Kindergarten Math


Kindergarten Math
The Bruins I.C.E. School
Lesson 1: Hockey Glyph
Lesson 2: Hockey Sort
Lesson 3: Can You Measure Up?
Lesson 4: Hockey Patterns
Lesson 5: Score-Addition/Subtraction
Worksheets Included: Please see each lesson for frameworks applied to that lesson
Lesson 1: Hockey Glyph
Concept/Topic to Teach: The children will make a skate glyph. The glyph will collect data about what the
children like or what they know about hockey.
Standards Addressed: K.MD- Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.
General Goal(s) – Expected Outcome- The children will make a hockey glyph that can be used to
describe themselves and to compare to other children’s glyphs.
Specific Objectives: To collect data that the children can see and compare.
Required Materials: Glyph Legend, paper, scissors, glue
• Talk to the students about the definition a glyph.
• If you have already made glyphs in the classroom, talk about the previous glyphs.
• Look over and read the glyph legend with the children, let the children make the glyph.
Independent Practice- The children should be able to work on the glyph by themselves.
Differentiated Instruction:
Adaptations (For Students with Learning Disabilities)
The children may work with a partner, read the glyph themselves, or the teacher can read the glyph step by
step for the children.
Extensions (For Gifted Students)
The children can create their own hockey glyph with a legend.
Check for Understanding-The glyph is put together according to the legend
Ask the children to sort the skates according to the different tasks on the legend.
The children make the glyphs and are able to sort them.
Lesson 2: Hockey Sort
Concept/Topic to Teach: Hockey Sort
Standards Addressed: K.MD- Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.
General Goal(s) – Expected Outcome- The children will be able to group hockey objects by common
Specific Objectives: The children will sort and classify hockey objects. The children will then count the
number of objects in each group.
Required Materials: Hockey Pictures
Talk to the children about what it means to sort different things.
• Show the children the hockey pictures. Talk about each picture, what it is and what it does.
• Explain that in the math centers, there are several bags with these pictures in them. They will
need to sort the cards by picture.
• When they are done they may count to see how many pictures are in each pile.
Independent Practice- Have the children sort other items in the classroom.
Differentiated Instruction
Adaptations (For Students with Learning Disabilities)
Give the children just two or three objects to sort.
Extensions (For Gifted Students)
Have the children create a graph and insert the pictures into the graph
Check for Understanding
The group or child will have the pictures sorted and counted.
Closure/Wrap Up
After switching to other tables and sorting several times, ask the children which group had the most bears
or hockey sticks
The children will be able to not only sort hockey pictures, but other items as well.
Lesson 3: Can You Measure Up?
Concept/Topic to Teach: Can you measure up?
Standards Addressed: K.MD-Describe and compare measurable attributes.
General Goal(s) – The children will use a non-standard of measurement to explore ways to measure
objects and then to write their findings on paper.
Specific Objectives: In pairs, the children will use hockey pucks to measure their friends.
Required Materials: hockey pucks (get the pucks from the gym teacher), paper and pencils.
Modeling/Explanation: Have the children explore the pucks and talk about what they are used for. Model
for the children what you would like them to do. Have a child lay on the floor in front of you. Lay the pucks
on the ground in a straight line next to the child. Have the children count with you to find out how many
pucks tall the child is. Say “this child is 10 pucks long.”
Independent Practice
Send the children off to work in pairs to measure themselves. Have the children write down how many
pucks long they are.
Differentiated Instruction
Adaptations (For Students with Learning Disabilities)
Have the children work with a student with strong math skills.
Extensions (For Gifted Students)
Have the children work together to graph who is the tallest, who is the shortest and who falls in-between.
Checks for Understanding
The children are able to use the pucks to measure each other.
Have the children present their findings to the class.
Evaluate the sheets that the children used to record their data.
Lesson 4: Hockey Patterns
Concept/Topic to Teach: Hockey Patterns
Standards Addressed: K.MD-Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.
General Goal(s) – The children will sequence pictures that repeat in the same order over and over again.
Specific Objectives: Using the pictures from Hockey Sort, the children will put the pictures into several
different patterns. The children will make AB patterns, ABC patterns, and ABB or AAB patterns.
Required Materials: Use picture from the hockey sort activity and sentence strips.
Show the children several different patterns in the classroom.
Independent Practice
Have the children use the pictures to make several different kinds of patterns. Have the children glue their
favorite pattern on a sentence strip. Before they glue, have them show a classmate.
Differentiated Instruction
Adaptations (For Students with Learning Disabilities)
Have the children do an AB pattern and check in with the teacher before gluing.
Extensions (For Gifted Students)
Have them create a story about their pattern.
Check for Understanding
The children will be able to make several different patterns.
Have the children show their pattern to the class.
The children will have a pattern on a sentence strip.
Lesson 5: Score – Addition/Subtraction
Concept/Topic to Teach: Score with addition and subtraction
Standards Addressed: K.OA Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand
subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
General Goal(s) – The children will use manipulatives to put together two numbers.
Specific Objectives: The children will use hockey pucks (circle counters) to solve math problems.
Required Materials: math fact cards, circle counters (hockey pucks)
Modeling/Explanation Show the children the cards and the counters. Explain to the children today, that
we are going to use the hockey pucks to add and subtract. Model for the children what you would like them
to do. If the problem is 5+5=10, put 5 hockey pucks in front of you, then put 5 more hockey pucks in front of
you. Then, ask the children how many hockey pucks there are all together. 5 hockey pucks + 5 hockey
pucks = 10 hockey pucks.
Independent Practice
Have the children use the materials to add or subtract numbers.
Differentiated Instruction
Extensions (For Gifted Students)
Have them make up their own math problems and have them put them on cards for students to solve.
Check for Understanding
Children should be able to solve problems with the hockey pucks.
Have the children draw a picture of one of the math problems.
The drawing of the math problem should match the answer.