July 17, 2016 - Saint Columbkille Parish
July 17, 2016 - Saint Columbkille Parish
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 16-17, 2016 200 East Sixth Street ● Papillion, Nebraska 68046 ● Phone (402) 339-3285 ● Fax: (402) 592-4753 ● www.saintcolumbkille.org Show favor, O Lord, to your servants and mercifully increase the gifts of your grace, that, made fervent in hope, faith and charity, they may be ever watchful in keeping your commands. Today’s Collect Prayer St. Columbkille Parish Directory REV. DAVE REESON, PASTOR 402-339-3285 ext. 103 [email protected] REV. KEVIN VOGEL, PAROCHIAL VICAR 402-339-3285 ext. 106 [email protected] PARISH STAFF Deacon Eldon Lauber, Pastoral Associate 402-339-3285 ext. 105 or [email protected] Steve Baxley, Pastoral Minister, 402-339-3285 [email protected] David Batter, Director of Music & Liturgy 402-339-3285 ext. 107 or [email protected] Deacon David Krueger, Stewardship Director 402-339-3285 ext. 104 or [email protected] Judy Lauber, Parish Office Manager 402-339-3285 ext. 100 or [email protected] Jackie Buso, Bulletin Editor/Athletics 402-592-1533 or [email protected] Debbie Armentrout, Business Manager 402-592-8494 or [email protected] Bill Heese, Maintenance/Grounds Coordinator 402-616-4740 or [email protected] St. Columbkille Education Center 224 East 5th Street, Papillion, NE 68046 ST. COLUMBKILLE GRADE SCHOOL 402-339-8706 Jim Makey, Principal, 402-339-8706 or [email protected] Brandi Redburn, Assistant Principal, 402-339-8706 or [email protected] Carmen McCartney, Secretary, [email protected] Heather Hixson, Bookkeeper [email protected] ST. COLUMBKILLE RELIGIOUS FORMATION 402-339-0990 Lori Long, Director, [email protected] Nicole Cook, Coordinator of Disciple Formation [email protected] Judie O’Connor, Office Manager, [email protected] Sr. Jean Marie Faltus, SPIRITuality ALIVE 402-593-9214 or [email protected] SACRED HEART PRESCHOOL, 402-991-3405 Julie Crnkovich, Director [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 p.m. & 5 p.m. Daily Masses: Monday-Thursday, 8:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; Friday, 6:20 a.m., 8:15 a.m.; Saturday, 8:15 a.m. (Communion Service) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Monday-Thursday, 5-5:20 p.m.; Saturday, 3:30-4:30 p.m. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptismal preparation classes are required for parents with children to be baptized. Call the Parish Office at 402-339-3285 for information. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE The Archdiocese requires a minimum of six months notification for all who are to be married in order to arrange for and complete the various activities/programs associated with marriage preparation. Please contact the Parish Office before setting a date. 2 Monday, July 18 8:15 a.m. † Norm Paulsen (Fr. Reeson) 5:30 p.m. † Dr. Fred Gawecki (Fr. Soltys) Tuesday, July 19 8:15 a.m. † Rodney Devine (Fr. Reeson) 5:30 p.m. † Dennis Schacht (Fr. Nields) Wednesday, July 20 8:15 a.m. † Everett Smith (Fr. Nields) 5:30 p.m. † Martin & Doloris Ulrich (Fr. Reeson) Thursday, July 21 8:15 a.m. Waisum Tam-Healing (Fr. Reeson) 5:30 p.m. † Robert Broderick, Sr. (Fr. Nields) Friday, July 22 6:20 a.m. † Annie Webb (Fr. Nields) 8:15 a.m. † Blanche Murphy (Fr. Nields) Saturday, July 23 8:15 a.m. Communion Service (Dcn. Krueger) 5:00 p.m. † Fred & Rita Jansen (Fr. Reeson) 6:30 p.m. † Vince Kucirek (Fr. Nields) Sunday, July 24 7:30 a.m. † Ferne Ulrich (Fr. Reeson) 9:00 a.m. † Benjamin Nelson (Fr. Nields) 10:30 a.m. † Joan Watson (Fr. Reeson) 12:00 p.m. † Fritz Buglewicz (Fr. Nields) 5:00 p.m. For the Parish (Fr. Reeson) DEACONS OF ST. COLUMBKILLE PARISH David Graef Bill Hill Steve Jordan David Krueger Eldon Lauber Frank Mascarello Jerry Overkamp Russ Perry Bob Stier Bud Tharp Brian Thomas Duane Thome Eric Vande Berg 402-592-4741 402-250-3030 402-290-4916 402-680-3430 402-679-0604 402-650-2579 402-339-2998 402-960-6509 402-331-0716 402-339-3614 402-592-7646 402-593-1167 402-592-4359 St. Columbkille