Annual Report 2015


Annual Report 2015
Buffalo Prep prepares promising economically disadvantaged
underrepresented students for success in college preparatory high
schools and higher education.
Board of Directors 2014-2015
Dennis R. Black, President
Vice President for University Life and Services
University at Buffalo
Joseph S. Brown, Esq., Vice President
Hodgson Russ LLP
Francisco Guzman
Dr. Yvonne S. Minor-Ragan
Architect / Engineer
Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency
City of Buffalo Department of
Public Works
Buffalo Promise Neighborhood
Community Volunteer
Stephen Todd Harrington
Amy Clifton, Treasurer
Chief Financial Officer
LPCiminelli, Inc.
Mary Ann Coulson, Secretary
Senior Vice President and Branch Manager
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Group Vice President
Corporate Procurement
M&T Bank
Bobbie Billings Neal
Kathie Keller
Executive Vice President
NOCO Energy Corp.
Community Volunteer
Michael Newman
Keller Technology Corporation
Dr. Shelley McDonough
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology,
University at Buffalo
Richard Bryan
Executive Director
Education Collaborative of WNY
Karen P. Fischer
EVP Global Head of Compliance Audit
Sandra E. Langs
Director, Human Resources and
Professional Development
Phillips Lytle LLP
Christopher J. Lauricella
Sarah Joyce Genau
Account Executive
Jock Mitchell
Head of School
The Park School of Buffalo
Karen Baker Levin
Hunt Real Estate ERA
Jeff Pappalardo
SVP Creative Director
Crowley Webb
Vivian Quinn, Esq.
Nixon Peabody
Luis Rodriguez, Jr.
Chief Executive Officer
Rodriguez Construction Group, Inc.
Deborah Russell
Community Volunteer
Helen Tederous
First Niagara Bank
Corporate Communications & Public Relations
Marcia O’Neil-White
Executive Director
Buffalo Prep
BUFFALO•NEW YORK • 14214 • 716.829.3605 •
Message from the President
“It’s not the will to win that matters-everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.”
–Paul “Bear” Bryant
s this Annual Report message was being written, the Buffalo Bills were at training camp preparing
for a new season. University orientation programs were underway, preparing college students for the
academic year ahead. And Buffalo Prep was preparing for another year of community service and
student growth.
Success for a football team, or a student, or an educational program does not come solely through
“will.” It is the will to prepare that makes the difference, and that’s the difference in Buffalo Prep
Promising, economically challenged underrepresented middle school and high school students come
to Prep to prepare for success! At Prep, they move toward futures of opportunity with motivation to
succeed through higher education, community participation and excellence in all aspects of their lives.
As Buffalo Prep moves into its next 25 years, we continue to work to increase the number of students
served and expand the positive impact we have on young lives and families. We hope to do this by
increasing support for our annual campaign and special events, and through the initiative to grow our
endowment fund.
In reviewing this report, we hope you’ll come to better understand Buffalo Prep and the quality of the
Prep student experience. And we hope you’ll join us in supporting Prep, as a volunteer, a donor, or an
Over the years, thousands of students with the “will to win” have been given the “will to prepare to
win” through Buffalo Prep.
That’s a win for them, for their families, and for our community. And that’s what matters the most! It’s
all in the prep!
Dennis R. Black, Board President
The Power of Partnership
This has been an exciting year at Buffalo Prep! We have grown in many ways. We have served even
more hardworking students and expanded our talented team to make sure that we are providing
the best programs and services possible. We have grown our donor base, and this helps us to make
sure that we can continue to change the educational outcomes of our children. We have a strong
and committed board of directors who have taken up the challenge to launch and implement the
25th Anniversary Initiative and Buffalo Prep Endowment Fund so we can continue to strengthen our
programs and reach even more in our community. Additionally, we would be remiss if we did not
acknowledge that without their support and additional partnerships, none of our work could be done.
We’d like to take this opportunity to recognize some of our long-term partners and some new
and very exciting relationships that have been established over the past year. There can never be
enough thanks given to the University at Buffalo. The university provides us a home on the South
Campus where staff and students relish the experience of being in a college environment. They also
provide many organizational supports that enable us to operate in a responsible fiduciary manner.
Additionally, the Nichols School has for many years housed the Middle School Prep program in
a centrally located campus. We truly value our continuing relationship with our partner schools
which provide outstanding educational experiences and financial support to our students. We have
expanded our relationship with EdCo (Educational Collaborative of Western New York), and the past
two years Prep students participated in the EdCo STEAM camps that took place in EdCo schools. Also,
new this past summer, we partnered with SAY YES Buffalo to support summer programming.
As you read through our annual report, you will see many fine examples of partnerships with staff,
families, foundations, businesses, and of course individuals who contribute to the mission of Buffalo
Prep to prepare promising, economically disadvantaged underrepresented students for success in
college preparatory high schools and higher education. When these students succeed, everyone
benefits and the power of partnerships makes the impossible possible! We send our deep gratitude to
all of our partners who are dedicated to improving our community one student at a time!
Marcia O’Neil-White, Executive Director
Buffalo Prep’s 25th Anniversary Initiative
Thank you to the community leaders, foundations, philanthropists, and families that have participated as
partners in the 25th Anniversary Initiative. Every gift will be utilized to reach more students in our community
aspiring for greatness!
