Comprehensive Sign Plan
Comprehensive Sign Plan
Agenda Item 5 (Quasi-Judicial Hearing) Comprehensive Sign Plan DEV2014-107 Bellair Plaza STAFF REPORT DATE: November 12, 2014 TO: Planning Board Members FROM: Dennis Mrozek, Principal Planner PROJECT REQUEST A request Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of G&I VII Bellair Plaza, LLC, to approve a resolution for a Comprehensive Sign Plan for Bellair Plaza. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The application is proposing a CSP that will apply to the Bellair Plaza property. The CSP identifies all existing and proposed signs by general location as depicted on the Sign Location Map of the CSP and the total allowable sign area for each sign type. The applicant has proposed an amendment to the LDC that would permit the use and approval of CSP’s for retail centers along the west side of Atlantic Avenue (A1A) with a minimum of 25 acres. The Bellair Plaza site exceeds 25 acres. PROJECT ANALYSIS: The proposed CSP (Attachment A) for Bellair Plaza groups’ sign types by sign build and purpose. The CSP provides for four types of signage. 1. Sign Type I: Identification Signs (ID Signs) – ID signs identify the site, venue or a specific location of importance to visitors. 2. Sign Type II: Existing Tenant Ground Sign – Existing ground signs identifying tenants at Bellair Plaza as identified on the Section 4.1 - Sign Location Plan. 3. Sign Type III: Directional and Information Signs – Direction and Information Signs aid and regulate flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and provide visitors with information about the site, its destinations, amenities and sponsor recognition. 4. Sign Type IV: Graphic and Décor Signs – The purpose of Graphics + Décor is to create and maintain an attractive visual appearance of the entire Bellair Plaza Property. 5. Sign Type V: Regulation Signs – Regulation Signs are Signs that are required by the Florida Building Code (FBC) and the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other governmental or public safety body. FBC and ADA shall control the development of Regulation Signs. Bellair Plaza CSP Page 2 6. Sign Type IV: Tenant Signs – Tenant Signs identify the specific location of the tenants at Bellair Plaza. Sign Type I: Identification Signs (ID Signs) 1. Primary ID Monument (one EMC permitted per side) LED Location Map Symbol Maximum Sign Area: 332.7 sq. ft. per side Total Located on A1A Main Center Entrance – Includes EMC 150 sq. ft. per side EMC (48 sq. ft. proposed) 2. Secondary ID Monument Location Map Symbol Located at Secondary Entrance to Bellair Plaza Maximum Sign Area: 20 sq. ft. per side Monument Signage Bellair Plaza has approximately 1,700 feet of frontage along A1A. Based on this frontage, the LDC permits two ground signs with up to 700 square feet of combined sign area per frontage, in addition to four square feet per business as directory ground signage. Maximum height permitted for shopping center ground signage is 50 feet. Proposed maximum height is 35 feet. EMC Details The applicant is requesting an Electronic Message Center (EMC) sign to be included in the Bellair Plaza CSP. In March 2011, the City Commission approved Ordinance 11-74 permitting EMC’s within specific zoning districts or uses. The applicant has submitted an application for approval that would permit an EMC sign in retail centers exceeding 25 acres and located along the west side of A1A as part of a CSP. Approval of that text amendment would permit the use of an EMC at this location. EMC’s are required to meet the design, construction, location, and operational standards detailed in Art. 18, Sec. 6.20 (c) of the LDC, unless the variance to the standard is specifically approved as part of a CSP. The proposed EMC sign detailed below exceeds the 8 foot maximum height Bellair Plaza CSP Page 3 permitted for an EMC sign. The proposed maximum height of the Bellair Plaza Entry sign with an EMC is 35 feet. This exceeds the maximum height allowed by 27 feet. Additionally, the applicant has proposed the EMC be permitted to display static graphics, multiple background, foreground and text colors. The LDC currently restricts EMC’s to one single background color and does not permit graphics. Final approval of the CSP by the City Commission will be required to permit the variance requests. Sign Type II: Existing Tenant Ground Signs The Existing Tenant Ground Signs shall be permitted to remain in their current state and location under this CSP. Bellair Plaza reserves the right to choose to update or leave the Existing Tenant Ground Signs as is. Sign Type III: Direction and Information Signs Directional and Information Signs aid and regulate flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and provide visitors with information about the campus, its facilities and amenities. Sub-categories include: 1. Vehicular Directional Sign 2. Pedestrian Maps and Directions. Directory Map Pedestrian Directional Sign Vehicular Directional Sign Bellair Plaza CSP Page 4 Sign Type IV: Graphic and Décor Signs Add unique visual features to Bellair Plaza and contribute to the overall architectural features of the building and site. Post Mounted