Enhanced Reservoir Description: Using Core and Log
Enhanced Reservoir Description: Using Core and Log
Society–of Petroleum Htgkteere SPE 26436 Enhanced Reservoir Description: Using Core and Log Data to Identify Hydraulic (Flow) Units and Predict Permeability in Uncored Intervals/Wells Jude O. Amaefule” and Mehmet Altunbay*, Core Laboratories; C)jebbarTiab*, U. of Oklahoma; David G Kersey and Dare K. l(eelan”, Core Laboratories “SPE Member n ik Copyright 1993, Soctely of Petroleum Engineers. Inc. Thie paper wae prepared for preaenlaoon al the 681hAnnual Techmcal Conference and ExhlbOion of the Soc,ety of Petroleum Engineers held in Houston. Texas, 3-6 October 1993. Tms papar was aelecled for pree8ntaIion by m SPE Program Commmee foltowing review of Inlornratmn comamed in an abstract submmed by the author(s). Conlanta of the paper, as preaanted, hava not been reviewed by tha &clely of Petroleum Engmeere and are subject to correction by tha author(s). The ma!ercel,ae presenled. does not necassarlly reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineere, tte off[cere, or membere. Papere presented at SPE meetinge are subject to publication review by Edltonal Commnteea of the Society of Petroleum Englnaers, Permswon to copy is restricted to an abetracl of no! more than 300 worde. Illustrabonamay not ba copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper la presented. Write Llbranan, !3PE. P.O. Box 833836, Rlchardaon, TX 75083.3S36, U.S.A. Telex. 163245 SPEUT. Abstract Understanding complex variations in pare geomet~ within different Iithofacies is the key to improved reservoir description and exploitation. Core data provide in~ornration on various depositional and diagenetic controls on pore geometry. Variations in pore geometrical attributes in rum, de$ne the existenceof distinct zones(hydraulic units) with similar f?uid-jlow characteristics. Classic discrimination of mck types has been based on subjective geological observations and on empirical relationships between the log of permeability versus porosity. Howevec for any porosity within a given mck type,permeability can vary by several orders of nragnitnde, which indicates the existenceof severalflow units. In this papec a new, practical and theoretically correct methodology is proposedfor identi$cation and characterization of hydraulic units widtin mappable geological units (facies). The technique is based on a modified Kozeny-Carmen equation and the conceptof mean hydraulic raditis. The equation indicatesIhat for any hydraulic unit, a log-log p!ot of a “Reservoir Quality versus a index,” (RQI), which is equal to 0.0314 ~. “Normalized PorosityIndex” (+=) which is equal to WI-W should yield a straight line with a unit slope. 7he intercept of the unit slope line with +Z = 1, designated as the “FIow Zme Indicator” (M), is a unique parameter for each hydraulic unit. RQI, 4, and FZI are based on stressed potvsity and permeability data measuredon core samples. — FZf is then correlated to certain combinations of logging tool responses to develop regression models for permeability predictions in coredandiotcored intervals or wells. ?’?te proposed techniquehas been successfullytested in c/astic rocksfrom East Texas,SouthAmerica, WestAfrica, South East Asia and Far East Asia, as well as carbonate sequences frvm West Texas and Canada. This paper documents the theoretical development, validates and characterizes the hydruulic mrits, and presents predicted versus actual permeability data to demonstrate the eficacy of the proposedtechnique. Introduction One of the most important c.xisting and emerging challenges of geoscientists and cnginccrs is 10 improve rcsmvoir description techniques. It is well nxognized that improvements in reservoir description will reduce the amount of hydrocarbon left behind pipe. Accurate determination of porwbody/lhroat attributes and fluid distribution arc central elements in improved reservoir Many reservoir description programs. though description. detailed. have not included descriptions at the po~-throat scale, Yet. porn-throat attributes control initiallresidual hydrocarbon distribution and fluid flow. Because they are readily available, continuous sources of data, Iogging tool responses arc often used to draw inferences about Iithology. depositional and diagenetic sequences. and fluid content. These inferences are based on empirical models utilizing correlations among tool responses, reek and fluid propmics. in many insumces. unfortunately. the correlation models can not b used globally kxcauw of the influences of factors not fully considered by the models. Factors include (a) the presence of potassium-feldspar, zircon, etc. causing crrotwously high calculated Vsh from the gamma ray; (b) microporosity in kaolinite. chert, etc. leading to high apparent water saturation calculations: and (c) sidentc, pyrite. barite, and smec[ite influencing the rcsistivity. density and neutron log 20!5 2 ENHANCED RESERVOIR DESCRIPTION: USING CORE AND LOG DATA TO IDENTIFY HYDRAULIC (FLOW) UNITS AND PREDICT PERMEABILITY IN UNCORED lNTERVALSAVELLS calculations, The key to enhanced rc.servesdetermination and improved productivity is not based on the use of empirical It is based on the establishment of causal cordations, relationships among core-derived. microscopic pore-throat parameters and log-derived macroscopic attrihutcs. TIwse theoretically correct rck+tionships can then be used as input variables to cafibratc logs for improved reservoir description. In this paper, a new, practical and theoretically sound methodology is introduced to identify and characterize hydraulic units within mappable geologic units (facies). This methodology uses core data to develop an understanding of the complex variations in pore geometry wi[hin different Iithofacics. Core data provide information for various depositional and diagcnctic Variations in pom geometrical controls on pore geometry. attributes, in turn, define the existence of distinct zones (hydraulic units) with similar fluid-flow characteristics. A hydraulic (pore geometrical) unit is defined as the rcprwmative elementary volume* (REV) “of total reservoir rock within which geolc]gical and pctrophysical properties that affect f!uid flow are intcmidl y consistent and predictably different from properties of other rmk volumes.”2 Hydraulic units arc related to geologic facies distribution. but do not necessarily coincide. with facies boundaries.3 Tbcrcfom. hydraulic units may not be vertically contiguous. Hydraulic units are often defined by (a) geological attributes of tcxtu~. mineralogy, sedimentary structures, bedding contacts and nature of permeahllity barriers and by (b) pctrrrphysical properties of porosity, permeability and capillary pressure. Statement of the Problem Classical Permeability-Porosity Relationships Knowledge of permeability and pcrmetrhility distribution is critical to effective reservoir description. Several authors4”5’6 have noted the importance of these parameters for planning and implementation of completion strategies for successful watcrflooding programs and for construction of rcprcsurtativc reservoir management. simulation models for effcctivc Permeability and permeability disrrihmirm arc usually determined from core data. However. most wells arc often not cored. As a result, permeability is estimated in uncorvd sections/wells from permeability versus porosiiy relationships that am nftcn developed from statistically insignificant data sets. In uncrrrcd wells or zones, empirical pmrcability is estimated from logderived porosity using Eq. 1. Iogk =U$+b SPE 26436 normally distrihukxf pcwunctcrs dots not necessarily establish On [he classical plot, the relationship bctwccn causaiit y. pcrmcahility and porosity is not causal. Whereas porosity is generally indcptmdcnt of griiin si?x, permeability is strongly dcpcndcnt on grain sire. For example. in a reservoir. porosily and permeability may. in general, be directly propotiional. Yet, in [he same reservoir. thcrw may be tiolh high and low permeability zones with equal porosity values (F~g. 1). Therefore this traditional plot can not be u.scd rcliatrly to estimate accura[c permeability from porosity data. Several invcstigators5”7s8’9”10 have noted the inadequacy of this classical approach and have proposed altcmativc models for relating porosity to permeability. From the classical approach it can be concluded that for any given rock type, the different .porosity/permeabil ity relationships are evidence of the existence of different hydraulic units. ApparcnUy ~s ] I had ~olnc to ~ similar conclusion about several invcstigatms -0 porosi[y/pcrmcai. ility rclinionships. In this paper, a theoretically corrcc[, and fundirmcntally derived relationship tw[wecn porosity and pcrrmmhility is proposed. The inffucncc of various geological (dcpositiomd and diagcnelic) vanablcs that control Iluid flow arc rcflcctcd in [hc proposed mcthodrdogy. Fundamental Theory The hydrwlic quality of a rock is comrollcd by pore gcomelry. This, in turn, is a fun,:tkrn of mineralogy (i.e.. type. abundance, morphology and krcatio~ relative to pow throa[s) and texture (i.e., Various grain size. grain shape, sorting. and packing). permutations of these gcolo.gicitl attributes often indicate the cxistencc of ~lslincl rock uni~s wilh similar pore throa[ attribute:. Determination of [hesc pore Ihroat,attributcs is ccrrmd to accurate zoning of rc!crvoirs in[o units with similar hydraulic propcr(ics. The mean hydraulic unit radius (rmh) conccpt12 is the kcy 10 unraveling the hydraulic units and rulating porosity, pcrmcahility and capillary rrcssurc. rtl,lt = Cross Scc[ional Area = Volume Open to Flow (2) Wcucd Surface Area ‘ “ Wcl[cd Pcrimclcr For a circular. cylindrical capillary [ubc. rm/1 = :’”””””’””””””””””””””””’’””” ‘3) ““’ By invoking the concept of the mean hydraulic rodius. Kozcny13 and Carrncn14 considcrtd the rc.scrvoir rock m be compo.scd of a hundlc of capillary tubes. They then applied Pois..cuille’s and Darcy’s Laws to dmivc a rclutionship (Eq. 4) between porosity and pcrrncahili[y. The primary assumpliuns in their derivation arc tha! “the I,avcl iimu of a Iluid chxncn[ in a capillary tuhc is equal to [ha[ in a llEV.”l 5 wrd [hat porosity is cffcclive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) here is apparently no theoretical basis lo support the traditional crossplot of the Iogarilhm of pcrmcahility versus prmsity. Permeability is plotted as a log functicm only bccausc it trpfxxrrs to be log-normally distributed. However. correlation of two 206 SPE 26436 1.0. AMAEFULE, M. ALTUNBAY, D. TIAB, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) D.G. KERSEY AND FZI (pm), designated m [hc Flow Zone Indicator. is given by The mean hydraulic radius (rmh) can bc related to the surface area pcr unit grain volume (Sgv) and effcctivc porosity (Qc)as fOllOWS: Substituting Eq. 5 for rmh in Eq. 4, Kozeny and Carmen ohlaincd the following relationship k= $: 1 (1--$C)2 [1 2t%:r (6) ““””’”””””””o””””””””””” where k is in ymz and $Cis a fraction. The gcncralixcd form of the Kozeny-Carmen rclfl[irmship is given hy Eq. 7. k= $: 1“ (1-0=12 ~,+? [1 (7) ..” ..”.”...””.””,”””” gv RQI ‘zI= ‘g=~(i%)=i( +)(s) where F~is the shape faclor (2 is fora circukrrcylindcr). The icrm FS# has classically been refwrcd to as [hc Kenny constant. For ideal, uniform. and unconsolidated rocks, Carmen’4 and Lcvcrctt16 computed the value of this term to be abou! 5. However. Row and Brucc17 showed that this term (F,T2) could vary from 510 100 in ma} reservoir rocks. Many invcstigalorsz- }1 have attempted to calcuknc pcrmcahilily from porosity by using Eq. 7. These attempts gcncrall y have not been successful duc to the uscof a constant value (typically 5) for F,# and the lack of consideration of Sg,2 in [hew compilations. In reality, the Kozeny constant is a variable “constant.” which varies bctwccn hydraulic units, but is constant within a given unit. ‘$, ““’’’’”””””””””””””””(1’) logRQI = k)g$z-! .logFz l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) On a log-log plot of RQ1 versus @t,uII