Welcome to Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences
Welcome to Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences
DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHOOTI KHAND , GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW- 226 010 Phones: 0522-4918502, 4918505,Fax 0522-4918506 Website : www.rmlims.in Ref. No. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/4453 Date:- 26.02.2015 Short Term Re-Tender Notice Sealed re-tenders are invited from manufacturers/Direct importers/authorized distributors and Agents for the supply of various equipments against following tenders:1. Against tender no. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/4170 dated 31.01.2015 for various departments viz, Microbiology (Water Distillation System Grade One, Automated Mycobacterial Culture & Susceptibility and Cartridge Based (CB) Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing), Radiology (Ultrasound Machine), Neurology (Epilepsy Monitoring Unit [Video EEG wit hAdditional Polyomngraphy Softwere & Sensor, Review Station, etc.]), For CSSD (Sterile Air/Water mixture equipments of Spray Gun, Automatic Water Softening Unit, Heatig/Drying Cabiets and Heat Sealer), Cardiology (3D Echo Cardiography) & Radiation Oncology (LINAC-Low Energy (6 MV) with Accessories) is going for IInd time re-tender. {Note:- Those who have already submitted their bid for all above items need not submit again.} 2. Against tender no. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/4171 dated 31.01.2015 for Emergency Medicie (Rapid Infusion Pump) has been cancelled and is being re-tender IV-th time. TENDER DOCUMENT 3. Against tender no. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/ 4018 dated 17.01.2015 for PMR (Robotic Gait Trainer, Router with All attachment and Prosthetic & Orthotics Oven [Combined]) have been cancelled and is being IInd/IIIrd time re-tender and for Dip Chin Assist, Treadmills, have been cancelled and is being Ist time re-tender with modified Specification. { Note:- Those who have already applied for this item is required to apply afresh} 4. Against tender no. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/ 3879 dated 06.01.2015 for PMR (Recumbent Bike and Upright Bike), have been cancelled and is being Ist time retender with modified Specification. { Note:- Those who have already applied for all this items is required to apply afresh}. 5. 6. Against tender no. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/3745 dated 26.12.2014 for various department viz, Emergency Medicine [Sr. no. 7 General Instrument set (Battery Operated Drill & Say System )] has been cancelled only for this type of category and is being II-nd time re-tender etc. Against tender no. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/3745 dated 26.12.2014 for various department viz, Emergency Medicine [Sr. no. 9 Arthroscopy Set] has been cancelled and is being II-nd time re-tender. { Note:- Those who have already applied for all this items is required to apply afresh}. Details information like list of items, & their specification, earnest money deposit etc. can be downloaded from our website www.rmlims.in & www.drrmlims.ac.in and submitted with a demand draft of [Rs. 1,050.00 (inclusive VAT) ](Non-Refundable). Quantity may increase or decrease in future. Start date of download of tender documents is 27.02.2015. Last date of download of tender documents for (Upright Bike, Recumbent bike, Dip Chin Assist and Treadmills) is 12.03.2015 and all rest items is 09.03.2015. Opening for (Upright Bike, Recumbent Bike, Dip Chin Assist and Treadmills) is 14.03.2015 and all rest items is 12.03.2015. Director DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Letter No. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/ Date: 02.2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT M/s................................................... ........................................................ ......................................................... Subject :- Tender Documents. Dear Sir, In reference to Short Term Re- Tender No. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/4453 dated 26.02.2015. We acknowledge the receipt of Rs. 1,050.00 (inclusive VAT) vide D.D. No. ................................ Dated.......................Bank ................................Branch .............................. towards cost of tender documents. We are pleased to forward you a set of tender documents consisting of the following:- Please acknowledge the receipt. Thanking You, For Director DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Notice against Short Term Re-Tender-Adv. No. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/4453 Date:-26.02.2015 Sealed fresh offers are invited from reputed manufacturer/Direct Importers/Authorized Distributors/ Authorized Agents for the supply of following equipments as per conditions stipulated in the tender documents: Sr. No. 1 2 3 Name of Department 4 5 Radiology Microbiology Neurology 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 For CSSD Cardiology Radiation Oncology PMR Emergency Medicine Name of Equipment Water Distillation System Grade one Automated Mycobacterial Culture and Susceptibility Cartridge Based (CB) Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAAT) System for Tuberculosis Ultrasound Machine Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (Video EEG with Additional Polyomngraphy Software & Sensor, Review Station, Network Camera Etc. Sterile air/water mixture equipments of Spray Gun Automatic Water Softening Unit Heating/Drying Cabinets Heat Sealer 3D Echo Cardiography LINAC-Low Energy (6 MV) with Accessories Robotic Gait Trainer Upright Bike Recumbent Bike Dip Chin Assist Treadmills Router with all attachment Prosthetic & Orthotics Oven General Instruments Set (Battery Operated Drill & Saw System) Arthroscopy Set Rapid Infusion Pump Qty. 01 01 01 Earnest money 5,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 01 01 set 40,000.00 78,500.00 01 01 04 02 01 7,000.00 8,000.00 12,000.00 6,000.00 1,50,000.00 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 04 02 set 02 7,50.000.00 2,50,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 8,500.00 12,000.00 7,000.00 80,000.00 10,000.00 The tender document may download from the institute's website & submitted with a Demand Draft of [Rs. 1,050 (Rs. One Thousand fifty only) {inclusive VAT} (Non-Refundable)]. Last date of download of tender documents for (Upright Bike, Recumbent bike, Dip Chin Assist and Treadmills) is 12.03.2015 and all rest items is 09.03.2015. The downloaded tender forms must accompany Demand Draft issued to prior or till 12.03.2015. The duly filled tender documents will be received till 5:00 P.M for (Upright Bike, Recumbent bike, Dip Chin Assist and Treadmills) on 12.03.2015 and all rest items on 09.03.2015 in the JDMM camp, Ground floor of the Institute in two bid system i.e. technical bid & price bid, in the hard copy and soft copy in MS Excel Sheet, be kept separately. Quantity may increase or decrease in future. Sealed Tenders should be submitted in a two-bid system i.e. technical offer & price bid (two identical copies of each). One copy of Technical Bid shall be sealed in one envelop and another copy of Technical Bid shall be sealed in another envelop and both the copies shall be sealed in a big envelop and in the same manner one copy of Price bid shall be sealed in one envelop and another copy of Price bid shall be sealed in another envelop and both the copies shall be sealed in a big envelop. In the fifth envelop Earnest Money draft and cost of Tender Document is to be kept. All the Five envelops shall be kept in a larger envelop which is to be then sealed & posted or got received in the Institute. Tender Form has to be purchased for each item. The tender document along with Earnest Money Deposit (Refundable) for respective tenders as indicated against each item may be enclosed separately with tender documents. The Demand Draft from a Nationalized Bank towards Earnest Money should be in favor of the "Finance Controller, RMLIMS, Lucknow" payable at Lucknow. Bids will be opened in the presence of authorized representative of the bidders on scheduled date & time. The Technical bid will be Opening for (Upright Bike, Recumbent Bike, Dip Chin Assist and Treadmills) is 14.03.2015 and all rest items is 12.03.2015. Date for opening of financial bid for all rest items will be decided after opening of technical bid. If last date of the tender submission is observed as holiday, the next working day will be treated as last date. Any legal dispute for whatever reason shall be subject to the legal jurisdiction of a court of law of Lucknow (U.P) India. The Director reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender in part or full without assigning any reason thereof. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay. Detailed information & specifications may be downloaded from website of the institution www.rmlims.in/www.rmlims.ac.in DIRECTOR DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Tender Form No. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/ Dated: / /2015 Cost of Tender: Rs. 1,050.00 (inclusive VAT@5%) Notice Tender-Adv. No. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/4170 Date:-31.01.2015 NAME OF EQUIPMENT __________________________________________________________ EARNEST MONEY Rs.___________________________________________________________ START DATE FOR DOWNLOAD OF TENDER DOCUMENT IS:- 27.02.2015 LAST DATE FOR DOWNLOAD OF TENDER DOCUMENT (for Upright Bike, Recumbent bike, Dip Chin Assist and Treadmills) is: 12.03.2015 LAST DATE FOR DOWNLOAD OF TENDER DOCUMENT FOR ALL REST ITEMS:- 09.03.2015 LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDER DOCUMENT(for Upright Bike, Recumbent bike, Dip Chin Assist and Treadmills) is: 12.03.2015 TILL 5:00 P.M. LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDER DOCUMENT FOR ALL REST ITEMS IS:- 09.03.2015 DATE FOR OPENING OF TECHNICAL BID (for Upright Bike, Recumbent bike, Dip Chin Assist and Treadmills) is: 14.03.2015 at 12:00 A.M. DATE FOR OPENING OF TECHNICAL BID FOR ALL REST ITEMS IS:-12.03.2015 ONLY TECHNICALLY QUALIFIED TENDERER'S FINANCIAL BID WILL BE OPENED ON THE DATE FIXED BY THE DIRECTOR, RMLIMS, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW. The tender no. and the name of the item must be superscribed on the top of the larger envelop. The tender document along with Earnest Money Deposit (Refundable) for respective tenders as indicated against each item may be enclosed separately with tender documents. Quantity may increase or decrease in future. Sealed Tenders should be submitted in a two-bid system i.e. technical offer & price bid (two identical copies of each). One copy of Technical Bid shall be sealed in one envelop and another copy of Technical Bid shall be sealed in another envelop and both the copies shall be sealed in a big envelop and in the same manner one copy of Price bid shall be sealed in one envelop and another copy of Price bid shall be sealed in another envelop and both the copies shall be sealed in a big envelop. In the fifth envelop Earnest Money draft and cost of Tender Document is to be kept. All the Five envelops shall be kept in a larger envelop which is to be then sealed & posted or got received in the Institute. The Demand Draft from a Nationalized Bank towards Earnest Money should be in favour of the "Finance Controller, RMLIMS, Lucknow" payable at Lucknow. Bids will be opened in the presence of authorized representative of the bidders on scheduled date & time. Date for opening of financial bid will be decided after opening of technical bid. If last date of the tender submission is observed as holiday, the next working day will be treated as last date. Any legal dispute for whatever reason shall be subject to the legal jurisdiction of a court of law of Lucknow (U.P) India. The Director reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender in part or full without assigning any reason thereof. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay. Director DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TENDER DOCUMENT GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR NOTICE INVITING TENDER NO RMLIMS/PURCHASEMM(eq)/ 14-15/4453 The following terms & conditions should be complied with while submitting the tender:1. Tender should be submitted to the JD (MM) office or Director Camp located at Ground Floor of the Administrative Building, Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Vibhuti Khand Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 226010, UP, INDIA under the sealed cover failing which the tender shall be disqualified. 2. The tender terms and conditions be clearly typed or legibly written giving the full name and address of the tenderers. The tenderers should quote in figures as well as in words the rates and amount tendered by him/them. Alteration, if any, unless legible and attested by the tenderers, with their full signature, shall invalidate the tender. The tender should be signed by the tenderers himself/themselves or him/their authorized agent on his/their behalf. In case the tender is signed by the agent the authority letter in his favour shall be enclosed with tender documents. 3. VAT Registration certificate duly attested copy by a Gazzetted Officer should also be enclosed. VAT, Income Tax clearance certificate along with the affidavit from a notary that the firm has never been black listed must be attached along with the tender failing which the tender will be rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Tenderers hereby agree to all terms and conditions stipulated in N.I.T. and undertake to sign the rate Contract or Supply order within the given days from the date of order failing which Security shall be liable to be forfeited. The manufacturer or their Indian representative will ensure proper after sales service as per our requirements from time to time, against the guarantee/warranty clause as per the terms and conditions agreed under negotiations would be provided at our Institute without fail. Any negligence on this account shall be the sole responsibility of foreign vendor as well as Indian Agent and the liability for compensation will be fixed up by Director,Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow. 4. Sealed Tenders should be submitted in a two-bid system i.e. technical offer & price bid (two identical copies of each). One copy of Technical Bid shall be sealed in one envelop and another copy of Technical Bid shall be sealed in another envelop and both the copies shall be sealed in a big envelop and in the same manner one copy of Price bid shall be sealed in one envelop and another copy of Price bid shall be sealed in another envelop and both the copies shall be sealed in a big envelop. In the fifth envelop Earnest Money draft and cost of Tender Document is to be kept. All the Five envelops shall be kept in a larger envelop which is to be then sealed & posted or got received in the Institute. Separate Tender Form has to be purchased for each Item. 5. The tenderers should take care that the rates and amounts are written in such a way that interpolation is not possible. No blank space should be left, which would otherwise make the tender liable for rejection. 6. All Quotes shall be FOR DRRMLIMS. Delivery schedule with definite date of delivery at destination (taking into cognizance of transit facilities) must be indicated. This contractual delivery date/period should be inclusive of all the lead-time. Page 1 of 7 7. The tenderers should clearly state whether he/they are manufacturer, accredited agents, or sole representative (indicating the name of Principal) on the top of the Bid and the authority letter must be DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 attached with technical bid, but authorization as Agent/Distributor/Representative for this tender only will not be accepted.” 8. The tenderers submitting his/her tender would be deemed to have considered and accepted all the terms and conditions. No Enquiries, verbal or written, shall be entertained in respect of acceptance or rejection of the tender. 9. The offer shall be unconditional. Any conditional price bid will not be entertained and the tender will be treated as cancelled. 10. The quantity shown in the Schedule may be increased or decreased to any extent depending upon the actual requirement. 11. The tenderer shall specify regarding after sales services within the Guarantee/Warranty period. 12. (a) The tenderer shall also confirm the Installation, Commissioning, Demonstration and Training to the concerned persons of this Institute. 12. (b) The Institute reserves the right to reject or accept the tender after reviewing the previous experience to the services given by the vendor in the equipment already supplied by him. 13. The tenderer shall submit the pre-requisite information like Civil works/Electrical details etc. within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of order or establishment of letter of credit as the case may be, if not asked for in the tender itself. 