Banners Flags - Examples Wall Mounted Banners Sign Type V: Regulation Signs Regulation signs are required by the Florida Building Code (FBC) and the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other governmental or public safety body. These signs help to protect the health and safety of visitors and employees and address special needs persons with disabilities. FBC and ADA shall control the development of Regulation Signs. Sign Type VI: Tenant Signs Place-making and identification of Bellair Plaza tenants from the surrounding vicinity and to traffic along the periphery roads; Create sense of arrival; Create and maintain an attractive visual delineation of the tenants' storefronts. Bellair Plaza CSP Page 5 Summary Matrix - Sign Area Detail The following table provides the dimensional standards for specific sign types within the Bellair Plaza CSP. Standards include maximum sign height, maximum sign area and total sign square footage allowed. The summary matrix can also be found on page 14 of the CSP. Below is a breakdown of the proposed signage to be permitted through the CSP: Minor Amendments An amendment will be considered a “Minor Amendment” if it is consistent with the intent and purpose of the CSP and is a request for a sign type which was not specifically contemplated by the CSP. A Minor Amendment will be processed as follows: Bellair Plaza submits a sign request to the City staff City staff reviews the sign request for compliance with the CSP and approves or denies the sign request If the City staff does not approve a sign request or determines that the Sign for which a permit is being requested is not specifically permitted by this CSP, Bellair Plaza shall have the right to request a Minor Amendment to the CSP from the Planning Board If such request is denied by the Planning Board, Bellair Plaza shall have the option appealing the decision to the City Commission which shall have the ability to overrule the Planning Board. Major Amendments Any other sign request not allowed by the CSP or which proposes to increase the total allowable sign area for the CSP by more than ten percent (10%) cumulative over a five year period shall be considered a “Major Amendment” and shall require approval by the Planning Board and City Commission. RECOMMENDATION The application request is tentatively scheduled to be reviewed at the January 21, 2015 (Public Hearing) City Commission Meeting. Based on staff analysis and review, the request for approval of the Comprehensive Signage Plan for Bellair Plaza will be in compliance with the LDC and Comprehensive Plan, if approved by action of the City Commission. A majority vote of the Planning Board members present and voting is required for recommendation of approval to the City Commission. SA P RD 1 inch = 1,000 feet NIN PE ) VS IC A LA DR LOYO DR KENT DR TOWN S JAME DR ) A ATL HO E LIN RE N LA AT ( 1A TIC LVD ) AB AZ PL N AV R DHA M D DR EMOR Y DR Y Subject Parcel N LA TU LA OG OL SU DR NIN HY PE F OR S IC NT A SR AV ON ET I NC PR V A NS LLI V RO DA OR NF STA DR LA R SU ED SID ER RIV D R OE D VAR IVANH R A (H 14 0 4 CR N V EA BUCKNEL L DR AUBURN DR BOYLSTON AV EA OL AV N N AV N AV BROOKLINE AV ER MORNINGSIDE AV ND AX LIF R O G Y ID E D OL S DR IVER R 1( 01 HA HY WOODLAND AV IC ANT ATL WILLIAMS AV 4 CR HARTFORD AV ) Document Path: P:\Admin\Pratima\Short Term Projects 2013\DEV ADS\DEV2014\DEV2014-107\DEV2014-107_LocationMap.mxd µ T LAN (AT 1A L MI A SR DR AMIN BENJ R ON D DE L E E C N PO IN RD MARV City of Daytona Beach Map disclaimer: DEV2014-107 COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN LOCATION MAP These maps were developed and produced by the City of Daytona Beach GIS. They are provided for reference only and are not intended to show map scale accuracy or all inclusive map features. As indicated, the accuracy of the map has not been verified and it should be used for informational purposes only. Any possible discrepancies should be brought to the attention of City Engineering and or Development Services. B P Comprehensive Sign Plan Daytona Beach, Fl July 22, 2014 THE NIGHTINGALE GROUP, LLC COBB COLE SIGNARAMA 1430 Broadway, STE 1605 New York, NY 10018 T: 212.742.2800 Robert A. Merrell 149 South Ridgewood Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114 T: 386.323.9263 F: 386.944.7955 1977 Jonesboro Road McDonough, GA 30353 T: 678.610.6960 F: 678.610.6909 BELLAIR PLAZA - C PREHEN ES BELLAIR PLAZA PLAN C ON T E N T Comprehensive Sign Plan PAGE SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Intent 1.2 Current Signage Code 1.3 Comprehensive Sign Plan 1.4 Sign Types 1.5 Procedures and Permits 3 3 3 3 3 SECTION 2 - DEFINITIONS 2.1 Definitions 2.2 Allowable Sign Area Diagram 3 4 5 SECTION 3 - PROCEDURES AND POLICIES 3.1 Issuance and Renewal of Sign Permits 3.2 Sign Not requiring a Permit 3.3 Prohibited Signs 3.4 Sign Design and Construction 3.5 Temporary Signs 6 6 6 7 7 SECTION 4 - SIGN TYPES 4.1 Sign Location Plan 4.2 Sign Types Overview SIGN TYPE I - IDENTIFICATION SIGNS Site ID Signs Site Entry ID Signs SIGN TYPE II – EXISTING TENANT GROUND SIGNS SIGN TYPE III - DIRECTION AND INFORMATION SIGNS Directional Signs Maps and Directories SIGN TYPE IV - GRAPHICS