MALAYSIA E-GOVERNMENT JOURNEY Service Delivery and ICT Transformation in Malaysia Public Sector 1 AGENDA • INTRODUCTION • MALAYSIA TRANSFORMATION AGENDA • MALAYSIA PUBLIC SECTOR ICT STRATEGIC DIRECTION – Current Demand – Malaysia Public Sector ICT Strategic Plan (PSISP) • • • • GOVERNMENT ICT INITIATIVES MALAYSIA PUBLIC SECTOR ICT GOVERNANCE CONCLUSION INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH 2 PUBLIC SECTOR ICT OVERVIEW E-GOVERNMENT IN MSC SCOPE OF E-GOVERNMENT INTRODUCTION 3 PUBLIC SECTOR ICT OVERVIEW • Interdepartmental and cross-agency online service • Converged public/civil service • Online processing of civil service • E-payment of taxes and fees INTEGRATED ADMINISTRATION 2011 E-COMMERCE • E-mail • Electronic Forms 2005 INTEROPERATION INTEGRATION, WEB APPS Periodic update of information 1997 ELECTRONIC DEVELOPMENT GOVERNMENT 2010 DELIVER SERVICES THROUGH AN INTEGRATED AND CONNECTED GOVERNMENT 1980 MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND PAPERLESS GOVERNMENT DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION • Online Services • Gradual Elimination of Paper • Digital Document Management System • Shared Services INFORMATION SYSTEM PUBLIC SECTOR ICT JOURNEY 4 MULTIMEDIA SUPER CORRIDOR (MSC) MULTIPURPOSE CARD E-GOVERNMENT VISION ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT SMART SCHOOLS MSC “FLAGSHIP” APPLICATIONS R&D CLUSTER To transform administrative process and service delivery through the use of IT and multimedia TELEHEALTH TECHNOPRENEUR DEVELOPMENT E-Business BORDERLESS MARKETING CENTRE To Leapfrog Malaysia into the Information Age WORLDWIDE MANUFACTURING WEB 5 7 8 9 SCOPE OF E-GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT BUSINESSES • 25 Federal Ministries • 219 Federal Departments / Federal Statutory Bodies • 346 State Departments / State Statutory Bodies • 149 Local Government Authorities CITIZENS 10 FOUR PILLARS OF TRANSFORMATION VISION 2020 MALAYSIA TRANSFORMATION AGENDA 11 12 MALAYSIA TRANSFORMATION AGENDA VISION 2020 Malaysia to become a high-income nation that is both inclusive and sustainable by 2020. • • • HIGH INCOME High Income – Target GNI USD 15K per capita Inclusive - Enables all communities to benefit from the wealth of the country Sustainable - Meets present needs without compromising future generations QUALITY OF LIFE INCLUSIVE SUSTAINABLE “Towards a rich country, for everyone and for a long time” – DS Idris Jala 13 NATIONAL KEY ECONOMIC AREA (NKEA) NKEA Communication, Content and Infrastructure (CCI) STEERING COMMITTEE (SC) LEAD MINISTER: YB MINISTER OF INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE O P E R AT I O N S C O M M I T T E E ( O M ) CHAIRMAN : MALAYSIAN COMMUNICATION AND MULTIMEDIA COMMISSION CHAIRMAN 14 NKEA CCI: 10 ENTRY POINTS PROJECTS (EPP) Serving Tomorrow MY Creative Content 1a Local content hub to vitalise creative sector, reduce dependence on international connectivity, and export content Pushing Boundaries 2a 2b 1b Common standards, platforms and security protocols to cashless payment to masses in Malaysia Connecting 1MY 1c Next-generation services to provide ubiquitous connectivity and compelling services for the Rakyat at home, in the workplace, and ‘on-the-move’ E-Learning Integrated approach to provide access, devices, and platforms/content/ applications to benefit the learning Rakyat 3a E-Healthcare 3b Networked healthcare providers to each other and to their patients to improve productivity and information management 1MY Payment 2c Enhancing Foundation 3c Establishing broadband as an essential service to Malaysians on par with other utilities, e.g. water and electricity Extend Reach Acceleration and expansion of broadband coverage in nonurban areas (e.g. to Zone 2 and Zone 3) Smart Network Differentiated pricing to provide higher quality and more affordable service, based on QoS E-Government Increasing the accessibility, speed, and transparency of government services through communications technology Broadband for All 3d Regional Network Capacity increase of Malaysia’s submarine cable network to lower international IP connectivity costs 15 EPP 8 OVERVIEW: E-GOVERNMENT 2c Increasing the