Company Profile - Energy Resources


Company Profile - Energy Resources
Company Profile
Vision & Mission
A new green economy challenge
Already launched into international developing dynamics, E.R. wants to translate
its vision into a more practical approach in developing technologies, systems and
products able to achieve a real zero impact in every human activity, from energy
production of renewable and inexhaustible sources, to the use of this energy for the
needs of building and green mobility systems.
• IPP | Indipendent Power Producer
• EPC | General Contractor
• GREEN MOBILITY | Mobility System Integrator
• RETAIL | Zero Emission Way
Europe in 2050
Growth of emergent markets
“Roadmap 2050: by 2030, 45% of European
“Emergent markets: Africa, Latin America, China, India,
energy should be produced by renewable sources”
Usa and Europe: up to 40% for the next 10 years”
Rise of renewable sources
A new energetic system
“Moody’s: Enel’s rating down-graded as well as
“Buffet invests 2,5 bilion dollars in Usa’s solar and
many others international multi-utilities”
makes green energy supplying contracts”
commercial platform
for green life style
renewable energies
energy efficiency
green building
prodotti, sistemi e servizi
per la mobilità sostenibile
production and selling of energy
from renewable sources
in the picture
ER Group
ER Headquarter
Jesi (AN)
consolidation and brand awarness
With more than 120 MW of total power, ER is, among the Italian market, a top
leader for renewable energies. During 6 years the company turnover has reached
more than 350 milion Euro. Up to now more than 600 between the most important
Italian firms have chosen ER to install photovoltaic and geothermal system, green
buildings, energetic upgradings and integrated systems for sustainable mobility.
ER also produces green energy, thanks to its 10MW of photovoltaic systems, so
that Italian market can be easily be opened to foreigner investors.
Activity areas | Renewable Energy
EPC Contractor
• Cogeneration
• Renewable Power Plants
• Small PV Plants (1>20 kWp)
• Solar (pv, thermodynamic, thermic)
120 MegaWatt installed
10 Green buildings carried out
. PV and geothermal innovative systems
. TurnKey offer as general contractor
. Up to 600 international top clients
. Synergy with successful architecture agencies
. Turn Key solutions for energy efficiency
. O&M included in the offer
• Energy Efficiency
• Energy Efficiency
• Geothermal
• Thermal and electrical systems
• Green Building
• Home Automation
Core buisness, Italian PV market 2007-2015
solar park and residential
Green energy producers
Retail project/ B2C market
. 10 MW of properties plants
. 1 national commercial platform
. 180,000 MWh turned out during 16 years
. Integrated energetic solutions for houses
. 3 installations carried out with a E.S.Co formula
. Energetic self-sufficiency systems
photovoltaic parks and home systems
10% (di cui 2% di proprietà)
ground systems
large power plant
120 MW
integrated PV systems
building requalification and efficiency
architectural integration of energy systems
in the picture
Know How
Ferrari SpA
Wind Tunnel
experience and innovation
ER is specialized in the planning and execution of big photovoltaic systems both on
the ground and integrated on covers of industrial buildings.
The experience developed by ER as EPC general contractor, has allowed the
company to carry out photovoltaic systems with every kind of solar module up to
now available:
• monocrystalline modules
• micro-amorphous modules
• polycrystalline modules
• thin-film modules
ER has developed innovative and patented assembling systems and registered
more than 20 specific projects. That’s why the know how in this sector has allowed
the development of big photovoltaic systems on the ground in any condition, even
the more particular one.
in the picture
Top Clients
Mugello Circuit
PV Tribune
Tod’s | Luxury
1,000 kWp
Terna | Energy Services
1,000 kWp
Scavolini | Furnitures
3,500 kWp
Ancona Green Harbor
3,200 kWp
Tontarelli | Plastics
8,300 kWp
other Top Clients
iGuzzini | Lighting
3,315 kWp
Baraclit | Buildings
7,009 kWp
Thanks to the experience, high quality and efficiency of photovoltaic, ER is
working for some of the most important Italian companies as well as for the
biggest electric power dispensers of the Italian market.
The exhaustion of oilfields is going to cause shortly an energy crisis which we must be ready to face
up with a concrete answer. Only through the energetic mix determinated by a synergy between the
different renewable souces we will be able to build a long-lasting option to fossil sources.
There are 4 business units E.R. is going to develop on the energy market, building
up orders of great importance both for the reputation of clients and the peculiarity
of interventions.
