The Coleman system
The Coleman system
GASOLINE LIGHTING PERFECTED BY THE COLEMAN SY ST E M The HTOydro -C arbon Co LED O — OHIO THE COLEMAN LAMP CO., WICHITA, KANSAS. Dear S i r : Ship th e fo llo w in g by Mail Express F reigh t Date S hippin g P oin t To Consigned to Find Draft enclosed, for $ Q uantity P. O. N a m e and D escription o f A rticle List How to Order S ta te size of tank, how m any and kinds of lamps wanted. Illu strate w irin g by sketch, m a rk thereon L for location of lamps, and X for points where wire from tan k first touches ceiling. S tate height of ceiling, and le n g th of each section of wire, also distance from floor to bottom of lamp, We braze a union connection (No 13.) on each end of every piece of wire tube. T h i s connection atta che s to lam p generator, th e gasoline valve on tan k and all threaded tees, crosses and other connections. A small wrench and a pair of pliers are all the tools needed to install a plant. L a m p s 9-13-15-17-101 are furnished regularly w ith solid h a n g e r and casings, other lamps may be suspended by wire, and if ceiling plates, canopies and casing han gers are desired, they should be specified in the order. L1 x T an k to X to L1 L1 to L2 L2 to L3 L2 X 1 2 ’ 2 2 '4" 24' h e ig h t o f C e i lin g M ake L3 Your Sketch Here, 21' 9 ” 12' 4" T H E C O LEM A N SY STEM CA TA LO G NO. 34 This catalog describes our full line of G asoline Lighting System s and contains the latest prices. As we have m aterially reduced the price on m any p arts of our lighting plants since som e of these catalog pages w ere p rinted please use Sheets 96, 97 and 98 in figuring the cost of a system. N ew loose leaf sheets will be published from tim e to tim e and m ay be had upon request. W hen these are received we ask you to insert them in their p ro p er places thus keeping this catalog up to date. For general inform ation about the C olem an System read carefully sheets 7, 8 and 9. F o r prices of m antles and glassw are in quantities see Sheet 100 or current Supply List. W rite for descrip tion and special prices on Boulevard Lam ps, R eading Lam ps, G asoline Stoves and m iscellaneous goods not illustrated in this catalog. T H E H Y D R O CA RBO N CO. W ic h ita , K a n s a s T o led o , O hio (1) IN ST R U C T IO N S. A Coleman Lighting System or Plant comprises three dis tinct parts. The Gasoline Distributing System, the Lamps or Fixtures and the Lam p Equipment consisting of mantles, globes and shades. T o find the total cost of a lighting system it is therefore necessary to add these three items together. The Distributing System consists of a galvanized steel pressure tank, a powerful pump, funnel, wrench, etc., and wire tubing for conveying the gasoline from the tank to the lamps. Prices of this part of the plant will be found on sheet (98). The Lamps are illustrated and fully described throughout the catalog and a condensed price list of them will be found on sheet (98). The Equipment consists of mantles, globes and shades nec essary to complete a lamp as illustrated and is desig nated by letters following the num ber of the lamp. Prices of equipment will be found on sheet (99). TERM S. Our Terms to Customers who have not established their credit with us or who are not satisfactorily rated are cash with order. W e are willing to ship goods C. O. D. when sufficient cash is sent with order to guarantee all transportation charges. No cash dis count is allowed on C. O. D. shipments. A 5% Cash Discount is allowed when remittance in full accompanies an order. Cash should be sent with purchases under $5.00. If Credit is Established and goods are shipped on open account all invoices are due 30 days from date. A 2% discount is allowed on these purchases when paid within 10 days from date of invoice. R E M IT T A N C E S . Remittances Should be Made by Bank Draft, Certified Check, Post Office or Express Money Order. Add 10c to local checks for exchange. D O N O T send money through ordinary mail. IN S U R A N C E . W e Recommend the Insurance of All Goods sent by mail as the cost is nominal and it is a guarantee against loss. Parcels under $5.00 in value insured for 3 cents; between $5.00 and $10.00, 6 cents. W e al ways insure your shipments am ounting to 30 cents or over and charge you the cost unless instructed to the contrary. Gasoline Lighting By The Colem an System 1. W here do you put the gasoline? In a pressure tank th at is usually placed outside the building. 2. H ow much gasoline does the tank hold? A 3-gallon tank holds 2 gallons, a 5-gallon tank holds 3½ gallons, and an 8-gallon tank 6 gallons. 3. W h y cannot you fill the tanks full? Perfectly constructed tanks as m anufactured by the H y d ro Carbon Co., are fitted with “ Seal T u b e s ” which permit just so m uch and no more to enter. 4. W hat is the necessity for this? T h e gasoline feeds from the tan k only by air pres sure, and space m ust be reserved to hold this air. 5. Is it much work to pump in the air? T h a t depends on the pump. T he H y d ro Carbon C o m p an y ’s pum ps are made in their own factory. T h e y are large, powerful and easy to work. A child can use them. It requires less than a m inute to get all the air needed after filling the tank. 6. H ow does the fuel get to the Lamps? By m eans of hollow wire, a small flexible tube of copper, not larger than an electric light wire. T his attaches by union connection to a gasoline valve on tank and runs thro ug h the building to all lamps. It is cheaper to wire yo ur home for the Coleman System, th an to wire it for electric lights. 7. W h o can I get to do this? A thousand agents for the Coleman System are at your service. If there is no one in your locality, notify us. W e will endeavor to find one speedily. T he re is no need to wait, however. Send sketch giv ing wire m easurem ents and location of lamps. W e prepare wire, braze on unions, and send out full direc tions so an ordinary w o rk m an can put it in all right in a few hours. 8. H o w m uch does it cost to install a complete plant? T h e a m ou nt is so small that in most coses it requires only a few m onths to save the entire cost over other forms of lighting. T h e price of complete plants is given in connection with each lamp thro ug hou t the catalog. ( 7) 9. Some people say this tubing will clog up. H ow about it? T hey are mistaken. W ire tubing has never been known to clog on a gasoline system. T hink for your self. Is not gasoline a cleansing liquid? After years of service the inside of “ Hollow wire” is so clean it shines as if highly polished. 10. W hat is it then that clogs up and sometimes puts a gasoline light out of commission? Here is a vital question. N ow think clearly. Take a cup of sparkling spring water, filter it, there is no d ep osit; it’s pure, we say. Apply heat and boil it away. There is plenty of deposit now on the sides of the vessel. So it is with gasoline. No m atter how well it is refined, when you boil it away in the ge n erator of the lamp, a mineral deposit appears inside the generator; and is deposited at the point where the liquid changes to vapor. T hen small particles may be carried on into the feeding orifice. W e under stand now. It is the generator or the feeding nozzle that sometimes clogs and not the wire tube. No deposit till liquid turns to vapor. 11. Can this difficulty be overcome? Yes. T he Coleman L am ps have solved the problem, not by preventing the deposit (that was impossible ) , but by m aking the vital parts, generator and nozzle, in a w ay that will take up this deposit for an indefi nite time, and then permits the user to entirely re move same from the lamp in less time than it takes to tell about it. 12. H ow long will the Coleman System last? O ur fixtures are more substantial than m any gas and electric fixtures, and should last longer. Then, too, the Coleman way of m aking the vital parts, make these easy to keep in repair. W e think, therefore, a Coleman System should last at least 20 years. 13. Are the Coleman Lamps guaranteed? Yes, and for five years’ time. T h e business integrity and financial responsibility of the H y d ro Carbon Co., and their liberal policy with their customers is also a guarantee in itself, that you take no chances when you buy the Coleman Lamps. 14. H o w does th e Colem an w ay of m aking th e vital p a rts of th e lam p differ from the usual w ay? 1st. T he g en e ra to r is a s tra ig h t tube open at both ends, no angles or tu rn s th a t cannot be cleaned. 2nd. No liquid gasoline is vaporized u n til it gets into the tube and n o th in g b u t vapor passes o ut at the o th er end. T h e deposit is all here. 3d. O ne end of the tube a tta ch e s to the hollow wire by a cone union coupling, and the o th er end to the shut-off valve by a g round joint. A w rench is the only tool needed to open up both ends. It is th e re fore, easy to get at the inside. 4th. T h e ab sorb ing w ick for th is g e n e ra to r tube is especially co n stru cted of w oven asbestos tu b ing, and has a m etal rod center. T he asbestos takes up the deposit w hile the rod cen ter p revents packing dow n, and m akes it easy to take th e w ick out and p u t in a new one. 5th. T he valve is located d irectly betw een th e g en e ra to r and the gas tip. T h is is the only rig h t place. I t gives perfect regulation of the flow of vapor and sh u ts off in stan tly . 6th. T he gas tip or nozzle attach es d irectly to the valve by g round joint, req u irin g no tool b u t a w rench. T h e re is, therefore, no dan g er of spoiling th re a d s or developing leaks, if th is is rem oved to open up the orifice. 7th. In the Colem an “ B oulevard,” C olem an “J u n ior,” and the Colem an “ S ta n d ard ,” Series Nos. 12 to 17, no p a rt of the lam p is sup p o rted by the g e n e ra to r, valve or gas tip. T h ese vital p a rts make up a u n it pow er p lan t for th e fixture w hich is alm ost in sta n tly rem ovable, leaving the entire fixture u n d is tu rb e d in every part. W h en you consider th a t this easily detached u n it of vital p a rts will generally last a full year w ith o u t cleaning, it is to u n d e rsta n d w hy the Colem an L am ps are “A year and a half ahead.” (8) 15. W hat candle power do gasoline lamps give? The inverted mantle on gasoline lamps has generally been rated at 400 candle power. This is somewhat above the actual, but is conservative when compared with the usual ratings of electric arc and gas lights. The Coleman inverted lamps use two sizes mantles: The Standard No. 40 rated at 400 candle power. The Junior size No. 41, rated at 200 candle power. 16. W hat is the best mantle to use? T here is a world of difference in mantles, though they may look alike. T hroughout our catalog we specify the mantle that must be used to get the best results. Nearly all the complaints of unsatisfactory service that come to us. are directly traceable to the use of the w rong mantle. T o illustrate: T he re markable superiority of L am p No. 33 over all lamps of the No. 26 type is due to the fact that the No. 33 construction produces at the burner a much higher pressure of gas than the other style. This greater gas pressure requires a special heavy burner cap (3338C), and uses the Coleman loop mantle No. 44. Now, if you try to use a cap mantle like No. 45, you have to remove the cap (3338C) and this spoils the working of the lamp. Always use mantle specified on the Coleman Lamps, otherwise, our guarantee does not apply. 17. Do you have to generate the Coleman Lamps to light them? T o be sure. All gasoline lamps require generating, but here is the difference— the way in which it is done. T he Coleman W a y is almost as easy as light ing natural gas. Take, for instance, the “Jun io r” and “S tan dard” series Nos. 12 to 17. T he lighter is a key with an asbestos lighting torch attached, and the h a n dle long enough to reach the bottom of lamp from floor. Just hang key and lighted torch on lamp a moment, then give the handle half a tu rn— that is all. T h e Coleman “ Boulevard” is always lighted from the ground and Lam ps Nos. 1 and 2 have floor lighting attachm ents which may be ordered if desired. 18. H ow about instantaneous lighters? I have seen ads of gasoline lamps that “Turn on like gas, no match, no generating, always ready, just pull the chain, pres to— a wonderful light.” T h ere have been plenty of ads like this, colossal fakes designed to get yo ur money for som ething they do not really give. Do a little reasoning for yourself. All lamps bu rn vapor, not liquid. T h e fuel enters lamp in liquid state. H e a t is necessary. T h e ge n erator m ust be heated before the valve is opened, or m ust never get cold. M an y lamps can be turned low and still keep the generator hot, and th a t’s all there is to instantaneous lighter. T h e Coleman L am ps Nos. 12 and 13 are, we believe, the best “ In sta n ta n e ous lighters” ever made. T heir unique construction permits them to be turned very low and still m ain tain ample heat in the generator. It is very conven ient to tu rn lamps low at times, but for a continuous performance, no so-called instantaneous lighter can be honestly recommended. 1st. It is rather expensive. T h e very best of all “ turned low” lamps consume twice as m uch fuel in 21 hours not in use as they do in the three hours in use. 2nd. L am ps turned very low cause gasoline to v a p orize, not so much in the generator as in the gas tip, and so clog the orifice. 