Balbach Family Foundation
Dennis and Leilani Black
Gary and Willow Brost
Joseph and Kim Brown
Richard and Judith Bryan
Amy Clifton and
Theodore B.K. Walsh
David and Mary Ann Coulson
Scott and Karen Fischer
Eric and Sarah Genau
Francisco and Elizabeth Guzman
Stephen and Lori Harrington
Mickey and Muriel Howard, Ph.D.
Peter Jones and Deborah Russell
Joy Family Foundation
William and Anne Joyce
Todd Levin and Karen Baker Levin
Kathie A. Keller
David and Dr. Shelley Kimelberg
Sandra E. Langs
Christopher and Kristin Lauricella
Louis. P. Ciminelli Family Foundation
Margaret L. Wendt Foundation
Jock and Betsy Mitchell
Peter Neal and Bobbie Billings Neal
Michael and Marcy Newman
Alphonso and Marcia O’Neil-White
Jeff and Jean Pappalardo
Larry and Vivian Quinn
Philip Ragan and
Dr. Yvonne Minor-Ragan
Luis and Jessica Rodriguez, Jr.
Steven and Susan Roney
Buford and Suzy Sears
Michael and Marsha Sullivan
Helen Tederous
Watson Billings Family Foundation
Martha Welte
Buffalo Prep Endowment Fund
D-B Trust
Louis P. Ciminelli Family Foundation
Moog, Inc.
Nicholas Patterson Perpetual Fund
William Graebner and Dianne Bennett
Watson Billings Family Foundation
Introducing the Prep Honors Circle
Become a member.
Buffalo Prep has created The Prep Honors Circle to sustain the organization and meet its long-term goal of impacting the
lives of economically disadvantaged underrepresented students, their families, the schools they attend, and the commmunity
at large. We invite you to become a member of The Prep Honors Circle. Planned gifts pledged by the end of 2017 will be
considered a founding gift and receive special recognition in Buffalo Prep’s publications and at events.
Movin’ on up!
The High School Prep Class of 2015 graduates will be attending Buffalo Seminary, Canisius High School, Cardinal O’Hara High
School, Charter School for Applied Technology, Cheektowaga High School, City Honors School, Frederick Law Olmsted School,
Hutchinson Central Technical High School, Mount St. Mary Academy, Nardin Academy, Nichols School, The Park School of Buffalo,
St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, St. Mary’s High School, Tapestry Charter School and Williamsville South High School.
Alumni Highlights:
Remy, Marius, and Sylvie Bizimungu: Remy (St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, ’06) graduated from the
Yale School of Medicine and was accepted to the University of California- San Francisco School of
Medicine Residency Program. Sylvie (Nardin Academy, ’06) is currently working in Buffalo with M&T
Bank in Compliance. Marius (St. Francis High School, ’09) lives in Houston and is in a General Electric
Management Training program.
Hon. Jaharr S. Pridgen (Holy Angels Academy, ’98) was appointed as a Buffalo City Court judge in
January. Prior to City Court judge, Hon. Pridgen was an assistant district attorney in the Erie County
District Attorney’s office.
Alimayu Akono (St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, ’15) spent this summer interning at Buffalo Prep alum
and board member Luis Rodriguez’s construction firm, Rodriguez Construction Group, Inc. Ali is
Luis Rodiguez Jr., David Kash,
majoring in Civil Engineering at North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University.
Luis Rodriguez Sr. & Alimayu Akono
Family Connection
My name is Edreys Wajed, a Buffalo native, artist, designer and educator, among many other things.
I am also a parent, and my wife and I have two children who have recently had the privilege of attending Buffalo Prep, Emeka
completed his first summer at Middle School Prep and Eman graduated from High School Prep this August.
Over the past two summers, I was invited as a guest artist by Middle School Prep to develop and teach an art related project with
the MSP students. Last summer, 2014, the theme was the celebration of 25 strong and successful years of Buffalo Prep.
100 students each contributed a personalized tile to a large, roughly 4’ x 4’ mosaic inspired
mobile mural. Using watercolor, markers and colored pencil, the students added their own
creative flare to 1 small square that when fully assembled would lend to the final larger
piece reading, “Celebrating 25 Years of Prep.” This summer, the arching theme revolved
around social media. Using foam core, paint, markers, etc. the students created a faux
computer tablet. The device featured a hand drawn and painted self-portrait in the nature
of a selfie accompanied with a mission statement or short profile about themselves, sharing
their visions, dreams and goals, in hopes to serve as a time-capsule for them to reflect on
later in life.
Alexa, Emeka, Edreys and Eman
Our eldest son, a High School Prep student, has amazed us with his development after completing the rigorous 14-month
program. I guess the best analogy for this journey would be a marathon. The early stages of pain, resistance and doubt along with
resentment for sacrificing two consecutive summers and 3 days a week during the school year, began to make sense for him 75%
of the way through. As his parents and biggest cheerleaders, we backed and supported Buffalo Prep’s expectations of the students,
encouraging focus, discipline and hard-work. The reward for his dedication paid off greater than anticipated and certainly more
than he expected. When he trotted through the finish line ribbon, he was surprisingly awarded as the recipient of The John R.
Oishei Scholarship, permitting him to attend the school of his choice, The Park School of Buffalo.
My wife and I are incredibly grateful for all that the Buffalo Prep program has done in refining our son into the scholar we have
always intended for him to be, certainly adding to his self confidence in academics and future pursuits.
