Kelly Community News
Kelly Community News
Kelly Community News Volume 2, Issue 3 Jul Aug Sep 2012 Welcome Back To School Flying Saucer in Kelly, Again! The darkness enveloped me. 10...9... I could feel a presence in the area. 8...7... The air was thick with anticipation. 6...5... I had no idea what was about to happen. 4...3... Wait, I hear movement. 2...1... Suddenly, it was less than 20 feet in front of me. A huge 38 foot flying saucer! Lights are flashing in synchronization with sounds that could only be from outer space. A thick smoke INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Flying Saucer 2 CERT 3 4 6 Neighborhood Watch News Highway 41 Yard Sale CALENDAR OF EVENTS 7 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 8 COMMUNITY NEWS AND FUNNIES 10 LIVE in Concert Most parents count down the days with a smile. Many students count down the days with a frown. Whether we like it or not, a new school year is upon us. The Kelly Community Organization would like to wish all students a safe, fun and knowledge filled school year. From your first day of Kindergarten to the graduation stage your Senior Year, we wish you well. We would like to offer a few reminders to residents of our community as the school year begins… Students - Your education is important, so always do your best. Friends are a wonderful part of life. Be the type of friend you would want someone to be to you. But remember, being a friend is more than just pizza, movies and BFF secrets. True friends look out for each other and those around them. Never be afraid or embarrassed to speak to a trusted adult if you see someone being bullied; getting into the trap of drugs, weapons or gangs; or notice a sudden personality change where they may be a danger to themselves or others. You will never be in trouble for being a concerned friend! continued on page 6 Newsletter 1 CERT Team III in Action The last few months’ CERT Team III has been Busy and has accomplished a lot. Old Fashioned Political Rally Kelly and Crofton CERT (CERT Team III) set up a Booth and a First Aide Station. The Team handed out Preparedness flyers and answered the public’s questions on Awareness and Preparedness. Rail Car Incident and Response Christian County Emergency Management had a Training session on Rail Car Incident and response. Congratulations go out to J.D. Smith, Tammy Tatum, Ron Tatum, Tom Beeker, Dan Nicholson and Bill Thielen. All of these Team Members are now Rail Car Incident Response Certified. Congratulations!! Branch Outreach 5K Run Branch Outreach had asked CERT Team III for assistance with their 5 K Run. We were in charge of closing the Roads that the Race was on, redirecting traffic, pacing the runners, providing an EMT to follow the runners and also have a First Aid station at the Finish line. Bill Thielen Director Christian County CERT was approached by a runner who said he had ran over 60 races and wanted to let us know this was the Best race he had run to date for Safety and Security as well as the professionalism of all involved. We Also had Several members Take part in the Race. All Finished with Great Stamina. Crofton Wild Fires What started as a good faith effort to pass out water to the Firemen and Women - turned into a Full Blown Call out to CERT Team III. We had a Great Response to this call out were we had 24 Team Members respond. They were charged with the Task’s of Going House to House along with the Christian Counties Sherriff’s Office to inform home owners of a possible evacuation. The Team also handed out Water to Firemen and Blocked roadways and helped with Traffic Control and Spectator issues. CERT –SAR Search & Rescue Training Christian County CERT Sponsored a S & R Training event and we had 16 people attend and become trained for S & R. Tom Beeker was the Lead Instructor and as always did an Awesome job. I can’t begin to express how proud I am of the North Christian Team’s. Thank you for all your hard work Dedication and professionalism. Bill Thielen - Christian County CERT Director. Kelly CERT seeking NEW members Kelly CERT recently received thousands in new equipment and supplies to ensure we are "Ready and Prepared" for this winter season. Kelly CERT, CERT III is actively seeking new volunteers that are willing to help the Kelly community in the event of any emergencies or natural disasters. New members that complete CERT Basic Training will receive a T-Shirt, CERT