3rd. L am ps turned very low m ay be extinguished by a sudden air draft. T h e generator then cools and soon a gasoline liquid is dripping from the fixture. Here, then, is the real m eaning of the “ Instantaneous lighter,”— expense, trouble, danger. Ask any man w h o has tried to operate one six months. H e will confirm our statements. If you m ust have an instan taneous lighting lamp, the Coleman line can furnish you the best there is, but will not misrepresent m a t ters in order to effect a sale. (9 ) 19. H ow much fuel is consumed for each mantle? Much depends on the lamp. The greatest economy demands perfect combustion that can only be secured by the most painstaking attention to every detail. T he efficiency of a lamp is dependent upon the size of the feed, the length and shape of the bunsen tube, regu lation of the air supply, shape of the mixing chamber, and the construction of the burner cap. Every part of the Coleman Lamp is made right. So acurate is our mechanical construction that some dimensions never vary more than a quarter of one-thousandths of an inch. The result is highest candle power on the least fuel. 1 gal. of gasoline produces full candle power in mantle No. 40, fifty to sixty hours. In m a n tle No. 41, one hundred to one hundred and ten hours. This means that the Coleman lamps are capable of producing 20,000 candle power one hour on one gal lon, or a cost per candle hour of one thousandt h of a cent, counting 20c per gallon for gasoline. 20. H ow does this compare with the cost of other lights? The most reliable tables prepared by illuminating en gineers show the cost per candle hour as follow s: Artificial gas mantle lamps, five times cost of Cole man Light. Artificial gas open jets, twenty-five times cost of Coleman Light. Electric bulbs, ordinary kind, 30 times cost of Cole man Light. Electric Tungsten lamps, twelve times cost of Cole man Light. Kerosene lamps, ten times cost of Coleman Light. Acetylene lamps, sixteen times cost of Coleman Light. THE HYDRO-CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEM AN SYSTEM No. 13 S Our latest achievement in lamp construction. Not only “the best that is" but better than all the rest. We are still “a year and a half ahead” of our faithful imitators. Here is unquestionably the greatest hollow wire lamp ever conceived or constructed. PRICE NO. 13 LAMP As illustrated 24 inches long....................................$1 1 .2 0 For each additional 6 inches in length............................26 P rices do not include m antle, globe or shade. See sheet (99) E qu ip m en t S: 3 M antles No. 41 and G lobe No. 78 (10) (O v er) W hy 1. L a m p N u m b e r 1 3 Is G r e a te s t o f A ll All V ital P a rts m ake a “unit gas plan t,” which is carried w ithin the fixture and is instantly rem ovable th e re from. T his unit is m ade up of generator, valve and gas tip and is now here attached to the fixture but m erely supported w ithin it. T he H ollow W ire de livers gasoline fuel not to the fixture, but directly to the generator of the “unit gas p lan t” w ithin. T his Lam p is therefore nothing m ore than a handsom e gas fixture, so constructed th at there can be placed w ithin it a m iniature gas plant w ithout so m uch as d isturbing a m antle or globe. 2. T his M eans L ong Life.— T he No. 13 fixture will last the better p art of a lifetim e as all good gas fixtures do. The “unit gas p la n t” w ithin is inexpensive and as the years go by is easily cleaned or renew ed. Look well to the future. 3. T his C onstruction M akes F ailure Im possible.— It is in tended th a t every user of this system have on hand an extra generator valve and gas tip which consti tu tes the “gas p lan t.” Should any p art in use be come clogged it requires only a m om ent to put in the new parts. T he “gas p la n t” rem oved is then cleaned at leisure and m ade ready for some future em ergency. 4. L am p N um ber 13 is L ighted F ro m the Floor, uses 3 Ju n io r rag m antles, produces 600 candle pow er, burns 36 hours on one gallon, is the g reatest ever m ade as an instantaneous lighter, and is adapted to alm ost every purpose. See o th er lam ps of this series, Nos. 9, 15, 17, 90 and 130. Price Com plete P la n ts (m antles and globe not included.) No. 13, O n e-L ig h t System , 3-gallon ta n k $27.20 Each ex tra lam p, 25 ft. wire, 4 unions brazed on, one te e .......................................... ............... 14.20 F o r 5-gallon tank instead of 3-gallon, ad d 1.60 F o r 8-gallon tank instead of 3-gallon, a d d 3.20 F o r longer fixtures, each 6-in. increase.................... 26 MADE ONLY BY TH E H Y D RO CARBON CO. W ich ita, K a n sa s TH E C O L E M A N SY ST E M No 13 M No. 13 R No. 13 N (12) No. 13 R S Prices o th e r side Number 13 Lamp Series Note the Solidity and Strength of Lamp Number 13.— A large cast iron ceiling plate secures Lam p firmly to ceiling. Into this threads standard 3-8 iron pipe, which extends down through the lamp. T o the low er end of the iron pipe is threaded the heavy cast mixing chamber, which in turn supports all other Lamp parts. This heavy Lamp and rigid support is then entirely covered by brass shells, casing and canopies, electro-plated and beautifully finished. There is nothing flimsy about Lam p No. 13. it is made to last. The generator is supported by, instead of supporting the Lamp. To Support Heavy Lamps on Generator Tubes is Unsafe. and a source of much trouble. W h e n hot, brass is brittle, after cooling it is soft and pliable. Do you want a large, heavy lamp entirely supported when in use, by a small, hot, brittle tube, and when cold, by one so soft that it warps and bends, throwing the lamp parts out of alignment? And yet that is just what you get in every line except the Coleman. Only our very lightweight Lamps, such as No. 11, are sup ported by the generator tube and in these the gen erator tube never gets hot enough to be brittle. The Coleman W ay of Renewing Generator W icks Requires less than tw o minutes and disturbs not so much as a globe or mantle. The only tool, a small wrench. T he way of other makers is as follow s: Remove the glassware, sacrifice the mantles, take down the lamp fixtures, find a screw driver, take lamp all to pieces, hunt up a pair of gas pliers, tubes all marred, threads likely spoiled, trouble getting leaks stopped, lan guage not fit for print, an hour wasted and a com plaint ever after that lamp do n’t w ork as well since we “ fixed it.” Price Number 13 (less mantles, globes and shades) $11.20 F or each 6-in. increase in length of fixture a d d 26 F or globe holder used on 13-RS and 13-RG.............. .40 All Lam ps use three mantles No. 41. T h e letter in dicates globe or shade: M — No. 74, N — No. 75, P — No. 76, R — No. 77, S— No. 78, G— No. 69. See PriceSheet (99). T H E C O LEM A N SY STEM No. 15 S A A C handelier of beauty and efficiency. T urned on and off with key from floor. Only one generator for entire fixture—the greatest achievem ent of the Colem an Lamp. Price, 24 inches long, (less globes and m antles) $ 1 6 .0 0 For extra lengths each 6 inch increase .................... 2 6 Equipment S A: 5 Mantles No. 40, I Globe No. 78, 2 Globes No. 60 (15) The Number 15 Chandelier One “Unit Gas Producer” operates the entire fixture. The Chandelier arms and the central light are all supplied from a common mixing chamber. One generator, one valve and one feed supplies all the burners. The Advantages of a Single Generator are apparent to every one. T he entire Chandelier is lighted as quickly as a single lamp. All other Chandeliers have to be gener ated at each light. In a three-light Chandelier you have three generators to keep in repair instead of one. Then, too, one large hole in gas tip rarely, if ever, clogs, while numerous small holes are sure to clog. The “Unit Gas Producer” made up of generator, valve and gas tips is not attached to the Chandelier, but merely supported within it and instantly removable. Extra “units” of these vitals are inexpensive and one should always be kept on hand by every user, as it requires but a m om ent to make the change. You truly have "a light that never fails.” In Light-Giving Powers and Economy it is a wonder. One thousand candle power, 20 hours on one gallon of gasoline and as quiet as a gas light. T u rn it as low as you wish, dim the light to whatever suits your p u r pose, it still works to perfection. Price Complete Plants (less shades, globes and mantles.) No. 15, One-Light System with 3-gallon tank $32.00 E xtra Chandelier, 25-ft. wire, 4 unions (brazed 19.00 on), 1 tee................................ For 5-gallon tank, instead of 3-gallon, a dd 1.60 For 8-gallon tank instead of 3-gallon, a d d 3.20 For fixtures longer than 24-in., add for each 6in. increase ........................ .26 M ADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEM AN SYSTEM No. 15 P C No. 15 M C (17) P rices o th e r sid e Number 15 Chandelier Series The Adaptability of the Number 15 Chandelier to many uses is remarkable. It is an elegant light and fixture tor large living rooms and reception parlors. It puts the finishing touches on the general appearance of a handsomely equipped store room. In the hall or church it is in keeping with the finest furnishings and fills large spaces with its great brilliancy. To Get the Best Results, the No. 15 Chandelier should be placed high in the room. 12-ft. ceiling should use 24-in. fixture, 14 ft. ceilings a 36-in. fixture, 16-ft. ceilings a 48-in. fixture. Remember these Lamps are turned on and off with a key at bottom of Lamps. This key has handle so Lam p can be reached from floor. T o the key is also attached a lighter. H a n g same on bottom of Lam p a moment, then give half a t u r n ; Lam p lights instantly. Any User of Our Number 13 Lamps can make of it the No. 15 Chandelier whenever he desires so to do. Attach Chandelier Body Shell and Chandelier A rm s to any No. 13 L am p and you produce the No. 15 Chandelier. No change anywhere except to put on gas tip with larger feed. T he price of L am p No. 13 is $11.20 Add 2 Chandelier arms at $1.60 each________ 3.20 I Chandelier Body Shell at $1.60...... 1.60 Price Number 15 Chandelier $16.00 R em em ber also that the gas tip must be exchanged for one having a larger feed. T h a t ’s the only change. Equipm ent not included in prices quoted. See Sheet (99) for price of globes, shades and mantles. All No. 15 Chandeliers use five mantles No. 41, tw o small shades or globes and one large shade or globe. Indi cate selection b y letters: A for 60, B-61, C-62, D-63, E-65, F-67, G-69, M-74, N-75, P-76, R-77, S-78 M ADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. WICHITA, KANSAS T H E C O LEM A N SY STEM J u n io r S eries P a te n te d J u ly 2 6 , 1 9 1 0 os.9 13, 15, 17 and 90 com prise w hat we call our Junior Nos. 9 N Series. T hey are all m ade from the No. 9 Burner and have interchangeable parts. (18) JUNIOR SERIES Price List of Parts: Numbers 9, 13, 15 and 17: Canopy (J 98 )........... Ceiling Plate (J 4 3 )_____ Hickey (J 3 8)___ Ball Canopy (J 41-42) Heat Deflector (J 95 )___ Burner complete less shade holder (J 34) .. Unit Gas Producer complete (J 7 4)____ ..... Globe Holder, shell and screws (J 63-28). Ornamental Crown (J 62 )___ Chandelier Body Shell (J 6 4 )____ Chandelier Arms, Cap and Globe Holder Lighting Torch ........ Burner Tubes (J 2 4 )....... Burner Caps, (J 23-25) each....................... Generator Tube and Wick (J 74).. ............... Generator Wick and Rod (J 7 6 )..................... Generator Union Nut (J 2 ½ ) ............................. Valve complete (J 75-77-16-10).............. Gas Tip (J 18).............. Valve Stem and Nut (J 77) ........... .40 .24 .24 .50 .50 4.00 3.00 1.60 .40 1.60 1.60 .50 .20 .40 1.00 .20 .20 1.50 .40 .40 Price List of Parts, Number 90: Hook Support for No. 90 Lamp .................... .20 Globe Holder complete for No. 90L am p 1.00 Globe Holder Rod only (J 46) .10 Globe Holder Casting (J 47) .....................................20 .05 Thumb Set Screw (J 4 8 )____ Perforated Door, Hinges & Caps (J-49-50-53) .60 Globe Holder Rod Cap (J 6 1 )....................... 05 Ventilator Complete ....... 4.00 THE COLEM AN SYSTEM No. 17 S A The finest Hollow Wire Chandelier ever constructed. One cent per hour for 1400 Candle Power. Beautiful, Effective, Brilliant, Inexpensive. Only one generator for entire fixture. Price 24 in. long (less globes and mantles) $ 1 9 .2 0 For longer Fixtures, each 6 in. increase in length .26 E qu ip m en t S A : 7 M antles No. 41, 1 G lobe No. 78, 4 G lobes N o. 60 (19) Number 17 Chandelier Every Desirable Feature of Lamps 13 and 15 are also in herent in Chandelier No. 17. Just add two more arms to the No. 15 and you produce the No. 17. Then put on a gas tip with larger orifice. T hat is the only change required. W hy Use the Junior Size Mantles. T w o Junior Mantles are equivalent to one standard size mantle in light produced and fuel consumed. The Junior mantles cost less and last longer so the mantle expense is really less. Then, too, there is less heat in each burner so that the Junior Burner caps never burn out. Most of all, the Junior Mantle makes possible the construction of beautiful Chandeliers like No. 15 and 17 with a moderate candle power which makes their use possible in Homes, Hotels, Stores, Halls, etc. Chandeliers of Larger Candle Power are also being m an u factured by us, using standard size “rag” mantles. These are the No. 12, 14, 16 series; two-four-six mantles, 800-1600-2400 candle power. For the largest Stores, Halls, Churches and Public Buildings, these are ideal. W hen You Buy a Lighting Plant, w hy not get the best— something really good, th a t’s up-to-date? T w o years from now w e’ll have plenty of imitators. But today you can buy of us just as cheap as our competitors will sell you their out-of-date fixtures that are com pletely outclassed by the Coleman Line. Price Complete Plants (less globes, shades and mantles). No. 17, O ne-L ight System, 3-gallon ta n k $35.20 Each extra No. 17 Chandelier, 25-ft. wire tu b ing, 4 unions (brazed on) and threaded tee 22.20 M ADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEM AN SYSTEM No. 17 S E No. 17 R F (21) The Number 17 Chandelier Series W e Recommend the No. 17 Chandelier as especially adapted for the lighting of Churches and Public Buildings. It is fine for the better class of Drug Stores. Owing to the fact that it can he turned very low it is especially suited to the Lodge Hall. In large Stores with high ceiling it is remarkably effective. To Carry Number 17 Chandeliers in Stock our agents who handle Lamp No. 13 need only carry in addition a few upper Body Shells and Chandelier Arms and a few gas tips with larger feed holes. Then too. any owner of a N o. 13 Lamp can at any future time transform it into a No. 15 or No. 17 chandelier by adding the parts specified above. The Complete Junior Series include Lamps Nos. 9, 13, 15, 17, 90 and 130 and is really only one lamp in varied forms. To reduce to a single standard and build on the one base lamp, such a large assortment of fixtures is no ordinary achievement. In quoting prices be low we show somewhat the evolution of the series: Price Lamp No. 9 (the base of the series) $10.00 Add Ceiling Plate, Iron Pipe, Casing, Hickey 1.20 and Ball Canopy ......... Price Lamp No. 13 11.20 Change Gas Tip to larger feed and add Upper Body Shell and two Chandelier Arms 4.80 Price Chandelier No. 15 16.00 Change Gas Tip to one of larger feed and add two more Chandelier Arm s................................ 3.20 Price Chandelier No. 17 19.20 Prices do not include Globes, Shades and Mantles. Equipment, indicated by letters, priced on sheet (99) S E : 7 Mantles-41, 1 Globe-78, 4 Shades-65. R F : 7 M antles-41, 1 Shade-77, 4 Shades-67. M A D E O N L Y BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 90 R G THE NO. 9 OUTSIDE LAMP IS CALLED NO. 90 Wind-proof, rain-proof, bug-proof. Lighted from ground through door in globe support. Price complete (less globe, shade and mantles) $12.80 E qu ip m en t R. G: 3 M antles No. 41, 1 S h a d e No. 77, 1 G lobe N o . 