Guide to Exhibitors - Alternative Fuels Worldwide
Guide to Exhibitors - Alternative Fuels Worldwide
Official Guide to Alternative Aviation Fuels Suppliers International Paris Air Show 2013 Le Bourget In Cooperation With Organized By Sponsored By GUIDE OFFICIEL / OFFICIAL GUIDE Guide Officiel des Exposants du Pavillon International des Caburants Alternatifs BIENVENUE / WELCOME BIENVENUE / WELCOME Pour sa 50ème édition, le Salon International de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace est très heureux d’accueillir l’Espace International des Carburants Alternatifs Aéronautiques, qui avait rencontré en 2011 un très vif succès parmi tous nos publics.o L’ensemble de la communauté du transport aérien (constructeurs, compagnies aériennes, aéroports, centres de recherches) travaille depuis plusieurs décennies pour réduire l’empreinte environnementale de l’aéronautique. Les engagements pris par l’OACI en 2009, et par ATAG en 2010 témoignent de cette préoccupation constante. Les progrès accomplis sur les technologies et les procédures opérationnelles, qui reflètent l’exigence continue d’innovation qui est la marque de notre secteur, ont permis en 60 ans de réduire de près de 80% la consommation de nos appareils. Tout en poursuivant cette progression, notre communauté suit activement les développements réalisés dans le secteur des carburants alternatifs : il s’agit en effet d’un levier indispensable pour tenir nos engagements, et en particulier celui d’une croissance neutre en carbone à partir de 2020. Depuis notre dernière édition, les recherches, essais en vol, vol commerciaux incorporant une part significative de carburants alternatifs, se sont multipliés dans le monde entier : l’espace animé par Kallman et CAAFI reflète ce dynamisme. Pour permettre à nos visiteurs d’approfondir leur compréhension du sujet, Le GIFAS et la SIAE proposent en 2013 une exposition didactique « De nouvelles ailes pour Icare » qui permettra d’envisager toute la diversité des filières actuellement en développement, comme des recherches les plus avancées. Un parcours original et stimulant permettra d’éclairer les différentes questions techniques, économiques et environnementales qui sont ouvertes. Les différents partenaires de l’Espace International des Carburants Alternatifs Aéronautiques seront présents pour proposer à tous, professionnels et grand public passionné d’aéronautique, une vision actualisée d’un secteur riche de progrès constant préparant l’aviation de demain. A tous ceux que nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir sur notre Salon 2013, nous en souhaitons bonne visite! Emeric d’Arcimoles Président du 50è Salon International de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace 2 Guide Officiel des Exposants du Pavillon International des Caburants Alternatifs 2013 BIENVENUE / WELCOME The entire air transport community (manufacturers, airlines, airports and research centres) has worked for decades to reduce aviation’s environmental footprint. Commitments made by the ICAO in 2009 and the ATAG in 2010 illustrate this ongoing concern. Advances made in operating procedures and technology, reflecting the ongoing demand for innovation which characterises our sector, have helped reduce aircraft fuel consumption by nearly 80% in 60 years. In addition to continuing these advances, our community also actively follows developments in the alternative fuel sector. This plays an essential part in helping us respect our commitments, in particular our commitment for no increase in carbon from 2020 onwards. The amount of research and number of test flights and commercial flights incorporating a significant proportion of alternative fuel has grown exponentially around the world since our last show. Indeed, the Pavilion featuring Kallman Worldwide and CAAFI reflects this dynamic nature. We aim to help our visitors get a better understanding of the subject, which is why in 2013 GIFAS and Paris Air Show are offering an educational exhibition: “New wings for Icarus”. This display will introduce visitors to both the wide range of developments in progress and cuttingedge research. This original, stimulating exhibition will shed light on various current technical, economic and environmental issues. Our International Alternative Aviation Fuel Pavilion partners will be there to give aviation fans - both professionals and the general public - an up-to-date overview of this constantly-developing sector which is building the aviation of the future. To everyone who will be joining us at our 2013 Paris Air Show, enjoy your visit! Emeric d’Arcimoles Chairman & CEO of the International Paris Air Show THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 