The Cheerful Earful - District Six of Altrusa International, Inc.
The Cheerful Earful - District Six of Altrusa International, Inc.
The Cheerful Earful Monthly newsletter of the Altrusa Club of Macomb, IL August 2015 Website: Facebook: Email: Contents [email protected] Karen’s Korner Wow, it's hard to believe that school is Next meeting information Karen’s Korner July minutes Altrusa Get Together! Updates Just a minute with a member Our Favorite Recipes Reader’s Corner Calendar of Events Bazaar information Next Meeting Information See note in newsletter regarding change What: Marla Vizdal will speak about Vishnu Springs Where: Room 180 - WIU Library When: August 26 at 6:30pm Refreshments of lemonade and cookies will be served. Hosted by the Communications Committee here. It finally sank in taking my daughter to her 2nd grade classroom today to meet her teacher and drop off her supplies. Not to mention, that walking through Wal-Mart, they have their "Fall scents" out for air fresheners and candles. I think it's this time of year that it is especially important to support each other. These next few months will be busy for all of us and we will all need to step up on projects. It's crazy to think that we are less than three months away from the Bazaar! We will also be signing up to help with Labor Day in Colchester and participating in our multiclub get together in just a few weeks . Please remember to respond to emails from members asking for assistance. Even if you can't help out, please let the organizer know. Again, I know that the start of school means more meetings and tighter schedules, but we also need to remember what Altrusa means to us and why giving back to our community is so important. In October, we will also be doing a project for Make a Difference Day, which is super exciting as well. Thank you to all of the committees. You are all off to such a great start and I can't wait to see what the rest of this year holds for our club. Please know that you are all vital to our club and that you are appreciated. As the pools close down and we move to campfires with s'mores, the swimsuits are changed out for hoodies, and we go from summer vacation to Friday Night Lights (or Saturday at WIU) for football games and our amazing marching bands; the change of seasons is upon us. Altrusa International of Macomb will continue to grow and will become even more amazing with all of us working together. Happy start to the school year and go MHS & WIU! Karen Trusley, President, Altrusa Club of Macomb IL The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 2 of 14 Draft of July 2015 Meeting Minutes July 22, 2015 General Meeting at the Everly House, Macomb, Illinois President Karen asked if any guests were present. Kathy Milliard, friend of Karen Trusley. Karen explained that we do not have official minutes. A general version is in the Cheerful Earful. The members enjoyed a presentation by Vicki Duba about the CASA, McDonough County Court Appointed Special Advocate program. The service club provided an ice cream buffet. The following members were in attendance: Alta Sargent, Ann Abbot, Brae Hattaway, Cindy Weintraub, Heather Munro, Jeanie Sowers, Judy Kentner, Judy Dallinger, Karen Iversen, Karen Trusley, Kathy Wyatt, Lara Lessard, Liz Duvall, Lynne Brinker, Marsha McCormick, Miriam Satern, Nancy Reed, Paula Rhodes, Penny Pollock, Sandy Collier. The business meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. The minutes of the June 2015 meeting The members recited the pledge of allegiance. Brae Hattaway reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. The audit has been completed. The check account balance is $9, Karen Iversen: received a letter from Wesley Village for their ice cream social. Standing Committee Reports: Finance: Brae reported the following. All dues have been paid district and international. The scholarship checks have been sent out. The tutors are beginning to request payment. Finance Committee is meeting tonight after the general meeting. Communications Committee: Heather reported that the newsletter was sent out by email and on Facebook. We posted pictures of the volunteers at the Heritage Days Fly-in and volunteers at Habitat for Humanity last Saturday. Heather encouraged everyone to “like” the Altrusa District Six page. The committee is working on spreading the news, and sent to people that might be interested in joining Altrusa. Lara Lessard is in charge of favorite recipes. Karen Iversen is in charge of the minute with a member. Ann is in charge of reader’s corner. Miriam is the email manager. Lynne Brinker is in charge of special projects. The committee will meet after the general meeting. The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 3 of 14 Karen explained the service hour recording sheet to record volunteer hours for Altrusa and nonAltrusa hours. Membership Committee: Jeanie reported bring your friends. Service Committee: Four members volunteered at Habitat for Humanity from 9 am to Noon. They spent