69 Prices on sheet (99) ( 22 ) Lamp No. 90 for Outdoor Lighting A Model of Utility, Efficiency and Symmetry Lamp No. 90 Is a Nice Appearing Lamp— A glance at the cut on this sheet reveals this. Note the graceful out line and sym m etry of the entire fixture. Lamp No. 90 a Handy Lamp— It is lighted through the door in the globe support. This door is readily opened and shut with the key lighter same as is used for the entire Junior Series. There has never been made an outside gasoline lamp more easy to operate than our No. 90. Lamp No. 90 Is Brilliant and Economical.— The three Junior Mantles fairly sparkle with a 600 candle power brilliancy and the cost is only ½ c per hour. Just think of having your store front or porch and lawn beautifully illuminated four hours every night for 60c a month. Lamp No. 90 Is a Lasting Lamp.— The ventilator hood is made of heavy sheet brass that will never rust out, and it never gets hot enough to burn out. T he vital parts are instantly removable as in all lamps of the Coleman “Junior Series.” You can safely count on m any years of continuous service. Price Complete Plants (less Shades, Globes and Mantles). No. 90 one light system, 3 gallon ta n k ..................$28.80 Additional lamps, No. 90. 25 feet wire tube, 4 unions brazed to wire, and threaded tee 15.80 F or 5 gallon tank instead of 3 gallon................. 1.60 For 8 gallon tank instead of 3 gallon.................... 3.20 MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 9 F S LENGTHS OVER ALL ONLY 18 INCHES Recommended for all very low ceilings. Six hundred Candle Power one-half cent per hour. One of the finest lamps in our new line. No. 9 Lamp (less mantles, shade and globe) ..... $1 0 .0 0 E q u ip m en t F. S : N o. 67 shade, 3 No. 41 m antles an d No. 78 g lo be (25 ) N um ber 9 L am p For Low Ceilings the No. 9 Lam p Equipped w ith ceiling shade as illustrated is exceedingly popular. The lamp should be supported by ceiling plate which is alw ays furnished instead of the hook when lamp is ordered w ith FS equipm ent. T his lamp No. 9 should never be used attached directly to the ceiling w ithout the ceiling shade which protection is neces sary for entire safety. T h e Only Difference Between No. 9 and No. 13 Lam ps is that the No. 9 is a shorter fixture, having no casing extension. Lam p No. 9 is only 18 inches in length, while No. 13 is 2 4 inches. M odern Illum inating E ngineers A dvocate placing lights very close to the ceiling. T he ceiling bowl for elec tric clusters is therefore much in evidence in public dining room s, hotel parlors, lobbies and of fice buildings. T he illum ination is sufficient and vet restful to the eyes. Such is the effect o f Lam p No. 9FS when used at the ceiling 10, 12 or 1 4 ft. from the floor. Resides the quality is far better than electric lights and the general illum ination m ore nearly perfect on account of greater candle power. L am ps on the Ceiling Are Ju st as E asy to O perate as those near the floor when constructed the Coleman way. R egardless of height all lam ps are lighted and turned on from the floor. No clim bing in chairs or on step ladders. Price Com plete P lan ts ( Less Shades. Globes and M antles) No. 9 one-light system , 3 gallon tan k $26.00 Each additional No. 9 Lam p, 25 ft. wire tubing, four unions brazed on and threaded tee 13.00 See sheet (99) for price of equipm ent selected. MADE ONLY BY TH E H Y D RO CA RBON CO. W ichita, K a n sa s THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 9 F N No. 9 F M W e recommend No. 9 F M fitted with green shade white cased inside for use in the library or over a reading table. No. 9 F N makes a beautiful lamp for the dining room and is exceedingly attractive in the living room or parlor. Lamp No. 9 uses the same glassware as the famous Coleman Reading Lamp. It is also the foundation lamp of Nos. 13, 15, 17, 90 and 130. Price (less shade, globe and mantles).....................$ 10.00 For prices e q u ip m en t see S h eet (99) F. F. F. F. N: M: P: R: 3 M antles 3 M antles 3 M antles 3 M antles No. No. No. No. 41, 1 S h ad e 41, 1 S h ad e 41, 1 S h ad e 41, 1 S h ad e (27 ) N o. 67, 1 S h ad e No. 67, 1 S h ad e No. 67, 1 S h ad e N o. 67, 1 S h ad e N o. 75 No. 74 N o. 76 No. 77 The Coleman Hollow W ire System OR A Central Generator Pipe System—Which ? For Residence Lighting a Big Pipe System cannot be suc cessfully adopted as the tubes are unsightly and the underwriters will not permit same to be built into the walls. Then, too, in the home each light must be used independent of the others. You cannot run to the kitchen or cellar to regulate a machine every time you turn off or on a light. For Business Houses and Public Buildings the Coleman Hollow W ire System with fixtures Nos. 9, 13, 15 or 17, have all central generator systems “beat to a frazzle” from every point of view. First—The expense of installing is about one-half as great. Second— Fully 25 per cent is saved in cost of operation. It takes a lot of gasoline to run the central generator and this produces no light. Third— The Coleman System is more easily lighted— they are turned on and off from the floor and half a dozen lamps can be lighted before a central generator can be put in operation. Fourth— The Coleman System looks so much better. The fixtures are far the finest and there are no big ugly pipes on the ceiling and big holes in walls and par titions to let them pass through. Fifth— T he Coleman Generators last longer and are much easier to clean. T he “U n it Gas Producer” of the Coleman L am p has outdistanced all other methods of generating. Sixth— W h e n anything “goes w ro n g ” with a central gene rator, the house is in darkness. If a Coleman gen erator clogs up only one lamp is out and that for a m om ent only, while an extra “U nit Gas P ro du cer” is inserted. M ADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 9 S No. 9 R This is our latest invention in its simplest form. All lamps of our entire Junior series embracing Nos. 13, 15, 17, 90 and 130 are built on this as a base. W e prefer the lamp in its No. 13 form, having pipe support, properly incased with finished tubing and shells. In many places however a less expensive Rod Hanger is entirely satisfactory. Our cast iron hook and ceiling clip are constructed so lamp cannot turn when the valve is being operated. These lamps can never be suspended by the hollow wire. Price Lamp No. 9 (less mantles, globe or shade) $ 10.00 Rod Hanger 12 in. long and Ceiling Clip (plated) .30 For each extra foot in length...................................... .06 F or eq u ip m en t of m antles, shades and globes see sh eet (99) S: 3 M antles No. 41, 1 G lobe No. 78 R: 3 M antles No. 4 1, 1 S hade No. 77 ( 28 ) Junior Series Nos. 9, 13, 15, 17, 90, 130 Many Styles of Lamps Are Obtainable from each of the above numbers by the use of different shades and globes. All lamps use three “Junior R a g” Mantles and one additional for each chandelier arm added. Ten Years Successful Experience in designing and manufacturning gasoline lamps have enabled us finally to produce what we believe to be “The Ultimate Lam p.” Every principle involved— we have already proved by years of success. Successful Gasoline Lamps Cannot Have curves or angle turns in the generator or valves of cast brass or pack ing nuts in very hot places. Avoid also taper-thread ed joints requiring use of pliers to take apart, Ger man silver burner caps for inverted lamps, and vital parts that are hard to get at and clean. Successful Gasoline Lamps Must Have straight tube gen erator that can be opened up at each end. Built up valves, phosphor bronze stems and pack ing nuts removed from intense heat. Ground joints on all vital parts requiring only a wrench to take apart. Burner Caps made the Coleman way that last years instead of months. All vital parts accessible, very easy to clean and renew filler wicks. Lamp No. 9 and the Entire Coleman Line are honestly made in accord with every well established principle. Price Complete, Plants (Mantles, Globes and Shades not included) No. 9 one-light system, 3 gallon tank $26.00 Each additional No. 9 Lamp, 25 feet wire tube, 4 unions brazed on and threaded tee ..........$13.00 Rod hangers and ceiling clip supports for same— one foot long 30c; each extra foot 6c. MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas No. 7 T.—30 0 Candle Power Our great residence lamp. It lights from the floor and brilliantly illuminates a room of ordinary size. It uses any globe or shade with a 5-inch fitter and is made only in three lengths as follows. Price, 24 inches long (less mantles and globe) $9.00 Price, 30 inches long (less mantles and globe)...... 9.24 Price, 36 inches long (less mantles and globe)...... 9.48 E q u ip m en t T: 2 No. 41 M antles. 1 No. 3 0 8 G lobe F. or H .F. O rd ers filled w ith frosted globe unless otherw ise specified. For prices of eq u ip m en t see S heet (99) (29) No. 7 Lamp The Success of the Coleman “Unit Gas Producer” which is used on Lamp Nos. 13 to 18 inclusive has created a demand for a residence lamp made on the same principle. The No. 7 Lamp Has Been Built to Meet This Need. It is extremely simple and has all of the advantages of the unit gas producer with the permanent features of other Coleman lamps. The gas producer is the only part subjected to extreme heat but will last many years. It is instantly removed from the lamp when, after long use, it becomes necessary to clean it. This Lamp is Lighted from the Floor thus making it unnecessary to climb up to it. It is usually sus pended with the bottom of the lamp 6 to 8 feet from the floor. It fastens to the ceiling by a screw plate which prevents it from swinging or getting out of place, this plate is concealed by the canopy. One of the Most Convenient Features of the No. 7 Lamp is Easy Access to the Gas Tip. The burner slips up the stem of the lamp and remains out of the way as long as desired. This does not injure the mantles and the generator is not disconnected from the supply wire. The No. 7 Has All the Desirable Features Found in the Newest Gasoline Lamps and we regard it as one of our very best. Its Strong Points Are: The Unit Gas Producer Lighted from the floor Quickly generated No smoke or smell Durability of all parts Gas tip easy of access Noiseless in operation Beauty of design Graceful outline. Will not collect dust. We Have Given Great Thought and Care to the construc tion of the No. 7 lamp and believe it is as nearly perfect as it is possible to make a lamp. Agents are finding it popular and a good seller. We know of no other residence lamp having so many good points. MADE ONLY BY THE COLEMAN LAMP CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 7 The No. 7 has more good features than any lamp ever made for residence use. Note the simplicity and small number of its parts. (30 ) No. 7 Lamp PRICE LIST OF PARTS: Generator W ick and rod (754) .............................................................$ .20 Generator Tube and W ick (750-754)................................................. 1.00 Generator Jam nut (702½ ).........................................................................20 Valve Com plete (751-52-16)................................................................... 1.60 Valve body only (751).............................................................................. 1.20 Valve stem and nut (752-16).......................................................................40 Gas Tip (718)......................................................................................................40 Unit Gas Producer (702½ -16-18-50-51-52-54)................................... 3.20 Ceiling Canopy (747)......................................................................................40 Ceiling Plate (743)...........................................................................................40 Upper Casing (740)...........................................................................................60 H ickey com plete (748)...................................................................................40 Ball Canopy Upper Half (742)...............................................................20 Ball Canopy Lower H alf (749).............................................................. 