AND DÉCOR Environmental Graphics SIGN TYPE VI - TENANT SIGNS 4.3 Summary Matrix 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 14 C ON TENT 2 L B LLA PLA A PL Comprehensive Sign Plan SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Intent 1.2 In accordance with Article 15, Section 4.8 of the City of Daytona Beach Land Development Code (LDC), the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Sign Plan (CSP) is to control development of signs and graphics in Bellair Plaza in order to: • Maintain an attractive visual appearance within the City of Daytona Beach • Protect the health and safety of visitors and employees • Properly identify site entries and exits to visitors and business delivery systems • Properly identify amenities to visitors • Aid security measures to the site • Ensure adequate crown management In addition, the purpose of sign regulations as set forth in Article 18, Section 6.1 of the LDC shall also apply. To the extent that this CSP is different from Article 18, Section 6 of the LDC (Signage Code), The CSP shall control development of exterior signs on Bellair Plaza property. To the extent that this CSP does not address a particular subject, the Signage Code shall continue to control development of signs on Bellair Plaza Property as to that particular subject 1.3 Current Signage Code 2 The Signage Code does not distinguish between identification, information, branding and sponsorship messages on signs. The Signage Code categorizes signs in relation to the architecture (i.e. relation to the size of the property. 1.3 Comprehensive Sign Plan Due to the complexity and size of Bellair Plaza this CSP categorizes signs and content according to their purpose: 1. IDENTIFICATION – Venue/Site, site entries, building entries and amenities. 2. EXISTING TENANT GROUND SIGNS – existing tenant location and site/venue. 3. DIRECTION AND INFORMATION – Vehicular and pedestrian direction signs, maps, directories and venue information 4. GRAPHICS AND DÉCOR - Banners, flags and environmental graphics 5. REGULATION – Parking, traffic, health + safety and security 6. TENANT SIGNS – tenant storefront identification S ECT IO N 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.4 Sign Types Signs similar in build and purpose are categorized in sign types, which are set out in Section 4 – Sign Types Sign Type descriptions make reference to “types of signs” as set forth in Article 18, Section 6.10 of the Signage Code. The CSP categorizes the different sign types and the total allowable area for each sign type within Bellair Plaza. The allowable sign content (copy, messages, graphics or images) to each sign type are set forth in Section 4 – Sign Types 1.5 Procedures and Permits Notwithstanding all requirements of the LDC, construction of new signs and replacement or relocation of existing signs on Bellair Plaza’s property shall be allowed as provided in this CSP. Before erecting new signs or replacing or relocating existing signs allowed by this CSP, Bellair Plaza shall be required to only obtain a sign permit in accordance with Section 3 – Procedure and Policies. A proposed change to this CSP that increases the total Allowable Sign Area of the CSP by less than ten percent (10%) cumulative over a five-year period beginning upon final approval of this CSP may be reviewed and approved by the City staff. Any such request must comply with the Sign Types permitted by this CSP. 1.5.1 Minor Amendment, An amendment to this CSP will be considered a “Minor Amendment” if it is consistent with the intent and purpose of the CSP and is a request for a sign type which was not specifically contemplated by the CSP. A Minor Amendment will be processed as follows: • Bellair Plaza submits a sign request to the City staff • City staff reviews the sign request for compliance with the CSP and approves or denies the sign request • If the City staff does not approve a sign request or determines that the Sign for which a permit is being requested is not specifically permitted by this CSP, Bellair Plaza shall have the right to request a Minor Amendment to the CSP from the Planning Board • If such request is denied by the Planning Board, Bellair Plaza shall have the option appealing the decision to the City Commission which shall have the ability to overrule the Planning Board. 1.5.2 Major Amendment. Any other sign request not allowed by the CSP or which proposes to increase the total Allowable Sign Area for the CSP by more than ten percent (10%) cumulative over a five-year period shall be considered a “Major Amendment” and shall require approval by the Planning Board and City Commission. A Major Amendment will be processed as follows: • Bellair Plaza submits a Major Amendment request to the city staff • City staff reviews the Major Amendment request and the Major Amendment request is submitted to the Planning Board for consideration • Following consideration by the Planning Board, the Major Amendment is presented to the City Commission for the final review and approval 3 B Comprehensive Sign Plan SECTION 2 - DEFINITIONS 2.1 Definitions 3 For the purpose of this CSP, the following defined terms shall have the meanings set forth below. Any