June 7, 2015 - St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church
June 7, 2015 - St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church
Corpus Christi Sunday ● June 7, 2015 Corpus Christi Sunday ● June 7, 2015 Corpus Christi Procession Please join us for a Solemn Eucharistic Procession on the Feast of Corpus Christi. We will process with the Blessed Sacrament from Mater Dolorosa Chapel at Our Lady of Sorrows Retreat Center to St. Martin de Tours Church for a time of Adoration and Benediction and then process back. Bring your family and friends. When: June 7, 2015 Time: 3:00PM Where: Our Lady of Sorrows to St. Martin de Tours. Sponsored by the Community of Jesus Crucified and St. Martin de Tours Church. For those who are infirmed, elderly or otherwise unable to participate in the Eucharistic Procession, there will be a Holy Hour here at St. Martin de Tours. The Holy Hour will take place on Sunday, June 7th at 3:00PM. Date Time Eucharistic Ministers Lector $ 7,271.00 $10,000.00 $ -2,729.00 Altar Server TO HELP KEEP OUR CEMETERY AND MAUSOLEUMS CLEAN, TIDY AND SAFE FOR ALL WHO VISIT. BE ADVISED THAT THE FOLLOWING POLICIES WILL BE ENFORCED. MAUSOLEUM UPKEEP POLICY ALL OBJECTS/ ITEM LEFT AT FLOOR LEVEL ON ANY MAUSOLEUM WALK WILL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF ON A REGULAR BASIS. THIS INCLUDES OBJECTS/ITEMS ATTACHED TO THE MARBLE STRIP BELOW THE DOORS AT GROUND LEVEL. FAMILIES DESIRING TO ADORN THEIR DOOR SHOULD BE AWARE THAT ONLY THE DOOR IS AVAILABLE FOR SUCH ATTACHEMENTS/ADORNMENT. CEMETERY UPKEEP POLICY COLLECTION REPORT General Offertory 5/31/15 Weekly Budget (2015-2016) Difference CEMETERY/MAUSOLEUM POLICY ANY BREAKABLE OBJECTS/ITEMS LEFT AT TOMBS IN ST. MICHAEL CEMETERY WILL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF ON A REGULAR BASIS. Intentions Daily Mass 6/8-12/15 6:30 AM Frank Castille Lydia Guidry Mon. 6/8/15 Rhona J. Barras; St. Anthony (FG) 9:30 Nursing Home Mass Wed. 6/10/15 Gene & Kirk Bienvenu; Joseph A. Douet (42nd DA); Our Lady of Fatima (FG) Thurs. 6/11/15 Our Lady of Lourdes (FG) Fri. 6/12/15 Georgean A. Babin; M/M Alfred Faucheaux & Nolan (Mrs. Alfred DA) Tuesday 6/9/15 5:30 PM Lou Sonnier Dianne Champagne Ethel G. Oubre; Georgean A. Babin; Jesus, Mary & Joseph (FG); Tommy & Leslie Louviere; Dennis, Lucette & Walter Hulin (DA) Saturday 6/13/15 4:00 PM Kathleen Durand; Tuffy Resweber; Howard Boyer George Choplin Hunter Bienvenu; Madison Bienvenu; Joshua Theriot Kathryn “Kat” Watkins; Therese G. Delcambre; Leo, Cecilia & Mary Joyce Champagne; Dennis, Lucette & Walter Hulin; John “Noonie” Viator; Jean & Yola Poirier; Georgean A. Babin & M/M Anisette Babin, Lally; Ethel G. Oubre; Lessal Melancon (DA); Joseph Sr., Rosalie & Vincent Milazzo; Murphy Oubre; Ivan, Sr. & Ella Boudreaux Lavergne Family; Helen & Jess Weimer & Elizabeth (Helen BD); M/M Homer Hulin & Darrell; John Wesley Dugas & Darrell; Ann Gardemal Judice & Lynne Viator Judice Family; Murphy & Lena Latiolais Family Sunday 6/14/15 8:00 AM Lucille Theriot; Louella Champagne; Buddy Hebert Marie Patin Kory Douet; Khristien Prejean Marin & Joanna Conery Durand; Tony & Donald Thomas; Barry Blanchard; Rita Theriot; George “Butch” McHugh; Priscilla Hulin; Joyce Douet Theriot; M/M Lloyd Barras & Grandchildren; Myrtle Girouard & Roy Breaux; Elmo, Mathilde & Lucy Bourque Family; A.J “Bon” & Leona J. Champagne; Vincent, Rosalie & Joseph Milazzo, Sr.; Mitchell Daspit; Joseph & Lelia Gaudet; John & Sylvia Guidry; Claudia Gaudet; Theophile, Maude & MaryAnn Marks; M/M Freddie Champagne & Irene; Edward Theriot Sunday 6/14/15 10:00 AM Loretta Henri Blanchard; Bienvenu Connie Pelafigue; Donnie Latiolais Morgan Verret; Mary Hebert; Lillian Latiolais Genevieve “Jenny” Theriot & Ben; Pim & Peck Eastin; Suzette Bienvenu Judice; Harvey Pelafigue & Butch Pelafigue; M/M Albert Landry; M/M Alfred Landry; Russell & Jeanelle Landry; Cliff Durand; Hubert & Lorena Hulin; Herman & Marcelle O. Bienvenu; Mary & Lloyd Maraist; Fred & Margaret F. Bienvenu & Don; M/M Desire Delahoussaye & Betty; Patsy Gonzales (BD 6/18); Hilda Delahoussaye Dohmann; Yvette Romero Cartwright (BD); George E. Bulliard, II; St. Jude (FG); Garrett Matthew Tabor & Lilly Belle; Harold Poirier; St. Jude (FG) Sunday 6/14/15 5:00 PM Tommy Romero; Nikki Dugas Ty Dugas; Ty & Blair Theriot