30 Canopy Screw (731).........................................................................................04 Casing below hickey (739).................... 70 Burner Complete (760).............................................. 4.50 Burner Tube (724).............................................................................................20 Burner Caps and Screen (723-25)........................................................... 40 Air Intake Tube (711)....................................................................................20 Air Regulator (711½ ).....................................................................................20 Crown (758)..................................................................................................... 1.00 Shade Holder Screws (728).........................................................................04 To Light Lamp— Fasten the Torch to a Stick of Proper Length, leaving room for the valve nut between torch and end of stick. Saturate the Torch with Wood Alcohol and after lighting, hook it to the generator above the washer found over the packing nut (716). See that torch holder takes its proper position around the nut on the bottom of valve stem (752) so that a turn of the lighter will open the valve. Let it Burn from 30 Seconds to one minute then turn lighter slowly and mantles should light from the flame of the torch. MADE ONLY BY THE COLEMAN LAMP CO. W ichita, Kansas TH E CO LEM AN SYSTEM No. 7 W The No. 7 lamp has proven so popular for residence lighting that we carry a large line of fancy shades for it. Shade No. 311 illustrated above can be furnished plain or etched with and without fringe. Price 24 inches long (less mantles and globe) $9.00 E qu ip m en t W : 2 No. 41 M antles, 1 No. 311 S hade For prices on eq u ip m en t see S heet (99) (31) Number 7 W Lamp “A Little in Front o’ the N ext” is just as true of our number 7 as any other Coleman Lamp. For the money it costs there is no residence lamp made that combines so many good features. The No. 7 Lamp Has Another Advantage over many styles offered by competitors and that is its small number of parts. This is an important item and should be carefully considered when comparing prices. Another lamp costing less may be the most expensive in the end. After selling this Lamp for over a Year we find it giving satisfactory service in hundreds of homes. Many agents report it as the greatest seller of any sys tem lamp they ever handled. We admit that it has been one of the most popular lamps ever offer ed but the No. 7 must divide with No. 11 the claim for preference as a residence light. Some people prefer one style and some the other. We Can Now Supply a Large Variety of fancy shades and globes both with and without fringe for the No. 7 lamp. This adds to its desirability and enables the dealer to offer a large selection of styles. MADE ONLY BY THE COLEMAN LAMP CO. W ichita, Kansas T H E C O LEM A N SY STEM No. 18 L G O ur regular No. 18 store lam p fitted with shade and globe. W ind and Bug proof. Just w hat you w ant near the outside door. Price, 24 inches long (less equipm ent).................$ 1 2 .0 0 For each 6 inches increase in length add ........... .2 6 Equipment LG.: 2 No. 40 Mantles. 1 No, 73 Shade 1 No. 69 Globe. 1 No. 180 Globe Holder For prices of equipment see Sheet (99) (36) Number 18 L. G. Lamp At Certain Seasons of the Year and in some states we have had a demand for a store light with better bug and wind protection than our No. 18 V. To Meet This Need we offer No .18 L. G. as combining these features as well as being a handsome fix ture. It will stand a strong draft and with metal shade would burn in rain or storm. No. 18 L. G. is practically the same as our No. 180 except that it has a porcelain shade instead of the double enameled steel shade intended for outside use. It is a splendid lamp for Hotel offices, Corridors or any place more or less exposed to outside drafts or cold air. The heavy globe is the same as used on our No. 180. The Globe Holder, held in place by a set screw, has a hinged door in the bottom which opens when gen erating the lamp. This door makes it impossible for millers or beetles to destroy the mantles. MADE ONLY BY THE COLEMAN LAMP CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 18 U This makes a good fixture for churches, schools and lodge halls, as well as for general store use. Price 24 inches long (less equipment) $12 00 For each 6 inches increase in length a d d .26 E q u ip m en t U: 2 No. 40 m antles, 1 No. 303 globe O rd ers filled w ith frosted globe unless otherw ise specified. F or prices on eq u ip m en t See S heet (99). ( 37 ) N um ber 18 U L am p M any U sers of O ur No. 18 L am p p re fe r a globe to th e 16-inch shade. W here th e lam p is exposed to m uch d r a f t it b u rn s a little ste a d ie r w ith a globe and w ith a globe th e m an tles a re b e tte r p ro tected fro m b u g s in th e sum m er tim e. W hen th e No. 18 is E quipped w ith Globe it m akes a splendid ch u rch fix tu re and does not cost quite a s m uch as th e ju n io r series lam ps. I t is a p opular lam p fo r lig h tin g public halls, school buildings and places w h ere a b rillia n t lig h t is desired. We K now of No L am p a t th e price w hich is so dependable o r will produce th e q u a n tity of illu m in atio n t h a t can be secured w ith o u r No. 18. T his L am p w as O ffered to th e T ra d e d u rin g th e fall of 1911 and th e u n ifo rm s a tis fa c tio n it h a s given causes us to recom m end it w ith o u t reserv e. L ike all Colem an L am p s it is fu lly g u a ra n te e d b u t its sim p licity a lm o st m akes a g u a ra n te e u n n e c essa ry . MADE ONLY BY TH E COLEM AN LA M P CO. W ic h ita , K a n s a s THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 18 V The best all purpose store lamp made. Price, 24 inches long (less mantles and shade) For each 6 inches increase in length add $ 12.00 E qu ip m en t V. 2 No. 40 M antles. 1 No, 304 S hade For prices of eq u ip m en t see S heet (99) ( 38) .26 Number 18 Lamp W e Recommend the No. 18 as the Most Satisfactory all pur pose store lamp on the market regardless of price. W h ere its strong light is an objection the No. 17 is sometimes preferable in drug or jewelry stores. In Most Stores Where a Strong Light is Desired for the best display of merchandise the No. 18 can’t be beat. It will burn 24 hours on one gallon of gasoline. It uses less fuel than our No. 33 upright mantle lamp and gives more light. It produces a light equal to the Coleman Boulevard Lamp which out-shines the electric Arc. It also throws the light down and casts no shadow. W h en placed 10 feet from the floor it lights up an area of 25 or 30 feet in diameter. In Construction the No. 18 Lamp is similar in principle to No. 13 bu t is a larger, b ett e r lam p designed for heav y d u ty work. It cannot be enlarged into chandeliers but has the same convenient type of generator which can be removed without disturbing mantles or glassware. T he body of the lamp will last a lifetime as there is nothing to burn out or wear out. T he generator may have to be replaced after a few years’ use. Its cost is trifling. No. 18 turns on and off from the floor, uses two large heavy rag mantles, and is usually equipped with our extra large 1G inch shade. T he fitter is 6 inches in diameter and when used with globe, either clear or opal, it is know n as No. 18-U. W ith bo th shade and globe it is listed as 18 L. G. Before Placing this Lamp in Our Catalog We Gave It More Then Six Months’ Use u n d er adverse condi tions. Tim e h as proved our claim t h a t “ T h e No. 18 regardless of price is th e best all purpose store light made.” MADE ONLY BY THE COLEMAN LAMP CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM Study the construction of the No. 18 and note its simplicity. Nothing to get out of order. Generator removed in an instant when necessary to clean it. ( 39 ) Number 18 Lamp T he No. 18 Lam p While Similar to the Junior Series (Nos. 13, 15 and 17) and also resembling the Senior series (Nos. 12, 14 and 16) should not be confused with these lamps. Repair parts for the No. 18 must be ordered from the following list: Price List of Parts : Generator Wick and Rod (1876).............................$ .20 .16 Asbestos T ubular W icking per foot ................. Generator Tube only (1874)............................................80 Valve Complete (1875-77-16-10).......... 1.50 Gas Tip (1818)........................... 40 Valve Stem and N u t (1877-16)......................................... 40 Unit Gas Producer, complete (1802½ -10-13-1618-74-75-76-77) ............. 3.00 Canopy (1889) .........................................................................40 Ceiling Plate (1843)................. 24 Iron Pipe H a n ger (1837)........... .10 Casing (1840) ......... .20 Hickey (1835) .......................................... 21 Ball Canopy (1841-42)...................................... .50 Iron Pipe below Hickey (1834).......................................10 Casing below Hickey (1839)...... .20 Heat Deflector (1895)............. 9. 0 Ornamental Crown (1863)....................................................40 Burner Tubes (1824)...... .20 Burner Cap and Screen (1823-25)................................ 40 Generator Union N u t (1802½ ) ....................................... .20 Globe H older Body Shell and Screws (1828-33 63) .......... 1.20 T o L ight L a m p — Fasten the Torch to a Stick of Proper Length, leaving room for the valve nut between torch and end of stick. Saturate the Torch with W o od Alcohol and after lighting, hook it to the generator above the washer (1810). See that torch holder takes its proper position around the nut on the bottom of valve stem (1877) so that a turn of the lighter will open the valve. L et it B u rn from 30 Seconds to one minute then turn lighter slowly and mantles should light from the flame of the torch. MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. Wichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 180 The No. 18 outside lamp is called No. 180. This is our most serviceable outside lamp except the Coleman Boulevard Lamp. Storm and bug proof. Wind can’t extinguish it. Turns on and off from the ground through a door in globe support. Price com plete,(less globe, shades and m’tles) $12.50 E q u ip m en t: 2 No. 40 m antles, 1 No. 71 D S h ade, 1 No. 305 globe F o r p rices of e q u ip m e n t see S h e et (99) (40) Number 180 Lamp The No. 180 Lamp is Constructed to Meet the Need of an Outside Light having greater efficiency and higher candle power than the No. 90 R. G. The No. 180 Lamp is More than Simply an Outside En trance Light, it is also adapted to general use in the most exposed places for exterior lighting. W hen Extended by the Use of a Long Arm from a Building, Post or Tree, where pressure tank can be convenient ly located, the No. 180 lamp will light up a street corner nearly as well as the Coleman Boulevard Lamp. This feature makes it especially useful in front of Stores, Hotels, Churches, Opera Houses and places where an abundance of light is needed. It Will Last a Lifetime. The ventilator hood is made of solid sheet copper and the double shade of white enameled steel. T he inside parts are all brass ex cept the iron pipe hanger which is covered with brass casing. It uses two large extra heavy mantles the same as the Coleman Boulevard Lamp. The No. 180 is Absolutely W ind Proof, Rain Proof, and Bug Proof. W e have tested it in a 70 mile wind and it is not affected by extreme cold weather. It is easily lighted and turned off from the ground. It is a thoroughly reliable lamp under all conditions. MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 1 A No. 1 F This was the original hollow wire inverted lamp. It is still a better lamp than our imitators have succeeded in producing. They have copied our design but in try ing to cheapen cost of production have always made inferior lamps. Next to our latest inverted single mantle Lamp No. 11, the No. 1 Lamp excels all single mantle hollow wire lamps. PRICE LAM P FIXTURE No. 1 Lamp, for wire support, length 18 inches. .....$6.40 No. 1 Lamp, casing support, length 24 inches...... 7.20 For each 6 inch increase in length...................................20 P rices do n ot include m antle, globe or shade, See S h eet (99) E q u ip m en t A : 1 No. 40 M antle. 1 No. 60 G lobe E q u ip m en t B: 1 No. 40 M antle. 1 No. 61 G lobe P rices C om plete P lants O ver (41) Number 1 Lamp For Hollow Wire Systems F IV E Y E A R S ’ SUCCESS TO ITS CR ED IT Here is the simplest of all gasoline L am ps. It is perfect in mechanical details. The Lamps put in use five years ago, are still giving the best of service. The wicks have been changed every two years, but that is easy when lamps are made in the Coleman way. 300 C A N D L E P O W E R This is actual candle power. O ur competitors ad vertise lamps less brilliant as 500 candle power. Lamp No. 1 will light beautifully 400 ft. of floor space or a room 20x20. 30c A M O N T H One gallon gasoline supplies one light for 60 hours. In a home the average cost of a three light plant is 30 cents a month during the winter s e a s o n ; less in summer. LE SS T R O U B L E T H A N O IL LA M PS Fill tank once a month, pum p in a few strokes of air once a week— th a t’s all. Lam ps always ready to light. Each lamp turned on or off independent of the others. No chimneys to clean, no wicks to trim. SM A LL IN V E S T M E N T (Mantles and Globes included.) One light s y stem w ith 2-gal. t a n k ................... $20.70 Add for each No. 1 Lamp, 25 ft. wire tubing, four unions brazed to wire and threaded tee ............................................................................. 