According to the national data regarding the development of renewable tecnologies,
E.R. comes out to be one of the Italian leader. The company’s variety of offers
coming from the continuous synergy between the 4 work groups, enable E.R. to
be in the top 5 of Italian Epc’s able to give integrated tecnologic solutions to the
sustainability both economical and environmental of its clients.
Among the opportunities E.R. places at its clients disposal, we can find also the
E.S.Co. (energy service company) projects through which the outlined activities can
be sponsorized and carried out.
. E.S.Co.
Indipendent Power Producer
Large PV Plants for a new energetic paradigm
2014-2023: 10 years of energy production from renewable sources.
Owned Power Plants (100% ER)
2 MWp
Large ground and roof installation realized
Total of photovoltaic power installed
10 MWp
Total of energy production (during 16 years)
180,000 MWh
Installations in sharing companies
8 MWp
in the picture
iGuzzini Spa | 1.786 klWp
Recanati (MC)
Renewable Energy
engineering and execution for renewable energy
Renewable energies contribute to building upgrading, referring to the total or partial
energetic conversion of them, in order to:
. drop fixed energy costs
. develop the building energetic performances
. improve the internal comfort of the rooms
. higly reduce the CO2 emissions
Synergy between photovoltaic, eolic and geothermal is able to reach such targets.
E.R. ability to put in touch the different energetic renewable sources is, nowaday,
representative of its main competitive profit, even and mostly, because of the know
how developed in the architectural integration installations sector. Patents produced
by the R&D department of E.R. have developed new tecnologies able to highly
increase the photovoltaic modules efficiency.
. Photovoltaic
. Geothermal probes parks
. Thermal
. Integrated probes to foundation piles
. Patented “U” and spiral probes
wind power
. Mini-wind power systems
. Biomass and biofuel cogenerator
. Large wind parks
. Trigenerators
. Hybrid systems (wind+solar)
. Rankine cycle systems
Energetic upgrading | Asbestos clearence
within the buildings energetic upgrading,
is higly important the clearence of old
amianthus surfaces through the removal
of eternit panels and making of new
covering surfaces, with their typical high
level of impermeabilization and insulation.
So, photovoltaic systems represent the
best tecnical solution to link green energy
production to recovery intervention.
in the pictures
Scavolini Spa | 3.500 klWp - Montelabbate (PU)
absestos removal and new PV covers
Energy Efficiency
products, services and systems for energetic efficiency
Economical and environmental buildings sustainability both industrial or residential is
mostly based on the abatements of structures operations costs. The application of
systems and innovative products able to consume less energy and consequently, able
to drop considerably co2 emissions into atmosphere is the main target of a project
oriented to the largest energetic efficiency of existing buildings. Up to now more than
the 80% of the structures examined by E.R. Researchs, turn out energetically no
efficient, with heavy economic effects, due to the following reasons:
. thermical losses
due to the old generation buildings inefficiency
. high power consumption
coming from using old lighting systems and thermical distribution
1. Structural measurements
2. Microclimatic measurement
thermical transmission analysis of surfaces
. thermografic analysis
. blind walls
. thermo-hydrometric comfort report of the
. glass surfaces
different building rooms
3. Thermical system analysis
4. lighting checks
. burning efficiency analysis
lighting of different environments data analysis in
. fumes analysis
order to study and carry out suitable solutions for
. burning products analysis
improving comfort and cutting consumptions.
Here below we can find the main benefits coming from the application of a
complete project for energetic efficiency of existing buildings:
economical saving
energetic saving
issue of energetic class certificate
architectural building restyling
rise of the real estate market value
application of structural adjustements
(according to new antisismic rules)
Linking the execution of a photovoltaic system to the covering floors
upgradings, it will be possible to extend the warranty from 10 to 25 years.
Thanks to TEE (energetic efficiency shares) and to flexible workings mechanism provided for by Kyoto record office (CDMclean development mechanism, ji joint implementation, et emission trading) is possible to gain economic terms of payment
as well as tax breaks
in the picture
PV Façade
ER Headquarter
Green Building
Turnkey engineering and execution of zero emission buildings
As context and referring market analysis underline, the green building sector is highly
important for strategic development of E.R. group. Nowadays the company boasts
the green building execution both as a general contractor and as a main technical
partners, for domestic and international leading clients in Italy.