Edreys Wajed
“Buffalo Prep is a challenging program for me but I know when I go to high school I’ll
be well prepared because of what the teachers taught me, and I’ll always give 100
-High School Prep Student
“I think that Buffalo Prep is a vital part of my life and it is helping me become a better
student and person in general.”
-College Prep Student
Program Highlights
Post Grade 5/
Grade 6/Grade 7
Students were busy this year participating in a variety of opportunities to enhance their
knowledge and have some fun! Buffalo Prep is thankful to the community for providing
academic, cultural and social experiences for its students!
Middle School Prep
Summer and year-round
enrichment program to increase
academic progress in the middle
school years.
Grade 8
High School Prep
Rigorous 14-month academic
enrichment program to prepare
admission to competitive high
Grades 9-12
College Prep & RTD
Academic support throughout
high school to encourage high
achievement (honors and AP
courses), and provide support
for tutoring, SAT prep, and the
college admission and financial
aid process.
Peace Out- Phillips Lytle LLP associates conducted a workshop
and engaged students in a mock trial that pertained to social
Music Collaboration- Students were able to write and record an
original song at the Goo-Goo Dolls recording studio.
Prep Picnic- Middle School Prep students joined the High School
Prep students for the 3rd Annual Prep Picnic complete with a
bounce house, dunk tank and more!
HSBC “Mentor it Forward”- Students spent a morning with
HSBC staff who shared their own education and professional
journey, while also prompting students to think about their own
career options.
UB Speaker Series- Wes Moore- Students had the opportunity to
listen to Wes Moore speak at the UB Distinguished Speaker Series.
Prevention Focus- An instructor from Prevention Focus, a nonprofit organization designed to help young people and adults
make healthy choices and practice positive decision making,
worked with students over the summer.
1st Annual Phillips Lytle LLP Leaders in the Making ConferenceStudents participated in seminars including an interview and
resume workshop, leadership and team-building exercises and
speed mentoring with 41 leaders from various businesses.
College Fair- Representatives from 14 schools attended the 1st
Annual College Prep Fair at Buffalo Prep. Over 70 students and
parents attended this two-day event.
College Trips- This past school year, Buffalo Prep sponsored
two college trips. Students visited Allegheny College, Edinboro
University, Keuka College, and Hobart and William Smith College
with Buffalo Prep staff.
Prep Superstars
When Buffalo Prep students are not busy studying, acing exams or playing sports, they are
earning awards for their achievements both in and out of the classroom! Here are some awards
that our Prep superstars have won:
The John R. Oishei Scholarship
Five Buffalo Prep students were awarded the John R. Oishei Scholarship, a full tuition scholarship awarded to
talented, motivated, and dedicated students of color to one of the 16 participating Education Collaborative of WNY
schools. Congratulations to our scholars!
Te’Aira Alexander - Nichols School
Jordan Jackson - St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute
Shenia Massey - Buffalo Seminary
Tahynnis Newsome - Nardin Academy
Francisco Guzman II and Mayor Byron Brown
Eman Wajed -The Park School of Buffalo
National Federation for Just Communities
Four Buffalo Prep students, Hannah Davis, Kenneth G. Williams II, Hannah Gresham and
Francisco Guzman II, received awards at the 2015 NFJC Community Leaders Awards
Luncheon. These individuals were chosen for exemplifying the NFJC’s core mission of
promoting goodwill, understanding, respect, and trust. Buffalo Prep and Oishei scholar
Kenny Williams was selected to be the student sepaker at the event.
Buffalo Prep Urban League Scholarship
The Buffalo Urban League awarded scholarships to Buffalo Prep students Cordell Owens, Isaac Howard, Season
Cunningham, Christopher Green, Terriona Green, Joshua Jackson and Michael McCarley including the Dr. Wesley
Hicks, Sr. and Portia R. Hicks Memorial Scholarship and the Harmac Medical Products Scholarship.
We are also proud to support our staff for the accomplishments they have achieved throughout the
Leadership Buffalo Values Award Luncheon
Marcia O’Neil-White, Executive Director, received the diversity award at the Leadership Buffalo Values Award Luncheon
on May 07, 2015. This prestigious honor not only surrounds Marcia’s work in diversity at Buffalo Prep but also her
constant and strong voice supporting equal access to higher education for all students throughout the region and nation
as member and co-chair of the National Partnership for Educational Access.
Published Books
Dr. Heather Jenkins, Director of High School Prep and Academic Programs and Evaluation, co-authored Class Warfare:
Class, Race, and College Admissions in Top-Tier Secondary Schools with Lois Weis and Kristin Cipollone. Dr. Jenkins also
participated as a panelist at the National Partnership for Educational Access Conference in Philadelphia, PA, where she
discussed the work she and Marcia O’Neil-White have been conducting on the NPEA Collective Impact Data Project.
Summa Cum Laude
Gifts of $100,000 or more
The John R. Oishei Foundation
Magna Cum Laude
Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999
HSBC *Louis P. Ciminelli Family Foundation
M&T Bank Family of Gifts
The Margaret L. Wendt Foundation
Cum Laude
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Community Foundation for Greater
Buffalo *D-B Trust
Joy Family Foundation *The Watson Billings Family
The Western New York Foundation
Buffalo Prep is pleased to recognize financial contributions between July 1, 2014 and June 30,
2015. On behalf of the children we serve, we thank you for your generosity and support.
Gifts listed do not include in-kind donations. We regret any errors or ommissions. Please call
the Buffalo Prep office at 716.829.3605 with any corrections.