9.30 Add fo r 5-gallon ta n k in place of 2-gal. t a n k 3.20 Add f o r 8-gallon ta n k in place of 5-gal. t a n k 1.60 Casing, canopy and ceiling plate to make 24-in. lamp ......................................................................................80 Add for each additional 6-in. length............................ 20 MADE ONLY BY THE COLEMAN LAMP CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM CORRECT PRINCIPLE, RIGHT CONSTRUCTION No. 1 LAMP 107—Nine inch gen erating space. 108— T u b u la r wick with solid center, easy to put in and take out. Ground joints between generator valve and gas tip. 118—Gas Tips, easily removed, easily cleaned. 102—Valve close to feed where it can shut off quickly and control flow of vapor perfectly. 111 ½ —Air regulator to control air supply, insuring perfect combus tion and a clean mantle. 123—The C o le m a n Patent Burner Caps last years where others last months. M A N U F A C T U R E D O NLY BY HYDRO CARBON CO. W ICHITA, KANSAS (43) Number 1 Lamp Price List of Parts Generation Wick (108) ........................... $ .20 Asbestos Tubular W icking, per ft .16 Center Rod (109) for Tubular W ick ............................05 W ire Gauze Screens (113), per doz..............................16 Generator Tube and Wick (107-8-9)......... 1.20 Valve complete (102-3-13-16-19)............................... 1.20 Valve Stem and Nut (103-116)..................... 40 Valve Stem only (103).................................... .32 Gas Tip and Feed Nozzle (118).....................................40 Generator Tube Valve and Gas Tip (tested).... 3.20 Heat Bell (104)................... 4. 0 Air Regulator (111½ ) ............................. 2. 0 Burner Cap complete (123-5).......................................... 40 Burner Cap and Tube (122-3-5).................................... .50 Crown Screws (128) three...................................... .10 Crown Globe support with Screws........................ 1.20 Lighting Torch (asbestos f o r k ) . .................................. 2. 5 Cleaning Pick No. 7............................ .10 H ow to Light Lamp Place the torch, saturated with alcohol, around the gas tip 118. Light torch and let burn low before opening valve. As you open valve hold torch still lighted under the mantle. Use match if torch has burned out. It’s Easy to Keep the Lamps in Order Should Lam p fail to give a good light, first, see that gasoline is in tank, the pressure 15 to 20 lbs, the valve open leading to wire tube, and that the air regulator on Lamp is open. T hen look to the gas tip (118). T he lower part of Lamp is suspended to the gas tip. U nthread this, remove g a s tip and clean the orifice with No. 7 pick. After long usage it will be necessary to unthread the valve from generator; pull out the old wick and insert a new one. T h a t is all. It requires no special skill. MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 10 B No. 1 F Lamp No. 1 F is equipped with a white enamelled steel shade and is a favorite for many business purposes. There is no glassware to break and the simplicity of con struction makes it easy to care for. It is a splendid light producer. Lamp No. 10 B is Lamp No. 1 equipped with a Pro tecting Hood. This is desirable whenever lamp is to be used in an exposed place. W hen thus equipped it will burn out of doors in all ordinary weather, but is not recommended as entirely storm proof. For porch light ing where lamp is much exposed to heavy winds we suggest the use of lamp 110 F Q or No. 90 R G. .................... $8.00 Price, No 10 Lamp, wire support Price, length 24 in. as illustrated............................. 8.80 For each 6 inch increase in length............................ .20 Price No. 1 Lamp, less casing.............. 6.40 P rices do not include m antle, globe o r shade. (44) See sheet (99) SAMPLE OUTFIT A s “Seeing is believing” our most successful agents use a sample outfit. Case is 8x20x16 and holds several styles of lamps, supplies, etc. N othing w ill so quickly convince a prospective purchaser as showing him the am ount and quality of light p r o duced by a Coleman System. T H E C O LEM A N No. 11 A SY STEM No. 11 C For lighting hom es here is the ideal lam p. W hy get along with com m on oil lam ps w hen you can get this 400 candle pow er light at less cost. T hen too its easier to care for. No wicks to trim, no sm oke, no smell, no danger of explosion, no harm done if fuel runs dry. Be sides all this its a handsom e fixture and lends a finished appearance to the room. P R IC E No. 11 Lam p, 18 inch long wire su p p o rt................ $ 8 .0 0 No. 11 Lam p, 24 inch long casing as in cut 8 .8 0 F o r each 6 inch increase in length .............................2 0 Prices do not include mantle, globe or shade. See sheet (99) Equipment A: No. 40 Mantle, No. 60 Globe Equipment B: No. 40 Mantle, No. 61 Globe Equipment C: No. 40 Mantle, No. 62 Shade (45) W hy Lamp Number 11 Excels All For Home Lighting 1. Great Brilliancy All that is required to illuminate beautifully the larger rooms of the house. 2. Very Little Noise No more than a gas light. This is a great improve ment over other lamps now on the market. 3. Easy to Light The generating of the Lamp to light same has been so simplified that it ceases to be an objection. Then, too, this Lamp can be “turned low” if desired and thus made an “instantaneous lighter.” 4. All Vital Parts Instantly Accessible By loosening the screw stem (1151), the entire lower part of Lamp is instantly removed with no injury to globe or mantle. The gas tip or feeding nozzle is then wholly exposed. It can be removed and cleaned in a m om ent’s time. 5. Very Little Cleaning Required Generator W icks last an average of two years and the gas tip seldom clogs on account of the trap, in the valve just below the generator, to catch foreign par ticles. Price Complete Plants (less m antles, globes or shades) No. 11, one-Light System, with 3-gallon tank. .$24.00 Each extra Lamp, including 25 ft. wire tube, four unions brazed to wire and threaded tee 11.00 F or casing support to make 24-in. fixture add.... ..80 For each 6-in. increase in length of fixture add .20 For 5-gallon tank in place of 3-gallon, add 1.60 F or 8-gallon tank in place of 3-gallon, a d d .............. 3.20 M ADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 11 E No. 11 Z T he No. 11 Lam p when equipped with fancy glass ware as illustrated makes a very beautiful fixture. For subdued light and artistic effect w e recommend No. 11 E or No. 11 D. It is suitable for parlor or reception room. For brilliant illumination use No. 11 Z. This is fine for the living room and dining room. PRICE NO. 11 LAMP With casing support as illustrated................................ $8.80 For each 6 inch increase in length................ .20 P rices d o n ot in clud e m antle, o r shade. See sh e et (99) for list an d prices of eq u ip m en t. E q u ip m en t E: No. 40 M antle an d No. 65 S hade E q u ip m en t D: No. 40 M antle an d No. 63S hade E q u ip m en t Z : No. 40 M antle an d No. 98 S h ad e (46) The Coleman Hollow W ire System The Best Lighting System For the Home It Is Inexpensive to Install.— Cost is less than one-third that of an acetylene plant and less than one-fourth a cold process gas machine. It Costs Next to Nothing to Operate.— 30 cents a month will light the average home, and 50c a month a large house. Oil lamps would cost more, acetylene six times as much, electricity 10 times as much and with none of these would you get near the amount of light as with the Coleman system. The Coleman System Is the Least Trouble.—Just fill the tank once or twice a month and then pump in a few strokes of air once or twice a week— th a t’s all. Each Lamp is independent of the others and always ready to light. The Coleman System Is F ar the Safest.— Every year hu n dreds of acetylene plants blow up, demolishing houses and killing their occupants. Thousands of Coleman systems are in use and they have never ex ploded, destroyed a home, or killed anybody. Elec tric wires get crossed and cause countless fires. Thir teen per cent of all fires are caused by overturned oil lamps. Gasoline stove fires are of almost daily occurrence, but the Coleman system has a clear rec ord. The Coleman System Gives the Best L ight.— Both in qual ity and quantity. T he mantle on a Coleman Lamp becomes perfectly incandescent and nearest to sun light. A proof of this is that all colors are revealed same as in day-light. W h en it conics to quantity.— well, the Coleman Light throws a shadow from all the rest. T h e y are not in the same class. M ADE ONLY BY THE COLEMAN LAMP CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM NO. 11 LAMP, EXCLUSIVE FEATURES P aten ted July 2 6 , 1 9 1 0 1 1 0 8 - -1 109—O b serve that the filtering wick is an asbestos tube with rod center to prevent p a c k in g and to make it easy to replace. Note the perfection of the valve construc tion. Built up of solid bar brass. See the pocket b e l o w the generator w i c k to catch impurities, thus preventing the gas tip 1118 from clogging. Ground joints are used to attach valve to generator and gas tip to valve. Wrench with outfit only tool needed to take all apart. Burner, M a n t l e, Globe a n d Crown Holder are instantly detached from valve by turning stem 1151. No danger of break ing mantle. Thus it requires less than 10 seconds to re move the gas tip for cleaning should some particle clog orifice. No. 1129 is th e patented mixing chamber. It muffles the noise, mixes air and vapor better and thus produces a better light. For list of parts an d prices see o th e r side M A D E O NLY BY THE HYDRO-CARBON CO., Wichita, Kansas (47) Price List of Parts Number 11 Lamp Generator Wick (1108) ......................................$ .20 Center Rod for W ick.. .05 Tubular A sbesting W ick, per foot . .16 W ire Gauze Screws, per doz .... .16 Generator Tube and W ick (1107-8-9) 1.20 Valve complete (1103-16-42)..................................... 1.50 Valve Stem and Nut (1103-16).................... .40 Valve stem only (1103) .................................................... 30 Gas Tip or Feed N ozzle (1118) ................................ .40 Generator Valve and Gas Tip (tested ) 3.50 Heat Bell (1104)................................ 40 Air Regulator (1111 ½ ) ................................ .20 Supporting Screw (1151) .20 Burner Cap and Connection ......................... .48 Burner Cap (1123-25) .40 M ixing Chamber (1129-19) ........................................ .80 Bunsen Tube (1122)...............................................................2 0 Lighting Torch .....................................................................25 Cleaning Pick ........................................................... .10 To Light Lamps Place the lighting torch, saturated by dipping in al cohol, around the support rod (1112). Light the torch, let it burn nearly out. then open valve (1103) at the same time hold the torch still lighted at the bottom of globe. Make sure the air regulator ( 1 1 1 1 ½ ) is regulated for brightest light. To Care for Lamp Be sure you have gasoline in tank— 15 to 20 lbs. pres sure, the tank feed valve open, and the air regulator open at lamp. If you fail to get good light remove lower part of lamp by loosening stem (1151). T hen remove g as tip (1118) and clean orifice with pick No. 7. Replace tip and test flow through same. W h e n putting on a new mantle always blow dust out of burner cap (1125). After long use remove valve from generator and put in a new wick. MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No 110 F Q The outside Lamp of No 11 series; 400 candle power, 1/3c. per hour. Storm proof. A great success. Price No. 110 Lam p..................................................... $ 1 0 .8 0 P rice does not include m antle, sh ad e or globe. S ee sheet (99) E q u ip m en t F. Q : No. 40 M antle, No. 67 S hade, No. 97 G lobe (49) Outside Lamp Number 110 For Use with Hollow Wire Systems A Unique Lamp This Lamp stands in a class by itself. No other m a n u facturer has anything to compare with it. It is the only successful single mantle outdoor Lamp, and is just the thing for porches and lawns. Storm Proof Not only for wind, but also for rain. Observe fur ther that there is no inside globe to break and give trouble. Beware of all outdoor gasoline Lamps that must use an inner g lo b e ; they are an endless source of expense and annoyance. Bug Proof In some climates bugs and insects swarm around outside lamps by the million. T o prevent injury to mantles, same must be well protected as they are in this Lamp No. 110. Fool Proof Not all of us are mechanics and the best of us do fool ish things sometimes. It is well to have a lamp that is more than “ easy to repair.” It should be “ hard to get out of repair.” Lam ps Nos. 11 and 110 are of this kind. Price Complete Plants (less m antles, globes and shades.) One light system with 3-gal. ta n k ...........................$26.80 One Lamp, 25 ft. wire, 4 unions brazed and one tee .......................................................................... 13.80 For prices of equipment see sheet (99). MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. Wichita, Kansas THE CO LEM AN SY STEM No. 2 F FLA A low-priced store light of great efficiency. Simple, effective, brilliant, economical. Similar to No. 1, but a double burner. Lamp No. 2 (less shade and m antles)....................$8.00 For casing support to make 24 in. fixture .80 For longer fixtures, each 6 in. increase .................. 20 F. L. A. (Floor Lighting attachment complete). 1. .20 See E q u ip m en t prices sheet (99) F: 2 No. 40 m antles, 1No. 67 shade (50) N um ber 2 L am p A W onderful L ight P roducer.— Lam p No. 2 is certainly a brig h t one. It uses tw o standard size “ R ag ” m antles and is rated at 800 candle power. T his lam p has been im proved this season by changing the m ix ing cham ber to correspond w ith th a t of lam p No. 11, except th at the No. 2 has a double outlet to th e burners. T h is change has muffled the noise and at the same tim e furnished the m eans of attaching a very substantial globe support. An Inexpensive F ixture.