2011- 2012 Junior League of Nashville Report to Community


2011- 2012 Junior League of Nashville Report to Community
2011- 2012
Junior League of Nashville
Report to Community
Our Mission
The Junior League of Nashville is an organization of women committed to promoting
voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through
the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively
educational and charitable. The Junior League of Nashville reaches out to women of all
races, religions, and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and a commitment to
Our Vision
The Junior League of Nashville is a premier women’s volunteer organization that offers our
members the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with others who are unified by
a desire to give back to our community. Through the talents of a diverse membership we
will support and enrich the lives of women, children and families in our community.
Together we have greater impact than we do individually.
About Us
The Junior League of Nashville (JLN) was founded in 1922 by a group of visionary women
committed to serving the Nashville community in a volunteer capacity. Today, JLN has
almost 1600 members and remains committed to developing the potential of women as
leaders and grassroots volunteers in charitable causes that improve the lives of women,
children, and families. Community needs on which JLN focuses include abuse and neglect,
children and families at risk, educationally disadvantaged youth, children’s and women’s
health, and quality of life. The League is a member of the Association of Junior Leagues
International. JLN has founded many important Nashville resources such as Renewal
House and the JLN Children’s Services at the downtown Nashville Public Library. JLN
founded the Junior League Home for Crippled Children in 1923, which is now a part of
Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and remains a major focus of JLN philanthropy and
volunteer support.
“Our League, as I see it, was organized as a means of expressing the feeling of social
responsibility for the conditions which surround us. We have the responsibility to act, and we
have the opportunity to conscientiously act to affect the environment about us”
- Mary Harriman Rumsey, 1912 Founder of the Junior League
2010-2011 Junior League of Nashville President, Michele Toungette
Letter from President:
The purpose of the Junior League is best described in its mission statement – striving to
develop the potential of women, improve the community, and promote volunteerism.
It has been the vision of Junior League members to create and build resources for our
community that will improve the lives of women and children for years to come. Robert F.
Kennedy said it well, “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can
work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written
the history of this generation.”
Through the journey of being President this past year, it has been a privilege to hear
members share similar stories of volunteering in our community while raising families,
celebrating career choices and making friends. It is with awe that I listened to the stories
about monumental moments from our history that have shaped non-profit programs
focused on women and children. Our League will be forever sustained by their wisdom and
guidance. The voice of over 1600 women sure has had quite a powerful message and
impact in our community!
As we continue to celebrate our 90th anniversary, I ask you to pause for a moment to
reflect on the positive effect of the millions of volunteer service hours and millions of
dollars given to programs in our community and the non-profit organizations that our
members continue to serve today. The Junior League of Nashville members are
compassionate, generous, enduring and loving women living out the mission of this
organization every day in this community. Through the pages of this Report to Community,
I know you too will see the work of women making great strides in the future of Nashville.
This message today is from a grateful heart. Thank you for believing. Thank you for
supporting. Thank you for giving. I extend my warmest appreciation to each member and
to all of the community leaders who have been a part of our history and successes. The
Junior League of Nashville has a mission and legacy to make us all proud. And, I am grateful
that we have responded and truly changed lives for the better.
Board of Directors:
Home Board Chair
Nominating Chair
Recording Secretary
Strategic Planning Chair
Sustainer Representative
VP of Communication and Marketing
VP of Community
VP of Development
VP of Education and Training
VP of Finance and Operations
VP of Membership
Michele Toungette
Jillian Waters
Jennifer Hill
Anne-Taylor Fones
Kerry Dunn
Amber Gilmer
Valerie Nagoshiner
Shana Alford
Jessica Hodes
Sims Polk
Catherine Beemer
Alana Schnitz
Natalie Ruggiero
Ellie Wetzel
Board of Trustees:
Frank Bumstead
Fran Hardcastle
Cathy Sullivan
Bill DeLoache
John Eason
Amy Smotherman, Managing Director
Jennie-Blair Ward, Staff Bookkeeper
Brittney Anderson, Membership Services Coordinator
Celebrating 90 Years – Inspiring Our Community
Ninety years ago, Cornelia Keeble Ewing founded and served as the first President of the
Junior League of Nashville. From the opening of the Junior League Home for Crippled
Children in 1923 to the commitment of $1.5 million to establish the Junior League Sickle
Cell Disease and Asthma Program in 2012, the tradition of the League providing benefits to
our community in inspiration ways continues. The Junior League of Nashville and its
members have focused on identifying and responding to the needs of our community in
very significant ways.