3 BIENVENUE / WELCOME For our 50th International Paris Air Show, we are pleased to welcome the International Alternative Aviation Fuel Pavilion which was a great hit with our visitors in 2011. BIENVENUE / WELCOME BIENVENUE / WELCOME Je suis heureux de vous accueillir, au nom de la CAAFI (Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative), sur l’Espace Carburants Alternatifs Aéronautiques du Salon International de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace Paris Le Bourget 2013. Nous sommes ravis de travailler aux côtés du GIFAS et de Kallman Worldwide Inc. et de vous présenter un panel de fournisseurs internationaux de matières premières et carburants aéronautiques alternatifs, de collaborateurs internationaux, d’universités et d’acheteurs de compagnies aériennes, assistés par des agences privées et multi-gouvernementales qui soutiennent l’objectif collectif d’une croissance durable neutre en carbone pour notre industrie. Au cours de ces cinq dernières années, la CAAFI, créée en 2006 par l’Administration fédérale de l’aviation des États-Unis (FAA), l’Association des transports aériens (ATA), l’Association des industries aérospatiales (AIA) et le Conseil international des aéroports - Amérique du nord (ACI-NA) ainsi que quelques 600 actionnaires, a servi de catalyseur pour le développement, le contrôle, l’acceptation environnementale, la qualification et le déploiement de carburants aéronautiques alternatifs durables. Nous sommes ravis de constater que la chaîne logistique des carburants aéronautiques alternatifs joue désormais un rôle moteur majeur dans la création, au sein des différents modes de transport, d’une nouvelle dynamique de développement des carburants durables. Des progrès majeurs ont été réalisés de plus en plus fréquemment à travers le monde. L’industrie est désormais prête à passer à l’étape suivante : un déploiement mondial majeur de biocarburants aéronautiques durables grâce à des partenariats privé / public forts dans toute les zones géographiques. L’Espace Carburants Alternatifs Aéronautiques présente les leaders et les produits des principaux producteurs mondiaux, chacun proposant des solutions uniques de production et de distribution de carburants aéronautiques alternatifs. Pour la première fois lors d’un salon sur les carburants aéronautiques, les producteurs et les acheteurs aéronautiques potentiels sont solidaires des intérêts universitaires et des intérêts des producteurs de matières premières. Pour la première fois à Paris, l’ensemble des partenaires internationaux ayant pour objectif le développement de carburants alternatifs sponsorisent le village. Ensemble, nous transformons collectivement le concept de carburant durable en une réalité viable. Chacun de nos exposants, par le biais des différents débats organisés, saisit cette opportunité de présenter ses idées, répondre à vos questions et discuter avec vous des différentes stratégies envisageables. Je voudrais remercier encore une fois le GIFAS, Kallman Worldwide Inc., nos exposants et animateurs et bien entendu vous-même, pour l’intérêt que vous portez à cette nouvelle composante de l’industrie aérospatiale mondiale. Nous sommes impatients d’assister à cette semaine au Bourget qui sera remplie d’idées productives et nous nous réjouissons de votre collaboration avec la CAAFI, le GIFAS et nos autres partenaires mondiaux afin de célébrer les progrès de l’aéronautique commerciale et de promouvoir un avenir encore meilleur. On behalf of CAAFI – the Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative – I am pleased to welcome you to the Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion at the Paris Air Show 2013. We are delighted to be working alongside GIFAS and Kallman Worldwide, Inc. to bring you a globally diverse group of international alternative aviation fuel and feedstock suppliers, international collaborators, universities and airline buyers, accompanied by multi-government and private institutions who are supporting the achievement of the collective goal of sustainable carbon neutral growth for our industry. CAAFI, formed in 2006 by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Air Transport Association (ATA), the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and the Airports Operators Council North America (ACI-NA) and nearly 600 stakeholders has served catalyst over these past five years in the development, testing, environmental acceptance, qualification and deployment of sustainable alternative aviation fuels. We are pleased that the alternative aviation fuels supply chain has achieved leadership status among transportation modes in the creation of a new