. Arval Spa
Headquarter | Scandicci (FI)
. Scuderia Ferrari
Wellness Area | Fiorano (MO)
. Domus
Domus Green Building | Jesi (AN)
. Rainbow Spa
Headquarter | Loreto (MC)
. Energy Resources Headquarter | Jesi (AN)
1. Efficient Envelop
2. Renewable Energy
the first planning step concerns the structure
analysis. Evidence of planning opportunities
matches with the maximum energetic efficiency of
the building.
the engineering and architectural project is
made from the beginning, keeping in mind the
inclusion of energy production systems, main
basis of the project
3. Building Automation
4. Green Mobility
the energetic resources management is carried
out through a personalized management
software matching with final client needs
project integration with a sustainable mobility
system allows the integration of the “green” fleet
inside the building macro-system, helping to
cover costs
case history
RAINBOW Spa | Loreto, Italy.
PV Plant
350 kWp
Geothermal Plant
600 kWp
building automation
high efficient envelop
charging station for
electric vehicles
Rainbow Spa is the first Italian industry qualified in animation. Nowadays is the only Italian competitor able to be at the same
level with international giant like Pixar and Dreamworks. The new office district in Loreto can claim the credit for having been
the first real green buinding in Italy.
in the picture
photovoltaic systems
technical check
O&M Services
High qualified Operation & Maintenance for photovoltaic systems
There are different critical elements during a photovoltaic system lifetime. Most
of them are to be charged to the normal environment conditions. Still, there are
instruments able to verify how system is going on by avoiding any problem connected
with power loss and consequently with production cutback. ER holds means and
solutions able to optimize system results even through operations leading to improve
Critical factors
PID (Potential Induced Degradation)
Corrosione del TCO (Transparent Conductive Oxide)
Analysis elements and improving intervention
System’s thermical analysis
Thermo Camera can assure the quality of solar modules. By using the Thermo Camera, previous
analysis can be done before a revamping intervention and addition with maintenance contract in
order to check any possible decay to panels so that their efficiency can be estimated regularly as
well as analize possible differences.
O&M | Our Know How
72 MW
revamping means to restore photovoltaic systems through a regeneration process of the systems in
order to reach a complete overhaul as well as a restoration looking for a longer available use and an
increase in production. Revamping a system means to overtake planning and technologic limits of
the past by integrating the original project with up to date solutions.
O&M clients agreements
8 MW
Management of ownership systems
10 MW
Power optimizer
power optimizers maximize the energy production from each solar module and reduce losses due
to shading, dust and aging, as well as the solution of the module problems in real time and the
performances monitoring.
PV projects in development
52 MW
Tele-operated systems
Total managed power
ER experience and competence enable to intervene in good time to recover system’s
sustainable power mobility for eco-compatible future
Dealing with sustainable mobility means to develop and carry out not only power
supplied vehicles but also to create an infrastructure network able to bear out this very
new way of meaning logistic systems connected to people and freights movement.
ER alternative proposal working together with the establishment team, is to realize an
autoreliable system qualifying the user to produce, at 0km, his own electric recharge
by using photovoltaic systems, mainly the roof ones but also roof integrated or on
the ground.
PV Shelters
quick recharge system
. waterproofing of big parking areas
. productin of zero emission electric power
. opportunity to store generated power
. h24 availability to recharge
. free standing recharge pumps
. recharge systems integrated to the roof
. automatic client’s identification
. tvcc and security systems integrated
electic vehicle
integrated services
. green fleet for companies and corporations
. vehicles for freighting of goods
. vehicles for transfer of people
. aftersale assistance
. rent and sharing services for private
. rent for special events
. personalized services for final client
The role of a mobility system integrator is
to realize projects connected to electric
mobility able to give a sharp answer to
client demands by arranging a virtuous
system completely autoreliable and from an
energetic and environmental point of view.
In the picture
Banca Marche central office Jesi (AN)
solar park 400kwp
* I’moving originates from the Faam group experience in the sustainable mobility sector. The company’s target is to show a
new development model for mobility systems especially connected to the use of renewable energetic sources as the only
“fuel” employed.
Commercial platform for Green Life Style
Territorial presence
ER nationalizing and internationalizing are the main two targets of this project. The
idea is to guard all the national territory by opening stores being not only commercial
offices of the group but also stores where it will possible to get in touch with a
new zero emission lifestyle. Every region will have its own stores and maxi-stores in
industrial and commercial areas as well as in historical old town.
Brand statement
In the last two years ER brand has been successful all over the nation as one of the
most established and recognizable among renewable energies sector.
By ZEW new brand, the company wants to point out the validity of ER way of thinking
also in lifestyle sector by suggesting a great range of products and services. It’s a
new style: it’s the ZEW style; it’s know how belong to a great industrial group: ER.