—T o secure great results on a small investm ent the No. 2 Lam p cannot be excelled. T his lam p in constructive features is a com bination of our No. 1 and No. 11. T h e casing hanger, gener a to r valve and gas tip are sim ilar to the No. 1, while the m ixing cham ber and burners correspond to the No. 11. T he No. 2 Lam p is therefore no experim ent. It is a proven success, built on principles th a t have stood the “test of tim e.” L am p E quipm ent Is S ubstantial.— All No. 2 lam ps are de signed to be equipped w ith w hite enam elled steel shade No. 67 and tw o ‘R a g ’ m antle No. 40. T here is therefore no glass to break in the regular equip m ent of this fixture. W hen desired to protect m antles from bugs an inexpensive screen, No. 70, can be a t tached to shade by clips No. 68. Shade No. 67 is al w ays used on this lamp. T he F loor L ig hting A ttach m en t can be attached to any No. 2 lamp. N ote the fact th a t our construction gives a central chain pull and does not pull the lam p o u t of plum b. I t can be used on lam ps having w ire sus pension as well as casing support. Price Com plete P la n ts (less M antles, Shades and G lobes). No. 2, one light system , 3 gallon ta n k .................. $24.00 Each extra lam p including 25 feet w ire tube, four unions brazed to w ire and No. 17 tee.. 11.00 F o r casing support to m ake 24-inch fixture, add .80 F o r each 6-inch increase in length of fixture, add .20 F o r F loor L ig h tin g A ttach m en t, com plete, add 1.20 F o r 5-gallon tan k in place of 3-gallon, a d d 1.60 F o r 8-gallon tank in place of 3-gallon, add ............3.20 T h e H y d r o - C a r b o n C o ., W i c h i t a , K a n s a s T H E C O LEM A N No. 2 F G SY STEM No. 2 0 F G W e believe Lam p No. 2 is the best ever produced at the price. It is especially recom ended to those w ho w ant a sim ple low -priced lam p of great candle pow er that can be dep en d ed upon for long continuous service. Equipm ent F. G. as illustrated gives splendid satis faction everyw here. T he large globe is supported from the bottom securely and gives full protection to the mantles. Prices quoted include globe holder. In cold, w indy places the No. 20 is recom ended as the generator tube is fully protected by the ventilator hood. No. 2 Lam p and globe h o ld er.................. $ 8 .4 0 No. 20 Lam p and globe h o ld er.............................. 1 0 .0 0 Casing H angers (ceiling plate, canopy and 6 in. c a sin g ).......................... 80 Each 6 inch increase in casing hanger ................ .2 0 Shade and mantles not included. See price sheet (99) (51) Number 2 Lamp and Number 20 Lamp For U se in Partially Exposed Places.— Lamp No. 20 is recommended. As equipment use shade No. 67 and globe No. 69. The ventilator hood is necessary to keep the generator hot in windy places and the globe for m antle protection. For all interior lighting, un less lam p is subject to very strong air currents, the No. 2 is the better lamp to use. For Summer Pavilions, Tents, Stands, Small Shows, etc., the No. 20 lamp has long been used with much suc cess. O ur larger globe and improved globe holder make this lamp ideal for the purposes named. The Low Cost of Operation for lamps Nos. 2 and 20 never ceases to be a wonder to those who use them. T w o cents for 800 candle power three hours is certainly cheap light. No business can afford to get along without brilliant illumination with this proposition before them. T he first cost is so low and the cost of operation so small that the investment never fails to be returned in larger profits. To Get the B est Results in Store Lighting place the lamp high up in the room. The shade then reflects the light over a large floor space. By using the floor lighting attachment the lamps can be operated just as easy as if lower down. The lighting torch is at tached to a handle so same is readily placed on lamp from the floor. Price Complete Plants (less M antles, Shades and G lobes). No. 2. one light system, 3 gallon tan k $24.40 No. 20, one light system, 3 gallon t a n k .......... 26.00 Each additional No. 2 Lamp, 25 feet wire, four unions brazed on and No. 17 tee ................ 11.40 Each additional No. 20 L am p as above 13.00 F or Floor L ighting Attachm ent, a d d ................. 1.20 F or 5-gallon tank in place of 3 gallon, a d d .......... 1.60 For 8-gallon tank in place of 3 gallon, a dd ......... 3.20 M ADE ON LY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas TH E C O LEM AN SY STEM No. 2 Sectional View Note that the construction is similar to the No. 1 Lamp as to vital parts, generator, valve and gas tip. The air intake (211) and bunsen tube (222) are larger. O b serve the patent noise muffler and mixing chamber (217). This same muffler is used on Lamp No. 11 in single burner form. To this mixing chamber is attached the globe holder (246) by means of rod (236). Always use white enameled steel shade. (52) Number 2 Lamp Price List of Parts— Generator Wick, complete (208-09) $ .20 Asbestos Tubular W icking, per foot .16 W ire Gause Screens (213), per dozen .16 Generator T u b e and Wick (207-8-9) 1.20 Valve, complete (202-3-16-13)...................... 1.20 Valve Stem and Nut (203-16) .40 Valve Stem only (203). .32 Gas T ip (218) Generator T ube Valve and Gas Tip (tested) 3.20 Heat Bell (204)... .40 Crown Globe Holder (A226-8).. 1.20 Crown Holder Screws (228), three .10 Bunsen Tube (A222) .25 Mixing Chamber (A 217-9) 1.00 Mixing Chamber Plug (A 219) .10 Globe Holder Rod and Plug (236).. .20 Globe Holder (246) .20 B urner Cap, Screen and Nipple (223-5-7) .25 L ighting T orch (Asbestos Fork) .25 Pick for Cleaning Gas Tip .10 To Light Lamps— Place fork lighting torch saturated in alcohol around gas tip (218). T hen light same. W h en torch has burned low, open valve (203) at the same time applying lighted torch below mantles or apply match if torch has burned out. T o Care For L a m p — Observe that the lower part or lamp is suspended from the gas tip and is quickly un threaded from s a m e ; thus leaving all vital parts ac cessible. If a lamp fails to give a good light the cause is alm ost sure to be in part (118). This gas tip is attached to valve by ground joint and requires but a m om ent to remove and clean with pick. T his rarely occurs and is easily remedied. W h e n putting on a new mantle it is well to blow the dust out of the burner cap. M ADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 101 A A fine bracket lamp similar in construction and operation to No. 11 A. Recommended for use in low ceiling rooms. Very easy to install and operate. E qu ip m en t A : 1No. 40 m antle, 1 No. 60 globe Price, 12 inches long (less mantle and globe) $8.80 Price, 18 inches long (less m antle and globe) 9.00 No. 101 Z Same as 11 A except that this is equipped with our famous prism shade No. 98, which has a remarkable power of diffusing light throughout the room. Price, 12 inches long (less mantle and shade) $8.80 Price, 18 inches long (less mantle and shade) 9.00 E qu ip m en t Z : 1 No. 40 m antle, 1 No. 98 shade F or price of eq u ip m en t see S heet (99) (53) Number 101 Lamp The M ost Successful Lamp in the W orld in modified form. In the whole field of residence lighting no Lam p has ever been produced that excelled our No. 11. Lamp No. 101 is the No. 11 Lam p in bracket form. In Many Offices, Desk and Table Lam ps are needed. These are usually arranged around the walls of room. This Bracket Lam p attached to wall just above the desk is most satisfactory. L am p No. 101 is furnished either 12 in. or 18 in. long. In Shops and Factories an Abundance of Light on the benches is a paying investment. T he No. 101 Lam p puts the light right where it will do the most good at a remarkably low cost. In L ighting H om es Lamp No. 101 is a Favorite for use in bed rooms, in the kitchen and in the cellar. It is the only L am p to use in all places where it is more con venient to attach the L am p to the wall than to the ceiling. M ADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 102 A This is the chandelier type of our great residence light, the No. 11. It is No. 101 bracket lamp made into a two arm chandelier and has all the valuable features of the No. 11 and No. 101 lamps. Price complete (less mantles and globes) $18.00 For each 6 inches increase in length of stem add......................................................................................26 E qu ip m en t A : 2 No. 40 m antles, 2 No. 60 globes F o r prices of eq u ip m en t see S heet (99) (54) Number 102 Lamp W e Recommend the No. 102 Lamp for parlors and large living or dining rooms. It H as the Same Convenient D evice as Our No. 11 for re moving lamp head from generator should it ever be come desirable to open up gas tip. The No. 102 H as the Improved Muffler m aking it noiseless and when equipped with frosted globes gives a strong but soft light which makes it an extremely desirable residence lamp. The No. 102 Lamp is Especially Adapted to a Large Living Room where five or six persons can easily work or read under its rays. It Is a Beautiful Fixture, and has an elegance about it that will add dignity to any home. It is a popular style with those who are willing to buy the best. Either one or both lamps m ay be used at one time as de sired. To Light and Care for Lam ps follow the instructions shown on sheet (47) illustrating the No. 11 Lamp. MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas T H E C O LEM A N SY ST EM No. 3 3 B—6 0 0 C an d le P o w er T he efficiency of Lam p No. 33 has never been questioned. For five years it has been the great store light—the acknow ledged leader am ong all upright m antle lamps. T he curved arms insure the highest candle power. Price, for wire supp ort................ $ 1 0 .8 0 Price, 24 in. with casing ............. 11 .6 0 For each 6 inch increase in length........................... .20 Prices do not include mantle and globe. See Sheet (99) N um ber 33 B L am p O ur L a te s t H a rp F ra m e L am p, w ith th e Qg Globe. I t is know n as No. 33B. It produces a stro n g powerful w hite light. T h e Chronic K icker says, “ I t ’s too b rig h t.” T h a t’s the only th in g he can find to kick about. I t H as N ine Inches of G enerating Space while the old style lam ps have but three inches. T he No. 33 L am ps do not need the w icking rem oved so often because there is so m uch m ore of it to take up th e im p u ritie s in th e gasoline. T he N ew Style V aporizer is in the U pper R ight A rm of the F ix tu re w here there is no sm all hole to clog up. R em em ber th a t all im purities of the gasoline are deposited a t the point of vaporization. Im prove m ents in the b urner and the curve in the fram e have g reatly increased the brilliancy of this lam p. It also goes out in stantly w hen tu rned off, th u s leaving the m antle clean. T he L am p is E asily C hanged F rom One L ocation to A n other if re-arrangem ent of store or room m akes this desirable or necessary. N ew D esigns M ay A ttra c t and other lam ps outsell but the No. 33 has m any friends who will buy no other. MADE ONLY BY TH E COLEM AN LAM P CO. W ic h ita , K a n sa s T H E C O LEM A N SY STEM 33 A 33 C Lamp No. 33 A, using large globe is preferred by m any to the 33 B, which uses the Qg Jena Globe. No. 33 B gives the brightest light as the glass is thinner and obstructs the light to less extent. W ith a metal chimney to protect the generator No. 33 A will burn successfully in a strong wind. No. 33 C uses a large mica chim ney and so has no glass to break. A brass spinning fits over mica chim ney and connects with the chim ney extension. Thus equip ped, lamp will burn in strong wind and even stand much rain. Price, Lamp No. 33....................................................$ 1 0 .8 0 Price, with casing support....................................... 11.6 0 For each 6 in. in excess of 24 in .......................... .2 0 Prices do not include globes, mantles or chimneys. See sheet (99) (56) Number 33 A Lamp This Lamp W hen Equipped with Metal Chimney extension will burn perfectly in a wind or strong draft. Some Prefer This Shape of Globe and it also produces a softer light than the Q g globe. W hen Placed Above a Desk or where it is in the constant line of vision, this style gives splendid satisfaction. W e Regard O ur No. 33 as the best lamp made of the u p right mantle type. The Curved Gas Arm offers so little resistance to the vapor that 50% more light is obtained than with other low pressure lamps. W icks are easily removed. It is easy to operate. A four light system can be lighted in less than two minutes. Number 33 C Lamp The No. 33 Lamp with a Mica chimney is known as No. 33C. W ith the M etal Extension it will give good service even where subjected to sudden drafts or changes of tem perature. The No. 33 H as a V aporizing W ick to absorb impurities in the gasoline and a filtering wick to prevent the gas tip from becoming stopped up by dust particles, nine inches of wicking while most lamps have a wick about three inches long which soon becomes dirty. For these reasons this lamp will burn longer w ithout attention than any similar style on the m ar ket. It Gives a Strong, Pow erful L ight and is a heavily nickeled fixture, suitable for a store or public building. M ADE ONLY BY THE COLEMAN LAMP CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM N o . 3 3 is m ade r i g h t . Simple and easy to handle. Gas oline Vaporizes in tube 6. Turn ed on by valve 14. Filters in tube 7. Feeds through gas tip 18 and follows curved tube 22 to burner 38. Use S p e c i al Heavy B u rn e r Cap and Colem an Loops M a n t l e w ith C e n t e r P o st Support. Sectional No. 33 B Every feature that makes a successful lamp is em bodied in the construction of our No. 33. It has never been excelled by any other upright mantle lamp. All parts are constructed so as to be easily taken apart to clean and replace wicks when needed. (57) Number 33 Lamp Price List of Parts: Generator W ick ...............................3306-6½ ........... $ .20 Cleaning Plug ................ 