sustainable fuel dynamic. Major developments and announcements are occurring with increasing frequency across the globe. The industry is now poised to move to the next level: Major global deployment of sustainable aviation biofuels via strong private / public partnerships in all regions. The Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion features the leaders and products of the world’s key producers, each of which has unique solutions for producing and distributing alternative aviation fuels. For the first time at an aviation fuels exhibition producers and potential aviation buyers are being joined by University interests and feedstock interests. For the first time in Paris, the full complement of international partners pursuing alternative fuels is sponsoring the Pavilion. Together, we are collectively turning the vision of sustainable fuel into a viable reality. Each of our exhibitors and the panels that have been organized welcomes the opportunity to present their ideas, answer your inquiries, and speak with you about potential paths forward. I would like to again thank GIFAS, Kallman Worldwide, Inc., our exhibitors and presenters, and indeed you, for your interest in this exciting new component of the global aerospace industry. We look forward to a productive week at Le Bourget and to your working with CAAFI, GIFAS and our other global partners to celebrate commercial aviation’s progress and to plan for an even better future. Sincerely, Richard Altman Executive Director Emeritus Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) Cordialement, Richard Altman Directeur exécutif émérite Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) 4 Guide Officiel des Exposants du Pavillon International des Caburants Alternatifs 2013 BIENVENUE / WELCOME Alors que le Salon du Bourget 2013 fête sa 50ème édition, nous célébrons nous-aussi, chez Kallman Worldwide, le 50ème anniversaire de notre société. Ces cinq dernières décennies nous ont incités à adopter une vision stratégique à long terme pour dessiner le futur de notre propre entreprise. C’est cette même vision à long terme que nous intégrons maintenant à notre travail avec l’industrie des carburants aéronautiques alternatifs. Nous sommes ravis de continuer à travailler en étroite collaboration avec nos partenaires que sont le GIFAS, la CAAFI, l’aireg, l’AiSAF et le Salon afin de promouvoir les carburants aéronautiques alternatifs comme partie intégrante du schéma général et de garantir ainsi une industrie aéronautique qui restera durable au cours des décennies à venir. Depuis le Salon de 2009, Kallman Worldwide s’est fait le porte-parole de l’industrie des carburants aéronautiques alternatifs, ici au Bourget. En 2009, notre discours concernait la faisabilité de la production de carburants de synthèse. Au Salon du Bourget 2011, nous présentions des avions alimentés par des carburants alternatifs qui, après avoir survolé l’océan Atlantique, apparaissaient lors du salon. Les progrès avancent à un rythme vertigineux. Quelques semaines seulement après le salon de 2011, des carburants aéronautiques alternatifs ont reçu officiellement la certification ASTM et sont depuis utilisés sur certains itinéraires commerciaux. Cette année, le principal sujet que nous aborderons sera de savoir comment, et quand, ces carburants pourront être produits en quantités suffisantes pour commencer à jouer un rôle significatif dans les vols commerciaux. L’Espace Carburants Alternatifs Aéronautiques vous donnera un aperçu des progrès mondiaux réalisés par cette nouvelle industrie dynamique. En plus des expositions, nous avons créé une salle de présentation qui abritera plusieurs débats en direct menés par des experts de renommée mondiale sur les thèmes de la fabrication, du contrôle, de la réglementation et du financement des carburants aéronautiques alternatifs. Ces séances sont ouvertes à tous et vous donneront l’opportunité d’interagir directement avec des responsables industriels qui seront là pour répondre à toutes les questions que vous vous posez. Une liste complète de ces présentations est disponible à l’accueil du Village et en ligne sur Pour finir, je vous présente personnellement mes cordiales salutations et vous souhaite chaleureusement la bienvenue. Je vous remercie de votre intérêt et j’espère que vous passerez un bon moment sur l’Espace Carburants Alternatifs Aéronautiques du Salon du Bourget 2013. Cordialement, Kallman Worldwide is proud to present the Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion at the Paris Air Show 2013. As the Paris Air Show celebrates its 50th edition in 2013, we at Kallman Worldwide celebrate our own company’s 50th anniversary