accessibility, speed, and transparency of government services E-Counter Services Paperless Government ▪ Towards zero face-to-face: 90% of all transactions online, remaining 10% eforms ▪ Available on all devices (kiosks, PC, mobile), at all locations (CBC, PID, post offices) and at all channels (government portals and SMEs such as MyEG etc.) Digital Signature ▪ Replacement of paper archives with digital archives, i.e. document management system ▪ Gradual elimination of papers in stages, – Meeting invites, and meeting minutes – Presentation material – Internal circulars – Inter-Ministries/ inter-agency memos 1Malaysia Account • Unique official email account and ID, e.g. <id_no>@1Malaysia.my • Default and secured, with singlesign-on channel to all government Eservices, e.g. E-Hasil, EPF, license renewal • Value-added services (e.g. online bill payment, public record searches) Drive convergence of Digital Signature to encourage mass adoption in Malaysia - made available across E-Counter Services, Paperless Government, 1Malaysia Accounts Campaign Significant “marketing campaign” in the country in order to create project awareness in the public 16 DEMAND PSISP 2011 - 2015 MALAYSIA PUBLIC SECTOR ICT STRATEGIC DIRECTION 17 CURRENT DEMAND FOR PUBLIC SECTOR ICT SERVICES 7 NKRA GTP DIGITAL MALAYSIA NEM 8 SRI DEMAND • • Streamline ICT Architecture Consolidation of ICT Infrastructure RMKe-10 ETP 13 NKEA 131 EPP 18 NKEA CCI EPP E-GOVERNMENT KEY INITIATIVES E-Counter Paperless Government 1MY Account EXPECTED OUTCOMES • Availability: - 2012: 50% of services available online - 2015: 90% of services available online - 2020: 90% of services available online, 10% e-forms • Usage: - 2012: 50% of total transactions online - 2015: 90% of total transactions online - 2020: 90% of total transactions online, 10% e-forms • By 2011: Digital document management system established • By 2012: 70% of intra-government letters/memos, invitations, circulars and meeting minutes online • By 2012: 90% of meeting invites online • Establishment: - 2012: 50% of all 18-above have account - 2015: 100% of all 18-above have account • Usage of Value Added Services: - 2012: 15% of registered users - 2015: 30% of registered users - 2020: 50% of registered users REVENUES Total = RM211M GNI, JOBS, CAPEX, OPS TARGETS Common Targets 1.Maintenance 2.Incremental Storage 3.Managed Lifestyle 4.Additional Broadband Subscription & Mobile Data 5.Info Government 6.Downloading Services, National Archives and e-Library 7.Transaction Fees (paid for transaction over online, mobile, kiosks) GNI RM1.1 billion Jobs 1,000 CAPEX RM 484 Mil Operational KPI/Targets % Online Services = 25% % Online Transactions = 25% % Pop >18yrs has 1MY Email = 30% 8.Kiosk Connectivity 19 NKEA BUSINESS SERVICES – EPP2-1: GOVERNMENT SHARED SERVICES Growth Levers 1 Reach critical scale Increase global awareness Enhance Impact Initiatives Set up centralised government shared services centre – include study on non core ICT business processes 2 Facilitate discussions between GLCs and outsourcing providers 3 Introduce policy incentives to encourage M&A 4 Increase dedicated sales representation in target markets 5 Run trade missions to target markets 6 Launch global marketing campaign in target markets USD2.1 bn Additional jobs in 2020 7 Subsidise certification programmes for companies and professionals 8 Benchmark companies to increase transparency and foster competitiveness credibility Additional GNI in 2020 43,000 Private investment (2010-2020) Public investment (2010-2020) USD661 m USD52 m 20 NEM Strategic Reform Initiative: Public Service Delivery Real-time performance Monitoring Service counter SMS Channel for feedback rating + Electronic Channel Touchscreen at Counter Please rate our service 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent Poor 21 PUBLIC SECTOR ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2011 - 2015 The Malaysian Public Sector ICT Strategic Plan is to accelerate the innovative utilisation and development of ICT in readiness for the ever changing service landscape facing the public sector. VISION Pervasive use of ICT towards a citizen centric and wholeof-Government