Huckabee - Baker-Clouse Construction LLC
Huckabee - Baker-Clouse Construction LLC
SECTION 01 1100 SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: 1. The "Project" of which the "Work" of this Contract is a part, is titled "NEW HIGH SCHOOL NO. 5 for Mansfield Independent School District" and is composed of a high school campus and related site work located in Mansfield, Texas. 2. The "Work" of this Contract is titled "NEW HIGH SCHOOL NO. 5" and is defined in the Contract Documents to include, but not necessarily to be limited to: a. A building including all mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and general construction work. b. Additional ancillary buildings, athletic fields and general construction work. c. All associated offsite roads, utilities and detention structures included in the drawings and project manual shall be included with this proposal. B. Related Work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division 01 of these Specifications. 2. The work of other contracts is described in various contract documents prepared therefore, some of which are in the possession of the Owner and are available for inspection by interested parties. C. Other Work: 1. Owner (if required by Municipality, State or Federal requirements) shall provide evidence to the municipality permitting the project that an asbestos survey has been completed by a person licensed under the Texas Asbestos Health Protection Act to perform such a survey. 2. The architect has no responsibility for the discovery, presence, handling, removal or disposal of or exposure of persons to hazardous materials or toxic substances in any form at the project site. 3. The architect is not required to execute certifications that would require knowledge, services or responsibilities beyond the scope of the architectural service agreement. 4. The architect assists the owner in the owner's responsibility to obtain applicable permits for demolition and construction. 5. Contractor to review and familiarize themselves with owner's Asbestos survey and plan and shall inform every worker that they use on this project as to the availability of these surveys and plans prior to starting any work. END OF SECTION Huckabee 01 1100-1 Summary of Work SECTION 01 1400 WORK RESTRICTIONS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: 1. Contractor shall comply with the following requirements concerning scope and work restrictions. B. Related Work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division 01 of these Specifications. 2. The work of other contracts is described in various contract documents prepared therefore, some of which are in the possession of the Owner and are available for inspection by interested parties. C. Specific Project Restrictions: 1. Contractor shall schedule project to allow for a full season of grow-in on the athletic fields. D. Project Phasing 1. Reference Section 00 7310 -Special Conditions of the Contract. END OF SECTION Huckabee 01 1400-1 Work Restrictions SECTION 01 2100 ALLOWANCES PART1 - GENERAL SUMMARY 1.1 A. Related Documents: General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract, Division 1 General Requirements, and Drawings are applicable to this Section, B. Section Includes, but is not limited to: 1. Allowances for project to cover items not precisely determined by the Owner prior to bidding, allow within the proposed Contract Sum the amounts described below. C. 1.2 Related Sections: 1. Section 04 2100 - Clay Masonry Units 2. Section 09 6613.16 - Monolithic Terrazzo Flooring 3 Section 09 9100 - Painting SPECIFIC CASH ALLOWANCES A. B. C. Allow the sum of $15,000.00 for Terrazzo School Mascot Logo(s) as outlined in section 09 6613.16 - Monolithic Terrazzo Flooring, and as directed by the Architect and Owner. Allow the sum of $3,000.00 for Painted Gymnasium Wall School Mascot(s) Graphics as outlined in section 09 9100 - Painting, and as directed by the Architect and Owner. Allow the sum of $125,000.00 for interior and exterior scoreboards. Base bid shall include all structural foundation, electrical and data requirements for a complete installation. END OF SECTION Huckabee 01 2100 -1 Allowances SECTION 01 2300 ALTERNATES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Related Documents: General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract, Division 1 General Requirements, and Drawings are applicable to this Section. B. 1.2 Section Includes, but is not limited to: 1. Identification and description of Alternate work. PROCEDURES A. Proposers are required to submit alternate proposals to add work or to deduct work from the base proposal as described below. Failure to submit alternate amounts in spaces provided on proposal form is basis for disqualification of proposal. B. The successful proposer shall not modify, withdraw or cancel any of the alternate proposals or any part thereof for 45 days after date of receipt of proposals, unless specifically noted otherwise. Contractor shall be responsible for any changes in the work affected by acceptance of these alternates. Include within the alternative proposal prices all costs, including materials, installations, and fees. Claims for additional dollars resulting from changes caused by the alternates will not be allowed. Refer to the drawings and project manual for items of work affected by alternates. C. D. E. F. 1.3 1.4 Alternates will be exercised at the option of the Owner. G. Coordinate related work and modify surrounding work as required to complete the Work, including changes under each alternate, when acceptance is designated in the Owner -Contractor Agreement. SELECTION AND AWARD OF ALTERNATES A. Indicate variation of proposal price for alternates described below and list on the proposal form or any supplement to it, which requests a 'difference' in proposal price by adding to or deducting from the base proposal price or by indicating "No Charge". B. Indicating "No Bid" as an alternate is unacceptable and is reason for rejection of the proposal. ALTERNATE DESCRIPTIONS A. Alternate Number 1: 1. If alternate Trane or Lennox air conditioning equipment is provided other than specified, provide manufacturer, series and model number on proposal form. PART2 - NOT USED PART3 - NOT USED END OF SECTION Huckabee 01 2300 - 1 Alternates SECTION 01 2500 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES PART1 1.1 1.2 - GENERAL SUMMARY A. Related Documents: General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract, Division 1 General Requirements, and Drawings are applicable to this Section. B. Section Includes, but is not limited to: 1. Procedures for submitting products for approval prior to bid. 2. Procedures for submitting products for approval after contract award. C. Related Sections: 1. Section 01 3300 - Submittal Procedures SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings, product data, and samples under provisions of Section 01 3300. B. Fax submittals are not acceptable. C. Manufacturer's Literature 1. Submit a minimum of three (3) copies prior to bid, and six (6) copies post contract award, Additional sets of literature may be required depending on job conditions and the number of parties involved. D. Samples 1. Provide sample identical to the precise article proposed to be provided. If actual sample Is not provided for substitotien review, submitl wilt be rejected. 2. Unless otherwise specified, submit samples inthe quantity whith is required to be returned, plus one which will be retained by the Archiect 1.3 PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION - PRIOR TO BID A. No products shall be used on the project unless they are specified or receive prior approval. B. Products to be reviewed prior to bid shaf be submitted and reviewed under the provisions of this section. C. Substit lJlon request including all required cocumentabton must be delivered to the Architect's office no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the proposal date designated in the project manual. Requests subnlitted late will not be considered. D, No product will be considered "as equal" to the product specified until it has been included as an allowable substitution, in a written Addendum to the project. 1.4 PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION - POST CONTRACT AWARD A, Product substitutions are not allowed except for the following provisions: 1. Product is required for compliance with interpretation with code compliance. 2. Product specified is unavailable. 3. Product proposed will provide a credit to the Owner. a. Contractor shall provide amount of proposed savings on the substitution request form. 4. Product proposed will provide a substantial benefit to the Owner's schedule. a. Contractor shall clearly delineate the positive impact to the project schedule. 5. Product supplier contractor default. a. Written documentation will be required to substantiate request. B. Substitution request including all required documentation must be delivered to the Architect's office no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after execution of the Contract. C. Reimbursement of Architect's costs 1. In the event substitutions are proposed to the Architect after the Contract has been awarded, the Architect will record all time used by him and by his consultants in evaluation of each such proposed substitution. Huckabee 01 2500 - 1 Substitution Procedures 2. 1.5 Whether or not the Architect approves a proposed substitution, the Contractor promptly upon receipt of the Architect's billing shall reimburse the Architect at the rate of two and one-half times the direct cost to the Architect and his consultants for all time spent by them in evaluating the proposed substitution. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. B. C. D, E. Regulatory Requirements: 1. Proposed product substitution shall comply with all applicable codes. Products not conforming to codes shall be removed and replaced at Contractors expense. Coordination of substitutions: 1. Prior to each product substitution, carefully review and coordinate all aspects of each item being submitted. 2. Verify that each item and the submittal for it conform in all respects with the specified requirements. 3. By submitting the substitution request form with each submittal, the contractor certifies that this coordination has been performed. Substitutions: 1. The Contract is based on the standards of quality established in the Contract Documents. 2. Products specified by reference to standard specifications such as ASTM and similar standards do not require further approval. 3. Do not substitute materials, equipment, or methods unless such substitution has been specifically approved in writing for this Work by the Architect. Miscellaneous Materials 1. If proposed product substitution requires additional materials or accessories for installation in the project, Contractor shall be responsible for all costs. Finishes 1. Proposed product substitution shall not decrease the selection of colors or finishes. 1.6 WARRANTY 1.7 A. Warranty of product shall not be less than that of specified product. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION REQUEST FORM A. B. C. D, E. The Architect's "Substitution Request Form" must be used for each product submitted for consideration. The form is located at the Architect's web site The Individual or Firm requesting a substitution must document that the requested substitution is equal or superior to the specified product. Failure to provide clear, accurate, and adequate documentation will be grounds for rejection. Any resubmittal will be handled as a new request. Required documentation shall consist of applicable information which would aid the Architect in making an informed decision. Include side by side product comparisons, technical data, laboratory test results, product drawings, etc. References shall include three projects, which are from one to two years old, and three projects older than five years. Provide a list of references with the owners contact name and phone number. If use of the proposed product would result in changes to the design of the building, the submittal shall describe fully the changes required to the drawings or project manual. Any cost dferencresuting from m-difications to the drawings and project manual and the cost of maktng the changes all be borne by the Preduc: Supplier, Incomplete forms shall be rejected. The decision of the Architect is final. END OF SECTION Huckabee 01 2500 - 2 Substitution Procedures SECTION 01 3100 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. B 1.2 DESCRIPTION A. B. 1.3 1.4 Related Documents: General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract, Division 1 General Requirements, and Drawings are applicable to this Section. Section Includes, but is not limited to: 1. Coordination of Work of the Contract. 2. Pre-construction conferences. 3. Scheduling and administration of progress meetings. 4. Pre-installation conferences. Coordinate scheduling, submittals, and work of the various sections of Specifications to assure efficient and orderly sequence of installation of construction elements, with provisions for accommodating items to be installed later. Coordinate sequence of Work to accommodate Owner occupancy as specified in Sections 01 1100 and 01 1400. SUBMITTALS A. Meetings 1. Agenda Items: To the maximum extent practicable, advise the Construction Program Supervisor at least 24 hours in advance of project meetings regarding items to be added to the agenda. 2. Minutes: a. The Construction Program Supervisor will compile typed minutes of each project meeting, and will furnish copies to the Contractor and required copies to the Owner within seven (7) days of the meeting. b. Recipients of copies may make and distribute such other copies as they wish. B. Coordination of Submittals a. Schedule and coordinate submittals specified in Section 01 3300. b. Coordinate work of various sections having interdependent responsibilities for installing, connecting to, and placing in service, such equipment. c. Coordinate requests for substitutions to assure compatibility of space, of operating elements, and affect on work of other sections. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Pre-installation Meetings 1 For those persons designated by the Contractor to attend and participate in project meetings, provide required authority to commit the Contractor to solutions agreed upon in the project meetings. PART 2 - NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 MEETINGS A. General 1. Meeting Schedule a. Except as noted below for Pre-construction Meeting, project meetings will be held weekly. b. Coordinate as necessary to establish mutually acceptable schedule for meetings. Project Management Huckabee 01 3100- 1 and Coordination 2. 3.2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING A. B. 3.3 Meeting Location a. The Construction Program Supervisor will establish meeting location. To the maximum extent practicable, meetings will be held at the job site. Pre-Construction Meeting will be scheduled to be held upon notification by the Construction Program Supervisor. 1. Provide attendance by authorized representatives of the Contractor and major subcontractors. 2. The Construction Program Supervisor will advise other interested parties, including the Owner, and request their attendance. Minimum Agenda: Data will be distributed and discussed on at least the following items. 1. Organizational arrangement of Contractor's forces and personnel, and those of subcontractors, materials suppliers, and Architect. 2. Channels and procedures for communication. 3. Construction schedule, including sequence of critical work. 4. Contract documents, including distribution of required copies of original Documents and revisions. 5. Processing of shop drawings and other data submitted to the Architect for review. 6. Processing of bulletins, field decisions, and change orders. 7. Distribution of electronic drawing files as specified in section 01 3300. 8. Rules and regulations governing performance of the Work. 9. Procedures for security, quality control, housekeeping, and related matters PROJECT MEETINGS A. Attendance: 1. To the maximum extent possible, assign the same person or persons to represent the Contractor at project meetings throughout progress of the Work, 2. Subcontractors, materials suppliers, and others may be invited to attend those project meetings in which their aspect of the Work is involved. B. Minimum Agenda: 1. Review, revise as necessary, and approve minutes of previous meetings. 2. Review progress of the Work since last meeting, including status of submittals for approval. 3. Identify problems which impede planned progress. 4. Review cost loaded CPM schedule, Reference Section 01 3200, Part 2, 2.1 Schedule Updates and Reports for qualification for payment approval. 5. Develop corrective measures and procedures to regain planned schedule. 6. Construction forecast for three (3) weeks. 7. Submittal Status. 8. Request for information status. 9. Change proposal / change order status, 10. Quality control. 11. Weather day requests. 12. Complete other current business. C. Revisions to minutes: 1. Unless published minutes are challenged in writing prior to the next regularly scheduled progress meeting, they will be accepted as properly stating the activities and decisions of the meeting. 2. Persons challenging published minutes shall reproduce and distribute copies of the challenge to all indicated recipients of the particular set of minutes. 3. Challenge to minutes shall be settled as priority portion of "old business" at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Huckabee 01 3100-2 Project Management and Coordination 3&4 PRE-INSTALLATION CONFERENCES A. Schedule pre-installation conferences required in individual Specification sections. Reference individual sections for meeting requirements. B. Not less than one week prior to commencing work in specified section, a preinstallation conference shall be held at the site. Attendance is mandatory for all trades affected by the section and related sections. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating this conference with all affected trades including but not limited to jobsite superintendent, specialty contractors, specialty foremen, and Architect). The Architect will conduct the business of this meeting. All work that takes place prior to this conference will be marked as rejected and will be removed, no exceptions. END OF SECTION Huckabee 01 3100-3 Project Management and Coordination SECTION 01 3200 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Pursuant to the General Conditions and/or the Supplemental Conditions of this Contract, the following additional scheduling requirements are a part of this Contract. B. Work under this Section shall consist of furnishing a Construction Schedule showing in detail how the Contractor plans to execute and coordinate the Work. The Construction Schedule shall be based on and incorporate the Project Phasing, the Contract Milestone Dates, and the Completion Dates specified in the OwnerContractor Agreement. The Construction Schedule shall show the order in which Contractor shall perform the Work, the projected dates for the start and completion of separable portions of the work, and the work to be performed during the School's scheduled holidays, weekends, or summer recess periods. Schedule shall include cost loading CPM. Furthermore, the Construction Schedule shall show any other information concerning Contractors work schedule as Owner may request. C. The Construction Schedule will be prepared and reported using a computer system which is capable of representing the Critical Path Method of scheduling hereinafter referred to as CPM including cost loading. The Construction Schedule will be represented by graphic diagrams and detailed schedule reports. 1.2 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. The Contractor's Construction Schedule Graphic Diagram, initial submittal and subsequent updates or revisions, shall show: 1. The order and interdependencies of the Contractor's activities and the major points of interface or interrelation with the activities of others, including Specific Dates for completion. 2. Conformance with and identification of the specified mandatory milestone dates and project phasing specified in the Contract Documents. 3. An activity number and description of work by activity. 4. The time required for procurement, delivery, and erection of the Contractor's permanent plant materials. 5. Delivery of Owner furnished material and equipment. 6. Shop fabrication and delivery. 7. Critical Path (or Paths). B. Erection and/or installation of all components of the work. 9. Testing of equipment and materials. Activity time periods for punch list work. 10. The schedule diagram will be a time scaled drawing. B. The level of detail of the schedule shall be such that no activity shall have a duration longer than fourteen (14) calendar days, except for procurement and General Conditions Activities or except at the discretion of the Owner's Project Manager. C. An activity is defined as any portion or element of work, action, and/or reaction that is precisely described, readily identifiable and is a function of a logical sequential process. All activity duration shall be given in calendar days. D. For all major equipment and materials fabricated or supplied for this Project, the schedule shall show a sequence of activities including: 1. Shop fabrication and delivery. 2. Erection or installation. 3. Testing of equipment and materials. 4. Required dates of completion. E. The Construction Schedule Detailed Reports, initial submittal and subsequent updates or revisions, shall indicate each of the following: 1. Description of activity including activity number/numbers. 2. Estimated duration time or remaining duration for each activity. 3. Early start date for each activity. 4. Late start date for each activity. 5. Early finish date for each activity. 6. Late finish date for each activity. Huckabee 01 3200=1 Construction Progress Documentation 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Float available for each path of activities containing float. Actual start date for each activity begun. Actual finish date for each activity completed. Identification of all critical path activities in the mathematical analysis. The critical path for the Project, with said path of activities being clearly and easily recognizable on the time-scaled graphic diagram, and the relationship between all non-critical activities and activities on the critical path shall be clearly shown on the graphic diagram. 12. The dollar value of each activity in relation to the schedule of values. This may be shown on a separate cost report. 13. The responsibility code for the Contractor or Subcontractor performing each activity or portion thereof. 14. The percentage complete of each activity in progress or complete. 1.3 SCHEDULE OF OFF-SITE ACTIVITIES A. The Contractor shall include in his Construction Schedule all procurement related activities which lead to the delivery of materials to the site in a timely manner. Upon written approval by the Project Manager, these activities may be submitted as a separate Off-Site Activities Schedule, properly correlated to the Construction Schedule. The schedule of off-site activities shall include, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Dates for submittals, ordering, manufacturing or fabricating, and delivery of equipment and materials. Long lead items requiring more than one month between ordering and delivery to site shall be clearly noted; 2. All significant activities to be performed by the Contractor during the fabrication and erection/installation in a Contractor's plant or on a job site, including materials/equipment purchasing, delivery; and 3. Contractor's drawings and submittals to be prepared and submitted to the architect. B. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for expediting the delivery of all material to be furnished by him so that the construction progress shall be maintained according to the current schedule for the Work. C. The Owner's Representatives shall be advised, in writing, by the Contractor whenever it is anticipated by the Contractor that the delivery date of any material and/or equipment furnished by the Contractor for installation will be later than the delivery date shown on the schedule, subject to schedule updates. D. Submittals, equipment orders and similar items are to be treated as schedule activities, and shall be given appropriate activity numbers. 1.4 FLOAT TIME A. Float or slack time is defined as the amount of time between the earliest start date and the latest start date or between the earliest finish date and the latest finish date of an activity or a chain of activities on the Construction Schedule. Float or slack time is not for the exclusive use or benefit of either the Contractor or the Owner. Contractor's work' shall proceed according to early start dates, and the Owner's Representatives shall have the right to reserve and apportion float time according to the needs of the Project. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that actual delays, affecting paths of activities containing float time, will not have any affect upon Contract completion times, providing that the actual delay does not exceed the float time associated with those activities. B. Extensions of time for performance as described in the Contract Documents will be granted only to the extent that time adjustment for the activity or activities affected by any condition or event which entitles the Contractor to a time extension exceed the total float or slack along the path of activities affected at the time of Notice to Proceed of a Change Order or the commencement of any delay or condition for which an adjustment is warranted under the Contract Document. Huckabee 01 3200-2 Construction Progress Documentation 1.5 SUBMITTAL AND APPROVAL A. Within fourteen (14) calendar days following Notice to Proceed, the Contractor will submit to the Project Manager and Architect a preliminary Construction Schedule in both graphic diagram and detailed report format for his construction/erection work scope. The Owner's Representatives will review the Contractor's schedule and provide their comments to ensure that the Contractor's schedule meets the specific requirements of the overall schedule. The form of submittal of the schedule is as follows: 1. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner's Representatives a transparency of his graphic diagram. The detailed reports shall be submitted on 81/2 x 11 paper. The Contractor may provide a computer diskette containing the complete schedule information if the computer system and software utilized by the Contractor is compatible with the system and software utilized by the Project Manager. B. The Owner's Representatives will review the Contractor's schedule for compatibility with the requirements of the Contract Documents. If necessary, a meeting will be held between the Owner's Representatives and Contractor to resolve any conflicts between the Contractor's schedule and requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall revise his schedule as required by the Owner's Project Manager and shall submit his revised schedule to the Project Manager within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting. C. Approval by the Owner and Owner's Representatives of the Contractor's Construction Schedule is advisory only and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for accomplishing the Work within each and every Contract required Milestone and Completion date. Omissions and errors in the approved Construction Schedule shall not excuse performance, which is not in compliance with the Contract. Approval by the Owner and Owner's Representatives in no way makes the Owner or Owner's Representatives an insurer of the Construction Schedule's success or liable for time or cost overruns flowing from its shortcomings. The Owner hereby disclaims any obligation or liability by reason of Owner or Owner's Representatives approval of or acquiescence to the Construction Schedule. D. It is to be expressly understood and agreed by the Contractor that the schedule is an estimate to be revised from time to time as progress proceeds, and that the Owner does not guarantee that Contractor can start work activities on the early or late start dates or complete work activities on the early finish or late finish date shown in the schedule, or as same may be updated or revised; nor does the Owner or Owners Representative guarantee that Contractor can proceed at all times in the sequence established by said scheduled. If Contractor's schedule indicates that Owner or a separate contractor is to perform an activity by a specific date, or within a certain duration, Owner or any separate contractor under contract with Owner shall not be bound to said date or duration unless Owner expressly and specifically agrees, in writing, to same; the Owner' s and / or the Owner's Representative's overall review and approval or acceptance of the schedule does not constitute an agreement to specific dates, duration or sequences for activities of the Owner or any separate contractor. E. If the Contractor, following approval of his Construction Schedule, desires to make changes in its method of operating and scheduling, he shall follow the procedures set out in paragraph 3.02, Schedule Revisions, of this Section. 1.6 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Within twenty-one (21) calendar days following Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall submit a Schedule of Values (using the breakdown of the Construction Schedule activities) for review by the Owner's Representatives. The Schedule of Values will allocate a dollar value (cost) for each activity of the Construction Schedule. Each activity cost allocation shall include a labor, equipment and material cost and a pro rata contribution to overhead and profit. The sum of all activity costs shall be equal to the total Contract Sum. Each activity cost shall be coded with a cost code corresponding to the subcontractor responsible for the Work so that subtotals for each division of the Work can be prepared. Huckabee 01 3200-3 Construction Progress Documentation B. Contractor shall submit a separate schedule of values as described in Item "A"for the following: 1. Offsite Water Line 2. Offsite Sanitary Sewer Line 3. Offsite Detention Facility C. Within thirty (30) calendar days following Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall participate in a conference with the Owner's Representatives to review, evaluate and approve the Schedule of Values. The approved Schedule of Values shall, in the best judgment of the Contractor, the Project Manager, and the Architect represent a fair, reasonable, and equitable dollar (cost) allocation for each activity on the Construction Schedule. PART 2 2.1 SCHEDULE UPDATES & REPORTS A. Every month, in conjunction with the monthly application for payment, the Contractor shall submit an updated graphic diagram and an updated detailed schedule report from the Construction Schedule. Contractors Application for Payment shall not be approved for pavment unless schedule is attached. The schedule shall be updated to show actual progress and the effect of delays and other events. The actual start and finish dates shall be included in the detailed report, as well as the actual dates of the Milestone events. B, The content of the updated Construction Schedule shall be equal to that noted in Section 1.02 Construction Schedule. C. The updated Construction Schedule submitted by Contractor shall not show a completion date later than the Contract Completion Date, subject to any time extensions approved by Owner. 2.2 PROGRESS PAYMENTS A. The submission and approval of progress updates and the reports calculating the value of work done for any given pay period for each activity based on the percentage complete for that activity less the amount previously paid for past percentages complete and percent of retainage shall be an integral part and basic element of the application upon which Progress Payments shall be made pursuant to the provisions of the General Conditions and/or Supplementary Conditions. The Contractor shall be entitled to progress payments only as determined from the current updated and approved Construction Schedule. Contractor shall submit (3) three original sets of AIA form G702 and G703. B. The initial and subsequent cost reports which are developed from the schedule of values shall include the following activity information: 1. Activity number and activity description. 2. Percentage of value of work in place against Total Value. 3. Total cost of each activity. 4. Value of work in place this period. 5. Value of work in place to date. 6. Value of uncompleted work. 7. Value of stored material not in place. C. The cost report will be submitted as supporting documentation to the Contractor's application for payment. The application for payment shall be submitted as required by the Contract Documents. PART 3 3.1 RECOVERY SCHEDULE A. Should the Contractor's Construction Schedule indicate that the progress of the work is behind schedule to the extent that any of the mandatory specific or milestone dates or completion dates are in jeopardy the Contractor shall be required to, at no extra cost to the Owner, prepare and submit to the Owner's Representatives a supplementary Recovery Schedule, in a form and detail appropriate to the need and explain and display how he intends to reschedule those activities to regain Huckabee 01 3200-4 Construction Progress Documentation compliance with the Construction Schedule during the immediate subsequent pay period. 3.2 SCHEDULE REVISIONS A. Should the Contractor, after approval of the initial Construction Schedule, desire to change his plan in construction, he shall submit his required revisions to the Owner's Representatives along with a written statement of the revisions including a description of the logic for rescheduling the work, methods of maintaining adherence to intermediate Milestones and Specific Dates and the reasons for the revisions. The Contractor shall revise his schedule to include the effect of changes, acts of God, and other conditions or events, which have affected the Schedule. If the requested changes are acceptable to the Owner and Owner's Representatives, the changes will be incorporated into the Construction Schedule in the next reporting period. B. When the Owner orders changes by change Order which have the potential to impact the Contract Milestones or Specific Dates stipulated in the Supplemental Conditions, a Schedule will be prepared by the Contractor and provided to the Owner's Representatives for concurrence or revision. After the proposed schedule revision has been mutually agreed upon, it will be incorporated into the Construction Schedule. Change Order logic will affect only those activities and performance data directly concerned. Adjustments in Scheduled intermediate Completion Dates or for the Contract as a whole will be considered only to the extent that there is insufficient remaining float to absorb these changes. C. Any change to the approved Construction Schedule must be approved, in writing, by the Owner and Contractor, 0, Neither the updating or revision of Contractor's Construction Schedule nor the submission, updating, change or revision of any report or schedule submitted to Owner's Representatives by Contractor under this Section nor Owner's review or nonobjection of any such report or schedule shall have the effect of amending or modifying, in any way, the Contract Time, any Contract Completion Date, or Contract Milestone Dates or of modifying or limiting in any way Contractor's obligations under this Contract. 3.3 REQUESTED TIME ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE A. The updated Construction Schedule submitted by Contractor shall not show a completion date later then the Contract Time, subject to any time extensions approved by Owner: Provided, however, that if Contractor believes he is entitled to an extension of the Contract Time under the Contract Documents, Contractor shall submit to Owner's Representatives, with each progress payment update, a separate schedule analysis (entitled "Requested Time Adjustment Schedule") indicating suggested adjustments in the Contract Time which should, in the opinion of Contractor, be made in accordance with the Contract Documents by time extension, due to changes, delays or conditions occurring during the past month or previously, or which are expected or contemplated by Contractor (whether such conditions are excusable under the Contract or are alleged to be due to Contractor or Owner fault); this separate schedule, if submitted, shall be time-scaled utilizing a computer generated and computer-drawn Schedule analysis schedule, unless otherwise approved by the Owner's Representative and shall be accompanied or preceded by a formal time extension request as required by the Contract and a detailed narrative justifying the time extension requested. B. The time extension request shall include schedule forecasts that predict the actual Project Completion Date, and any separable portions thereof specified by Owner plus a forecast of the actual achievement of any milestones listed in the Owner-Contractor Agreement. C. To the extent any time extension requests are ending at the time of any update in the Construction Schedule, the "Requested Time Adjustment Schedule" shall also be updated each month, to reflect any adjustments made by Contractor in the logic, sequence or duration of any activities in the Construction Schedule, or any time extensions previously granted by Owner, and to reflect actual or expected progress, in order that the "Requested Time Adjustment Schedule" shall clearly and accurately Huckabee 01 3200-5 Construction Progress Documentation reflect Contractor's Actual intention and proposed time adjustments as of the latest update. D. Neither the Owner, the Project Manager or the Architect shall have any obligation to consider any time extension request unless the requirements of the Contract Documents, and specifically, but not limited to these requirements, are complied with; and Owner shall not be responsible or liable to Contractor for any constructive acceleration due to failure of Owner to grant time extensions under the Contract Documents should Contractor fail to substantially comply with the submission requirements and the justification requirements of this Contract for time extension requested. Contractor's failure to perform in accordance with the Construction Schedule shall not be excused, nor be chargeable to Owner, because Contractor has submitted time extension requests or the "Requested Time Adjustment Schedule". 3.04 CONTRACTOR'S DAILY FIELD REPORT A. Daily reports shall be used to record a chronological, day-to-day account of the work force, the respective activities performed, the weather conditions, and any specific events that take place on the Project. B. The Daily Report shall not be used as a communication tool. Any situations requiring specific action shall be brought to the attention of the appropriate party by means of written correspondence, memoranda, or meeting minutes. C. Photographs shall be used with the Daily Report to clarify or confirm statements and concerns. D. The Contractor shall produce a Daily Report including the following information: 1. Date. 2. Weather, temperature, wind, and precipitation. 3. Number of workers on site, listed by Sub-Contractor and Trade. 4. Material and equipment deliveries. 5. Construction quantities placed. 6. General description of the Work accomplished. 7. Specific problems encountered. 8. Meetings held. 9. List of visitors to the site and their companies. 10. Construction photographs. NOTE: Provide Owner with copies of signed Daily Report at weekly progress meetings. 3.5 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION A. Plan interpretations or directions shall be submitted to the Architect in the form of a written "R.FI." (Request for Information), and the architect shall respond to such R.F.l.s in a reasonable and timely manner. If additional funds are required, they shall be stated in the R.F.l. or it will be assumed that no additional costs will be incurred due to the inquiry. Any R.F.I. response which creates an increase of cost must be submitted within 21 days or R.FI. is considered closed and no additional funds will be considered. No extension of contract time will be allowed for delays in receiving a response to the R.F.I. END OF SECTION Huckabee 01 3200-6 Construction Progress Documentation SECTION 01 3300 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 1.2 1.3 SUMMARY A. Related Documents: General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract, Division 1 General Requirements, and Drawings are applicable to this Section. B. Section Includes, but is not limited to: 1. Submittal Procedures 2. List of Required Submittals to Architect/Engineer 3. Color Selections 4. Electronic File Procurement C. Related Sections: 1. Section 01 3100 - Project Management and Coordination 2. Section 01 4100- Regulatory Requirements 3. Section 01 2500 - Substitution Procedures DEFINITIONS A. Shop Drawing - shop drawings, diagrams, schedules and other data specifically prepared for the work by the contractor, subcontractor, manufacturer, or supplier to illustrate some portion of the work. B. Product Data - product data are illustrations, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, and brochures, furnished by the contractor to illustrate materials or equipment to illustrate some portion of the work. C. Sample - physical examples which illustrate materials for some portion of the work evaluated for product compliance. D. Color Sample - physical examples which illustrate color or texture for use in color selection. E. Submittal - the submittal is the compilation of the shop drawing, product data, sample, color sample as requested by the specifications. SUBMITTALS REQUIRED 1. Submittals to the Architect which are not listed below will not be reviewed by the Architect and will not be returned to the Contractor. 