terms not defined shall have their common meaning as defined in the LDC. Allowable Sign Area – Means the measured area to the Sign Content on a Sign within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the outer limits of the Sign Content, not including visible or invisible support structure, base, poles or landscaping elements. The Allowable Sign Area is measured or calculated as shown on the diagrams on Page 5 of this CSP. S ECT IO N 2 - DEFINITIONS LED Lighting – is lighting technology where light emitting diodes (LEDs) are used as a source of illumination. With a programmable matrix, cluster or row of different color emitting LEDs (commonly red, blue and green), color-changing illumination can be achieved LED Screen – is and electronic display that uses light emitting diodes in programmable matrix – monochromatic in color – to display static content, including static graphics Regulation Signs – means Signs as defined under “Sign Type IV: Regulation Signs” in Section 4.2, page 9 Branding – is any content that refers to Bellair Plaza CSP – means this Comprehensive Sign Plan FBC – Florida Building Code Illuminated Sign – is any sign that has external, internal or accent illumination Information – is any content that refers to the site, venue, locations, amenities, hours of operation, directions and regulations LCD Screen – is a programmable liquid crystal display – monochromatic or in color – to present static content, including graphics LDC – means the City of Daytona Beach Land Development Code Sign – is any device or display consisting of lights, letters, numbers, symbols, pictures, illustration, announcements, cutouts, objects, insignia, trademarks or demonstration, including all trim and borders, which is designed to advertise, inform, identify or attract the attention of a person on or off the premises on which the device or display is located Signage Code – means the Article 18, Section 6 of the City of Daytona Beach Land Development Code Sign Content – is any copy, graphics or images on a sign. The CSP categorizes Sign Content into Information, Branding and Interpretive messages Sign Face – refers to each side of a sign that is facing a different direction Sign Height – refers to the maximum height of the sign structure including all supports from finished grade Sign Maintenance or Maintenance – refers to the process of keeping a sign and its support in a good repair and appearance and includes, but is not limited to painting, re-painting, corrosion prevention, cleaning and updating of Information. Sign Structure – is that material which supports or is capable of supporting a sign, including decorative cover 4 BELLAIR PLAZA BELLAIR PLAZA - COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN Comprehensive Sign Plan SECTION 2 - ALLOWABLE SIGN AREA DIAGRAM S ECT IO N 2 - DEFINITIONS Publix Walgreens Bealls Marshalls Publix Walgreens Bealls Marshalls PRIMARY ID MONUMENT SECONDARY ID MONUMENT VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL PEDESTRIAN DIRECTIONAL Measurement of Allowable Sign Area as net Sign face 5 BELLAIR PLAZA - C PREHEN ES BELLAIR PLAZA PLAN Comprehensive Sign Plan SECTION 3 - PROCEDURES AND POLICIES Notwithstanding all requirements of the LDC, construction of new signs and replacement or relocation of existing signs at Bellair Plaza shall be allowed as provided in this CSP. Before erecting new signs or replacing or relocating existing signs allowed by the CSP, Bellair Plaza shall be required only to obtain a sign permit in accordance with Section 3- Procedures and Policies. 3.1 Insurance and Renewal of Sign Permit 3.1.1 A sign permit must be obtained from The City of Daytona Beach to do the following: Construct, reconstruct, or replace any sign. Change the copy of any sign not referenced in section 3.2. Change the structural or electrical components of any sign, except routine electrical maintenance. 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 S ECT IO N 3 - PROCEDURE AND POLICIES 3.1.5 All permit applications shall be approved, or denied within 30 calendar days after submission. If denied, such denial shall include specific written reasons to clearly explain why the proposed sign does not comply with this CSP and the Signage Code if applicable. Any application not specifically approved within the 30 calendar day period shall be deemed granted and any denial may be appealed to the City Commission. 3.1.6 Every sign permit issued shall become null and void if the work is not commenced within six months after approval. If work is suspended or abandoned for 120 days at any time after commencement, a new permit shall be required, and the fee will be one-half the amount required for a new application provided no changes have been made in the original plans. 