year. These past five decades have conditioned us to take a long-term strategic view as we map our own company’s future, and we bring this same long-term view to our work with the alternative aviation fuels industry. We are pleased to continue to work in close cooperation with our partners GIFAS, CAAFI, aireg, AiSAF, and Salons to promote alternative aviation fuels as part of the overall drive to ensure an aviation industry that remains sustainable in the decades to come. Since the Paris Air Show 2009 Kallman Worldwide has brought the alternative aviation fuels industry’s message here to le Bourget. In 2009 that message addressed the feasibility of creating manufactured fuels. By the Paris Air Show 2011, we had planes powered by alternative fuels fly in from across the Atlantic Ocean to appear at the show. And developments have kept moving forward at a tremendous clip. Just weeks after the 2011 show, alternative aviation fuels received formal ASTM certification, and have since been used on a number of commercial routes. This year the main issue we are addressing is how – and when –these fuels will be produced in sufficient quantities to start playing a significant role in commercial flight. The Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion will give you an overview of global developments in this dynamic new industry. In addition to exhibits on the show floor, we have created a Presentation Theater where we will host a number of live discussions by world-renowned experts on alternative aviation fuels manufacturing, testing, regulation and finance. These sessions are open to all, and will give you an opportunity to interact directly with industry leaders who are here to answer whatever questions you may have. A full schedule of these presentations is available at the Pavilion welcome deck and online at In closing, I extend my personal best wishes and warm welcome to you, I thank you for your interest, and I hope you enjoy the time you spend at the Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion at the Paris Air Show 2013. Friendly Regards, President and CEO Kallman Worldwide 4 North Street, Suite 800 Waldwick, NJ 07463 USA Tom Kallman Président et PDG Kallman Worldwide THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 5 BIENVENUE / WELCOME Kallman Worldwide est fier de vous présenter l’Espace Carburants Alternatifs Aéronautiques au Salon International de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace Paris le Bourget 2013. INDEX DES EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITOR INDEX INDEX DES EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITOR INDEX Exhibitor Booth # / Kiosk Agrisoma 1 - H276 - I Airbus 1 - H276 - D Amyris, Inc. 1 - H276 - A Applied Research Associates (ARA) 1 - H276 - I and Chevron Lummus Global ASU - LightSpeed Solutions Axens Gevo, Inc. 1 - H276 - 1 1 - H276 - 3 1 - H276 - E International Air Transport Association (IATA) OFFICIAL SPONSOR Kallman Worldwide, Inc. Exhibitors’ Meeting Point LanzaTech 1 - H276 - G National Research Council Canada (NRC) 1 - H276 - I Sapphire Energy 1 - H276 - 2 Solena Fuels 1 - H276 - C TOTAL 1 - H276 - A Washington State University 1 -H276 - H 6 Guide Officiel des Exposants du Pavillon International des Caburants Alternatifs 2013 PLAN DU SALON / SHOW MAP Paris Air Show 2013 Plan Du Salon / Show Map Porte Awacs Gate Awacs e RN Porte Est East Gate 2 Tribune Hall Concorde - Espace Emplois Formations et RDV d’Affaires (18-20 juin) Concorde Hall - Trades Profession and Training Area + B2B Meetings (18-20 June) Navettes gratuites Villepinte Free shuttles Villepinte Centre de Presse Press center Chalet SIAE SIAE Chalet te y is a P nw u R Chalet GIFAS GIFAS Chalet BUS Espace Carburants Alternatifs Aéronautiques Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion Pavillon d’honneur Official pavilion P Porte L4 Gate L4 Chalet Privé P Chalet VIP VIP Chalet P Porte O Gate O SAMU Porte L3 Gate L3 P Navettes gratuites RER Gare du Bourget / Métro ligne 7 Free shuttles RER Bourget station/Metro line 7 Porte M Délégations Officielles Gate M Official Delegations P P P P Porte L1 Entrée parkings abonnés et visiteurs Gate L1 Pass holders and visitors parkings Entrance Navettes gratuites CDG & Porte Maillot Free shuttles CDG & Porte Maillot RD50 Entrée 5bis Entrance 5bis Sortie 4bis Exit 4bis Hosted By THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 7 ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION FLOOR PLAN ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION FLOOR PLAN Paris Air Show 2013 Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion Floor Plan Presentation Area TOTAL / Amyris Aisle 1-H276-5 1-H276-A