3310..............................20 Valve complete ...............................3311-14-16........ 1.00 Valve Stem and N u t .................... 3314-16...................... 40 Valve Stem only. ......................... 3314.................. .32 Filter Wick and Screen ............3307-13 ......................15 Filter T ube and W i c k .................3323-7 ............... .65 Gas Tip ........... 3318.................... .40 Filter Tube, W ick and Gas Tip complete 1.00 Valve, Filter Tube, W ick and Gas T i p ................. 2.00 Air Bell ............ .................................... 3319.. .32 Smoke Bell (brass nickeled)....... 3339-40 ......................40 Supporting Screw E y e ......................3309....... 1. 5 Drain Screw ........... ...3337 1. 5 Burner complete ............................... 3338 B & C 1.00 B urner Cap ........................ ...3338 C ....................... .4 0 Lighting P a d . ...................................... TO L IG H T L A M PS Be Sure That Valve 3314 on lamp is turned off tight and gasoline supply valve on tank is open. After Saturating the A sbestos Pad with Alcohol place it on top of the globe and apply a match. Allow it to burn 30 or 40 seconds, then open valve and lamp should light from torch. If blaze goes out before you turn on valve use a match to light the lamp. To Fill Tank, Rem ove Filler Plug, pour in gasoline using strainer funnel, then replace filler cap, screwing it up tight. P u m p up to 15 or 18 lbs. pressure and close air valve. MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 26 B The very best lamp of this type it is possible to produce, but not equal to our No. 33. We recommend the No. 26 to those who want the best there is at a low price. All brass construction, finished in fine oxydized copper, regularly equipped with Qg Jena Globe. Price, without casing support............. $8.80 Price, length 30 in. as illustrated............................... 9.60 For each 6 in. increase in length .................................... 20 Prices do not include m antle and globe. See sheet (99) (59) Number 26 Lamp W ith the Exception of Our No. 33 Lamp we regard the No. 26 as the best lamp of the tubular type on the market. W hen we put the No. 33 Lamp on the market we had a lot of parts made up for the No. 26 which have since been assembled. A s we find ourselves overstocked on this lamp we will make a special price upon application. It costs less to make the No. 26 than the No. 33 and we are also sacrificing some of our profit to reduce the stock. If you w ant a high class light at a low cost write at once for special prices good only until present stock is exhausted. The No. 26 is a Strong, W ell Built, Durable Lamp and the price should not be compared with that usually asked for inferior lamps. T he No. 26 has heavier tubing, larger fittings, a burner tube scientifically constructed to increase the candle power and a better burner. Ask for Our Special Proposition on One and T w o Light System s using N o. 26 lamps and a two gallon tank. This is a snap for any one looking for the best serv ice at low cost. Agents can make big money selling these where people think they cannot afford a larger plant. MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM No. 26 A No. 26 E T Lamp No. 26 B uses burner No. 1 .7To ½ accom modate large globe No. 81 as illustrated attach Beacon Globe Holder Ring. To use chimney No. 90 and shade No. 100 as illustrated in Lamp No. 26 ET, attach Beacon Prong Holder to the No. 17 ½ Burner. Globe No. 81 may be ordered either clear or frosted. The frosted globe gives the most pleasing effect and softens the light making it easy on the eyes. For the best illumination use No. 26 B or 26 ET. Price, wire support, length 24 in $8.80 Price, with casing support, length 30 in .......... 9.60 For each 6 in. increase in length......................................20 Prices do not include m antle and glassw are. See sheet (99) (60) Number 26 Lamp In Parts of the Country W here Our Inverted Styles of Coleman System Lam ps are not well known m any people, because of the satisfaction given by our tu b u lar frame lamps, continue to purchase them. T he only styles of this type that we expect to manufac ture in the future are the No. 26 and No. 33 Lamps. The No. 26 Lamp because of its sim plicity will always find a ready sale and the No. 33 lamp will be sold to those who are willing to pay a little more for a better lamp. In Construction the No. 26 Lamp is Made of H eavy Brass Tubing much better than is usually put into tubular frame lamps. All threads are cut with geometric dies and perfectly true. Silver solder is used in all joints and every part accurately made, assembled and thoroughly tested before leaving the factory. Finished only in fine oxidized copper. W here a Strong Light for the Sm allest Possible Investm ent is wanted and where a fancy fixture is no object the No. 26 lamp is recommended. T h e same five year guarantee is given with the No. 26 as with our other lamps. It is an economical lamp to use and supplies are easily obtained. A s W e H ave a Large Stock of No. 26 lamps on hand we will make a special quantity price on application. MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas THE COLEMAN SYSTEM 3 Gallon 8 Gallon Regular sizes 2, 3, 5, 8 and 10 gallon. The Coleman System Tanks have long been known for the good quality of the material from which they are constructed, they are all carefully made in our own factory and will be found extremely durable. P rices on b ack of this S heet. (96) Price List of Tanks and Gauge Only: 2 3 5 8 10 Gallon Gallon Gallon Gallon Gallon T a n k holding 1½ T a n k holding 2 T a n k holding 3 T a n k holding 6 T a n k holding 6 gallons gasoline....$ 7.90 gallons gasoline.... 9.50 gallons ½ gasoline. .. 10.70 gallons gasoline.... 12.30 gallons gasoline.... 13.50 Price L ist of Tank A ccessories: No. 1 P u m p (for 2 and 3 gallon ta n k s ) .................$3.20 No. 0 P u m p (for 5 and 8 gallon tanks). ............. 3.60 No. 00 P um p (for 10 gallon ta n k ) .......................... 4.00 F unnel (Special with detachable s train er) .50 .40 W re n ch (Machined to fit all n u ts ) ............... Air Gauge (E x tra good q u ality)..................... 3.20 A M istake is Som etim es Made by Trying to U se a Tank of too Sm all Capacity. For instance, a three gallon tank may be successfully used with three No. 1 lamps but is not large enough for three No. 18 lamps. It Is Therefore W ise to B uy a Tank of Am ple Size. You do not then have to fill or pum p it up so often or buy a new tank if you should w ant to add one or two lamps to your plant at a future time. A small tank requires frequent attention if all or most of your lamps are in constant use. W hen Finished Every Tank is Subjected to a T est of 100 lbs. to the square inch. It is then put into stock with the air gauge at 30 lbs. and when shipments are made the slightest leak is quickly detected. This is w hy all of our tanks go out in perfect condition. MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas T H E C O LEM A N SY STEM W ire C onnections W e have illustrated above the wire connections in most general use. Num bers 20 and 21 are new con nections with nail plates attached and are convenient in holding union to position while stretching wire. All our connections are m ade of heavy solid brass, standard size and fitted with universal threads. This feature of our connections will be appreciated by repair men and any one who has tried to use con nections m ade by some m anufacturers whose unions fit only their own systems. For prices see back of this sheet (97) Price L ist of C onnections: No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 13 J (ja m b )......................................................... $ .03 13 N ( n u t) ....................................................................05 13 or No. 13B (b lin d ).................. .08 1 or No. 1B (b lin d )................................................... OS 7 (Sleeve C oupling)................................................... 03 8 (Couples two No. 13).............................................16 14 (E ll C onnection)................................................. 1C 15 (C orner tee 3 w a y )...............................................24 16 (T ee w ith drop 4 w a y )............................ .28 17 (T ee 3 w a y )........................................................... 20 24 (C ross 4 w a y )....................................................... 24 No. 113 (2 w ay having No. 13 d ro p )............ .32 813 (3 w ay having No. 13d ro p ).................... .40 1713 (4 w ay having No. 13d ro p )............................48 20 (Ell w ith nail p la te )........................... .32 23 (C ross w ith drop 5 w a y ).................................. .48 21 (T ee w ith m il p la te )...........................................40 Price L ist of W ire T ubing, Casing, E tc .: W ire T u b in g per foot .......................................... .06 B razing Connections to tubing, each ...... .12 Casing per f o o t...................................................................40 Canopies to cover ceiling p la te ...................................... .40 Canopy or Ball to cover hickey.................................... 50 Ceiling P lates .................................................................... 24 Iron Pipe per foot.................................. .12 H ickey ...................................................................................24 H o o k s .............................................. .... ..20 Price L ist of Gas T ip s: No. 1 for Lam p No. 1, 11, 101,102table lamps.... ..40 No. 2 for Lam p No. 2..................................................... 40 No. 3 for Lam p No. 13, 9, 90.........................................40 No. 4 for Lam p No. 33 and 36.....................................40 No. 5 for Lam p No. 15, 12, 18,180, B ’v’d Lam p .40 No. 6 for Lam p No. 16................................................... 40 No. 7 for Lam p No. 17.......... ................................... .40 MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON W ic h ita , K a n sa s CO. T H E C O LEM A N SY STEM C O N D E N S E D P R IC E L IS T O F L A M P S NO. OF LAMP Price of 24 inch Lamp canopy c a sand i n g NO. OF LAMP only ceiling plate No. 1.. ...............$ 6.40 $7.20 No. 101 (12 in.) ...... 8.80 No. 102....................... 18.00 No. 10.............. 8.008.80 No. No. 11 ........ 8.00 8.80 No. 110....... 10.80 No. 2__ 8.00 8.80 No. 2 with Att.. 9.20 10.40 No. 20...... . 10.00 10.80 No. 26.............. 8.80 9.60 No. 33.............. 10.80 11.60 No. 36.............. 18,00 No. 37.............. 32.00 ....... Price of 24 inch Lamp Lam pcasing canopy and only ceiling plate No. 9................. $10.00 $ ........... No. 90............... 12.80 ...... No. 13.. 11.20 15 16.00 No. 17........................ 19.20 No. 18.......................... No. 180............. 12.50 ...... No. 8................ 11.60 ...... No. 80....................................... No. 12 ......................... 11.20 No. 14............ 16.00 No. 16 ........................ 19.20 No. 7........................... 9.00 Prices do NOT include mantles, shades or globes. prices see Sheet 99 For these N ote— W hen a lam p is m ade both w ith and w ith o ut casing the price will be found in both colum ns. See lam p No. 1. W hen lam ps are m ade only in one style the price is show n in the proper column. See No. 101 m ade only w ith casing and No. 110 m ade only w ithout casing. Above prices are the same prices as shown on preceding pages. T O F IN D C O ST O F A C O L E M A N L IG H T IN G SY STEM . Select the lam ps desired from the above list and add the prices shown to the cost of the distributing system of proper size, which will be found on the back of this sheet. T his will give you the cost of a system less m antles and glassw are. T o this add the cost of m antles, globes or shades necessary to com plete the lamps, which prices are shown on sheet 99 or current price card. You will then have the total cost of a system figured on a basis of 25 feet of hollow wire per lamp. If you need m ore wire than this add 6 cents per foot for the extra am ount used. (98) Distributing System T h e se p rices in clu d e ta n k , p u m p , g au g e, fu n n e l, w ren ch , c o n n e c t ing te e s an d w ire tu b in g (2 5 ft. fo r ea ch lam p to b e u se d ). A ll tu b in g is c u t to o rd e r an d a u nion co n n ectio n b raz ed on ea ch en d of ev ery p iece. NO. OF LIGHTS 1 lig h t s ys t e m . 2 ' ' 3 4 " 5 " 6 " 7 8 9 10 “ 11 12 “ To price of " " " " ..... 2 gallon 3 gallon 5 gallon 8 gallon Tank Tank Tank Tank 10 gallon Tank $ 13.90 $ 15.50 $ 17.10 $ 18.70 16.4 0 I8 .00 19.60 21.20 $ 20.30 22.80 2. 50 22.10 24. 