3.1.7 Application for a permit shall include information necessary to assure compliance with this CSP including: Name and address of the owner and person in possession of the premises where the sign is or will be located. Clear and legible drawings with detailed description. Drawings showing the dimensions, construction supports, sizes, electrical wiring and components, materials, method of attachment and character of structural members to which attachment is to be made, and wind load calculations, if applicable. The design, quality, materials, and loading shall conform to the requirements of the FBC. All permit applications shall be approved for any sign if it conforms with this CSP. 3.1.8 Permits shall expire on December 31 following the date of issuance, except that permits issued after October 1 shall expire on December 31 of the following year. All signs shall be inspected to determine that the sign has been maintained in a safe condition. Upon inspection and payment of required fees, sign permits shall automatically be renewed. No permit shall be renewed for an on-site sign for a business that does not have a current occupational license. Any sign for which the permit has expired without renewal shall be renewed. A permit may be revoked upon failure of the holder thereof to comply with this CSP. 3.2 Signs Not Requiring a Permit The following Signs may be erected and altered without a permit provided all other requirements are met: 3.2.1 Regulation Signs used to control traffic, street signs, danger signs, railroad crossing signs, safety signs, or other signs needed in the performance of regulatory duties, crowd management and security measures. In addition, Regulation Signs shall not be included in any calculation of the total Allowable Sign Area under this CSP. All signs for which a permit is required are subject to inspection. All ground signs shall be subject to a footing inspection, and all signs to a final electrical inspection. Inspections must be made to the main frame prior to installation of decorative panels or skirting. 3.2.2 3.2.3 Public information signs erected by or at the direction of a public body. Legal notices required by law to be posted on a property. 3.2.4 Direction and Information Signs intended to provide pedestrian or vehicular traffic direction or control of parking, located entirely on Bellair Plaza property and do not exceed 50 sf in Allowable Sign Area per Sign Face. In addition, Direction and Information Signs attached to or underneath the Structures shall not be included in any calculation of total Allowable Sign Area under this CSP. 3.2.5 Any flags as permitted by this CSP 3.2.6 Memorial signs or tablets and names of buildings may be cut into any masonry surface or inlaid so as to be part of the building, or set on a tablet or plaque of bronze, glass, or other noncombustible material and attached to the building. 3.2.7 Commemorative plaques and historical markers 3.2.8 Signs located within the interior of any building or building complex, or within an enclosed lobby or court of any building, which are not visible from the public right-of-way 3.2.9 Signs not visible from the public right-of-way 3.2.10 A previously approved Sign undergoing Maintenance 3.3 Prohibited Signs Except as otherwise allowed in this CSP, the following signs are prohibited: 3.3.1 Flashing signs containing any intermittent or flashing light source, or which include the illusion of intermittent or flashing light, or any externally mounted intermittent light source. 3.3.2 Inflatable air signs or balloons which retain shape from the use of air, helium, or other gaseous elements except as allowed under Section 3.5 Temporary Signs. 3.3.3 Mobile or portable sign structures that are not securely attached to the ground or to any other structure, including trailered signs, A-frame signs and sandwich signs, except as temporary traffic and crowd management signs. 3.3.4 Vehicles for which the primary purpose is advertising except as allowed under Section 3.5 Temporary Signs. 6 BELLAIR PLAZA - C PREHEN ES BELLAIR PLAZA PLAN 3.4 Sign Design and Construction Comprehensive Sign Plan 3.4.7 All signs shall meet the following minimum design and construction standards: 3.4.1 All signs shall comply with the minimum requirements provided in the FBC relating to design, structural members and connections. All ground, roof, and projecting signs more than 40 square feet in area or over 20 feet in height shall be certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida. All electrical signs shall be erected and installed by a licensed sign contractor in accordance with listing and labeling requirements and shall be certified by the contractor as meeting the requirements of the electrical code. The application and sign shall bear the testing laboratory number. Electrical connection to a power source shall be performed by a licensed electrical contractor. 3.4.2 Metal supports, braces and wire or cable supports shall meet the requirements or wind loadings as set forth by the FBC or applicable local codes. All metal, wire cable supports and braces and all bolts used to attach sign or bracket or brackets and signs to the supporting building or structure shall be of galvanized steel or of an equivalent corrosive-resistant material. All such sign supports shall be an integral part of the sign. 3.4.3 Signs shall maintain a clearance of ten feet from all overhead electrical conductors, and three feet from all secondary voltage service drops. 