The Junior League of Nashville celebrated our 90th anniversary in several ways including
special volunteer service opportunities; award of Legacy Gifts to three community
agencies, and honoring current and past members, community agencies and corporate
sponsors with a wonderful Anniversary Luncheon.
Women Committed To Voluntarism
The Junior League of Nashville is fortunate to have committed volunteers that join the
organization to support efforts within the community. In 2011-2012, the Junior League of
Nashville welcomed over 140 women to our membership. With the addition of so many
talented women and the continued commitment of our active and sustaining members, the
Junior League of Nashville will continue for another 90 years with their dedication and
desire to support our mission.
During years of service to the League and after, many volunteers trained by the Junior
League of Nashville continue their volunteer efforts and provide their valuable skills to
non-profit agencies across Middle Tennessee.
Paragon Recipients 2011-2012:
First Year Active Award: Ceesun Andrews
Outstanding Service Award: Natalie Ruggiero
Sustainer Service Award: Mary Lee Bartlett
Community Service Award: Susan Huggins
Developing the Potential of Women
In line with the Mission statement, the Junior League of Nashville offers a variety of training
opportunities for its members to help women excel in the League as well as in their
personal and professional lives. Topics in the 2011-2012 year ranged from How to Plan a
Successful Meeting and Fundraiser to Personal Branding and Networking. Over 90% of the
trainings were led by members of the League and their knowledge and wisdom was
invaluable. The curriculum for our newest members in training was updated to ensure that
training was a key component
In February 2012, the new Junior League of Nashville University (JLNU) was launched. The
main objective in launching this three-year training program was to provide a wide array of
trainings that could help each member grow and better serve our community by nurturing
the talents of the members and help them develop additional skills.
In addition to attending training programs, Junior League of Nashville members are
provided the opportunities for on the job training through participation in and leadership
of fundraising and event committees as well as organizational committees. A variety of
skill sets are required to make the events successful and continue operations of the league.
Members are able to work on events that impact small committees of a handful of people to
those with public attendance in the thousands.
“Being the Co-Chair for the 90th Anniversary was a wonderful opportunity because I learned
about fundraising for non-profits as well as event planning for a large group. Through the
Junior League I was able to meet leaders in the community outside of the Junior League and
strengthen the Junior League's relationship with. The committee of 15 learned about logistics
of event planning and fundraising. Through our efforts we are pleased that we were able to
raise over $40,000. 100% of the profits will be given back into the Nashville community so
that the Junior League can make an impact and change lives.”
-Ali Fricke, 2012 Co-Chair of the 90th Anniversary Luncheon along with Beth Glasscock
“Each of us has the power to make a difference, as individuals and as members of the Junior
League of Nashville in our placements. By co-chairing the ‘Tis the Season Holiday
Marketplace, I learned how women can come together to make a difference in our community.
The event helped set the foundation for my everyday and professional life. It strengthened my
leadership skills, increased my knowledge about non-profit financials, taught me about
delegating to others, handling responsibilities, and time management. Most importantly my
experience allowed me to build lifelong friendships with others who are unified by a desire to
give back to our community. It was humbling to see so many excited Junior League volunteers
come together for a three-day event with a goal in mind of working together to build a better
community for women, children, and families in Nashville. Hands-down this was the best
placement I have had in the Junior League of Nashville and look forward to many more
exciting volunteering opportunities.
-Anna Moran, 20111 Co-Chair of ‘Tis the Season Holiday Marketplace along with Amy
“I still believe that the Junior League is a place for a volunteer to get that training. It’s a
bridge to the community. The goal is to take that training into the community.”
- Jerry Williams, Former JLN President
Improving Our Community
The Junior League of Nashville works to improve our community through the effective
action and leadership of trained volunteers. The actions taken by the League include
completion of over nine thousand hours of volunteer service equating to $183,146 of inkind donations, distribution of over $422,000 from League endowments and funds raised,
and organization of and participation in special community events. In line with our
mission, the Junior League of Nashville strives to support and enrich the lives of women,
children, and families throughout our community.
