World AIDS Day - Hawaii 2 Zero


World AIDS Day - Hawaii 2 Zero
The Cathedral of
Saint Andrew:
The King and Queen’s
World AIDS Day
Kamehameha V and Queen Emma
at a ceremony laying the cathedral
cornerstone, March 5, 1867
King Kamehameha IV and
Queen Emma were responsible
for bringing the Anglican Church
to Hawai’i. They gave land, part
of their royal garden, on which
the Cathedral was to be built. The
untimely death of Kamehameha
IV on St. Andrew’s Day, November 30, 1863, led his brother,
Kamehameha V, to dedicate the
cathedral to St. Andrew as a fitting memorial to a King.
The Queen traveled to England
to raise money, to commission
architects, and to purchase stone
from Caen in Normandy, which
was shipped to Hawai`i as ballast
in sailing ships. The first phase of
the Cathedral was completed in
time for Christmas 1886. The
final section, with the magnificent
stained glass West Window, was
completed in September, 1958.
The Cathedral honors the
memory of its royal founders
and patrons in celebrations
throughout the church year. In
2002 the Royal Patrons Chapel
was created in the Cathedral.
The W ahi Kapu (sacred space)
chapel, within the Cathedral, is
dedicated to the memory of
King Kamehameha IV and
Queen Emma.
In the Hawaiian tradition, the
presence of the kahili, feather
standards in the royal colors of
red and yellow, signified that
the ali‘i were in attendance.
Two kahili stand at the front of
the Cathedral, serving as physical reminders of the royal patrons who we continue to honor
to this day.
See more at: http://
Mahalo to the Cathedral for hosting World AIDS Day 2015
December 1, 2015
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Cathedral of St. Andrew
Honolulu, Hawai’i
Welcome to World AIDS Day 2015
Thank you for joining with many others in the community and millions throughout the world to observe World AIDS Day. Since 1988, December 1st has been designated by the World Health Organization as a
day for remembering those lost to HIV/AIDS, and for commitment to ending the spread of the epidemic .
World AIDS Day Hawai’i events are organized by a committee of
volunteers representing numerous community organizations, religious
congregations, government agencies, school groups, and concerned
individuals. You are invited to join us in planning World AIDS Day 2016.
Please visit our website at:
World AIDS Day Committee and Supporting Organizations
AIDS Community Care Team
AIDS Education Project
Cathedral of St. Andrew - Episcopal Diocese of Hawai’i
CHOW Project
Church of the Crossroads
Community Consortium of AIDS Physicians–Hawai'i
The FoodBasket
Gregory House Programs
Hawai'i Center for AIDS
HIV Drug Assistance Program
Hawai’i Department of Education-HIV Prevention Program
Hawai’i Department of Health–Family Planning Program
Hawai’i Department of Health–STD/AIDS Prevention Branch
Hawai'i Island HIV/AIDS Foundation
Hawai'i Seropositivity and Medical Management Program
Hepatitis Prevention, Education, Treatment & Support Network of Hawai`i
John A. Burns School of Medicine
Kapi’olani Community College Service Learning Program
Kaiser Permanente
Life Foundation
Lutheran Church of Honolulu
Malama Pono–Kaua’i’s AIDS Foundation
Maui AIDS Foundation
Mānoa-Punahou Catholic Community
Queen’s Medical Center
UH-Mānoa Public Policy Center
UH-Mānoa Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, CTAHR
UH-Mānoa Lokahi Peer Education Program
Waikiki Health Center
and many individual members of the community
Suzanne Richmond-Crum Award
This award, dedicated to the memory of Suzanne RichmondCrum, former Director of HSPAMM, an HIV/AIDS medical care
program of the STD/AIDS Prevention Branch, is presented annually
by the Hawai’i Department of Health.
Suzanne passed away in 2004 after serving as Director of
HSPAMM for more than ten years. The award was established in
memory of the competence and compassion Suzanne demonstrated
in her HIV/AIDS work and is presented annually for “outstanding
contributions in providing HIV/AIDS services in Hawai’i.”
2015 Award Recipient: Cindy Medeiros
For nearly 19 years Ms. Medeiros has dedicated herself to
caring for individuals affected by HIV/AIDS. She is currently an
HIV case manager for Hawai’i Island HIV/AIDS Foundation
(HIHAF). Throughout the years she has served in various roles at
HIHAF and has a deep understanding of and passion for the HIV
community on Hawai’i Island. Her focus has always been to support and help her HIV-positive clients. Ms. Medeiros is well respected and loved by the community that she serves.
Lenard Allen, a long-time colleague and previous Suzanne
Richmond-Crum Award recipient, said, “Cindy has many accomplishments and made outstanding contributions in the area of HIV/
AIDS in Hawai'i. She has been steadfast in her dedication to serving
all clients equally. For 19 years Cindy has been an advocate for all
those living with HIV. Whether marching in the Merrie Monarch
Parade to keep HIV awareness alive, working closely with clients,
or educating new employees beginning work in the field, she still
has the same compassion and dedication as she did 19 years ago.