14. The Institute reserves the right to cancel/reject in full or any part of the tender which generally do not fulfill the conditions stipulated in the tender without assigning any reason. 15. The Tenderer shall quote for the latest model of their machine available within required technical specification. 16. Any action on the part of the tenderer to influence anybody of the Institute will make his/their tender liable to rejection. 17. The tenderers shall submit the offer in original copy of the tender documents duly signed on each page. Item-wise rates may be indicated on letter head of the firm (If any taxes are require, please write clearly percentage) . 18. In the case of placement of Purchase Order, the vendor (the tenderers whose tender is accepted) shall have to confirm the purchase order within 7 days from the date of the dispatch of purchase order otherwise it will be deemed that offer is acceptable to the firm. Notwithstanding any other provision, the terms & conditions and any other items given in the Purchase order will be treated as binding with “Errors & omission excepted” basis. However, if the supplier notices any discrepancy in the order, he/ they must bring the same to the notice of the Institute and seek clarifications. Supplier will have to bear the responsibility for failure to take this action. 19. The Institute may, in writing, make any revision or change in the purchase order including additions or subtractions from the quantities originally ordered in the specifications or drawings. If any such revisions/changes affect the price or delivery, the same shall be subject to the adjustment of price/delivery, where required on a reasonable basis by mutual agreement in writing which should be communicated. Page 2 of 7 20. PBG:- The tenderer shall also furnish performance bank guarantee of @15% of the order value before Taxes or (FOB) value at the time of shipment or supply of goods and this will be released after the DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 successful completion of warranty period ( The Period of PBG will start from Date of Installation of the Machine to the Date of end of Warranty Period ). 21. The Institute reserves the right to cancel the purchase order or any part thereof and shall be entitled to revise the contract wholly or in part by a written notice to the vendor, if;- The Vendor fails to comply with the terms of the purchase order including specifications and other technical requirement. a. b. c. The vendor becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation The vendor fails to deliver the goods in time and or does not replace the rejected goods promptly. A receiver is appointed for any of the property owned by the vendor. 22. Upon receipt of the said cancellation notice, the vendor shall discontinue all works of the purchase order and matters connected with it. 23. Earnest Money be paid in shape of DD, TDR, FDR, drawn in favour of the "Finance Controller, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow", payable at Lucknow, U.P. India as mentioned in the tender notification. 24. Unless otherwise specified in the order, the order price shall remain firm and will not be subject to escalation of any description during the pendency of the order, notwithstanding the change in the cost of materials, labour and/or variations in taxes, duties and other levies on raw materials and components may take place while the order is under execution even if the execution of the order is delayed beyond the completion date specified in the order for any reason whatsoever. 25. The price should be on F.O.R. RMLIMS basis inclusive of all levies and duties wherever applicable which should be indicated clearly. The rates of VAT should be clearly indicated wherever chargeable. The RMLIMS is not eligible to issue „C‟ or „D‟ Form, of U.P. commercial tax department however the concessional rate of Central Sales Tax admissible to Research Institutions on purchase of Scientific Instruments/Equipments etc. from certain States like Maharashtra, Delhi, West Bengal etc. is applicable to this Institute.(Please quote price in Format enclosed as annexure-C) 26. Prices will be quoted on F.O.B. as well as estimated CIP New Delhi basis for imported goods, Indian Agency commission/rebate payable to Indian Agent, if any, shall be shown separately and that will be payable in equivalent rupee directly to Indian Agent .The Indian Agency commission will be calculated on the exchange rate prevailing on the last date of submission of Tender. The Tenderer must quote the taxes levied, if any, on the Indian Agency commission. The supplier shall be responsible to get the goods air –freighted/sea freighted & air insured/marine insured up to the Institute. (Please quote price in Format enclosed as annexure-D) 27. Declare separately the FOB and CIP prices. 28. The offer of the tenders shall remain valid for a period of at least 180 days from the date of opening of the tender. 29. All goods or materials shall be supplied by the tenderers whose tender is accepted, strictly in accordance with the specifications, drawings, data sheets, other attachments and conditions stated. Any alterations of those conditions shall not be made without the consent of the Institute in writing which must be obtained before any work against the order is commenced. All material furnished by the seller pursuant to this order (irrespective of whether engineering, design data or other information has been furnished, reviewed Page 3 of 7 or approved by the Institute) will be guaranteed to the best quality of their respective kind (unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by the Institute) and shall be free from faulty design ( to the extent such design is not furnished to the Institute) workmanship and materials, and to be of sufficient DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 size and capacity and of proper materials so as to fulfill in all respects with all operating conditions, if any, specified in this order. 30. The Equipment supplied shall carry a warranty of 60 months from the date of satisfactory Installation and commissioning of the equipment. If any trouble or defect originating with the design, materials, workmanship or operating characteristics of any materials arise at any time from the date of Installation, the same shall as promptly as possible make such alteration, repairs and replacement as soon as notified thereof, the seller shall at his own expenses and as promptly as may be necessary to permit the materials function in accordance with the specification and to fulfill the foregoing guarantee/warranty. 31. The Institute may at its option, remove such defective materials at the seller‟s expense in which event the seller shall, without any cost of the RMLIMS and as promptly as possible, furnish and install proper materials, repaired or replaced materials shall be similarly guaranteed for a period of not less than 30(thirty) months from the date of shipment. 32. In the event that the materials supplied do not meet the specifications and are not in accordance with the drawings, data sheets or the terms of this order, rectification is required at site, the RMLIMS shall notify to the seller giving full details of differences. The seller shall attend the site, within seven days of receipt of such notice, meet the representative of the RMLIMS and action required to correct the deficiency. 33. If the seller fails to attend the fault within the prescribed time the Dr. RMLIMS, Lucknow shall immediately get the same rectified on costs of the seller/supplier. 34. Payment Terms :- In case of Indian goods, 100% payments may be released within 30 days from the date of satisfactory installation. In case of imported goods/equipment, the payment schedule will be as follows. A75% against shipment B- 35. 36. 25% against satisfactory installation The mode of payment will be through irrevocable letter of credit. However, Indian Agency Commission or Technical Services charges would be paid in Indian rupee after satisfactory receipt & installation of goods at site. Indian Agency Commission will be declared in the price/bid. If Indian agency commission is not mentioned in the price bid no claim for it shall be admissible after ward. Delivery Time as mentioned in Purchase order shall be the essence of the order and no variation shall be permitted except with prior authorization in writing from the Purchaser. 37. In the event of delay in making delivery on the part of the vendor, it will be at purchaser‟s discretion to receive delivery with a reduction in price of the article/or equipment. 38. Force majeure shall mean and be limited to the following: Any war/hostilities Page 4 of 7 1 Any riot or civil Communication Any earthquake, flood, tempest, lightning or other natural disaster DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Any strike, or lock-out (only those exceeding ten continuous day in duration) or other conditions affecting the performance of the seller‟s obligations. The seller shall advise the RMLIMS by registered letter duly certified by Local Chamber of Commerce of Statuary authorities the beginning and end of the above causes of delay within 7(seven) days of occurrence and cessation of such Force Majeure conditions, in the event of delay lasting over one month, if arising our causes of Force Majeure, the RMLIMS reserves the right to cancel the order and the provisions governing termination state under articles shall apply. For delays arising out of Force Majeure, the seller shall not claim extension in completion date for a period exceeding the period of delay attributable to the causes of Force Majeure and neither the RMLIMS nor the seller shall be liable to pay extra costs provided it is Mutually established that Force Majeure conditions did actually exist. The seller shall categorically specify the extent of Force Majeure conditions prevalent in his works (such as power restriction etc.) at the time of submitting the bid and whether the same have taken into consideration or not in the quotations. In the event of delay in delivery and/or unsatisfactory manufacturing progress and supply, the RMLIMS has the right to cancel the purchase order as whole or in part without liability of cancellation charges. In the event of rejection of non-conforming goods the vendor shall be allowed, without any extension of delivery time to correct the non-conformities, should however the vendor fail to do so within stipulated time, the RMLIMS may cancel the order. 39. No payment shall be made for rejected material nor would the tenderer be entitled to claim for such items. 40. Rejected items would be removed by the tenderer from the site within two weeks of the date of rejection at their own cost. In case they are not removed they will be auctioned at the risk and responsibilities of the suppliers without any further notice. 41. Penalty Clause :(A) In the case of not honoring the supply order, Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, will forfeit his EMD. (B) In the case of non-supply of stores within stipulated period, in case of indigenous goods it will be at the discretion of the Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences to accept delivery with late delivery clause @ 1% per week maximum to the extent of 10% of the ordered value for delayed supply,after 10 weeks the purchase order will be cancelled ( The delivery period will be calculated from the date of dispatch of purchase order to the date of receipt of material in the Institute ) . In the case of imported goods, the late delivery clause will be imposed @ 0.5% per week subject to the maximum of 5% of FOB value, after10 weeks cancellation of order may be considered. (The delivery period will be calculated from the date of opening of letter of credit to the date of receipt of material at the Indian Port ). Page 5 of 7 42. The firm has to submit an undertaking that the equipment is of latest model & version, and has the latest state-of-art technology. The spare parts will remain available for at least next ten years. Software upgradation for next ten years from the installation will be included in the cost. 43. List of installations for the quoted model in India should be provided with the tender. DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 44. All disputes and questions, if any, arise between the Institute and the bidder out of or in connection with the terms and conditions contained herein or as to the construction of application thereof, or the respective rights and obligations of the parties there under or as to any clause or thing herein contained or by reason of the supply or failure or refusal to supply any material or as to any other matter in any way relating to these presents shall be decided by the Director of the Institute and when the decision would not be accepted by the bidder, then the matter shall be referred to the chairman of the Institute as sole Arbitrator . The chairman of the Institute may appoint any suitable Arbitrator whose decision dully approved by the Chairman of the Institute shall be final and binding upon both parties and subject to adjudication of Lucknow Court. Place for arbitration shall be at Lucknow (U.P.), India. Venue of such arbitration proceedings shall be the Institute. Arbitration and conciliation Act 1996 and rules made there under shall be applied to the proceedings under this clause. 45. A minimum of 95% uptime of equipment is to be maintained during warranty period and also after warranty period during comprehensive maintenance contract for the next five years. 46. CMC :The supplier should provide comprehensive maintenance contract (with spare/consumables /Accessories including laborer charges) inclusive of customs and all taxes for the next 5 years (i.e. years 6 to 10 inclusive). The CMC Rate for the sixth year should not be more than 5% of FOB and escalation in next year CMC should also not be more than 5%. Service Tax on CMC will be treated as inclusive if the firm has not mentioned service tax separately. 47. The price bid will be opened in the presence of authorized representative of technically qualified tenderer within reasonable time. 48. i. The price ranking will be carried out as under: For Foreigen Goods the exchange rate of foreign currency will be the prevailing rate on the last date of submission of Tender . ii. The prices for optional items if not required in Technical Specification will be excluded for ranking purpose . The ranking will be determined as under iii. Total Price (Cost) = Price with all accessories as per technical specifications along with Custom duty, Clearance charges, insurance + Cost of indigenous items if anyCMC Price (with spares & labor charges) for five years after warranty + taxes as applicable currently+ Turnkey (if applicable). 49. Custom Duty and Custom Clearance Charges :- The supplier will get the equipment/consignment cleared from the custom. The Custom Duty and clearance charges shall be paid by the supplier which will be reimbursed to them as actual on production of bill which shall not be more than quoted in the price bid. Freight charges will be borne by the manufacturer/Indian representative. Also the insurance will be paid and arranged by the firm effective from port of shipment to Central Store, RMLIMS, LUCKNOW. Page 6 of 7 # The Rate of Custom Duty and Custom Clearance charges must be mentioned in the price bid. If Custom Duty and Custom Clearance Charges is not mentioned in the price bid, for the purpose of L-1 calculation . Custom Duty & Clearance & other Charges will be calculated @ of 15% of FOB Value or 12% of CIF/CIP value. However the payment shall be made on actual but not more than this Rate. 50. All the operating and service manuals in duplicate to be provided by the vendor at the time of handing over the machine. DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 51. 52. The percentage (%) or amount of Indian Agency Commission must be mentioned in all offers of overseas suppliers who are offering through their Indian Agency. Authorization certificate issued by the principal in favor of Indian Agent must be enclosed. If there is any discrepancy in terms between General Terms & Conditions of Tender Document and specification of any equipment, then the details given in General Terms & Conditions of Tender Document will be considered valid and will be binding. Accordingly, the terms of comprehensive maintenance contract will be governed by the General Terms & Conditions of Tender Documents. 53. EMD of unsuccessful bidder shall be returned to them in due course of time. 54. Catalogue, data sheet, complete module and other necessary document shall be provided in original form. In the shape of Duplicate or photocopier form of documents shall not be accepted. 