Supporting our Community Partners
Every year the Junior League of Nashville commits volunteers to community agencies
whose mission and services align with those of the League. In the 2011-2012 league year,
our community partners included:
JLN Volunteer Hours: 864
JLN Dollars Committed: $18,827 (in-kind)
First Steps
JLN Volunteer Hours: 247
JLN Dollars Committed: $5,382 (in-kind)
Girls on the Run
JLN Volunteer Hours: 638
JLN Dollars Committed: $13,902 (in-kind)
McNeilly Center for Children
JLN Volunteer Hours: 129
JLN Dollars Committed: $2,811 (in-kind)
Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt
JLN Volunteer Hours: 1,412
JLN Dollars Committed: $30,767 (in-kind)
Nashville Children’s Alliance
JLN Volunteer Hours: 160
JLN Dollars Committed: $3,486 (in-kind)
Nashville Children’s Theatre
JLN Volunteer Hours: 664
JLN Dollars Committed: $14,469 (in-kind)
Nashville Public Library
JLN Volunteer Hours: 520
JLN Dollars Committed: $11,331 (in-kind)
Oasis Center
JLN Volunteer Hours: 920
JLN Dollars Committed: $20,047 (in-kind)
Preston Taylor Ministries
JLN Volunteer Hours: 524
JLN Dollars Committed: $11,418 (in-kind)
Rejoice Ministries
JLN Volunteer Hours: 326
JLN Dollars Committed: $7,104 (in-kind)
Ronald McDonald House
JLN Volunteer Hours: 906
JLN Dollars Committed: $19,742 (in-kind)
Saddle Up!
JLN Volunteer Hours: 738
JLN Dollars Committed: $16,081 (in-kind)
St. Luke’s Community House
JLN Volunteer Hours: 252
JLN Dollars Committed: $5,491 (in-kind)
The Next Door
JLN Volunteer Hours: 105
JLN Dollars Committed: $2,288 (in-kind)
Note: Independent Sector estimates the 2011 dollar value of a volunteer hour at $21.79.
I am always amazed by how much a group of Junior League ladies can accomplish in such a
short period of time. … Thanks again for all your support over the last couple years. Y’all have
really helped keep our program growing!
-Hank Cardwell, Glencliff High School
Book'em is very grateful for our Junior League of Nashville volunteers. They are helping us
make a difference for many of Nashville's neediest children.
- Melissa Spradlin, Book’em Executive Director
Aiding Community Projects
Junior League of Nashville members give of their time to support a variety of community
projects. In the 2011-2012 year, members aided community projects that accomplished
great things including arranging for hundreds of low-income families to shop for their
children at Christmas, provided an opportunity for local Hispanic families to attend free
seminars, celebrated both the patients and families served within the Children’s Hospital at
Vanderbilt, and assisted with a summer initiative to increase access to and consumption of
fresh fruits and veggies.
The complete list of 2011-2012 Junior League Community Outreach Projects include:
Avance! Día Familiar (Moving Forward! Family Day)
Capture the Flag
Girl Scouts Award Ceremony
Glencliff High School's Gardening Project
Middle Tennessee Fight for Air Walk
Nashville Children's Alliance Walk
Renewal House Field Day
Second Harvest
Southern Festival of Books
Special Olympics
St. Luke's Food Community House
We Care for Kids
World Book Night
Youth Encouragement Services Christmas Store
Providing Opportunities – Kids in the Kitchen
The Junior League of Nashville built upon the Association of Junior Leagues International
initiative to host its annual Kids in the Kitchen project in March 2012. As part of the
League’s commitment to children’s health, the Kids in the Kitchen project focuses on
helping to address the urgent issues surrounding childhood obesity and poor nutrition.
The event was designed to educate children about making healthy lifestyle choices through
a variety of activities, information sessions, and games. This year the Kids in the Kitchen
event was open to a broader audience of children including Girl Scouts and fourth and sixth
graders from the Martha O’Brien Center.
Giving to Our Community
In 2011-12 gifts given to the Community totaled $422,336.97. The Junior League of
Nashville also committed another $1,525,000.00 in gifts to be given over the next 5 years.
The Junior League of Nashville continued the tradition with many contributions to our
partner agencies. These gifts provided a range of opportunities from free performances
and financial aid for Metro Public School students to see a holiday play at Nashville
Children’s Theatre to development of a new music curriculum for infants and toddlers who
attend McNeilly Center. In honor of the 90th Anniversary of the League, the Home Board
awarded Legacy Gifts to three different Community Agencies including Oasis Center,
Preston Taylor Ministries, and Renewal House.
A capstone gift of $200,000 was provided to Centerstone in their capital campaign for a
new clinic building on the Dede Wallace Campus on White Avenue. The new building will
house programs that collectively serve over 10,000 people each year, most of whom are
below poverty level. This gift brings us Home, during our 90th anniversary year, to the
address where we ran a fully-accredited 50-bed hospital and established a center to reach
children suffering from abuse and neglect.