their time painting a storage shed. Several members worked inside hanging drywall. Habitat for Humanity are looking for specialized volunteers such as carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc. Please call 837-2719. Tutoring Committee: Sandy Collier reported that 25 students were in the summer program. Two students were not able to complete all sessions. One student did not attend sessions. One student the parent decided to drop out of the program. We have some teachers and students have finished and the tutors have been paid. Sandy asked if a thank you note was sent to the people who donated. The committee is meeting July 27. Sandy shared an example of reports that the tutors share with the committee. The tutors are paid for 3 hours of prep time. Old Business: Mosaic Luncheon is on November 3, 2015 at the Spoon River Outreach Center. It is by donation for lunch and a program. Treasurer’s Audit Committee: The audit is complete. Yearbook is in progress. If you are using the Everly House for your meeting, please contact Nancy Jameson to reserve the room. Bylaws and Strategic Plan: New Business: Shop n’ Share results from June 12, Hy-Vee didn’t receive any coupons that weekend. Brae is going to look into scheduling another date. Labor Day sign-up: signup sheet went around. Club photo will be scheduled by the committee. Absolutely all members are requested to attend and wear their polo. Board meetings are now on the 2nd Thursday of each month instead of the 3rd Thursday. Bazaar Committee: Kathy Wyatt explained that the committee sheet has been passed around. Please sign-up for as many you have want. The kitchen committee will be organized later this summer. Kathy also reported that the Colchester Lions Club donated $400 to the scholarship program as a thank you for the 26 hours of service. Kathy also discussed volunteering in the food tent on September 6th. Heather has a signup sheet. Records Retention: Karen asked if we have a standing rule for keeping records. Liz suggested that someone will contact the district office. Brae volunteered to contact them. The board discussed about an electronic version of our records. The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 4 of 14 Heather shared that she is the District Six Communications. Chris went to the International Convention. Chris shared lots of photos on the Facebook Page. Chris was in charge of the memorial service, Rosalie Severinsen and Wanda Black were honored at the convention. Heather created the power point presentation for the memorial service. Happy News: Karen announced that Brae Hattaway’s engagement to Mark Huston. Jeanie Sowers reported that she saw the courtroom that was in the movie To Kill A Mockingbird. Announcements: The next board meeting is August 13th at 5:15 p.m. the Everly House. Bazaar meeting Kitchen Committee We will be having a Kitchen Committee meeting August 22nd at 9 am at Hardees. If you are able to attend please contact Ann at [email protected] or [email protected] Submitted by Ann Abbot, Chair, Kitchen Committee The next general meeting is August 26th at 6:30 p.m. Minus Muffler Shop to see Frank Jobe’s sign collection. CHANGE IN LOCATION The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. Submitted by Liz Duvall, Recording Secretary The Cheerful Earful Staff Meeting Attendance Going to be absent from a meeting? Please email our Recording Secretary, Liz Duvall at [email protected] Liz keeps attendance of our meetings. Editor: Heather Munro Karen’s Korner: Karen Trusley Minute with a Member: Karen Iversen Our Favorite Recipes: Lara Lessard Reader’s Corner: Ann Abbot Calendar and Events: Lynne Brinker Photographers: Lin Stults, Miriam Satern The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 5 of 14 We are hosting a Big Event! Come one, Come All to the Altrusan Get Together 4 Clubs Together! with our invited guests - Altrusans from the Canton Club, the Galesburg Club and the Quincy Club hosted by the Macomb Club in Macomb, IL We will have dinner, make new friends and share a good time together! Sunday September 13, 2015 at the Trinity Lutheran Church 123 S. Campbell St., Macomb IL from 4pm-7pm Macomb members will prepare dinner for our guests! Board members: will bring hamburgers, hot dogs and buns Service Committee will bring salads and side dishes Membership Committee will bring desserts Communications Committee will bring beverages and ice Finance Committee will bring table service and condiments The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 6 of 14 Updates Info. about Aug. 26 meeting Due to unfortunate circumstances our meeting program had to be changed as well as the location. Meeting location is Room 180 in the WIU Library. WIU Library located on Western Ave. Room 180 is located on Floor 1 (also called the basement or the ground floor level -from main circulation desk level go down the stairs and go towards Digital Commons- Room 180 is in the back corner. There is an elevator available. Park in the parking lot