Approach Public Service MISSION To provide seamless online services to the citizens, business and government through a connected public service Powering Public Sector Digital Transformation 22 PSISP 2011 - 2015: PROGRAMS & TARGETS 5 PROGRAMS 6 POLICY TARGETS 1. Enhance Service Delivery 1. Towards ‘zero’ face to face service delivery 2. Enhance Capacity and Capability 2. Towards paperless Government 3. Enhance Performance Measurement Capability 4. Cross Agency collaboration towards seamless services 4. Connected Government 5. Government Shared Services 5. Sustainable and Resilient ICT 6. Skills and Expertise internalisation of Public Sector ICT Personnel 3. Inculcating information sharing and interoperability 23 STRATEGIC APPROACH PSISP STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 24 PUBLIC SECTOR ICT BLUEPRINT Enhancing Information Sharing Information Architecture To achieve a whole-ofgovernment by providing connected service delivery Improving ICT Governance ICT Governance To strengthen the ICT governance structure to support and align with the national strategic priorities and initiatives by creating a more responsive governance environment to improve speed of decision making and delivery Managing Knowledge Effectively Knowledge Management To improve service delivery and decision making through an informed knowledge environment Strengthening the Infrastructure Infrastructure Architecture To increase public sector productivity, add value and improve efficiencies through a whole-of-government approach on ICT infrastructure 25 CURRENT SCENARIO ICT INITIATIVES GOVERNMENT ICT INITIATIVES 26 CURRENT SCENARIO UNITED NATIONS E-GOVERNMENT SURVEY 2010 57.6% broadband household penetration rate 12 Mobile penetration rate of 119.2% as of Q2 2011 27 3 MAJOR FINDINGS: Online and e-counter services 1 2 3 Government Services: 65% manual Government Services: 35% online Paperless Government: 90% manual *as of April 2011 EPP8 TARGET 2012: 50% online 2012: 50% of total transaction online 2012: 90% meeting invites online 2012: 70% letters, circulars, minutes online 28 3 MAJOR FINDINGS: Data centres and network 1 Disparate Network Services and Connectivity • 65% sites with multiple links • 87% sites with less than than 2Mbps bandwidth *as of April 2011 2 3 Disparate Data Centres and DRC • 22% of agencies have DC • Total - 393 DC • 94% owned where 11% tiered and 89% unclassified • 6% outsourced • 4% of agencies have DRC • Total – 32 • 43% owned and 57% outsourced • DC Floor Space estimated at 306,934 psf Inefficient ICT Infrastructure Management • 19% has value added services (VAS) • 19 agencies have more than one DC • 41% DC has no SOP • 33% of DC floor space are not utilised 29 CURRENT SCENARIO 37% Government services are available online 57% PTPTN loan Government online transactions have increased by 117% 1,840 mySMS services with 14.6 mil. hits ePayment services implementation increased by 260% 1,380 renewal 2.3 mil online repayment are paid via passport application e-Filing transactions online via online Government online transactions 111.5 mil. 8,800 Government’s premises connected to 1Gov*Net DBP - highest usage with 33.8 mil. driving licenses transactions online transactions 30 87,904 online GOVERNMENT WIDE COMMON SYSTEMS GOE HRMIS PMS eCourts eProcurement eServices COMPLETED AND ROLLED OUT eSyariah eLand GFMAS eSPKB JobsMalaysia 31 AGENCY SPECIFIC SYSTEMS Numerous agency-specific applications enhancing back-end operations, improving public-facing service delivery FRONT END SYSTEMS Shorter processing time Land Application and Monitoring System (LAMS) PDRM - Traffic Compound Online Payment System (COPS) RTD - Vehicle and Driver Information System (SIKAP) JIM - Immigration Control System LHDN - E-Filing (Income Tax System) JIM - Passport and Travel Document System BACK END SYSTEMS Improved agencies’ operational functions Standard Accounting System for Govt Agencies (SAGA) NRD - Agency Link Up System (ALIS) NRD - National Population Record System (SIREN) 32 Revenue collection systems SINGLE GATEWAY TO PUBLIC SERVICE PORTAL www.malaysia.gov.my Websites across Federal, State and Local Authorities MyGovernment