55. In case of imported goods consignment must reach Indian port within currency of L/C. 56. No financial documents of any tenderer will be entertained after opening of financial bid/ technical bid. 57. The supplier will make atleastquarterly visit for maintenance during warranty period. Enclosed 1- Annexure A (Specifications of the Equipment) Enclosed 2- Annexure B (Letter of Submission) Enclosed 3- Annexure C (Format for Price Bid in Indian Currency) Enclosed 4- Annexure D (Format for Price Bid in Foreign Currency) Enclosed 5- Annexure E (Format of Check List) Joint Director (MM) for Director Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences Vibhooti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. Page 7 of 7 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Department of Microbiology Annexure - A DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Water Distillation System Grade one DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER DISTILLATION SYTSEM GRADE ONE 1. Water purification system for ultra high pure water to fulfill at least 50 litre/day requirement. 2. Pre filtration is required for physical impurities removal. 3. Feed water specification Feed water chlorine <3 ppm Feed water fouling index <12 4. Ultra high pure water specifications are as follows: Bacteria: <0.1 CFU/ml Endotoxin:<0.001 EU/ml RNase: <0.01ng/ml DNase: <4pg/ml 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. System should start giving pure water immediately after start with water softening capacity. Built in RO, Dual wavelength, UV lamp, purification pack or cartridge. Storage tank of at least 100 litre capacity with auto cut off with transparent sheath and dispenser tap. Facility to attach external point of use bio-filter Display of temperature, conductivity, volume dispensing, alarm and tank water level indicator. Sanitization facility to avoid contamination. Intermittent water circulation. Wall mounting facility. IQ/OQ/PQ should be performed and certificates provided as part of installation-MANDATORY. The system should be in compliance with GLP Standards Consumables for one year should be offered for trouble free working. Price of spare parts/consumables like RO/pump/cartridges should be fixed for 5 years (Warranty period) Monthly preventive maintenance during warranty and CMC period. Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Automated Mycobacterial Culture and Susceptibility DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR AUTOMATED MYCOBACTERIAL CULTURE AND SUSCEPTIBILITY A fully automated, walk away and continuous monitoring system for isolation and drug susceptibility of mycobacterium Detection principle should be based on non radiometric system System should be compact and have a space saving design System should be non invasive to prevent contamination during sample analysis System should have 900-1000 sample positions The system should be able to manage the bottle handling functions such as loading and unloading bottles and regulates the temperature of the system Media should come in non-breakable plastic bottles for laboratory safety There should be provision of extra modules in case of increase in work load The system should be capable of performing anti-mycobacterial susceptibility testing as per International standards The supplier should provide at least five anti mycobacterial susceptibility testing kits(Streptomycin, Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Ethambutol and Pyrazinamide) approved as per International standards It should have an interface to the Laboratory Information System (LIS) to eliminate manual data entry Printer, Computer and UPS required along with equipment Reporting can be customized and scheduled to print at a pre-determined time Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Cartridge Based (CB) Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAAT) System for Tuberculosis DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CARTRIDGE BASED (cb) NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION TESTING (NAAT) SYTEM FOR TUBERCULOSIS 1. The System should be based on Automated Real Time PCR Technology including automated extraction and able to do Rapid on-demand Molecular tests such as MTB, HIV, HPV, EV, BCR/ABL, Flu etc. 2. The System should be based on the Single Cartridge use. 3. The System should have the cartridges for the Quantitative detection of HIV Viral Load, HPV beside other markers. 4. The System should also have the cartridges which can do TB detection from Pulmonary as well as Extra Pulmonary Samples along with Rifampicin Sensitivity/ Resistance. 5. Cartridges accept virtually any kind of airborne, liquid or solid sample. Human specimens can be drawn from whole blood, urine, vaginal, anal, and nasal swabs, bone marrow, sputum, serum, plasma and cerebral-spinal fluid. Advanced ultrasonic techniques enable rapid lysing of all cell types. 6. The System should be controlled through stand-alone laptop or Desktop PC 7. Systems should be supplied with latest Pentium computer with colour monitor and Printer. It should have an interface to laboratory host computer 8. The System should have at-least 4 Active Modules which are independently used and controlled for any test cartridge. 9. The System should offer up to 5 to 6 Optical Channels 10. Each Active Module should have Solid State heater and forced air cooling 11. The system should include built-in (quality) control for all test steps. 12. The System should be able to performed on-demand and random access 13. System should be robust, reliable and maintenance free without the need of any calibrations. Routine maintenance should be required once in two years 14. The system should be easily connected to LIS/HIS if required 15. The System‟s space-saving design and low-power requirements make it possible for the system to be installed and operated in virtually any indoor setting. 16. Systems should be compatible for 220 V / 50 Hz power supply 17. Suitable online UPS should be quoted with backup of at least 2 hrs. 18. Starter kits should be offered 19. CE (EU)/US-FDA/BIS Certification.The system should be endorsed by the WHO STAG committee. 20. Price of consumables should be quoted in tender. Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Department of Radiology DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Ultrasound Machine DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ULTRASOUND MACHINE 1. System must be a state-of-the-art model all digital beam former with super computed signal processing and clinically proven imaging technologies. 2. System should be upgradable to contrast ultrasound. 3. System must be offered with the following applications. : Abdomen, Vascular small parts, Musculoskeletal and cardiac applications. 4. System must be offered with a minimum of 4000 digital processed channels per image frame. Technical data sheet should be enclosed in technical bid to support the number of channels on the systems. If not mentioned Please attach a letter from manufacturer along with the technical bid clearly stating the channels of the offered system, failing which the bid is liable for rejection. 5. System must be offered with minimum 19 inch High Resolution Flat Panel TFT Display monitor. 6. System must be offered with minimum 5 lines of frequency real time compounding facility in linear and convex. 7. System must be offered with 2D, M - mode, Colour Flow, Pulse Wave and Continuous Wave Doppler and Bi-Directional Color Power Doppler. 8. System must be offered with multistage user configurable Speckle Noise Reduction Imaging Technology: Image processing technique to remove speckles and clutter artifacts. 9. System must be offered with a very high dynamic range of at least 210db or more 10. Frequency processing facility for the transducers should be 1 - 18 MHz this must be available without the need for frequency switching. 11. System should have 256 gray shades and minimum depth of 35cm or more 12. Triplex Imaging should be standard on the system. 13. System must be offered with a very high 2D frame rate of minimum 200 frames/second or 14. System must be offered with a colour frame rate of minimum 300 frames. 15. Must be offered with a single button control for automatic optimization and adjustment of TGC and Receiver Gain to achieve optimal uniformity of image quality and faster scans. This should be demonstrated to the users during technical discussions. 16. System must be offered with Tissue Harmonic Imaging should be standard on convex, linear, Trans-vaginal probes. 17. Must have minimum 3 Active inbuilt Imaging Transducer Ports in the system with electronic switching. 18. System should have minimum hard disk drive OF 250 GB space. 19. Should be upgradable to real time 3D/4D, contrast enhanced ultrasound and RF based Intima Media Thickness. 20. System should have intra operative and Laparoscopic technology with probes availability in future. 21. System should have extensive image management capability including thumb nail review, Cine loop editing etc., and should have online selectable video clip with unlimited duration. This should be demonstrated to the users during technical discussions. 22. System should have facility to transfer images to an integrated CD/DVD writer and PEN drive without any interfacing. And simultaneous writing with scanning should be possible, it should be demonstrated to the technical committee. 23. Print - Should have direct connectivity to any Inkjet printer or latest laser printer available for print in images & report. 24. System should have CE and FDA approval. SYSTEM MUST BE SUPPLIED WITH THE FOLLOWING TRANSDUCERS: 1. 1-7MHz Broadband Convex Transducer or more for Abdominal and OBG imaging. Must have Tissue Harmonic Imaging. Should attach technical data sheet of transducer to specify. 2. Trans vaginal Probe with broadband frequency of- 4-9 Mhz and FOV of 190 degree or more. Should attach technical data sheet of transducer to specify. 3. 4-13 MHz Broadband Linear Array Transducer for ob/gyn imaging studies for fetal spine. Must have Tissue Harmonic Imaging. Should attach technical data sheet of transducer to specify. 4. Thermal Printer 5. Coloured Inkjet Printer Optional (to be quoted) 1. 1-7 MHz Broadband Volume Convex Transducer for OBG & Abdominal applications. Should attach technical data sheet of transducer to specify. Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Department of Neurology DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (Video EEG with Additional Polyomngraphy Software & Sensor, Review Station, Network Camera Etc. DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR EPILEPSY MONITORING UNIT (VIDEO EEG WITH ADDITIONAL POLYOMNGRAPHY SOFTWARE & SENSOR, REVIEW STATION, NETWORK CAMERA ETC. High end digital EEG system is required along with complete set of consumables and accessories, with following specification Hardware 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Should have 64 EEG channelswith additional 4 Bipolar channels for recording ECG & EMG. The computer should be supplied with the system, after passing the strict in-house quality checks by the manufacturer to comply with medical equipment standard. System should have option of adding 10 or more DC channels for connecting extra devices Impedance measurement both from amplifier and on screen. Should have programmable Automatic Photic Stimulator. Should haveHeart Rate monitoring. Should have following minimum technical feature a. System should have 16-bit simultaneous sampling of all input channels b. Sampling frequency of up to 10 KHz or better c. ADC resolution less than 97 nano volts. d. Input impedance: 200 M ohms or better e. Sensitivity 1 to 200 micro volt per mm f. Noise < 1.5 micro volt Peak to peak g. Built in manual / automatic sine / square wave calibration h. CMRR: above 110 dB i. Low filter settings: 0.08 Hz to 159 Hz j. High filter settings: 15 Hz to 3000 Hz k. ECG Elimination filter in both acquisition and review mode l. Display modes: Overwrite and Page-by-page m. Waveforms freeze facility with simultaneous background recording n. ETC 02, SPO2along with a single probe should be provided. Acquisition Software 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. System should be able record EEG, EOG, ECG and Heart Rate. System should have option of changing individual channel settings. System should have option for password locked templates for user specific protocols. Should have option for designing multiple protocols with user specific setting. System must have option of comparing any segment of EEG with the current EEG by copying. Should have heart rate monitoring. EEG numerical analysis by zooming specific segment of EEG. It should have facility for acquisition and review mode by split screen System should be able to display 64 traces on the screen with a maximum of 5 minutes per screen. Facility for Prune/Trim down Video EEG data to specified events along with user defined time. System should have option of selective video recording. Should have MPEG-4 Mode for Video recording Facility for Zoom/Magnify EEG trace, copy & paste of EEG Trends to reports and presentations. Facility to search EEG. Facility for Automatic generation of reports without the need of MS Office. Facility for viewing several recordings in tiled or cascading windows. Facility to Review the data recorded from this system on a CD/DVD; any PC without the need of loading additional REVIEW software. 18. Should be able to display corresponding traces upon clicking any point & Slide pointer to change displayed duration of the Overview. 19. Should have facility for sort out list of all events placed in the recording, both automatically and manually placed such that when event event is click, it show corresponding EEG. 20. Review and add events to recorded traces in Review Panel while still displaying live traces in Live Pane. Review Software: 2 in nos 1. System should have option of changing individual channel settings. 2. System should have option for password locked templates for user specific protocols. Page 1 of 3 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Should have option for designing multiple protocols with user specific setting. Facility to review at least 4 EEG review simultaneously. System must have option of comparing any segment of EEG with the current EEG by copying. Should have DSA for FFT trend analysis and 3D brain mapping Should have CSD/Voltage mapping Should also have trend analysis for physiological parameters Should have epoch histogram for trend display Should have software of connecting upto 4 system on network for simulataneous monitoring & alert in case of any abnormality Should have potential mapping for intracranial electrodes& should be stored in database with patient details. Should have facility to save potential map as snap shot for presentations. Should work as a Central Monitoring system for multiple EEG system with facility for reviewing multiple EEG system data on single screen. Should be able to access real time data with a single mouse click. EEG numerical analysis by zooming specific segment of EEG. It should have facility for acquisition and review mode by split screen Facility to review at least 4 EEG review simultaneously. System should be able to display 64 traces on the screen with a maximum of 5 minutes per screen. Facility for Prune/Trim down Video EEG data to specified events along with user defined time. Facility for Zoom/Magnify EEG trace, copy & paste of EEG Trends to reports and presentations. Facility to search EEG. Facility for Automatic generation of reports without the need of MS Office. Facility for viewing several recordings in tiled or cascading windows. Facility to Review the data recorded from this system on a CD/DVD; any PC without the need of loading additional REVIEW software. Facility for Audio playback of EEG. Facility for search in the record by time. Facility for Automatic generation of reports Facility to Review the data recorded from these systems on a CD / DVD; on any PC without the need of loading additional REVIEW software. Facility for automatic time counters and event insertion during Hyperventilation. Facility to display the current numerical value of selected traces such as vital signs, or to indicate appearance of events like seizures. Should have spike and seizure detection software Should have epilepsy source localization software Patient Administration Software 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Network supported patient and test management software for patient administration, exam scheduling network connectivity, launch of data acquisition, review. Should support multiple user support with individualized settings. Should be HIS/HL7 compliant Should have function for audit trail. Should be able support multiple patient reviews simultaneously on a single screen. Should be able to generate report from any system with all patient data. Should have option for patient information transfer on the network. Should be supplied with review station for reviewing the data over LAN. Should be supplied with 1. 