of WIPO. 2010 Circular Effect of the Recording of Licenses in the International Register in respect of International Registrations Designating Singapore (Circular No. 1/2010, dated 12 February 2010) Pursuant to Rule 20bis(6)(b) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Protocol, Singapore has notified the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organisation on 21 March 2002 that Singapore law would not give effect to the recording of trade mark licenses in the International Register. Accordingly, any recording of a license made under Rule 20bis(3) of the Common Regulations will have no effect on any International Registration designating Singapore. However, the holder of such an International Registration may still record the relevant license with IPOS by lodging Form TM 37, and the fee of S$60.00 per trade mark number. Similarly, the holder of such an International Registration may request for the amendment or cancellation of the recording of the license via Forms TM 38 and TM 39 respectively. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xlvi F) PERTAINING TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS AND SERVICES (I) General Information Pre-2004 Circulars (8th Edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services, this circular was removed on 18 January 2008) Compliance with the International Classification of Goods and Services To assist the Registrar in expediting the acceptance of trade mark applications for registration, agents are reminded to ensure that the specifications of goods or services set out in the application forms conform with the International Classification of Goods and Services as far as possible. Very often, the Registrar receives applications where the marks are acceptable for registration but the specifications are not in order. This slows down the registration process. Precedents in Support of Specification In the examination of the specification of goods or services for compliance with the International Classification of Goods and Services, the Registrar is prepared to rely on precedents relating to Singapore, United Kingdom, Australia and Hong Kong registrations. Applicants and agents are therefore free to file these precedents in support of their specifications of goods and services for the Registrar's consideration. However, the Registrar would not rely on such precedents in the following situations: (a) where the precedent relates to goods or services which have been accepted by the Registrar concerned in the wrong class; (b) where the precedent relates to goods or services which are no longer classified in the class stated in the precedent in view of a change of classes by the Special Union for the International Classification of Goods and Services for the purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Union); (c) where the precedent relates to goods or services which are no longer classified in the class stated in the precedent in view of a change or clarification of practice by the Registry concerned. The use of square brackets [ ] and round brackets ( ) in specifications An expression between square brackets is intended to define more precisely the text or item preceding the brackets. Square brackets are used when the item is ambiguous for classification purposes. Round brackets are used to qualify the text or item preceding the brackets to ensure the correct classification. Round brackets are used when it is possible that the item can be classified in various classes depending on the intended goods or services sought to be covered. Use of the term “Internet” in specifications of goods and services In view of the widespread use of the term “Internet” in the generic sense, the Registrar will henceforth not raise any objections to the use of the term “Internet” in the specifications of goods and services of Singapore national applications or international registrations designating Singapore. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xlvii However, the use of the term “Internet” in specifications of goods and services is generally not encouraged as the word “Internet” is a registered trade mark in some countries and may be objected to by the designated offices of these countries in respect of international applications originating from Singapore filed under the Madrid Protocol. This may arise where the term “Internet” is listed in a Singapore national application or registration and the Singapore national application or registration forms the basis of an international application originating from Singapore under the Madrid Protocol. In the circumstances, it is advisable for applicants to use the term “global communications network” instead. 2004 Circulars Underlining of precedents for objections on specification of goods / services (Circular No. 19/2004, dated 3 September 2004) When lodging precedents to overcome the Registrar’s objection on the specification of goods / services, the Registrar requests that the relevant portions of the precedents to be underlined for greater visibility. This would assist the Registrar to identify and consider the relevant portions of the precedents in order to assess whether the objection should be waived. Vague descriptions in specifications (Circular No. 20/2004, dated 12 November 2004) A clear description of the goods or services claimed in a trade mark application is important as it determines the scope of the application. As such, the indication of goods, for example “pouches and the like”, is not acceptable as the expression, “and the like”, is vague. In the example given, it is not clear as to what other goods the applicant is claiming apart from pouches. 2005 Circular (Use of acronyms for specifications of goods and/or services, Circular No. 6/2005, dated 22 April 2005. This circular was removed on 18 January 2008) 2006 Circular International Classification of Goods and Services NICE Classification – Ninth Edition (Circular No. 32/2006, dated 8 November 2006) The ninth edition of the NICE Classification for the purposes of the registration of trade marks will come into effect on 1 January 2007. Copies can be ordered online at The majority of the changes involve Classes 14, 20, 21, 26, 34, 42 and 45 but minor changes and additions have also been made to other classes. For more information regarding the specific changes, please refer to the Nice Union Report CLIM/CE/20/ which is obtainable at the following link Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xlviii The eighth edition of the NICE Classification shall still apply to all applications filed before 1 January 2007. Applications filed on or after 1 January 2007 shall be filed in accordance with the ninth edition of the NICE Classification. For the avoidance of doubt, there will be no reclassification of goods and services for existing applications filed prior to 1 January 2007, after the 9th Edition of the NICE Classification comes into force. 2007 Circular Use of registered trade marks in specifications of goods and services (Circular No. 38/2007, dated 14 November 2007) Registered trade marks which are ordinary dictionary words are allowed to be used in specifications of goods and services as a descriptor. This practice is consistent with our previous journal notice on the use of the term, “Internet”, which has become generic. However, words which are invented and have been registered as trade marks will not be acceptable in specifications of goods and services. Instead, applicants should use ordinary English words to describe their goods and services. For example, a specification of goods which reads "bluetooth-enabled devices for communications, namely telephones, handsets, headsets, speakers, microphones and earphones” should be amended to “devices for communications which are enabled by short range radio technology, namely telephones, handsets, headsets, speakers, microphones and earphones”. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. xlix (II) Information on specific items Pre-2004 Circulars (Cereal-based beverages, Beverages made from cereals, Pre-2004 Circular. This Circular was replaced by Circular No. 7/2008, dated 5 March 2008) Club [dining] services With effect from 31 October 2003, the Registrar will accept the specification “club [dining] services” in Class 43 instead of Class 41 of the International Classification of Goods and Services. The emphasis on the word “dining” puts the item more in line with the class heading and explanatory notes of Class 43. Consultancy Services In the 8th edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services, consultancy services will be classified according to their subject matter. For example, consultancy services relating to telecommunications will be classified in Class 38, transportation consultancy services in Class 39 and intellectual property consultancy services in Class 42. The Registry had been taking this position in its examination of applications. WIPO has clarified that pending the coming into force of the 8th edition, the correct classification is in accordance with the 7th edition where such services are classified in class 35 if they are business-related and class 42 if they are non-business-related. Hence, the Registry is adopting this stand. However, in order not to prejudice any party who has acted on the Registrar’s earlier position on such services, the Registry will not reject consultancy services which have been classified according to their subject matter. Desserts With effect from 31 October 2003, the Registrar will not accept a specification consisting of “desserts” per se. This is in line with the World Intellectual Property Organization’s view that the said item, without further qualification, is vague. Examples of acceptable descriptions are : “Desserts [Jellies for food]” in Class 29 or “Desserts [Ice cream]” in Class 30 (Executor services, Pre-2004 Circular. This Circular was replaced by Circular No. 7/2008, dated 5 March 2008) Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. l Mail order services A specification of services consisting of or containing “mail order services” is unacceptable as it does not conform to the International Classification of Goods and Services and should be reworded to "the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order” in accordance with the practice in the United Kingdom. Provision of information for business or domestic purposes in Class 38 With effect from 30 July 2003, a specification which reads "provision of information for business or domestic purposes" in class 38 will not be acceptable. The applicant is requested to further qualify the specification so that it will read as “provision of information in the field of telecommunications for business or domestic purposes”. This is in line with the General Remarks as provided in the Nice Classification that the subject matter of the information being provided determines the correct class for the services. (Provision of user access time to the global computer network, Pre-2004 Circular. This circular was removed on 26 September 2007) (Storage of data, information or documents, Pre-2004 Circular. This circular was removed on 5 December 2008) 2004 Circulars Retailing of services (Circular No. 2/2004, dated 7 January 2004) With effect from 7 January 2004, the Registrar will not accept a specification containing a claim for “retailing of services” or “the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of services (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those services”. Applicants will be asked to clarify on the type(s) of services they are providing and to apply for such services in the appropriate class(es). WIPO’s Recommendation No. 16 (Circular No. 4/2004, dated 6 February 2004) For applications lodged on or after 13 January 2004, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the items stated below in the designated classes: (1) Pastilles and chewing gum for cosmetic purposes - Class 3 (2) Soap bubbles and foam generators for shows - Class 11 (3) Lenyards (Keycords) - Class 14 (Joss sticks, Circular No. 5/2004, dated 13 February 2004.This circular was removed on 20 March 2009) Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. li Canned foodstuffs of plant origin (Circular No. 6/2004, dated 5 March 2004) For applications lodged on or after 12 March 2004, the Registrar will accept the specification “canned foodstuffs of plant origin” in Class 30 instead of Class 29. This is in line with the explanatory note of Class 30 which states “Class 30 includes mainly foodstuffs of plant origin prepared for consumption or conservation”. Manufacturing of goods (Circular No. 12/2004, dated 11 June 2004) For applications lodged on or after 18 June 2004, a specification of services consisting of or containing “manufacturing of goods” is unacceptable as it does not conform to the International Classification of Goods and Services. If a person is manufacturing goods, registration should be sought for the goods only. As appropriate, the specification may be phrased as “custom assembling of materials [for others]” or "custom manufacturing of goods [for others]”. For example, where the items in question are cell cultures, it may be more appropriate to describe the service as "custom manufacturing of cell cultures [for others]”. However, if the goods in question are clothing, "custom assembling of clothing [for others]” would be more appropriate. (Providing search engines for the internet, Circular No. 12/2004, dated 11 June 2004. This circular was removed on 20 March 2009) WIPO’s Recommendation No. 17 (Circular No. 17/2004, dated 9 July 2004) For applications lodged on or after 16 July 2004, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the items stated below in the designated classes: (1) Packaging containers of regenerated cellulose - Class 16 (2) Refilling of empty toner cartridges - Class 37. Provision of news (Circular No. 19/2004, dated 3 September 2004) For applications lodged on or after 10 September 2004, the Registrar will not accept a specification consisting of “provision of news” per se. This is in line with the World Intellectual Property Organization’s view that this description, without further qualification, is vague. The subject matter of the news provided and the purpose for which it is provided are important in determining the class to which it should fall under. Generally, these services are classified in the same classes as the services that correspond to the subject matter of the information. Examples of acceptable descriptions are:“Provision of business news [business management]” in Class 35; “Provision of news [telecommunication services]” in Class 38; and “Provision of news for entertainment purposes” in Class 41. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lii Leasing services (Circular No. 20/2004, dated 12 November 2004) With effect from 19 November 2004, the Registrar will accept “leasing services” only in Class 36 regardless of the nature of the goods to which it relates. This is in line with the World Intellectual Property Organization’s view that it is a form of financial service. “Rental services”, on the other hand, will still be classified in the same class as the services provided. For example, “rental of telecommunication apparatus” will be classified in Class 38 while “rental of medical apparatus” will be classified in Class 44. 2005 Circulars Computerised communication network security and other security services (Circular No. 5/2005, dated 1 April 2005) For applications lodged on or after 8 April 2005, the Registrar will only accept “computerised communication network security” and like services in Class 42 and not in Class 45, as such items are forms of computer services classified under Class 42. Class 45 covers services for the protection and security of individuals and property in general, eg “security services for buildings”, “personal body guarding” and “night guards”. If such services and information relating to such services are offered online or via a computer network, they will be classified under Class 45 as well. However, Class 42 will cover security services if they pertain to security of computer networks or the internet, eg. “computerised communication network security”, or if such services are offered as a form of computer service, eg “data security services [firewalls]” or “professional consultancy relating to computer security”. It would not be correct to classify such computer security services in Class 45. It is also useful to note that the International Classification of Goods and Services (8th Edition) classifies some security services in Class 39. Security services relating to transport, eg. “guarded transport of valuables” and “escorting of travellers”, are classified under Class 39 and not Class 45. WIPO’s Recommendation No. 18 (Circular No. 5/2005, dated 1 April 2005) For applications lodged on or after 8 April 2005, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes: (1) Enzymes for human consumption – Class 29 (2) Soya milk [condiment] – Class 30 (3) Supervision of teamwork to improve its effectiveness – Class 35 (4) Consultancy in the field of computer security – Class 42 (5) Therapy services – Class 44 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. liii Prepared meals (Circular No. 6/2005, dated 22 April 2005) For applications lodged on or after 29 April 2005, the Registrar will not accept a specification consisting of “prepared meals” per se as the said item, without further qualification, is vague and may fall within several classes. The item should specify the content of the prepared meals, for example, “Prepared meals consisting of meat” in Class 29 or “Prepared meals containing principally of rice” in Class 30. 2006 Circulars Crib bumpers (Circular No. 3/2006, dated 3 February 2006) For applications lodged on or after 10 February 2006, the Registrar will only accept the item, “crib bumpers”, in Class 20. This item is a type of cushion for lining the base and sides of the crib and serves a protective purpose for the baby. Since the item “cushions” is listed in Class 20 of the Nice Classification, by analogy, the item, “crib bumpers”, should be classified in Class 20 as well. Retail services and other like services in Class 35 (Circular No. 6/2006, dated 24 February 2006) The Registrar has revised her practice concerning retail services and other like services in Class 35. This revision in practice shall take effect for all applications lodged on or after 3 March 2006 In the past, applicants, in most instances, are required to list the goods to which the retail services relate. With the revised practice, where it is practical, it is still advisable to list the goods to which the retail services relate. However, the Registrar will no longer insist on such a requirement in all cases, as long as the description “the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods”, is used in conjunction with the means of bringing goods together. Thus, in cases where it is not practical to list all the goods to which the retail services relate, the Registrar will accept an indication of the means of bringing goods together and displaying such goods for the benefit of customers, for example, from a retail outlet, a wholesale outlet or a distributor outlet. Such an indication can be inserted at the end of the description “the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods”. With the revised practice, “wholesale services” will also be treated in the same manner as “retail services”. The following descriptions provide guidance on what is considered to be acceptable to the Registrar in future: (a) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet”; Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. liv (b) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet”; (c) “Retail services in relation to [list the goods]”; (d) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a wholesale outlet”; (e) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a wholesale outlet”; (f) “Wholesale services in relation to [list the goods]”; (g) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a distributor outlet”; (h) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications”; and (i) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network”. The Registrar is prepared to accept similar descriptions of the above services provided that the services are clearly described and fall within the ambit of retail or wholesale services. Please note that vague descriptions such as “distributorship services” are not acceptable as the term “distributorship” may encompass more than just retail or wholesale services, for example, it may include transportation services. Interior decoration services (Circular No. 22/2006, dated 7 July 2006) For applications lodged on or after 14 July 2006, the Registrar will only accept “interior decoration services” in Class 42 and not in Class 37, as such services are analogous to the item “design of interior décor” which is listed in Class 42 of the International Classification of Goods and Services (8th Edition). WIPO’s Recommendation No. 19 (Circular No. 25/2006, dated 16 August 2006) For applications lodged on or after 23 August 2006, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes : (1) Incontinence garments – Class 5 (2) Telephone ring tones [downloadable] – Class 9 (3) Milk jam – Class 29 (4) Toasted natural wood chips added to wine to improve its flavour – Class 30 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lv WIPO’s Recommendation No. 20 (Circular No. 25/2006, dated 16 August 2006) For applications lodged on or after 23 August 2006, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes : (1)Paper sheets, sensitized, for carrying photographic imaging materials – Class 1 (2) Slot machines[vending machines] – Class 9 (3) Paper sheets, not sensitized, for carrying photographic imaging materials – Class 16 (4) Slot machines[amusement] – Class 28 (5) Stand-alone video game machines – Class 28 Technical consultancy services (Circular No. 25/2006, dated 16 August 2006) Technical support services (Circular No. 25/2006, dated 16 August 2006) For applications lodged on or after 23 August 2006, the Registrar will classify “technical consultancy services”, “technical support services” and other similar technical advisory and technical information services according to their subject matters. The General Remarks in the Nice Classification (8th Edition) states that services that provide advice, information or consultation are in principle classified in the same classes as the services that correspond to the subject matter of the advice, information or consultation. Further, in line with the view of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Registrar will consider indications such as “technical consultancy services” and “technical support services”, per se as too broad and vague and objections will be taken. Such indications will have to be specified in respect of their subject matters for the purpose of classification. 2007 Circulars WIPO’s Recommendation No. 21 (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) For applications lodged on or after 1 August 2007, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes: (1) Scoreboards for sports, other than mechanical or electric – Class 20 (2) Advice on tax preparation – Class 35 (3) Advice on fiscal assessments, advice on fiscal valuations – Class 36 (4) Carbon offsetting services [recycling] – Class 40 (5) Prenatal exercises – Class 41 (6) Weblog [blog] services [on-line publication of journals or diaries] – Class 41 (7) Creating and maintaining weblogs [blogs] for others – Class 42 (8) Hosting of weblogs [blogs] – Class 42 (9) Preparation of technical projects, technical research and consultancy services in the field of carbon offsetting – Class 42 (10) Carbon offsetting services [reforestation] – Class 44 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lvi Providing on-line forums (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Operating chat rooms (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Providing chat rooms (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Providing discussion services on-line (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) For applications lodged on or after 1 August 2007, the Registrar will only accept the items “providing on-line forums”, "operating chat rooms", “providing chat rooms”, and “providing discussion services on-line” in Class 38, regardless of the topic of the discussion. These items are analogous to the items “electronic bulletin board services [telecommunication services]” and “providing internet chatrooms” listed in Class 38 of the NICE Classification (Ninth Edition). This is in line with the view of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Arranging and conducting of colloquiums (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of conferences (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of congresses (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of seminars (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of symposiums (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of conventions (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of exhibitions (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) The Registrar wishes to clarify that the above items with the exception of the last, viz. “arranging and conducting of colloquiums”; “arranging and conducting of conferences”; “arranging and conducting of congresses”; "arranging and conducting of seminars”; “arranging and conducting of symposiums”; and “arranging and conducting of conventions” are classified in Class 41, regardless of the topic relating to these services. It is the purpose of the service and not the topic that determines their classification in Class 41. By virtue of their dictionary definitions, the terms, “colloquiums”, “conferences”, “congresses”, “seminars”, “symposiums” and “conventions” refer to activities linked with training or education, both of which are proper to Class 41. To illustrate, “arranging and conducting of conferences for commercial or advertising purposes” and “arranging and conducting of seminars for commercial or advertising purposes” are both classified under Class 41. However, the item, “arranging and conducting of exhibitions”, will be classified according to the subject matter since this service only refers to showing of products or services to the public, and is not primarily offered for the purposes of training or education. By analogy, “organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes" is listed in Class 35 of the NICE Classification (Ninth Edition), but "organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes” is listed in Class 41 of the NICE Classification (Ninth Edition). This is in line with the view of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lvii Providing access to databases (Circular No. 33/2007, dated 26 September 2007) Rental of access time to the internet / global computer networks (Circular No. 33/2007, dated 26 September 2007) Providing of user access to the internet / global computer networks (Circular No. 33/2007, dated 26 September 2007) Rental of access time to databases (Circular No. 33/2007, dated 26 September 2007) For applications lodged on or after 3 October 2007, the Registrar will accept these and other analogous items in Class 38 only. These are essentially telecommunication services and are classified under Class 38 whether they are provided by an Internet Service Provider or a non-Internet Service Provider. Hence, our previous journal notice on the classification of these services based on the status of the applicant is no longer applicable. Consistent with our previous journal notice on “leasing” (Circular No. 20/2004, dated 12 November 2004), applicants should also avoid using the term, “leasing”, in any class except Class 36, as “leasing services”, are acceptable only in Class 36. With regards to the above items in Class 38, an example of an acceptable description would be “rental of access time to databases” and not “leasing of access time to databases”. 2008 Circulars Cereal-based beverages (Circular No. 7/2008, dated 5 March 2008) Beverages made from cereals (Circular No. 7/2008, dated 5 March 2008) Executor services (Circular No. 7/2008, dated 5 March 2008) The pre-2004 circulars on “cereal-based beverages/ beverages made from cereals” in Class 32 and “executor services” in Class 42 have been removed in light of recent directives from the World Intellectual Property Organisation. A specification of goods consisting of or containing “cereal-based beverages” or “beverages made from cereals” will be classified in Class 30 by analogy to “cereal preparations” that are classified under Class 30 of the NICE Classification. A specification of services consisting of or containing “executor services” will be classified in Class 36 because such services generally relate to the administration of money, investments, real estate, assets, and other valuables. Such services are analogous to “fiduciary services” and “trusteeship services” both of which are classified under Class 36 of the NICE Classification. The above changes affect all applications lodged on or after 12 March 2008. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lviii Retail services and other like services in Class 35 (Circular No. 9/2008, dated 2 May 2008) In addition to Circular No. 6/2006, the Registrar will accept the descriptions for applications lodged on or after 9 May 2008 (where it is not practical to list all the goods to which the retail services or wholesale services relate): a. “retail services” b. “wholesale services” However, the Registrar will continue to reject descriptions such as “distributorship services”, “mail order services”, “departmental store services”, “supermarket services”, or “internet shopping”. These terms are considered vague as they include services more than retail and wholesale services. With the addition, the following descriptions provide guidance on what is considered to be acceptable to the Registrar in future: a. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet”; b. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet”; c. “Retail services in relation to [list the goods]”; d. “Retail services”; e. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a wholesale outlet”; f. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a wholesale outlet”; g. “Wholesale services in relation to [list the goods]”; h. “Wholesale services”; i. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a distributor outlet”; j. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a distributor outlet”; k. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lix and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications”; l. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications”; m. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network”; n. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network”; o. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a departmental store”; p. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a departmental store”; q. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a supermarket”; and r. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a supermarket”. WIPO's Recommendation No. 22 (Circular No. 16/2008, dated 21 November 2008) For applications lodged on or after 28 November 2008, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes: (1) Milk ferments [bacteria preparations] used in making foodstuffs - Class 1 (2) Wind turbines - Class 7 (3) Pill distributor and organizer boxes for medical purposes - Class 10 (4) Electronic cigarettes for medical purposes - Class 10 (5) Meditation stones - Class 14 (6) Pill boxes [not for medical purposes] - Class 21 (7) Tablecloth holders - Class 21 (8) Electronic cigarettes, not for medical purposes - Class 34 (9) Publicity film production - Class 35 (10) Illustrators’ services - Class 42 (11) Diamond authentication and certification services - Class 42 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lx (12) Electronic data storage - Class 42 (13) Advice concerning cooking recipes - Class 43 Electronic data storage (Circular No. 16/2008, dated 21 November 2008) Storage of data, information or documents (Circular No. 16/2008, dated 21 November 2008) The pre-2004 circular on "Storage of data, information or documents" (Class 35 or 39) has been removed in light of recent directive from the World Intellectual Property Organization. A specification of services consisting of "Electronic data storage" will be classified in Class 42 instead of 35 by analogy to "Duplication of computer programs" and "Data conversion of computer programs and data [not physical conversion]" which are classified under Class 42 of the NICE Classification. This is in conformity with the explanatory note "Class 42 includes mainly services provided by ... computer programmers, etc.". On the other hand, if the data, information or documents are being stored physically, for example, in a warehouse, then it is proper to Class 39. The determining factor is where the data, information, or documents are being stored. Examples of items which are proper to Class 39 are: i. "Data storage" ii. "Information storage" iii. "Storage of electronically-stored data, information or documents". The above changes affect all applications lodged on or after 28 November 2008. 2009 Circulars Association services (Circular No. 6/2009, dated 30 April 2009) For applications lodged on or after 7 May 2009, the Registrar will not accept a description consisting of "association services" per se because the item, without further qualification, is vague and may fall within several classes. The World Intellectual Property Organization also regards this description as being vague and takes the view that a service should not in principle commence with the description "association services" even if it is followed by a qualifier. For example, the description, "association services, namely arranging business introductions", is not acceptable. In light of the above, applicants should avoid using descriptions beginning with “association services”. A description like "association services, namely, promoting the general interests of those concerned with the importance of health and nutrition", should be reworded to "business promotion relating to the importance of health and nutrition, provided through an association" in order for it to be classified in Class 35. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lxi Concierge services (Circular No. 6/2009, dated 30 April 2009) For applications lodged on or after 7 May 2009, the Registrar will not accept a description consisting of "concierge services" per se because the item, without further qualification, is vague and may fall within several classes. This is in line with the view of the World Intellectual Property Organization that the description is vague and can fall within several classes. In light of the above, applicants should specify the exact nature of the concierge services that are being claimed. If they insist on using the description, "concierge services", that must be qualified by a precise description of the concierge service. The following are examples of acceptable descriptions. i. ii. iii. iv. v. "Concierge services for the arranging of tours" in Class 39 "Concierge services, namely, the delivery of luggage for guests" in Class 39 "Concierge services, namely, arranging for theater tickets" in Class 41 "Concierge services relating to restaurant reservations" in Class 43 "Concierge services [baggage inspection for security purposes]" in Class 45. On the other hand, descriptions such as "concierge services for others comprising of making requested personal arrangements and providing customer specific information to meet the needs of individuals", "hotel and resort concierge services", and "personal services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals, namely, concierge services" are not acceptable since the exact nature of the services is unclear. Personal and/or social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals (Circular No. 7/2009, dated 19 June 2009) This is to clarify that a description consisting of “personal and/or social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals” in Class 45 has never been acceptable to the Registrar because it is vague and too broad in scope. For the purpose of clarity, applicants must specify the exact nature of the services that they wish to claim. If, however, an applicant insists on using this description, it must be qualified by a precise description of the personal or social services claimed. An example of an acceptable description would be “personal services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals, namely baby sitting”. Ancillary Services / Related Services (Circular No. 11/2009, dated 25 September 2009) For applications lodged on or after 2 October 2009, the Registrar will not accept a description containing “ancillary services”, ”related services” or their equivalent, regardless of whether they are preceded or followed by a specific term. This is because the exact nature of these descriptions remains unclear. The addition of qualifiers such as “included in this class” or “all in this class” in such descriptions does not help in making those descriptions any clearer. The following are some examples of the objectionable descriptions:(a) “advertising services; services ancillary or related to the aforementioned included in this class”; (b) “services ancillary or related to the provision of business management services; all in this class”; and Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 (c) Page No. lxii “all services relating or ancillary to computer services; all included in Class 42”. In such cases, the Registrar will request that the applicant specify the “ancillary services” and “related services” claimed so that the specification is clear and unambiguous. This practice direction is consistent with Circular No. 20/2004 that relates to “Vague descriptions in specifications”. 