Lectern ns xe A 63 27 1H Sa 1- 1H 27 62 1 H 27 6- A SU pp hi -L ig re ht Sp En ee er d gy Solena Fuels 1-H276-C Would like to thank 8 for their support of the Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion at the Paris Air Show 2013 Guide Officiel des Exposants du Pavillon International des Caburants Alternatifs 2013 U.S. PAVILION FLOOR PLAN NRC/Agrisoma/ARA/Chevron ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION FLOOR PLAN Paris Air Show 2013 Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion Floor Plan Partsbase Meeting Point 1-H276-I 1-H276-J 1-H276-F Conference Room Lanzatech 1-H276-G Gevo Airbus 1-H276-D 1-H276-E Washington State Univ. 1-H276-H THANK YOU IATA (International Air Transport Association) represents some 240 airlines comprising 84% of global air traffic. IATA is dedicated to supporting the entire air transport industry to reduce emissions of CO2. Alternative fuels, particularly sustainable biofuels, are one of the key elements in helping achieve this goal. IATA promotes and supports the global deployment of sustainable alternative fuels. CONTACT: Thomas Roetger, Assistant Director, Aviation Environment - Technology tel: +41 22 770 2898 | email: [email protected] THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 9 EXHIBITOR PROFILES Booth 1 - H276 - I _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2-202 Lantheir Drive Suite 327 Ottawa, ON K4A 0N6 Canada CONTACTS Patrick Crampton, VP Business and Product Development tel: +1 519-821-1459 | e-mail: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION Agrisoma Biosciences is commercializing a scalable, sustainable and economic feedstock crop for biofuel manufacturing. Resonance® brand energy feedstock grows well in traditional and semi-arid climates as a rotation crop or for double cropping. Resonance feedstock has proven benefits for biojet, with demonstrated efficiencies in manufacturing and significant reductions in emissions. ® Resonance is a Registered Trademark of Agrisoma Biosciences Inc. THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 11 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES Agrisoma Biosciences, Inc. Airbus, its logo and the product names are registered trademarks. With the A380, the sky is yours. It’s the quietest, most spacious cabin in the sky. And with the widest seats and aisles, even in economy, it’s no wonder passengers opt for the comfort of the A380 when given the choice. That means higher market share, higher load factors and higher revenues. Own the sky EXHIBITOR PROFILES Booth 1 - H276 - D _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Rond Point Maurice Bellonte Blagnac 31707 France website: CONTACTS Frederic Eychenne, Airbus New Energies Programme Manager tel: +33 561 185 099 | email: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION Airbus is a leading aircraft manufacturer with the most modern and comprehensive family of airliners on the market, ranging in capacity from 100 to more than 500 seats. Airbus champions innovative technologies and offers some of the world’s most fuel efficient and quiet aircraft. Airbus is an EADS company. EADS / Airbus collaborate with research partners around the world for developing and assessing innovative, ready-to-blend bio-kerosene solutions. EADS / Airbus especially address disruptive pathways and evaluate on both economical and environmental aspects their potential to meet the long term demand for aeronautic fuel. EADS /Airbus then leads global program connecting farmers, refiners and the end user (airlines) to form globally accessible alternative fuel “value chains”. EADS / Airbus’ alternative fuels strategy is based around being the catalyst in the search for sustainable solutions (meaning without competing with land, water). THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 13 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES Airbus Proven 100% Drop-in Biofuel Tested in Flight “One of 2012's 25 most important scientific events” - Popular Science Magazine For licensing information or inquiries contact Mr. Chuck Red at: [email protected] tel +1 (850) 914-3188 EXHIBITOR PROFILES Booth 1 - H276 - I _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 430 W 5th St. Panama City, FL 32401 CONTACTS Chuck Red, Biofuels Program Manager tel: +1 850-914-3188 | email: [email protected] Chevron Lummus Global Booth 1 - H276 - I _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2596 JJ The Hague, The Netherlands CONTACTS Bas Van Heeswijk | tel: 011 31 70 373 35 14 email: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION ARA and Chevron Lummus Global have developed the Biofuels ISOCONVERSION process, which