On April 24th, 2012 the Junior League signed the 7th Supplemental Gift Agreement with the
Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. Our commitment of $1.5 million
establishes the Junior League Sickle Cell Disease and Asthma Program. This agreement
continues our long-standing support of programs at the Children’s Hospital – including the
Junior League Family Resource Center, Junior League Child Life Specialist Program,
Neonatal Intensive Care Development Follow-up Clinic, Junior League Therapeutic Arts
Program, Junior League Fetal Care Program and more. The Junior League Sickle Cell
Disease and Asthma Program will be a medical home located at the Matthew Walker
Comprehensive Health Center in Nashville. The innovative medical home model brings
together physicians, nurse practitioners and nurse case managers from Children’s Hospital
and Meharry Medical College to provide family-centered care to the community. With
support services, educational resources and personalized care available under one roof, the
program will help reduce health care costs and improve access for patients who require
long-term treatment. Many children with sickle cell disease often struggle with asthma.
The Sickle Cell Disease and Asthma Program continues the Junior League’s roots of
supporting compassionate, home-based care.
"Throughout our 90 year history, we have been committed to changing the lives of women
and children. Through our partnership with Monroe Carell Jr Children's Hospital at
Vanderbilt, we are able to partner with children and families who face difficult, but
manageable illnesses -- sickle cell and asthma. We are honored to be a part of a program that
goes into our community to meet families and be advocates to helping them."
Michele Toungette, Junior League of Nashville President, 2011-2012
Thank you For Your Generous Gifts
A special thank you to all who have supported our organization during the 2011-2012 year.
As the League continues to look forward to the future and develop ways we can continue to
support our community with trained volunteers and program development, we are grateful
to those who give financially to the League. Thank you for your continued support of the
Junior League of Nashville!
League Sponsors
First Tennessee
Gaylord Opryland
Publix Super Markets Charities
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Southern Bulb Company (Kids in the Kitchen Event)
Supporters Donating Goods and Services
In-kind donations of goods and services helps the League maximize funds raised through
special events to benefit our community.
A Perfect Bite
Anatra Jewels
Anne's Cakes
Ashley Segroves Photography
At Home Tennessee
Baked by Ash
Barnsley Gardens
Basics and Beyond Personal
Bella Bridesmaids
Bound'ry Restaurant
Bridgestone Americas
Brittany Fuson Paper
Buchanan Ink
Cabot Vermont
Cakes by Nunu
Camp Bow Wow
Chaffins Barn Dinner Theatre
Cindi Earl Fine Jewelry
Cirrus Aircraft
Complete Nutrition
Courier Printing Co.
Coverd with Icing
Cowgirl Cupcakes Co. and General
Crumb de la Crumb
Dale Hollow Marina
David Yurman
Designers Gallery
Dessert Designs
Dollar General Corporation
Draper Jewelry
Elam, Vaughn & Fleming)
Elan Skin
Elk Mtn. Construction Co.
Faboo Cakes
Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.
Firefly Grille
Food Network
French Confection Cakes
French Shoppe
Frist Center for Visual Arts
Gaylord Opryland Resort
Gigi's Cupcakes
Golden Crème by Relief, Inc.
Graffitti Indoor Advertising, Inc.