Parish www.SaintColumbkille.org www.facebook.com/columbkille @sColumbkille (Twitter) St. Columbkille Parish Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time • July 16-17, 2016 3 Athletic Activities St. Columbkille Golf Tournament Saturday, August 13 Tregaron, 1:00 p.m. Sign your team up today! If you can donate, would like to help with this fundraiser or sign up to golf, please contact Kevin Miller at 402-670-3058 or Travis Pinkelman at 402-490-0367. New Date for the Annual St. C 3v3 Soccer Tourney! August 20 $75/team by August 12 $95/team after August 12 St. Columbkille Sports Complex 84th and Fairview Rds. Register your team now at www.SaintColumbkilleAthletics.org Parish News & Notes SACRED HEART PRESCHOOL The preschool office has closed for the summer. A few openings remain in our afternoon session for the fall. Please visit the parish website for additional information and registration forms (the preschool link is located under the Formation tab). Please direct questions to Julie at ([email protected]). E-mails will be checked on a weekly basis during the summer months. Have a safe and blessed summer! JULY 24-30 IS NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING AWARENESS WEEK Natural Family Planning (NFP) Awareness Week celebrates NFP and teaches others about it. The theme this year is Love, Mercy, Life...Natural Family Planning, Opening the Heart of Marriage. NFP helps married couples open their hearts to each other and God's plan for their marriage. In fact, by following God’s plan for married love, NFP couples develop deeper intimacy, improved communication and have a very low divorce rate. NFP is 99% effective in postponing pregnancy and can also be used to help achieve pregnancy. There are no harmful side effects or cancercausing artificial hormones like those present in the pill. NFP is the method of family planning approved by the Catholic Church. To learn more about NFP and NFP Awareness Week, contact St. Columbkille Liaisons Mike and Lisa Brandon at 402-915-1533 or [email protected]. You can also visit the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at http://www.usccb.org. DOUGHNUTS AFTER MASS FOR NFP AWARENESS WEEK Do you practice Natural Family Planning (NFP) or want to learn more about it? All are invited to the social level on Sunday, July 24th, after the 10:30 Mass. Come for doughnuts, juice and fellowship. NFP materials will be available. Questions: Please contact St. Columbkille NFP liaisons, Mike and Lisa Brandon, at 402-915-1533 or ([email protected]). FESTIVAL RAFFLE TICKETS VOLUNTEER NEEDED A volunteer is needed to organize, tidy and monitor the inventory levels of supplies in the Steinhausen Center kitchen. This would require no more than a couple of hours per week of time. If you can help, please call Debbie Armentrout at 402-592-8494. 4 The 2016 St. Columbkille Family Fall Festival will take place on Sunday, September 18th. Raffle tickets for this year's raffle will be distributed after all Masses on Saturday, July 30th and Sunday, July 31st. 8-10 volunteers are needed to help distribute the tickets after each Mass on Saturday, July 30th and Sunday, July 31st. Only about 20-30 minutes of time after each Mass is required to help with the distribution. Please contact Benjamin Robles at [email protected] or 402-968-1861 if you are interested in volunteering or have any questions regarding this year's raffle. St. Columbkille Parish ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Imagine living from paycheck to paycheck, something many of us do or have done in our lives, and a dear family member has died and you’ve been called to help with all the arrangements that take place. You drop everything and go to be with the family in another city. While your mind is on the departed and trying to comfort those in grief, including yourself, life cycles on back home… those bills need to be paid. Suddenly your landlord is calling you saying, “hey, remember me?” Helping those in need is what St. Vincent de Paul does. When