Aug 14 Newsletter
Aug 14 Newsletter
August 2014 GOOD NEWS FROM LUTHER MEMORIAL PASTOR’S CORNER Dear Luther Memorial Church, I am so grateful to everyone at church who has supported me on this journey to ordination from 3rd grade until now! It is certainly safe to say that without your patience, prayers, education, and support I would never have dreamed of becoming a pastor, let alone actually doing it! Thank you also for the tremendous support at my ordination service, it was truly overwhelming to look out and see so many faces from home. Thank you finally for your incredibly generous ordination gifts; the pottery communion set is proudly displayed in my office and I’ve already been using the beautiful quilt and iPad Mini! Thank you all so much! Sincerely, Pastor Ben Groth On Sunday, August 17th there will only 1 service at 9:30 am with the annual picnic to immediately follow. Hope to see you there! Annual Church Picnic will be on Sunday, August 17 at 10:30 am (There will be 1 service at 9:30 am) Pulled pork sandwiches, grilled chicken, hot dogs, corn on the cob and beverages will be provided. Sign up on the bulletin board for attendance and whether you can provide a salad or a dessert. The cost will be $4.00 per person age 13 and up, $3.00 per child age 3-12, no charge for children under age 2, with a maximum of $15.00 per family. NEEDED - a couple of grills are needed. Please talk to Scott Emmerich. Garden Tea Party Sunday, August 24 after each service Multiple flavors of tea will be available along with coffee and punch. Invite your family & friends! Sunday, September 7th Luther Memorial will be participating from 1pm-4pm at Lutherdale Bible Camp, Twin Oaks and Vintage on the Pond. Please sign-up on the bulletin board to help serve at one of these locations Also, we need to place God’s Work, Our Hands T-shirts by Sunday, August 10th! Please see the bulletin board. GOOD NEWS FROM LUTHER MEMORIAL Page 2 VBS KICK-OFF Sunday, August 3rd at 4:30 pm ALL animals welcome! (leashes or cages required) BRING YOUR DOGS, CATS, FISH, GOATS, CHICKENS, OR YOU FAVORITE STUFFED ANIMALS; ALSO INCLUDING PICTURES IN MEMORIAM. Hot dogs, chips and beverages will be served. “Weird Animals - Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-kind” at Luther Memorial from August 3rd-August 7th 6pm-8pm daily. Any child 3 years to 6th grade are welcome (All children must be potty trained). Please talk to Irina Ertl or Carrie Reeves with any questions. There’s still time to register! go to Local Mission Project This year we’d like to make “Birthday Bags” for the Delavan Food Pantry. Many times the parents that need the services that the Food Pantry provides aren’t able to celebrate their child’s birthday. We’d like to help change this for them. Birthday Bags are easy to put together, will be collected from now through the week of VBS, and taken to the Delavan Food Pantry as a donation from all of our churches in Delavan involved with this year’s Vacation Bible School. Birthday Bags are simply a birthday gift bag with tissue paper lining the bag. Three items that the bag should contain for sure are a cake, a tub of frosting, and candles. The rest of the items in the bag are up to you. We’ve put such things in as balloons, horns, bubbles, streamers, or any little birthday gift bag item that would help make the birthday a celebration/party. Please prayerfully consider helping our mission project. Thank you for your help! YOUTH GATHERING MEETING Sunday, August 10th at 11:30 am This event will take place July 15-19, 2015, in Detroit, Michigan where Christian teenagers from all over the states gather for great speakers, bible studies, meeting new friends, and to do service in the local community. This event takes place every 3 years. Any student entering 9th-12th grade can participate. This is truly an experience of a lifetime! There will be more information to come! If interested, please join the meeting on Sun., Aug. 10th! Page 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GOOD NEWS FROM LUTHER MEMORIAL Council affirmed the following at the July 28th meeting: Ted and Jackie Rupnik and family members who put the 4th of July float together and divvied out candy. Makayla and Kim Graham, Jessica Lawson and Kathy Vierck (and family), Isabelle, Clara, Sophia, Greta, David for walking with the float and handing out information and candy. Matt Huebner who drove