3.4.4 No sign shall be attached in a manner which will interfere with an opening required for ventilation, except that signs may be erected in front of or may cover transom windows when not in violation of the building or fire prevention codes. All permanent ground sign structures shall be self-supporting and erected on and permanently attached to concrete foundations. Structures shall be fabricated only from galvanized steel or an equivalent corrosive-resistant material. 3.4.8 No sign shall be attached to a wall, or other objects which lacks sufficient strength to support it, or nailed or attached in any way to trees or telephone poles. 3.4.9 No sign shall be suspended by chains or other devices that will allow the sign to swing due to wind action. Signs shall be anchored to prevent any lateral movement that would cause wear on supporting members or conditions. 3.4.10 All signs on the Bellair Plaza property may be Illuminated Signs utilizing external, internal or accent illumination or a combination thereof. Such illumination may be produced from a variety of light sources including, but not limited to, low-voltage halogen lamps, LED Lighting, high intensity discharge lamps (metal halide lamps), fluorescent lamps, Tungsten halogen lamps, and any other generally recognized light source. External illumination may include spot lighting or washing of a Sign Face with spot lights or wall washers. Internal illumination signs require a diffuser screen for shielding and even illumination in front of the light source. Accent lighting may include lighting of open channel letters, back or halo lighting and other methods not requiring shielding or diffusion in front of the light source. 3.4.11 In case of landscaping around the base of a sign, the sign footing shall be lowered from finished grade to provide adequate planting soil depth and drainage for the landscaping. 3.4.12 here shall be no restrictions for allowable colors on Signs, Illuminated Signs, lighting, Sign Content, Sign Faces or Sign Structures. 3.4.5 No sign shall be erected in a manner that would impede ingress and egress through any door or emergency exit, or on a fire escape or any other public safety device. 3.4.13 No LED Screen or LCD Screen which changes more often than once every 60 seconds shall be readable from the public right-of-way, except as specifically permitted herein. 3.4.6 No sign shall interfere with cross visibility at intersections, or create a traffic hazard or other condition which adversely affects the public safety. 3.4.14 Sign footers shall maintain a minimum clearance of ten feet from the City’s utility infrastructure. 3.5 Temporary Signs In addition to the signs allowed by this CSP, one temporary sign for every 100 feet of street frontage, per event, shall be allowed on the Bellair Plaza property for no more than 80 days in any 12 month period pursuant to Article 18, Section 6.18 of the LDC. S ECT IO N 3 - PROCEDURE AND POLICIES 7 BELLAIR PLAZA BELLAIR PLAZA - COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN 8 Comprehensive Sign Plan SECTION 4 - SIGN TYPES S ECT IO N 4 - SIGN TYPES 4.1 Sign Location Plan SITE - SIGNAGE (A) PRIMARY ID MONUMENT (B) SECONDARY ID MONUMENT C 2 N. Atlantic Ave. B 1 (C) EXISTING TENANT GROUND (D) VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL* (E) PEDESTRIAN DIRECTIONAL* (F) DIRECTORY MAPS* C 1 A 1 (G) ENVIRONMENTAL GRAPHICS* (H) REGULATION* (I) TENANT SIGNS* WALGREENS BEA LLS Plaza Blvd. *NOTE: VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL, PEDESTRIAN DIRECTIONAL, DIRECTORY MAPS, ENVIRONMENTAL GRAPHICS, REGULATION SIGNS AND TENANT SIGNS ARE ALLOWED ANYWHERE ON SITE. C 1 PUBLIX N. Oleander Ave. BELLAIR PLAZA BELLAIR PLAZA - COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN Comprehensive Sign Plan 4.2 Sign Types Overview Sign Type IV: Graphics and Décor Sign Type I: Identification Signs (ID signs) ID Signs identify the site, venue or a specific location of importance to visitors. The purpose of Graphics + Décor is to create and maintain an attractive visual appearance of the entire Bellair Plaza Property and provide sponsor recognition. Sign Type II: Existing Tenant Ground Signs Sign Type V: Regulation Signs Existing ground signs identifying tenants at Bellair Plaza as identified on the Section 4.1 - Sign Location Plan. The Existing Tenant Ground Signs shall be permitted to remain in their current state and location under this CSP. Bellair Plaza reserves the right to choose to update or leave the Existing Tenant Ground Signs as is. Regulation Signs are Signs that are required by the Florida Building Code (FBC) and the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other governmental or public safety body. Sign Type III: Direction and Information Signs Direction and Information Signs aid and regulate flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and provide visitors with information about the site, its destinations, amenities and sponsor recognition. Sub-categories are: IIIa: Vehicular Direction Signs – provide directions for vehicular traffic IIIb: Pedestrian Maps and Directions – graphically represent the venue, its amenities and attractions for the purpose of wayfinding and venue and information, tenants, service providers, etc. Regulation Signs are Signs that help