2. The PC system should strictly be supplied by the manufacturer along with the system, after passing the strict in-house quality checks by the manufacturer to comply with medical equipment standard. Should have following or better specifications (Locally supplied PC system will not be accepted):a) Intel core two duo processor or better/ i 7 Processor b) 8 GB RAM c) 2 TB SATA- HDD d) DVD writer e) 21” monitor f) Dual Monitor g) Good quality Laser printer Good quality trolley with provision for mounted monitor for height adjustment.(Makeshift trolley will not be considered) Page 2 of 3 3. Review station PC with good quality printer 2 Nos. with following configuration :- DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 4. 5. a) Third generation Intel i5 processor b) 4 GB RAM c) 500 GB HDD d) DVD writer e) 21” monitor. Should be supplied with High resolution network cameraswith following features (5 Nos.) a) Effective Pixels Approx. 1.3 megapixel b) Progressive scanMode c) Scanning Area 4.8 mm (H) x 3.6 mm (V) d) Minimum Illumination Color: 0.3 lux, B/W: 0.2 lux at F1.3 e) Color: 0.019 lux, B/W: 0.013 lux at F1.3 f) High sensitivity with Simple Day/Night function: 0.3 lux (Color), 0.2 lux (B/W) at F1.3 g) ABF (Auto Back Focus) h) Angular Field of View H: 27.7° (Tele) ~ 100.3° (Wide), V: 20.8° (Tele) ~ 73.5° (Wide) i) Adjusting Angle Horizontal: 350° Vertical: ±75°, tilt adjustment range: ±100° j) Up to 4x Digital Zoom k) The cameras should be networked to be able to capture complete patients movement Set of consumables including a) Electrodes sets - 02 Nos. b) Conduction paste (1000gms) – 10 Nos. c) Cleaning gel (130 gms ) - 10Nos. d) Electrode cap (Adult &pead.) - 01 Each. e) Disposable naso-oral adapter- 20 f) Reusable SPO2 probe - 2 Safety & regulatory compliances 1. Should be CE approved 2. Should be USFDA approved for patient safety 3. Should be IEC approved for electrical safety 4. Should be CAN/CSA approved 5. AMC/CMC 5 Years Page 3 of 3 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 For CSSD DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Sterile Air/Water Mixture equipment of Spray Gun DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STERILE AIR/WATER MIXTURE EQUIPMENT OF SPRAY GUN a) Suitable for cleaning for cleaning catheters, endoscopes, cystoscopes, cannulae and a variety of other instruments b) Compressor of 2.0 H.P c) Housed in a cabinet supplied in two piston guns- One for water jet and one for air jet with adjustable air and water flow d) Heat insulated gun grip e) Autoclavable 20 litre jar and has complete autoclavable PVC tubing f) Bidder should ensure smooth functioning of the plant with consummables supply in warranty as well as CMC period. Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Automatic Water Softening Unit DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENING UNIT 1. Automated water softening unit of at least 200 litre/hour capacity 2. 500 litre brine tank storage 3. Bidder should ensure installation of plant with accessories and consummables and smooth functioning of the plant in warranty as well as CMC period. Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Heating/Drying Cabinets DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR HEATING/DRYING CABINET a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) PLC controlled Compact design with castors 300 litre chamber capacity; dimensions 24" widthx24" depth and 48" height Suitable for drying and sterilizing of OT equipments(including hollow ones)/linen in CSSD Fully automatic for high process accuracy and reliability. Double walled stainless steel construction Adjustable rack system, SS rod mesh trays(standard size) Wire Shelves with timer:6 shelves and 2 instrument trays In bottom upto 30'' for tray system and in upper upto 30'' for tube hanging system Cabinet pre-temperature set at 70°C Digital temperature controller along with efficient air circulation system to ensure an accurate and uniform temperature. Air circulation motor Special heating element of Nichrome-equivalent or above for long life The electronic timer should accurately control the drying period Power:15 Amp; Dual over temperature cut out Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Heat Sealer DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR HEAT SEALER a) Microprocessor controlled rotary sealing machine for sealing sterilization packages consisting of paper and paper laminate foil, pure polyethylene foils, soft and hard PVC foils, polyamide foils or polypropylene foils, pouches and reels. b) Stainless or Chromium steel make c) Required temperature and pressure control should be fully programmable. d) Excellent temperature control for uniform seal. e) Seal margin 5-30mm;Sealing seam:12mm; 4 seal lines. f) Continuous seals, no gaps/holes for effective microbial barrier. g) Wide operating temperature range from 20°C to 220°C for wide application with different materials. h) Able to operate at 220V and 50 Hz supply i) Easy front access ribbon replacement j) High operating speed of 10m/min leading to high turnaround. k) User friendly - ease of set up for minimum maintenance. l) Should be ISO/CE certified and should comply with standards as given in instructions m) Should have an integrated printer and should be able to print date, expiry date, lot no., temperature, pressure etc. on the pouch n) System should be fully automatic with standby function. Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Deptt. of Cardiology DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions 3D Echo Cardiography DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR 3D ECHO CARDIOGRAPHY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The system must be Latest generation Highest end & Technologically advanced Digital 4D (Live 3D) Echocardiography system for Transthoracic adult, paediatric cardiac applications. System should be capable of 4D (Live 3D) Imaging in Transesophageal applications. Any other model other than the highest end system is liable for rejection. System must be offered with a minimum of 3000000 digital processed channels. Original technical data sheet should be enclosed in technical bid to support the number of channels on the systems. If not mentioned Please attach a letter from manufacturer along with the technical bid clearly stating the digital processed channels of the offered system. System must have cardiology transducer with either single crystal technology or purewave technology or matrix for excellent grayscale Image quality on Difficult to image patients. Please mention the technology used in the transducer. Original technical data sheet should be enclosed in technical bid to support the crystal technology. System must be offered with a minimum 21 inch High Resolution Flat Panel Medical grade Display monitor with nearly infinite position adjustments. System should have at-least four Imaging universal active probe ports with electronic switching facility from key board without probe adapter. System should support broad band probes spanning a frequency of 1-18 MHz. Image storage facility on in build hard disc or MOD/CD/DVD-RW facility should be available. In built hard disk with capacity of 1TB. System should have extensive image management capability including thumb nail review, Cineloop editing etc. System must be offered with Speckle Reduction Imaging : Image processing technique to remove speckles and clutter artifacts 9 System should have 4D (Live 3D) Echocardiography capability with Color Flow Imaging 10 System should be capable of scanning depth of 30cm. Scanning Depth should be clearly mentioned in the technical quote If not mentioned Please attach a letter from manufacturer along with the technical bid clearly stating the scanning depth of 30cm in the offered system. 11 Should have advanced Tissue Doppler Imaging with high frame rate acquisition of minimum of 390 frames per second 12 Should be able to perform advanced quantification measurements like Strain & Strain Rate Quantification. Should Measure the myocardial velocity and derives the strain rate and strain along user-defined M-lines, Capable of drawing up to 3 M-lines at a time, Capable of sub-dividing each mline into 8 sub-regions or according to user-defined sub-region sizes, Point of Interest tool obtains values from any point on the M-mode display. In addition to the Tissue Doppler based strain system should have 2D Based strain like VVI, AFT and TMQ should be offered. These should be offered bothon the system and on a workstation. OFF-CART workstation (both hardware and Software) should be offered and highlighted in the technical bid. 13 2D speckle tracking 14 System must be offered with user friendly high resolution user interface touch panel of minimum size of 11.5 inch. 15 Should be able to perform MPR views for Quantification from 3D Imaging on Volume measurements like LV volumes, Ejection fraction from 3D Image, etc. Also should offer 3D synchronicity indicates to measure and compare timing of maximum contraction of regional LV volumes to determine those patients who will best benefit from CRT system. Should display global LV volume and should provide simultaneous display of 17 regional volume waveform. This should be offered OFF-CART and not on the system. OFF-CART workstation (both hardware and Software) should be offered and highlighted in the technical bid. Page 1 of 3 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Specifications for High End Echocardiography System 16 Contrast Harmonic Imaging should be offered as standard on the system, with optimization for Low and HI MI applications. Should also have facility of LOW MI with triggered replenishment Imaging. 17 Integrated Stress Echo facility to perform Stress Echo exams SYSTEM MUST BE THE FOLLOWING TRANSDUCERS 1 4D (Live 3D) Echo Matrix Transducer for Adult 4D (Live 3D) with frequency ranging from 1-5 Mhz. This probe must support a minimum of 2500 elements for exceptional 4D (Live 3D) image quality on the matrix array transducer to simultaneous display of two real-time live high-quality image planes. This transducer should have either single crystal technology or purewave technology for excellent Image quality on Difficult to image patient. Please mention the crystal technology used in the transducer. System offered with normal transducers for adult echo are liable for rejection 2 4D (Live 3D) Echo Matrix Transducer for Pediatric 4D (Live 3D) with frequency ranging from 2-7 Mhz. This probe must support a minimum upto 2000 elements for exceptional 4D (Live 3D) image quality on the matrix array transducer to simultaneous display of two real-time live high-quality image planes. . This transducer should have either single crystal technology or purewave technology for excellent Image quality. The footprint size of the paediatric matrix transducer should be lesser than the adult matrix transducer and frequency of the paediatric matrix transducer should be higher. Please mention the crystal technology used in the transducer. Systems offered with normal transducers for adult echo are liable for rejection. 3 5–12 MHz Broadband Pediatric Echo Transducer for Neonatal and large Pediatric Cardiology imaging. System should be supplied with the following peripheral devices : 1 Sony Thermal B/W Printer. 2 2 KVA ONLINE UPS. 3 Latest Pentium PC(off-cart workstation) with software for analyzing and quantification of 2D and 3D data sets. CD/DVD writer with Image Management Software and colour laser Printer. PC should be offered with a flat panel 17 inch display monitor.(Hardware essential for OFF-CART Quantification). 4 The above PC should be offered with the software to work on the below features. 4a Strain and Strain rate imaging. 4b Semi Automated Border Detection. 4c Tissue Motion Annular Displacement. 4d Global and regional wall motion detection using Color Kinesis. Mitral Annular Color Kinesis for displaying mitral valve annular motion over time parametrically. 4e 2D speckle tracking Specifications for High End Echocardiography System The below requirement must be quoted as an field upgrade in the above quoted system 1 4D (Live 3D) Echo Matrix TEE Transducer for Adult 4D (Live 3D) with frequency ranging from 1-5 Mhz. This probe must support a minimum of 1500 elements for exceptional 4D (Live 3D) image quality on the matrix array transducer to simultaneous display of two real-time live high-quality image planes. This transducer should have either single crystal technology or purewave technology for excellent Image quality on Difficult to image patient. Please mention the crystal technology used in the transducer. System offered with normal transducers for adult echo are liable for rejection Page 2 of 3 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 2 3 4 5 4- 7MHz Broadband Pediatric TEE Transducer The tip size should be smaller than the adult TEE probe. 3–12MHz Linear Array Transducer for Vascular Imaging 3–8 MHz Broadband Pediatric Echo Transducer for Pediatric and small adult Cardiology imaging. 1–5 MHz Broadband Adult Echo Transducer for Adult Cardiology imaging. Must have Tissue Harmonic Imaging, Must have either single crystal technology or purewave or matrix technology for excellent Image quality on Difficult to image patients .Must attach original technical data sheet of transducer to specify the above technology used in the transducer. Page 3 of 3 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Deptt. of Radiation Oncology DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions LINAC-Low Energy (6 V) with Accessories DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR LINAC-LOW ENERGY (6 MV) WITH ACCESSORIES Detailed Specifications A: Procurement of Low Energy (6MV) Linear Accelerator with housing facility for the unit along with necessary space for dosimetry, planning, medical physics room and lab rooms on turnkey basis as per lay out plan provided by the institute. General: The vendor shall prepare the bid in two parts in two separate envelope one as standard and other as Optional. Both these parts shall have two bid, one, Technical bid and other Price bid and shall be covered in separate envelopes. The entire part 1 and 2 shall be covered in a single envelope and submitted with required tender fee, EMD as per terms of the tender. The systems offered should have CEA/FDA approval along with type approval from AERB/ GOI, Mumbai 1. Description of Function 1.1 Low Energy Medical Linear Accelerator flat photon beam of 6 MV to treat both benign and malignant disease as per detailed specification below. 2. Operational Requirements 2.1 Low Energy Linear Accelerator with control console and complete set of accessories, and MLC for delivering conformal radiotherapy, portal imaging and treatment planning system with a remote planning citrix server or equivalent. The unit should be compatible with the existing radiotherapy network and treatment planning system and should also include all the necessary hardware and software upgrade for seamless execution of 3D CRT (The RT workflow should be film-less and paperless). The offered table top should be carbon fibre with indexing facilities replicating the existing treatment units /CTSIM in the department. The system should have extended warranty for 5 years and prorate CMC for next 5 years to cover a period of 10 years from the date of commissioning. Should include the following under the turnkey scope: Civil works - modification of the existing structure where ever necessary and construct the new housing facility for the 6MV unit as per plan lay out provided by the institute, Electrical, air-conditioning works and also Interior finishing of all the room, waiting space , toilets and control console. 3. Technical Specifications 3.1 STANDARD EQUIPMENT 3.2 Photon Energy: 6 MV beam should comply with the specification of AERB 3.3 RF Source: Magnetron / Klystron 3.4 Waveguide Type :Standing / Travelling wave 3.5 Electron Gun :Sealed / Unsealed with proven track records 3.6 Treatment Modes :Normal – TSD / TAD , Rotation – CW / CCW , ARC – CW / CCW Details of Dose rate- MU/degree 3.8 Dose-Rate for Photon Energy : 300 MU/min in steps or above. 