2. Contractor shall submit all products which require a color selection. Contractor shall only submit actual product sample. Remainder of submittal shall be retained by contractor. Refer to color sample procedures below. 3. The Contractor may require his subcontractors to provide drawings, setting diagrams, and similar information to help coordinate the project, but such data shall remain between the Contractor and his subcontractors and will not be reviewed by the Architect. 4. Where required by specification sections, provide submittals to the Contractor for review and approval. Contractor shall maintain a copy of all submittals at the project site. 5. Upon request by the Architect, Contractor shall submit additional items as required. 6. Only the following listed items shall be submitted to the Architect for review: a. Section 03 3000 - Cast-In-Place Concrete 1) Concrete Mix Designs 2) Shop Drawings - Anchor bolt setting plan 3) Shop Drawings - grade beam, and slab reinforcing steel 4) Shop Drawings - construction joint plan b. Section 03 4100 - Precast Structural Concrete 1) Shop drawings with seal of professional engineer (Texas). Huckabee 01 3300-1 Submittal Procedures c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. I. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. Huckabee Section 05 1200 - Structural Steel Framing 1) Shop drawings. Section 05 2100 - Steel Joist Framing 1) Shop drawings, Section 05 3123 - Steel Roof Decking 1) Product Data - Deck type and finish Section 05 3113 - Steel Floor Decking 1) Product Data - Deck type and finish Section 05 4400 - Cold-Formed Metal Trusses 1) Shop drawings with seal of professional engineer (Texas). Section 06 4100 - Architectural Cabinets 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. 2) Shop Drawings - all components required per spec section. Section 07 5100 - Built-Up Bituminous Roofing 1) Shop Drawings - include attachment pattern and method, engineering requirements, and perimeter details. 2) Product Data - Indicate any proposed changes recommended by the manufacturer. Section 07 6113- Standing Seam Sheet Metal Roofing 1) Shop Drawings - include attachment pattern and method, engineering requirements, and perimeter details. 2) Shop drawings with seal of professional engineer (Texas). 3) Product Data - Indicate any proposed changes recommended by the manufacturer. Section 08 1100 - Metal Doors and Frames 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. 2) Shop Drawings - all components required per spec section. Section 08 1416 - Flush Wood Doors 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. 2) Shop Drawings - all components required per spec section. Section 08 4100 - Entrances and Storefronts 1) Shop drawings with seal of professional engineer (Texas), Section 08 7100 - Door Hardware 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. 2) Shop Drawings - all components required per spec section. Section 08 4413 - Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls 1) Shop drawings with seal of professional engineer (Texas). Section 09 6613.13 - Sand Cushion Terrazzo Flooring/09 6613.16 Monolithic Terrazzo Flooring 1) Shop drawings - Divider Strip layout. Section 09 6466 - Wood Athletic Flooring 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. 2) Shop drawings - Court layouts/markings. Section 09 6726 - Quartz Flooring 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. Section 10 1416 - Plaques 1) Shop Drawing - sign copy layout. Section 10 1414 - Exterior Signage 1) Shop Drawing - signage copy layout. Section 10 1415 - Interior Signage 1) Shop Drawing - sign copy layout. 2) Product Sample Section 10 5113 - Metal Lockers 1) Product Data- all components required per spec section. 2) Shop Drawings - all components required per spec section. Section 11 4000 - Food Service Equipment 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. 2) Shop Drawings - all components required per spec section. Section 11 3100- Residential Appliances 1) Product Data- all components required per spec section. 01 3300-2 Submittal Procedures y. z. aa. bb. cc. dd. ee. ff. gg. hh. ii. jj. kk. 1.4 Section 11 6623- Gymnasium Equipment 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. Section 11 6643 - Interior Scoreboards 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. 2) Shop Drawings - all components required per spec section. Section 11 5300- Laboratory Equipment 1) Product Data- all components required per spec section. 2) Shop Drawings- all components required per spec section. Section 11 6833 - Athletic Field Equipment 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. Section 13 3416 - Grandstands and Bleachers 1) Shop drawings with seal of professional engineer (Texas). Section 13 3419 - Metal Building Systems 1) Shop drawings with seal of professional engineer (Texas). Section 14 2423 - Hydraulic Passenger Elevators 1) Product Data- all components required per spec section. 2) Shop Drawings - all components required per spec section. Divisions 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 26 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. 2) Shop Drawings - all components required per spec section. 3) Product Data - all components required per spec section. 4) Shop Drawings - all components required per spec section. Section 31 3116 - Termite Control 1) Product Data - all components required per spec section. Section 31 6329 - Drilled Concrete Piers and Shafts 1) Shop Drawings - reinforcing steel Section 32 1823,33 - Running Track Surfacing 1) Shop drawings with seal of professional engineer (Texas). 2) Shop drawings - Track / Event layouts/markings. 3) Product Data- all components required per spec section. Section 32 8400 - Planting Irrigation 1) Shop drawings with seal of professional engineer (Texas). 2) Product Data - all components required per spec section. Section 32 1823.53 -Tennis Courts 1) Shop drawings with seal of professional engineer (Texas). 2) Shop drawings - Court layouts/markings. SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals of shop drawings, samples, and other items in accordance with the provisions of this Section and additional applicable sections of Division 1. B. Product Data 1. Where the content of manufacturer submittal literature includes data not pertinent to the submittal, clearly indicate which portions of the contents are being submitted for review. 2. Submit a minimum of six (6) copies. Additional sets of literature may be required depending on job conditions and the number of parties involved. C. Shop Drawings 1. Scale and measurements: Make Shop Drawings accurately to a scale sufficiently large to show all pertinent aspects of the item and its method of connection to the Work. 2. Types of prints required: a. Submit Shop Drawings in blue-line or black-line prints, minimum of six (6) sets blueline or blackline prints of each sheet. b. Additional sets of Shop Drawings may be required depending on job conditions and the number of parties involved. 3. Review comments of the Architect will be shown on the returned sets to the Contractor. The Contractor may make and distribute such copies as are required for his purposes. 4. Fax submittals are not acceptable. Huckabee 01 3300-3 Submittal Procedures D. Samples 1 Provide sample or samples identical to the precise article proposed to be provided. Identify as described under "identification of submittals" below. 2. Number of samples required: a. Unless otherwise specified, submit Samples in the quantity which is required to be returned, plus one which will be retained by the Architect. b. By pre-arrangement in specific cases, a single sample may be submitted for review and, when approved, be installed in the Work at a location agreed upon by the Architect. E. 1.5 1.6 Closeout Submittals: 1. Submit under provisions of Section 01 7800 - Closeout Submittals. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Coordination of submittals: 1. Prior to each submittal, carefully review and coordinate all aspects of each item being submitted. 2. Verify that each item and the submittal for it conform in all respects with the specified requirements. 3. By affixing the General Contractor's approval stamp and an authorized signature to each submittal, certify that this coordination has been performed. 4. Submittals received by the Architect without the General Contractor's stamp will be rejected. SEQUENCING A. Within 15 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit submittals required by each section and as noted above. B. Make submittals far enough in advance of scheduled dates for installation to provide time required for reviews, for securing necessary approvals, for possible revisions and re-submittals, and for placing orders and securing delivery. C. Revisions: 1. Make revisions required by the Architect. 2. If the Contractor considers any required revision to be a change, he shall so notify the Architect as provided for in the General Conditions. 3. Make only those revisions directed or approved by the Architect. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for delays caused by rejection of inadequate or incorrect submittals. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers submitted shall be as per the acceptable manufacturers listed in each specification. For additional manufacturers requiring approval, reference Section 01 2500 - Substitution Procedures. 2.2 EXISTING PRODUCTS A. 2.3 Where existing items are shown on the drawings to be incorporated into new construction, indicate on shop drawings the coordination required. COLORS AND PATTERNS A. Unless the precise color and pattern is specifically called out in the Contract Documents, and whenever a choice of color or pattern is available in the specified products, submit accurate color and pattern charts to the Architect for selection. B. Contractor shall hold all color samples until all items requiring color selections are received. Only then shall the actual color samples be submitted to the Architect for selection. Huckabee 01 3300-4 Submittal Procedures Contractor shall submit a complete transmittal letter with each related group of items. Each sample shall be properly labeled with the name of the project, contractor, manufacturer, and date of submission. Incomplete color submittals will be returned to the Contractor. 2. The Contractor shall allow five (5) weeks after all colors are submitted for final Owner approval. Once colors are selected, and received at the job site and prior to application or installation, the Contractor shall submit one (1) sample of each item to the Architect for verification of color and pattern. 1. The Contractor shall allow five (5) working days from date of receipt of submission for verification notification. 1 C. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 ELECTRONIC DRAWING FILE REQUEST A. 3.2 At the pre-construction meeting, the Architect will provide the Contractor with an electronic file release form for the master base floor plan file. Upon the contractor executing the agreement, the Architect will provide the Contractor one (1) electronic copy of the master floor plan base file at no charge within five (5) working days. B. Contractor requesting master plan or site files prior to bid award shall pay $250.00 for each file. Any other files shall follow procedure below including fee payment. C. Individual Drawing Sheets 1. All CAD file requests shall be made to the Architect by the prime Contractor only. 2. The sub-contractor will be required to pay $250.00 per requested individual sheet. 3. The Contractor shall allow ten (10) working days for 'A' sheets and fifteen (15) working days for all other sheets from the date the Architect receives an executed agreement and required payment for the procurement of the files. 4. The prime Contractor shall follow the following procedure: a. The subcontractor shall submit a list of sheet numbers to the prime Contractor. b. The prime Contractor shall submit a written request to the Architect, c. The Architect will return a completed electronic document agreement to the prime Contractor. d, When an executed agreement and payment are returned to the Architect, the electronic files will be delivered to the prime Contractor. IDENTIFICATION OF SUBMITTALS A. All submittals shall be tracked. B. Submittals shall be numbered as follows: 1. Number shall be appropriate specification section - consecutive submittal number for section. 2. Example - Ceramic Tiling: 09 3013 - 5 3. When material is re-submitted for any reason, transmit under a new letter of transmittal and with a new transmittal number. 4. On re-submittals, cite the original submittal number for reference. Accompany each submittal with a letter of transmittal showing all information required for identification and checking. On at least the first page of each submittal, and elsewhere as required for positive identification, show the submittal number in which the item was included. Maintain an accurate submittal log on project management web site for the duration of the Work, showing current status of all submittals at all times. C. D. E. Huckabee 01 3300-5 Submittal Procedures 3.3 GROUPING OF SUBMJTTALS A. Unless otherise specified, make submittals in groups containing all associated items to assure that informaton is available for checking each item when Kis received. I. Partial submittals may be rejected as not complying with the provisions of the Contract. 