someone calls the church asking for help we get that request. During a single week we may get anywhere from two to ten calls from folks with various needs. We make home visits to determine how deep their needs go, to listen to their stories, to pray with them, and to determine how best we can help all who have called. We need your help to continue doing this. The offering envelopes in your envelope boxes are a wonderful way to help on a regular basis. What we also really need now is your support at the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store in Tara Plaza. Donations to the store are tax deductible and a great way to help. Shopping at the store would benefit the store and yourselves. There are so many useful and decorative small items, kitchen appliances, pictures for the walls, as well furniture, lamps, toys, outdoor equipment and so much more. Store hours are Monday through Saturday, 10:00 - 6:00. The Thrift Store is also in need of Volunteers! If you are able to work an hour or two (or three) each week, please let me know at ([email protected]). It’s easy work. We like to keep everything nice and clean so we try to make sure the items on the sale floor and in the back room are clean and sorted appropriately. Scheduling is flexible if vacation or an appointment comes up on your assigned day. Please consider being a Vincentian as a volunteer at our store on Tara Plaza. You are very much in need. If you’ve volunteered and have not received a call, please let me know. We have been blessed with a generous parish community. God bless you all. To thank you, please consider using the coupon below at our Tara Plaza store. St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Tara Plaza $10 off $40 purchase $15 off $60 purchase $25 off $100 purchase One coupon per purchase, cannot be used with other discounts or sales. Expires 9/30/16 Only good at the Tara Plaza location. Please pray for all those who have died, and especially for: † Mary Jo Dethlefs, mother of Hans & Andrea Dethlefs May she rest in peace. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed receive the mercy of God. Amen. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 17: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 12:38-42 Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-8; Mt 12:46-50 Jer 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71:1-4a, 5-6ab, 15, 17; Mt 13:1-9 Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 26:6-7ab, 8-11; Mt 13:10-17 Jer 3:14-17; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:24-30 Gen 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-3, 6-8; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time • July 16-17, 2016 5 Religious Formation Information RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 402-339-0990 The Religious Education office is closed and will reopen on Monday, August 1st. 2016-2017 Fall RE Program Registration Monday Classes: 5:00 to 6:15 pm OR Wednesday Classes: 5:45 to 7:00 pm Classes begin Monday, Sept 12 OR Wednesday, Sept 14 Registration forms may be found on the website: http://www.saintcolumbkille.org/education/ formation/children/ If you need a specific class day—register now. Registrations are accepted on a first-come firstserved basis. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP The death of a loved one can be a devastating and lonely time. There may be many unanswered questions and changes in your reality. You may be experiencing emotions you cannot explain. You may be questioning your faith or wondering where “normal” went. St. Columbkille Parish will be offering an 8 week bereavement group where some of these questions may be answered. You need not suffer alone. This peer support group will focus on ways to share our suffering and find God in the grief. If you or someone you love is grieving a loss, please consider joining us in the fall. Call Mary Stuart at 402-452-3239 to learn more. WIDOWED/SEPARATED/DIVORCED Just Older Youth (JOY) Are you retired and looking