The Rise of the “Liile Corporal”


The Rise of the “Liile Corporal”
The Rise of the “Li-le Corporal” How an Italian came to rule France Napoleon Bonaparte •  From Corsica •  Military College in Paris –  Good at math and arDllery •  Lieutenant (1789) •  General-­‐appointed by the Directory (1795) –  Flight of the upper class leaders out of France •  Defense of the Directory –  Oct 1795, royalists marched on Directory •  Defended the ConvenDon with cannons •  Royalist mob to broke quickly •  Napoleon gained full support of the Directory Josephine •  Real name: Marie-­‐
Josephe-­‐Rose Tascher •  Mistress of Paul Barras –  Napoleon feel in love –  ConnecDon with Barras important because part of the reason Napoleon goes to Italy •  First command -­‐ Italian Campaign, –  Established “sister-­‐
republics” in Italy –  Builds Napoleon’s reputaDon –  Spurs Napoleon’s belief he is the greatest general since Julius Caesar •  His men love him Egypt •  Egypt -­‐ disrupt the BriDsh supply line to India –  BriDsh naval commander, HoraDo Nelson, destroys almost all of Napoleon’s fleet •  Sends le-ers to France detailing his major victories: •  Kept him on the minds of people in France •  Enhanced his reputaDon for victory Coup d'état •  November 1799, Napoleon’s army surrounds naDonal legislature and drives out most members –  Those who remain, vote to dissolve the Directory establish a group of three consuls –  Napoleon becomes the “First Consul” and assumes the powers of Dictator •  Impact on Europe –  Britain, Austria, and, Russia, join forces to driving Napoleon out –  Defeats them in 3 years •  Focuses on rebuilding France Napoleon and ConsDtuDonality •  Want to lead a ConsDtuDonal free republic –  Ordered a plebiscite – a vote of the people –  Name him “First consul” Goals for France’s Stability •  Fix the economy –  Set up an efficient tax collecDon –  Established a naDonal banking system •  Ensured the government would have a steady supply of money Fixing France’s Government •  Decrease corrupDon –  Lycees – gov’t-­‐run public schools •  Open to men of all backgrounds •  Appointed to public office on merit •  Napoleonic Code –  Uniform set of laws, but strict •  No freedom of speech or press •  Promoted authority over individual freedom •  Restored slavery •  Women were of lower status Goals for France’s Soul •  Restore the Church in France –  Signed the Concordat of 1801 with Pope Pius VII •  Established a new relaDonship with the Church and state •  Gov’t recognized the influence of the Church •  But the Church could have no control in naDonal affairs Napoleon as Emperor •  In 1804, Napoleon named himself emperor of France –  Plebiscite voted yes •  Crowned himself –  Makes him more powerful than Church because the Pope had always crowned French kings An Emperor Needs an Empire •  Re-­‐establish French superiority in colonies –  Focused on Saint Domingue -­‐ run by ex-­‐slaves •  Restore sugar producDon •  Sent a force that was defeated by disease and HaiDans –  Louisiana Purchase •  Challenges BriDsh control in North America •  Supplies him with a bunch of money Meanwhile in Europe… •  Afraid of his successes, Britain, Russia, Austria, and Sweden join forces against the French BriDsh Success •  Ba-le of Trafalgar –  First major loss –  Coast of Spain (it’s a naval ba-le) –  HoraDo Nelson decimated French fleet –  Results: •  Supremacy of BriDsh navy •  Forced Napoleon to give up on his plans to invade Britain •  Ba-le of Austerlitz –  Known as the Ba-le of the Three Emperors •  Napoleon defeats Russians and Austrians –  Results: •  Forced Austria to make peace with France •  Kept Prussia out of the anD-­‐France alliance •  Forced the Russians to retreat back to Russia Things start to go wrong… •  The ConDnental System – Designed to make Europe self-­‐sufficient – Meant to destroy Britain’s economy •  Blockade – forcible closing of ports – Failed because BriDsh control the sea – BriDsh responded with blockade -­‐ more effecDve Peninsula War •  Portugal says no to ConDnental System – Sends army through Spain – Spanish people angry •  Napoleon put his brother, Joseph, on Spanish throne •  Spanish responded with guerillas – fighters who would a-ack and then disappear again – Beginning of the importance of NaDonalism Invasion of Russia •  Most disastrous mistake –  Teach Czar Alexander a lesson for selling grain to Britain •  SCORCHED-­‐EARTH POLICY – burn everything as you retreat –  Ba-le of Borodino •  Russians fall back – allow Napoleon to take Moscow •  Retreat in October, the Russians a-ack the back lines •  Result: decimated Napoleon’s Grand Army