across the street from the library. Volunteering for Labor Day! Time to sign up for Labor day at Colchester: Needing Volunteers for SUNDAY September 6th From 10 TO 4 CITY PARK IN COLCHESTER: We do this every year so the members of the Colchester Lions club can participate in their parade. We wrap sandwiches and wait on customers. They supply the cooks for the most part - we are the servers! Remember your Altrusa Shirt and there will be aprons there to wear!! THERE WILL BE A SIGN UP SHEET AT THE Aug. 26 MEETING PLEASE SIGN UP! Thank you! The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 7 of 14 Service Committee July Service Project The Altrusa Club of Macomb had several members and one volunteer help with a Habitat for Humanity home on 1416 E. Pierce on Saturday July 18th. Penny Polack, Paula Rhodes, Kathy Wyatt, all members and volunteer Esther Lamidi helped paint a shed and nailed drywall, and other tasks. Other persons helping on the house was the homeowner, Jerry, Luther Klinedinst, Robert Baumann. It was a great opportunity to help the homeowner and practice our hammering skills. Submitted by Kathy Wyatt, Service Committee August Service Project The August Altrusa Service Project was providing lunch for the Habitat for Humanity workers. On Saturday, August 8th, Sandy Collier and Paula Rhodes brought Jimmy John sandwiches, drinks and chips for the seven workers at the Habitat House that is currently under construction at 1416 Pierce St. The workers were very appreciative. Submitted by Paula Rhodes, Service Committee UPCOMING SERVICE PROJECT Please bring to the Aug. 26 meeting the following: TO: All Altrusans FROM: Paula Rhodes, Chair, Service Committee We will provide Lincoln School first grade teachers with supplies that generally run out toward the end of the school year. Since the prices for these items are on sale now, we are asking all members to purchase some of the following: markers glue sticks dry erase markers crayons folders The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 8 of 14 Save-the-Date! Upcoming Possible Service Projects Please note: The Service Committee is planning ahead - here are possible future service projects - all are subject to change - details will be shared closer to time of project! Possible Service Projects 2015-2016 Persons in Charge (2) Month Project Liz Duvall October Make a Difference Day - Oct. 24 Cookies for Police, Fire Depts., EMS etc Judy Kentner October 17 Rake leaves, etc at Old Bailey House Rain date Oct. 24 Day Health Activity Kathy Wyatt, Paula Rhodes November Penny Pollock December Gift wrapping for WIRC ??? January 2016 Collect peanut butter and cereal for WIRC Food Pantry ??? February 2016 Possible Valentine Party at Everly House or other idea Penny Pollock March 2016 Supplies for our adopted classroom (need to be purchased in late July or early August to be delivered in March when supplies are running low) Peggy Ma, Sandy Collier April 2016 Hospice Paula Rhodes, Sandy Collier May 2016 Volunteer at Public Library “Leading to a Better Community” Altrusa is an international non-profit organization making our local communities better through leadership, partnership and service This newsletter is brought to you by the Communication Committee of the Macomb Altrusa Club, Macomb, Illinois The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 9 of 14 Just a minute with a member Each month we will feature a Macomb Altrusan - to learn a little bit more about each other! “Minute” by Karen Iversen, Communications Committee member Say “Hello” to Sandy Collier, our featured member of the month! TELL A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF I was born and raised in Pasadena, California, and it was a family ritual to attend the Rose Parade every year. I graduated in a senior class of 1200 students from Pasadena High School and then received my BA in Psychology from Occidental College. I went a 5th year to UC Riverside to get my Elementary Teaching Credential and student taught at the school where my soon-to-be husband Bob was teaching. We had two sons 14 months apart so life became very busy! In 1979 we moved to Macomb for Bob’s position at WIU and I completed my MS in Elementary Ed at WIU. We thought we would be in Illinois 2 or 3 years but actually grew to love the small-town mid-west life and we’re still here!! Our son Steve is now living in Florida with his wife Wendy, has a 1-year old and is a firefighter. Our son Brian lives in Missouri with his wife Carrie, has a 4 and 7-year old and works as an RN. WHAT TYPE OF WORK HAVE YOU DONE IN YOUR LIFE? I worked as a summer bank teller to help with my college expenses and then after receiving my degree, taught 3rd and 4th grade in California. After we moved, I taught kindergarten in Macomb and then 1st grade for 20 years in the Colchester/West Prairie School District. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO FOR FUN? My greatest joy right now is spending time with our grandchildren. I also enjoy reading, quilting, traveling, playing bridge, fly fishing and walking. In the community I am a volunteer for Baby TALK and a member of Wesley Church and Macomb Woman’s Club. HOW DID YOU GET INVOLVED WITH ALTRUSA? While I was teaching in Colchester, I referred a number of my students for tutoring. I was also a friend of Rosalie Severinsen and she invited me to attend an Altrusa meeting. I became a member in 2006. I have served on most of the Committees and as Vice-President. But my biggest commitment of time has been to the Summer Tutoring Program. My first 2 years in the club, I assisted Linda Thistlethwaite with the program and then became one of the coordinators of the program for the past 8 years. WHAT DO YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT BEING A MEMBER OF ALTRUSA? I enjoy Altrusa because of its strong support of literacy and service to our community. But I also enjoy the chance to get to know and work with a great group of fun, caring and dedicated ladies!! The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 10 of 14 Our Favorite Recipes Recipes gathered by Lara Lessard, Communications Committee member This recipe comes from Altrusa member Cindy Weintraub. Holiday Treat Cindy got this recipe from an old high school classmate and enjoys making this treat for Christmas gifts and also for potlucks and bake sales. 2 Sticks of butter (room temperature) 1 small package of Hershey Kisses ½ cup of sugar 1 tsp of vanilla 2 cups of all purpose flour 1 cup of finely chopped walnuts Confection sugar for sprinkling Remove foil from Hershey Kisses Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Beat butter at medium speed, add sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy. Beat in flour and walnuts until well combined. Use a small cookie scoop, scoop out dough. Flatten dough in the palm of your hand and place a kiss in the middle of the dough. Shape dough around the kiss until completely covered. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet, bake 12-15 minutes until golden brown. Let the walnut balls completely cool, then sprinkle with powdered sugar. Reader’s Corner Reviews gathered by Ann Abbot, Communications Committee member Featuring the favorite books of our members! What is your favorite book or what are you reading now? Heather Munro - my favorite book is Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. I first read this book when I was a teenager and I was totally blown away by it. I thought I knew what was what back then and I thought I knew what literature was, but this book was unlike any I had ever read before. So raw, so ragged, so real. I couldn 't believe that a book could speak to me that way. I read every word and then I read it again and again. It has stayed with me through the years. I have re-read it many times. Now reading it is like reconnecting with an old friend. Nowadays there are many books that have copied this type and style, but this is the original, the classic. I feel lucky that I read this book when I did, so I encountered it unencumbered with the layers of the phony stuff that comes later in life... What am I reading now? Just finished Marie Kondo's book The life-changing magic of tidying-up and loved it. Many parts motivated me to really examine my relationship with my belongings and ask myself why do I keep some things? So far I have gotten rid of 6 garbage bags full of "stuff", with lots more to go! It does seem like magic! Will it change my life? - I'll see! Will it work for you? - only one way to find out! The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 11 of 14 2015-2016 Macomb Altrusa Officers and Board President - Karen Trusley Calendar Vice-President – Penny Pollock Past President - Cindy Roon Recording Secretary – Liz Duvall 8-22 Bazaar Kitchen Committee Meeting, Hardees, 9:00 a.m. 8-26 Altrusa General Meeting at WIU Library, Room 180 -- 6:30 p.m. Bring school supplies! 9-6 9-8 Volunteering at Labor Day with the Lions Club City Park, Colchester From 10am-4pm International Literacy Day 9-10 Board Meeting at Everly House, 5:15 p.m. 9-11 Balloon Rally and Kite Festival 9-13 Altrusa Get Together, Trinity Lutheran Church, 123 S. Campbell St. Macomb 9-15 Grant applications due to International Foundation 9-21 International Peace Day Treasurer – Brae Hattaway Corresponding Secretary – Karen Iversen Chair: Communication Comm.: Heather Munro Finance Committee: Brae Hattaway Membership Comm.: Jeanie Sowers Service Committee: Paula Rhodes I changed my password everywhere to ‘incorrect.’ That way when I forget it, it always reminds me, ‘Your password is incorrect.’ Anonymous The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 12 of 14 Members - Bazaar information - letter and applications for vendors please share with anyone you know who is interested! BAZAAR VENDOR LETTER The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 13 of 14 BAZAAR VENDOR APPLICATION The Cheerful Earful – August 2015 Page 14 of 14 BAZAAR FLYER
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