produces 100% drop-in jet fuel, diesel, and gasoline. The low CAPEX and OPEX process converts any triglyceride or lipid into fuels that are virtually indistinguishable from their petroleum counterparts. A 100 BBL/day demonstration system will be operational this year. THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 15 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES Applied Research Associates, Inc (ARA) sunlight-to-fuel process sun EXHIBITOR PROFILES Kiosk 1 - H276 - 1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box 875402 Tempe, AZ 85287 USA CONTACTS Ellen B. Stechel, Managing Director of LightSpeed Solutions, Deputy Director of ASU LightWorks email: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION LightSpeed Solutions communicates exciting innovations for technologies on the roadmap to marketable and sustainable solar fuels. We are passionate about recycling waste CO2 as a feedstock to create liquid hydrocarbons using sunlight and brackish water. We aim to produce low carbon, scalable, and infrastructure compatible transportation fuels, initially hybridizing with natural gas and biomass. We can capitalize on cheap and abundant natural gas in the near term and avoid locking in a high-carbon future in the long term. Together we can overcome our urgent energy and climate challenges with sunlight to fuel solutions. website: THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 17 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES ASU - LightSpeed Solutions Your objectives in focus Make the most of today’s and tomorrow’s challenges with leading-edge solutions from Axens - Clean and alternative fuel technologies - Petrochemicals - Energy efficiency - High performance catalysts & adsorbents - Revamps Single source technology and service provider ISO 9001 – ISO 14001 – OHSAS 18001 EXHIBITOR PROFILES Kiosk 1 - H276 - 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 89 bd Franklin Roosevelt Rueil-Malmaison, 92500 France website: CONTACTS Corinne Garriga, Communication Manager email: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION Axens is an international provider of process Technologies Licensees, Catalysts, Adsorbents and Services (technical assistance, consulting) to the Refining, Petrochemical, Gas and Alternative Fuels industries. The main scope of Axens’ business is focused on the conversion of Oil, Gas, Biomass and Coal to fuels and major petrochemical intermediates. Improving the performance of our clients and helping them to be more successful constitute our only mission. To learn more about Axens visit THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 19 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES Axens Contact Glenn Johnston with Gevo at 720.267.8600 for more information on making renewable biojet fuel a reality. Our technology is proven and ready to go. Are you? READY. SET. GO. (Gevo is ready, give us the go) Powered by Gevo™ EXHIBITOR PROFILES Booth 1 - H276 - E _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 345 Inverness Drive South Building C, Suite 310 Englewood, CO 80112 USA website: CONTACTS Glenn Johnston, Executive Vice President tel: +1 720-267-8600 | email: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION Advanced biofuel for aviation isn’t just a far-out laboratory concept. For Gevo®, it’s a reality. Gevo is now developing biobased kerosene jet fuel (ATJ) derived from renewable isobutanol to help the military and airlines meet their low-carbon objectives and diversify their fuel supply. THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 21 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES Gevo, Inc. Discover a World of Opportunities AT THE WORLD’S LEADING AEROSPACE, DEFENSE AND MARITIME EVENTS F-AIR COLOMBIA July 11-14, 2013 Rionegro, COLOMBIA SEOUL ADEX Oct. 29- Nov. 3, 2013 Seoul, KOREA MAKS Aug. 27- Sept. 1, 2013 Moscow, RUSSIA DEFENSE & SECURITY November 4-7, 2013 Bangkok, THAILAND MSPO September 2-5, 2013 Kielce, POLAND CHINA HELICOPTER September 5-8, 2013 Tianjin, CHINA PACIFIC October 7-9, 2013 Sydney, AUSTRALIA DUBAI AIRSHOW November 17-21, 2013 Dubai, UAE MILIPOL PARIS November 19-22, 2013 Paris, FRANCE SINGAPORE AIRSHOW February 11-16, 2014 SINGAPORE DEFEXPO February 2014 New Delhi, INDIA FIDAE March 25-30, 2014 Santiago, CHILE ILA BERLIN May 20-25, 2014 Berlin, GERMANY FARNBOROUGH AIRSHOW July 14- 20, 2014 Farnborough, U.K. AFRICA A&D September 17-21, 2014 Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA Helping U.S. Companies Exhibit with Confidence™ Around the World 4 NORTH STREET, SUITE 800, WALDWICK, NJ 07463 | TEL: +1-201-251-2600 | EXHIBITOR PROFILES Meeting Point _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 North Street, Suite 800 Waldwick, NJ 07463-1842 USA website: CONTACTS Mr. Tom Kallman, President and CEO Mr. Peter McKenna, VP of Strategic Planning tel: +1-201-251-2600 xt. 124 | [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION Kallman Worldwide, organizer of the Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion at the Paris Air Show 2013, is recognized as one of the world’s largest, oldest, and most respected firms specializing in the marketing and management of exhibition space and services. Representing the leading international aerospace shows in the world, Kallman Worldwide has been able to introduce thousands of U.S. companies to export opportunities on five continents and in more than 25 countries since 1963. See us in Paris to discuss our upcoming opportunities for the global alternative aviation fuels industry! THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 23 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES Kallman Worldwide Inc. LanzaTech EXHIBITOR PROFILES Booth 1 - H276 - G _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 725-C E. Irving Park Road Roselle, IL 6172 USA website: capturing carbon fueling growth LanzaTech CONTACTS Shane Fleming, Chief Technical Advisor tel: +64 2 77 00 81 29 | email: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION LanzaTech is a leader in gas fermentation technology providing novel and economic routes to fuels and high value chemicals from industrial wastes sources such as steel mills and syngas generated from any biomass resource. LanzaTech is working with world-class partners to commercialize drop-in replacement sustainable aviation fuels. The process mitigates carbon emissions from industry without adversely impacting food or land security. The first commercial plant is scheduled for 2014. THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 25 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES LanzaTech 26 Guide Officiel des Exposants du Pavillon International des Caburants Alternatifs 2013 EXHIBITOR PROFILES Booth 1 - H276 - I _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1200 Montreal Road M-17 Room 112 Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6 Canada website: CONTACTS Dr. Wajid Chishty, Technology Leader, Alternative Fuels tel: +1 613-993-2731 | email: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION NRC Aerospace, part of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), is Canada’s national aerospace laboratory, focused on making research and technology advances in aerodynamics, flight testing, gas turbines, and aerospace structures, materials and manufacturing. Our national facilities provide cost-effective platforms to test, de-risk, validate, develop and demonstrate new technologies, while our industry connections help companies remain competitive in the global market. Part of a multidisciplinary organization that can link aerospace activities to other key sectors including construction, surface transportation, biotechnology, energy and security, NRC Aerospace can exploit an efficient exchange of ideas between disciplines, which allows for rapid technological advancements in new and exciting sectors. These advantages will apply to NRC Aerospace’s work in six key market segments: aeronautical product development, air defence technologies, aircraft icing, cabin and cockpit technologies, future aircraft development and civil unmanned aircraft systems. Our goals include the development and demonstration of technologies for sustainable aviation, in part through the qualification and certification of alternative fuels such as plantbased fuels and replacements for 100 low-lead fuels. NRC Aerospace actively seeks clients, collaborators, and licensees for its services and expertise. THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 27 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES National Research Council Canada the ! t a 13 ou 0 Y 2 e Se rshow s Ai i r a P EXHIBITOR PROFILES Kiosk 1 - H276 - 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3115 Merryfield Row San Diego, CA 92109 USA website: CONTACTS tel: +1 858-768-4700 | email: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION Sapphire Energy turns algae into Green Crude that can be refined into the three most important liquid fuels we use today: gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. Using only sunlight, CO2, non-potable water, and non-arable land, Sapphire’s Green Crude from algae is low-carbon, renewable, and scalable. Sapphire produced the algae oil for the first renewable jet flight of a Continental Airlines Boeing 737-800. Sapphire has an