Environmental sustainability
Sensibilization and in-formation
Z.E.W. sets itself as a problem solver for the every day
environmental trouble such as purchasing homestuff, electric
cars, low impact clothes. Every need finds here a zero
emission answer so that eco-sustainable choises become
part of every day solutions.
Green style is becoming more and more popular all over the
world with dedicated products, essays series, convention and
conferences. Facing men’s sustainability problem on Earth,
but mainly with an informative system digging out topics and
problems unknown before.
Today “green approach” is sensibly growing up even in
sectors strongly influenced by fashion and customs: cars,
cloathes, food.
The presence of these stores all over the national territory
will sort an immediate reactin in public opinion wondering
about the particular choice of ER: the problem must be
stigmatize to be noticed and faced so the effect of new
stores openings will be to rouse curiosity looking for sharp
informations and answers about the reduction of its own
impact oh Earth by improving quality of life.
The activity of sensibilization, training and information
will be the priority in order to extend needs connected to
demand. Supply will cover needs at 360°.
ER’s firm belief is that “we are what we
eat”. Our wellness depends mostly on the
food we eat. Therefore the will to create
a commercial situation able to produce
good and healthy products to improve our
quality of life.
ZEW is mean to be like an old shop where
customer can find fine and healty food
produced in our country at 0 km as well as
all sort of products going well with a green
In the picture
ZEW food corner in Jesi with refreshment area inside
the show room
in the picture
photovoltaic at Ancona harbour,
harbour area’s upgrading
Energy Service Company
Le E.S.Co (Energy Service Company) Esco are meant as companies making
interventions to improve energetic efficiency by organizing and investing to realize the
project. The economic saving gained are shared among ESCO and final customer
according to specific commercial agreements.
ER realized many of such projects together with well known partners both industrial
and financial. Such sequence of events is suggested to revalue the existing real estate
as well as to invest on new projects connected to building.
Photovoltaic at Ancona harbour 3200kwp amianthum clearance
Energy Resources avvalendosi di
in the 2 pictures
in the 2 pictures
project for amianthum clearance from vertical surfaces with
a brand new system of lighting and video surveillance
3d project of the new photovoltaic roof and system detail
realized with high efficiency crystal modules
una E.S.Co, ha conferito autosufficienza
energetica alla nuova sede di Arval società leader nel mercato del noleggio
auto a lungo termine e nella gestione di
flotte aziendali - in fase di completamento
a Scandicci (FI). Il suggestivo edificio
“a vele” è stato dotato, usufruendo di
un finanziamento di BNL Leasing, di un
impianto fotovoltaico della potenza di 200
kWp, un impianto geotermico da 600
kwt (centrale termica per riscaldamento,
climatizzazione e produzione di acqua
calda sanitaria mediante pompa di calore),
un sistema di ventilazione meccanica
controllata, un impianto di building
automation per la regolazione degli impianti
illuminotecnici e di climatizzazione.
Betting on innovation means to question daily his own beliefs. Only through a critical analysis about
his own knowlwdges and a careful observation of reality is possible to give a real opportunity to
improve man life conditions on Earth.
ER research and development department is organized looking forward innovative
solutions for private and real needs. In particular we have been through patents for
innovative photovoltaic systems installation to a proposal for modules maximum
In the last year more than 20 patents have been registered for an energetic selfsufficiency of public and private structures by creating an electronical management
system able to satisfy all kind of needs (see SES smart energy system)
In 2015 all patents registered by R&D department has been object of an analysis
oriented to the creation of many innovative startup inside ER
ER in a cleantech vertical incubator dedicated to startups and innovative PMI sent
towards green economy all over the world.
. PV+
. Spiral Probe
Produce, save and manage your own energy
SES in an innovative managment system which guarantiees the perfect integration
of renewable energy sources by electrical supplying through thermical and electric
accumulation systems
SES controls energetic flows coming up from renewable sources and allow to
balance the heating pumps loads and electric accumulation systems so that the
use of renewable sources can be maximize.
Moreover, SES allows to choke part of the electric system so that loads can be
reduced in case of a blackout, by managing privileged electric supplying lines
restricting electrical absorption of the thermal station in order to hold battery
dimension with benefits for low cost solution.
Features of the system
storage & management
SES | Smart Energy System
System’s practical aspects
3kw single-phase
electric accumulation
9,6 kwh lithium batteries
1. Produce your energy from renewable and inexaustable sources.
Energy produced from your photovoltaic system is directly send to SES that will manage flows by
assigning part of the produced energy to supply power in your house.