60 27.10 29.60 23.70 26.20 28.70 31.20 33.70 25.30 27.80 30.30 32.80 35.30 36.20 37.80 38.70 40.30 42.80 45.30 47.80 D istributing System add price of lam ps, m antles, shades and globes. Experience shows that 25 feet of tubing is about the average am ount used for each lamp in a system. T he above table is therefore figured on this basis. In filling orders we charge for the actual number of feet used as this is more satisfactory to all. T o determine wire measurements, mark on the ceiling where the lamps are to hang, decide upon loca tion of tank and measure from tank to nearest lamp, or branch connection if there is to be one between tank and the nearest lamp. Next measure from lamp to lamp but do not include drop wires. Give us the height of the ceiling and we will add enough to your wire m easurements to m ake drops of proper length. W e braze on all union connections and send you the system complete. A n y intelligent workman can easily h a n g the lamps and connect the wires. MADE ONLY BY THE HYDRO CARBON CO. W ichita, Kansas M AN TLES, G LO BES AN D SH A D ES T h e f o llo w in g p a g e s g iv e p r ic e s a n d i l l u s t r a t i o n s on all m antles and glass ware used on Colem an Lighting Systems. In a d d itio n to c a r r y in g a fu ll lin e o f e q u i p m e n t for all styles of Coleman Lam ps we handle a great variety of mantles, shades and globes that will fit lam ps m ade by other com panies. Let us know w hat you w ant and w e will sup ply you if possible. BREAKAGE A ll g l a s s w a r e is p a c k e d in t h e m o s t a p p r o v e d m a n n e r by experi enced men. It can be sent by freight, express or parcel post. Breakage must be borne by purchaser unless receipt showing dam age is sent us in which case we are usually successful in getting claim allowed. TERM S Liberal discounts are given from list prices and unless you have an account with us cash should be sent with all orders. T h e C o le m a n L a m p W ic h ita , K a n s a s 101 C o . No. 40 Coleman Rag Mantle S tan d ard for all inverted gasoline lights. U sed on C olem an System L am ps Nos. 1, 2 10, 11, 12, 18, 20 101, 102, 110 and 180. T h ese m antles are extra heavy w eave an d sp ec ially coated for gasoline lam ps. W e believe they are th e b est m an tle to be obtained an d t h e m o s t e c o n o m ic a l to No. 40 Large Coleman Rag Mantle N o. 40 L arg e C o lem an R ag M an tle Price per doz. . . . buy. $2.40 No. 41 Junior Rag Mantle A b o u t one half th e size of No. 40, b u t of the sam e high quality. U sed on the C olem an R eading L am p, A ir-O L ite S eries and C ole m a n S y s te m L am ps Nos. 7, 9, 13, 15, 17 and 90. T h ese m antles are m ad e to conform to c e r t a i n specifications an d are m uch b etter th an th e ch eap er m an tles generally offered to th e tra d e . Price per doz. No. 41 Junior Rag Mantle . . . $1.80 No. 44 Coleman Loop Mantle N o. 44 C olem an L oop M antle M anufactured esp ec ially for hollow w ire system lam ps. It has w on d erful strength and lasting qualities. U sed on C o le m a n L am ps Nos. 26, 33, 36 and 37. It has alw ays been our policy to supply our custom ers w ith the best m antle to be obtained at the price quoted. W e do not carry all of th e cheap m antles to be found becau se som e of them are high at any price. Price p er doz. $3.00 No. 45 Coleman Cap Mantle Sam e quality as No. 44 b u t m ade w ith coat ed w ire support. T he best one to be obtained for gasoline lam ps using a cap m an tle. T h e w ire s u p p o r t will not b u rn out and because of its d u rab il ity it is often used on natural gas. T his has long been one of o ur m ost reliable m antles. P rice p er doz. $3.60 N o. 45 C olem an C ap M antle 102 No. 47 H. C. Special Mantle For years this has been the standard for A rc p ressu re l a m p s and high p ressu re sys tem gasoline lam ps. W e think it is im pos sible to p ro du ce a b e t ter m antle at any price. P rice p er doz. $4.00 No. 48 H. C. Extra Mantle N o. 47 H . C . M antle T h e H. C. E xtra m an tle is the sam e as H . C. Special except th at it is som ew hat heavier. Both m antles are five inches in length and fit the s t a n d a r d sized G erm an S ilver c a p s used on arc p ressu re lam ps. P rice p er doz. 4.20 No. 49 Gas Special Mantle M anufactured to m eet the requ irem ents of gas b urners. It is h ardly heavy enough for the strong p ressu re of gas oline lam ps. It is a splendid m antle at a low price. T h e re is a vast d iffer ence b etw een a good m antle at a cheap price and a ch eap m antle at a good price. No. 49 is a good m an tle honestly m ad e and gives th e b est service of any m antle w e ever h an dled at th e price. P rice p e r doz. $2.00 N o. 49 G as S p ecial M an tle N o. 6 0 I n v e r te d G lo b e Can be furnished in clear, frosted or half frosted. It is standard size for single mantle inverted gas or gasoline lamps. Packed one dozen in a package 6 dozen in a case. Each - - 20c No. 60--33/8in. Fitter, 5 in. Diam. N o . 6 1 I n v e r t e d G lo b e Can be furnished in frosted and half frosted only. On account of the larger diameter many prefer this globe to No. 60. It gives a larger appearance to the lamp and makes a better looking fixture. Each - - 40c No. 61--33/8in. Fitter, 6 in. Diam. N o. 6 2 In v e rte d S h a d e Can be furnished in plain opal or green with white lining. This is a good shade over desks or reading table. Because of the wide flare, heat does not crack them. Opal Each 40c Green Each 80c No. 62--33/8in. Fitter, 7¾ in. Diam. 103 N o. 6 3 F a n c y C o lo re d G lo b e w ith F r in g e Specify colors wanted. Can be furnished Opal trimmed in ruby, yellow & black. Ruby trimmed in black & opal. Green trimmed in black & opal. Yellow trim med in black & opal. Without fringe it is No. 64. No. 63 33/8in. Fitter, 6 in. Diam. Each $2.50 No. 6 4 F a n c y C olored G lo b e W ith o u t F ringe Same as No. 63 without fringe. Each $2.00 No. 65 Fancy Etched Globe With Fringe A handsome sh ad e without bright c o lo rs and one of our best sellers. Each - $2.00 No. 6 6 Fancy Etched Globe Same as No. 65 without fringe. Each - $1.50 No. 65 33/8in. Fitter, 6 in. Diam. N o. 6 7 S te e l E n a m e le d S h a d e Also furnished in burnished alu minum. Used on Lamp Nos. 1,2, 11 and 20. Enameled Steel, Each - $1.20 Aluminum, Each .80 No. 67-3 3/8 in. Fitter, 12 in. Diam. No. 68 Clips, for attaching No. 69 globe per set - .40 N o. 6 9 C lear G lobe Used in connec tion with shades 67, 71 or 77. Also used with globe holder on lamp No. 18 L G. Each - $1.80 No. 69-4 in. Lower Fitter, 9 in Upper Fitter N o . 71 S t e e l E n a m e l e d S h a d e Used on No. 18. It eliminates all breakage. No. 71--6 in. Fitter, 16 in. Diam. No. 71, Each . . . . No. 71 Double, used on No. 180, Each 104 - $2.00 3.50 No. 73 Opal or Aluminum N o. 73—6 in. F itter, 14 in. D iam . S tand ard for all lam ps using 6 inch fitters. A good shade for No. 18 A lw ays used on No. 18 L. G. O pal E ach $1.80 B urnished A lum inum , E ach 1.00 No. 74 Opal or Green N o. 74--4 7/8 in. F itter, 10 in. D iam . S tand ard for old style C olem an R eading L am p; also used on No. 7 and Junior Series. No. 74, O Plain O pal, E ach $ .80 No. 74, G Plain G reen, E ach 1.80 N o . 7 5 A r t G la s s S h a d e No 75--5 in. Fitter, 12 in. Diam. Genuine Art Glass of finest quality. Used on Coleman Reading Lamp, No. 7 and Junior Series. No. 75 A Green and Amber, Each $7.50 No. 75 B Green and Pink, Each 7.50 No. 75 C Pink and Amber, Each 7.50 N o . 7 7 S te e l E n a m e l e d S h a d e No. 77—5 in. Fitter, 14 in. Diam. No 77 is used on all system lamps having a 5 in. fitter. E a c h ......................................................... $1.80 No. 77 Double Used on No. 90, Each 3.00 105 N o. 7 8 G lo b e F r o s te d o r H a lf F ro s te d No. 78—5 in. Fitter, 8 in. Diam. Standard for Junior series. Can also be used on Cole man R ead in g Lamps and all styles using a 5 in. fitter except No. 7. When ordering be sure and spec ify frosted or half frosted. Each - $1.20 N o. 81 O p a l o r C le a r G lo b e For upright mantle lamps, 3 in. fitter, 7 ½ in. diam., used on No. 33 A, Each $1.00 N o. 8 5 B o u le v a rd G lo b e For C olem an Boulevard Lamps. These globes are made espec ially for us of clear glass unus ually tough. For this reason we have very little breakage and re c o m m e n d them for any street light using same size fitter. Height 12 ½ in. Each - $2.80 No. 85—6 in. Lower Fitter, 12 in. Upper Fitter N o. 9 2 Q G O p a l J e n a G lo b e There is nothing bet ter than No. 92. It is the best quality im ported and is used on No. 33 and many sim ilar lamps. It has long been the standard g l obe for Coleman harp lamps. Each $ .50 No. 93 Q G Opal American make Each $ .40 No. 92—2 in. Fitter. 5 in. Diam. No. 94 Q G Clear American make Each $ .40 No. 95 Q or Q B Opal Jena Globe, standard for most sys tems except Coleman, Each $ .40 No. 96 Q Opal American Globe, same shape as No. 95 Each .30 No. 97 C Clear Globe for No. 110 lamp, Each - N o. 9 8 Prism S h ad e with metal fitter. This is a splen did shade for general use on Lamps Nos. 1 and 11. It is the hollophane idea in a gas shade and is very popular. Each - $1.50 No. 98-3 3/8in. Fitter, 6½in. Diam. 106 .80 N o . 3 0 1 B e ll S h a p e S h a d e This is one of the best shades we have for the price. It is a handsome shade and has the appearance of costing much more than we ask. It is frosted, with a clear line design. No. 301--3 3/8in. Fitter, 6 in. Diam. We also have red shades of the same shape white inside. Both of these styles are heavy durable goods and are used on Nos. 1, 11, 101 and 102. Each $1.00 N o. 3 0 2 S tra w C o lo re d S h a d e This is a new shade similar to No. 63 except that it is one color. It is a lighter color than No. 63, has same colored fringe and is very popular for Nos. 1 and 11. Many pre fer this tint as it has the effect of soften ing the light in a room. It is a good shade to use on the chan delier arms of Nos. 15 and 17 w hen placed in residences. Each - $1.50 No. 302--33/8in. Fitter, 6 in. Diam. N o . 3 0 3 L a r g e I n v e r t e d G lo b e This G lo b e which can be furnished either frosted or half f ro s te d is the best one to buy for all lamps with 6 inch fitters. On account of the larger diameter it does not get as warm as the smaller sizes. No. 303--6 in. Fitter, 10 in. Diam. Each - $1.80 N o. 3 0 4 L a rg e In v e rte d S h a d e No. 304--6 in. Fitter, 16 in. Diam. This is an opal shade and is standard for No. 18 V. When used on this lamp the bottom of shade should come about 9 or 10 feet from the floor to secure the best distribution of the light. It is a very heavy durable shade. $1.80 Each 107 N o . 3 0 5 G la s s G lo b e No. 305— 4 in. Lower Fitter, 10 in. Upper Fitter. Standard for No. 180 Lamp. An exlra heavy durable globe. Each $1.80 N o. 3 0 6 “R a y o ” S h a d e No. 306—10 inch Dome Standard for "Rayo" Kerosene, also used on Air-O-Lite and Kerosene System Lamps. Plain Opal, Each $ .80 Plain Green, Each 1.80 N o. 3 0 7 R ib b e d S h a d e No. 307—10 inch Dome Standard for Air-O-Lite and Kerosene System Lamps. Ribbed Opal, Each $ .80 Ribbed Green, Each 1.80 N o . 3 0 8 I n v e r t e d G lo b e f o r N o . 7 Can be furnished frosted or half frosted. Standard for No. 7 Lamps, but not recommend ed for Junior series. It is a good globe at a mod erate price. Each - $ .60 No. 308—5 in. Fitter, 7 in. Diam. 108 No. 309 Wire Globe No. 309-3 3/8in. Fitter, 4 ½ in. Diam. T his is a p a t en ted article of considera ble m erit. T h e w ire gauze is coated w ith a h eat re sisting m aterial w hich m a k e s them very d u r able. T h ey are the b est thing on the m arket for p ro tecting m antles ag ain st insects. E ach - $1.00 No. 310 sam e as No. 309 fitted to th e A ir-O -L ite w hich can th en be used w ith or w itho ut shade. E ach - $1.10 No. 311 Etched Shade U sed on No. 7 an d Junior Series L am ps. T h is is a h a n d som e shade and an o rn am en t to any room . W hile in tend ed for Nos. 7 and 13 it looks w ell on Nos. 15 o r 17. It h as a 4 inch c r y s t a l fringe; a l s o furnished w ith o u t fringe. No. 311 E -5 in Fitter, 9 ½ in. Diam. W ith Fringe, E ach . . . . $3.50 W itho u t Fringe, E ach 3.00 N o. 3 1 1 F ro s te d S h a d e Same shape as No. 311 E but plain frosted in stead of etched. It is one of the best shades we carry a n d the cost p la c e s it within the reach of all. No. 31 1F—5in. Fitter, 9 ½in. Diam. With fringe Each - $ 1.80 Without fringe E a c h - 1.40 No. 311 shade, either plain frosted or etched, when used on Nos. 15 and 17 should be accompanied by No. 312 shade on the chandelier arms. Another good combination for Nos. 15 and 17 lamps is to use a No. 74 shade on the main burner and Nos. 301 or 302 on the chandelier arms. N o . 3 1 2 S m a ll F r o s t e d S h a d e This is a very neat shade for lamps Nos. 1, 11, 101, 102 and the chandelier arms on Nos. 15 and 17. It is the same shape as No. 311. but smaller and furnished only with 3 inch crystal fringe. Each - $1.20 No. 312 F—33/8in. Fitter, 6 in. Diam. 109 N o. 3 1 4 A F a n c y A -O -L S h a d e No. 314 A Opal Shade with crystal fringe and is decorated in green. It is usually regarded as the most handsome shade made for the Air-O-Lite. Each $6.00 N o. 3 1 4 B F a n c y A -O -L S h a d e No. 314 B Straw colored Shade with crystal fringe decorated in pale yellow. It has a green vine with pink flowers. Each $5.50 N o. 3 1 4 C F a n c y A -O -L S h a d e No. 314 C Opal Shade with crystal fringe, decorated in green and small red flowers. This is a very neat appearing shade, not over decorated and is reasonable in price. Each $4.50 N o. 3 1 4 D F a n c y A -O -L S h a d e No. 314 D Opal Shade with crystal fringe and decorated n green and purple. Each . . . $4.30 110 N o. 3 1 4 E F a n c y A -O -L S h a d e No. 314 E is a frosted shade with ten cut stars. A handsome shade. Each $5.00 No. 314 F Plain frosted, Each $3.00 No. 314 F without fringe, Each 2.50 N o . 3 1 5 A r t G la s s S h a d e No. 315—5 in. Fitter, 18 in. Diam. The most handsome shade of this kind we have found on the market. It is a beautiful shade on the No. 13 but can also be used on the No. 7 lamp. Each - $12.00 THE COLEMAN LIGHTS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN “A Little in Front o’ the Next” A nd they asked m e how I did it, A nd I gave them the Scripture te x t: "You keep your Light so shining A little in front o’ the next.” Theycopied all they could follow, they couldn't copy m y mind, A n d left I them sweating and stealing A year and a half behind. — K ipplin g T h e C o lem a n L a m ps Are Manufactured Only by The Hydro-Carbon Co. WICHITA, KANSAS T H E COLEM AN LAMP CO.. 1005 Summit St., TOLEDO, - - - - OHIO.