Grannis Photography
Greater Nashville House, Home &
Green Hills Hampton Inn & Suites
Harpeth Hall School
Hatcher and Fell Photography
Hermitage Bakery
High Tone Entertainment
Iron Gate
Jack Daniels Distillery
J'on Alan
Julia from Scratch
Just Yell Fire
Lamar Advertising
Leona Shirt
Lipman Brothers
Loews Hotel
Loews Vanderbilt Hotel
Loveless Café
Marcelle Guilbeau Interior Design
Martha O'Bryan Center
Merrill Lynch: McMahan Moran
Mix 92.9
Moe's Southwest Grill
Nashville Ledger
Nashville Lifestyles
Nashville Lifestyles
Nashville Opera Association
Nashville Parent
Nashville Symphony
Nashville Symphony
Noi's Gifts and Gourmet
Nothing Bundt Cakes
ORECK Corporation
Pancake Pantry
Paradise Park Trailer Resort
Party Pops by Julie
Patti Smallwood
Plaid Rabbit
Priscilla Harris Photography
Private Edition
Puffy Muffin
Rebecka Vaughan Lingerie
RELIEF, INC. Makers of Golden
Ro B. Antiques
Robyn's Nest
Rouse House Kids (Laura Rouse)
Savannah Tea Company
SDC Makeup
Sevier Skirts
Shana Alford
Shine The Salon
Signature Nail Spa
Sole Mio Italian Restaurant
Something Special
Southern Bulb Company
Summer Classics
Swank Audio Visuals
Sweet 16th Bakery
Sweet n' Sassy
Sweet Temptations
Sweetface Cakes
The Bar Method Nashville
The Cake Mix Doctor
The Cake Project
The Cheesecake Factory
The Container Store
The Container Store
The Dotted Line
The Oxford Shop
The Painted Cupcake
The Palm Restaurant
The Picnic
The Picnic Café
The Print Authority
The Print Authority
The Registry
The Shoppes on Main
The Sweetest Day
The Tennessean
The Viking School
The Wife Works
Tory Burch
Towne Park
Trace Skincare, LLC
Urban Flatts
Vanderbilt Athletics Department
West Meade Wine and Liquor Mart
Whole Foods
Wolfe Gourmet Cakes
Yoga Source
Your Community Magazine
Annual Fund
Every gift to the Junior League Annual Fund, large and small, helps us cover our operating
expenses and allows us to direct more funds to the community. Through the generosity of
donors, the Junior League of Nashville 2011-2012 Annual Fund Campaign provided
essential support to the League programs, training of volunteers and operational costs.
Total Annual Fund giving in 2011-2012 was $43,317.43. Thank you to all who contributed.
$1,000 and above
Jessica and John Clark
First Tennessee Bank
Karen Fleming
In Memory of Sally Holland Wilson
Ann Hardeman and Combs L. Fort
Carolyn Amiot
Ann S. Bumstead
Laurie Gold Eskind
Nellie Folsom
Fran Hardcastle
Elizabeth Craig Weaver Proctor
Charitable Foundation
Yameeka Jones
Patti Smallwood
Cathy McLure
Jerry B. Williams
C.B. Rollins, III and Delinda Rollins
Charitable Lead Unitrust
Lattie N. Brown
Carol Bullen
Shana Alford
Laura S. Creekmore
Linda M. Burkholder
Jane Buchanan Corcoran
Karen Cochran
In Honor of Amy Cochran
Katie Crumbo
Whitney Conyers
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence DeFrance
Larry & Chris DeFrance Family Donor
Advised Fund of
The Community Foundation of Middle
Diana Day-Cartee
Anne-Taylor Fones
Kerry Dunn
In Honor of the 2011-2012 JLN Board
Krysta Giacobone
Natalie Ruggiero
Elizabeth B. Stadler
Jo Doubleday
Pam DuBois
Mrs. H. Wallace Edwards, Jr.
Jean D. Farris
Amber Barfield Gilmer
Debi Tate
In Honor of Sallie Norton
In Honor of Honey Alexander
Barbara Glasgow
Valerie Hartong
Diane Griffin
Senator Douglas and Loiette Henry
Polly Alexander
Judy Andrews
In Honor of Sue Andrews
Amy Atkinson
Kent Ewing Ballow
Mary Lee Bartlett
Catherine Beemer
Alice Heywood
Jennifer and Michael Hill
In Honor of the 2011-2012 JLN Board of
and 2011-2012 Home Board
Caryl Hippler
Sally Holland
Meredith Hollomon
Mrs. Thomas R. Steele
Mrs. Henry Hooker
Michele M. Kaufman (Mrs. Andrew M.