3.9 Field Size (clipped) : For photons: Max- 35 x 35 cm2 or More Min – 1 x 1 cm2 3.10 Field Size (unclipped) 40x40cm2 3.11 Penumbra should be stated and <7mm at 10cm depth for 10x10 cm2field and also comply as per commissioning requirements of AERB. Page 1 of 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 3.12 Beam Flatness (PHOTONS) Variation of x-ray intensity relative to the central axis shall not exceed ±4% over central 80% of radial and transverse axes for photons field sizes 10 x 10 cm2 to 40 x 40 cm2 at 10cm depth Beam Symmetry: The maximum percent difference of average doses shall not exceed ± 3% for photons 2.13 Focal Spot Size shall be typically 1mm or less 3.14. Photon Arc Therapy: Bi-directional arc therapy should be included with Automatic calculation of Dose per degree based on the Dose Rate and the Arc angle set 3.15 Beam flatness and Symmetry: The flatness shall be within+ 3% and maximum symmetry shall not exceed ±3% for Electrons. Or as per specifications of AERB 3.16 Gantry Rotation: ±180º (360º total) a) Read out – Digital and Mechanical b) Accuracy dig – readout 0.5º c) Control – Hand pendent and control-console d) Target – Axis Distance – 100 ± 0.2 cm e) ODI Range – 75 cm to 150 cm f) ODI Accuracy ± 0.1 cm over the complete range of length g) Gantry Rotation Isocentre 2 mm dia. Sphere or less (Isocentre of the unit including collimator, gantry and couch should be 2mm dia sphere or less. ) h) No Beam – stopper 3.17. Collimator: Rotation - ± 165º or more about mid position Control – Hand pendent and control – console Readout accuracy - ± 0.5º Collimator Rotation Isocentre 2 mm dia. Sphere 3.18. Asymmetric Collimators X & Y both Asymmetrical Specify travel ranges & over travel range 3.19 Multi-leaf collimator (MLC) No. of Physical Leaves – 80 or above to cover the complete field size of 40 x 40 cm2 a) Independent drives b) Leaf width at isocentre 10 mm or less. c) High over centre travel of MLC leaves (>10 cm) for conformal treatments. 4. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Provide following details for the offered MLC Max. leaf retracting position Max. field length Leaf height & material Coincidence of light & x-ray field Penumbra Transmission Interleaf leakage Leaf position accuracy Max. carriage speed Max. leaf speed Positional accuracy of the leaves during treatment 5. Radiation leakage: Standards, Safety X-ray absorbed dose due to leakage radiation outside useful beam but inside a plane circular area of radius 2 m centered around and perpendicular to central axis at normal treatment distance, should be as per AERB Specifications. Collimator transmission: as per AERB Specifications Page 2 of 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 The radiation leakage through the beam limiting diaphragm shall be <0.5%. Leakage adiation and on outside treatment area and averaged over 100cm2 should be <0.1% of the maximum absorbed dose at the isocentre as considered permissible by AERB. 6. Treatment Couch: Versatile extended range couch with indexed immobilization system in conformity with that in the CT Simulator and other units at work in department. Longitudinal, Lateral, Vertical and Rotation (accuracy as per guide lines enforced by AERB ) Electrical / Mechanical Control of couch Control-Local and/or Remote Minimum height from floor – approx. 60-65 cm or as per guidelines of AERB Sturdy Carbon fiber or equivalent material for easy setup and dosimetric accuracy. The vendor shall supply indexed and fully Carbon Fiber table top for better quality Portal Images with transmission factors 7. Dosimetry System (Photons): Built-in chambers. Two separate sealed chambers preferable PTW in conformity with the chambers available in department. Precision ± 1% or 1 MU Linearity ± 1% or 1 MU Reproducibility ± 2% or 1 MU Dose Rate Dependence should be in accordance with latest TRS recommendations. 7.1 Dosimetry and phantoms: A reference class dosimeter which is reliable, quality proven, high quality secondary standard shall be provided. One calibrated Farmer type thimble 0.6cc ion chamber (NDW calibration factor), calibrated at a primary/ secondary standard dosimetry laboratory. The connectors should be connectors should be compatible with the existing chamber adaptors in the department. Electrometer – chamber with connecting cable at least of 10 meter length should be provided. Beam quality phantom: 30x30cm absolute dosimetry phantom with vertical depth measurement for 10 and 20cm. Tissue equivalent slab phantom with adapter for standard 0.6cc and other ion chambers existing in the department 8. RT Planning and related requirement: A. Patient contouring, registration, fusion and virtual simulation work station: i. Two workstation : One in TPS & one in seminar room ( the node in Seminar room should have the projection facility for teaching purposes) ii. Two floating licenses for virtual simulation, planning and image transfer licenses iii. Remote citrix server or equivalent networked with the existing treatment planning systems and virtual simulation work stations and seamless networking with all the units in the deportment. Networking and facilitation for Data transfer from CT/MRI/PET-CT/ SPECT units to the TPS or Server using DICOM transfer. B. Treatment Planning : i. Geometric Planning :System must have auto contouring of organs. After dose prescription and fractionation scheme system must create geometric treatment plan with 3-D visualization and virtual simulation. It should have algorithm based on Monte Carlo or collapsible cone beam or equivalent in conformity with latest ICRU recommendation. ii. Dose Calculation: System should be able to provide 3D CRT treatment planning & license to be exported on DICOM-RT format. The necessary interfaces for transfer of treatment plans to any Linear Accelerator should be provided. The final dose distribution is calculated as per selected dose delivery technique. The system should be capable of advanced algorithm like Collapsible cone/ AAA or equivalent/Monte Carlo. Page 3 of 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 iii. Plan, Review &Evaluation: It must provide 3-D dose visualization and differential & cumulative DVH analysis tools to review the plan. The TPS should include the following licenses and fully DICOM RT compliance: 1. Virtual simulation, 2. Advance Dose calculation, iv.Plan Export: The 3DCRT plans can be exported directly after approval to any linear accelerator for dose delivery in the department . C. Beam Data 1. Dosimetric beam data for 3DCRT for 1 photon energy must be transferred from RFA for beam modeling, AERB acceptance and QA purpose. 9. Portal Imaging System Portal Imaging should fully integrate with the Linear Accelerator Should be able to take images at any Gantry angles and should image a minimum area of 30 x 30 cm2 or more. The electronic portal imaging system shall be based on proven quality detector technology. Should be fully integrated Portal Imaging system along with linear accelerator. Should have real-time imaging. Should have integrated arm fixed along with unit, and able to take images at any gantry angles. Should have automatic image acquisition. Software licenses for portal imaging analysis to be stated and provided. Online Portal Dosimetry software should be provided for quality assurance. 10. Oncology Information System complete with Networking (Record & Verify Off line review) Shall be networked with existing server or TPS system for analysis of the following: a) Off line review of portal imaging, b .Dose distribution and DVH It should work in conformity/integration with existing system in the department. 11. Accessories 1. Motorized / Virtual/ dynamic wedge to be quoted along with maximum field size. 2. Front pointer – mechanical 3. Accessory mount – shadow block tray 4. 14 Block set – divergent 5. Universal Clamps 6. Side Rails on both sides of Couch for Mounting Accessories 7. CCTV/ Camera Two Nos. One wide angle & one remote control with remote zoom & focus facility. 8. Two In-Room Colour Monitor 19” or higher 9. Laser Alignment System (3 cross laser system and one line all green lasers) 12. System Accessories, spares and consumables 1. Installation and commissioning of the unit should be included in the cost. 2 The Chiller system shall be provided from principals approved supplier 3. UPS with 20 minutes power backup to run the Linear Accelerator for beam on is required. 4 A patient calling system with 6 channels shall be supplied. 5. Internet broad band or telephone connectivity for remote servicing shall be provided. 13.Immobilization Accessories: (One set ) Complete set of imported patient immobilization accessories as existing in the department (Med Tech) for head, neck, thorax and pelvis sites to be supplied compatible and index-able with the Linear Accelerator table top. 13.1.For head and neck: U Frame, S-type head extension, set of Timo and Silverman neck rest, Prone headrest with base plate, prone pillow 13.2.For thorax: Extended Wing Board 13.3For Pelvis: Knee and ankle support 13.4.Others:Table index bars of minimum 4 Nos. bolus of 1 cm thickness (10 Nos), prone pillow, Heat Gun, RTP Markers, Orfit Cast 100 Nos in U Type & S Type. Page 4 of 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 14. Environmental factors and civil work Complete installation should include: Room Planning and designing and Space requirements to be spelt out in advance. Electrical Requirements to be specified All technical support for AERB Clearances and Environmental clearances to be arranged with local authorities. Institute will provide all the documentations. Air Conditioning and monitoring of Temperature; Relative Humidity and Air Changes ( To specify no. per hour) to be installed. The packaging of the unit shall be such that it is capable of being stored continuously in ambient temperature of 0-50 deg C and relative humidity of 15-90% The unit shall be capable of operating in ambient temperature of 20-30 deg C and maximum relative humidity of 70%. Shall meet IEC-60601-1-2:2001 (Or Equivalent BIS) General Requirements of Safety for Electromagnetic Compatibility or should comply with 89/366/EEC; EMC-directive 15. Training Training to be imparted on the equipment‟s as follows: 15.. 1 For 2 oncologist and 2 physicist for two working week on applications in a developed world facility where the Linear accelerator is being extensively used. 15.2.There shall be on-site training for up to 15 days to conduct hands-on training. One week training for 2 technologists at working site in India. 15.3.The training of personnel shall be conducted within one year from commissioning and a Bank Guarantee for USD 40 k shall be provided which shall be forfeited for non-compliance. 16. Documentation 16.1 16.2 16.3 User/Technical/Maintenance manuals to be supplied in English Certificate of calibration and inspection List of Equipment‟s available for providing calibration and routine Prevention Maintenance Support as per manufacturer documentation in service/technical manual. 16.4 List of important spare parts and accessories with their part number and costing 16.5 Log book with instruction for daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly maintenance checklist. The job description of the hospital technician and comply service engineer should be clearly spelt out. 16.6 Additional Documents to be enclosed with Quotation: 16.6a. No. of similar models: India / World (enclose list of institutions) 16.6b. No. of certified engineers in India (enclose list of names) 16.6c. Remote Diagnosis Facility (India / Abroad) availability details. 17. Warranty, CMC and Penalty clause Warranty and other terms: a) Comprehensive warranty for 5 years and 5 years CMC after warranty period b) Warranty for 5 years for the entire Linear accelerator with accessories, UPS & Chiller including the following major components such as Accelerator Guide including Target, Bending Magnet, Electron Gun, Vacuum Pumps, RF Source -Magnetron/Klystron & including local items and in the same condition additional energy may be separately offered c) Cost of CMC must be enclosed from Principal for 6-10th year post-warranty period. d) There should be at least 3 preventive maintenance services rendered per year and unlimited break down /emergency related visits. e) During warranty and the period of CMC, the uptime guarantee should be > 95% calculated at all business hours of the Institution. f) All OPTIONAL ITEMS offered shall have similar warranty, CMC, Uptime and training requirements and a validity of 2 years from date of the order. g) Provision for starter packs of consumables for demonstration of equipment. Page 5 of 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 h) Provision of adequate on-site user‟s training before commissioning of the machine. i) The supplier shall bear all responsibilities and expenditures relating to transportation, custom clearance, loading, unloading, insurance of the equipment till commissioning, and handing over the machine to the hospital authority in complete working condition. j) The supplier shall bear all the cost of accessories and consumables required for complete installation & demonstration of their equipment. UPS/ CVT/ Stabilizer or any other electrical appliances required for the functioning of the equipment shall be provided by the supplier without any extra cost. k) In case of any specific electrical power supply required, it must be mentioned in the tender. l) The authority reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. m) There will be a bipartite agreement with the successful vendor regarding supply of equipment, accessories, spare parts, payment terms, warranty period, after sales service up to the life-time of the equipment, scope of service, and payment terms of CMC etc. before placing the purchase order. Dispute if any with regard to the tender shall be settled in the court in the jurisdiction of Lucknow. 18. Turn key The Turnkey should include following work as per layout plan provided by the institute to meet the mandatory AERB requirements The work to be completed by Vendor party of the Low Energy Linear Accelerator (LELA): The vendor party will inspect the site for submitting the financial bid for completing the following works on a turnkey basis and as per the specifications provided by the institute which may be modified as per needs at the site without any prior notice: 1. The vendor party will be responsible for complete interior finishing of all the areas under construction including electrical works, lights, fans, Air-conditioning of the complete area and false ceiling except the seminar room. It will be responsible for plumbing, sanitary fitting, fire protection, internet and telephone connection, earthing (both for instruments and A/C), flooring, tiling of all walls, as decided by the institute. 2. The vendor will be responsible for providing all the desired furniture & fixtures in the console and LINAC room as detailed by the institute. All the doors (including interlocking system) required in the area will be fixed and provided by vendor party as per approval of the institute. 3. The vendor will ensure procurement and fixation of A/C of Daikin, Voltas, Carrier, Blue Star make, or of equivalent standards. A/C fixed will maintain the temperature and humidity as required by the instruments which will have extended warranty of 5 yrs. and CMC for additional 5 yrs. 4. The vendor party will ensure anti-termite treatment for wooden work and rodent protection/ repellant of the area. 18.I Interior furnishing: Flooring – Vitrified tiles in all the areas as per approval by the institute. Walls – vitrified tiles on all the walls up to false ceiling in all the areas as per approval by the institute. All the doors should be aluminum glazed doors of minimum thickness 10 gauge with minimum 20 micron anodizing and with minimum 5.5 mm thick wired glass / 12mm thick pre-laminated board wherever specified. Page 6 of 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 All the doors should be provided with Hydraulic type door closures (Godrej or equivalent) of standard quality. All the doors should be provided with mortised locks of Godrej or equivalent make, except that of the main doors, which should be provided with minimum 7-lever pad locks. False ceiling – Powder-coated Armstrong Metallic, or equivalent. For the installation of LELA, laying of the cables (electrical, computer and LAN) in console room, bunker and chiller room will be undertaken by vendor party and vendor party will be responsible for cable layout plan and designing of trenches (as per floor plan), conduits for chiller pipes, dosimetric cables, lighting and power points for LASER etc. The trenches will be covered with stainless steel checkered plate of suitable strength with matching ambience of the floor and walls. Furnishing of the chiller room will be responsibility of the vendor. Designing and appropriate leveling of the installation pit will be ensured by the vendor party in coordination with the construction agency for smooth completion of the work. In case any minor modification is required in civil construction work, as per the needs of the institute, vendor party shall coordinate with UPRNN to finish the same. 18.II Furniture and fixtures will be as follows: 1. Control console to seat seven people, and computer platforms should be included, as specified by the institute. 2. Key board drawers. 