bigredinvite2017 - Airborne Academy
bigredinvite2017 - Airborne Academy
WH0: Level 1 - Senior Elite for TR, DM , & TU WHAT: USAG Sanctioned Trampoline and Tumbling Competition WHEN: January 7, 2017 WHERE: UNO Sapp Fieldhouse 6001 Dodge St Omaha, NE 68182 WHY: Because we want to have a fun meet!!! Airborne Academy would like to cordially invite you to our Big Red Invite. A USAG sanctioned trampoline and tumbling meet in Omaha Nebraska, Saturday January 7, 2017. Entry Fee: $55 for 1, 2 or 3 events. Only athletes level 1 - Senior Elite on trampoline, double mini, or tumbling. Entry Deadline: Please fill out attached form and return with Check, Cashier’s Check or Money Order payable to “Airborne Academy Booster Club” postmarked no later than December 1, 2016. All emailed entries will not be posted until payment is received. All late entries will have a $15 late fee added. Mail entry form and fees to Jana Brandl Airborne Academy, 11235 John Galt Blvd, Omaha, NE 68137 or email form to [email protected]. Awards: Medals for 1st through 10th places. Equipment: Ross Athletic is supplying all the equipment for the meet: 2 - Euro Trampolines w/ 4x4 beds and end decks, 1 - Euro Double Mini and 1 - Full length Rod floor with all of the appropriate matting to fulfill USAG/FIG specifications Schedule: The final meet schedule will be emailed to all coaches a week before the competition. Accommodations: Many hotels within the vicinity of the University of Nebraska Omaha campus Admission fee: $6 for ages 5 and up. Concessions: Concessions will be available at the meet.