Suzanne Iler
In Honor of Mary Lee Bartlett
Mary LaGrone
Kim Harvey Looney
Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart
Cathy Sullivan
Stacy Sullivan-Karrels
In Honor of Michele Toungette, Jillian
Waters and Catherine Beemer
Michele Toungette
In Honor of the JLN Board of Directors
Mary F. Lynch
Ellen H. Martin
Ellen Wills Martin
Michael McSurdy
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Mertz
Diana Mobley
Beth C. Moore
Anne Morgan
In Honor of Sallie Norton
Barbara B. Turner
Margaret Tolbert
Valerie Van Eaton
Rosemary Ver Hulst
Erica Vick
Patricia Wallace
In Memory of Polly Craig
Eleanor Whitworth
Hennie Benedict Morris
Sarah Creekmore Woodall
In Honor of Laura S. Creekmore
Valerie Nagoshiner
Melissa Wyatt
Sandra Davis Owen
Linde Pflaum
In Honor of Michele Toungette
Sylvia Roberts
Marti Rosenberg
Elizabeth Ryan
Mary Schoettle
Cara Aaron
Victoria Alexander
Amy Archer
Louise Bairnsfather
Rachel Barden
Cathey Barnhill
Robert Barrett
Chala Bartley
Reca Barwin
Georgina Beaty
Holly Beck
Megan Bell
Betsy Bernstein
Anna Clare Bland
Laura Blankenship
Carolyn Bonde
Jessica Bowers
Marcy Brandau
Colleen Bracken
Sue Bredensteiner
Holly Brewer
Holly Calhoun
Laura Carrico
Julia Cashion
Kay Caudle
Lauren Champion
Laura Choppin
Beth Scott Clayton, LUTCF,CLTC
Amy Cochran
Jennifer Colquitt
Amy Colton
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Colton
Laura Crenshaw
Patsy Curry
Andrea Davis
Jan Davis
Kathy Davis
Kim Bright
Nancy Williams Davis
In Honor of Howard & Anne Dolloff
Katie Bruce
Tiffany Davis
Mary Morgan Bryan
Hadley Doolittle
Heather Burchfield
Nillie Djassemi
Cynthia Bullinger
Sandra Douglass
Tyronda Burgess
Deena Shapiro Drummond
Alice Essary
In Honor of Mary Lee Bartlett
In Honor of Jennifer Hill
Claire Evans
Ann Ewing
Sarah Ann Ezzell
Elizabeth Felder
Mon-Kisha Fitchpatric
Caitlin Franklin
Tracy Frazier
In Honor of Jean Jackson Hastings
Ali Fricke
Anne Friedland
Jessica Frye
Brenda Gadd
Mikele Goodchild
Elisa Goodrich
Madison Gray
In Honor of Laura Creekmore
Jennifer Hillen
Jennifer Hinds
In Honor of Carey Hinds
Jessica Hodes
Dana Hunter
Martha Hutchinson
Susan Irby
Angela Jefferson
Anne Jenkins
In Honor of Mary Lee Bartlett
Stephanie Kennedy
Lana Kidd
Kristin Kilpatrick
Katie Koban
Leela Kodali
Ashley Larence
Jennifer Larson
Myra Leathers
Katherine Griffin
Mollie Lehner
Meredith Griffith
Julie Lewis
Nicole Hamway
Leigh Kelley Lindsey
Clare Harbison
Katie Lizarraga
Barbara Harlin
Megan Massa
Ashley Henry
Laura Maxwell
Marie Maxwell
Antoinette M Mayes
Mimi Mayo
Amy McConnell
Amanda McDougald
In Memory of Rose G. McDougald
Sheila J. McNeeley
Belinda McSween
In Honor of The 2011-2012 Board
Kate Meriwether
In Honor of Vicky Tarleton
Missy Michaels
Clare Michels
Kristen Middlebrooks
Katie Myers
Caroline Nail
Lacey Newman
Sallie Norton
In Honor of Susan Moll
Christy Odom
Beth Osteen
Necie Elizabeth Pable
In Honor of Kendria Northcutt
Elizabeth Papel
In Memory of Mary Rigby
Janet Parry
Caroline Payne
Carolyn Pearre
Lena Miller-Powers
In Memory of Mary Rigby
Carissa Pereira
Jennifer Mitchell
Becky Phillips
Susan Moll
In Honor of Mary Lee Bartlett
Liz Piercy
Lisa Montross
Mrs. James Rutland Moore
Angela Moretti-Goddard
Eleanor Morgan
Mariann Morris
Elin Mulron
Carla Myers
Megan Pinson
Amy Pitts
In Honor of Troy Balthrop
Carrie Playfair
In Honor of Catherine Beemer
Trish Poe
In Honor of Jennifer Hill, 2011-2012 Home
Board and Amy Pitts
Sims Polk
In Honor of the Community Council
Rachel Potter
Amy Strong
Karin Prentice
Jane Stumpf
Samantha Reedy
Andrea Swafford
Jena Riggs
Jade Tanumijaya
Kira Roberts
Jane Tarkington
Lauren Roberts
Amber Taylor
Julie Rosof-Williams
Brande Thomas
Victoria Lynn Sanders
Diane Titus
Jamie Scarbrough
Bethany Todd
Alana Schnitz
Laura Turner
Mary Jo Shankle
Holly Trepka
Cathy Shell
Sally Underwood
Mary Kim Shipp
Amanda Vick
Kristin Shorter
Catherine Vrettos
In Honor of Ali Fricke and Beth Glascock
Lacie Simonton
Anna Smith
Susannah Smith
Kim Ann Snodgrass
Frances and Jimmy Spradley
Catherine Warfield
Jillian Waters
In Honor of the 2011-2012 Board of
Edie Wear
Nancy Weaver
Julia St.Clair
Lisa Stickel
Andrea Stilwell
Carrie Stokes
Jennifer Weimer
Michelle Weiss
Ellie Wetzel
In Honor of Emily Murphy
Andrea White
Betty Wise
Lauren Wright
Gretchen Zimmerman
In Honor of Trish Poe
‘Tis the Season Holiday Marketplace
The Junior League of Nashville hosted its 5th Annual ‘Tis the Season Holiday
Marketplace in November 2011. The Marketplace raised funds to benefit the
Nashville community through a fabulous shopping event with over 100 merchants
who showcased treasures from across the nation. Nearly 3,000 shoppers attended
the Marketplace over the three-day event contributing to the $83,000 netted by the
event. The event Chairs were Anna Moran and Amy Cochran. Thank you to all that
supported, volunteered and attended the Holiday Marketplace.