patch, fully stocked CERT bags with tools and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and your certificate. Newsletter 2 Kelly Neighborhood Watch According to the Christian County Sheriff's Department, CPT Chris Miller "the Kelly Neighborhood Watch is the program that others counties should emulate". The Kelly Neighborhood Watch remains active and successful. Sheriff Livy Leavell reported that due to the active participation of the citizens of Kelly that crime had decreased in the community and EOC calls from citizens in North Christian county have increased by up to 50%. The Kelly Community will host a "Kelly Community Night Out" to help promote our Neighborhood Watch program on Friday, October 19, 2012 with FREE Chili & hotdogs, games and prizes. Bring your favorite dessert and side items for a community meal, fellowship and camaraderie. The location will be at Kelly Holiness Church parking lot at the corner of Old Madisonville Road and Kelly Church Road, "Downtown Kelly". GET INVOLVED WITH YOU LOCAL NEIGHBORHHOD WATCH! CALL FRANK BROWN 885-1530 "Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with doing good is it useful." Newsletter 3 Highway 41, Yard Sale Success!! Highway 41 was full of the bright pink HWY 41 Yard Sale signs. We heard of some terrific finds and unheard of deals. Treasures abound for two full days along highway 41! 2013 Highway 41 Yard Sale will be (as always) the last weekend of June, 28 & 29 June 2013. Make plans now to travel from north or south along highway 41 to visit hundreds of booths selling anything that you can imagine, or join in the opportunity to hold your own yard sale, better yet join with others to host a huge sale along HWY 41. People are more likely to browse when there are numerous sales co-located together. Experience 100 Miles of Shopping, Snacking, and Sightseeing through Western Kentucky along US Highway 41 in Henderson, Webster, Hopkins and Christian Counties! Be sure to become a member of the Facebook community "Highway 41 Yard Sale" MAKE PLANS TO HOLD YOUR YARDSALE ON US. HIGHWAY 41 28 & 29 June 2013 Send us your news tip. Kelly Community News PO Box 328 Crofton, KY 4221 email news tips to [email protected] new family move into the Kelly community local interest items local business, church or non-profit happenings Newsletter 4 continued from page 1 is coming from underneath. The bottom hatch is open, it’s a door, little green men are appearing! I could imagine this vehicle sitting in a field, just out of sight in 1955 when aliens reportedly visited a family in Kelly KY. Are they back? Fifty seven years after the Kelly Incident, and just in time for the 2nd annual Kelly “Little Green Men” Days Festival a flying saucer has made its way into Kelly KY. The Kelly Community Organization, with the help of sponsors, has created a 38 foot flying saucer. The saucer is made of two tons of metal, lights, smoke, sound effects and even friendly aliens. Created at a secret location, the saucer took the organization over 5 months to build. Frank Brown, President of the Kelly Community Organization, says “It was a huge project. We had some great volunteers who put in many hours of work. We owe a great deal of thanks to two of our sponsors, Marsh Industries and Porta-Grace.” Joann Smithey, Chairperson for the 2012 festival, stated “The flying saucer is quite a sight on its own. It is going to leave a lasting impression on those who see it in the dark. It will be a great addition to the Friday night portion of the festival.” This years festival begins on a Friday night this year. Gates open at 4:30PM in Kelly KY. American Idol Hollywood week contestant Kayla Nettles opens the show with a concert beginning at 6:00PM. To intrigue the audience next is world renowned escape artist / magician Aron Houdini. Aron is the great, great nephew of famed escape artist Harry Houdini and the only living blood line Houdini. As the sun sets, the final show on Friday night is presented by Barry Conrad of BARCON Productions. The community will get to view the movie about themselves as they watch ‘Monsters of the UFO - The Kelly Incident. Festivities begin again 8:00AM Saturday morning with free admission for all. The festival has two stages this year in order to entertain everyone with a variety of talents. You will hear musicians from Nashville and surrounding areas. Listen to music from Jordan Carter and Matt Marinchick. Join