an open and free design
an open and free design
AN OPEN AND FREE DESIGN Stats • 148,652 people have visit our webpage • 32,277 have downloaded our design • 15 medical and educational institutions have used and modified our design • More than 2,000 families around the world have printed a hand for their child. AN OPEN AND FREE DESIGN Our research group collaborates with organizations all over the world including Unicef, United Nations, Enabling the Future, CyberLogic, Berkeley Engineering, Johns Hopkins, NASA, NIH, Teleton-Chile, Universidad de Concepcion-Chile, Hospital de Trabajador (Chile), Children’s Merci, and other national and international institutions. AN OPEN AND FREE DESIGN AN OPEN AND FREE DESIGN Top 5 Invention of 2014 orge-zuniga-el-cientifico-chileno-que-cambio-elmundo-con-sus-protesis-3d/ More news: Omaha World Herald: Nebraska Manufacturing Advisory Council: “Jorge Zuniga’s research was inspired by the need for children’s mechanical hands not only in Nebraska, but throughout the country. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that every year, 1,500 infants are born without fully formed arms.” “Earlier this month, nine-year old Shea Stollenwerk from Wisconsin received a hand from a professor at University of Wisconsin using Zuniga’s design. Stollenwerk was born with no fingers and a partial thumb, meaning that until she received the new prosthetic, had never been able to pick anything up with her right hand. It’s stories like these that fuel Zuniga’s desire to create, and the limitations that science is overcoming are due in part to the possibilities of manufacturing.” Thoughts on how inexpensive prosthetics could change the manufacturing or health care industries? 3D Printing News: Online community offers 9-year-old girl a helping hand with 3D printing “the "Cyborg Beast" by Jorge Zuniga, an assistant professor of exercise science at Creighton University.” Scientific American (blog) featured “Shea’s hand” a project in collaboration between Creighton University and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: The Star Online: “Eventually, this led to the creation of the Google Plus group, started by Jon Schull, an associate professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York, that attracted a team of researchers from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, the guitar specialist, the high school student, families who were experimenting with the hand-making kits at home, and others.” 3D Print.Com :Man Compares His $42k Prosthetic Hand to a $50 3D Printed Cyborg Beast