Portal • Citizen-Centric & Business Community Portal • Single access to multiple communities 33 SINGLE GATEWAY TO SMS SERVICES Hassle Free Services for People On The Move The use of a single SMS number to access government services (SMS services) Information on Demand (IOD) Document on Demand (DOD) SERVICES SMS Broadcast SMS Complaint 34 E-PAYMENT Government Online Payment at Your Convenience 35 myForms One Stop Center for Government Forms 36 MOBILE GOVERNMENT (myMobile) Mobile Payment Mobile Application Mobile Enquiry Complaint Facilities Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) 37 EPP E-GOVERNMENT PROJECTS myMesyuarat Service Intelligence (SI) ePBT Online National Single Window (NSW) National Phytosanitary Certification System (NPCS) and eCert E-Rating Government Risk and Compliance Scorecard (myGRiC) Perkongsian Maklumat Perguruan Portal JPW Sistem Maklumat & Pendaftaran OKU (SMOKU) MyResearch Putra WiFi Digital Document Management System (DDMS) Sistem Pengurusan Perkahwinan Islam Malaysia (SPPIM) dan E-Halal e-Registration for Private Education 38 GOVERNMENT NETWORK (1Gov*Net) INTERNET 10Gbps Government Integrated Telecommunication Network (1Gov*Net) Integrated and Secured Network Managed Centrally 24x7 11,000 premises connected with minimum 2Mbps by 2015 10Gbps PCN INTERNET 39 GOVERNMENT CLOUD (1GovCloud) 2 GDC2: Outsourced Data Centre • DRC for GDC1 • Provide data center facilities and hosting services (IaaS) to 47 government agencies • Provide Microsoft and Open Source Platform (PaaS) to Public Sector ICT Developers 1 GDC1: MAMPU Putrajaya/Cyberjaya •Provide data center facilities and hosting services (IaaS) to 30 government agencies. •Provide Platform as a Service (PaaS): 3 Software as a Service (SaaS) • Consolidated unified communication for 200,000 users in the Public Sector • myMesyuarat • Service Intelligence • Digital Document Management System MyGovXchange: payment gateway service to 28 agencies to support online service delivery MyGovernment Portal: web service to 60 agencies. 40 ICT SECURITY INITIATIVES ISMS Information Security Management System Office of the Prime Minister ISCS Information Security Compliance Scorecard 41 GOVERNMENT REGIONAL ELECTRONIC ADVANCEMENT TRANSFORMATION (G.R.E.A.T) Integrated online services No Wrong Door approach Malaysia Online Services Portal (MOSP) with a single sign-on feature 42 ENTREPRISE ARCHITECTURE 43 44 45 OPEN DATA 46 47 48 49 SERVICE INTELLIGENCE A mechanism to measure, evaluate and monitor of KPIs from the perspective of people, process and technology BI AS SHARED SERVICES - myPrestasi myStar myPROFIT RPM Diagnostic Intervention Pre-emptive 50 GOVERNMENT AND SOCIAL MEDIA 15% agencies are using 256 social media channels 51 LEGAL FRAMEWORK Standards and Guidelines Government Circulars Electronic Government Activities Act 2007 (EGAA) ACTS and CIRCULARS to support the ICT Initiatives Digital Signature Act 1997 To Support ICT Initiatives Copyright (Amendment) Act 1997 Computer Crimes Act 1997 Telemedicine Act 1997 Communications & Multimedia Act 1998 52 MALAYSIA PUBLIC SECTOR ICT GOVERNANCE 53 MALAYSIA PUBLIC SECTOR ICT GOVERNANCE NATIONAL IT COUNCIL (NITC) STATE ICT COUNCIL (SIC) Implementation Council Meeting (ICM) PANEL 3P JITIK PEMUDAH Policy, Strategy & Planning JKJ Coordination & Monitoring EGCOM Flagship Coordination Committee (FCC) JLICT JTICT ICON Operation Community Projects Steering Committee Smart Partnership Committee Agency ICT Steering Committee ICT Consultant Committee EG Steering Committee Public Sector Data Dictionary Committee ICT Security Committee ICT Personnel Advisory Panel Public Sector ICT Managers Forum Public Sector ICT Security Officers Forum Public Sector CIO Council Public Sector ICT Experts Steering Committee Government Integrated Telecommunications Network (GITN) Steering Committee Public Sector ICT Experts Technical Committee GCIO AND CIO IN MALAYSIA PUBLIC SECTOR GITIC GCIO CIO MINISTRY/AGENCIES GCIO OFFICE (MAMPU) Support GCIO in term of: • Strategic planning and leadership; • Architecture and Business Analysis; • Communication and Engagement; and • ICT system delivery innovation CONCLUSION 56 CHALLENGES