samples with similar FZl values will lie on a straight line n’ith unit slope. %mplcs with diffcrcnl FZ1 values will lic on other pmdlcl Iincs. The value of the FZ1constant can hc determined from the intcrccpt of the unitslopc straight line at @z=1. Sun?p/esrhat lie on the same straight line have similar pore throat attributes and, thereby, constitutea hydraulic unit. Alternative relationships thirt yield FZ1 wrlucs similar to those derived from Eq. 12 hiwc also been dcvclopcd from Eq. 7 as follows. If k (red), FZI (!..rm)and @c(fraction). then 3 k =1014 (Fzf)~ e (LO-) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (13) c If ORis dc[incd m ~; ‘~= (l-oe)~” ““”’”” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14) [hen k=1014(FZ12) @~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (15) Taking the logarithm of bo[h sides of Eq. 15 then results in ~=[&-J~] .................... Iogk = M (@R) +Iog I I014(FZ12)] (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . (16) A log-log P1OIof k versus ‘$Rrcsuhs in a straight line with a unit slope and an intcrccpt (at $R = 1) of 1014 (FZI)2. where k is in ~mz. However, if permeability is prcscntcd in millidarcics. following parameter can hc defined: RQ/(pnl) &,= Substituting lhcs: vanablcs into Eq. X and taking the logarithm of both sides results in The ismrc of [hc variability of the Kmcny constant is addressed in the following manner. Dividing both sides of Eq. 7 by porosity ($J and taking the squirre mm of bolh sides results in 3 D.K. KEELAN then the = Rcsevoir Quality Index =0.0314 ; [ tozone the reservoir into Some invcstiga[ors LIB have ~[[cmptcd different layers hy using the paramck!r (k/$). Dividing both sides of Eq. 13 by $ rcsuh$ in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9) e Taking the logarithm of both sides of Eq. 17 yields $? is defined as the pore volume-to-grain volume ratio. $,= log(;) & ............................... 10) () = 2h@+10g[l 014(FZ02].,, e ( e 207 . . . . . .. (18) * 4 ENHANCED RESERVOIR DESCRJIWJON: USING CORE AND LOG DATATO IDENTIFY HYDRAULIC (FLOW) UNITS AND PREDICT A log-log plot of (k/@) versus I$Z results in a straight line with a slope of 2 and an intercept of $2 = 1 of 1014 (FZ!)2. As noted earlier, all samples with similar FZI values &long to the same hydrauiic unit and will, therefore, lie on the same straight line. Geological Significance of FZI Statistical tech~ques, based only on variations in permeability have been used by previous investigators]9 to zone the reservoir into layers. The problem is that these approaches ignored geokrgical attributes that control reservoir zonation.20 The Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) is a unique parameter that incorporates the geological attributes of texture and mineralogy in the discrimination of distinct pore geometrical facies (hydraulic units). Data*’ displayed on Figs. 2 and 3 dcmonswatc the exccllcrrt correlation Lwtwcen SW (from capillary pressure). surface area (from NMR). weight perecnt of grains with sizes less than 30 microns (from wet sieve), and FZX. As expected, SW dwreased with increasing FZI (Fig. 2). The relationship between SW,and FZI cart be represented mathematically by the following expression. PERMEABILITY SPE 26436 IN UNCOIWD INTERVALWWELLS any given homogeneous population are approximmcly normally distributed. A probability plot of a unimodally and normally distributed variable often results in a straight line. In contrast, the existence of multiple. homogeneous subgroups within a given population often give rise to muhirnodrd distributions and thus results in multiple straight lines on a probability plot.22 Determination of the specific number of hydraulic units is constrained by random errors in the porosity and permeability data used to compute FZI. The magnitude of the random errors can be estimated by the root mean square technique.23 Relative random emors in FZI computed from &I. 21 were used to establish the uncertainty envclo~s around FZI trend Iincs. All samples with the coefficient of variance (2W2WFZI > 0.5) were conside~d unreliable and therefore were not used in the hydraulic unit zonation process. The following parameters were used to compute (AFZUFZ1)4n Eq. 21: (Ak./k = 0.2; A@.= 0.S% (if 0[ is trwd instead of $., then A@= l%)). 0.5 2 ‘Fy,’) (— = *0.5 [ (:) ● 3-@ (rQ) 2 + (;) 1 . .. (21) Validation and Characterization of Hydraulic Units: Case Histories Confirmation of [he wdidi!y of !he proposed FZI Iechniquc for identification of dislinct pore geometrical (hydraulic) units is provided hy using a combination of the following technologicx where a = 1.12. b = 0.5634. c = 1.44. and ? = 0.998. The relationship between !$v W (weight percent grains less than 30 microns) and FZI can be represented by the following equation: ● x. Y= Y,,jin+ (Ym=~-yfl,in) # ● . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (20) ● Mineralogical and textural characteristics of each unit as dctcrmincd from petrographic data (XRD, FTfR mineralogy, thin-section photography and SEM) RQI stress sensitivity POX throat charac[cnziltion as determined from mercury injection arrd/or centrifuge capillary pressure. Values of Ymin. Ymw. and Xmin are summarized in Table 1. in gene~l, rocks containing authigcnic po~ lining. p~fe fi!iing, and pore bridging clays as well as fine grained. poorly sorted sands tend to exhibit high surface area and high tormosity. hence low FZI (Table 3). In contrast, clean, coarse grained and well sorted sands exhibit Iower surface areas. lower shape factor. lower tortuosity, and higher FZI values. In a related fashion. different depositional envirorrmems and diagenetic processes control pore geometry and FZI in carbonate rocks. The si?