2. The Contractor may be held liable for delays so occasioned. END OF SECTION Huckabee 01 330.-6 Submittal Procedures SECTION 01 4100 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS PART I - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Related Documents: General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract, Division 1 General Requirements, and Drawings are applicable to this Section. B. Section Includes, but is not limited to: 1. Code and regulatory compliance for the associated Work. C. Building Code Compliance 1. Building Code - International Building Code, 2003 Edition. 2. Plumbing Code - International Plumbing Code, 2003 Edition. 3. Mechanical Code - International Mechanical Code, 2003 Edition. 4. Electrical Code - International Electrical Code, 2003 Edition. 5. Life Safety Code - NFPA 101, Current Edition. D. Energy Code Compliance 1. Energy Code - International Energy Code, 2003 Edition. 2. Contractor shall provide, at the jobsite office, 1 copy of the completed energy code review. 3. Contractor shall notify [ jurisdictional authority/ Building Code Consulting Services ] for all energy inspections. E. Accessibility Compliance 1. Accessibility requirements are from the ADA Accessibility guidelines for buildings and facilities, and Texas Accessibility Standards of the Architectural Barriers Act. 2. The information contained in this section is summarized from the guidelines to provide answers to the majority of the questions that Huckabee & Associates, Inc. receives. This section is in no way a complete reproduction of the ADA guidelines or TAS, nor does it cover all sections. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to be familiar with the standards and to apply the standards to all aspects of the project. 3. Contractor shall provide, at the jobsite office, 1 copy of the Texas Accessibility Standard (T.A.S.) regulations as prepared by the Texas Dept. of Licensing and Regulation, concerning handicap accessibility. The Contractor shall conform to the regulations as set forth in the T.A.S. Copies can be obtained at Texas Department of Licensing & Regulations, P.O. Box 12157, Austin, TX; (512) 463-3211 / Fax (512) 475-2886; 4. Federal Register: a. Vol. 56, No. 144, July 26, 1991, Rules and Regulations; Appendix A to part 36 - Standards for Accessible Design. b. 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 C.F.R. part 51, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities; Building Elements Designed for Children's Use. 5. Texas Accessibility Standards a. The Elimination of Architectural Barriers Program; Article 7, Article 601 b, (Revised by Article 9102, Texas Civil Statutes. 04/01/94) Huckabee 01 4100- 1 Regulatory Requirements 1.2 ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS A. General 1. Some requirements vary depending on age or school grade. Refer to the table enclosed for the varying heights required. 2. The following information is provided in sections, which contain similar information. At the end of each item, there is a number in parenthesis, this number is a reference to the TAS Guidelines which can help if there are any questions. The sections are as follows: a. Accessible Route - Anything that is from the parking lot to the building. b. Interior Spaces - Miscellaneous items inside the building. c. Doors - Hardware force requirements. d. Toilet Rooms - Items in rest rooms. e. Alarms - Fire Alarm systems and exist devices. f. Signage - Interior sign specifications. B. Accessible Route 1. Sidewalk Slope: Maximum slope, 1:20 or 5%. (4.3.7) 2. Sidewalk Cross Slope: Maximum slope, 1:50 or 2%. (4.3.7) 3. Grate: Openings shall be no greater than 1 " in one direction, and elongated openings shall be perpendicular to the direction of travel. (4.5.4) 4. Parking Spaces: Slope shall not exceed 1:50 or 2% In all directkens (4,6.3) 5. Parking Signage Signs shall be located so that they cannot be obsciured by a vehicle. Signs shall be mounted at 60" to the bottom of the lowest lettering of symbol on the sign above parking grade. Signs shall be of such a design that designates the parking space as a space reserved for disabled persons. Signs required to be "Van Accessible," shall have an additional sign mounted below the symbol of accessibility labeled "Van Accessible." (4.6.4) 6. Curb Ramps: Transitions from ramps to walks, gutters or streets shall be flush and free of abrupt changes. Maximum slope 1:12. (4.7.2) 7. Curb ramps shall be minimum of 36" wide. (7.7.3) 8. Side slope or flare of curb ramps shall be a maximum of 1:10 or 10%. (4.7.5) 9. Curb Ramp Texture: Textures shall consist of exposed crushed stone aggregate, roughened concrete, rubber, raised abrasive strips, or grooves extending the full width and depth of the curb ramp. Surfaces that are raised, etched, or grooved in a way that would allow water to accumulate are prohibited. For purposes of warning, the full width and depth of curb ramps shall have a light reflective value and texture that significantly contrasts with that of adjoining pedestrian routes. (4.7.4 1 and 2) 10. Ramps: maximum slope 1:12, maximum rise shall be 30". (4.8.2) 11. Edge of ramps and landings with drop-offs at the sides, shall have a 2" minimum curb. (4.8.7) 12. Ramp Landings: Landing shall be level. Length shall be 60" minimum, width shall be as wide as ramp. 13. Ramps that change Direction: Landing shall be a minimum of 60" x 60". (4.8.4) 14. Handrails: Top of handrail shall be mounted between 34" and 36" above ramp surfaces. Clear space between handrail and wall shall be 1 W". Handrails shall be continuous. Handrails shall not rotate within their fittings. (4.8.5) Reference attached table for alternate mounting heights when primary users are children. 15. Building Code: If the ramp rises higher than 30" and is open on either side, the rail openings must be smaller than 4", and the bottom of the rail shall be no more than 2" from the ground. C. Huckabee Interior Spaces 1, Stair Nosings: Radius of nosing shall be a maximum of 1". (4.9.3) 2. Carpet: Shall have a firm cushion, pad, or backing. Maximum pile thickness shall be W". Exposed edges of carpet shall be fastened to floor surfaces and have trim along the entire length of the exposed edge. (4.5.3) 01 4100-2 Regulatory Requirements 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Fire Extinguishers: Mounting height shall be 48" to the handle or as noted on the drawings for extinguishers in a recessed cabinet. Mounting height shall be 48" for extinguishers mounted on a wall. Do not install in such a way as to project more than 4" from wall. Elevators: Floor, Landing shall be withir a tolerance of 1W0 between car and floor, (4,10.2) Hall: Call buttons shall be centerm at 4Z AFF. (4AO.3) Hall Lanterns shall be centered 72" A.F,F, (4,10,4) loor: Designation shall be centered 60 AF,f- (4,10.6) Reopening: Doevice shall remain effective for at least 20 seconds. (4,10 6) Car: Calls shail be open a minimum of 3 seconds. For more detailed information on car controls and configurations, reference the written standards. D. Doors 1. Clear Width of Doors: Minimum clear opening is 32". 2. Doors at vestibules: The minimum distance from the end of an open door to the next is 48". (4.13.7) 3. Thresholds: Maximum height of threshold is Y". Beveled slopes shall be a maximum of 1:2. (4.13.8) 4. Door Hardware: Shall be "U" shaped, push type, or a lever handle, Shall be mounted no higher than 48' AF.F. (4.13.9) 5. Door Closers: The door shall take at least 3 seconds to close from an open position of 70 degrees to a point 3" from the latch. (4.13.10) 6. Door Opening Force: Interior doors shall have a maximum opening force of 5 lbs. Exterior doors shall have an open force of 8.5 lbs. 7. Door Clearance: The clearance between strike side of door and wall or object shall be 12" on the push side and 18" on the pull side. F Toilet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Huckabee Rooms Toilets: Reference Chart at the end of this Section. Urinals: Reference Chart at the end of this Section. Lavalories: Reference Chart for heights. Grab Bars: Rear grab bar is a minimum of 36" in fength 12' rnaximum from centerine of toilet ftxtLre to grab bar), (2-0 ' at Elementary School children's toilets and located on the wide side of the stall as close as pra cficsl to the flush vale) side grab bar is a minimum of 42" in length (12" maxmum 1m partition or wall to grab bar) Grab bar diameter shall be between I 'I" - I W' with a I %W space between grab bar and wall, Refer to Table ,1 for mounting heights (4.26,2) Flush Controls: Shall be mounted on the wide side of the toilet. Refer to chart for control heights. (4.16.5) Exposed Pipes: Exposed pipes below lavatories shall be insulated. There &hall be no sharp or abrasive surfaces under lavatories. (4.19.4) Faucess Faucets shall be push type, lever operated, or electronically operated. If faucets have self-closing valves, they must remain open for at least 10 seconds (4.19.5) Coat Hooks: Shall be mounted at 48" A.F.F. to the center of the hook for handicapped stalls. Mount hooks at 54" for conventional stalls. Dispensers: Dispensers shall be mounted 48 A,FF, to the activating mechanism, Dispensers include: soap, paper towel, toilet seat cover (For varyir g requirements, refer to table 1.1) Todet Paper Dispensers: Shall be fre flowing, mounted a rnirimum of 19' AF F to the center, aid a maximum of 36" from the wall behind the toilet (Fig 30) Toilet Stall Doors: 32" clear when door is open. Provide 9" toe clearance at bottom of partition. Toilet Stall Door Hardware: Hardware shall be "U" shaped, push type, or a lever handle. Shall be mounted no higher than 48" A.F.F. Toilet Distance from Wall: 18" from wall to centerline of toilet. Mirrors: Top of all accessible mirrors shall be not lower than 74" A.F.F., refer to chart on drawings for bottom edge elevations. 01 4100-3 Regulatory Requirements 15. F. Alarms 1. Audible Alarms: Shall produce a sound that exceeds the prevailing equivalent sound level in a room or space by at least 15 dba or exceeds any maximum sound level with a duration of 60 seconds by 5 dba, whichever is louder. Sound levels for alarms signals shall not exceed 120 dba. (4.28.2) 2. Visual Alarms: Visual alarm signal appliances shall be integrated into the building or facility fire alarm system. Visual alarm signal appliances shall flash. For more detailed requirements on fire alarms contact the Architect. (4.28.3) The top of these appliances shall be placed 80" above the highest floor level within the space or 6" below the ceiling which ever is lower. 3, Pull Stations: Reference chart for mounting heights. G. Signage 1. Character Proportion: Letters and numbers on signs shall have a width-toheight ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and a stroke-width-to-height ratio between 1:5 and 1:10. (4.30.3) 2. Raised and Braille Characters and Pictorial Symbol Signs: Letters and numerals shall be raised 1/32", upper case, sans serif or simple serif type and shall be accompanied with grad 2 Braille. Raised characters shall be at least 5/8" high, but no higher than 2". Pictograms shall be accompanied by the equivalent verbal description placed directly below the pictogram. The border dimension of the pictogram shall be 6: minimum in height. (4.30.4) 3. Finish and Contrast: The characters and background of signs be eggshell, matte, or other non-glare finish. Characters shall contrast with their backgrounds. 4. Mounting Location: Sign shall be installed on the latch side of the door. Where there is no wall space to the latch side of the door, including at double leaf doors, signs shall be placed on the nearest adjacent wall. Mounting height shall be 60" A.F.F. to the centerline of the sign. Distance from the doorframe shall be 8" maximum. (4.30,6) PART2 2.1 Showers: a. 36" x 36" Stalls 1) Provide folding seat mounted at 17" to 19" A.F.F, and extend full depth of the stall (4.21.3) (Fig. 36). 2) Grab bars shall comply with 4.26 and Fig 37. 3) Faucets and other controls shall comply with 4.27.4 and shall be mounted on the side wall opposite the seat. The shower spray unit shall be provided with a hose at least 60" long, mounted at 4" A.F.F. (4.21.5, 4,21.6) (Fig. 35), b. 30" x 60" Showers 1) Provide folding seat mounted at 17" to 19" A.F.F., adjacent to the controls (Fig. 57) when indicated by the drawings. 2) Grab bars shall comply with 4.26 and Fig 37. 3) Faucets and other controls shall comply 4.27.4 and shall be located as shown in Fig. 37. The shower spray unit shall be provided with a 60" long hose and shall be mounted at 48" A.FF. for forward reach or 54" A.F.F. side reach (as appropriate for the shower design) (4.21.5) (4.21.6) (Fig. 35). - PRODUCTS PRODUCTS - GENERAL A. Huckabee Contractor shall note that no regulatory agency designates products with a formal "ADA Approved" designation. Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring all products are reviewed for accessibility compliance. 01 4100-4 Regulatory Requirements PART 3 3.1 - EXECUTION REPAIR A. Non-Compliant Work 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing and correcting all work that is found to be in non-compliance. 2. The Contractor shall perform all work at no expense the owner. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible to perform all repairs regardless of the date at which the non-compliant items are found. 4. The work shall be performed such that there will be no disruption to the Owner schedule. PART4 - SCHEDULES 4.1 SEATING CAPACITY - REQUIRED ACCESSIBLE SPACES CHART 21401 51 to 300 500 to----- 501 to600 ......... . 81 ..........to1902 701 to 800 ----------- 7 7 :" - -------- - ------ 1 12 1001 tol 100 110-_t120 1201 to 1300 _ __ 15 16 17 ------ to 1500 . 15 1501 to 160001 ---- to 1800 -------1-01 1701 ola ' -------------. _9 - -...... .- --------1901 to 2600 ____ Huckabee . ....-.-1301 to 1400 ----------------------.-.-.-.-.-1- 4 ~to25 2.!.d. !* -------.