Mr. and Mrs. David and Mary Ann
Coulson Globalquest Staffing Solutions, Inc. Hodgson Russ LLP Imagine Staffing Technology, Inc. Mr. Peter Jones and Ms. Deborah
Russell Mr. René Jones and Ms. Brigid Doherty Josephine Goodyear Foundation
Keller Technology Corporation Mr. Todd Levin and Mrs. Karen Baker
Levin Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
**Mitchell Family Philanthropic Fund
Moog, Inc. New Era
Noco Energy Corp. Peter C. Cornell Trust - Jock Mitchell
R and P Oak Hill, LLC The Bell Fund Unifrax Mrs. Martha G. Welte First Honors
Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999
Mr. David K. Anderson The Cameron and Jane Baird
Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. and Willow
Brost Children’s Foundation of Erie Co. Ms. Amy L. Clifton and Mr. Theodore
B.K. Walsh First Niagara Foundation Hoskins Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William L. and
Anne Joyce Ms. Kathie A. Keller *Moog, Inc.
Mr. Peter Neal and Mrs. Bobbie
Billings Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso and Marcia
Seneca Holdings The Patrick P. Lee Foundation West Ferry Foundation Second Honors
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Balbach Family Foundation - Charles
Balbach, John and Melissa Bace, Teo and
Jen Balbach
Mr. and Mrs. Allan A. and Melissa
Baumgart BlueCross BlueShield of WNY Buffalo Bills Alumni Foundation
Buffalo Sabres Foundation LPCiminelli, Inc. *Children’s Foundation of Erie County
Ciminelli Real Estate Corporation Mrs. Judith Collord 10
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and
Michele Lee Lippes Mathias Wexler Friedman LLP Mrs. Eleanor Murray Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Thuy
Murray Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Marcy
Newman *Nicholas Patterson Perpetual Fund
Nixon Peabody
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Jean
Pappalardo Pegula Sports and Entertainment LLC Phillips Lytle LLP PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Mr. and Mrs. Buford and Suzanne
Sears Seneca Resorts and Casinos
Szymkowiak and Associates The Martin Group LLC Toshiba Business Solutions University at Buffalo Zdarsky, Sawicki and Agostinelli LLP Mr. and Mrs. David and Susan Zebro Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Dr. Yvonne Minor-Ragan &
Philip Ragan
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Alesco Advisors LLC Allegheny College Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. and Leilani
Black Buffalo State College
Mrs. Marjorie S. Buyers Canisius College
Chiampou Travis Besaw and
Kerschner LLP
Construction Risk Partners, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Liz Czarnecki Delaware North Companies Deloitte Mr. and Mrs. Leni and Patricia Deni
Education Collaborative of WNY, Inc.
Families of FANA, WNY Inc. Ms. Amy Habib Harmac Medical Products Inc. Dr. Muriel and Mr. Albert Howard Mr. and Mrs. William N. and Frances
Hudson, Jr. Independent Health Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. and Jill Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Luke and Danielle Jacobs Lawley Service Insurance 716 Baby
Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Dina
Benderson Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Sarah
Berardi Mrs. Nancy Berger Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. and Judith
Bryan Jr. Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart
Buffalo Bills Youth Foundation Buffalo Concrete Accessories, Inc. The Buffalo Seminary
Buffalo Structural Steel Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Cynthia
Ciminelli II Colucci and Gallaher P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Mimi
Coppola Counsel Financial Eric Mower and Associates
Ferguson Electric Foundation, Inc. Mr. Richard E. Garman Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Sarah Genau Gypsum Systems, Inc. The Hahn Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Lori
Harrington Hyde Family Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy and Alice
Jacobs, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean and Ann Jewett Jordan and Holly Levy Philanthropic
Mr. David and Dr. Shelley Kimelberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. and
Stephanie Laipple Mr. Matthew Iak and Ms. Jacqueline
Jayson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Kristin
Lauricella Mr. and Mrs. Leroy and Anne
McCune Dr. and Mrs. Herman S. and Patricia
Mogavero Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Myers Nardin Academy Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Barbara
Newman Mr. Reginald B. Newman II Nicholas Patterson Perpetual Fund
Nichols School Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. and
Candace O’Mara Mr. Philip Ragan and Dr. Yvonne
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Wendy
Reininga Rodriguez Construction Group Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Luis and Jessica Rodriguez, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Susan Roney Roswell Park Cancer Institute Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sadler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Jan Schneider Scott Danahy Naylon Co., Inc. SCP Management LLC St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute
The SKM Marketing Group, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. James and Patti Stephen
Summer Street Capital Partners
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Beth Swift Ms. Helen Tederous The Vogt Family Foundation Merit
Gifts of $500 to $999
Drs. Julio and Amy Alvarez-Perez Mr. Andrew Radziwon and Ms.