~ distribution of pore throat radii, dctcrmincd from capillary pressure data. provides an independent m~’hod to corroborate the hydraulic unit zonation. The ra[io of macro (r > 1.5 pm) plus mcso (0.5Km c r c 1.5Hm) to micro (r <0.5 pm) is an excellent dciincator of hydraulic units. Manipulation of Eqs. 3-7 yields the fundamcnud relationship between FZI and the mean hydraulic radius (r~h): log Hydraulic Unit Zonation Process A detailed flowchart of the hydraulic unitiwuion prosess is shown in Fig. 4. l%is process involves the application of climsical statistical techniques including histogram/frequency diagrams, normality tests. cluster analysis. and emor analysis for (r,,,),) = log(FZ/)+log(@$J . . . . . . . . . .. (22) Thus, discriminating the hydraulic units. A one-dimensional FzI frequency histogram coupled with a chtssical test for normal distribution were used to discriminate the distinct family of As documented by standard statistical hydraulic units. textbooks.22 intrinsic and unimodally distributed variables within Y=mX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (23) where X = FZ1. Y = ~’. +, 208 and m = S1OPC =&%. . 9 . SPE26436 J.O. AMAEFULE, M. ALTUNBAY, D, TIAB, D,G. KERSEY AND D.K. KEELAN Fig. 5 provides the corroborative cvidcncc of the soundness of the fundamental theory as depicted by the straight line in [he ccntcr of theplot ofrm~QZvcrsus FZL l%eslopc isthe productof ~$z. which is equal to 6.74. Four typical examples from clastic sequences irr Texas, South America, South East Asia, and West Africa as well as two carbonate rock examples from West Texas and Canada are presented to demonstrate the worldwide applicability of this proposed technique. Fieid Examples of Clastic Reservoirs ‘Ikavis Peak Formation, East Texas The first step in the verification of this hydraulic unit zonatirm mclhod is to compare the. crossplot of the Iog of permeability versus porosity (Fig. 1). The log of pcrmeabili[y/porosity crossplot shows wide dispersion around the regression Iinc (e.g.. permeability varies up to four orders of magnitude for a given porosity). The dispersion is decrwscd when depositional environments am supaimposcd onto the plot, Samples deposited in the fluvial environment (lower interval) have higher permeability values forgiven porositics than samples deposited in the delta plain environment (Fig. 1). Replacement of the general regression line with regression lines for the upper and lower intervals reduces the dispersion. Plotting Ihc distribution of the major diagcnctic clays highlights [he impac[ of diagcncsis on reservoir properties. Regardless of the depositional cnvironmcm, the highest permeability values arc associa:cd with kaolinite, intcrrnediatc pcrmcabilily values correlate with chlorite, and the Iowcst permeability values correlate with illite. South East Asia Porosity-permeability data from a ckslic sequence from South East Mb were suhjectcd to the hydraulic unitization process. Fig. 10 shows the cxi.wcnce of distinc[ hydraulic units within the cored interval as dctcrmincd from a log-log plot of RQI versus @z The different curves depicted on this figure indicate the FZI average for each of the seven hydraulic units. Thin section pholomicrographs 24 of samplesfrom the various units shown on Figs. 11 to 15 substantiate the effectiveness of the proposed zonation process. Notice the effect of texture and mineralogy on the pore geometrical quality of the different units, For instance. comparison of Figs, 11A and 11B show the textural and mineralogical similarity of hydraulic unit I taken from both shallow and deep play samples, In contrast, hydraulic unit 2 (Fig. 12) is typified by a very fine to frnc graincd texture and a much higher clay corncnt ( If)%) than hydraulic unit 1 (5%). Hydraulic unit 3 (Fig. 13) from a deep play is characterized by a coarse sihstonc to very fine graincd sandstone wilh a to[rrl clay conlcnt of 21%. while hydraulic uni! 4 (Fig. 14) is a medium grained siltstone wi!h a highcrc)ay comcnl of 25%. The scvcmh (Fig. 15) and worst unit is a argillaceous siltstonc with a total clay content of 34T0. West Africa Fig. 16 shows the classical log k versus 1$plot for a typical data set from the Niger Delta. seven distinct hydraulic units were cstablistrcd within Ihc cored intcrwtl by utilizing the proposed tcchniqr.w, As prtwiously ohscrvcd. the permeability-porosity rcla(ionship in the Niger Delta is also nonlinear and predictable (Eq. 13). FZI ranged from 0.3 to WCII over 11 in these dcpositionalldiagcnctic scqucnccs. The variability of FZI in the Niger Delta rocks appears to he bolh texturally and mincmlogically controlled. A log-log plot of RQl versus $Z for this data .sct(Fig. 6) shows [he cxislcncc of six distincl hydraulic units within the cored interval. Each hydraulic unit is charactcriztd by a diffcrm average FZI value. Tbc influence of diagtmcsis has modified the original dcpositiorral parameters to give these multiple hydraulic units. Fig. 17 documcnw the intrinsic pore geometrical chwactcristics and reflects lhc effect of geological irttlibutcs (Figs. 18A to 18C) on hydraulic quolity. For cxampic. hydraulic unit 4 (FZI = 4.83), which is a fine-graincd. moderately well-rounded and well-sorlcd sand with a low clay con!crrt ( 19’okaolinite) (Fig. 18A). bird the foilowing distribution of pore throat sizcx macro = 83%, meso = 270, and micro = 1570. Irr contras~ a sample from hydraulic unit 5 (FZI = 3.7). with a port.! throat sixfi distribution of macro = 68%. mcso = 5%. and micro= 2770. is comprised of laminated. coarse and fine graincd scqucnccs wi!h angukw, poorly sorted grains and an intcrmcdiatc clay content (570 kaolinite) (Fig. 18B). The worst quality hydraulic tmit (!ZZI = 0.4), which is comprised of laminated, tine graincd. WCII rounded, moderately sorted sands[onc scqucnccs. had a high clay content (12% kaolinite and chlorite) (Fig. 18C) and a pore throat size distribution of macro = 22, mcso = 29. and micro= 49%. South America Porosity and permeability data gcncratcd on a typical Sou[h American clastic reservoir rock were u.scd to compute RQI. Oz. and FZI. A loglog plot of RQI versus @z(Fig. 7) shows five distinct hydraulic units within the corvd interval. These units were discriminated by the previously discu.sscd statistical techniques with the theoretical unit slope consmaint. Additionally. Fig. 8 shows the classical log k versus $ plot after the zormtion prmxs. Tbc permeability response equations were derived from Eq. 13. It is cviden[ from this plot that permeability is a nonlinear function of porosity. texnrrc and mincridogy. The differences between the hydraulic UniLS was further vcriticd by water-oil capillary pressure data and catirm exchwrgc capacity (CEC) per unit pore volume (Qv). It is evident on Fig. 9 tha[ Qv decreased with increasing FZI. thus manifcstirrg the effect of clay mincrak on the rock’s hydraulic qualily. 