2. Save the energy produced in smart energy system.
The accumulation is made by high efficiency lithium batteries that guarantees the continuous
energetic supplying of the building giving free and continuous energy even in case of a blackout.
3. Manage and organize automatically the stored up energy.
System’s electronical intelligence is able to be programmed like real home-automation system in
order to use energy at the best without any waste and overloads.
Produce, gather and manage your own energy
E BOX is a stand alone transportable system for the production of electric energy
from solar sources.
The concept comes up from the will to realize a smart system fit for context where the
traditional electricity grids are not reachable or where an electric energy productions
in necessary for emergencies situation.
EBOX is adressed to situations operating with humanitarian istitutions and
associations as well as charitables and flying squads.
The electric energy produced is usable for energetic supplies of any system or
professional equipment, from mobile phones recharging to the refrigeration groups
The autonomy of the batteries pack and the reachable power depends on their
dimensions, in base of the sectors and the utilization necessities.
System components
•Totally waterproof shell
realized in bio-plastic and projected to pile more system
• BMS - battery management system
to check the charging status of batteries decks and the
management of the in-out flowes
stand alone systems
E BOX | Mobile & StandAlone PV system
System features
easy to pile, can be
also transported
with hand or electric
forklifts and loaded on
trucks and pick-up
once is in the
proper place, the FV
system is easy to
connect with some
easy operations.
Because of the
switchboard electrical
configuration with 12
and 220v sockets,
it can supply every
electronic instrument
or appliance
•Last generation lithium batteries
To compound the produced energy and to stop the
same when needed.
FV roof system
FV ground system
FV transportable system
• Commutators for the photovoltaic system
•Electric panel
arranged with 12v and 220v socket
Efficiency increase of photovoltaic modules system
PV efficiency
PV+ | PV Upgrades
Photovoltaic systems realized in the last 10 years mostly need, in most cases,
interventions to increase efficiency.
Most of the registered patents of ER are focused to the energy production maximizing
also for the existing systems.
Recorded patents
n. 201 16/11/10
Retrofit thermic panel suitable for photovoltaic modules
with frame for combinated production of electric energy,
thermic energy and sanitary hot water
n. 202 16/11/10
distribution system of drop water for the photovoltaic
modules efficiency
n. 005 07/10/09 . n. 004 07/10/09
n. 040 07/10/09 . n. 058 16/04/10
patented systems for innovative integrations of
photovoltaic for waterproofing and insulation of the flat
covering and the facade
n. 013 23/09/08
overshadow covering module with integrated system of
solar followers
PV module efficiecy additional production of thermal kw +10%
PV module efficiency
daily production increase +17%
+3 kWh (su impianto da 3 kWp)
daily production increase +25%
Architectural planning opportunities
Planning new building, or requalificating the
existing one, all the elements connected to
the energy production and use will become
an active primary component, to integrate
architectural solutions to increase glamour
functionality of the structure. Architecture
and energy mix together, in order to form
an interdependent group bound to a
sustainable building new experience, to be
projected ex novo or to support a restyling.
In the picture
photovoltaic facade that use new innovative patents
for the assembly structures
Energy research comes from ER group experience and gathers the know how matured during the patents production intended
to the technological and typological innovation in the generation and use of renewable sources.
spiral probe installation
Spiral Probe | Spiral probe
Advanced systems of geothermal science productions
A 50% abatement on installation costs for a technology forecasting itself as a real
geothermal science revolution in Italy.
The system is based on a geothermal probe with a peculiar spiral shape. This
instrument allows to get the same exchange surface to catch heating at just 25
meter depth, instead of more than 100 of the traditional models (U shape).
The probe, patented in 2007, wants to make more easy to reach the geothermal
technology owing to lower installation costs.
The patent development
The technology development has lasted for 3 years, with a 1 milion euro investment involving the ER research and
development branch, the University of Camerino, the University Politecnica delle Marche, the University of Urbino Carlo Bo
and the University of Pisa. The project has produced important results such as:
• two Italian and one European patents on the vertical installation geothermal probe with spiral structure
• comparative analysis execution between spiral and traditional U probe, based on sperimental data
• development of a planning and simulation software of geothermal spiral probe systems, based on Ashrae criteria
• thermical answer tests of the land area (grt) based on the step wise evaluation method,
by using heating pump both for the hot and cold test
The research has allowed to realize a product with the following benefits
• better exchange efficiency (90% of ground typologies)
• less total perforation lenght with the same power as U probe
• use of cheaper perforation tecniques, allowing a cleaner building site
• less execution time
geothermal solutions
in the picture
Low entalpy geothermal science
The term “low entalpy geothermal science” means a
system with an heat pump using ground both as heat
source and as heat tank in the cooling function. The
ground shows temperature and thermical exchange
features improving the performance of the heat pump,
with less losses of thermal and cooling energy producted.