for a fun afternoon outing? Join our group this Friday at 11:00 a.m. at the Steinhausen Center. (We normally meet on the fourth Friday of each month.) We play dominoes and cards. Please bring a snack to share. Contact Joann at 402-339-2799 with any questions. AN INVITATION FOR NEW EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION In the Archdiocese of Omaha, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) are given formal training and mandated by Archbishop Lucas. These ministers assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and can also take communion to the homebound and ill. Those who feel called to minister to our parish community in this way should consider the formation and mandation. All four steps of the process must be fulfilled in the proper order listed below. STEP 1: All candidates must: be a high school junior or older this Fall be a practicing Catholic have received the sacrament of Confirmation be in a valid marriage, if married STEP 2: All candidates must attend ONE of the three archdiocesan formation sessions: Sunday, August 7; 1:30-4:30pm; St. Columbkille Church Tuesday, August 9; 7-10pm; St. Leo Church (102nd & Blondo) Monday, August 22, 7-10pm; St. Vincent de Paul Church (144th & Maple) STEP 3: The candidate must be mandated by Archbishop Lucas at the mandation Mass at the Cathedral (701 N. 40 St.) at 7pm on Thursday, September 8. STEP 4: Newly mandated EMHCs must attend the parish training session at 7pm on Tuesday, September 13, in our church. To register for candidacy, please contact David Batter, Director of Music and Liturgy, in the parish office at 339-3285 or email [email protected] NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, JULY 20. All candidates must be approved by the pastor and names are submitted to the archdiocese. Please observe this deadline carefully, as our parish must submit names to the archdiocese in a timely manner. Is there an abortion in your past? Do you feel a sense of loss? Despair? Alienation and guilt? Do you feel distant from your Church? PROJECT RACHEL can help heal the wounds of abortion. For private, sensitive and confidential counseling and/or reconciliation, call 1-888-456-HOPE (4673). More information is available online at www.hopeafterabortion.com. 6 St. Columbkille Parish Parish Gifts July 10, 2016 Budgeted Weekly Operating Costs .............. $50,500 Sunday Tithe - Collections .................................... 32,015 Sunday Tithe - Automatic Withdrawal ............... 17,172 Children’s Collection ................................................... 362 Feast of St. Columbkille…………………………...20 Sunday Tithe - Total......................................... $49,569 Other Collections: Debt Reduction ............................................................ 466 St. Columbkille Education Trust ............................... 230 Building Rental…………………………………… 93 St. Vincent de Paul……………………………….801 Future Fund……………………………………...324 Pave the Way…………………………………...2,015 Peter’s Pence………………………………………50 Simplify your sacrificial giving through automatic bank withdrawals! It’s easy, plus our parish family benefits in many ways. Call the Parish Office, 402-339-3285 to sign up. HOSPITAL STAY If you or someone you know is in the hospital, would you please call the Parish Office, 402-339-3285 and let the parish know. Families from our parish will be packing meals for Kids Against Hunger, Saturday, August 27. They will be collecting for this project before/after Masses this weekend. The goal: Pack 12,000 meals or more Each meal: Costs .25 Total Cost: $3000 Any donation is greatly appreciated!! For more information or to help with this project, contact Mike Campie [email protected] 8 Parish Calendar Monday, July 18 9:15 a.m. Senior Exercise (S.H.) 7:00 p.m. A.O.H. (S.H.) 7:30 p.m. Prayer Group (Ch.) Tuesday, July 19 9:15 a.m. Zumba (S.H.) 6:30 p.m. Young Catholic Professionals Mass (Ch.) 7:00 p.m. Young Catholic Professionals Mtg. (S.H.) Wednesday, July 20 9:30 a.m. Tai Chi (S.C.) 5:00 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul (S.C.) 7:00 p.m. Summer Book Club (S.H.) Thursday, July 21 7:00 p.m. Legion of Mary (S.H.) 