5’ Porosi[y and pcrme~bility dora determined at muitiplc net overburden pressures were used to chirractcrii’~ the RQ1 smess sensitivity of each hydritulic unit. RQI was correlated to net ovcrhurdcn swcss(rr) by the following rckttionship::s 209 * ENHANCED RESERVOIR DESCRIPTION: USING CORE AND LOG DATA TO 6 1DENTIF% HYDRAULIC (FLOW) UNITS AND PREDICT -b~* 1- EXP(-( [[ where b~= stress sensitively faCIOt’. oi = —))]] ~ IN UNCORED INTERVALWWELLS successfully applied to rocks from the UK North Sca and South East Asia. fs-cri =EXP Y =!%!! RQli PERMEABILITY SPE 26436 . ..(24) Field Examples of Carbonate Reservoirs ini[ial stress used for RQ1i, and c = stress constant (2000-4000 psi). Canada The stress sensitivity factor (b,) was further coflelated tO FzL which was computed from porosity and permeability at inilial stressconditions, to arrive at the following predictive relationship: Fig. 20 show: Ihc diswihtstion of FZI wrlucs versus class intervals for a Canadia~ carhonatc rock. The cxiskmcc of three distinct, uniformly distributed families of k versus @(Fig. 2 I ) art quite apparcm on the classical crossplot with mcdiarr FZI vislucs of 1.5. 6.8, and 12.5. This example clearly dcmonstraks the applicability of [his tcchniquc to all rock types. nl [1 B, (:-l) 0 Y=b$=Al- Cl(; . . . . . . . . . . . . . (25) -l)nh West Texas o The crossplo! of log pcrmcuhility versus porosity shows the scatter common in mmry carbonate reservoirs (Fig. 22). Zoning the interval into hydraulic units shows six distinct FZI groups (Table 3). The grouping into six units is supported by independent geological and cngirwcring data. In this example, petrology and mercury-injection capillary pressure were performed on sclcc[cd samples from cuch hydraulic unit. For the Niger Delta clastic rocks. the RQI stress sensitivity (h,) was correlated to =1 with the following parameters Al = 1.39. X = FZl, X. = FZlmin, B, = 1.31. Cl = 0.96, D, = 5.2. nl = 2J~. with a coefficient of determination (R2 = .9999). In general. it was established rJat rocks from the same hydraulic unit (similar FZI) exhibited similar RQI stress sensitivities (b~). b~decreased with increasing FZ1. Additionally, rocks with abundant macroporc throats typically showed lower RQI stresssensitivities (b, < 0.05). in contrast to microporosity-dominated rocks that showed higher b~vahses(b. > 0.05). The dfccts of the dcposiliorml environment on pore throat attributes were examined, As cxpcctcd in Ptilcozoic carbonate reservoirs, the overprint of diagcncsis (Tahlc 4) has significantly ahercd the original dcposi!ional pore/grfiin relationships. The slight correlation of mottling (i.e.. tioturbation) with FZI shows [he residual influcncc of the depositional environment on reservoir quality. The classical J function is not adcqualc for differentiating [hc vmious hydraulic units. This is because the J function only normalizes capillary pressure with nxqrcct IO porosity. permeability and tomrosity, but does not include the effect of surface area, Eq. 26 conlirms this observation. P, J—= [ ; =2k CJCOS8 >e[ -=— RQf = r,,,,, 1 — JFj In compitrison. diagcnctic effects arc directly rclalcd to FZ1. An with FZ1 inverse corrclalirm (F = ().99Y9) of dolomitkdci[c rcsuhs from the ini!ial diagwrctic development and subscqucm partial dissolution of dolornitc. Pore-throat size distributions were calculated from the capillary pressure dirts. The ristio of macroporc to microporc throat sires is dirccdy proportional to FZI. . . . . . . . . . .. (26) It is for this reason that no global J function appears plausihlc for norrrdization of capillary pressure. Therefore. a more gcneralimd water saturation versus capillary pressu~ model was developed based on the concept of [hc hydraulic unit. The proposed relationship (Eq. 27) is WCI1 behaved. -’Fz’-F2’mJn)Fw,’nEll Sw = Swr+ (1 -Sw,)e [ . (27) As FZI tends to FZtmio,SWapproaches 1 as expcctcd. Similarly. as Pc = Pd, Sw also approaches 1. However. as FZI or p, approaches large values. SWapproaches [he imeduciblc saturation s Wr 13g. 19 shows a typical Niger Delta example on the application of the proposed model. This model has also been 210 Hydraulic Units and Permeability Prediction from Core and Log Data A typical Far East Asia example was used to demonstrate the integration of core and log dala to identify hydraulic units and to predict Pcrmcahility. A tlowchan of the process is shown on Fig. 23. Initially. the core depth was mirtchcd lo rhc wireline log depth by comparing [hc totaVspcctrid gamma derived from log and core data. Next the proposed zonation process was dcvclopcd from stressed core (porosity and Klinkenberg permeability) data from (he cored interval. Based on this process. six distinct hydraulic units were idcmtificd within [hc corvd interval. The result of this zonation process is shown on the log k versus @plot in Fig. 24. As cxpcctcd. each pore gcrrmctrical family had similar average r~h and FZ1 values. . SPE26436 J.0, AMAEFULE, M. ALTUNBAY, D. TIAB, D.G. KERSEY AND D.K. KEELAN Selection of the Wireline Data for the Derivation of I’Yansform Equations Environmentally corrcctcd wireline log data were sclcctcd Iwscd on their ability to reflect the pore space attributes such a.. clays (tyfx, abundance, location, morphology), porv-throat geometry and cffcclive porosity. Individual wireline tool responses can not be directly correlated with the pore-space/throal aurihutcs. Thcrvfore. a statistical evaluation of the correlation between wireline data and pore-space/ihroa[ a[trihutcs is pcrfonncd for each case. Sciccred log data arc then usd as variables in a wansform equation to generate the permeability protilcs. A set of environmentally-corrcctcd wireline logging tool rc.sponscs(~. @$@t_j.