--- _ _ ........ 21-...... -- I-------.... 2201 to 2300 2301 to 2400- 24 1 3------------ --2401 to 2500 14-- 01 4100-5 ----------19 19......... ( ...... 2-501to2600 1 25 . 26 Regulatory Requirements . 4.2 MOUNTING HEIGHTS CHART A. This facility is designed for high school use. Grade Range iPm-Kthru 8 / 4thraut 1 AgqeR.angeJ Reach Ranges 4 thru 6 6 hu8 LilthiI4 T............... 9thru 11 FrontalApprach pmcfl I 15,"42 _42 , Side Approach.9"- 48' 15 42" 42" T 115-45" -1'61 15 j Grab Bars _ s hCo r ols iTopofSeat( * 4815"-48" 1, I--8 45" i 9- 51" 36 max - 34"max. -28"- 36ax 9".-.-. 36"max 2..... 27n mi n...... 36"max "27 m mn, 42 max 3" max. 42 max .27 14' - 3.""4" -" - 15" --1--"150---i-' 9 7." 28" - 30" 262 --30" 344 "m a x30" 32" '--"-' .. " x"" 4 36 ---F4 2"-m a4 --------m a 4' m M2 .... lush Controls'SrD) Urinals Rmh o ______ 9"-5" --- 32_' .ax. l5thru I8 ............ _Rms and Stairs iFop of Handrail . 32" 323." "" ODrinking Fountains and Water Coolers (FronaL ApL'oach) SpoutH ght.HG :32, max, i Jmax, 34" max. Knee Clearance 26"nir --6-m-28 m Spout He ht (STD) Water Closets Top of Seat ---(HC) . 19thru 12 7m9 II tha 15 ". 36" max. " max. ,aSin(H LFlush Contros (He) 14- 15 ma mx . ! 15 42" max,. 44" max. '_______ 4" ----------max }l 'm x. 42" - 14-I5"1"' 4- 15" !40" max,. 42 max. ............ 1 44" max.] 16" m------- ---i"----- 4 " max. 44' max. -44..m. SRimof .................---------------Basin(STDtL 19 max, -22'max. 22"1ma' m - -------------Flush Controjs (STO) 44"max. 48" ax 48 max- ax max. 4-*max. 25 max. 50- max 52'max. 50" max- Wall Mounted Lavatories T-pof Rim (H' 30" max, Knee Clearance 2W ran 32" max. 27" min. 34" m 29" min. 't 4axmax. 29 min. To Fr- -nt ---- . Too of Rim (STD) Shower Stalls T!p qfSeat (C) -------------From ---------- 30 max. .... 4.-15 Grab Bars 'HC , Hand Shower Head Mounting (HO) MO $-Bead (MT ) fower ontrs and O Hqhet Operable PartI 1Telephones45ma Highest Operable Faucei 30" max 26" r. ~~~~---18"max 18" max ToFaucets Frm H ! 29' 42' max. -1 44"max. + 32" max, 27" m. 20" max ax max .ax 32"max. 34. ---- 17 ------------ - 32" max 14.-.5. 2 : 1 . 42 max, 1"1'.1 ' - 45 max, / __ _ 45" max. Ieradng Mechanlisrs joinol j DWise A am, PA Thermosta 15-42" 15 -42' 15 45" 42" max. 5"ax 45 max. 45 max. Part Food Service Lines Top of Tray ---------------------------------------------------Slide 30 max30"max MTrors--------------------To Bottom of 34"--m .-7-a-Ix 3' a Reflectve Surface - 20 mx Mx20" 20' max. t------------------ Handicapped Hei; ST ...... .34;' max--9 i --------. ---------------------66" - 68" 0 72 -----0-- --------- 72" 42" max. + ------. i -19 34 i 48" max. ---- 48" max 72": 74 7 1-48 15"-48" 48 48 max. -ax 74" i 4 32"maX 3 32" max 3 max. 4""max. ' - m ......... ' I.40 max.;"lx, ......................... Standard Hht; No iqtn-ALocations END OF SECTION Huckabee 01 4100-6 Regulatory Requirements SECTION 01 4500 QLUALITY CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SECTION INCLUDES: A. General requirements for Owner's testing laboratory services to perform quality control services and testing. Testing Lab Services to be performed by the following companies: 1. Construction Material Testing: Fugro Consultants 2517 E. Loop 820 N Fort Worth, Texas 76118 (817) 284-9595 2. Roofing Consultant Armko 1320 Spinks Road Flower Mound, Texas 75028 972-874-1388 3. .d 'T.YAhQtSin shall provide TheContractor testing .and balancing services for all HVAC and control systems to be complete carried out by an independent certified testing and balancing (TAB) agency under a separate and direct contract with the General Contractor. Scope of testing and balancing services, Contractor obligations, etc. shall be in accordance with Section 23 9900 -Testing, Balancing and Commissioning. 4. Indoor Air Quality Testing: The Contractor shall provide complete air quality testing services for the project to be carried out by an independent certified agency under a separate and direct contract with the General Contractor. Scope of testing services, Contractor obligations, etc. shall be in accordance with Section 01 8119 - Indoor Air Quality Requirements. B. General requirements and responsibilities for Contractor's testing laboratory services to perform specified services and testing (Concrete mix designs, required material certification testing, and similar specified testing). C. Testing laboratory qualifications, procedures, limits of authority and testing laboratory submittal requirements. D. Testing, inspection, and certifications specified in other sections of Project Manual shall be paid by the Contractor, unless otherwise indicated, and shall be by agencies approved by the Owner. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OWNERS QUALITY CONTROL TESTING: A. The Owner will employ various testing laboratories and/or geotechnical engineering services to perform inspection services, testing of construction materials and verification testing services and to transmit copies of test reports to Contractor. Sampling and testing that the Owner may require is specified in this Section and in the various technical Sections requiring quality control or verification testing. Cooperate with the Owner's testing laboratory personnel, provide access to the Work, to manufacturer's and fabricator's operations, furnish incidental labor and facilities, and samples for test and inspections, as specified. 1. Employment of testing laboratory to perform quality control tests is for benefit of Owner in confirming that performance and quality of the Work is in conformance with the Contract Documents. 2. Employment of a testing laboratory by Owner in no way relieves Contractor's obligation to perform work in accordance with Contract Documents. 3. Owner's testing laboratory shall not be the same as Contractor's testing laboratory used for design and certification testing unless otherwise acceptable to the A/E and Owner. 5. Where the terms "Inspector" and "Laboratory" are used, they mean and refer to an officially designated and accredited inspector of the testing laboratory engaged by the Owner. Huckabee 01 4500-1 Quality Control 6. B. C. The inspecting agency shall make all inspections and perform all tests in accordance with the rules and regulations of the building code, local authorities, the Specifications of the ASTM and these Contract Documents. 7. Submittars a. The Agency shall submit to the Owners Representative: b. Detailed procedures c. Agenda d. Report forms Earthwork I. The testing lab shall verify suitable soil material at borrow material location by sampling soil material, and testing of soil material samples. Commercial Testing Laboratories In general, all Contracts awarded by the Owner will require that testing not performed by the Contractor (i.e., hydrostatic testing of piping) or by the A/E (i.e., spot checking of air flow by the Engineer) will be performed by a commercial testing laboratory selected by the Owner. The cost of such commercial testing will be paid directly by the Owner. Retesting of nonconforming work will also be paid by the Owner, but will be reinvoiced at cost to the Contractor. The number of copies of test reports will be determined for each individual project but in general will include: Two copies for the Owner, Two copies for the General Contractor; Two copies for the Architect. Employment of the testing laboratory is for the benefit of the Owner in confirming that performance and quality of the Work is in conformance with the Contract documents, The engagement of a testing laboratory by the Owner in no way relieves the Contractor of its responsibility. In full compliance of the Contract, the Contractor remains liable for the quality of the materials, products/equipment installed, and satisfactory work performance. 1.03 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTOR'S LABORATORY SERVICES: A. The Contractors shall provide written certification of the following; 1. Hazardous material-free construction - certify that no asbestos containing material was used and/or incorporated into the project during construction, 2. The statement shall be as follows: uThe undersigned, pursuant to the General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract for Construction, hereby certifies that to the best of his/her knowledge, information and belief, the materials incorporated into the project and as used during the construction process are free of any type of asbestos material, lead, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) or other materials identified by governmental agencies as being hazardous. B. C. Huckabee The Contractor shall perform various tests as required in the various specification sections for conference to the construction documents. These test results shall be submitted to the Owner via the Architect as required in this specification section. The Owner maintains the right to verify the test results with his own testing lab. Contractor's design testing and certification testing includes: 1. Earthwork: Identify suitable material at borrow material location, sampling soil material, and testing of soil material samples. 2. Performing certified welding procedure qualification and re-qualification testing specified in Section 05 1200, 05 2100, 05 3113, 05 3123, and 05 5000. 3. Testing of materials in Item #2 above, when mill certificates are unavailable. 4. Testing when source of material is changed after initial tests have been performed. 5. Other testing required by other Sections of the Specifications. 01 4500-2 Quality Cantrol 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Laboratory Qualifications and Procedures: 1. Meet: "Recommended Requirements for Independent Laboratory Qualication," latest edition published by American Council of Independent Labotriories, Testing agencies shall meet the requirements of ASTM E 329, 0Recommende!d Practice for Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel and Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction" and ASTM E 543, "Determining the Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Agencies." 2. The inspection and testing services of the testing agency shall be under the direction of a Registered Engineer licensed in the State of Texas, charged with englneerig managerial resonsibrity, and having at least five years engineerig experience in inspection and testing of construction materials. 3. Inspecting personnel monitoring concrete work shall be ACI certified inspectors. 4. Submit copy of report of inspection of facilities made by Materials Reference Laboratory of National Bureau of Standards during most recent tour of inspection. Include memorandum of remedies of deficiencies reported by this inspection. 5. Testing Equipment: Calibrated at reasonable intervals by devices of accuracy traceable to either National Bureau of Standards or accepted values of natural physical constants. 6. Tests and inspections shall be conducted in accordance with specified requirements and if not specified, in accordance with applicable standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials and other recognized authorities as approved. 7. Primary inspectors performing structural steel inspection shall be currently certified AWS Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI), in accordance with the provisions of AWS QCI, "Standard and Guide for Qualification and Certification of Welding Inspectors." The inspector may be supported by assistant inspectors who may perform specific inspection functions under the supervision of the inspector. Assistant inspectors shall be currently certified ASW Certified Associate Welding Inspectors (CAWI). The work of assistant inspectors shall be regularly monitored by the inspector, generally on a daily basis. B. Laboratory Duties: Cooperate with Architect and Contractor. Upon notice, provide qualified personnel to perform required tests and inspections. In performing tests and inspections, Laboratory shall: 1. Comply with specified standards. Comply with building code requirements for "Special Inspection" whether or not such inspections are specified herein. 2. Ascertain compliance of materials with requirements of Contract Documents. If the material furnished and/or work performed fails to meet requirements of contract documents, laboratory inspector shall promptly notify both the Contractor and the A/E of such failure. 3. Promptly notify Owner's Representative, Contractor and Architect of observed irregularities or deficiencies in the Work. 4. A representative of the Owner's testing laboratory, who has reviewed and is familiar with the project and specifications, shall participate in all preconstruction conferences. It shall coordinate material testing and inspection requirements with the Contractor and its subcontractors consistent with the planned construction schedule, The laboratory representative shall attend, throughout the course of the project, such conferences as may be required or requested to address quality control issues. 5. Laboratory personnel shall inspect and/or test materials, assemblies, specimens, and work performed, including design mixes, methods and techniques and report to the Architect the progress thereof. C. Limits of Testing Laboratory Authority: Laboratory is not authorized to: 1. Release, revoke, alter, relax, or enlarge requirements of Contract Documents. 2. Approve or reject any portion of the Work. Huckabee 01 4500-3 Quality Control 3. 4. D. 1.05 Perform any duties of the Contractor and subcontractors. Laboratory technicians do not act as foremen, or perform other duties for Contractor. Work will be checked as it progresses, but failure to detect any defective work or materials shall not, in any way, prevent later rejection when such defect is discovered. 