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts (S.H.) Friday, July 22 9:15 a.m. Line Dancing (S.H.) 11:00 a.m. W/S/D (S.C.) Saturday, July 23 7:00 a.m. Yoga Fitness (S.C.) 9:30 a.m. Tai Chi (S.C.) Sunday, July 24 8:30 a.m. Listening Session (S.C.) 11:30 a.m. NFP Fellowship (S.H.) 1:00 p.m. Visitation Ministers (S.C.) 6:00 p.m. Listening Session (S.C.) Legend: Ch. Church S.H. Social Hall S.C. Steinhausen Center P.O. Parish Office Ed. Ctr. Education Center BULLETIN DEADLINE The bulletin deadline is ten days before the issue date and often changes during holidays. You can email your item to ([email protected]). If you have any questions, please call the bulletin office at 402-592-1533. See the bulletin and other great topics at: (www.saintcolumbkille.org). St. Columbkille Parish Community Events COME JOIN US FOR A VIP SCREENING OF APPARITION HILL! Special Q&A session with Director Sean Bloomfield and Dir. of Photography Cimela Kidonkis held after the July 20th & 22nd showings! From the acclaimed director of The Triumph comes a powerful new film that chronicles the incredible journey of 7 strangers who embark across the globe to investigate one of the greatest mysteries of the modern era! AMC Westroads 14 Theatre Three days only!!! July 20th at 6:30pm; July 22nd at 7:30pm; July 24th at 2:00pm For movie trailer and ticket information visit (www.ApparitionHill.tv). Journey of Hope The period leading up to the general election on November 8 is a time for Nebraskans to become better informed about the many issues-moral, ethical, social, legal, economic, political-involved with the death penalty. It is a time, certainly, for Catholic Nebraskans to inform their consciences with respect to Church teaching and its application to this important publicpolicy decision. A soon-to-occur opportunity to learn more is the Journey of Hope Tour, which will be taking place in numerous locations around the state. The tour involves presentations by teams of individuals who have been personally impacted by violent crimes, the criminaljustice system and punishment. Each session will include time for discussion and interaction. The next local session will be held on Wednesday, July 20 at 7 p.m. at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish 14330 Eagle Run Drive ST. ANNE NOVENA Sts. Peter and Paul Church (36th & Q Street) will be hosting the St. Anne Novena this month. The St. Anne Novena will start on Monday, July 18 and end Tuesday, July 26 with veneration of the relic. During the week the novena will be held at 6:30 p.m., Saturday will be held after 5 p.m. Mass and on Sunday after the 7:30 a.m. Mass. All are welcome to join us. RESERVE THESE DATES: Saturdays, August 20* & 27 and Sunday, August 28 To “Go! Be a Disciple” (Step Out & Serve) Projects for Everyone: Gigantic Bake Sale - Bake or work at the sale - proceeds to Habitat “Church Build” House Monarch Villa - prepare and share a brunch with the residents Habitat for Humanity - help paint or landscape Heartland Hope Mission - help folks select food and clothing Huntington Park - play Bingo with the folks Care for Creation Team - raise awareness in the parish concerning environmental stewardship Projects for Families: Kids Against Hunger - help feed hungry kids Contact: Mike Campie - [email protected] Mercy Garden - help with garden maintenance Heartland Family Services: --make tied-fleece blankets for newborn babies --make hygiene bags for homeless men and women. Heartland Hope Mission - Stuff a Truck Shadow Lake HyVee store - Sat., August 20* Contact: Jean Marie - 402-593-9214 [email protected] Make contacts early if you REALLY want a specific project, or sign up before/after all the Masses, August 6-7. PRAYER LINE CONTACT Cathy Beccard 402-592-5862 or e-mail, ([email protected]). Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time • July 16-17, 2016 9 • • • • www.papillion.wrfa.com • Investment Planning Retirement Planning Risk Management Financial Planning College Savings Kevyn P. Sopinski 105 South Washington St. Papillion, NE 68046 402.934.2990 PARISH MEMBER Musical Instruments Sales & Service I know this area like my own, because it is! . call me for your real estate needs . • New and Quality Used Guitars, Drums & Accessories • Professional Guitar & Amplifier Repair • Guitar, Bass, Piano, Drums & Vocal Lessons Kara Bellino • Realtor • Parishioner • Papillion Resident 402-968-7756 • [email protected] 147 N. Washington Papillion, NE 402.330.1310 www.d-rocks.com JOSEPH J. HURD D.D.S., M.S. ORTHODONTIST Experienced, quality home repair at an affordable price Mark Gerow [email protected] 9328 Monroe St., Omaha, NE 68127 402-320-4625 Registered and Insured www.RemarkableHomeRepair.com Residential Sales Property Management A. Lee White- Hamilton Realtor ® 402-680-4369 TRITZ PLUMBING INC. 402-291-2500 0ffice “Family Owned & Operated Since 1945” 402-933-4777 fax 894-0300 [email protected] 84th & Cary 339-0506 - PARISH MEMBER Since 1986 - RUNZA Restaurants 202 N. Washington 596-9805 Wayne Wilson-Mgr. (Parishioner) Following Jesus Every Day: HAWKINS ROOFING GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ave Maria Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Gregorian Chants conducted by Lucien Deiss, CSSp 800-566-6150 • www.wlp.jspaluch.com/13182.htm www.tritz.com 114 East Mission Ave • Bellevue NE 68005 4718 S. 135th St. • Omaha www.HikeRealEstate.com Available on CD ($17) 56th and Center The Most Complete Directory of Check It Out Today! Catholic Parishes 731-6322 402-898-8902 the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. www.wlpmusic.com Online National Parishioner Owned Commercial • Residential Industrial • Churches www.intertechcollision.com ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 800-566-6150 World Library Publications “All Work Guaranteed” Bring in this Ad to the Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! shop for 2% back to the Church The Belvedere Hall Wedding Receptions • Banquets Dances • Parties • Meetings Mike & Beth Bartels, PT • Parishioners Postural Restoration Certified Center “Giving You the Edge in Your Recovery” 96th & Hwy 370 402-315-3603 www.Edgept.com 201 E. First St., Papillion • 402-592-5117 www.polishhomeomaha.org Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com James Llewellyn Jesus A to Z REALTOR®/PARISHIONER 402.651.2024 Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS [email protected] 4102 TWIN CREEK DR. #110, BELLEVUE, NE A colorful Catholic ABC www.JamesLlewellyn.com book If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703 Enhancing Lives Hillcrest Health & Rehab - Short-term in-patient rehab Hillcrest Physical Therapy - Outpatient physical/occupational/speech Hillcrest Home Care - Skilled medical & private duty care Hillcrest Hospice Care - Compassionate end-of-life support Hillcrest Mable Rose - Assisted living & memory support Hillcrest Victoria Gardens - Assisted living memory support Hillcrest Country Estates - Continuing Care Retirement Community The Club - adult day services Personal Injury • Medical Malpractice Auto Accidents Offices conveniently located in both Omaha and Papillion ........... 402-493-7221 FUCINARO Tara Heights Apartments EXCAVATING CO., INC. 331-7679 4901 G Street Tara Hills Villas 339-3665 733-4100 GO WITH A PRO Judy Vacek (Parishioner) 402-658-7900 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 [email protected] *First Three Months You’ll like the way we do business! We create Happiness by Inspiring your Lifestyle in your home and Enhancing business Environments. Responsibly 90th & L • 402-592-7072 Administrator 217 East First Street Papillion, Nebraska 68046 402-339-9652 • Fax 402-339-2922 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Complete Home Organization Committed to a Standard of Excellence in Quality Care Fax: (402) 339-6088 Papillion, NE 68046 Gina Vanderheiden Parishioner 