@l),At, Rxo, RI) were rank-correlated to FZI using Spcarman’s Rho Statistical Tcchniquc.2s Derivation of Regression Models for FZI and Permeability A matrix of known core (FZL RQI id k) ValUCS and corresponding wireline log responses is crcatcd for each hydmulic unit. A logarithmic frltcring of the data is performed 10norrnalii’c Ihc dala distribution by calculating tfw logarithm of each varhhlc. Then, a matrix of the logarithms of norrrmlind indcpcndurt variables and logarithm of the normali?cd dcpendcm variable (FZI. RQI or k) arc gcncratcd. Quadralic. multilincar, or iincar modcls26 with modifications are then sclcctcd to form the basis Tbc transformation matrix is for [hc transform equations. standardized by subtracting the mean of each column from the row variable it.self and dividing the rcsuh by the standard deviation of that column. Transform equations for each hydmulic unit wwc dcriw.1 from the models and assigned to !he cwrcsponding dcplh poinls hascd on [hc hydraulic unit prolilc. Qualitative Predictions of Hydraulic Units for the Uncored Sections Qualitative predictions for the uncored sections of cauh WC}]arc performed hy using”a prohfibilistic method with a deterministic tool. The probabilistic method uxs rclatimrships implicii in the data to derive rcsulw. It does not require any assumption or Results urc obtained by statistical prcdclcrmincd equations. The deterministic [od Ihtrt complcmcms this infcrcnccs. methodology is the hydraulic u “izoticm process that has hem performed individually and indcpcndcntly on each WCII. Thcrcforc. although it .sccms like a wrwtrdiction in wrrns. the deterministic approach (i.e.. lydrarrlic uniw protilc t)f the c[wcd .scctions) cnhmrccs the rcliafMity of the prixliclions of a probahllistic mol. bccwr.sc it provides a rcliahic and Prohabililics arc mathematically sound infermrcc dwubaw. 7 The discrimination matrix crcawd from the control WCII(S) is used as a rcfcrencc SCI (a set of histograms t’or every log for each hydraulic unit) for the ncighhoring uncorcd WCII(S)to dcucrminc the probability of having the same hydrirulic unit in a given prediction window. This then forms the basis for the qualita[ivc predictions of hydraulic uniL$ in an uncorcd WCI1. Fig. 25 shows the output of a ciIse study using lhc proposed technique on a Far East Asia WC1lin a typical logging trace wi[h eight [racks. The hydraulic unit numbers smrting from Lhebest to the worst are a..signcd 10the extreme righl [rack (track 8). In the first WCII, the interval from X420 to X5(H) feet was cored. Data from X420-X472 were used to develop the hydraulic unit tracks and regression models from wireiinc logs. Hydraulic units were subsequently prcdictcd for the seclion X472 to X500 and permeability dctcrmhrcd from the regression models for [hose units. Wiihout hydraulic unitization, pcrmcahiii[y predicted from wireline logging tool response through the classical muhilincar correlation tcchniquc shows significant deviations from actual measured vahres with;= .22 (Fig. 26). In contrast. pcrmcabilily prcdictcd from the mme logging tool responses after hydraulic zonalion (Fig. 27) ex~ibits cxuclh!nt correlations (~> .999) with the actual measured values in the cored intcrvcd. Fig. 28 comptrms the pcrrrwability prcdic[cd from the classical log permcahiiity vs. porosity crossplot 10 pcrnmbility derived from logging 1001 responses after hydraulic unitization using actual mcmurcd permeability values in another interval. As is evident on this PIOL the clmsical log Pcrmcabili(y versus porosity com?kition undcrcs[imatcs permeability for k > 50 md in contrast to the propo.wd hydraulic unit controlled Iog-derived Pcrrrwahilily. In a .secmrd uncrnd ‘wcII. the proposed prc>ccsswirs uxd to predict lhc hydraulic unit prolih!s and to assign the regression cquutions for Pcrnwmbility dwcrrninistion based on logging piiramcwrs (Fig. 29). This hydrmlic unit process also hw been successfully applied in the Norwrgiiin Notih Sea for pcrmcahility prediction.zs More extensive lhcowticid dwwlopmcnts dealing with cla..lic, corhmratc wrd naturally frticturvd mcrvoirs can be found in liitb.z’) Conclusions A ntw. practical imd lhcorclicislly-ha.wd rechniquc hts hcwr dcvelopt!d to identify md chwaclw’i?.c uniL$ with similar pore throat gcomctriuisi isiwihutcs (hydfiiulk uniw). This hxhniquc has a wide variety of practicirl Iicld applications for both cored and uncomf wells. ‘tksc include: * Improvctl prediction of pcrmcahilily ml pcrmc~hilily distrihu[ions from wirclirw logs in partially cored/uncorcd in[ervals and adjactml wells computed from cstimalcd distrihu!irms of each hydrmdic unit by application of the Baycs Theorem.27 Level hy Ievcl, transition matrices were crcatcd and solved to eslahlish a vertical association Iretwccn hydraulic units. Details of the prohabilislic techniques am WCIIdodumcnlcd.27 211 ● Imprmwd well-to-well rock propcriics corrckitions for rcfmemcn! of pclrophysicid models ● ForccwL$ reservoir rock quality (and forrmion damw?c pottmtial) in partially cordluncored WC1lSfor improv;d complctirms and cnhwrccd recovery decisions 8 ENHANCED RESERVOIR DESCRIPTION: USING CORE AND LOG DATA TO SPE 26436 IDENTIFY HYDRAULIC (FLOW) UNITS AND PREDICT PERMEABILITY IN UNCORED INTERVALWWELLS ● Provides a unique parameter, the Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) for delineating the number of Iaycrs (hydraulic units) required for assignment of geological and pewophysical parameters in numerical simulators. 5. Sli!cs, J.H., Jr. and HuItllz, J.M.: “’TIM usc of Routine and Special Core Analysis in Characterizing Brent Group Reservoirs. U.K. North Sea.” SPE 18388 (1988). 