5. The laboratory inspector is not authorized to revoke, alter, relax, enlarge, or relkase any requirement of the Contract Documents or to approve or accept any portion of the work, except where such approval is specifically called for in the Specifications. Contractor's Responsibilities: 1. Cooperate with laboratory personnel, provide access to Work, to manufacturer's and fabricator's operations wherever work is in preparation or progress. 2. Secure and deliver to the laboratory without cost to Owner adequate quantities of representative samples of materials proposed to be used and which require testing. 3. Furnish Incidental Labor and Facilities: a, To provide access to Work to be tested. b. To obtain and handle samples at the Project Site or at the source of the product to be tested. c. To facilitate inspections and tests. Furnish such labor as is required to assist laboratory personnel in obtaining and handling samples at the site. d. For safe storage and curing of concrete test cylinders at project site and other test samples as required for field curing by ASTM C31. 4. Costs of tests, samples, and mock-ups of substitute material, where the substitution is requested by the Contractor and the tests are necessary in the opinion of the Architect to establish equality with specified items, shall be borne by the Contractor. 5. Costs of tests, samples, and mock-ups performed solely for the benefit or convenience of the Contractor, 6. Notify laboratory sufficiently in advance of construction operations to allow for laboratory to complete any required checks or tests and to make assignment of personnel and scheduling of tests. 7. Owner's testing laboratory will conduct additional tests at Contractor's expense when initial quality control testing indicates work is defective or does not conform to requirements. Materials and workmanship not meeting the required standards or performance obligations are to be removed and replaced. Replacement and subsequent testing shall be at the expense of the Contractor. 8. Furnish concrete mix designs, in accordance with ACI 301, Section 3.9, made by an independent testing laboratory or qualified concrete supplier. Where mix designs by an independent testing laboratory are required, the laboratory shall be selected by the Contractor, approved by the Architect, and paid by the Contractor. 9. Obtain required inspections or approvals of the building official when required. All inspection requests and notifications required by the building code, are the responsibility of the Contractor. 10. Provide current welder certifications for each welder to be employed. 11. Furnish fabrication/erection inspection and testing of all welds in accordance with AWS D1.1, Chapter 6. 12. Prequalification of all welding procedures to be used in executing the work. SUBMITTALS: A. General: Testing laboratory shall promptly submit written report of each and every test and inspection; 2 copies each to Architect and Contractor, and 2 copies each to Owner. Each report shall include: 1. Date issued. 2, Project title and number. 3. Testing laboratory name, address, and telephone number. 4, Name of laboratory inspector and signature of project manager. 5. Date and time of sampling or inspection, Huckabee 01 4500-4 Quality Control 6. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11. B. C. D. E. 1.06 Record of temperature and weather conditions. Date of test. Identification of product and Specification Section. Location of sample or test in the Project. Type of inspection or test. Results of tests and observation regarding compliance with Contract Documents. 12. Interpretation of test results, when requested by Architect. State in report ali details of each inspection and test, Indicate compliance or noncompliance with r'equirements of the Contract Documents. Also state in report any and all unsatisfactory conditions. In addition to ttsrmisning a written report, notify the Architect and the Contractor verbally of any uncorrected conditions or failures to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents. At completion of each trade or branch of work requiring inspecting and testing, submit a final certificate attesting to satisfactory completion of work and full compliance with requirements of Contract Documents. Upon completion of building, testing laboratory shall furnish, to Owner and Architect, statement (certified by Notary Public) that all required tests and inspections were made in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents. REFERENCED STANDARDS A. The latest adopted edition of all standards references in this section shall apply, unless noted otherwise. In case of conflict between these Contract Documents and a referenced standard, the Contract Documents shall govern. In case of conflict between these Contract Documents and the Building Code, the more stringent shall govern, PART 2 - NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SITE GRADING A. Perform field tests for moisture density properties. 1. In each compacted fill layer, provide 1 field test for every 5000 square feet of area, but not less than 3 tests. 2. At paved area, provide 1 field test for every 5000 square feet, but not less than 3 tests. 3.02 COMPACTED FILL AND BACK FILL A. Perform field tests for moisture density properties. 1. Within the building line provide 1 field test in each compacted layer for every 5000 square feet of area, but not less that 3 tests. 3.03 PAVING A. Perform field tests for moisture density properties. 1. Provide field testing of the sub-grade as described in as described in Paragraph 3.01 .A.2. 2. Paving sub-base, provide I field test for every 5000 square feet of area of crushed limestone or caliche sub-base. 3. Lime treated sub-grade, provide 1 field test for every 5000 square feet of area of lime treated sub-grade for content of lime and sub-grade compaction. 4. Cement soil stabilization, provide I field test for every 5000 square feet of area of cement stabilized sub-grade for content of cement and sub-grade compaction. 3.04 PIER DRILLING OPERATION A. Provide services herein specified. B. A representative of the soils testing laboratory shall make continuous inspections to determine that proper bearing stratum is obtained and utilized for bearing and that shafts as are properly clean and dry before placing concrete. Huckabee 01 4500-5 Quality Control C. Soils testing laboratory shall furnish complete pier log showing the diameter, top elevation of each pier, casing required or not required, bell size, actual peretration into bearing stratum, reinforcing steel cage length, quantity and size of bars, total depth of pier and condition of pier before placement of concrete, and volume of olcreU.I used. D. 3.05 3.06 3.07 Request probe holes when deemed necessary to confirm safe bearing capacity. REINFORCING STEEL MECHANICAL SPLICES A. Visually inspect and report on the completed condition of each mechanical splice of reinforcing steel. B. Each mechanical splice shall be visually inspected to ensure compliance with the I.C.BO. Reports and the manufacturer's published criteria for acceptable completed splices. C. Special emphasis shall be placed on inspection of the end preparation of each bar to be spliced, as required by the 1C.B.O. Report. D. Submit copies of manufacturer's published criteria for acceptable completed splices prior to observing mechanical splices. E. Reports on each mechanical splice shall indicate location of the splice, size of bars spliced, and acceptability or rejection of splice. Reasons for rejection shall be shown on each report. CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL AND EMBEDDED METAL ASSEMBLIES A. Inspect all concrete reinforcing steel priortopiacing of concrete for compilance with Contract Docurnents and approved shop drawings, Atl instances of noncompliance with Contract Docrments and approved shop drawirtgs shall be immediately bought to the attention of the Concactortor con'ection and then, ifuncorrected, reported to the Architect. B. Observe and Report on the Following: 1. Number and size of bars. 2. Bending and lengths of bars. 3. Splicing. 4. Clearance to forms including chair heights. 5. Clearance between bars or spacing. 6. Rust, form oil, and other contamination, 7. Grade of steel. 8. Securing, tying, and chairing of bars. 9. Excessive congestion of reinforcing steel. 10. Installation of anchor bolts and placement of concrete around such bolts. 11. Fabrication of embedded metal assemblies, including visual inspection of all welds. 12. Visually inSpct studs and deformed bar anchors on embedded assemblies for compliance with Contract Documents. Check number, spacirg andweld quality. If. after weldirig vKual inspection reveals that a sound weld or a ful 360-degree fillet has not been obtained for a particular stud or bar, such stud or bar shall be struck with a hammer and bent 15 degtees off perpendicular and then bent back into position- Anchors failing this test s hall be replaoed. CONCRETE INSPECTION AND TESTING A. Receive copy of approved concrete mix designs from AE. B, Secure composite samples of concrete at the jobsite in accordance with ASTM C 172. C. Mold and cure four specimens from each sample in accordance with ASTM C 31. Supervise the curing and protection provided (by others) for test specimens in the field, and the transpor,'tion from the field to the laboratory, Three test cylinders shall be storec in the field 24 hours and then be carefully transported to the laboratory and cured in accordance with ASTM C 31. One test cylinder shall be maintained at jobsite ASTM methods in accordance with OSHA requirements. D. Test specimens in accordance with ASTM C 39. Two specimens shall be tested at 28 days for acceptance and one shall be tested at seven days for information. E. Make one strength test (three cylinders) for each 100 cubic yards orfraction thereof, of each mix design of concrete placed in any one day. Huckabee 01 4500-6 Quality Control F. G. H. 1. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Huckabee Make one slump test for each set of cylinders following the procedural requirements of ASTM C 243 and ASTM C 172. Make additional slump tests whenever the consistency of concrete appears to vary. Do not permit placement of concrete having a measured slump outside the limits given on the Drawings, except when approved by the A/E. Slump tests corresponding to samples from which strength tests are made shall be reported with the strength test results. Determine total air content of air entrained normal-weight concrete sample for each strength test in accordance with ASTM C 231. Determine temperature of concrete sample for each strength test, The testing agency shall furnish and maintain a competent inspector at the mixing plant at the start of each day's mixing for foundation concrete placements. The inspector shall examine concrete materials for compliance with Specifications and approved mix design, weighing and measuring devices, proportioning and mixing of materials, the water and cement content of each batch, the general operation of the plant and the transportation of concrete to the jobsite. The inspector shall verify that the amount of free surface moisture contained in the fine and coarse aggregate has been properly accounted for in the concrete mixing to achieve the required consistency and water cement ratio. The testing laboratory shall monitor the addition of water to the concrete at the jobsite and the length of time the concrete is allowed to remain in the truck before placement. The inspector shall compare the mixture with the criteria on the approved mix design and report any significant deviation to the Architect, Contractor and concrete supplier. Do not permit the addition of water which will exceed the maximum water/cement ratio for the mix as given on the approved mix design. Observe the placing of all concrete, except non-structural slabs-on-grade and sitework. Observe and report on placing method, consolidation, cold joints, length of drop, and displacement of reinforcement. Report deficiencies to the Contractor immediately for corrective action. Inspections may be reduced to a periodic basis when all procedures have been deemed satisfactory by the laboratory. The testing laboratory shall certify each delivery ticket indicating class of concrete delivered (or placed), amount of water added and the time at which the cement and aggregate was dispensed into the truck, and the time at which the concrete was discharged from the truck. Evaluation and Acceptance: 1. If the measured slump, or air content of air entrained concrete, falls outside the specified limits, a check test shall be made immediately on another portion of the same sample, In the event of a second failure, the concrete shall be considered to have failed to meet the requirements of the specifications, and shall not be used in the structure. 2. The strength level of the concrete will be considered satisfactory if the averages of all sets of three consecutive strength test results are equal to, or exceed specified strength and no individual test result (average of two cylinders) is below specified strength by more than 500 psi. 3. Completed concrete work will be accepted when the requirements of "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings," ACI 301, Chapter 18, have been met. Concrete Test Reports: 1. Reports shall be made and distributed immediately after the respective tests or inspections are made. 2. Where reports indicate deviations from the Contract Documents, they shall also include a determination of the probable cause of the deviation and, where applicable, a recommendation for corrective action. 