the truck and Back Row Band for performing on the float Lorri Emmerich for taking all of Council’s pictures for updating bulletin board all the congregational members who participated in Ben Groth’s ordination and those who brought goodies for the celebration Donn Fisher who has adamantly worked on the loan application for this phase of the project Matt Huebner for his efforts in getting the parking lot completed, the roofing decisions and contracts in place, and coordinating the start of the house renovation Jim Davis who worked with the city for permits for our projects Dave Mueller, Jim Davis, Brent Ertl, Craig Davis, Matt Huebner for launching the plan and demo work for the house remodel those who stepped up and in while pastor was on vacation Jennifer Vaun for the great work and design of our new website Back Row putting on a garage concert as well as doing the concert at Phoenix park Donn Fisher for completing Willowfield billing for parking lot reimbursement Mike Moyer for cutting down the tree limbs and bushes at the house Pastor for bringing water and snacks to the house during the demo work Steve Carlson for his numerous plumbing jobs he has completed Brian Davis for spraying the church lawn for weeds Jennifer for putting together the voting ballots and color name tags Pastor Gerry Petersen for acting as supply Pastor in July We are having a planning meeting for the new school year. We will meet Sunday, August 17 at 8:45 am in the conference room. Anyone interested is invited to join us. See you there! Carol Mueller and Jane Olinger. Blessing of the Backpacks All school age kids bring your backpacks on Sunday, August 24th for a blessing during each worship service. We want to send you into the new school year well! Choir and will begin again in September. If anyone is interesting in joining us, please contact Chris Groth 728-5631 or email [email protected]. I would like to thank all of the many people who sent food, offered transportation, and prayed for me during my recent chemotherapy. You are truly God’s people and God’s hands in our community. Thank You! Suzanne Stoneburner Dinner & A Bible Sunday, August 24th 6:00—8:00 p.m. GOOD NEWS FROM LUTHER MEMORIAL Page 4 Celebrating A Birthday This Month! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO: 08/01 Jeff & Callie Davis 08/02 Timothy & Kim Graham 08/03 Joel & Lorraine Ollerich 08/04 George & Sandi Ballman 08/03 Sam Hetzel 08/07 Derk & Sarah Yakes 08/05 Dan Wick 08/09 Donald & Joyce Deichsel 08/07 Cindy Trussler 08/11 David & Wallie Leitzke 08/09 Jaxon Davis 08/12 Larry & Kathie Plapp 08/09 Chloe Wagner 08/12 Jason & Lori Hintz 08/11 Cathleen Borskie 08/14 Dan & Annie Butt 08/11 Lilliana Borskie 08/20 Joseph & Janice Bores 08/12 Sean Seitz 08/20 Jeff & Kay Horne 08/12 Nathan Wheeler 08/28 Brent & Irina Ertl 08/14 Ross Fisher 08/15 Jolene Roman 08/15 Crystal Dearth 08/16 Isabelle Garreau 08/17 Jace Banasik 08/17 Tia Bethke 08/18 Emily Rupnik 08/19 Tim Griffin 08/20 Allyssa Reeves 08/21 Angela Dodge 08/22 Brenda Rogers 08/22 Julie Banasik 08/22 Miranda Johnson 08/24 Kristin Hardwick 08/25 Amy Matthews 08/26 Lindsey Shreves 08/27 Franklin Stoneburner 08/27 Austin Reeves 08/31 Jenean Shreves PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Our members: Paul & Sandy Moyer, Bill & Evelyn Klein, Franklin & Suzanne Stoneburner, Jamie Finch, Dorothy Radford, Frank Dingfeldt, Mae Kittleson, Sue Bergstrom, Craig Davis Others in our prayers: Suella Edler, Bob Gunderson, Juliet Larson, Ruth Gronke, Susan Laird, All our Military, Sandy Gold, Jan Sonnentag, Dorothy Kozeluh, Kristin Welsh, Ben Rupnik (father of Ted Rupnik), George & Pauline Mumm (Tim Mumm’s parents), Aliyah Edler (niece of Jeff & Callie Davis), Robin Helms, Deb Bernstorff (sister of Cindy Schenk), Gail Groth, Nelsine Christensen (Chris Groth’s mom), Ron Pryble, Cindy Rapp, Steven Guzman, McCarthy Family, Mai & Bob Horn (Carol Mueller’s parents), Kevin Finch, Ray Fleming, Linda’s sister, Ashley, Dorothy Novy (mother of Sue Bergstrom), Betty Plapp (mother of Larry Plapp), Sue Garske (Mona Miller’s mom), Jason Stone, Gloria Densmore (Denise Robinette’s mom), Misty Mitchell, Paul Lockwood, MaryAnn Trussler, Maureen Foley (Dee Fisher’s neice), Kelly Armstrong, Stephanie Vierck, Vicki, Barb, Irene Goodman, Greene Roberts, Steve Spencer (Kathy Vierck’s son-in-law), Sam M., Bonnie Rice Page 5 GOOD NEWS FROM LUTHER