R&D facility in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and is currently operating the world’s first Integrated Algal BioRefinery (Green Crude Farm) in Columbus, New Mexico. THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 29 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES Sapphire Energy 30 Guide Officiel des Exposants du Pavillon International des Caburants Alternatifs 2013 EXHIBITOR PROFILES Booth 1 - H276 - C _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1000 Potomac Street (The Flour Mill), NW Suite 301 Washington, DC 20007 USA website: CONTACTS Brian Miloski, Chief Financial Officer email: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION Solena Fuels is a sustainable energy company developing Integrated Biomass Gasification to Liquid (“IBGTL”) facilities around the world utilizing its proprietary gasification technology as the initial processing block to create the highest value BioSPK (Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene). Solena’s sustainable jet and diesel fuels help airlines and shipping companies cost-effectively utilize nonpetroleum sourced liquid fuels. Solena Fuels is a privately-held company headquartered in Washington DC, USA. THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 31 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES Solena Fuels Design by PROM Agency. Photo credits: All rights reserved: Total: M. Dufour, M. Roussel. All rights reserved: Amyris: UNICA. Printed in France. August 2012 RENEWABLE AVIATION FUEL JOINT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Breaking the Barriers with Breakthrough Jet Fuel Solutions EXHIBITOR PROFILES Booth 1 - H276 - A _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 place Jean Millier La Défense 6 92078 Paris La Défense Cedex France website: CONTACTS Philippe Marchand, VP Biofuels Development tel: +33 1 41 35 4401 | email: [email protected] INTERNATIONAL OFFICES Amyris, Inc. 5885 Hollis Street, Suite 100 Emeryville, CA 94608 USA CONTACTS Fernando Garcia, Senior Director, Certification tel: +1-510-450-0761 | email: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION International oil and gas group Total and integrated renewable products company Amyris have partnered to develop and commercialize a renewable aviation jet fuel. This fuel uses a sustainably-sourced feedstock, which is converted into pure hydrocarbons, chemically similar to current jet fuel, using Amyris’s proprietary biotechnology platform. Therefore it is a drop-in, renewable jet fuel, compliant with jet A/A-1 fuel specifications and outperforms conventional petroleum-derived fuel in a range of performance metrics, including fit for purpose and greenhouse gas emission reduction potential, without compromising on performance quality. Amyris has begun testing of its renewable jet fuel with major engine and aircraft manufacturers along with other industry participants. Total and Amyris are working together to acquire OEM acceptance and achieve regulatory validation in key markets. THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 33 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES TOTAL / Amyris, Inc. Located in one of the world’s leading aviation states, Washington State University is an international leader in aviation biofuel development. With microclimates that foster a broad range of bio-feedstocks, the state of Washington is the perfect living laboratory for WSU scientists to develop alternative jet fuel from sustainable feedstocks, including forest residuals, municipal solid waste, energy crops, and algae. It Happens Here. EXHIBITOR PROFILES _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box 641046 Pullman, WA 99164-1046 USA website: CONTACTS Dr. Ralph Cavalieri, Associate Vice President, Alternative Energy, Director of the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance tel: +1 509-335-5581 | email: [email protected] Colleen Kerr, Associate Vice President, Government Relations tel: +1 360-534-2332 | email: [email protected] COMPANY DESCRIPTION Located in one of the world’s leading aviation states, Washington State University is an international leader in aviation biofuel development. With microclimates that foster a broad range of bio-feedstocks, Washington is the perfect living laboratory for WSU scientists to develop alternative jet fuel from sustainable feedstocks, including forest residues, municipal solid waste, energy crops, and algae. THE ALTERNATIVE AVIATION FUELS PAVILION ORGANIZED BY 35 EXPOSANTS / EXHIBITORS EXHIBITOR PROFILES Washington State University Booth 1 - H276 - H Alternative Aviation Fuels Pavilion International Paris Air Show 2013 17-23 June 2013