6. Chopra, A. K.. Swin. M.H. and Adur, J.C.: “Dcvclopmcnt of Reservoir Dcscripticm to Aid in Design of EOR Project;’ SPE 16370,prmemcd at the SPE California Regional meeting, Wn[ura. Californiir (1987), 7. Dorfman, M. H.. N~wcy. J.J.. and Coa[cs, G. R.: “NCW Techniques in Lithofacics Dctclminution and Pcrmrwbility Prediction in Carbona[cs using Well Logs” (1990) 113-120, in Geological Applications of Wireline Logs, A. Hurst, M .A. Lovell and A,C. ~orton, Eds., Geological Society Special Publication No, 48. 8. Dubrule. 0. and Haldorsen. H. H.: “Geostatistics for Pcrmcabilily Estimation,’” Reservoir Charac/erizatiorr, L.W. Lake and H,B. Canwll, Jr. (tds.). Academic Press (1986) 223.247. 9, ‘llmur, A.: “An $nvcstigation of Permeability. Porosity and Residual Water Saturation Rclationships;” Trans. SPWLA Ninth Annual Logging Symposium (1968) Paper K. The proposed hydraulic unit process has been successfully applied worldwide for both clastic (East Texas. South America, West Africa, South East Asia and Far East Asia) and carbonate (Canada and West Texas) rocks. Nomenclature stress sensitivity factor critical stress constant (2000-4000 psi) shape factor Kozeny constant permeability (pm*) pore throat radius (~m) mean hydraulic radius Qtm) Reservoir Quality Index (Km) overburden stress (psi) initial overburden stress (psi) surface area per unit grain volume (~m’1 ) water saturation (fractional pore VOhUtICJ irreducible water saturation (fractional pore volume) effective porosity (fraction bulk volume) reduced porosity index pore vohrme-to.grain volume ratio tortuosity 10.Wcndt, W.A.. Sakurai. S. and Nelson, P.H.: “Pcrmeubility P[cdiction from Well Logs Using Multiple Regression,” Reservoir Charccterizarion, L.W. Lake and H.B.Carroll, Jr. (tds.), Academic Press (1986) 181-221. 11.Slat[s, R.M. and Hopkins, G. L.: Scaling Geologic Rcsu-voir Description to Engineering (Fdwuary 1990) 202-211. Acknowledgments The authors thank Core Laboratories Division of Westcm Atlas International for permission grarrted for the publication of this manuscript. Additional thanks are due to Cynthia Philipson for technical editing and assistance in figure pmparatirm and to ShclIey Barnetl for dcdicatcd efforts in the preparation of this manuscript. iWcds,” JPT. v. 42, No. 2 12. Bird, R.B.. Stcwwc, W.E. and Lightfoot. Phenotnena.Ncw York, Wiley ( 1960). E.N.: Trunspm? 13. Koizcny. J.: “Uhcr Kapillarc Lcitung dcs Wasscrs im Bodcn. Sitr.ungsberichtc.” Royid Academy of Science, Vienna, Proe. Chss 1 (1927) V. 136,271-306. 14. Carmen, P.C.: “Fluid F1OWthrough Granular Beds.” Trans. AIChE (1937) V. 15, 150-166. Iteferences 1. Bear. J.: Dynamics of Fluids in PorousMedia, New York. Elsevicr ( 1972). Errhancrd Oil Recovery. Prcnticc 15. Lake, L. W.: Englcworrd Cliffs, Ncw Jersey ( 1989). 2. “Jntcgratcd Approach [o Reservoir Ebanks W.J.. Jr.: Description for Engineering Projec~V (abstract only) AAM Abstract Flow Unit Concept. 16. Levcrctl. M. C.: ‘“Cispillary Behavior in Porous Solids; Petroleum Tcchnrrlogy. T. P. 1223(1940) 152-169. 3. Heam, C. L.. Ebanks. W.J., Tyr!, R.S. and Ranganathan. V.: “Geological Factors Influencing Reservoir Performance of the Haflzog Draw Field. Wyoming,” JPT v. 36 No. 9 (August 1984) 1335-1344. 4. Hall. ‘“Evaluation of Capillary 17. Rose. W. and Bruce, W.A.: Character in Pclrolcurn Reservoir Rock.” Pcwolcum Transactions. AIME (1949) 127-142. 18. Chor)ra, A. K.: “Reservoir Dcscriplions Via Pulse.” SPE 175;8 Int’1 Meeting on Pctrolcurn En.ginccring. Tlanjin, China (1988) 171-87. Shirer, J.A., Lrmgston. E.P., and Strong. R.B.: “Application of Field-Wide Conventional Coring in the Jay-Lhtle Escambia Creek Unit; lPT(December 1978) 1774-1780. 194 Twerman. J.D.: “A Slalistical Reservoir-Zonation nique;’ JPT (August 1962) 889-893; Trans.. AIME. 212 Tech- SPE26436 J.O. AMAEFULE, M. ALTUNBAY, D. TIAB, D.G. KERSEY AND D.K. KEELAN ‘Ibble 1. Relationship between Surface Area, Weight Percent Grains e 30K and FZ121 , Weight % Surface Area Parameter (WetSieve) (NMR) 20. Wcbcr’, K.J,and van Gums, L.C.: “Framework for Constructing Clastic Reservoir Simulation Mosicls.” JPT v. 42 No. 10 (October, 1990) 1248-1253 and 1296-1297. 21. Z.emanek, J.: “Low-Rcsistivity Hydrocarbon-Bcm’ing Sand RescrvoirsV SPE 15713, SPE Middle East Oil Sho!V (1987) 185-97/SPEFE (~CC. 1989) 515-21. 22. Taylor. J.K.: Statistical Techniquesfor Data Analysis. Lewis Publishers, Inc.. Michigmr (1990). iind D.K.Keclan: “Stochastic Approach 23. Amaefulc, J.O.. I I to Computation of Uncertainties in Pc(rophysical Properties;’ SCA Paper 8907 (1989) 1-28. Y sgv w Y max 153.50 m2/g 19.79% Y~in 16.92 m~lg 13.68 X~i” O.10pm 0.80 #im ~2 0.95 0.995 24. Barr, D.C, and Altunbay, M.: “Identifying Hydraulic Units as im Aid 10 Qualifying Dcposilional Environments and Diagenetic Facies;’ Geological SW. of Malaysia Symp, on Reservoir Evaluatiorr/Formation Damage. Kuala Lumpur (Jldy 11, 1992). Table 2. MYectsof Ceologicsd Attributes on Hydraulic Unit Variables GeologicAttribute 25. Amaefule, J.Cl.. D.G. Kcrsey. D.M. MarshalL J.D. POWCIIS “Reservoir Dcscnpiion: A L.E, Valenciaand D.K. Kcclim: Practical Synergistic Engineering and Geological Approach based on Analysis of Core Data” SPE 18167 (1988) 1-30. 26. Chatcrjce, Samprit and Price. Bertram: RegressionAnal.vsis by Exanrp/e. New York, NY, John Wiley and Sons (1977). D. M., Rodriguez. E. and Anderson. R.L.: “Estimating Facies and Pctrophysical Parameters from Integrated Well Data? Paper *. Log Analysis Software Evaluation and Review (LASER) Symp. Trans.. SW. of Well Log Analysts, London Chapter. London. England (Dcc. 1315, 1989). 27. Tctzlaff. 28. Cooper, R.D. and Oliveira. A.M.B.: “Modcm Core Analysis Manuscript;’ QualitativeEffectsOn F, ~ S.v FZI SwR r~h Coarse graincd L L L H L i+ Fine grained H H H L H L Texture Coarse graincd. well soticd L L LH L H Coarse grained. poorly sorted - H H H!L H L Fine graincd. well sorted M M M M M M High clay content - smcclilc /illite/chlorite H H H L H L High clay - kaolinite M M M M M M Low clay content at pore throat - smcctite H H H L H L blincralogy “The ~nlcgration of Core Permeability, Log-Derived Permeability and Measured Flow Profiles in the Study of Cut-Off Criteria;’ SPWLA Permeability Seminar (May 18, 1992). 