Jennifer Krieger Ms. Anne D. Astmann Dr. Maritza Baez Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Nancy Banas Mr. Patrick Bannister Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Kristen Birmingham Ms. Christina Bleckinger Dr. and Mrs. Martin and Molly
Boscarino Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Kim Brown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and
Barbara Castiglia Mr. James Crowley Mrs. Joseph J. Crowley Mr. James F. Dentinger Ms. Amber M. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and Sarah
Duddy Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Maria
Eliopoulos Elmwood Franklin School Mr. and Mrs. Neil and Doris Farmelo GEICO Mr. Fredrick Harris Mr. Dan Higgins and Ms. Johanna
Hess Mr. and Mrs. John J. and Maureen
Hurley Mr. and Mrs. John L. and Diane
Hurley, Jr. Mr. Edwin M. Johnston, Jr. **Linda A. and Kenneth R. Kahn
Fund @ CFGB
Dr. Faruk Koreishi and Dr. Aziza
Karimi Ms. Sandra E. Langs Mr. Thomas R. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. William and Linda
Maggio Mrs. Sally Marks Miller Gesko Mr. John Mineo and Ms. Vicki Feine Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Katherine
Mohney Dr. and Mrs. Michael and Michelle
Parentis Mr. John Pawlak Pierce Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Vivian Quinn Rand Capital Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. and Amy Habib
Rittling Jr. Mr. Giulio Santarosa Ms. Susan Schoellkopf Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jeanne
Spampata Dr. and Mrs. Keith and Leslie Stube Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Nicole Swift Mr. Marc Tetro The Walsh Group of Raymond James
Dr. and Mrs. John and Susan Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Thomas and Susan
Tobias D.D.S Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Jill Tripi Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Beverly
Truslow Uniland Development Corporation
Walsh Duffield Companies, Inc WNY Women’s Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Michelle
Young Sally & Robert Gioia
Gifts up to $499
Mr. Charles Abell Mr. and Mrs. Dale and Cathleen
Ackerman Mr. Richard B. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. and Mary
Ann Adams Mr. Thomas R. Alcamo Mr. and Mrs. John and Katherine
Amershadian Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. and Joyce H.
Angert Hon. and Mrs. Richard and Gwen
Arcara Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Allison
Armusewicz Mr. Glenn W. Arthurs Mr. and Mrs. Francis and Mary
Alice Attea, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Ellen Augello Ms. Tahmikia Autry Mr. Rahul Avadhani Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Mary Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Philip and Nancy
Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. and
Barbara Baker Mr. and Mrs. Teo and Jennifer
Balbach Ms. Catherine Baugh Mr. and Mrs. Christoper and
Polly Bechtel Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Whitney
Beecher, Jr. Mrs. Kimberly Behun Mr. Stephen Bell and Ms. Liz Kahn Mr. John A. Beltrami Dr. and Mrs. Howard W. and Lana
Benatovich Ms. Joanne Bender Dr. and Mrs. Joseph and RoseAnn
Berardi Mr. and Mrs. George and Anne
Bergantz Mr. and Mrs. John G. and Suzanne
Berger Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Lisa Bibas Mr. Paul Biddle and Ms. Rebecca
Sewell Ms. Daphne Blue-Williams Mr. Jeffery Bochiechio Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Molly Bohen Mr. Timothy P. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Ann Brady Dr. and Mrs. Richard and Kate
Braen Ms. Maureen Brett Mr. Gregory L. Brown Ms. Kimberly Brown Ms. Taja Brown Ms. Lisa Brucato Ms. Melinda Brunetto Mr. Brandon Seth Bryant Ms. Carolyn Bryant Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrence and Jane
Buck Mr. Paul Buckley Ms. Evelyn Burgess BXI Consultants, Inc. Ms. Margaret Cafferey Ms. Shannon Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Samuel and Michelle
Capizzi Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Kelly
Cardamone Ms. Anne Casper Mr. and Mrs. Bernard and Eileen
Casserly Mr. Philip Celniker Ms. Marnie Cerrato Mr. Robert W. Chapman Ms. Cherie Chase Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Moira
Ciechoski Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Ann Louise
Ciminelli Ms. Ann Louise Cirelli Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and Ava Clark Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Allison
Clement Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Nannie Clough Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. and Joan
Mr. Frank Colantuono Dr. Mary Candace Collard Mr. and Mrs. George Collins Mr. and Mrs. William M. and Donna
Collins Mr. Tony Colucci III and Ms. Judy
Dean Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jane
Constantine Latesia Manuel &
Monyuette Coplin
Ms. Peggy Cordero Ms. Regan Corr Ms. Nancy Cox Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Suzie Cryan Ms. Elizabeth Danahy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. and Katherine
Danahy Ms. Deborah Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Darius and Sheryl
Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Carrie
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Dedecker III and
Clotilde Perez-Bode Dedecker Mr. Nicholas Delmonte The Demakos Foundation Mr. Andrew Deyell Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Mary
DiBenedetto Ms. Angela DiChristina Ms. Lindsey Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Dohn, Jr. Mr. Ian Donnelly Mrs. Jeanette Donohue Dopkins and Company Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. and Jeanne
Dorn Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. and Mimi Dow Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. and Shelley
Drake Mr. Michael C. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Mary Eberl Mrs. Kimberly M. Elsener Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Sandra
Englert Mr. Jay Englert Mr. and Mrs. James and Jacquelyn
Ennis Mr. and Mrs. James Michael and Jill
Ervin Mr. Michael Ervine Mr. and Mrs. Nicodemo and
Meaghan Esposito Dr. Andrew Fabiano Ms. Tiffany Fanning Drs. Gil and Julie Farkash Mr. and Mrs. John and Laura Hopkins
Farmelo Mr. Eric Fiebelkorn Mr. and Mrs. William and Tanya Fierle Mr. and Mrs. Marc and Stacey
Fineberg Mr. Craig Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Fitch Ms. Elaine Fontanez Ms. Leslie Fuzak Mr. David Gaca Mrs. Susan Gardner Ms. Nickole Garrison Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. and Cathy
Gatewood Jr Gelia
Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. and Patricia
Gelman Ms. Emma Giammaresi Ms. Moira Giammaresi Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Sally Gioia Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Carla
Goldberg Dr. Scott Goldman and Ms. Nancy
Brock Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Joy Gompah GOTIME, INC. Mr. William Graebner and Ms. Diane
Ms. Lori Grabenstatter Joanne Champion Granger Fund Dr. Ellen Grant Hon. and Mrs. Samuel L. and
Ernestine Green Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. and
Cameron R. Greene Mr. Daniel Greene Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greene III Ms. Erin Gregory Ms. Laura Groschadl Grove Roofing Services
Mr. and Mrs. Ted and Cathie Gura Mr. Michael Halberstam and Ms.