the afternoon ‘Glennie Lankford Outdoor Gospel Sing’ and hear uplifting sounds from 2nd Coming and New Direction. The headliner artist and final musician for the day is Bryan Edwards. Bryan is a bright upcoming singer/song writer. He is most recently known for co-writing Jason Aldean’s hit song ‘If she could see me now’. On the second stage, visitors can find a variety of contests and smaller shows. Children can enter the 0-13 Green Men costume contest. Adults 14 and up have their own Green Men costume contest this year. Aron Houdini will make three Guinness Book of World Record - record breaking attempts from the stage. One of those involves getting out of over 1000 (one thousand!!) handcuffs. There will also be trivia contests, raffles and special announcements from this stage. There will be many opportunities for people to win some great prizes. As with any festival, there will be a variety of craft vendors to browse. There will be a great selection of food offered from several food vendors. At the main KCO tent, you will find your Kelly “Little Green Men” 2012 T-shirt (they glow in the dark!), buttons, snacks and drinks and other items offered exclusively by the Kelly Community Organization. The Kelly Community Organization wants everyone to have a great day filled with fun, food and fellowship. Everyone can listen to great music and visit with old friends and make new ones. Visit our website Newsletter 5 Welcome Back To School (cont.) CALENDAR OF EVENTS KELLY SUMMER CLEAN-UP PLACE: KELLY HOLINESS CHURCH PARKING LOT TIME: 11 AUGUST 2012, SATURDAY STARTING AT 7:30AM In conjunction with Hopkinsville- Christian County volunteer cleanup program, the Kelly Community Organization will host the Kelly Summer Clean-Up. KELLY "LITTLE GREEN MAN" DAYS 2012 FESTIVAL STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING PLACE: KELLY HOLINESS CHURCH AT OLD M ADISONVILLE ROAD TIME: 6:00PM - 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY, 14 AUGUST 2012 BE A PART OF THE FUN! HELP US PLAN THE 2102 LGMD FESTIVAL. EVERYONE WELCOME! KELLY "LITTLE GREEN MAN" DAYS 2012 FESTIVAL Parents and residents - Remember as you drive down the road to be alert for busses loading and unloading students. Be aware of children gathered at bus stops or the end of the driveway. Kids will be kids and they just do not stand patiently waiting on a bus, they run and play and may not watch traffic. Consider altering your daily schedule and traveling either 15 minutes earlier or later. Remember, here in the county, the school busses stop at almost every driveway! Lastly, be aware of your child’s habits and who their friends are. Talk to your children again about the warning signs of drugs, bullying and other problems that have plagued our schools lately. Encourage them to talk openly about what they see in school. PLACE: KELLY CHURCH ROAD AT OLD MADISONVILLE ROAD TIME: 6:00PM FRIDAY - 8:00PM SATURDAY, 17-18 AUGUST 2012 "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." --2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America BE A PART OF THE FUN! SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY! KELLY COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION, INC. COMMITTEE MEETING PLACE: KELLY BAPTIST CHURCH FELLOWSHIP HALL Kelly Park & Community Center TIME: OCTOBER 11, 2012, THURSDAY, 7:00PM OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; WE INVITE KELLY CITIZENS TO GET INVOLVED KELLY COMMUNITY NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH "NIGHT OUT" PLACE: KELLY HOLINESS CHURCH PARKING LOT TIME: FRIDAY, 5-8PM , OCTOBER 19, 2012 Free Chili & Hotdogs, music, games and fun galore! Bring your favorite dessert or side items UNITED STATES PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2012 PLACE: YOUR VOTING PRECINCT TIME: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 YOUR NEXT KELLY COMMUNITY MEETING PLACE: KELLY BAPTIST CHURCH FELLOWSHIP HALL TIME: NOVEMBER 08, 2012, THURSDAY 7:00PM The Kelly Community Organization, Inc Committee has adopted a five year goal of creating a Kelly Park & Community Center complete with a Learning Center. We invite everyone within the Kelly Community to attend The Kelly Community Organization, Inc committee meeting or better yet, become a committee member yourself if you live within three miles of Kelly. Our next KCO, Inc committee meeting will be 7:00PM on October 11, 2012 at