3. Shelf or base for computer table and UPS. 4. Robust wall side shelf in machine rooms strong enough for storage of Blocks, wedges, and compensators, and for storage of patient position accessories and mask etc. 5. Revolving chairs with user-adjustable height, medium backrest height, with hand-rest – 6 nos. 6. Chairs for patient waiting area – Three-seater (chrome plated). - 6 nos. 7. Cupboard with laminate door shutters for storage of spare parts, accessories and records, as per requirement – 2 nos. 8. Drug trolleys (medium sized) – 1 nos. 9. Heavy duty Dosimetry trolley with pulling handle, capable of bearing at least 70 kg load – 1 nos. 10. Name boards for all rooms; tables for all Workstations in LINAC room, TPS room and seminar room will also be supplied by the vendor. 11. Changing rooms should have lockers and dressing table with mirror, clothes hooks, hangers and one medium sized wardrobe/ almirah for storage of linen/ clothes/ miscellaneous items. 12. Any other furniture as per requirement. All furniture items should be of standard make (Godrej, Methodex or equivalent). 18.III Detailed Specification of A/C Will Be As Follows: Use of fresh air system and no-recycling system will be used (heat exchanger to save energy will be preferred). Six air changes per hour are required, as per the size of the area and circulation efficiency. Ventilation to remove air dissipated from the room as per requirement and environmental specification will be as follows: a) Humidity range: 40% to 60% relative humidity, noncondensing. b) Temperature Range: 18 deg. C to 24 deg. C throughout the year. c) Detail for the ducting diffuser, grills etc. to be submitted by vendor party for approval. d) Provide ventilation sufficient for removal of equipment air heat load as per requirement of the accelerator. e) Air-conditioning of the following approved makes. (i) VOLTAS, (ii) BLUESTAR, (iii) Daikin, (iv) CARRIER, or equivalent. Page 7 of 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 The heating load calculation and maintenance of temperature and humidity shall be the responsibility of the agency to decide the tonnes of the A/C. (f) Double earthing with copper plate is to be provided separately for the air conditioning equipment as per specifications in addition to the double earthing of the LELA. (g) Air condition should be under warranty of five years & thereafter under CMC for five years along with L.E.L.A. 18.IV PLUMBING WORK Plumbing work has to be carried out as per the requirement. The waste pipes and accessories should be of centrifugally cast iron and the connection of existing main hole in the public shafts shall be done. All water pits and fitting shall be galvanized iron of Tata make or equivalent standards. The gratings shall be brass chrome plates. Building of all toilets with ceramics, tiles on the walls and sanitary fitting of HINDUSTAN/ PARRYWARE/Johnson make and water supply fitting should be of ESSCON/NOVA/JAL/JAGUAR make or equivalent. 18.V ELECTRICAL WORK The vendor shall be required to specify the total load requirement for the entire equipment, the airconditioning units, room lighting and for the accessories, if any. The institute (UPRNN) will provide the load up to the distribution panel. The distribution panel should give switchgear of SIEMENS/ L&T makes and shall be provided by the vendor. The electrical work will include wiring, lighting and main switch fittings. The special roof lights (CFL/LED) will be required particularly in the machine room which should have long life and should not be affected by fluctuations. The electrical work shall include the following: · Wiring: the wire shall be of copper of different capacity as per the load and should be renowned make like Finolex, Batra, Heneley, Havells etc. · Switches: light and power point should be of modular type of standard make, as per institute requirements. · General lights: Standard Make as per approval by the institute, as per institute requirements. · MCBs/ACBs should be of Standard Make as per approval by the institute, as per institute requirements. · Roof light: Standard Make as per approval by the institute, as per institute requirements. · Main switchgears, fuse units should be L &T / Siemens/ GE, as per institute requirements. · Telephone cables should be of Finolex, Havells & Ecko brands, as per institute requirements. · Electrical load of the linear accelerator machine to be added as per the tender / brand of the equipment. · Main electrical panel will be supplied by the vendor, as well as all related cabling work of appropriate capacity. · UPS of appropriate quality and standard make to support all the systems with back up time of minimum 20 Minutes. . Any additional earthing requirement will be provided by the vendor, as per institute requirements. . A two way public addressal system has to be supplied by the vendor, as per institute requirements. 18.VI FIRE PROTECTION The fire protection is to be integrated as per the requirement. Heat detector / Hooters/ Photoelectric smoke detector shall be provided as per the requirements of ISI/BIS code. The ionization detector should not be used. The fire alarm panel shall be linked the main panel of the institute. Page 8 of 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 18.VII ELECTRIC PROTECTION OF THE INSTALLATION The use of earth leakage circuit breaker will be required. Emergency switches interlock devices and warning lights have to be integrated into the planning. 18.VIII EMERGENCY LIGHT Provide battery backup emergency lights both in machine room and control console area. Remark: 1.Vendor party will be responsible to coordinate with construction agency (UPRNN) so that a portion of wall in front of the proposed console room be left open for easy movement and unloading of Linac cargo and will be completed only when the cargo has been unloaded in the designated area in consultation with institute and vendor party. 2. Time period: turnkey work, installation & commissioning should be completed in a period of 6 months from the date of order for movement of goods from their principles base. 19. OPTIONAL ITEMS The optional items to be offered are not compared for deciding L1 vendor but shall have same terms and condition as the main item and optional items shall be submitted in separate cover which shall have two cover one for technical bid and other for price bid. 19.1 The existing Monaco Treatment planning System hardware shall be changed with latest dual or higher core Intel processor with memory of 32 GB or more and 20” medical grade monitor, and the existing PC will be left with the department for use as per department requirement. The Monaco shall be upgraded to the latest version 5.0 or more and shall add 3D CRT and electron planning so that a single planning system to support all external planning. Also there shall be an additional planning station to take care of workload on all advanced planning including IMRT, Dynamic IMRT, VMAT and Stereotactic planning. There shall be one work station which provides contouring registration fusion and virtual simulation software (VSS) of the patient data and the system shall have storage media such as high external HD etc. 19.2 The existing Mosaiq Desktop networking and Oncology Information System shall have latest server hardware upgrade and also shall be upgraded to latest software. The vendor shall provide image management and provide 4 image work station with latest PC hardware and 20” medical grade monitors. 19.3RTPACS upgrade to the existing Mosaiq Desktop shall be quoted separately with 20 TB storage and upgradable to 100TB. This is to store and archive long term data and image and to avoid data loss due to problems occur in CD/DVD discs and to archive long surviving patient data for useful clinical research. 19.4 One existing xiowork station to be upgraded to latest version of Monaco level 5.0TPS. 19.5 There shall be one work station which provides contouring registration fusion and virtual simulation software (VSS) of the patient data and the system shall have storage media such as high end exteranlHD or any advance and top of the drawer technology to store the data. 19.6 . Stereotactic chamber of PTW make for existing PTW water phantom 19.7. Dose optimization: System should have provision to generate the treatment plans from templates that satisfy the organ dose constraints, Following steps should be taken: a. Define dose volume constraints , b. Set optimization parameters. c. Evaluate optimization including DVH, Biological and equivalent d. IMRT delivery should be possible and provided as option. Two nos. of treatment parameter monitors 19” TFT or more to be provided e. The Department has existing Monaco Treatment Planning System and now the Department wants Remote Planning work station preferably in a advanced Laptop using Citrix server or equivalent so that it can be displayed any part of the Hospital or presented anywhere in Lucknow. Page 9 of 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 f.. Optionally dynamic/Step and shoot IMRT planning shall be quoted and Upgradation of one of the existing Xio system to latest version of Monaco system with biological plan evaluation capability. g. upgradation of existing 3 contouring system systems to do import, transfer, image fusion and compatible of seamless integration with existing systems 19.8 Electron applicator cut out for shaping electron fields for all electron energies available in the existing Linac units in the department B: Thermo Luminescence Dosimetry system with TL material TLD Reader Most modern auto TLD Reader includes a sample drawer for a single element TLD dosimeter, a linear, programmable heating system and a cooled photomultiplier tube with associated electronics to measure the TL light output and dose calibrations. Planchet heating incorporates welded thermocouple for best temperature reproducibility Heating profile includes pre-heat, acquire and anneal cycles Easy to operate, service and maintain Heating temperature capability up to 600°C (1112°F) Seven decade glow curve acquisition range Optional neutral density filter to extend the high measurement range Thermoelectric PMT cooler for maximum gain stability Measurement quality assurance Freely selectable alarm limits Automatic background subtraction capability Compact and attractive Dosimetry Performance Using LiF;Mg,Ti Chips, rods ,powder or Ca So4:Dy (TLD-100) Tissue equivalence: nearly tissue equivalent Fading: <20% in 3 months without thermal treatment; <5% in 3 months using preheat or glow curve deconvolution Batch uniformity: ±15% std. dev. from the batch mean, tighter on special request Residual TL signal: <0.2% of reading, over the range, without annealing Reuse: more than 500 per dosimeter with <10% sensitivity change Threshold: <10µGy (0.1 mrad) based on 2.26 std. dev. of 10 repeat readings of an unexposed dosimeter Computer requirements (minimum): Pentium latest speed and RAM minimum 500 MB free disk space; CD-ROM drive; SVGA color monitor (800 x 600), keyboard and mouse; latest Windows*; One serial port for connection to TLD reader and one parallel port for printer and ink jet color laser printer Compatible with:TLD dosimeters, TLD Materials, TLD Accessories and meeting the requirements oftehreader. Suitable for Radiotherapy planning verification Total body irradiation dose verification Skin irradiation dose verification Stereotactic beam output factor measurement Critical organ dose verification Diagnostic dose studies CT dose measurement for quality assurance Environmental dosimetry Testing for irradiated food Radioactive dating High dose verification for electronic components Page 10 o 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Specifications for auto /Manual Reader Radiation Measurement Ranges Repeatability Photon, energies >5 keV; Neutron, thermal to 100MeV; Electron/beta, energies >70 keV 10µGy to 10 Gy (.1 mrad to 1000 rad) linear; 1 Gy to 20 Gy (100 rad to 2000 rad) supralinear for 1 mGy (100 mrad) 137Cs doses, <2% STD DEV of 10 sequential measurements 5 years extended comprehensive warranty The equipment should be latest in the market Should have established such systems at least in top research and medical institutes in the country. List to be provided of the installations Literature of the system Certificate of performance from 3 major users C: Whole Body Phantom compatible with external and internal RT plan evaluation requirements. Whole body phantom for QA for Comprehensive verification of the complete treatment planning sequence and doseimtry. The Phantoms should provide the detailed mapping of dose distribution that is essential for evaluating radiotherapy treatment plans. The models for standard Man and Woman be supplied as per ICRU guide lines.. Breast accessories should be available for both men and women models. The Sectional Phantoms, Phantoms should be constructed with an equivalent skeleton cast inside material that is radiologically equivalent to soft tissue, bone fat etc. The lungs should be moulded to fit the contours of the natural human rib cage. The lower-density material in the lungs be designed to simulate human lungs in a median respiratory state Phantom should be Designed for maximum flexibility, and maximum applications. Dose measurements could be obtained by using film, TLD or individual dosimeters. To facilitate dose mapping, Phantoms should be sliced into 2.5cm sections. Optional hole grids should be drilled through the phantom's soft tissue material provided that the holes do not pass through bone. These grids allow a variety of dosimeters to be used. The Phantoms should be equipped with standard, close-fitting Mix D plugs inserted in the holes. However, The Phantom vendor should also provide optional Mix D plugs made to hold TLD chips, as well as, special Thermo luminescent Capsules for Lithium Fluoride Powders D: Radiotherapy Quality Assurance tools compatible with QA requirements of high end Linacs and low energy Linac in the department 1. RT QA Tools: i. Pocket dosimeter-2 ii. Beam Profile check tool for daily QA( flatness for photon and electron)-1 iii. Composite environment check tool-3 (wall mounted) iv. Iso-align device-2 v. Aneroid atmospheric pressure measuring tool-1 vi. D20/D10QA phantom-1 vii. Water phantom of 30x30x30 cm3for absolute dosimetry( Imported )-1 2. QA for routine calibration and check of Linear Accelerator: Smart quality assurance (QA) platform that integrates all of a radiotherapy department's QA needs into a single software system. It should deliver an instant update showing the status of all plan verification, machine QA and commissioning tests within the clinic. This could be accessed from anywhere in the clinic via devices including smartphones and tablets. For treatment plan verification, Page 11 of 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 the system should enable to input a treatment plan, perform a measurement with the quality ion chamber array and compare results with the expected plan. The system module should offer complete machine QA and is pre-installed with TG-142 specifications. 3. Advance plan-verification System or equivalent. a patient anatomy-centric platform for verifying advanced rotational and intensity-modulated radiotherapy plans. The system should bring together two evaluation tools into the same software: independent calculation-based verification of the treatment planning system (TPS) and measurement-based QA. The first of these tools performs treatment-plan verification based on the patient's anatomy. Including 3D anatomical information (taken from a CT scan) into dose calculations enables the verification system to account for individual patient geometry and inhomogeneities, as well as removing the need for a QA phantom. After each plan is created in the TPS, it could be imported directly via DICOM , where an independent check could be performed using a Collapsed Cone or equivalent algorithm. The consistency between the TPS and the independently recalculated plan could be assessed. It should felicitate second process involves checking the impact of the actual delivery in the patient anatomy. The ion chamber array attached to the Linacs gantry and response could be acquired on a segment-by-segment basis. If any deviations between the TPS-planned delivery and the real Linacs delivery are observed, then this measurement can be used to recalculate the dose in the patient anatomy prior to treatment delivery. It should felicitate checking of the complete treatment chain every time. It should quickly verify any problem in the TPS calculation, accurate delivery, accuracy of plan transfer and that the Linacs . Page 12 of 12 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Deptt. of PMR DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Robotic Gait Trainer DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROBOTIC GAIT TRAINER SYSTEM 1. The system should be a latest, upgradable, and advanced robotic gait training technology and should be suitable for a. Neurologic patients, b. Orthopedic patients, 2. The system should have minimum two gait patterns onboard including the Gait Training/Floor walking. 