Kate Brown Mr. Paul Hallman Ms. Joyce Harrington Harvard Business School Club Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Karen
Healy Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. and Mildred
Heffley Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Pamela
Heilman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and Mary Ann
Hejna Dr. and Mrs. Leon and Cecelia
Henderson Ms. Rachel Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Don and Lesli Herzog
Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Kyle Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Elizabeth
Horrigan Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Hudecki Mr. William Hudson Hudson Advisor Services Ms. Virginia Hughes Dr. Juanita K. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Shannon
Infante Mr. Voldemar Innus Ms. Gwen Ito Dr. Heather Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Kirk and Sarah Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and
Heather Jermak Mr. Jason Jock Mr. Christopher Johnston 11
Supporters Continued
Friends -continued
Gifts up to $499
**Bruce and Gail Johnstone
Philanthropic Fund @ CFGB
Mr. Charles G. Jones Jr. Ms. Karen Jones Mr. and Mrs. David and Melissa
Jorgenson Ms. Lori Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Katherine
Joyce Drs. Richard and Barbara Jurasek Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Judy Kamens Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kane Mr. and Mrs. David and Liz Kash Dr. and Mrs. Jerald Kasimov and Terri
Katz Kasimov Mr. and Mrs. Josh and Stephanie
Katzman Ms. Paola Keller Mr. and Mrs. Justin and Leslie Kellogg Ms. Erin Kelly Mrs. Sienie Kelly Dr. Chee Kim and Ms. Jung Lee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kingsley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Carly Klein Mr. and Mrs. William C. and Mary
Klein Klein Reinforcing Services
Ms. Ingrid Knight Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Sheila
Kowalski Ms. Geraldine Kozlowski Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. and Louise
Kreiner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. and Mary Ann
Kresse Mr. Dilip Krishna Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Andrea
Kuettel Mr. and Mrs. John and Kelly Lambert Jack Walsh, Louis Ciminelli &
Chris Ross
Mr. Tyler Langenkamp Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Celia Leak Mr. Douglas R. and Julie Legters Mr. and Mrs. Keith and Cyndi Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Susan Leous Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Ashley Lewis Ms. Tamara Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Nicole Lin-Hill Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Janine Lipke Mr. Barron E. Littles Ms. Kristin Lonergan Mr. Derrick Luchey Ms. Stacey L. Lucinski Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Audrey Lunt Ms. Heather Maclin Mader Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. James L. Magavern Mr. Andrew Malcolm Mr. Steve Malley Mr. Christopher Malof
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Amanda
Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Debby
Margulis Mark Cerrone Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Mia Markello Ms. Elise Massey Ms. Karen L. Mathews Ms. Amy May Ms. Christina McCune Mr. Mark McDonough
The Marks Family Foundation
McLain Foundation
Ms. Aileen McNamara Mr. Ryan A. McPherson Mr. Antonio Miceli Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Middlebrooks Mr. Vincent Mirande Mr. and Mrs. James and Oriana
Montani Mr. and Mrs. Ben and Carmela Moore Mr. Robert Moskowitz Mr. David Moslow Mount Mercy Academy
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Carolyn Mucci Mr. and Mrs. David and Grace
Munschauer Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Munschauer Ms. Molly Muraca Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and Beth L. Muth Mr. Steven Nanula and Mrs. Dana
Todaro-Nanula NCAComp, Inc. Mr. Isaiah New Dr. and Mrs. Philip and Donna S.
Niswander Ms. Kristie Nunn Ms. Grace O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Randall and Rita Odza Ms. Anne O’Neil-White Ms. Mary O’Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Duane and Pamela
Paddock Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. and Jennifer
Parker Dr. Margaret Paroski Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and Margret
Pawloski Mr. Hal Payne Mr. and Mrs. William and Lee Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. and Karen E.
Penfold Ms. Joy Pepper Mr. and Mrs. William and Diane
Pfeifer Mr. George F. Phillips Ms. Christine Plorouka Hon. JaHarr Pridgen Ms. Lakisha Prim
Mr. Thomas Quatroche and Ms. Jodi
Johnston Ms. Colleen Raleigh Ms. Henriette Recny Mrs. Colleen Reedy Mr. and Mrs. William J. Regan Jr. Mr. Darren Renford Ms. Joan Ricca
Ms. Vermonica Richard Mr. and Mrs. Rafael and Iris Rivera Ms. Kathleen Rizzo Young Mr. Marcene Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and
Nora Robshaw Mr. Bradley Rogers Ms. Barbara J. Rooney Mr. Jeffrey Rose and Ms. Claire
Cozzarelli Ms. Maureen Roussi Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. and Audrey G.