3. Whenever the testing laboratory recognizes a trend of decreasing quality in the concrete due to changing seasons, conditions of curing, or other cause; this shall be brought to the attention of the AE, along with a recommendation for corrective action to be taken before the materials fall below the requirements of these Specifications. Comply with ACI 311, "Guide for Concrete Inspection" and "ACI Manual of Concrete Inspection" (SP-2). Inspect the application of curing compound and monitor all curing conditions to assure compliance with specification requirements. Report curing deficiencies to the Contractor immediately and submit a written report to the AE. 01 4500-7 Quality Control 3.08 3.09 POST-TENSIONING OF CONCRETE A. Verify certification of calibration of jacking equipment used in post-tensioning operations, B. Observe and report on placement and anchorage of tendons immediately prior to concreting. C. Provide a Registered Professional Engineer experienced in post-tension operations to observe and report on the placement, post-tensioning and elongation measurement of each tendon. D. The Contractor shall log and submit detailed reports of the stressing and elongation of each t8edon. The laboratory representative shall observe the recording of intormation by the Contractor and make such spot checks as are necessary to verify the accuracy of the po tensionng reports. E Receive and review final stressing and elongation reports prepared by the Contractor, Compare the actual and required elongation of each tendon and the actual and required load an each tendon. Grant permission to cut the tails of tendons which are within specified tolerance, unless otherwise noted on the Drawings, and subiuit teports of those whi&c are not within specified iolerance along with recommended dorreclive action, to the Architect for further evaluation. Forward a copy of all stressing reports to the Architect for record. F. Observe and report on grouting of tendons noted to be bonded. MASONRY A. Inspection: 1. Provide a qualified inspector to inspect all structural masonry work on a periodic basis, Masonry requ:ring inspection includes load-bearing walls, and other 9routed and reinforced masonry shown on the Drawings. Inspect the work in progress at least once for each 5000 square feet of wall laid, but not less than once each dlay, to check compliance with the Contract Documerits and applicable building code. 2. Inspect the following: a. Preparation of masonry prisms for testing. b. Placement of reinforcing c. Grout spaces (prior to grouting and prior to closing cleanouts, if any). d. Mortar mixing operations. e. Bedding of mortar for each type of unit and placing of units. f. Grouting operations. g. Condition of units before laying for excessive absorption. 3. Provide a report of each inspection. A, B. Huckabee For each 5,000 sq. ft. of brick masonry bearing walls, obtain six 2"x2"x2" cube specimens of freshly placed plastic mortar from a mortarboard and test them in accordance with Appendix A7 of ASTM C 780. Test three specimens at age 7 days and three at age 28 days. One specimen shall be maintained at the job site per ASTM methods in accordance with OSHA requirements. If bulk material distribution systems are used, the testing requirement is extended to every 10,000 sq. ft. in lieu of 5,000 sq. ft. For each 15,000 sq. ft. of brick masonry-bearing walls, obtain a set of prisrts for each wythe of brick masonry. Masonry test specimens are not required for nonbearing walls. Test the specimens in accordance with ASTM C 1314-02 at age 28 days. The average compressive strength of the set shall equal or exceed that interpolated from in the following table: 01 4500-8 Quality Control C. Ntarea compressive strength of clay brick masonry units, psi laid type N mortar -... 2,100 4,150 6,200 1,700 3,350 4,950 8,250 6,600 8,250 9,900 10,300 or more ....... D. 3.10 Minimum net area compressive strength of brick Net ~iareopressive strength of clay brick masonry units, psi laid type M or S mortar 13200 .masoni)p 1 .. 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3.500 4,000 Absorption Tests: 1. Perform a field Of test of water absorption on three representative clay units, at least once for each 5000 square feet of wall, before laying. 2. The fietd test shall consist of drawing a 1 inch diameter circle with a wax pencil (the diameter of a quarter). Place 30 drops of waterfrom a medicine dropper in rapid succession within the circle. Ifall o f the water is absorbed into the brick in less than 60 seconds, the units are too dry and should be prewetted. STRUCTURAL STEEL AND STEEL JOISTS A. Inspect all structural steel during fabrication and during and after erection for conformance with Contract Documents and shop drawings. Any cases of insufficient bracing or guying, or other unsafe conditions shall be immediately called to attention of the Contractor and reported to NE. B. Shop Inspection: 1. Examination of all steel for straightness and alignment. 2. Examination of all fabricated pieces and checking of same with erection plans and detail drawings. 3. Visual examination of welding. 4. Ultrasonic testing of all full penetration welds. 5. Examination of galvanizing. 6. Examination of installation of shop welded shear studs. 7. Examination of shop painting. C. Field Inspection: 1. Proper erection of all pieces. 2. Proper installation of all bolts. 3. Plumbness of structure and proper bracing. 4. Proper field painting. 5. Visual examination of all field welding. 6. Inspect all shop-fabricated members, upon their arrival at the jobsite, for defects incurred during transit and handling. D. Qualifications of Welders: Fabricator and erector shall provide the testing laboratory with names of welders to be employed to work, together with certification that each of these welders has passed qualification tests within the last year using procedures covered in the American Welding Society "Structural Welding Code - Steel," D1.1, latest edition. Verify all welder qualifications. E. Huckabee Inspections of shop and field welding shall be "verification inspection," in accordance with Section 6 of the AWS Structural Welding Code and as follows: 1. Visually inspect the welding of all shop fabricated members and note the location of all cover plates, connectors, bearing stiffeners, splices, and fillet welds for proper return around ends and check for seams, folds and delaminations. 2. Warped or out-of-plumb connectors shall be reported prior to any further welding. 3. Ultrasonically test all penetration welds in accordance with ASTM # 164. 01 4500-9 Quality Control 4. F. G. Surfaces to be welded and all filler metal shall be carefully inspected. Surface preparations, fit-up and cleanliness of surface shall be noted. Electrodes shall be checked for size, type and condition. 5. Wetds shalt be sound- clean metal, free of slag inclusions and porosity. Filler metal shall be cornptetety fused with base metal and shall completely penetrate the joint. Root passes shall be checked for penetration from the back side of joint. Welds showing inclusions, porosity, lack of fusion, incomplete penetr. tion or uneven contour (sagging or overlaps) shall be ordered gouged cut and rewelded. Welds showing any undercut shall have a small stringer bead ordered to be run in,along the toe of under cut using a smailer diameter electrode than that which made the original weld. No craters shall be lefi tin weids. Anyweiding defects, including porosity, fusion and undercuts in excess of that allowed, shall be cause for rejection. Where craters occur, the ins. eitor shall order them to be filled out with weld metal. 6. The inspector shall check that all welds have been marked with the welder's symbol. The inspector shall mark the welds requiring repairs and shall make a reinspection. The inspector shall maintain a written record of all welds. Work completed and inspected shall receive an identification mark by the inspector, Unaccetable material and work shall be identified by word "reect" or "repair" marked directly on the material. 7. The testing agency shall advise the Owner and the A/E of any shop and/or field conditions which, in its opinion, may require further tests and examination by means other than those specified. Such further tests and examinations shall be performed as authorized by the Owner and the A/E. 8. Th.e Owner reserves the right to use ultrasonic or radiographic inspection to verify the adequacy of all welds. Testing procedures and acceptance criteria shalf be as specified in AWS D1.1. Inspection of bolted construction shall be in accordance with AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings and as follows: 1. All bolts shall be visually inspected to ensure that the plies have been brought into snug cont act, Inspection of stud field welding shall be in accordance with Section 7.8 of the AWS Structural Welding Code D1.1, and as follows: 1. A minimum of two shear studs shall be welded at the start of each production period in order to determine proper generator, control unit, and stud welder setting. These studs shall be capable of being bent 45 degrees from vertical without weld failure. 2. Visually inspect studs for compliance with contract documents. Check number, spacing, and weld quality. If, after welding, visual inspection reveals that a sound weld or a full 360 degree fillet has not been obtained for a particular stud, such stud shall be struck with a hammer and bent 15 degrees off perpendicular to the nearest end of the beam. Studs failing under this test shall be replaced. 3.11 EXPANSION BOLT INSTALLATION A. Inspect the drilling of each hole and installation of each expansion bolt for compliance with the Contract Documents and shop drawings. B. Verify the installation torque for each expansion bolt for compliance with manufacturer's installation instructions. 3.12 METAL ROOF DECK A. Field inspection shall consist of the following: 1. Checking types, gauges, and finishes for conformance with Contract Documents and Shop Drawings. 2. Examination for proper erection of all metal deck, including fastenings at supports and side laps, reinforcing of holes, and miscellaneous deck supports. 3. Certification of welders. 4. Visual inspection of at least 25 percent of all welds. 5. Conduct fastener pull out test to verify compliance with FMI-90 for the roof assembly in accordance with FM Loss Prevention Manuals. Huckabee 01 4500-10 Quality Control 3.13 INDOOR AIR QUALITY A. General Requirements 1. The Testing Lab shall conduct random indoor air quality tests as described in Paragraph 1.02.8 of the specification section in each Building Section as identified by the Architect. 2. Tests shall be conducted 3 times following Substantial Completion as follows: (a) Between Substanutal Completion and Final Acceptance. (b) In month five (otlowing Substantial Completion. (c) In month elaven f llowing Substantial Completion and prior to one year project inspection. 3. The Architect shall coordinate each test with the Owner, the Testing Lab, and the Contractor. END OF SECTION Huckabee 01 4500-11 Quality Control TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Work included: Provide temporary facilities and controls needed for the Work including, but not necessarily limited to: 1. Field office for the Contractor's personnel; 2. Sanitary facilities; 3. Enclosures such as tarpaulins, barricades, and canopies; 4. Temporary fencing of the construction site; 5. Project sign. B, Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and sections in Division 01 of these Specifications. 2 Except that equipment furnished by subcontractors shall comply with requirements of pertinent safety regulations, such equipment, normally furnished by the individual trades in execution of their own portions of the Work, are not part of this Section. 3. Permanent installation and hookup of the various utility lines are described in other Sections. 1.2 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Maintain temporary facilities and controls in proper and safe condition throughout progress of the Work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 UTILITIES A. Water: 1. Provide necessary temporary piping and water supply and, upon completion of the Work, remove such temporary facilities. 2. Provide and pay for water used in construction. B. Electricity: 1. Provide necessary temporary wiring and, upon completion of the Work, remove such temporary facility. 2. Provide area distribution boxes so located that the individual trades may urnish and use 100 ft. maximum length extension cords to obtain power and fighting at points where needed for work, inspection, and safety. 3. Provide and pay for electricity used in construction. C. Heating: Provide and maintain heat necessary for proper conduct of operations needed in the Work. D. Telephone: 1. Make necessary arrangements and pay costs for installation and operation of telephone service to the Contractors Office at the site. 2. Make the telephone available to the Architect for use in connection with the Work. 2.2 FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS A. Contractor's facilities: 1. Provide a field office building and sheds adequate in size and accommodation for Contractor's offices, supply, and storage. 2. Within the Contractor's facilities, provide enclosed space adequate for holding project meetings. Furnish with table, chairs, and utilities. Huckabee 01 5000-1 Temporary Facilities and Controls B. Sanitary facilities: 1. Provide temporary sanitary facilities in the quantity required for use by all personnel, 2. Maintain in a sanitary condition at all times. 2.3 ENCLOSURES A. Provide and maintain for the duraton of construction all scaffolds, tarpaulins, canopies, warning signs, steps, pi forms, bridges, and other temporary construction necessary for proper completion of the Work in compliance with pertinent safety and other regulations 2.4 TEMPORARY FENCING A. Provide and maintain for the duration of construction a temporary fence of design and type needed to prevent entry onto the Work by the public. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL A. Maintain temporary facilities and controls as long as needed for safe and proper completion of the Work. B. Remove such temporary facilities and controls as rapidly as progress of the Work will permit, or as directed by the Architect. END OF SECTION Huckabee 01 5000-2 Temporary Facilities and Controls