29. Tiab, D.: I Intcmal 1 u -- IU“w M= Medium H = High Core Laboratories publication (May. 1993). * n.,, ‘z’ =*, Table 3: Der)ositional Model for a West Texas Carbonate HU L?epth(ft) + (%) k (I@ Features RQI Fzl 1 6436 7.9 21.87 0.522 6.090 faintly mottlc& small anhydrhe patches 2 6390 8.8 6.38 0.267 2.774 faintiy mottled; small to huge anhydnte patches: faintIy to moderately Iaminawd 3 6417 10.1 2.23 0.148 1.313 mottled to m~ive: 4 6491 10.4 1.43 0.116 I .005 massive to faintly laminated; bird’s eye anhydnte: fine stylolitcs 5 6454 8.3 0.37 0.066 0,732 massive to faintly mottled: small anhydritc patches: common allochem ghos~ 6 6621 19.4 0.76 0.062 0.258 massive to faintly mottled; small anhydrhc patche~ faint allochem ghosts; healed fractures small anhydrile patches: faint allochcm ghos~ 213 SPE 26436 ENHANCED RESERVOIR DESCRWTION: USING CORE AND LOG DATATO 10 IDENTIFY HYDRAULIC (FLOW) UNITS AND PREDICT PERMEABILITY IN UNCORED INTERVALSAVELLS ‘thhla .“”.= HU Depth (ft) A. w. Slbmmoti. u.”r-.. -.. fnr m W@ct ‘llwnc --“ . ..=. ---”- Cmrtmnatp -... . . . . . . Crystal Size and Morphology Cements RQI s. M“nrhd ‘. . . . . . . . Other Pore ~pes 1 6436 0.522 scattered sparry calcite small patches of anhydrite tine-mcd. crystalline avg = 0,06 mm subhedral to euhcdral intcrcrystalline 2 6390 0.267 large patches of anhydrite, some possibly vug tilling medium crystalline avg = 0.23 mm subhedral to euhcdrai intercrystailinc 3 6417 0,148 patchy sparry calcite patchy anhydritc finely crystalline avg = 0.04 mm anhcdml to subhedral intercrystallinc micmporosily common allochem ghosts 4 6491 0.116 bird’s eye wrhydritc minor scattered sparry calcite finely crystalline avg = 0,05 mm anhcdral to subhedral imcrcrystallirw possible pin-point Vugs allochcm molds 5 6454 0.066 minor scattcrcd calcite& bimodal crystalline sim very finely and medium crystalline avg = 0.007 and 0.014 mm anhcdral to suhhcdral intercrystdlirw moldic microporosily common dolomite-rcplaccd allochcms allochcm molds very Iincly to fittcly crystalline avg = 0.013 mm anhcdral; minor euhedral intcrcryslallinc micmporosily allochem molds minor allochem ghosts anhydrite 6 0.062 anhydrite-healed fractures 6621 minor sparry calcite I et upper Interval 01 0.6 @ IE!!!!5 0.4 ● ;Int; 0.2 0.001 ~ o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 Poroalty @tfloa.rvolr NOB),frsctlon 0 Fig. 1. Plot of log permeability versus porosity (uppr and lower intervals). 0 0.5 i t.s 2 25 FZI East Texas example;s Fig. 2. 214 SW,(Capillary Prcssum) versus FZI.2’ ● * 11 J.O. AMAEFULE, M. ALTUNBAY, t). TIAB, D.G. KERSEY AND D,K. KEELAN S?E 26436 ● t4 vi 0 .-oh I& Suoxlllu‘IOB (Z)lqwluu I — I L 4----T .— — “ . . . @@----- : w A u 12 SPE 26436 ENHANCED RESERVOIR DESCRIPTION: USING CORE AND LOG DATA TO IDENTIFY HYDRAULIC (FLOW) UNITS AND PREDICT PERMEABILITY IN UNCORED lNTERVALS~LLS * ai i? 216 SPE26436 13 J.O. AMAEFULE, M. ALTUNBAY, D. TIAB, D.G, KERSEY AND D,K, KEELAN ! I I I plu‘Mlqeauuad 217 I I k 0 .= L I Fig. iSA. I 1 100 1000 T Hydrauiic Unit 4. fine grained Sandstont Total Clay = 1% (West African example) 10 1 PclPd Fig. 19. .— lCWO a Fig. 18B. SW versus nmmidizcd capillary pr&me fraction (Pc/Pd) (West African example). Fig. 20. l%?] versus class interval (Canadian example). — 10 Hydraulic Unit 5, laminated fine and coarw graincd sandstorw. Total Clay =5% (West African example) ] — c z n g m u 0.< . Fig. 18C. Hydraulic Unit 6. laminated fine grained sandstone. Total Ckty = 12% (West African example) am 1 0.02 0 0.2 al P017MY, Fig. 21. acw O,oa 0.10 Pm2iy. fracuon Crossplot of permeability versus porosity (Canadian example). 0.04 0.!2 a94 0.14 Q*8 020 0 03 Fig. 22. fladicm Crossplo~ of permeability versus porosity for various hydraulic units (V&s Texas example). 9 . ... * . I Dqmh m.l. h .uw .nJ I Is,&’J.I. J ln,m .-. RLN . .,. 0,.1’/1 ,!rcwd @ ,mT& Q ..J -. 1.-1 o I 0 “-’ ---- - k .. .~..—. [ .“ 1 u,, ng pr(qwml - ,m 0 “--- .-i% * >...”, m c.. -::” ml. %’. M.!, , w. -. L * I .! *-3 , _—!. c— —— .,! U“a.W>,o # [<xhntquc 4 PWJKI 1 hydtaultc cord envm>nmcm.dly .,mm ICJ IW?I’W For each hydra.ht log~mp uml hydraul,c h)df.+.l,c wc hmquc ..csh.. .... ... u5mg =,th I unit vanah(cs G2 fcw.w. %) At. R,.. R,. ct~ )Wlrh ~ “Zi wm.! SWarman”s RI{( ) .. . . . m mclhu 1$ cort%mmcd dclcnn,nm!K M 1 untl pn,hlcs mtcrwW*ells pr<,hahll,st,c and ICIUI rc.p,nw% wattwcal *-- ..N. 1 (Y. VA ,., o__ ..-. _.. ‘m -=-.* & nt,, h) Jf..l8t Rank Lomclalc . “. ,*W* ,,.., 0 7.1,K<.,rcd,nwwal, WCC! !.”. ~o, .. ...!” m Wu S& 1 “+F:%” mow .. I Comp.tc 15 J.O. AMAEFULE, M. ALTUNBAY, D. TIAB, D.G. KERSEY AND D.K. KEELAN SPE 26436 II I’--4l .4 UIIM m adjsccnl wells I l.~. - 1 COmpuIc Ual!mcal (mean. mras.!w ,,[ J,.w’, w.. mcdmn. s[d dc.,ah., lnggmg W’MIIICS r n)d .!1 and FZI m I Setup mama mdulnun m <,,rcd WII w.here XI] = y. ON .0,> [ Al 4 CMc.law L = fut 2 Pm%abd,ly ‘# llR4[FZ/)2-— (1-ol~ c== \d,daw R... JOJ R, and map hydniultc untu !1 , ;’ I 1 Fig. 23. Prcdictio~ of hydraulic units and pcrmcahili[y from core and log dara. *0000 1,14 low *OO 001 0001 0 01 02 Ct Porowry. ;. ..,.. 04 ff8cUon i----Fig. 24. Crossplo[ of pernlcwhilily versus porosity for various hydraulic units (Far Eastern example). r(, Fig. 25. 219 PcrmcahiMy prottic prcdiclcd from logging in a kwwal (Far E@crn Example). cord I ..— ---— 16 .—. —. --- 3P ENHANCED RESERVOIR DESCRIPTION: USING CORE AND LOG DA 1A 1u . . .. . L04.KJ IDENTIFY HYDRAULIC (FLOW) UNITS AND PREDICT PERMEABILITY IN UNCORED INTERVALWWELLS “ . . . ‘w .- 1 I ! .:::.L:: --s~—— . . .—— -. . —-- - —. .-. — . .... . . . .——. ~.--~ ...... . . —— ... -—. ~-+ ..- ..- ..— —— -“”--” —~ . . . .——. “—+-----”+ -+-” -“ I I /r A .< -.’. --J [w I t’ kl’ 4 ““-t-ov .- r---f-l n L.’ I \/ LJ . i E o .——. -——— .—. \ ‘. &-.-—_ ?: , . ‘k+ . ~_— ● . . . _....+ . .. .. out--P- (%.410 Uowuwu *m) p- (91UP Pawnwd . . * .. . . .. ..—-.-— ,+.—. ...— % ----- ..+. —-.. :“ 1 —-- .-— —.~.—~ — : -.--.—= — —— —- ——— — .-.s--.——--. .— - —. —. i. —.----- .-——-.— .— ..-= I .+--4- 8 ~—. .-— —— ——. .— . ..-. --- — %==--G=7 _ . ..- ,.—- ----@i t- ; : e+ .—.—— 1“ ,— ? --.——- .-. —-— -—. - .. -—- .— 8 . 220 .-oh I&