Russ Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David and Jennifer Rust Ms. Anne Ryan Mr. Dan Ryan Mr. Todd C. Sadeghian Mr. Joseph Saeli Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso C. and Nancy
Saia Saldanha Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Saperston Mr. Dominic Saraceno and Ms. Kelli
Wagner Mimi & Peter Dow
Mr. Stuart Scheff and Ms. Lori
Morreale Mr. Thomas Schele Mr. Thomas E. Schenk Mr. Zachary Schneider Ms. Abby Schoellkopf Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Mary Schoetz **Schwab Charitable Fund @ CFGB
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. and Michele
Scott Mr. and Mrs. William G. and Helen
Secen Ms. Lillian Selby Mr. Eugene M. Setel Ms. Nandita Sharma Dr. and Mrs. David and Lisa Sherris Mr. Travis Silvernale Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Sandra
Smart Mr. Chris Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jay and Sara Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Christen
Smith Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Smith Dr. Carole Smith Petro Mr. Gary Smith, Jr. Ms. Meghan Socko Mr. Sean Patrick Spranz St. Francis High School
Mr. Paul Stanley Ms. Carol-Sue Stapleton
Mr. Curtis Steed Sr. Ms. Patricia Stephen Mr. and Mrs. Hugh and Susan
Stephens Mr. James Sterman Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. and Alice
Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Sean and Diane Sullivan Mr. Paul Suozzi and Ms. Karen
Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Linda
Szymkowiak Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Mary Ann
Tanski Mr. and Mrs. David W. and Anne
Taylor Dr. Maria Testa and Mr. Thomas D.
Petrocelli Ms. Maurileez Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Wendy
Thompson Mr. Daniel Tillotson Ms. Shenquia Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. and Marcella A.
Uhlman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Linda Van
Nortwick Mr. and Mrs. Gregory and Katherine
Vanderhorst Mr. and Mrs. Francisco and Renee
Ms. Margot Vincent
Ms. Madison Vitale Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Susan Viti Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Mary Wachter Mr. and Mrs. William T. and Anne R.
Wadsworth Mr. and Mrs. Edreys and Alexa Wajed
Ms. Cassandra Walker-Whiteside
Ms. Catherine Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. and Ginna
Walsh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. and Deborah
Walsh Mr. Samuel Walsh Mrs. Gina Warthling Ms. Gwendolyn Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott Weber Mr. Michael Weiner and Mrs. Gina
Laiose-Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Susan
Wellington Mr. Thomas Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Claire White Dr. and Mrs. James J. White Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Justin and Allison Wild Ms. Cheryl Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory and Emily
Williams Mr. and Mrs. Montique V. Williams Ms. Paula Williams
Ms. Keyonna Willis
Ms. Allison Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wisbaum Mr. Dennis Woloszynski
Ms. Tracy Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Carol Wrzosek Ms. Joan Yang Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon and Heidi Yellen Mr. and Mrs. William M. and Karen
Zirnheld Mr. and Mrs. Carlos and Alanya
Zuniga, Jr. Premier In-Kind Donors
Crowley Webb
Nichols School
University at Buffalo
Webb Mason
*Includes gifts made to the
Buffalo Prep Endowment Fund
** Gifts made through the
Community Foundation for
Greater Buffalo
Special Events
September 2014, Prep for Dinner:
To quote several board members and guests: “Prep for Dinner was a home run!” A special thank you to Todd Levin and Karen
Baker Levin for co-chairing this outstanding event. This bi-annual event brought over 320 friends of Buffalo Prep together
for a lovely cocktail party at the Darwin Martin House, followed by dinner at one of the hosts’ homes. Prep for Dinner raised
over $36,000 -the most ever for this event!
None of this would have been possible without the event’s wonderful hosts: Dennis and Leilani Black, Amy Clifton and
Barney Walsh, Mary Ann and David Coulson, Anne and Bill Joyce, Karen and Scott Fischer, Sarah and Eric Genau, Karen Baker
Levin and Todd Levin, Jock and Betsy Mitchell, Mike and Marcy Newman, and James and Patti Stephen.
Guests were greeted by Buffalo Prep students on their way into the cocktail party and heard from our guest speakers: Mychal
Liriano (Middle School Prep student), Anthony Liriano (College Prep student) and Luis Rodriquez (Alum).
Thank you to everyone who supported this exceptional event!
Charles B Frieden, Marcia O’Neil-White,
Mychal Lirano, Ariel Ferrete, Dennis Black,
and Michael Newman
Trey Dedecker &
Clotilde Perez-Bode Dedecker
October 2014, Speaker Event:
Over 35 community leaders joined Buffalo Prep board member, Dr. Shelley Kimelberg at
the Albright Knox for an illuminating and thought provoking presentation on inequality
in access to education and why it matters. As an organization that advocates for these
youth, we feel it is our responsibility to heighten awareness on inequality issues that
remain on both the national and local level. It is our hope that we can continue to all
move toward a future where every student has the opportunity and wherewithal to
pursue success through higher education, community participation, and excellence in all
aspects of their lives.
Dr. Shelley Kimelberg
November 2014, Party for Prep:
On Thursday, November 13th, 2014, over 100 people came to The Lodge for a fun
happy hour and to learn more about Buffalo Prep. Guests mingled with alumni, staff,
and friends of Buffalo Prep before cheering on the Buffalo Bills against the Miami
Dolphins! All attendees were entered into a raffle for great Bills, Sabres, and New Era
prizes and enjoyed a two-hour open bar and food.