Cindy has fielded thousands of calls from community members and
organizations requesting information and as a result has become
known by many as a team player with only one agenda: her client’s
Suzanne Richmond-Crum Award Recipients
2014 - Fred Cruz
2013 — Dominic Chow
2008 — Tom Sheeran
2012 — Lenard Allen
2007 — Ruth Antone
2011 — Pat Paakaula
2006 — Cyril Goshima
2010 — Georgie Kennedy
2005 — John Manion
2009 — Jon Berliner
2004 — Jaimie Callahan
Choral Program
St. Andrew’s Cathedral Choir
John Renke, Director
Deep River (traditional spiritual)
Deep river. My home is over Jordan,
I want to cross over into campground.
Oh, don't you want to go to that Gospel Feast,
That promised land where all is peace?
Verleih uns Frieden, Felix Mendelssohn, sung in German
Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich,
Herr Gott, zu unsem Zeiten!
Es ist doch ja kein Andrer nicht,
Der fur uns könnte straiten,
Denn du, unser Gott Alleine!
Martin Luther
Grant peace in mercy, Lord we pray,
Peace in our time, O send us!
For there is none on earth but you,
None other to defend us.
Only you, Lord, can defend us.
Ubi caritas Ola Gjeilo (sung in Latin)
Ubi caritas et amor Deus ibi est.
Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor.
Exsultemus et in ipso jucundemur.
Timeamus et amemus Deum vivum.
Et ex corde diligamus nos sincere
Latin, 9th century
Where charity and love are, God is there.
Christ’s love has gathered us into one.
Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him.
Let us fear, and let us love the living God.
And may we love each other with a sincere heart.
The Saint Andrew’s Ringing Society rings changes
from the Mackintosh Tower beginning at 6 pm
Pu: All please stand at the sounding of the conch shell
Ke Oli / Opening Chant / Flute: Raymond Alejo / David Braaten
Welcome to World AIDS Day Hawai’i:
The Very Rev. Walter Brownridge, Dean, Cathedral of St. Andrew
Hula Performance: Kananiokeakua School of Hula
He Oli No Ke Kapa Ho’ohali’ali’a (entrance oli)
Ohohia Ko Ka Honua
Patchwork Quilt,
He Wehi No Kananiokeakua (exit oli)
Choral Selection: St. Andrew’s Cathedral Choir
Deep River Spiritual
World AIDS Day Speaker: Jaimie Callahan
Introduction of Special Guests:
Choral Selection: St. Andrew’s Cathedral Choir
Verlieh uns frieden Felix Mendelssohn (sung in German)
12th Annual Suzanne Richmond-Crum Award:
Presented by Dr. Glenn Wasserman, MD., Chief, Communicable
Disease Division, Hawai’i Department of Health, and Peter Whiticar,
Chief, STD/AIDS Prevention Branch, Hawai’i Department of Health
Choral Selection: St. Andrew’s Cathedral Choir
Ubi caritas Ola Gjeilo (sung in Latin)
Moment of Silence, Closing Prayers, and Blessing
T H E S T . A N D R E W ’ S C A T H E D R A L C H O I R , composed
of choral scholars and volunteer singers, is considered one of the premier
choral ensembles in Honolulu. Dedicated to the highest performance
standards, the choir’s repertoire is exceptionally varied, encompassing
over a thousand years’ worth of music, from Gregorian Chant and Renaissance polyphony to works by contemporary composers.
Everyone is invited to join together in fellowship
for a reception in the Von Holt Room following the service,
hosted by volunteers from Slow Food O’ahu
Hula Program
Kananiokeakua School of Hula
Frank Ka'anana Akima and Eleena Luana Helenihi, na Kumu Hula
He Oli No Ke Kapa Ho’ohali’ali’a (entry oli)
written by Dr. Puakea Nogelmeier for World AIDS Day 2008
He hāli’ali’a mau ka pu’uwai aloha I nā pua
‘O nā pua helel’i i ka hili hewa a’o ka makani
Ka niniu ho’ohikilele I ka lālā o ka lā’au
La’ahia mau nō a i lei kāhiko o ke ola ē
Loving hearts will forever remember the flowers
Blossoms scattered by a gusting blow of the wind
Unexpectedly setting the tree branches reeling
They are ever-sacred, an adorning lifetime lei
Patchwork Quilt, by Keali’i Reichel; 1997 (lyrics opposite)
Patchwork Quilt
They unfolded your lives one by one
They laid out your patchwork under the sun
And people gathered from miles around
To witness your quilt spread on the ground.
And then they called out your name
Oh yes they called out your name
Oh and you will live forever
You know that I'll be loving you
Just like a patchwork quilt.
Well there were men and women, mothers and fathers
Sisters and brothers, daughters and sons
And children and babies, and lovers and friends
They all lay before me sewn into one.
Your lives had meaning and your lives had joy
You touched so many people, many more than you will know
And you wrapped yourselves around me
As I walked along these rows
You're letting me feel your beautiful souls.
I feel the warmth of your lives
Oh and you will live forever
You know that I'll be loving you
Just like a patchwork quilt.
My heart spills over, flowing with tears
I cry for your suffering and
for your shortened years
And I'll take you with me as I walk away
Remembering you who have died with AIDS
Image courtesy of the NAMES PROJECT — AIDS Memorial Quilt
He Wehi No Kananiokeakua (exit oli) - written by Dr. Puakea
Nogelmeier, for our late kumu George Kananiokeakua Holokai
Yes, I remember your names
Oh I remember your names
Oh and you will live forever
You know that I'll be loving you
Just like a patchwork quilt.
Kealii Reichel, 1997