The ground thermical exchange occurs with heat
exchangers called geothermal probes made of polyethilen
close circuit pipes, deeply introduced in the ground,
containing a mixture of water and glycole.
In the picture:
probe preparation for installation.
The result is to make more accessible the geothermal technology thanks to lower installation costs.
The spiral probe optimezes the use of natural sources through productivity data 50% higher compare to traditional probes.
Moreover by integrating the geothermal system with a photovoltaic system is possible to feed the electric heat pump with
a zero costs and zero emission energy. The energetic integration between solar and geothermal sources, allows to cut
completely down the management costs and the co2 emission. Such a synergy is the base of future building planning.
The target is to connect the new technologies available and the instruments
for their practical application. The goal is to offer a better future to human kind, both economic and
ecologic sustainable in order to reach truly the goal set by the third industrial revolution.
Up to now we have looked at renewable energies as an arrival point, not as an
instrument to reach new and ambitious targets. In the following pages ER research
is focusing on same aspects on which has been possible to start a real tests to
understand if the suggested method is suitable to a sustainable future realization.
The new patents and technologies practical applications must be focused on the
true development necessities both energetic and infrastructural sytem looking
towards requalification and improvement of the existing one. The final target is to
realize a zero impact for all those human activities whose the present ecologic mark
is negative.
. Green Harbor
. Solar Park
. Food Processing
Renewable electric stations
Green Harbours
Green Shopping Center
Solar parks
Food processing
in the picture
CER | Renewable Electric Station
render 3d
CER in Brasil | 500 mwp
Project to realize big systems with an energetic mix
The development of this new generation of electric stations is based on an energetic
mix. With no doubt the primary source is the renewable one, particularly the photovoltaic
solar and the eolic. It can be combined to others natural sources based systems, like
the “biogas” and from the waste recovery, especially organic but also inorganic to be
destined to the brand new termovalorizzatori. For instance the cogeneration systems for
the utilization of biomasses recovered from the mowing and pruning processes coming
from the station (vegetation mowing next to the ground system and forest trees pruning
planted at the border of the production area).
The energy can be introduced in the existing electricity grid or stored into container
storages set for gathering energy during the day (on the maximum production phase)
and release it at night, when the energetic needs are more important.
Employement and economic development opportunities.
Towards a new energetic strategy
The realization of these electric stations
all over the territory will need, at first, the
specialized manpower in order to star and
finish in a very short time the installations of
grounds systems. The presence of these
new high efficiency electric stations will sort
new productive handcrafts and industrial
enterprises, able to give new sprint to single
communities economy in order to improve
the whole nation development outlooks.
in the picture:
view from the top of the station. In the project is examined
the environmental and landscape impact based on the life
cycle assessment.
in the picture:
view from the top of the professional training center, true
hearth of the project to create new professional roles able
to manage the station once walking.
In the picture
preview of green building with the training center,
accomodations and service areas
The armature around the sustainable electric stations is linked to installation, assistance and maintenance systems operations.
Speaking about a 1 mw power ground system, is possible to create job opportunities for more than 50 among managers, specialized
manpower and clerks.
in the picture
FV Ancona harbour
3.2 MWp
Green Harbor | Green harbour
Project for the energetic conversion of harbour districts
Green harbour is part of a project intended to the energetic and structural requalification of
existing real estate, intervening historically and economically in one of the most important
sector in national and international economy. Harbours represent one of the most
important industrial and commercial infrastructures typical of countries where maritime
traffic (freight and passangers) influences significatively territory economy.
The projects wants to apply energies production systems and energetic efficiency for the
existing structures, creating also new development systems in the reconstruction and
enlargement areas.
The structural requalification of the buildings and the external areas leads to the ... and
the recovery of the old amianthus surfaces for a total eco-sustainable action in order to
reduce co2 and also to eliminate highly polluting materials.
Upgrading in 3 steps
Systems, services and products for the energetic efficiency
A. Buildings requalification.
. High efficiency “all in one” systems.