Kelly Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Anyone that would like to contribute in a philanthropic manner may be able to have the community center or park named in honor of the person they choose (subject to committee approval). Newsletter 6 Be a Kelly Community Committee Member Kelly Community Organization Committee Corner The Kelly Community Organization (KCO) committee has member openings. If you have a strong commitment to the Kelly community, live within a 3 miles radius of Kelly, and the ability to help make important decisions regarding the Kelly community, we need your help. The KCO committee met on July 10, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. at Kelly Holiness Church. The following items were voted on and approved. Notes from the Kelly Community Organization Committee Meeting Contact KCO President Frank Brown 8851530 Mission: The mission of the Kelly Community Organization is to preserve the character of our neighborhood by creating a safe and prepared community through participation, preparation and education; to create a social environment that encourages neighbors to interact, be friendly, courteous, and helpful citizens. Approved budget for "Little Green Men" Days festival 2012. Renewed membership to Chamber of Commerce WELCOME new member Larry Myers to the Kelly Community Organization Committee. Proverbs 11:24 One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS neighborhood with flyer announcements. However the best Q: How often and where will the Kelly Community way to stay informed is to attend each meeting, and be sure Organization (KCO) meet? to list your email address on the sign in sheet and be included in our email updates. Go to Facebook and "Like" A: The Kelly Community Organization will meet quarterly the Kelly Kentucky Community page and/or email utilizing the local churches to host the community meeting. [email protected] . Visit our website or call Frank Brown at 885-1530. Keep this quarterly Newsletter as a reminder. Q: Do I have to be a member of something to participate? A: If you live within a three mile radius of the Kelly Community you are already a "member". The Kelly Q: Are there any dues to pay? Community Organization is simply the citizens of the Kelly A: NO! The Kelly Community Organization is a group of community coming together to help each other and working concerned volunteer citizens. As a group we will hold various together to strive to make Kelly, Kentucky a safe, clean and fund raisers that will be used to host meetings, pay fun place to raise a family. administrative cost and better the Kelly community. Q: How can I stay informed about meeting times and Q: What are some of the benefits of participating in the locations? Kelly Community Organization and volunteering? A: Every quarterly community meeting will be announced utilizing the local media, in addition a bi-fold sign will be placed outside the church meeting location the day prior to the scheduled meeting and volunteers will canvas the A. Volunteering helps you make new friends and contacts, increases self-confidence, combats depression, helps you stay physically healthy, can provide career experience, can advance your career, gives back to the community. It's FUN! Newsletter 7 Kelly Community Volunteer opportunities Neighborhood Watch POC Jay Smith 270-348-4947 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) POC Chris Farmer 270-886-9252 Kelly Community Organization Committee Member POC Frank Brown 270-885-1530 Kelly Hospitality Team POC Anna Mohon 270-885-5785 True stupid stories 01 Kelly Little Green Men Days REALLY STUPID PEOPLE POC Joanna Smithey 270-881-8843 A CONVICT BROKE OUT OF JAIL IN WASHINGTON D.C., THEN A FEW DAYS LATER ACCOMPANIED HIS GIRLFRIEND TO HER TRIAL FOR ROBBERY. AT LUNCH, HE WENT OUT FOR A SANDWICH. SHE NEEDED TO SEE HIM, AND THUS HAD HIM PAGED. POLICE OFFICERS RECOGNIZED HIS NAME AND ARRESTED HIM AS HE RETURNED TO THE COURTHOUSE IN A CAR HE HAD STOLEN OVER THE LUNCH When two service station attendants in Ionia, Michigan, refused to hand over the cash to an intoxicated robber, the man threatened to call the police. They still refused, so the robber called the police and was arrested. HOUR. Kentucky: Two men tried to pull the front off a cash machine by running a chain from the machine to the bumper of their pickup truck. Instead of pulling the front panel off the machine, though, they pulled the bumper