‘Tis the Season Sponsors
Howard McLure
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Wade & Egbert Insurance Agency
‘Tis the Season Supporters
Lynda Berretta
Michael and Margo Hall
The Loveless Café
‘Tis the Season Patrons
Jessica Bowers
Polly Alexander
Kathryn Agnew
Ceesun and Jess Andrews
Taryn Anderson
Pamela Atkins
Rachel Barden
Dana Ausbrooks
Edith Bass
Louise Bairnsfather
Lynda and Nathan Berreta
Kenneth Ballew
Anna Clare Bland
Mary Lee Bartlett
Elizabeth Callis
Catherine and Jeff Beemer
Ashley Childers
Megan Bell
Anna Lee Crysel
Madonna and Scott Breece
Cricket Daugherty
Molly Bronaugh
Kerry Dunn
Lattie Brown
Barbara Glasgow
Barbara Bundy
Kara Houston
Colleen Conway-Welch
Karla Hyatt
Laura Creekmore
Beth Glascock
Sondra Cruickshanks
Sarah Goschy
Caroline Davis
Gail Greil
Nancy Williams Davis
Holly Harris
Alisa and Jim Donato
Loiette and Douglas Henry
Missy Eason
Ellen and Michael Hollis
Mia Fleetwood
Heather and Kris Kemp
Jack Fleischer
Patricia Luther
Anne-Taylor Fones
Donna Maddox
Ali Fricke
Beth and Paul Moore
Jessica Frye
Valerie Nagoshiner
Anna Napier
Sallie Norton
Carolyn Amiot
Rachel Odom
Barbara Bovender
Trish and Pat Poe
Katie and Robert Bruce
Proctor Marble & Granite
Jo Doubleday
(Jerry A. Proctor)
EBS Foundation (Elizabeth B. Stadler
OliviaRechter IHO J.Knighton & D. Napier
Lauren and Christopher Rowe
Phyllis Heard
Shay Sanders
Horatio & Willie D. Buntin Foundation
Bobette Smith
Frances Jackson
Carrie Stokes
Kathi and Giles Kilgore
Chelsea Brown Sudbury
Kelly and Austin McMullen
Debra and David Taylor
Krysta McNaughton-Giacobone
Brittney Testerman
Linde and David Pflaum
Mary Louise Tidwell
Catherine and Cameron Plato
Sandee and John Tishler
Samantha and Jamie Reedy
Trisha Torrado
Brooke Reusch
Ashley Turner
Natalie Ruggiero
Kristie Walker
Patti and Bryan Smallwood
Ellie Wetzel
Ashley and Edward Stringfellow
Julie Rosof and Bill Williams
Stacy Sullivan-Karrels
Paula Wilson
Michele Toungette
Yameeka Jones
Heather and Mark Traylor
Elizabeth Kaegi
Barbara Irene Bird Turner
Molly Lehner
Jen Watson
Elizabeth McKenzie
Dudley B. White
Kristen Middlebrooks
Anne Wolfenden
Shelbye Ortale
Caroline Payne
Sarah Richter Perky
Shana Alford IHO M. Hall & H. Harris
Stephanie Perry
Angela and Jerry Bostelman
Rachel Potter
Ann Bumstead
Sarah Ashley Rohe
Karen and Kent Cochran
Alana Schintz
Amy & Ryan Cochran
Sarah Schwaber
Donna and Pickslay Cheek, Jr. Fund via
Gabrielle Sherard
The Community Foundation
Amy Smotherman
Lee Ann Ingram
Deborah Story
Cathy and Howard McLure
Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Hettie Stuart
Anna and Jackson Moran
Aftin Swearingen
T & T Family Foundation
Kristin Toepfer
Catherine Vrettos
Lee Anne Wills
Sarah Woodall
90th Anniversary Celebration
On March 29, 2012, the Junior League of Nashville celebrated its 90 year
anniversary with a luncheon for over 350 guests. Those in attendance included
friends, JLN members, community agencies, and sponsors. The luncheon raised a
total of $40,755. The event chairs were Ali Fricke and Beth Glasscock. Thanks to all
who helped the Junior League of Nashville celebrate 90 wonderful years of impact to
the community.