There are many buildings suitable for an upgrading system, probably still covered by outdate structures (like the amianthum one).
In this case is necessary to restore the insulation and impermeabilization functions together with a general modernization. The
integrated photovoltaic systems employment can be useful by combining the high energy performances to the energy production
necessary to feed the new automation and mechanization systems work on the docks.
B. Creation of photovoltaic systems architecturally integrated or on roofs.
The energetic improvement will go well with the realization of an electric energy production project by using the available covered
surfaces. In this sense the 500000 mq covered structures distinguished in flat roofs, pitches and cupels, could contain altogether
about 41700 kwp, for a total energy production able to satisfy most of the harbour energetic needs notably cutting down structures
running costs as well as environmental harbour area impact.
C. Storage SES systems endowment and produced energy managment and UPS systems.
In order to guarantee the best efficiency for energetic systems realized, it can be possible to introduce monitoring management and
storage fittings for the produced energy. In this way the harbour will have a new UPS system to provide constant energetic flows
even in case of energetic blackout. Moreover, the introduction of SES- smart energy system- will guarantee the maximum in and
out flows, making possible to automatize some standard functions.
The application of integrated technologies to the street
furniture can have more functions in one effective system.
Especially the installation of “all in one” products in the
harbour district area give an answer to the following needs:
. recharging column for electric vehicles
. multimedial info point with touch screen system
. wi-fi and mobile phone repeater
. video security
. high efficiency led light system
. audio broadcast for communication
. meteo station
. air quality control station
GSC | Green Shopping Center
Project for the establishment of eco-compatible shopping center
In the GDO the building’s power consumptions represent an important expense that can
be easily reduced by the application of new thermic and electric production systems.
Every saving on the power bill can result in a better economical managment of the
commercial enterprise.
The application of high efficiency energetic systems, the use of renewable energies and
the application of automation building systems can definitely solve the necessity to run
costs down for a better economy plan of the stores.
Moreover, a green conversion of GDO today represents a strategic driver to increase
client sensibility, resulting in a competitive advantage on other commercial competitors.
1. Structural measurements
2. microclimatic measurement
. thermical transmission analysis of surfaces
. blind walls
. glass surfaces
. thermografic analysis
. thermo-hydrometric comfort report of
the different building rooms
3. thermical system analysis
4. lighting tecniques checks
. burning efficiency analysis
. fumes analysis
. burning products analysis
. lighting of different environments data
analysis in order to study and carry out suitable
solutions for improving comfort and cutting
The ZEW- Zero emission way- store case
ZEW sets itself as a problem solver for
the every day environmental trouble such
as purchasing homestuff, electric cars,
low impact clothes. Every need finds
here a zero emission answer so that ecosustainable choises become part of every
day solutions.
The new ZEW stores openings will rouse
curiosity looking for sharp informations
and answers about the reduction of its
own impact on Earth by improving the
quality of life.
In the picture
inside view of Jesi ZEW store, 400mq
The ZEW store project has been awarded by the american research retail innovation 8 as one of the best Italian retail project in
the green economy sector and has been included among the selected projects of the sustainable development foundation for the
sustainable development prize 2013
in the picture
Solar Park | Solar parks
Banca Marche
Solar Park | 400 kWp
Photovoltaic roof for the covering of big parking areas
The realization of photovoltaic roof for electric and non electric vehicles, represents an
opportunity to produce green power for recharging systems, illumination and video
The Solar parks realized until today have produced quite good results, starting from
the upgrading of the respective areas. The application of this technology has different
benefits for the emission and management costs.
• shading and waterproofing of the parking areas
• production of electric energy from renewable sources
• creation of self-sufficient recharging stations
• possibility to upgrade existing areas and infrastructures
• total economic self-solvency of the whole system
Charging point | CHARGING POINT
. Towards the diffusion of green fleets
The installation of charging column inside the solar park
areas represents the first real incentive of the diffusion of
electric vehicles. Today the first obstacle to these new
green cars is represented by the unavailability of the
service stations. In the case of Banca Marche solar park,
the presence of charging points allows the use of electric
cars that can be recharged while parking.
in the picture
The support system structure, planned in different
materials, with the mounting modules system, guarantees
the maximum impermeabilization of the parks
in the picture
Solar parks have an “all in one” video security systems in order
to ensure the maximum security even in big parking areas
(vedi anche p. 35)
In the project for Banca Marche a solar park of 400kwp has been realized and divided in 2 sections of 200kwp made in thin film. This
type of application has guaranteed the highest efficiency and aesthetic standard of the primary headquarter of the Banca Marche.
in the picture
food processing
CBM Fileni
1.200 kWp
Renewable energies and energetic efficiency
for a zero emission food industry.