Prep Alumni: Jean Jacques Sibomana,
Marcene Robinson & Leiah Renford
April 2015, Celebration of Achievement:
On May 06, 2015, a sold-out crowd of over 500 supporters joined together with co-chairs David and Shelley Kimelberg, Buffalo
Prep staff, board of directors, students and their families to celebrate the college-bound Buffalo Prep Scholars at the Annual
Celebration of Achievement. The Louis P. Ciminelli Family Foundation and Gary & Willow Brost were honored for their longstanding and generous support of the organization. Celebration of Achievement raised over $270,000 to benefit future
scholars of Buffalo Prep.
The crowd cheered and played along in Prepardy!, Buffalo Prep’s official game show. Team Hemingway: Dr. Stephen Turkovich,
Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo, Mr. Michael Newman, Executive Vice
President and Owner, Noco Energy Corp., Leah Purdue, Senior, Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart and Francisco Guzman
II, Senior, St. Francis High School were victorious in the spirited competition. Thank you Peter Jones, Hon. Jaharr Pridgen, Chris
Lauricella, and Sean Spiez for participating in Prepardy. Many thanks to Celebration of Achievement’s Presenting Sponsor: M&T
Co-Chairs Mr. David Kimelberg &
Dr. Shelley Kimelberg
Leslie Garcia, Willow Brost &
Brigid Doherty
Team Hemmingway &
Team Shakespeare
June 2015, Party for Prep:
Over 220 people came to Resurgence Brewing Co. for a special summer party to learn more about Buffalo Prep and support
students for the summer! Thank you to our generous sponsors: 716 Baby, Rich Products, NCAComp., Miller Gesko, and Hudson
Attendees enjoying Party for Prep!
David and Jennifer Rust
Thank You to Event In-Kind Donors
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Todd and Dina Benderson
Dennis and Leilani Black
Bloom Floristry
BlueCross BlueShield of WNY
Martin and Molly Boscarino
Buffalo Bisons
Buffalo Sabres
René Jones and Brigid Doherty
Burchfield-Penney Art Center
Frank and Cynthia Ciminelli
City Wine Merchant
Amy Clifton and
Theodore B.K. Walsh
David and Mary Ann Coulson
Crowley Webb
Paul and Mary DiBenedetto
Nico and Meaghan Esposito
Joe Galanti
Eric and Sarah Genau
Moira Giammaresi
Lori Grabenstatter
Anthony Habib
Stephen and Lori Harrington
Barry and Tracy Heneghan
Hive Lifespan Center
Jeremy Hudson
Courtney Hunter
Irish Classical Theater
Gwen Ito
Matthew Iak and Jackie Jayson
Kirk and Sarah Jensen
Peter Jones and Deborah
David and Melissa Jorgenson
William and Anne Joyce
Stephanie Katzman
Kathie A. Keller
Keller Technology Corporation
Chee Kim and Jung Lee
Lexington Co-Op
Michael and Randilyn
David and Shelley Kimelberg
Rosanna and Ray Kollidas
Sandra Langs
Joe and Nicole Lin-Hill
Christopher and Michele Lee
Ashley Lewis
Steven and Jackie LoVullo
Brian and Gia Manley
Webb Mason
Nicole Michael
James and Oriana Montani
New Era
Michael and Marcy Newman
Phil and Nicole Nobel
John and Ellen Notarius
Oliver’s Restaurant
Jeff and Jean Pappalardo
Phillips Lytle LLP
Clare Poth
Mark Preisler
Mike Shatzel
SKM Marketing
Premier Wine & Spirits
Paul Biddle and Rebecca Sewell
Mark and Amy Rittling
Luis and Jessica Rodriguez, Jr.
Steven and Susan Roney
Howard and Jamie
Sapperston III
Joseph and Christen Smith
Omar Torres
Helen Tederous
University at Buffalo
Ryan White
Zoom Copy
Administration Middle School Prep High School Prep College Prep
Marcia O’Neil-White
Executive Director
Stephanie Adams
Director of Middle School Prep
Patti Stephen
Assistant Director &
Director of Development
Grace O’Connor
Director of Admissions &
Development Associate
Moira Ciechoski
Coordinator of
Program Operations
Tanika Holmes
Office Associate
Paul Hallman
Office Associate
Chantel Booth, ELA Teacher
Tiffany Fanning, ELA Teacher
Robert Hunter, Science Teacher
Carol-Sue Stapleton, Technology
Allison Englert, Math Teacher
Anthony Riccio, English Teacher
April Utnik, Math Teacher
Megan Stackman, Math Teacher
Zohara Zamor, Social Studies Teacher
Dr. Heather Jenkins
Director of High School Prep
Director, Academics and Program
Monyuette Coplin
Director of College Prep
Henriette Recny
Program Resource
Christina McCune
RTD Coordinator
David Kash, Special Advisor
Sara Calleri, Global Studies Teacher
Marcus Deveso, English Teacher
Allison Englert, Math Teacher
Thomas Ezquerro,Technology
Sienie Kelly, Chemistry/Biology
Jon Lattanzio, Math Teacher
Henriette Recny, RWW Teacher
Kathryn Swanson, Earth Science
Teacher Financial Statement
Joseph Bieron
Chantel Booth
Kyem Brown
Adam Hamilton
Jason Jock
Jon Lattanzio
Marissa Miniri
James Pientka
Kerris Sease
Anthony Shilen
Jean-Jacques Sibomana
Ralph Tolbert
Thomas Whalen
Emerald Wielbon
Buffalo Prep, Inc.
Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets for the year ended June 30, 2014
Support and Revenue
Program fees
Interest income
Other income
Donated space
Total support and revenue
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Program services
Supporting services
Total expenses
Increase (decrease) in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year