90th Anniversary Sponsors
CAT Financial
Gary Force Acura
Graceful Tables
Hirtle, Callaghan & Co, LLC
Pinnacle National Bank
90th Anniversary Honorary Committee Members, Patrons and Table Hosts
$1 - 99
Elizabeth Anderson
Ali and Richard Fricke
Catherine Beemer
Krysta Giacobone
Shea Ghertner
Beth Glascock
Jennifer Greenleaf
Cordia Harrington
Courtney Hancock
Melissa Hood
Meri Haynes
Jane Jacques
Terri Lankford
Nancy Leach
Alaine McCoy
Penn Shelton
$1,000 - $2,499
Andrea Swafford
Shana Alford
Catherine Vrettos
Mary Lee Bartlett
Black Box Network Services (Jon Parrott)
Boone, Brandon, Johnston & Evans (Diane West)
Leslee B. Alexander
Ann Bumstead
Milbrey Andrews
Patricia Curry
Caroline Davis
Alexis Harshbarger
Senator and Mrs. Henry
Karen Fleming
Jennifer Hill
Pinnacle Financial Partners (Brande Thomas)
Natalie Ruggiero
Patti Smallwood
Hettie Stuart
Michele Toungette
$2,500 plus
Jean Ann Banker
Caterpillar Financial Services (Gari S. Cowan)
Mary Lee Bartlett
Tricia Carswell
Virginia Carter
Laura Creekmore
Missy Eason
Alice Essary
Madison Gray
Frances Hardcastle
Phyllis Heard
Cindy Jones
Liza Lentz
Alice Mathews
Leslie McGinn
David and Roxanne McGowan
Sallie Norton
Rachel Odom
Robin Puryear
Mary Jo Shankle
Bertie Shriver
Sue Spickard
Ellie Wetzel
Dudley B. White
Jerry Williams
Dana Zukierski
We apologize for any errors or omissions. If you feel your name has been inadvertently
left off, please contact Amy Smotherman, Managing Director, at 615-269-9393.
The Junior League of Nashville relies on generous funding sources to meet our
organization’s mission. In addition to traditional fundraisers, our League received
support from individuals and corporations to further the work in our trained
Proceeds from funds raised go to train our members to make a difference in the
Nashville community. Trained volunteers are essential to why women join our
organization and a priceless gift to the community.
Information on the Junior League of Nashville’s audited financial statement as of
May 31, 2012, is available on our website at www.jlnashville.org, under What We
Do. A complete financial statement is available upon request.
The Junior League of Nashville Spending Policy was implemented in 2012 to provide a
financial framework for sustaining and furthering the mission of the League. The
policy was developed to provide a detailed and consistent process for members to
follow in determining availability, use and investment of league assets. The policy
outlines membership voting rights and also details how and when grants are awarded
each year, applicable to both internal league and external community gifts.
Joining the Junior League of Nashville
The Junior League of Nashville is an organization committed to developing the
potential of women. This membership creates a unique opportunity to be a part of a
local chapter and the national Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI),
where 293 Leagues across the world unite to share ideas, develop as leaders, and
improve through volunteerism the lives of women and children across the world.
The League is a transformational organization that offers possibilities for all types of
Junior League membership is measured in priceless memories of women coming
together to train, volunteer and most of all friendships among like-minded women
who continue to change the future. The collective action of trained volunteers is no
match for any challenge to make Nashville a better community.
We invite you to learn more about joining our organization. If you are interested in
joining the Junior League of Nashville, please visit www.jlnashville.org for
application information and timelines. We look forward to meeting you at the
prospective members meetings.