Managing expectation • PEOPLE • PROCESS • TECHNOLOGY Managing technology Work culture challenges Uniformity and consistency Inter agencies collaboration National competitiveness 57 ICT IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: Need to evolve our skills and capability in order to become a trusted service provider and advisor to the business. One that can balance the demands and opportunities for both ICT and the business as well as identifying opportunities using an end-to-end view of the supply chains across Public Sector and external organisation – which will improve strategic investment alignment. Public Sector Strategic Technology Assets Delivery Partnership Public Sector ICT Assets Sustaining Demand Consistency Local business needs to sustain national strategy Alignment 58 Public Sector ICT Assets Sustaining Demand IT investment aligned to business strategic goals and IT operational integrity Projects deliver business value (KPIs) on time and on budget Applications Management through strategic service delivery partners with standard processes Operational Integrity with efficient, lights on processes Right People with the Right Skills in the Right Roles Develop a capability pipeline to meet the changing need of the business 59 INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH 60 Information Systems Research Capsules: Directions for New Scholars, Altschuller et. al., (2004) How is e-Government Research Different from Traditional IS Research?, Scholl (2005) E-GOV RESEARCH DOMAIN 65 A Systematic Review of e-Government Research in Developing Countries. Alryalat et al. (2012) A Systematic Review of e-Government Research in Developing Countries. Alryalat et al. (2012) A Systematic Review of e-Government Research in Developing Countries. Alryalat et al. (2012) RESEARCH FRAMEWORK/ THEMES 69 MIT 90’s belongs among the critical success factors models. The framework was developed by the team, led by Michael S. Scott Morton at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Trend of e-Government Research. Contextualization and Research Opportunities. Manuel Pedro Rodriguez Bolivar et al (2010) Trendrr Trend of e-Government Research. Contextualization and Research Opportunities. Manuel Pedro Rodriguez Bolivar et al (2010) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 73 MODELS/ THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 75 The Garbage Can Model • The garbage can model is based on the assumption that decision making is sloppy and haphazard. Decisions result from an interaction between four independent streams of events: problems, solutions, participants, and choice opportunities. 76 The Garbage Can Model Case found evidence of decision making by flight and oversight, occurring in decision situations characterized by ambiguous goals, unclear methods, and fluid participation. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Goals and processes were unclear and problematic: What is to be the future of the speech program? Program shrinking, senior faculty left, no tenured faculty, no research Ad hoc discussions between associate dean and speech faculty Participation was fluid: Leadership changes: Dean of college, Associate Dean, Chair of department Movement of faculty (retirement, resignation, transfers, deaths, ...) Movement of students (eliminated undergarduate speech program, transferred ESL program Decision making by flight: Many faculty left the department (retirement, transfers, death, ...) Many parts of the speech program transferred to other departments Decision making by oversight: New associate dean reviewing contract renewal, recommended closing of program Decision to discontinue the Department of Speech was finally made in response to a different problem: university was under pressure "to find ways of saving money in the university budget" Decision quickly accepted by the Dean and university Provost The Garbage Can Model Case Structuration Theory Viable System Model Viable System Model The Knowledge Value Chain 84 Summary History does not repeat itself; it is people that repeats history - Anonymous THANK YOU 86
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