to protect the health and safety of visitors and employees and address special needs of persons with disabilities. FBC and ADA shall control the development of Regulation Signs. In addition, Regulation Signs under this CSP shall control the development of Signs that aid security to the site and crowd management. Sign Type VI: Tenant Signs Tenant Signs identify the specific location of the tenants at Bellair Plaza. S ECT ION 4 - SIGN TYPES 9 BELLA PLA A 14'-7" 14'-10" EXISTING TENANT GROUND SIGNS PRIMARY ID - EMC: MAX TOTAL AREA: 150 sqf including frame MAX DISPLAY AREA: 105 sqf excluding frame EMC HOLD TIME: 60 seconds SCREEN PIXEL SPACING: 16 mm maximum DAYTIME BRIGHTNESS: 5000 NITS DUSK TO DAWN BRIGHTNESS: 500 NITS 3' 10 Comprehensive Sign Plan S ECT IO N 4 - SIGN TYPES Sign Type I: Identification Signs (ID signs) and Sign Type II: Existing Tenant Ground Sign PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW SCALE: 3/16” = 1’- 0” Branding, place-making and identification of Bellair Plaza from the surrounding vicinity and to traffic along the periphery roads; Create sense of arrival; Create and maintain an attractive visual delineation of the site. Primary and secondary site entry identification signs identify Bellair Plaza to traffic along the periphery roads. CONTENT: Branding; Sponsorship; Information *Bellair Plaza reserves the right to choose to update or leave the Existing Tenant Ground Signs as is. ALLOWED DESIGN OPTIONS: Multi sided (two or more sides) monument (ground) pole, pylon or other sign structure. One (1) Primary Site Entry ID allowed to have one integrated LED or LCD screen per side no larger than 150 sqf with static content that will not change more than once every 60 seconds. Static graphics, multiple background, foreground and text color may be displayed. The screen’s pixel spacing should be a maximum of 16 mm; the maximum brightness 5,000 NITS during the day and 500 NITS from dusk to dawn. 5' 11" 10" ALLOWABLE SIGN AREA: 2" Primary Site Entry ID with a maximum overall height of 35 feet and a maximum copy area of 332.7 sqft . Secondary ID Monument with a max copy area of 20 sqf per sign face and a maximum number of two sign faces. PLAN VIEW SCALE: 3/8” = 1’- 0” 5' 4'-6" 35'-0" ALLOWED MATERIALS: Any material that meets structural and fire rating requirements set forth in the FBC; Allowed materials are, but shall not be limited to: Stainless steel, steel (galvanized and painted, powder coated), aluminum (anodized, painted, powder coated), aluminum composites, concrete, fiber cement, board, glass, acrylic, Eco-resins, vinyl or mesh vinyl stretched over a permanent meal structure; Long-lasting architectural finishes that maintain an attractive visual appearance and protect from corrosion and UV radiation. 2'-7 1/2" 6'-6"5'-10" ALLOWED LIGHTING: External, internal or accent illumination or a combination thereof. LOCATION: See Section 4.1 - Sign Location Plan FRONT ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8” = 1’- 0” SCALE: 3/16” = 1’- 0” SECONDARY ID MONUMENT PRIMARY ID MONUMENT BELLA PLA A 11 Comprehensive Sign Plan S ECT IO N 4 - SIGN TYPES Sign Type III: Direction and Information Signs IIIa Vehicular Directional Sign IIIb: Pedestrian Maps and Directions PURPOSE: Aide and regulate flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and provide visitors and business delivery systems with information about the site, its facilities and amenities. 2'-3" CONTENT: 2 1/2" Directions, Maps and Directories Publix 5 1/4" Walgreens ALLOWED DESIGN OPTIONS: 3" ARROW Two-sided monument (ground) pole, pylon or other sign structure. Minimum capital letter height (CAP. HT.) - Four and a half inches (5”) for vehicular signs and two inches (2”) for pedestrian signs. 2" CAP. HT. Bealls 3'-4" 5'-0" 3'-11" Marshalls 2'-6" 3'-9" 10" 4 1/2" 4 1/2" 4" CAP. HT. 3'-4" ALLOWABLE SIGN AREA: 4" CAP. HT. PLAN VIEW SCALE: 3/4” = 1’- 0” 1 1/4" 4'-3 1/2" 8'-0" 10'-10" 5 5/8" Arrow Publix 5" Cap Ht. Walgreens ALLOWED MATERIALS: 4'-3 1/2" Any material that meets structural and fire rating requirements set forth in the FBC; Allowed materials are, but shall not be limited to: Stainless 8'-0" coated), aluminum steel, steel (galvanized and painted, powder (anodized, painted, powder coated), aluminum composites, concrete, fiber cement, board, glass, acrylic, Eco-resins, vinyl or mesh vinyl stretched over a permanent meal structure; Long-lasting architectural finishes that maintain an attractive visual appearance and protect from corrosion and UV radiation. Bealls 8'-6" 6'-0" Up2'-6" to 5 Vehicular Directional Signs mounted at a maximum height of 8’-6” A.F.F., a maximum copy area of 25 sqf per sign face, and a maximum number of two sign faces. Up to 10 Pedestrian Directional Signs with a maximum copy area of 6 sqf per sign face, and a maximum number of two sign faces. Up to 5 Freestanding Directories with a maximum total area of 100 sqf and a maximum height of 8’-6” (including any canopy, marker or structure). Marshalls ALLOWED LIGHTING: 3'-6" External, internal or accent illumination or a combination thereof. LOCATION: See Section 4.1 - Sign Location Plan FRONT ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/2” = 1’- 0” SCALE: 1/2” = 1’- 0” SCALE: 3/8” = 1’- 0” DIRECTORY MAP PEDESTRIAN DIRECTIONAL SIGN VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL SIGN FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/2” = 1’- 0” BELLA PLA A BELLAIR PLAZA - COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN Comprehensive Sign Plan FLAGS - EXAMPLES WALL MOUNTED BANNERS S ECT IO N 4 - SIGN TYPES Sign Type IV: Graphics and Decor Environmental Graphics 3'-0" 2'-0 " PURPOSE: Add unique visual features to Bellair Plaza and contribute to the overall architectural features of the building. 