MEMORIAL Thrivent Family Fun Day at Lutherdale Thrivent Financial of Walworth County would like to invite you, your family and friends to enjoy a family day at Lutherdale, Saturday, August 23rd from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Lutherdale is a beautiful Christian camp located at N7891 Hwy 12, Elkhorn, on the shores of Lauderdale Lakes. The day will start with a catered lunch, prepared by Chef Mike, pontoon rides, Tower Adventure course, educational workshop, crafts, games and bingo. We’ll close the day enjoying ice cream, a sing-along and Door Prizes. The cost is $5.00 per person or $20.00 per family (being subsidized by Thrivent). In order to be sure we can accommodate everyone with the activities they would like to participate in, please give us the number in your party who will participate in: *Tower Adventure-rock climbing and zip-line-____ Pontoon boat ride-___ Bingo-___ Crafts-___ Please RSVP by August 11th including your payment, payable to: Walworth County Thrivent Chapter Amy Wurster W4945 Paddock Dr Elkhorn, Wi 53121 Please give us your name and phone number: Name_________________________________ Phone #________________________________ # Attending _________________________________ *Tower Adventure rock climbing wall and zip line requires closed toe shoes and long shorts. Please come with these items in order to participate. We hope to see you, your family and friends there!! Any questions, contact Amy at 262/742-4355 American Red Cross Blood Services Delavan Community Blood Drive Wednesday, August 20 Noon - 6 pm Our Redeemer Lutheran Church 416 W. Geneva St. Delavan For the month of August the Delavan Food Pantry is in need of the following items: peaches, cream-style corn, green beans, tuna, pancake mix. Thank you to all who share! We are excited to introduce Julie Lodahl and Jennifer Arizola as our new nursery attendants. You will see either Julie or Jennifer in the nursery. Please be sure to welcome them! Julie and Jennifer are experienced child care providers. They will be available during both worship services and the education hour. We are looking for ANY wool sweaters for a service project. Please see Deedee Murray if you have any to donate. Thank You! Holton Manor is in the early stages of implementing a “Music and Memory” program. In order for our program to be successful we are looking for new or gently used IPODS, shuffles, portable CD players, record players, etc. Musical favorites tap deep memories not lost to dementia and can bring residents and clients back to life. Anyone who is able to help, please drop off at Holton House next to Holton Manor at 640 N Broad St, Elkhorn Mon. - Fri. 8am-4pm. Questions, feel free to call 262-723-4963. Page 6 August 3 8:30 am 10:30 am Lector/Journey Guide Tim Mumm Krista Schwent Communion Diane Sherin Ginny Andersen and David Reinhart Greeter Noreen and Dorothy Fladten Bruce Knutson and Kathy Vierck Usher Carol and Milt Ancevic Nursery Julie Lodahl/Jennifer Arizola Acolyte/Tech Jaxon Davis Altar Guild Fisher Family Dee Fisher Coffee Fellowship August 10 8:30 am 10:30 am Lector/Journey Guide Sandy Vander Zee Donn Fisher Communion Brian and Alice Davis Hank and Lisa Schmelz Greeter Paul and Sandi Moyer Sandi and George Ballman Usher Steve and Marilyn Carlson Nursery Julie Lodahl/Jennifer Arizola Acolyte/Tech Altar Guild Dave Mueller Davis Family Coffee Fellowship August 17 8:30 am 10:30 am Lector/Journey Guide Linda Cook David Reinhart Communion Millie Veto Dave and Carol Mueller Greeter Bill and Cindy Schenk Hintz Family Usher Diane Sherin and Terry Haines Nursery Julie Lodahl/Jennifer Arizola Acolyte/Tech Emily Graham Altar Guild Diane Sherin Larry Plapp Coffee Fellowship August 24 8:30 am 10:30 am Lector/Journey Guide Bill Schenk Lisa Schmelz Communion Milt and Carol Ancevic Denise Robinette and George Ballman Greeter Floyd and Ruth Rosenquist Paul Olinger and Jane Olinger Usher Dave and Wallie Leitzke Nursery Julie Lodahl/Jennifer Arizola Acolyte/Tech Altar Guild Dee Fisher Fisher Family Coffee Fellowship August 31 8:30 am 10:30 am Lector/Journey Guide Millie Veto Mindi Huebner Communion Linda Cook Jane Olinger and Diane Sherin Greeter Emmerich Family Reeves Family Usher Bob and Deedee Murray Nursery Julie Lodahl/Jennifer Arizola Acolyte/Tech Rylie Emmerich Altar Guild Coffee Fellowship Bruce Knutson
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