off their truck. Scared, they left the scene and drove home. With the chain still attached to the machine. With their bumper still attached to the chain. With their vehicle's license plate still attached to the bumper. Louisiana: A man walked into a Circle-K, put a $20 bill on the counter and asked for change. When the clerk opened the cash drawer, the man pulled a gun and asked for all the cash in the register, which the clerk promptly provided. The man took the cash from the clerk and fled, leaving the $20 bill on the counter. The total amount of cash he got from the drawer? Fifteen dollars. ( Jerusalem) The switch away from daylight savings time caused consternation among terrorist groups this year. At precisely 5:30 Israel time on Sunday, two coordinated car bombs exploded in different cities, killing three terrorists who were transporting the bombs. It was initially believed that the devices had been detonated prematurely by klutzy amateurs. A closer look revealed the truth behind the untimely explosions. Three days before, Israel had made a premature switch from daylight savings time to standard time in order to accommodate a week of Slihot, involving pre-sunrise prayers. Palestinians refused to "live on Zionist time." Two weeks of scheduling havoc ensued. The bombs had been prepared in a Palestine-controlled area, and set on Daylight Savings time. The confused drivers had already switched to standard time. As a result, the cars were still en-route when the explosives detonated, delivering to the terrorists their well-deserved demise. "Our citizenship in the United States is our national character. Our citizenship in any particular state is only our local distinction. By the latter we are known at home, by the former to the world. Our great title is AMERICANS" -- Thomas Paine Kelly Community News 8 Glennie Lankford Outdoor Gospel Sing," Saturday, August 18 2012 1:00PM - 3:00PM featuring 2nd Coming, New Direction, and John Story Rick's Lawn Service Mowing & Landscaping 270-498-2528 The Rush is a locally owned and operated cafe, coffee and gift shop. 4130 Madisonville Rd LGMD sponsored in part by: Jesus Way Gifts; Kentucky Western Trucking, H&R Agri-Power, Huck’s Market, BB&T, The Wellness Center, J. Schrecker Jewelry, PEN Network, Joann’s Country Farm Store , Another’s Treasure, Bowman’s Greenhouse, Pennyrile Rural Electric, Kentucky American Seed, Blissful Cupcakes, Mathews Roofing, Mr. Mulch , Lamb Funeral Homes, Dexter & Associates, Hughart & Beard Funeral Homes, Luella Blue, Raymond Nelson Insurance, Associates for Dental Arts, United Southern Bank, Lee Rents, Rick’s Lawn Service and West KY Media Kelly Community News 9 LIVE in Concert On The Garland Nissan/WKDZ Stage JESUS WAY GIFTS Kayla Nettles Bibles CD's Adult Christian Books Soundtracks Gifts For All Occasions American Idol Finalist Kayla Nettles in concert 6:00PM, Friday, 17 August 2012 during the second annual Kelly "Little Green Men" Days festival. 1009 South Virginia St. Hopkinsville, KY OPEN 9-5 (except Wed) SAT 9-3 (270)-886-9191 Bryan Edwards Bryan Edwards is one of Nashville’s hottest up and coming singer/songwriters. The Florida native earned his first major songwriting cut on Jason Aldean’s latest record, “My Kinda Party,” which has become the top-selling country album of 2011. The song, “If She Could See Me Now,”. Bryan has performed for thousands in opening spots for some of the biggest names in country music, including Keith Urban, Charlie Daniels, Alan Jackson, Jason Aldean and Martina McBride. Bryan will be performing Saturday, August 18th at 6:00PM Jordan Carter Jordan Carter, known as the "Modern Day Johnny Cash" will be performing Saturday, August 18th at 11:30 AM JESSIE AND ANNA SLATON - OWNERS COME ON DOWN! Joann's Country Farm Store 7715 Madisonville Rd, Hopkinsville, KY 42240 · (Next to Kelly Baptist Church) Phone 270-881-8843 Hours Tues -Fri 10am -5pm and Sat noon -6pm Handmade candles, soaps and blankets. Farm fresh eggs. Seasonal produce and herbs. Matt Marinchick With his debut country radio single, "Part Time Lady," Matt Marinchick transitions from the world of a pro athlete to his new career as a country music artist. Matt Marinchick stands 6'10", a former OSU athlete he will nominate the Kelly "Little Green Men" Days main stage on Saturday, August 18th at 3:30PM. Petsch Farm Service & Petsch Equipment Kelly Community News 10 (270) 886-5620 7830 Madisonville Rd