2'-0" 5'-0" CONTENT: Banners and Flags ALLOWED DESIGN OPTIONS: Digitally printed mesh or vinyl stretched over a permanent metal structure; Digitally printed adhesive vinyl to backing board to permanent structure; Multi sided (two or more sides) monument (ground) pole, pylon or other sign structure. 8'-6" MIN A.F.F. 8'-6" MIN A.F.F. FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8”=1’-0” FRONT ELEVATION ALLOWABLE SIGN AREA: Up to 25 post mounted banners with a maximum total area of 8 sqf per side. A maximum of 2 sides, and mounted at a minimum of 8’-6” A.F.F. Wall mounted banners not to exceed 128 sqf in total in Bellair Plaza property. Flags not to exceed 128 sqf total in Bellair Plaza property. All flags to be mounted at a minimum of 8’-6” A.F.F. POST MOUNTED BANNERS 2'-0" SCALE: 3/16”=1’-0” 2" POLE POCKET 4'-0" ALLOWED MATERIALS: Any material that meets structural and fire rating requirements set forth in the FBC; Allowed materials are, but shall not be limited to: Stainless steel, steel (galvanized and painted, powder coated), aluminum (anodized, painted, powder coated), aluminum composites, concrete, fiber cement, board, glass, acrylic, Eco-resins, vinyl or mesh vinyl stretched over a permanent meal structure; Long-lasting architectural finishes that maintain an attractive visual appearance and protect from corrosion and UV radiation. ALLOWED LIGHTING: External illumination. LOCATION: See Section 4.1 - Sign Location Plan 2" 2" POLE POCKET 8’-6” MIN. ABOVE GRADE (TYP.) FRONT VIEW SCALE: 3/4” = 1’-0” BELLA PLA A Tenant wall signs are allowed per the LDC 13 Comprehensive Sign Plan S ECT IO N 4 - SIGN TYPES Sign Type VI: Tenant Signs Sign Type VI: Tenant Signs PURPOSE: Place-making and identification of Bellair Plaza tenants from the surrounding vicinity and to traffic along the periphery roads; Create sense of arrival; Create and maintain an attractive visual delineation of the tenants' storefronts. CONTENT: Information ALLOWED DESIGN OPTIONS: One wall, canopy, projecting, or awning at each exterior customer entrance for each tenant storefront. For wall signs, an outdoor single-face sign affixed to the wall of any building which does not project more than 12 inches. For canopy signs,a sign attached to or suspended below a canopy extending from part or all of a building face and constructed of some durable material. No canopy sign shall project over the roof edge of the building to which it is attached and the maximum height shall be 35 feet. For projecting signs, signs affixed to any building, wall, or structure which extend more than 12 inches beyond the building, wall, or structure. Every sign shall be at least nine feet above the ground and shall not project more than eight feet from the building to which it is attached. Unless specifically permitted, projecting signs may not project over the public right-of-way. Where projecting signs are permitted over the public right-of-way, the sign shall be no closer than two feet to the inside curb edge of the abutting street. For awnings, a permanent sign affixed to or part of an awning supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building and composed of nonrigid materials except for the supporting framework. Letter copy and graphics shall be applied with manufacturer-approved processes. Advertising messages shall be placed at the bottom of the perimeter of the awning only. No messages are permitted in the upper angled or upper curved face of the awning. When an awning covers multiple storefronts, individual tenant signage shall be on that portion of the awning adjacent to the tenant. The area shall not exceed 1.5 feet in height for awnings that are less than 62 feet in length, and two feet for awnings of more than 62 feet. ALLOWABLE SIGN AREA: Ten percent of tenant entrance wall area up to 400 sq. ft. BELLAIR PLAZA BELLAIR PLAZA - COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN Comprehensive Sign Plan S ECT IO N 4 - SUMMARY MATRIX 4.2 Summary Matrix l II llIa llIb IV NAME PAGE HEIGHT AFF MAX ALLOWABLE SQF PER SIGN FACE MAX ALLOWABLE SQF PER SIGN TOTAL SQF Primary ID Monument Secondary ID Monument Exis ng Tenant Ground Signs Vehicular Direc nal Sign Pedestrian Direc onal Sign Directory Map Post Mounted Banners Wall Mounted Banners 10 10 11 35 ' MAX 8' MAX 8'-6" MAX 11' *MIN 8'-6" MAX 20 25 6 50 332.7 40 50 12 100 332.7 200 250 120 500 12 8'-6" MAX 8 -- 16 400 128 --- Flags V Regula n VI Tenant Signs TOTAL SQF OF ALL SIGNAGE -- -- 13 1,966 *Per ADA Standards: Distance between the b Flags - 16 -- 32 32 -400 m of the sign and the ground should be minimum of 80" 128 -- 14