3. The system should have option with adaptive mode that allows the patient to walk in the device by himself. 4. The system should have visual scenario/ virtual reality as standard feature for visualization of real-time feedback of patient performance. 5. The robotic system should have Minimum patient bearing capacity of 120 Kgs. 6. The robotic system should have electric operated un-weighing system with dynamic unloading. 7. The system should have hand rails adjustable in height and distance and should have at least two patient safety switches on the either sides of the patient. 8. The system should have following Gait parameters variable settings: a. Minimum Variable velocity up to 2 km/h b. Minimum Variable cadence up to 60 steps/min c. Variable step length 0 to 50 cm d. Variable step height 0 to 20 cm e. Initial contact angle f. Toe off angle g. Assessment of three dimensional centre of mass displacement 9. The system should have following Evaluation parameters in real time: a. Total therapy time b. Pause time Page 1 of 2 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 c. Number of pauses d. Number of steps and total Distance covered e. Average body weight support f. Graphical representation of Patients‟ force interaction on the footplates 9. The system should have following parameters as Therapy Report: a. Net therapy time b. Steps done on floor c. Mean walking velocity d. Average body weight support 10.The system should have following feedback. a. Operator‟s and Doctor‟s feedback on body weight support b. Therapy data stored in Patients‟ Database 12.The system should be supplied with Paediatric module as standard to treat Paediatric patients‟ upto height of 100 cm. 13. The system should be supplied with all accessories to support the lower limbs in any case. 14.The system should have International safety standard i.e. CE and USFDA 15. The system placement should be within the following dimensions: 25‟ x 10‟ x 10‟ (LXWXH) 16. The system should be in wide use all over the world. A complete worldwide installation list should be provided along with the installations in India. 17. There should be minimum 3-4 satisfactory working installations of the system in reputed Govt. or private hospital in India. 18. The vendor should be able to Demonstrate the system anywhere in India at own expenses to the Hospital Doctor if required. 19. The Vendor should provide the User Satisfactory performance certificates in order to determine the machine. DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Upright Bike DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR UPRIGHT BIKE Equipment should be designed for medical purposes Technical Specifications: 1. Display Options: Advanced Led Interface (minimum 15” screen.) 2. Fast Track Control with Visual Setup 3. User Defined Language Selection 4. Wellness System 5. Software Package Cardiomemory 6. Maximum Resistance at 70 rpm 860 7. Minimum 15 Difficulty Levels. 8. Power supply 100 - 240 Vac 50/60 Hz 9. Language friendly with essential availability of UK English & US English. 10.Maximum user weight (kg | lbs)120 | 264 11.HR Monitoring by Double Hand Sensor, Telemetry 12.Sub Maximal Test like Fitness Test, Single Stage, Multistage, PWC Test, PWC Test modified, YMCA Test 13.Maximal test like Astrand Test, McArdle Test, Anaerobic Power Test and Military Test (US Army) AIR Force PRT, Navy PRT 14.Programs like Quick Start, Goals (Time; Distance; Calories), CHR, Profiles, Training Zone, Weight Loss, Constant Speed, Constant Power + 15.TüV/ CE/ UL certification 16.Power supply as per requirement of the equipment. Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Recumbent Bike DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR RECUMBENT BIKE 1. Display option: advanced LED interface( 15 inch LCD display) 2. Fast track control with visual setup 3. Adjustable pedal straps 4. Heart rate interactive function from hand sensors/ chest band and transmitter 5. User defined language selection 6. Plug & play system 7. Goal oriented display 8. Difficulty levels more than 15 9. Power supply as per the machine requirement220V, 50 Hz 10.Wellness system 11. Submaximal fitness test and maximal fitness test like Air force PRT, Navy PRT( optional) 12.Ergonomic handle bar to facilitate climbing on/off from the machine 13.Adjustable back rest with minimum 3 positions with 15 minimum seating positions. 14.Maximal user weight: not less than150kg. 15. Programs like quick start, Goals(time; distance; calorie; CHR), training zone, weight loss 16.Maximum resistance at 70 rpm should be in range 40-400 (optional) 17.EEC/TUV/CE certification. Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Dip Chin Assist DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR DIP CHIN ASSIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Equipment should be made of large internal frame tubing. Weight pins should be magnetic and tethered Reinforced flat Kevlar/urethane belt transmission There should be solid cold rolled steel plate with inner bushings made of Teflon Handles should be of rotating type for all height users Pull up bars for standard and neutral grips EEC/ CE/TUV/UL/USFDA certification Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Treadmills DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR TREADMILLS 1. Advanced Led interface with minimum 15 inch touch screen which displays time, distance, calories, calories per hour, speed, incline, pace, heart rate, Metabolic Equivalents or METs (essential), watts, profile display etc. 2. In Motion safety system 3. Permanent laser marking on belt 4. Long life deck 5. Incline range 0-150 with minimum 1300 lbs thrust elevation motor 6. Speed range should be minimum 0.8-15 Kmph 7. Wellness system 8. Runner detection system 9. Equipment must have contact HR/ telemetric HR system 10.Plug &play system 11.AC dynamic response drive system of 5.0 HP or more 12.EEC/TUV/CE/UL certification 13. Power supply 220V; 50 Hz Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Router with all Attachments DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROUTER WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS Specifications ■ Speed of router motor infinitely variable, incl. motor brake ■ For connection to a central dust suction unit with a minimum air flow of 20 m/s and an low pressure of 710 Pa ■ Suction connection as per the machine requirement ■ Router motor on a robust steel stand Electronic Features ■ Protective circuit according to German VDE Standard with low voltage release ■ Emergency floor push stop ■ On/Off router motor switch ■ Main safety switch ■ Appropriate cord length with safety plug Basic Equipment ■ Adjustable suction nozzle ■ Shaft housing, long ■ Spanner as per the machine requirements ■ Threaded stud for router tools Technical Data ■ Space requirement (WXD) should not be more than 900 x 1500 mm ■ Work height should not be less than 1000 mm ■ Motor speed infinitely variable: 0-2900 RPM or more ■ Sound level should be less than 70 db ■ Router shaft length should be equal or more than 430 mm ■ Tapered spindle ■ Router motor: 230 V / 50 Hz / minimum1KW Following attachments as per the shaft type are required: 1. Fine cone miller 2. Rasp miller tools 3. Sanding drum 4. Grinding tools 5. Habermann fine cleaner (small , medium & large) 6. Sanding cone 7. Sanding sleeve 8. Felt stoppering cone( polisher) 9. Rubber sanding cone Page 1 to 2 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 10.Steel wire sanding drum 11.Buffing wheel 12.Polishing wheel 13.Sanding brush 14.Polishing sanding drum 15.Tool holder Equipment should be CE certified Page 2 to 2 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Prosthetic & Orthotic Oven (Combined) DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROSTHETIC & ORTHOTIC OVEN (COMBINED) For fast heating of large sheet plastics and for the manufacture of orthosis in prepreg technique, also suitable for deep-drawing technique with a deep drawing frame (e. g. check sockets) Equipment ■ Mobile adjustable work tray mounted on rollers ■ Pull-down door with double pane viewing window ■ Digital display ■ Mobile frame with pull out ■ Fastest heating ■ Digital temperature control ■ Interior lighting ■ For heating materials up to 230 °C ■ Appropriate cord length with safety plug ■ Also include deep-drawing equipment with a deep-drawing frame and accessories. Technical Data ■ Inside dimensions should not be less than W x D x H: 1300 x 1000 x 350 mm ■ Outside dimensions should not be less than W x D x H: 1400 x 1100 x 1100mm ■ Number and power of infrared emitters: 8 x 1000 W ■ Inside volume should not be less than 800 ltrs. ■ Temperature range: up to 250 °C ■ Power requirements: 400V / 50-60 Hz / 10kW or more Equipment Should be CE certified. Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Emergency Medicine DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions General Instrument Set (Battery Operated Drill & Saw System) DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL INSTRUMENTS SET (BATTERY OPERATED DRILL & SAW SYSTEM Battery Operated Drill & Saw System Tender specifications Battery Power System should be versatile functions and should used in all applications require in large bones and small bones. The two trigger drill hand piece should have the feature of Drilling, Reaming & Oscillation mode. The cannulation of the drill hand piece should be more than 4.5mm. The modular Drill Hand piece should have adaptability to have variation in Speed and torque with different attachment to have different functions in drilling and reaming. The speed torque ratio should be at least of three variations like 1:1, 3:1 and 5:1. The drilling speed should be more than 900 RPM and torque should be available up to 11 Nm. Should have quick coupling drilling attachments for AO small , Wire Driver, Pin Driver and Jacobs chuck. Should have quick coupling Reaming attachments for AO large and Jacobs Chuck . Bur Attachment compatible Drill Hand piece for removal of cement in revision surgery for high speed application maximum speed 30,000 RPM Short, medium and long Bur guards and Bur(10 Nos) to be supplied with Bur attachment for cement removal The system should have dedicated oscillating saw hand piece. The speed of dedicated Oscillating Saw should be more tha 10,000 CPM. The oscillating saw hand piece should have rotating head at 4 intervals in 90deg each. The system should have Arthroplasty blades(10 Nos) and special trauma blades for sawing(10 Nos). Four station Battery charger. Should have NiMH battery (4 Nos). Sterilization Case for the complete system The system should be CE/US FDA Approved. ITEMS QUOTED SHOULD BE OF ONE MAKE Page 1 of 1 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Arthroscopy Set DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ARTHROSCOPY SET High Definition Camera System for Arthroscopic Surgeries Full High Definition Digital Camera The system should have following features: It should be a Three Chip high definition camera with digital video of 1920x1080resolution camera head and console The system should have Digital /Optical Zoom to enhance the quality of Image size regardless of the telescope used. Button controls on camera Head to control vital functions of camera, like White Balance, Brightness etc. Video Outputs: Minimum : DVI, S-Video HDSDI The Camera should preferably have Signal to Noise ratio range of 60-70dB. The Camera Head should have a focusing coupler for even focus control. Should offer both NTSC and PAL Video Formats. The Unit should be compatible for recording of stills and videos using Universal Serial Bus. The system should be Menu driven, thus allowing the surgeon to program the camera head functions as per the surgical needs & requirement. Technical Specifications: Image System: 1/3” CCD Pixels AGC: Signal-to-noise ratio Video output: High Definition Medical Grade Monitor 1920 X 1080 pixels per chip Microprocessor controlled 60-70 dB S-Video HD-SDI & DVI (Minimum) The system should have: Hi Definition Colored Monitor 24’’-26” Flat Panel Monitor PAL system compatible. Composite, S-Video and HDSDI , DVI inputs(Minimum) Compact & Lightweight design. Resolution more than 1100 lines Xenon Light Source 300 W Xenon Light Source with 100-240 V Xenon bulb should emit light at temperature of 5700-6000K Minimum bulb life of 500hours. Light intensity adjustable from console. Universal Light cable acceptance on console. Display of Bulb hours elapsed on console Fiber Optic Light Cable Size should be diameter > 3.5mm, length >160 cm Arthroscopes Wide Angle, Direct View Arthroscopes Light Guide insertion on opposite side of the direction of view with a J-lock fixation for cannula. Page 1 of 7 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Working Length of Not more than 160mm Optimal centre-to-edge resolution for enhanced picture quality Angle of view: 70º 30º Diameter 4mm Fiber optic light transmission incorporated Standard ocular window for coupling the camera head Scratch resistance sapphire quoted tip lens Advanced Rod lens system for optimum brightness, contrast and definition Arthroscopes should be supplied with compatible cannulas high flow, double valve, fully rotatable with fenestrated tip & conical and blunt tip obturator. Arthroscopic Resection Shaver System The Shaver system should comprise of Controller Console, Shaver Hand-piece, Footpedal. Controller Unit The Controller console should have receptacles for both Shaver hand-piece, Foot Pedal and also other powered instrumentation The console screen should capture all information pertaining to minimum, maximum and set speeds for installed blade type; horizontal bar graph of blade speed relative to range; blade direction; diagnostic information. Should provide control for momentary push switches for increasing and decreasing speed setting. The Console should provide variable rpm ranging between 100rpm to 10,000 rpm as per the blade or burs used. The Motor should offer Forward, Reverse and Oscillation Mode for Resection. Shaver Hand Piece The autoclavable shaver handpiece, which is compact, lightweight and ergonomically designed, with optional hand control. The connecting cable should be autoclavable and replaceable with lenght of approx. 10Ft. The handpiece should be not more than 8 Inches length and 460gms. The handpiece should have suction control lever. The Shaver Handpiece should have safety mechanism of Blade Window Lock to avoid any unintentional tissue damages on pull out. The Shaver hand piece should have push-button motor controls: Forward, Reverse, Oscillate, and Blade and Window Lock. The Shaver should offer Maximum torque not be less than 29oz.in The shaver should be supplied with compatible shaver sterilization case. Input voltage of 100 to 240V, 50/60 Hz power consumption not more than 350VA. Foot Pedal The variable speed foot pedal should be sturdy with a long connecting cable. The footpedal controls should include three standard operating modes, i.e. Forward, Reverse and Oscillation. The foot pedal should offer a blade window locking mode for enhanced safety during withdrawal of hand piece from joint space with blade mounted. Page 2 of 7 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Consumables-Blades & Burs • Shaver System Should be supplied with 6 pieces of single use shaver blades of each of the following diameter i) 4.5mm Full radius Blade for ACL removal - 1pcs. ii) 3.5mm Cutter Blade for meniscus - 1pcs. iii) 5.5mm Incisor Blade -1pcs. iv) 4.5mm Syanovator Blade-1pcs. v) 4.0mm Abrader Burr -1pcs. vi) Cutting blade for saw-1pcs. vii) Electroblade -1 pc Hand Held Instruments All Hand Held Instruments should have single piece construction outer shaft and pin-less hinge design for distal tip, ensuring unsurpassed strength and cutting efficiency punches Basket Punch Duckbill straight Tip Profile – 2.52mm, Bite Width-3.17mm, Tip Width5.05mm Basket Punch Narrowline Upbiter 1.9mm, Bite width- 1.67mm, Tip width-2.89mm Basket Punch Duckling curved left 1.93mm, Bite width-3.17mm, Tip width-5mm Basket Punch Duckling curved right 1.93mm, Bite width- 3.17mm, Tip width-5mm Grasper:Cupped Grasper – 3.4mm with sliding lock mechanism Others Probe Straight 3.0mm Heavy hook with handle. ACL / PCL Drill Guide Systems: A comprehensive system suitable for Bone-Tendon-Bone as well as soft tissue grafts. Comprising of – Drill guide, aimers, and bullets - single hand operation – ACL Director Drill Guide Handle Director ACL Elbow Aimer ranging from 40 to 65 deg for drilling to the laser mark at the aimer’s elbow Director ACL Tip Aimer ranging from 40 to 65 deg for drilling to the tip of the aimer Director PCL Tibial Aimer with broad face tip that easily passes through notch & provides protection to posterior capsule during guide wire drilling Director PCL Femoral Aimer for outside in