Leonce “Cas” Jr. & Cory “Cas” Boudreaux; Albert Duke Decuir Barbara Romero The Second Collection this weekend is for the Building Fund The monthly Building Fund collection is one of the ways we are able to finance the many projects we have underway as we celebrate our 250th Anniversary in 2015. SAINT MARTIN DE TOURS DESIGNATED FOR PLENARY INDULGENCE Bishop Michael Jarrell has named Saint Martin de Tours Church as one of the designated sacred places for gaining a plenary indulgency during the Year for Consecrated Life. The Holy Father, on the occasion of the Year of Consecrated Life, will concede plenary indulgences to truly repentant faithful moved by a spirit of charity. The indulgence may be obtained until February 2, 2016 by visiting the cathedral or another designated sacred place and publicly reciting the Liturgy of the Hours or through a suitable period of time of devout reflection accompanied by the recitation of the Our Father, the Profession of Faith (Apostles Creed), and invocation of the Virgin Mary. Altar Server Training We are in need of young people to serve God at the Altar. An altar server training will be held on Wednesday, June 17th at 6:00PM. Any boy or girl who has received First Communion can become an altar server. For more information contact Stephanie Latiolais 380-4006, or Amanda Douet 654-6362. Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House “Practicing the 12 Step Principles in Our Daily Lives” Presented by: Renee Hilton-Taylor: Tuesday, June 23rd 8:30AM-4:00PM. Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House, Grand Coteau, La ● Cost: $25 Pre-registration is required. To register, please fill out a reservation form and mail it with the $25 fee. Visit us online at www.ourladyoftheoaks.com and click retreats to print form. For more information, please contact Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House in Grand Coteau at 337-622-5410. Father’s Day Memorial Flowers: Father’s Day donations are now being accepted in memory of loved ones. Please drop names and donations in the offertory basket or at the Parish Office. The Blessed Mother Statue will be at the home of: Murray & Carolyn Fuselier June 9-16, 2015 Sanctuary Candle: Ethel G. Oubre (WA) Consecration Candles: Suzette Bienvenu Judice; Lawrence J. “Pee Wee” & Lillie Mae “Dottie” Barras & Andrew; Georgean A. Babin; Roann M. Romero & Zoey; Andrew “Tuffy” Camacho; Lucette & Walter Hulin, Donna Hulin ; Leontine L., & Theobald deLahoussaye & Sons Altar Flowers: Ethel G. Oubre (WA) Holy Spirit Leads To Truth, Renews The Earth The power of the Holy Spirit transforms people into bold witnesses of the Gospel, who reach out to others, exercise charity and live in harmony with creation, Pope Francis said. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are meant to be shared with all. "The world needs the fruits, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as St. Paul lists them: 'love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.'" God sent the Holy Spirit "so that we may live lives of genuine faith and active charity, that we may sow the seeds of reconciliation and peace." POPE-PENTECOST, MAY 24, 2014 WWW.CATHOLICNEWS.COM St. Martin Parish Sheriff’s Office Annual Ageless Expo Thursday, June 11, 2015 ● 9:00AM-1:00PM. For St. Martin Parish residents 55 years & older. Location: Cade Community Center 1688 Smede Hwy, Cade. Please join us for a day filled with information and products from a variety of agencies that are available to assist Senior Citizens of St. Martin Parish. Guest Speaker: St. Martin Parish Fire District Coordinator, Brian Castille. Lunch will be provided and lots of door prizes. For more information call 394-2671. SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM Parish President Guy Cormier and the St. Martin Parish Council Members are happy to announce that the St. Martin Parish Government, under the auspices of the St. Martin Parish School Board, is participating in the Summer Food Service Program, providing FREE breakfast/lunchtime meals to all children. St. Martinville Primary, St. Martinville Jr. High, St. Martinville Sr. High. Meals will be served Mondays through Fridays with the exception that meals will NOT be served on Friday, July 3rd.
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