2010 Circulars WIPO's Recommendation No. 23 (Circular No. 2/2010, dated 5 March 2010) For applications lodged on or after 12 March 2010, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes: 1. Trophies of common metals (Class 6) 2. Trophies of precious metals (Class 14) 3. Brackets for setting up flat screen TV sets (Class 9) 4. Baby gates (Class 20) 5. Decorative sand bottles (Class 21) 6. Ankle garters (Class 26) 7. Storage of human cells (Class 39) 8. Rental of water dispensers (Class 43) 9. Service of actual notice (Class 45) Computer services (Circular No. 3/2010, dated 25 June 2010) For applications lodged on or after 2 July 2010, the Registrar will not accept a description consisting of "computer services" per se because the item, without further qualification, is vague. The insertion of a description that reads, for example, "all included in this class" at the end of a specification will not assist in avoiding an objection from the Registrar. According to the International Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS), services that relate to the installation, maintenance or repair of computer hardware are classified in Class 37, while services in relation to computer rental and the installation, maintenance or repair of computer software are classified in Class 42. To avoid ambiguity and to ensure conformity with the ICGS, applicants are requested to specify the exact nature of the computer services that they are claiming. However, those who wish to include the description, "computer services", in their specification of services may refer to the following examples which are considered acceptable to the Registrar: • "Computer services, namely installation of computer hardware" (Class 37) Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lxiii • "Computer services, namely providing search engines for the internet" (Class 42) • "Computer services in the nature of hosting web sites for others" (Class 42) Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lxiv G) CIRCULARS RELATED TO PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE HEARINGS AND MEDIATION DIVISION 2009 Circulars Applications for Security for Costs (HMD Circular No. 1/2009, dated 20 November 2009) Section 70 of the Trade Marks Act (Cap 332) 2005 Rev. Ed. provides:- If a person who neither resides nor carries on business in Singapore — (a) gives notice of opposition under section 13; or (b) applies to the Registrar under section 22 or 23 for the registration of a trade mark to be revoked or to be declared invalid, as the case may be, the Registrar may require the person to give security for the costs for the proceedings and may, if security is not given, dismiss the proceedings. [Emphasis added]. It is clear from the above that the application for security for costs can be a 2 - stage process. Thus, the Registrar will deal with such applications as a 2-stage process. Application for security for costs (I) Firstly, provided that a person neither resides nor carries on business in Singapore, the Registrar then has the discretion to require a person to provide security for costs of the proceedings, but only if the Registrar thinks it is just to do so in the circumstances of the case. The factors that would be taken into consideration in deciding whether to grant security for costs in a trade mark opposition, invalidation or revocation are similar to the factors that would be taken into account in deciding whether to grant security for costs in a civil suit. Thus as provided in the Singapore Civil Procedure (“the White Book”), such factors include, amongst others:(i) (ii) (iii) the likelihood of the opponent succeeding; whether the order for security for costs will stifle a genuine claim; and where the opponent is a limited company, whether there is any evidence that the opponent is unable to pay costs. Based on a consideration of the above, the Registrar then may or may not order security for costs to be given. (II) Application for proceedings to be dismissed In the event that the party whom the Registrar has ordered to provide security for costs fails to do so, the party to whom security for costs has been granted can then apply for the proceedings to be dismissed. The Registrar will call for submissions in writing from both parties and exercise her discretion to decide whether the proceedings should be dismissed. If parties request an interlocutory hearing to decide the issue, or if the Registrar thinks it appropriate, the Registrar may also fix an interlocutory hearing to hear the parties in person. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lxv Completion of Form TM 28 (HMD Circular No. 2/2009 dated 20 November 2009) Form TM 28 is used for 3 different types of proceedings:(i) (ii) (iii) Application for revocation of registration of a trade mark (Rule 57(1)(a) of the Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev. Ed. (TMR)); Application for declaration of invalidity of registration of a trade mark (Rule 57(1)(b) of the TMR); and Application for rectification of the register by persons other than the proprietor of the trade mark (Rule 57(1A)(b). Thus, when completing the form, please ensure that: (i) (ii) the correct information is provided in Form TM 28 pursuant to the particular type of proceedings for which the Form TM 28 is filed; and the statement of grounds provided under Part 5 of Form TM 28 is worded consistently in accordance with the type of proceedings pursued under TM 28 ie application for revocation / declaration of invalidity / rectification of the register, as applicable. In the event of any inconsistencies between the statement of grounds and the type of proceedings indicated, the applicant would generally be directed to re-file Form TM 28 with a clear indication as to the type of proceedings pursued, unless there are exceptional reasons for the Registrar to exercise her discretion to waive the need for such correction. The earlier application will be treated as withdrawn and the application date will be the later filing date. Fees paid are non-refundable as the need to re-file is attributable to the applicant or his agents. Filing of Form TM 11 by Joint-Opponents (HMD Circular No. 3/2009, dated 20 November 2009) Under the provisions relating to oppositions in the Trade Marks Act (Cap 332) 2005 Rev. Ed. and Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev. Ed., there is no prohibition against joint-opponents opposing a trade mark application. In such an instance, it is sufficient for the purposes of the opposition that one Form TM 11 be filed. To reflect that there are joint-opponents opposing the registration of a particular trade mark, the opponents simply need to indicate, at Part 3 of TM 11, the particulars of the different opponents opposing such a registration. The fees which are chargeable for TM 11 will depend upon the number of classes included in TM 11. Similarly, in such circumstances, for the purpose of lodging evidence via statutory declarations (this will occur at a later stage in an opposition proceeding), the jointopponents need to file only one set of evidence via statutory declarations provided that it is clear from each statutory declaration that the deponent has been duly authorized by all the joint-opponents to give such evidence on their behalf. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lxvi Service of Form TM 11 (Notice of Opposition) and Form TM 28 (Application for Revocation / Declaration of Invalidity / Rectification) (HMD Circular No. 4/2009, dated 20 November 2009) Service of Form TM 11 and Form TM 28 is regulated under Rule 29 and Rule 57 of the Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev. Ed. (TMR) respectively. Rule 29(2) provides that the opponent shall serve on the applicant a copy of the notice of opposition at the same time as the notice of opposition is filed with the Registrar. Rule 57(3) provides that the applicant for revocation / declaration of invalidity / rectification shall, if he is not the proprietor of the registered trade mark, serve a copy of the application and the statement of grounds on which the application is based on the registered proprietor at the same time as he files the application and statement of grounds with the Registrar. For the purpose of ensuring compliance with the above Rules, the opponent / applicant is to indicate clearly, on the cover letter enclosing the notice of opposition or application for revocation / declaration of invalidity / rectification to the Registrar, that a copy of Form TM 11 or Form TM 28, as applicable, has been served on the applicant / registered proprietor. Failure to do so will be taken as non-compliance with Rule 29(2) or Rule 57(3) respectively. Accordingly, the Registrar will treat the case as no proper service of Form TM 11 and Form TM 28 respectively, unless the opponent / applicant proves otherwise. In such an event, Form TM 11 / Form TM 28 will be rejected as non-compliant. The opponent / applicant will have to re-file Form TM 11 / Form TM 28 afresh and serve the same on the applicant / registered proprietor. In relation to Form TM 11, in the event that the notice of opposition cannot be re-filed as the 2-month or 4-month maximum time period has expired, the prospective opponent will then have to consider filing for invalidation after the mark has been registered. Service of Form TM 12 (Counter-statement) (HMD Circular No. 5/2009, dated 20 November 2009) Service of Counter-statement for opposition is regulated under Rule 31 of the Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev. Ed. (TMR) and service of Counter-statement for an application for revocation / declaration of invalidity / rectification is regulated under Rule 58 of the TMR. Rule 31(2) provides that the applicant shall serve on the opponent a copy of the Counterstatement at the same time as it is filed with the Registrar. Rule 58(2) provides that the registered proprietor shall serve on the applicant a copy of the Counter-statement at the same time as he files the Counter-statement with the Registrar. For the purpose of ensuring compliance with the above Rules, the applicant / registered proprietor is to indicate clearly, on the cover letter enclosing Form TM 12 to the Registrar, that the same has been served on the opponent / applicant. Failure to do so will be taken as non-compliance with the Rules. Accordingly, the Registrar will treat the case as no proper service of Form TM 12. In such an event of non-service, and provided that the irregularity would not result in a detriment to the other party that cannot be remedied, the Registrar would generally, pursuant to Rule 83, exercise her discretion to direct that the procedural irregularity be Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. lxvii rectified by issuing deadlines for service of the Form TM 12 on the other party and an order as to costs against the applicant / registered proprietor as appropriate. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 1 Applications Published for Opposition Purposes under the Trade Marks Act (Cap.332, 1999 Ed.) Registration has been applied for in the respect of the following Trade Marks under the provisions of the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.) OPPOSITION Notice is hereby given that any person who wishes to oppose the registration of any of the marks published in the class groups which follow may within two months from the date of this journal file a Notice of Opposition on Form TM 11 (fee $340). Formal opposition should not be filed until after reasonable notice has been given to the Applicant for registration so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expenses of preparing the Notice of Opposition are incurred. Failure to give such notice will be taken into account in considering any application by an Opponent for an Order for Costs if the opposition is uncontested by the Applicant. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 2 T0807792I 12/06/2008 (35) Application for a series of two marks. The Spanish words "La Casa Del Habano" appearing in the mark mean "The House of the Havana Cigar". Class 35 Retail store services featuring tobacco and smokers’ accessories. CORPORACION HABANOS, S.A. AVENIDA 3RA. NO. 2006 ENTRE 20 Y 22, MIRAMAR, PLAYA, CIUDAD DE LA HABANA, CUBA. AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 3 T0808841F 03/07/2008 (30 35 43) Class 30 Confectionery; almond confectionery; doughnuts; muffins; ice creams; biscuits; bread; bread (ginger-); bread rolls; buns; cake paste; cakes; cakes (flavourings, other than essential oils, for-); candy for food; chocolate; cookies; decorations for cakes (edible-); fondants (confectionery); foods (farinaceous-); jellies (fruit-); pancakes; pastries; pasties; peanut confectionery; pies; pralines; puddings; sandwiches; sugar confectionery; sweetmeats; tarts; waffles; tea cakes; breakfast cakes; decorative toppings [edible] for doughnuts and cakes; flour mixture for doughnuts, cakes, cookies and breads; frozen yogurt [confectionary ices]; chocolate beverages with milk; chocolate-based beverages; cocoa beverages with milk; cocoa-based beverages; coffee; coffee beverages with milk; coffee flavourings [flavourings]; coffee-based beverages; tea; iced tea; tea-based beverages; all included in Class 30. Class 35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet, a wholesale outlet or a distributor outlet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunication or from a general merchandise website in the global communications network; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising matter; advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid; all included in Class 35. Class 43 Provision of food and drinks; restaurants; self-service restaurants; snack-bar services; cafeterias; canteens; food courts; cocktail lounge services; bar services; wine bars; pubs; catering services. DONUT EMPIRE HOLDING PTE. LTD. 1 KAKI BUKIT ROAD SINGAPORE 415934 1, #04-21 ENTERPRISE ONE, AGENT: AUP LAW CORPORATION, 101 BEACH ROAD, #02-03 THE 101, SINGAPORE 189703 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 4 T0811525A 25/08/2008 (44 45) Class 44 Interactive home health alert services; home health monitoring. Class 45 Surveillance services relating to personal emergency; interactive alarm monitoring services relating to personal emergency. ADT SERVICES AG FREIER PLATZ SWITZERLAND 10, CH-8200 SCHAFFHAUSEN, AGENT: JIMLIM PARTNERSHIP LLP, 47 HILL STREET, #03-03 SCCCI BUILDING, SINGAPORE 179365 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 5 T0901001A 30/01/2009 (09 16 28 35 38 41 42) Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; Magnetic data carriers, recording discs; Automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; Cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; Fire-extinguishing apparatus; Downloadable ring tones, ring backs, graphics, wallpaper, games and music via a global computer network and wireless devices; Downloadable motion pictures, television shows and video recordings; Computer screen saver software; Computer game and video game software; Downloadable mobile software applications for mobile communication devices; Computer application software for mobile phones; Pre-recorded CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs and flash memory cards; Electronic publications, namely, books and magazines; Video game software; Mouse pads; Keyboards; Spectacles, namely, reading glasses and eyeglass frames; Downloadable musical sound recordings. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; Printed matter; Bookbinding material; Photographs; Stationery; Adhesives for stationery or household purposes; Artists’ materials; Paint brushes; Typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); Instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); Printers’ type; Printing blocks; Comic books; Posters; Postcards; Loose-leaf binders; Notebooks; Folders; Note pads; Blank writing journals; Memo pads; Address books; Date books; Book covers; Bumper stickers; Stickers; Sticker albums; Desk calendars; Wall calendars; Bookmarks; Trading cards; Photo albums; Paper doorknob hangers; Mounted and unmounted photographs; Greeting cards; Pens and pencils; Publications, namely, brochures and leaflets; Printed tickets; Invitation cards; Printed teaching materials; Plastic bags for packaging; Iron-on transfers of paper and plastic transfers (decalcomanias). Class 28 Games and playthings; Gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; Decorations for Christmas trees; Plush toys; Dolls and doll clothing; Rubber character toys; Toy action figures; Wind-up toys; Board games; Playing cards; Flying discs; Christmas tree ornaments; Costume masks; Kaleidoscopes. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 6 Class 35 Advertising; Business management; Business administration; Office functions; Data processing for third parties; On-line retail store services; Dissemination of advertising for others via the Internet; Providing and rental of advertising space on the Internet; On-line advertising and marketing services. Class 38 Telecommunications; Telecommunication services, namely, transmission of voice, audio, visual images and data by telecommunications networks, wireless communication networks, the Internet, information services networks and data networks; Electronic transmission of voice, text, images, data and information by means of mobile radios, two-way radios, cellular telephones, digital cellular telephones, mobile telephones, dispatch radios, pagers, mobile dispatch radios, mobile data receivers and transmitters; Television transmission services; Communication of data by means of radio, telecommunication and satellite; Email services; Telecommunication access service for mobile devices via a wireless network for the purpose of sending and receiving electronic mail, facsimiles, data, images, information, text, numeric message and text messaging and for accessing a global communications network; Transmission of news over the Internet; Worldwide switched text and message transmission services; Providing on-line chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users. Class 41 Education; Providing of training; Entertainment; Sporting and cultural activities; Entertainment services in the nature of production and distribution of motion picture films, television programs, radio programs; Providing on-line information in the field of entertainment; Entertainment services, namely, providing online multi-player, interactive computer games; providing entertainment content in the nature of ring tones, graphics, wallpaper and games by means of a global computer network and wireless devices; Mobile media and entertainment services in the nature of content preparation, namely, preparation of audio-visual programmes; Weblog (blog) services (online publication of journals or diaries). Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; Industrial analysis and research services; Design and development of computer hardware and software; Consulting services in the field of design, selection, implementation and use of computer software systems and data processing systems for others; Computer services, namely, designing, implementing, creating and Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 7 maintaining web sites for others; Consultancy in the field of computer websites; Computer services, namely, providing search engines for the Internet that are used for locating information, resources, and the websites of others on a global computer network; Planning, development and technical support of electronic communications networks; Computer services, namely, application service provider to host computer application software designed for the handling and processing of information and data; Design and development of online computer software systems; Hosting of digital content on the Internet, namely, on-line journals and blogs; Hosting of weblogs (blogs); Providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software used for the creation of on-line journals and blogs. FOX MOBILE DISTRIBUTION GMBH KARL-LIEBKNECHT-STR. 5, 10178 BERLIN, GERMANY AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 8 T0903683E 02/04/2009 (05) Application for a series of two marks. The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Feng Shou" which has no meaning. Class 05 Medicine for human use, traditional Chinese herbal preparations for medical purposes, Chinese medicinal and other tonic preparations; medical syrups, being traditional Chinese medicine; cough mixtures; cough syrups; Chinese patent medicines; medicinal alcohol; medicinal beverages; medicinal drinks; medicinal embrocations; medicinal herbs; medicinal oils; medicinal ointments; medicinal preparations; medicinal tea; extracts of medicinal herbs; capsules of herbs for medical use; herbal tea for medicinal use; herbal compounds for medicinal use; medicinal health food; medicinal liquors; health food supplements and nutritional supplements for medical use; dietary supplements for medical use; vitamin supplements; dietary supplements principally of royal jelly [for medical use]; foodstuffs containing royal jelly [as the main constituent] [for medical use]; royal jelly for human consumption [for medicinal purposes]; natural healthcare preparations [medicaments]; herbal beverages, infusions and tea for medicinal use; herbal medicine and remedies; medicine; tonics [medicine]; herbal and vitamin supplements; healthcare products [medicinal]; pharmaceutical preparations for health care; capsules of herbs for medicinal use; medicated balms; bee glue (propolis) for medical purposes in the form of powders, grains, granules, tablets, capsules, pastes, or liquids; pollen extracts in the form of powders, grains, granules, tablets, capsules, pastes, or liquids; pollen for medical purposes in the form of powders, grains, granules, tablets, capsules, pastes, or liquids; candy for medical purposes; health foods supplements for human use in the form of lozenges, tablets, capsules, liquid, creams, tinctures liquid, chewing gum, throat sprays and balms which derived from bee products; health foods supplements containing bee derived substances for medicinal and/or pharmaceutical use; all included in Class 5. H.W HOLDINGS PTE LTD 6 ANG MO KIO INDUSTRIAL PARK 2, SINGAPORE 569499 AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 1 TEMASEK AVENUE, #27-01 MILLENIA TOWER, SINGAPORE 039192 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 9 T0908037J 21/07/2009 (03) The French words "L’ETERNEL" appearing in the mark mean "The Eternal". Class 03 Perfume, eau de toilette; gels, salts for the bath and the shower not for medical purpose; toilet soaps, body deodorants; cosmetics namely creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, the body and the hands; sun care preparations (cosmetic products); make-up preparations; shampoos; gels, sprays, mousses and balms for the hair styling and hair care; hair lacquers; hair colouring and hair decolorant preparations; permanent waving and curling preparations; essential oils for personal use. LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE 29, RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT-HONORE, 75008 PARIS, FRANCE. AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 1 TEMASEK AVENUE, #27-01 MILLENIA TOWER, SINGAPORE 039192 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 10 T0909344H 20/08/2009 (39 43) Class 39 Airlines transportation services; services for the arranging of travel; air transport services; travel agency services; air travel services; travel booking, reservation or information services; passenger transport services; air cargo transport services; vehicle rental services; vehicle parking services; courier services; cargo storage and handling services; aircraft chartering services; package holiday services, namely package holiday itinerary planning services, package holiday itinerary travel advice services, package holiday travel tours and cruises services, package holiday travel arrangement services; transport and delivery of goods; tour and cruise arranging services; booking and reservation services for holidays; transportation of passengers, baggage and of freight by air and by land; warehousing of baggage and freight; provision of tours and of excursions; advisory, information and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 39. Class 43 Hotels and motel; accommodation (Provision of temporary-); accommodation (Rental of temporary-); accommodation (Reservation of hotel-); accommodation booking agency services [holiday apartments]; accommodation booking agency services [hotel]; accommodation booking agency services [self catering holiday apartments]; accommodation booking agency services [time share]; accommodation services for tourists; accommodation services for travellers; agency services for booking accommodation for travellers; agency services for booking hotel accommodation; agency services for the reservation of accommodation; arrangement of accommodation for holiday makers; arrangement of accommodation for tourists; arrangement of accommodation for travellers; cafe services; cafes; catering services for airlines; catering services for airplanes; catering services for airports; charitable services, namely providing temporary accommodation; hotel accommodation services; hotel catering services; hotel information; hotel reservation for tourists; hotel reservation services; hotel reservations; hotel room booking services; hotel room reservation for travellers; hotel room reservation services; hotel services; hotels; preparation of food and drink; rating holiday accommodation; residential club services [accommodation]; residential hotel services; resort hotel services; restaurant services; restaurant services provided by hotels; services for arranging accommodation; services for reserving holiday accommodation; services for reserving hotel rooms; services for the booking of accommodation; services for the provision of hotel accommodation; services for the provision of information relating to holiday accommodation; services for the provision of temporary accommodation; providing facilities for conferences and Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 11 exhibitions; providing information relating to hotel services on-line from a computer database or via the Internet or extranets; provision of information, consultancy and advisory services for the aforesaid services; all included in Class 43. FLYFIREFLY SDN. BHD. 3RD FLOOR, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1, MAS COMPLEX A, SULTAN ABDUL AZIZ SHAH AIRPORT, 47200 MALAYSIA AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 1 TEMASEK AVENUE, #27-01 MILLENIA TOWER, SINGAPORE 039192 T0909470C 24/08/2009 (09) Class 09 Computer operating programs; downloadable software and recorded computer software, computer software packages, computer software products, business application software and computer programs, for enterprise resource planning applications and solutions; computer software for use as add-on software components to enterprise resource planning applications and solutions, computer software adapted for use in the operation of computers for enterprise resource planning applications and solutions. AXON SOLUTIONS LIMITED AXON CENTRE, CHURCH ROAD, EGHAM, SURREY TW20 9QB, UNITED KINGDOM c/o KASS REGIONAL IP SERVICES PTE. LTD., 190 MIDDLE ROAD, #03-21 FORTUNE CENTRE, SINGAPORE 188979 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 12 T0910039H 09/09/2009 (33) The transliteration of the Japanese characters of which the mark consists is "Oh Shuku Bai" which has no meaning. Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers); Alcoholic beverages containing plum; Rice alcohol; Alcoholic beverages containing shiso (perilla leaves); Alcoholic beverages containing tea extracts; Alcoholic beverages containing vegetables extracts; Alcoholic beverages containing cherry fruit extracts; Peppermint liqueurs; Liqueurs; Japanese liquors; Japanese white liquor (shochu); Sake; Sake containing plum extracts; Distilled beverages; Japanese sweet rice-based mixed liquor (shiro-zake); Cooking wine; Japanese liquors for cooking and other liquors for cooking; Alcoholic beverages containing fruit; Ciders; Perry; Alcoholic fruit extracts; Liqueurs containing cherry fruit; Wine; Wine containing plum; Sparkling wine; Western liquors; Whiskey; Vodka; Gin; Brandy; Rum; Bitters; Spirits; Kirsch; Anise (liqueur); Anisette (liqueur); Aperitifs; Arak (arrack); Mead (hydromel); Cocktails; Curacao; Piquette; Alcoholic essences; Alcoholic extracts; Digesters (liqueurs and spirits); Chinese liquors; Chinese brewed liquor (laojiou); Liquor containing herb extracts (homeishu); Flavored tonic liquors; Liqueurs containing plum; Tonic liquor flavored with Japanese plum extracts (umeshu). GODO SHUSEI CO., LTD. 6-2-10 GINZA, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 13 T0910831C 28/09/2009 (09) Class 09 Handheld computers; personal digital assistants; mobile telephones; computers; computer hardware; computer software; computer peripherals in Class 9. Priority Claims: Class 09 18/09/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. 11445 COMPAQ CENTER DRIVE WEST, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77070, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 T0910955G 01/10/2009 (16) The Malay word "MUDA" appearing in the mark means "Young". Class 16 Files [office requisites]; included in class 16. MUDA PAPER CONVERTING SDN. BHD. 391, JALAN TASEK, 14120 SIMPANG AMPAT, SEBERANG PRAI SELATAN, PENANG, MALAYSIA AGENT: PINTAS PTE LTD, BLK 116 JALAN BUKIT MERAH, #01-1655, SINGAPORE 160116 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 14 T0912332J 27/10/2009 (32) Application for a series of two marks. By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0900862I. Class 32 Carbonated Energy Drink; Carbonated Supplement Drink; Energy Drink; Supplement Drink. NAUGHTY G PTE. LTD. 1 CLAYMORE DRIVE, SINGAPORE 229594 #10-02 T0912541B 02/11/2009 (32) Application for a series of two marks. By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0900862I. Class 32 Carbonated Energy Drink; Carbonated Supplement Drink; Energy Drink; Supplement Drink. NAUGHTY G PTE. LTD. 1 CLAYMORE DRIVE, SINGAPORE 229594 #10-02 ORCHARD TOWERS, ORCHARD TOWERS, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 15 T0914440I 10/12/2009 (09 16 38 41) Class 09 Electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus and instruments; electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus and instruments for recording, storing, editing, transmitting, reproducing, playing, or displaying sound, music, voice, images, photographs, text, e-mail, data, video, radio, television, or games; computer software; downloadable computer software; downloadable electronic publications; cellular or mobile phones; cellular or mobile phones featuring the capacity to function in any number of extra ways beyond just as a phone, namely, to function as a camera, to perform instant messaging, to conduct multimedia messaging, to access and communicate with e-mail, to access and communicate with the Internet, to access and communicate data, to function as a radio, to record, play, transmit, receive, and/or manage music, to record, play, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage audio or voice, to record, play, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage video, to create, view, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage photographs or pictures, to upload, view, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage graphics or images, to play electronic games, to upload photographs and text onto online journals or web logs also known as blogs, to manage a calendar and contact information and otherwise function as a personal digital assistant (PDA), to effectuate printing, to perform satellite navigation, to view electronic city guides, to function as a remote control for computers and run multimedia presentations, to transmit video, sound, and/or data to websites, and/or to otherwise function as a mobile multimedia and communications apparatus for recording, transmission, processing, and reproduction of sound, images, or data; downloadable electronic manuals in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; personal computer cards that enable computers and laptop computers to gain wireless access to, and communicate with, e-mail, the Internet, Intranets, or private computer networks; computer application software for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; downloadable computer application software for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; downloadable musical recordings, electronic games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies, all downloadable to computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices via the Internet; camera devices adapted for use with cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; electronic devices that allow images from cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices to be shown on televisions, display screens or computer monitors; electronic devices that allow audio from cellular or mobile phones and mobile Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 16 multimedia and communications devices to be heard on stereo systems; audio speakers for listening to music or audio from mobile or cellular phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; combination amplifier and speaker system for listening to music or audio from mobile or cellular phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; radio transmitters; computer games for use with cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; accessories for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices in the nature of headsets and devices for hands-free use such as earphones and headphones; accessories for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices in the nature of chargers, batteries, cases, covers, holders, docking stands, cables, power packs, and tripods; remote controls for electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus and instruments; and digital photo frames for displaying digital pictures, video clips and/or music. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); stickers; printed manuals and guides in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; note pads; and non-magnetically encoded prepaid gift cards for use in redeeming music and multimedia downloads online. Class 38 Telecommunications services; information, advice and consultancy services, all relating to the aforesaid services; telecommunications services in the nature of transmission of sound, picture, image, video, and data signals, such transmission enabled by means of the Internet and wireless technology, provided in response to commands from computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; transmission of sound, picture, image, video, and data signals to personalize or enhance cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, such transmission enabled by means of the Internet and wireless technology, provided in response to commands from computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; telecommunications services, namely, providing a website that enables transmission of sound, picture, graphic, image, and video signals to the website, where the signals may be edited and then transmitted to computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; providing information on calling plans and telecommunication services of others in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 17 communications devices; providing access via the Internet and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices to music, games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies for the purpose of playing, viewing and/or downloading the music, electronic games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies; providing online forums for transmission of messages among computer users concerning cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, and accessories and applications for such phones and devices; and providing electronic data links to websites of others in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, and accessories and applications for such phones and devices; and providing telecommunications news, information and commentary in the field of cellular or mobile phones and accessories and applications for such phones; providing telecommunications information on cellular or mobile phones and accessories and applications for such phones in the form of photographic and video content. Class 41 Entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; entertainment in the nature of tennis tournaments; entertainment in the nature of soccer tournaments; entertainment featuring exhibition sporting events, specifically, a modified form of the game of tennis performed as a floor show in night clubs or venues prepared in the style of a night club, such events being performed in a way that interprets the game of tennis as a night club activity by playing the game rapidly, in the dark, under ultraviolet light, with light and music shows, and also featuring fashion shows and disc jockey performances; entertainment services, namely, non-downloadable music, electronic games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies presented to mobile multimedia and communications devices via a global computer network and wireless networks; entertainment in the nature of conducting contests regarding the creation of personalized electronic characters or caricatures; online journals, namely, blogs featuring content in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, and accessories and applications for such phones. Priority Claims: Class 09 10/06/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 10/06/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 18 Class 38 10/06/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 10/06/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. SONY ERICSSON MOBILE COMMNICATIONS AB NYA VATTENTORNET, SE-22188 LUND, SWEDEN. AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 19 T0914441G 10/12/2009 (09 16 38 41) Class 09 Electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus and instruments; electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus and instruments for recording, storing, editing, transmitting, reproducing, playing, or displaying sound, music, voice, images, photographs, text, e-mail, data, video, radio, television, or games; computer software; downloadable computer software; downloadable electronic publications; cellular or mobile phones; cellular or mobile phones featuring the capacity to function in any number of extra ways beyond just as a phone, namely, to function as a camera, to perform instant messaging, to conduct multimedia messaging, to access and communicate with e-mail, to access and communicate with the Internet, to access and communicate data, to function as a radio, to record, play, transmit, receive, and/or manage music, to record, play, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage audio or voice, to record, play, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage video, to create, view, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage photographs or pictures, to upload, view, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage graphics or images, to play electronic games, to upload photographs and text onto online journals or web logs also known as blogs, to manage a calendar and contact information and otherwise function as a personal digital assistant (PDA), to effectuate printing, to perform satellite navigation, to view electronic city guides, to function as a remote control for computers and run multimedia presentations, to transmit video, sound, and/or data to websites, and/or to otherwise function as a mobile multimedia and communications apparatus for recording, transmission, processing, and reproduction of sound, images, or data; downloadable electronic manuals in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; personal computer cards that enable computers and laptop computers to gain wireless access to, and communicate with, e-mail, the Internet, Intranets, or private computer networks; computer application software for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; downloadable computer application software for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; downloadable musical recordings, electronic games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies, all downloadable to computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices via the Internet; camera devices adapted for use with cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; electronic devices that allow images from cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices to be shown on televisions, display screens or computer monitors; electronic devices that allow audio from cellular or mobile phones and mobile Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 20 multimedia and communications devices to be heard on stereo systems; audio speakers for listening to music or audio from mobile or cellular phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; combination amplifier and speaker system for listening to music or audio from mobile or cellular phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; radio transmitters; computer games for use with cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; accessories for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices in the nature of headsets and devices for hands-free use such as earphones and headphones; accessories for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices in the nature of chargers, batteries, cases, covers, holders, docking stands, cables, power packs, and tripods; remote controls for electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus and instruments; and digital photo frames for displaying digital pictures, video clips and/or music. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); stickers; printed manuals and guides in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; note pads; and non-magnetically encoded prepaid gift cards for use in redeeming music and multimedia downloads online. Class 38 Telecommunications services; information, advice and consultancy services, all relating to the aforesaid services; telecommunications services in the nature of transmission of sound, picture, image, video, and data signals, such transmission enabled by means of the Internet and wireless technology, provided in response to commands from computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; transmission of sound, picture, image, video, and data signals to personalize or enhance cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, such transmission enabled by means of the Internet and wireless technology, provided in response to commands from computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; telecommunications services, namely, providing a website that enables transmission of sound, picture, graphic, image, and video signals to the website, where the signals may be edited and then transmitted to computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; providing information on calling plans and telecommunication services of others in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 21 communications devices; providing access via the Internet and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices to music, games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies for the purpose of playing, viewing and/or downloading the music, electronic games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies; providing online forums for transmission of messages among computer users concerning cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, and accessories and applications for such phones and devices; and providing electronic data links to websites of others in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, and accessories and applications for such phones and devices; and providing telecommunications news, information and commentary in the field of cellular or mobile phones and accessories and applications for such phones; providing telecommunications information on cellular or mobile phones and accessories and applications for such phones in the form of photographic and video content. Class 41 Entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; entertainment in the nature of tennis tournaments; entertainment in the nature of soccer tournaments; entertainment featuring exhibition sporting events, specifically, a modified form of the game of tennis performed as a floor show in night clubs or venues prepared in the style of a night club, such events being performed in a way that interprets the game of tennis as a night club activity by playing the game rapidly, in the dark, under ultraviolet light, with light and music shows, and also featuring fashion shows and disc jockey performances; entertainment services, namely, non-downloadable music, electronic games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies presented to mobile multimedia and communications devices via a global computer network and wireless networks; entertainment in the nature of conducting contests regarding the creation of personalized electronic characters or caricatures; online journals, namely, blogs featuring content in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, and accessories and applications for such phones. Priority Claims: Class 09 10/06/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 10/06/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 22 Class 38 10/06/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 10/06/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. SONY ERICSSON MOBILE COMMNICATIONS AB NYA VATTENTORNET, SE-22188 LUND, SWEDEN. AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 T0914456E 10/12/2009 (31) The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Tian Yan" meaning "Sky Swallow". Class 31 Sea cucumbers (live); shellfish (live); crustaceans (live); fish (live); nuts (fresh); mushrooms (fresh); vegetables (fresh). KYH INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 30 ALEXANDRA LANE, #06-01 KWANG YEOW HENG BUILDING, SINGAPORE 119982 AGENT: LEE & LEE, 5 SHENTON WAY, #07-00 UIC BUILDING, SINGAPORE 068808 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 23 T0914518I 11/12/2009 (16 41) The first mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application Application for a series of four marks. Class 16 Printed matter; Books; Photographs; Printed publications; all included in Class 16. Class 41 Entertainment; Gaming; Audio-visual display presentation services for gaming; Providing gaming facilities; Organization and provision of gambling services; Betting services; Lottery services; all included in Class 41. SINGAPORE POOLS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 1 SELEGIE ROAD, #01-01 PARADIZ CENTRE, SINGAPORE 188306 AGENT: RAJAH & TANN LLP, 9 BATTERY ROAD, #25-01 STRAITS TRADING BUILDING, SINGAPORE 049910 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 24 T0914614B 15/12/2009 (09 28 35 41) Class 09 Telecommunication devices and apparatus; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; batteries and cells; photographic instruments and apparatus; cinematographic instruments and apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments. Class 28 Portable video game machines incorporating a means of display and not adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor. Class 35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network; advertising services, namely, distribution and dissemination of advertising materials; provision of commercial information in the field of transactions of general merchandise and general consumer goods; business management and advice; market research; computerized file management; dissemination of advertising materials for others via an online communications network on the Internet; providing business information via website; provision of commercial and business information in relation to electronic commerce via an Internet portal site. Class 41 Game services provided on-line from a computer network; entertainment services, namely, providing on-line computer games, music, video and related information; rental of audio equipment; online distribution of music, image or video; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; online distribution of radio and television programs. Priority Claims: Class 09 18/09/2009 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 18/09/2009 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 18/09/2009 JAPAN Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 25 All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 18/09/2009 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. SONY CORPORATION 1-7-1 KONAN, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, 108-0075 JAPAN AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 T0914672Z 16/12/2009 (43) The Malay words "Teh" and "Tarik" appearing in the mark mean "Tea" and "To pull" respectively. Class 43 Cafes; cafe, restaurant and provision of drinks and food in food courts. MR TEH TARIK PTE LTD 1 KAKI BUKIT ROAD SINGAPORE 415934 1, #05-32 ENTERPRISE ONE, c/o SK LEGAL LLC, 1 TAMPINES CENTRAL 5, #08-09 CPF TAMPINES BUILDING, SINGAPORE 529508 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 26 T0915217G 28/12/2009 (16 24 28) The first mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of application. Application for a series of two marks. Class 16 Printed matter; publications including books, magazines, newsletters; posters; stationery; paper; decals; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus). Class 24 Textiles and textile goods; bedspreads, bed coverings, bed blankets, counterpanes, bed covers, mattress covers, bed linen, sheets [textiles], eiderdowns, quilts, blankets; towels, hand towels, beach towels, handkerchiefs; sleeping bags [sheeting]; tablecovers. Class 28 Toys, games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles; play equipment. HIBBS HOLDINGS PTY LTD 4-8 WATER ROAD, PRESTON, VICTORIA, 3072, AUSTRALIA AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 T0915304A 30/12/2009 (40) Class 40 Treatment of materials; material treatment information; metal plating; metal treating; treatment of surfaces being the application of protective coatings for the purpose of heat protection, ultraviolet radiation protection, infrared rayes protection, and scratch and impact protection; all included in Class 40. FRONTKEN (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD 156A GUL CIRCLE, SINGAPORE 629614 AGENT: PINTAS PTE LTD, BLK 116 JALAN BUKIT MERAH, #01-1655, SINGAPORE 160116 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 27 T1000027Z 05/01/2010 (09) Class 09 Electronic surveillance apparatus consisting of electronic devices and computer software. WPG SYSTEM PTE LTD. 16 TAI SENG STREET, #05-00, SINGAPORE 534138 AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 28 T1000260D 08/01/2010 (16) Class 16 Paper, cardboard, and goods made from these materials, namely, computer paper, printing paper, continuous roll coated printing paper, continuous roll kaolinite-coated printing paper, continuous roll plastic-coated printing paper, printing paper with a fabric coating, fiber paper, vinyl-coated printing paper, xerographic paper, proofing paper, reproduction paper, art paper, banner paper, photo paper, billboard paper, opaque paper, matte paper, canvas paper, embossed paper, heat transfer paper, bond paper, carbon paper, construction paper, copier paper, craft paper, drawing paper, electrostatic paper, facsimile transmission paper, filler paper, illustration paper, laminated paper, luminous paper, manifold paper, masking paper, paper boards, plastic-coated copying paper, plastic transparencies, recycled paper, synthetic paper, tracing paper, stationery, and sheet protectors [stationery]; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists‘ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks. Priority Claims: Class 16 25/08/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P. 11445 COMPAQ CENTER DRIVE WEST, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77070, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 29 T1000279E 11/01/2010 (03) Class 03 Non-medicated skin care preparations. OLE HENRIKSEN OF DENMARK, INC. 8622 A WEST SUNSET BOULEVARD, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90069, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 30 T1000329E 12/01/2010 (09 16 35 41) Class 09 Computer software for use by telecommunications, cable, satellite and computer service providers in system design, process management and process definition and for use by suppliers for the telecommunications, cable, satellite and computer industry in defining the boundaries and interfaces for their products; reports and manuals in downloadable format relating to such computer software. Class 16 Printed materials, namely, books, pamphlets, brochures, booklets, and forms containing development specifications, strategies and implementation guides that define and promote the use of integrated technical standards to develop or procure network systems management application interfaces; reports and manuals relating to computer software. Class 35 Promotion of services of others in the field of the management of networked information systems and business management consultation services in the field of networked information systems; promotion of services of others in the field of the management of networked information systems through exhibitions, trade shows and conferences. Class 41 Educational services, namely, conducting seminars, exhibitions, trade shows, conferences, online training, webinars and workshops on technical issues in the field of telecommunications and computers for telecommunications, cable, satellite and computer service providers and suppliers, and developing and distributing (excluding transport) printed educational material in connection therewith. TELEMANAGEMENT FORUM 240 HEADQUARTERS PLAZA, EAST TOWER - 10TH FLOOR, MORRISTOWN, NJ 07960-6628, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 31 T1000331G 12/01/2010 (09 16 35 41) Application for a series of two marks. Class 09 Computer software for use by telecommunications, cable, satellite and computer service providers in system design, process management and process definition and for use by suppliers for the telecommunications, cable, satellite and computer industry in defining the boundaries and interfaces for their products; reports and manuals in downloadable format relating to such computer software. Class 16 Printed materials, namely, books, pamphlets, brochures, booklets, and forms containing development specifications, strategies and implementation guides that define and promote the use of integrated technical standards to develop or procure network systems management application interfaces; reports and manuals relating to computer software. Class 35 Promotion of services of others in the field of the management of networked information systems and business management consultation services in the field of networked information systems; promotion of services of others in the field of the management of networked information systems through exhibitions, trade shows and conferences. Class 41 Educational services, namely, conducting seminars, exhibitions, conferences, online training, webinars and workshops on technical issues in the field of telecommunications and computers for telecommunications, cable, satellite and computer service providers and suppliers, and developing and distributing printed educational materials in connection therewith. TELEMANAGEMENT FORUM 240 HEADQUARTERS PLAZA, EAST TOWER - 10TH FLOOR, MORRISTOWN, NJ 07960-6628, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 32 T1000373B 13/01/2010 (09 28 38 41) Class 09 Computer hardware and wireless receivers and transmitters for receiving and transmitting audio, video, text and picture data and information over wireless bandwidths; digital audio players and recorders which use integrated circuits as recording media, audio tape players and recorders; audio disc players and recorders; hard disc audio players and recorders; radio tuners; audio receivers; television receivers; liquid crystal display (LCD) televisions; plasma display panel (PDP) televisions; liquid crystal displays; liquid crystal display projectors; video tape players and recorders; video disc players and recorders; hard disc video players and recorders; set top boxes; video cameras; video cameras combined with video recorders and players; digital still cameras; cellular telephones; facsimile machines; personal digital assistants (PDAs); personal computers; scanners; computer printers; video game machines for use with televisions. Class 28 Portable video game machines incorporating a means of display and not adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor. Class 38 Communications by computer terminals; mobile telephone communication; providing telecommunication connections to the internet or databases; broadcasting services and provision of telecommunication access to video and audio content provided via the Internet. Class 41 Game services provided on-line from a computer network; entertainment services, namely, providing on-line computer games, music, video and related information; rental of audio equipment; distribution of music, image or video through the Internet; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; distribution of radio and television programs through the Internet. SONY CORPORATION 1-7-1 KONAN, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, 108-0075 JAPAN AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 33 T1000387B 13/01/2010 (03) Class 03 After sun creams, after sun lotions, after sun moisturisers, after sun preparations, after sun products (not medicated), anti-ageing creams, anti-cellulite preparations, anti-sun preparations (cosmetics), anti-wrinkle cream, aromatherapy oil, aromatherapy preparations, aromatic oil, aromatic perfumery products, aromatic preparations for personal use, aromatic substances for personal use, aromatics (essential oils), aromatics for fragrances, aromatics for perfumes, bases for make-up, bases for perfumes, beauty care preparations, beauty care products, beauty creams, beauty face packs, beauty gels, beauty masks, beauty milks, beauty preparations, beauty products, blusher, blushers, body care preparations (non-medicated), body care products (non-medicated), body creams (cosmetics), body lotions (other than for medical purposes), body milks, body moisturisers, body oil, cleaning creams for use on the person, cleaning masks for the face, cleaning products for the skin, cleansers for the face, cleansing creams, cleansing emulsions, cleansing facial masks, cleansing foam, cleansing gels, cleansing liquids, cleansing lotions, cleansing masks, cleansing masks for the face, collagen preparations for cosmetic application, cosmetic acne cleansers, cosmetic acne creams, cosmetic kits, cosmetic masks, cosmetic moisturisers, cosmetic oils, cosmetic preparations, cosmetic preparations for skin care, cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, cosmetic preparations for use on the body, cosmetic preparations for use on the face, cosmetic preparations for use on the skin, cosmetic products for protection against the sun, cosmetic products for skin care, cosmetic skin care products, cosmetics, cosmetics for protecting the skin from sunburn, cosmetics for use on the skin, cosmetics in the form of creams, cosmetics in the form of eye shadow, cosmetics in the form of gels, cosmetics in the form of lotions, cosmetics in the form of mascara, cosmetics in the form of milks, cosmetics in the form of nail polish, cosmetics in the form of powders, cosmetics in the form of rouge, cosmetics preparations, cosmetics to remove pigmentation marks, cream for skin whitening, cream perfumes, creams for firming the skin, creams for paling the skin, creams for wrinkles, day creams, dermatological cosmetic preparations, dermatological creams (other than medicated), dermatological preparations (other than medicated), essences for skin care, essential oils, essential oils for cosmetic purposes, exfoliants for the care of the skin, exfoliants for the cleansing of the skin, eye make-up, eye moisturisers for cosmetic use, eye pencils, eye sticks, eye wrinkle lotions, eyelid shadow, eyeliner, eyeshadow, eyeshadow pencils, face blusher, face dusting powders, face foundation creams, facial care products (cosmetic), facial creams (cosmetic), facial lotions (cosmetic), facial masks (cosmetic), facial moisturisers (cosmetic), facial packs Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 34 (cosmetic), facial packs for cosmetic purposes, facial preparations (cosmetic), facial scrubs (cosmetic), facial toners (cosmetic), facial washes (cosmetic), foundation make-up, foundations for the face, fragrances, lip gloss, lip liners, lip pencils, lipsticks, lotion for the eyes (non-medicated), lotions for cosmetic purposes, lotions for the removal of eye make-up, make-up, make-up powder, make-up powders sold in compacts, make-up preparations, make-up products, make-up removing milk, make-up removing preparations, mascara, masks for the face (cosmetic), massage creams, not medicated, massage oils, not medicated, milks (cosmetics), mineral oils (cosmetic), mineral water sprays for cosmetic purposes, moisturisers (cosmetics), moisturising body lotion (cosmetic), moisturising creams (cosmetic), moisturising gels (cosmetic), moisturising lotions (cosmetic), moisturising preparations (cosmetic), moisturising skin creams (cosmetic), moisturising skin lotions (cosmetic), musk (perfumery), nail base coat (cosmetics), nail care preparations, nail enamel (cosmetics), nail enamel remover (cosmetics), nail gloss (cosmetics), nail hardeners (cosmetics), nail manicure products (preparations), nail polish, nail polish removers (cosmetics), nail preparations (cosmetics), nail revitalising lotions (cosmetics), nail tips (cosmetics), nail treatment creams (cosmetics), nail treatment gels (cosmetics), nail treatment lotions (cosmetics), nail varnish, nail varnish remover (cosmetics), nail varnish removing preparations (cosmetics), natural oils for cosmetic purposes, natural oils for perfumes, night creams (cosmetics), non-medicated creams for hydrating the skin, non-medicated creams for moisturising the skin, non-medicated creams for personal care, non-medicated creams for protection against the sun, non-medicated creams for protection of the skin, non-medicated creams for softening the skin, non-medicated creams for soothing the skin, non-medicated creams for the body, non-medicated creams for the eyes, non-medicated creams for the face, non-medicated creams for the feet, non-medicated creams for the lips, non-medicated creams for the skin, non-medicated crystals for use in the bath, non-medicated dental preparations, non-medicated face cream, non-medicated face lotion, non-medicated foot balms, non-medicated foot creams, non-medicated foot powders, non-medicated footbath preparations, non-medicated hand lotion, non-medicated lip balms, non-medicated lotions, non-medicated massage preparations, non-medicated powders, non-medicated preparations for the bath, non-medicated preparations for the care of the body, non-medicated preparations for the care of the skin, non-medicated preparations for the care of the teeth, non-medicated preparations for the relief of burns, non-medicated preparations for the relief of sunburn, non-medicated preparations for use in the shower, perfume, skin care products (cosmetic), skin cleaners (cosmetic), skin cleansing cream (cosmetic), skin conditioners, skin foundation, skin lightening compositions Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 35 (cosmetic), skin toners, skin tonics (non-medicated), skin whitening creams, skincare cosmetics, slimming aids (cosmetic), other than for medical use, slimming preparations (cosmetic), other than for medical use, slimming products (cosmetic), other than for medical use, sun blocking cream (cosmetics), sun blocking gel (cosmetics), sun blocking lipsticks (cosmetics), sun blocking lotions (cosmetics), sun creams (cosmetics), sun gel (cosmetics), sun lotions (cosmetics), sun milk (cosmetics), sun protecting creams (cosmetics), sun protection oils (cosmetics), sun protection products (cosmetics), sun protectors for lips (cosmetics), sun screen preparations (cosmetics), sun screening preparations (cosmetics), sun skin care products (cosmetics), sunscreens; all included in Class 3. AMORE FITNESS PTE LTD 162A ROCHOR ROAD, BUGIS VILLAGE, SINGAPORE 188437 AGENT: RAMDAS & WONG, 36 ROBINSON ROAD, #10-01 CITY HOUSE, SINGAPORE 068877 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 36 T1000491G 18/01/2010 (21) Class 21 Brushes, combs and sponges for household purposes; articles for cleaning purposes; kitchen utensils and containers; plastic bathroom fittings; utensils for toilet purposes; bathroom basins [receptacles]; toothbrushes; electric toothbrushes; dental floss; deodorizing apparatus for personal use; cloths for cleaning; cosmetic utensils; soap dispensers; toothpaste dispensers; polishing apparatus and machines, for household purposes, non-electric; tooth polishing appliances for personal use; powder compacts; toothpicks; water apparatus for cleaning teeth and gums; animal bristles [brushware]; pig bristles; plastics bristles for use in brushes; brushes for use with electric toothbrushes; containers; containers for cosmetics; containers for dentifrices; containers for domestic use; containers for household use or kitchen use; toothbrush containers; stands and racks, all for toothbrushes; dental apparatus for personal use (electric and non-electric); toilet utensils, including deodorizing apparatus for personal use; holder for toothbrushes; dental flossing aids; handles for dental floss; parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods. PROCTER & GAMBLE BUSINESS SERVICES CANADA COMPANY 1959 UPPER WATER STREET, SUITE 800, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, B3J 2X2 CANADA AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 1 TEMASEK AVENUE, #27-01 MILLENIA TOWER, SINGAPORE 039192 T1000638C 21/01/2010 (16) Class 16 Permeable shrink lidding film for packaging food; heat-sealable film for wrapping. CRYOVAC, INC. 200 RIVERFRONT BOULEVARD, ELMWOOD PARK, NEW JERSEY 07407, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 37 T1000660Z 21/01/2010 (30) The transliteration of the Japanese characters appearing in the mark is "Gogo No Kocha" meaning "Afternoon tea". Class 30 Tea; tea-based beverages; tea-flavored confectionery; tea-based bread and buns. KIRIN BEVERAGE KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING AS KIRIN BEVERAGE CORPORATION) 1, KANDA IZUMI-CHO, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 T1000812B 25/01/2010 (30) The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Lu Gua" which has no meaning. Class 30 Coffee; coffee-based beverages; coffee essences; coffee powder; coffee beans; instant coffee; coffee flavorings; coffee substitutes [grain or chicory based]; candy with coffee. FULL FILL INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 1F., NO. 15, LANE 28, SEC. 1, HUAN-SHAN ROAD, TAIPEI, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: SHEARN DELAMORE & CO, C/O DREW & NAPIER (INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY), 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 38 T1000838F 26/01/2010 (07) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Mei Si Te" which has no meaning. Class 07 Bread slicers (machines); dishwashers; electric fruit presses; industrial bread making machines; meat mincers (machines); milking machines; mixing machines; peeling machines; vacuum cleaners; vegetable cutting machines; whisks, electric, for household purposes. GU YONGHONG GROUP 10, SHIYANKOU VILLAGE, YONGXING TOWN, KAIJIANG COUNTY, SICHUAN PROVINCE, CHINA c/o ZHANG HONGLU, SINGAPORE 049909 6 BATTERY ROAD, #31-01, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 39 T1000929C 28/01/2010 (29 30 35) The transliteration of the Japanese characters of which the mark consists is "Bi- Chiengu Hiangu" which has no meaning. Class 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies; jams; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; meat, fish, fruit and vegetable preserves; bacon; sliced pork; barbecued pork; pork floss; preserved meats; sausages; anchovy; dates; roasted, processed or prepared nuts; processed or preserved peas; satay fish; preserved cuttlefish; processed seaweed; potato chips; potato crisps; potato fritters; raisins; processed fruits; fruit peel; fruit jellies; fruit chips; frosted fruits; crystallised fruits; preserved mushrooms; processed meat; cooked meat; sliced meat, sliced beef, sliced chicken, sliced fish; barbecued meat, barbecued beef, barbecued chicken, barbecued fish; meat floss, beef floss, chicken floss, fish floss; dried pork; grilled pork; minced pork; shredded pork; tinned meats; salted meats; food products made from fish; foods prepared from fish; salmon; preserved fish; salted fish; sardines; preserved onions; pickles; sauerkraut. Class 30 Beverages (chocolate-based-); beverages (cocoa-based-); beverages (coffee-based-); chocolate; coffee; coffee beverages with milk; tea; cocoa; sugar; rice; tapioca; sago; artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread; buns; pastry; confectionery; mooncakes; dumplings; dim-sums consisting primarily of foodstuffs made of meat and vegetable; snack foods consisting principally of confectionery; ices; honey; treacle; yeast; baking-powder; liquorice [confectionary]; mustard meal; mustard; nutmeg; salt; vinegar; sauces [condiments]; spices; candy for food; chewing gum, not for medical purposes; cookies; bread rolls; biscuits; tarts; waffles; pancakes; pasta; crackers; prawn rolls; snack food products made from rice; chips [cereal products]; fruit jellies [confectionery]; peanut confectionery; seasonings; husked barley; malt extract for food; binding agents for ice-cream; meat tenderizers for household purposes; sandwiches; Chinese meat buns; durian candy; durian cake; noodles; preparations for stiffening whipped cream; aromatic preparations for food (other than "essential oils"); instant ice cream mixes; instant sherbet mixes; almond paste; sushi; fried food in ball form made wholly or substantially wholly of batter mixes with small pieces of octopus namely takoyaki; pizzas; meat pies; ravioli; instant confectionary mixes; sake cake(edible soft cake of rice wine); gluten for food. Class 35 Retail store services in relation to food and beverage products; the Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 40 bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of food and beverage products (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail store. BEE CHENG HIANG HUP CHONG FOODSTUFF PTE LTD 1359-1363 SERANGOON ROAD, SINGAPORE 328241 T1001054B 29/01/2010 (28) Class 28 Sporting equipment, namely cambering boards in the nature of a deck with small wheels on swivels that one rocks to propel; sporting equipment, namely caster boards; ride-on toys; rideable toy vehicles; toy vehicles; all included in Class 28. Priority Claims: Class 28 02/11/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. RAZOR USA LLC 16200-A CARMENITA ROAD, CERRITOS, CALIFORNIA 90703, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. c/o FRANCINE TAN & ASSOCIATES, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 41 T1001119J 01/02/2010 (09) Class 09 Computer software for use in the financial industry, namely, computer software for placement of trades and acknowledgement of trades in securities, currency exchange, payment and settlement of securities trades, settlement of subscriptions of securities, redemption and transfers of securities, processing of corporate actions on securities positions, portfolio reporting and pricing, accessing and retrieving documentation on securities orders placed, contract notes received and statements of portfolio holdings received, transaction and custody fee calculations and invoicing, automated calculation of securities trade and value data, determining where to hold and place securities as part of a securities reconciliation and trading process, integration with general ledger software for accounting and processing of payments in support of financial products and services, transmission of securities orders, integration with reconciliation systems for cash and security positions. CITCO BANKING CORPORATION N.V. DE RUYTERKADE 62, PO BOX 707, CURACAO, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. WILLEMSTAD, AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 T1001145Z 27/01/2010 (43) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Dong Hai Hai Xian Jiu Jia" meaning "East Ocean Seafood Restaurant". By consent of the applicant of TM No T1001144A. Class 43 Restaurants and self-service restaurants. EAST OCEAN SEAFOOD RESTAURANT PTE. LTD 1 PARK ROAD, #04-58 SINGAPORE 059108 PEOPLE’S PARK COMPLEX, AGENT: COMLAW LLC, 65 CHULIA STREET, #43-03 OCBC CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049513 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 42 T1001149B 02/02/2010 (11) Class 11 Industrial gas purification units. Priority Claims: Class 11 05/08/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. ENTEGRIS, INC. 129 CONCORD ROAD, 01821-4600, U.S.A. BILLERICA, MASSACHUSETTS AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 43 T1001181F 02/02/2010 (39 43) Class 39 Travel services being services offered by travel agents in this class including passenger transport services; air travel services; car hire services; road transport services; rail transport services; sea transport services; booking and reservation of travel services; travel ticket reservation services; tourist information services; sight seeing tour and cruise arranging services; holiday travel reservation services; air transport services; transport and delivery of goods services; online services of searching for, reserving and booking travel; information and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid; providing all the aforementioned services online. Class 43 Accommodation finding services for travellers and tourists; agency services for the reservation of accommodation; agency services for booking temporary accommodation; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to those services. Priority Claims: Class 39 27/01/2010 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 43 27/01/2010 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. FLIGHT CENTRE LIMITED LEVEL 2, 545 QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, 4000 AUSTRALIA AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 44 T1001246D 03/02/2010 (14 16 18 20 21 25) Class 14 Jewelry; ornamental pins, clocks, watches, rings, bracelets, lapel pins of precious metal, charms, earrings, necklaces; jewelry boxes, jewelry cases. Class 16 Stationery and stationery items; souvenir books of park and children’s activity books; address books; calendars; children’s storybooks; coloring books; comic books, graphic novels; magazines; notebooks; diaries; scrapbooks, sketchbook albums; photograph albums; poster books; sticker albums; trading cards (printed matter); greeting cards; paper pennants; banners, wall posters; chalk; crayons; arts and crafts paint kits; modeling materials and compounds for use by children, markers; pens; pencils; pencil cases; pencil erasers; pencil sharpeners; decorative pencil top ornaments; drawing rulers; slate boards for writing; stencils, rubber stamps and stamp pads; heat applied appliques made of paper; decals and transfers; stickers; decorations of paper (other than Christmas decorations); paper party supplies, namely paper napkins, paper placemats, paper gift wrap and paper gift wrapping ribbons, paper table cloths and paper party bags; postcards, writing paper, envelopes, memo pads; and activity kits consisting of stickers and stamps. Class 18 Backpacks, knapsacks, fanny packs, tote bags, book bags, sport bags, other than adapted (shaped) to contain specific sports apparatus, athletic bags, bags for use in sports for carrying sports clothing, handbags and shoulder bags, luggage, luggage tags, wallets, coin purses, key cases, and umbrellas. Class 20 Picture frames, photo frames, drinking straws, plastic key chains, non-metal key chains, mirrors, decorative pillows, decorative boxes made of wood or plastic, plastic ornaments. Class 21 Cookie jars, plastic cups, plastic mugs, plastic squeeze bottles, teapots not made of precious metal, plastic coasters, salt and pepper shakers, wastepaper baskets, china, crystal, glass and porcelain figurines, lunch boxes, popcorn tins sold empty, toothbrushes, hair brushes, hair combs, thermal insulated containers for food or beverages, fitted picnic baskets, ice buckets, dishes, serving platters, cups, glass bowls, salad bowls, bakeware, soap dispensers and serving trays not made of precious metals, beverage glassware, sports bottles with molded character heads, and battery powered toothbrush. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 45 Class 25 Pajamas, nightgowns, robes, coats, jackets, shirts, blouses, T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, shorts, caps, hats, gloves, mittens, suspenders, skirts, pants, ties, stockings, undershirts, underwear briefs, dresses, rompers, overalls, shoes, boots, slippers, cloth bibs, aprons, sweaters, Halloween costumes. UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS LLLP 100 UNIVERSAL CITY PLAZA, UNIVERSAL CALIFORNIA 91608, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CITY, AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 46 T1001318E 04/02/2010 (29) Application for a series of two marks. The second mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of application. The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Xin Shi Shang" which has no meaning. Class 29 Bacon; beans, preserved; bouillon; bouillon (preparations for making-); bouillon concentrates; broth; broth concentrates; butter; butter (chocolate nut-); butter (cocoa-); butter (coconut-); butter (peanut-); croquettes; fillets (fish-); fish (food products made from-); fish, tinned; foods prepared from fish; frosted fruits; fruit jellies; fruit pulp; fruit salads; fruit, preserved; fruit, stewed; gelatine for food; ham; lard for food; liver; meat; meat extracts; meat jellies; meat, preserved; meat, tinned; mushrooms, preserved; mussels [not live]; peanuts, processed; pickles; pork; poultry, not live; prawns [not live]; salads (vegetable-); salmon; salted fish; sausages; sea-cucumbers [not live]; shellfish [not live]; shrimps [not live]; soup (preparations for making-): soup preparations (vegetable-); soups; soya beans, preserved, for food; spiny lobsters [not live]; tofu; truffles, preserved; vegetables, cooked; chilled desserts namely fruit desserts and desserts made from milk; cream desserts; dairy desserts; soya desserts; powdered mixes having a milk base for making desserts; fruit desserts. KOUFU PTE LTD 18 WOODLANDS TERRACE, SINGAPORE 738443 AGENT: YU SARN AUDREY & PARTNERS, 24 RAFFLES PLACE, #27-01 CLIFFORD CENTRE, SINGAPORE 048621 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 47 T1001553F 08/02/2010 (09 14 18 25 26) The French words appearing in the mark mean "Scarf, muffler or neckerchief". Class 09 Straps for cellular phones. Class 14 Key chains of precious metals, watches, earrings, tie pins, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, rings, cuff links. Class 18 Tote bags, pouches, handbags, shoulder bags, rucksacks, boston bags, purses, umbrellas, vanity cases (not fitted), key holders. Class 25 Clothing, non-Japanese style outerwear [outerclothing], evening dresses, school uniforms, childrens’ wear, jackets, jogging pants, sweat pants, suits, skirts, ski jackets, ski pants, trousers, smocks, formal evening wear, coats, overcoats, topcoats, mantles, raincoats, cardigans, sweaters, vests and waistcoats, shirts, open-necked shirts, cuffs, collars [for clothing], sport shirts, blouses, polo shirts, shirts for suits, nightwear, night gowns, negligees, pajamas, bath robes, underwear [underclothing], camisoles, corsets [underclothing], combinations [clothing], undershirts, chemises, drawers and underpants, slips, panties, shorts and briefs, brassieres, petticoats, swimwear [bathing suits], swimming caps [bathing caps]; footwear (other than boots for sports), shoes and boots, rain boots, training shoes, overshoes, sandals, half-boots, womens’ shoes, winter boots, infants’ shoes and boots; shawls, gloves (clothing), neckerchiefs, bandanas, hats, bands for wear, belts (clothing). Class 26 Barrettes [hair-slides], hair nets, hair bands, hair pins and hair grips. UN BILLION CO., LTD. 1-10-8, TOMIGAYA, SHIBUYA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: HSLEGAL LLP, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #22-23 UOB PLAZA 2, SINGAPORE 048624 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 48 T1001590J 09/02/2010 (14) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Tao Li Fen Qi" which has no meaning. Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones, cufflinks, costume jewellery; horological and chronometric instruments, watches, clocks, cases for watches, jewellery watches in precious metals; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 14. DA VINCI COLLECTION PTE LTD 3 TAI SENG DRIVE, SINGAPORE 535216 #05-01 DA VINCI BUILDING, AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 49 T1001613C 09/02/2010 (25) Class 25 Aprons [clothing]; ascots; babies’ diapers of textile, babies’ napkins of textile; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; bath robes; bath sandals; bath slippers; bathing caps; bathing drawers; bathing suits; bathing trunks; beach clothes; beach shoes; belts [clothing]; money belts [clothing]; berets; boas [necklets]; bodices [lingerie]; boot uppers; boots; boots for sports; heelpieces for boots; iron fittings for boots; ski boots; welts for boots; braces for clothing [suspenders]; brassieres; breeches [for wear]; camisoles; caps [headwear] shower caps; chemisettes [shirt fronts]; clothing, ready-made clothing; clothing for gymnastics; clothing of imitations of leather; clothing of leather; coats; top coats; collar protectors; combinations [clothing]; cuffs; cyclists’ clothing; drawers [clothing]; dressing gowns; esparto shoes or sandals; football boots, football shoes; footmuffs, not electrically heated; footwear; tips for footwear; footwear uppers; frocks; fur stoles; furs [clothing]; gabardines [clothing]; gaiters; galoshes; garters; girdles; gloves [clothing]; dressing gowns; gymnastic shoes; half-boots; headgear for wear, hats; heelpieces for boots and shoes; heels; hoods [clothing]; hosiery; jackets [clothing]; stuff jackets [clothing]; jerseys [clothing]; jumpers [shirt fronts]; knitwear [clothing]; lace boots; layettes [clothing]; liveries; body linen [garments]; mittens; motorists’ clothing; muffs [clothing]; mules; neckties; outerclothing; overalls; overcoats; pajamas (Am); pants; paper clothing; parkas; pelerines; pelisses; petticoats; pocket squares; pullovers; sandals; sashes for wear; scarfs, shawls; gowns; shirts; shoes; shoulder wraps; singlets; ski boots; skirts; skull caps; slippers; slips [undergarments]; smocks; socks; spats; sports jerseys; sports shoes; stockings; sweat-absorbent stockings; suits; sun visors; suspenders; anti-sweat sweat-absorbent underclothing [underwear], underclothing; sweaters; swimsuits; teddies [undergarments]; tee-shirts; tights; tips for footwear; top hats; topcoats; trouser straps; trousers; underwear; underpants; uniforms; footwear uppers; veils [clothing]; vests, waistcoats; waterproof clothing; wet suits for waterskiing; wooden shoes. BURNEDEST JAPAN LIMITED 1-2-3, KITA-AOYAMA, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 50 T1001614A 09/02/2010 (25) Class 25 Aprons [clothing]; ascots; babies’ diapers of textile, babies’ napkins of textile; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; bath robes; bath sandals; bath slippers; bathing caps; bathing drawers; bathing suits; bathing trunks; beach clothes; beach shoes; belts [clothing]; money belts [clothing]; berets; boas [necklets]; bodices [lingerie]; boot uppers; boots; boots for sports; heelpieces for boots; iron fittings for boots; ski boots; welts for boots; braces for clothing [suspenders]; brassieres; breeches [for wear]; camisoles; caps [headwear] shower caps; chemisettes [shirt fronts]; clothing, ready-made clothing; clothing for gymnastics; clothing of imitations of leather; clothing of leather; coats; top coats; collar protectors; combinations [clothing]; cuffs; cyclists’ clothing; drawers [clothing]; dressing gowns; esparto shoes or sandals; football boots, football shoes; footmuffs, not electrically heated; footwear; tips for footwear; footwear uppers; frocks; fur stoles; furs [clothing]; gabardines [clothing]; gaiters; galoshes; garters; girdles ; gloves [clothing]; dressing gowns; gymnastic shoes; half-boots; headgear for wear, hats; heelpieces for boots and shoes; heels; hoods [clothing]; hosiery; jackets [clothing]; stuff jackets [clothing]; jerseys [clothing]; jumpers [shirt fronts]; knitwear [clothing]; lace boots; layettes [clothing]; liveries; body linen [garments]; mittens; motorists’ clothing; muffs [clothing]; mules; neckties; outerclothing; overalls; overcoats; pajamas (Am); pants; paper clothing; parkas; pelerines; pelisses; petticoats; pocket squares; pullovers; sandals; sashes for wear; scarfs, shawls; gowns; shirts; shoes; shoulder wraps; singlets; ski boots; skirts; skull caps; slippers; slips [undergarments]; smocks; socks; spats; sports jerseys; sports shoes; stockings; sweat-absorbent stockings; suits; sun visors; suspenders; anti-sweat sweat-absorbent underclothing [underwear], underclothing; sweaters; swimsuits; teddies [undergarments]; tee-shirts; tights; tips for footwear; top hats; topcoats; trouser straps; trousers; underwear; underpants; uniforms; footwear uppers; veils [clothing]; vests, waistcoats; waterproof clothing; wet suits for waterskiing; wooden shoes. BURNEDEST JAPAN LIMITED 1-2-3, KITA-AOYAMA, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 51 T1001616H 09/02/2010 (18) Class 18 Attache cases; backpacks; bags for camping; bags for climbers; bags for travel; bands of leather; beach bags; leather shoulder belts; brief cases; card cases (notecases); fur; fur-skin; handbags; imitation leather; key cases (leatherware); purses; rucksacks; school satchels; school bags; shopping bags; sling bags for carrying infants; leather straps; suitcase handles; suitcases; traveling bags; traveling trunks; umbrellas; valises; vanity cases (not fitted); pocket wallets; wheeled shopping bags; carry on bags; clutch bags; cosmetic bags sold empty; diaper bags; duffle bags; overnight bags; felt pouches; drawstring pouches and tool pouches sold empty; walking sticks; canes; walking stick and cane handles; parasols; harness and saddlery; clothing for pets; leather sold in bulk. BURNEDEST JAPAN LIMITED 1-2-3, KITA-AOYAMA, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 T1001651F 10/02/2010 (09) Class 09 User interfaces for electrotechnical and electronic devices, namely, user interfaces incorporating hardware and/or software enabling the graphic display of rooms containing said devices and enabling the use of device images as control icons for the user interfaces. Priority Claims: Class 09 10/08/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. SAVANT SYSTEMS LLC 886 MAIN STREET, OSTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02655, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 52 T1001655I 10/02/2010 (36) Class 36 Financial management and investment management services; financial administration and investment administration services, namely financial trustee services, valuation of financial and investment assets, and investment consultation; preparation of financial and investment records relating to information on stocks, bonds, exchanges, mutual funds, and investment trusts; provision of financial information services and provision of investment information services, mutual fund investment, mutual fund distribution, and mutual fund brokerage. ORCHARD CAPITAL PARTNERS LIMITED ROMASCO PLACE, WICKHAMS CAY 1, P.O. BOX 3140, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, VG1110 AGENT: INTELLEIGEN LEGAL LLC, 8 TEMASEK BOULEVARD, #38-03 SUNTEC TOWER THREE, SINGAPORE 038988 T1001659A 10/02/2010 (36) Class 36 Financial management and investment management services; Financial administration and investment administration services, namely financial trustee services, valuation of financial and investment assets, and investment consultation; Preparation of financial and investment records relating to information on stocks, bonds, exchanges, mutual funds, and investment trusts; Provision of financial information services and provision of investment information services, mutual fund investment, mutual fund distribution, and mutual fund brokerage. ORCHARD CAPITAL PARTNERS LIMITED ROMASCO PLACE, WICKHAMS CAY 1, P.O. BOX 3140, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, VG1110 AGENT: INTELLEIGEN LEGAL LLC, 8 TEMASEK BOULEVARD, #38-03 SUNTEC TOWER THREE, SINGAPORE 038988 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 53 T1001872A 12/02/2010 (03) Class 03 Soaps; perfumery; essential oils; cosmetics; cosmetic preparations; hair lotions; dentifrices; skin, body, eye and hair care preparations, for cosmetic purposes; non-medicated bath preparations; creams, lotions and gels for cosmetic purposes; skin and facial cleansing preparations for personal use; cosmetic preparations containing vegetable and/or fruit extracts; cosmetic preparations containing vitamins and/or mineral extracts; cosmetic preparations containing minerals, muds and/or salts; hair lotions containing vegetable and/or fruit extracts; hair lotions containing vitamins and/or mineral extracts; hair lotions containing minerals, muds and/or salts; make up preparations; makeup removing preparations; vegetable and/or fruit based oils for use on the skin, for cosmetic purposes; skin care oils (cosmetic); sunscreens and sunscreen preparations; non-medicated facial wipes; non-medicated preparations for the treatment of acne; cosmetic acne cleansers; cosmetic acne creams. YES TO LTD NEHAMA STREET 9 TEL AVIV ISRAEL 68115. AGENT: TAN PENG CHIN LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #11-00 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 54 T1001873Z 12/02/2010 (03) Class 03 Soaps; perfumery; essential oils; cosmetics; cosmetic preparations; hair lotions; dentifrices; skin, body, eye and hair care preparations, for cosmetic purposes; non-medicated bath preparations; creams, lotions and gels for cosmetic purposes; skin and facial cleansing preparations for personal use; cosmetic preparations containing vegetable and/or fruit extracts; cosmetic preparations containing vitamins and/or mineral extracts; cosmetic preparations containing minerals, muds and/or salts; hair lotions containing vegetable and/or fruit extracts; hair lotions containing vitamins and/or mineral extracts; hair lotions containing minerals, muds and/or salts; make up preparations; makeup removing preparations; vegetable and/or fruit based oils for use on the skin, for cosmetic purposes; skin care oils (cosmetic); sunscreens and sunscreen preparations; non-medicated facial wipes; non-medicated lip-care preparations; cosmetic lip products including with flavor. YES TO LTD NEHAMA STREET 9 TEL AVIV ISRAEL 68115. AGENT: TAN PENG CHIN LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #11-00 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 T1002099H 19/02/2010 (37) The Malay word "Setia" appearing in the mark means "Loyal". Class 37 Advisory services relating to development of property; advisory services relating to property development; advisory services relating to the renovation of property; building of commercial properties; building of industrial properties; cleaning of property; development of properties; development of property; property development; property maintenance. S P SETIA INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE LTD 1 HARBOURFRONT PLACE, #01-06, SINGAPORE 098633 1 HARBOURFRONT PLACE, #01-06 TOWER ONE, SINGAPORE 098633 HARBOURFRONT Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 55 T1002185D 22/02/2010 (35) Class 35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others, a variety of goods [other than transport], in relation to furniture, home furnishings, soft furnishing, articles and accessories for interior decorations, articles and accessories for window designs, articles and accessories for window decorations, fabrics, solar film, upholstery and their accessories, curtains, drapery, blinds, wallpaper, wallcoverings and borders, beddings, cushions and covers, curtain trimmings, table cloth and mats, curtain tracks and accessories, motors for curtains, decorative curtain rods, flooring, carpets, bedspreads, headboards, household goods and articles for interior decoration. hardware for furniture and doors, household accessories, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail store or from mail order shopping services via a global computer network; import-export agency services; administration of the business affairs of retail stores; marketing [does not include retailing]; setting up, organization, administration, operation and supervision of customer loyalty, sales promotion, incentives and promotional activity schemes and advice, consultancy and information services relating to such services; provision of the aforesaid services provided by means of the global computer network and/or computer database. FABRIK ETC PTE LTD 1 JALAN ANAK BUKIT, #02-14 BUKIT TIMAH PLAZA, SINGAPORE 588996 AGENT: YU SARN AUDREY & PARTNERS, 24 RAFFLES PLACE, #27-01 CLIFFORD CENTRE, SINGAPORE 048621 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 56 T1002233H 23/02/2010 (41) Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the words "Asian", "Development" and "Tour". Class 41 Organizing and conducting entertainment in the nature of golf tournments; educational golf-related events, namely workshops, clinics, seminars and teaching academies; and other golf-related events and the production of televised golf events; provision of information; advisory and consultancy services in respect of the foregoing services; all included in Class 41. ASIAN TOUR LIMITED 5 BUKIT MANIS ROAD, SINGAPORE 099893 AGENT: GRAYS LLC, 105A AMOY STREET, SINGAPORE 069925 T1002242G 24/02/2010 (14) Class 14 Alarm clocks; alloys of precious metal; cases for clock and watchmaking; charms (jewellery); cuff links; jewellery; jewellery cases (caskets); key rings (trinkets or fobs); watches. MADAME TROUBLE AGNES ANDREE MARGUERITE MARIE 194, RUE DE RIVOLI, PARIS, 75001, FRANCE AGENT: MARCARIA, 14 ROBINSON ROAD, #13-00 FAR EAST BUILDING, SINGAPORE 048545 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 57 T1002569H 02/03/2010 (14) Class 14 Watches, clock. NG CHIN WEE VINCENT BLK 110 BEDOK RESERVOIR ROAD, #09-290, SINGAPORE 470110 T1002570A 02/03/2010 (14) Class 14 Watches; clocks. TAN CHOON BENG BLK 411 YISHUN RING ROAD, #05-1825, SINGAPORE 760411 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 58 T1002783F 09/03/2010 (30) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Ying Hua Zhen Zhu Mi" and "Xiang Hua Ke Kou" meaning "Cherry Blossom Pearl Rice" and "Aromatic smooth and delicious" respectively. Class 30 Foodstuffs made of rice; fried rice; rice; rice based snack foods; rice biscuits; rice flour; rice prepared for food for human consumption; rice products for food; snack food products made from rice; snack food products made from rice flour; snack foods consisting principally of rice. TAY CHYE HOCK TRADING AS SENGKANG TRADING ENTERPRISE 432 TAGORE INDUSTRIAL AVENUE, SINGAPORE 787811 T1002860C 10/03/2010 (09) Class 09 Data encryption apparatus, encryptor unit; security device for data transmission for use with computer hardware; security device for cryptographic protection of Ethernet network data transmission; information processing terminals for electronics ciphering and deciphering; data communication security apparatus (electronic); data transmission protection equipment; all for the purpose of information technology security. ST ELECTRONICS (INFO-SECURITY) PTE. LTD. 100 JURONG EAST STREET 21, ST ELECTRONICS JURONG EAST BUILDING, SINGAPORE 609602 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 59 T1002866B 10/03/2010 (16 35) Class 16 Printed publications, including books, magazines, and journals. Class 35 Advertising including advertising agency services, arranging advertisements (for others), placing advertisements (for others); event management services (arranging and conducting of exhibitions or trade fairs for marketing and promotional purposes) [on behalf of others]; business management; business administration; office functions. HEARST COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 300 WEST 57TH STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10019, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 T1003070E 15/03/2010 (06) Class 06 Air diffusers of metal (vents, grills) for ventilating, heating and air conditioning installations. LIBRA ENGINEERING PTE LTD 101 DEFU LANE 10, SINGAPORE 539222 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 60 T1003169H 17/03/2010 (21 26) Class 21 Non-electric hair brushes and combs. Class 26 Hair ornaments and non-electric hair curlers (other than hand implements). LEATHEM S. STEARN 37 FERRY LANE EAST, WESTPORT, CONNECTICUT 06880, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 T1003185Z 17/03/2010 (41) Class 41 Providing online electronic publications (not downloadable); publication of magazines. INDESIGN PUBLISHING PTY LTD LEVEL 1, 102/50-56 MARSHALL ST SURRY HILLS, NSW 2010, AUSTRALIA c/o ROHAN SINGH, SINGAPORE 276258 101 HOLLAND GROVE VIEW, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 61 T1003195G 18/03/2010 (35) Application for a series of two marks. Class 35 Retail services; all included in Class 35. AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE 336 RIVER VALLEY ROAD, #03-00 AA CENTRE, SINGAPORE 238366 AGENT: KHATTARWONG, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #25-01 UOB PLAZA 1, SINGAPORE 048624 T1003205H 18/03/2010 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics, face cream, skin cream, face packs [cosmetics], skin lotion, milky face lotion, lip cream, make-up base, skin cleansing preparations, soaps, skin whitening preparations, foundation make-up, face powder, bath powder, eye make-up, eye liner, mascara, eye brow pencils, lipsticks, blusher, nail care preparations, nail polish and cuticle conditioners, cosmetic preparations for bath, non-medicated bath salts, hair care preparations, shampoo, hair rinse, hair conditioner, hair lotion, hair creams, hair-dye, hair spray, hair gel and hair mousse; perfumery, perfume, eau de cologne, eau de toilette, cotton balls for cosmetic purposes, sunscreen preparations; all included in Class 3. KAO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING AS KAO CORPORATION) 14-10, NIHONBASHI KAYABACHO 1-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 62 T1003222H 18/03/2010 (43) Class 43 Korean restaurants; snack-bars; self-service restaurants; restaurants; providing in-flight meal services in an airplane; cafeterias; restaurant services for the provision of fast food; bar services. CJ FOODVILLE JOOSIKHOISA (CJ FOODVILLE CORP.) 8F, KOO SAN TOWER, 3250, BANGBAE-DONG, SEOCHO-KU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 T1003312G 19/03/2010 (29) Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the words "California" and "Mexico". Class 29 Shellfish (not live); edible shellfish; cooked shellfish; shellfish products; all included in Class 29. SOUTH CHINA SEA FARM LIMITED SUITE 610, 6TH FLOOR, TOWER 1, SILVERCORD, 30 CANTON ROAD, TSIM SHA TSUI, KOWLOON, HONG KONG c/o CHAN YEE HANG, 97 HOLLAND ROAD, #04-03, SINGAPORE 278541 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 63 T1003959A 01/04/2010 (30) The transliteration of the Japanese characters appearing in the mark is "Wako-dou-no-o-ya-tsu" and "Su-ma-i-ru-po-ketto" meaning "WAKODO’s snack (Wakodo is a name of store)" and "Smile pocket" respectively. Class 30 Confectionery, bread and buns. WAKODO COMPANY, LIMITED 7-15, 2-CHOME, KAJICHO, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 T1003971J 01/04/2010 (05 30 32) The transliteration of the Japanese characters appearing in the mark is "Gen-ki-cchi" meaning "Just Fine". Class 05 Drinks for weaning (for babies and infants). Class 30 Tea. Class 32 Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks [refreshing beverages]; non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; whey beverages; vegetable juices [beverages]. WAKODO COMPANY, LIMITED 7-15, 2-CHOME, KAJICHO, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 64 T1004058A 05/04/2010 (36) Class 36 Financial services, namely, electronic funds transfer, direct electronic debit transactions, electronic payment processing services, electronic commerce merchant payment services, peer to peer electronic payments, and peer-to-peer money transfers. Priority Claims: Class 36 22/03/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. CASHEDGE, INC. 215 PARK AVENUE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10003, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 65 T1004264I 08/04/2010 (35 36) Class 35 Business information services, including news, analysis, profile information, earnings, statements, guidelines, press releases, analyst presentations and recommendations relating to company, business clients and contacts; Compiling of lists of prospective customers; Service to assist in establishing a network of business contacts; Arranging business introductions; Business investigations and inquiries; Business research and statistical information; Strategic business planning; Computerised database management; Compilation and provision of business information; Business information provided on-line from a computer database or via computer networks; all included in Class 35. Class 36 Information services relating to finance and financial news; Financial business appraisals; Investment business services; Financial information services relating to individuals; Financial information provided on-line from a computer database or via computer networks; all included in Class 36. WEALTH-X PTE. LTD. 3 PHILLIP STREET, #18-00 COMMERCE POINT, SINGAPORE 048693 AGENT: ATMD BIRD & BIRD LLP, P.O. BOX 0643 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911722 T1004329G 09/04/2010 (03) The mark consists of a 3-dimensional shape of a bottle with the word "Johnson’s" appearing thereon as shown in the representation on the application Class 03 Toiletries, namely, body wash and skin cleansers; hair shampoo; skin care preparations, namely, body lotion. JOHNSON & JOHNSON ONE JOHNSON & JOHNSON PLAZA, NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY, 08933, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 66 T1004415C 13/04/2010 (12) Class 12 Bicycles; pedals for bicycles; handle bar stems [bicycle parts]; racing bicycle frames; handlebars [bicycle parts]; front forks for bicycles; bicycle kickstands [parts of bicycle]; direction signals for bicycles; cranks for cycles; rims for wheels of bicycles; bicycle seat posts; bicycle headset [parts of bicycle]; bicycle handlebar grips; derailleur sets; baskets adapted for bicycles; bicycle chains; bicycle frames. GREAT GO CYCLES INC. NO. 146, CINGNIAN RD., DAJIA TOWNSHIP, TAICHUNG COUNTY, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 T1004607E 15/04/2010 (09) Class 09 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs. USC ELECTRONICS (S) PTE LTD 80 MARINE PARADE ROAD, #17-02A PARKWAY PARADE, SINGAPORE 449269 AGENT: ASCENTSIA LAW CORPORATION, 10 ANSON ROAD, #03-01 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SINGAPORE 079903 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 67 T1004746B 19/04/2010 (10) The transliteration of the Japanese characters appearing in the mark is "Panmiru" which has no meaning and "Nippuru" meaning "Nipple". Class 10 Nipples for babies feeding bottles; babies’ feeding bottles. CHOP TONG HUA (PTE) LTD 13 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, #01-3970, SINGAPORE 190013 T1004788H 19/04/2010 (30) The first mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of application. Application for a series of two marks. Class 30 Beverages made of tea, black tea [English tea], flavoring of tea, fruit tea, chai tea, aromatic teas, fruit flavored tea, Rooibos tea, tea essence, green tea, herbal tea [for food purposes], Japanese green tea, Oolong tea [Chinese tea], tea, tea bags, tea extracts, tea for infusions, tea-based beverages, cakes, pastry, pastries, macaroons (pastry), aromatic preparations for pastries. TWG TEA COMPANY PTE LTD 61 KIM YAM ROAD, SINGAPORE 239362 AGENT: K L TAN & ASSOCIATES, 144A NEIL ROAD, SINGAPORE 088873 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 68 T1004891D 21/04/2010 (14) Class 14 Articles of imitation jewellery; articles of jewellery; artificial jewellery; beads for making jewellery; boxes for jewellery; brooches (jewellery); cases adapted to contain items of jewellery; chains (jewellery); charity wrist bands (bracelets, jewellery); charms (jewellery); cloisonne jewellery; collets being parts of jewellery; containers especially adapted for presentation and display of jewellery or watches; costume jewellery; craft kits for jewellery construction; custom jewellery; decorative articles (trinkets or jewellery) for personal use; decorative brooches (jewellery); decorative pins (jewellery); dress ornaments in the nature of jewellery; ear ornaments in the nature of jewellery; fake jewellery; fashion jewellery; gold jewellery; gold thread (jewellery); hair ornaments of precious metal (jewellery); imitation jewellery; imitation jewellery ornaments; items of jewellery; ivory (jewellery); jewellery; jewellery articles; jewellery boxes; jewellery cases (caskets); jewellery cases made of paper coated wood; jewellery chain; jewellery chain of precious metal for anklets; jewellery chain of precious metal for bracelets; jewellery chain of precious metal for necklaces; jewellery coated with precious metal alloys; jewellery coated with precious metals; jewellery containing gold; jewellery fashioned from bronze; jewellery fashioned from non-precious metals; jewellery fashioned of cultured pearls; jewellery fashioned of precious metals; jewellery fashioned of semi-precious stones; jewellery for personal adornment; jewellery for personal wear; jewellery in non-precious metals; jewellery in precious metals; jewellery in semi-precious metals; jewellery in the form of beads; jewellery incorporating diamonds; jewellery incorporating pearls; jewellery incorporating precious stones; jewellery items; jewellery made from gold; jewellery made from silver; jewellery made of bronze; jewellery made of crystal; jewellery made of crystal coated with precious metals; jewellery made of glass; jewellery made of non-precious metal; jewellery made of plastics; jewellery made of plated precious metals; jewellery made of precious metals; jewellery made of precious stones; jewellery made of semi-precious materials; jewellery of yellow amber; jewellery ornaments; jewellery plated with precious metals; jewellery products; jewellery rope chain for anklets; jewellery rope chain for bracelets; jewellery rope chain for necklaces; jewellery stones; jewellery watches; medallions (jewellery); necklaces (jewellery); ornaments (jewellery); paste jewellery; paste jewellery (costume jewelry (Am.)); pearls (jewellery); pendants (jewellery); personal jewellery; pewter jewellery; pins (jewellery); pins being jewellery; plastic jewellery; precious jewellery; ring bands (jewellery); rings (jewellery); rubber jewellery; semi-finished articles of precious metals for use in the manufacture of jewellery; semi-finished articles of precious Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 69 stones for use in the manufacture of jewellery; sterling silver jewellery; synthetic stones (jewellery); threads of precious metal (jewellery); trinkets (jewellery); wire of precious metal (jewellery); wrist bands (charity, jewellery); wristlets (jewellery). ASIAN JEWELLERY PTE LTD 211 HENDERSON ROAD, #02-04 HENDERSON INDUSTRIAL PARK, SINGAPORE 159552 T1005128A 26/04/2010 (10) Class 10 Stethoscopes. 