Feb. 2013 - San Elizario Independent School District
Feb. 2013 - San Elizario Independent School District
Fe b r u a r y 2 0 1 3 San Elizario ISD thanks board members in January As volunteers who serve children and and demanding challenges. These local volrepresent their community, San Elizario unteers are elected by the community and ISD school board members face complex receive no compensation for their work. January was designated as School Board Recognition Month by the Texas Association of School Boards and San Elizario ISD joined countless districts across the state in taking the opportunity to thank our local leaders for devoting their time to support public education and to serve our schools. Several activities were planned during the month to show appreciation to board members beginning with campuses placing thank you messages on their outdoor marNJROTC cadets from San Elizario High School present board members with gifts during the regular meeting held on January 16. quees. Trustees were recognized and received gifts during the regular board meeting held on January 16 from students, principals and staff. They were also treated to an elegant dinner prepared by the Child Nutrition Services Department after the meeting. Board members serving are: Antonio Araujo – President Jose Rodriguez – Vice President Irene D. Jaquez – Secretary Vicente Delgadillo, Jr. Ramon Holguin Fernie Madrid Armando Martinez. San Elizario ISD applauds their willingness to serve as advocates for children and the voice of education in the community! Employees praised for exuberant efforts in November Awards for the San Elizario ISD Recognition Program were presented for November prior to the holiday break during the December 12 board meeting. Four individuals were honored for generously contributing more than their share of time and talent to make a favorable impact on the district. Veronica Herrera, chosen as Teacher of the Month, is an ELAR teacher at GEMS who has become a resource to her colleagues by sharing and demonstrating strategies or procedures in action. She is the NJHS sponsor participating in many community service projects alongside her students and also provides tutoring. Herrera injects knowledge and passion into her work with students. Her optimistic outlook in all situations has contributed greatly to the overall positive climate at GEMS. Employee of the Month Pat Soliz has worked at Alarcon Elementary for the past four years, over 19 years total with the district, and is currently a science lab aide. She makes science fun for students and has coordinated the science fair for the campus and Science Information Night for parents to help make the event a success. After school Soliz can be found working with students in the school’s garden which is part of a science enrichment program. Her happy attitude and courteous demeanor have translated into accomplishments for the science program and teachers appreciate her help. Once Linda Sanchez, Volunteer of the Month, completes her work as a monitor she sticks around the Alarcon campus to provide support to teachers and students. She volunteers her time at the parent center assisting with numerous duties and also serves on the LPAC committee. Sanchez has been at Alarcon for four years. In the four years that Supervisor of the Month, Mayela Sanchez, has been the principal at Alarcon Elementary it has consistently performed well on both state and federal accountability systems. Sanchez encourages leadership and motivates teachers to develop enrichment programs to ensure that students receive a well rounded education. She is credited by her faculty for creating a community environment V. Herrera M. Sanchez Linda Sanchez (and grandaughter) and Pat Soliz. by modeling what collaboration means and dedicating herself to improving and strengthing the campus. These November award winners are cheered for being an inspiration to San Elizario ISD through their boundless efforts and proficiency. We are family Erika & Daniel C AMILA S E MMA Save the date for the upcoming wedding of Erika Morales! Morales who works in the front office at San Elizario High School became engaged to fiancé Daniel Campos on her birthday October 7. Congratulations to the bride and groom-to-be who are planning a wedding sometime in October 2013. A couple of storks may have migrated to San Elizario in the winter and brought about a baby boom in the district with the arrival of these precious bundles: Cynthia Guevara, computer lab teacher at Sambrano Elementary, gave birth to a baby girl on December 12. Guevara and husband Emmanuel named their daughter Camila. Gina Shutt and husband Joe Aguero welcomed son Slate on January 2. Shutt works as a payroll specialist in the Finance L A T E Department. Slate, who weighed over 8 lbs. and 21 in. long, is also the grandson of Estela Shutt who oversees attendance at Sambrano Elementary. Debbie Cortez Dominguez, instructional officer with the Planning and Instruction Department, gave birth to a daughter on January 23. Dad Roger and big brother Ethan also welcomed Emma Riley to the family. She weighed 8 lbs. and was 19.5 inches long. Congratulations to all the new and expanding families! If you would like to share your family news or other personal milestone with the San Elizario ISD community, please send your information to [email protected]. Spirit of giving at San Eli ISD A special thank you to all San Elizario ISD employees and students who helped to make the holidays a bit more memorable and festive. Your generosity and kindness truly shone through whether you adopted a family in need from the community, brought some Christmas fun to students, decked the halls, or just shared some homemade goodies with coworkers, your spirit of giving was appreciated! San Elizario High School Student Council spread some holiday cheer at Loya Primary School on December 13. Feb. 5 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Feb. 25 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Recognition Committee Board Meeting ••Leadership Meeting ••FMNV Exemption Day ••Child Seat Inspection ••App Toolkit Refresher Mobile Device Training for 3-6 Math & Science End of 4th Six Weeks Promethean ActiveInspire Start of 5th Six Weeks Mobile Device Training for 3-6 Reading & Writing ••GEMS Spring Conference ••Mobile Device Training for 3-6 Math & Science Happy Valentines Day! Teachers as Leaders is an e-newsletter produced by the Planning & Instruction Department Ruben Cervantes 3562 Eliza Simental Asst. Superintendent Dir. Bilingual Ed./ESL 3595 Melissa Urenda 3566 Adam Starke 3594 3592 Debbie Cortez 3541 Cynthia P. Marentes 3511 PEIMS Director At-Risk Director Beatriz Briones Instructional Officer Instructional Officer Communications Officer Mary Ramirez 3568 Diana Galvan 3561 Secretary Secretary San Elizario Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, age, or national origin in its educational programs, activities, or employment.
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