402.933.2010 Blankman Services [email protected] 114 E 1st Street, Suite 105 Papillion, NE 68046 www.ginavpt.com Heating & Cooling Phone: 306-7154 2501 S. 32nd Ave. • Omaha, NE 68105 Financial Advisor 146 North Washington Street Papillion, NE 68046 402-339-0087 www.edwardjones.com OOR INDOW NC. PAPILLION, NE free estimates • 41 years experience Member SIPC RANDY PENKE 331-3036 EARL BARNEY, D.D.S., P.C. 106 W. 2ND ST. PAPILLION 331-2313 7223 S. 84th Street LaVista, NE 68128 402-331-8550 www.bankofnebraska.com For All Your Glass & Mirror Needs! Get Organized! John Turner Huntington Park Care Center Off: (402) 339-6010 1507 Gold Coast Rd. COMPLIMENTARY PORTFOLIO REVIEW Matt McWilliams Papillion Glass & Door Co. THOMPSON ROOFING CO. 733-0981 PENKE D &W I Helping you to make the right decisions when buying or selling. ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made FULLY INSURED Pre-arrangement plans to fit all needs PAUL L. MATUKEWICZ • GREG PODKOVICH • RICK PODKOVICH SibbAndStrig.com $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH • Gutter & Downspout Installation • Residential & Commercial 339-4321 Parish Member ........... Over 50 Years of Service 82ND & HARRISON 593-6100 Locally Owned & Operated THORPE’S BODY SHOP 24/7 HELP Complete Roofing Specialist 2 Blks. West of Washington on 6th 546 North Jackson, Papillion PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE TALK Bethany Funeral Home Mandy Strigenz (402) 682-4800 www.hillcresthealth.com PUSH “Large Enough To Do A Good Job Small Enough To Care” Your hometown clinic caring for all injuries and patients of any age • • • • • CUPBOARDS KITCHEN • CLOSETS BEDROOM FILE CABINETS OFFICE Don & Val Bellino Lifetime Saint Columbkille Parishioners 501 Olson Drive (4 blocks West of Shadow Lake Mall) Papillion 402-934-4394 Please join us Friday’s for our 10 Lenten Specials * The Nation’s Leading Wildlife Control Firm * Raccoon • Mole • Squirrel • Bird • Woodchuck • Bat Skunk • Opossum • Gopher • Mice • Rat • Etc. REPAIR EXPERTS Humane Removal * Repair * Prevention Attic Vent Screens & Chimney Caps Installed Wildlife Biologists on Staff Call (402) 339-2653 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Patrick J. Sullivan 1246 Golden Gate Drive Papillion, NE 68046 (402) 339-9550 Trusted Advice, Valued Results Call Debi Ciaccio 402-203-7033 Office Hours By Appointment Healthy Teeth Make Happy Kids Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Associates, PC JAMES M. TRACY. D.O. Immunology • Allergy • Asthma www.makovickapt.com 2808 South 80th Avenue Omaha, NE 68124 Telephone: (402) 391-1800 FAX: (402) 391-1563 www.allergyasthmaimm.com EVERY DAY IS GAMEDAY Board Certified in Allergy & Immunology (402) 738-1718 www.cmscustomlawn.com 4151 S. 84th St. Omaha, NE 68127 Dr. Greg Weeder DDS 9825 Giles Road, Suite A & B • La Vista, Nebraska 68128 (402) 932.1177 • www.WeederDental.com Wills, Living Trusts, Probate, Powers of Attorney, Incorporations, Workers’ Compensation. Law Offices of Charles E. Dorwart dorwartlaw.com [email protected] Serving Families since 1981 • Free Initial Consultation 6790 Grover Street, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68106 Office: (402) 558-1404 Fax: (402) 779-7498 182600 St Columbkille Catholic Church (A) 558-8198 www.hughestree.com Serving Omaha For Over 50 Years 402.934.7768 310 NORTH WASHINGTON ST. www.jspaluch.com HAWKEYE/NEBRASKA SIDING WINDOW & DOOR, INC. Roofing & Guttering • Commercial & Residential Direct: 402-361-5910 Dan Koch Mobile: 402-616-9909 Mary Morrow Jeff Henderson 402-740-2008 402-630-0852 [email protected] (Jim 2007) IA 712-323-5126 NE 402-344-2376 802 Tara Plaza Papillion, NE 68046 www.hawkeyenebraska.com [email protected] 800-755-0048 • Fax: 402-339-3310 RENEE HENNINGS For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703
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Bill Heese, Maintenance/Grounds Coordinator 402-616-4740 or
[email protected]
St. Columbkille Education Center
224 East 5th Street, Papillion, NE 68046