3M COMPANY 3M CENTER, 2501 HUDSON ROAD, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, 55144, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 70 T1005160E 26/04/2010 (26) Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the words "Aries", "Twinkles", "Of" and "Joy". Class 26 Hair bands, ribbons and braids. ARIES FASHION ACCESSORIES PTE LTD 1 KAKI BUKIT ROAD SINGAPORE 415934 1, #04-15 ENTERPRISE ONE, AGENT: ABLE LAW PRACTICE LLC, 1557 KEPPEL ROAD, #02-19 INCHCAPE MARKETING BUILDING, SINGAPORE 089066 T1005400J 29/04/2010 (03) Application for a series of two marks. Class 03 Preparations and substances, all for the care of mouth, gum, teeth and oral cavity; breath sprays; breath freshening sprays; dentifrices; toothpastes; cosmetic preparations for cleansing the mouth; mouth washes and rinses, not for medical purposes; non-medicated oral care products; all included in Class 3. CORLISON PRIVATE LIMITED 7030 ANG MO KIO AVENUE 5, #06-36/39 NORTHSTAR @ AMK, SINGAPORE 569880 AGENT: TAN PENG CHIN LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #11-00 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 71 T1005490F 30/04/2010 (10) Class 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; ophthalmic, ocular and eye related implants, apparatus and instruments; intraocular lenses; pre-loaded intraocular lens inserters; intraocular lens inserters; intraocular lens implants; intraocular implants; holders for intraocular lenses; lenses (intraocular prostheses) for surgical implantation; medical, surgical and microsurgical apparatus, instrumentation and devices for use in ophthalmic, ocular and eye-related procedures; ophthalmic, ocular, and eye-related surgical instruments, apparatus and devices; medical and surgical apparatus, instruments, and devices used in diagnosing eye conditions and performing ophthalmic, ocular and eye-related surgical procedures, and component parts thereof; surgical apparatus, instruments and devices used to inject intraocular lenses; acrylic material for intraocular lenses; medical, surgical, ophthalmic, ocular, refractive, and eye-related lasers [for medical and surgical use], aberrometers, corneal topographers, microkeratomes, keratomes and blades, phacoemulsification devices, hand held ophthalmic surgical instruments, endoscopes, tonometers and corneal shields; implantable medical devices; knives and cutters for surgical use and purposes; surgical, ophthalmic, and ocular instruments, apparatus, and devices for use in eye surgery; apparatus and instruments for non-invasive surgery; corneal shields and splints for medical or surgical use; artificial lenses for implantation in the eye. BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED ONE BAUSCH & LOMB PLACE, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14604, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 1 TEMASEK AVENUE, #27-01 MILLENIA TOWER, SINGAPORE 039192 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 72 T1005554F 03/05/2010 (19) By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T00/07302I and T00/07303G. The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Sheng Xiang" meaning "Holy elephant". Class 19 Wood paneling; Parquet floor boards; Wood paving; Veneers; Building timber; Lumber; Slate; Gypsum; Cement; Concrete building elements; Floor tiles, not of metal; Refractory construction materials, not of metal; Building cardboard; Doors, not of metal; Parquet flooring; Floors, not of metal; Door casings, not of metal; Slabs, not of metal; Building panels not of metal; Building glass; all included in class 19. POWER DEKOR GROUP CO., LTD. F3, BYFOND PLAZA, 1587 ZHANGYANG ROAD, PUDONG NEW DISTRICT, SHANGHAI 200135, CHINA. AGENT: ONE LEGAL LLC, 5 SHENTON WAY, #02-02 UIC BUILDING, SINGAPORE 068808 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 73 T1005791C 07/05/2010 (09 14 18 25 26) Class 09 Eyeglasses; sunglasses; eyeglass cases; recorded video discs and video tapes. Class 14 Precious metals; key rings [trinkets or fobs]; necklaces, bracelets, pendants, rings [trinkets], charms; wrist watches. Class 18 Bags, shoulder bags, briefcases, suitcases, trunks, handbags, attache cases, backpacks, rucksacks, beach bags, school bags, shopping bags, travelling bags, valises; purses, wallets, business card cases (notecases), card cases (notecases); vanity cases [not fitted]; umbrellas, parasols; fur; clothing for pets. Class 25 Clothing, coats, jackets [clothing], knitwear [clothing], skirts, trousers, pants; sweaters, shirts, nightwear, underwear [underclothing], swimsuits, swimming caps; garters, belts [clothing]; headgear for wear; footwear; scarves [scarfs], stoles, mufflers, gloves [clothing]; masquerade costumes. Class 26 Decorative tapes, ribbons; hair ornaments; buttons; shoe ornaments [not of precious metal]. MASH STYLE LAB, INC. 2F, KOWA HIROO BUILDING, 2-32, 5-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. MINAMI-AZABU AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 74 T1006225I 18/05/2010 (09) Class 09 Protective cases and carrying cases for personal electronic devices, namely, portable computing devices and handheld personal electronic devices, namely, portable digital data storage media devices, digital media player devices, personal digital assistant, handheld wireless devices, cellular handsets, handheld digital audio and/or video capture devices; protective cases and carrying cases for computer accessories, namely, user interface devices, namely, keyboards, display monitors, cursor pointing devices, namely, mice. Priority Claims: Class 09 06/12/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. SWITCHEASY LIMITED ROOM 314, SING WIN FACTORY BLDG, 15-17 SHING YIP STREET, KWUN TONG KOWLOON, HONG KONG AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 75 T1006272J 19/05/2010 (09 36 38) Class 09 Electronic apparatus for the transmission of data; apparatus for processing point-of-sale transactions; magnetically-encoded credit cards, charge cards, stored value and debit cards; magnetically-encoded, machine-readable, bar-coded, stored value and debit cards; magnetically-encoded identifying cards; magnetically-encoded cards. Class 36 Financial services; credit and charge card services; consumer stored value and debit card transaction processing services; providing electronic processing of stored value and debit card transactions and providing electronic payments via a global computer network; financial services, namely, electronic processing, verification, and settlement of sales transactions using online accounts; stored value and debit card transaction verification and settlement services; electronic payment processing services, namely, electronic processing of stored value and debit card and online account payment data; stored value and debit card services; providing financial information via a global computer network; and consultation services related to the foregoing. Class 38 Electronic transmission of data; providing electronic transmission of credit card, charge card, stored value and debit card and online account payment data via a global computer network. AMERICAN EXPRESS MARKETING & DEVELOPMENT CORP. 200 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK, 10285, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 76 T1006847H 31/05/2010 (44) Class 44 Advisory services relating to medical problems; advisory services relating to medical services; aged care services (medical and nursing services); alternative medical services; analysis of tissues for medical treatment; arranging of medical treatment; behavioral analysis for medical purposes; complementary medical services; conducting of medical examinations; consultancy and advisory services in relation to medical services; dietetic counseling services (medical); genetic testing for medical purposes; health care consultancy services (medical); health farm service (medical); health resort services (medical); life saving and life guarding services (medical aid and resuscitation); lifestyle counseling (medical); location of medical facilities for emergency medical treatment; medical advisory services; medical analysis services; medical assistance; medical care services; medical clinics; medical counseling; medical diagnostic services (testing and analysis); medical examination of individuals; medical health assessment services; medical nursing; medical screening; medical services; medical services for treatment of the skin; medical spa services; medical treatment services; nursing (medical); personal care services (medical nursing, health, hygiene and beauty care); preparation of psychological profiles for medical purposes; preparation of reports relating to medical matters; providing information including online, about medical services, and veterinary services; provision of medical assistance; provision of medical facilities; provision of medical information; provision of medical information relating to poisons; provision of medical services; provision of medical treatment; psychological testing for medical purposes; rental of equipment for medical purposes; rental of medical equipment and instruments; services for the preparation of medical reports; hygienic and beauty care for human beings, skin rejuvenation; beauty salons; plastic surgery; aromatherapy services, rental of sanitation facilities; all included in class 44. NEO DERM (HK) LIMITED 67/F., ONE ISLAND EAST, NO. 18 WESTLANDS ROAD, QUARRY BAY, HONG KONG c/o TOP CROWN CONSULTANTS LIMITED, 28 SCOTTS ROAD, #24-02, SINGAPORE 228223 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 77 T1007278E 10/06/2010 (03) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Lu" meaning "A Chinese Family Name". Class 03 Cosmetics; cosmetics for skin care; make-up preparations; toilet waters; cosmetics for hair care; hair lotions; hair spray; hair oils; hair dyes; neutralizers for permanent wavings; perfumes; essential oils; tissues impregnated with cosmetics; soaps; laundry preparations; cleaning preparations; shampoos; dentifrices; polishing wax; abrasives. AMOREPACIFIC CORPORATION 181, 2-KA, HANGANG-RO, YONGSAN-KU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA. AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 T1007353F 11/06/2010 (17 19) Application for a series of two marks. Class 17 Plastics in the form of sheets (non-textile), rods, strips, blocks, plates, tubes and shaped sections; plastics included in Class 17 reinforced with natural or synthetic fabrics, laminated plastics in the form of sheets and panels; and laminated thermosetting plastics reinforced with fibrous materials and being in the form of sheets and panels; all for use in manufactures. Class 19 Interior decorative panels made of non-metallic materials; non-metallic laminated materials for use in building and construction; floor boards of particle board or fibreboard combined with a thermosetting laminate; parquet floor boards; composite materials of plywood and chipboard; high-density fibreboards; wood agglomerate lined with melamine sheet. TAK PRODUCTS & SERVICES PTE LTD 41 SUNGEI KADUT AVENUE, SINGAPORE 729665 AGENT: KHATTARWONG, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #25-01 UOB PLAZA 1, SINGAPORE 048624 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 78 T1007376E 11/06/2010 (05) Class 05 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations and substances; dietetic foods and substances, nutraceutical, food supplements, health supplements and medicinal preparations for human, animal and aquatic use adapted for medicinal and nutritional purposes. INQPHARM PTE. LTD. 137 CECIL STREET, #06-01 AVIVA BUILDING, SINGAPORE 069537 T1007385D 14/06/2010 (20 24) Class 20 Beds for household pets; shells; boxes of wood or plastic; cushions; decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; display boards; door fittings, not of metal; furniture; furniture fittings, not of metal; mattresses; mirrors (looking glasses); pillows; steps (ladders), not of metal; straw plaits. Class 24 Bed blankets; bed clothes; bedspreads; felt; filtering materials of textile; flags (not of paper); shrouds; sleeping bags (sheeting); textile covers (loose) for furniture; textile material; towels of textile; wall hangings of textile; washing mitts. XILINMEN FURNITURE CO., LTD. ZHONGJIAWAN, WEST GATE, SHAOXING CITY, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, CHINA c/o ZHANG HONGLU, SINGAPORE 049909 6 BATTERY ROAD, #31-01, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 79 T1007413C 15/06/2010 (14) Class 14 Cuff links, tie clips, tie pins, watches, watch chains, clocks, rings (jewellery), bracelets, jewellery. LIFUNG TRINITY MANAGEMENT (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. 315 OUTRAM ROAD, #14-08 TAN BOON LIAT BUILDING, SINGAPORE 169074 AGENT: JOSEPH TAN JUDE BENNY LLP, NO. 5 SHENTON WAY, #35-01 UIC BUILDING, SINGAPORE 068808 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 80 T1007417F 15/06/2010 (06 07 17) Class 06 Metal radial shaft sealing rings, sealing rings of metal, metal cladding, elbows of metal for pipes; all included in Class 6. Class 07 Pistons, pistons (parts of machines or engines), pistons for compressors, pistons for cylinders, pistons for engines, pistons for land vehicle engines, pistons for vehicle engines, piston rings, piston pins, cylinder liners, fuel filters, oil filters for engine lubrication systems, oil filters for engines, air filters being parts of engines, air filters for automatic engines, air filters for commercial vehicles, air filters for engines, air filters for motorcycle engines, air filters for motors, air filters for trucks, camshafts for air vehicles, camshafts for water vehicles, filters (parts of machines or engines), filters being parts of engines, filters being parts of engine for cleaning air, filters being parts of motors, filters for cleaning cooling air (for engines), filters for cleaning the lubricating oils in engines, filters for vehicle engines, oil vapour filters (parts of machines or engines), paper filters (parts of engines), bushings being parts of machines, cast iron parts for pipes (parts of machines), distributor manifolds being parts of machines, engines or motors, manifolds (parts of engines), manifolds (parts of machines), engine driven water pumps, water pumps for vehicles, electric ignition coils, hydraulically operated switches, mechanical switches (non-electric), glow plugs for diesel engines, spark plugs, spark plugs for engines, spark plugs for land vehicle engines, spark plugs for vehicle engines, sparking plugs, sparking plugs for the internet combustion of engines of vehicles, bearing end rods, bearing housings, bearing inserts, bearing mounts, bearing rod ends, bearing rollers, bearing units for wheels, bearings, bearings (ball rings for-), bearings [parts of machines], bearings for shafts, bearings for transmission shafts, brackets (bearing-) for machines, belts (timing-) for land vehicle engines, belts (timing-) for vehicle engines, timing belt pulleys, timing belt pulleys [parts of engines], timing belt tensioners for land vehicle engines, timing belt tensioners for land vehicles, timing belts [parts of machines], timing belts for land vehicle engines, timing belts for land vehicles, bands (adhesive-) for pulleys, mechanical reeling apparatus for unwinding metal bands, mechanical reeling apparatus for winding metal bands onto reels, engine valves, high pressure precision valves of metal [parts of machines, engines or motors], vacuum control valves [parts of engines], valves for engines; all included in Class 7. Class 17 Oil seals, oil seals for vehicles, non-metallic radial shaft sealing rings, non-metallic sealing rings, gaskets, gaskets for automotive Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 81 use, gaskets for commercial vehicles, gaskets for heat exchangers, gaskets for industrial use, gaskets for trucks, gaskets in the form of rings; all included in Class 17. IMMCO PTE LTD 7030 ANG MO KIO AVENUE 5, #04-07 NORTHSTAR @ AMK, SINGAPORE 569880 AGENT: RAMDAS & WONG, 36 ROBINSON ROAD, #10-01 CITY HOUSE, SINGAPORE 068877 T1007438I 15/06/2010 (16 43) Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; letterheads, envelopes, writing pads, writing paper and writing materials. Class 43 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation; hotels; hotel services; hotel catering services; hotel accommodation services; hotel restaurant services; restaurants; restaurant services; cafes; cafeteria; snack bars; bars; food and drink catering; temporary accommodation reservations; rental of meeting rooms; rental of rooms, marquees and pavilions for social functions; rental of holiday accommodation; provision of conference facilities; reservation of hotel accommodation and restaurant services; travel agency services for reserving hotel accommodation; holiday planning (accommodation); information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. SEIBU SINGAPORE PTE LTD 51 ANSON ROAD, #07-57 ANSON CENTRE, SINGAPORE 079904 AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. T1007442G 15/06/2010 (30) Class 30 Non-medicated lozenges. MACROSERVE PTE LTD 211 HENDERSON ROAD, #10-03, SINGAPORE 159552 T1007443E 15/06/2010 (43) Class 43 Hotel and motel services, making lodging reservations for others. SUPER 8 WORLDWIDE, INC. 22 SYLVAN WAY, PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 82 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 83 T1007446Z 15/06/2010 (18 25) Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; umbrellas; luggage tags; tote bags; backpacks; satchels; haversacks; fanny packs; messenger bags; handbags, wallets, pouches and purses; athletic bags; garment bags for travel; knapsacks; rucksacks; valises; change purses; duffle bags; beach bags; book bags; briefcases; business card cases [notecases]; carry-on bags; cosmetic bags sold empty [not fitted]; diaper bags; gym bags, other than adapted to carry gymnastic articles; leather key holders; leather shopping bags; school bags; school book bags; shoulder bags; carrier bags [other than plastic or paper carrier bags] for carrying souvenirs. Class 25 Clothing, footwear and headgear; sportswear; leisurewear; casual wear; nightwear; swimwear; bathing suits; bathrobes; beachwear; belts [clothing]; shorts; jackets; coats; socks; bandannas; sweaters; Halloween costumes; masquerade costumes, character costumes, stage costumes, dresses; gloves [clothing]; gym shorts; ear muffs; neckwear [clothing]; neckties; scarves; pajamas; pants; shirts; sweat shirts; sweaters; blouses; skirts; ski wear [other than for protection against injury]; slacks; sun visors; suspenders; turtlenecks; underclothes; ladies’ stockings [other than surgical]; tights; vests; warm-up suits; caps; boots; shoes; slippers; headwear. VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC. 1515 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 T1007451F 15/06/2010 (09) Class 09 Contact lenses. JOHNSON & JOHNSON ONE JOHNSON & JOHNSON PLAZA, NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY, 08933, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 84 T1007493A 16/06/2010 (29) Class 29 Chipped potatoes; potato chips; extruded potatoes for use in food; foodstuffs consisting wholly or principally of potatoes; french fried potatoes; french fries; fried potato products; potato based snack food products; potato fries; potato preparations; potato preparations for use in food; potato products; potato products being dehydrated; potato products for food; potato products for use in making snack foods; potato snack foods; potato snack products; potato snack products in the form of fried pieces; potato snack products in the form of pieces capable of being fried; potato snacks; potatoes being preserved; potatoes being processed; preparations containing potatoes; preparations made from potatoes; preparations with a potato base; processed potatoes; savories consisting of potatoes; snack food products made wholly or principally of potatoes; snack foods containing potato products; snack foods containing potato. GONDWANA HOLDINGS LIMITED 6 HILGROVE ST., JE4 9ZH ST. HELIER, JERSEY, CHANNEL ISLANDS AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 85 T1007494Z 16/06/2010 (05 29 30 32) Application for a series of two marks. Class 05 Food for babies. Class 29 Milk and milk products, prepared food consisting primarily of milk, milk beverages and milk powder, whether or not with flavourings and/or food additives, yoghurt, sweetened and unsweetened evaporated (condensed) milk; skimmed milk; soy milk, soy milk drinks (milk predominating). Class 30 Cocoa, cocoa-based beverages, chocolate-based beverages, cocoa beverages with or without flavourings, chocolate beverages whether or not with flavourings; flour, cereals and preparations made from cereals, beverages made from cereal. Class 32 Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. FRIESLAND BRANDS BV BLANKENSTEIN NETHERLANDS. 142, 7943 PE MEPPEL, THE AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 86 T1007495H 16/06/2010 (05 35 39) Class 05 Dietary food supplements for medical use; dietary nutritional supplements for medical use; dietary supplements for medical use; plant compounds for use as dietary supplements (medicinal). Class 35 Advertising; advertising services provided by television; advertising services provided over the internet; classified advertising; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising material; placing of advertisements; preparation of advertisements; radio advertising; television advertising. Class 39 Arrangement of the storage of goods; container storage; packaging and storage of goods, and travel arrangement; storage; storage of goods; warehouse storage services. HERBION INTERNATIONAL INC. ANSBACHER HOUSE, 2ND FLOOR EAST & SHIRLEY STREET NORTH P.O.BOX: N-9934 CITY OF NASSAU, BAHAMAS c/o APEX PHARMA MARKETING PTE LTD, 12 HARPER ROAD, #06-00, SINGAPORE 369677 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 87 T1007507E 17/06/2010 (36) Class 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; accident insurance; accident insurance underwriting; administration of financial affairs; administration of insurance business; administration of insurance portfolios; advice on fiscal assessments; advice on fiscal valuations; advisory services relating to credit; advisory services relating to finance; advisory services relating to insurance; claims handling services; claims settlement agency services; conducting of financial transactions; consultancy services relating to credit; consultancy services relating to insurance; consumer credit services; financial advisory services; financial consultation services; financial credit services; financial database services; financial sponsorship of education, training, entertainment, sporting or cultural activities; guarantee insurance services; household insurance services; instalment credit financing; insurance agency services; insurance arranging services; insurance brokerage; insurance studies; life assurance; life assurance brokerage; life assurance consultancy; life insurance; management consultancy relating to insurance; management of finances; preparation of credit rating reports; preparation of financial analyses; provision of credit; provision of information relating to financial services; research services relating to finance. COURTS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD 50 TAMPINES NORTH DRIVE 2, SINGAPORE 528766 AGENT: WONGPARTNERSHIP LLP, ONE GEORGE STREET, #20-01, SINGAPORE 049145 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 88 T1007508C 17/06/2010 (03 05 35 39) Class 03 Anti-sun preparations (cosmetics); biological products used as components in cosmetics; body creams (cosmetics); cleaning oils for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic articles; cosmetic articles for personal use; cosmetic bath products; cosmetic creams; cosmetic masks; cosmetic moisturisers; cosmetic oils; cosmetic preparations for baths; cosmetic preparations for cleansing the mouth; cosmetic preparations for cleansing the skin; cosmetic preparations for skin care; cosmetics; cosmetics in the form of lotions; cosmetics in the form of oils; facial care products (cosmetic); facial care products in the form of creams (cosmetic); facial care products in the form of lotions (cosmetic). Class 05 Dietary food supplements for medical use; dietary nutritional supplements for medical use; dietary supplements for medical use; plant compounds for use as dietary supplements (medicinal). Class 35 Advertising; advertising agencies; advertising services provided by television; advertising services provided over the internet; advertising services provided via a data base; billboard advertising; classified advertising; conducting exhibitions for advertising purposes; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising material; market research for advertising; online advertising on a computer network; outdoor advertising; placing of advertisements; preparation of advertisements; production of advertising films; production of advertising material; production of radio advertisements; television advertising. Class 39 Arrangement for the storage of goods; bonded storage; logistics services (transport, packaging, and storage of goods); storage. HERBION INTERNATIONAL INC. ANSBACHER HOUSE, 2ND FLOOR EAST & SHIRLEY STREET NORTH P.O.BOX: N-9934 CITY OF NASSAU, BAHAMAS c/o APEX PHARMA MARKETING PTE. LTD, 12 HARPER ROAD, #06-00, SINGAPORE 369677 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 89 T1007579B 16/06/2010 (41) Class 41 Game services provided on-line from a computer network. KABUSHIKI KAISHA SHEUISHA TA SHUEISHA INC. 5-10, HITOTSUBASHI 2-CHOME, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: AXIS INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL PTE LTD, 21 SCIENCE PARK ROAD, #03-01 THE AQUARIUS, SCIENCE PARK II, SINGAPORE 117628 T1007580F 18/06/2010 (43) Class 43 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. WESTIN HOTEL MANAGEMENT, L.P. 1111 WESTCHESTER AVENUE, WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK 10604, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 90 T1007582B 18/06/2010 (09 17) Class 09 Accessories for use with particular personal electronic devices, namely, with portable computing devices, portable digital data storage media and devices, handheld personal electronic devices, namely, digital media player devices, audio and video players, personal digital assistant, handheld wireless devices, cellular handsets, and handheld digital audio and/or video capture devices, said accessories being electronic and non-electronic user interface and interactive devices, namely, user input and output devices, protective cases, carrying cases, holsters, data cables, electrical and non-electrical couplings, electrical and non-electrical adaptors, converters, stands and docking stations; computer user interface accessories, namely, keyboards, display monitors, cursor pointing devices, namely, mice. Class 17 Rubber insulating sleeves and/or sheaths for protecting parts of machines; waterproof packings for protecting electronic devices from damage; stuffing composed of rubber or plastic for merchandise packagings; cushioning of rubber or plastic in the nature of stuffing; rubber bags, envelopes, and/or pouches for merchandise packagings. Priority Claims: Class 09 19/03/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 17 19/03/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. SWITCHEASY LIMITED ROOM 314, SING WIN FACTORY BLDG, 15-17 SHING YIP STREET, KWUN TONG KOWLOON, HONG KONG AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 91 T1007583J 18/06/2010 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics, skin lotions, moisturizing skin lotions, non-medicated skin astringents for cosmetic purposes, facial creams (cosmetic), facial moisturizers (cosmetic), facial preparations (cosmetic), cleansing emulsions, soap free washing emulsions for the body, after shave lotions, skin conditioners, blusher, perfumes, colognes, skin cleansing creams, make-up foundation in the form of powder, concealers, lipsticks, toilet water, eye shadows, eyebrow pencils, eye liners, nail polish, nail polish remover, beauty mask, sunblock skin creams, hair shampoo, hair rinse, hair spray, toilet soaps, bath soaps, body cleansers, fragrance mist for personal use, tonic mist for personal use, body gel, bath gel, body cream scrub, shampoos, soap, toothpaste. THEFACESHOP CO., LTD. POSTEEL TOWER. 17, 735-3, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL, KOREA YEOKSAM-DONG, AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 T1007584I 18/06/2010 (36) Application for a series of two marks. Class 36 Provision and issuance of credit cards; credit card services; debit card services; loan services; loan financing; loan guarantees; instalment loans; hire purchase financing; issuing of vouchers or tokens of value in relation to the supply of benefits for customer loyalty schemes; all included in Class 36. TC CONNECTIONS PTE. LTD. 15 QUEEN STREET, SINGAPORE 188537 #05-00 TAN CHONG TOWER, AGENT: TAN PENG CHIN LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #11-00 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 92 T1007587C 18/06/2010 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics, skin lotions, moisturizing skin lotions, non-medicated skin astringents for cosmetic purposes, facial creams (cosmetic), facial moisturizers (cosmetic), facial preparations (cosmetic), cleansing emulsions, soap free washing emulsions for the body, after shave lotions, skin conditioners, blusher, perfumes, colognes, skin cleansing creams, make-up foundation in the form of powder, concealers, lipsticks, toilet water, eye shadows, eyebrow pencils, eye liners, nail polish, nail polish remover, beauty mask, sunblock skin creams, hair shampoo, hair rinse, hair spray, toilet soaps, bath soaps, body cleansers, fragrance mist for personal use, tonic mist for personal use, body gel, bath gel, body cream scrub, shampoos, soap, toothpaste. THEFACESHOP CO., LTD. POSTEEL TOWER. 17, 735-3, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL, KOREA YEOKSAM-DONG, AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 T1007589Z 18/06/2010 (07) Class 07 Windmills; generators. wind power generators; hydroelectric power GLOBAL ENERGY CO., LTD. 8-9, NIHONBASHI 3-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, 103-0027 JAPAN AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 93 T1007590C 18/06/2010 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics, skin lotions, moisturizing skin lotions, non-medicated skin astringents for cosmetic purposes, facial creams (cosmetic), facial moisturizers (cosmetic), facial preparations (cosmetic), cleansing emulsions, soap free washing emulsions for the body, after shave lotions, skin conditioners, blusher, perfumes, colognes, skin cleansing creams, make-up foundation in the form of powder, concealers, lipsticks, toilet water, eye shadows, eyebrow pencils, eye liners, nail polish, nail polish remover, beauty mask, sunblock skin creams, hair shampoo, hair rinse, hair spray, toilet soaps, bath soaps, body cleansers, fragrance mist for personal use, tonic mist for personal use, body gel, bath gel, body cream scrub, shampoos, soap, toothpaste. THEFACESHOP CO., LTD. POSTEEL TOWER. 17, 735-3, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL, KOREA YEOKSAM-DONG, AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 T1007598I 18/06/2010 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics, skin lotions, moisturizing skin lotions, non-medicated skin astringents for cosmetic purposes, facial creams (cosmetic), facial moisturizers (cosmetic), facial preparations (cosmetic), cleansing emulsions, soap free washing emulsions for the body, after shave lotions, skin conditioners, blusher, perfumes, colognes, skin cleansing creams, make-up foundation in the form of powder, concealers, lipsticks, toilet water, eye shadows, eyebrow pencils, eye liners, nail polish, nail polish remover, beauty mask, sunblock skin creams, hair shampoo, hair rinse, hair spray, toilet soaps, bath soaps, body cleansers, fragrance mist for personal use, tonic mist for personal use, body gel, bath gel, body cream scrub, shampoos, soap, toothpaste. THEFACESHOP CO., LTD. POSTEEL TOWER. 17, 735-3, GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL, KOREA YEOKSAM-DONG, AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 94 T1007599G 18/06/2010 (41) Class 41 Club services (entertainment or education); entertainment services; party planning (entertainment); television entertainment; entertainment in the form of television programmes (services providing-); entertainment services in the form of television programmes; preparation of entertainment programmes for broadcasting; preparation of entertainment programmes for the cinema; production of entertainment in the form of television programmes; production of live television programmes for entertainment; production of television entertainment programmes; production of entertainment programmes for live performances, radio broadcast, internet broadcast; multimedia production; event management services (organization of educational, entertainment or cultural events); live entertainment; organising of entertainment and social events; all included in Class 41. THE ESPLANADE CO LTD 1 ESPLANADE DRIVE, SINGAPORE 038981 AGENT: JOYCE A. TAN & PARTNERS, 8 TEMASEK BOULEVARD, #15-04 SUNTEC TOWER THREE, SINGAPORE 038988 T1007607A 18/06/2010 (41 43) Class 41 Organisation of parties; organising of entertainment and social events. Class 43 Rental of chairs, tables, table linen, glassware; rental of furniture. WANG PEIYING MELISSA 29 HILLVIEW TERRACE, #05-02 HILLVIEW WAREHOUSE, SINGAPORE 669245 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 95 T1007610A 18/06/2010 (09 16 28 41) Application for a series of two marks. Class 09 Scientific, and teaching apparatus and instruments; scientific equipment; scientific glassware; educational apparatus; educational materials in the form of computer programmes, pre-recorded discs and pre-recorded tapes; educational science sets. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; book binding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery purposes; artists’ materials; office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes). Class 28 Games and playthings; puzzles. Class 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; cultural activities; arranging, conducting and organising of exhibitions for educational and entertainment purposes; arranging, conducting and organising of competitions; arranging of quizzes. SCIENCE CENTRE BOARD SCIENCE CENTRE SINGAPORE, 15 SCIENCE CENTRE ROAD, SINGAPORE 609081 AGENT: GATEWAY LAW CORPORATION, 8 EU TONG SEN STREET, #15-98 THE CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 059818 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 96 T1007616J 18/06/2010 (03) The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Zi Jing Mei Bai" which has no meaning. Class 03 Cosmetics; toilet water; cosmetic preparations for skin care; creams for cosmetic purposes; lotions for cosmetic purposes; skin cleansers; cosmetic skin fresheners; cosmetic liquid foundations; make-up removing preparations; dentifrices. AMOREPACIFIC CORPORATION 181, 2-KA, HANGANG-RO, YONGSAN-KU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA. AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 T1007618G 18/06/2010 (01) Application for a series of two marks. Class 01 Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry; biochemical catalysts; biochemical preparations for laboratory purposes; biochemical preparations for scientific use; biochemical preparations for use in manufacture; biochemical preparations other than for medical use; chemical substances for use in the biochemical industry; thickening agents being biochemical products for industrial use. H2 ENERGY HOLDINGS PTE LTD 116 PASIR PANJANG ROAD, SINGAPORE 118540 AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 97 T1007619E 18/06/2010 (01) Application for a series of two marks. Class 01 Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry; biochemical catalysts; biochemical preparations for laboratory purposes; biochemical preparations for scientific use; biochemical preparations for use in manufacture; biochemical preparations other than for medical use; chemical substances for use in the biochemical industry; thickening agents being biochemical products for industrial use. H2 ENERGY HOLDINGS PTE LTD 116 PASIR PANJANG ROAD, SINGAPORE 118540 AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 T1007625Z 18/06/2010 (43) Class 43 Night club services (provision of accommodation); night club services (provision of food); banqueting services; bar, cafe, restaurant services, cocktail lounge and coffee shop services, food cooking services; room hire; provision of conference facilities; providing of facilities for conventions and exhibitions; services for the provision of food and drink; temporary accommodation; wine bar services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the above; all included in Class 43. HARRY’S HOLDINGS LTD 77 HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE 179433 #07-09/11 HIGH STREET PLAZA, AGENT: LEE & LEE, 5 SHENTON WAY, #07-00 UIC BUILDING, SINGAPORE 068808 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 98 T1007626H 18/06/2010 (43) Class 43 Night club services (provision of accommodation); night club services (provision of food); banqueting services; bar, cafe, restaurant services, cocktail lounge and coffee shop services, food cooking services; room hire; provision of conference facilities; providing of facilities for conventions and exhibitions; services for the provision of food and drink; temporary accommodation; wine bar services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the above; all included in Class 43. HARRY’S HOLDINGS LTD 77 HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE 179433 #07-09/11 HIGH STREET PLAZA, AGENT: LEE & LEE, 5 SHENTON WAY, #07-00 UIC BUILDING, SINGAPORE 068808 T1007661F 18/06/2010 (28) Class 28 Golf swing trainer; sports equipment. Priority Claims: Class 28 25/12/2009 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. MURATA OIL CO., LTD. 659, KOBUCHI, KASUKABE-SHI, SAITAMA 344-0007, JAPAN AGENT: HSLEGAL LLP, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #22-23 UOB PLAZA 2, SINGAPORE 048624 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 99 T1007666G 18/06/2010 (12) Class 12 Bars (Torsion-) for vehicles; Bodies for vehicles; Brake shoes for vehicles; Brakes for vehicles; Bumpers for automobiles; Bumpers (Vehicle-); Caps for vehicle petrol [gas] tanks; Carriers (Luggage-) for vehicles; Cars; Covers for vehicle steering wheels; Electric vehicles; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Luggage carriers for vehicles; Mirrors (Rearview-); Rims for vehicle wheels; Segments (Brake-) for vehicles; Shock absorbers for automobiles; Shock absorbing springs for vehicles; Vehicle wheel rims; Wheels (Vehicle-). ROJAM CO., LTD. 2-70 HIROTA-CHO, NAKAGAWA-KU, NAGOYA-SHI, AICHI, 454-0867, JAPAN AGENT: NANYANG LAW LLC, P.O. BOX 1861 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 903711 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 100 T1007668C 18/06/2010 (04 09 11) Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word, "Solar". Class 04 Industrial oil; lubricating grease; fuel; mineral fuel; industrial wax; nightlights [candles]; dust removing preparations; electrical energy; motor fuel; additives, non-chemical, to motor fuel; oil for the preservation of masonry; lighting fuel; cutting fluids. Class 09 Optical lanterns; optical goods; optical glass; wafers [silicon slices]; glass covered with an electrical conductor; inverters [electricity]; junction boxes [electricity]; distribution boxes [electricity]; control panels [electricity]; capacitors; current rectifiers; semi-conductors; distribution consoles [electricity]; integrated circuits; photovoltaic cells; electric regulating apparatus; electronic transistors; printed circuits; electric conductors; electric collectors; plates for batteries; battery boxes; solar batteries; galvanic cells; battery chargers; chips [integrated circuits]; armatures [electricity]; batteries for lighting; batteries for pocketlamps; electric batteries; luminous signs; traffic-light apparatus [signalling devices]. Class 11 Lamps; projector lamps; torches for lighting; lighting apparatus for vehicles; lights for vehicles; water heaters; solar furnaces; heaters for vehicles; heat accumulators; heat pumps; solar collectors [heating]; water purification installations; radiators [heating]; pocket torches, electric; street lamps; hot plates; heating apparatus, electric. YINGLI GROUP CO., LTD. NO. 722 CUIYUAN ROAD, BAODING, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 101 T1007676D 18/06/2010 (09) Class 09 Laptop computers; Notebook computers; Personal computers; Tablets for computers; Mobile phones; Tape recordings of songs; Digital tablets; Electronic tablets; Scanners for entering data into computers; Computer plotters; Computer printers;Computer terminals; Work stations (computers); Computer peripheral devices; Records bearing songs; Accounting computer terminal; Computer Aided Design (CAD) apparatus; Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) apparatus; Computer add-on boards; Computer controlled sound instruments; Computer controlled telecommunications exchange apparatus; Computer controlled workstations for data entry; Computer controllers; Computer disc drives; Computer graphics display stations; Computer graphics instruments; Computer hard disc apparatus; Computer hardware; Computer keyboards; Computer mainframes; Computer memories; Computer modems; Computer monitors; Computer mouses; Computer networks; Computer operating systems programs; Computer timetables; Computer workstations (apparatus and installations); Computers; Credit card embossing machines {computer peripherals}; Credit card encoding machines {computer peripherals}; Disk drives (for computers); Fibre optics communications apparatus for use with computer work stations; Home computers; Ink jet printers for use with computers; Laser printers for use with computers; Personal home computers; Plotters for computers; Portable computers; Programmable computers; Publications in computer readable form; Security devices for computer hardware; Technical literature in the form of computer programs; Television monitors for use with computers; Terminals for computers; Thermal printers (computer); Toy computers (working); Mobile phone sets; Radio apparatus; DVD players; Audiovisual devices (apparatus); Sound recording devices; Video devices; Pocket telephones; Portable radio-telephones; Portable telephones; Wireless telephones; Graphics tablets; Earphones (other than hearing aids for the deaf); Earphones for radios; Earphones for recording apparatus; Computer software (programs); Priority Claims: Class 09 10/05/2010 INDONESIA All goods/services claimed in this application. PT CONCORDIA SOLUTION INDONESIA 152 HAIG ROAD, #16-01 HAIG COURT, SINGAPORE 438791 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 102 T1007677B 18/06/2010 (21) Class 21 Abrasive sponges for scrubbing the skin; Aerosol dispensers, not for medical purposes; Boxes (Soap-); Brushes; Burners (Perfume-); Combs; Combs (Electric-); Cups; Dishes for soap; Eyebrow brushes; Flasks; Glass [receptacles]; Make-up (Appliances for removing-) [non-electric]; Perfume burners; Perfume sprayers; Powder compacts; Powder puffs; Sponges for household purposes; Toilet cases; Toilet sponges. YU-LIN NIU 3F., NO. 378, SEC. 2, TIDING BLVD., ZHONGSHAN DIST., TAIPEI CITY 104, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: NANYANG LAW LLC, P.O. BOX 1861 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 903711 T1007679I 18/06/2010 (12) Class 12 Automobiles and structural parts thereof. TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING AS TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION) 1, TOYOTA-CHO, TOYOTA-SHI, AICHI-KEN, JAPAN. AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 103 T1007683G 18/06/2010 (03 05 35 39) Class 03 Anti-sun preparations (cosmetics); biological products used as components in cosmetics; body creams (cosmetics); cleaning oils for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic articles; cosmetic articles for personal use; cosmetic bath products; cosmetic creams; cosmetic masks; cosmetic moisturisers; cosmetic oils; cosmetic preparations for baths; cosmetic preparations for cleansing the mouth; cosmetic preparations for cleansing the skin; cosmetic preparations for skin care; cosmetics; cosmetics in the form of lotions; cosmetics in the form of oils; facial care products (cosmetic); facial care products in the form of creams (cosmetic); facial care products in the form of lotions (cosmetic). Class 05 Dietary food supplements for medical use; dietary nutritional supplements for medical use; dietary supplements for medical use; plant compounds for use as dietary supplements (medicinal). Class 35 Advertising; advertising agencies; advertising services provided by television; advertising services provided over the internet; advertising services provided via a data base; billboard advertising; classified advertising; conducting exhibitions for advertising purposes; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising material; market research for advertising; online advertising on a computer network; outdoor advertising; placing of advertisements; preparation of advertisements; production of advertising films; production of advertising material; production of radio advertisements; television advertising. Class 39 Arrangement for the storage of goods; bonded storage; logistics services (transport, packaging, and storage of goods); storage. HERBION INTERNATIONAL INC. ANSBACHER HOUSE, 2ND FLOOR EAST & SHIRLEY STREET NORTH P.O.BOX: N-9934 CITY OF NASSAU, BAHAMAS c/o APEX PHARMA MARKETING PTE. LTD, 12 HARPER ROAD, #06-00, SINGAPORE 369677 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 104 T1007696I 21/06/2010 (43) Class 43 Cafes, Restaurant, Catering Services, Snack Bar, Cafetaria, Canteen, Self-Service Restaurant. POKKA FOOD (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD 22 CHIN BEE ROAD, SINGAPORE 619829 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 105 T1007698E 21/06/2010 (09 42) Class 09 Computer software; semi-conductors; USB flash memory; computer network hubs; computer network routers; computer network switches; modems; smart phones; mobile phones; wireless headsets; electric mobile phone battery chargers; data communication cables for use with mobile phones; computer servers; set-top boxes; hard disk drives (HDD); optical disc drives (ODD); notebook computers; computers; printers for use with computers; computer monitors; personal digital assistants (PDA); television receivers; facsimile machines; batteries for use with mobile phones; fibre-optic cables; electric flat irons; entertainment consoles adapted for use with television receivers only, namely video gaming consoles; video telephones; telephones; video tape recorders (VTR); DVD players; MP3 players; Portable Multimedia Player; speakers for use with computers; compact disc players; unprocessed audio-video compact disc; cathode ray tubes (CRT); camcorders; video cameras; projection apparatus; digital cameras; downloadable electric music; downloadable digital images, namely photographic or video images, computer operating and computer application software for mobile phones; game software; computer mouse; mouse pads. Class 42 Providing web based software for smart phones; development of data processing programs; web site management; web site maintenance; hosting web site; rental of computer software; design of computer software; maintenance of computer software; updating of computer software; development of computer programs. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 416, MAETAN-DONG, YEONGTONG-GU, GYEONGGI-DO, REPUBLIC OF KOREA. SUWON-SI, AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 106 T1007700J 21/06/2010 (30) Class 30 Breakfast cereals; preparations made from cereals; cereal bars, and other cereal-derived food products to be used as a breakfast food, snack food or ingredient for making food. KELLOGG COMPANY ONE KELLOGG SQUARE, BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN 49016-3599, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: JOSEPH LOPEZ & CO, P.O. BOX 321 71 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900621 T1007704C 21/06/2010 (36) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Zhong Guo Nong Ye Yin Hang" meaning "Agricultural Bank of China". Class 36 Insurance underwriting; banking; capital investments; financing services; verification (check [cheque]-); credit card services; securities brokerage; financial management; instalment loans; money (exchanging-); stock exchange quotations; analysis (financial-); valuables (deposits of-); art appraisal; real estate agencies; brokerage; guarantees; charitable fund raising; fiduciary; lending against security. AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITED 69 JIANGUOMEN NEI STREET, DONGCHENG DISTRICT, BEIJING, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 107 T1007707H 21/06/2010 (09 18) Class 09 Sunglasses; sunglasses being tinted. Class 18 Bags made of imitation leather; bags made of leather. COVET SHOES PTE LTD 13 KAKI BUKIT ROAD 1, #04-07 EUNOS TECHNOLINK, SINGAPORE 415928 T1007716G 21/06/2010 (30) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Yu Kang Tang" which has no meaning. Class 30 Tea; Herbal tea (not for medicinal use). SPRING BEVERAGES PTE LTD 10 ANSON ROAD, SINGAPORE 079903 #21-07 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, AGENT: PYPRUS PTE LTD, 30 BIDEFORD ROAD, #07-01 THONG SIA BUILDING, SINGAPORE 229922 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 108 T1007717E 21/06/2010 (10 41 44) Class 10 Medical devices, namely, ophthalmic surgical devices. Class 41 Education and training services, namely, providing educational courses and training seminars in the field of ophthalmic surgical devices, ophthalmic surgical services, and ophthalmic surgical methods. Class 44 Surgical services, namely, ophthalmic surgical services. Priority Claims: Class 10 04/01/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 04/01/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 44 04/01/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. AQUESYS, INC. 9834 RESEARCH DRIVE, SUITE 100, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 109 T1007718C 21/06/2010 (10 41 44) Class 10 Medical devices, namely, ophthalmic surgical devices. Class 41 Education and training services, namely, providing educational courses and training seminars in the field of ophthalmic surgical devices, ophthalmic surgical services, and ophthalmic surgical methods. Class 44 Surgical services, namely, ophthalmic surgical services. Priority Claims: Class 10 04/01/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 04/01/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 44 04/01/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. AQUESYS, INC. 9834 RESEARCH DRIVE, SUITE 100, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 110 T1007722A 21/06/2010 (43) Class 43 Cafes; rental of temporary accommodation; cafeterias; canteens; hotels; rental of transportable buildings; restaurants; self-service restaurants; snack-bars; take away food services. WANG WEI 5B DONGHAIGE, GONGBEI RIHUA GARDEN, ZHUHAI CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, CHINA c/o ZHANG HONGLU, SINGAPORE 049909 6 T1007723Z 21/06/2010 (11) Class 11 Apparatus for filtering and brewing tea; electric espresso machines; electric coffee brewers; electrical coffee brewing apparatus for household use; tea makers (electric); all included in Class 11. INTERNATIONAL COFFEE & TEA, LLC 1945 S. LA CIENEGA BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CA 90034, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: HARRY ELIAS PARTNERSHIP LLP, 4 SHENTON WAY, #17-01 SGX CENTRE 2, SINGAPORE 068807 BATTERY ROAD, #31-01, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 111 T1007726D 21/06/2010 (44) Class 44 Preparing psychological profiles; all included in Class 44. NURTURE CRAFT PRIVATE LIMITED 39B JALAN PEMIMPIN, #03-02, SINGAPORE 577184 AGENT: GREGORY ONG & CO, 8 TEMASEK BOULEVARD, PENTHOUSE SUNTEC TOWER 3, SINGAPORE 038988 T1007728J 18/06/2010 (29) Class 29 Snack food made from potato, potato fritters, potato chips, potato crisps, fried potato products, fried potatoes, french fried potatoes; potato croquettes, potato products, potato snack foods, potato sticks, potato fries, snack food products made wholly or principally of potatoes, potato flakes, potato cakes, potato balls; potato based snack food products, frozen potato products. TWIST POTATO PTE LTD 18 KAKI BUKIT ROAD 3, #03-15 ENTREPRENEUR BUSINESS CENTRE, SINGAPORE 415978 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 112 T1007729I 17/06/2010 (05) Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations; dietetic beverages, food or substances adapted for health or medical purposes; dietetic food preparations for health or medical purposes; herbal preparations for health or medical purposes; bath preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical, health or medical purposes; medicinal drinks; medicinal herbs, roots, tea and infusions; vitamin preparations poultices; ointments. AVEX PHARMACEUTICALS PTE LTD 12 HARPER ROAD, #06-00 SULISAM BUILDING, SINGAPORE 369677 AGENT: YU SARN AUDREY & PARTNERS, 24 RAFFLES PLACE, #27-01 CLIFFORD CENTRE, SINGAPORE 048621 T1007731J 21/06/2010 (03) Class 03 Incense; incense cones; incense satchets; incense sticks; joss sticks; scented water; essential oils; beverages (flavoring for-)[essential oils]; jasmine oil; flavorings for beverages; rose oil. RJ SADANANDAN 10 JALAN BESAR, #11-05 SIM LIM TOWER, SINGAPORE 208787 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 113 T1007735C 22/06/2010 (43) Class 43 Restaurants, cafes, bar services, provision of food, drinks and beverages. FIRST STREET CAFE PTE. LTD. 353-1 PAKISTAN ROAD, SINGAPORE 758654 AGENT: K S LOO & CO, 141 CECIL STREET, #10-03 TUNG ANN ASSOCIATION BUILDING, SINGAPORE 069541 T1007745J 22/06/2010 (09) Class 09 Amplifiers; audio cables; electric cables; electrical cables; electronic cables; speakers (audio equipment); free standing loudspeakers incorporating boxes; loudspeaker stands (adapted for); microphones; tripods for microphones; DVD players; DVD recorders; radios; liquid crystal display units; wall mountings adapted for television apparatus; wall mountings adapted for television monitors; brackets for setting up flat screen TV sets; all included in class 09. CHUAN SENG HIN SDN. BHD. NO. 15, JALAN PASAR, PUDU, 55100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. AGENT: JIMLIM PARTNERSHIP LLP, 47 HILL STREET, #03-03 SCCCI BUILDING, SINGAPORE 179365 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 114 T1007751E 22/06/2010 (09 16 25 28) Class 09 Neck straps and straps for cellular telephones; phonograph records; pre-recorded video discs, video tapes, CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs and optical discs; electronic publications (downloadable); electronic circuits, magnetic discs, magnetic tapes, magnetic cards, optical discs and other memory media storing computer programs; electronic circuits, magnetic discs, magnetic tapes, magnetic cards, optical discs and other memory media storing programs, all for arcade video game machines; electronic arcade games (adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor); electronic circuits, magnetic discs, magnetic tapes, magnetic cards, optical discs and other memory media storing programs, all for consumer video games; consumer video game programs, video games on disc and tape (computer software), video game computer programs, video games programs (computer software); electronic circuits, magnetic discs, magnetic tapes, magnetic cards, optical discs and other memory media storing programs, all for hand-held electronic games with liquid crystal display (for use with television receivers only); computer and data programs (downloadable and installable software); consumer video games and data programs (downloadable and installable software); arcade video games and data programs (downloadable and installable software); programs for hand-held electronic games with liquid crystal displays and data programs (downloadable and installable software); computer games and data programs (downloadable software) for mobile phones; downloadable moving images and still pictures, downloadable sound and music files; downloadable computer programs for mobile phones, downloadable images for idle screen, downloadable ringtone music and ringtone sounds; vending machines; arcade video game machines (adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor); cigar lighters for automobiles; slot machines (vending machines); electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with automatic performance programs for electronic musical instruments; exposed cinematographic film; exposed photographic slides; slide film mounts. Class 16 Paper; manuals for video game programs; manuals for video game programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal display; guide books; magazines; newspapers; books; printed matter; paintings (pictures) framed or unframed paintings and calligraphic works of art; photographs; photograph stands; stationery and study materials (printed matter); pencil cases, colour pencils, celluloid sheet (laid under writing paper), pencil sharpeners, pencils, pens, memo pads, note books, desk pads, disk filing folder, stickers (stationery); printed stickers, pocket books (stationery), postcards, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 115 calendars, trading cards (printed matter); pastes for stationery or household purposes and adhesives for stationery or household purposes; sealing wax; printers’ reglets; printing types; addressing machines; ink ribbons; automatic stamp affixing machines; electric staplers for office use; envelope sealing machines for office use; stamp obliterating machines; drawing instruments; typewriters (electric or non-electric); mimeograph apparatus and machines; mimeograph stencils; paper shredders for office use; franking machines (stamping machines); electric pencil sharpeners; decorators’ paintbrushes; babies’ diapers of paper (disposable); packaging containers of paper; plastic film for wrapping for household use; garbage bags of paper (for household use); garbage bags of plastics (for household use); paper patterns for use in making clothes; tailors’ chalk; banners of paper; flags of paper; hygienic hand towels of paper; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; hand towels of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; printed tags for luggage; printed lottery tickets; table cloths of paper; mounts for pictures, photograph mounts. Class 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear for wear; T-shirts; trousers; sweaters; socks; belts; suspenders; garters; boots for sports; clothing for gymnastics; football shoes; sports jerseys; gloves. Class 28 Hand-held electronic games (automatic) with liquid crystal display (other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor); Dolls; toy figures and its accessories; children’s toys, cuddly, electronic, educational and action toys; game machines, automatic and coin-operated; apparatus for games; billiard apparatus; Go games; Japanese chess (Shogi games); Japanese playing cards); Japanese playing cards (Utagaruta); playing cards; Japanese playing cards (Hanafuda); card games; dice; Japanese dice games (Sugoroku); cups for dice; diamond games; chess games; checkers (games); conjuring apparatus; games of dominoes; mah-jong; arcade amusement and games machines, automatic and coin-operated, amusement apparatus for use in arcades; wax for skis; toys for domestic pets; apparatus for use in sports; fishing tackle; insect collecting nets; slot machines (gaming machines); video game machines incorporating a means of display and not adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor, token operated video game machines. KABUSHIKI KAISHA LEVEL-5 (LEVEL-5 INC.) 1-1-1, YAKUIN, CHUO-KU, FUKUOKA-CITY, FUKUOKA, JAPAN AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 116 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 T1007756F 22/06/2010 (05) Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations and substances. STIEFEL LABORATORIES, INC. CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY, 2711 CENTERVILLE ROAD, SUITE 400, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19801, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 117 T1007764G 17/06/2010 (30) Class 30 Noodles; vermicelli; foodstuffs made of rice; foodstuffs made of flour; macaroni; spaghetti; pasta; instant cooking noodles and vermicelli; sauce (edible); sauce mixes; fish sauce [condiments]; sauces for chicken; soya sauce; spicy sauces; sweet and sour sauce; flavourings for soups (other than essential oils); coffee. HUP HUAT NOODLES PTE. LTD. 8 WAN LEE ROAD, SINGAPORE 627940 AGENT: YU SARN AUDREY & PARTNERS, 24 RAFFLES PLACE, #27-01 CLIFFORD CENTRE, SINGAPORE 048621 T1007770A 18/06/2010 (11) Class 11 Drinking water filter system. ADVENTUS MARKETING PTE LTD 10 BUKIT BATOK SINGAPORE 658079 CRESCENT, #07-07 THE SPIRE, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 118 T1007777I 23/06/2010 (07) Class 07 Washing machines. PANASONIC CORPORATION 1006, OAZA KADOMA, KADOMA-SHI, OSAKA 571-8501, JAPAN. AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 T1007778G 23/06/2010 (11) Class 11 Apparatus for water filtering; domestic water filtering apparatus; drinking water filters; filter apparatus for water supply installations; filter bags; filter boxes for water purification; filter cartridges for household installations for the filtration of potable liquids; filter cartridges for industrial installations for the filtration of potable liquids; filter cartridges for water purification [parts of household or industrial installations]; filter membranes [parts of household or industrial installations]; filter screens [parts of household or industrial installations]; filters for sanitary water distribution apparatus; filter for water purifiers; machines for water filtering [purifying]; chilled purified water dispensers; all included in Class 11. TK MULTITRADE SDN. BHD. NO. 4, JALAN BS 7/19, KAWASAN INDUSTRI BUKIT SERDANG, 43300 SERI KEMBANGAN, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN. AGENT: PINTAS PTE LTD, BLK 116 JALAN BUKIT MERAH, #01-1655, SINGAPORE 160116 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 119 T1007781G 23/06/2010 (35) Class 35 The bringing together for the benefit of others of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase beauty products, cosmetics, toiletries, skin care preparations, fragrances, personal care products in a retail beauty store, from an Internet web site, by means of telecommunications or at parties held within private homes; compilation of mailing lists; mail, telephone and all other communication and telecommunication ordering services; direct mail advertising; business advisory and business management services; advertising services, display services for merchandise, publicity services, marketing and promotional services, market analysis and research, import and export agency services, procurement and buying of goods on behalf of a business, window dressing; advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid; all included in International Class 35. SHINS CORPORATION SDN. BHD. 7 JALAN PJS 8/18, DATARAN MENTARI, 46150 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA AGENT: PINTAS PTE LTD, BLK 116 JALAN BUKIT MERAH, #01-1655, SINGAPORE 160116 T1007787F 23/06/2010 (05) Class 05 Dietetic, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical preparations in tablet, capsule, powder or liquid form including those for the treatment of metabolic syndrome related diseases, general weight management and the treatment of obesity. INQPHARM PTE. LTD. 137 CECIL STREET, #06-01 AVIVA BUILDING, SINGAPORE 069537 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 120 T1007788D 23/06/2010 (03) Class 03 Perfume, eau de toilette; gels, salts for the bath and the shower not for medical purpose; toilet soaps, body deodorants; cosmetics namely creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, the body and the hands; sun care preparations (cosmetic products); make-up preparations; shampoos; gels, sprays, mousses and balms for the hair styling and hair care; hair lacquers; hair colouring and hair decolorant preparations; permanent waving and curling preparations; essential oils for personal use. BIOTHERM "LE NEPTUNE" 11 AVENUE ALBERT II, 98000 MONACO, PRINCIPAUTE DE MONACO AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 1 TEMASEK AVENUE, #27-01 MILLENIA TOWER, SINGAPORE 039192 T1007792B 23/06/2010 (05) Class 05 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; dietetic, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical preparations in tablet, capsule, powder or liquid form including those for the treatment of metabolic syndrome related diseases, general weight management and the treatment of obesity; plant extracts in liquid, powder, gel or oil form for dietetic, nutraceutical or pharmaceutical use including for the treatment of metabolic syndrome related diseases, general weight management and the treatment of obesity. INQPHARM PTE. LTD. 137 CECIL STREET, #06-01 AVIVA BUILDING, SINGAPORE 069537 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 121 T1007793J 23/06/2010 (25) Class 25 Belts, Hats and clothings. NOR HIDAYAH BINTE MOHD AMIN 161B PUNGGOL CENTRAL, #03-97, SINGAPORE 822161 AGENT: A. ROHIM NOOR LILA & PARTNERS, NO. 111 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, #29-03A PENINSULA PLAZA, SINGAPORE 179098 T1007796E 23/06/2010 (43) Class 43 Hotel, motel and restaurant services; making temporary lodging reservations for others. RAMADA INTERNATIONAL, INC. 22 SYLVAN WAY, PARSIPPANY, NEW JERSEY 07054, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 122 T1007797C 23/06/2010 (30) The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of the application. Application for a series of two marks. Class 30 Chocolate; chocolate-based products; cocoa products; chocolate chips; chocolate bars; chocolate candy; chocolate creams; chocolate extracts; chocolate powder; cocoa powder; cocoa paste; cocoa mass; cocoa liquor; dark chocolate; pralines; white chocolate; liqueur chocolates; milk chocolate; chocolate-based beverages; chocolate sauce; chocolate fudge; chocolate coated nuts; chocolate truffles and sweets; cocoa; snack foods consisting principally of chocolate; cocoa-based beverages; chocolate wafers; confectionery; cakes; caramels [candy]; candy for food; cookies; prepared desserts [chocolate based]. FOODLEVER INC. PTE LTD 26 TUAS AVENUE 7, SINGAPORE 639273 AGENT: YU SARN AUDREY & PARTNERS, 24 RAFFLES PLACE, #27-01 CLIFFORD CENTRE, SINGAPORE 048621 T1007798A 23/06/2010 (38) Class 38 Telecommunications services, namely, providing communications connections for global computer networks and transfer of data, voice, video, and other information over a fiber-optic network. Priority Claims: Class 38 30/12/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. GLOBAL CROSSING HOLDINGS LIMITED WESSEX HOUSE, 45 REID STREET, HAMILTON HM12, BERMUDA. AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 123 T1007799Z 23/06/2010 (29) Class 29 Butter, butter concentrates; ghee; edible oils and fats; milk and dairy products; cheese; coconut products, namely coconut oils, coconut creams, coconut butter, dessicated coconut, coconut milk powders; tomato paste; tomato puree; all included in Class 29. PROMAC ENTERPRISES SDN. BHD. 38-1, JALAN METRO PERDANA TIMUR 11, KEPONG ENTREPRENEUR’S PARK, BATU 7, JALAN KEPONG, 52100 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA AGENT: ATMD BIRD & BIRD LLP, P.O. BOX 0643 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911722 T1007803A 23/06/2010 (05) Class 05 Agricultural disinfectants; disinfectants; disinfectants for aquaria; disinfectants for chemical toilets; disinfectants for household use; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; disinfectants for veterinary use; disinfecting agents (other than disinfectant soap); liquid preparations for the disinfection of medical apparatus; preparations for use in hygiene (disinfecting); disinfectants for use on the person (other than disinfectant soap); disinfectants for chemical toilets; disinfectants for use in washing apparatus (other than disinfectant soap); antiseptic preparations; all included in Class 5. TAMS UK LIMITED SUITE 6 THE OAST, CHURCH FARM, ULCOMBE, MAIDSTONE, KENT ME17 1DN, UNITED KINGDOM AGENT: ATMD BIRD & BIRD LLP, P.O. BOX 0643 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911722 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 124 T1007811B 23/06/2010 (30) Class 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. MEGAN-TAYLA LIN 48 CARPMAEL ROAD, SINGAPORE 429974 #02-11 THE CARPMAELINA, AGENT: CHUNG TING FAI & CO, 400 ORCHARD ROAD, #11-07 ORCHARD TOWERS, SINGAPORE 238875 T1007813I 23/06/2010 (31) Class 31 Fresh vegetables, fresh mushrooms, mushroom spawn for propagation, fresh truffles, fresh edible fungus, fungus seed. HOKUTO CORPORATION TAIWAN BRANCH NO. 1, YANFA 1ST RD., DEHE VILLAGE, CHANGZHI TOWNSHIP, PINGTUNG COUNTY, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 125 T1007814G 23/06/2010 (31) Class 31 Fresh vegetables, fresh mushrooms, mushroom spawn for propagation, fresh truffles, fresh edible fungus, fungus seed. HOKUTO CORPORATION TAIWAN BRANCH NO. 1, YANFA 1ST RD., DEHE VILLAGE, CHANGZHI TOWNSHIP, PINGTUNG COUNTY, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 T1007815E 23/06/2010 (31) Class 31 Fresh vegetables, fresh mushrooms, mushroom spawn for propagation, fresh truffles, fresh edible fungus, fungus seed. HOKUTO CORPORATION TAIWAN BRANCH NO. 1, YANFA 1ST RD., DEHE VILLAGE, CHANGZHI TOWNSHIP, PINGTUNG COUNTY, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 462 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 126 T1007870H 22/06/2010 (36) Class 36 Provision of information in relation to real estate; real estate appraisal; real estate agencies; real estate brokerage; real estate brokers; management of real estate; provisin of real estate loans; real estate agency services; real estate investment; real estate investment advice; rental of real estate; real estate consultancy; valuation of real estate; real estate financing; capital investment in real estate; commercial real estate agency services; consultation services relating to real estate; property leasing (real estate property only); real estate acquisition (for others); real estate assessment (financial); real estate lease renewal services; real estate lease surrender services; real estate licensing. MINDLINK REALTY PTE LTD BLK 116 LORONG 2 TOA PAYOH, #01-162, SINGAPORE 310116 T1007874J 24/06/2010 (03) The mark consists of the Italian words meaning "Company of Colour". Class 03 Hair products, namely hair lotions, hair shampoos, hair creams, hair softeners, hair balsams, hair mousse and hair gels. ITALIAN GROUP S.R.L. VIA ALDO MORO 13, 25100 BRESCIA, ITALY AGENT: VIERING, JENTSCHURA & PARTNER LLP, P.O. BOX 1088 ROCHOR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911833 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 127 T1007879A 24/06/2010 (16) Application for a series of two marks. Class 16 Babies’ diapers of paper and cellulose, disposable; Babies’ napkins of paper and cellulose, disposable; Diaper-pants (Babies’-) of paper and cellulose, disposable; Napkin-pants (Babies’-) of paper and cellulose, disposable. SAMUEL L. PO UNIT 7, NO. 12 CAVITE ST., WEST AVENUE, QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES. AGENT: KINETICA PTE. LTD., 6 TEMASEK BOULEVARD, 29TH FLOOR, SUNTEC TOWER FOUR, SINGAPORE 038986 T1007881C 24/06/2010 (42) Class 42 Advisory services relating to interior design; commercial interior design; design of building interiors; design of interior decor; design of interior decoration; design services relating to interior decoration; interior decor design; interior decorating design; interior design services. TOPOS DESIGN PTE LTD 50 CHIN SWEE ROAD, #08-04/05 THONG CHAI BUILDING, SINGAPORE 169874 c/o ALAN FAN AI LOON, 50 CHIN SWEE ROAD, #08-04/05 THONG CHAI BUILDING, SINGAPORE 169874 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 128 T1007884H 24/06/2010 (36) The mark consists of a Latin word meaning "seize the day" or "enjoy the day" or "pluck the day when it is ripe". Class 36 Insurance; financial affairs; investment services; financial services relating to securities; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GROUP PLC 36 ST ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH EH2 2YB. UNITED KINGDOM AGENT: LAWRENCE QUAHE & WOO LLC, 123 PENANG ROAD, #05-12 REGENCY HOUSE, SINGAPORE 238465 T1007886D 24/06/2010 (14) Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith not included in other classes, namely, jewellery, brooches, necklaces, jewellery bracelets, rings being jewellery, tie pins, cuff links, watches, wristwatches, clocks, electric clocks and watches, stopwatches, mechanical clocks, quartz clocks, electronic alarm clocks, wall clocks, watch chains, watch bracelets, cases for watches and jewellery, watch straps, watch crystals, watch springs, watch glasses, watch buckles, parts and fittings of clocks and watches not included in other classes. COMTECH WATCHES COMPANY LIMITED 15/F, BLOCK 1, WAH FUNG INDUSTRIAL CENTRE, 33-39 KWAI FUNG CRESCENT, KWAI CHUNG, NEW TERRITORIES, HONG KONG SAR, THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 129 T1007895C 24/06/2010 (21) Class 21 Cosmetic brushes, brush for eyebrows, brush for eyeshadows, toilet sponges, cosmetic sponges, cosmetic utensils, cartridge for eye liner, holder for eyeliner. SHISEIDO COMPANY, LIMITED 7-5-5 GINZA, CHUO-KU, TOKYO 104-8010, JAPAN AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 1 TEMASEK AVENUE, #27-01 MILLENIA TOWER, SINGAPORE 039192 T1007897Z 24/06/2010 (30) Application for a series of two marks. The second mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of application. Class 30 Rice; flavoured rice; puffed rice; rice mixes. CHYE CHOON FOODS PRIVATE LIMITED 34 DEFU LANE 3, SINGAPORE 539451 AGENT: YU SARN AUDREY & PARTNERS, 24 RAFFLES PLACE, #27-01 CLIFFORD CENTRE, SINGAPORE 048621 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 130 T1007903H 24/06/2010 (14) Class 14 Precious metals; precious metal powder having clay-like properties obtained by mixing organic binder with water. MITSUBISHI MATERIALS CORPORATION 3-2, OTEMACHI 1-CHOME, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 T1008014A 28/06/2010 (03) Application for a series of six marks. Class 03 Leather care products; Automotive care products (cleaning and polishing); Car cleaning preparations; Cleaners (preparations) for cleaning dental instruments; Cleaners (preparations) for cleaning surgical instruments; Cleaning agents for glass; Cleaning preparations for footwear; Cleaning preparations for medical instruments; Cleaning preparations for use in photography; Cleaning preparations for use on jewellery; Cleaning preparations for use on leather; Cleaning preparations for use on precious metals; Cleaning preparations for use on shoes; Cleansing agents; Cleansing liquids; Glass cleaning preparations; Hard surface cleaning preparations; Preparations for cleaning glass; Preparations for cleaning windows; Preparations for use in cleaning upholstery; Products for cleaning; Shoe cleaners (preparations); Upholstery cleaners; Window cleaners in spray form; Windscreen cleaning fluids; Windscreen cleaning liquids; Windshield cleaning liquids. ELAINE CHUA MUI HIA 83 YISHUN STREET 81, #09-02 CONDOMINIUM, SINGAPORE 768446 ORCHID PARK Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 131 T1008056G 29/06/2010 (05) Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; food for babies; dietary supplements for infants; preparations for the irrigation of the gastrointestinal tract; slimming products for medical use; extracts of medicinal herbs; herbal preparations for medicinal purposes; herbal remedies; fibre supplements; food supplements for the dietary management of illness in humans; health food supplements made principally of minerals and/or vitamins; herbal dietary supplements for persons’ special dietary requirements; mineral food supplements; nutritional supplements; vitamins; mineral additives; preparations for use as dietetic additives for food (vitamins); preparations for the treatment of diarrhoea; prophylactic agents against diarrhoea; medicines for alleviating constipation. POWERMED INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD. 1 FULLERTON ROAD, SINGAPORE 049213 #02-01 ONE FULLERTON, AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 132 T1008061C 29/06/2010 (05 29 32) Class 05 Dietetic substances adapted for medical use; nutritional supplements, vitamin and mineral supplements, nutrition additives for use in foods and dietary supplements for human consumption, plant and herb extracts for medicinal purposes; dietary supplements for medical use; fibre supplements; medicated food supplements; medicated food additives; mineral additives; plant compounds for use as dietary supplements (medicinal); amino acids for medical purposes; antioxidants; Acai berry extract complex, being preparations for use as vitamin, mineral and/or nutritional supplements for foodstuffs for human consumption. Class 29 Fruit puree; fruit concentrates; Acai berry (fruit) puree and concentrate; food products containing fruit; fruit-based snack foods; prepared foods consisting principally of fruits; products consisting principally of fruit; fruit liquid gels [fruit jellies]; fruit concentrates and purees used as an ingredient in foods, beverages and dietary supplements. Class 32 Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; energy drinks; isotonic beverages; non-alcoholic fruit nectars and fruit extracts; fruit juice concentrates; fruit concentrates for making beverages; non-alcoholic beverages containing fruit purees; beverages made from fruit concentrate; bottled fruit drinks, bottled fruit juices; fruit extracts and nectars (non-alcoholic) used as an ingredient in foods, beverages and dietary supplements. MONAVIE LLC SUITE 100, 10855 S. RIVER FRONT PARKWAY, SOUTH JORDAN, UT 84095, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 1 TEMASEK AVENUE, #27-01 MILLENIA TOWER, SINGAPORE 039192 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 133 T1008083D 30/06/2010 (37) Class 37 Electric appliance installation and repair; construction equipment (rental of-); machinery installation, maintenance and repair. ALY ENERGY SINGAPORE PTE LTD 50 TUAS AVENUE 11, #01-18 TUAS LOT, SINGAPORE 639107 T1008103B 30/06/2010 (09) Class 09 Armatures (electricity); measuring instruments; battery chargers; electric accumulators; electric cables; electric switches; electrical wires; galvanic cells; instruments for measuring gradients; material testing instruments and machines; measures; protection devices for personal use against accidents; range finders; sockets, plugs and other contacts (electric connections); theodolites; Welding apparatus, electric. JIANGSU DONGCHENG POWER TOOLS CO., LTD. INDUSTRIAL PARK, TIANFEN TOWN, QIDONG CITY, JIANGSU, CHINA c/o ZHANG HONGLU, SINGAPORE 049909 6 BATTERY ROAD, #31-01, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 134 T1008183J 30/06/2010 (03) The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Shi Mei Yu" which has no meaning. Class 03 Incense. SHIH MEI YUH INCENSE CO. LTD. 23, LANE 897, DAH RAU ROAD, YUAN LIN TOWN, CHANG HUA HSIEN, 51063, TAIWAN c/o LOW CHEE KEONG, BLK 156 SIMEI ROAD, #06-322, SINGAPORE 520156 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 135 International Registrations filed under the Madrid Protocol Published for Opposition Purposes under the Trade Marks Act (Cap.332, 1999 Ed.) OPPOSITION Notice is hereby given that any person who wishes to oppose the registration of any of the marks published in the class groups which follow may within two months from the date of this journal file a Notice of Opposition on Form TM 11 (fee $340). Formal opposition should not be filed until after reasonable notice has been given to the Applicant for registration so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expenses of preparing the Notice of Opposition are incurred. Failure to give such notice will be taken into account in considering any application by an Opponent for an Order for Costs if the opposition is uncontested by the Applicant. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 136 T0905389F (35) (International Registration No. 1000161) Date of International Registration: 20/03/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/03/2009 Class 35 Advertising services; dissemination of advertising for others via computer and communication networks; dissemination of advertising for others via inclusion with television programs, motion picture films, and other audiovisual and multimedia content; dissemination of television advertising based on viewer preference, viewer selection, and viewer behaviors; provision of advertisements personalized to the individual viewer, viewer preference, viewer selection, and viewer behaviors; promoting the goods and services of others by providing hypertext links to the web sites and e-commerce sites of others; promoting the goods and services of others by providing links from television programs and other televised content to the web sites and e-commerce sites of others; providing real time interactive polling of individuals through televisions, mobile devices, and networks in relation to television programs, motion picture films, advertisements, and other audiovisual and multimedia content; providing incentive award programs for viewers of television programs, motion picture films, advertisements, and other audiovisual and multimedia content; providing customer incentive award programs; providing incentive award programs for customers who purchase products and services via interaction with television programs, motion picture films, and other audiovisual and multimedia content displayed on a television, mobile device, or other network-connected display; providing redemption services enabling viewers to redeem incentive awards for products and services via interaction with television programs, motion picture films, and other audiovisual and multimedia content displayed on a television, mobile device, or other network-connected display. Priority Claims: Class 35 22/09/2008 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. ZILLIONTV CORPORATION 1170 KIFER ROAD, SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA 94086, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: HSLEGAL LLP, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #22-23 UOB PLAZA 2, SINGAPORE 048624 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 137 T0912037B (35 36 38 39 41 44) (International Registration No. 1014705) Date of International Registration: 07/07/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/07/2009 Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; business management assistance; business management and organization consultancy; business management consultancy; professional business consultancy, business information, commercial information and advice for consumers (consumer advice shop); updating of advertising material; layout services for advertising purposes; business organization consultancy; relocation services for businesses. Class 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; accident insurance underwriting; actuarial services; banking; insurance underwriting; insurance consultancy, insurance information; exchange money; insurance consultancy; brokerage, insurance brokerage; securities brokerage; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate), fire insurance underwriting; health insurance underwriting, marine insurance underwriting; financial sponsorship; life insurance underwriting. Class 38 Telecommunications, in particular computer-aided electronic information, transaction and communications services for public and private users in the field of health care, insurance and financial affairs; sound, image and data transmission by cable, satellite, computer networks, telephone and ISDN lines and any other transmission media; telecommunication services for others with regard to medical and psychological consultancy for customers, employees and their family members, at home and abroad, telecommunications services for others, in particular in the field of insurance, health care and financial affairs. Class 39 Transport; travel arrangement; escorting of travellers, ambulance transport, transport of travellers. Class 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; health club services, education, in particular for the children of employees in nursery schools, day nurseries, day homes, schools and other educational and teaching establishments; providing of training, in particular conducting of seminars, training courses, assessment centres and workshops for further Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 138 training, information and selection of employees working at home and abroad; entertainment; cultural activities; personnel services, development of training and further training initiatives, conducting of training of further training events for the training and further training of personnel; publication of books, pamphlets and training materials on print media and in electronically stored form (other than publicity texts), in particular for customers, employees and their family members, on medical and psychological themes with regard to political, economic, cultural regional information. Class 44 Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services; dentistry, medical assistance, blood bank services; chiropractics; plastic surgery, pharmacy advice, medical clinics; in vitro fertilization services, medical nursing, hospitals, convalescent homes, nursing homes, pharmacists’ services to make up, prescriptions, physiotherapy, services of a psychologist, sanatoriums, health care, health spa services; telemedicine services. Priority Claims: Class 35 02/06/2009 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 02/06/2009 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 02/06/2009 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 39 02/06/2009 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 02/06/2009 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 44 02/06/2009 BENELUX Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 139 All goods/services claimed in this application. DKV GLOBALITY S.A. 13, RUE EDWARD STEICHEN, L-2540 LUXEMBOURG, LUXEMBOURG Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 140 T0912457B (09 38 41 42) (International Registration No. 1016018) Date of International Registration: 15/06/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/06/2009 Class 09 Computer hardware and software used in the field of timekeeping, identification and communication in various sports. Class 38 Providing access to computer databases with respect to all types of sports. Class 41 Providing of information and consultancy to participants in races with respect to the timekeeping of race results and with respect to their identification during races in various sports and to enable communication between participants and race officials in various sports. Class 42 Updating of software used in recording, identification, timekeeping and communication in various sports. Priority Claims: Class 38 25/05/2009 OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE MARKET Partial goods/services claimed in this application. INTERNAL Class 41 17/12/2008 OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE MARKET Partial goods/services claimed in this application. INTERNAL Class 42 17/12/2008 OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE MARKET Partial goods/services claimed in this application. INTERNAL AMB I.T. B.V. ZUIDERHOUTLAAN NETHERLANDS 4, NL-2012 PJ HAARLEM, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 141 AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 T1007629B (09 11) (International Registration No. 1039448) Date of International Registration: 12/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/05/2010 Class 09 Computer memories; flashlights (photography); wires, electric; converters, electric; plugs, sockets and other contacts (electric connections); electric door bells; galvanic cells; battery chargers; flat irons, electric; stage lighting regulators. Class 11 Lamps; pocket torches, electric; automobile lights; cooking utensils, electric; microwave ovens (cooking apparatus); refrigerators; fans (air-conditioning); extractor hoods for kitchens; water heaters (apparatus); hydrants; water purification installations; radiators, electric; lighters. LITARC LIGHTING & ELECTRONIC LTD. 3A 3FLOOR, 1-3 ANBAILIJING YUAN, SHENNAN ROAD, FUTIAN DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, GUANGDONG, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 142 T1007521J (06) (International Registration No. 1039505) Date of International Registration: 16/02/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/02/2010 Class 06 Fasteners; threaded fasteners; headed and non-headed fasteners in the nature of bolts; screws, bolts, studs and nuts of metal; load indicating fasteners; load indicating threaded fasteners; load indicating bolts. JAMES WALKER ROTABOLT LIMITED LION HOUSE, ORIENTAL ROAD, WOKING, SURREY GU22 8AP, UNITED KINGDOM T1007526A (03) (International Registration No. 1039559) Date of International Registration: 13/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/04/2010 Class 03 Perfumery products. Priority Claims: Class 03 27/10/2009 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR DIRECTION JURIDIQUE 33 AVENUE HOCHE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 143 T1007531H (05) (International Registration No. 1039611) Date of International Registration: 10/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/05/2010 Class 05 Pharmaceutical products for human use. Priority Claims: Class 05 12/11/2009 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. ARES TRADING S.A. ZONE INDUSTRIELLE DE AUBONNE, SWITZERLAND. T1007536I (08) (International Registration No. 1039632) Date of International Registration: 07/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/05/2010 Class 08 Electric shavers. Priority Claims: Class 08 17/11/2009 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. GROENEWOUDSEWEG NETHERLANDS. 1, NL-5621 BA EINDHOVEN, L’OURIETTAZ, CH-1170 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 144 T1007641A (06 11 19 20 35 36 37 39 42) (International Registration No. 1039680) Date of International Registration: 19/03/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/03/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours Claimed: Black and red. Class 06 Metal building materials and transportable buildings of metal or mainly of metal, in particular for use in the construction, the design, the installation, the maintenance and the repair of kitchens and bathrooms. Class 11 Bath installations, bath tubs, bath tubs for sitz baths, bath linings, heaters for baths; water supply installations, bath fittings and all other sanitary apparatus and installations. Class 19 Building materials and transportable buildings, non metallic or mainly non metallic, in particular for use in the construction, the design, the installation, the maintenance and the repair of kitchens and bathrooms; non-metallic tiles, including floor and bathroom tiles. Class 20 Furniture, in particular to equip kitchens and bathrooms. Class 35 Business intermediary services with regard to the purchase and sale of kitchens and bathrooms. Class 36 Lease-purchase financing of kitchens and bathrooms. Class 37 Construction, installation, maintenance and repair of kitchens and bathrooms. Class 39 Transporting of kitchens and bathrooms. Class 42 Design of kitchens and bathrooms. PINMILL B.V. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 145 HAVENWEG 30, NL-5145 NJ WAALWIJK, NETHERLANDS T1007646B (34) (International Registration No. 1039703) Date of International Registration: 03/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/05/2010 Class 34 Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. Priority Claims: Class 34 08/01/2010 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A. QUAI JEANRENAUD SWITZERLAND. 3, CH-2000 NEUCHATEL, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 146 T1007542C (34) (International Registration No. 1039706) Date of International Registration: 03/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/05/2010 Class 34 Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. Priority Claims: Class 34 03/12/2009 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A. QUAI JEANRENAUD SWITZERLAND. 3, T1007557A (34) (International Registration No. 1039841) Date of International Registration: 28/12/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/12/2009 Class 34 Tobacco whether manufactured or not unmanufactured; cigarettes, cigars; tobacco products (included in this class); tobacco substitutes, not for medicinal or curative purposes; matches and smoker’s articles; cigarette paper; cigarette tubes; cigarette filter; hand-held machines for making cigarettes. NEWPARK PROJECTS GMBH KLOVENSTEENWEG 159, 22559 HAMBURG, GERMANY CH-2000 NEUCHATEL, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 147 T1007562H (09 38 41) (International Registration No. 1039880) Date of International Registration: 18/02/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/02/2010 Class 09 Computer game software; downloadable computer game software. Class 38 Providing online forums for players of computer games. Class 41 Providing computer games played over a global computer network; providing information, news and commentary in the field of computer games. NOKIA CORPORATION KEILALAHDENTIE 4, FI-02150 ESPOO, FINLAND. T1007915A (25) (International Registration No. 1040000) Date of International Registration: 30/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/04/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Luvable Friends" is written in blue. Above text is an oval, outlined in blue. Two bears, one large tan bear, one small light tan bear, are inside oval, against a white background. Blue, White, Tan, Light Tan, Brown. Class 25 Baby bibs not of paper; baby bodysuits; baby bottoms; baby layettes for clothing; baby tops; children’s and infant’s apparel, namely, jumpers, overall sleepwear, pajamas, rompers and one-piece garments; Children’s and infants’ cloth bibs; Infant and toddler one piece clothing; Infant cloth diapers; Infant sleepers; Infant wear; Infants’ shoes and boots; Infants’ trousers; One piece garment for infants and toddlers; Shirts for infants, babies, toddlers and children. BABYVISION, INC. 30 FIREMENS WAY, POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 12603, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 148 T1007925I (44) (International Registration No. 1040091) Date of International Registration: 20/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/05/2010 Class 44 Medical information. CONVATEC INC. 200 HEADQUARTERS PARK DRIVE, SKILLMAN, NJ 08558, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1007830I (35) (International Registration No. 1040118) Date of International Registration: 06/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/04/2010 Class 35 Advertising; business management analysis or business consultancy, marketing research; providing information concerning commercial sales; business management of hotels; employment agencies; auctioneering, providing employment information; retail services or wholesale services for sports goods; retail services or wholesale services for toys, dolls, game machines and apparatus. MUZIIK CO., LTD 1-7-1-803, KANDA 101-0041, JAPAN SUDA-CHO, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 149 T1007837F (01 02 09) (International Registration No. 1040203) Date of International Registration: 03/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/05/2010 Class 01 Chemical preparations for use in industry and science. Class 02 Paints, varnishes, lacquers, inks and printing pastes, all for coating electrical and electronic parts and components; paints, varnishes, lacquers, inks and printing pastes, all being electroconductive; printable conductive pastes of aluminium and silver. Class 09 Printed solar cells; printed circuit boards. Priority Claims: Class 01 19/11/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 02 19/11/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 09 19/11/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. BASF SE CARL-BOSCH-STRASSE GERMANY 38, 67063 LUDWIGSHAFEN, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 150 T1007934H (25) (International Registration No. 1040309) Date of International Registration: 30/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/04/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Words and Tree image are in green, with detail in the leaves of the tree in white. Green, White. Class 25 Baby bibs not of paper; baby bodysuits; baby bottoms; baby layettes for clothing; baby tops. BABYVISION, INC. 30 FIREMENS WAY, POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 12603, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1007936D (26) (International Registration No. 1040348) Date of International Registration: 20/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/05/2010 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "U.S.A.". Class 26 Hair ornaments and accessories, namely head bands, pony tail holders, clips and barrettes. THE FINEST ACCESSORIES, INC. 349 EAST THIRD STREET, NORTH BEND, WA 98045, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 151 T1007942I (03) (International Registration No. 1040455) Date of International Registration: 30/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/04/2010 Class 03 Perfumes, toilet waters; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up products; shampoos; gels, mousses, balms and products in the form of aerosols for hair care and hair styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. Priority Claims: Class 03 10/11/2009 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE 29, RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT-HONORE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE. T1007851A (20) (International Registration No. 1040464) Date of International Registration: 06/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/05/2010 Class 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Priority Claims: Class 20 01/04/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. ARPER S.P.A. VIA LOMBARDIA, 16, I-31050 MONASTIER DI TREVISO (TREVISO), ITALY Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 152 T1007858I (34) (International Registration No. 1040528) Date of International Registration: 21/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/05/2010 Class 34 Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays not of precious metals, their alloys or coated therewith, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A. QUAI JEANRENAUD SWITZERLAND. 3, T1007950Z (10) (International Registration No. 1040566) Date of International Registration: 12/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/05/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Green and blue. Class 10 Pump for parenteral feeding. Priority Claims: Class 10 28/04/2010 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. CH-1800 VEVEY, SWITZERLAND. CH-2000 NEUCHATEL, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 153 T1007953D (03) (International Registration No. 1040573) Date of International Registration: 03/12/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/12/2009 Class 03 Cake flavorings [essential oils]; essential oils for food flavorings; flavorings for beverages [essential oils]; food flavorings prepared from essential oils; color brightening chemicals for household purposes [laundry]; antistatic preparations for household purposes; degreasers other than for use in manufacturing processes; rust removing preparations; paint stripping preparations; lacquer-removing preparations; non-slipping wax for floors; non-slipping liquids for floors; laundry glaze; fabric softeners for laundry use; washing soda, for cleaning; laundry wax; laundry bluing; bleaching preparations [laundry]; soda lye; volatile alkali (ammonia) (detergent); stain removers; javel water; potassium hypochloride; canned pressurized air for cleaning and dusting purposes; floor wax removers [scouring preparations]; color-removing preparations; turpentine, for degreasing; oil of turpentine for degreasing; bleaching soda; bleaching salts; bleaching preparations; leather bleaching preparations; smoothing preparations [starching]; starch glaze for laundry purposes; laundry starch; nail enamel removers; eyebrow pencils; eyebrow cosmetics; lavender water; loose face powder; liquid rouge; sachets for perfuming linen; lipliner; lipsticks; massage gels; massage oil; mascara; nail polish; enamel for nails; varnish-removing preparations; hair oil; makeup foundations; shaving gels; shaving preparations; hair drying preparations; hair preservation treatments; hair colorants; fixers for hair dying; hair mascara; hair waving preparations; hair powders; hair pomades; hair bleaches; hair creams for cosmetic purposes; color-removing preparations for hair; cosmetic preparations for baths; beauty creams; body lotions; body milks; badian essence; body oils; body creams; perfuming sachets; vanishing creams; bath gels; bath lotions; bath beads; cosmetic additives for baths; bay rums for cosmetic use; baby oil; baby powder [toiletries]; blushers; blush pencils; perfumed talcum powder for cosmetic use; cosmetic suntan lotions; dandruff lotions, not for medical treatment; dandruff creams, not for medical treatment; skin creams not for medical purposes; safrol; alum stones [antiseptic]; shower and bath gels; shower gels; shower creams; shower and bath foam; cosmetic preparations against sunburn; sun-block lotions; sunscreen lotions for cosmetic use; sunscreen creams for cosmetic use; cosmetic suntan creams; shaving lotions; shaving creams; shaving foam; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; lotions for strengthening the nails; nail polishing powder; nail care preparations; nail colorants; nail decolorants; cosmetic creams for skin care; cosmetic Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 154 preparations for skin care; skin creams; skin cleansers; eyeliner; eyeliner pencils; eye lotions; eye make-up removers; eye shadows; eye creams; eye pencils; cosmetics for animals; after sun creams; after-shave lotions; after-shave emulsions; after-shave creams; liquid perfumes; ethereal essences; eau de cologne; eau de perfume; eau de toilette; cosmetic oils for the epidermis; baby hair conditioner; antiperspirants for personal use; deodorants for personal use; fragrances for personal use [perfume]; essential oils for personal use; common toilet water; cosmetic preparations and products for dry skin during pregnancy; lip gloss; lip coatings; lip conditioners; protective preparations for lips; cosmetic sun-protecting preparations; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; cold creams for cosmetic use; cold waving solutions; solid powder for compacts [cosmetics]; moustache wax; depilatory wax; depilatories; lotions for beards; beard dyes; permanent wave preparations; neutralizers for permanent waving; foundations; foundation creams; permanent waving lotions; perfumed paste; perfumed creams; facial lotions; facial cleansing milk; facial cream; face and body lotions; face and body milk; cosmetic products for the face and body; lotions for face and body care; face and body creams; face powder paste; pressed face powder; pre-shave creams; skin whitening creams; hand lotions; perfumed powders; perfumes; hair gel; hair glaze; hair nourishers; cosmetic hairdressing preparations; hair lacquers; hair lotions; hair moisturizers; hair mousse; hair balsam; hair styling gels; hair styling spray; hair spray; hair conditioners; hair conditioning oils; hair care lotions; bath oils for hair care; hair care creams; hair tonic for cosmetic use; heliotropine; toilet water; cosmetic gels; hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; greases for cosmetic purposes; nourishing creams (cosmetics); lotions for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic rouges; cosmetic antiperspirants; nail varnish for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic bath oils; cosmetic bath powder; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; face mask pack for cosmetic purpose; cosmetic white face powder; skin lotion for cosmetic use; suntan oils for cosmetic purposes; sun-tanning preparation [cosmetics]; astringents for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic skin fresheners; almond milk for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic liquid foundations; cosmetic face powder; cosmetic pencils; cosmetic dyes; oils for cosmetic purpose; cosmetic bath salts; colorants for toilet purposes; cosmetic cleansing creams; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; cosmetic creams; talcum powder, for toilet use; make-up powder; cosmetic face creams; pomades for cosmetic purposes; bleaching preparations [decolorants] for cosmetic purposes; hand creams for cosmetic purposes; perfumed oils for cosmetics; make-up removing lotions; make-up removing milks; make-up removing preparations; cosmetics; cosmetic kits; gaultheria oil; aromatic for household purposes; fragrance for household purposes; extracts of flowers [perfumes]; bases for flower perfumes; lavender oil; essential oils of lemon; essential oils of mint Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 155 essence; vanilla perfumery; peppermint oil [perfumery]; scented wood; bergamot oil; complex perfumery; essential oils of cedarwood; joss sticks; essential oils of citron; almond oil; amber [perfume]; ethereal oils; ambergris [perfume]; ionone [perfumery]; aromatics for automobiles; jasmine oil; rose oil; geraniol; compound perfumery; natural perfumery; clove oil; essential oils of terpenes; potpourris [fragrances]; synthetic musk; synthetic perfumery; incense; perfumery; oils for perfumes and scents; perfumery [essential oils]; mint for perfumery; musk [perfumery]; natural musk [perfumery]; perfumed oils for the manufacture of cosmetic preparations; fumigation preparations in the nature of perfumes; adhesives for affixing false hair; false eyelashes; adhesives for affixing false eyelashes; false nails; hair creams for cosmetic purpose; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; beauty masks; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; soap powder; scale removing preparations for household purposes; soaps for household use; detergents prepared from petroleum for household cleaning use; cleaning preparations for household purposes; cakes of soap; dry-cleaning preparations; scrubbing and abrasive preparations; preparations for cleaning waste pipes; wallpaper cleaning preparations; soaps, not for personal use; detergents prepared from petroleum; soap for brightening textile; skin polishing ricebran; liquid detergents; cleaning chalk; oils for cleaning purposes; quillaia bark for washing; volcanic ash for cleaning; cloths impregnated with a detergent for cleaning; detergents other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes; cleaning preparations; laundry soaps; preparations for soaking laundry; disinfectant soap; detergents for dishwashing machine; washing-up liquids; dish detergents; glass cleansers; cleaning preparations for clothing; windscreen cleaning liquids; detergents for automobiles; toilet bowl detergents; cakes of toilet soap; shaving mousse; shaving soap; bath soap; liquid soap; beauty soap; body cream soap; soaps for body care; soap for foot perspiration; antiperspirant soap; deodorant soap; shampoos; hand cleaners [hand cleaning preparations]; almond soap; shampoos for pets; liquid bath soaps; medicated soap; baby shampoo; common toilet water; liquid soap used in foot bath; cream soaps; facial washes; perfumed soaps; hair rinses (cosmetic); cosmetic soaps; breath freshening sprays; mouth washes, not for medical purposes; tooth paste in soft cake; dental rinses [non medicated]; denture polishes; preparations for cleaning dentures; dental bleaching gels; tooth powders for cosmetic use; teeth cleaning lotions; tooth cleaning preparations; dentifrices; boot cream; shoe wax; shoe cream; cobblers’wax; furniture polish; polish for furniture and flooring; leather preservatives [polishes]; waxes for leather; creams for leather; polishing wax; polishing rouge; tripoli stone for polishing; furbishing preparations; Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 156 polishing paper; polishing creams; floor polishes; floor wax; floor waxes [liquid]; preparations to make shiny the leaves of plants; automobile polishes; tailors’ wax; parquet floor wax; emery; emery paper; emery cloth; carbides of metal [abrasives]; smoothing stones; diamantine [abrasive]; pastes for razor strops; whiting [abrasive]; jewelers’ rouge; glass paper; sand cloth; shaving stones [antiseptic]; silicon carbide [abrasive]; polishing stones; abrasive sheets; pumice stone; abrasive grinding preparations; abrasive paper; abrasive cloth; sharpening preparations; corundum [abrasive]. LEE, SANG-ROK REX APT 19-401, ICHON-DONG 300-3, YONGSAN-GU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA T1008122I (12) (International Registration No. 1040681) Date of International Registration: 19/03/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/03/2010 Class 12 Vehicle wheel rims; wheels (vehicle); wheel hubs (vehicle); vehicle bumpers; automobile chassis; automobile chains; brake segments for vehicles; tailgates (Am.) (elevating, power) (parts of land vehicles); weights (balance) for vehicle wheels; bicycle rims. XIAMEN SUNRISE WHEEL GROUP CO., LTD. NO. 30 XINGBEI ROAD, XINGLIN TOWN, JIMEI DISTRICT, XIAMEN CITY, FUJIAN PROVINCE, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 157 T1008123G (09 16 38) (International Registration No. 1040683) Date of International Registration: 24/02/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/02/2010 Class 09 Electronic news communication tools in the form of registered computer programs. Class 16 Newspapers, periodicals. Class 38 Inquiry agencies (news), computer aided transmission of messages and images. Priority Claims: Class 09 31/08/2009 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 31/08/2009 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 31/08/2009 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. RECHARGE AS P.O. BOX 1182 SENTRUM, N-0107 OSLO, NORWAY Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 158 T1008192Z (34) (International Registration No. 1040685) Date of International Registration: 10/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/05/2010 Class 34 Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. Priority Claims: Class 34 16/03/2010 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A. QUAI JEANRENAUD SWITZERLAND. 3, CH-2000 NEUCHATEL, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 159 T1008193H (34) (International Registration No. 1040688) Date of International Registration: 06/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/05/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Red, gray, dark gray and white. Class 34 Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. Priority Claims: Class 34 30/03/2010 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A. QUAI JEANRENAUD SWITZERLAND. 3, CH-2000 NEUCHATEL, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 160 T1008124E (04 40 42) (International Registration No. 1040697) Date of International Registration: 04/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/05/2010 Class 04 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding products; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting. Class 40 Treatment of materials; production of energy. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services. Priority Claims: Class 04 08/01/2010 PORTUGAL All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 40 08/01/2010 PORTUGAL All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 08/01/2010 PORTUGAL All goods/services claimed in this application. SGC ENERGIA, SGPS, S.A. ESTRADA DE ALFRAGIDE 67, ALFRAPARK, EDIFICIO SGC, P-2614-519, AMADORA, PORTUGAL Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 T1008125C (03) (International Registration No. 1040720) Date of International Registration: 27/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/04/2010 Class 03 Cosmetics and make-up products. L’OREAL 14, RUE ROYALE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE. T1008126A (03) (International Registration No. 1040722) Date of International Registration: 07/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/05/2010 Class 03 Perfumes, toilet waters; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up products; shampoos; gels, mousses, balms and products in the form of aerosols for hair care and hair styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. HELENA RUBINSTEIN 129, RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT-HONORE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE. Page No. 161 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 162 T1008128H (04 40 42) (International Registration No. 1040727) Date of International Registration: 04/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/05/2010 Class 04 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding products; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting. Class 40 Treatment of materials; production of energy. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services. Priority Claims: Class 04 08/01/2010 PORTUGAL All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 40 08/01/2010 PORTUGAL All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 08/01/2010 PORTUGAL All goods/services claimed in this application. SGC ENERGIA, SGPS, S.A. ESTRADA DE ALFRAGIDE 67, ALFRAPARK, EDIFICIO SGC, P-2614-519, AMADORA, PORTUGAL Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 163 T1008130Z (04 40 42) (International Registration No. 1040734) Date of International Registration: 04/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/05/2010 Class 04 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding products; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting. Class 40 Treatment of materials; production of energy. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services. Priority Claims: Class 04 08/01/2010 PORTUGAL All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 40 08/01/2010 PORTUGAL All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 08/01/2010 PORTUGAL All goods/services claimed in this application. SGC ENERGIA, SGPS, S.A. ESTRADA DE ALFRAGIDE 67, ALFRAPARK, EDIFICIO SGC, P-2614-519, AMADORA, PORTUGAL Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 164 T1008131H (05) (International Registration No. 1040742) Date of International Registration: 26/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/05/2010 Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations. Priority Claims: Class 05 18/03/2010 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG GRENZACHERSTRASSE SWITZERLAND. 124, CH-4070 BASEL, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 165 T1008133D (07 11) (International Registration No. 1040756) Date of International Registration: 13/01/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/01/2010 Class 07 Machines, looms and industrial robots for working and shaping wood, metal, glass and plastic materials and minerals, construction machines, robotic mechanisms having the same function, lifting, conveying and transmitting machines, robotic mechanisms having the same function (including lifts, escalators, cranes), machines and robotic mechanisms in the sectors of farming, agriculture and livestock and in processing cereals/fruits/vegetables/food, engines, electrical engines, their parts and equipments other than for land vehicles, bearings, ball-bearings and bobbin bearings, tyre fixing and unfixing machines, alternators, generators, generators of electricity, generators worked with solar energy, dying machines, automatic spray guns for paint, electric punching machines and punches for punching machines, electric adhesive guns, guns for compressed air or liquid spraying machines, electric hand drills, motor hand saws, boring machines, spiral machines, compressed air pumps, compressors, vehicle washing installations and robots having the same function as the machines and tools listed above, welding machines and robots having the same function, printing machines, packaging machines, filling-plugging and finishing machines, labellers, separators and robots and robotic mechanisms having the same function as the machines and tools listed above, textile machines, sewing machines and industrial robots having the same function, pumps other than parts of machines or engines, electric cutting, grinding, crushing, hemming and crumbling for household appliances; washing machines (including washing machines (for laundry), dishwashers, drying machines (for laundry)); electrical machines, vacuum cleaners and their parts for purposes of cleaning floors, carpets and upholstery. Class 11 Illuminating equipment (illuminating armatures for vehicles, indoor and outdoor spaces), apparatus for heating and steam generating (including stoves and kitchen stoves functioning with coal, fuel, electricity and gas), air conditioning and ventilation apparatus, refrigerators and freezers, electric and gas apparatus, machines and instruments for cooking, drying and boiling purposes (including the ones for personal care), water installments, vitrified, water softening apparatus; water purification apparatus; water purification system; waste treatment system, instruments including hand drying apparatus for washrooms (included in this class) used in beauty saloons, electrical mattress and electrical blankets other than medical use; heating pillows; foot warmers, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 166 electric or non-electric; thermosphere, filters and filter-motor combinations for aquariums, industry type cooking, drying and cooling installation, pasteurizers and sterilizers. Priority Claims: Class 07 05/01/2010 TURKEY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 11 05/01/2010 TURKEY All goods/services claimed in this application. EMIR ERDEMIR ORGANIZE SANAYI BOLGESI, 8. CADDE NO: 7, ESKISEHIR, TURKEY T1008134B (09 14 35 42) (International Registration No. 1040757) Date of International Registration: 18/02/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/02/2010 Class 09 Sunglasses; sunglasses, cases and bags adapted therefor; bags and cases especially adapted for portable computers; spectacle cases; sunvisors. Class 14 Alarm clocks; clocks; cases for clock- and watchmaking; movements for clocks and watches; wristwatches; straps for wristwatches; jewellery. Class 35 Retail services relating to clothing, headgear, bags and jewellery, precious metals, goods in precious metals or coated therewith, jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, gymnastic and sporting articles. Class 42 Design of fashion accessories; industrial design. TRITONI AB NARVAVAGEN 20 A, SE-115 22 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 167 T1008135J (08 16 21 24) (International Registration No. 1040758) Date of International Registration: 20/01/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/01/2010 Class 08 Cutlery, food spreaders, mortar and pestle, hand tools and implements (hand-operated). Class 16 Goods made from paper and cardboard, table linen of paper, napery of paper, packaging containers of plastic-lined paperboard for solids or liquids, packaging material made of starches. Class 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith), glassware, dinnerware, cookware, servingware, chinaware, porcelain, earthenware and vases, hand-operated food grinders. Class 24 Textiles and textile goods, table linen, napery. Priority Claims: Class 08 28/07/2009 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 28/07/2009 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 21 28/07/2009 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 24 28/07/2009 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. H.A.G. IMPORT CORPORATION (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD BROOKLYN ESTATE, 77G MILLERS ROAD, ALTONA NORTH VIC 3025, AUSTRALIA. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 168 T1008196B (35 36 37) (International Registration No. 1040771) Date of International Registration: 30/03/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/03/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Grey. Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office function. Class 36 Financial affairs; real estate affairs; monetary affairs; insurance; financial analysis; banking; financial consultancy; loans; securities brokerage; financing services; mutual funds; apartment house management; real estate management; capital investments; credit bureaux. Class 37 Building construction; repair and renovation of buildings, apartments and rooms and of parts of buildings, apartments and rooms; installation services. Priority Claims: Class 35 01/10/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 01/10/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 01/10/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK AG FREISINGER STRASSE 5, 85716 UNTERSCHLEISSHEIM, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 169 T1008197J (05 29) (International Registration No. 1040782) Date of International Registration: 27/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/04/2010 Class 05 Dietetic substances adapted for medical use. Class 29 Milk and milk products. WARRNAMBOOL CHEESE AND COMPANY HOLDINGS LIMITED BUTTER FACTORY 5331 GREAT OCEAN ROAD, ALLANSFORD VIC 3277, AUSTRALIA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 170 T1008138E (12 18 20) (International Registration No. 1040790) Date of International Registration: 07/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/05/2010 Class 12 Baby carriages, accessories for baby carriages, namely hoods for baby carriages, safety seats for children (for vehicles). Class 18 Sling bags for carrying infants. Class 20 Travel beds for children, walking aids for babies and small children, high chairs for children, rockers for babies. Priority Claims: Class 12 02/03/2010 OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE MARKET All goods/services claimed in this application. INTERNAL Class 18 02/03/2010 OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE MARKET All goods/services claimed in this application. INTERNAL Class 20 02/03/2010 OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE MARKET All goods/services claimed in this application. INTERNAL ABC DESIGN GMBH DR. RUDOLF-EBERLE-STRABE GERMANY 29, 79774 ALBBRUCK, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 171 T1008140G (25) (International Registration No. 1040799) Date of International Registration: 20/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/05/2010 Class 25 Clothing; shoes; football shoes; layettes (clothing); bathing suits; gloves (clothing); masquerade costumes; socks; scarfs; girdles. WANG XIAO FEI 13-2-101, FENGRUI II, FENGXIANG TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT ZONE, YANGSONG TOWN, HUAIROU DISTRICT, BEJING, CHINA T1008141E (03) (International Registration No. 1040826) Date of International Registration: 07/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/05/2010 Class 03 Perfumes, toilet waters; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up products; shampoos; gels, mousses, balms and products in the form of aerosols for hair care and hair styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. Priority Claims: Class 03 01/12/2009 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. L’OREAL 14, RUE ROYALE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 172 T1008200D (09) (International Registration No. 1040849) Date of International Registration: 17/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/05/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours Claimed: The mark consists of a rectangle with rounded corners depicting silver gears. The color(s) silver and black is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. Class 09 Computer software for managing user system settings and preferences. Priority Claims: Class 09 21/04/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. APPLE INC. 1 INFINITE LOOP, CUPERTINO, CA 95014, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 173 T1008143A (39) (International Registration No. 1040881) Date of International Registration: 12/01/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/01/2010 Class 39 Transport;packaging and storage of goods;transport of goods by water, land and air;expedition and distributions (supplying) of goods; freight forwarding; logistic services in respect of transport; hoisting and lifting; loading and unloading of goods; rental of vehicles, including cargo ships; rental of storage space; transport brokerage; ship brokerage; services of stevedores;towing and salvage; consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services, including via electronic networks, such as the Internet. Priority Claims: Class 39 31/07/2009 OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE MARKET All goods/services claimed in this application. INTERNAL RULEWAVE B.V. RINGDIJK 366, NL-2983 GR RIDDERKERK, NETHERLANDS Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 174 T1008145H (38 41 44) (International Registration No. 1040898) Date of International Registration: 27/01/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/01/2010 Class 38 Telecommunications. Class 41 Training; arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, conventions, seminars and symposiums. Class 44 Hygiene and beauty care; skin and cosmetic care services in the context of skin treatment of patients under therapy for cancer; advice on cosmetology and dermatology, body and beauty care. Priority Claims: Class 38 27/07/2009 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 27/07/2009 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 44 27/07/2009 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. PIERRE FABRE DERMO-COSMETIQUE 45 PLACE ABEL GANCE, BILLANCOURT, FRANCE F-92100 BOULOGNE Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 175 T1008148B (09 35 42) (International Registration No. 1040921) Date of International Registration: 10/02/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/02/2010 Class 09 Computer software. Class 35 Business consultancy and advisory services; business organisation consultancy; advisory services relating to business management; business project management in the field of electronic data processing; computerised file managing; auditing and accounting services; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; collating and systematic ordering of data in a computer database; electronic data processing consultancy. Class 42 Technical project studies; computer project management in the field of electronic data processing; environment consultancy services; technological consultancy relating to the conservation of energy; telecommunications engineering consultancy; consultancy in the field of computers; technical data analysis consultancy; creating and installation of computer programs; electronic data security; configuration of computer networks; electronic data storage. Priority Claims: Class 09 19/08/2009 OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE MARKET All goods/services claimed in this application. INTERNAL Class 35 19/08/2009 OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE MARKET All goods/services claimed in this application. INTERNAL Class 42 19/08/2009 OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE MARKET All goods/services claimed in this application. INTERNAL SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 176 WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 MUNCHEN, GERMANY. T1008149J (16) (International Registration No. 1040925) Date of International Registration: 15/02/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/02/2010 Class 16 Rubber stamps; address stamps; date stamps; numbering stamps; pre-inked stamps; self-inking stamps; ink for stamps; stamp pads; ink for stamp pads; cases for stamps; adhesive tapes (stationery); inks; chalk (marking-); glue (office requisites); paint brushes; marking pens; fountain pens; ball-point pens; mechanical pencils; paper clips; rubber erasers; letter openers; stencil papers; rulers (for stationery and office use); binders; folders; document files; vermilion ink pads; vermilion inks; paper knives (office requisites); cutters (office requisites); cutting mats (stationery); paper embossers (stationery); writing boards; writing board erasers; Indian inks; correcting fluids; correction tapes; punches (stationery); staplers; typewriters; books; printed matter; notebooks; albums; adhesive tape dispensers; catalogues; inking pads; inking ribbons; moisteners (office requisites); numbering apparatus (stationery); pen cases; pen stands. SHACHIHATA INC. NO. 69, 4-CHOME, AMAZUKA-CHO, NAGOYA-SHI, AICHI-KEN 451-0021, JAPAN. NISHI-KU, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 177 T1008151B (30 32) (International Registration No. 1040950) Date of International Registration: 29/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/04/2010 Class 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, artificial coffee, pastry and confectionery, spices. Class 32 Syrups and other preparations for making beverages. KARMER PTY LTD 7/35 STOCKTON AUSTRALIA STREET, T1008153I (10) (International Registration No. 1040974) Date of International Registration: 18/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/05/2010 Class 10 Medical instruments and apparatus for dialysis. Priority Claims: Class 10 24/03/2010 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE DEUTSCHLAND GMBH ELSE-KROENER-STR. 1, 61352 BAD HOMBURG, GERMANY NELSON BAY NSW 2315, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 178 T1008208Z (29) (International Registration No. 1040978) Date of International Registration: 01/06/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/06/2010 The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Le Dang Jia" which has no meaning. Class 29 Eggs; edible oils. FUJIAN HUAREN OILS & FATS CO., LTD. INNER OF GUANQIAO, LIANGSHICHENG, NAN’AN CITY, FUJIAN PROVINCE, CHINA T1008209H (09) (International Registration No. 1040994) Date of International Registration: 05/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 05/04/2010 Class 09 Prerecorded video cassettes and DVD’s featuring exercise, fitness, dietary information and instruction, and music. PRODUCT PARTNERS, LLC 3301 EXPOSITION BOULEVARD, 3RD FLOOR, SANTA MONICA, CA 90404, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 179 T1008155E (20 24 25) (International Registration No. 1041021) Date of International Registration: 08/02/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/02/2010 Class 20 Furniture; beds; bed heads; sofas, sofa beds; chairs; armchairs; tables; pillows; duvets; cushions; mattresses; bedding; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Class 24 Woven and textile products not included in other classes; textile piece goods; fabrics; plastic substitutes for fabrics; bed and table covers; textile articles; furniture covers; cushion covers; cloths; bath linen; household linen; table linen, table napkins of textile, tea towels; bed clothes, bed linen, bedspreads; sleeping bags; pillowcases, covers for quilts and eiderdowns; blinds of textile; coverlets; quilts, eiderdowns; face towels of textile; textile tissues for removing make up; flannels; handkerchiefs of textile; towels of textile; table mats and coasters; travelling rugs, mattress covers, bumpers for cots, curtains, textile wall coverings, mosquito nets, flags, banners; dish cloths of textile for drying. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; boots; shoes; slippers; neckwear; underclothing; sleeping garments; stockings, tights, socks; aprons, smocks; babies diapers and napkins; bibs; swimwear; gloves; mittens; scarves, sashes and shawls; bathing caps; belts; braces; suspenders; collars, cuffs; ear muffs; fittings for boots and shoes; gaiters; garters. CRUMPET ENGLAND LTD. 4 TOPSAIL HOUSE, THE HIGH STREET, MISTLEY CO 11 1HD, UNITED KINGDOM Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 180 T1008211Z (03 25 32 33) (International Registration No. 1041024) Date of International Registration: 22/12/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/12/2009 Class 03 Perfumery, essential oils, hair lotions, cosmetics. Class 25 Clothing, including sports and leisure clothing; shoes, footwear and boots, including sports and leisure shoes and boots; stockings, pants, socks; suspenders, also made of leather; ties, including bow ties; gloves; headgear, including forehead bands and sweatbands; belts. Class 32 Mineral waters and aerated waters; non-alcoholic, vitamin-containing and isotonic beverages; refreshing beverages containing caffeine; taurine beverages containing caffeine; soft drinks for energy supply; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Priority Claims: Class 03 11/08/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 11/08/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 32 11/08/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 33 11/08/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. CALIDRIS 28 AG (S.A.) Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 181 30, ESPLANADE DE LA MOSELLE, L-6637 WASSERBILLIG, LUXEMBOURG. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 182 T1008212H (36) (International Registration No. 1041035) Date of International Registration: 19/03/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/03/2010 Class 36 Agencies or brokerage for issuance of cash cards or credit cards: credit card services; acceptance of deposits (including substitute bond issuance) and acceptance of fixed interval installment deposits; loans (financing) and discount of bills; domestic exchange settlement; liability guarantee and acceptance of bills; securities lending; acquisition and transfer of monetary claims; safe deposit services; exchanging money; trusteeship of financial futures contracts; trusteeship of money, securities, monetary claims, personal property, land, rights on land fixtures, surface rights or lease on land; agencies for bond subscriptions; foreign exchange transactions; letter of credit related services; brokerage of credit purchase; issue of tokens of value; agencies for collecting gas or electric power utility payments; consigned collection of payment for goods; trading of securities, securities index futures, securities options, and overseas market securities futures; agencies or brokerage for trading of securities, securities index futures, securities options, and overseas market securities futures; agencies or brokerage for entrusting agents with on-commission trading in domestic markets of securities, securities index futures and securities options; agencies or brokerage for entrusting agents with on-commission trading in overseas markets of securities, and securities index futures; securities underwriting; securities offering; transaction of securities subscription or offering; providing stock market information; agencies for commodity futures trading; life insurance brokerage; life insurance underwriting; agencies for non-life insurance; claim adjustment for non-life insurance; non-life insurance underwriting; insurance premium rate computing; providing information on buildings or land (real estate affairs); company credit investigation; rental of paper money and coin counting or processing machines; rental of cash dispensers or automated teller machines. Priority Claims: Class 36 11/03/2010 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. THE CHUGOKU BANK, LTD. 1-15-20, MARUNOUCHI, OKAYAMA 700-8628, JAPAN KITA-KU, OKAYAMA-SHI, Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 183 T1008215B (36) (International Registration No. 1041056) Date of International Registration: 08/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/04/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours Claimed: Red: Pantone 1795 C, black: Pantone black and white. X - white color; edge of X: red (Pantone 1795 C); xtb online trading: Pantone black. Class 36 Brokerage. X-TRADE BROKERS DOM MAKLERSKI S.A. UL. OGRODOWA 58, PL-00-876 WARSZAWA, POLAND T1008216J (36) (International Registration No. 1041057) Date of International Registration: 08/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/04/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours Claim: Black color (Pantone black) and red color: (Pantone 1795 C). X - red color (Pantone 1795 C); edge of X: black color (Pantone black); dash - red color (Pantone 1795 C) in a black color edge (Pantone black). Class 36 Brokerage. X-TRADE BROKERS DOM MAKLERSKI S.A. UL. OGRODOWA 58, PL-00-876 WARSZAWA, POLAND Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 184 T1008158Z (09 11) (International Registration No. 1041060) Date of International Registration: 04/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/05/2010 Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; technical radiation apparatus; lighting control installations; light emitting diodes, including organic light emitting diodes, laser diodes, in particular high-performance laser diodes, light conductors, optocouplers, optical sensors, light barriers, light emitting diode lamp modules (modules with lamp functions, constructed from light emitting diodes, including organic light emitting diodes), especially for signalling purposes, light emitting diode technology displays, including organic light emitting diode technology displays; electronic ballast for lighting for lighting purposes and for light emitting diodes and laser diodes, igniting devices for lighting apparatus, electronic starters for lamps and luminaries. Class 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; fluorescent lamps, discharge lamps, special-purpose radiation lamps, in particular infrared lamps, sun lamps for domestic use, lamps for solaria, UV halogen metal vapour lamps, UV lamps for industrial applications, lights of all kinds, including for transport engineering, motor vehicles and decorative purposes. OSRAM GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRANKTER HAFTUNG HELLABRUNNER STR. 1, 81543 MUNCHEN, GERMANY. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 185 T1008217I (25) (International Registration No. 1041074) Date of International Registration: 30/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/04/2010 The Italian word "Milano" appearing in the mark means "Milan". Class 25 Ties, neckties, bow-ties; gloves; scarves, foulards, neckerchiefs, stoles, capes, socks; sweaters, cardigans, pullovers, jumpers, shirts, jackets; hats, caps. Priority Claims: Class 25 14/04/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. CRAVATTIFICIO ZADI S.R.L. VIA COMELICO, 29, I-20135 MILANO (MI), ITALY Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 186 T1008161Z (18 25) (International Registration No. 1041120) Date of International Registration: 26/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/04/2010 Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; umbrellas and parasols; trunks and travelling bags; bags not included in other classes. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Priority Claims: Class 18 30/11/2009 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 30/11/2009 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. WE NETHERLANDS B.V. REACTORWEG 101, NL-3542 AD UTRECHT, NETHERLANDS T1008162H (19) (International Registration No. 1041122) Date of International Registration: 10/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/05/2010 Class 19 Floor boards; grout; plaster boards; cement; ceramic tiles; non-metal fire-resistant boards and panels for construction; building materials, not of metal; buildings, not of metal. HANGZHOU NABEL GROUP CO., LTD. NO. 36, XIANLIN WEST ROAD, XIANLIN TOWN, YUHANG AREA, HANGZHOU CITY, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 187 T1008163F (10) (International Registration No. 1041155) Date of International Registration: 24/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/05/2010 Class 10 Medical devices for measuring vital signs. Priority Claims: Class 10 25/11/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. SOTERA WIRELESS, INC. 9444 WAPLES STREET SUITE 280, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1008165B (12 37 39) (International Registration No. 1041164) Date of International Registration: 07/01/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/01/2010 Class 12 Cars; automobile bodies; undercarriages for vehicles, vehicle chassis; shock absorbers (suspension) for vehicles; gear boxes for land vehicles; bumpers (vehicle); propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; buses (motor). Class 37 Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; electric appliance installation and repair; air conditioning apparatus installation and repair; motor vehicle maintenance and repair; rustproofing; re-tinning; retreading of tires (tyres); vulcanization of tires (repair); fire alarm installation and repair. Class 39 Transport; transport of travellers; rescue operations (transport); car transport; car rental; car parking; parking place rental; vehicle rental; chauffeur services; arranging of tours. XIAMEN GOLDEN DRAGON BUS CO., LTD HULI STREET, HULI INDUSTRY ZONE, XIAMEN, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 188 T1008167I (41) (International Registration No. 1041168) Date of International Registration: 18/02/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/02/2010 Class 41 Entertainment services, namely, providing computer games, enhancements for computer games, online games, and information relating to computer games and game enhancements via global computer networks and electronic communication networks for use in connection with computers, mobile computers, media players, cellular phones, wireless devices and portable and handheld digital electronic devices; providing game applications for use in connection with computers, mobile computers, media players, cellular phones, wireless devices and portable and handheld digital electronic devices. Priority Claims: Class 41 18/08/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. PLAYDOM, INC. 100 WEST EVELYN AVENUE, SUITE 110, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94041, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 189 T1008221G (29 30 31) (International Registration No. 1041185) Date of International Registration: 01/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/04/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Orange, white, light green and dark green. Class 29 Preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; dried fruits for nutrition purposes; dried fruit for nutrition purposes, peanuts (processed), nuts (processed), fruit peels, fruit slices, almonds (processed), lentils (preserved); tinned fruit, nut grains. Class 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, cocoa-based beverages, cocoa products, sugar, spices, nutmegs, popcorn, rice. Class 31 Grains, particularly also for consumption purposes, peanuts (fruits), nuts; almonds (fruits), fresh fruits, lentils (fresh vegetables), berries (fruits), citrus fruits, grains; cocoa beans (raw); hazelnuts. Priority Claims: Class 29 22/12/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 30 22/12/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 31 22/12/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. SEEBERGER KG 36, HANS-LORENZER-STRASSE, 89079 ULM, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 190 T1008169E (07) (International Registration No. 1041193) Date of International Registration: 18/03/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/03/2010 Class 07 Mixing machines for coatings which are used in the automobile, marine and aviation industries. AKZO NOBEL COATINGS INTERNATIONAL B.V. VELPERWEG 76, NL-6824 BM ARNHEM, NETHERLANDS. T1008170I (09) (International Registration No. 1041211) Date of International Registration: 04/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/05/2010 Class 09 Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; accumulators, batteries and chargers therefor; apparatus for monitoring of batteries (all included in this class). Priority Claims: Class 09 07/01/2010 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. JOHNSON CONTROLS HYBRID AND RECYCLING GMBH AM LEINEUFER 51, 30419 HANNOVER, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 191 T1008171G (03 14) (International Registration No. 1041223) Date of International Registration: 12/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/05/2010 Class 03 Perfumes, eau-de-Cologne, toilet water, perfumery, essential oils for personal use, oils for cosmetic purposes, skin cleaning preparations, creams and lotions for the cleaning of the skin, cosmetics, creams, gels, cosmetic lotions and preparations for skin care, creams, gels and lotions for skin care for cosmetic purposes, moisturizing creams, nourishing creams, eye pencils, eye-liners, eyebrow pencils, make-up, eye shadows, rouge, nail polish, lipsticks, lip glosses, shiny lip plumper, lip liners, lip and nail balms. Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys other than for dental use; jewelry, precious stones, timepieces and chronometric instruments; rings (jewelry), brooches (jewelry), bracelets (jewelry), necklaces (jewelry); watches, key rings (trinkets or fobs); earrings. Priority Claims: Class 03 13/11/2009 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 14 13/11/2009 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. LOUBOUTIN CHRISTIAN 1 RUE VOLNEY, F-75002 PARIS, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 192 T1008224A (36) (International Registration No. 1041236) Date of International Registration: 15/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/04/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Green, white. Class 36 Financial transactions; financial affairs; making payments on-line, via the internet or by mobile phone; electronic funds transfers. Priority Claims: Class 36 08/12/2009 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. PARKMOBILE GROUP B.V. WISSELWERKING 40, NL-1112 XR DIEMEN, NETHERLANDS T1008172E (41) (International Registration No. 1041246) Date of International Registration: 07/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/05/2010 Class 41 Training and teaching in cell analyis, high content analysis and cell screening, employing the technologies of micro motif adhesion; arranging and conducting colloquiums, conferences and seminars in cell analysis, high content analysis and cell screening using the technologies of micro motif adhesion. Priority Claims: Class 41 23/11/2009 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. CYTOO 7 PARVIS LOUIS NEEL BHT, F-38000 GRENOBLE, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 193 T1008174A (03) (International Registration No. 1041262) Date of International Registration: 28/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/04/2010 Class 03 Soaps, perfumeries, dentifrices. essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, Priority Claims: Class 03 02/11/2009 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. PROCTER GMBH & GAMBLE MANUFACTURING COLOGNE WILHELM-MAUSER-STR. 40, 50827 KOLN, GERMANY T1008175Z (04) (International Registration No. 1041264) Date of International Registration: 21/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/05/2010 Class 04 Lubricating oils. Priority Claims: Class 04 19/04/2010 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. ULVAC, INC. 2500 HAGISONO, CHIGASAKI-SHI, KANAGAWA 253-8543, JAPAN. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 194 T1008176H (29) (International Registration No. 1041265) Date of International Registration: 02/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/04/2010 The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Fu Yi Nong" which has no meaning. Class 29 Chestnuts, processed; marmalade; nuts, prepared; frozen fruits; mushrooms, tinned (canned (Am.)); meat, tinned (canned (Am.)); vegetables, tinned (canned (Am.)); fruits, tinned (canned (Am.)); dehydrated vegetable; quik-frozen vegetable; peas, tinned (canned (Am.)). BEIJING FUYINONG CHESTNUTS CO., LTD 633, ZHENZHONGZHUANG, MIAOCHENG, HUAIROU, 100048 BEIJING, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 195 T1008177F (38 42) (International Registration No. 1041268) Date of International Registration: 08/06/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/06/2010 Class 38 Telecommunications services, namely, providing access to data transmission across service providers by independent service provider interconnect platforms with advanced switching capabilities. Class 42 Technical support, namely, monitoring of network systems. Priority Claims: Class 38 21/12/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 21/12/2009 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. CENX, INC. 1033 UNIVERSITY PLACE, SUITE 400, EVANSTON, IL 60201, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1008180F (19) (International Registration No. 679867) Date of International Registration: 09/09/1997 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/05/2010 Class 19 Ceramic materials, ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware tiles, ceramic thin bricks, porcelain stoneware thin bricks, non-metallic building materials, non-metallic tiles. MIRAGE GRANITO CERAMICO S.P.A. VIA GIARDINI NORD, FRIGNANO (MO), ITALY 225, I-41026 PAVULLO NEL Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 196 T1008181D (12) (International Registration No. 693057) Date of International Registration: 08/04/1998 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/03/2010 Class 12 Motor vehicles and parts, particularly gears for motor vehicles. AUDI AG 85045 INGOLSTADT, GERMANY. T1007572E (05 10) (International Registration No. 916026) Date of International Registration: 09/02/2007 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/04/2010 Class 05 Medicines and pharmaceutical preparations for human use. Class 10 Intrauterine contraceptives. N.V. ORGANON KLOOSTERSTRAAT 6, NL-5349 AB OSS, NETHERLANDS. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 197 T0913416J (12 35 37) (International Registration No. 939366) Date of International Registration: 16/08/2007 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/10/2009 Class 12 Tires; pneumatic tires for vehicles, in particular retreaded and renewed pneumatic tires for vehicles; solid rubber tires; complete wheels; inner tubes for tires; treads for retreading tires; self-adhesive patches for tires; wheel rims; parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods as far as included in this class. Class 35 Business management, marketing, advertising; organization and arranging of advertising events; organization of fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; promotional services; office functions, business information, procurement services for third parties (purchasing of goods and services for other enterprises), business consultancy, negotiation and procurement of contracts (for others), goods and service presentations, online advertising for third parties, retail and wholesale services in the range of tire business. Class 37 Vehicle service, namely maintenance and repair of vehicles and tires; retreading of tires; vulcanization of tires (repairing); vehicle breakdown repair services. CONTINENTAL REIFEN DEUTSCHLAND GMBH VAHRENWALDER STR. 9, 30165 HANNOVER, GERMANY AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 20 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-00 OCEAN TOWERS, SINGAPORE 048620 Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 198 T0813928B (01 05 09 10) (International Registration No. 976467) Date of International Registration: 07/08/2008 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/08/2008 By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0414635G, T0414637C, T0505461H, T0505465J and T0505467G. Class 01 Chemical reagents other than for medical or veterinary use; excluding chemical preparations, namely, filtering material and water treatment chemicals for aquariums, chemical test kits consisting essentially of chemicals for measuring chemical content of aquarium water, gravel additives and liquid fertilizers for plants used in aquariums, chemical products for use in fish tanks, fish ponds and aquariums, chemical products for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, chemical preparations, namely, filtering material, water treatment chemicals for fish tanks, fish ponds and aquariums, chemicals for measuring the level of chemicals in water, fertilizers for plants used in fish tanks, fish ponds and aquariums, substances for controlling the growth of aquatic weeds, chemical products for the treatment of water, for softening and hardening water (water conditioning), and for the purification of water in fish tanks, fish ponds and aquariums, chemical reagents for testing of chlorine, chemical preparations for neturalizing water. Class 05 Chemical reagents for medical and veterinary use; excluding chemical reagents used in respect of fish and aquatic animals, pharmaceutical preparations and vitamins for fish, veterinary preparations and sanitary substances for fish and aquatic animals, medications for fish and aquatic animals, additives and feed supplements for foods for fish and aquatic animals, vitamins and minerals, disinfectants, deodorants and pesticides for use in fish tanks, fish ponds and aquariums, preparations for controlling and destroying bacteria, fungus, parasites, weeds or vermin in fish tanks, fish ponds and aquariums, algae control preparations, algaecides, fungicides. Class 09 Apparatus for detecting micro-organisms, bacteria, yeasts, not for medical use; apparatus for analyzing biological samples; scientific apparatus and instruments (other than for medical use) excluding thermostats and thermometers for use in fish tanks, fish ponds and aquariums, weighing, measuring, regulating and checking apparatus for use in fish tanks, fish ponds and aquariums, electrical fittings for fish tanks, fish ponds and aquariums. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 199 Class 10 Apparatus for medical use for detecting microorganisms, bacteria, yeast, viruses; apparatus for medical use for analysing biological samples. BIOMERIEUX F-69280 MARCY L’ETOILE, FRANCE. AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 T1008226H (03 25) (International Registration No. 999172) Date of International Registration: 16/03/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/04/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Green. Class 03 Smoothing stones; cosmetic suntan preparations; cosmetic preparations for baths; incense sticks; hair lotions; false eyelashes; cosmetics; make-up removing preparations; deodorants for personal use; soaps; essential oils; hair sprays; dentifrices, hair lotions; make-up preparations; cosmetic sets; nail polish; nail care preparations; sachets for perfuming linen; perfumery; shaving products; shampoos; varnish-removing preparations. Class 25 Clothing; shoes (other than orthopaedic); gloves (clothing); belts (clothing); headgear; sportswear (other than for diving). AGNES ANDREE MARGUERITE MARIE TROUBLE 194 RUE DE RIVOLI, F-75001 PARIS, FRANCE. Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 200 Changes in Published Applications Errata Trade Mark No Journal No T0913857C 004/2010 Page No 157 Class Name and Address 29 MS DEV KUMARI D/O BAIJ NATH SHARMA TRADING AS SPA2407 GROUP 581 PASIR RIS SINGAPORE 510581 STREET 53, #12-13, Application should have been published with the following clause: Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Virgin". T1005479E 019/2010 172 04 (International Registration No. 1035546) JOINT STOCK COMPANY "NOVATEK" 22A, POBEDY ST, TARKO-SALE, PUROVSKIJ REGION, RU-629850 YAMALO-NENECKIJ AVTONOMNYJ OKRUG, RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Application should have been published with the following clause: The transliteration of the Russian characters appearing in the mark is "Novatek" which has no meaning. T1006103A 021/2010 127 25 (International Registration No. 1036918) JERNIMO JIMONEX POREZ MODESTO LAFUENTE, 33 - 6A, E-03600 ELDA (ALICANTE), SPAIN Name of applicant should have read: Jernimo Jimonex Perez Trade Marks Journal No. 027/2010 Page No. 201 Application Published But Not Proceeding Under Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.) Trade Mark No Journal No T0909216F 041/2009 Page No 155 Class Name and Address 25 CJL MARKETING SDN BHD 363-N, HALA PEMANCAR, 11700, GELUGOR, PENANG, MALAYSIA. T0911894G 048/2009 182 39 CONTRACT LIMITED RESOURCES MOBIL REFINERY, LONSDALE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA T0911896C 048/2009 183 40 CONTRACT LIMITED REFINERY ROAD, AUSTRALIA 5160, RESOURCES MOBIL REFINERY, LONSDALE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA HOLDINGS HOLDINGS REFINERY ROAD, AUSTRALIA 5160,