Drilling with medial incision, should have hoop tip to provide visual reference for the diameter of the fully reamed tunnel • • Director 4-Point Bullet with four sharp points for secure engagement of the guide at any angle Endoscopic cannulated drill bit 7mm for femoral tunnel drilling including calibration. Endoscopioc cannulated drill bit 7.5mm for femoral tunnel drilling including calibration. Page 3 of 7 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Endoscopic cannulated drill bit 8mm for femoral tunnel drilling including calibration Endoscopic cannulated drill bit 8.5mm for femoral tunnel drilling including calibration. Endoscopic cannulated drill bit 9mm for femoral tunnel drilling including calibration. Endoscopic cannulated drill bit 10mm for femoral tunnel drilling including calibration. Cannulated drill bit 7mm for tibial tunnel drilling Cannulated drill bit 7.5mm for tibial tunnel drilling Cannulated drill bit 8mm for tibial tunnel drilling Cannulated drill bit 8.5mm for tibial drilling Cannulated drill bit 9mm for tibial tunnel drilling Cannulated drill bit 10mm for tibial tunnel drilling Slotted sizing block with slots to measure graft ranging from 5mm to12mm with increment of 0.5mm. Also, includes the scale to measure the length of the graft Universal EndoFemoral Guide Handle Endofemoral Aimer, no offset 6mm Offset Endofemoral aimer 7mm Offset Endofemoral aimer Offset guide for precision tibial tunnel drilling, 2mm - 5mm Notchmaster Currette 8.0mm Tendon Stripper Slotted & Closed Depth Probe for measuring femoral tunnel length, Calibrated 10mm to 130mm in 2mm increments 4.5mm Endoscopic Cannulated Drill Bit Chondral Pick, Large 40 deg PCL Safety Stop PCL Elevator with Wire Catcher PCL Tibial Rasp PCL Tibial Currette, Closed PCL Tibial Currette, Open PCL Tibial & Femoral Aimer Graft Preparation Board with Tension Device Graft master Preparation Board Full Length Cutting Strip Endo Button Holder Graft Master Sliding Base – 02 no Suture Vise Suture Vise with Tensiometer Tissue Graspers - 02no Graft Master instruments Sterilization Tray Meniscal Stitcher Set A comprehensive system suitable for inside-out technique and should include: • • • • • • • Double Lumen Cannula,curved up-right Double Lumen Cannula,curved up-left Double lumen cannula ,straight Double Lumen cannula left/right Double lumen cannula,curved up/down Single cannula,2 included with set Thimble Page 4 of 7 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 • • Posterior Access Cannula Bending Tool Mosaicplasty System for treatment of cartilaginous defects A comprehensive system for treatment of focal cartilaginous defects using autogenous osteochondral transplantation technique. Suitable for Arthroscopic as well as open techniques • • • • • • • • • Tubular Chisels 4.5mm & 6.5mm Chisel Guards 4.5mm & 6.5mm Harvesting Tamps 4.5mm& 6.5mm Drill Guides 4.5mm & 6.5mm Dilators 4.5mm & 6.5mm Delivery Tamps 4.5mm & 6.5mm Trephines for hard bones 4.5mm & 6.5mm Trephine adapter Drill bits 4.5mm & 6.5mm Arthroscopic Coblation System Coblation based on low temperature BI-Polar Radio frequency technology. Should not have any need for the secondary patient grounding pad. The RF probe should have Multi Electrode Technology that will allow a uniform production of plasma The output voltage settings should be controlled by regulation on the generator from setting 1-10 The generator should have a feature of Automatic scope saver, i.e. when the probe comes too close to endoscope the controller pauses radiofrequency output and resumes radiofrequency output when the probe is returned to safe distance. The generator should have facility to use a foot control or a wireless footswitch for convenience and ease of use. There should be facility to adjust coblation and coagulation with different settings There should be a facility in the generator with inbuilt Timer device for minimally invasive treatments of Tendons and Fascia The generator should be able to take 42 different types of probes for open and minimally invasive arthroscopic procedures The generator should also have the facility to use a finger switch controlled probes. The RF generator should be able to take a wide range of probes for Tendon and fascia treatments also. Thermal Penetration should not be more than 150 Micron. The Unit should be USFDA and /or CE certified. The unit should be supplied with 2 pcs of Probes Arthroscopy Fluid Management System The Fluid management System offers to maintain& control intra-articular pressure regardless of varying outflow rates. The system can also be used with any arthroscopic inflow cannula and should include main control unit,disposable tubing sets, a wireless remote control, two Fluid Level Sensors The control unit should not require the user to increase distension pressure to achieve high flow rates.Outflow may be adjusted while maintaining the lowest distension pressure needed The Unit should have a LCD Display and should clearly depict High flow, Medium floe and Low Flows. Maximum flow rate of not less than 2.5 ltr./min Automatic Joint pressure maintenance up-to 150 mmHg Page 5 of 7 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Tubing Must be supplied with Disposable tube sets for inflow only (3pcs). Must be supplied with Disposable Tube sets for inflow and outflow (3pcs.). Shoulder Arthroscopy Instruments and Accessories. • Suture Manipulator which allows suture slide freely during extraction • Bankart Rasp • All purpose Grasper with low profile for Arthroscopic procedures • Tissue Elevator • Tissue penetrator cum suture retriever in below angles with Small Sharp penetration tip: 35Deg up 45 Deg Right 45 Deg left • Multifunctional Suture passer with provision of only 1 needle, which can hold the cuff & at the same time pass the suture & retrieve it in one step • Switching Stick 4.3mm, Non cannulated, 13” long • Open/Closed ended suture cutter, side loading with function of leaving sufficiently long tail without chance of cutting knot • Single hole knot pusher • Reusable cannulated obturator for 8.5mm cannula for easy cannula insertion • Reusable cannulated obturator for 5.5mm cannula for easy cannula insertion • Crochet hook • Shoulder Probe Disposable(s) 1. Threaded, preferably transparent Cannula & Obturator 8.5mm ,72mm long – 1 2. Threaded, preferably transparent Cannula with Obturator 5.5mm, 72 mm long – 1 Optional Shoulder Limb Positioner: Should be battery operated shoulder limb positioner Should offer instantaneous shoulder repositioning with in sterile zone itself Should deliver exceptional control of abduction, rotation & forward flexion in beach chair as well as lateral decubitus position Should come with a distal activation switch which can be attached to the sterile drape of the patient and can be used to reposition the shoulder by applying small pressure Should come with square rail clamps to connect it to the OT table Should have the provision for additional battery back up Should come with the battery charger Should come with traction accessory for the limb positioner Should come with a cart to make it comfortable to move from one place to another Digital High Definition Recording System The Full High-Definition Digital Documentation System should be a high-end computer system based on Windows embedded platform (for security purposes) designed specifically for recording, managing, editing and archiving surgical images and video in HD (1920x1080) resolution. The captured full high definition images & videos can be accessed from the hard drive for printing or saving onto multiple forms of external media which includes CD/DVD, USB Flash Drive or Hard Disk Drive(HDD) Page 6 of 7 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 It should have a touch screen display with 1TB Memory inclusive of External Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Video Formats compatible MPEG-1,MPEG – 2 and MPEG-4 (Minimum)and Still Image formats like JPEG(,jpg) and BMP(.bmp) Should offer multiple video signals like S Video, DVI, C-Video in both NTSC and PAL Formats. Video Signals available : DVI, S- Video, C-Video(Minimum) Functionality for Editing of Surgical Videos and Report Generation with Surgical Images Should be compatible to 100-240V 50/60 Hz Power requirements Wrist Arthroscopy Set Arthroscope 1.9mm & 30deg: Direct View Arthroscope Field of view: 80 deg Angle of view: 30 deg Diameter: 1.9mm Working length: 67mm Incorporated fibre optic light transmission Sapphire lens for improve scratch resistance Light post on opposite side of the direction of view with a j-lock fixation & stopcock 2.2mm short cannula, with flow port 2.2mm short trocar, sharp tip 2.2mm short obturator, conical tip Wrist Probe Wrist Arthroscopy Instruments Microvector Drill guide system Micro vector drill guide Offset drill guide K-wire guide, .045”(1.1mm) K-wire guide, .062”(1.6mm) K-wire guide, .125”(3.2mm) Microfracture Picks Microfracture Pick 90 deg, small Microfracture Pick 65 deg, small Microfracture Pick 40 deg, small Wrist Micro Hand Instrument Set Micro Grasper, Straight Micro Grasper, Up 10 deg Micro Punch, Straight Teardrop punch, right Teardrop punch, left Probe Page 7 of 7 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - A Tender Document Specifications, Terms and Conditions Rapid Infusion Pump DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR RAPID INFUSION PUMP 1. The equipment should have Roller type Peristaltic pump/Volumetric pump technology for delivery of IV fluids and blood/blood products ranging between 2.5 ml to 750 ml per minute. 2. The Equipment should have high levels of safety from air embolism by integrating at least two ultrasonic air detection sensors. 3. Heating process should have be done by an electromagnetic induction heating system. 4. The Equipment should have two infra – red temperature sensors for accurate delivery of fluids at 37˚C. 5. The equipment should have the facility to automatically purge air for removal of any out-gassed air to prevent it from entering the patient line. No manual process should be involved. 6. The equipment should have operator controlled Bolus infusion key for rapid response in critical situation. 7. The equipment should have a line pressure control sensor for restriction of flow in case of line occlusion immediately and stop the delivery of fluids for patient safety. 8. The equipment should have a recirculate mode for pre-warming of fluids during transport. 9. The equipment should have an interactive on-board display system which displays information about the rate of infusion, total volume infused , real temperature of fluids, line pressure etc. 10.The equipment should have an internal rechargeable battery backup at least 30 minute. 11.Consumables should be universal for all flow rates ranging between 2.5 ml to 750 ml per minute. 12.The principals must give a certificate that if the supplier/vendor is changed during the course of guarantee/warrantee period, the principals would be responsible for the upkeep/maintenance of quoted/supplied equipment. 13.Spares/Consumables should be available for a period of at least 5 years after expiry of the guarantee/warrantee period. Manufacturer should have ISO and CE/USFDA certification for quality standards. Electric current Protection – class -1. Certified to be compliant with IEC . Should have local service facility. The service provider should have the necessary equipments recommended by the manufacturer to carry out preventive maintenance test as per guidelines provided in the service/maintenance manual. Comprehensive warranty for 5 year and provision of CMC for next 5 years. Page 1 of 2 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Certificate of calibration and inspection from the factory. List of Equipments available for providing calibration and routine maintenance support as per manufacturer documentation in service/technical manual. 14.List of important spare parts and accessories with their part number and costing. 15.Log book with instruction for daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly maintenance checklist, the job description of the hospital technician and company service engineer should be clearly spelt out. 16.Service manual in English. 17.User manual in English. 18.Must submit user list and performance report within last 5 years from major hospitals. Page 2 of 2 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Enclosure-C Tender Adv. Ref No.RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/4453 Dated:26.02.2015 Make & Model No. Quoted PRICE: INR ………… Accessories in INR ……… Price + Accessories Amount ……… VAT/CST (applicable as per rules) ……… Amount (Price + Accessories Amount+ VAT/CST) ……… CMC (From 6th to 10th Year) ………… 6th ………… 7th ……… 8th ………… 9th ………… 10th ………… Total CMC ………… Service Tax on CMC ( applicable as per rules ) ……… CMC Price + Service Tax ………… Amount + CMC with Service Tax (6th to 10thyrs) in INR ……… Total Cost [Amount + CMC with Service Tax (6th to 10thyrs) in INR] --------- Annexure-D Tender Adv. Ref No.RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/4453 Dated:26.02.2015 EQUIPMENT Name: Make & Model No. Quoted FOB PRICE: SGD/JPY/Euro/USD/YEN etc. ……… * Accessories (if any) in Forigen Currency …….. Price + Accessories ……… DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Less Indian Agency Commission (if any) …… Net FOB Value …… Add Freight & Insurance ……… Total CIP / CIF Value ……… * Custom Duty ……… * Clearence Charges …… * Add Indian Agency Commission ……… Cost of Equipment + Custom Duty Charges & Custom Clearance Charges ……… * Accessories (if any) in INR ……… VAT/CST ( applicable as per rules ) ………… Total Accessories Price (INR) + VAT/CST ………… CMC (From 6th to 10th Year) ………… 6th ………… 7th ……… 8th ……… 9th ……… 10th ………… Total CMC Value ……… Service Tax on CMC ( applicable as per rules ) ……… Total CMC Price (6th to 10thyrs) + Service Tax ………… NOTE:- (*) Conditions applied. * Custom Duty will be paid on actual or Quoted rate, whichever is less. * Clearance Charges will be paid on actual or maximum @ 1% of FOB Price, whichever is less. * Indian Agency Commission will be paid on the conversion rate of comparative chart on which basis the P.O. will be awarded. The IAC will be paid after final installation of the machine. * Accessories Detail List with Price may be annexed with this format. DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Enclosure-E Note:-Each & Every page or paper of the tender document should be serially numbered, siged & stamped by an authorized signatory of the bidder. Fill check list in proper manner as per below format:- S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description VAT Registration certificate duly attested copy by a Gazetted Officer should also be enclosed. VAT, Income Tax clearance certificate. The affidavit from a notary that the firm has never been black listed must be attached along with the tender failing which the tender will be rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. The tenderers should clearly state whether he/they are manufacturer, accredited agents, or sole representative (indicating the name of Principal) on the top of the Bid and the authority letter must be attached with technical bid, but authorization as Agent/ Distributor / Representative for this tender only will not be accepted.” The tenderer shall specify regarding after sales services within the Guarantee/Warranty period. Earnest Money be paid in shape of DD, TDR, FDR, drawn in favour of the "Finance Controller, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow", payable at Lucknow, U.P. India as mentioned in the tender notification. Page (From) Page (To) DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES VIBHUTI KHAND, GOMTI NAGAR, LUCKNOW PHONES: 0522-4918555, 4918504, FAX 0522-4918506 Annexure - B LETTER OF SUBMISSION Tender No. RMLIMS/MM(eq)/14-15/4453 Dated 26.02.2015 Full Name of the firm______________________________ Address ________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone & Fax No.__________________________________ To, The Director, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Vibhooti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. Dear Sir, I/We hereby offer to supply the stores detailed in the schedule hereafter or such portion there of as you may specify for the acceptance of tender and the price given in the said schedule and agreement to hold this offer open till ______________________________. I/We shall be bound by a communication of acceptance dispatched within the prescribed time. I/We have understood the instructions to tenderer and the conditions of contract and have thoroughly examined the specifications/drawings and / or / pattern quoted in the schedule here to and am/ are fully aware of the stores required and my/ our offer is to supply stores strictly in accordance with requirement Yours faithfully, (Signature of Tenderer) Dated :
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