Food industry turn into renewable. Many of this industries are pointing to the energetic
upgrading of their structures. The target is to renovate the old buildings, often made
with amianthum roofs so needing a clearance, as well as to cut thermal and electrical
consumption in order to reduce business costs. The answer to such urgent needs can
only come from renewable sources. In fact by ministerial decree of 19 February 2007
both for Italian firms and privates, has been opened out the possibility to contribute
concretely to environmental regard, by installing both roof and ground photovoltaic
panels, looking forward a saving not exclusively economic. Many have grabbed this
opportunity considering that photovoltaic helps a better roof insulation at no risk for
floor impermeabilization features. Moreover renewable energies represent an excellent
investment in communications and green marketing: the company impact on environment
has repercussions on final product by increasing its quality and genuine perception.
Custom-made projects
Upgrading by renewable sources
. VIS food industries case
This important firm specialized in frozen food production
and wholesale in 2011 decided to convert Noale’s (Venezia)
factory roof into a proper electric energy production station
from solar source, by clearing old amianthum surfaces. In
this way, Vis has been able to reach both incentives for
green energy production as well as a further prize for
amianthum clearance. The photovoltaic system, from
292,5 kwp has guaranteed a brand newsource of profits
by producing high savings from electrical consumptions
in the pictures:
the selection of photovoltaic modules suitable for application, the use of patents for the assembly profile and the integration with
thermic, insulation and impermeabilization run to the creation of an energy production system that can perfectly fit the technical
and energetic client’s needs
In nearly two years from the activation of panels, green energy production has reached 400000kwh equal to more than 200000kg of
Co2 not introduced in the atmosphere and a save, economically, around 90000 euros per year. Thank to the amianthum clearance,
the incentivating rate aknowledged to VIS is one of the highest given by GSE
Your energy
is worth more
ER+ Energy
ER in the energy free market
For electric power producers from renewable sources is always possible to maximize
its own energy remuneration, considering different options to electric power dedicated
collection from GSA.
Thanks to partnership with sector leader, ER is intended to electric power production unit
owners as a referent in order to optimize the energy sale to the market, proposing the
best negotiating solutions to exploit at the best its own production.
Our target is to oppose the energy power selling price annual reductions applied by the
Authority and maximize profits coming from energy power sale.
Depending on system typology ER buys your electric power at sensibly much lower
costs than GSE once by the Dedicated Collection up to +5%
E+ offers the following advantages:
• No administrative cost for the client
• Unbalance equivalent included in price as per current provisions
• Remuneration of network losses on introduced energy (2,4%)
• ER expectation production data activity an periodical report
How ER+ works
incentive+dedicated collection
incentive collection + 5%
in the picture
Tontarelli SpA (AN)
10.000 kWp
Top Clients
In the last 7 years of activity ER has become one of the main leaders in the renewable
energies market as well as in the green economy thanks to a range of clients very important
worldwide. Among ER clients appear the most prestigious made in Italy firms, choosing
the reliability and guarantees of the most dynamic firm in the planning, realization and
maintenance of renewable energetic sources exploitation systems.
Top Clients
Tod’s | Luxury
1,000 kWp
Green Building
Scavolini | Furnitures
3,500 kWp
Green Building
Rainbow | Animation Studios
Green Building
Tontarelli | Plastics
10,000 kWp
Domus | Real Estate
Green Building
iGuzzini | Lighting
3,315 kWp
Terna | Energy Services
1,000 kWp
Baraclit | Buildings
7,009 kWp
Ancona Green Harbor
3,200 kWp
Autostrade per l’Italia
368 kWp
Mugello Circuit
292,5 kWp
Impianti ER
ER Power Production
10,000 kWp
Mugello Circuit SpA
252 kWp
The Wind Tunnel - Ferrari SpA
29,5 kWp
Wellness Area - Ferrari SpA
Green Building
Tod’s SpA
963 kWp + green mobility
Poltrona Frau SpA
1.400 kWp
iGuzzini SpA
1.786 kWp + green mobility
Rainbow SpA
Green Building
operational headquarters:
Via Ignazio Silone, 10 | 60035 Jesi (AN - ITALY)
tel +39 0731 6168.11 | fax +39 0731 6168.91
CF e PI: 02549720429 | N. REA: AN - 196473
[email protected]